2014 - 2019

Committee on Industry, Research and Energy




Draft report Marek Józef Gróbarczyk (PE557.042v01-00)

on Towards a European Energy Union (2015/2113(INI))

AM\1066361EN.doc PE557.382v02-00

EN United in diversity EN AM_Com_NonLegReport

PE557.382v02-00 2/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Amendment 1 Gianluca Buonanno

Motion for a resolution Citation 1

Motion for a resolution Amendment

– having regard to the Treaty on the – having regard to the Treaty on the Functioning of the , in Functioning of the European Union, and in particular Articles 191, 192 and 194 particular Article 194 thereof, thereof,

Or. it

Amendment 2 Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Citation 1 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

– having regard to the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community (EURATOM),

Or. en

Amendment 3 Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Citation 20 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

– having regard to the Commission communication entitled 'Roadmap for moving to a competitive low-carbon economy in 2050' (COM(2011)0112),

Or. en

AM\1066361EN.doc 3/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Amendment 4 Flavio Zanonato, Clare Moody, Theresa Griffin, Jude Kirton-Darling, , , Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Citation 20 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

– having regard to the Commission communication entitled "Roadmap for moving to a competitive low-carbon economy in 2050" (COM (2011) 0112),

Or. en

Amendment 5 Jude Kirton-Darling, Clare Moody, Theresa Griffin, Sorin Moisă, Soledad Cabezón Ruiz

Motion for a resolution Citation 22 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

– having regard to the Commission communication entitled "The Future of Carbon Capture and Storage in Europe" (COM(2013)0180),

Or. en

Amendment 6 Jeppe Kofod

Motion for a resolution Citation 24

Motion for a resolution Amendment

– having regard to the European Council – having regard to the European Council conclusions of 23/24 October 2014, conclusions of 23/24 October 2014, which aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

PE557.382v02-00 4/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN to at least 40% compared to 1990, and also sets a target of at least 27% for renewable energy and energy savings by 2030,

Or. en

Amendment 7 Clare Moody, Theresa Griffin, Jude Kirton-Darling, Miroslav Poche, Martina Werner, Edouard Martin

Motion for a resolution Citation 25 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

– having regard to the Covenant of Mayors, established in the 2008 EU Climate and Energy Package, who represent one third of the EU population,

Or. en

Amendment 8 Bendt Bendtsen, Luděk Niedermayer, Peter Liese

Motion for a resolution Citation 32

Motion for a resolution Amendment

– having regard to Directive 2002/91/EC – having regard to Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy energy performance of buildings, performance of buildings (recast),

Or. en

Amendment 9 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, , Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Citation 32

AM\1066361EN.doc 5/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

– having regard to Directive 2002/91/EC – having regard to Directive 2010/31/EU of the European Parliament and of the of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2002 on the Council of 19 May 2010 on the energy energy performance of buildings, performance of buildings,

Or. en

Amendment 10 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Citation 32 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

– having regard to Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC,

Or. en

Amendment 11 Krišjānis Kariņš

Motion for a resolution Citation 32 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

– having regard to Decision No 994/2012/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 October 2012 establishing an information exchange mechanism with regard to intergovernmental agreements between Member States and third countries in the field of energy,

Or. en

PE557.382v02-00 6/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Amendment 12 András Gyürk, Algirdas Saudargas,

Motion for a resolution Citation 32 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

– having regard to Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC,

Or. en

Amendment 13 Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Citation 34

Motion for a resolution Amendment

– having regard to its resolution of 21 deleted November 2012 on industrial, energy and other aspects of shale gas and oil5 , ______5 Texts adopted, P7_TA(2012)0444,

Or. en

Amendment 14 Flavio Zanonato, , Clare Moody, Theresa Griffin, Jude Kirton-Darling, Paul Tang, Kathleen Van Brempt, Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Citation 34 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

– having regard to its resolution of 5

AM\1066361EN.doc 7/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN February 2014 on a 2030 framework for climate and energy policies,

Or. en

Amendment 15 Morten Helveg Petersen, Kaja Kallas, Pavel Telička, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Fredrick Federley, Philippe De Backer

Motion for a resolution Citation 34 a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

– having regard to its resolution of 5 February 2014 on a 2030 framework for climate and energy policies,1 a ______1 a Texts adopted, P7_TA(2014)0094

Or. en

Amendment 16 Gianluca Buonanno

Motion for a resolution Citation 36

Motion for a resolution Amendment

– having regard to its study entitled deleted ‘Mapping the Cost of Non-Europe, 2014 - 19’,

Or. it

Amendment 17 Pervenche Berès

Motion for a resolution Recital A

PE557.382v02-00 8/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

A. whereas defining the energy mix of A. whereas the Energy Union project is Member States is an exclusive national inspired by the Energy Community competence, and therefore energy mixes project, which has the potential to remain highly diversified; profoundly redefine the functioning of the EU and to be as powerful a motor for integration as the ECSC; whereas it requires a commitment from the European Union taking into account national interests and the weight of the various operators in the industry;

Or. fr

Amendment 18 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital A

Motion for a resolution Amendment

A. whereas defining the energy mix of A. whereas according to article 194 Member States is an exclusive national TFEU, the European energy policy shall competence, and therefore energy mixes ensure the functioning of the energy remain highly diversified; market, security of energy supply, promote energy efficiency and savings, the development of renewable energy as well as the interconnection of energy networks;

Or. en

Amendment 19 Herbert Reul

Motion for a resolution Recital A

Motion for a resolution Amendment

A. whereas defining the energy mix of A. whereas defining the energy mix of

AM\1066361EN.doc 9/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Member States is an exclusive national Member States is a national competence, competence, and therefore energy mixes and therefore energy mixes remain highly remain highly diversified; diversified;

Or. de

Amendment 20 Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández, José Blanco López, Kathleen Van Brempt

Motion for a resolution Recital A

Motion for a resolution Amendment

A. whereas defining the energy mix of A. whereas defining the energy mix of Member States is an exclusive national Member States is primarily a national competence, and therefore energy mixes competence to be framed in the context of remain highly diversified; developing the Energy Union and achieving at least the 2030 climate targets;

Or. en

Amendment 21 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, , Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital A

Motion for a resolution Amendment

A. whereas defining the energy mix of A. whereas defining the energy mix of Member States is an exclusive national Member States is an exclusive national competence, and therefore energy mixes competence, while it is up to the EU to remain highly diversified; define strategic energy targets to promote energy efficiency and energy saving and the development of renewable forms of energy;

Or. en

PE557.382v02-00 10/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Amendment 22 Flavio Zanonato, Theresa Griffin, Jude Kirton-Darling, Clare Moody, Paul Tang, Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Recital A

Motion for a resolution Amendment

A. whereas defining the energy mix of A. whereas defining the energy mix of Member States is an exclusive national Member States is primarily a national competence, and therefore energy mixes competence, and therefore energy mixes remain highly diversified; remain highly diversified;

Or. en

Amendment 23 Neoklis Sylikiotis, Sofia Sakorafa, Paloma López Bermejo

Motion for a resolution Recital A a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Aa. whereas the sovereignty and sovereign rights of Member States to explore and develop their natural resources should be respected by all and safeguarded in all circumstances;

Or. en

Amendment 24 Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, Nicolas Bay

Motion for a resolution Recital A a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Aa. whereas it is only states that have the capacity and the responsibility towards their people to determine their country's energy supply policy; whereas security of supply is the state’s first duty, which

AM\1066361EN.doc 11/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN implies the freedom to negotiate supply contracts;

Or. fr

Amendment 25 ,

Motion for a resolution Recital A a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Aa. whereas the future Energy Union is based on the various geographical factors and the diversity which exists in the European Union’s society and economy, and should therefore provide specific solutions; whereas, in planning and implementing solutions, the subsidiarity principle should be taken into account, with a particular focus on local circumstances;

Or. de

Amendment 26 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital A a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Aa. whereas it would be crucial for the Energy Union to act credibly so that Member States will gradually align their national energy mixes;

Or. en

Amendment 27 Flavio Zanonato, Eugen Freund, Carlos Zorrinho, Edouard Martin, , Clare

PE557.382v02-00 12/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Moody, Theresa Griffin, Jude Kirton-Darling, Miroslav Poche, Paul Tang, Kathleen Van Brempt

Motion for a resolution Recital A b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ab. whereas Article 194 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union specifies that EU energy policy shall aim to ensure the functioning of the energy market; ensure security of energy supply in ; promote energy efficiency and energy saving and the development of new and renewable forms of energy; and promote the interconnection of energy networks. All of this should be achieved in a spirit of solidarity between Member States;

Or. en

Amendment 28 Flavio Zanonato, Eugen Freund, , Carlos Zorrinho, Edouard Martin, Patrizia Toia, Clare Moody, Theresa Griffin, Jude Kirton-Darling, Paul Tang, Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Recital B

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B. whereas the Member States are deleted exclusively competent for defining their energy mix, and the Commission must not encroach upon this competence by passing EU laws that discriminate against certain energy resources to the advantage of others;

Or. en

Amendment 29 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

AM\1066361EN.doc 13/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Motion for a resolution Recital B

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B. whereas the Member States are B. whereas convergence in EU energy and exclusively competent for defining their climate policies is driven by legislation energy mix, and the Commission must not and the continuation of existing directives encroach upon this competence by on the internal market, renewables, passing EU laws that discriminate against efficiency, and infrastructure; certain energy resources to the advantage of others;

Or. en

Amendment 30 Martina Werner, Jeppe Kofod

Motion for a resolution Recital B

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B. whereas the Member States are B. whereas article 143 of the Treaty on the exclusively competent for defining their Functioning of the European Union energy mix, and the Commission must not specifies that in the context of the encroach upon this competence by establishment and functioning of the passing EU laws that discriminate against internal market and with regard for the certain energy resources to the advantage need to preserve and improve the of others; environment, Union policy on energy shall aim, in a spirit of solidarity between Member States, to ensure the functioning of the energy market; ensure security of energy supply in the Union; promote energy efficiency and energy saving and the development of new and renewable forms of energy; and promote the interconnection of energy networks;

Or. en

Amendment 31 Morten Helveg Petersen, Kaja Kallas, Pavel Telička, Angelika Mlinar, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Fredrick Federley, Juan Carlos Girauta Vidal, Philippe De Backer

PE557.382v02-00 14/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Motion for a resolution Recital B

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B. whereas the Member States are B. whereas an enhanced coordination and exclusively competent for defining their oversight of national policies with regard energy mix, and the Commission must not to energy within the Member States is encroach upon this competence by vital, while respecting the exclusive passing EU laws that discriminate against competence for defining their national certain energy resources to the advantage energy mix, in order to ensure a fully of others; functional internal energy market, strengthen energy security and deliver cost competitive energy to consumers;

Or. en

Amendment 32 Herbert Reul

Motion for a resolution Recital B

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B. whereas the Member States are B. whereas the Member States are exclusively competent for defining their competent for defining their energy mix, energy mix, and the Commission must not and the Commission should ensure that encroach upon this competence by EU laws do not discriminate against passing EU laws that discriminate against certain energy resources to the advantage certain energy resources to the advantage of others; of others;

Or. de

Amendment 33 Gunnar Hökmark

Motion for a resolution Recital B

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B. whereas the Member States are B. whereas the Member States are

AM\1066361EN.doc 15/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN exclusively competent for defining their exclusively competent for defining their energy mix, and the Commission must not energy mix, and the Commission must not encroach upon this competence by passing encroach upon this competence by passing EU laws that discriminate against certain EU laws that discriminate against certain energy resources to the advantage of energy resources to the advantage of others; others, but instead ensure that the targets of CO2 emissions for 2030 are respected by implementing credible policies to fulfil them;

Or. en

Amendment 34 Pervenche Berès

Motion for a resolution Recital B

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B. whereas the Member States are B. whereas the interdependence between exclusively competent for defining their the countries of Europe means that energy mix, and the Commission must not energy choices need to be made encroach upon this competence by collectively on the basis of a shared vision passing EU laws that discriminate against of needs and greater solidarity, as certain energy resources to the advantage provided in the Treaty of Lisbon, above of others; and beyond the exclusive competence of Member States for defining their energy mix; whereas, therefore, an upstream agreement and collective strategic choices are essential to establish at EU level, and in each of the Member States, ordered and coherent energy choices, including those concerning relations with the Union's partners and neighbours;

