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St. Cloud Tribune Newspapers and Weeklies of Central Florida


St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 17, No. 27, February 25, 1926

St. Cloud Tribune

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STARS Citation St. Cloud Tribune, "St. Cloud Tribune Vol. 17, No. 27, February 25, 1926" (1926). St. Cloud Tribune. 169. 1926 FEBRUARY 1926 ClaOI I) I I.M11 K IT! KK Sun. Mon. «. Wad. Thu. Frl. Sat. I lnii-s.1,1.,. I-,- ri.ii, is BB «7 I 2 5 A 5 6 Friday, Pebruury III 7 5 9 IO II 12 15 Snliir,!,!... I'ol.i-iinr.v LU Bl IB Siuiiiiiv, February L'l BB 88 14 15 16 17 15 19 20 Montis; , February 311 21 22 23 24 25 2-3 27 I-i,-,ii, . February S3 77 mi 25 ••- wl la .. i ebruary L'I 85 ui

VOLUME SKYLM'KI'A ST. CI.Olll. OSCEOLA COUNTY, T"H'KSI>AV Ulllll till 85, 1MB Nl MIILR TWKNTY-HEVEN St. Cloud First Annual Festival Visited By Thousands DR HOLT PRESIDENT OF ROLLINS COLLEGE Efforts of Chamber of Commerce Committees TOLIGA MANOR TO OPEN OFFICE IS GUEST OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Crowned With Success In Providing Fine IN ST. CLOUD NEXT MONDAY ('Mini; to tlio fi'-livi.l attracting ounnnilti-e uOMpOMcd of s si Cloud'a largBje, auborb will opan Tollga sBgahganr, mo pnthuataatlc abooJ Entertainment For Tourists and Home Folks offlcaa nasi Monday on Tenth Mreet, iiu> c row iis ilie attendants nt the O, C. Outlaw and V. i ;. M.I. ii both ns .-HI biaaJ place for a noma Chamber oi Commerce luncheon waa )irnini;i'ii.,-i.i. ..pi «ita the Che mber of Commerce. and aa aa opportunity for an exeat- not so large aa usual, A ft *• i- tha na Di Hamilton Holt, prraidrni •I the Alike---Many Out-of-Town Visitors Here 'lin- inim. .i.iui i-o.-isoo for aatabllahluR loin Lnveatjamt Bordarad by tha Ht. mil opening eervtcee, Praeideul Uu Uollius Col lags, nus iiitio In. o<] thin i inn' BOM ta tha opening nf n ''loii'lKissininioo i .unl. ii ml w iiii in diss a ii no uii iii I Dm i Mrs. < C, Sulfa Mr. Short, of Whiter l'mi,. who de­ new Motion- although Clyde A. Blair. walking distance ..r Baal i/ii;o. Laha nml lit-r elater Mra. M.iIH-I vThltney lighted his undiiiu-e with hla i-\pri s Si. Cloud's first •iniiii,'..l festival opened to the thron-aftf owner and deraJoper ">f Tollga Ma • Ti'hopekallga, and Oacaola Lako tor U.dt'e. of -liiniilloii. OHIO wiih t'nvoi- -i r twllef in making it..Pin-* col ii.i baaa planning fur a st. Cloud of­ Plah I.:IKOJ it i„is nn appanl tor ih- Ua xvhh iniisi. . a lih li Hiov iliil in I In* ji'L..- aecond to noaa In ttia United mi Tuesday and \\iil close with n fine progriuii tninni-row fice for soinciiiiH', kwnr of tbe outdoora. Ita locatJaa BUprama delfchi or HM reaanoudiag to nant«*H iu [ta claaa, Sonu-io: jevenJng. < in IIOM M.niihi.v ih.* Tollga Manoi between the two big Lakm gtum it a i a o encoroe, faculty oiiiiiintiMo and ma kin \nt since the town MUX first plguru-ed Ims then Urn B ofl'in- will opan nml n n-^ul.-ir Ims •ri'nilo eooling braena lis bagotlfnJ Reeding Df iiiiniitos wara dtapenced i-t clam environment for atudent*. nod •chedule win ba Inaugurated between iiinos nml ita fertile son land them- With so much Of I lli| »'0 In in o i-M'i c:it to hnvo tin i-iiinim** tho moat beautiful mure succesai ul series of entertainments than this included st. clou.i umi the pro|i(.riv. Mra Kara SOIM- admirably to beautlflcatlon its iln- following in* Mini..n alao: tm,in. |i,,i ,,i beauty la tba itait.I't. ()„. proa-rams prepared by llu* roirrniittecs of tIn* St. Poff and Mra. Inne Bpeniin will be atraata ara Kin.h.i MoM-ouriio Klorida, ABV ona" \. ish i,» ,l>, ,.». in...- )i,-i|> . 1 1. ... ' . ,- ,, ,- ,i ,- i , , - , in ehatge of this offloe A regular hns Khodnle v-iii be in- .•Vhrunrx 8, 1-936, i„'„ nii.-in.iiii vn,.- .„ „„i!, • thii HI * I" " < namber ol Commerce for the r-our days entertam- Tbe now aeclion of thi-- beautiful nugurated, beginning MOM Mbndaf, Bt Clood Hand O reheat ral Band, --, •• ,1 niiii. ri ',i,-rn i.-noii . mi nt of ttuii'ists nnd home loll.*, alike, luburb of si. Cloud to I fi throw 0 open «MI Monday a, Wedneedayt and Prldaya st. Cloud, riorlda for mie Is ''Section •"' of Tollga U in theae buaaea will leave tha offlcaa on . .oiitloiiii'ii '«I,-"7*".'I,' 'in',1 Tl-'ri'so'-iao-s'Vi'.'h'".'.j Begim-ina mt* a parade on Tuesday -ning, In which oi Thti la i ba *«,: i Ion u ben building Tenth at reel al 10 o'clock In tha mom i >ur Board oi i Hi acton i I try bap ,ii,t hop. umi ni,'.. ,.in gat iii'iii-i-niitny of the local buaineas people Iiml decorated can mul ni t i\ Ity haa been BM lead meant i>, ind Ing. Nexl Monday mvarnl of tha pv to 1'Mi'inl :i it InvttatlOB to llio Si. ,..,-,, ii,.,, ii,,..- i-rpad r,,r iioi'h,- r, i Ljvertiaiiig stimis. when tin- throng reached the city Park, nl< i' iealdance i":i* lual baaa eom Blair buaaea win ba «"i band to take « loud i iri'hovi nil Band to pla] la lini plated, the crowds of people who wtah to go ho-unie »it sumo siiiiul'lo lime I appropriate addresses orate made for the formal opening of Tho IntereeHnj feature of tht nan "Mi thara on ii ponlng day, whan Our owe band piaya on rueadnj THI.. i.iixK ST. t i.orn the Festival, and tin- tourists and home folks joined into a aactlon of Tollga Manor is thai the th.- choice Iota < after) BI and ii bna been Mr, .unl Mra. H. Charles i I.I i i "pr* boom" prluaa. if auyone geta the rhotcaat. geeted thai perhap* fan a/Ill de-dw I OI'll. ,',-IUl , 111,- -|H',I,llllll III,' UIII bered by every person "li" Ims had tha privilege of being woro to IHimii iimi iiio preaenl I'lor M H With si Cloud axpandiag ao ran4da to arrange io i»i;i\ mi a dlfferani day in- in Klorida ;H,,I ar. BOS* the guaati present at any of the programs. Ida program is i noom , Tho lota lv ii Is not difficult to foreaee Lit* Wo iha 11 be glad to rouuerate with ,-r Mi in„l Ml-. .1 I.. Hoptlin mul Mr in Tollga Manor ara priced ;i- i<»w ns day whan Tollga Manor nil] ba a pan -ml in- .1 i' Oallitus, ,,| ih,- "Boss ak von in every way poaalbla Tho plana of the Chamber of Commerce i II for in 1300, nnd tha tarma upon which Mr. of tha city of st Cloud, and tba u.ri>- rerj t rulj. um,i,-ns- si oloud. Mr nml Ura. inn 'his un .-1111111111 even! uhili- our raty is -tiled with tourists iiiuii ta offarlng than make ll looh atghted people who purchaae tota now I \ FRANgUBMONT- i ..i,i ni-,- xx.• 11 ploaaed with Bt. Cloud Una lo.iim rnonay not to inn R law viiii.* iiii prices are unbelievably low t-.\i-i-illi\ t Vice 1'i'sjili i .nni in,- nn aa "i ii'iii.inf H i ' and winter \ixitm-s each season af ihoiM Only t.-ii per rant dowa umi tin- tarma ara artthln tha reach 'rite matter ot particlpetiun la tbo ftilinv holm llofoi-,' ooiniiiif |o St. D.-tiiils nf the pnst three days Ba-itt-rtainment is given pnyiiiciii li ggdeed for thoae Iota. \ iiii of tin- ninu who ims iimi to content Ffo-ral MusiiM! Peatlval panda to IM t I,mil Mi. ,iii,l Mr- l-'or,l MI-IV Hi,- ii*.- par rant, a month deferred pay- icliiu : himself >'. it li wishing lu-rotof.nv. will to hi iii Orlando, March Mfa and LOtn. lUSal. nf Mrs Ford's brotbsr, Uungo inonl- IH- Iho happy ami .-oiitentoil owners of Decided to leave nattar in bandi ol HI MB imnlols Bl . Orlando, 'rhoiisii ml of people lined tha down loi all u> enter gladly wehomed. si Cloud paoplo who hnvo baan ever rnlunbta bomaa, rown itretti to aritaaaa tha parade Dr. A W UMI prealdent of tha tonr- uhi.h opeued the rirat Rnnual Bt. '-' ganoelatlon, in B aplandld* maaUr- \UII\ltK WttKKKK TO \l> (-iuiui Kos'Hviii. Ai the appointedIful addraaa, reaponded tu tbaaa hearty I'Ol'l I .AR Till Ailil HT, (I.OI D VETERANS ONE RECALL ELECTION FOR I.KI>S SI NUAV NIGHT SKR- rime Chief of Police Bglay wns in thejwel med nIter his li if. In HOE AT BAPTIST (HI Kill SATT'RIMY, ran, trrn IIMII. followed h) marahall of tho daj w ii- i olirvoxl w hen I,. •* i.o.i Comrade OF KKAKNKVS lillli.AI)l<: MAYOR OUTLAW IS \ s McKay luen c-ume Mra. 0. A .lillllis I /lllMIK'ii lo lead the audience In I lo- n.i me of pulitic uieiriinou; Si. Cloud has nn honored cltluan, Ha Jeunle Hharplaaa. National PHald li-awley, preaidenl ol the i'•• tlval com in giving tho si Cloud yell "11ti» - ami excltemi nl i-'n.1 HTnomaoo and who is one of [lie reriniiniiij.' IIIIIIIINT ANNOUNCED ,i: »f Uie \\ oi-hi's i»m ii> 11 -i ' iniiioo ii.•' ompiniici b) s VV. Porter, Hlp| Hurra; ' si Cloiul [a hou- to Silver King have commit Uii en lei 10 in Allien Daughtery, who anani .'iiiiii.ii u ,ii - !>< nk HI tha Baptb I , followed by tha Bt. • l«ud band, a Btay. blfger and better aaary day tninnieiii iu the first degree] Once here with his twin alater, Mra. Mary rVetlng on ti pa-drlon filed aitb atwu. . linn h on no\l Siltnl.i\ nlghl 00 the Wondei City of I H -\ ' mora thut [k^*pular ahar and bin fa* Vender mui her Eddie In UMN re- 1 large compan) of *> A it memliera, ,,!•-, ih.if.HI. the <'it\ foin .inn., i Phe s.iii of iiu- earth* al i-i-ch-io'iis I'.ios. aiubulani«-. two I II hs opening ramarka ha paid moiis hone -nt 1 a* to tha acmen with turntng In UMI for ptrman'nl raannV ( . :o lwj-,. QB I • Ull '•lo-lioii IHIS raprnaenttng tha itf-i Ca^rnaa, aplendld nnd much deaerved tribute to an ol faring «hlch l« a rloi ol la a [h ance, ., qui Rtad. '••' datarmlna U laayor Ou in-M TII.MIHV. liarch Snd al driven by Miss Bertha Hn 1 -i gnd B panic of Ihrill -. In 'All 7 :;u -in* a III ipaali ai H ma ur I Mra. nawtay .is chairman of the fra­ 1 ..r rteveral monthe ha has bean a •J I ' x»||t|||« -tl'lll IM' I'OlllllOil I'lOlll of l;,..I Crmw uucae, tbe other bj Mr-. tlval 1 iriumll 1 co for ber euei • i-'r.* iny Pan." i' B 1 i.'a latoai • 'on 01 receiving fttnt dtalooated I ,, ,. | lift - ]..-, Ini olo.'l inn I-- i -iiii .1 foi . , featuring the a ,\ i I IM- I t mii.oii lllae l V'hi Ilt-lon KHis wbu bad ehargo ol ftt 1 bringing the i'ii•-. si Cloud fontl*. al -in uiiii-i- before recovering from that .Mm. li Bth iiiiiicr. i.< .1 s'lh-iniiii opening and in tba aud athlete, there is reallj two aUowa in- received by a fall a broken collar N.. fhargaa wara made In tha orAi ,• in s.-ui- \\". di In one The Uturaa Bound-up which noon Mra Bharplaaa will bold i : i A dacotated oar 1 onaatnad Mayor .mi '-0111111 laaion for il acnl- hone :i]ut Other lujuriea and shock to tioti filed, Miiii-l- a regnaal araa aihda leni admlnlatratlon ol city nffatra, waa actually nbol for the incline sup ids ui v\ un- nyateni. Tnera has not iimt nn election IK- holil to pi ti »'- tbodlaf church In tha Outlaw, his mother aod al-anr and the • : hov* and 1 bi itnrj of Crank tu ; '-' -;" i'-'i a '.iiii*ii "ni ii.T oui) rn t i.-i I.,. :'.t a ting 1 hai th. - leaaueaa a eonple In Bt. Cloud thai hava iho .|i.i'-n-tii ut t rvralli bul lL la prtH .1 inn:,cnin - nn.I crime lu our elly Ulchardaon I'larce, which baa baaa anown tba real aplrll of friendahlp ,.ii underatood that tno matter -nhjo.t i.u thla occaalon will !«• Bringing fourth eheer*. ...nt taughtev (v u - ih.-in any other city be had over hoard made to Include this famoua cowboy more than thay. Their home ims arer for the Hour Thia la an wai 1 io- procen Ion >-i tha Itealti-ra i.n, I. io tha .i I Olty or. stating tha primary rag content, auppllen tho other, Director baan open for beneflta tor worthy .mm ual "I'i'oi i unii> r..T- M . Cloud of Board, beaded by Mn Loula Bntaa- .I.-I -Borne inootlba aca tunny tonrlati ara coming to Florida, Dai id KirK In ml himself adapted the onuses. Tin- following dipped from Ihe gifted • peal ei tl Boaenthal. vice praaidanl nnd it 1 . , in- i, I-I i-r.ii aakod I.' roalgn and is cllma 10 nnd 111.11 although wo are story to tIM- allvar fheet, and be made :in esrha .,,1. : nn,,- ..i .Mo-.-iiiior'-. I | , , i ,-i Nation Wide Interest, nn.i si. on. prealdent, who roda a pair af ;, dlfUluetive Job of it. The now pro­ ui which UH' A in.MI. an people H ra all fioin .Miss.uii-i" so io ipaah thai lieuriie-i "s h>ignahl Survi.or* Disband ni ..nor atartnd i light aanlnal Iha stmiil donkeya nnd nana the hang Una St Cloud hns proved Dial Ihi..- ,- duction win ire aeon bare on Saturday ndmlnlatratloo oi Mr. Outtaw, win. li-i. n-l> Intel rated M tlila i Inie of raaltora brougbl up in ihe rang with whan 11 onena n ona dny run a1 the Of the more than 800 Oghtara «'ho tlharpleaa baa been engaged '" Ihle Secretary Wm 1..... J iss.. driving a •onttala to auceaaa of any oommunlty Popular Tiieiiuo. followed Phil Kearney in tin- First had baan elaete lerpriso mui prngreaalva spirit"' gra all hKlll-HIHI. OCCASION than vara unnj nadldataa lo ii»»' balng wn (-oil agalnal rlco Ln 'his in mi. ;ier uii Mr I..-. 11111--s. bach illl in Newark recently, aaluted the -*tn- found Inre (his fesliv-il |f looked OVOJI i no tin.) in- wns iho riioit f nve-ral Hha hai taken actlaa pari in nnnj uf lioN. "They maan am tha paatt" Than Mic of their lender lilld dls|K'rsoil for­ Tho nunpalgna daallag arlth lactal pro nnd tavratlgated will prove bayond « A most ririlghtful oceaaloB was tie ever. Al Iho oml of tha minnlos ,,f totjort in iiN ro ih-xtioii, inme iho PraabyterluB Indian of tha party m tha community olub hou-*' 1.1.-in. and tha rappreanton of tha doubt aludga ta, M I'.iiix.-i. aacratary tbeli laal meeting tha enfeebled ratar> i wiiiioni o-pn-oeitlon). tiioro a"ara bnl \\ es in 1 in ist or oin-lo on oh wearing iu tha rity park, Wedneadaj evenli..,. white shivo iniffio and ims the tiltcli- <»f tlio fentlval committeoi whn bad ana, tba youngeat of wham i-* an, haul i,n MII.'S rant, ai la Laaunl in i bunnera with add of aoma >>f tba bual- Mora than fifty people from si. Cloud aal I'li.ioi.-.'inoni of peaaja and pulpU t li a IL:. - of the puhlnity thou nui.lo the written "Adjourned sine die," and each arhata tshaea la ao contaatant tat aa nain nun of iln- > ii.- Then Folio-wad nnd sinrk Oounty, Ohio, gathered of th nlr.v. iiniloUliei'Mienl for ihe ;i l'l- rii'-'Mi Rltd appended his algnnture. They raaolved ,., -,m| ii [s -MI. ii that mofon of a decorated oar repreeautlng the sum there taj Invitation ol Mr. and Mra There nrere HMUHI vonni: glrli rlc evening and Hie other three day--*, Dur thai tbey preferred to dlaband aaa] tha racall petition took advnata-fa of mer*a fnrnltura atora, drivuo by Miss Sloven Bchell. Mr. achell wa« getting -• the a bite in this Ing tba noon hour tha crowd itayod die glortoualy "with honor nml praa- tl,.- . n,nil no mix i of Toter that roted McQuade the w c T r. oar driven rumor of a pramaadltatad '"bplllng*' country laal year. Mrs Rharplomi ban *v iiii the dlfferani itaodi by iniiur than remain aa aunivnra i„ the |aai general pity eleutton to i.\ Mra s w Lackey, • Boal roprea from his many friandi calabtnting his . in- hundrada io. n 1 organ laa I Loon of a hy. day, The organlaatlon aaenra i oa Ideratlon of a petition tor eating the Pennaylvanla hotel ttgaan reoeo romantic ninrriimo. groaned ,, racall at thla timo. Tho ohartor i.r uiris all over oar twnntry, no ono uhi.h wore tho gueata which gave a AI 1 gg the si. Cloud On lieatrol ordered its lasi chapter written mid , , c ;i . iiiii ei*l Ihe liiomui'V Of the "hull by tha born. i-i..\i.i.- rtint ii petttloa mnal ba who .nil po-sil.|v iln si. will ml thr yell, iho Dolus grocerj float, alaa and coi up ihis party. Cnndy nn.i H Ihe records turned over to Ihe Malt-. ,,i pj ona third ... tha rotnri who opportunity "f bearing thee-i ;ol Ilou in I.mid.or i 0 . Sl. (loud fair, which iite v:isi crowd win oarrj back moat pJo|ures,-no elinriiolers in .ho wltb them an ona of 1 he baal muateal ga ra a ere panaed nnd repaaaed Tha •i otoii in iho i.i-i election, and •• Brow, ns grom i*|. Johnn) Jonnaton, large flom apaoa a atata of New Jeraey, Including the plot ed thara wot anrh i oroall anaihar of raal aatata, driven bj Mrs. Johnaton, ii mu thov bava tftot bad i ba of pound in Chantllly, Vn*, arbera pleaaure of I latent ng to, Ona af tha parloi a-Hiu- - ot } •• olden tlinrr" and * Dtna when tb. i -s •* •'• no oppoaltlou \ l-I.KASVM Sl KI'KISK and thin e. the Sl Cl.ui.l fire do ihelr famoua gnoenal was mortally remarbabla thing wns tba quartet) by nlao n|i lo dale ones The ggl ailed wounded. The bullet that killed him iimi ii wa -i •poclal pnrtmeni nmnnad bj tha fire laddtea, "Kitty" waa a aide aplitter. If you \' ,-ni foi ty frl.-mi** of Mr and Mra. iiioaihois of the 0 A i< none of whom arai alao turned ovac to tba atata and election i nil. d uui eiihtj Blmer [da'a clothing atora ihe Main were "it" you inusi I.m-ci 1,. .-me this i imo. Herman l-Vlaftag gave than -i lurprlae arara under aevanty five of age, The will be kept it! the Newark museum. bad 1 ^ •• . nr-. driven by Ban oiie siiiiidinu in Ihe 1 In lo and while iiu' i Lu i*te aleo i"' aa thai « baa part] nl iho home of Win. Woods. 1 T- afternoon rloaod with atunta which The hist tneatlag of tins organlaa* and .Mrs K.nuiv**! mni 1',•• ibe one appealed t" lay bia or bar auch -n ', iiiion , .1 i be commie Koiiniti.v iiii'inir, whore tha] are woro in charge of A. S McKay, lion rccnlls tha career of one of the (ini, Ma Dory'0 ai'voarj bj Mr -viallory, hand On your head and ir'.-nl 'poor utoneri M i BT i B n i b>e election with upending Iho winter Anion*: thoae ,: .\i 7: KI a larire crowd gathered 1 m*Oal piillll esiple . lianiclers hi 1 lie Itrxall ' II ' • lor.-, Tiro atora nnd Sen ! n round in front af tha band ahadl kitty* three 1 linen a Ithoul g aal|B iu not laaa than I hlrtj daj i "or mora p. .•*-. ni ware Mr and Mr KotHlngj fieide clothing utsjro, than a long train federal army during tha Cl\ il war. ' win-re n -pi. ndid 1 •'"• • > • waa glvan you nn.-l innke :i noise like 11 big The life of phii Kearney waa filled ihiin foi i\ hve ilaya thereafter Al and Alice Moore, of Mlddleton, -\. V • of private oara, 11 in ci 1 in greti 1 di-ireaa, 1 f he oc though ii is aald thai BOOM af tha Mr. and Mra. Borton nnd Miss Btrin by ihe st. -ciomi choral -... iei> under with drama and hm) ii not baan far Arriving ai tha rity park thousands do- ici:i\e> into a broad grlnn ot buata partial i" ihe petition arara naked to gar, of [fan ^ ora City, Mi and Mrs. 1 1 , I tho direction of Dr, Ivor O. Byndmnn his death ai t ban till j H might bava on ' • "' ba tt 11 bad. iho so in; sis wore .Miss Huih Owena, inio 1 hunt laugh as "you'r" liable ranched oven a higher dramatic cll- wall m . 11 il'" regular ritj ele. tlon. Howard Beera, Mr, and Mra. Etay Bul tO OU ".Miu'r il " Tile scene to]' ills! whlcb will in i-nr on March -7th. thus niy iiiiii Marjorie Buttery, Mr aud The si ('loini hand played aeveral iho new Boloiei al iln- Bptacopal nui\ ii haa long been believed thai I,. burcb, and Mra, Wright Beading auca of Qeorge tth kard, dignified * -.\ inji tha i.ivp.noi aoma money, thaj Mra 1 rod Bmlth, rrnd •mlth, .i> , number* Mra. C A. Dawlay acttdg at Iho time Kan ma j fell his oomnii- io Mra ,1 R s. PfaUUpa, wore great!3 realtor of aeveral i-yllnder enimctty i on riling Un- petition aa aoon Wm Colbert, T. S. Hluart. Mr I9plan a - mi'-: v.* - , 1 can moalan, had le»eu sun Bi coin j i uindi-r of tho nv my uf -."iot'ied io •-.(',- 1 in- add ••"- of wai iyed The man «»f bha choral kueiin, ni tha feet of another man'a i ii.'v bad > 'i 'i-'-i ' • "• i ordlnfl ,.i Norf-iiu Conn., Mr. nnd Mr*, wm wife meowing like a wild-i'Ml is tha I'oromne ley upon Anta.ham Lin­ come for the featlvol lommlttee in . \ ,'ciri • reapouiled to 1 a0 am • coln *a (laaa%awaitlng only tba preal­ > • iho number x ol lug in the lu . . of CompO Hon. ll, 1 "ini . K enough to bran It up iln) BOUI t ion 'i in- i •-•n: iii ilouera called t he I . tliHirala, Mr ai d Mra ,1 0 rj grai ions mnnnar al a tie nil pra- Wedneeday nl \:-\o waa one of tba dent Ial signature Thus to him. a nd thlnga of tha anMre n.nie ..1 i.-i- ala I bald bended brute * li" ii n .Mm h Mh to determine ,.i Portland, Me. Mn. Bodle, -orn reel al sin- then railed ">i mn I.I i,rani, uiiuhi have ooine the Mayor Outlaw to gi - r,, the feel tvgl, \> hen 1 hui \ ;isi rrov Bf B man. t inline on appllcal Ion I, llio i|i:. 01 1 .1 1 uruuga, N. *i . Mra. Strong, kneel.*- lowly n I the I eel 0| a lady ol -I the final triumph, ... oi Michigan, Mr. nnd liri John Bay pity brinrtug graHnga from the 00m- t In- line <>)' marou from the schools a etgrk Hghtar, n fine organlaad ami mission and rtproaalng his appracla villi Till children and tendier*- wham' li-iinoii.ui niui dignity, wiiii ber dnln a brUltnnl taerJchu Buccaea tnlgnl HOME oi T, 0. MOOKK nioiid. of Chicago, Win. W I nml Win ty Mule band on ids bald pate and IN tiAIJON UAROBNH Wood, Jr . Mi and Mra. Charh M But­ lion for the .rowd pri'-ont. he Bald M thej i" were give tha entertainment of eii-ily have eonie to hhu. Ih- wn*. ciomi ims alwaya done every thing 111 tin- aftornoon. .Miss Oullaa Laa. tha repeating thi time in pitiful tonaa NBAM i OMPI.KTION tery, Cnpl and Mrs c. Crawford, Mr. • por Kit lie" while he is emnitttlng MM of America'^ tnoat gaUlanl and and Mra Hon Allan, rind Onlpln, ol 1 aplendld iiciiin.-, and thai truly tba luiisi.,-ii din-Hior of tin* achoole, ie«i skillful soldiers. Tho .lorseyuien who Sl i 'loOd, where n Wi-icoo'e ns tin- high achool orchei tra In aalaci blood rurdllng cni ealla, is Tin h.niio oi T a Moore, of tha st Plorlda seen or h on ril In 11 civil (/.ed .-oui iuiui I followed bim nnrtooh of his valor ami CMoad Raal Ehtata and Inveati i genial aa tha aonnhlna awnlta .vou," lion- which brought forth aanraanlona his w ill lo win. A moal cnjoynuio araalng wot apenl ty much less in yiortda naai Ini plation on * iaro in dancing tha old faahioaad danoi bad only heen niiiilc irue by tho apiou uf deiioht ti tha large crowd gg iiim avenue In Oallon Oardena, This for dancing a ns fuvntahad hj lid •plrii of eo opera) Ion man rambled la hearing dletanoe, \n |a of atucca title •panlab I.M id .it>hn Raymond aaalated bj Mr, Qalptn, tier cltlaana nnd thai I>IK thtnga now I achoole aang "AVmerioa ihe Beautiful... ft A It. TO Ul Sll I .;. + win IM- .mo ot iiio flral to bi ready Allen nnd Sinith nml V Smith, .lr, heine umlciinlioii hy Sl. Cloud and Beading by Helen I'hiipoii, Bong bj STONE MOUNT COINS • KKI'I Itl.K AN MASS MKKTINti • 1 lira i,11 is club. Bending bj Mai j i.u' oicupan* j Mr I'oi-iim aang H IVw j<• 11 > aalac -tin greater foi ta follow, will IH« ae- • I'uisuani io a ••nil made by Mr. + ntmpllihad by ihis pravallng aphrtt Bade, riu in 1 nolo bg Carol Mem y tlona, gfrar which refraahmanbi were SAN'tiMd, i- \,i . 1 rebruary *** 11 T. cerow, Chairman of tha • in espreaatug ara4oonM ba hggatod to Rending by .1. JohMutuv Orchaatral OKL\M>0 TERMINAL MHTRICT served .ind nil dapBftad f«>r their 30 Th.* Orand Army Of Itepllhlie + itopiihin an State Central « ommli *-• Dr. Ball A. w. IIMI. president of tba seleilioii for finalssgf ADVIcMlRI HO.VKIJ IIOM) bomaa looking foward ta BUD auch will work In Unl BOW wiih the I'nih-d *•* li-i- of l'lorida. for 11 POttVeOt "•' MMBTING AT Oltl.ANOO happy gntharlnga. Tourist aaaoclntlon, 1 laago white bay Tii on c; 1 nie t he no e • 11 ml Jumping Confederate Vetera na neat week In g with which to K*M full poeaeaalon «»f eon ten tn by iwdh hoys nnd gtrta nnd -:• io IH- hold at I'uhiikn, rin . March • cit.v Managar Mitchell aactlonal renewed effort to dlnpoac ot Ian An • in. itggg |, hereby ..ill 11 BUM • the dty. at 0 o'clock ra tha \wkot\w\ ball i huh man of tlie florlda aouth aaai PICNIC LUNCH huilo's iptoia of Sioiie Mountnin ine *:* meeting of the Repuhllcana ol w unwio\ Mien announead thai unines hot wii-11 tClaatmmee and -St. Bdrlaui's i.ojii'.i . in • -i - li a fm- tha purpo -• ol electing 1 »ur • tba eity ai a meeting of tba Bagtonal --ip. i ..] w.i\ oi \ rj. up ii'oin Davennori Tueaday evening lag in • ictory for Bt Cloud glria IT imnce a memorial Which would stand *:* (4) delegatei nnd four I 1» nl* • board nl Orlando to aaa thnl st. to nlioml Iho full- nml hour the h: niiiuoi- B, and Sl Cloud boj B for all linn* in h. • of Etoberl 1 1 1 *• ternatea to attend said State C -n • Cloud gel her nlloted ahlrvnant of ( Choral aocloty program. A ploola s in Ki* tuee ' an.1 thoae win. followed him la "tha • M ni Ion al I'.ilatkn. h'lii. AM Ma • A. T. MBBKEB BUYS FA1KM lunch wtth 1* M. Par leer'a ns gueata ma leri.i ^resident A1 a •' gO lo pros-. |he rosull of the loal iniisc." •i '" Mo.-k, i- bna dacldad ta I • t 1 • publleam aro urged to attend thla • •^OM .1 pi. .inni f.jiiin,. eloalng 1 b ni 1 lie Chambei of * Jomna 1 a -ion 1 lo board conteat si aim-- in favor A it. •• ateran * ha 1 .• agreed •I* meeting and to participate In tha *!* full findgad farmer .-11111 ba la 1' ir of ' 'oiuraiio 1 lerbert, Bfl >aa 1 • I walcoma Bar the rity manager, ba paid. wnh other war vete Ighted enough to aaa 1 bal I b 1 no libondea, alao a \ 01.1,1ns V 1, 1 untilii ' *> 1 no. aBN nnoiii,r evidence thai tha to enter Into an 1 • hereby • (tflgnad) .1 H Carlln, • 1 .< tha comJn, In aflorlda. it .Mr. nnd Mrs. C, W. Ten 1 •Igg h.< wore in the pgndf was triu- widow who played ICaaatn a/hltahouaa •Idea a LU ba 1 boat n and bauiunlng , io |,iiin 11 paenn grote, ( •f* Chairman Oaeeoln Count] • 1 trtnndo, are the gueata of hi "they tn ika mt 1 ba goat**, what d 11 :••.I nd Wi : Bundny and continuing hai one week. • Republican Executive Committee *-• i nnd modem rhleki 1 . l-tankln and Bracken on tb< Ifa) or'. key did noi otien hi lea 1 ,nihm-p and lord oni each a .11 trj to outdo tha other In .;. + 'i his |„, | |a located sear tha KIMTI.II M So mh Mui laehu letta avenue. I MO en 11 im Ihe <'il> uiai..,, . f 0\ 1 1 ,- I ...• \\ i _-iui oil. ihe aala of Stone Mountain 1 •• ' Ial •:••:••!*•:' i.--t--T- -;--i- -;• -:• -;- -;--;--t* -r* *i*-r--;- -t*-:- *:- -:- -r- »--*- I-Al.l- .WO THF, ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE, ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA T-UK.SI>.V\. r-KI-lt-'ARY 35 l«-


