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I Non-profit Org. FREE U.S. Postage Pa1d FRIDAY Newark, DE Volume 122, Number 40 250 Student Center, University of , Newark, DE 19716 Permit No. 26 March 8, 1996 Alleged KA sexual assault goes unprosecuted

conviction is wrong." are taken to the attorney general's before reporting an assault. such as the one previously alleged, Delay in reporting the incident cited as Speaking hypothetically , office to decide if there is enough "What does it tell men?" she we do believe that the attorney reason for dismissal; Sigma Kappa says Pederson said, if there is a evidence to prosecute, whereas the asked, her face flushed. "Nothing. If general's decision is a fair one, significant gap between the rape and university's judicial system is I were a guy, I would fear nothing.'' clearly made after carefully decision tells men to 'fear nothing' its reporting, you not only lose the designed to deal with non-criminal Interfraternity Council President investigating the matter in full." physical evidence, but it gives those code of conduct violations on Bill Werde disagreed , saying the When asked to respond to the BY KIM WALKER said. involved a chance to corroborate r------campus. case conveys the opposite message. charge that Sigma Kappa was Managing Nt:ws Editor ··we did not find enough their stories. Dana Gereghty, "The message [the decision] sent punished while the former fraternity evidence that could lead to a The former Kappa Alpha Order Dean of Students Timothy F. See who was president was for women to come forward brother was not, Stoddard said, "I fraternity member accused of conviction," said Thomas A. Brooks said that because the editorial, of Sigma Kappa right away. If you wait 15 months, personally trust the justice system sexually assaulting a Sigma Kappa Pederson, adding that types of attorney general has decided not to pageA10 before it lost its it's going to severely hamper your implemented on campus. I believe sorority pledge in 1994 is not being physical evidence needed to secure a prosecute and because the university t______chapter last chances for a prosecution." the university's judicial system prosecuted by the attorney general's prosecution include DNA evidence, has already conducted judicial semester, said, "It's very sad. [The Kappa Alpha Order President caters to no one.'· office because of the accuser's IS­ hair, fingerprints and clothing fibers. hearings on the incident , the attorney general's decision] doesn't Chris Stoddard said in a prepared Werde added, "A lot of people "To put [the victim] through the month delay in reporting the university is finished with the case. make it any easier for women to statement: "While we as a chapter seem to be upset that Sigma Kappa incident, the deputy attorney general process without a chance of All cases involving sexual assault come forward. I would think twice would never condone such actions see KAPPA ALPHA page A8 Student bus Hazing driver waits expert out co11troversy speaks to

BY JILL CORTRIGHT Copy Ed11or Greeks In the midst of ongoing negotiations between university bus drivers and the Office of Labor Relations, one student driver is In an effort to regain its just trying to earn a paycheck. Sophomore Channing Miller, who has been employed as a charter, Sigma Kappa university bus driver for nearly six weeks, said he plans to "wait and see what happens" regarding a possible bu shutdown. hosts an anti-hazing "''m new to the job," he said. "''m walking into a situation mock trial and speech that's much larger than myself." Referring 10 complaints made by many of the university's BY AMY SHUPARD drivgirl [boarding my bus] showed me her ID and I said it wasn' t discourage hazing. Westel was a said, he is on the job only three and a half hours at a time. necessary," Miller recalled. "She said another bus driver had asked for it. I member of Theta Chi, a hazing Bus drivers who work 10 to 14 hours per day have was con fused. " fraternity, when he was in college, complained that they get only one 12-minute break, which does He said asking for students' ID cards may be one way the drivers are but now travels the country not allow them enough time to eat. State law mandates that protesting. delivering speeches about the anyone working seven and a half hours is entitled to a half-hour Another day, all of the drivers had their bus loop signs turned upside harmful effects of hazing. break, but bus drivers are exempt from the law because it down, Miller added, presumably as some son of protest. Though Sigma Kappa sisters are "I didn't understand the point of that," he said. unhappy about their sorority's punishment, former member Staci Ward said, they feel this program will be beneficial to other sororities on campus. " We are trying to turn this Veal protested Fourth suicide incident around and make something positive out of it," said sophomore Carey Cwieka, a former Sigma Kappa sister. Y.If it saves one girl in dining halls bombing shakes from doing something that would harm her, it is a·positive thing." To illustrate the effects of hazing BY BEN SULLIVAN cow costume ran past the protesters on college students, Westel Siaff R~porter Israel, UD students conducted a mock trial in which and threw raw ground beef at them. Animal rights protesters gathered The protest was held to educate university students played the roles at the university's four dining halls students about veal and its of three characters: a big sister, a Monday through Thursday to voice production, said sophomore Liz BY RYAN CORMIER attack, which brought the nine-day