
Charles II studio of John Michael Dirk Stoop NPG Wright NPG

James II unknown artist c 1690 NPG James II Sir NPG

James when as Mars 1672-3 James II 1685 artist unknown by Henri Gascar, Queen’s House

1 05/08/2019

James when Duke of York c. 1665 by James dressed as Roman general c. 1686 by Sir , now in Trafalgar Square

Edward Hyde Earl of Clarendon by

James and Anne as Duke and c. 1665 by Sir Peter Lely, National Portrait Gallery

Edward Hyde Lord Chancellor by Sir Peter Lely , Duchess of York 1662 by Sir Peter Lely,

2 05/08/2019

Anne Hyde, Duchess of York c. Anne Hyde, Duchess of York c. 1661 by 1670 by Sir Peter Lely, National Sir Peter Lely, Scottish Portrait Gallery at Lyme Park

Anne aged 4 with a great tit by Lely

The Duke and Duchess of York 1668-70 by Sir Peter Lely with their two daughters Mary and Anne added by Benedetto Gennari II c. 1680, Royal Collection

Anne aged four unknown artist at French Court with Duchess of James, by John Orleans Michael Wright 1666-7

3 05/08/2019

James Duke of Cambridge second son of James, Duke of Cambridge by James II c 1667 by William Wissing c. 1667

Isabella Stuart by Sir Peter Lely c. 1678 Mary of by William Wissing 1687 SNPG

Mary of Modena by William by Sir Peter Lely Wissing c. 1685 NPG Ranger's House

4 05/08/2019

Mary of Modena as Duchess of York Studio of Mary of Modena by Sir c. 1680 Godfrey Kneller 1685

James Francis Edward Stuart and his sister Louisa by Nicolas de Largillière 1695

Mary of Modena and James Francis Edward 1690 by Benedetto Gennari

James Francis Edward Stuart by Prince James Francis Edward Stuart by Francois de Troy SNPG Alexis Simon Belle c. 1712

5 05/08/2019

Princess Louisa Maria Stuart by Princess Louisa Maria Teresa Stuart François de Troy c. 1705 by Alexis Simon Belle 1704

Queen by Henrietta Maria by John van Dyck c. 1637 Hoskins Royal collection

Henrietta of as Minerva Henrietta Anne, Duchess of Orleans holding a painting of her husband by Pierre Mignard c. 1668 Philippe de France by Antoine Mathieu c. 1665

6 05/08/2019

Mary Stuart and William II of Orange by Gerrit von Honthorst 1647 Rijksmuseum William III as a boy by Abraham Raguenau

William III at time of marriage 1677 after Sir Peter Lely

William III by Johannes Voorhout 1670-2

Mary II in c. 1677 by Sir Peter Lely William III by Godfried Schalcken

7 05/08/2019

Mary II as queen by William Wissing Mary II by Caspar Netscher 1683 The Hermitage

Mary II by Sir Godfrey Kneller 1690

William and Mary medal by George Bower BM

Ceiling of the royal Naval Hospital Greenwich by Sir James Thornhill William and Mary by Peter Hoadley

8 05/08/2019

Tin glazed plate of William and Mary

Electress Sophia of Hanover as an American Sophia of Hanover by Gerrit by Louise Hollandine of von Honthorst 1650 the Palatine c. 1644

George I by Sir Godfrey Kneller 1716