The George Washington University Department of Religion 2106 G Street NW, Washington DC 20052 P: 202-994-6325, F: 202-994-9379 E-mail:
[email protected], Web: Newsletter Spring/Summer A Note from the Chair 2008 Volume 11 This year, with so much that speaks for itself, the chair’s letter will be brief. We lead off with an essay by Professor Yeide on Peacemaking and the Arts as indicative of one of our _____________ initiatives. I call attention also to the two very successful Buddhism Colloquia, described on Inside: page 9, which were run by the department thanks to a donation from Dean Willard and the Yeshe Dorje Foundation. We will also be missing Tom Michael and wish him well at his new · Report on GW History by job at Boston University; please note his productive and happy description of his time here. Dewey Wallace Otherwise, since this has hardly been a routine year, read on. -Alf Hiltebeitel · Book Review by Paul Duff PEACE-MAKING AND THE ARTS: essay by Harry Yeide, Jr. · Berz Lecture, 2008 Many of the movies that we watch feature cruel power-mad artists who seem rather violent, and these movies are not entirely beside the point. We should never forget that Adolf Hitler can plausibly be · Ziffren Lecture, seen as a frustrated artist who intended to replace destroyed cities with his aesthetically better ones. 2007 Nonetheless we tend to regard as less violent those who wield brushes, pen poetry, make beautiful music or pursue the arts in some other way, when we compare them with soldiers or criminals with guns.