Popular Theatre <\ gtggaggg* frmu K... Callaa*, l-kiKto thoughi thai ara JI)I ware going ta WrrS 0*jsef-va *?<---» on-M« r ,,i M. (I,ind Prssb)lorliul Church) Bible i.IM,i m.-niiiy boeaiiae ll waa the in <;. A. R. iiAi.i, i .ir-u- he Led tn on to aaa Ahmad the P Iteptibllr i tea< Iiiu-:' In his AI-SIM. .I:uii -.:,^^^^^. iii-.'ii ^ we innl r,lii,,r of st. Cloud rrlbuue, nol the .'li'i .-I iu- II,INM- Hiirroundlng Saiiiriliiy Xlghl—1:00 and 8:00 S|. l' Kl""itl.i i" help n » aee i! im, slua HV nn.i 8Br After turning m> Iiml loiter otot t" Siiu.i:i\ ni. 11[ un regular worahlp - I i hi. nh.till Ite wai I'l.'iuio'd i" u.i. MioiMi ins: ntviM. tsar Ull) lr Ild test Um i followed by n band I,,-..,!-!;, wo watted there to i rem • T which laated i 111 after ten SUrriny I., ht wade hi oar i, : ihi-. tmed the tine re ,|,s,,ii nn,I Silver King radio ».'iii'ii. I'"'' uo inoderu v.'-.-.,-! rlly, The reuiulnli i w tthoul H - will I"- more rarefully planned. .-I , ami tr ton. How - largely -pfin • Mniulay llll.l Tiu-siliix N lag thi i • parrie which «i;i follow dlffcretil leailen «In n ere go i, aLAND ,: ii - Rfl t lit* -i nxyn n FUH r-ca. A wiwtvn — -1, -..- 7 DO IB I 'i 00 ashore. slat on • anu

• • i i • HI) Sill.I'll •« ml lad in tbe a tut viiiii-som i.i Bai N (ruts ii hundred were addreMned by Uu, P. w\ \ i Jeru BSlBHS Ate Mr-cr. UH.1S ntAN OM. T. s\l i I i I V-.I- • •;,'r», nil lunl I it ..i nl allowed. aalean, who vpoke on ICiug rlolomun's U *«« T.WK, KEIFTUIHOMI l.Bi. SVANINIr*' i|uarrlee The place where the atouee -il'K .?u-'i before we • lopjied al AnibroaK- Wuul) UiAl *l«tF*»-«ni,. • i - I't'iuiili- H pi <• i|iinni. il, lljchl --liii». wi1 -were overtaken by n iiAiioiii i.i.uvii H rilM earn. The •it--.-., nu- is •*., im werp deles wl Bl the i io- a fi',' ai cl dc-iil L) din -red bj n Ferry . omlnji over from Sen •-. • -i i*. MnIn, MIIJ Mr-lit—7:00 mul 8:110 i-'iv, After tin- c\i-iii-iticiit fii'iu ilu> hunter about ago after thay bad laid for thdiiwiiula of yearn •llit-t* )::i --i'.i We v,.'M if.1 How j. Iu tiot n I L.v ware wreckage, .Mr. .1. IIUMI ret Ir lis) i-lll -I'­ II ii another Syrian guide is i ( 11, IIIM NCVa. M.KKI'V lilld IM-WI ;l sHelll ll:!' for most tnemher of one of the Jeranlen lodgjee oi tin- party. ll'l I A I'M. I 111.11, 11,1111-,- \i - ooi aod pronlw - to take tu Toured 'v was •*ana, hoi \ toady iiiroiuit the original quai rlea, no and Irrouffhl atr, Ni-t'-i ipofca m the evening [xdntui tii to uiuii.v uf iii-- p;ut\. for ussi-iuMy ou -A' -ii'* I. bai Lag u i Iliuisiliij Mglit—7:00 anil ll-M liny luul requested. ;nul I In** n'«|ii.--l suiijc-rt i.i- native land, Ue won* the tSJW innl been Knitted, to Leave tho il-M-k gerh oi a B| rlaa or Arab nnd npoke A,linis-i,,n 1,*, nml L*'„- in iii.- afteroouu rather than at alght very Intelligently, considering thai ha Bai u.'iiiiim i-i.niii tie aeea eery tot, cane to America ban than ;> yaar aajo, MONK W lASIIlON- to wo here the sighi of the world'-- aod bad i*1 •aarch Munetlmee tag an Largest rity fron the wa In reserve expressive word, Slill Tine fur our home comini l am thinking I'y.-m one to three lacturaa BM NOKMA SlIllAllUll ii win look much more attractive then even thougb ara nrore allowed to ton heard each day hg groupi Intereeted e left iu the ai ttjea ta dlacnaaeds No one Is tinder pi • mura i" Bttead anj HHM-I Thursday nlffal and KrlOM UOV.HHIB HeralJs the Bonetlmen there LtnpfMoj nt tha aane AOOm> rt AM ,Mtt«AurrABa*- rain, aleei and now, s-ituni.iy norn- 9HGUl.t> UOT W*XT« ALL T.UT •Jooace os ^OT Ai-t —. ini; am got In vrnrntef e/atara and the time to lie two meettnga whieh on SIXX.UN., SA^UTIoM — I ivlnda and rtouda bagan t" alva aray would Like to nttand. I-r. Charlea af. • •**'l£fr.T!S;t.n- to • mahtne Intermltteatly, Bunday Bbeldou and Dr, ftancaa R, Ciorh have i" i • oaferancai artth tha iniuis- morning the ana atraaaiad with the captain if reputed to bare figured In Nolice of Vpplir-ilinn fur Tuv Dead fog and Haalty aaeerte-tf it-- powee t.» otber ('iirisiinn erorkera pre- -,1-ni The** ...iiri'ri'niT cover aubjocta aeveral luck reecnaa daring his Long N,'TUT, IS HKHKItV f-JIVKN, Thai >i!*-v|N>i the L't<»>iu and dangtpneaa nml u ii commander af ahtpa. l lad KM Ron-wta, - nn bai i i I arc paaaad « alaaaaal day, manj «•> eooamoo to every nlaleter'a ez-parl- m, i md Hi... all ara having prae- tin- dlattraaeed Ftelgfang baan much Tai Certlfleata No 109 dated the 3rd pearlngj .MI dach aad In ateamer chatra nearer wo would huvc lean t-> bat day of .inne. A. n tela, Ini OartJ thai had raaaataad in thatf leaha- iit-Hiiy a kindered eaiwriaace, whetbar thay cone fron the Karth, Soutti. aid. Thai t- tha Lasi umi practlca of ficate \t>. I.U ST L-JSLMS.-.TI dated the ilnee r-'H ring Thareday nhjht. do high a ga. Bth day of .inne. A. I>. IBB1 afaay ivere real aaa ilck aatd --till Baal or Wi-st, umi ia«gaardleaa of daw- ontnai Ion. Tonlgbt, 1'iiiliiy. .I.-i nun rv BBtht wa ims filed aald Caetlfleatea in mv of­ show Hir BCteeta Of the shaki-up. In- approach the harbor of Kuiu-iuii. tba fice, anil bag ninth' upplieiii imi fur dead ii few have not gotten thaii aaa Wedi psdaj gad Kriiiny anrnlnga Island ot Ma.loi rn and will Arrive taa Bead to issue in aaoordanaa with laga yel Mr-, n.u.i and attee Mill Dr. w. ii i "nnalag a one tlon i»- j about tea o'liixk ta harail ordata Lear Law, snhl certtfloatee enbrace taa laag arare tha chief eofferera in our Btructor in langaagaj ,-it gfale Dalrar- Landing tonorow nosSaUsag, Thi.- will r-.iiow im,' deecribed property, altuated i party. Today, i afoaday I, rity, who baa baaa lea-dmgj toon la be the tbal t inu- fot aboal four haa> - . I i sola Coanty, norlda, to nil i i- iiu- flral thai they baaa baaa able the for thirty yean lactarad for I dred ef oar puny to bom h foreign i.ot !» Hloek A. norlda runt * to enjoy u- • nrhoie tha litV abroml nn hour .unl more ou ' I *s lest uie." noil if w, i \t ,•',' Canada, We ara t" , 1 tha ship Tht- a lit. r i Bar. Callan) Troch Land Co'a Bubdlvudou of •- ' After each lactttia ha gaea nn oopor be ptaparad tor our Hiuhts-et-ing to- ttofl 18 town--hiii -IB -onHi. i;.n-ie '_'7 iiu.imli ilck about riii hoar nk luniiy in aak qoaatlona. This is done nlghl by tactagae la the Bocaal Ball mea la or other •nod thing;. In order to prepare tha inaagagty for mi -A' deck, Wc win iv told tbe Beginning BR corner of NE I * of The aervlce the s. s Republic give* tearing. whole order of peoceedure ao thai no \\v i 4 nu. N. SO rode, W IO issga, s ims bean vary good, and the prom I w iiu- mora thaa Bva huadied Lwat- MM need naka any Mandan gg Bail BO roils, K tO HHIH of sistion 88 tovrn la thai na aball HII be graAl booater« lata have baaa divided im.. gtvaae ol to net nil any one elee Baaa an of -Mp Lit south, range 88 east, for the iiiii.ii siui.-* llaea erhea we liny each os aaarty as pagMhta "f the iiny's \ i-it ashore. H 1- lots r. and 8 Narcooseee af retora bone. Oar dlntng room aer- ovr own r^ooalng and aaetgaad « iaa« gfe bara aoaj been aboard eight aeetlon 8 town •nip 98 aouth, tangi U i Ice i- ai good aa first cins-, bote! der arho la ha hi iwapooaatjla for K»*I* days and have algfated only two rea- eii-t. aervlce and the atate roon aarvlce i-- ting ii- two gnhVdea and keeping the •ala. "in- are aaw early Lfiidaj area Lot 18 Mock «'. Fruit A I imi ted only tn the ipaoa allowed. Al­ group together and getting nn back log hut on acconnl "i f,,'.r and dark* STTUI k Land 0o*a Bnhdlvlnl f see- most the entire force of etewarda, io ship or to hot* • place. nan i?oald nol tell irho or what it Hon 18 township "j.". aoutht both f.»r the dining room aad atata Twenty-five will follow each guide no waa o\-'.••'! thnl it a*aj another ahlp> ensi. In a rafrinft storm in mlJ-cccan, ftoralgn bona aad lis tO M riiiirednj morning we ilgfated ant I.ot 9 Block I> Florida Kmlt A Captain George Fricr IJ> .in.) notug went our Held i.oi IOT Bemlaole l«and A Ini three days Coin mem !i r !• i 1 and had over a hundred nppllcatlona Tin' pareooal of the ceuiaa oonaa enabled 'is to iee ttuii it nuat C3o*i Bubdi Lalon of all w-eHen i ton D fought mountainous aaai to taani for membership, htr, atontarmnery is ; from ei erj itale In i be onion, < anada knee baan >i motor '"'Jit <»f oonalder- ahlp a.'" soiiih. range i aaai the suilnrs olT the .loomed ship. » Now- fork Btate aoalor fron Bnf- ICazlei . Jama-da, * iina aad i aaa etda ana as ii bad "-r three others liit-- 1 date of the issuance of aald certlfi* overboard and drowned. Iti ntenxipolitan character the gather- -ten thai tho gang iiml treaty tlana A** Waa e\pr. Ii tl the Islnn.l uf Mfl .nt.-- iu the name* of Penn Highland Close on the heel* nf the finat ' al all the meetings. Tha Gang1 bai •xajxtr robin come- milady clad for aga iu tba so. mi rooma remlnla one darla e-ae aeghted aooal '.* :u> in the Oo,: CTnknown ; s B. eTatara, I Bg — . - . ;' the i nteretal B TO ri i Clah meat Mr. .T. i; Huiiiiji. II native, Syrian, nlfTlit nn.i after I n Kin-.' II [tilut ggg : .••• • Lttellebj , A. s. Keaalair, Spxiag. Bright, gorgeon.- colors, j and a graduate of the Amonean col Nolice of ArMdira.inn for Tax Deed . Bl « load, .v remarkable eaey •board we iteaand along the gonth- Uolen sniii certtflcatee shnll be re featur! the charming modes she I lege nt BejTOOt, Syria. lie taagga Mni free atmoephere prevailed fron Le of il,.- islnnd fur nlMuit two I according to inw, ta * daad NOT1CH is III:IU:II\ I;I\I:N. That -t-atl wear during the warmer tlay.x. fairly tutelllgeol nml has a fair use the flrat hoajca before an gnthat leaa aairt 11 arlU Inue thereon on tbe nth .inv of aUnarl M. and Ultra It, Ballejr und "This frock I- of tinted chill-] •h iiis knoirledga of the BBM Dry Trtg being near mld-alghl nothing further Miir.h. A. D. 1090 Ita sh laa .ad Sarah mn. iBirnBtaaart -on printed in the new floral dexignJ , Lands vultod baa been atrengthened The cratoe »- n ilemonatration ot wns dene till norhsag whan thai cap (Ct ct. Beat) J, I-. HVKHST"I:I:T. with tla, that the girl h\ actual traT i. Im.lug aetad as toot the poaalblllty "f getting ;i [ntronaaja triin- call msks ttoninded by Un buh>! t'lert Clrrult Court (-areola TBS I'orlirl.alo \o 1 ID 181 im IM -srjl wear U-.-HIOT so II it- atghl <>r ntoa I inn-. I"'- for ii •bona dry' ihlp Wo have ao N-r thai nil mJghl be ready for da Connty, KN>rirvd be appetites r»f pe -. ngera I am told rad taaaage \y ited on the bulletin ashore, and those not etch, of whom ii,-,'. Mini ims um,i,- application fot- tnx thai whlakey or ivlne mtghl l»e hud boards and printed along with other NOT1CK Id HEREBY OIVEN Thai dsad i o loaut Ln ao ,-r-inn. • trll I, in,-. were n few- ereea assembled on tha i.i.'h.'i i-.i I'niiowa.v, piirehaae; -.f: .-ii itu> doctor*i perecrlptlun, Though iiiioiini-I'lui-nis and given oul to each two upper danfca In the gronpe pree Bald rjerttflt Hoi einbrai a ti„- follow- -aiiii the large somber \\bo ai II i'1'i..-uiit at the puraer*a office each i ;i\ i iniii.iii.* \n pM,-_- dated the (Hh arnpert/i sn ut I in tt. lou ilj II ranged and erere aboard tha day af July, A I» I:»I I. Tn« ( ertlfl- to • fomyour ••i.-u I beard of no one who bad io afternoon. Thursda- morning all of tender*] for Uu* tri]> ashore. , In < ounty, l'i,,ii,in. io reeorl to thai treat meal oar party wara glad to KM the bnl- .I 13 Block M atarydla. ih»f; I.ot 7 Block 102, O. \v. Bender ; sttrsr far V*-o lift fi.ign rfat tilr Pttftct for rather gteeply thtet I.,,I in Block 201, 'I w. Bender; Lot t-jkin|, btaling. laoking Sa«(B Iimt, too. or four mile*, and Ti,,- aald land being assessed ni tha 1 ighi .ny ttiivt liumtt and a cltar blue rising three <»r f.i 1 thouaand feel data of the Leeagnoe of aald eertlfl- : Block 280, tl. \v Bander; l.ol tl flam, i, ttidy. Turn low (ur nmmttiog 11 I.. UI I hi; WIlli'l', \^^^^^^^^^^^^ round the ercst ^ rates in the aamee of L-a known om\ Block L'7n. U. W. Bender; i«,t 8 iu<« k or high at *rou win of tho iiiouuiniu hung tnaaggg of fog* Unknown, •'si. i;. \v iioiui.-i-; I.,,I ii, Block •IST,. a lUSM Gas M.ktr for lettf «it-td—-liT'tnri, sp.itDBcnt, but fit. rosj- LoudJ which prevented H clear] Union nld -•••nifienies aball lie Q, w. Bandar; nil of tin- ibo-rt lois munilitt 1,,-iiiat ii,i-,,r,lini: i,, tin- pint of llu* view of thin w '• - land beared np deemed aeeordln-xllng. -tto law, tai -da Vi'nit lu* Lookitr Tbe Hoot Coavtnitat." fIK 111 the ocean bottom tliousnndH of \. ill l^sn,, 11,,-roon nn •aw IOHH of Narcootste SKINNER MACHINERY CO, the nth day yoara aga, t win tall yon more of Marrfa. A H 195.. Tlio snid Inn,I IM-IIIL' IBMBBad ill I In* 36 Broedway, Dunedin, FU. tti is wooderful bee uty BBloo, t in 11I.T (ot ct Sssij j. 1. tivBRSTmsnrr. dill,' ,,f Illi' issllnll,-,- of suii] n-rtlfl- ni-xi letter ciil.-H in llu- limn,- of Illl- |,Ullll-H Hl'l llart I Osart J \ I'.M.I.A.V opposite to -nni,- mis. Tm Crtlflcti pleaaanl yard, trull trees aad flowera I- lol I,In— IH In th ' liulrki't n-li|,-i- of lAt tKniao. Price *-i«tO, Raaf terau, No. 7sti til ltd ih,* IIIIL dny of June. In Ihe li.tirt nf County Judge thi' ..orld nnil Ims 'i.L'lL* niil.'. of rail* A, i>. un. Mull, of HorliL. taoi anstlatt, Bacetlaal nardea Un. 184*8. I i-luill ap- tloa ('• acroaa the .nraal ttom tba l-'I'iriiiu'M In tlHii'-ln founl.v. Florida, to ..i- l-ly lo ih,- lion,,nil,I,- .1. W. nliv.-r Agnatic Amphitheatre, \v«s bought winter grown rogstablot Judgsj of Hiild Court, ns .1 inliii- of , .1.1 for ovi l.oi IL Block 820 Bl Cloud In NovctnN-r, Oaa oul Imy :is good I i- S60,000,U0U liisl i,-,u-. 1'robgtB, for my final disi-lniri'i, nn j.oi l.i Block 8S0 Bt Cloud. lot HI thla tine al bale price 11000, eiacutris of tht aatat. of Min-ilni I.ot 10 Iiim li 1LH tl. t loud Ji TJilK 1?-**.'. (I"\\ n, Wll til II. .• Thirt 1,11 of |,liil,,s,,j,liv in from riinis ,II.,-I-IIH,-,I. umi iimi iii tin. iggga tin. TI ,- tald in'"! ;„ iiig a tetaaa. rj^AfT St. AIIIIIIHIIIII- Hi'i-oi-,1 : ll lia tin..- I villi ni)- fiiinl nriiiiinla Shall xvt off with tha new and on lillll- of III,' ISslllllll-,- ol suid certlfi. tl ,-\,-,lltli . of .Bid ' lull- nnd n I. I huvc nuiii.y more aseallenl bai with the old, revarHing the well- I-l,ui,l.i || •uanUlag 186,000,000 (or ,'llll-K ll. Hi., UIIIIII- of 11. T. Itiiiiii-H, for llinlr ii|.|ii-ovnl. fislnn, eona and aee me hefurc baying known axiorrt! Mi»i Blna M. West L'oo'l loll,IK. I'. t'lll-l • ntul A. .1. Ili-ilTin. inu,,I February mi, A i> IHLII roar hi of Port Huron, Mich, Rupr-mi. 1 III," , ,-, I i I i. II *, • . I, ,11 b. II- JBNNIB ItKIMIAItT. t'ommander ot the Women's Bene­ \i 1-1 I'M/rr I'lisTKii, N. i-. l'l,Ml,I l's pei-iin nnd oi-iini,-i, (.TO.-OS la- ,1 • o,'"i,1111tc I,, Law, in. dead fit Association seeks to aid the re­ My I oiinulssloii ,-\|,hi's .\,ij- LO 11IL7 I,:i.v lh.' LargMl l.d,-i,-sl of any iiirest-I Mil. l 1 '" '1 'i a ttt. sib dny of vival of old-fa-hioned dunce.,, but Tab n Ai.ill l ,1. li. ui-ui MINNIE B. HUDSON Olive Belle llamnn, datigbter of * li 10841 th*- |ate Jake L. Hamon ardently I ft. ft .1. I,. .r.'I'.ltSTUKI-T. l''lol-i,ln Bai p,, -IIIKI i-okos. no f,,^,'s, ' OOOD CIK\N SMS WANTII" ..iii and 'i'ii Bta. vocate- jazz and iitescnla . Clt rk Clrcnll Canjrt, 0, beautiful urgument. i Irrlaatloa. ,s»iln t'oiinly, l-'l, rl In 1 Fab. i March i. C, ii. li. TKIIUNK OIM-'I' TH.RI-.11AV. Fr-IIRIARY 28, IB** THK ST. i I.OI'D TRIBUNE, ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA |-\f*K THRKK IDORA PARK OSCEOLA COUNTY'S MOST BEAUTIFUL SUBDIVISION Homesites For Today and the Tomorrows The man who builds for tomorrow is wise . . he selects his home-site with the future in mind . . his home is not merely for the present moment . . . not just a temporary shelter. His home is built as a home for the tomorrows. It will shelter the kind of family associations and memories that have a right to be preserved through the years. The sitting for such a home is selected with care ... it is away from the clash and clatter of industry, yet convenient to business, shops and theatre ... it has beauty and a quiet charm which increases in worth with the years. . . . like a rare jewel. Such home-sites—for today and the tomorrows—are found in Idora Park—and that's why folks are planning to live there—why folks will continue to want to live there as time goes by. Nature Made Idora Park the Beauty Spot It Is Which, together with guaranteed improvements that will be permanent and of lasting quality, you are assured safety and profit in building a home or buying for investment. Water, Lights, Sidewalks and Paved Streets will make Idora Park a rendezvous for particular people who appreciate nature, modern comforts and conveni­ ences—-where new homes built under restrictions that protect every lot owner—you may enjoy the cool breezes from Lake Tohopekaliga in summer and the gentle balmy zephyrs of winter. Idora Park Is High and Dry Talk It Over With Your Broker—-Your Banker—Your Friends—Then Motor Out And See For Yourself A Deed GUARANTEED With Every Lot Our Prices and Terms are within reach of everyone. 5 per cent discount for cash, that saves you the interest on deferred payments. Pay 1-2 cash and we will take back your mortgage. Build and pay 1-2 cash and we will take your second mortgage and allow you to place a first mortgage to the amount of 75 per cent of your building cost. Build now and sell later at a profit. We have 163 building plans on hand for your inspection. Free plans and specifications for owners building at once.

SAM LUPFER SALES ORGANIZATION 203 BROADWAY PHONE 15 KISSIMMEE, FLA. St. Cloud Representative, J. E. TREAT, Office in Peoples Bank Building IDORA PARK INC., 116 Broadway, KISSIMMEE, FLORIDA

