annual report 2007 2008 230 S. Broad St., Suite 403 Philadelphia PA 19102 T. 215.875.1000 F. 215.875.1010
[email protected] B oard of D irectors James R. Waddington, Jr. Stephen C. Baker, Esq. Gwynneth H. Stott Regional Entrepreneurs Chair Drinker Biddle & PricewaterhouseCoopers Glenn Blumenfeld Lockheed Martin Reath, LLP Rick Altman Tactix Real Estate Advsors, LLC John F. Smith, III, Esq. Elaine N. Moranz, Esq. Radian Group, Inc. Diana Bald We live in a complicated region. Three states, six legislative bodies, 11 or Vice Chair Fox Rothschild, LLP Kenneth R. Frappier Univision 65 & Telefutura 28 9 or 14 counties (depending on your affiliation), hundreds of municipali- Reed Smith, LLP Michael F. Corrigan RAIT Financial Trust ties and school districts. It’s no easy task to get all our oars in the water at James P. Dunigan GlaxoSmithKline Gary Bennett Senior Executive Fellows Immediate Past Chair the same time, but now more than ever, it’s critical that we do. Denise E. Collins Right Management Brian Clapp PNC Bank Holy Redeemer Thomas D. Macphee Judith Tschirgi As the Economy League prepares to enter into our second century, we recog- Steven T. Wray Health System Rohm & Haas Company Executive Director Staff nize that our region is at a turning point: we can continue to operate as we do Christopher Cashman Robert J. Jones, Esq. Economy League of Greater today and be a good region, or we can seize the opportunity to be a great one. Independence Blue Cross Saul Ewing, LLP Steven T. Wray Philadelphia We have many things working in our favor, yet a few tough, but not Jeffrey P.