MATATIELE ROAD REHABILITATION PROJECT PROPOSED REHABILITATION OF NATIONAL ROUTE R56 SECTION 8, BETWEEN MATATIELE AND THE KWAZULU-NATAL BORDER, WITHIN THE MATATIELE LOCAL MUNICIPALITY, IN THE ALFRED NZO DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY, EASTERN CAPE PROVINCE Heritage Impact Assessment Report Issue Date: 6 June 2016 Revision No.: 3 PGS Heritage PO Box 32542 Totiusdal 0134, T +27 12 332 5305 F: +27 86 675 8077 Reg No 2003/008940/07 Declaration of Independence The report has been compiled by PGS Heritage (Pty) Ltd, an appointed Heritage Specialist for Gibb (Pty) Ltd. The views stipulated in this report are purely objective and no other interests are displayed during the decision making processes discussed in the Heritage Impact Assessment. HERITAGE CONSULTANT: PGS Heritage (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Polke Birkholtz Tel: +27 (0) 12 332 5305 Email:
[email protected] SIGNATURE: ______________________________ DETAILS OF CLIENT: CLIENT: Gibb (Pty) Ltd CONTACT PERSON: Robyn Phillips Tel: +27 (0)31 267 6175 Email:
[email protected] HIA – MATATIELE ROAD REHABILITATION 6 JuNe 2016 Page ii of viii Report Title Heritage Impact Assessment for the proposed rehabilitation of National Route R56 Section 8 between Matatiele and the KwaZulu-Natal Border within the Matatiele Local MunicipalitY in the Alfred Nzo District MunicipalitY, Eastern Cape Province Control Name Signature Designation Author Polke BirkholtZ Heritage Specialist & Archaeologist at PGS Heritage Co-Author Jennifer Kitto Heritage Specialist at PGS Heritage Input bY Specialists: • Dr Maria van der RYst was commissioNed as StoNe Age specialist to provide inputs on the ideNtified StoNe Age sites aNd provide aN assessmeNt of these sites aNd outline whether aNy mitigatioN measures would be required.