Field Office Open Every Day For Your Convenience Brokers Protected

m I III K THE TIUR8UAV, H.lld MH I9*i«

ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE Congress Is puirltvl hy surplus The heaviest new horn Iamb oi- ftrm products produeUoa, Some furm of ' * Rj £!B a«ckless bolsheviks, or at least .leigU- ST. < I"I II TBIIM Xi: < OXII*A». socialists, suggest that thu u fourteen pool n ii i> ' nt B*iffht intereit it I ' Matt; r helping fanners market their HB> sound BOII i*|i. In I i whan t"Iim t, .- Williams, wlio ...ii.lit ks her h.'ti in know • . Usm, says: "No; that prulile n .1 should be left to farmers without • Have* government help." A two niotith- tnothar oca new \w&£& ••••„• | «v l..l.y afd huliy galfbl he I, ft in put on i-.n ,-h Ughbar and »trong*ar and i lllwUah&,:-, ASK ENGLAND. his own little uiu'ershirt "without ..*-ier. mommer's help." The f.irmera U Ct-lJyrla'ht i*-» hi* PtBHShW I AW,-a.tai f, r,r»lf tr.a (iOOD PAY, GOOD WORKERS. baby is not would be na well nblo to dial with '• i i Bt*tias' -||r.'„- • mil H* STOP, LOOK, LISTEN. foreign frovenimonts, under our I eouM *m !"'' "•I Constitution, or with foreign prob- Profit- tM i'i'- l^-inai • xnyway MO DEATHS, $18,200 PROFITS. Rnllrood fur ot*.e year ra ( UM IH.I perfi M « baby would be to deal Herri witn its own iiouiia'unint am* tho .u ni' mu ,t have -enoed UM THE MONKEYS TRIED IT. I.I i f.ittss for ho clothing. - . I XI IMAGINATION'S POWER. a tii,' opening no;, rh.ini.iil llio stthji'il, foi- ' which I Iy ohii. loue of i,;-. .iirniUB I riga. HI" CORN LOW, HOGS HIGri. To lenrn how far tiers can bB pop o.los t l.iso.l. ho loal Iiiii • i'.u n one xwis haetni Malta ei SI. ('Iuiui Trilim-i* Z'-RO WILL HELP. helped nnd surplus products sold lot ' . .- t.iM'a Oggg- Hi** I-dp uieiody if volvi'iy ion,- Ins • ooi i Bai rj . ren I i i ti bad tBdnlg To n n of i iiiii,-- a-ere capable »l i"' •If in lex-eral imall onee, BBJ at a profit, they might find nut I octal the "Btt of Ji irj -l UM man would ooi i nundn.,. .••' .mil-' Aiti'i' i brief praladc I., in,"*-,, began ini; thai -he dldat bax*e to sit;o thai EATING HARD COAL. what the British do with Ihelr sj*^ : g. Clood nriaaopd • W i* " MBM yaar, Urn thai tht 11 la sinnillx*. Oil IlitlS HEAVIEST BABY LAMB. plus rubber produe*ia. There ia a era BM OVI a ••., i ad ap bo, i • |..*l|«T. tin* oWBX-Ol rur plilil Itbed 111 no knows mv Uttla houae '•We'd better hi* ahovlug off." MIU- rubber farm turplus. Ami you ul'y. ai •! the hundn di »f mllliona POODLES, 2 AND 4 LEGS. i h-n-olg count) li.v • Ithar I arm No ona i''ii you, re-ated I iucl**i nl hla watch. nolice that they manugo to sell it Wi".l|l hiii'U illl. window- wWa iii ii, I*I tbs light • I., • lata i.-i- u t.'it ( lalljr MIM -1 ipi>f Plant an* balng BURBANK AN INFIDEL? Ita tho l tiited SHiies at about a aral protpt ral . li get-, made ta i -avert UM ti'uni nt Taa l.lttla doorstep too, i-n ri \' Ung tl i.-i: iiu. 11'. 1 bare -aaai I ii inj-ai dollur a pound, when It could bo Tribune into u datt) Bexvapapar. Thi '•Toll 11 'i v hfil lot s do," in M Charlra Garland, an eon-auk moulded iho kef, oil l.i ni". ue, I 'i.i Jual oxtutly liko sold profit ibly e.t thirty c-nts n Husbiituis aie gradunlly losing ,11 [on Is to Bl , , -i it'll. 1 nil .i for ltooi of Ufa-triad roaaa wild n mil J i.-i I et'i .i 1 so io young Now i,nf-!umlcr, inlioritod a pound. A govetamant that naura lnrf-e furiiine, refuseil at fir-t to thoir niiviont "ri)*,l,1.s." 'I'lie uuxr-. It, l'i-. out -Bl-gjB issue . tl,t hiutis lot pink x. ii ii dew. Bxpoaltlou." to do a thing CMI da It, riuge st'iviio nn longor niukei.- K dully BBpSt Daily Palls*} fJaBBtte, I., ) no Ilmiiollc Innl tin* most "B 'ii..." ahouted Unity, "wall have take Uie money, laying no man Woman imunise to obey. Eng­ I voire iimt ii bad aver bean . i en ni. llu t) dinner on one lad » rijrlit to m«**y not earned, lish law no longer permits a mon. Jun. ST. ni.\ god fortuna to lb-tag to, She wai of Paul I'm vol's i.onts in the Seine lie -hunoeti his mind and drifted The rallroud trainmen, hundreda to boal hl„ wife "with a stick niy • oii'io.i laiurar. wltb iiml later all UM giouaenienta. 'l-bcy of thousands of ''iiitht'ul worloal-Bi no bigger nrntmil than bis ilia OSBM of iiit.-ii'iitII 1 i,,ii. bul ggaf lito a sidetrack Conx'inccJ, pcr- thumb." A Russian husband no 'Kl.tlKllt-A IN Till*. IUM II graal n, in-, wiih peculiar an n cooking !*' luips, that he was an original think­ iwk for better p.i.\, add Bugjhl to KM "I for on** moil the I'i'litxutioii. longer beats his wife gently on MAKING-- KKKPS wariutb and rt|ar. Barry, too, faH er, he decided that marrojge waa get it. their iiiiin-iiige Usy to prove that SIM II ON I illltlll*. chluied In iln* I'lom IIIUHU. Uniii., tbo aonf of his -wn creBtlag nn unwcesunry institution. Now Rullraads, protected hy govern-j lie is buss. And new a wife gets ntul there won- I II III'S w lion his faoa "And i hnvi'it i beea M of eottraa nient, enjoy protpeiity. Stemiily her ilivoroo with cash alimony "Florida in tin. Making" Is perform* reflected tbe loteuolty of his emotJeo, IM adore it.'' I umi iiiiinsi looking al ho Is arretted, bernupe a young "Imply because the husband, dur­ I'uiiiss to ^oc winit be waa thinklna;, Increasing, they ahould lilvlda I lug i, soil I,, for riorlda thai u in iho Mcond ferae of tba mni COB child born on his farm died, huv- prnspeiity with tha men that do ! ing tlie peat eight yours, ha., had xnliial'lo. Tho book, published hy tiliuisl : ••rn go mi inu* condition, Suilio," int* for ita mother an unmarried the work tiirnugh UM nighu ln I a way of culling her In the morn­ •.lust ii little, Uttla boxMe lio uiisu.'tvit with deliberation, '•Thtn Kirl. cold uiiil|rnin, when those that col­ ing by tl,riming cold water on Kv.iiik l'.ukoi' Sl,„ klii-i,!^,' innl .lohu her oa she lay in bed nt ii. An Will il , Into. pen go iiotuo Hnil ink,' off that draai lect dividends ara asleep. II. IVIT.I. OWBet of Tho .liivksiiiivillt* occasiotiai, not frequent beating, l.ol BM -a-JKe VIMI til lilt llt'lll'l '. be beattated, In u apti- All American., especially busi­ Journal, hns IHM'H jmt tn • not. BM And -bare ii with yon.'' ons iniininr. The young man should reallre added lo the effect of the cold ness men and money makers, water. that will I I iiu-~iinmI'lo iH'ii.rit ta riu' s,,tijr on,ini There ami i mora "Vos. us o ." | uiisl to I ,. flip. that hi. experience wns tried by should demand that good workmen all nni'lillnits J.HI in siionii'. rlbrtnl «iiii feellni •win. our alleged simian ai.restors for get their fair share of naliniiul Thi. iK„,k ki irelBgj ggsd to I'lslit UM Thla, then wus the song iimt Barring' And II'WT wear it -gain,*' ha thousands of years before man prosperity ton Plerca innl suhi B-EB-rgoBBd his son The tiih man can gel only hie An expert oo-ys poodlea ami lllltl Horiiln inoiinuiiiiiln n n.i to instil] ••ded, appeared, and abandoned by our other lap doge "go mad" often- liintiits oxiitl'y B7B- 11 lomo.Mio ho M.\ . looks im in 'I i-oil. I was ut human ancestor* of 100,000 years share of what the average man tho huyors of real aetata with ihi* iim- wanted te shun* hla "little hou-i*" of haa lo spend. er than doge that take more ex­ nnce cold i.. tho Bolnl of frecBlag aad ercise. Another expert, friendly fidt-nix* thut this Stat) |a .insi whal his lllMlsTilliir.l nnilo BBBBB lovoll ago. thou inn iiiivts of angar and liuiniliu- to poodles, says that isn't so. One I iTtiillllo of [lis own limcls ;unl filli tho atata 0 flliis boob MV. I'lon.hi in tioii snroi-,1 ovor nio. It wns so un Net to do away xHth marriage, Government figureo show that thing IS certain, HUMAN poodlte, J I it's .' tte llinliinj;. like Curtlfa to ilis, nss i.'isoiniiitios but to make men WORTHY of it, from 1H20 to 192*1, "automobilea petted anil pampered by Inherited Elite Mitihi'll Innl sniii that ho did llu Uu* preeen • ,, othera, -o itauecaa* ls the task of the human race. killed 00,876 men, women and chil­ One of llio Mgajgg* iayoeafera In the dren," money, go mad, or lose their not roiuin U'liioyni's iir.liiii l..vo inuk- mxtj '" ""'->•* BM feel provlndgl In "Away fmm the monkey life" Is balance mush more quickly than NlJIlo risoiilly iiiii.l,' (he slnlt'lllilir fun* theae *rien-*li who we ra bread a better motto than "Bock te And in 1024 tho 'death reir ing imt regardad fca-r OBJJ with Lo-ral* uilndi.l nml innl Beam BOthlng in .11'- thoae tluxi work for a living. e*ee un offiiiul of Tin- .linksonvtli' .lo.irnul' Hr" nnd tlopi. |if li-i I imi. AM any run nature." numbered 16, 628. the divorce and "high class crime iiissini. my h„uii hut friendly Intacaat Calcufhied to give the false and --.'it in- iiml iiso.i tiio book in UM BBBI tha -faBptg little iog>UHBI hau »ff-*.'. 1 1 newt ln your daily newsperson. BflTflfl** i" lairallBg i of it to led BM as wall us the naa-lclaVM nd 11 tix-.i- ' ' '" '"' ix-nipliinoiiiry. II,nv Imagination is more powerful damaging impression that tho ererj pOKbaayj in u\> de*e)ij--gient! "Hallo tbafwl H-nllla-g injlgf." ka ti'ty Ihoughtlesa ii Ml "f 'iim to than fact. James Dempoey, not automobile in itself is a danger­ lu'nji'.t, Sin.iitiK fiioi. iilmnt laorlda I Bounced Cnrtlaa, 'Tn mra BW trlesdj onus.' a aOBM which I know WM the Dempsey you mean, owns a ous, deadly demon, these figureo Luther Burbonk In a San Trjg- tx, tin* imjor. of hiti.i. he -uiii. had bere «iii refuaa tea aWtartain ns hoiiiul to follow, ri*..t*urant. Two men entered, are NOT true to fact. «Uoo pulpit gives more informa­ t.ron'-lit rich recarBi in -aarewad bv -mather if tkat'g UM map tlu-ir lunsi, iiirtiss niwiiys fair in his deallnga held him up, he dellx-ered his tion com..iiilng bia views on a. tiTost In tin* invostini'tit .'nni in e**facta tun.'' with othois. BBBgaMl 111'' itlju-lioo of money. Of the sixty-odd thousand killed Supreme Being. Bo sajr ha U > uionts Ilis .riti.isln of tho BOWaj 1 wus wont' A policeman dashod in, arrested in five years some were the vic­ an Infidel, but beUevee ln Ood. quicker payaMBbi ggaMelaUT, ha • N,,, '„, ,,n." Hurry -aaaagtagal, 'II Of course he doesn't KNOW that lioililisl OUt, I'liViTS of lutul Ing mul iinmt-ilinti'li oiimo no the man •'pointing the gun' at tims of stupid, reckless or tin* in- ja the in."' ilncera complltBenl ahe : he it an Infidel, any- ha cant tell nfiillim-iil or ih'fi'nx.l luiymoiil plnu , ..ij 1.J piwslbl- 1 loom to wtioro 1 was -.illini;. Tin* Dempsey. The -inly gun waa two drunken drlvere, soma of incom­ U'slow tilioll BB, I others . oui'teousiy continued ilieir con­ petents. whether he believes In God or net. aoaaa blaBM aaailBrt -a ba liaBBtred with Iprocea wltbou I 11 ilollhl slio hns fingers that had been pointed. 4 versation so thut wa could talk with- The second man, escaped, came The greater number killed were "Belief" ie a wov . used commonly tho outlook mul tin* ih.iiioi* for re- the kixn gppr eolation of uu arliat to describe a mental habit. turn- mni proflta. This book, bal i ,,, a oul the einbariasameni I toolniK ilm: back that afternoon, pointed one victims of their own carelessness, '. ihiuiKll finger at Dempsey, and tha latter commnnly deccribed aa "jay-walk­ •*•* '""' """ i''*i'ili"iii.iii. \s ,1 ro th.onoi, tears, i raaity dldnBurmuret reaiisde th „,.n. ,u^h;_. T cartalBly heir your DardoBj, Sui 'again gave up what money he ing," Aa to tha existence of a 'II-FUIM """• '" '•'»<•'* "''"• Ptwcnrad and whal I wo. doing. Bnl l>e never ln When a man on the railroad i!1 ii. ." in- -.-i-l .-ofil.v. -- ;,,,-;,no - .,'•,, Being, the belief of kndixiduale, -*Li2J ""• """• "";•' ' .ii avj ) fa beard anythlafl that touch- .all nn* old foii.-y. ami I irin'ss may­ track is killed, nobody blames the There are Btaaj inch caaee. There ,.,, , ,,„,„,.. ,' ,, , ^ . ' from Tholes to the M ah at ma M 1 1 1(1( u be I am ni...ut BBnethlngi bul laa-a. locomotive or suggests suppress­ Gandhi, ls about as Important ae an* mini y l.uyois in other atalaa who ,, „ ,,, ,. -, ..'. . " ing railroads. Tlie signs read. n,.,M* .IIM'S, nte in riorlda, nnd ,,, ,o ' " ^''.i '"'•,';" '"" i"',''"'1 l,.»w. I ilon't liki* Iho idea Bf POQ '^0:11 the beliefs of ao many hoptoads Ilia,' ,1 ilro-,* l.ith thai IBffa Bf wottilltr- Com prloee are low, "hogs aro "Stop, look and listen," and "Keep speculating on the nature, power ,, , , , .io our coiivcr-itlidii. I ht'v wi-rt* elds--- j.i.turo on it. Tbougli I high.-* This pussies farmers and Off Uie tiaaJaS.'' and purposes* of a passing* air­ ix-adiBg torn tdrw rlUdt* N „ „,, , M A,„i,,nlnl . -l.i;.-JoUewwho' sftlln X thai I should hnvo wnilod until v.i- packers. Corn and hoff prices plane. We don't even know posi­ •""**«, '" ''"'•'"»"'• "' *J *"'"•:.'* olf ,Os,„h,,UM moa' l Popular siurs iii tho (ot 1,,,,no i„ diocuaa such u peraonal The Colorado River, put to work' tively that we exist, sn.l haven't j motion picture fiimmiu -nt. ahould go up and doxvn together, ami used, will mid hundreda of expreea 1 soir. nmy becoaaa dlacour* tbta-g, afoul] foi'irivo nn* ihoniili, since the pig is really corn the vaguest idea how or WHY aged umi think it La imt worth whaMe i It wus while wa were al baa t*haJ wont, you ih'Ul'c" millions yearly to tha wealth of we exist. Our abstract specula­ »ha "raw .reryon,*, u.o„,i.„, to changed into meat. There is al­ the United Stst». liisioo I'l'litimtn of o iii.]iiiyli)t'iits- tlronto. r 1 tuI'loriilnt wli.i. t iholthory Ihe I'nrTiss wus liiosi>iil,l,. whin In* tions are foolish, but we can't |OWB 1 *X'.*i\ uojiili,-. ways something to put-la and dis­ It mill supply several Werter-*. oii'lni-iasiii vftiirli. and i. in fm t, pleaded an.) in u nioinoiii I n.i- nu, neip trying. Il i- ni"-! I niiii- ![ | tress the farmer. He ho., no suffi­ States with mere uian a million oi-oiitov T linn liofoio. It. tin* luiny bag. •Mn.him h„s raqulotta lusio Mny 1 horsepower, end Irrigation suffi­ ^.n.l hllstlo of hlllllgBBi. illloslnl's Hlllil' Now. I'll inuko tonus with yotl. cient national organization, and ask where ynn *oaad racb a designer sir." l aald In • bajujhtf BMU-MT, cient to provide food for tana of , lliuos I"-.- lh** |.*i's|.*i'tli'i' i'lioy "rl after election day he hasn't much millions of human being-. the Linos Joel us a rx-aad of unit ot ii ihis ,|ty ,,r over-rated dreaamaklug "III furglvB you innl n.i to tho Kx- influence in gox'ernma*"-, compared H*3. i -lillilishlllollts ,•'• iio..iiioii on on,, condition that v a a u-**."! olgbt-1 reel aftor u kanf iMJ : with railroads and othar big >4d?Jcr*<\ I bottghl tiiis noa becanaa it had a wont ohjoof to the frook iin\ inoio The real wealth and future hap- pepe up on Individual, so doea, n ffoag financial unite. ineas of this country will gain of Plorlda optimism and rtorldi hi i •torjr, nol that I think n- «i,.-ially nml in turn I'll lu'oiniso not to worn- heciimlng," I evaded tha qui From this single project of science —TFiE MAM vVlTvnT.1-- NEWANO ulre the inv.-to, and buyer in it again until I'm bach in thi* Btgtaa "Where bare I soon th,. gown bo- where tlni wont recognlae UM beau* and constructive statesmanship I, At the midday luncheon club In more benefit than it would from •SHINYCAS. isTtie- Morr H.'I i'lU- foil*. s »ho| * io' broke lifui hut hud lady." New York you can see eating at if, raal eaUl mpauj purcnaaedlia lhl, .J,.^J^,,,.,- finding gold mines unlimited. CABerniLljI-iiVtfx*,/ •,,-JOO ootiios of "I'lovtiln in Ihtino- MniMuk. ,. ., „ , . . SO III losllj uud Wl* tha tame time those that control w ( ;|ji yii " " »< Ulla fi* f .; by defiant refusal of arbi­ rfiishioli. Tin Or That' ti "nga Lt't from -,l The book, "Florida is iu , *'*'"""- rha prlte waa to go ta UM Mathematicians wish that sala­ tration. Hi" -umi. mh." Making", bae been tried and baa gl BO i utiusuuiiniisiinll iyi,i striking .-.,..,„,,,, Unions and owners are working Sn nlirlii after nlgbl Jules Slmonln mander had had six toes. That results. It mny do for others what ii would hove given ut the duo­ here aa they have done in Eng­ Two rough workman won* repairing ihnn for tin* ili".olo|,-rs referred sui iJi> umi planned u gown thai would land tatiiviinl Government control iho Hi., wire linos in front ill t'lnriitii. early end of the coal strike, now Immune it is jual iiiiotiioi- wuy to help l-lor Amerli a. 1- taboo in polite lociaty. distressing the East and other wiios. ono wuy. dead i""i iin- o-Uiar grow, aad ki.-ii UM wotld -Jii oa u' know, her," bo lon.iiiii- parts of the country. The ther­ wura lin* '-anyim*. i'i'ii* -Florida. '•d. "aha tiii.l sinmiiiii hin-i' im,i ,, nni mometer at zero may help. Ameri­ ll Wt -I Wi'l. slu-.liy i|-iv, iiml lit ho [iloks np lh** llv io by nilslnko s'.n "f even! years duration." cana are "docile," at NorthclitTe Ho Johnny wanted to gi, mil mill Than ka mid, "Bay mii. ploai limb l when I null, id II,ui im aald. You must pinch their flngera play, • -I- und - I,ut nil il 1,'ionl " «<>l\'l\ AflENT 1,1 VN'S «us .lis|,i,ni,1L, „ thlv ,-,.,,W|l 0i„ Raronesi Elko von Eghardt, It with the oold or pinch their Ai.KK I I.TI K\l. KKl'OKT annoyanca aad dlmppaoval. j teaching In Wittanburg College at pockets hard to make them take "NO, loll rant f;o. 11 , loo II.I. Wife; "ui,,i ara you inking ihr,... [ Springfield, Ohio. The practical action. And, unlike mine workers You'll .it lour fii't soaked and mii li Illnhl-i'llits nl, , sin- wara your aaajra in H,,- r, i. "red blooded" American students, aald." i r.,| I .Itiii. an* iloinB well Andra llollara comlBued and Us lu and ownara, the people are not or- Profi i || rorget aaa in tha -n II ii opening of spring weather. i ii linos woro unanimous in their take "blue blooded" teachers aa a a-a-d-ed. "Aw. |,!"ii'i. m.'nnii. Thiil won't Tin* •.'own wm holographed '- matter of course. burl. In- got iiiii'ilily," rosliiuruiil. „"i- I'll i,,,..,. ,.„ ,,„. ,..„,,, i,.rally la isiiiriiiiK growth 1B all mul Die iithoi' in BB) if It ruins" Till Ix**.!i IV. FRBRL'ARY M, i-i'« TIIK S'T, CLOl*D TRIBUXE. ST. CI.01 D I '


