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BONY Other of

Carangoides praeustus (Bennett, 1830) Carangoides talamparoides Bleeker, 1852 Brownback trevally Imposter trevally

Bangra, Kakkar (Sin) Bangra, Kakkar (Sin) Kakkawan (Bal) Pattar (Bal) size: to 28 cm (FL) size: to 28 cm (FL)

Caranx ignobilis (Forsskål , 1775) PLATE V, 28

Synonyms : None

Loc. names : Bangra, Kakkar (Sin); Gishran (Bal) Yellow- trevally (En)

FAO names : En - Fr - Carangue têtue

Sp - Jurel gigante

Size : Max.: 146 cm (fork length); common to 80 cm

Fishing gear : Caught in bottom trawls, with hook and line, by spearing, in gillnets and traps. An excellent sportfish

Habitat and : Abundant in all marine habitats; juveniles

often encountered in . Feeds primarily on common less common rare underside of head types of solation patterns on breast

Caranx melampygus Cuvier, 1833

Synonyms Caranx stellatus Eydoux Souleyet, 1841

Caranx medusicola Jordan Starks, 1895

Loc. names : Bangra, Kakkar (Sin); Gishran, Gal-bat (Bal)

Bluffing jack (En)

FAO names : En -

Fr - Carangue aile bleue

Sp - Jurel de aleta azul

Size : Max.: 100 cm (fork length)

Fishing gear : Caught primarily on hook and line and by spearing; also with traps and gillnets

Habitat and biology : Mostly associated to areas. Feeds primarily on fish

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Caranx sexfasciatus Quoy Gaimard, 1824 PLATE V, 29

Synonyms Caranx marginatus Gill, 1863 Caranx elacate Jordan Evermann, 1904

Loc. names : Bangra, Kakkar (Sin); Kakawan (Bal)

FAO names : En - Fr - Carangue vorace Sp - Jurel voraz

Size : Max.: 78 cm (fork length); common to 60 cm

Fishing gear : Caught mainly with hook and line at using light; also with gillnets, purse seines and other artisanal gear

Habitat and biology : A reef-associated species, the juveniles in estuarine areas. Feeds primarily on fish and

"Caranx" para Cuvier, 1833

Synonyms Caranx kalla Cuvier, 1833 (misapplied to C. para Caranx microchir Cuvier, 1833 Caranx miyakamii Wakiya, 1924

Loc. names : Bangra, Kakkar (Sin); Bakko (Bal)

FAO names : En - Banded scad Fr - Comère ruban Sp - Macarela bandoneada

Size : Max.: to about 20 cm

Fishing gear : Caught in bottom trawls, on hook and line and in gillnets

Habitat and biology : An inshore coastal species, feeding mainly on planktonic crustaceans and larval fishes

Decapterus macrosoma Bleeker, 1851

Synonyms lalang Bleeker (A synomym of

D. russelli , but this name has often been

misapplied to D. macrosoma)

Decapterus afuerae Hildebrand, 1946

Loc. names : Seem (Sin); Seem (Bal) Jack (En)

FAO names : En - Shortfin scad Fr - Comère fine Sp - Macarela alicorta

Size : Max.: 30 cm (fork length)

Fishing gear : Caught in trawls and purse seines

Habitat and biology : A schooling species, usually occurring

between 30 and 170 m depth. Feeds on small planktonic - 47 -


CARANGIDAE (Rüppell, 1830)

Synonyms Decapterus kiliche (Cuvier, 1833)

Decapterus lalang Bleeker, 1885 (This name has often been misapplied to D. macrosoma)

Decapterus dayi Wakiya , 1928

Decapterus tabl Berry, 1968 (A valid species for which the name D. russelli has often been misapplied in )

Loc. names : Seem (Sin); Seem (Bal) Jack mackerel (En)

FAO names : En - Indian scad Fr - Comère indienne Sp - Macarela indica

Size : Max.: 35 cm (fork length); common to 20 cm

Fishing gear : Caught with purse seines and trawls

Habitat and biology : This is the most common Decapterus species in the Western Indian . It occurs in schools in waters not exceeding 100 m depth. Reaches maturity during the first year of life, at about 12 cm total length. Feeds primarily on small planktonic invertebrates

Elagatis bipinnulata (Quay Gaimard, 1824)

Synonyms None

Loc. names : Santo (Bal)

FAO names : En - Fr - Comère saumon Sp - Macarela

Size : Max.: 120 cm (fork length)

Fishing gear. Caught mainly on hook and line; also in gillnets, trawls and seines

Habitat and biology : A pelagic species, usually near the surface. May form sizeable schools. Feeds on inverte- brates and small fishes

Gnathanodon speciosus (Forsskål, 1775)

Synonyms : Caranx speciosus (Forsskål, 1775)

Loc. names : Bangra (Sin); Gishran (Bal) Golden toothless trevally (En)

FAO names : En - Fr - Carangue royale jaune Sp - Jurel dorado

Size : Max.: 110 cm (fork length)

