7 Marco Barra Caracciolo Challenges in the Milna Airport

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7 Marco Barra Caracciolo Challenges in the Milna Airport Challenges in rail infrastructure London 18.04.2016 Challenges in the Milan Airports railway extension programme FNM Group - the main rail transport and mobility group in Lombardy Aurelia FS Group Lombardy Region Others 2 Lombardy Region railway network RFI FERROVIENORD MXP MILANO 3 (Ferrovie Nord Milano) FNM Group FNM group FS group 319 km (Lombardy) 1.677 km (Lombardy) 55 million pax/year 125 million pax/year FERROVIENORD LeNORD TRENITALIA RFI 50% 50% TRENORD 4 Ferrovienord (FN) and Nord_ing (NI) FN is 100% owned by FNM; FN 2014 turnover is 120 M€ and about 900 employees; FN manages over 300 km network and 120 stations with 800 tr/day: one train every 3 minutes at Milano Cadorna station (at peak times); FN network is integrated with RFI’s, the national operator; FN provides maintenance of the network; with the support of NI, FN carries out upgrading works and manages all extensions and improvements works. NI is the in-house engineering company of the Group; NI is responsible for: - the design of railway works; - supporting FN for: job site direction, construction and safety management. 5 Projects and investments Investments on the network in the last ten years: 700 M € New Ferrovienord-Lombardy Region Agreement: - 20 new projects - 167 M € of investment 6 Malpensa Airport : T1-T2 railway extension T2 115 ML € by: -European Commission; -Lombardy Region; -Italian Ministry of Transport; -SEA Milan Airports; 3,5 KM depth of 8 to 10 m T1 TUNNEL TRENCH 7 First step of the “Global project” T2 MALPENSA AIRPORT T1 8 Design alternatives RFI alignment Solution 1 Selected Solution MALPENSA T2 AIRPORT T1 9 A record path T1 - T2 link years 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 2011 Preliminary Design 2012 Final Design EIA approval Average 2013 6,1 1,3 7,2 2013 Financial closing 2014 Declaration of Average 2009 5,0 1,1 4,9 public interest Land acquisition Tender procedures Preliminary Works Detailed Design T1 T2 3,0 0,5 1,5 2015 Construction 2016 Activation design tendering Italian average implementation works time for infrastructure > 100 M€ 10 How was it possible? EU funds as a catalyst Support by the EU technical structure Support by the Italian Ministry, the Region of Lombardy, the EXPO commissioner, the ENAC, the Superintendence, the Engineer corps, … FN and SEA: a common will and a separated management In-house engineering: NORD_ING and SEA A “realistic” design The local consent The risk in developing activities in parallel … and in particular to anticipate the preliminary works 11 2014 – Preliminary Works Declaration of Public Interest Delivery of the site 6 march 5 november Land acquisition Trees cutting Localization/ removal of wartime bombs Gara e riaggiudicazione Archaeological surveys Environmental survey Lab analysis Geotechnical survey T2 Parking MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AGO SEP OCT NOV DEC 8 MONTHS (244 days) 12 Preliminary works 13 14 A new Action RFI Milano Simplon line Gallarate T2 Layout 7 Malpensa Airport 15 T1 – T2 Rail extension 16 16 T1 – T2 Rail extension 17 T1 – T2 Rail extension 18 .
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