Or. fr

Amendment 35 András Gyürk, Algirdas Saudargas, Antonio Tajani, Krišjānis Kariņš

Motion for a resolution Recital B

PE557.382v02-00 16/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

B. whereas the Member States are B. whereas the Member States are exclusively competent for defining their exclusively competent for defining their energy mix, and the Commission must not energy mix, and the Commission shall encroach upon this competence by assure that EU legislation does not passing EU laws that discriminate against discriminate against certain energy certain energy resources to the advantage resources to the advantage of others; of others;

Or. en

Amendment 36 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Recital B

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B. whereas the Member States are B. whereas the Member States are exclusively competent for defining their exclusively competent for defining their energy mix, and the Commission must not energy mix, but the Commission must at encroach upon this competence by the same time ensure that Community passing EU laws that discriminate against legislation and the joint objectives set are certain energy resources to the advantage complied with, in particular as regards the of others; fight against climate change, energy efficiency and action to boost renewable energy sources;

Or. es

Amendment 37 Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández, José Blanco López, Kathleen Van Brempt

Motion for a resolution Recital B

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B. whereas the Member States are B. whereas article 194 of the Treaty on the exclusively competent for defining their Functioning of the European Union energy mix, and the Commission must not recognises the right of Member States to

AM\1066361EN.doc 17/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN encroach upon this competence by define their energy mix, the Commission, passing EU laws that discriminate against together with the European Parliament certain energy resources to the advantage and the Council, should establish the of others; general framework so as to ensure that national legislations are consistent with EU principles and policies;

Or. en

Amendment 38 Jeppe Kofod

Motion for a resolution Recital B

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B. whereas the Member States are B. whereas the Member States are exclusively competent for defining their exclusively competent for defining their energy mix, and the Commission must not energy mix; encroach upon this competence by passing EU laws that discriminate against certain energy resources to the advantage of others;

Or. en

Amendment 39 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital B

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B. whereas the Member States are B. whereas the Member States are exclusively competent for defining their exclusively competent for defining their energy mix, and the Commission must not energy mix within the limits of the EU encroach upon this competence by passing legislation, and the Commission must not EU laws that discriminate against certain encroach upon this competence by passing energy resources to the advantage of EU laws that discriminate against certain others; energy resources to the advantage of others;

Or. en

PE557.382v02-00 18/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Amendment 40 Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, Nicolas Bay

Motion for a resolution Recital B

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B. whereas the Member States are B. whereas the Member States are exclusively competent for defining their exclusively competent for defining their energy mix, and the Commission must not energy mix, their supply policy and the encroach upon this competence by passing status of their public electricity and gas EU laws that discriminate against certain services, and the Commission must not energy resources to the advantage of encroach upon this competence by passing others; EU laws that discriminate against certain energy resources to the advantage of others;

Or. fr

Amendment 41

Motion for a resolution Recital B

Motion for a resolution Amendment

B. whereas the Member States are B. whereas the Member States are exclusively competent for defining their exclusively competent for defining their energy mix, and the Commission must not energy mix, and the Commission must not encroach upon this competence by passing encroach upon this competence by passing EU laws that discriminate against certain EU laws that discriminate against certain energy resources to the advantage of energy resources to the advantage of others; others; whereas nonetheless greater coordination and enhanced exchanges between EU Member States are vital, as the internal energy market, energy efficiency and renewable energy are matters for which the EU is competent and as decisions concerning energy can affect all Member States because of the existence of a common internal market;

Or. de

AM\1066361EN.doc 19/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Amendment 42 Martina Werner, Jeppe Kofod

Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ba. whereas the creation of a resilient Energy Union with a forward-looking climate change policy should be about a new energy model for Europe in order to accelerate the transition from fossil fuel sources with high carbon emissions towards a sustainable, forward-looking energy system;

Or. en

Amendment 43 Flavio Zanonato, Edouard Martin, Carlos Zorrinho, Martina Werner, Jude Kirton- Darling, Theresa Griffin, Clare Moody, Paul Tang, Kathleen Van Brempt, Miroslav Poche, Simona Bonafè, Eugen Freund, Dan Nica, Pervenche Berès, Patrizia Toia, José Blanco López

Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ba. whereas the Energy Union should be based on a transition away from fossil fuels and towards the three pillars of energy efficiency, renewable energy and smart infrastructure;

Or. en

Amendment 44 Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández, José Blanco López, Kathleen Van Brempt

PE557.382v02-00 20/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ba. whereas Europe's leading role in renewables and efficiency is not only a matter of a responsible climate change policy but an industrial policy imperative in order to have access to affordable energy in the medium term;

Or. en

Amendment 45 Flavio Zanonato, Carlos Zorrinho, Edouard Martin, Martina Werner, Clare Moody, Theresa Griffin, Jude Kirton-Darling, Paul Tang, Kathleen Van Brempt, Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ba. whereas the European Parliament has twice called for binding 2030 climate and energy targets of at least 40% reduction in CO2 emissions, at least 30% for renewables and 40% for energy efficiency to be implemented by means of individual national targets; whereas binding national and EU targets for energy efficiency and renewables create growth and jobs and would help secure the EU's technological leadership in these fields;

Or. en

Amendment 46 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Piernicola Pedicini, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new)

AM\1066361EN.doc 21/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ba. whereas Parliament has twice called for binding climate and energy targets for 2030 of reductions of at least 40 % for CO2 emissions, at least 30 % for renewables and 40 % for energy efficiency, to be implemented by means of individual national targets; whereas binding national and EU targets for energy efficiency and renewables create growth and jobs and would help secure the EU's technological leadership in those fields;

Or. en

Amendment 47 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ba. whereas the European Parliament has twice called for binding 2030 climate and energy targets of at least 40 % reduction in CO2 emissions, at least 30 % for renewables and 40 % for energy efficiency to be implemented by means of individual national targets; whereas binding national and EU targets for energy efficiency and renewables create growth and jobs and would help secure the EU's technological leadership in these fields;

Or. en

Amendment 48 Kathleen Van Brempt, Martina Werner

PE557.382v02-00 22/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ba. whereas the Commission stated in its communication "Roadmap for moving to a competitive low-carbon economy in 2050" (COM (2011) 0112), that energy efficiency, renewable energy and smart infrastructure are the three "no-regrets" options; whereas given that energy efficiency is the world's first fuel and is the cheapest and fastest way to lower the bills of EU households and industry, whereas given that renewable energy is produced in the EU and often nearby the place of consumption thus creating sustainable and local jobs while at the same time ensuring energy security and helping to reach our climate goals; whereas given that our energy model is becoming ever more decentralized, with more than 90% of renewable energy sources connected to distribution networks, the further deployment of the smart distribution net is indispensable, and an integrated transmission net at European level can prevent overcapacity and black-outs and thus lower energy prices in the Member States;

Or. en

Amendment 49 Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández, José Blanco López, Kathleen Van Brempt

Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ba. whereas the European Parliament has asked for a binding EU 2030 target of producing at least 30 % of total final energy consumption from renewable

AM\1066361EN.doc 23/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN energy sources, implemented by means of individual national targets;

Or. en

Amendment 50 Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández, José Blanco López, Kathleen Van Brempt

Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ba. whereas the European Parliament has asked for a binding EU 2030 energy efficiency target of 40 % implemented by means of individual national targets;

Or. en

Amendment 51 Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández, José Blanco López, Kathleen Van Brempt

Motion for a resolution Recital B a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ba. whereas the European Parliament has asked for a binding EU 2030 target of reducing domestic greenhouse gas emissions by at least 40 % compared with 1990 levels;

Or. en

Amendment 52 Bernd Lange

Motion for a resolution Recital B b (new)

PE557.382v02-00 24/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

Bb. whereas only ambitious and long- term goals in the fields of climate and energy can enable the energy transition to be undertaken successfully, guarantee investment and planning security for European industry and maintain the EU’s pioneering role in technology;

Or. de

Amendment 53 Bernd Lange

Motion for a resolution Recital B b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Bb. whereas mandatory targets for energy efficiency and renewable energy generate economic growth, create jobs and secure the technological leading role of the EU in this field;

Or. de

Amendment 54 Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Recital B b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Bb. whereas the adjustment to power generation market is needed to provide stability in the sector as the investment in low-carbon technologies are very capital intensive and the market risks are currently too high for investors in such projects because of significant future revenue uncertainty related to regulatory

AM\1066361EN.doc 25/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN and political risks;

Or. en

Amendment 55 Juan Carlos Girauta Vidal, Fredrick Federley, Pavel Telička

Motion for a resolution Recital B b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Bb. whereas a sound and stable regulatory framework is indispensable for delivering new investments in energy infrastructure;

Or. en

Amendment 56 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital B c (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Bc. whereas convergence and cost- optimisation is also expected from deepened regional cooperation between Member States;

Or. en

Amendment 57 Bernd Lange

Motion for a resolution Recital B c (new)

PE557.382v02-00 26/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

Bc. whereas indigenous energy resources must always be sustainable and secure (should be completed throughout the text);

Or. de

Amendment 58 Morten Helveg Petersen, Kaja Kallas, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Fredrick Federley, Philippe De Backer

Motion for a resolution Recital C

Motion for a resolution Amendment

C. whereas measures for developing the C. whereas measures for developing the Energy Union and achieving the 2030 Energy Union and achieving the 2030 climate targets must take full account of climate and energy targets offer the impacts on energy prices, costs and significant opportunities for both EU the competitiveness of the EU economy in business and consumers if implemented order to get the necessary support from correctly, in terms of reducing overall citizens and industry; energy costs, boosting competiveness and delivering cost savings to consumers;

Or. en

Amendment 59 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital C

Motion for a resolution Amendment

C. whereas measures for developing the C. whereas binding measures and targets Energy Union and achieving the 2030 for developing the Energy Union and climate targets must take full account of achieving the 2020 and 2030 climate and the impacts on energy prices, costs and energy targets must be followed-up upon the competitiveness of the EU economy in or respectively put in place; order to get the necessary support from

AM\1066361EN.doc 27/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN citizens and industry;

Or. en

Amendment 60 Kathleen Van Brempt

Motion for a resolution Recital C

Motion for a resolution Amendment

C. whereas measures for developing the C. whereas measures for developing the Energy Union and achieving the 2030 Energy Union and achieving the 2020 and climate targets must take full account of 2030 climate and energy targets must be the impacts on energy prices, costs and enforced and acted upon; the competitiveness of the EU economy in order to get the necessary support from citizens and industry;

Or. en

Amendment 61 Vladimir Urutchev

Motion for a resolution Recital C

Motion for a resolution Amendment

C. whereas measures for developing the C. whereas measures for developing the Energy Union and achieving the 2030 Energy Union and achieving the 2030 climate targets must take full account of climate targets must take full account of the impacts on energy prices, costs and the the impacts on energy prices, costs and the competitiveness of the EU economy in competitiveness of the EU economy plus order to get the necessary support from the needed reduction in external energy citizens and industry; dependency in order to get the necessary support from citizens and industry;

Or. en

Amendment 62 Ivan Jakovčić

PE557.382v02-00 28/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Motion for a resolution Recital C

Motion for a resolution Amendment

C. whereas measures for developing the C. whereas measures for developing the Energy Union and achieving the 2030 Energy Union and achieving the 2030 climate targets must take full account of climate targets must take full account of the impacts on energy prices, costs and the the impacts on energy prices, costs and the competitiveness of the EU economy in competitiveness of the EU economy in order to get the necessary support from order to get the necessary support from citizens and industry; citizens and the economy as a whole;

Or. hr

Amendment 63 Pervenche Berès

Motion for a resolution Recital C

Motion for a resolution Amendment

C. whereas measures for developing the C. whereas measures for developing the Energy Union and achieving the 2030 Energy Union and achieving the 2030 climate targets must take full account of climate targets must take account of the the impacts on energy prices, costs and the impacts on energy prices, costs and the competitiveness of the EU economy in competitiveness of the EU economy in order to get the necessary support from order to get the necessary support from citizens and industry; citizens and industry;

