A Holistic Approach to Dreams. Albany
A activation-synthesis model, 48, 272n11 active imagination, 110, 190–191, 230, 284n2 African Americans, 143–144 AIM (Activation, Input Gating, Modulation) Model, 48 Aizenstat, Stephen, 206, 210 alienation dreams, 94–97, 103 Allen, Jessica, 173 Almaas, A.H., 11, 26 amplification, 189–190, 280n8 ancestral recovery, 137–139 anxiety dreams, 46, 75, 94, 96, 101, 103. See also nightmares Apollinaire, Guillaume, 233 AQUAL model, 273n1. See also four-quadrant model archetypal dreams, 156–157 archetypal psychology, 207 archetypes, 22, 130, 190–191 Arieti, Silvano, 235 Aristotle, 159 Artemidorus Daldianus, 159 Asclepian cult, 159, 278n5 Aurobindo Ghose, Sri, xix, 8–12, 15–16, 33, 102, 221–222, 269n2 automatic writing, 233–234, 249–251, 253–254, 285n10 awareness practice, 31–32, 108, 114–115, 117, 172–177, 262, 267 emotionality and, 125 non-interpretive approach to, 204 B Baylor, George, xxii, 109, 192–193 Beck, Henry, 206 beginner's mind, 215 behavioral choice, 81 being with dreams, 164, 171–172, 174, 199, 214, 220, 241 Bergson, Henri, 215, 221 Bertalanffy, Karl Ludwig von, 6 Bible stories, 162–163, 180, 197, 279n3, 279n5, 280n6. See also Daniel biblio-therapy, 285n6 big dreams, 75, 78, 101, 157, 174, 261, 279n3. See also extraordinary dreams bizarreness in dreams, 76–78, 88 Blagrove, Mark, 87 Blake, William, 259, 286n16 body awareness, 208, 210, 216–220, 282n4, 283n6 body mapping, 116, 283n6 Bogzaran, Fariba, xviii, xxi–xxiv, 68, 97, 99, 173, 208, 230, 245, 249, 284n3 spiritual experiences and, 101–102 Bonime, Walter, 127 Bosnak, Robert, 51, 206–207, 219 bracketing, 216 brain activity, 47–52, 271n5, 273n12 Breton, André, 232, 233 Brooks, Charles, 218 Buddhism, 15, 200–201.
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