The Anglo-Indians: a Problem in Marginality
This dissertation has been 65-5660 microfilmed exactly as received MALE LU, Sharad John, 1923- THE ANGLO-INDIANS: A PROBLEM IN MARGINALITY. The Ohio State University, Ph. D., 1964 Sociology, race question University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan THE ANGLO-INDIANS: A PROBLEM IN MARGINALITY DISSERTATION Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By Sharad John Malelu, B.A., M.S. ******** The Ohio State University 1964 Approved by Adviser Department of Sociology anc Anthropology ACmOWLEDOIEFrS Several names stand out among the many who gave of their substance to see th is work through to completion: lb's. Melba G riffin of the Graduate School s ta ff a t The Ohio State IMiversity, whose active interest and personal assistance melted away lâiat seemed at times to be impossible odds; Professor Brewton Berry for his wisdom, patience, and generosity these many long years; Professor Alfred Clarke who gave freely of his time and counsel when i t was needed most; and Professor Thomas lÿnon, adviser, colleague and friend, who converted a burdensome exercise into a vigorous intellectual challenge. To my wife Nanqy and all the boys, I offer my deepest gratitude for all they have endured so long, and so well. i i VITA May 191 1923 Born - Bombay, India 1949 • • • • • B.A«, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 1955 . • . • M.S., Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 1937-1959 « . « Visiting Assistant Professor, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio 1939-1964 , , , Assistant Professor, Sacramento State College, Sacramento, California FIELDS OF STUDY Major Field; Sociology Studies in Race R elations, Professor Brewton Berry Studies in Theory, Professor Roscoe Hinkle Studies in Cultural Anthropology, Professor John Bennett Studies in Social Psychology, Professor Melvin Seeman i i i CONTENTS Page ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.......................................................
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