Fishing gear : Caught mainly with gillnets and by spearing

Habitat and biology : In coastal waters, including rocky reefs, deep , etc. A bottom feeder, on crusta- ceans, molluscs and small fish. Sexually ripe specimens found in October and November along Baluchistan - 48 -


Megalaspis cordyla (Linnaeus, 1758) PLATE V, 30

Synonyms : None

Loc. names : Bangra (Sin); Datum , Dardumb (Bal) Torpedo trevally (En)

FAO names : En - Fr - Comère tortilla St - Macarela torpedo

Size : Max.: 80 cm (total length); common to 40 cm

Fishing gear : Caught on hook and line, with seines, trawls, purse seines and traps

Habitat and biology : A pelagic, schooling species, feeding on fish and small crustaceans . Sexually ripe

specimens found in October and December along the Baluchistan coast

Naucrates (Linnaeus, 1758)

Synonyms Naucrates indicus Lesson, 1830

Loc. names : Karoo (Sin); Zarkao, Zrkaok (Bal) Pilotfish (En)

FAO names : En - Pilotfish

Fr - Poisson pilote

Sp - Pez piloto

Size : Mar.: 70 cm; common to 35 cm

Fishing gear : Caught with pelagic trawls

Habitat and biology : Pelagic, in oceanic waters, usually associated with , rays, sea , other fishes, ships and driftwood

Parastromateus niger (Bloch, 1795)

Synonyms : Apolectus niger (Bloch, 1795)

Formio niger (Bloch, 1795)

Citula halli Everrnann Seale, 1907

Loc. names : Karopitho, Kala-poplet (Sin);

Siah tighlum, Kala pithoo (Bal)

Brown pomfret (En)

FAO names : En - Fr - Castagnoline noire St - Palometa negra

Size : Max.: 55 cm (total length); common to 30 cm

Fishing gear : Caught with gillnets, trawls and seines

Habitat and biology : Usually found over muddy bottoms between 15 and 40 m depth. Near the bottom during the day, rises near the surface at night. Feeds on , crustaceans and small fishes. Sexually ripe specimens found in August to October

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Scomberoides commersonnianus Lacepède, 1802

Synonyms Chorinemus commersonnianus (Lacepède, 1802)

Loc. names : Aal, Saram (Sin); Saram gazdani (Bal) Blacktipped leather skin (En)

FAO names : En - Talang queenfish Fr - Sauteur talang Sp - Jurel saltador

Size : Max.: 120 cm (total length)

Fishing gear : Caught with gillnets, seines, on hook and line and in trawls. The main fishing season for this species is "Katti" (August to October), but it is also caught, in smaller quantities, in "Chetta" (April to May) and "Unaro" (June to July) Habitat and biology : Mostly a coastal species, sometimes entering estuaries. Forms small schools. Feeds primarily on fish, and other pelagic organisms; young are -eaters. Sexually ripe specimens are -found in August and September along the Baluchistan coast. The spines of first dorsal and anal are venomous

Scomberoides lysan (Forsskl , 1775) PLATE VI, 31

Synonyms Chorinemus sanctipetri Cuvier, 1832

Chorinemus orientalis Temminck Schlegel, 1844

Loc. names : Aal, Saram (Sin); Saram alari (Bal) Leather skin (En)

FAO names : En - Fr - Sauteur sabre Sp - Jurel sable

Size : Max.: 60 cm (fork length)

Fishing gear : Caught with gillnets, seines, on hook and line and in trawls. The main fishing season for this species is "Katti" (August to October), but it is also caught, in smaller quantities, in "Chetta" (April to May) and "Unaro" (June to July)

Habitat and biology : Lives from close inshore to 100 m depth, from shallow lagoons to offshore areas. Forms small schools and it is reported to be attracted by hitting the surface of the water repeatedly in rapid succession. Feeds primarily on fishes, the young are scale-eaters. The spines of first dorsal and anal fins are venomous

Scomberoides tol (Cuvier, 1832) PLATE VI, 32

Synonyms Chorinemus tol Cuvier, 1832

Loc. names : Aal, Saram (Sin); Saram kainchan (Bal) Slender queenfish (En)

FAO names : En - Needlescaled queenfish Fr - Sauteur leurre Sp - Jurel saltarin

Size : Max.: 50 cm (fork length)

Fishing gear : Caught with gillnets, seines, on hook and line and in trawls. The main fishing season for this species is "Katti" (August to October), but it is also caught, in smaller quantities, in "Chetta" (April to May) and "Unaro" (June to July)

Habitat and biology : A coastal species, usually found in small schools near the surface. Feeds primarily on fish, juveniles are scale-eaters. The spines of the first dorsal and anal fins are venomous - 50 -



Selar crumenophthalmus (Bloch, 1793)

Synonyms Trachurops crumenophthalmus (Bloch, 1793)