Or. fr

Amendment 64 Olle Ludvigsson

Motion for a resolution Recital C

Motion for a resolution Amendment

C. whereas measures for developing the C. whereas measures for developing the Energy Union and achieving the 2030 Energy Union and achieving the 2030 and climate targets must take full account of 2050 climate targets must take account of the impacts on energy prices, costs and both positive and negative impacts, costs

AM\1066361EN.doc 29/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN the competitiveness of the EU economy in and benefits, on the competitiveness of the order to get the necessary support from EU economy in both short and long term citizens and industry; in order to give a correct and fair evaluation of the situation and to get the necessary support from citizens and industry; keeping in mind the markets ability to adapt when long term certainty is given to investors;

Or. en

Amendment 65 Anneleen Van Bossuyt, Ian Duncan, Ashley Fox

Motion for a resolution Recital C

Motion for a resolution Amendment

C. whereas measures for developing the C. whereas measures for developing the Energy Union and achieving the 2030 Energy Union and achieving the 2030 climate targets must take full account of climate and energy targets must take full the impacts on energy prices, costs and the account of the impacts on energy prices, competitiveness of the EU economy in costs and the competitiveness of the EU order to get the necessary support from economy in order to get the necessary citizens and industry; support from citizens and industry;

Or. en

Amendment 66 Theresa Griffin, Clare Moody, Jude Kirton-Darling

Motion for a resolution Recital C

Motion for a resolution Amendment

C. whereas measures for developing the C. whereas measures for developing the Energy Union and achieving the 2030 Energy Union and achieving the 2030 climate targets must take full account of climate targets must take full account of the impacts on energy prices, costs and the the impacts on energy prices, costs and the competitiveness of the EU economy in competitiveness of the EU economy in order to get the necessary support from order to get the necessary support from citizens and industry; citizens and industry; whereas such measures must therefore be in accordance

PE557.382v02-00 30/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN with the principle of "energy efficiency first";

Or. en

Amendment 67 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Piernicola Pedicini, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital C

Motion for a resolution Amendment

C. whereas measures for developing the C. whereas measures for developing the Energy Union and achieving the 2030 Energy Union and achieving the 2030 climate targets must take full account of climate targets must take full account of the impacts on energy prices, costs and the the impacts on climate, environment, competitiveness of the EU economy in public health and not only on energy order to get the necessary support from prices, costs and competitiveness of the EU citizens and industry; economy, in order to get the necessary support from citizens and industry; in this context all necessary impact assessments must take in full account also the present and future hidden and sunk costs deriving from a business as usual energy policy;

Or. en

Amendment 68 Flavio Zanonato, Dan Nica, Carlos Zorrinho, Patrizia Toia, Theresa Griffin, Clare Moody, Jude Kirton-Darling, Paul Tang, Kathleen Van Brempt, Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Recital C

Motion for a resolution Amendment

C. whereas measures for developing the C. whereas measures for developing the Energy Union and achieving the 2030 Energy Union and achieving the 2030 climate targets must take full account of climate & energy targets must take full the impacts on energy prices, costs and the account of the impacts on energy prices competitiveness of the EU economy in and focus on synergies and further order to get the necessary support from market integration which will help reduce citizens and industry; overall costs and improve the competitiveness of the EU economy in

AM\1066361EN.doc 31/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN order to get the necessary support from citizens and industry;

Or. en

Amendment 69 Flavio Zanonato, Eugen Freund, Dan Nica, Carlos Zorrinho, Edouard Martin, Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández, José Blanco López, Clare Moody, Theresa Griffin, Jude Kirton-Darling, Patrizia Toia, Paul Tang, Kathleen Van Brempt, Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ca. whereas the Energy Union should be a new energy model for Europe, based on strong cross-cutting legislative grounds and strong objectives; governance of the Energy Union must be transparent; guaranteeing a stable framework and including the European Parliament in the decision making-process while promoting the role of local authorities and citizens;

Or. en

Amendment 70 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Piernicola Pedicini, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ca. whereas it is of utmost importance that the Energy Union has citizens at its core, providing them with ownership of the energy transition in order for them to benefit from new technologies to reduce their bills, and allow for active citizen participation in the market whilst also protecting vulnerable consumers;

PE557.382v02-00 32/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Or. en

Amendment 71 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Piernicola Pedicini, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ca. whereas it is fundamental that the EU and Member States acknowledge the importance of including consumer-based initiatives such as cooperatives, community renewable energy and energy efficiency projects and stresses the need to lift economic, regulatory and administrative barriers to allow citizens to actively participate in the energy system;

Or. en

Amendment 72 Pervenche Berès

Motion for a resolution Recital C a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Wa. whereas towns, regions and individual citizens are at the heart of the success of the Energy Union project;

Or. fr

Amendment 73 Morten Helveg Petersen, Kaja Kallas, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Fredrick Federley, Philippe De Backer

Motion for a resolution Recital C b (new)

AM\1066361EN.doc 33/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

Cb. whereas climate change, uncompetitive energy prices and an extremely high dependency on unreliable third country suppliers are threatening the sustainability of Europe's energy system;

Or. en

Amendment 74 Pervenche Berès

Motion for a resolution Recital D

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D. whereas the goal of a resilient Energy D. whereas the goal of a resilient Energy Union with an ambitious climate policy at Union with an ambitious climate policy at its core is to give EU consumers – its core is to ensure its energy autonomy, households and businesses – secure, to respond to the challenges of climate sustainable, competitive and affordable disruption, to give EU consumers – energy; households and businesses – secure, sustainable, competitive and affordable energy and to create sustainable jobs;

Or. fr

Amendment 75 Eugen Freund

Motion for a resolution Recital D

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D. whereas the goal of a resilient Energy D. whereas the goal of a resilient Energy Union with an ambitious climate policy at Union with an ambitious climate policy at its core is to give EU consumers – its core is to give EU consumers – households and businesses – secure, households and businesses – secure, sustainable, competitive and affordable sustainable, competitive, high quality and energy; affordable energy;

PE557.382v02-00 34/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Or. en

Amendment 76 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Recital D

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D. whereas the goal of a resilient Energy D. whereas the goal of a resilient Energy Union with an ambitious climate policy at Union with an ambitious climate policy at its core is to give EU consumers – its core is to give EU consumers – households and businesses – secure, households and businesses – secure, sustainable, competitive and affordable sustainable, environmentally friendly energy; energy that is affordable for all EU citizens;

Or. es

Amendment 77 Flavio Zanonato, Dan Nica, Carlos Zorrinho, Edouard Martin, Martina Werner, Patrizia Toia, Theresa Griffin, Jude Kirton-Darling, Clare Moody, Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández, José Blanco López, Paul Tang, Kathleen Van Brempt, Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Recital D

Motion for a resolution Amendment

D. whereas the goal of a resilient Energy D. whereas the goal of a resilient Energy Union with an ambitious climate policy at Union with an ambitious climate policy at its core is to give EU consumers – its core is to ensure the transition to a new households and businesses – secure, energy model which empowers households sustainable, competitive and affordable and businesses to produce and consume energy; secure, sustainable, competitive and affordable energy; other high priority goals include creating jobs and reducing energy poverty;

Or. en

AM\1066361EN.doc 35/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Amendment 78 Flavio Zanonato, Eugen Freund, Dan Nica, Carlos Zorrinho, Edouard Martin, Pervenche Berès, Patrizia Toia, Jude Kirton-Darling, Theresa Griffin, Clare Moody, José Blanco López, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández, Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, Paul Tang, Kathleen Van Brempt, Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Recital D a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Da. whereas the issue of energy poverty needs to be tackled within the framework of the Energy Union by empowering vulnerable consumers, improving energy efficiency for the most vulnerable and developing curative measures making energy affordable for those in need;

Or. en

Amendment 79 Pervenche Berès

Motion for a resolution Recital D a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Da. whereas the Energy Union must provide an effective response to the energy poverty which affects more than 100 million Europeans;

Or. fr

Amendment 80 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Recital D a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Da. whereas energy poverty is a growing

PE557.382v02-00 36/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN problem in Europe and it is likely to spread further in the coming years, as a result of expected increases in energy prices and the parallel rise in income inequality and poverty in general, the lack of proper heating systems and the poor overall quality of home insulation, particularly in Mediterranean countries;

Or. es

Amendment 81 Nicola Caputo

Motion for a resolution Recital D a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Da. whereas, indeed, energy poverty is an alarming social priority which, involving as it does the impossibility of benefiting from vital energy services at fair prices, has a negative impact on people’s well- being and threatens the prosperity and competitiveness of the entire EU;

Or. it

Amendment 82 Flavio Zanonato, Eugen Freund, Dan Nica, Carlos Zorrinho, Pervenche Berès, Patrizia Toia, Jude Kirton-Darling, Clare Moody, Theresa Griffin, Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, José Blanco López, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández, Paul Tang, Kathleen Van Brempt, Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Recital D a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Da. whereas energy poverty can be defined as the inability of a household to support an adequate level of energy supply so as to guarantee basic levels of comfort and health, due to a combination

AM\1066361EN.doc 37/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN of low income, high energy prices and low quality housing stock;

Or. en

Amendment 83 Jerzy Buzek, Marek Józef Gróbarczyk, Vladimir Urutchev, Krišjānis Kariņš, Janusz Lewandowski, Adam Gierek, Christian Ehler, Henna Virkkunen

Motion for a resolution Recital D b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Db. whereas the Energy Union reflects multiple calls of the European Parliament to establish a true pan-European Energy Community, based on a strong common energy market, coordination of energy purchasing outside of the EU and common European funding of research and innovation in the area of new sustainable energy technologies;

Or. en

Amendment 84 Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, Nicolas Bay

Motion for a resolution Recital E

Motion for a resolution Amendment

E. whereas the future vision of the Energy E. whereas Member States must guarantee Union must be one in which Member secure energy to their citizens, and States recognise that they depend on each whereas the Energy Union, as an inter- other to deliver secure energy to their state cooperation body, has no legitimacy citizens, based on true solidarity and trust, to speak in global affairs; and in which the Energy Union speaks with one voice in global affairs;

Or. fr

PE557.382v02-00 38/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Amendment 85 Neoklis Sylikiotis, Sofia Sakorafa, Marisa Matias, Cornelia Ernst, Paloma López Bermejo

Motion for a resolution Recital E

Motion for a resolution Amendment

E. whereas the future vision of the Energy E. whereas the future vision of the Energy Union must be one in which Member Union must be one in which Member States recognise that they depend on each States recognise that they depend on each other to deliver secure energy to their other to combat energy poverty, reiterate citizens, based on true solidarity and trust, that the Energy is a public social good, and in which the Energy Union speaks ensure equal access to affordable energy with one voice in global affairs; for all and deliver secure energy to their citizens, based on true solidarity and trust;

Or. en

Amendment 86 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital E

Motion for a resolution Amendment

E. whereas the future vision of the Energy E. whereas the future vision of the Energy Union must be one in which Member Union must be one in which Member States recognise that they depend on each States recognise that they depend on each other to deliver secure energy to their other to deliver secure energy to their citizens, based on true solidarity and trust, citizens, based on true solidarity and trust, and in which the Energy Union speaks with and in which the Energy Union speaks with one voice in global affairs; one voice in global affairs; whereas every Member State therefore has a duty to prioritise energy efficiency and energy demand reduction in order to safeguard the energy security of the EU and its Member States overall;

Or. en

AM\1066361EN.doc 39/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Amendment 87 András Gyürk, Algirdas Saudargas, Antonio Tajani, Henna Virkkunen

Motion for a resolution Recital E

Motion for a resolution Amendment

E. whereas the future vision of the Energy E. whereas the future vision of the Energy Union must be one in which Member Union must be one in which Member States recognise that they depend on each States recognise that they depend on each other to deliver secure energy to their other to deliver secure, competitive and citizens, based on true solidarity and trust, sustainable energy to their citizens, based and in which the Energy Union speaks on true solidarity and trust, and in which with one voice in global affairs; the European Union speaks with one voice in global affairs;