little sister and the president of a Staff Rtporter their disapproval of the cruel Borkowski, a member of SEAC. death toll up to 59. fictitious sorority . treatment of calves bred for veal, "What is important is that people The fourth deadly suicide­ Monday night, Palestinian The mock trial simulated a and to object to Dining Services' know what is behind what they eat," bombing attack in nine days security forces announced the arrest situation that occurs frequently in choice to serve the meat. she said. occurred in Tel Aviv Monday when of Mohammed Abu Wardeh, 28, of real sororities, Westel said. Two big Members of the university's Another concern was vqiced by a bomber struck in a crowded the West Bank, who is believed to sisters sent their liule sisters out on a Animal Rights Coalition and the sophomore Jessie Selby, president of shopping area, leaving at least 13 have planned three of the last four scavenger hunt that involved alcohol Student Environmental ARC. "People on campus are forced attacks in Israel. consumption. As a result, the little Coalition, including one woman to buy a meal plan and some of them The effects of these terrorist sisters got in a car accident and dressed in a cow costume, displayed don ' t support the purchasi ng of See interview with UD attacks are being felt here in sustained serious injuries, for which posters and distributed brochures veal," she said. student in Israel, page 3 Delaware, over 5,000 miles away one girl sued the sorority. depic ting some of the horrors Veal-producing calves are kept in from Israel. Students harmed i n hazing associated wi th the production of total darkness to reduce restlessness, Debbie Respler, president of the incidents have the right to sue the veal. dead and 130 wounded. Delaware Israel Public Affairs sorority and often do. "Don' t think and are often chained in cages not THE REVIEW I Jay Yovanavich Monday's protest was held during The victims included children Committee, called the bombings th is won't happen in your sorority," large enobgh for them to tum around Cow in combat: A woman dinner in front of the Russell Dining in, according to literature from the dressed in costume and makeup "very distressing and upsetting." Westel said. " When people are from Student Environmental Hall , where veal parmesan was Humane Farming Association and the celebrating the holiday of Purim, She said some members of the injured, someone has to pay." being served as an entree. People for the Ethical Treatment of Action Coalition dressed up in a which is traditionally a festive and student o rganization know In a criminal trial, sorority Ironically , and much to th e Animals. cow costume helped to distribute carefree occasion. A militant unjversity students studying in officers can be named and sued as protesters' surprise, a man wearing a brochures depicting some of the Muslim group called Hamas see VEAL page A3 horrors associated with veal. claimed responsibility for the see ISRAEL page A3 see SIGMA KAPPA page A8 .. A2. THE REVIEW • March 8, 1996 Dole wins eight primaries, eliminates competition

BY BRAD JENNINGS delegates for a total of 69. early win in New Hampf, hire. and leave Dole at a disadvantage against Both Alexander and Lugar also Srafj Re Forbes collected nine diminished the importance of Buchanan's prevent a traditional swing back to the center he campaigned heavily. Documentary New TV ratings aimed at violence focuses on racial BY LAUREN JADELIS year. parent." Staff Reporter Carlos Hervas, director of Student Life Additionally, McLeod said he strongly Television shows may be rated on a violence Television, said he approves of the idea of believes the ratings are purely a "political scale in reaction to the fact that by age 18, the classifying shows by their content. smoke screen, ironically at election ume," segregation at UD average American child will have seen "As long as the people who are producing the designed to prevent candidates from addressing approximately 200,000 acts of violence on shows are rating the shows and not the "the real problems in society which are poverty BY JE 'NIFER COOK he said. they "did not try to blend television. government or 'moms against something,' then and a rough upbringing." Srafl R~poner wi th st udents from other racial In an effort to diminish thi s number, it's OK," he said. According to Associate of Racial di\i~ion at the um\crsily backgrounds: · President Clinton met in Washington with 30 However, he said the ratings system may Communication Elizabeth Pcrse, advertising may no t be as serious as in the In-addition to an examination of media executives last Thursday to discuss plans actually lead to an increase in the amount of may also be effected by the new ratings system. movie "Higher Learning:· hut it de facto segregation, the for the ratings system that would gauge the violence allowed on television. Though advertisers already market their does exist. Five students in a documentary looks at current amount of violence TV shows contain. "The networks will definitely air more products during age-appropriate time slots, communication class explored university statistics on African " Televised violence is pervasive and explicit content because they can say ·what certain advertisers may be concerned about these p1oblems during winter Americans and retraces the history numbing," Clinton said at the signing of the we're about to show you is ugly, but at least airing commercials for their products with ses ion and collaborated to make of race relations at the university. Telecommunicauons Act last month. "And if we' re