Loc. names : Seem (Sin); Chum-na, Tailgo seem (Bal) gill chamber Kingfish (En) after lifting opercle

FAO names : En -

Fr - Sélar coulisou

Sp - Chicharro ojón

Size : Max.: about 30 cm (standard length); common to 27 cm

Fishing gear : Caught on hook and line, with beach seines, trawls, purse seines and traps

Habitat and biology : Found from inshore waters to about 170 m depth; occurs in small to large schools. Feeds on planktonic and benthic invertebrates, including , and foraminifers; also on fish

Selaroides leptolepis ( Cuvier, 1833)

Synonyms : None

Loc. names : Seem (Sin); Bakoi (Bal)

FAO names : En -

Fr - Sélar à bande dorée

Sp - Chicharro banda dorada

Size : Max.: to about 20 cm

Fishing gear : Caught with seines and bot- tom trawls

Habitat and biology : A demersal species, sometimes forming large schools, usually on soft bottoms to 50 m depth. Feeds on various invertebrates and on small fish

Seriolina nigrofasciata (Rüppell, 1829)

Synonyms : Zonichthys nigrofasciata ( Rüppell, 1829)

Loc. names : Seem (Sin); Sarkao, Zarkaok (Bal) Blackbanded kingfish (En)

FAO names : En - Blackbanded trevally Fr - Sériole amourez Sp - Medregal listado

Size : Max.: about 70 cm (total length)

Fishing gear : Caught with seines, traps, gill- nets and on hook and line

Habitat and biology : A solitary species, mostly around offshore reefs, at depths between 20 and 150 m depth. Feeds on demersal fish, cephalopods and juvenile - 51 -



Trachinotus africanus Smith, 1967

Synonyms : None

Loc. names : Sonaf (Sin); Sonam, Sonab (Bal) (En)

FAO names : En - Fr - Pompaneau africain Sp - Pàmpano africano

Size : Max.: about 90 cm

Fishing gear : Caught with traps, gillnets, hand- lines, bottom trawls and by spearing

Habitat and biology : In shallow coastal waters, mainly around reefs and rocky outcrops. Usually solitary or in pairs, may form larger aggregations during the breeding season. Feeds on molluscs (mainly rock mussels) and on crabs

Trachinotus bailloni (Lacepède, 1801)

Synonyms : None

Loc. names : Sonaf (Sin); Kainchan (Bal) Pompano (En)

FAO names : En - Smallspotted dart Fr - Pompaneau muscadin Sp - Pàmpano abotonado

Size : Max.: 40 cm

Fishing gear : Caught with traps, gillnets, hand- lines and in bottom trawls

Habitat and biology : Inhabits coastal waters

Trachinotus blochii (Lacepède, 1801) PLATE VI, 33

Synonyms : None

Loc. names : Sonaf (Sin); Sonam, Sonab (Bal) Blochs dart, Pompano (En)

FAO names : En - Snubnose pompano

Fr - Pompaneau lune Sp - Pompano lunero

Size : Max.: about 90 cm (total length)

Fishing gear : Caught with traps, gillnets, trawls and handlines

Habitat and biology : Occurs in shallow coastal waters, mainly around and rocky reefs juvenile - 52 -

BONY FISHES CARANGIDAE Trachinotus mookalee Cuvier, 1832 PLATE VI, 34

Synonyms : None

Loc. names : Sonaf (Sin); Sonam, Sonab (Bal) Pompano (En)

FAO names : En - Indian pompano Fr - Pompaneau indien Sp - Pámpano indico

Size : Max.: about 90 cm

Fishing gear : Caught with traps, gillnets, hand- lines and in trawls

Habitat and biology : Inhabits shallow coastal waters

Treacherous indicus Nekrasov, 1966 PLATE VI, 35

Synonyms : None

Loc. names : Sonaf (Sin); Seem, Chum-ma (Bal)

FAO names : En - Fr - Chinchard dArabie Sp - Jurel arabigo

Size : Max.: 35 cm; common to 20 cm

Fishing gear : Caught mainly with bottom trawls, handlines and gillnets

Habitat and biology : A demersal, schooling species, occurring between 20 and 100 m depth. Reported not to occur in waters colder than 20-C or with oxygen saturation below 30%. Feeds on small crustaceans and fish fry

Uraspis secunda (Poey, 1860)

Synonyms Caranx hullianus McCulloch, 1909

Bassetina hullianus ( McCulloch, 1909)

Uraspis reversa Jordan, Evermann Wakiya, 1927

Uraspis heidi Fowler, 1938

Uraspis wakiyai Williams, 1961

Uraspis cadenati Blache Rossignol, 1962

Loc. names : Kakkar (Sin); Pattar (Bal)

FAO names : En - Fr - Carangue coton Sp - Jurel volantin

Size : Max.: about 50 cm

Fishing gear : Caught with trawls, purse seines, longlines and on hook and line

Habitat and biology : Mainly oceanic, soli- tary, forming small schools at times

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