S. W. Porter, real estate, insiinuiie. FRESH EGGS, PECK'S Pfl FAH*... TWELFTH STRKET IMI Mn nn. -V .1. N. Burrougba, of \v.--i -irri AVKM '. to tf Plain, Mn. Is In iln* .iiy Mr nnd Ura, ('..iv in I'.ii ki i' * hu HT mil sin i .111 * Boyle, ol w Ml bougbl Ho' ' .'< IIIUII I ; :.i - ,- here to rtril -i Daniel I Mill-, ol-litllr' i.llil .11 ' !:•.» • Oil III L. ('. Kiddle, lleniisl. C'Um l.irhllllK. AppoiiiliiH'ii'.s nuiili*. If M Parki , III Ml .1 11 W| i atr, and M •*"' "' i,-in io .i home -II i'ii -. wee k. Orlando, turmerly of Bt, (J I, wera ,,, ( n/, ,.,,, .,.,,,,ii u„. trip visiting in iiu- cltj iiu- xx siin-iiiiio .'ini day on Ilia |oa II H, Overall, „t llu* oil, u In I inn ilv TRY Ol K MV-T-COOII (OITK1 i,inn..-in ,,r iiu* Plorlda Time IMI TBA, AT I'H'KKNS. tH-lf M. ti.orii DM iiiMiai. BAND wns :i caller in our offica ihis (real*. Mrs. Catherine si-.ii. of ,* Tbe Bt. I'loi . i- II f , o .. ,.,h. nutetil "i '" i . li ltor> and k«ma te, I.. Kil.hee will bt ftninil nt .lolin Oniario Cnuadn, is hara for the ra h-iilf**, ' Ihe i-nlwli llimeul of the hu of i .-itov- I Iks. i . M'.ini ivhi from liu.iio M., i n '.. : iBO j .inhiisiiin s, offivi.* during bualneaa m.i iiiilov of tha sou-oil uud 1- -l"|< III the i ml HI Plead IVstlxal, now la-lng held al fh< , bj Iha H: • ' -I ' u-.-li- al nl Bi - n , ,i i.i tin- i hamlter nf < lutmeroa llolllS. "tf ping ut tbe i 'ni x I ii i si. riinni iHstatt nf one nf tha oral mu iaatlnns In thi nd i- proving u valualile mix u of iidvertl in' our city. Mrs, V H I'i'ilili. ..i I a i .nl''. .1 to Papers, -tagadnea. Toba-a 1 Hi aUgUStll i, of i . < "ntul.. St. l'l*.ml '-•ti>4444^4't"t'l ' ...... '..*..•. .*..'..• . I DRIIU 11 Kf w--; uti rn bar (Uughter's family. SI.II ton. Iillis. -'-i If IN A NEW 1 : OSCEOLA HIGH •:• SCHOOL NOTES \\ •' B Iway-i knew rha* fiorld i pro Kor all hind, et Iloiiseimlil and . md Mr-. Albert sio k a ii ui .-;i fltiwct i an< >. i d •• | FALLS BEFORE Kilrhen Knrnlture ronie to Snmiwr's i, fla., mv stopping ut tin hnr> l-« i Furniture Store. I'enn. Ave. 4 11 St. I', II flora Mrs. shoios wns taken ..;..;.. an fr**o real • - i lo i u.-to"-. bid we COUNTY SQUAD guile >n up ui tbolr trrteal bara, did no! know UIHI nhe i \ i i',,i,ii,'orii win soon bava bit ••I'CH \ i 1 Who mid I ' niourt li nni na the -.-•ifi of poatry on \i ii<>. -. Mere i- | IL,ih tin* lu... s* 1111,1 glrta1 bai I now bungalow on Soi'lli M'.-.ii'ii mo in. nnd Mis. It. <'. Booth) . .ii d \-. bal "he mi- dime tn . |»erfei i nni- vi ,i,l, i,,i ooi ii].iin<-*t*. I mn p." Laal wooh Sl ' 'loud ni II-IIIIIS of tin* Oareola blgn arhool duiii-'hlur MIM. Mildred, of Porl Pierre Ichoaaa iw iM-uii'iii gronnd i-o a deiiate i* wii inm, a ii" h'p<-'ui-' iii- * i Ki -inn weal down before tbe were iioio ta B*-t*and Ibe behoal do i*. w I'lniey. uf winii'i- Haven, berweea • i liich s.*i i and \ i. 1 Sl HUH I. Ill' Illi- SI. I'I I .|tlinl"|s. IIII 11,1 ...iito-l 011 I'liiluy ninhi Mi-- |land High Scimoi. two •••' tba la "If vou aend tha Journal to st. Cloud. *.*> , ,'I. ,-.I. . ,1'ir nu. l'i, Iuiui rv -Ji. sna-nt Bunday with bit famflj al the Miiiivoii mis wtanar, 1*11 wing j our pre leei long mni Colvln House, Iiiuii *~i-h»io|v in tho -I' i si. i I .mil. Tin* acorn nf the Iwn The RtlbJOCl for 'Irl-.l I* *'• tt !(-"-o Becauee I mnael linen \ ft m o I Bor - to ti uii'- 17 T-nisI aad Nntary I'ublic. Mabel IM li riuit iln* i nii.ii At ii ten ura Tn lie ^ itleiiii ii wi I'., • .lohu Mi-llaniel, of -HI Cloiul, win, Is 0. Itn-eey, Wno-aaTs Pxehance. "Doe n here the eti an bi i with the lli'iiorior Slur, ul Orlando jii-tii'i-ii iii paanlna Ibe -Ia|i 'I'll!' Ull Is' .' \M|s lllll'l) fllllllill (-lu->ion Law of IW*. i • ii taking Hie Thougb 'niteal cream i- nol mj Lypc; taja-llt XX.-. la, a-lxl Mill, hi- I'llllilly InTi-. i i iiu* rii'-t iiuir. inu in iiu* finiii in i Mr- I.n, y i; I'litulsl itff, of T,iiii|i.i. 11 affirmative and Lnlcel i 11 • nega The orangei are nice and yeW-ww, Ol Un' si. rimiil .|ris nm Hi. soon raualn of 1.. M. and C. A Parker l-Jrapefrult, to, nre gettlni mellow, t Subscript lone for any nuiga/inr i tra I ' nn i ini iniirl.. Tin. Ilui'inis ilslloil tin111 for llu- fll-l time iu w The tit-kill- wii-i .iillt-il I'li-hiv itur "Hera ' * crj thing grown bul Lciclea, taken tare of at Woxnaii's Kx-l-uiigr. I it-re c\ iTi t lihiL; fttt - even I - • sre: Klaalmaiea B. si.ri'u*. WbUe, yours. Mrs. <'. A. l-iirkoi-. who vltlted noon m 1)06 o'clock. Tin- flral npettk- 1. Uc-fsain, A. Bar ber, n,,y,l. ll Bai her ooii-iio. in *i'nn, 1 in. iiino np with Mi--- Ktiiii Brui .ml tif *'or..11. ' Mir I'loiidil Will i •.*.• I liiii Bt, MI rims, Craven, oi i,,ii Pleroe, Mra, 1.1.1 mi -11111 1 i j hss i In climate •_,. flrat l'i'. Siilis : lii*iiii.i.ii nml Autre*-, si. .tlon,loil Iho innl.'st ul Iln* lliith sn.- explained tba qooMlon »u<] gave l"HbouUI Iowa i liiunic ever i*vine tlif* * "Hit 'riluliill. I\tlini>t', I'liilj.ul i. I'm' ber point- ii ini pit-oi :u | i tuiii! 1, -r. i;, niui |iiwii-y. Another MaraUion dandng crate) tar-Bool aBrillaalImn. Friday Bight. Dr. J. It. I-mini. Physician and Stir- \\ II |. 'i ba flml npeaker na i be ' ogatli • Ma lll III*' tWO Lllll'l's ||||. lulls' \M|„ ii,,, le sweeping Uie nation—thla time goon. Office next door lo Imii 1..11 The- would nil Bkldoo iii tooa than Uie erratic Charleston, which wear* Hv 1.'iiiuii' Mnyoi's, ulni tills Ins-ll ner I'ontisj liiinia. Phone at office •: ilph l>...*j!.l(-;i'. Ill I l,is| rlusi-ly i ..iili'sli'il innl nl llu- i-ii,I visiting In J*"*.is. hss MtUIBal M IHI High School, Ha pro. • d iiis point" II dny. out mlludy'*i $12 brngans in a few ill.l losidi'iicv 51-tf I 1 On* flral period tba teore siumi ai 1 ie bare In m. Cloud Hllil slloWed I he JudgBH Btld \ 0(1 ;i .•)•" Krmil; S. Ki! I i. BBd -'. In llu- I'llll. J in 1-1 nf llu* minutet of "buck and wing.* I bal the railed Staten was in tin* Bessie Lenimey of New York mlfc. Mis I nhi Alii.snl. who «ns fi.t'mi't- MUHit.W ASMH IVItllN t mil luiif. si. ci.Mi,i , stabUabed n lead Mrs. Haa 11..duos, of LiikolHiul. wrong by uaistng tho Jananeae Ba- t ml 111 I.- I'.i'.v inij^lil Mn* Ki n.i,,,, ed her thoes in a contest whlct, ly 11 nioiiiliii- of ihe si. Cloud school rhe regular tneatlng of tha Mlcbl went 53 minutet—said to be Uis N|a*ui tust wo.-i, bara .^n.—t of BOB uid fin-Hill, noiv (.lin. iimi nf junior ilii'il rJnaloa I.HW «.f 1894 Sow thloga be­ liiifi's win* IIIIII ie (,, sill-,iss. N,,i fiiemi aunt Nancy Gregory, gan io piii. np mni gel <-i Uttla more gan Aaaoclotlon will lie beld oa WW record to dote, -ohooi ut st. Petaraburg, spool o-eek llarcta :•. 1026, in tin- club i -ii*-!'• i, ui teas . lied in tba game, ind mill bar paraata, btr. and atra. en-ltlng. Tlio >io\i «|jeaher an t\o- I- Uuetl-l .. iiniiii'i' : I,-Iui i Ii.ssl, mortgaife and sale eontrset ifi intuit Ire waa Harold tinaaaj. - I tee crea m I ad i •'•!*«' lll'o. AlToWsiiiii h aerved after tbe meeting in tha after- *.,,,uiilil, M, I,, un. S MUI. inn] T.VIH'I, lilt: 1 1 tilt I lit ItOOM tilsnbs, UIHO iiriuniwmrv notes and Caooa. ii»- wns ii good qieakcr and Mt, I luml : HIISS. .1 .liiisiin, Wnllii-, waiver notes, fur sale at the Tribune aucceaefull) |H*oved bl* pnlnti and noMii. Tiir Preeidenti and their wJvea -STEVKNS * CO Mra Inanranra — ^f nil the aaaoclationa are invited to -I'jsi.n niui Ugglt — Ixissiiiiiui'.' Dallj. butiBeae office. tf. I>on*l be •erry. Hero Insured. IS-tf dhowed the .imi, - nmi tin* rnltcd (iBZV-tll*. wiiiiu there la mncb iimi la taunt­ sniii"; waa Hnin in paaeitig the Japan uioit with us. laOdtaa will furiii-h ing am) 11 deal llull is uii-i'i'ly Hi .1 iv Bleach, who ims speni l»r innl Mis it i . Boot he, nml »'«<• Khi'ision Lan "i i'-i ;: kx*. gjvtaagae in tike uu-iinnis of the "Tlor tin* last fow ivi'oks with ills family, I'llAM'KS It. 1111.1:1 Hi . . iiHii-.'liMi. Itflea Mildii'd. of Kl. 1'iitM a- \(i\v rhe -iih- were fnlrly even !!:i IKKIIIIIT. llii'iv is ninri.' Una .U's.'i-- hn** roturmsl in his liunn> In ,|..|.u*s- MARION VISITOR iiu. vrcra bora for tha eooteal «t dba bul tba oovt s|ie;iUt»r mi tbo negnUvt- Vl-S- III 1.1' sllliluxl ia|'li..llslV. , t.iwli, Ninth I ink,,tu alde*, Miss Irene Bpenoe, lutwd tlie NOTKK liijiti BflhOO) iiudltoriniii, l'i i.I.i.*. niKt'1. FINDS FLORIDA ii is quite evident thai whal Haa) Mi--. MiMitii e/aa tbe pinner in bna • in- waa B - I-I > iood .apaakoi Si'iih.l hlds villi la- ri'i'ivixi I'.v lliv *xl to sprlnn ilium us ,,\,-i-niscli. mi-. W *f Hatting*- lllilll litis heen nnd ajhs oortntnly proved to the 1 oiliest. laa .11 tan- i-li.v Hall oniil CRITICISM BUNK i'.;ill.\ the wuik of tuiti; nml careful taken to Ihe r. s. Hosilltal ul I ake •ludgoa 'imt tin* United rttaten Jill nil Kltli for 11 V.-iilini llstlll ,-,,.n- ratlaja tad arbal ean Jiix- .lurie .'ity again to be iiv.n.xl f.u- his v ur jnsifit'd in pqaatng tbe Exclv-^on Law plate Miiinl.ii* f.n- iii,- i,'i|iiii-»mi'iiis uf aervu-a .t isui t.i 1 It 1 Dr. Wm. It. Irn-siin, rhjhlrbui mml i*\ ..-i.'iii in HI.i' plaea can ba ttone in Siirffeon, ottirr Klrventh and IVncn. •t [684. iiu* passer boose. Full data mny be Bill Itimu si l.lin uf Mini,,11. who another provided it i. the Bfajtaag Ave. Hay and Night mJIn proni|>tS.v MI er i he rabutlre tbe Judgaa pare •.sui.'ii HI ii„ iln lini'. 'iTii- Oom-1 apeude pari "I iiiiii winii'1' in iln* I.f rrefini and CoM DrlnkM »t tht' rather thaa aatural raeourca iimt is re­ atteradrd. 17 tf tbe4r dcisiuii L'-i in favor of the nega ini-~ii.ii reeerraa tha rtgtil 1. rgJecl south, baa written >• letter ta "The sin iiiii* far iiu* -11.. CAMiY SBOP, rvot ot Voul Off lit*. Itvn. Tin- Jodgoa wm-o Mrs. u Lie, or nil i-i .-. 17-tf ''iiuinii - 'in- ii.*, telling of conditions I 'nmi the is mu,niy iim* 1.1 The IMctilo ..f thO Wlio-.Ki.i- Will Um B Atch-laoa gad KUa I'l-ii.-r, UBOgtOB If, UITCBBLL, ill t'li'liilll us sin- lllliis lllflll. 'lis- method Is rlearly ahowB In I sni.atag utMc (insv ii.f*i mu pjaaned for WwXw Tbe debate ibowed baad work on < iiy st. . ii iim is tha (iwn.T of ih.* si. . 1, .lm ItMlll'.t (J. AUt'll llllli SOII. s 1> alalia ger. jiiui and pr-a*fuaBly lUiiBtrated y*iiunn», iiiii-y IMII. lun poatponad, will ix- beld both shh-s unit wns enjoyed Iy all Bal Simp uu Tlilnl slii.iM unit Ims ,1 Alii'li iiml Htfaj lllitl llllllKllhT, of DKAK .MI'Tt- -SIHWit:*' TO j't'loriilii in the .Mnltini,'." i.ssui-d by in tho »ii> Part on nitiraday. Itarrb who were prevent. niimlii'i' uf Hii*n.Is nli,1 will l». uiii,I in Ihe Da Bovver Pultllahlng ' "inpuiiy nf ,S|iriii,vrMilc, .M-- , MI I- rltttlBf Mr. mul -Ith. It will In- nn iill day --it nit' witli • INK tt+' KOIIIil K IIAMI Mi- J,. I.. linker innl- froo* iui- tin.mull tba following \uw Vnrk. 11 is n booatlng publlog. II pragma Lv dta aftnrtaoon. DOB'1 1>K*1 I.AMATIHN rnM'KST iiMli-r. jtiun, but It Is boosting wltb t illffei*- formal iiu- data- Tbaraday "f MSI irciH* Bpcnca, of Lakeland, fame* MI \MI. i'lu., I*ab, '-•l. Pataaa in "Miirliin is my limn,, mul oJJ 11, v • iu 1*. No lu't is overlooked tad theai IH. V. SHtkliuff. Oiirwprruior. Ilourn ^\ aab Bg ii raporl niadf lu Mike t to 12 atid -i to ti. Cms liiiililmt:. Minristiii, of Si uiirt. ind UlldVOd iiiiiTi'sis niv there. I ii.m'i own t ,is douhtieaa tinu-li ea-agjteratlon araal Booth) of i't. Plerca raproaonted Ihelr .I. af ninu.. ,.f N. .Mimiii aranoe • .ins a-ortb uf proper!) ia Blorldt t(M. St. ami Ave. HM Mr( ..II r.ttt.iu*. at «.,n.'.i, . Kx mul liflli iu tha siiiKiuu'ii ..r su. uii,.,1 fgcta, i.m st iniin iii ii Declamation routaat bald street thai lit* imd been lead don'l kuow rJuu 1 ever will. in ,the ilniiiiiiiiii' illi] ar.--.-si., ri l.-lt un 111. nt iln' HIKII School Aiidl'oriiiui. I'<>i>i robbed by fiv<* BUBO, Uonda*/ night regard 1,, the propaganda) ami Dalle- ll iii -Wtftl PeffTV. WO ICHIM M i- iiml Hun 1.nni itated in Uu* 11.illl] I.f till' slllllflll is iimi lilt- It.Ulk Uow* Wood |i iij-ntn ill llu- tios|iit;i! uniy 10th, htm. Laa, Mrs. Footer, gnd 11 i.uis talk derogalory ta florlda, I iis nol xx itti.*n in the crude languaga- Mr. und Mrs. .\nliur 1'iiiiM'. of l.-r llull lu* Iiml OfaaBafBd ill :.'. 1 llTiull Willi! lu sny. I 11111 minimi i-n..Il-Jll In tor 11 um In 1 tti.-nti ion. Mer \UM\X .Mr. Atchoraaa were the judgwo nn.i i.i' llu* 11 vi'i-iiiri* luuisii'v. Bay Hvi'inii', iiis dnoghtor, M : Blcba with tha alleged i>iiiuiii« l-i 1 I'U II MaaVaaall )l*"|M' fi ij* |HT -tJH-fd.V tOCOtOtf. Mr. un uii*.- t in- preeldlng ulialrman. •raal i" ose fair play, all knoa I I ar nni* thlBg ii in.-iki* vn il,, 11 niui and licr ihi null I ci in id bOnhnRd, Mr. wrote "ii iin- report. -Oaa of tlu- mi'ii Mis- Booth who waa awarded t'ir-i there nIN(; l'i rt the »im r.icit-Ts, ualnu good o\ i 11 atoB-oMle 11 j--u 1.1 Heaven mul did not m'l n front 'iniiuilii.. in everj pari of the tnlted pii-knii-i-.iti on Wnabtngton'a Mnbdnj and pantomlne .imn. > Ifnrrisou gave fin* nnil. taken to MUI niui iiiiniii ,,n ih,- tuiiui thtnga nt Wnklwa Spring. mul siiiiis fi'.i'iv ut low ptieea, ind al Mi Wtil-tuntil nml lifs dauLaliitr. ni i .mi Ing I'.v Henry Vnn i>> ha W I'lu'il of |9B in i-usii. inn', iiu., would growl umi uu ,11,.umi every aaaaoa of tha year" Bad lu.a Iiiiffnio, \ ^ . IN ii.iv.n-4 tbelr lote •pence road H aolecttou from "Pan "mini: dirty ini'.-iii iiiinns umi trj to I'IKt.KI.M \«.i; TO IIOI.V LAND natural aa wall organlaed inurki*iing till Jrl-M V MeaMaagg, ''I'lHH'il OP l»rt'JHin»- rod uud s.i ni.' Mildred Booth arttl WHAT THB* I*.-. koep ullu'is iinn.v. advantagee. I*beo there Is , - lerf to bulldiDfl In i ba DMI future, in- -ii 'nm- in|i Ki'puiiiit-. of tba • um- .-to iii i bo im a Douteal to be Hun is BbOatl tin* a-aj ii is preeted objeettnn to use of the nun United Btateo Mno. rncantly wUed held iii Oalnoarllle, March 3rd and Tha I'lurlilu imusicr arho* aai in hare, 1 Ut i BB'I boaa in avarj .11.. —alligator IN*IU-'' us having uiiiiiiiisiiui Croin 11 baa, \. J., with BIB pus iiii« nullum; 1. s,*n" mny ba oa a Mr. mid Mis ll.'iirv BofiO of Wool 4th. in riorlda, I'm l'mi nun inly 1 im.,- ;..-.,, 1 1 1. ills. fnim flonrh i'lu.. nwiM'is ni Un­ •engare bouiid for tha itoiv Land an \w were \ ory glad bo hava thane suliir.v. 1-itteburgh Uasetle-T to aevaral ..i ii"* BIBBI Imuortani I II is nun li nm i.iL* 11 fur !•iii­ it liven »|iiiriiii-t'ni honoOi woro wooh an .nt-Tiii pilgrimage. nudtora In oar tehool and wn will 1 mbahl) tin* unly egplaaaUoB an I-'.'* 1 - 1 linve Barer aaan auch lm- ii.vial n-vii'vv mui perhapa tha alaa maj will bear from riorlUg in regard tn tin! ifMOl of John Mdmiii-i-l. Many of tbem tuorl pigi tl ihrir home* Hive thorn u boarty vralconio slum hi provaaiaata ted luvish axpeudltura defeat ii*. i*iii*. s.- but thougb I'nll- and [MBBcailona bo pay tha I st. i hniif (K1 chaaen again M the timt hurrtaana in that ii «us "-aaai ..f inuiii'.v 1111.I I'uiilislin 1 lun in sui. fornla may not fu*l called upon tn VfMlt (tu* CAN!>Y SHOP—Bout ef tba trip, ahbsta win t;iit -"•'• aai Oni phho for tha foiuosi uiiiisiiiii." Oklahotaa City Oklahoa-aa. siiiiiiini iiuiiruM'iiii' of every .1. 11.' 1 v..Iiu f ,s|iiu| 1.11 IK ih,- Tout Ofti.v. 17-tf iniin. n i»n-i. ui innkini tha A local uu getter, afti acrlptloB. Beautiful pavad reada la work is worthy of ttudy by .'ill un- antlafy bin deatn to alng Mis raraa eaat of lartBer reakteata of avery aMrettlon til over tba atata, 1 ui out .loiuiii umi ihf whale al Ibe \ aooo ONI ro nwx !gaged iu advertlalng our ttata. Phi Mrs Zidn .itvii-y. ..f DoLtntl, •< In Kniisiis i*jiy in s,.|ii,„. riorlda raal beard bsfora I eaiaa bera iimi neupla ;»in'. 1 of the ar that the eererait the -ity VIHIIIIIK frif-ud-J. Bai liu^l-nnd ••- • • • aps. in thi oej i ii a iu-i -' i be A Florida uniii who wan aiddenly 11 siui,., thlnkt of nlplni «i;lh>(l north on bueUiow, atoppad ofl wara s-'iiin** 1 ii.-it- aatoa for Biooay ii heading for riorlda can lie wns foi IIM rl.v pUtor Of UM Unpllf-t .xiiiiie is .-.niil to bava iwallowad 1 bera aad turnln) ii al fancy prlosg, lu go Inii I. nurlli. niui iilsu suiiii' ni'iv steered In tha direction of California. ib u ret. .imiiiii liaiegf rariad hottloa with them mni -].t*nt Snndiiy in Woablngton. As [ Ranaaa 1 iiy Baar, walking, and • lol of other rot jnsi i,. ....^ iwissiii'; ;i elm ri h during ihf li's iiii iii in,* steer. In wliich !.. liiiov I..I.I; n uiii j Till' .ill/., lis nlu. 11.t .'liu.-klluli's U-- innl. Also iimi peopla (g from <-\ anim he i bought be would drop In, Utwi 1 Alvni, of Itinliorford. N -I • tha .lordMi: rivir An oUva from Hi. is 11 sign ..f sjuinj; BUS- Baea 1 a .'Inriunl , uiilil mil gal win-k ln*rt*. .M.oiut of 'iihcs is ana IHMNS qaaa4 .ini,. agb th. •arvtoa ama bolf ovor, ll" 1 imi.In sin..* rbankogW-gg. ln- mid laraaota, Mt., ara Hia fnoa-ta ol Tha onlniater wns preaching n ornuni Mimi ui inu;.,- .-iim.- people neither The i'i.,:!inm:'!' is s| b] iu (lillllllJHiiis Nun- work in I'lui'liiii. Barton or taj placa UtOi 1 it Vonmater nnd iit-r ilatiav. •jie.ivin". and i \h;iusirii tha tfro, Donald LefiVrta on ' allfurula ChrUttau Hi'iiiid. Pathfinder laiignaga to daacrlbiag Ita ajtoi i* If they inu help It. I hare never a ran ue si in imii. ,,iiuns ui lu-us,'i-iiy more mini in Uu- nuna paw turned to the limn 1 hu..- autca 1 nave baea here. I'lmiil.-i nuin mid w hi. pert'-l ! "Il inust •Eaven* 'Etp Us! Aad nil ul III.-.-.' sl.'i-u-s lliui niuiM riKKs sn IHO ins .11 sr IN Aim* to /id ParAisr IM* n beautiful placa. bow i would STAi |.KI> A COMFLKTB CQVU*- i.iui anyone to bara aai thoughts bui Uko i" -fo there! Inu \i'|-\ ln*-.| uii,ml I'liu'iilii. us far ua MBNT TOK MAKING I'U'i ' t« 'i'lie Btranger responded i "II is an FKAMKS WITH TJIF LATB8T i>B- name for ll l*ve boon ' bera three 1 hava lu.'ii 11 Mi* to ftad But, ara ab* MM IN MOULDING, lfl tf. s.ilin.i'i.v Itilsi', in inir riiius ,,v,T the yoara**. Been bo bemvaa thrct atata 1 tee children going tu n*l 1 Tom Bun m is rraclng iiis fuH- ilng h"ii von '" ted umi nil ui them bap tun- atora wiih ,-i i irhJt-u In •i ertalnl] « bal did you thinkT" ||*'" i,, IM- chMti-hlv llfbtad. i'liir- Is :it \\.-ii, i ii be avarlaatlng banuvrla i]-ji-ii\c and loolai parogmantTa otot Sled if I ditlul think In* WM t i'lii UK «n rciiiisyivMiii.i arwroa, OhOOl Kloridu bUl I (Mil think In* waa TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY mi. Lii ii K ii pmtty tniiiiv" Onnga, Qrap*afral>i and TanRcrin*) trw'i fur Hiih>, up to ."( and -I fanra SOUS HENBV LfiB rOB BAIal I'urii Coupe in ajood did, for yurd pliuitiiiK. 11* B, Bad' Comrade John I [onry Lee, Bono 1-11 ti un IK order, Bog 1190, si. ( loud, Tl.k. V2\t laarfca agOi bad u itroke from which lia 1.7H*. nil bul for nborl llnio. died. Pr. M. OMhMW'liriNwnUI, Hoinco WANTBD llu..ins for ii ln hontn putli .unl Oslf.ip.illi. lliMir* frran It to Kehnu'i.. :<;.h ut Ills h ni Sonth K Paaa Avonuo, keeping, oonvaalaal te bualnaej .Ms Ut I to i na Avi*. bat it> & u (if) Tbo funeral aorvtoa wan bold ni tha llil'l. ll|'lll*l-S IH'1'llllllil'llt. II..X SS.| Mr, Richard Thotnaa, Allen nnd <; A, it. conducted by Bava, Itch 1 eon JT Itp. Cbaa McKiiiuiit. of Palm Hnrbor, KI.-I.. nnd Bonaay artth lalwrnnat in Mt. omeo in Bt. ri..mi mi bmlneai ihln i lemoterj * ••on SAM*! sniuii work mare. \t aai Inquira *i A -Hair, liux iini7, si. MHICK Olond, Kin. u7 I,,, S.-1! ii.i will be 1 ai si. .-.I :n tit.' md Aihnii aald i" Kvc !,n r M 1 11, Hull uniii .Mnnli Huh fee sun Well, It'tTiere—beauty contesta AH I lit-v sni down lo diniiiT reeell»ln? * '•!"- * P"-'«M »™ 1 ,|*,iu; i-iiuililii.'iil I'liins nml for men—and poor Allen K Hay- tun SAM; 1'iiiins. nana -•v np, ruiiisviiiii rilnpuagt, $1.00 per "I Jikc your IntaM fitf iMf receiving much attention these I lull- IU. IV III* ul.lllilll.l 11 I bee, Columbia College Senior—had 5". ^-nB«c it aora i« quite n irinsar th0 l aWma er W tl„* . 'ii.v llllll 'i'lu* ruiiiiiilMslun BB, to go aod win flnt prise aa the 1 M \V. l'.'.kliiiin. Nun -Taril ln^« "o . . -' - »* »»l'* ntul Irfilu* fruiii I'T if. When la Germany. Amerlea'a l.ut I nm fatting awfully tired ington. Speaking to the Senate tlw atghl in rajaet aaji ar all 'Andtomett Man'. He waa to em* two crack runners, Paddock ami Of ftpplfM, llppll-N, IKMIIIII^ III barraated that ht went into *-ec!i*> the honoraol, WiTllaj,. B. MeKlrde, BBB*, i'iiii RALE Batty rar-riaan*, ark bar, Murohloon, were defeateil bv Huber And ni.v dear 1 guana WO ln'lti*r (>r*(>l«;l<: M MITCIIIOI.!., tlon—and tayt he will succeed at Houben, who it rurw In U. 3. to Tn tbo QROCBTRRIA Store." of llltnola, told of actual conditio', law ia spite of all Uiia. Oeod iiiniiiiiiiii 11. .1. 11111,1, in mir. iiux n Pr,,Mt biU t0 lm ov •.': .t I'll,- .Mnniluvr. 1MB, enow ua how ha accompllahtd the *b ,ra, * * -* * .iB-flcuU trick. * .. .. TIU'RMIAY, F-CIIRlAHY --*. »iS PAGE SIX THE ST. CLOUD THIIUXE. ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA HIGHLIGHTS OF THE SURVEY Sick bodies Pedestrian Greatest Victim FOR 1926 AT A GLANCE of Automobile Accidents made strong Building pel 177 dtiet ii ' il.V llllll'llill' lu i dowu iNl.'.'ll s.'llllH'VIl sUHl'S i.'i, liuil llu ui i'i'ii niil is* apprla-omately lull "ttrnrral break- erord, total of si'L'T. 181 ..... fur III'.'.".. • iiuiisii mt mllea, a. cordlag to proilllil l tfea-a firet4 <"•• te try I'siiniuti's. anil Beit, /ua/.li toiiiil tip my whal. 'i'lu* ro-tmi I ronetructii'U in both .,.,/. in. ^...|,^' rtlthe uiiiiii umi rural dlotrlcts is iiiuuisi in ','Vinits for I'- l* ,-,. i i.uiv :ii,i:n und aad i q vii'iur dol I in .iuiui tor iln- ic.'i' me 'in* the . .ur fifth .I Hi" total tuv 11-1*1. li, tillh nf twr-tttje ih.. ti.iij.i,. or one fourth of nil build Oft, /.i/riou'O lun outside ,'f Nun fork. Bank iiepusiis increaaed materially re, „,n -II inii Tee. Willi luniks ill su* enll I.u nliti. lu,-." I .1. Mtsiiner. 1, n iiii rvi records from Inji iiionei- im.i iln* N,-n -fork iunil..1 •).t-.X„, Auiln/lei-.. in.; .Mil's slums n gain uf lit. I'm lo Invest, in mil loniis. Unrliintuu, Ivans. si ul imi ns :i Whole, Iiiu muiili'si iiiu After a spell of Grippe or flu, Ullill Illl I'l'.Ul'.l. riorlda bank * gained in deposits inure thiin* hundred unit furly per when your ayatem ls all run down nml your leir are so weak the> can IHI iii :i yea r a t Itaas roat ii u 1 'ii i i, In led nil ..lulls in volume hardly hold up your body, eturt III! uf IKI7.S.-.7 III forty lilies. .•I' i.vniiis nml pen. 'inu'.,' uf l.tills right In taking Tanlao. It's xvouderful how Boon you l-'uity rlghl . HIi's siu'iu .<:I07.J::I.S.S7, ItiilHls ull si. ullii 'in hull.lilies flllll II ,,v :i um -t _'.'>.[ i'ii , iui over 1834, really do Improve! Tanlao Balls ready iniirkut iu llu* uiileiii Invest right In and puta the tyttem In 1IICIII eeutel-s. null iiniple .-it pit ii I is "Killing trim. It cleana tbe blood, Tin* ni. i r..p..liiun area ut -Miiiinl. In t'or legitimate building lu A rare photograph of Scrmtor revltalltea the digestive organs, rinding Coral Qablre, MUHHI itin.ii nny Ba-aaraaaiva BBUtheru commualty •Seorge E. WUIianm, Minsouri't gives you an appetite for solid food mni iii.ii.-nii. bad parmlts la trees- of wbel'o theve is uu active ileliuilld fur camera shy rep reaent alive at and makee you feel like a new HK PKDKS'litlAN Is the greatest sufferer In automobile fatalities, accord- a hundred million, vrhlch would rank new struct net's. Woahington. A visit with Presi­ person. il -ixili uiu.:,at llu' cities uf the cnuli- TIng to reesed) annlJBBd bf Ibe BtawaH Wai aai Safety Council for the dent Coolidge put him ln a gener- Nothing will turn tbe trick Quite I rj IV'Iruli'i'ln Hiileivsts .<•-. ."iv-n ,x,nl'i as fast aa Tanlao, made after the prevention of aulomulille aecldt-nta. No complete record Is available for the oua akood ana he eensented to ili'iux* III ihe outlook fm- their 'uduetry "watch tha birdie*' for the photog­ famou. Tanlao formula from roots, United State, ss a whole, but a report based on 3,02,1 auto fatalities occurring in I'v.i.. A *teiii'i'ni recover) nus Ball raphers. Take a good look— bt barks and h.rbt. Buy a bottle to­ M in ml proper reported aeo.02t.2h. JO. Colors of nil nil-protln<-int slnle, nith T.-xus (l per ci'iit. aver the Bagta BBrted ta close third. Tin* miili oiitlui'iit fields license plates ill use fur llllll fulluws Outside of Fluriilii. Houston, Tux. 100%, Inking s,.,xiiul rank for Ibe whnl,. lin rsatad prialui-iion during 1023 VI'.lamia While on Oreaa Wtltll I 111 I IHIIIIIIIIH to wait fur him when you nn* will miule the Boats sj.s in. iiini- 1-ceoril. witli t' Stales. while i iilll'iu niu los.1 t>ruiiiiil. Arlaona lllaek ,m While liar Io continue working your pro- ii gain uf iisti par coat, to raaah a Arksusas lllaek on Willie lileiii is s,,|v,,|. otherwise, if you total "f *:t.'..o-«M'l t IN CONFIDENCE : Mure t -mn there.. Iiuudiusl inlllion California .....Whit) on UOSS Hln. iuvi* him wait for him. nnd put all uf th.- furthar south in tutalt, aat-aft. lda ..illes iliiriiig tin* rlr*-t six innnths dullat-s nns investisl lu hotels which ''"I.THIIO White nn llreell • + thoughts of the ether uniii with iiiuney lug Mliiuii, • •••,, a ka. - uf laBBl iitnuiniteil to $71-.'141..MUI, ua I'oiiiiei-ti.iit Hlnrk nn Velluvv out uf your bead. You would never re either euinpli*t,sl. IH*«UII or an- • IIIMIIIKII »«(••»(<• »**+ trustisl niih -*.'ii,!i!k'i..'i(i.l fur Ihe 1'eluwarv Ornniti* un Maa In* happy wiib him If you didn't love uuiiiiix.l iu llu* south during lllLV.. i if Marriage a GamMr. All llusbund first six months of 1W4. Ills, of Columbia lllu. k on Vuiinw aaybady else, ba) adhBg yuu admit otlicr litiaa. ether thaa thnso in Uiis ime-int, **2H4.IKIIMIIHI was spent '*» Alike Klorliln Vi-ilnn mi Itlmk lariat a juK.rfr man it is unfair to lloi'ilii, iu ii'iin inure thiin une linn ll H-, liun uf 411 hotels, biivinir , .Hoar Mis. Plo :—W.mill you mind Klnridn luis Ihe flni-tit wa beacbet Uisirgia White mi |lit- other mull to even cneournia'c bim. di..i pet Baal laciude Oa ledea, Ala. - H Btaaelly of .."..iMi.'i ras*BBB, tellliiK nu* just what is your idea of Kl Dorado, Ark.: Coltta-baa, Hn l.nke in the world, many of tbeiu .MH) feet Idaho lllnck ou Orsnue niarlago? I i-.nsldor it a give and riiuiis. I.u: BartleeviUe mul Sapui Kony ja'i *, nt uf new lintels were wide HI low lido Illinois ...Whli.' un nine -"•inrlda Frenzy." take proposition -a tarn* niu-n* BB . t k t.i : l li.iilesl.ui nml Ut*tSOWOOd, .•uiiiuurcial. .'HI IMT ix'lil were euluuier- Indiana Whin linsn then* ls just a. much clian.'i* for hap- i'lial is the till.* uf mi trtlria In tlie S. Ci Aiiu.rillu. Sun tag tin and Willi ciul uud tourist, niui .'Ul j*.,, , ..,-,. toe-a . Wlilte un Mur.s.n I'liicss. If yuu ri*ally Lara tha mn ti. BB Jaaaary issue uf Harpar'a Manra-ine. IIII lulls, ro.. mui retaroburg. Vu. liiclly tourist. Ivutisls Willie on light Blue Ihurt* is fur unhupiiint'ss. ll-.n.'v.i. Be- hy Oartrada klathewi lie, Over die Top Kentucky White on Munsni BBl-dia-g ta a niiirrivil fri.m.l uf niiii.*, ii,! t "iiu, iiu; iMtrattraph was: "The I Baiapna - Bouthweetera Bbtteg piiaime flO pat The resort ureas are nut liniitcil tu I'm all wrung. This n-umuti. win. hns smell of iiiuney in 1-ioridu. wbliii at- rx'llt nf llu' llllti'-i's iilltput uf ***lro- Kl-.I'l.lii. nith.Huh Ihe .l.'vclupinent Mlnlnium ... M.iio.ui „II wiiiii lus'ii in.nri-ii.i unly fivu veins, t.'lls Iriiets ineii us the smell uf plead l'l i.nni. ut- barrela unuuully. iiini' is musl a|-sctacular. Miiiiuns .Milxltnuui While un It I lie nie that all liiisl.uiuls aliki- ufler tenets u wild Hiiiuini breajaa rlpa mui N'en- fields n ro BalBg .sui-'tiintly ..[an •ie s. ut .iin-iiia* tin* rear ut i ii»- i'l licks White nil (iriX'll yuu linvi* 1 ii •art-led for a few li.-h lust tprlng, i'lu* whole United e.i up throughout the ..ii area. Ughera -il*;.llil.'lnan inuuiiluin ii; Maine .Orange mi Him. Baan thai all -"BBB 1MB iis,.iuii.,u uf iliinps reading. At the float she said, "lu fifth. a. .«•»••... Mississippi While mi (Ireell *inu!i«',v can luiy I'm very much ln m.v iii.ltu'iiicnl ihe Klorida IKIOIII bus Missouri .Itlnek on yellow lull* nith ii splendid V,IIIIIIC IIIUII. whn iunil. inuiiilis al least to run." Montana White on Black is -,, peer taai aa ,.>uiii n».i poaalbl; Crop li.ns In Ihe southern Ncl.riiska Willi UriTii inuri-y fur s.nnul inn*. I'd willingly stntus for l'.rjr, shuneil u ilcreii*.' ul' Nevada follow i.n Hack marry Inm mm and , untinuc wurkini; fhlrteen RoS Year in pat cent, iln* aaatiea ataa*a-*sad ftB N.w llnninshlre White ..n lllaek aai 11 in- ism atarted, imt in* atoa'l | par .'.'ill uf the niitiun's Intnl. in spiti s.-n- Jereey .. Walla sa Orange listen tu uu*. On tin* utlur hmiil. 1 uf tie* ilix.p. New Mexico Ited OB < tasBBi ii in:iii wh.iin I respect mul a.l- Mew Vuik wiiii uii,,. mlrc* greatly, who could *n*va oat lev.i, le.l Illl sillies uf the lllll.ill ill N'.irih Carolina itlmk un Oranga averytlalaai I mint. My heart tells value uf its agricultural products, Mis snuiii Carolina - oa White nu* tu wall far tin* Bean I lore my Nutiri wns eighth, Kortb Carolina North lmkoia ._ Bad aa u*ray hi-ii.i toils nn* iiiiii Batriiagai is u i.usi- ninth and llkliihoina tenth. s.uitii Dakota itiu.k on Aluminum Baaa Ba-apoattloa, .-mil thai I Ohio ._ .Whll Brawn marry iln* man wiih thu in v. i nn A ipiurier uf a billion dollars was 1 iklaboma ...... liia.k on . aUa-a you u.lvisc in,-V I'uiiliin*. I highway eonsirue- Oregon .White oa lllaek Vnur frlund's philosophy iilauit nn.r- li.ui. uf which ilhil 122.8111 wis ex I'eniisylviiliia I'uiple on tl|-|ilie.o l-taga mlgfal la* all rlghl il nun rium* iK*niitsi iiniiiiKii stun highway doparl !:!: de uiiiii.i w i on Bl were only a tui-iiu-ss proposition. In UH'llls. iviuieaeee White aa Blach tiiui , .i-i-. a a-etnaa would i'i- * Texaa ..llln.k ..n (iiu. justified in -tiling bereeif io the Iiuh lllu.I, uu Alinnliiiiin blgheol bidder. Bul unfortunately, ,-i :;.:,i.i aUlea ..f paved raada i-r It lirei'll nil Vellnn rnaraiage Ltn'l t commercial deal, aad • completed during ihe yaar, bring* Virginia Oranga on nine im w.uiuin nni ki-- such n iimi bargnla Hie total ..f all pared roada iu Washington Wblt. Oreea SOUth lu II.lot miles. lls till' Wolllllll Willi Ulul'l'i, ., for [ll"il''.V Weal Virginia Cream oa Hue Bran if year frteud'i aaaertloa that »i- isln lllaek mi Huff North < iiiiilinii ranked first in ex all buabanda look alike after a fun •A violin.* While un llris-n yeart o-era i ru I if love oal] .Ii.i 4^. .."uiiini,'- I'm highway IIHIIS.S,.. Bi uiii i ..inn, ninek IIII White iu-i II fee rears- -if it only la Dr. George W. Davit of Ottcwa, while Missouri laid duwu the mus The North Pole It the goal of >'«*ui' BT luy. rhoaa who know ii Kas., hns worked out a "Calendar mil. f iunil siii-fiieeii road Whl Uareoa Major Thomas G. Lanphier, who Onurln Black oa Qray know Hi.- j,.j ,,f lovlag umi of Nations" which has 13 months leads airplane expedition Into the Busiuew. eiiiuiiiiiins generally wen bi'ini.* loved nln, have even glimpsed of 28 dnys each, the new month lun.I of the midnight sun. The renorted in satisfactory ahapSathrough ih.- glory ..r tin* paradise it can make "Luna" being placed between June Detroit Aviation Society is spon­ The flailing Induatrj la arorth 118,* nni the territory, ..ith ample mone) thing llllll llu- -, : and July. It has been submitted soring the flight which will hoo off Charlie rioff is the world'a cham- I,, piorldt annually, s.iit V' li" nun ."•! IMI- ne) iu ',*T l,u 1. i Inr tin prouuilioll Of nil tagll und it being considered by tho into the Arctic lleiriona from l'oirit pimi pole vaulter. This "movie" water hlpmenta fiot tba Bul your friend iinule .-lit. i'; cuus-nt him in tin- net of topping la< vu* of Nattsaa. Burrow, Alavak*. yaar nni i-i- were iis,mn,ooo pounds, rinlii Wa bear of the unhappy maf- . .it thirti. n feel. ] Oni hundred tad ninety thouaand • of Un- ii,-.,, mm- in training al Dartmouth <;ol- barrels ol oyatar • and clams ami in, ^ kara prspering for big American ".-'niKi poundt ef ..-liiiiup arara ship • ilis,.. „,, sentMe naraoa can GgE, I'M HA»,f*Y- I'M *- debut. |a*il or mil.i i. look around und -..• tbe number ..r JbUlLblMcf MVOulAj Boss, TMe f,e>sj divorcee umi unhappj mariagi Hone -? Kt-jouj vJHO HAMtil.e' TM5 i.ui being made BOZO exA.<*TLr UJHAT IT Xlo6'fe-'ic*si6BS' il .inm f happl IS GOIUG -no COJTT Hwe csoMtl 6AJ others BUTTS iA-J-> IAJIAEM IT Vols... -*.!£• ch "f iw They Drive F'.-sJisHet-*^ •I r.-uli/.i- i fairy tale umi thay WIT.' ,i* >••! i>.i i'i'ii. ever after." Him Nuts

umi take .nui ti i • i*\ en with -,-u luvi*. Nn ninu tad

I peculiar! x"ii love, nmi -" hard I" • mini yuu.un l HOUSEKEEPERS work ' lu' nuin I'm- nie,iu .MUI I Ire Both- ini:. TRIBUNE OFFICE uf ciiursi*. tin* woman without gay liiii'klii,in- iln- woman nil knocks i- not the Wife for ll I ' null, ll,u WANTS nir„ fm- any man, Hue would be make tha a

Any I in, wiih ii body nnil a pood iiiiini -I lii iiu iisiiiiini'ii i [or even lag "f nmrrvim. n nuin ju-i , ! ported. Bha certainly should bava GOOD, CLEAN onougb Independence umi cour lull up I, w.irk umi make mi bonsai living i.u- h uniii sin* is raady to marr* the man sin- io.. s whethar b. I r rich. ktarrlaare in su gamble bul than is raartalaly mora chaoee tor bappl aaaa than for unhapplneoa when mu people love each other, so doni '.-r u iii-iiiiisiui,,ii oreaaaa -spoil few chaa RAGS ces of ha-flBltoai tfarrtage is • aajaUa bal tkata reallac* Ibat it i.s unfuir to ask you PACK SKVEN A „„ I--.IIAV r-'KHKl AR*. U. IBM THK ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE. ST. CT.OI'I). iT.OK.i' ••-.

DUOE. ^.MAMMlla\MS^It^.:ia LivjsuihmwmwmsOsm.

• 'i :? In order that the TRIBUNE may come out promptly on THURS­ DAY AFTERNOON in the future no copy will be accepted for advertisements after WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. The de­ lay in getting the paper out on Publication Day for the past few weeks has been caused by the rush of advertisements coming in at the last minute, but in the future the new "dead-line" will be rigidly adhered to. —

The Advertiser Is Unfair Te Himself When He Habit­ ually Sends His Advertisements to the Newspaper Office Just Before the "Dead-Line". I "Early Copy -»J» u'Latei Copy'9 1. Good position. Risk poor position. 2. No errors. Risk of typographical errors. 3. Time for corrections. No opportunity for corrections. 4. Good typography. Risk of poor typography. 5. Prompt delivery to reader. Risk of late delivery. 6. Fair to mechanical staff. Unfair physical and mental strain. 7. Advertising well written. Advertisement hurriedly written. 8. Advertising inserted. Risk of omission. 9. Overhead normal. Often cause of rate increase. 10. Illustrations correct. Risk of misplaced cuts.