telling you,"' Hervas said. highly violent programs. the 40-minute documentary VIdeo According to McLeod, African­ exposed constantly to it, young people can Assistant Professor of Communication As a result, Perse said she believes some "A Campus D1nded." American students were admitted develop a numbing, lasting and corrosive Douglas McLeod said he also believes the programs may even lose advertisers for fear of The documentary examines the to the university for the first time reaction to it." ratings system might produce an opposite effect being associated with a "V-rated," or violently question of why, in a ··progressive in 1950. "not because it was the Julie l'loovcr, a spokeswoman for Capitol to that which is desired. rated show. environment" such as a university. right thing to do," but because Cities-ABC, said the rating system has not yet Citing grossly increased sales of music by Robert lger, president of Capital Cities-ABC, the problem ot segregation by Delaware State College in Dover, been developed, but she believes "it will be the group 2 Live Crew when the music industry said at the meeting in Washington, that choice exists. said Assistant where most black students went , helpful to viewers and parents in particular." called attention to the group's graphic lyrics, advertisers already screen the programs which Profe or of Communications dtd not have programs they were Hoover indicated some viewers are eager for McLeod said similar effects might be felt in the cany their ads and the ratings, " may not have Douglas McLeod. interested in studying. additional information about violence in television industry. any more impact than there is already." "When I envisioned the class, I The five communication programming. " Kids will do the same thing with TV Ricardo Rivera, a sophomore film major and thought race relations would he an students were involved in every The system would help parents censor violence, and seck out the controversial shows,'" producer of "24 FPS" on SLTV. said the interesting idea:· McLeod said. aspect of the film's production, programs which may be inappropriate for he said. ratings system i unnece sary. "Students would see segregation filming. editing and decision children, she added. As a parent, McLeod said he does not think "If you find a show offensive, change the and w1sh that there was more making. These programs could then be blocked from be will be helped much by the proposed ratings. channel," said Rivera, who added he doesn't interaction bet ween races." "It"was very time-consuming, homes via the computerized V -chip (violence "If my son wanted to watch a show, I would watch television. "I hate television and I think Although the original idea was a but I have a moderately cool chip), which will be required in all new watch it first and then decide if he should see it's trash. If TV is the window to the world, cteation of the professor, the class documentary to show for it. We're televisions larger than 13 inches as early as next it,'' he said. "It's part of my responsibility as a we've got problems." wa respun~1ble for cboos1ng the all pretty excited about it," junior locus of the documentary. "1 d1dn"t Todd Beauchamp said. narrov. the idea down beyond race Junior Danielle Black agreed the relations. It w, . the students that documentary was a lot of hard decided on tic tacto segregation " work hut said she learned a lot McLeod satd. from producing it. " It's a very cool Students sign up for housing on the web SeniOr Samta Sarrif. who helped class. I highly recommend it." create the dncumr:ntary, said it was Sophomore Nathan Glowaki said designed to make people think the expcnence helped him realize time to get the housing assignment this way, however, the graphics about race. "There has to be a how serious the problem of de­ Internet option makes the run from they desire, rather than be stuck found on most Web broswers will thought process, people have to facto segregation is on campus. "I with whatever is left, Boyd said. not be available. learn to think about things first had nollced it, but I didn't see it as Student Services to Courtney St. obsolete Students will also be able to usc Once connected to the homepage before they can mak.e decisions:· much of a problem until after the the Web to change their preference through lynx or Netscape, students he sa1d. project," he said. BY JENNIFER LONGDIN connected to the Web in their dorm, from a double room to a single need to select "Campus Life" and According to Sarrif. one of the The students aid they hope the Staff R

Campus Police Reports Calendar WOMEN JOGGERS JARRED The window was removed from the rear found. Police are still looking for BY JERKER downstairs door, police said, but the door information. BL E HEN YEARBOOK WVUD RADIOTHON Two women joggin g on Cas ho Mill itself was still locked with a deadbolt. The woman. who sustained a bruise on SENIOR PORTRAITS CONCERT IN BACCHUS R oad early Wednesday morning were Included among the items stolen were a her left hip, was not injured and did not Senior portraits for the Blue Hen THEATER Yearbook will be taken in the WVUD will host a concert approached by an unknown man who television, VCR, Sega game system and seek medical assistance, police said. Kirkwood Room of the Perkin featuring schroeder, Nero and Antje exposed his genitals and masturbated in 240 CDs, police said. Student Center today. Sign up on the Duvekot in Bacchus Theater tonight front of them, Newark Police said. Police currently have no suspects and JEEP WRANGLINGS PROBED lhird floor of the student center. at 7:30. Admission is $6 for the Police said the suspect, described as a have referred the case to a detective for Three vehicles were damaged in Laird public and $4 for university students. 