Or. en

Amendment 88 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Recital E

Motion for a resolution Amendment

E. whereas the future vision of the Energy E. whereas the future vision of the Energy Union must be one in which Member Union must be one in which Member States recognise that they depend on each States recognise that they depend on each other to deliver secure energy to their other to deliver an appropriate and safe citizens, based on true solidarity and trust, supply to their citizens, based on true and in which the Energy Union speaks with solidarity and trust, and in which the one voice in global affairs; Energy Union speaks with one voice in global affairs;

Or. es

Amendment 89 Paul Rübig

Motion for a resolution Recital E

PE557.382v02-00 40/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

E. whereas the future vision of the Energy E. whereas the future vision of the Energy Union must be one in which Member Union must be one in which Member States recognise that they depend on each States recognise that they closely cooperate other to deliver secure energy to their with each other to maintain a secure citizens, based on true solidarity and trust, supply of energy to their citizens, based on and in which the Energy Union speaks with true solidarity and trust, and in which the one voice in global affairs; Energy Union speaks with one voice in global affairs;

Or. en

Amendment 90 Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Recital E

Motion for a resolution Amendment

E. whereas the future vision of the Energy E. whereas the future vision of the Energy Union must be one in which Member Union must be one in which Member States recognise that they depend on each States recognise that they depend on each other to deliver secure energy to their other to deliver secure, sustainable and citizens, based on true solidarity and trust, affordable energy to their citizens, based and in which the Energy Union speaks with on true solidarity, trust and respect to one voice in global affairs; environment, and in which the Energy Union speaks with one voice in global affairs;

Or. en

Amendment 91 Flavio Zanonato, Carlos Zorrinho, Jude Kirton-Darling, Theresa Griffin, Clare Moody, Paul Tang

Motion for a resolution Recital E

Motion for a resolution Amendment

E. whereas the future vision of the Energy E. whereas the future vision of the Energy Union must be one in which Member Union must be one in which Member

AM\1066361EN.doc 41/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN States recognise that they depend on each States recognise that they depend on each other to deliver secure energy to their other to deliver secure energy to their citizens, based on true solidarity and trust, citizens, based on true solidarity and trust, and in which the Energy Union speaks and in which the European Union speaks with one voice in global affairs; with one voice in global affairs;

Or. en

Amendment 92 Jerzy Buzek, Marek Józef Gróbarczyk, András Gyürk, Vladimir Urutchev, Barbara Kappel, Krišjānis Kariņš, Janusz Lewandowski, Adina-Ioana Vălean, Adam Gierek, Christian Ehler, Henna Virkkunen, Pilar del Castillo Vera

Motion for a resolution Recital E a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ea. whereas the Energy Community is an instrument to expand internal energy market to EU's neighbourhood countries, thus contributing to the creation of a pan- European energy space based on common principles and the rule of law;

Or. en

Amendment 93 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital F

Motion for a resolution Amendment

F. whereas EU energy and climate policies F. whereas EU energy and climate policies must complement each another, and their must complement each another, we have to objectives must reinforce rather than move away from a fossil fuels driven undermine one another; the Energy economy based on old technologies and Union should therefore complement outdated business models and also depart European reindustrialisation targets, from the centralised and supply-side boost the transition to a low-emission energy approach of today; economy and enhance the global competitiveness of the European economy, while effectively avoiding any

PE557.382v02-00 42/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN threat of carbon leakage;

Or. en

Amendment 94 Flavio Zanonato, Carlos Zorrinho, Edouard Martin, Patrizia Toia, Jude Kirton-Darling, Theresa Griffin, Clare Moody, Paul Tang

Motion for a resolution Recital F

Motion for a resolution Amendment

F. whereas EU energy and climate policies F. whereas EU energy and climate policies must complement each another, and their are complementary, and the Energy Union objectives must reinforce rather than should therefore complement European undermine one another; the Energy Union reindustrialisation targets, boost the should therefore complement European transition to a low-emission and low- reindustrialisation targets, boost the consumption economy based on energy transition to a low-emission economy and efficiency and renewable energy which enhance the global competitiveness of the will enhance the global competitiveness of European economy, while effectively the European economy, greatly improve avoiding any threat of carbon leakage; the EU's balance of payments while effectively avoiding any threat of carbon leakage;

Or. en

Amendment 95 Kathleen Van Brempt

Motion for a resolution Recital F

Motion for a resolution Amendment

F. whereas EU energy and climate policies F. whereas EU energy and climate policies must complement each another, and their are complementary, and the Energy Union objectives must reinforce rather than should complement European undermine one another; the Energy Union reindustrialisation targets, boost the should therefore complement European transition to a sustainable economy based reindustrialisation targets, boost the on energy efficiency and renewable transition to a low-emission economy and energy which will enhance the global enhance the global competitiveness of the competitiveness of the European economy; European economy, while effectively

AM\1066361EN.doc 43/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN avoiding any threat of carbon leakage;

Or. en

Amendment 96 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital F

Motion for a resolution Amendment

F. whereas EU energy and climate policies F. whereas EU energy and climate policies must complement each another, and their must complement each another, and their objectives must reinforce rather than objectives must reinforce each other; the undermine one another; the Energy Union Energy Union should foster sustainable should therefore complement European reindustrialisation goals of the European reindustrialisation targets, boost the economy, boost the transition to a low- transition to a low-emission economy and emission economy based on renewable enhance the global competitiveness of the energy sources and energy efficiency and European economy, while effectively enhance the global competitiveness of the avoiding any threat of carbon leakage; European economy, while effectively avoiding any threat of carbon leakage;

Or. en

Amendment 97 Olle Ludvigsson

Motion for a resolution Recital F

Motion for a resolution Amendment

F. whereas EU energy and climate policies F. whereas EU energy and climate policies must complement each another, and their must complement each another, and the objectives must reinforce rather than actions taken must reinforce rather than undermine one another; the Energy Union undermine one another; the Energy Union should therefore complement European should therefore complement European reindustrialisation targets, boost the reindustrialisation targets, boost the transition to a low-emission economy and transition to a low-emission economy and enhance the global competitiveness of the enhance the global competitiveness of the European economy, while effectively European economy, while effectively avoiding any threat of carbon leakage; avoiding carbon leakage;

PE557.382v02-00 44/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Or. en

Amendment 98 Bendt Bendtsen, Seán Kelly, Luděk Niedermayer, Peter Liese

Motion for a resolution Recital F

Motion for a resolution Amendment

F. whereas EU energy and climate policies F. whereas EU energy and climate policies must complement each another, and their must complement each another, and their objectives must reinforce rather than objectives must reinforce one another; the undermine one another; the Energy Union Energy Union should therefore should therefore complement European complement European reindustrialisation reindustrialisation targets, boost the targets, boost the transition to a low- transition to a low-emission economy and emission economy and enhance the global enhance the global competitiveness of the competitiveness of the European economy, European economy, while effectively while effectively avoiding any threat of avoiding any threat of carbon leakage; carbon leakage;

Or. en

Amendment 99 András Gyürk, Antonio Tajani, Algirdas Saudargas

Motion for a resolution Recital F

Motion for a resolution Amendment

F. whereas EU energy and climate policies F. whereas EU energy and climate policies must complement each another, and their must complement each another, and their objectives must reinforce rather than objectives must reinforce rather than undermine one another; the Energy Union undermine one another; the Energy Union should therefore complement European should therefore complement European reindustrialisation targets, boost the reindustrialisation targets, boost the transition to a low-emission economy and transition to a low-carbon economy and enhance the global competitiveness of the enhance the global competitiveness of the European economy, while effectively European economy, while effectively avoiding any threat of carbon leakage; avoiding any threat of carbon leakage;

Or. en

AM\1066361EN.doc 45/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Amendment 100 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Recital F

Motion for a resolution Amendment

F. whereas EU energy and climate policies F. whereas EU energy and climate policies must complement each another, and their must complement each another, and their objectives must reinforce rather than objectives must reinforce rather than undermine one another; the Energy Union undermine one another; the Energy Union should therefore complement European should therefore complement European reindustrialisation targets, boost the reindustrialisation targets, boost the transition to a low-emission economy and transition to a low-emission economy enhance the global competitiveness of the geared to investment in R&D+i, and on European economy, while effectively that basis enhance the global avoiding any threat of carbon leakage; competitiveness of the European economy;

Or. es

Amendment 101 Paul Rübig

Motion for a resolution Recital F

Motion for a resolution Amendment

F. whereas EU energy and climate policies F. whereas energy and climate policies of must complement each another, and their the EU and its member states must objectives must reinforce rather than complement each other, and their undermine one another; the Energy Union objectives must reinforce rather than should therefore complement European undermine one another; the Energy Union reindustrialisation targets, boost the should therefore complement European transition to a low-emission economy and reindustrialisation targets, boost the enhance the global competitiveness of the transition to a low-emission economy, European economy, while effectively ensure security of energy systems and avoiding any threat of carbon leakage; supply and enhance the global competitiveness of the European economy, while effectively avoiding any threat of carbon leakage;

Or. en

PE557.382v02-00 46/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Amendment 102 Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Recital F

Motion for a resolution Amendment

F. whereas EU energy and climate policies F. whereas EU energy and climate policies must complement each another, and their must complement each another and aim to objectives must reinforce rather than create resilient, efficient and sustainable undermine one another; the Energy Union energy system for Europe; the Energy should therefore complement European Union should therefore complement reindustrialisation targets, boost the European reindustrialisation and climate transition to a low-emission economy and change targets, boost the transition to a enhance the global competitiveness of the low-emission economy and enhance the European economy, while effectively global competitiveness of the European avoiding any threat of carbon leakage; economy, while effectively avoiding any threat of carbon leakage;

Or. en

Amendment 103 Martina Werner

Motion for a resolution Recital F

Motion for a resolution Amendment

F. whereas EU energy and climate policies F. whereas EU energy and climate policies must complement each another, and their must complement each another, and their objectives must reinforce rather than objectives must reinforce one another; the undermine one another; the Energy Union Energy Union should therefore should therefore complement European complement European reindustrialisation reindustrialisation targets, boost the targets, boost the transition to a low- transition to a low-emission economy and emission economy and enhance the global enhance the global competitiveness of the competitiveness of the European economy, European economy, while effectively while effectively avoiding any threat of avoiding any threat of carbon leakage; carbon leakage;

Or. en

Amendment 104 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Kaja Kallas, Fredrick Federley

AM\1066361EN.doc 47/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Motion for a resolution Recital F

Motion for a resolution Amendment

F. whereas EU energy and climate policies F. whereas EU energy and climate policies must complement each another, and their must complement each other, and their objectives must reinforce rather than objectives must reinforce rather than undermine one another; the Energy Union undermine one another; the Energy Union should therefore complement European should therefore complement and reindustrialisation targets, boost the reinforce European growth objectives, transition to a low-emission economy and boost the transition to a low emission enhance the global competitiveness of the economy and enhance the global European economy, while effectively competitiveness of the European economy, avoiding any threat of carbon leakage; while effectively avoiding any threat of carbon leakage;

Or. en

Amendment 105 Christian Ehler

Motion for a resolution Recital F

Motion for a resolution Amendment

F. whereas EU energy and climate policies F. whereas EU energy and climate policies must complement each another, and their must complement each another, and their objectives must reinforce rather than objectives must reinforce rather than undermine one another; the Energy Union undermine one another; the Energy Union should therefore complement European should therefore complement European reindustrialisation targets, boost the reindustrialisation targets, boost the transition to a low-emission economy and transition to a low-emission economy and enhance the global competitiveness of the enhance the global competitiveness of the European economy, while effectively European economy, while effectively avoiding any threat of carbon leakage; avoiding any threat of carbon leakage; this could be achieved based on a balanced energy portfolio that strongly relies on indigenous sources and embraces decarbonisation technologies to meet climate targets, thereby allowing affordable energy for consumers and industrial production;

Or. en

PE557.382v02-00 48/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Amendment 106 Pervenche Berès

Motion for a resolution Recital F

Motion for a resolution Amendment

F. whereas EU energy and climate policies F. whereas EU energy and climate policies must complement each another, and their must complement each another, and their objectives must reinforce rather than objectives must reinforce rather than undermine one another; the Energy Union undermine one another; whereas the should therefore complement European Energy Union must therefore complement reindustrialisation targets, boost the European reindustrialisation targets, boost transition to a low-emission economy and the transition to a low-emission economy enhance the global competitiveness of the and enhance the global competitiveness of European economy, while effectively the European economy, while effectively avoiding any threat of carbon leakage; avoiding any threat of carbon leakage;

