THE PROSE STYLE of CHARLES LAMB. the Ohio State University
This dissertation has been microfilmed exactly as received 69-4958 REECER, George Clay, 1934- THE PROSE STYLE OF CHARLES LAMB. The Ohio State University, Ph.D., 1968 Language and Literature, modern University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan THE PROSE STYLE OP Oi ARIES LAMB DISSERTATION Presented In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of ftiilosophy in the Graduate School of The Ohio State University By George Clay Reecer, A.B., M.A, # -a- * -a -a The Ohio State University 1968 Approved by (i . Adviser Department of English VITA February 18, 1934 Born - Glasgow, Kentucky 1956 . • • A.B., Western Kentucky State College 1959-1961 . • Teaching A s s is ta n t, Depart meat of English, Temple University, Phila delphia, Pennsylvania 1961 . • • . M.A., Temple University 1961-1962 . • • Instructor, Temple University 1962-1963 . • • Mershon National Graduate Fellowship, The Ohio S ta te U n iv ersity , Columbus, Ohio 1964-1968 . • • Instructor, American International College, Springfield, Massachusetts FIELDS OF STUDY Major Field: Englieh Wordsworth Professor James V. Logan Studies in Bomantic Poetry and Poetics. Professor James V. Logan Studies in Nineteenth Century Literature. Professor Bioha rd D. A ltio k i i TAELS OF CONTESTS 2*6® INTRODUCTION......................................... ....................................... 1 Chapter I. D IC T IO N ........................................................................... 13 I I . SYNTAX ................. 61 III. STRUCTURE.....................................................................
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