20-year-old clean-cut white male, ran past further investigation. parking lots this week, University Police SCHOLAR AND THE LIBRARY For information, call831 -2701. the women while they were jogging and said. LECTURE waited for them a t the intersection of NO CROUTONS, NO BEER 1\ 1993 Jeep Wrangler parked in the "Searching for the Unsearchable: CONCERT IN LOUDIS Casho Mill and Church Roads. As the A hooded salad bar cart and an empty Laird conference lot between 6 p.m. Identifying the African Origins of RECITAL HALL women jogged past him, police said the keg box used to store kegs were taken Monday and I 0 a.m. Tuesday was broken the African-American Population of The 13th Annual UD Student suspect was seen masturbating with his from the parking lot of the Down Under on into by unknown suspects causing $40 in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands," a Concerto, featuring winners of the pants down. North College Avenue by unknown damage, University Police said. A JVC ~ecture with S vend Holsoe, a, sistant 1996 1JD Student Concerto According to the women, he called them susp,ects between S aturday and Monday cassette deck was also stolen from the professor of anthropology. wi II be competition, will be held Sunday in as they jogged and said , "Hey baby, want afternoon, Newark Police said. vehicle, police said, with a value of $150. held today from noon to I in the the Loudis Recital Hall in the Amy some of this?" The two women continued The two items, which were valued at Unknown suspects damaged the Class of 1941 Lecture Room of the E. duPont Music Building at 3 p.m. Morris Library. For information. cal l For information. call 831-2577. jogging until o ne arrived home and called $4,000, had been left in the parking lot for passenger-side door of a 1995 Jeep 831-2231. the police. at least four months, police said. Wrangler parked at the Laird residence lot FASHION SHOW TRYOUTS The thefts are still under investigation, between Monday and Tuesday, University PERFORMING ARTS SERIES There will be tryouts on Monday HOUSE RANSACKED FOR LOOT police said. Police said. Two hundred dollars worth of A composition workshop with at 6:30p.m. in 202 Alison Hall for A Newark residence was burglarized by damage was done to the vehicle, police composer Anthony Davis will be the May 4 fashion show, unknown suspects who stole $6,140 worth READY, AIM- OUCH! said. held in Mitchell Hall at 4:30p.m. "Reflections," presented by the of items from the house between Feb. 28 U nknown suspects caused InJury to a Also, the taillight of a 1989 Ford Probe ,today. Fashion Group. For information, call and March 4, Newark Police said. 21-year-old female walking down East parked at the Laird residence Jot There will be a jazz clinic with 837-8582. A 22-year-old female who Jives in the Cleveland Avenue early Wednesday Wednesday night was broken by unknown the String Trio of New York in house told police she had not been staying morning by means of an air gun or a suspects, causing $40 in damage, Mitchell Hall at I p.m. tomorrow. AFRICAN CELEBRATION IN at the residence, but returned Sunday and slingshot, Newark Police said. University Police said. Davis and the String Trio together PEARSON HALL found the house had been ransacked and The woman told police she was walking will hold a concert in Mitchell Hall '·What About Black Womyn" will numerous items stolen. down Cleveland Avenue when she "heard at 8 p.m. tomorrow. Tickets are $15 be performed in Pearson Hall Police said neighbors were contacted to a noise" and felt a sharp pain in her left -compiled by Kelly Brosnahan for the public; $10 for university auditorium at 7:30p.m. Monday as see if they had noticed anything out of the hip. She said it seemed to have come from faculty, staff and senior citizens; and part of an African Consciousness $6 for university tudents. For Celebration. Admission is $3. For o rdinary, but none reported seeing the house across the street, but police said information about this or any of the information, call 831-81 0·1. anything. . they talked to neighbors, but nothing was series, call 831-2204. -compiled by Stefanie Small • ' j March 8, 1996 . THE REVIEW . AJ World Freshman Israel bombed by Muslim radicals continued from page A I Sophomore Paul Addlestone, a soldier accords, and wants an Islamic state in all News Israel or have relatives living in Israel. in the Israeli army who is on reserve and of former Palestine, which includes Israel, OK after studying psychology at the university, the West Bank, and Gaza. Since the Hillel President Evan Podolac said, "These attacks hit home .. . everyone is said, "I can !Je called in at anytime." signing of the Israel-PLO peace accords in Summary affected." Two of the first victims of these Addlestone iived in Tel Aviv, only 10 1993, Hamas has claimed responsibility S. College recent suicide bombings were from New minutes aw:Jy from the bombing site. He for attacks that have killed hundreds of Jersey and Connecticut. said he stili has relatives living in Israel. Israelis. THR EE U.S. SERVICEMEN FOUND Podolac said the Hamas were Senior Ben Goldberg went to high Mahmoud Zahhar, a Hamas political GUILTY IN OKINAWA RAPE "cowards" for attacking unsuspecting school with Sara Duker, a West Orange, leader, stated that the political wing is NAHA, Japan - In a case that triggered a car wreck civilians. N.J., native who was one of the victims urging its militant colleagues to cease the national outrage over American military "It's crazy for them to kill innocent from last week's first suicide bombing. attacks. bases in Japan, three U.S. servicemen were Another former classmate of Goldberg's, Arafat condemned the bombing as a BY MA IT MANOCHIO civilians when their problem is with the found guilty Thursday in the vicious beating Assistam Feamres Editor Israeli government," he said. 