School Meetings Seriously Injureo
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Clinton Republican. 88th Year—No. 17. ST. JOHNS. MICHIGAN. THURSDAY. JULY 10, 1913.- Whole No. FREE ATTRACTIONS SERIOUSLY INJUREO Local Boys Will Be Trained In Scoot Craft by an SCHOOL MEETINGS Have Been Secured for the County Fair this Fall. Will Be Held in all Districts Twenty-four hundred and six Dutch George Brink of Olive Town Experienced Director During Chautauqua Week emigrants settled in Michigan last The Clinton County Agricultural in the State Next Mon year. They will make the wilderness society has secured some fine free at ship Has Narrow Escape blossom like the rose. tractions for the annual fair to be held day Evening. in St. Johns September 30th and Oc From Death. tober 1, 2, and 8. Captain Pickard ’s Mrs. Emily Bennett, who lives south trained seals and sea lions will be one SOME OF NEWSCHOOLLAWS of Merle Beach, lias an Indian Run of the attractions worth seeing and ner duck, '“Lady Snow, ” which laid 84 the other will be entertainment fur CUTTING WHEAT WITHBINDER eggs in 84 consecutive days. nished by Rochetta A Wilson. They Synopsis by Commissioner Townsend *•* have two different acts which will Colt He Was Using for One of a of Interest to all Patrons and The Fourth in St. Johns was enjoy draw the crowds. able from the standpoint of quietness, Team of Three Horses, Became 8chool Officers. but the temperature hung between the FORMER BENGAL MAN Frightened. 90 and 100 mark much of the day. *•* The annual school meetings for all Is Appointed to Responsible Position Mrs. Virginia Grant Corbin, last sur George Brink of Olive township was districts in the state, must be held in Washington. cutting wheat Monday afternoon with next Monday evening, July 14th. All viving sister of General U. S. Grant, ■ a binder. t He had a colt hitched in voters in their respective districts died last week at her home in East for one of the team of three horses. should take sufficient Interest to turn Orange, New Jersey, aged 81 years. Her husband, Abel R. Corbin, a legis A recent issue of the Seattle Post- The line got under the tongue and Mr. out to school meeting and help to Intelligencer contains the following Brink went to the colt ’s head to loosen m- elect the officers and transact such lator and editor of Covington, Ky., died in 1880. paragraph relative to John J. Higgins, it. The colt became frightened and other school business as under the who is quite well known here as he started to run. George held on to the law comes up at the annual meeting. horses nearly half Way across the Last Friday night there was a very formerly lived in Bengal: r Several years ago the Attorney Gen “Agricultural Commissioner J. H. field, but they turned in another direc eral trade a ruling that a township of heavy rafn fall covering eastern Shia tion, throwing him in such a manner wassee, Genesee and Lapeer counties. Perkins this morning announced the ficer could not be elected to a school appointment of John J. Higgins, of that the machine caught him. His office; in other words, that an indi Roads were washed out in places, the left leg was severed half off and the fields were covered with water and Seattle, to be chief to the department vidual could not hold a township office of foods, feeds, fertilizers, drugs and bones broken in the hip. The gash is and be a school officer at the same the streams were bank full Saturday a terrible one in his hip. Dr Wheeler and Sunday. oils under the new agricultural de time. The present Attorney Gener partment. was called and he in turn caled Drs. al has reversed that ruling, excepting *•* “John J. Higgins was for eight years Coon of DeWitt and Fowler of Lan In the case of township.treasurer and Gale Welch, aged 22, employed at secretary of the State Association of sing. The bone was found to be in district treasurer. Hence, according Ionia, received a 32 caliber bullet un Retail Grocers and General Merchants such a mangled condition they could to the ruling of the present Attorney der his nose as a result of a revolver, and of the Seattle Retail Grocers ’ As not set it at present Some of his General, township officers may be supposed to be empty, exploding while sociation. He has for many years been ribs were broken and he was ba'dly elected school officers, excepting Miss Bertha Gooding, Detroit, was interested in pure food legislation. In bruised. He is in a very serious con township treasurer cannot be elected playfully pointing the weapon at the 1905 he drafted and procured the pas dition. district treasurer. young man early Friday evening, at sage of the first pure food and drugs A farm hand was cultivating