While a newspaper is a marvel of mechanical efficiency, there are limits on what can he done hy a given force of printers, stereotypers, pressmen and mailers in a short crowded period of stress. The Management, Saint Cloud Tribune

ran MEMa-a , i Till KSDAV. KKIlltl AK\ IB. " '* -'xt;*-: KifiHT THK, ST. I'l.DI']) TRIBUNE, ST. C I.Ol J). l-'I.()ll IDA r WANT ADS r/itfso Uttla Bualnmaa Gottora Pay Bia

FOR MI.K von BAIJC POK SAIK—MII At Iti;-, FINK ruit SAI.I: FOP .- pump 008 South I.AM), aliiurlor nUle lake front. ivinisvh.'ii.i.i Vvc. r. I' Ruaaoll, sml ana hall »iib*» fr""' sl- Cloud. u . •JT-Jltp ISSI |i*r inn*. Oaai terms •> miller fnl. Oiiiiai'hinlty, it nt s.M.K Ona rum for M.BB JONI-.S « .IONKS lliilin.vlnisli' I..nine. Nui-"'-''' Fla.. • Wo |,II( lii" IS iii Salisr.v" (•'lisl of SI. I'Ion,I 111 If l„.is For su i.v Reaionliule prl *ee i.i ne s.ti.i': nv tin* uwn.i i large l.oi ll Block 'Jin. '^'"*"^*-**'**x**---*-*Jv- lets wiih - front., unl.v 1 in !• I,,,i LII Block '.:' Dixie Highway. I'rnit on over* lot, I o| 'I III Diuit fail tu see thaae before you buy. l.ui ti I'.lo, u L'SL*. \sk Wataoa W. Hall idib Bt. I ,,i i'ii iiiitl L*l Hlock ::H7 Mississippi A.-cuui". •.•11 If l.oi I.* Hloek ::ns I.m Hi Hloek ins IIIU SAI.K :.r u cottar- l.ol .I lllu. I, 'I ,i II ui.xlii'ti i-ouv enielu e- SeWl>* laii I.", Block 2B8 painted lutidt und sat, laOCBted - I oi .*u Block -•*.••- l.loel.s north uf intb street un Minn, l.oi HI 111.ul, 100 seta nvi'iiu.'. liuiulre of OWQrr. WB l.,| u Hlock '.*nl North Mlnneaota. JO-»tp Lol I'.i nml in Block 101 l.oi I' H , 18 . Jim SAI.I: Medium tlat feueral l.ui 2.1 Hlock SOfl utilily uniii*. first culler sola liei- tor Inquire W w Mate, Dixie mtlag si, II ,-;. I'louil. Florida •in (I10.U0I ,luliars. Ituuiivu'C'V I oiluc. Ka '*•'.', I'lll.. eusl of Bt. Cloud. '-''; M I till KIV1 - iu ni id's i a acre traci i I l>ll BALK .*> I I llou-c. one llluek den or farm i .nisi outside city lintta from sii i. I*II-I front corner lota. uf st. cloud; alao good bouaa nml I condition. s-jtasi cato. Bailey garage; win uu iiou-e or land aspar. ,x lllt-ech. SB -i i:le. Irvln Siio'A. Sl l'l,iiiii. L'T 11

Lett i'i'-'o'Ji'-'-" Block UU betwaan lu.l rtotuu tor Rent. rn.uu* mui nmi litb itrssta on California *-.'. si. cloud. -7 IIII Ac.'ini.. I.r sale l.y mv '. "-"otter Newtoo, Klaalmmee, Kla., (Cow Blver't i.m BJCNT Bighl room bun... all lluil,line. K""in '•> '-" 'I fm ni.siie.i. elect ric light, tenant-a­ non h. Blevanth mul Wyoming, "S" WOMAN tllKl-IMN II lllliVNIh I MON I I Mil rui; s M.I: I he Hasal -mall sub­ Seminole IIOH-I '.-iltf division iu ihis vicinity, ub Tbe Wuiunn's Christian i i Ion Temple, loci I in e u ii"- ' I "Ml Iota, all * leered ami platttjl, m POIl rtBNT line,* llgbt bun** Bleventb sl i • Nee "fori od l'en« ., .I- nf Lh a I '£: I- ,.'. |,„ k. ibia wash*, it you meaa buolneoa don'l 1 keeping rooms ufater mul liuhis. monunenl to the un i > 1 |M : i 11\ . Wl il S,s' "s ul on..' .tones I JOUSS, ml |M*r in.uiiii to Muy I. l*.>_*.; IT 118.00 par aft*. Muy i. I8B6, I h '.' throw-out .lini- on I III MM I OWING I HUM i urm-r \ib sti'eei umi Ulaaourl l-'uic BALE \ beautiful new five- Avenue, -'7 itp GUIDE TO IMPORTANT FEATURES CF I eli.lell. Illl I \*n-\ I Ial I.I NK I Ul hotlse. I'lecllii' liullls ulul WUlel' ' l-Irr. Arrow's unsoliiie rc-aTvi s.\ S- ' local I FOB KI:ST Nicety fis-ii»ib..l POPULAR AUTOMOBILES THIS YEAR mil -I -K -\ MM: I, I. |] A u , lei dry. Oarage wiih cemeni rii Ni c„. particnlar pangla: in-i and lug fur in 'gaiilaatlnn of i Etefmb I'enient walks front to rear \ ,.„i,. watar bath, "ihe (WHIU'' 2\H li.-in Co. I. i uuinilttee For Heruanda • i antic- • c's iwo-rylinder bead. great bargain it told in tba nexl ten M„SS xru. 17. <•UII.IV was held in the office uf Judge dnys. Boy uf tin* owner aad -art HI iu.i blind tbe •»'>- ing. -,,'- "srtlii -.*,•• nni" stopping wltb » T. i. ' 'i in*'' Judge i umer sud Mrs. e01111nis-11.11. Located on W WXNTK1I torlei to ths deta Idental arrangement, K ilu.ii s wen* el,*, ie I iiini and 111 li street. AppL* on pre- nu i iiuiti.u! i rationt >.f Hu* year if . ^ uu o of Ihe < i*iiHI v Coiuiuiiiiv Judge llll es. L'*' -'l|l 1"''''* i'liei leeiifiei Integral ,-.. ,. who is named us ,„„• nl tht w AM I'U rn RKNT t'oupla wlab a Uttla system in studying tha U'Shi i" i. in -uniii cottage tor tha ta-amer. '•' •''' mglno, ,-„„ ,- ,|„. ,,,,,„,, ,.,.„,r„i com FOB SAI.I: Hoaae on Florida Ave. ,iii.xx.-.t, according io win. rTnrfson'i methi ng the erauh- mi; tee, bat ! aen u reatdenl ot Hern Must i„. ,-ios,. I,, town, Baa Mrs Foe. have It'i-ii privileged to bava t I lllu , r, |„ hslance parking ' • ki n the iu- near 1 Hi st. t.lghta tad tar Bl Ibe Triliillie affica, -ii I'lll • ul I'.urii lliida , nunty i'.u- ui art* I v n ,.-.' of ihe many novelties t.» ba seen • nun' to lit. on Klastuimce. l.ol 23x110. Bog ll-*n si 1 iuiui. I'lu. i. iw. lu or,lev linii hile'e self-e - tkr nn b • held iiu- oi'iie,, of Count*, WANTKIl linve luiver for 1.INK1 iplify the process for tha busy the

  • \i ! .i: \ - ii.s i'l.t.iH.i; •Tell lee ll slory ,11:11' .1 Ulul lil.-l 11X- oilier fixlures. Will *ae|l cheap ..r . v. luiniie f..r desirable prop 1*1 jol. or IUIUI 1 luis II Holes. I.'tih 10 I l-UIII.I) All. ii)i:vi 8 -vim! kind, darling?" I erly. B. H I'nrisli, III., North I Ulul hull.ueI. L'li II crankcate dilution. I ttturt s smal lurnlnj adlus, "' -ue thut I lev . to ret! .aiul.v to HI." V V ,-lllle L*I; jh p We clip 0 the I W'ANTKH Audits to sell mir popu­ Chandler's perfected traffic traa • e'» model '- liers -| ; , [onltur and Iiii'o.-lor: "Well we cunt find the lar piiei'il Line mul Silk ( u Bottl­ i". Ht BAI.K ill :i res strawberry tlon. I cast la |e..Kui/a* boa i pli I Curtains Mbeml inda* be advantage Dual* used in our Klor- ing 'i-i. 1,1 ij,, bm hang the picture." Iuiui. clsarsd ready to ^.. t<> arorh. I-L' mile rt' ,m I'i: . 11., ii- slim. Itiu season is jusi uheail. Write ' '11', ... 1 O II- ' Iloi.l Ull "Is n vvoiuiiti us olil us she looks'" I 1 Uu- nil- hoiiter. 'lien:. 1. 'i, '*l f..r mir aeHlag plan, Mhrysvtlle i'nr ' ' I Of Al,,, le luitn i- old ..'.,-n ho stone looking." mni (',.. Maryai Ilia, . >blo HI Htp : :!'- liun,Iy oil .iniin. lit is ,| lilpp tar 'I" •••'sui- deh « " and "ihe • I', ui SAT K i room bouse, HIt; OrXttS umi painted. Lot EHOBISO, S • trait Tranttportaltoa wanted to Detroll < iirvsii'i's rubber siu-iun siia. - lltated wiib tha i bleai o latnd Cor ir > iclnity Write pries ami i ie .,i :•," • -I . ur . : I.- toi and t, „ v,;,. „ the, beuotae at* r lluuier in another: Oarage mui water, Enquire gourh »« gear, claimed 1ta0 hi*e- ttaebmeut ted tritb tbe company. Oeorgla ave. no.I IBth St. BB -Jt oavayance. Write "A" Tribune office " W*l u: i - tii.- uiii f Uu- iiiilimil you L-7 im "" r •* ' "1 will foil,.,, raltlifutly Ihe Ihi ;.' •.'ii- name was smiiii." l'l lit I-.'.!.Ii I'tve acre tiuct.. une ,,,'Vla* U ,..,- V.MM.I...I IIIUII,',' '... ' ' bun Irod 'i"i, u * t*ai*b, la s-s i i,,u ,:j WANTED Private teacher man <*r lurjrer lui.iel.s, ill timet. II win i.n.,'i.s re., wonun far two cfalldrea in flfiii trvb ,- to Ihe I and : •• i o» i - hip, mt Raaga ' Dodga'a noltleaa -Ufrtar. aud h, me 1" i'ourt of County Judge, - .1 i rosier Newton, ivi- I lilile. Nol ni', ,-s i.r. tO lull,- tl , 1 triiitan area i I CKreuhi i'mitiiv. Mate »f Florida sii e, i in . River it,. D, certificate for interview call si I mn the '" re B«nte of Mny Ai nberg, Da _•:! 11'' Lodge, Narooottee, Ha., Kasl ..f M. Cloud. Ford't ph.lulu ry tranamlaaloa 1 '•' ' ' ,:, in ••-•• ed ii. publl. :, .1 thai ii,,. rompunj It] , To 11 ..." Itora I nni ;-AI.I: is it I.,i. of wiu'i-i 111, rneti 1. .I til peraont having clalma li.Mi.i sn i: HKlMtl M'Mivi: Juiagfd by the wuj I rcpreteni n I *-u. "ne hundred .. 'il H - i" r ur fieiu.'iuiis against ii i-i aetata i W WIIH I-,,.- our ladit - Illi tin j wlil bo . nurteoua; 1 f ll ba Uiml : 1 am, 'i'i icta S3 •:: i.s iu M,- ill, ere Above nil I will ul- rou, and each <.i you, ire S'l'lie I hosiery I'IIII unl lie * - • • , ;, | ue |, , notified tad required tn preaenl any • -•* Bangs "i Daat I ITnater -ells on tight, Large I'oinml Kloala ,*. i i.i lit vert clalma and demtndt which you, or iiiuii, t o :17s \ \\ :ln| si| WANTS TO KNOW either of ..on. may have tgainsl tha I llililllls ; , -Mialui I In JT 11,, Batata of \I.,.. ArenHbcrg, d< ,/,*,'.*/ n few bargains to remind you, Thi- I- iiu. story of iiu* . iii darky late of Oat colt i nunty, Vlorlda, to the ti nt H vi i-: i roon house Plenty W \NTI.H Town l.nls ami t Aeiu who wus om risbln' ou ii M [im .1 W Oliver, County ludat of of fruit :; Mocha from Poti office Investor, thai now is time to l'"!i- Tracta, Live l*r:,e „,M| Description i.i when i,e r-aughl nu lniiiieii-e oat I Oacaola County, ti bi- offlca in the Bag Bill, rui letter. Boa J:IK. st, c\mr\ t'lsli. which luillisl iiiii, iivi'rl"iiii'.i. IConnty Courthoms? In KIs In Os New liKiix*. all furnished, garage, etc., <>n Coming up spluttering and i-ylttu-g ecola County, rithin twelve I I IH SAI.i: TWO lions,.... foul rOOUal Ohio avium*. st.iOO. mud ba yells, "wbal al waata to Itnoa ntht i, tun I •- date hereof, '•lm ii Ic Ugh I • I..,i . i >M j in in,.,| LOST ,- i risbln' . r is iiis bara eat- Dated Film ury L'.'uli. A. II |f)3fl, "all, iim- shade, Baal from. Wall fisli ni^^eiiii ":" MARY \ i:ii.i.i:.\ii.\ri;ii. stocked wltb good fruit, nil bearing L'-si' A pair, ,,r gold mul bona Xr,v lMOilfi'ii lioii't* liiriiished in fine *>h*pe. Unix of tin Batata of •'""" »a*0l l-i'i.n Ave. I„.| i-j,|, Finder kindly return tn Trl MII iv Arcnsliergi B-acr-BBtMl and ..lib Hi-, TWO Mucks from Pnal luitn. offlca i-mi receive reward, 'JT Itp Garage nmi eleganl garden. Corner Id Barred Out Apr. 1*.*. »fflce, fiiy Oar l>y ISO i't.. 00 bearing tree*. *H:HH>. MlSi-Kl.l.ANHOI-H l'l Ml SAI.K ChSap. ,.,• :„„| I lota, coiner Indiana Ave. and loth si ATTKNTIOX Bag i-L'i .,- Dandy little place <>n t arolina avta FOR SALE f Bxtra Oood Paints it.i'u itreet. y'.irn,. '•; Baal Pronl Aiuininiu I,UIH. B See MAM |{\ IMI I.-I SI.-.D.IKI. i"'ii SAI.I-: n,,,,-, r.iii i„ ttt A n Al llu*, awleye new i„„ „, in,,,, A,,.„„,, •'Illi I'loriiia Ave North on II. corner Mary-land and lath Iu I'tiuitiriil fiivncr lut Lake Front, lOOxSOO. '•" "' " Ub and .'.ih sis Print* rlghl as i f at, |Too.i-n and iinniisiiuii- poaataatog n n,, SO I'I l.oi II.*.*,r city Part, .-f-ini""! I.i-N"i* W.IIIHV I.B'1'.IobB r. Dal" io aco-eg nt line land near City. |M6. Caah. ley buy snd sell ,„„,. ,„„,„_ ^ „,„,. ltai ll coiner on Minnesolu avenue i-cit SAI.I; oaa Bag-Baa agggttagatf in nisi ciuss t-oratttloa very ebaan »ge tnissnew, „,„| „1>kp ,,,„ nfT1,.4 r 118011.00 r«st r.wni whn,. hj town. Next door 800 feel rayl qj materli B ri i furnished house, close m , with Jul,,, K Batlay, first door north "" •' <"<> "lao th,* Sly,,, ,.„„,.,." f Ilie l-TOlilea* Hunk IV l> Hot H74 ptm office, I9SBU.O0 Telephona HJ. nn IT NOW. ,w taat »n Missouri avenue near Tenth I room boaaa aa Indiana araaaa Etas for batching umi baby chleh for aale, Thraa i.r i« ,„ ,,|,,., ,,,„, 11700.00. s I milk llnile.v. until me, h,„il,., Tn. \. .\III|H*S, SI. I'h,ml, | iu i room iiou-e. nig sleeping porch, -7-lip luilra cart 73e per hour, Alsu imliiu ur washes ibein. tlarnga su. ri„ ilinx' loi , vx 11ii -;.!,• in11,i grovo, clooa '''''It SAI.K nn,. wheal cbnir, , l.l in . M, )11P Ave., Curlier l.ith. (af The School Board of Char! J!^ ,n""' Vlrg ,„ ™ ' Mo., passed a measure barring Imuie in im. II. No city Hives " "" ^ ' Cooley -..; I,,, LIST -our rarm, arove, Ronat married women from school, but s Illl ill I a, Arraago, **acanl I.IUM with John v VV. 6. King OR J. E. Phillips pretty Mrs. Laura l>alr M-ittingly S|"'"y"r . tema Tf Bailey. Do it new! 47.,, is determined to finish her educa­ •Pray-?' hy in „, .,, , New York Ave., opposite St. Cloud Hotel tion. So the flirht Is on. The row "" IVm. K. l'i,,,.,,,,. T.OTH I'l.tlW 1:1, 1 . 1 -xvjil probably be a liberal education writs, llox WW, Ht. IMntid. for the Board, teaching thorn Stevens & Co. . Iul* BAUC Uu.1 sacrifice, mtall about women who malte up their UL" '< • I to do things. ' ",,'• ""i •'- ti nol heal tin I r7~nt Corner Penn. & 11th SI. 1. ,.„ |„»„- iln Balls] A in,, 8 1 Bighway. W, 11 Pierce, I .'2 If TJUKSDA"! KKItltl AK\ U, UM THK ST. CT.Oin THIIU'XK. SI'. CI-Oll). I I.OHII) \ IMC.K NIN1-.

    >\MU**AMMWM*\a\UsOWmm-Vr\lo\'b\ V,*''it«.".iti,.tt -iixej-,.- •.•-.• iiU&!ie\2ieV^tUa^MUM M M-MB i 5

    Jugf Z./7ce O/d Times Fine Building Lots a 3 $.200 to $450 ON EASY TERMS in St. Cloud's Largest Suburb #/z0r On Ocean-Gulf Highw.ay between St. Cloud and Kissimmee. Adjoining a million-dollar develop­ ment. Within walking distance of three beautiful lakes. High and dry. Plenty of shade. Fer­ tile soil. 10# down payment and 5% per month FREE BUSSES beginning MARCH 1st Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 10 A, Mm C. A. Blair & Company St. Cl.S-.-il OtafM witli CONSOLIDATED REALTY COMPANY 10th Street Opposite ('Iiainber of Commerce Phone 14 IT PAYS TO DE AN "EARLY OIRD" in.-tt r-Alih TEN THE ST. c I.OI1) TRIBUNE, ST. CLOUD. 1 I.OIUI) \ •I'rui-si'*.* i-Ennrxm

    everywhere. Boee«*r la :i ftmtlMill y-inif. .luy-: Mis.,unl. ninety ilnys. Mui,Inn. n« mm ii Hi*- imli. Af, ordlnf i" M FOREIGN CAR OWNERS GIVEN ie. I| ul : Nebraaki I I • Nr porta sni it-1' i- pi;i> i'ii in thirty-five Vililil. three innillli -. pti'i i.le.l I illT'ln-wii I'.iuiitr'n-, Florl-lU. I>( I'l-nr-*.-*, FLORIDA LICENSE TAG DATA nu ii within iiu daj : Nt - hot il - li-iiHl*- Ire, i... .-ni. daj -: Nea Jer-a-j PHONE 59 fifteen days Nea Mexico, ninety I I-.I Trau-linc l'l,,- I I, State t'l'iiiiilier i.f I' is IIIU.I.< within ii- ' ill'w dayt. \i.i *i "i i>. " •• ipii'i nl North for COAST. SCENIC and l'l.' A>1 IM [RIPS fVnthon.* li (1 P. kk< i ihe tVoti h men e i-. 11 rui ii ir lliul ue,i.'i i ' mu -l\ II,-. Pi ', hleil -l.llenielll is i'a nu Inn. sixty dnys: North Dakota in.1,1,. « iiinn ten .:.•.. - . ' nlort I llllllll,' liltl's i u.'ii, T Ti'ipi». vivo ,.llier states BOS in eillier reciprocal : t iblo, ixK'Iproeal i t ikla inv .deiil »f the Sow t'ni-niiiil -Mr their ly da>H, re::- ..,|llil,-,l Willi i: IIIU slxtj u ' IJ days, II II|I> • in- :;i wn state* nr ohtala ti Kiiirldn rer irj fi -i-iii 5 or 7 Paaaenger ...I .iihiii in I n I'li.i'iiiii in.* icon 'i ' 'v. i••• .... ,'ui,. two hours : renin I i.iini.i. v.- SI ! I In nl lie :tuI I i\ ,• 1 - li HM*"* l-elnwnii • Rhode i inmi. iiiii-i.v days; , lu rieri.i.i and the R Siuiili t'arollua, t hlrlj d« Bouth ill miles II I ti'atltu It It- tu la- - hlXtl A. DEMMON hakota, reiiiu-ni-iii ' thirty ll "nr :i i • I ' I i ' llH) 11 I I IV llllll lie I" .ii K, 1,1 !,, I. , l"ll I'exaa, Ihlrtj ' I I'.I IU Ililiel.. .1:1. - nil I'll lue'il Isf illllll. - i i 111, I I i i I. Him* i i.. Mn. land, nlnt .i iroi'iil Wash June .ui nil i thirty days : Mii hi ten days for i-ouu :.,t lite FLASHES OF FLORIDA FACTS liitiive Iu-i summer and Ibe laa i" » : ell Ihe . limine, .-..'..; aV^,,| •'•••I '*'*t"t"-"l S ••<"-"l"l"l"l"l I I I 'I "-••-I* *- : iiu da* - "i i Mi I I- Mi,unnl lull Win I'lNli, -;-:••:•+•:-: ll - ihroiigh after leu day -. tl I I'.lilu,!. un heii- l In Weather Intuit in t il.rv nil el -' uu,l i..,: . hlrtj six n -inn* For ihe liifuruiiitliin The ' , .lulie I'. .llllll- III ,V\ of vlsltli ' • ham •.'••.-•I**;-*',*v'i-vvv-'.--:"'."'"'' •:*•.'••;- ••:••:••:••:••:••:••:• :-•;*•:":• :••:••:• •:••:••*.•••••:, I vvlliell . nrta of ii"i l,,,. has I' ill ! lied il li-l -lmWilli; I If u shipped I The Hi. In -.! t il.v iiiu ll.-iMu where tin- Mrttt un ,-l' li II l-'luriiln In . :i-e In:: -1 ..ulili nf Ul .ml iln- i'l,.Wei- are tiloomiiiii v uiilil I' l ''..' u ht-r St. Cloud Directory I ,.;luea ,.lll.*| eilV ill III** in ri'it' . If e\.i nipte. itlli w I A i' world, . thrnuicl :i foreign tas i" be used iu that sinie o) ilie of thai rustling njains mui... til dura 11! v II,'I. il.-ivs, I luler Ihe lie', BT. I I MS ll*ist" " :. 10th .'.:,.l 1 nit si, Cor uh.n Ave, unl Tenth si. Ol s|T I.v ::.' - .*7.17" he a • * 'I'' " I" n I iii Florid! Iy Ihlrtj days. xi 17. '.li*i'lini;s t .kl.'lll.llllU UII'I l\llll-U-- Ulul ll.llllll'll. IIAITIST t HI Rill li latereel farni bojrt and hands i" turera In -'Imiaia Bare had niueli Mil'KKVNS \SMM I ITION initiMiw stiKMK av-ocnvi B"tV, it, ATI'IIISON. raatar hut receal itudiet l.y Hn* I'ni tr.-M--:*++-!--**-M**' o|ienlng these meeting were nil nhaer I i'si Imoay ICavi \tx$ -9 o, in '.'iim-* Serilie 7 ,'ln ,, ,„ iu,i,i, mul night number uf a*a*aarfr-»al inta available M. --is l-'.nti Iii Arc Uwaj-a Wuli'iiio.. and tavlted < iiil> 11" 11 -.• ui.'ti tvary araa>lraa* II.ul.. Ma-sunr ni-, il since isiin A union soldier altbouj-b In Allitiil Iln* B-anriasa .11 ibis Church. • Illllt*. order. The Ii;,,I.- Memorial purl;, narking U -ulllll.'I'll l.ll-ilies. liiun lie SPoke ''I' Tlie go. in. I -*'- '" '"' till- sJMlt Will'!.' \lu|,,r 1' i: 111. i-s I. llllilr MMrsr , ' n Junn-rliiii mul sun. Ken.I the strong iiitiiihiiii'iii between Um nn: tmtisi 1 \\ 1 in ut 11 IMKI*ATTKA -uiii Hun ihe Datuthtcra "t Ihe li S TA, 1 till Mini !,-i ''i'ii uh ut g ,l(, p ,„ II . tat I ',, I I,,I ui. • UH I lei .Ililiel- L'l. i daj inr Orlando to attend the In narclsous ami other kinds ..r bulbs is:::,. .. ,ui,. mul ;i half -tiles south lh... returned hume IThuraday I:«l nut lune the -pirn nf ilieir Suiidiij Sriiicu Meeting 1 Thinl Thuraday nr paid .1 high nii.iii. Blblo School :i .;,i ,,, i plants un* nl—.. to l»' found nl Itu-hiieii. Hunter t ounty. \\ night. fathers. He al­ :l ''" '' "I"' h lit S ,„ lu ntul sni,1 10 Iiim Communion Service umi ,u *-\.,- i.ii; ui a i.i mi- [on * to Abraham l.ii .« Indians, under Chief Mit-s Nope, Mr. umi Mi'­ .i nml i - uevi to In- laOI-d m.l Sermon 10 :*.n 11. in \KTKRA\S* Mi \|. intltvil*. I, .1,1 ,, „, - ih.. federal force, nml killed in IM- uiaieIU-eI " • • ' ,,ni-1""1 "Jf"? or k-VB. bil Mil, umi 1 III, SI . '. n -. in nil Inn lin, in, ih lull, with • 1 "*" by I um 11 1-->'nuie. servj,,- Open: • .inu in- i int...-in : in-.mi- WaaaBBtiaj Service* In t laaa l'p Ba millet iiiiiini irmj rnaadaj - 1 so p. • . re \\ ll- I IM BIW* Btadj 7.1.1 p. 11, i solo Ii) Frank 1 7 :l«t 1,, :. ,., ,, „, ' eesll.v f, Un :' ••" s 1:, ,,, ,„ ml Mra, W. II Phillips and |«1 ' > 1 . I" 1,1 'I I.I p III >im An* n Mi-mi.,,- nm it,,,,. I,, |„. .i ur re ' their tii' .1 11 ( Saturdaya 1 u 1,, 1 in p. ,1, •il \\ illl I il, day. T: : 11:: 1 -.i bj Mi*' • Iirislinn (linnli . :i IHI p. u, I' I*. II Kl'llliihili'-. uf two ,u eel Banner S. I). A. t III Kl II • <• V It IIMI. I I 1' I Nailer "I Sperlal Klcrtlon 1 ve. bet. I Uh and l.'th Ste, I I.. ll" bare liun-,il I'ei.- I »l,e< .hili.e Illl his 1 el 11:11 I rip to I Illh It .i- and won tun le Nt nit i: is II Kit KB V OIV1 - ' tit Bchodl '•1 in n. in ti a uu p ,1, Mrs. -lee ind .1 .1, . pursuanl i" the flltiBi orlth II Uhla Study I" -" u tu.' ilur Manager nf a pi*titlon I'm' recal timer Waaitaar .iie.l in Kllg- I »ll III!-. T, All-. IVllO \ i-illlL a i«i,,. I,.. v' * i Iui il'ill IIIU! Kngllsil Ml-, luireir '1 I Ikeeeliola e. .... iv W, t. T. r. Mr- I .11 nil will I..- i-i Ki 1 iln- (iiy ni' si. rh ud. Kloridu. Eleventh Street j MHIi it OF I OMMI |{| I .:.. .eel,, the t'ily l'ii!l'liiis-inl] hu- eulleil u |.','i;il Meeting I 1 I I.III. in • ' "ii every Wedttl laj in 1 J ;l lllll . 'tiler It i ; lu \. .1 in -. ,ii.< -,- lull 1 le- -1 III!' • - and .Mrs. 11. r. .le. linn iunil upon -mil ,'lileiii. I lie | nf each nn • n „ m "''I'" k, N I, -i.'.le. III.KII nourishes in ihe North­ i Dulls ' Itj t-Vuii , Real Rot tu in sunn, bulldii Ti'l.iil-elh. If itiinidiu'i'ii by n m. ui lathering ern * .niuii h-. uud skating mlosloner of the City "f Bt Cloud all day her, are w-el un* limited Recording to climt Mr. in.. Mi I . sl, I . 1,,I \|r Will IK fillod Ul . _^___ • iiiiini-* Indefinite- n 1. 1 Mrs • • : en ltd ill il I r for eui'li "l'l ___ _^___ (— in- In 1.. .he go-he- tflldCll Ihe ' • Inii. I.V the hi.h.'-I lllllnhi't' I'lie •I lllllnist i "inu,j sloner tnngbl to IM* ll. UL- OOI nil..Well M Klorric flveratrtei and three mi '• i i n in the re i uii mul any i-ual Notiee nf AppHratlen fur Tux Deatl . .iu! ut lluir EARTH'S ! tor. • •iui 1111,11i.-ir--< "' * n .M H'H i: Is HEKEB, Oil EN, Thnl -, be u ' and i nte for 11 f ;i . The follllM iti.: I ..: |..|...| ;it ' he .i be IT .'.in duted Hie MARKET I '• I Sniii' ':,.,• mul -tn III Liul day ,'i June, A. l>. 1011). 1 er inn II \, .,|UL' : II. li. Suid election will be held in tlie . • : si. II II the sn, FOR flee, utni ims Blade iippli-'ir Wl ler mul v. ,!,.. ,.| l'i, I. 'iiilerilule. larch. A. P I plai •• 580 Acres tax .lee.I in laaue in accordan IV. II. Hydra, *.i' I 1. lie lh. i Ity Hull law. Said n tee Hi . • .1 Be • ity. situated Palm Beach, Mr. .1. w, Wallace ol' the Illy in SI. ClOUd I I ' Osceola County, Lake Frontage Wes-t^rn Meats ii. Osci ola i itj nf Prankfort, Ky, nnd Mr. and Mra. irid 1 e open ul -llhl eleetloll I'l'.un l.ui- Ll Ulul LL Block L"..s St. II 1 It llm 1 11, Ky. elghl o'clock A, M. until -umi n. 1 ' •• III-;*.-, lot's al ' ."'- .-,. , i J, Dive,! from Ov- of all nt tin* '•t'l Molnlnv ejection me l K Conn nml A K, : eertifi morning for Kentucky rui- a mouth's I'lie I I, : ll ill -iiiii . utes ill Ihe Iiuines e! I.. Win. Vi-il. Ml. I IA .1.11 ..Ull- II ihlliV'i-llill aha ll >*.' Wiiiinm i and! 1 DDBl SS Bl i.\ 00 ••••«« »ub. -ill iiioilerii builders nre glad to avail h Ii1 Mr-. S. N MeCuuiell , ||| :,l gjnj, Often ihi. is iim. in faulty • • -:' I""'-* -'• lot. „, ,1,,..,. suiuiivi- llieiu-elves uf. ami 1 >'.'< Ull IIU'llil In ilii'il' l | 1 writing. kidney action and -J-ara-a iinnater of : ','"" 1 -"", •»• ' NlOO.00, Thla trad pal n HI -Mr .i ii Hawthorne la not tgaln hardened arterlea, dropsy, itriivi-i or haa llm only lake frontage „,,., avallabla under li ller nu illlie-s "f n week Brtght't 'li ' u '• It'iii'L lei vv* uk "+00.00 par aera. Pine large lull live oakt ara !''•* Cox pr heii for us on gun* killlieys W'l'lir you nut. I -e llnillis JAS W. SAGE •senileie,I ovar the tracl which is nicely timbered. .lay morning nml evening. He i-* the Plllt liefer,- ii is inn lata I Heun nit- tracl is beautifully and centrally located. Vou IH Mill. Raptlel postor mul will he with us un ull* 11 Ml i 111 ,11IIIII llillt'etie tn Ihe l.iil ..' i-t thinl Sunday, w.* , o had lli'.is. ll'iuu'- bgVa helped Ihiill:.mills. will agree with ns. when \<>ii Invettlgate the factt ir. he iu ih.. iiii,.in,,,,,i i,v the Chris They should help yen. Hen- IK into and realise tha poaslblitii 1 of thu tract, thai thit l i.m pastor from St. I 'lini.l. i.f iiinn v- St. < 'Inii.l rases- " '""' "' "" 0> ••• I",- • nf till on -^ Mr. Charlie niy nn. nf Orlando, wus Mi ire.i Heiiz. Connection! ive., • . here Sundaj i barlle wns says: "A Oold nellled uu luy kidneys HAVE TOIK formerly a Holopnw boj mui our tiram IIII'I elinsed lama l.llel,. When I -VM'|il, " hold "attraction" for bim. twlngea enut-'iit nie In my luuk und ABSTRACTS Mr, umi Mi- loini Culpepper and nuked in\ whnle sysp in. My kldneyt * hlldren spent Sundaj in t -ocoa acted Irreuula' Iy und I felt tired and Price $225 per acre! •mi-, BV lniiKUid. I K"l Itoun's Pills und lifter THK I IS \NI> MW-WEMT Oadng tWO liiiyes, I was eureil. I St. Cloud Abstract Co. baraa'l heen tronblsd tinea." 1-3 Cash, balance 1, 2, 3 yrs. at 8 per ct* iiu* i I a and Mid-Weal ruin,, WMI p , <«),., „, „n rjaalara. Doal Rooms 8, 9, 10 People* Bank Iliuiiluig tio 8T. tXOUD, H-t'KII>\ ''*""> ""'"' ragu'ur uieetlng nexl Tuea I tlmply ask fm- a kidney rei It gel day, March '-'nd al tin* Tourlal riuh -j, n„. .„„„. u„,t bb '111 ! : '-*. !;..-n,. ;,.„i. i ( by the tourlal "i Indiaaa, Buffulu, X. Y. Till R,S|-AY, FCBKIAKV '*... ISM riM. ST. CI.OT'l) TIMKt'NK, ST. CTiOUD. I I.OHII)A t-AfiE E1JCVKN . This is

