D2257 R544 (P120/1) D2771 PORTION 302 & 303 NAAUWPOORT 335 JS, MPUMALANGA FILLING STATION SITE EVALUATION REPORT AUGUST 2018 EDL Engineers (Pty) Ltd 1st Floor, Block D The Village Office Park C/O Oberon Ave & Glenwood Rd, Fearie Glen, 0043 Tel: +27 (0)87 897 5074 Cell: +27 (0)83 564 1563 Email:
[email protected] FILLING STATION - SITE EVALUATION REPORT PTN 302 & 303 NAAUWPOORT 335 JS, MPUMALANGA Issue/revision Issue 1 Revision 2 Revision 3 Remarks Final Draft Report Date August 2018 Prepared by E.D. Kotze / J.M. v Rooyen Checked by E.D. Kotze Pr Tech Eng Signature Project number 18025 File reference Z:/PROJECTS/18001- 18099/ EDL Engineers (Pty) Ltd 1st Floor, Block D The Village Office Park C/O Oberon Ave & Glenwood Rd, Fearie Glen, 0043 Tel: +27 (0)87 897 5074 Cell: +27 (0)83 564 1563 Email:
[email protected] www.EDLengineers.co.za FILLING STATION - SITE EVALUATION REPORT PTN 302 & 303 NAAUWPOORT 335 JS, MPUMALANGA CONTENTS 1. Project Background 5 1.1 Introduction 5 1.2 Site Location and Surrounding Area 5 1.3 Traffic growth on the R544 5 2. Population Growth 6 2.1 Emalahleni Population 6 2.2 Emalahleni Population Growth 6 3. Need and Desirability 7 3.1 Need 7 3.2 Desirability 8 4. Estimated sales of the proposed site 9 4.1 Calculation Method 9 4.2 Traffic Demand 9 4.3 Average Fill 10 4.4 Interception Rates 10 4.5 Future Expected Fuel Sales 12 5. Competitor Sites 15 6. Conclusions 17 3 FILLING STATION - SITE EVALUATION REPORT PTN 302 & 303 NAAUWPOORT 335 JS, MPUMALANGA Figures Figure 1 Locality Plan Figure 2 Main routes & Competitor sites Figure 3 Existing 24 Hour 2018 Total Traffic Volumes Figure 4 Existing 24 Hour 2018 Heavy Vehicles Traffic Volumes Drawing(s) SDP (SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN) Prepared by LV Concept & Design Annexures Annexure A Traffic Count 4 FILLING STATION - SITE EVALUATION REPORT PTN 302 & 303 NAAUWPOORT 335 JS, MPUMALANGA 1.