Or. fr

Amendment 107 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital G

Motion for a resolution Amendment

G. whereas the EU imports more than half G. whereas the EU imports more than half of all the energy it consumes, its import of all the energy it consumes, its import dependency is particularly high for crude dependency is particularly high for crude oil (more than 90 %) and natural gas (66 oil (more than 90 %) and natural gas (66 %), and the total import bill is more than %), and the total import bill is more than EUR 1 billion per day; EUR 1 billion per day; whereas buildings are responsible for more than 40% of all EU energy consumption and consume 61% of all gas imported to the EU, therefore making the reduction of energy demand in buildings the fastest and least costly way to reduce the import dependency of gas;

Or. en

AM\1066361EN.doc 49/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Amendment 108 Vladimír Maňka

Motion for a resolution Recital G

Motion for a resolution Amendment

G. whereas the EU imports more than half G. whereas the EU imports more than half of all the energy it consumes, its import of all the energy it consumes, its import dependency is particularly high for crude dependency is particularly high for crude oil (more than 90 %) and natural gas (66 oil (more than 90 %) and natural gas (66 %), and the total import bill is more than %), and the total import bill is more than EUR 1 billion per day; EUR 1 billion per day (EUR 400 billion in 2013);

Or. en

Amendment 109 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital G

Motion for a resolution Amendment

G. whereas the EU imports more than half G. whereas the EU imports 53% of all the of all the energy it consumes, its import energy it consumes, its import dependency dependency is particularly high for crude is particularly high for oil (85%), natural oil (more than 90 %) and natural gas (66 gas (66 %) and uranium (95%), and the %), and the total import bill is more than total import bill is more than EUR 1 billion EUR 1 billion per day; per day;

Or. en

Amendment 110 Flavio Zanonato, Dan Nica, Carlos Zorrinho, Edouard Martin, Jude Kirton-Darling, Theresa Griffin, Clare Moody, Paul Tang, Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Recital G

PE557.382v02-00 50/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

G. whereas the EU imports more than half G. whereas the EU imports more than half of all the energy it consumes, its import of all the energy it consumes, its import dependency is particularly high for crude dependency is particularly high for crude oil (more than 90 %) and natural gas (66 oil (more than 90 %) and natural gas (66 %), and the total import bill is more than %), and the total import bill is more than EUR 1 billion per day; EUR 1 billion per day; whereas a primary goal of the energy union should be to sharply reduce the need for energy imports;

Or. en

Amendment 111 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Fredrick Federley

Motion for a resolution Recital G

Motion for a resolution Amendment

G. whereas the EU imports more than half G. whereas the EU imports more than half of all the energy it consumes, its import of all the energy it consumes, its import dependency is particularly high for crude dependency is particularly high for crude oil (more than 90 %) and natural gas (66 oil (more than 90 %), natural gas (66 %) %), and the total import bill is more than and hard coal (72%) and the total import EUR 1 billion per day; bill is more than EUR 400 billion per year; Whereas buildings are responsible for more than 40% of all EU energy consumption, consuming 61% of all gas imported to the EU;

Or. en

Amendment 112 Morten Helveg Petersen, Kaja Kallas, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Fredrick Federley, Philippe De Backer

Motion for a resolution Recital G

AM\1066361EN.doc 51/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

G. whereas the EU imports more than half G. whereas the EU imports more than half of all the energy it consumes, its import of all the energy it consumes, its import dependency is particularly high for crude dependency is particularly high for crude oil (more than 90 %) and natural gas (66 oil (more than 90 %) and natural gas (66 %), and the total import bill is more than %), and the total import bill is more than EUR 1 billion per day; EUR 400 billion per year; Whereas buildings are responsible for more than 40% of all EU energy consumption, consuming 61% of all gas imported into the EU;

Or. en

Amendment 113 Bendt Bendtsen, Seán Kelly, Luděk Niedermayer, Peter Liese, Karl-Heinz Florenz

Motion for a resolution Recital G a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ga. whereas the EU building stock is responsible for approximately 40% of final EU energy consumption and for the consumption of approximately 60% of EU gas imports, therefore making the moderation of its energy demand an important factor towards achieving energy independence;

Or. en

Amendment 114 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital G a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ga. whereas buildings consume around 60% of gas imports to the EU and the

PE557.382v02-00 52/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN building sector contributes up to 8% of EU GDP and provides local jobs, mostly in SMEs and whereas it is estimated that between 60 and 100 billion Euro are yearly needed to renovate buildings in the EU;

Or. en

Amendment 115 Vladimír Maňka

Motion for a resolution Recital G a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ga. whereas the multiple benefits of energy efficiency, notably in buildings, shall be recognized, such as improved energy security through a decreased dependency on imports, increased energy savings, lower energy bills, increased competitiveness, job creation (up to 2 million European jobs), health and comfort improvements;

Or. en

Amendment 116 Vladimir Urutchev

Motion for a resolution Recital G a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

U. whereas better interconnection levels Ga. whereas better interconnection levels for electricity and gas will increase energy for electricity and gas will increase energy security while balancing supply and security while balancing supply and demand between the Member States; demand between the Member States; whereas the reduction of energy cost in residential buildings is a fast and cost- efficient way to reduce gas consumption and to gain energy security benefits;

AM\1066361EN.doc 53/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Or. en

Amendment 117 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Piernicola Pedicini, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital G a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ga. whereas the global price of oil has fallen significantly, providing the EU with an opportunity to take major steps in transforming our energy landscape, by investing in renewable energy production, grasping the energy efficiency potential of buildings and industry, and developing smart infrastructure; whereas money spent on importing fossil fuels contributes little to investment, jobs or growth in the Union and redirecting this money to internal investments would stimulate growth and create high-quality, high- skilled local jobs;

Or. en

Amendment 118 Flavio Zanonato, Carlos Zorrinho, Edouard Martin, Martina Werner, Jude Kirton- Darling, Theresa Griffin, Clare Moody, Miroslav Poche, Paul Tang, Kathleen Van Brempt

Motion for a resolution Recital G a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ga. whereas the EU's external energy bill represents more than EUR 1 billion per day – EUR 400 billion in 2013 – and more than one fifth of total EU imports; whereas the global price for oil has dropped significantly providing EU an opportunity to take major steps in transforming our energy landscape, by

PE557.382v02-00 54/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN investing in renewable energy production, by grasping the energy efficiency potential in buildings and industry and developing smart infrastructure; whereas money spent on importing fossil fuels contributes little to investment, jobs or growth in the Union and redirecting this money to internal investments would stimulate growth and create high-quality, high skilled local jobs;

Or. en

Amendment 119 Vladimir Urutchev

Motion for a resolution Recital H

Motion for a resolution Amendment

H. whereas many countries are heavily H. whereas many countries are heavily reliant on a single supplier, including some reliant on a single supplier, including some that rely entirely on Russia for their natural that rely entirely on Russia for their natural gas and others that heavily rely on gas and others that heavily rely on Northern Africa, which leaves them Northern Africa, which leaves them vulnerable to supply disruptions, whether vulnerable to supply disruptions, whether these are caused by political or commercial these are caused by political or commercial disputes, or infrastructure failure; disputes, or infrastructure failure; whereas additional LNG capacities in Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea, as well as connecting central European gas hubs with South East Europe, will facilitate diversifying the gas supply to Member States and Energy Community Countries in South East Europe;

Or. en

Amendment 120 Flavio Zanonato, Dan Nica, Carlos Zorrinho, Martina Werner, Theresa Griffin, Jude Kirton-Darling, Clare Moody, Patrizia Toia, Paul Tang

Motion for a resolution Recital H

AM\1066361EN.doc 55/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

H. whereas many countries are heavily H. whereas many countries are heavily reliant on a single supplier, including some reliant on a single supplier which could that rely entirely on Russia for their leave them vulnerable to supply natural gas and others that heavily rely on disruptions; Northern Africa, which leaves them vulnerable to supply disruptions, whether these are caused by political or commercial disputes, or infrastructure failure;

Or. en

Amendment 121 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital H

Motion for a resolution Amendment

H. whereas many countries are heavily H. whereas many countries are heavily reliant on a single supplier, including some reliant on a single supplier and a large that rely entirely on Russia for their proportion of EU energy imports comes natural gas and others that heavily rely on from, or transits through, geopolitically Northern Africa, which leaves them unstable regions which leaves them vulnerable to supply disruptions, whether vulnerable to supply disruptions, whether these are caused by political or commercial these are caused by political or commercial disputes, or infrastructure failure; disputes, or infrastructure failure;

Or. en

Amendment 122 Gianluca Buonanno

Motion for a resolution Recital H

Motion for a resolution Amendment

H. whereas many countries are heavily H. whereas certain Member States are reliant on a single supplier, including some heavily reliant on a single supplier, that rely entirely on Russia for their natural including some that rely entirely on Russia

PE557.382v02-00 56/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN gas and others that heavily rely on for their natural gas and others that heavily Northern Africa, which leaves them rely on Northern Africa, which leaves them vulnerable to supply disruptions, whether vulnerable to supply disruptions, whether these are caused by political or commercial these are caused by political or commercial disputes, or infrastructure failure; disputes, or infrastructure failure;

Or. it

Amendment 123 Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, Nicolas Bay

Motion for a resolution Recital H

Motion for a resolution Amendment

H. whereas many countries are heavily H. whereas many countries are heavily reliant on a single supplier, including some reliant on a single supplier, including some that rely entirely on Russia for their natural that rely entirely on Russia for their natural gas and others that heavily rely on gas and others that heavily rely on Northern Africa, which leaves them Northern Africa, which leaves them vulnerable to supply disruptions, whether vulnerable to supply disruptions, whether these are caused by political or commercial these are caused by commercial disputes disputes, or infrastructure failure; resulting from the Union’s policy and interference by the USA, or by infrastructure failure;

Or. fr

Amendment 124 Morten Helveg Petersen, Kaja Kallas, Pavel Telička, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Fredrick Federley, Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, Philippe De Backer

Motion for a resolution Recital H

Motion for a resolution Amendment

H. whereas many countries are heavily H. whereas many countries are heavily reliant on a single supplier, including some reliant on a single and often unreliable that rely entirely on Russia for their natural supplier, including some that rely entirely gas and others that heavily rely on on Russia for their natural gas and others Northern Africa, which leaves them that heavily rely on Northern Africa, which vulnerable to supply disruptions, whether leaves them vulnerable to supply these are caused by political or commercial disruptions, whether these are caused by

AM\1066361EN.doc 57/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN disputes, or infrastructure failure; political or commercial disputes, or infrastructure failure;

Or. en

Amendment 125 Gunnar Hökmark

Motion for a resolution Recital H a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ha. whereas it has become an important part of Russian foreign policy to develop and implement a strategy regarding strategic resources, in particular oil and natural gas, in order to put other countries under political pressure; notes that this has been the case for a number of its neighbouring countries and several Member States of the European Union;

Or. en

Amendment 126 Gunnar Hökmark

Motion for a resolution Recital H a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ha. whereas the use of oil and natural gas for reasons of foreign policy and for the destabilisation of other countries, undermines economic growth and, even more dangerous, democratic stability in Europe and the independence of sovereign states;

Or. en

PE557.382v02-00 58/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Amendment 127 Krišjānis Kariņš

Motion for a resolution Recital H a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ha. whereas EU is heavily dependent on energy imports from Russia, which has proven to be an unreliable partner and uses its energy supplies as a political weapon;

Or. en

Amendment 128 Gunnar Hökmark

Motion for a resolution Recital H a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ha. whereas a policy for energy security must address the need for a stable supply from different energy sources, providing the European economy with the energy needed for transports, industry and housing in a way that supports competitiveness and climate policy, at the same time as it must minimize the dependence on those who deliberately want to use energy resources for their own political purposes in order to influence the political development in other countries;

Or. en

Amendment 129 Gunnar Hökmark

Motion for a resolution Recital H a (new)

