Obsahové Látky a Ich Biologická Aktivita Vybraných Druhov Euphorbiaceae- Euphorbia Trigona

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Obsahové Látky a Ich Biologická Aktivita Vybraných Druhov Euphorbiaceae- Euphorbia Trigona FARMACEUTICKÁ FAKULTA Obsahové látky a ich biologická aktivita vybraných druhov Euphorbiaceae- Euphorbia trigona Diplomová práce REBEKA DEMJANOVIČ MAGYAROVÁ Vedoucí práce: prof. PharmDr. Karel Šmejkal, Ph.D. Ústav přírodních léčiv Program Farmacie Brno 2021 OBSAHOVÉ LÁTKY A ICH BIOLOGICKÁ AKTIVITA VYBRANÝCH DRUHOV EUPHORBIACEAE- EUPHORBIA TRIGONA Bibliographic record Author: Rebeka Demjanovič Magyarová Faculty of Pharmacy Masaryk University Department of Natural Drugs Title of Thesis: Contain compounds and the biological activity of selected species of Euphorbiaceae - Euphorbia trigona Degree Programme: Pharmacy Supervisor: prof. PharmDr. Karel Šmejkal, Ph.D. Year: 2021 Number of Pages: 93 Keywords: active substances, biological activity, Euphorbiaceae, Euphorbia trigona 2 OBSAHOVÉ LÁTKY A ICH BIOLOGICKÁ AKTIVITA VYBRANÝCH DRUHOV EUPHORBIACEAE- EUPHORBIA TRIGONA Bibliografický záznam Autor: Rebeka Demjanovič Magyarová Farmaceutická fakulta Masarykova univerzita Ústav přírodních léčiv Název práce: Obsahové látky a ich biologická aktivita vybraných druhov Euphorbiaceae- Euphorbia trigona Studijní program: Farmacie Vedoucí práce: prof. PharmDr. Karel Šmejkal, Ph.D. Rok: 2021 Počet stran: 93 Klíčová slova: obsahové látky, biologická aktivita, Euphorbiaceae, Euphorbia trigona 3 OBSAHOVÉ LÁTKY A ICH BIOLOGICKÁ AKTIVITA VYBRANÝCH DRUHOV EUPHORBIACEAE- EUPHORBIA TRIGONA Abstract The diploma thesis is focused on finding and collecting verified information from trusted sources about the use of plants of the genus Euphorbia - specifically Euphorbia trigona, their content substances, and their biological activity This plant genus and the selected specie represent a huge potential for the treatment of many difficult-to-treat diseases and at the same time can pose a great risk if used unjusti- fiably. The theoretical part discusses the basic information about genus Euphorbia and specifically E. trigona, focusing mainly of the content substances, their biological activity and experiments performed using this succulent. The experimental part is focused on obtaining the extract from E. trigona and its fractions, and subsequently preparing a suitable mobile phase for further investigation of the substances and their potential use contained in the obtained fractions. 4 OBSAHOVÉ LÁTKY A ICH BIOLOGICKÁ AKTIVITA VYBRANÝCH DRUHOV EUPHORBIACEAE- EUPHORBIA TRIGONA Abstract Diplomová práca je zameraná na vyhľadanie a zozbieranie overených informácii z dôveryhodných zdrojov o obsahových latkách, ich biologickej aktivite a použití rastlín z rodu Euphorbia a následne konkrétne Euphorbia trigona. Tento rastlinný rod aj vybraný druh predstavujú obrovský potenciál pre liečbu mnoho ťažko liečiteľných chorôb a zároveň môžu predstavovať veľké riziko pri ich neopodstatnenom použití. V teoretickej časti sú rozobraté základné informácie o rode Euphorbia a E. trigona, zamerané hlavne na obsahové látky, ich biologickú aktivitu a experimenty prevedené s použitím tohto sukulentu. Experimentálna časť je zameraná na získanie extraktu a jeho frakcií z tejto rastliny a následne prípravu vhodnej mobilnej fázy pre ďalší prieskum látok obsiahnutých v získaných frakciách a ich potencionálne využitie v praxi. 