'There are Alissa Slatow, was a victim of a suicide "dangerous terrorist act," and outlawed all bomber last year. and rape of a 12-year-old Okinawan girl. A university student is in good better ways to deal with the situation." armed Palestinian groups. " Our school [Frisch High School] The three defendants - Navy Seaman condition after being hit by a car On Sunday, Israeli Prime Minister On Tuesday, President Clinton reacted urged us to study in Israel for our first Marcus Gill, 22, and Marine Pfcs. Rodrico Thursday morning at the intersection Shimon Peres declared war on the terrorist to the suicide bombings by announcing semester in college," Goldberg said. "But Harp, 21, and Kendrick Ledet, 20, stared of South College and Delaware groups Hamas and Jihad, only hours after that counter-terrorism assistance will be look what happened: two people are straight ahead without expressing emotion as avenues, a Christiana Hospital a suicide bus bomber killed 19 people. given to Israel. This includes immediate killed." the verdict was read, courtroom observers spokesman said. Peres said the peace process will not transfer of "highly sophisticated" " Out of three Americans killed by said. Freshman Sonja Rivera was continue until Palestinian leader Yasser explosive detection equipment, suicide bombers in Israel, two were from The prison sentences of even years for thrown from her bicycle around 9 Arafat dismantles all terrorist dispatching of U.S. technical personnel to my high school." Goldberg said. "And all Gill and Harp and six years for Ledet were a.m. after colliding with a 1990 organizations. strengthen the Israeli anti-terrorism effon, of this occurred in less than one year." He less than the I 0 years requested by the Chrysler New Yorker driven by 19- "It's important to remember that the and the development of a training said he is not planning on studying in prosecutors for a crime they termed so year-old Thomas Brady. said Curt PLO is part of the peace process and program to improve Israeli and Israel anytime soon. horrible it ·'shattered the victim more than Davis. Newark Police Officer. An should help in combating thi s terrorism," Palestinian coordination in combating The lslam·ic fundamentalist group death." Ledet who said he tried to stop the ambulance arrived in about two and a Podolac said. "We can't lose sight of what terrorism. rape when he saw the victim's youth, was Hama, opposes the Israei-PLO autonomy half minutes to take Rivera to our goal was: peace in the region." convicted on charges of abduction and Christiana Hospital. violence. Ri vera, 18, sustained a gash to the The court said it showed leniency because head and required stitches. Several the defendants - who grabbed the girl off a hours after the incident she was UD student in Israel for bomb Workshop street, bound her and raped her in a deserted unable to recall exactly what BY RYA CORMIER area in September - were still young and "E-mail me back and tell me that you are £ transpired. Sraff Reporrer showed regret. The court also considered a "I was going to class." she said."! On the night of Feb. 24, university said the Tel Aviv bombing left plea for mercy made by the defendants' sti~:~::~; trans orms had no idea what happened. I just got sophomore Ariele Hausner rode home on families who attended the trial. many of the other study-abroad students on hit." the line No. 18 bus from Jerusalem. By The verdict caps a six-month drama that Davis gave the following account: noon the next day, the same bus was left in fueled tabloid images of U.S . servicemen as ed~~n Wednesday, we were in class, and classroom The car was traveling eastbound charred ruin by a suicide bomber in a blast devtl s and beasts and, some here say, there was a thunderstorm outside," she on Delaware Avenue heading for that killed 27 people, including two dampened military morale. said. ''There was a large thunder clap, and • t t South College Avenue. Brady, a part­ Americans. But whether the case will produce Jaqing, everyone jumped and was really time student. saw Rivera on the west Hausner, a member of the international frightened. I could see fear in there eyes. significant changes tn the U.S. mili ta ry Ill 0 s age side of the street. Overseas Study Abroad program, said she presence is unknown. ·'A lot of students made facial "She was going the wrong way on has also shopped in the marketplace where expressions as if to say 'Was that a bomb?' BY CHAD MOROZ the wrong side of the road," Davis Sraff ReporTer REBELS STAGE SURPRISE ASSAULT another bomber killed 13 people Monday. Everyone was jumping to conclusions." said. Hausner. a former secretary of Hillel. is However. Hausner said she isn't letting "All the world's a stage," according ONGROZNY The driver saw the biker wasn't studying at Tel Aviv University, located MOSCOW - Separatists in Chechnya the attack ruin her semester abroad. to Jaques, a character in Shakespeare's going to stop and applied his breaks. only 20 minutes away from the most recent stormed its Russian-held capital a t dawn ''I'm wary, but I don' t look behind my play "As You Like It .'' He swerved left. but the front of the bombing. Wednesday and started the worst