AM\1066361EN.doc 59/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ha. whereas European energy security must be developed in a way that defends both European security and the sovereignty of European countries, comprising both EU Member States and Eastern Partnership countries;

Or. en

Amendment 130 Martina Werner

Motion for a resolution Recital I

Motion for a resolution Amendment

I. whereas no Member State should be I. whereas no Member State should be subject to unfavourable contract terms subject to contract terms not compatible which exploit its weak position on the with EU law which exploit its weak energy market based merely on position on the energy market based geographical and historical determinants; merely on geographical and historical determinants;

Or. en

Amendment 131 Pervenche Berès

Motion for a resolution Recital J

Motion for a resolution Amendment

J. whereas the 2006 and 2009 gas disputes J. whereas the 2006 and 2009 gas disputes between Russia and transit-country between Russia and transit-country Ukraine left many EU countries with Ukraine left many EU countries with severe shortages; severe shortages, as a result of which all the Union's Member States should grasp the added value of a Union policy that resolutely seeks energy independence for the Union;

PE557.382v02-00 60/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Or. fr

Amendment 132 Flavio Zanonato, Eugen Freund, Martina Werner, Theresa Griffin, Jude Kirton- Darling, Clare Moody, Paul Tang

Motion for a resolution Recital J

Motion for a resolution Amendment

J. whereas the 2006 and 2009 gas disputes J. whereas the 2006 and 2009 gas disputes between Russia and transit-country between Russia and transit-country Ukraine left many EU countries with Ukraine left many EU countries with severe shortages; severe shortages; whereas the disruptions show that measures taken so far to interconnect European energy markets, increase energy efficiency and deploy renewable energy sources have been insufficient to eliminate Europe's reliance on Russian gas;

Or. en

Amendment 133 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital J

Motion for a resolution Amendment

J. whereas the 2006 and 2009 gas disputes J. whereas the 2006 and 2009 gas disputes between Russia and transit-country between Gazprom (Russia) and Naftogaz Ukraine left many EU countries with (Ukraine) left many EU countries with severe shortages; severe shortages;

Or. en

Amendment 134 Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, Nicolas Bay

AM\1066361EN.doc 61/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Motion for a resolution Recital J

Motion for a resolution Amendment

J. whereas the 2006 and 2009 gas disputes J. whereas the 2006 and 2009 gas disputes between Russia and transit-country between Russia and transit-country Ukraine left many EU countries with Ukraine, provoked by foreign interference severe shortages; by NATO and the USA in Ukraine's internal policies, left many EU countries with severe shortages;

Or. fr

Amendment 135 Morten Helveg Petersen, Pavel Telička, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Fredrick Federley, Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, Philippe De Backer

Motion for a resolution Recital J

Motion for a resolution Amendment

J. whereas the 2006 and 2009 gas disputes J. whereas the 2006, 2009, 2014 and 2015 between Russia and transit-country gas disputes between Russia and transit- Ukraine left many EU countries with country Ukraine left many EU countries severe shortages; with severe shortages;

Or. en

Amendment 136 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital J a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ja. whereas some European countries still heavily rely on energy supply from old, polluting and inefficient, yet still subsidised, coal power plants;

Or. en

PE557.382v02-00 62/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Amendment 137 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital K

Motion for a resolution Amendment

K. whereas over EUR 1 trillion need to be K. whereas over EUR 1 trillion need to be invested in the EU energy sector by 2020 invested in the EU energy sector by 2020 alone; alone, while working for a true energy transition towards a decarbonised economy would allow avoiding spending valuable taxpayers' money in infrastructures that will become obsolete in short time or whose cost-benefits analysis has shown their inadequacy, in comparison to other demand reduction projects;

Or. en

Amendment 138 Kathleen Van Brempt

Motion for a resolution Recital K

Motion for a resolution Amendment

K. whereas over EUR 1 trillion need to be K. whereas over EUR 1 trillion need to be invested in the EU energy sector by 2020 invested in the EU energy sector by 2020 alone; alone, and whereas for every euro not invested in the energy infrastructure before 2020, 4.3 euro would be needed after 2020 to achieve the same goals, which would put an undue burden on future generations;

Or. en

Amendment 139 Pervenche Berès

AM\1066361EN.doc 63/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Motion for a resolution Recital K a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ka. whereas the EU must enable these investments to be funded by mobilising all existing resources, both public (the structural funds and the EIB) and private, encouraging the channelling of household savings and of the capacities of long-term investors (pension funds and insurance companies) and creating a new financial capacity for the EU;

Or. fr

Amendment 140 Theresa Griffin, Jude Kirton-Darling, Clare Moody

Motion for a resolution Recital L

Motion for a resolution Amendment

L. whereas EU industry gas prices are deleted now three to four times higher than US, Indian and Russian prices, 12 % higher than China's, comparable to those of Brazil and lower than those of Japan;

Or. en

Amendment 141 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital L

Motion for a resolution Amendment

L. whereas EU industry gas prices are deleted now three to four times higher than US,

PE557.382v02-00 64/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Indian and Russian prices, 12 % higher than China's, comparable to those of Brazil and lower than those of Japan;

Or. en

Amendment 142 Theresa Griffin, Clare Moody, Jude Kirton-Darling

Motion for a resolution Recital M

Motion for a resolution Amendment

M. whereas EU industrial electricity deleted prices, before taking account of tax or levy exemptions for energy-intensive industries, are more than twice as high as in the US and Russia, 20% higher than China's but 20% lower than those in Japan;

Or. en

Amendment 143 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital M

Motion for a resolution Amendment

M. whereas EU industrial electricity M. whereas the EU wholesale electricity prices, before taking account of tax or prices are at historically low level and the levy exemptions for energy-intensive State aid guidelines already allow large- industries, are more than twice as high as scale exemptions for energy-intensive in the US and Russia, 20% higher than industries, leading to a situation where China's but 20% lower than those in the EU competitive disadvantage on Japan; electricity has been reduced;

Or. en

AM\1066361EN.doc 65/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Amendment 144 Flavio Zanonato, Edouard Martin, Clare Moody, Theresa Griffin, Jude Kirton-Darling

Motion for a resolution Recital M a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ma. whereas in order to avoid market instability, the Commission should encourage long-term electric contracts so as to ensure a necessary return on investments, especially in the case of capital-intensive industries; against market instability it is possible to conclude electricity long-term contract under certain condition, which must be compatible with a necessary return on investment, and a duration of no less than 15 years in the case of capital-intensive industries, the European Commission should encourage this possibility;

Or. en

Amendment 145 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital M a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ma. whereas only an Energy Union with harmonised Member States' energy mixes based on renewable energy, with better interconnection levels leading to a pan- European smart grid and reducing the distance between production and consumption of energy, the EU can decrease the energy prices and eliminate the disparities between Member States and, in the long-run, also towards our global competitors;

Or. en

PE557.382v02-00 66/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Amendment 146 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital M a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ma. whereas European industry still suffers from a significant competitive disadvantage on gas prices, mostly because of the oil price index being included in long-term contracts with Russia;

Or. en

Amendment 147 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital N

Motion for a resolution Amendment

N. whereas welfare loss owing to EU gas deleted market inefficiency exceeds EUR 11 billion annually owing to, inter alia, a lack of infrastructure and a low level of market liquidity and transparency;

Or. en

Amendment 148 Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, Nicolas Bay

Motion for a resolution Recital N

AM\1066361EN.doc 67/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

N. whereas welfare loss owing to EU gas deleted market inefficiency exceeds EUR 11 billion annually owing to, inter alia, a lack of infrastructure and a low level of market liquidity and transparency;

Or. fr

Amendment 149 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital N

Motion for a resolution Amendment

N. whereas welfare loss owing to EU gas N. whereas welfare loss owing to EU gas market inefficiency exceeds EUR 11 market inefficiency exceeds EUR 11 billion annually owing to, inter alia, a lack billion annually; of infrastructure and a low level of market liquidity and transparency;

Or. en

Amendment 150 Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, Nicolas Bay

Motion for a resolution Recital O

Motion for a resolution Amendment

O. whereas ex-post assessment and O. whereas ex-post assessment and verification of all energy-related verification of all energy-related agreements as regards compliance with EU agreements as regards compliance with EU law is already possible through, inter alia, law is already possible through, inter alia, competition and energy regulations; competition and energy regulations; whereas insufficient ex-ante compliance whereas such regulations should cease, checks at national and EU level lead to leaving states their freedom in accordance severe market distortions; with the subsidiarity principle, so as to restore to them their exclusive competence in the field of energy;

PE557.382v02-00 68/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Or. fr

Amendment 151 Neoklis Sylikiotis, Sofia Sakorafa, Marisa Matias, Paloma López Bermejo

Motion for a resolution Recital O

Motion for a resolution Amendment

O. whereas ex-post assessment and O. whereas ex-post assessment and verification of all energy-related verification of all energy-related agreements as regards compliance with EU agreements as regards compliance with EU law is already possible through, inter alia, law is already possible; competition and energy regulations; whereas insufficient ex-ante compliance checks at national and EU level lead to severe market distortions;

Or. en

Amendment 152 Gianluca Buonanno

Motion for a resolution Recital O

Motion for a resolution Amendment

O. whereas ex-post assessment and O. whereas ex-post assessment and verification of all energy-related verification of all energy-related agreements as regards compliance with EU agreements as regards compliance with EU law is already possible through, inter alia, law is already possible through, inter alia, competition and energy regulations; competition and energy regulations; whereas insufficient ex-ante compliance whereas insufficient ex-ante compliance checks at national and EU level lead to checks at national and EU level may lead severe market distortions; to severe market distortions;

Or. it

Amendment 153 Morten Helveg Petersen, Pavel Telička, Fredrick Federley, Philippe De Backer

AM\1066361EN.doc 69/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Motion for a resolution Recital O

Motion for a resolution Amendment

O. whereas ex-post assessment and O. whereas ex-post assessment and verification of all energy-related verification of all energy-related agreements as regards compliance with EU agreements as regards compliance with EU law is already possible through, inter alia, law is already possible through, inter alia, competition and energy regulations; competition and energy regulations; whereas insufficient ex-ante compliance whereas insufficient ex-ante compliance checks at national and EU level lead to checks at national and EU level lead to severe market distortions; severe market distortions; whereas the Commission has recognised these shortcomings and has undertaken to strengthen the levels of oversight of such IGAs between Member States and third countries;

Or. en

Amendment 154 Krišjānis Kariņš, Gunnar Hökmark, Jerzy Buzek

Motion for a resolution Recital O a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Oa. whereas significant commercial gas supply contracts have an impact on EU energy security and, therefore should be subject to ex-ante compliance checks with EU law;

Or. en

Amendment 155 Ian Duncan, Anneleen Van Bossuyt, Ashley Fox

Motion for a resolution Recital P

PE557.382v02-00 70/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

P. whereas 30 million European jobs are deleted at risk owing to the US shale gas boom, as energy-intensive industries move operations to the US, where energy costs are far lower;

Or. en

Amendment 156 András Gyürk, Algirdas Saudargas

Motion for a resolution Recital P

Motion for a resolution Amendment

P. whereas 30 million European jobs are deleted at risk owing to the US shale gas boom, as energy-intensive industries move operations to the US, where energy costs are far lower;

Or. en

Amendment 157 Flavio Zanonato, Edouard Martin, Carlos Zorrinho, Martina Werner, Clare Moody, Theresa Griffin, Jude Kirton-Darling, Paul Tang

Motion for a resolution Recital P

Motion for a resolution Amendment

P. whereas 30 million European jobs are deleted at risk owing to the US shale gas boom, as energy-intensive industries move operations to the US, where energy costs are far lower;

Or. en

AM\1066361EN.doc 71/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Amendment 158 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital P

Motion for a resolution Amendment

P. whereas 30 million European jobs are deleted at risk owing to the US shale gas boom, as energy-intensive industries move operations to the US, where energy costs are far lower;

Or. en

Amendment 159 Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Fredrick Federley

Motion for a resolution Recital P

Motion for a resolution Amendment

P. whereas 30 million European jobs are deleted at risk owing to the US shale gas boom, as energy-intensive industries move operations to the US, where energy costs are far lower;

