The Social Criticisms in Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin A
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THE SOCIAL CRITICISMS IN STOWE’S UNCLE TOM’S CABIN A Thesis Submitted to the Faculty of Letters Hasanuddin University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements to Obtain a Sarjana Degree in English Department EKO AJITIRTA F211 09 417 MAKASSAR 2015 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The long journey of this study would not have been completed without the help and guidance from the almighty Allah SWT as well as kind supervision, support, and assistance from many people in a variety of ways. The writer deep thanks go to the late R.M. Soerjaphatman and beloved mother Jum’ani, S.Pd for their everlasting loves, cares, and prays so that the writer is able to reach the final destination of his study project. The writer wishes to express his deep appreciation for the people who have made positive contribution to the writer study. The writer sincere thanks go to Dr. Abidin Pammu, M.A. Dipl. TESOL, the main supervisor, for his valuable feedback and correction of the thesis. I would like to convey my most sincere gratitude to him for his time and patience in providing correction of the thesis. His constant concern and guidance provides me encouragement to complete the writer study at the English Department, Faculty of Letter Hasanuddin University. The writer deep appreciation also goes to Drs. M. Amir P., M. Hum, the writer co-supervisor, for his guidance and direction as well as his most valuable insights regarding the substance and content of the writer thesis. I am so grateful to his expertise in literary analysis that has been so inspiring during supervision. Many thanks indeed to both of their encouragement and without whose continuous supervision and support the writer might not be able to finish this study project. v The writer would like to use this opportunity to express sincere thanks to friends and relatives who made great contribution to my study. My thankfulness to Reski Saleh, S.S. and Sulfadli Marda, S.S. for providing additional guidance for the writer during his thesis. I would like to express my thanks to Didin, Michox, Rijal, Aslam, Rehan, Andi, Oji, Bandaz, Lala, Docha, Oki, Nini, Benjo, and others whom the writer could not mention all for the moments we have share in Campus. My thanks go to all members of Redemption 09 for the great memory during my study. Last, but least, thanks for all members of PERISAI FS-UH who have shared their friendliness to the writer. Makassar, 19 Mei 2015 Writer vi Abstrak Eko Ajitirta. 2015. The Social Criticism in Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Di bimbing oleh Abidin Pammu dan M. Amir P.) Penelitian ini dimaksudkan untuk mempelajari kondisi sosial di Amerika sebelum pecahnya Perang Saudara. Pada masa itu perbudakan masih dianggap normal dan terdapat banyak regulasi untuk mendukung praktik-praktik perbudakan. Penulis novel sadar bahwa para budak juga manusia yang memiliki cinta, emosi, perasaan, dan harga diri. Perbudakan mengandung tindakan yang tidak manusiawi dan melanggar Hak Asasi Manusia, sehingga praktik-praktik perbudakan harus dihentikan. Cerita ini menarik untuk di kaji karena menggambarkan perbandingan yang jelas antara fiksi dan kenyataan dalam sejarah negara Amerika. Penelitian ini menggunakan strukturalisme genetic yang mengkombinasikan analisis terhadap elemen intrinsik dan elemen extrinsik. Pendekatan intrinsik difokuskan kepada elemen-elemen di dalam novel sementara pendekatan ekstrinsik digunakan menganalisa aspek sosial di dalam novel. Peneliti memanfaatkan beragam refrensi yang berhubungan dengan latar belakang penulisan novel dan kondisi sosial pada masa novel ini ditulis. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa perbudakan dapat dilihat sebagai kondisi yang natural terjadi di Amerika pada masa itu. Warga kulit putih Amerika menyaksikan kemunculan perbudakan, tapi tidak melakukan usaha-usaha untuk mencegah terjadinya tindak kekerasan terhadap para budak. Perbudakan bahkan dilihat sebagai suatu keuntungan dalam hal-hal tertentu oleh rakyat Amerika. Bagaimanapun, perbudakan tetap dianggap sebagai hal yang tidak manusiawi karena perbudakan memicu terjadinya kondisi sosial yang tragis. Situasi tersebutlah yang memicu kaum Pembebas untuk menjunjung tinggi keadilan sosial bagi kemanusiaan di Amerika. vii Abstract Eko Ajitirta. 2015. The Social Criticism in Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin (Supervised by Abidin Pammu and M. Amir P.) This thesis addresses the social condition in America before Civil War. Slavery at that time was still considered normal and as such regulation was established to deal with it. The author was aware that slave was part of human that concerned love, emotion, feeling, and pride. The Slavery contained dehumanization that against civil rights so it must be eradicated every where. The story atracted the public because it presents a comparison between the history and reality in American. Genetic structuralism, a combination of both intrinsic and extrinsic element was used to analyze the novel. The intrinsic approach concerns the elements of the novel while the extrinsic approach deals with the social aspects of the novel. This aspect can be enriched through reading related references that have relation with the background of the novel and social condition at the time of writing. The result of the analysis demonstrated that slavery was merely seen as a natural condition in America at the time. The white people witnessed the emergence of slavery but no efforts were performed to prevent such cruelty. Slavery was even seen as advantages in some part of America. However, slavery was considered inhuman because it encouraged tragic social condition. This situation encouraged the Abolitionists to eradicate dehumanization that against social justice in American society. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE ..................................................................................................... i LEGITIMACY......................................................................................... ii APPROVAL ........................................................................................... iii AGREEMENT ........................................................................................ iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................ v ABSTRAK ............................................................................................ vii ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... vii i TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................ ix CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................. 1 1.1. Background of Research ....................................................... 1 1.2. Scope of the Problems .......................................................... 4 1.3. Research Questions .............................................................. 4 1.4. Objectives of the Writing........................................................ 4 1.5. Sequence of the Chapters ..................................................... 5 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW .................................................. 6 2.1. Theoretical Background ....................................................... 6 2.2. Intrinsic Element ................................................................... 7 2.2.1. Theme ............................................................................ 8 2.2.2. Plot ................................................................................. 9 2.2.3. Character and Characterization ...................................... 10 2.2.4. Setting ............................................................................ 11 ix 2.3. Genetic Structuralism ........................................................... 11 2.3.1. Slavery ............................................................................ 12 2.3.2. Racism ............................................................................ 15 2.3.3. Discrimination ................................................................. 17 2.3.4. The Civil War ................................................................... 20 CHAPTER III METHODS of RESEARCH........................................................................................... 2 7 3.1. Method of Collecting Data ...................................................... 27 3.2. Method of Analyzing Data ....................................................... 28 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS ............................................................................................ 2 9 4.1. Intrinsic Element ................................................................... 29 4.1.1. Character and Characterization ....................................... 29 4.1.2. Setting ............................................................................. 34 4.1.3. The Plot .......................................................................... 38 4.1.4. Theme ............................................................................... 50 4.2. Slavery ................................................................................. 51 4.2.1. Slave as Property ............................................................ 51 4.2.2. The Unpaid and Mistreated Slaves .................................. 55 4.2.3. The Prohibitions for The Slave ........................................ 56 4.2.4. The Punishments for The Slave....................................... 61 4.3. Racism .................................................................................. 65 x 4.4. Discrimination