5 OBSAHOVÉ LÁTKY A ICH BIOLOGICKÁ AKTIVITA VYBRANÝCH DRUHOV EUPHORBIACEAE- EUPHORBIA TRIGONA Čestné prohlášení Prohlašuji, že jsem diplomovou práci na téma Obsahové látky a ich biologická ak- tivita vybraných druhov Euphorbiaceae- Euphorbia trigona zpracovala sama. Veškeré prameny a zdroje informací, které jsem použila k sepsání této práce, byly citovány v textu a jsou uvedeny v seznamu použitých pramenů a literatury. V Brně 13. března 2019 ....................................... Rebeka Demjanovič Magyarová 9 OBSAHOVÉ LÁTKY A ICH BIOLOGICKÁ AKTIVITA VYBRANÝCH DRUHOV EUPHORBIACEAE- EUPHORBIA TRIGONA Poďakovanie V prvom rade by som rada poďakovať profesorovi Šmejkalovi za jeho ochotu viesť ma pri písaní tejto diplomovej práce, za jeho odborné rady, kontrolu a trpezlivosť. Ďalej by som rada poďakovať pracovníkom ústavu prírodných liečiv, ktorí mi boli vždy k dispozícii, keď som potrebovala poradiť alebo niečo nájsť. Veľká vďaka patrí môjmu manželovi, ktorý mi bol oporou a podporoval ma v dopísaní tejto práce. Ďakujem aj moji rodičom, za ich podporu, rady a povzbudenia, mojej sestre, ktorá mi neváhala pomôcť pri formátovej stránke diplomovej práce, Carlovi Pflederovi za gramatickú korektúru a môjmu pár týždňovému dieťaťu, ktoré ma občas nechalo niečo napísať. A najväčšia vďaka patrí Pánu Bohu, bez ktorého by táto diplomová práca nebola. Šablona DP 3.1.1-PHARM (2020-08-26) © 2014, 2016, 2018–2020 Masarykova univerzita 11 CONTENTS CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 15 2 THEORETICAL PART 16 2.1 Taxonomic classification of Euphorbia trigona ...................................................... 16 2.2 Synonyms of E. trigona ..................................................................................................... 16 2.3 Taxonomy of genus Euphorbia ...................................................................................... 17 2.4 Morphology of genus Euphorbia ................................................................................... 18 2.5 History of the genus Euphorbia ..................................................................................... 19 2.6 Occurrence and use of Euphorbia plants ................................................................... 19 2.7 Biochemical substances included in latex of Euphorbia species .................... 22 2.8 Biological activity of substances from Euphorbia plants ................................... 28 2.9 Euphorbia trigona ............................................................................................................... 39 2.10 Occurrence and use of Euphorbia trigona ................................................................ 42 2.11 Controlled human dermatological experiments and case reports with E. trigona ...................................................................................................................................... 44 2.12 Biochemical substances included in latex of E. Trigona ..................................... 46 2.13 Biological activity of E. trigona ...................................................................................... 58 2.14 Potential biological activity of E. trigona .................................................................. 60 3 EXPERIMENTAL PART 62 3.1 Chemicals used ..................................................................................................................... 62 3.2 Material used for TLC ........................................................................................................ 62 3.3 Devices ..................................................................................................................................... 62 3.4 Herbal material used and its processing ................................................................... 62 3.5 Methods ................................................................................................................................... 65 4 DISCUSSION 71 5 CONCLUSION 73 6 LITERATURE 74 List of figures 87 List of tables 89 13 CONTENTS List of Acronyms 90 14 INTRODUCTION 1 INTRODUCTION Family Euphorbiaceae includes many different species with a wide variety of content substances. These substances also vary in biological activity. Some of them are used in traditional medicine, but most are still not thoroughly examined by science, and their potential for medical usage is largely unexplored. One of these less-examined species is Euphorbia trigona Mill., a spurge from the genus Euphorbia. This succulent plant is often seen as a houseplant, but