    WithTa record of sixty highly successful * Florida developments already chalked - We have Agents up to my credit, this one,-/Ae goal of an am- ail over Florida bHion,—will succeed also, unless fate has Apopka deliberately sneaked the aces from my North Oranga Realty Co., last. Oaytctig deck of cards. The Trt/lors of Dsytoea TH Ss. Beach St DeLsUtd If experience counts for anything; if keen observ­ "The Trtylort of Dayton. IOC Rich St. ation, sober judgment and vision of Florida's' Euatls Mr. M. L. T*iomae ultimate future has any bearing on this last prop­ Fountain Inn Hotel eJmmtb\asatrUas Mr. Carl Minor. osition, you can bet your boots she goes over with Ita w. rem** »«. a bang that can be heard from coast to coast. Komelda A Assendol. IU Br-Mdxvsy // shall not fail! Not while I have control over my Mount Dor• Mr. I. H. Dyer faculties, or the assistance of such staunch asso­ leAkee snd Hill. P. •- C OrlaUgdato Plymouth talcs Company ciates as Edwards and Phillips and Rogers and t No. O ranee Av«. others who compose the Board of Directors. Stanford Mr. H. 0. Armington Blga.r. R.tli-y Company St. Otoud Reynolds A Amendola 10th A Penney) vonla T P. S. Mount T4yTnouth has every natural advantaa-t-* •o insurc i'_- cuccesa-r--*-crtic-~. *c»_c-»i»iDUit-/, altitude, cli- Conaolidated Sales Orsrsniistior. 11SM..1 Parker St .., 'r-j-a-tts-MBlBaBwf——-.-~...x


    MOUNT PLYMOUTH CORPORATION Mome Office ORL'ANDO.sFLOPlD> *• ' " ' *j**^rgggn.ssi g—t——is^tgafi—*.— . i REYNOLDS & AM.ENDOaLA Grenier's Oflice, 107 Broadway, Kamnanee KlSSIMMhaE AND .ST. CLOUD AGENTS Conn's Building, St. Cloud Till 'KsliiY, nci'lll \K\ v\r.r. TWEI.-T. THE ST. CLOUD TRIBUNE, ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA Alhan.v. I'lie Hun alao iRQOndOO a "MY LABOR IS NOT FINISHED" SAYS LUTHER later extenaloa from Caadele- Oa., to Tetinlll ami SaUliifci-.\ llle tO •nniin.l BURBANK, REFUTING RUMOR HE WILL RETIRE ihe line wiiii the Georgia t riorlda Kail road, which would provide a dir U mt KIIT\ \ HXH** HI WOKIxIN I. MIKAI IIS Willi N ATI aaa*, THE et l ion it- in tin I'ana ina City to tVugUMta. The Georgia, nouthweatern II AM' WIZAKI** Is III Ml It IIIVN EVER IN HIS I VI'KKI no* opei a tea bet n eea A Ibanj MSNTAL i. tlllil*-** IT BANT \ HOs\, t \l iim-M \. and Co-ruele jiner? \n Information relative to the route Inr | lm p| naiini t 'ii> c\ i < n- imi has Luther Burbank, Famous Horticulturitt I .ecu niaiie available bul ll is reward t-iI as almost certain the line will paaa Tra n sj^J*-$prion ilinmgb Mnrinnoa, Roya of Walton < 'onutj high achool ami male rtudenta of Mn- aeventh ami eighth gradea, hara volunteered iinii ..enncs tor ia\ to aaalal In tbe work ni* providing an airplane land More Bulcka ara now being told than ever il ut DePuntali Hprlni before in Buick hia-mry. And an Important is final ydeelded to go through with rmon in the fact that, though expcnilvely i in* project. The job would be large built. a Buick may he inexpensively purchaved. i> one of clearing ami leveling the ground and comity auperlntendenl l Buick could apend lcfa money building '.ra .i. Kenned) deelarea thai If the en I'IM'.-II, and •till keep the quality up to the thualaetb yoiiugatora were found average in Huick** price claH. The famous This I'ali'itl I'a.'Jiat..' nt Buick Valve-ira-Head engine la a more ex­ turned inn-.' nn ii thev would aeooai pensive type to build. Buick could use aai erring J usta id plloh in nn,* iln\ mine than a gang <>i gear lesi expensive than the 5-conrrol-nurface half aa latin would la a ateering mechanism which adds ao much to UMORBSN l' i in ins w..:,. Buick's driving ease. The Torque-Tube Drive 1*. tin- n.-.v. -iihitiir* uii'i im- also adds expense to Buick manufacture, aa do the "Sealed Chassis," the "Triple Sealed'* proved mi ihisl for handling lb- Hue Qoorgian has Jual awakened to the f.n i that -something is going on engine, full pressure engine lubrication, the soi i'*nt mt i'.u i'l -he borne - lca> Buick uiitl 11. -!r .!iac, dry-plate clutch, and da. wVHlnir tin- Florida elate I'IM'lll I'll,I ]ll,l'-l'|. BUIC-A met rui;iic-.u 4-wheel brakes. Your iniii'i- only 'om h a imt you chamber of eomaaarce be Baaa foe lU'tiniii. I real rataalnt • -suine general Information regarding Buick cloaed bodiea are built by Flaher to the in t I -• '.it.liti'.l l.'X .i\\;i.\ :t,,|i: tha atate of Klm-hla. aueh as whal moat exacting standards laid down by any iin-t .nni dirt !• and in'i'iince. w hai i ba -i :i it- manufacturer today. Ki'.'tiMinii nl. safe nnil aetialble has lo back it n.i ami what all thla •Quality, f egardless of Ita coat, rules Buick ! ' , Ii.i,.I -, it. is aboul anyway." Whan Better Aui.-nti-l-il-i .\r« design. But thank., to the sustained popular­ I • •/.. I ui.. and * oi. BBBM lie inn.iiiiics with "l am thinking Here is the great "Plant Wlaaril," snapped while on an inspec­ of coming down and looking It ovor." BHUI. HHI.I. Will ity* of thia quality, purchasers actually pay tion tour of his wonder gardens at Santa Rosa, California. The world, Build IS-in leaa for it. Vaat volume gives Buick ownera to which he has given stonelest plums, aeedleaa oranges, and a hun­ liner transportation at lower coat. Your next EDWARD* The IHorida -nit et-hanber of eega- •Dufit-B tvttj ft at tn.i*- car ehot'Id be a Better Buick-! dred other "fruits of his labors," is glad to hear ho will n retire, nor 19IS. f-tghl Vf-tg in all. meree In Ita iruooi for coneete exam Buick hai led ill tnr HI . PHARMACY will his gardens be sold as was raported. ] I- s of the producth ttj •-. Florida b»ti ot the NaUH-iial Auromobilc I htmhn oil -iml rei'ited net leullural opera­ ot i 'i-imeict In volume SSU ^tyxoJJL Store tion" us convincing proof thai almae*! of tain. BbaJ'thtUg i" i m-sil-le in | lit- -late. OrBefferBUICK si. i lou.l Florida HI KISWKS MES8.4GB Bdltur'i Sott round a hog in Waal Florida thai tip inii tbe scales at B80 pounda when he ROLLIN MOTOR CO. 'I'ln- rumor u;i- rlreuloted that Mi" Burbank intended '•- eea-te aU WHN butchered recently. Tho porker Ivi*.*,iiiuii«\ nn. experlaieuta anil tl tbe I'nlvi i -ir \ i.r i Hllfornin un- to ens ,i Ha in pali Ire ralaed by I. at, irdeni, o here for ba i great hortleultui Kemp, "f the Jay neighborhood In sl i with aai -. cbanging ber plun*. nun* Sania Uoaa • ounty. ('. A. 11A 11. KY "niui. tin. H | bending her moat atabborn plant ebUdrea tu h-io will. The lai In reply i ir telegram abuai bia reported re; rtlle and l*en«icola n 111 be ',1 the Colli n -. ; March '•• al ;i »aot \ , if i In people of I'ttiiaiua t'lty, Si. Andrew The St. Cloud Tribune is sending out a spec­ gggggg K.-i. ( .iiii. and M [\\ iiii* ,i. i favorably on the It» Illi: WORLD:— -plan for conm Udating tbe ibree In ial appeal for good (lean RAGS, for which to one rim election is I am nol hit; an> di.u ay nl ,:n\ Kinii. I am personally I uiii under the autboritj ot • cash will be paid. Bring in what you have. w 1 roirytng en (be mirk on tbe *>iv places na uaiUaVla I h.i\e inure i nn iiis nn band thaa ever before, \m happ) in the woth of ier. Ing • uihcrs v.iih better fraina, trees, frvSit UH) rioworo, .in able, dig in.i nner, < tin* yy- (Signed) I.ITIIKK 111 RBANKs • I -•••- fair deal- .:i"-i\ li. Bl cry- Written eRpeMflllr for HI ' ' id rrlbune by :- tin* motto of iiii-; organlng- iliirmmh Aiitorashr -Serving) Inm. By KinWKI) l-HM\ HOWARD Fifty yean of work among plant* and flowers, nm yoara of gcoompllab- 22 Years of noota tiuii bara go rival mo boa It imp-qaelbla f"i Ainarlca'a great eiporl in pogetation to unit the nil ood lay down tbo pruning •heare. Barbank just can't quit What ba is tn ghre to tb world la taa roaMUniag yoara <>t* bia activity no man can (on tell. Ono «T hla earlier accongpUahmenta seleetlon may !•*• judged frnm the fact Leadership was- i" pinch the gpiaaa from ihe coo- that at one :;•••,• he Btarted fourteen i-adi containing aboul 80,000 toa ami turn an ObDOgloaa weed intii tWO and three years old herry hushes, and still\ Leading a f 1 ftW the lower n n I nulls which disiiinle-il in (lie conduct of DM I I the booo t",,r randy be perlment. Bia aetection of aeodo bar- in rl ain choroctei latlea, his inter rilO.N'R 74 he gibbJad bf the ttOpDOO, He )ui*x taaoa atonaa frnm iihims, pits from aelectlon for further bredlng of the reoultlng plants thai boal aahlblted 'i orangea gnd aeoga from turniM-,**. Tot laanlog toward tha roriaUeo be rteelr- foott ia- boa directed the erolatioa of Price ** Design ^ Quality od baa i.-iiicii for a quality ef patience our ragetatioDt brtngUig ooi glaaa |of - -isicin e po bight j i!< «eloped to BUllioaa of peraone throoghoal the ihai the like has nol bogo duplicated New Price Old Price world bal adding in no HDOII way to In the oTorld. One naff fudga of this tin* national araatth. and of It ii il tank's untiring Induetrj Due to tlie oarer •fwUng March tot when it Is known he has dereloped Tudor - - '520 - - *580 the unusual rather ilian the Iggport- more than 100,000 varieties of the ant our Boaropg ana i nd D^gooinoe gladiolo. and thnt his new cinnina^sia, Fordor - - 565 - - 660 •oemlnglj have coatotod tha pahUc a flower of peculiar bine color, lias in md on itur hanks grimmpHahaiewta bgOO hnmia'tit to hlooiu MlOOHng twen­ anmiiir the flower-*, hnadreda v- All prices f. o. b. Detroit culture, added 917.000,000 yearly bo nf delivery that Is buobaOOa aoa. to glowing pink leu ro0| that re- tin- agricultural prodacriTlty of the L-loeh irork, Phono Pag oar aemble most the glowing floaboa of coantry. iragoa to gtop. niiiint coal, wiieti this itriklng ex Tiieti in- garo paraaalal growth to annple of plant caltara first ahowod Supremacy Maintained throug}i Features a apfelea of rhubarb and Lncreoood tha its fnii daroloi>nieni "f color ita brll •loo or the eililiile from the thick* fancy wns lived. Now the fin-M WbhiCbH Established Ford Leaderstiip | ST CLOUD l€F CO J OOag of a Iiini pencil tn a ci renin fer- iBg colors are retaliied for a pOTlod i i Controlled by Beebe Ice Co ' ;ipprn\i mutely tuelvr IncbOO. of throe nunitha Left-Hand Drive— Si lentlflc •>••<•• Lion end directed Borbank Hi." Rooaevoil first googhl Multiple Discin-oil Clutch— D. E. Arnwtraog, Local Mgr survival of tin- fiiim-i ippoore to have iiu* groqi oatdoora In g oajgob for Originally introduced by Henry The multiple disc clutchisgenerally IH en the I -* L - i s of I he Huilaink health. Both gained it. and Nith have Ford on the Model Tear in 190H and conceded to be the best and smooth­ »+4»l MIIH IM»MIIH >•»•• pti>hiiiciits. The ijiajjniliHli- of his repaid In full the KeneroNitaW-f \i tbei since adopted for most American- est type for any car. The Ford i,i-i, aod the patience required iu S'ature, made cars. clutch runs in oil.

    ^+*4*->rtr*+*^***+Ji4r¥*r>r+++**t * t *1* 'I' 1 l'*»^-**»*>*fr-*-***-*I^-M-M-l->*-M.-|. Three Point Motor Suspension — Thermo-Syphtm Cooling System— First used by Henry Ford in 190.*, Extremely simple—always effi­ IWETACKLEAxTOBOF and a feature of the Model T power cient. No water pump to require AN V^SJJE — TH AT '5 FLA. DEVELOPMENT BOARD NEWS SERVICE plant for eighteen years. packing. Circulation of water is THf; REASON governed entirely by engine tem­ WE K<>o)0)o)e)<|g»Mi>lil Dual Ignition System— perature. A-i n rcealt of growtag interest in plorida haa .-i troo in the Hoe oak Dual i-zmtion is provided for Ford ADVERTISER I the propooal to bardourfaca State wnh which the popular cannot !«• cars, (1) the Ford n-.agneto and li­ Simple, Dependable Lubrication— ftoad No, i. tht Old Spanish Trial, ail eompered. In Wael l-"lorlf tha counties ni- within the DOXl tOO years they will ventional sliding gear type but now embodied in many of the ready have rotod booda fot Uu Pforl he attract inns that will draw I lion gives better light car control. Within their roil | ilie-, Othon bOrO "Iiii -amis of mobiriata from all highest prn i*.I cars. ed eloctlona while "tin otnora aro let Of Iho II iiiury. E'RE equipped to handle any ioualy dlacnaoiOtf tha atop; Tbo rood .Mr I.eliinaiiii OOggOOtfl thai civir •We have never lowered the quality of the car to reduce the price' W kind of a plumUng Job Ug now is hardourfoced between Jackeon orga aloatlona in aeon hitf and towa I ! thO public lia- to of­ \ ilie innl Imke City hill la "f -.ami in iioidii ahould iifscii-ts bighoro) fer We ga our work wall and elaj conotractloo the remainder of beautlf lea tlon ami odpoi a Paction of org la it in Hu time, too, No tno dlatonco except for --ix nUlog or mie ur more of tho completed roada waiting around for Inapirotlon, brick eoterlng Milton 'nun t\\^ ooM in their vicinity .-is the O-hjIOCI "f their We lieii'.i-i- the |oodo in a hor ami iii i-Nc.iiuhia county wbero »•*»»- work. Ltireooka aultobla for traaa> n and youii bo perfectly wiii- Crete conotruction la umicrwny. pianting are obtalnabio iu noafiy mi illV lo m-i-et the -nri of a hill pg ri i of tha ai .11 a and tha •*> org nay he accompliobed al trifling exponoa weii hood .vou. Ka rl ma n II, of (Jrhimlo, chair­ man of thO -iiiie iM-aut ificahon mm 11 the chili niciahei-H will ilevotc BOOM n.ittce of tho IForida atato Chanjber of their p'-r-oiiiil | iim- to ||. «if ronimerie OrgOO that the people Of seeietitries of organlnotlona inter Kloridu genera iiy rogord every month osteij shoulil coiniiiufiii ate wll Ii Mr in iln- yaar go "plant a tree" month Lehnann. nmi goggreoto thai in tbe eompleted bigbwaya of tba stau- ayotooi there i:\ieii.sion of die aaafSBOi Sinith i-^ a flchl for ennlliiuoiis work for Orootora & l»nlf Railway from Albany/, RANKIN-SHINE MOTOR CO. gyukt^rrL^it^laaS^ yearn to 00000, 'in . to iil'iinma t'lty, Klnridn, m con- .Mr. Ledm-uin points out that the IcinjWateil try thi m«ii«K«nn*i>nt gOOOVg Authorized Ford Dealera St. Cloud, Florida hij-Ji NMI.*. s of i-'in me are famouH for inaf to adrlpf reeofred ••>• tha TWot ihelr rows of -x-piars but dodaroo Ida alate ghgggggOf Of 000000000 from TJIl KSOAY. KKItRIAKV H, MM THE ST. ll.OM) TRIBUNE. ST. CLOUD. IM.OIMDA i HI I linen I *..*.