Or. en

Amendment 160 Kathleen Van Brempt, Martina Werner

Motion for a resolution Recital P

Motion for a resolution Amendment

P. whereas 30 million European jobs are deleted at risk owing to the US shale gas boom, as energy-intensive industries move operations to the US, where energy costs are far lower;

PE557.382v02-00 72/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Or. en

Amendment 161 Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández, José Blanco López

Motion for a resolution Recital P

Motion for a resolution Amendment

P. whereas 30 million European jobs are P. whereas the effective achievement of at risk owing to the US shale gas boom, as the Energy Union will create new jobs energy-intensive industries move and growth by making Europe companies operations to the US, where energy costs leaders in the global shift to a low-carbon are far lower; economy;

Or. en

Amendment 162 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital P

Motion for a resolution Amendment

P. whereas 30 million European jobs are at P. whereas according to the Commission's risk owing to the US shale gas boom, as analysis on energy prices and costs in energy-intensive industries move Europe, relocation of European industries operations to the US, where energy costs has taken place for reasons such as the are far lower; European economic crisis, the attractiveness of markets outside the EU and high labour costs, but cannot be attributed to high energy costs; whereas energy efficiency in energy- intensive industries has allowed European companies to keep their competitive advantage;

Or. en

AM\1066361EN.doc 73/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Amendment 163 Gunnar Hökmark

Motion for a resolution Recital P

Motion for a resolution Amendment

P. whereas 30 million European jobs are P. whereas the emergence of shale gas has at risk owing to the US shale gas boom, as changed the logics of the global economy, energy-intensive industries move as well as geopolitics, facilitating lower operations to the US, where energy costs global oil and gas prices and the are far lower; competitiveness of European industry, decreasing the dependence on Russia as well as other regimes based upon the wealth of oil and gas; whereas there is a need to proceed with policies aiming for less fossil fuels and more renewables phased in with competitive prices;

Or. en

Amendment 164 Morten Helveg Petersen, Kaja Kallas, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Fredrick Federley, Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, Philippe De Backer

Motion for a resolution Recital P

Motion for a resolution Amendment

P. whereas 30 million European jobs are at P. whereas European jobs will always be at risk owing to the US shale gas boom, as risk so long as European industry fails to energy-intensive industries move remain competitive, and therefore any operations to the US, where energy costs improvements to industrial energy are far lower; efficiency helping to reduce overall energy costs are vital;

Or. en

Amendment 165 Sorin Moisă

Motion for a resolution Recital P

PE557.382v02-00 74/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

P. whereas 30 million European jobs are P. whereas European jobs in the energy- at risk owing to the US shale gas boom, as intensive industrial sector are at risk energy-intensive industries move owing to European companies potentially operations to the US, where energy costs opting to move to countries with lower are far lower; climate regulation standards and/or cheaper energy prices;

Or. en

Amendment 166 Jerzy Buzek, Antonio Tajani, Marek Józef Gróbarczyk, Vladimir Urutchev, Krišjānis Kariņš, Janusz Lewandowski, Adam Gierek, Herbert Reul, Christian Ehler, Henna Virkkunen

Motion for a resolution Recital P

Motion for a resolution Amendment

P. whereas 30 million European jobs are at P. whereas 30 million European jobs are at risk owing to the US shale gas boom, as risk owing to the US shale gas boom, as energy-intensive industries move energy-intensive industries move operations to the US, where energy costs operations to the US, where energy costs are far lower; are far lower and where regulation of greenhouse gas emissions is less restrictive;

Or. en

Amendment 167 Eugen Freund

Motion for a resolution Recital P

Motion for a resolution Amendment

P. whereas 30 million European jobs are at P. whereas 30 million European jobs are at risk owing to the US shale gas boom, as risk owing, besides other factors, to the US energy-intensive industries move shale gas boom, as energy-intensive operations to the US, where energy costs industries move operations to the US, are far lower; where energy costs are far lower and to

AM\1066361EN.doc 75/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN inequalities of energy costs, which are currently very high;

Or. en

Amendment 168 Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, Nicolas Bay

Motion for a resolution Recital P

Motion for a resolution Amendment

P. whereas 30 million European jobs are at P. whereas 30 million European jobs are at risk owing to the US shale gas boom, as risk owing to the US shale gas boom, as energy-intensive industries move energy-intensive industries move operations to the US, where energy costs operations to the US, where energy costs are far lower; are far lower, and whereas no protectionist measures have been undertaken by the Commission and the Council to counter this unacceptable dumping;

Or. fr

Amendment 169 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Piernicola Pedicini, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital P a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Pa. whereas US energy intensive industries are already suffering the effects of the shale gas bubble, putting at risk millions of jobs, and whereas therefore the EU cannot rely on US gas reserves or follow their energy strategy, given the significant differences in terms of quantity, quality, ownership rights configuration, population density, water systems, environment and consumption needs;

Or. en

PE557.382v02-00 76/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Amendment 170 Flavio Zanonato, Carlos Zorrinho, Edouard Martin, Martina Werner, Theresa Griffin, Jude Kirton-Darling, Clare Moody, Paul Tang

Motion for a resolution Recital P a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Pa. whereas it is unlikely that shale gas can be produced in Europe as cheaply as in the US and it is estimated production costs could be twice as high due to geological and geographical differences, higher population density and lack of natural gas infrastructure in many places;

Or. en

Amendment 171 Flavio Zanonato, Martina Werner, Paul Tang

Motion for a resolution Recital P b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Pb. whereas the increased production of shale gas in the US has already reduced global gas prices by reducing US demand for LNG;

Or. en

Amendment 172 Flavio Zanonato, Pervenche Berès, Martina Werner, Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández, José Blanco López, Clare Moody, Theresa Griffin, Jude Kirton-Darling, Paul Tang

Motion for a resolution Recital P c (new)

AM\1066361EN.doc 77/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

Pc. whereas EU energy and environmental policies should be driven by the strict application of the precaution principle;

Or. en

Amendment 173 Pervenche Berès

Motion for a resolution Recital P a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Pa. whereas strict compliance the precautionary principle should continue to underlie all our energy, environmental and health policies;

Or. fr

Amendment 174 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital Q

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Q. whereas the price difference with other deleted economies has a negative impact on the competitiveness of our industry, in particular our energy-intensive industries;

Or. en

Amendment 175 Bendt Bendtsen, Luděk Niedermayer, Peter Liese

PE557.382v02-00 78/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Motion for a resolution Recital Q

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Q. whereas the price difference with other Q. whereas the price difference with other economies has a negative impact on the economies can have a negative impact on competitiveness of our industry, in the competitiveness of our industry, in particular our energy-intensive industries; particular our energy-intensive industries;

Or. en

Amendment 176 Kathleen Van Brempt, Martina Werner

Motion for a resolution Recital Q

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Q. whereas the price difference with other Q. whereas European companies, economies has a negative impact on the amongst others due to more ambitious competitiveness of our industry, in regulation and the price difference in gas particular our energy-intensive industries; and electricity prices, have reduced their energy intensity level twice as fast as their American competitors;

Or. en

Amendment 177 Philippe De Backer, Fredrick Federley, Cora van Nieuwenhuizen

Motion for a resolution Recital Q a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Qa. whereas competitive energy prices are crucial to achieve the EU's 20% reindustrialisation targets by 2020;

Or. en

AM\1066361EN.doc 79/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Amendment 178 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital R

Motion for a resolution Amendment

R. whereas EU companies have a share of R. whereas the renewable energy sector 40 % of all patents for renewable employs 1.2 million people in Europe, technologies, which makes it a global whereas many renewable energy projects leader as regards investment in renewable are owned by small, private companies energy; and individuals, whereas EU companies have a share of 40 % of all world patents for renewable technologies which makes it a global leader as regards investment in renewable energy;

Or. en

Amendment 179 András Gyürk, Herbert Reul, Algirdas Saudargas, Krišjānis Kariņš

Motion for a resolution Recital R

Motion for a resolution Amendment

R. whereas EU companies have a share of R. whereas EU companies have a share of 40 % of all patents for renewable 40 % of all patents for renewable technologies, which makes it a global technologies, which makes it a global leader as regards investment in renewable leader as regards innovation in renewable energy; energy;

Or. en

Amendment 180 Flavio Zanonato, Clare Moody, Theresa Griffin, Jude Kirton-Darling, Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández, José Blanco López, Paul Tang, Kathleen Van Brempt

Motion for a resolution Recital R

PE557.382v02-00 80/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

R. whereas EU companies have a share of R. whereas EU companies have a share of 40 % of all patents for renewable 40 % of all patents for renewable technologies, which makes it a global technologies and employ over a million leader as regards investment in renewable people, which makes it a global leader as energy; regards investment in renewable energy;

Or. en

Amendment 181 Jeppe Kofod

Motion for a resolution Recital R

Motion for a resolution Amendment

R. whereas EU companies have a share of R. whereas EU companies have a share of 40 % of all patents for renewable 40 % of all patents for renewable technologies, which makes it a global technologies, which makes it a potential leader as regards investment in renewable global leader as regards investment in energy; renewable energy;

Or. en

Amendment 182 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital R

Motion for a resolution Amendment

R. whereas EU companies have a share of R. whereas EU companies have a share of 40 % of all patents for renewable 40 % of all patents for renewable technologies, which makes it a global technologies, which makes it a global leader as regards investment in renewable leader as regards investment in renewable energy; energy; whereas this leadership must be guaranteed in the future through a solid strategy with clear targets for increasing the share of RES in the average EU energy mix;

AM\1066361EN.doc 81/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Or. en

Amendment 183 Marek Józef Gróbarczyk, Dawid Bohdan Jackiewicz

Motion for a resolution Recital R a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ra. whereas since 1990 the European industry has made significant investments and improvements in energy efficiency which resulted in an increase in industrial output accompanied by a decrease in energy consumption;

Or. en

Amendment 184 Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Recital S

Motion for a resolution Amendment

S. whereas, notwithstanding its global deleted dominance in investment in renewable energy, the World Energy Outlook 2014 predicts global energy demand to grow by 37 % and global coal demand by 15 % by 2040;

Or. en

Amendment 185 Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández, José Blanco López

Motion for a resolution Recital S

PE557.382v02-00 82/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

S. whereas, notwithstanding its global S. whereas worldwide, well over 100 GW dominance in investment in renewable of new renewable capacity has been added energy, the World Energy Outlook 2014 every year since 2011, which accounts for predicts global energy demand to grow by more than half of net capacity additions 37 % and global coal demand by 15 % by in the global power sector since 2011; 2040; whereas, therefore, additional efforts must be made in order for the EU to maintain the status of world leader in renewable energy deployment;

Or. en

Amendment 186 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital S

Motion for a resolution Amendment

S. whereas, notwithstanding its global S. whereas renewable energies and energy dominance in investment in renewable efficiency are "no regret" options for the energy, the World Energy Outlook 2014 decarbonisation of the energy sector by predicts global energy demand to grow by 2050 and, according to the Internal 37 % and global coal demand by 15 % by Energy Agency, these sectors should 2040; represent at least 80% of the investments to maintain global warming within a 2°C limit;

Or. en

Amendment 187 Flavio Zanonato, Dan Nica, Carlos Zorrinho, Martina Werner, Theresa Griffin, Jude Kirton-Darling, Clare Moody, Paul Tang, Kathleen Van Brempt

Motion for a resolution Recital S

Motion for a resolution Amendment

S. whereas, notwithstanding its global S. whereas, notwithstanding its global

AM\1066361EN.doc 83/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN dominance in investment in renewable dominance in investment in renewable energy, the World Energy Outlook 2014 energy, the IEA's World Energy Outlook predicts global energy demand to grow by 2014 predicts that based on planned 37 % and global coal demand by 15 % by policies, global energy demand will grow 2040; by 37 % by 2040 and global coal demand although growing by 15 % over the same period, actually shrinks as a percentage of overall energy demand; whereas the share of gas in 2040 is projected to decrease in Europe back to 2010 levels; whereas nonetheless these projections would mean a 3.6°C increase in global temperatures, clearly at odds with the UN goal of a maximum 2°C temperature rise;

Or. en

Amendment 188 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Piernicola Pedicini, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital S

