Sheffield Local Plan (Formerly Sheffield Development Framework)
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Sheffield Local Plan (formerly Sheffield Development Framework) Consultation Schedule – City Policies and Sites Consultation Draft 2010 Full Schedule of individual comments and Council responses on the City Policies and Sites Consultation Draft, Proposals Map and Sustainability Appraisal – June 2010 Representations on City Policies and Sites Consultation Draft................................................................2 Representations on City Policies and Sites Proposals Map………………………………………………112 Representations on City Policies and Sites Consultation Draft Sustainability Appraisal………………136 Representations on City Policies and Sites Consultation Draft Document Section Comment Name of individual/ Nature of Summary of Comment Council response Recommendation ID organisation comment Introduction - General dcps13 Mr Derek Hastings, Object Paragraph 1.7 should reflect that Government policy documents Local development plan policy must be consistent with national No change is proposed. comment Rivelin Valley are non-statutory and that, under the plan-led system, planning policy and the new National Planning Policy Framework will Conservation Group policies should be included in the Development Plan to carry carry considerable weight. But there is no need to duplicate it. maximum weight. Although this can leave the impression of omissions from local policy, duplicating national policy will not add any further weight and any variations in wording could create uncertainty about which applies . Introduction - General dcps14 Mr Derek Hastings, Object The proposed "cull" of planning policies is unacceptable. The The issue is partly dealt with in the response to dcps13. The No change is proposed. comment Rivelin Valley length of the document is irrelevant. Policies included in non- issue of length is relevant, having been raised by the Core Conservation Group statutory national or local policy carry less weight than the Strategy Inspector. The Council is already subject to national policies in the statutory elements of the SDF. Relevant policies policy and does not need to adopt 'relevant aspects' (with the should be re-introduced (see comments on Policy G6) and possible implication that it did not recognise its obligation to relevant aspects of national policy should be adopted as Council comply with others). There would be an issue if national policy planning policies in the SDF. (See also objection to paragraph on which the Council depends were to be withdrawn but there is 1.7) no evidence of such a risk as yet. Introduction - General dcps15 Mr Derek Hastings, Object The plethora of statutory and non-statutory documents The number of potential documents could become a source of No change to the current comment Rivelin Valley comprising the SDF will be extremely confusing for developers, confusion but in Sheffield's case we have reduced the number of document required in Conservation Group consultees on planning applications and other interested statutory SDF documents from three to two and the provision for response to this organisations, Council Members and not least Council Planning a range of non-statutory documents is similar to that under the comment. Officers. (See comments on paras 1.7 and 1.11 for proposed old system. The need also to refer to national policy documents action) is a 'given' of the new system - see response to comments dcps13 and 14. Introduction - General dcps20 Mrs Christine Gunby Observations The purpose of protecting and enhancing the environment is not The comment is about implementation rather than the proposed No change is proposed to comment being put into practice by the Council, for example in relation to content of the policy document - it supports the importance of the wording. development that would give rise to excessive air pollution. protecting the environment. See responses on policy F1 on the specific issue of air quality. Introduction - General dcps112 Mrs Anne Ashe Object As well as answering the question ‘What do I need to do to get The question in paragraph 1.3 reflects the fact that these are In paragraph 1.3, in the comment planning permission?’ these policies should answer questions development management policies and it is expressed in terms first bullet point, after about development being sustainable, appropriate and of implications for developers as we need them to apply the "development enhancing the built environment, which are benefits to society, policies in order to deliver the benefits to society. But the management process" rather than focussing on developer achievement. suggestion can be included with a reference to the goals of insert "in securing development management in relation to sustainability etc. development that is appropriate and sustainable and enhances the built environment". Introduction - General dcps113 Mrs Anne Ashe Observations The now revoked Regional Spatial Strategy was drawn up after We agree about the value of the Regional Spatial Strategy but No additional policies are comment extensive consultation and has a strong evidence base and it most of the provisions for Sheffield were taken on and proposed to fill gaps left would be good if its intentions were incorporated into the SDF developed in the Core Strategy. Gaps have been left in relation by the Regional Spatial policies. to affordable housing targets and parking maxima but these are Strategy. already the subject of proposed policies in the present document. Introduction - General dcps114 Mrs Anne Ashe Other The draft document is more about control than encouragement The purpose of the policies is to provide the criteria and other No changes are comment and active management. It is not always clear what will make requirements for development and these may be achieved in a proposed to the content the policies happen. This may include encouraging incremental range of ways including regeneration initiatives, design briefs, of the policies. change, monitoring developments, assessing cumulative negotiation and decisions about planning applications. They impacts and enforcement. The cross references to other SDF would already apply to the range of ways cited in the comment. policies are useful and could be helpfully supplemented by The policies are concerned with outcomes, whether delivered references to the policies and strategies of the Local Strategic through control or other aspects of area design or development Partnership. management. Links with other strategies are largely secured through the Core Strategy. Introduction - General dcps138 Anne Ashe, Broomhill Other Many policies are welcome, contributing to a sustainable future, Thesupport formany of the policies is welcome. The focus on the No changes are comment Forum quality design and heritage. But its focus is the developer as in developer in paragraph 1.3 reflects the importance of the proposed to the content the question in paragraph 1.3 about what I need to do to get developer in securing delivery. The policies with their constituent of the policies. planning permission. There should be more focus on the criteria do answer the question about what is appropriate and community’s role in place-making providing answers to what would enhance an area. These will inform masterplans, design constitutes appropriate development and how development can briefs, early guidance and negotiations as well as final decisions 2 Document Section Comment Name of individual/ Nature of Summary of Comment Council response Recommendation ID organisation comment enhance an area. The document is more about development about planning applications. The focus of the policies is on control than encouragement and active management - it’s not outcomes rather than the delivery processes though the range always clear what will make the policies happen. In areas like of development management activities will be central. Links with Broomhill where opportunities for major development are limited the Local Strategic Partnership are largely secured through the it will be important to monitor the effects of incremental change Core Strategy. and enforce policies on design, advertising, multiple occupation, pedestrian accessibility etc. The useful cross referencing to other SDF policies could be extended to policies and strategies of the Local Strategic Partnership to help drive delivery. - The document is more about development control than encouragement and active management – it’s not always clear what will make the policies happen - In areas like Broomhill where opportunities for major development are limited it will be important to monitor the effects of incremental change and enforce policies on design, advertising, multiple occupation, pedestrian accessibility etc. - The useful cross referencing to other SDF policies could be extended to policies and strategies of the Local Strategic Partnership to help drive delivery. Introduction - General dcps139 Anne Ashe, Broomhill Support The emphasis given throughout the document to distinctive The support is welcome. No change is proposed. comment Forum heritage and promotion of high quality buildings and environment is welcome. Introduction - General dcps140 Anne Ashe, Broomhill Other The comments of the Broomhill Forum have been informed by We have noted the source for these comments and their origins No change required in comment Forum the emerging Broomhill Action Plan due to be launched in in the community's Action Plan. response to this Autumn 2010 and the Forum’s previous submissions to the comment. Sheffield LDF consultations.