corn on The following qualifications gives Lansing, where they met to spend the act of this state. Mr. Higgins has re the adjoining farm and he heard Mr. one (male or female) the right to vote Fourth. He will recover. It was pure sided in Seattle for the last fifteen Brink call for help and got there as at the district meeting: ly accidental. years. His son, John C. Higgins, is a soon as possible. He caught the horses (1) A citizen of the United States; well known attorney of this city.” which were only slightly hurt The twenty-one or over years of age; binder was broken up somewhat. A three months or over a resident of the MAY BE LIABLE. nurse was called from Lansing and is district, who owns property (personal caring for the injured man. or real) upon which he pays taxes in the district The one (male or fe Farmers Might Come Under Liability THE CHURCHES. J male), possessing the above mention Act in Certain Cases. DROVE TO ITHACA,N.Y. ed qualifications, may, under the law, 8k? vote for school officers, and also vote A (firmer who is contemplating D. Bird id Having a Fine Automo upon all questions arising in a district The following officers have been meeting. building and hiring his own carpenters, bile Trip. asked The Republican to write the In elected by the Epworth League of the (2) One possessing all the above Methodist church: President, Ruth qualifications, excepting owning pro dustrial accident board as to whether in case a carpenter,'who was working Henderson; vice-presidents, Neva Den R. D. Bird, secretary and treasurer perty upon which he is taxed in the nison. Alta Robotham, Agnes Stead, of the Clinton Telephone company, district may vote for school officers, for the farmer,should meet with an ac and Mrs. Will Osgood; secretary, E. writes President Leslie G. Brown, of and upon all questions NOT directly cident. the farmer would be liable. Oarlock; treasurer, Harold Putnam tbe same company, from Ithaca, New Involving the raising of money, pro The following was received: and pianist, Florence Tatro. York, under date of July 5th, as fol viding he or she is the parent or legal Lansing, July 7, 1913. lows: guardian of children of school age. Mr. C. C. Vaughan, St. Johns, Mich., Church of Christ. Ithaca, N. Y„ July 5, 1913 It is estimated that this July ap Dear Sir:—In reply tQ your com Bible school next Sunday at 2:30. Mr. L. G. Brown, St. Johns, Michi portionment of the primary school in munication of June 30, addressed to Preaching at 3:30 by Rev. Joseph A. gan. Dear Sir:—As I told you I would terest fund will be $7.35 per capita. the Attorney General ’s office and re Joyce, pastor of the Capitol Christian when I left St. Johns, I am writing to I, Resuscitating the apparently drowned. 2. Mending a St. Bernard's In the June 19th issue of this paper ferred to this department for reply, 1 church of Lansing. Subject, ‘The let you know how we are getting broken leg. 5. Method of placing the injured upon a stretcher was given a summary of the important would advise you that carpenters are Pearl of the Greatest Price.” along. We have reached our destina entitled to the benefits of the Com Items of new school legislation. I de Methodist Episcopal Church. tion, six hundred miles from St. Johns. HE value of training boys In scout craft was recently demonstrated during the Ohio floods Tbe newspaper sire to call special attention to the pensation Act, and under the circum We drove the entire distance without stances mentioned by you, it would ap The usual services on Sunday with dispatches told of the excellent work they performed because of this training In rescuing many sufferers who following' items of that sumnary: preaching both morning and evening any trouble. Have not used a tool of would otherwise have been lost Act. No. 21 enables boards of educa pear that the farmer would be liable. any kind on my car except a pair-of However, the nature of the contract at 10:30 and 7:30. During Chautauqua week here an experienced leader of boy scouts from the headquarters in Chicago wlU tion in any districts to pay tuition We will gladly welcome you to all pliers to cut off the Canadian license T would have some bearing on the mat train a band of local lads In self reliance), manhood, good citizenship and scout craft from the general fund for children our services. plates when we reached Niagara Falls who have not completed eight grades ter, and until the nature of such con We bad a little experience burning Scout craft includes Instruction in the first aid to the injured, life saving, tracking, signaling, nature study, camp of work where such children live tract is understood by the Industrial Christian 8cienee Society.