    In t'mirl of llu* dimly .Indue, lie leaned forward. Why. I do UOt +-^++^-M^«H*^:-+-*>**M-*->:*+->^ Qaeaala County. know, imt I was vitally Lntereated in Mull, of I'lul iiiu tin way lie g 1 .ni-'\er llnit ipic- In ii* Kstuli* uf ('iit'rir funu-lia liurd- tlon, GENERAL INSURANCE t/M*r, ltii'ix'nsi*il. I im aalf, < nn never contemplate | Kire, Automolatle, Plata Hhis**, Aei'Ulent, Surety IJdmi** -Anyt-ljing matrimony," ba aald ilowly, "with my 'I., nil Credltora, legatees, Dlatrlbuteea In tlie iiisinauce line. work il wouhl bo rulnoua, Though mul nil Psraona bavlng t'InIms ur Da- fundamentally i nm. in me ;i pea- Information on rates cheerfully faralaJmda IIIUIIII urn • Batata: \ Inclal jdirnse. a luarrx my man'. ITou, mui each of you. an harsbj Thc Oldest Agsmcy in Uu- Cttff \\ ;i .I j" In- suddenly find ;II, [idea per BOtlfled innl i'ui|iili'i'.l I*. lu-i-sutit nny f irn nt tn our line of thought, "I'll claims umi demaada watt i> y or S. W. PORTER either uf j m, tuny have agaloi t tht have Lemoyne sin.: for you a Uttla sunk' wiiii ii expresses my lentlmenta RKAL KS'I'ATK A INSIRANO" raatata "i innl'' I'ui'iiiiiii Oardaar exaci ly." N'OTAKY PUBLIC deceased, lata i.r < leceola i mint.. Clot "Come, Mucliet." he adresaeo POSTER nt-ILDINQ PBNNSTLTANU .VENUE Ida, in tba Oouatj Judge of Osceola, of -.'-:»:»:--w->+->->M4^+W'*^ w Data I'-' ber 28, *. l>. loafl. QKOROK l», 0 MII'M .11. Copj-rlarht 1»2S by puhli»h**rt Ault-ruUr Servtcs Without a word tha coma and stood Alllllilllsll'HI lull. bealdo bim al the piano. whlcb had been more precious to her ITiii iin-lixi IMeree (tines I Studio Tea In a few momcute Andre Uollere Whai was i'i.';r ralattonahlpl Did BUSINESS DIRECTORY .Inn. 7 I'i'ii SB, limn all llm BOCOrea iii Ihe •werld'.' 11 woo arhUo ore were ot break faai will !«• here, also iim -DaWlghta, Tbat'e in- return the affl ctlon «h * i im- could imt help [>ut wondov. j..;..;..;..;..:..;..;..:..;..;..;..:..'..;..;..;. .;..;..;.....;..;..j..;..i, NOTICB TO CKKMTOKS thai ire riral dlaeneered that mien nil." announced Barrlngton fierce gh r Prank M. Blake i'u iis si-\ i-i .1! rot rt before when she geeted {jonmofoo, "the real of you Rooma 11 .'mil 13, Mata llntiU l-Mg, To ull Credltora, laeag-taaa, Dlilrlbu iiini begun i" irudjp for bet operatic will wnm cocktnlli 1 puppoae und sn RAPIDLY TAK- do 1. tot iiiiii matteri -ho complain­ COASTALS CITIES ARE laaa and all Peraont bavlai I'IUIIHH ur i in I-I i Kiiaxim I* lliiriila DeBundt imultiNi said fflatacai • \i h e I wot Jual piniii iiiiii." ed «iih 11 grimace, "bnl we peof)le wh«i ING STEPS FOR W ATER TRANSPORTATION , .ui, umi in. h ui' | mi. aaa inn-iiy •be explfl !ned, "nn-i i did qnlte a Woo Ring are hound hand and foot, body nnd -nut io tlii- um-1 capriclooa of imt iiiiii and required t" praaaal ao? 1 liiims ui.iii r mv own iiiiini' tin I wish I'll .lnliiisltiii (j. I*, liarrtlt i-iiiiiu-i umi demaada a-hlch "Fag BB -.MII iHiilil aee nn teacher, "Ali<> IS OAOO all the nri- " Bo much attention has boon focus c.iuipieicd negotiations for iho estah .•OUNSTON at liMtltDTT either of .MUI. -aai 'mvi* gajalnjl the tn] Ni.'iiui:;.T. orer here. 'Kllen', dM "Yog mean you \\o\ tt svan htka B •ad upon I'IC rn Hi u,i,i transportation iNiiiinni i.f direct steantftbip lervlcs between New Fork ami that * - * t > sftei aat.tta Of Irtiiil, M. 11 In Iv*-. 'Iui I'usuil. uid, "is II good in for ;i s« inm] gtaas of wtneT* 1 a eked tu aurprlee, syntein of Ihe slate Inn uf freight *Mtorni*.v-at-I.aiv intu nt' ii-. in County, l-'ii uiii it. I*. hii-i reu or H fetume de i-harabra but "why I thooghrf Orand Opera etngeri locating a concern which operatoa iiffi.i.s: ut. II, I.i.i U Cttaaaaa' Baadi were wlnod and dined every tnlnate, congeal im, i be general pui>ii< has ovar two steamships thai can naxicute llu- iln* County Judge of Osceola County Car it tahtjor, lion IHeu! • *-i Unpot< Bulldlog, Rlaalmmaa, Kla. Florida i.r s..iii aatata, w'll.iti ona Kihii'!" sin- con tinned Imitating bar 1 rather ooanoel them, nanmbow, with looked i)n< work of cities and towns rtvoc to tha: point. year fron tha data bafeof. •French inn you Imagine marvelotu dinner partin and foatlva uu the .*illi.mie am) <.ulf uifist, Which champagna.M Dated -I ii IIIIII i.x SB, A 0, 1988, taking tin' pari of Mi i dttder -tba hava iNAidod harbors during ihe last SOME FXORIDA PACTA ll v. mm i:. name of Blleu Dantelal So, from natr­ m rtta* i sSm us m "Thera*ra quantltlea of dlnnor par* yaar in malm it pussii.u. p, handle Idntlnlatrator, on fan -imli bo titmoya all raa, Lam: riorida has 30,000,000 acres of land. 1 ii--, g| light, a ud plenty <»f wtne. frohahi by orator- says the Klnridn r. & A. M. ,l:in. M IS, oftto. i lun ims euphony nnd romance; ^ null' right, there. Bat for avarj imi Bllen, Mi-Miir. pjaaae do me a favor .11.- Hxcent iiu- singer, sin- imt only siaie Chambor ot Commerce, Two Florida i< nearly as large St tin M. its MI mul nnil rctiirtli NOTICE TO i'KKIHTOKS of nol aver letting uie bear thai name cniri drink anything or hava • cigar outstanding agamples an- supplied hy si\ New England States. I ririiiy i'iniiiig each ago ui'" Bo now II 'a i *eino) no i •a n lei l< etta bul ii.i- to ba aqaally careful .Min.iii .out st Paterat-^n ind the iiitinlli. In I'IUIII nf iiiu r..unly .in,; All niy frlonda inii ma Lemoj m rjaoLa County, Strata "i Florldg. aboul her dial nml." aha bealtatod of i boaa two cit ie- in provid­ Khuida lias no bounded Indebted i PPEB i. A. It. IIM.I, „ concluded, "anil <«f couraa the preaa- -en 1*1 h iim for tho iiu lu wordt "oil. I' r sVBMBTRONO, Worshiptal in re Estate «»f TennoaaSB ' Blal agenti wort delighted over .1 plcture- well any oUter dlaaliiatfon, F"or In ing meana tnr bringing in freight ha- I i.iiri ted Mii-t. i- S(|llc Jjatlir." -luiii-i." aba wenl bach to tha aubjed prompted other coast polnta to be To nil Creditor, Legatees, Distrlbuti-ea i''iurida has 2,-582 manufai lurli nt dieting, "Utree more pounda and gin hurl MU- Improvement a, Tlm im A. K. COWOHB, Si'.ri'tiir.v nnil ull I'li-'Ui-. lulling I'lutnis ur De* "Bul Barrlngton Pierce apoka ol ii would bo grotoaquo for ma to alng cstahli*-huii'iit-. VlaMatal Itrlllllrr Hl'll'UIIW manda tgalast sn hi Ratata: ,\mi II*. 1 ;iir*n 1 tanlela,' I remirked, portanco nf ihe Jackaonvlle port nml "x.. 11 and each of you, ate hereby •only becauae be thought II u*»Mi«ibl« Minn in 1.11 Itnlicme 1 Wonder Why othera baa i n generally recognlaed -Florida has 5,400 miles of ratlroada iintiiii.l mul required i" pn-senl nny iimt rou might remember bat k in we allck, Barry, taometlmea I'd lovt ami other oltlea arc -, . icing to fot- I. O. O. V. A im'i n ,t w JM-11 I sang u few thlnga to kick over the tracea n li h a bang, I demands which you, "i inu their example, l-'lurida lend- the World in LI.II SI l'l,,11,1 i I'ltlliT .,)' \ "II. IIIIII II.I . •' U'liill-I llu under thai name. Hut Barry alwaya * "Better Ua tnerrj with fruitful Miami began the work uf provid­ fruit product Ion. call im- l.«emojne," BI the mentioned Mr*. 88, It'll I estate nf T-* - '' I Iln I r Than aaddon after none, or ing ttaelf with deep water several i.i- name, faraway, dreamy expreaalon III.'i'l.S I'VI'I.V 'I'tti-s- lata of 11-,-,-,,in i*i \. ii. i Ida, lo t be bitter l-'i'uii ' t.:u snd with the grow th < in- Danielle* ^^;ls an ubMorhlng , \nii in painpi-r und eoax 111*.' liri.tlll't'S \M'l,-,,INi'. l'l |< IMA SI II. HI MMERS, it posalbla io continue iis rapid .-lini altogether pleanng tfalr, Whethw your ^ oli B for weeki to get It ba. tt bouudary of California. ,|iill\ II ARMSTRONG, N. tl. Ailniini-t ml ll . growth during IttiKJ wai Its harbor. rah, T March I •he made any effort to do w or not, In liiinn. i*ou aee, II tan't worth PBEOERIO BTKVBN8, See'J. sin- declared that sin- wn unable to it." ii n. i.. led Barrlngton Pierce. Km- moolahs the harbor has ht en Plorlda has very favorable corpora­ crowded with ahipplug, wbilo simosl IlAl (JllTIRS Ol' KKKI'iKAIIS Natiaa "fa Ctta**lara. ns.- her Influence to gal ua tn inj of '•.\h ye'. bul ii la," ihe mowed, "that tion lawn. coutlnuoualy a fleet of reaaala has Iti LI. A i ..Ml*l'.i:i.l„ \. il. tha croTTdad botela and Insisted thai mn- week wai moro precloua to me in Oourt ..f Hu* Oounty Jndca, IK- wa simuiii si.-iy tot n visit a than aii iln- applauee from all the bean anchored lu ih. Atlantic off the Florida has a larger area of toa-v-t .111,1.1 ll. I- III :.N< 11, Siiri'liiry. ci'.'i.'i Oouaty, State af ri..ri.iu. there. Because ' urtlas approved ot a the world," her glance pert, each ship • Waiting its turn to than most other stains in ihe L'nlon, st. i i i taodgv, Daugtatera of Re- 1 mi in cause I wns rater and discbarge cargo, aa rapid IN It 10 KSTATI*: ui' ll.iiry 1. Klin:. aoaghi his f.u- a brief moment nnd ,,f l"'ksli it t i*\ ii.\ -ci umi nml fiinrlli Ilk*, wise tn sr! uii ted with bar rnarm, then wandered oni to the dlatanl iy as poaalblo tho worh deepening Florida produces inure clear H.iv- M'lllalll.V ill 111.' Hllil JVIlilWS Illlli. I,, ul! Oredltora, Loan. •-. Dlatrlbu- the girangemani was moal agreeable bortn n. ths barbof and of providing mora ami dgara than any oilier Btato OT Vlsilur.. Wili'i'iin'. ii AII Paraont having Uaimj tn 11- both. space fur vessels i-» being carried out, ill I li'llillllilM natiiinst suiil Kstittl*: They were temperamental, tbooo or- ihe dredgea oporatiigg twontj rour Cuba. "sin-'s promlaad to atay wiih a* 1 i rou, nml li "f >'"". "ri* IUT.'IIV 'or Inatanoa witboul balng *' "»- ooara • «iuy. More than eighty cups of c notified mui required bt [vaaaovi aa] a in n -in- comae ta the Htat*»e on her - imis .it it, thay had h-ft oa com­ ORDER EASTERN STAR concert tour uexJ fall--" • told Cnr- pletely oul ol thier thought! and were \i iii*t st, Rpterburg wus nn Tampg inereial value can he crown In Florida. ilium- mul ilium li'K wliiitl Villi, IT Bay, hui aoma years uni ll had be­ SI. Cloud < haplir No. 40 .•itlnr ..f ."ti. IIIII \ hiivi* iimilnu tin* .1 1 ban ara ean reciprocate, rn wandering aboul in aoma .-tnr in *:." •86 Umi li< l,.i I sivirl, QJUlel liuif. gun the work of dredging small hay- Florida's average rainfall is aboul Batata ..r Banr-* U King ili*.'.*n*«r.i. lata den of th« pOflt Moots In O. A. It. Hall First and for over ban aba navat ims 1 chance nus in iiu- southern Motion of tho five foot The greoteot rainfall i uim- nf Its. .' ("utility, I'li'l'i.lll, I.I lllu Suddenly it. won Barry who broke Third Tliurmln.v Fviiiinns. Vajltora tO tOOt at ull." city bo provide • coinmercial harbor in the wimiiicr, when it is nmsl insil- Jndga of tin* i uuniy Ooort af IM la i'i. pregnant aUllnaa <»t tha room* Invited. in order thai ihe hcauty nf iis miles ed. County,, vvitijn ma jraai Sn his fYar nf mir having tal-rii "Well how aboul tha tea, Lemoyna of parked e/^terfront mighl bo pia> Mra. A. B. Oawflar, Warthy Miiirna fr.'iii thu data haB-aof, tdvantaffe of bar amiable hospital] We can ni leasi Indulge In that, ynu iy \\;is •Hayed, served Etepested appeals for Inderal Mrs. Lucy M. llliukmun, Sivri'lnry Dated Dacea-her IRS A. I>. 1MB. mul I. Shnll 1 in-lp youf You'UI find Florhla shi-is more celery than any In n few days Hariiniitun l'lcn-c aid iu providing the barber wara an- other i-a-eiion of ihe liiiiisl Sialesv WILLIAM SWABBIDOS •trlvad Uii'k in Paris ami it was the Ingredienta foe the oocktailg *'i» sttcosasfult, appropriatlona being ra : St I'.x.*. nl..r i ha upper shelf." ba who trraaged • little Daateatg go fused on the ground thai there was Florida hns an abundance of excel­ W»Ui-r« Harris "i know, tiiHis a grandotand ,s\nj wi' ini^tit haax laanvoyaa sing for not sufficient water borne rommercs lent wnler, ami many of her springs 1-l.lMBtMt In Ihe Court of Count) .!ut!gr though a hunt offerlaOg youi o^atonoa, to Juatlfy them. st. Perareburg then tin- first ll,nr. are nationally l.unwii for Ilieir cura­ General Household Fixtures for tha Mad* of Kloridu Wi- sluru-ij fur big stuiM" latr OM Alwaya you say tha aoma th i issued bonds and lM'--iin the work at tive propaerMe*. In llu* I'sistu of Henry 1. Ixitm. •fternoon. in igaai "f ins raceaaa yon have navec helped me,'' its own axneoaa*, i^--*s ttnu Qiret) Hlllil Itimiii ttt. Cloud, riorlda, Oaceolt County. Barrlngton Haree si ill cboae H KIHI- "l hope tfaaca*i go "double entedte' inonihs ggo iho engineers announced i TIN WORK to this laal aentence," replied loarry Florida ims 2,6M common schooU, NOTH*a* IS IIKKKHY OtVUt, In plo mode nf liviiiK. \l>' hail (aki-ii thag had provided nineteen feet of Near 10th and Florida Ave. all wh.un II limy I'i'lu-i-i'ii. Hull nu thi' nml (hey both smiled as .-he left the •212 high schoota, four gtato achools up his roalilamw with • email French water and that vessels of thai draught I iif higher odacattou, sixiei-M dsnomlna- IM ,i.i, i.r .luiu*. A. ii.. less, i -imn ft in Hy at first go Dial he in in-lit talk roon,. Curtlaa followed politely offor- could reach the COOCrotO wharves^ inK to pri'side at lh • OOcktOll shuUer. t Long i SCIKMIIS and i wo imiust rial apply t.i llu* II,ui,,rnlili* .1. as*, ollv.-r. with them in iheir gvarjday dlaconraa Which had IK'CII provided in tlie menu schoola. ,liiila,'u nf tan ill Cunrt. us Jfltaaa uf I'i'ii Hint hr ft li) occupied the u*pper floor Lomoyna waa perfectly «t bonao aa time, 'i'he bother WHS there hut no ABSTRACTS OF TITLE of a BMdlocra boaaa In the Hue da Iiiiii*. for f Inn I ilisi'llnlla'i' its Kxi.-il­ she itioveo );iiieefully nlnnit tin- apart effort up to that time had heen nuule , r li.r ..f tin* aatata "f Henry I, Klai Claneyron Wi- ellaabed tba ! ng nielit liusyiiiH; herself with tin- tin tu use it when It wai* retidy. Hunk depeslts .lime SO, IilL . ,. were THK K ISM MM Kit AIIS1 K.VCT daoaaaad, mni ihut al tin* aataa tiuii*. riij-liis nf ihnlx utni is and finally tho tuhle. She iiimuneeil Ihat -Ji-*- had l602.aBaaoe.6B, as sgalnat |JI*8t008,- Nouml of a piano mailr ns raaliasj Mint Herman A. Dann, sr. .ratorabnrg, gggiJO In June, lOM Tliis represents COMPANY, Int. ] will priin'til thi* flunl iici'iniiits ns •topped hy llllll bOOghl sniiie fresh ( Uusliie-** man and president of the Kxi'.'iitnr nf sui.I aatata nml usk fur hi-1-1- Wata tWS moms uf mir DOOOt htooj II broad »nd a few other doU*. •• a gain of mure tiian IIMI par cent in State t'lminlH'i- uf < 'uiniiien-e. board* one yea r. Rooms 2 and .3, Ilearaan Bulldlna their u|i|u'iiviii. ta*emoyne bad already arrived. Whs OfM from a near hv simp .iifldlng thut ed Ihe first t rn In for New York, i-sti.l rebruary -'•--. A. n nrji. Mood hy lh«' ptn n<> ami lnuknl t'ulti- oni boat HUM niosi forgetful. chartered mi nvniiahie ataaontthtiw nmi Phone 330 IN HI Mltl.K HOMKS WM. aosABRIDOB, •tmnrt tn IMT simple tailored frock of tlien loured the .North Atlantic StatOS Then hev valeo raaia bom the paa> Kiwiiiiiuii'i', Florida I'.xit'iilnr. beige .1... 1;.,..;. nith arbtefa riu arota try, •"Why. Hurry, you haven*1 cut the in .--enreii of butldiagj material to pro­ n ctoao fitting vclvi'l inrhnii nf iturrv ,( lu hurnhle homes our truest men a-ggt 'Si Apr, i". ejikt- I made' f r you myself a week vide OOrOJOt Since the arrivnl of the 11-tai roil. were horn, OgOt I'll never make ymi nimlher," first Tense! the Imrhor tins bOOH 'i practiced all morning wtth my Their fathers tilled the soil, in dewcy taocher and thaa can hero, Bar- she threnli-m-d, in a playful show of cruwded with sliliis. Hue dny tliis H. C. IIAKT1.KY CLEAN RAGS WANTED anger. wis-k -U'Vi'ii freiKhteri were nt the morn. ry ami 1 oftao worli together, it's RO wharves. tWO were inichnred OUtoide Their mothers on domestic duties TKIltlM: OV-nCK i tiidn'l have any quests and IM- HairdMTiro Fartning* Implemeiits, raatfnl hare/' aba apologlBad in iim boy geroitigag an opportunity smiled, •tdea ir tan't a week old. Only three I iiiuii. Oils and \:in.i-lt.*s dOyO, Well have il m.w. What dO to enter, while others wen* en mute And UHadod ggrOMOtS wlille tliev you say, galliot*1 'itlhnu me hy my from tiuif ami North Atlantic porta, roeked i child. 1 I. i.illl IIIIII 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 I a firnt noma ns we all had dime tin- St. retcrsliurc. M n ri'sult. is ohlain- Thus close |u Nal lire's Imart they firsi iiiju-111 wa had goam ou me Uttla in**: building material ami other com­ 0MWJ and thrivisl, KKA1. ESTATE fij-i. at Monro Oorlo. modities in Inrne quantities while By Nature'.*: Qod Iheir suuls were 00 •I'm afraid iru ba atoioa*- i io# other points HIT getting them 'u dri revived ; See or Write Mots. gaated, "cokaa ami art n do NOV True DO a piir-mM- ami Ihat pnrpuse W. II. MILLSOM IK vim wish In liuv or st il ui riiiffi*, v.irunl lots t*r Improva with •ojo." •aroaota has in-i oold its muni Ntrung iiu imt :\ connotoeaof ef cipal electric plant for 11,000,000 and 'I'u help the weary ,-tnd tu vanquish St Cloud Florida bouaet conaall with i.m i don'l agree with you •boal with Ilie mom*-, will provide itself w rona;. wmiieii. For Inatanoa i think a OTO- wiih a deep water channel. harhor They rose gbOvO 'he common as the mnn Is much more charOling as tln- and arharvoo, On the Raiai Ooool wot Iree Bay your I-apara, M.'ii;iir.i,u*s, Ts- yoara add iheir wealth uf knowledge erai points air spending bugs sums Tuvvcrs far nlmve llm brushwood baero Olgara, "tViiils, Post Curds, Sla- •v It. pblloeophy and wisihun. I'lap- In pruvide faiillties fur •hipping. Krowiuc frtH', rlomxr-*, Prnnuta & ( at tlie St. • , i- i.i.* Irritating LUM the meealea." t'leniwnler within the last few days They drank from gyitoa •CrOOOM Of I louii News Station. H \ rl'ON I'll.I,IS W. 6. King OR J. E. Phillips 1 thoughi "f Kllie Mitchell whn had has seen Ihe flral ateamohlp enter iU pleasure swc.-l. 60-tf admitted thai aha was ualng all of Imrhor nml now I'nlatkii, mi the St. Pure ns (lie mountain rill. Willi eu^or Inr wllea in nltract the young mn«- .Iniin.*,' River, I'ifl.v five miles aooCh lei-l New York Ave., opposite St. Cloud Hotel i.inn. ghe waa typical of tba nod- uf .la.ksuin die is preparing to build 'I'hcy saiiKhl Ihe good Ihat leads tu ci ti debutgnta with all the mauner- municipal whnrvea ami box practlcollj rooming's fount M. R. CALLKMIILK i flapper -And up the imi ,-t Oonflid dared tu at Ia»w \- * ordlog io lhai. Ilien. >ou evi­ KX GOVERNOR \SKS TO immnt •Xi-iiiiisii building dently don'l think a ^iri is "dona for" MY bava bargains which will inlrn-st JOXt, SKK\K McCRAVi TERM still -striving fur tlie good <>f others when --hi' r-'ids niarried," ihis eagerly, more KIB8IMMKE, II flltlllV "You'ra much too clevor to think Thau sell, they fearless entered M Now li romn IHMISC furnished witli modem any iucb thing, youroolf- ho gnooror W LSHIIOOTON Chaos s. Osbom, iPmer's opon door, ed. "a wiunan isn i worth talkini; bO millionaire, former governor nr Miohl Had lo (he hurnhle homes whence Raal Estate liiHiiranr. 1 om 1 ni. nn in* Ohio Aviiiiii'. Oarage, $1-500. until -he's baas married or had .s.unc goa, hut now liviog iu sooth Qeorgla, nn a ut worth •ffalr whiili has fired her heart uud (nine fortli, at Ood*g coininaiul. Io bee •enaea. Dntll iiu'n she's in gaking Praaidanl Ooolldga to panola SAM' LUPFER Niw ,'i roogfl hoiiM, luith, liglits ami vie. <.nr- hless tlm garth, Iy iballOW, nol wall rounded on gnj former OOV, Warren MrOlmy of tnd- Ht HI KAVMOMi 2(1.1 Bn.iiilway KlHSlMMKi:, FLA. •anj and fruit. Newly furnish.d bar Rata only vital auhjecl und lacking the capa iana from the Atlanta penitentiary, Of city of feci im.' any deep amotion. rerud to take tha place of ihe prisoner Local Himr.'wiitiitivi*—New Tork Life lalQO. I., cry e\perie:iee through which you and serve oul his senhm <• BLOXHAM FORECAST Inauranea C. pass, Sallle, will adorn vunr iM-rson Mr Oaborn was ueiuaied tu make Dee. *2« ality. This applies tn a person wiih Ihe OppOOl bf his friendship f,,r Mrs. HEYDAY OF FLORIDA Lot OB Mass at -liust tt.s AM-IMIC, MIIHII honfiC chin in, Mas it Bernard dhaw *A ho ami her brother, George Ail*-. MI id < ha mi was I hai thlni;. w Inch if Ho atliniitc.l that he had mid thy OWEN P. JnVOABE only. $1600. ymi hod it nothing else muttereil and A quarter of ll eeuiury gg*0* OOV. if ymi didni bava it, weii nothing Praaldenl be wotdd ba gUd to toko W. I». Bloxham retiring as chief ex- K.-id Kslate llrokrr else mattered either'" we both smilnl Mci'ray's placo iu prison. (Miillve nf Florida sahl : St. Clouil, Florida. Corner lot on Kcntnrky Avcnur, 2 blocks iit the paradox, "No," he eont iimed. "i a lean i ovary word of what i " I iniulurriil ion am) capital these IB J. F. HIIIN*.V'H ..Hi.... told ihe Piuqidonta" sai.i Mr. Qaborn. two gffOgl nnd unrivnlh-d moiive pOW< Realdence: Jersey Avo-iue. from lost office. Only $1800. "marriage umi tba same ovorwhalm Ing propoitt ion It wu-4 In our < i mini "I tinve go-ashing to do. 1 have no erH of dovclopmeiil have giVOH Flur­ mother's da.v. Thank HIHI. Inatood dependants. I am need In more hood" idn ninrvelmis progress nml should he -hip than a prison entails I am n welcomed as 'IU-CCNSII ry factors to ill- 15 (teres land for $.100 of siil'lhit,' n glrl'l imlivtdnaliiy it UK. J. II. AlaLF.N, S. T. pretty fair piute printer, l hava baaa Vlgonta the further growth of the I'm' Inr ii new glaftMgg »'id clenrer •org ul-', si. il.,ml. riorlda. perception." working st tha printing trade mi my htate. The harvest is growing; let No Ornga l»tl "That'a *ill very well for Wr. life ghgOO stnrtluK OB tha t bleago our people IM- rmdy to reap ' tulier Man's wife hut WOUU you feel Trillium when ii youti-gtiter." And ttHlay we nil are rein ting— lin- Offlie Sill St. and MasB. Ave. Hnura: uie gUUnO way nlnnit'. tt. If you were Tho President took Mr. IMHTII'I mtgrnnts am) natives Ilis drenin hu-» 9 to 11 A. M. and 3 to 8 P. If. •aiiredl tint'i the age old queatiun.' aptieul under udvitHruivLt. COOJC true. •.'•» *t. 1,111 KMIM. KKBKI AR" -'>• '»-» *AI;K |-m'RTEE-*I THE ST. C'l.ori) TRIBUNE. ST. CLOUD, FLORIDA am BOB n tt m mm UM U m u aOUB I • mm as as KS m s j Nuliie of *i[i|iiii:iiiiiii for Tag n.x.l N«rn< K TO i KI in Mui,*. UMMlMJM*yMMMk\M>J&mmMmv iJ^^MaWLMi Nun, K IH III Kl Bl UI* EN, Thai In I'onn of the tVtititv .Imlce. (»s * . itn ri.-,. - pun h.i-..f ft it-flu r.*i'*ti state of Florida. Tat * *. x., IM dated tin* -mi Estate ef lUrhard A, Miller .(ny ..f July, \ I- l!H7. To all L-rodltora. ratflataaa, Dlatrl ,*,* In in»- of. .a** ami all Paraoaa baring dalnta ST. CLOUD CITY fit*.* .and inta itia,i,, application far or iieiunii.i . iicainsi .iiii Batata: OSCEOLA COUNTY tttx tlt.'.i If IsSUC ill 1. * • l'l.' "illl 'ftl. B&d . •: i • 11 Bf x, m. uie hereliy | law. SUld certificate eiulirnoi - notified nn,] required i** prataiil any • >>)• *XX .1. .', , i - ' allinit,,,; clalma and deniandt - kit ii j on, ,'i i rv-witi either af rou. taaj hart aaataal the Bi i . iii. ..,i- '. .',i M UHJ ..ti estate ..f ttlchard A. Miller davaassd, i: I'T SW ..r NI: I I IHI K i^i imo "i "- ffia County, riorlda, t" Tax Notice ,.,>. s i.s j - u' i-..' i- N if* yii> 'lu* Coimly .Tno%.* af fjarsola r ty, Tax Notice .,n iv toivasblp SB wlUiin fin. year frogs' ;1"' data bara r Haifit January fth .^ D, 1926. ..'•"'i'' * it.] ],...,. iielng a*. •--* '. Al DREY tiuiisliY. Adtulnlatrator. i.iii,* of th.* brruun .' .1 MI i.i • -i, 11. it* tl,,* n Blue ,*l l ,tl.i. >\vn. : i , ; I*.* rt in Courl nf iiu* Coiuii.i tjiidia, (is- i.ti Ihf ItlX lui.'ks t., nr-Uug t*t I""-* • 'nx .ie.,, Mil i It, ,', ... litt I'll i raola (oniity. slate ,.t Fli will latin thereat oa Ina *>:.- l>. n* EataJe of •Viilu'iii -Walther Mill toi tii.' (it;, af Sl. ( ou i tor i if v..•ii- IM s Ti, all i'i,- if:-, i Bfateea. Dlatrl ! in. ft. ite*l i J. I . 0\ BUSTRJ'E i iniiff- ami ..ii Peraona aaTlng rlalms , i i ii- Or 1-i ajjitinsl -ai.j CacBta. NOTICE is in r. l.y given thai tlw tax 1,1 Ul pr >per y .tot cloae promptly ,11 A] flral t ollut-. I 'fi '•• .. 1*0 and each of yen, art* liffeLy notified and required ta preaenl nut ''Vk -I- Mat. Ii I. 0. .1. H. f,.r Oaceola Count* for the jraat- IUI "iii claims and tin tuniids "linti y,.ii, in ill lie II li -. .I and toM pall l.y thai .l:ti " ad-i ftti.ft- af y- ti- mny lint* BBBIBBI the NtllltT OK RKtilvrUUlON '•• f Will*.-IMI Wii'tlier ilf.fasi-,1 prompt)-? .in April Brat. All taaea nol imi.I by Notice * ,.lua.\ . l\:.-il. in .'. Ptfla *dg, OB RMIT.1B WAI.IIIFK. UHN Fxfenlrlx M.i it. lm. Mart It 1 *t.. I8a*8 nml "ill continue t.i remain open until and in >..,•,*.• of \ppli tli'i* lor I'.u I'-ctl lion oi' wiur property anil snelote postaaja, eluding sutur.iay. Mat 1st., 18B6, froa- M I' CB is lli:'*"l'.Y UM IN. I'iiii •N :;u A. M. t.. S:S0 i*. M. .I.-.i .-- Mil. s. pnrc't.i •• ofl Rt . Bookt a 111 nl...' IK* Ti,x tVrtlftcact .to it'-* ilatt •' iln* "Hi John B. Collins, opaned In llu* earlout ltie.iiHt- ,f .Inne, A. 11. ltUl. tbrourfboul T * t. - c luuty from Monday, Iilt.l sultl * IIIIII tu • in inv nf TAX COLLECTOa. Man l, lata ISM to nml* ami aaa B*a . t annllcatla-u far Saturday, April Brd., 1898, I. ed I., ia BO ordiinj. e "I: li An] ii'ialifi.'il electot arboaa BBBte Law Saiil ..'rtfl a' n'..':!,.' lit* fo| \-ini: ileserilt*.! properly, -I'lfl'*'., i< n.-t n.,\\ ..ti tin* Registration lt.toks i 1 I SCBOla t'f tint . . Flfflil;.. 1 . " *1 . lotar. l.iisdfl BaailBoh. i.,nni a itn-nKii WALTER C BalM - Solalivi-ion .*. a - fxf.-i.t NW 14 - i|. rvlaot .a l;.*i;i-lrnTioii «.f N>v 14 .11 se tt...| 21 tuwnaaip ill C. L. BANDY, 11-,<-.-:., s. MII raaga BB ». -\ Coonty t.tx. - pa- lo C, I . Bandy, Klealmmi X ti* sni,) lasyd t- • ,'t-.-f--fil at *h* Florida. Nolice To I r.' -h t th.* laaa t ,* .-t -ii.i .i-t-tfi TAX COLLECTOR. In I'fitrt >.f the I'l.tnity Jodfe, 0a> ,:'.••' in tin* in,in,- of 1-' K. WMIIauts i a-Vta -.ii.i ,.,,-*',• no sinij i., rax i.'flH t .milt.. Slat.- ,-f Fl..ritlu. .1 a. r t.> law. lug dvad IN HK ESTATE ..f Baan i. Uaa w\". issue tln-fff.i .a. ih,. i.ltk ,i.,y ut Tt. uii Creditors, Laaateee, I'.-tril.n |'|****t*IWlWxlT*l'CTa*n! t ti. >. . i, • IIIII rjmiWMMm\mmmmmmmmmmi tt.-s an,i \ti I'ffsfn- in,,;: j Clalatt in A. n. wn .-' • i seal' •' I. OVKlt»TBBB r ar laatiaBilt aajagaal saul Hastate: Clerk ii. I.I: Court, Oa, la Yen. an.l fti.-h af you. are hereby NOTICE TO CRKDITOB Notlre of -.pplirslion lor Tax Deed Nolire of Appliration for Tax n.-.l County, Florida Notice of Appliiafion for Tax Deed. I'd.. N'OTli K IS IIKHKHY OITBM, Thai NOTICE ll iiK.iii'iiv QIVBM, Thai notified and -eajalred t" pr M aay ii March i: ,t A: NOTICB IM 1IF.KF.ISV IllX FN, Thai 111 I'otllt Bf III.* Canity .IlliU'e. Us .T. W. Crow, |iui'fhasor «f: M. "token anil M. I. Fnstt-r, pur- fllliln- antl wltifh you. nr l-'.istfr, i.iirfhasrr of: < la County. Suite of Kloridu. Not*.* «f Appliration far Tax Deed Tax I ertlflcnte Nf MU datai tin* t'.tlt chatter "f: erlht-r "f vim. nitty have BtaUaal the Tax IVrliflfate No. ll*BB dnlisl lh.* ,'lrtl lu re Wslllle <>l Chiirle- 11 llerliam NOTICB is HKItKliy OIVBB, That Tai Certificate No, mis tlntcU lh« Batata of Henry I.. Klnu diseased. Inle day of .Inne, A. I). IHIS. 'P.. all 1 redder, l.'i:i.ti*f.-*. lilstrilni- .im of I'm- ' 0 r.i'-'i Tax Certl* It. M. vrtcker. inif.ljti'.T of: Ttli daj "f July. A li. int. Taj; Oei*. ,,r <..,-.-..i,i Coaaty, Florida, *a th. has su'. iVrllflente In my of- ficiiilc No. SSI tltiti.l Hit* 'till il".**' "' Tat Certificate N..s. 7tl T::J T.'i:'. tei*. innl till i'ersoiiN having Clainu. 11 ti. nI.. N... Till tht Till .Inv ••( indite *.f th.- t ounty fntirt ..r i t..f,,la fle*. and bi. tiiud.* appllcatioa for Jiini*. A. I'. 1183. 7:i7 7in-7.".i 7--.:i datod tin* Tt ti lay of or licmiiudx ttiju!::..: siml l'-tute: August, A. I), mm. Tnx Oettlflcate i ..tinty. rini-iaiti. within one y»aar lax I.- issne in iifi-orilaiiff wiih ims filial said Dartiflcstoa in my .if August, A. 1>- li-lt: law. Sui.l ..-rliflfate ciiil.rnron Ihe You. nnil eitfh of you, lire herhy No. Tin tlnii.l tin. i;tli ilny uf Juni*. front the liiin* lier.ff Boa, an.l im. nisilc appllcattoa far has fiie.i .aid CarUaVatas in my af. I..ih.wini; daaerteaal arsaarty, situated notified and required lo |*rt-t*nt any d.ssl t*. in iiffonltiiifi* witli law. A. II. Itl'-'l. Dated Ian atalaa .'.th A. l>. 18*08, aa-aa, mart in- mnti.. a-ajlk alhia for ti i t-f.s.lH entity. Kloridu. to wit : flniniH snd deiiiHiuls whifh you, or Said certlficBtaa eatbraca taa follow* im. niiii atld i artiflcataa in my ..f WIIJ.IAM SK.UIUH-.;**:. fi.*.'. mni has inatif appla-agtloii for tax iie.-ii t.i laaaa in acordanoa \*it' Fractl lot :t Block "I*" I'alricks either of yon. may linve t.Kulnst ll.e Irg deacrinad i.r..|H-rty. situated in lls- atataggMkae. iu\v saul certlflcatea eatliraca th*' County, riorlda, lO-Wll : lax .1.s*il In issttf in affi-tlHti.'f "Hi, Addition to Kltwliiiinee City lees 1»- * -t ' of lillllles 11 Itflhalll. deeflis l>e«. 2* 11 I. rolowlag doacrlbed property, -itn.n.-.i I i,t 4 C, Florida Fruit A la.v Sai.i <•.•! t it'i.-atf s ftnlitaffs tht ^iiitiinn NW. ,-erner run S. tKI ft K. ed. gf OBaaota Cs-aaty, Florida. in Oaceola Ooanty, Ftorida, tow-it: Track Land We suis.livi.iun af -«•• following tlfs.rititsi ptopartf attnated 1411 ft N. Illl ft W. HO ft. 11. the l',unity .Itiila.'.' i.f Coiin­ lifti J'. i..«n-iii|i • *-»'tith. range 27 iu Oaceola County, iKoritia. fa-wit: Notice of Appliration for T»\ Isred I.m :. nif.k 8; I.ft - Block 7*. Lot Tin* -a'd land lielni; asses.v»d at the iy. Flurida. of snld aatata. within .I Block i-i; l.i.t- L* in ii* aad IB Block ,1*1 *,- . the isstiaitf." Of saul eertifi- laits IL' nut! II ltliak :i-J4 St. I'h.u.l. NHTH'E IS HFIIFIIY H1VKX, Thai tin* -ears from the date BSCaag, Lot IB ll!.K-k BM si Clood. 14: I .' I I'.MI ami IL- HI...I: 18 . rate in the name of "rla.h Hroa. Let 4 Kl-H k II. Florida Fruit A J. F. l.isi. purfhnsfr ..f: J -niiii .Innuary 10, A. H I'l'-'H. la.i in Block :.--' st. Cloud. Tai Certificate Noa. faa-TaU ilattsl Let r. nioi-k lit; Lata ,'1-4-ii-in 11 14 1'nl.s» said fertlfii-flle sluill be re- Track l-aml Oo't BubdlTlal f taa . 11.1.1 wi t 111 ;:UAM. tit.n Ml lliaaablp -0 smith, range '.'7 The aald lami IM-IHK Bgaaaaad at tht the L'nd day of int.. *• I' lliMt, nml 1.', Block BB: 1 .-i- .' I ti 7 s ii Lt-18 deaatad aix-ordlng to law, tax deed Administrator*. enst. ilnte uf the l-*siijin.-f .if sni,I .frtlfi- has filed sn i'l lerlififfitf in niy i.f and ta itliKii a*B>; all of tbe also.* lota will lsNtie tbertsm ,,n tht l.',:,'t dny of Jan. L'l Mai.',. 11. Tba MI..I '..'imi being a-aetata st ,i,.. tartl la tht names of rnknoYviij I'n- fi..-, ami lias inude Ji|.|.l i.'Htit.u for lielng according to tha plal .*f Mary ill. Cl. seal) J. I. , IBs*. lias filed OBld IVrllfiinle in my of­ Ooaaty, Florida. dale of the iHsuanix* of -uid eertificate litless said oertififates talisII Is* re- Seventeenth .Itidicial Circuit OsoroJii ,,*, ct Baal) l. I- OVaWB-TBJ-a-T, fice, innl hs. mud.* tppllralloa for Iti,. it.-March -."J M. I-. r. In the linuif of F. M. Hunter; H. M. aasa i -t a-t-irllBB ht in", mx d.*.xi (Viunly Clerk Circull i'ourt, Oaceola tnx lo iaane ,,, a, ,, a diiiue with Fin ley. will igggg*, iltens.u en ihe ,s:h ,lu\ *.f IN 1 IIANCFHY Coaaty, Florida. luw. Mil.I ffillli. ui,. , Ihe Notice of Application for Tax lis..; Inless said oertltlente shall be re­ Mar.h. A. li l'r.-fl. Fvu itfinif-. rkniinlalnaat, Jan. IB-Feb. 2.V-J. W. C. foiii.wim* property, tltuatad la osixx.ia NOTICB IS HEKKHY OIVBN, That deemed Ufordlnt*, tti la"', tax dBBd n't. i t BBBl) I. La OVKIIHTHKI'-T. ta. Oouaty. Kloridu. tn-*A'lt: I'. .1. Iliirrnws, purchnser of: will Issue tlieremi .11 the 1st 'lay ol Clerk I Irrnlt Court, Oaoaola I.niis Us Iteniles. Ilefelldlint. N.Ure to heirs and aU aet-er portle. IA.I 14 NiiffisisH... nf se.-tlon 17 Tux ii itififuto Nos. laaVIahVTM ilnted Van-It, A. Ii. UM Canity, Flttrlda. It uitpearliiK hy affidavit ai-i> :;| InterrKtrd af Adatlnastralsrs prlrilmn ii.wii-i,ii, H -imiii raaajt eaai. the ilnl dsy of June. A. II. IH1N. Tax Feb 4 Mar.h 4— R. M W. In Ihe lull flleil In the ul..if sinied The tan ill land IH-IIII:*ss*s- st the Is take patiinttiea sf real estate to ('.•rilfl.lati* No. 10 dated the 4th day HI Ct. S.*al) J. L. OVERSTREET, that l.i.uls I, ltelules, .1... .1.- dale of the laeuaaca of said . .•rtlfl.-ul.* pay debU. af .Inne, A. I>. llttt't. Clerk Circuit r..iirt. Oataolg Nolire of Appliraiion for Tax Deed feiuiant llifffin niiiiasl Is 11 iifiiresi ill Ihe name of F. X. lafll-ont. hits file.1 said I'ertifli*ntes in my of- County, Florida. NOTICE IS HFKE11V OIVEN, That tlenl .if tin- Btate of Florida, innl Is a In CoBiity .indfe't Coort. Ooceola I sai.i certlfleata shull bt re Baa, nmi has mad** ggfjllfatlgti f..r Jan. 2ft—Feb. •* .1. F. ('. V. I, Ilnrroxvs and Virginia F. Curler. rtttflaal of NKI 7ih meat, Buffalo, County, riorlda. tri iirdlag ta law. itx ii.-.-.i tnx deisl tn Issue ln aix*ordanr-e with ptrrchaaara of: Nfw thnl he It >.ver the agt* t,f In tbe niatter of Ihe Buttle of win issue thtraoa oa bha IM day of law. said narllflfaiaa gaggaaaBi tin* MITH'K Tog Certlfleata Na. Ill dated the Btk twenty years; it Is therefnre Charles II. IHTII.IIU. Hi IBB Bad Mar.h. A, li llrjli foll.twlnr* ilei.*rllied pri.|sTty. sltnatixl, day ..f July, A. II. lflU ordarad thnt the Bald aaaarealdeal To May E. Kelly and her husband, Ini- flhsl saiil Cfrtiftfiite In my of- Fl.-t, to-wlt : Notice is hereby clven that BBBlad defendaal ba umi he Is herelty rtsiuir lOt. Bt laal) I. 1. I1VFUMTRK.KT, John Kelly, of itwsito. Mi.-ktgan, Wl I-i.1. "ill la- I ived hy the Ilflinl nf flct nmi ims made apulloatioa for I..a- 4.* and -tti atiiaaatr Gtra ed to BSgaBtl t.i (lie I,ill uf f..ut|.Ininl Clerk Clrettll C.nnt. Iua,-, Ball St.. Alvftftm Back and ln*r Ins- County Ceiiinii-ai..n.-rs In anil for • I tt. Issue in ai-forilnliee with SiitKlivl-l..ti i.f S 1 •• of NW 1-4 an.l flleil In -ul.l rmi-i' ..a .,r l,i-f,,ff M,,n Oouaty, Florida. band. John Baefe, of 715 Church Bt, Oaeeola Coanty, Klnridn. up t.. t.i, i..-. .-ail! i.-rtif ii.lte eliil.i'Hfe. t In* dny, tht* 1st tiny nf March, A. I>. 188*8, Jan. M Irlt. i'i -r. H. L. iriin', liicklaan: Roy In rhtxin. Iran NK i-4 af sw i-4 of taottoa I -atra* A. M.. Mfii'ltiv, \ltti-.-li Is* ami far r followlag d"-.i;i.f.i propartyi situated otherwlaa tht allagatlona of -aid t.i 11 shl|t 'J, t smith, run**!* '3*. ixist. \M!S Bl tin n.*t,.n truck . liassfs. with Uoaataln, Mlrhlgan; All.e DUMt »n,i in it-,,-,.ia County, aflorlda, n.-wit : will lie taken as »• nnr.-s-sed l.y saul Nolire ol Application for I uit .unl in..In Lantl & Inv. Oa*t Snli-'livisi..n lo*r liusl.anil. Bxerett lliltl.le nf for thirty-two by -iv tin- aa tha rear BB 14 i.f BB l I ef NI: I-I nf ase* dffendllht Free Partlon. runna. Mich., Karl K IK*rlinni, ••' t'..r- imt Of I 1 i of NW 1-4 nml NK 1-4 wheela, lii.ider- t.> taka old tracki linn .". t.."ti-hi|. L'.". -..nth. run.*** IB .-a-l Il Is furlher onlereil that Ihis order i-iiiiiiH Mi. li.. Bay 1 i.rlin in. nf Iran of sw 1-4 tf sis-tinn I toxtaabip -•.', ami all'.w I'otntty . re.llt lltffefi.r an Notice is hereliy Klven that I wilt south, rlllta'f -*H east. I^ot 10*1 S.-ln tie" tru- ks. 'lit.* -alt! lund la-in..' aggBBBBd at tlie IH* BUbllabed OBCa ll week fur five foil- Mountain, Mich, i ad WMtlaa* \ l> I ipnl- I., the lion Board ..f Pardoaa, utola Land & Invx. <•••'. gub-a*l*rlaioo Tin- Board r.'Sftvf- tin* liatht to re­ dull- af Iln* iKsnuiu-e ut sal.I fi-rllfl aacutlre ...-.-ks in th,, st Cloud Trl hsm. ..f St. l'l.nitl. Flu., sml b) til Bl, Florida, on iue .md of all -action -'1 t..wnsliit> L'ti s,,nth. in, t any tiinl all Itlds eata in the aaata *.f R. Bykea. a newBpapor puUlahod in wild other partlaa la-aiaau-d in It CoUOty and Stnte. Tutaday in Mar h, -Ska*, for a full raaga M aaat, K I. of NE i-4 .,f NK I. La ll\ KltSTKF.KT. Dnleag suiti ..ttifienie siisi i... ta ..! Charlat II I'.-illliin. il«*feii.-fl ,,a*l antl fn*.* |itn.!,,,i umi res!, nation to 14 nf aacUoa ^l township ;io soutli. i i-rk of tin* oBard nf dtetned according t.. law, mx daad This IBth, tiuv of January, ISAM, elvll rights resulting frnm i gtataaea ratik'.' 88 east. in the iuiui batala aaairlhad, i '..tinty i ommlaalonera "ill I--IH* thfieini ..ti lh,- 19th dav Of HI. 11 Seall J I, lIVKKSTIIFI-'.T, of fonvifiion fur tin* ,rin f murder, usl huad batag aaaaagai at the Notice is li.i'i.y glraa that Wimait March, A. i>. 1928. clerk Ctrcull (' Oaceola '• lii,.mni pardon for which was A. I-em!! in. ii'!ini:ii-tint"r "f l - data of tin* itastisn,-,- ,,r said cartlfl* til. ct. Seall .1. I. OVEBBTBEET Oouaty, Florida. Nnlire of Appllrallon for Tax Deed granted gap te mber in. mn. Data "f tate of Chariea n Detham, dBeaased, i-ates ill the names of 1'nknown ; I'ri- Clark Circull Court, Oscae FAHKKIt tnd I'AlllvKIt, Minci; is BBBBBT 9IVBN, Thai fonvifiion. October kg, lsmi In Oaeaola has fili.l in tliis ten* his patttlaa known; Sf, II. Bjitmi antl Mr. J. II. i ounty, Fluridn. Bolli !t..r fur Complainant i ounty, Florida. Age of AnpllcaBl A. Mfli.-iniftl. I. I,. Otlbtrl nml \ iit-iitia F. Carter, Feb, II March 11 I .1. it. askin*,' for tiiltln.rlly tn tnke *,«.-sfs Jan. L'-v Feb. 28 1. M 1-. abOUl SO years ulul was pcnloiifed b* I'nlfss sui.l itTttfifates shull In* re- parrchaaat .*f: tha siate Prlaoa for Ufa hofore re- .ion of the toUowtaa iiinir BslontlBf ili-t'iiifil a. f.ii'tlina: tn law, tux daad ',av l'i fllfl.lite Nn. 88 tlalftl the "I ll Notiee of tppli.-i n for Tax l>c*il In Coiuit.i .liulu.'s Court, Osicilu f.'lvlne his dllii,mil imrdfii. III aald aatata in Oseeoli Ooaaty, nor* will issue tharaaa mi tin* i"t day of nay nf August, \ It. IBM, Tax Csrrl- Vii'l'H'i: is HEREBT OIVBN, That (ounly, Sliite of I I.null sai.i application win i.. made n~.n Ida, f..r tin* PUrpa f |.ayili|! ili-lits March A. D, 1986. lii-ati* Nn. IL'J dated tin* Brd day of Mrs. w. I-. Newell, purchaaai nf: tin* ippllcatioB originally a-ade, to_ owiiic by sni.i aatata oa tha RTOOIHI 'i'nx Certlfleata No I0*M datad tha in Ba EDetata af Baatqal C Myers. iri it s.-aii j. r„ ovg-ftaxnuiBT, .lion*. A. I> 1818 aathar with tuaedan-aatari petltlong that tin* paranaal proparty t faald at* mh .lu.v ..I .1 .il. A It mn TBJ Decaaaed. • lerk Clrcoll Court, Oaceola has filed -aid ' **i l ifi,*;.t..s In niy af- filed in ronnactlnn with this tppllca* htta is in -Mirn t.'iit to imy amid dax-tai Oooaty, Florida. Cartlflcate Noa u.,ii i_• 7.; 1277 dabed NOTKK lion. tt.f. an.l ti„- made applicatlou for tha ".Hi duy i.f .lull. \ 11 1:11.-, Iu\ Lota Hi an.l -it Blot I. is:, in the Jan. L'.. Ft!. •> t J H. To Mrs. Fred Danghtary, i:i.l..riiil.i. IAMBI YATFS, Jr. in atataad i*i Issoe in acccrdaaue wltb Certificate Nus. 877-879 dated tin* mh town '.f St. l'], Florida, a,,,,r.l ami all ivholn it in., v concern Milton Pledger, Klaaimmee, Fla. la" Sni.i ,.-i-til'ifntfs enilaa.-f the day nf .lune. A. It. 1-121. ing la tha official plal ..f sui.l -atra Notice of tppUeatlea fur Tax l>ee,l "fou and each sf yon ara hereby I'fiitifiifis Attorssy, 18-I0t MI in i: 18 HEREBY un EN, That hus niisi suid 1 ertlflcatea in gq ,-t on fllf ill tin- fl'fi.f af tin* , l.-rk of fnllowlbg da cribad PI,I*BBJIJ. tltnated cited, admonlabad tnd notified thai B. I,. Oilberl tnd Virginia F, i arter, n Petition baa I n filed in tha abort tike rirfitit i'..nit i.f Oaeaola OoBaty. ii Oat * "la l '.unity, I'luiidu, l.i wit : flCB, anil hits made appllcatlOB fof Noli... of Application for Tax Deed purcbaaar .tr: inv deed tn laaue iu accord, tea " .11. Ityled .tin i- on tin* L'llli .Inv of riorlda aad ims IT and is ..r Bectiaa lining '«' ...; s „ii,i i.'.f .MI-. NOTICE is in i*i:i*.y OIVBN, That Tav Certificate No 108 dated tht ith I, ..I' NW . -n'lii :• .,f NW I I .,1 luw suhi ifi-tii'i.nt.s embrace tin* January, A II I98S to tin* suid C t E, A. I- man,i. |niri Uasar of: 18 -aowaablp 96 I b, Etanga 80 • day nf June, A. It. 1038, follnwlng described property, tltuatad '••<• a" Order ill owing th.. Admlntt Si: II I II„ S 17". yds i; I |i; r To> i ,'iniuuie N,,, i;,-..,.7ll tlalftl Iho acordlag t" tha aubdlriaion of sui.l lias riled said Certlfleata in my ..f in Oa fills County, I'h.tlda, 1., "It : *. lake poaaaoslon nf tha foi i, wi, ihip 28 sfinh. roaaga .'tt Ind .in. of June, A. it. mm. aaetlon by the Bamlnola latml nml ti.... antl ha- application f'.r I.m it Btock '.7. M, Nfis,,i, 1 |,„is 7 deai tii,ni propert) far tht hi i , i t,n,ni.. in my of­ I n v,'-l mi-nt - Co In, ot'iuitfil. | ta\ deed t,» issue in Bccordanca artth Beginning 90 ,. s and mn yda F. Btenl of .1.1,1- ami us assets nf i. innl S BlOCk as. II. Wll,Is; I.,,I If, fice, ami im- uniii.* gopllcatlon fot l.y its pjal "f saiti aactloaa oa fUa la lav. Batd (i-ftififute flnl.fines the .,1' NW corni t of NW corner a NW eata f tin* said Bi ial 0, Ifye Block -in. s. Eraua; Lo( 1 Blot 1, tax deed *.» issm- in Bccordanca artth following doacrlbed pronarty, tltuatad I i of si: I'I run B 111 .io. I*: no deceased rig: Bka iiffha af tha Claiu of tin* Clreall 81, 1.' •, Mm phj Lota I ami lit Block law. sui.i ...I i ii.u ti* ambracea tha in Ooceola Oouaty, Florida, t.. "it: .• N m yda W no .ni. ,.r taction i ol '.".*. 88, tin,I :.*|. Block i. m I'.nii't tlsfffla i ..tinty. I- la . an.l thai M C l>. Carroll ; i.m. 1 Btaek 81, following .hs, iti.,-,i proparty, altuated I.m A Block tt. Mhry B Btorgan't 1 Cloud. Klorliln. tin* -lata set far the baarina tf aald octi i.s lowaahlp 20 sou tb, range Bl I' Carroll, AII ,,f im* tbovt Iota in i iscaola i ..nut v, Florida. i<> wit i Bubdlrialoa of Lol 1. Campbell City Y.ui are horaby r-on-mandad to tp tlon Is Sal unlay the* f.lti day Of Miti.ti 'ih** saul lan.I being asasoood at tba being according 1,. the plal ol atari Lol 7 Block -'ii'-' si. Cl "i -..ti..a l towaahlp 28 aoath. raaga lllll iiini- mi tba Bth day of kfkri b \ i. N ll IIIL'f.. at Illi* OfflOt .if the I'l.iui fit'' of tin* laaoanoa af said cartlfl* I ota 17 umi is Block 818 si. ciomi. 28 .usl. 'i'ii.* said iunil balng Baaaaaed al Iha 1938, nt in o'clock, A M to aniwar ty JIHIKI* Bf llst-fiilti I'.ntnly, Florltlti. nm name *.f I Bknown and Tha paid lami being nataaad at ihe 'I lund lieitf i , . ,| nt th,, dale of tin* laauanea of HI hi certlfi sn l.i Petition ami sbow fans,, if „„,. nt KissJinttii... la «ahl r.aiuity at 111 data ut the isstian r aald certlfl­ .las. M. Johaatoa. ild Petition should nni ia nut,, of ihe laauanea of said certlfleata •ait in tin* aaa-ea ..f the partlaa aai in the mi in., uf B, Knslev ami C. o'rlofk A. M., at whith I inn* you muy eata in th.- iniin.• nf Unknown. i ni. siii.i .f i tlflcataa simii 11 ra opposite 1.. tame, granted. Unless .-.ii.i certificate aball he n- deemed -.ccording to law. tax deed Urata, niqB*nr Batd . ..litest the granting of [Jnlatl suhi feillflfates shall lie re- » iTNBSa toy ntiuu* ns Jo,lue of llnliass aald feiilfl.'iiie shall be re- deemed according t.. law, tax will laetta therson i.n tba *>tii day ..f Mtl.l iwtjtltin if you seo Bgasjat*. III.'IIIIHI BCCOrdlBg In law. tax di.-il Ihe Mini i ,,1,,-t. nnd ||„. s,.„i „f |hu tleeini'il lleeorillni- to law*, lux d.-.-d win Isaue thereon mt tin* aBtad duy ot'lsaarcthi A. D, ncii -tVllnr-w. mv liuinl, ul KlMlintiite, will issue therei.o i,n Ihe Ut day of naul Court, si Klsslattnee, Florida, will kaaaa tl-att-aaa on the lat day of Florida this January IB, A. II. lHL'tl r A ,, r S , VK1