street back all the time, " she said. However, if Jaques had attended car hit the bike, throwing Rivera onto She admitted to being s haken by the fighting there in more than a year. They Even though she is apprehensive about Tuesday's Shakespearean workshop on the hood of the car. Brady stopped recent string of bombings, but has decided seized and burned two pol ice stations, touk venturing off the safe, closed campus of how a classroom can be transfonned into and Rivera landed in the middle of to continue with her studies in Israel. hostages. hijacked a train, and by evening, Tel Aviv University, Hausner said she still an acting stage, he may have corrected the intersection . Ten o ther students from various were clinging to control of two plans on continuing to go into downtown himself. Rivera said she should be released universities involved with the Study neighborhoods. Tel Aviv. "Every part of the classroom is a today, but hospital officials were Abroad program, however. are leaving due The surprise assault on Grozny followed Because three of the four suicide stage," Jaques may have said. unable to confirm exactly when she to the attacks, a spokeswoman for the three days of deadly Russian shelling of a bombings took place on buses, Hausner "The idea is to create a space that will be fully recovered from the group said. smaller rebel-occupied town and raised said she no longer uses any of the local simulates the Elizabethan stage," said accident. Hausner said the devastation has left her pressure on Russian President Bori s N. mass transportation. She said her parents Kurt Daw. head of the theater program at "We believe the car had a green in a state of shock. Yeltsin to end the IS-month-old war, which are willing to pay the expensive fares of Kennesaw State College in Atlanta, Ga. light," Davis said. Normally if a car 'The bombings are very sad and very he calls a major obstacle to his re-election Israe li taxis in order to reduce the risk of "I try to teach my students to think run s a red light, a summons is issued. frustrating, because you have little control this summer. her being a victim of a future bombing. about how to use the classroom as an But in this case. no violation was of the environment around you," she said. Days ago, Yeltsin summoned his Security Hausner added she is planning on acting space and also abom becoming recorded . "The car had the right of When she returned back to her residence Council to meet Thursday and adopt a peace continuing her studies in Tel Aviv until the Elizabethan actors," he said while way." hall Monday, she found several e-mail initiative from seven alternative plans being end of the semester in . showing a transparency of an actual messages on her compute r, most saying: weighed by two presidential panels. This Elizabethan stage. week's upsurge of fighting was a show of For ll years, Daw, who is currently strength by both sides in a dvance of the writing a textbook titled "The Creative effort. State" for beginning actors, has been Casualties in Grozny and the besieged working with inexperienced actors in his town of Sernovodsk have not been tallied but classroom and has tried to get them more appeared to add heavily to the running toll of actively involved. 20,000 to 30,000 dead in southern Russia, Daw addressed the audience with Russian news agencies and television open arms and began to prove the theory stations said. that any classroom can serve as a stage. In a matter of minute>, with help from ARAF AT ORDERS POLICE SEARCH the audience of university students, OFHAMASSTRONGHOLD faculty and Daw, the previously JERUSALEM - Goaded by Israeli pressure disorganized classroom in Memorial after four deadly bombings, Palestinian Hall where the workshop was held, was President Yasser Arafat ordered his police transformed into an organized theatrical into a stronghold of the Islamic militant stage. group Hamas Wednes day in a six-hour As everyone rearranged the desks in search for weapons and wanted activists. · the classroom, Daw stressed the Police shot open doors and ripped roofs importance of leaving an opening off several buildings during the search of the between chairs in both the front and Islamic Univer ity in the Gaza Strip, back of the room. The passages allow arresting several people, confi scating the actors to enter and exit quickly as documents and identification cards and they move from one scene to another, he taking over the school's mosque. said. ~ M;lk.feJ vmL "I ask my students to help me set up a Later in the day, Arafat approved a life entence for Mohammed Abu Wardeh, who clear space, or performance square, in confessed to masterminding three of the four the cen1er of the classroom," he said. ThsCRU£L "We arrange all the chairs and create recent suicide bombings. During the cour e And of the day, after a night filled with the first several walkways so the actors have joint raids with Israeli security forces, el)ough room to walk around. " Arafat's police arrested several hundred At the beginning of the workshop, suspected Hamas supporters. UNheaff~ C~oi ce Daw handed out scripts of a scene from The moves against the militant group come Shakespeare's play ·'Macbeth" to five at a time of intense pressure from Israel and students . "It is quite intentional that no one else other countries for Arafat to crack down on has a script," he said. "Because when Hamas, which has been launching attacks everyone has a script, no one watches against Israel from Palestinian territory in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. the scene." THE REVIEW I Jay Yovanavich