The Bicentennial Tribute to American Mathematics 1776–1976
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THE BICENTENNIAL TRIBUTE TO AMERICAN MATHEMATICS Donald J. Albers R. H. McDowell Menlo College Washington University Garrett Birkhof! S. H. Moolgavkar Harvard University Indiana University J. H. Ewing Shelba Jean Morman Indiana University University of Houston, Victoria Center Judith V. Grabiner California State College, C. V. Newsom Dominguez Hills Vice President, Radio Corporation of America (Retired) W. H. Gustafson Indiana University Mina S. Rees President Emeritus, Graduate School P. R. Haimos and University Center, CUNY Indiana University Fred S. Roberts R. W. Hamming Rutgers University Bell Telephone Laboratories R. A. Rosenbaum I. N. Herstein Wesleyan University University of Chicago S. K. Stein Peter J. Hilton University of California, Davis Battelle Memorial Institute and Case Western Reserve University Dirk J. Struik Massachusetts Institute of Technology Morris Kline (Retired) Brooklyn College (CUNY) and New York University Dalton Tarwater Texas Tech University R. D. Larsson Schenectady County Community College W. H. Wheeler Indiana University Peter D. Lax New York University, Courant Institute A. B. Willcox Executive Director, Mathematical Peter A. Lindstrom Association of America Genesee Community College W. P. Ziemer Indiana University The BICENTENNIAL TRIBUTE to AMERICAN MATHEMATICS 1776 1976 Dalton Tarwater, Editor Papers presented at the Fifty-ninth Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America commemorating the nation's bicentennial Published and distributed by The Mathematical Association of America © 1977 by The Mathematical Association of America (Incorporated) Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 77-14706 ISBN 0-88385-424-4 Printed in the United States of America Current printing (Last Digit): 10 987654321 PREFACE It was decided in 1973 that the Mathematical Association of America would commemorate the American Bicentennial at the San Antonio meet- ing of the Association in January, 1976, by stressing the history of Ameri- can mathematics. Some speakers were invited to trace American mathematical history from Colonial Times to the present. Others were selected to address the meeting on various topics of historical interest to the broad mathematical community represented by the membership of the Association. In addition to the major historical addresses, there were panel discussions on Two-Year College Mathematics in 1976; Mathematics in Our Culture; The teaching of Mathematics in College: A 1976 Perspective for the Future; and The Role of Applications in the Teaching of Undergraduate Mathema- tics. In 1975, the thought began to emerge that the collection of addresses and panel discussions should be published by the Association. A committee was formed to undertake this publication. That committee was composed of Professors Edwin F. Beckenbach, Leonard Gillman, Judith Grabiner, and David Roselle, with the present writer as Chairman. Each of these members has played an important role in developing the present volume. Dirk Struik's paper appeared earlier in Men and Institutions in Ameri- can Mathematics, Texas Tech University Graduate Studies, No. 13, Lub- bock (1976), and is included here, with permission of Texas Tech Univer- sity, for the sake of completeness. Mark Kac's paper, "Probability Theory: Reflections on the Past and Speculations on the Future," is, unfortunately, unobtainable for inclusion in the present volume. The address of Paul Haimos, et al., has already appeared in The American Mathematical Monthly, 83 (1976), pp. 503-516. DALTON TARWATER V CONTENTS PREFACE Dalton Tarwater, ν MATHEMATICS IN COLONIAL AMERICA Dirk J. Struik, 1 MATHEMATICS IN AMERICA: THE FIRST HUNDRED YEARS Judith V. Grabiner, 9 SOME LEADERS IN AMERICAN MATHEMATICS: 1891-1941 Garrett Birkhoff, 25 AMERICAN MATHEMATICS FROM 1940 TO THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY J. Η. Ewing, W. Η. Gustafson, P. R. Haimos, S. Η. Moolgavkar, W. H. Wheeler, and W. P. Ziemer, 79 MATHEMATICS AND THE GOVERNMENT: THE POST-WAR YEARS AS AUGURY OF THE FUTURE Mina S. Rees, 101 THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING IN THE UNITED STATES R. W. Hamming, 117 THE BOMB, SPUTNIK, COMPUTERS, AND EUROPEAN MATHE- MATICIANS Peter D. Lax, 129 PANEL: TWO-YEAR COLLEGE MATHEMATICS IN 1976 Moderator: R. D. Larsson TRENDS IN TWO-YEAR COLLEGE MATHEMATICS Donald J. Albers, 139 ROLE AND STATUS OF TWO-YEAR COLLEGE FACULTY Peter A. Lindstrom, 149 THE PLACE OF TEACHER EDUCATION IN THE TWO-YEAR COLLEGE Shelba Jean Morman, 153 vi Contents PANEL: MATHEMATICS IN OUR CULTURE Moderator: R. H. McDowell THE FRESHMAN LIBERAL ARTS COURSE Morris Kline, 161 THE VICIOUS VERSUS R. Α. Rosenbaum, 169 PANEL: THE TEACHING OF MATHEMATICS IN COLLEGE: A 1976 PERSPECTIVE FOR THE FUTURE Moderator: C. V. Newsom COMMENTS MADE WHEN INTRODUCING THE PANEL DIS- CUSSION C. V. Newsom, 177 WHAT WILL BE EXPECTED OF THE GOOD COLLEGE MATHEMATICS TEACHER? /. N. Herstein, 179 WHAT EXPERIENCES SHOULD BE PROVIDED IN GRADUATE SCHOOL TO PREPARE THE COLLEGE MATHEMATICS