    > : f-" ^-'s5 ^<3*^*s**-0 -V-sc^i^gS Sixty Years Wedded The PEOPLES BANK FOB SEVERAL YEARS THIS ...Dired Saving... BANK HAS GROWN IN USEFUL­ NESS AM) SERVICE To IIIIS COM­ Every prudent economy is a di­ MUNITY. rect saving. We compliment ANY CUSTOMER DIRECTED TO those young men who are break­ US, WILL RECEIVE FROM THIS HANK I*. ERYCOURTESY AND SER­ ing away from extravagant hab­ VICE THAT Vor WOULD WANT its, and saving a part of each THEM TO HAVE. earned dollar. Your account is welcome and invited. Peoples Bank of St. Cloud 1% liileiesl l'nid on Sal inns Atrolliils. FRED B. rCENNEY, Cashier ii. ,i. IIIIAMI:. Caahlar

    Mi ind Mrs. I.. v i shum'..... taken on it .asiiiti **i ihelr sixtieth wed­ BANK OF SAINT CLOUD ding nuulrei i. ,. ., I.I ..i. il In 81 - !"f.l "i, I .i.t'iit. ••-- 12.111311 Mi I Mrs. RKl.ARDIM. Ol R II MltKK sl 11... xx lA'ere IIIIMSUB the pin r fiil/.en- of Rt. Clou**] and came here fr 11 1 SAINT CLOU D,FLO R I DA Montana, Mr. Hhatnl-uw lm- served tbe fit*, ns mayor for oeve-rnl reara nnil I" - aerei i a .—.-.i• i ..r na iimt IM* , i.-. 111-.-.i.i.-t.t tii.-II I'l.-si.ifiii of the r.-i.-.i.'s Bank until Januarj i. w h.-n ever situ mil fi-on, our .vnrils Ininl,,.r "DEPOSITS INSURED' lm retired on accouni sf advanced ii."* and other Imsineae Interests. tinn ivus anytblna bul tound. We cu( 19 [I ESTABLISHED IN 1918 fgo---^ f"i' rttaajth gnd endurance, t-ha I SIXTIETH WEDDING |«iM >NMN Wll MINNi: '"'ff- aaa "1111 (rota tin- boart" aad \NM\ KKSAK*. SOT \ XSSIK 1ATIDNS "in last as hmf us tin* building) Mr, and 'li-. Levi SIIUIUIM IV fittingly I', l-i-i t.i rv |s, Itui;, ,i Inv |M..|ilf -inn.I-. Tii,. lighter lumber i- equally ,-,-lf l.l-nt il tin Ir till iflli iinliitfrsiil'.v • :f ii,-i .',1 nt nn* 'I'..' tit .lun haute its sironat mul w.-ll BaBSODed, Vuu Friday, iviimu-v 12th, IfRM "iilt a "or \.lsf .ositi ntul Minnesota tVasni'la- innl,.' 110 Dlstaka in "lu't ifvinit our illnnev, to Ihe folloa in**, gue tr Mra IMIII llleeliui*.. In tin- .-il.senre of Du­ 1 iiiiiiH-r tt'i'ii lini.-. 11..ii.-iiji DeUen I.i: Mra. SUBIUIKH* - ll ,- Idem unl Vice President, Mr. II s^s i, , t i * i nra, in : Mf gad Mra. " < 1...'lin:.II ..ill.*.I I lit- nioi-l inu; to nr IIOI.I INI.SWOKIIl I (ISM OKU i II shuini-.nv. their S. n and i lie 'lir afier tin* opening oni trai*rlc:i". SI. ( Ininl. I IIII ill, ii,- , latin- \ lew, Mo 'i : Mrs Florea-** *'r i io'sinniu ..ti >red | it :..*f r Mr. J. It. , •. ,.i Hollan . nml Mra, t ' Thftii lie il . . ii.iii i- i .it 1 I'.f pi,, Mae i'i lings .>t this •.•ity. Mr. tud im , .-.- A*t made i-liuli-ni.iii A CLEAR SKIN Mra siiui.ii.,.' ..iti' pMiaera in W l*rn tfin. Minutes nf tlm last meeting Bright, sparkling eyes, cheeks with Cloud, iif ii.-- Inu i.ffii M.i.v- :• of tho a * • i- I .1*1.1 i-n irove t tta-uoi i "i the glow of health, a skin aa smooth aa velvet, the ideal we all strive to t ii\, it II iiiiii..'. , * I,-, ins and i real t:. i.earait rea.l ai il .,,,,,-. ii ropurl attain. No blemishes, no eruptions, ,i,-ni of Uu* Peoples I'.inl, until In- Ing aXM) in tin- treasury. Resolution* no blackheads, 10 marks to destroy I.-1 ir.'lufUl l-t-fflill.v. * *T -vinlutl li.v wtillfli l.y Mt*. i,,.... In i.'l li the even texture of healthy skin. on Hn* death ..t Mrs, l-nunle Melanin The secret is pure, red blood free WOMAN'S li.l'll MKKTIMi were read ntul adopted. Mr. umi Mr. from poisons and impurities, blood ' nil nt our lust nus'i- that makes the body glow and radi­ How to Stop That Ai the regular i -tin: of the Wo­ it IE u't.l Mrs. M' I..iiu '-' iif ifil-l.v foil ate health, uiood that drives pim­ man'! I'll.', h. ! I :ll tbe'lti iy. sfiif.i i*. I ur plaalat. ples, boils eruptions, eczema and : : ruarj* 17th. the ti «rae d.-voted 'ihf folliin-lng program waa render- skin blemishes from the system. \t\feakeningCough to tin* luislln • nl tllf club, if i in- w a*, -t.if erase" i.\ tha trio i LEONARDI'S ELIXIR FOR Why let a heavy, stubborn cough After the furtnal opening, inlnu - man, Uofl -unl Deputy. THE BLOOD makes rich red wear you down when you c;in get of lu-i iiifft.ii: were read and Ihe Re In tlon "Three days with Colua blood, drives the impurities out, md oitcn brciik it up completely rer's report given und accepted, hue", Mr. Perkins Hong My R-lorlda brinps the RIOW of health. Une it in :'l hours tlitiiu.ii .1.- tu-w tin, ted thut oui l.y Mr. Perkins Itecltatlun "l.-t tm now. Insist on LEONARDI'S. - don the t.inu.tisDr.Kind's . in i Mitred Hi i.,.l,l" In Refuse substitutes. At all druggists. New Discovery lor Coiighs? : c. 'ri,. ni s,, I.' ini, i- IH lien-1- tha nn tlii'.i You simply take •it tl u- In.ulf. -, led. nil'' iii In inn- . I Mrs, Mf one teaapoonful nnd hold ii in i ill-l-liil Unit u,- lu.1.1 Iln- lots unl il I.IIIII I'.v Ihf trio. Mr. < . 111111;.. -11 fuv t IIAKI.EKTON ( (IN IK I,,. IS or i'u aecondi ll lililf lliut ll,.*.. I.til. • ..t'.lf.l ti sw ii li iw nil.'is mi the ttrallowlBjj it. It haa a doubla action, I hiirsil:.,. N, hi There is n (.rot'i-ry Mure ,-ind It notOI t.nuin, Itlil.l I.AK I) VN, t Hoard but .'list, removi i the phlegm and con* Iiiiini; Mul inn til s, , i,,m| linging •sw,-.*! i win, ii are the *** ei was- ol the s;tllil.!.l\ Night • .ni ni a hi' h if Tourist Camp. 111 tin tl t.ilil ol' TOughlng. So with the i au a reiaevad ; the woi t cough Boon disappears. BAST I Vlvi ( II i: lippnlllt. il : tl - uiilli.'I' u un bOW • WRIGLEYS Dr. King's New Discovery j;, |,,r -gtBatt I'.' Ht lll'lfl's .il if in 'i the Brd Tliursilftj I BYRNES coiintis, cheat colda. bront hlli St. I Iunil Onli.-ttial ll.iiul tnii.iii croup, etc. Fine foi children, i.i.Mi. in- Wells, aud Mra. Julia n- i>. in. NEW HANDY PACK too—no harmful drugs. Vet'v eituioitii- ADMISMON nili' 'I lu- 11,, ,1, I , nuntllff tv .i I.'f • illltlt us ..I' s.\ iif.illi.v : 'I',. flu cal, as ilir do a It only one tr..spoonful. Uy eli-etlol and nasocitif- l tin Wit Fits hand -•» Ai .ill food druggists. Afck lor 1 ,'! :i ll cousin and Miitii* -ott. \iisoclatlon. pocket and purse churl..!.'it Johnson, ilr- Julia I • Dear r*i lends iceutint ..I' iln* • MllltM* ntul Mr.. Nettle BevYenee. ile iiu ..I Mra. \ M. I sin win. al Moro for your money + \ nutlll •, of 'ft: " fl nm ' aieel Ing wai | n i for tl and Ihe best Peppermint KOK REAL WtYlsTV.I \TS *t i -• 'HI I .i n.i , Chewing Sweet for any money FLORIDA IN ACREAGE, Bt'SINEKS •> I .MI- appointed i * PKOI-KKTV. RESIDENIKS, •:• : Look for Wrigley's P. K. Handy Pack VACANT LOTS, M*'K— '.'l-USf til If I PI In* il !'" 'Iln- i.i-n-. I Mrs. t'liri'iill at riiol II- nn it--...- i .tlon in* 8J| on your Dealer's Counter a fc H. GILBERT regret t lie aud leu departur ROOM I + etnliera of Un* club, i i*. i, th i »*a ff. 1 Citrus M.IRORV HI 111,. + A , oui \..i- iiini',- .i I,I carried thnl fot Ilfl' i hisMMMll., I I A Is changed "mm J uirj till -i"1 ' 'ulf"'.! II i'.v In*" Fruit Bilioua l*'t*\ IT .*iiiil Malaria. '••I^^+-M----+*I*+++-M-*.*^*-**.|"W~I it kills iiif tarmac I'd,, pi,--ul,-in ;i , \ :i in-. Mil,niit 'I. .it we Mexican Mustang llffinv nith M.-..' in..inn witli Iiiu. In thi- hi. greatest 1 limit. ,'il't hi \ Inv • ;i ml .•.-iniin ;iili it For Shipment tJinl the pro- t ,:nv of "ur hi'iivi'iily Liniment n-i-il'. ii i , ,' dnltarM r.-iiIMT 1 iii wr nil over .-unl thai -'•'• w"ii,.i ,'. n.-iif 1 in- -tup- ill, IV. Stops Rheumatism — Pene­ by the Box 11 iii.11 iiir • mount wm.hi in* Bj Order ot fm imlttee trates through the Skin < i< nr for the rhrt». Ftiii.v nmi aaoorted it.-T.*. roi HIST « Ll'll MEETING to the Done St. Cloud Homes t';n•.:- v,, re ,,,. rit,ui,.,| iiM. i i MiM'd t. Packed in nay .my llOW Ill'IM I'HIMI. oal f deatrea fur exaresa A 1-': MT W.'i-. l,*;|i| t'l.ihi tlolll The TotirlH Hub will hold it-- re tf you RufT.-r frnm Rlii-un-aflr pnln-a „v,i. liipuifiii. yulai tneetiug in tha n'tj park mi hock or fool LSI i ir uid [aaa -*••> Ing thai the lM;im.uii- Oluh •ore, don't watt, n niimito longer. i.pply Attractively Priced could giro u> ii i.'-iirTnni nf ihort . i HIM IJ W.-nvh I-l .'il "J 'SO, a small qua | m \i, dCM Muit&ng win i.f prepared m baBdtt h :;i .\ rmiiiiii! if.- nrafi 'I in- proyi-t. in «\ ni . >nsliil of i.inim.i.i rtghi njipovit,. nn- •ore or aching n !.'»• parload tblpmaata alracl 1 iii--rii from each •taii * an •pot—in iltnoii • jiiiy it win penetrftte frnm tot groTt ,lii- .-..i-iiti. lire iln' ii HI for Ho* through ilu-M ,| eaaJn, ,,,,, r'tirnisiif.i 7 room lions., on Vermonl Avenue P ;III- r\*ertiin t»t nil rou, iv . • • 1 ih ( pain. Your aetmaa of oomftorl and ifftitifit. reai of Clarence Tlie iT.-iiirni road iiu- !'.^ I.H-A :l tWu " ""'"' ",il,li;i' i-**"*-' ...t UIUI other .in:"'...I'm.tits. Terms, $3 1.00 win it,- gra». i offli-e. Kith ••! 1 ud im in-. , ;l,r htatory nr other lutere rti The r.-ninrluihl,' jiciiii rnf hiR powor of Modern Bone. This imn-, - n furalahed tinn • Hietr reapet-tlre itatea. l.«-t Mealoaii mm ,-,*• \h tlio reason Iilr QUU '- and aooi H". pain •ven In teg .IHIIIII inm .ton aan inm It'a equal in furnltun • IOOH 1.1 11,,. w uni.M, N « itIxoo. ! rurhiUM tatee ->••>•• i tbel ohsiiimti'i-fisi'suf•inu..'. itandlngand • IHT„ iJ tsrlot .if...mii..ti in si, ti.nni i.,.i,!;. i:.i-i front. A com 1 appotuted to pui perww " r>P«i usb , ,i. •: , G. C. Outlaw rh.'i-i- the hoi pluta nnd -i ns foi from fm ii Ktnte tan in- ulven • hoot ili-ri'il llniiiii-nl ..In li,*,i-. rum, hiimii and I'lftity of fruit. Nlcfl htwit mul oilier ini|u... t'titf nts. 1 lie 1 in)- imi two of I he members log, 'ihis meet lug l* Intended to hi' wuunits ami so nuiki**- ;i vuliiuhli' i, in, d\ [iriiinT tinil Shipper of Fruits Tarma. 88,000.00, nil iimi iii,' riuii already meeting with Interesting enui* to aava la tha houaa at all urn." MI mill \.*i;r,iililrs. 1 . 1 11 -i'lu.- >• i, 11111- 11 ml 1 he money In tinn between dlffereul aeetlona. Be arugatfta and «h..h-s;iin•.. HU MUIUCLI Unlmanl or fan gal n lor rev Hltf Maw, well Itoniahed, 8 room in.use. oa ICanaehaaatta will in- u«ed inr -mn,- other purpoae. •ura your atata haa a \\ ell i bonea to Aval -"* 1.1...ks from Post oll'i.i*. An lliaajllllllBl buy. Tin- i'i-1 .-ii- from iii>' 1 aaa win in- p-Tentative. Tarma. 8i,800.08), II~''.I !•• . irch iw 1! lectrle ii"i plate, Much win riepeod upon iiiis pro- \i tha laal maatlai a Dwtlon \\n- gran] determlniug which la tho baal We linve lake front 1ms :i.*r.*ilBi*. groies, siuull f.nnia made and rarried HUM ara hare • gntatoa in all the forty elghl itatea romprtHlng tin- t . s \ nmi buildlna lots, laalndlBa -'ity iiniiiiiutf Itota at Bataaa liii'iiilHT'-liip l,n tniirlsis niui Mini Hie iiu. - IHI only fifly CMtta, I'lu- w n* thai will violil a deslinhh. reliirii. Our time and cars are dona Unit iin.\ tmiiist ,otilil join with Mrs, /uiihi I'ixley, of i ii-imni and at your servifi'. FOR SALE 111- for iiu- tltna sin- wus hare and par inT hmtii.T, :itni -mi. \\ II11 nm, were 1 ip i- I-I more ai bona and al llberl v week 'ini rtalton or lira, t'levenger'f in expreaa baraelf Tbla doe* nol mean home an.) oalleri of lira, v. u. alley DcWALT PROPERTY that ii'iiri-is IHO ni't a-dc in rn iim paal weak. h-M areleooa nml is rordl REAL ESTATE .11^ 111^ iioii in attend ei arj i it Ina Notice is herebj given thai vi tha This Purniahed eottag*, price .NI.OIIO. Must be a bib' sin- i- in si 1 ion,1 ri'ik'iiini* meeting of the Wotnaa'a In-* Bold in close iln* eatate, Penn. and 11th St. St. Cloud, Florida 'I'lu' next meeting of tho dub will provemeni Club held February 17th. in- March 8rd, Ih-Jd, .\ mnli.iM WM IIIM,In ami rarriod SEE tinn iim name of the club be changed TOI KIM. KANT (IIM in Th,- Wmii'in'.s *i«iuh ', and that tha "We Aim To Satisfy" •lato of the i ml elect! f ofl It era S. W. PORTER, Administrator Mr Mini Mi-. \v |- Broam and son, ba . hanged from January to *i una .lark \\ iiinn,T \ii-s. Donald Powell -Mlis. L. \. ( HU'.M.W Pre* Office! Penn. .Vn*. si. Cloud, Florida. nml lllll. daUShtl :• \ ::*:::!;:, I Nles i ;,.|*i rui li- /jiniiMTiiian. day for si AiiLa-ustii ml other rittea •acretar) Pre rom. Ii'rtil Eitatt mul Insurance down to Miiini mi ,-nsi roaat. _'7 Sl tlllKSIIA.. I MIKI Alt \ in 18 P.-U.E SIXTKEN THE ST (I.ori) TRIBUNE. ST. CLOUD. 1 I.oiiir

    MM^lOiMMmmtUMM, I m B B • B H BK B B B B BE IS B I '..'!, Announcing ANNUAL SPRING OPENING! Friday Evening, February 26th From 7 P. M. to 10 P. M.

    We have gathered together for this season's offering, the best the markets had. From Ginghams, Percales, etc., at 10c per yard, to Silks, Satins, Georgettes, Voiles, up to $3.00 per yard. Included in our piece goods line you will find the season's newest offerings in Radiums, Crepes, Rayons, etc.

    In White Goods we are showing this season all of the \V new materials for mi-lady's underwear. For dresses for the infants and children. A

    Our line of Ladies' Ready-to-Wear is V very complete 'n every respect. We are showing this season's dresses from the house dress priced $1 through to silks, satins, in all the late shades and choicest patterns. No two dresses alike. We are showing a new line of Ladies' Hats. Quality considered, we defy competition from £^ any source. Our Gent's Furnishing Department is the home of Florsheim Shoes, Whitney Shirts, Stetson Hats, Allen A. Underwear. All of this high grade mer­ chandise is carried in the newest offerings. Drop in on us next Friday evening, the 26th. We do not ask you to buy unless you want to. Just be our guest on this •^ occasion. Refreshments Served.


    WfWffiWWWTr$P8!''7}?!!. '.'J.' MMitW^lWBasin^BjjBBaBBi