For about an hour of the workshop, CUBA SAYS SHOOTDOWN OF PLANES Sophomore Liz Borkows (left), Tracy Bachman (center), a university employee, and senior Dan Cypress on the five students rehearsed the script of WAS NOT DELIBERATE Harrington beach outside Russell Dining Hall, protesting veal. the scene. Daw encouraged all the students to UNITED NATIONS - Cuban Foreign use props while acting out the scene. Minister R oberto Robaina said Wednesday "I have a box of stuff," he said. the decision to shoot down two civilian "Actually, it's a cardboard box in my planes flown by Cuban exiles last month was Animal rights group protests veal classroom that is full of plastic swords, not "a deliberate action by Cuba," but was Burger King crowns and pouches of directed by military officials acting on orders continued from page Al the meat. The increase in toxi c Members of ARC and SEAC set out washers which we use as money. I have issued weeks before to end the emigre chemical content in meat has been to prove wrong Dining Services' this so the actors can dig out what they flights. Some other cruellles involved with linked to the increasing number of assertion that a large percentage of want.'' But Robaina, who had requested a special the '·factory farming" of veal include cancer cases as well as the growth of students want to keep veal on the dining During each retake of the scene, the meeting of the General Assembly, said the intentional denial of iron and often the number of antibiotic-resistant hall menus, Selby said. five actors used props like newspapers, Cuba's leaders did not disagree with the all solid food in the calves' diet so they diseases, according to PETA. "The whole purpose of the petition is plastic bottles and an umbret'ta to assist decision to shoot down the planes flown by will produce a light-colored, and thus Materials used in the protest were to show there is a larger group of them while practicing. members of Brothers to the Rescue, which he desirable meat, according to the HFA. censored by Dining Services prior to students who don ' t want veal," she Daw continuously stopped the called a "paramilitary terrorist organization" In the 12 to 16 weeks of the animal's the protests. Dining Services allowed said. performance and asked the audience and bent on attacking Cuba. The group says it life, no exercise is permitted in order to only two out of the I 0 proposed Some students were confused about the five actors questions about what was performs humanitarian services. prevent muscle bpildup. Water is brochures and posters to be displayed the aims of the protesters, and the working and what needed improvement. It was not clear whether the orders allowed denied to ensure that the calves will and distributed to patrons of the dining particular singling out of veal. "I like to stand with the audience and discretion by military officials or required drink their liquid feed . Due to these hall. "If they're going to protest, then they talk to them as the scene proceeds," he them to attack. In an interview published this conditions, respiratory and intestinal "Dining has to stay as apolitical as need to protest all meat," senior Matt said. "I like the sense of the audience in week in Time magazine, Cuban leader Fidel disease. runs rampant among some possible because we deal with Fick said. motion. I think it 's useful and helpful." Castro said he was mformed after the attack calves, according to the HFA. organizations from all_ cultural Junior Dave Thomas agreed, saying, At the conclusion of the workshop, that military officials had done "what they Currently there is no federal backgrounds, and it is difficult to " I don ' t understand why they're just Daw consulted again with the audience believe is the right thing" but that he took protection for these animals, unlike satisfy all groups 100 percent," said targeting veal." and the five actors who had just responsibility for the decision. those in kennels and zoos, which have Duane Clark, the resident district Selby said ARC wanted to Robaina's lengthy speech, which was rehearsed the scene and asked if anyone laws governing their treatment. The manager for Dining Services. "Veal is concentrate on the elimination of veal had any questions and reactions about delivered to a scantily attended session, was Veal Calf Protection Act, a bill popular so it is difficult to eliminate this semester, particularly because of the workshop. larded with the usual claims of U.S. bullying requiring more humane treatment of because so many students like it," Clark the extremely inhumane treatment of Daw has directed several Cuba. But there was a hint that Havana is veal calves, is c urrently being said. the animals. Shakespearean plays including "Romeo seeking to undo the sudden chilling of considered by Congress. according to Any student group who wants to use At both Kent and R ussell Din ing and Juliet" and "A Midsummer Night's relations with the United States. the HFA. the dining hall for information purposes · Halls, most of the prepared veal was Dream." He has also directed several U.S. Ambassador Madeleine Albright icily Protesters also pointed to health must go through Dining Services to eaten by the patrons despite t he professional operas for the Mus ic criticized Robaina for not expressing regret conce~ns for the consumers of veal as a make sure materials are reasonable and protesters. Of the 250 prepared pieces Theatre Company of Dallas, the Public for the incident or offering to compensate the reason to eliminate it from the dining in good taste, said Martin Bakos , at Kent, 226 pieces were served, Opera of Dallas, and Temple University. families of the four men who died. halls. The calves are often sprayed with manager of Russell Dining Hall. Smalley aid. At Russell Dining Hall, - compiled f rom Th e Washington Post/ Los In April he will be co-directi ng a pesticides and fed growth hormones, '·It's ridiculous that we're censored," all the prepared veal was served. similar workshop at a gathering of the Angeles Times News Service by Lisa A. Bartell which are passed on to those who eat Selby said. Shakespeare Association of America. A4. THE REVIE V. March 8, 1996 Folk art professor authors book on Delaware whittier