TEACHER? Peter J. Hilton, 187 PANEL: THE ROLE OF APPLICATIONS IN THE TEACHING OF UNDERGRADUATE MATHEMATICS Moderator: S. K. Stein A BELATED REFORMATION S. K. Stein, 195 APPLICATIONS TO THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES A. B. Willcox, 201 DNA COUNTS, PESTICIDE PROJECTIONS, AND VEHICULAR VECTORS: APPLICATIONS OF UNDER- GRADUATE MATHEMATICS Fred S. Roberts, 209 INDEX, 219 vii MATHEMATICS IN COLONIAL AMERICA Dirk J. Struik The history of mathematics can be presented in different ways. One is the "skyline" route, in which one concentrates on the high points: the great mathematicians and the great discoveries. This is the way most books on the subject are organized. Another way is the development of mathe- matics as a social phenomenon, as an aid to physics, astronomy, and other sciences, or as the subject of education; here one can study also its influence on the general world outlook of a generation, a class, or a special group of men. The "skyline" approach to this period does not lead us very far. The histories of mathematics do not deal with it. The searcher for a path to the skyline can find some satisfaction in Franklin's magic squares, Adrain's derivation of the normal error law, and Bowditch's discovery of the figures commonly named after Lissajous, but little more. The first time the skyline is reached is with Benjamin Peirce's Linear Associative Algebras (1870) or perhaps with some of the astronomical mathematics of G. W. Hill. More profitable is the other approach. In this case, it leads mainly to mathematics of use in astronomy, surveying, and hydrography. We shall confine our attention to North America, inclusive of Mexico. European mathematics came to the New World with Columbus in the form of computations with the decimal position system expressed in sym- bols not very different from the ones presently used. More advanced math- ematics came in the wake of the Conquest, as can be seen in the booklet written by Juan Diez, probably one of Cortes' chaplains; this booklet of 1556 (reprinted in 1921) deals with assaying, but has some arithmetic and algebra suggestive of knowledge of Diez's contemporary, Cardan. Among the scholars in and around the University of Mexico, which opened in 1553, one finds men with knowledge of surveying and navigation equal to that of the best contemporary Europeans. Outstanding is Enrico Martinez, 1 2 Dirk J. Struik a German, who, around 1600, excelled as an engineer, astronomer, linguist, and polymath in general; a kind of Mexican Stevin. He is remembered primarily for his labors on the drainage system of Mexico City, where there is a monument of him on the main plaza. Passing salute goes to Thomas Hariot, visitor to present North Carolina in the 1580's and author of a famous description and map of his discoveries in Virginia. He was a young man at the time; his fame as a mathematician came later, but had nothing to do with America. When, after 1600, the Atlantic coast of North America was being colo- nized, there were many settlers with a university education, something often meaning no more, mathematically speaking, than some knowledge of the rule of three. Few of these men ever crossed the pons asinorum. (Euclid, Elements 15: The angles at the base of an isosceles triangle are equal.) This also may have been true for the teachers at the two newly founded colleges, the Puritan one at Cambridge, and the Jesuit one at Quebec. Some Jesuits probably knew more mathematics, or at any rate did ap- preciate it. In 1665 French born Martin Boutet, Sieur de St. Martin, was appointed professor matheseos at the Quebec college. Here was taught a course in hydrography, including the mathematics deemed necessary for navigation, surveying, and cartography. The Jesuits were a little ahead of the Puritans in mathematics, but the Puritans were more receptive to new theories, willing to listen to Copernicus and Descartes and later to Locke, whereas Quebec preferred Aristotle. Both parties paid attention to formal logic, Quebec again adhering to Aristotle, Harvard more to Ramus (the Protestant educator of Paris); but at that time logic was not thought of as a mathematical discipline. Although I know of no published mathematical work of his, Carlos de Siguenza y Gongara (1645-1700) of Mexico, the poet-cartographer-astron- omer-historian-polemicist, should be mentioned. The first at Harvard to show a deeper interest in mathematics was Thomas Brattle (1658-1713), merchant-astronomer, working "here alone by myself, without a meet help in respect to my studies," as he wrote to Flamsteed in 1703. He had been able to cross the asses' bridge, and that done, he wrote that the rest of geometry came easy, and trigonometry followed. He used the telescope, a gift to Harvard in 1672 by John Winthrop II (son of the first governor of Massachusetts and later himself governor of Connecticut); his observations on the famous comet of 1680 were appreciated by Newton, and he may well have been the first to determine astronomically not only the latitude (already roughly known), but also the longitude of Boston by observing a lunar eclipse.