in some regions of Asia it is also used as med- ical plant for treating various diseases. (1)(2) The purpose of this thesis was to find any medicinal properties of Euphorbia trigona Mill., as well as identifying any possible dangers involved with improper us- age. These conclusions will be based on the content substances of Euphorbia trigona Mill., their biological activity and the provided experiments. However, because of the epidemiologic situation the experiment could not be completed, so it was decided instead to research the entire genus Euphorbia to identify possible active substances, their biological activity and use of E. trigona. 15 THEORETICAL PART 2 THEORETICAL PART 2.1 Taxonomic classification of Euphorbia trigona Kingdom: Plantae – plantes, Planta, Vegetal, plants Subkingdom: Viridiplantae – green plants Infrakingdom: Streptophyta – land plants Superdivision: Embryophyta Division: Tracheophyta – vascular plants, tracheophytes Subdivision: Spermatophytina – spermatophytes, seed plants, phanéro- games Class: Magnoliopsida Superorder: Rosanae Order: Malpighiales Family: Euphorbiaceae – spurge, euphorbes Genus: Euphorbia L. – spurge Subgenus: Euphorbia Species: Euphorbia trigona Mill. (3) 2.2 Synonyms of E. trigona Euphorbia hermentiana Lem. Euphorbia trigona Roxb. Euphorbia trigona Haw. African Milk Tree Friendship cactus African Milk-bush Saiunkaku (Japan) High Chaparall Cathedral caktus Abyssinian Euphorbia 16 THEORETICAL PART Hermentiana triangularis (4) 2.3 Taxonomy of genus Euphorbia The Euphorbiaceae family includes about 2000 species and is named after Euphor- bus, the physician to King Juba II of Mauritania in AD 18, who discovered the thera- peutic properties of this family. (5) This family is the largest in the Spurge sub-category and contains trees, succu- lents and herbaceous plants,
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    This work is protected by copyright and other intellectual property rights and duplication or sale of all or part is not permitted, except that material may be duplicated by you for research, private study, criticism/review or educational purposes. Electronic or print copies are for your own personal, non- commercial use and shall not be passed to any other individual. No quotation may be published without proper acknowledgement. For any other use, or to quote extensively from the work, permission must be obtained from the copyright holder/s. IDENTIFICATION, SEMI-SYNTHESIS AND EVALUATION OF ANTI-OVARIAN CANCER COMPOUNDS FROM PLANTS USED IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINES OKIEMUTE ROSA JOHNSON-AJINWO Thesis submitted to Keele University for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy June 2017 IDENTIFICATION, SEMI-SYNTHESIS AND EVALUATION OF ANTI-OVARIAN CANCER COMPOUNDS FROM PLANTS USED IN TRADITIONAL MEDICINES OKIEMUTE ROSA JOHNSON-AJINWO INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN MEDICINE KEELE UNIVERSITY THESIS SUBMITTED TO KEELE UNIVERSITY FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY JUNE 2017 ABSTRACT Ovarian cancer is the second leading cause of death among women in the gynaecological category of cancers. The current post surgery treatment which involves the use of platinum- based therapy with its attendant adverse drug-resistance often results in the return of the cancer. This research work, explored the role of natural products as the major source of new drugs by the evaluation of the anti-ovarian cancer activities of three selected medicinal plants and the semi-synthesis of analogues of an anti-cancer agent; thymoquinone from Nigella sativa. Using a bioassay-guided approach, an investigation of the cell growth inhibition of the extracts/fractions of these plants on four human ovarian cancer cell lines, A2780, OVCAR 4, OVCAR 8, and CIS-A2780 showed that Acalypha wilkesiana, Margaritaria discoidea and Rutidea parviflora had promising anti-ovarian cancer activities.
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