with a wooden barrel and metal had been done by a man who in o ther Robert F. Bethke writes washboard, men using a cross-cut saw to situations might be called 'hand icapped' 'Americana Crafted trim trees, and a farmer plowing fields or ' disabled' was evidence to reconsider with a mule. that kind of label." Jehu Camper, Delaware In creating these miniaturized wooden Camper tried passing his whittling assemblages, Camper sought to represent skill on to others in the commu nity, Whittier' and capture the past and present them in offering some very humorous tips at a way that would connect generations, times. He used to say, '·The first thing BY AMY SEAVEY Bethke said. "He was creating a legacy of you do is get yourself a piece of soft Staff Reponu both his own personal life through the wood and picture out something you want The Whittier. The name may make composite of whittli n gs, as well as to make. Then cut it out to size. Then get him soun d like a knife-wielding creating a composite of objects that could yourself some Band-Aids and a few cuss superhero from a Batman , be shared with other people." words and start in." but Jehu F. Camper of Harrington, Del., Bethke came to know Camper and his On a more serious side, Camper was I was known as "Th e Whittier" in his wife Lillian in 1977 when he saw frustrated by the fact that he never did ( I lifetime because of his unique pastime. Camper's work on displ ay at a pass his skill on. I The more than 600 whittlings and community fair in Milford, Del. "He tried to interest neighborhood kids wooden assemblages Camper created "I was fascinated by what I saw," he in whittling, but they didn't have the before his death in 1989 have given him patience or commitment Jehu had ," the distinction of folk artist and have led Bethke said. " It was a disappointment to a recently published book profiling "He showed me the way in that he couldn't pass that legacy along." his life and art by associate English Bethke likes to refer to Camper as "an professor Robert D. Bethke. which literature can be old-time school teacher, a custodian of The book, titled "Americana Crafted: influenced by folk the past or an oral historian without the Jehu Camper, Delaware Whittier," is degree." part of a series dealing with folk art and, tr adition in different Bethke, who teaches classes in folklore most importantly, its artists. kinds of ways." and folklife and American literature, has Bethke acknowledged the difficulty of been with the university for 25 years. defining the style of art. "You're going - English professor Robert D. Bethke on the subject of He s aid he became interested in the to get as many definitions of folk art as his book, whittier Jehu Camper field of folklore as an undergraduate at you talk to different people," he said. Middlebury College in Vermont majoring But he defined folk art as "art that in in American literature. form and substance has a community said. " It became very clear to me that this He cites his adviser at Middlebury, basis. It is art that is produced by was an important person, an important Horace P . Beck, as one of two mentors in persons informally trained or self­ artist." his career. Beck was himself a blklorist. taught. Folk art is an individual vision Bethke said one of his most "He sho wed me the way in which that comes out of a collective memorable experiences in his contact literature can be influenced by folk experience." with Camper came in Camper' s own traditi o n in different kinds of ways," Camper's whittling is thus an example backyard museum. Bethke said. of traditional folk art, Bethke said. " I realized in a one-on-one interview The other mentor he cited was Born in 1897, Camper began whittling with Jehu that he only had sight in one renowned folklorist Kenneth S. at the age of 36. "He had a mission to eye," Bethke said. Goldstein. a professor he met while capture the past , from about 1900 to " That is absolutely remarkable , studying for his M.A. and Ph.D. at the 1940- the rural Delaware agrarian past because here I was amidst this whole University of . that he had personally experienced," museum with hundreds of these objrcts, " He encouraged me that I would find Bethke said. these assemblages, which in their detail some kind of life after graduation in the THE REVIEW I John Chabalko Camper' s representations of the way were incredible. area of teaching as well as research," The more than 600 whittlings and wooden assemblages Camper created before his people used t o live include wood "I'd look at them closely and then I'd Bethke said. " He was inspirational.'' death in 1989 have given him the distinction of .fo lk artist and have led to a carvings of a woman cleaning clothes look at Jehu. And the realization that this recently published book by professor Robert D. Bethke (shown above). Governor's budget proposal under attack Faculty Senate

BY EMILY HAHN • Does it allow the m to keep requirements is not the correct permit st