Life, Times, and Character of James Montgomery
This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. MONTGOMERY. Dipuloriowc j§Wel<raa| LIFE, TIMES, AND CHABACTEE JAMES MONTGOMERY. SAMUEL ELLIS. Yes, till his memory fail with years, Shall Time thy strains recite. LONDON: JACKSON, WALFOBD & HODDEB, 27, PATBBNOSTEE BOW. 1864. SHEFFIELD ! LEADER AND SONS, PRINTERS. GEORGE HADFIELD, ESQUIRE, MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT FOR SHEFFIELD, THIS SMALL TRIBUTE TO THE REVERED MEMORY OF HIS LATE FATHER'S FRIEND, AND HIS OWN FRIEND, JAMES MONTGOMERY, IS MOST RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, IN TOKEN OF THE HIGH ESTEEM, AND PERSONAL REOARDS, OF THE AUTHOB- PREFACE. Several years have now elapsed since the Memoirs of Montgomery, under the joint authorship of Mr. John Holland and the Rev. James Everitt, were published, in seven volumes, comprising more than two thousand four hundred pages. To that work the present writer acknowledges himself to have been chiefly indebted for his information. Having repeatedly gone through those volumes with care and attention, he has no hesitation in saying that, in his opinion, they contain " Cor respondence," and other matters, of great local and general in terest ; and are rich in materials for a " Popular" Life of the Poet. By that term he means a book suitable in size, style, and price for general circulation. Such a work he has ever regarded as a desideratum; and one which he still hopes to see published, either by Mr. Holland, or some other competent person. In the mean time, this Biographical Sketch and Review is intended to supply what the author has conceived to be an apparent want to that numerous class of readers, who either cannot spare the time, or else afford the money, for a large and costly production; however much they may happen to wish to read, and possess, some Memorial of this truly ven erated man.
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