Motion for a resolution Amendment

S. whereas, notwithstanding its global S. whereas, notwithstanding its global dominance in investment in renewable dominance in investment in renewable energy, the World Energy Outlook 2014 energy, the World Energy Outlook 2014 predicts global energy demand to grow by predicts global energy demand to grow by 37 % and global coal demand by 15 % by 37 % and global coal demand by 15 % by 2040; 2040; whereas these trends de facto jeopardise the possibility to maintain the global temperature increase below the 2°C threshold;

Or. en

Amendment 189 Morten Helveg Petersen, Kaja Kallas, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Fredrick Federley, Philippe De Backer

Motion for a resolution Recital S

PE557.382v02-00 84/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

S. whereas, notwithstanding its global S. whereas, notwithstanding its global dominance in investment in renewable dominance in investment in renewable energy, the World Energy Outlook 2014 energy, the World Energy Outlook 2014 predicts global energy demand to grow by predicts global energy demand to grow by 37 % and global coal demand by 15 % by 37 % and global coal demand by 15 % by 2040; 2040; Whereas in the EU, the increase is projected to be significantly lower due to highly successful energy efficiency improvements;

Or. en

Amendment 190 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital T

Motion for a resolution Amendment

T. whereas a more economically and deleted physically integrated single market in energy could result in efficiency gains of some EUR 50 billion;

Or. en

Amendment 191 Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, Nicolas Bay

Motion for a resolution Recital T

Motion for a resolution Amendment

T. whereas a more economically and T. whereas a more economically integrated physically integrated single market in single market in energy could lead to an energy could result in efficiency gains of economic and social disaster, as an end to some EUR 50 billion; the public monopoly on these strategic industries would encroach on national and territorial cohesion; whereas opening

AM\1066361EN.doc 85/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN these markets in the interest of short-term gains would create energy insecurity as a result of the fluctuations and variations in prices manipulated by speculative finance;

Or. fr

Amendment 192 Flavio Zanonato, Carlos Zorrinho, Edouard Martin, Patrizia Toia, Clare Moody, Jude Kirton-Darling, Theresa Griffin, Paul Tang, Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Recital T

Motion for a resolution Amendment

T. whereas a more economically and T. whereas a more economically and physically integrated single market in physically integrated single market in energy could result in efficiency gains of energy could result in significant some EUR 50 billion; efficiency gains;

Or. en

Amendment 193 Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, Kaja Kallas, Pavel Telička, Fredrick Federley, Jan Huitema, Philippe De Backer, Morten Helveg Petersen

Motion for a resolution Recital T a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ta. whereas the EU energy retail market does not function properly at present; whereas in many member states monopoly networks remain active and many consumers have too little choice between energy suppliers;

Or. en

PE557.382v02-00 86/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Amendment 194 Krišjānis Kariņš

Motion for a resolution Recital T a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ta. whereas competition leads to lower energy prices;

Or. en

Amendment 195 Flavio Zanonato, Dan Nica, Carlos Zorrinho, Patrizia Toia, Clare Moody, Jude Kirton- Darling, Theresa Griffin, Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, José Blanco López, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández, Paul Tang, Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Recital T a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ta. whereas switching energy suppliers is an extremely important tool to help drive competition in energy retail markets and bring down prices; however attention must be paid to the risk of less-informed citizens who are less likely to compare and switch providers being stranded on uncompetitive outdated tariffs, thus perversely subsidising the more savvy and informed consumers;

Or. en

Amendment 196 Kathleen Van Brempt

Motion for a resolution Recital T a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ta. whereas price regulation and

AM\1066361EN.doc 87/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN standardised tariff structures should remain possible to limit market disturbing monopoly rents or windfall profits, to protect vulnerable consumers or to facilitate the comparison of tariffs of competing suppliers;

Or. en

Amendment 197 Massimiliano Salini, Lorenzo Cesa

Motion for a resolution Recital T a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ta. whereas a fully functional and liquid gas market should be supported as part of the European Energy Union strategy for security of supply;

Or. en

Amendment 198 Kaja Kallas, Morten Helveg Petersen, Fredrick Federley, Philippe De Backer

Motion for a resolution Recital T a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ta. whereas a strong interlink between the implementation of the EU regulatory framework and the application of the EU competition policy are required to solve the issues of market concentration, weak competition and fragmentation in the internal energy market ;

Or. en

PE557.382v02-00 88/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Amendment 199 Flavio Zanonato, Clare Moody, Jude Kirton-Darling, Theresa Griffin, Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, José Blanco López, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández, Paul Tang

Motion for a resolution Recital T b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Tb. whereas the European Parliament has asked for binding targets for minimum cross-border transmission capacity;

Or. en

Amendment 200 Gunnar Hökmark

Motion for a resolution Recital T b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Tb. Underlines that the full implementation of an integrated European energy market, for gas and electricity, are of fundamental importance for energy security and for the steps towards an Energy Union; whereas the Commission has the responsibility to follow up that all Member States implement and respect all parts of the Third Energy Package, aiming for an integrated market for electricity and gas;

Or. en

Amendment 201 Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, Nicolas Bay

Motion for a resolution Recital U

AM\1066361EN.doc 89/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

U. whereas better interconnection levels deleted for electricity and gas will increase energy security while balancing supply and demand between the Member States;

Or. fr

Amendment 202 Paul Rübig

Motion for a resolution Recital U

Motion for a resolution Amendment

U. whereas better interconnection levels U. whereas adequate interconnection for electricity and gas will increase energy capacities in electricity and gas security while balancing supply and transmission grids will increase energy demand between the Member States; security while balancing supply and demand between the Member States;

Or. en

Amendment 203 Flavio Zanonato, Eugen Freund, Martina Werner, Clare Moody, Jude Kirton-Darling, Theresa Griffin, Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, José Blanco López, Inmaculada Rodríguez- Piñero Fernández, Paul Tang

Motion for a resolution Recital U

Motion for a resolution Amendment

U. whereas better interconnection levels U. whereas achieving a minimum binding for electricity and gas will increase energy target of 10% of electricity security while balancing supply and interconnections by 2020 will not only demand between the Member States; increase energy security while balancing supply and demand between the Member States and enabling a better integration of the renewable energies in the grid and the market, but it will also foster price convergence and increase benefits for

PE557.382v02-00 90/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN consumers;

Or. en

Amendment 204 Pilar del Castillo Vera

Motion for a resolution Recital U

Motion for a resolution Amendment

U. whereas better interconnection levels U. whereas better interconnection levels for electricity and gas will increase energy for electricity and gas will increase energy security while balancing supply and security and allow improved integration of demand between the Member States; renewable generation while balancing supply and demand between the Member States;

Or. es

Amendment 205 Pavel Telička, Morten Helveg Petersen, Fredrick Federley, Kaja Kallas, Philippe De Backer

Motion for a resolution Recital U

Motion for a resolution Amendment

U. whereas better interconnection levels U. whereas better interconnection levels for electricity and gas will increase energy and upgrading of national networks for security while balancing supply and electricity and gas will increase energy demand between the Member States; security while balancing supply and demand between the Member States;

Or. en

Amendment 206 Soledad Cabezón Ruiz, Inmaculada Rodríguez-Piñero Fernández, José Blanco López

Motion for a resolution Recital U a (new)

AM\1066361EN.doc 91/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ua. whereas new interconnections will also require additional reinforcements of the existing grid in order to fully use their capacity;

Or. en

Amendment 207 Pilar del Castillo Vera

Motion for a resolution Recital U a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ua. whereas better interconnection levels for electricity and gas will increase energy security and allow improved integration of renewable generation while balancing supply and demand between the Member States;

Or. es

Amendment 208 Flavio Zanonato, Dan Nica, Carlos Zorrinho, Martina Werner, Patrizia Toia, Clare Moody, Jude Kirton-Darling, Theresa Griffin, Sorin Moisă, Paul Tang, Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Recital U a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ua. whereas new interconnections will also require additional reinforcements of the existing grid in order to fully use their capacity;

Or. en

PE557.382v02-00 92/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Amendment 209 Kathleen Van Brempt

Motion for a resolution Recital U a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ua. whereas in some cases, a higher than the 10% binding electricity interconnection target might be sensible, for instance in situations where one member state has a large production surplus or cost-effective renewable production potential, while its neighbours may have deficits; whereas these situations might be taken into account when defining projects of common interest (PCIs);

Or. en

Amendment 210 András Gyürk, Jerzy Buzek, Antonio Tajani, Algirdas Saudargas, Henna Virkkunen, Ivo Belet

Motion for a resolution Recital U a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ua. whereas the multiple benefits of energy efficiency, notably in buildings, shall be recognized, such as improved energy security through a decreased dependency on imports, increased energy savings, lower energy bills, increased competitiveness, job creation;

Or. en

Amendment 211 Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, Nicolas Bay

AM\1066361EN.doc 93/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Motion for a resolution Recital V

Motion for a resolution Amendment

V. whereas the external dimension of EU V. whereas EU energy policy should not energy policy needs more coherence and have an external dimension, which is the has not yet tapped its full potential to sole prerogative of states; whereas such a contribute in terms of security of energy policy can only exist thanks to enhanced supply and the Union’s competitiveness; cooperation between states;

Or. fr

Amendment 212 Ian Duncan, Anneleen Van Bossuyt, Ashley Fox

Motion for a resolution Recital V a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Va. whereas a more interconnected internal energy market will bring considerable benefits in terms of security of supply, integration of low-carbon technologies and consumer prices;

Or. en

Amendment 213 Jude Kirton-Darling, Theresa Griffin, Clare Moody

Motion for a resolution Recital V a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Va. whereas an increase in interconnectivity between Members States will bring considerable benefits to the internal energy market, particularly with regards to security of supply, integration of low-carbon technologies and consumer prices;

PE557.382v02-00 94/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Or. en

Amendment 214 Bernd Lange

Motion for a resolution Recital V b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Vb. whereas energy security is an important element in the EU’s trade policy and whereas many energy partnerships with third countries exist, whose energy supply is largely dependent on fossil fuels;

Or. de

Amendment 215 Pilar del Castillo Vera

Motion for a resolution Recital V b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Vb. whereas an energy security strategy must include cost-efficient actions to moderate energy demand and equally effective actions to overcome major and imminent disruptions, as well as solidarity and coordination mechanisms to protect and strengthen energy generation, smart transmission and distribution infrastructure and interconnectors; whereas this infrastructure must be capable of handling variable renewables, and be built into a fully integrated and well-functioning internal energy market as an essential part of an Energy Union with diversified external supplies and routes;

Or. en

AM\1066361EN.doc 95/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Amendment 216 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital W

Motion for a resolution Amendment

W. whereas the European Energy Security W. whereas the 33 infrastructure projects Strategy identified 33 infrastructure identified in the European Energy Security projects which are essential to improve Strategy should be complemented by a security of supply and to better connect stronger focus on the modernisation of energy markets; the electricity distribution network and on the shift from coal and gas to biomass to improve security of supply;

Or. en

Amendment 217 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Recital W

Motion for a resolution Amendment

W. whereas the European Energy Security W. whereas the European Energy Security Strategy identified 33 infrastructure Strategy identified 33 infrastructure projects which are essential to improve projects which are essential to improve security of supply and to better connect security of supply and to better connect energy markets; energy markets, but these projects are not aimed at meeting the needs of those sectors of the population experiencing energy poverty;

Or. es

Amendment 218 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital W

PE557.382v02-00 96/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

W. whereas the European Energy Security W. whereas the European Energy Security Strategy identified 33 infrastructure Strategy identified 33 infrastructure projects which are essential to improve projects which are meant to improve security of supply and to better connect security of supply and to better connect energy markets; energy markets; whereas the Commission should test the relative importance of these infrastructure projects with respect to demand-side reduction measures that could be put in place at Member State level, according to the "efficiency first" principle;

Or. en

Amendment 219 Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, Nicolas Bay

Motion for a resolution Recital W

Motion for a resolution Amendment

W. whereas the European Energy Security W. whereas the European Energy Security Strategy identified 33 infrastructure Strategy identified 33 infrastructure projects which are essential to improve projects which it considers essential to security of supply and to better connect improve security of supply and to better energy markets; connect energy markets; whereas such a network can only be established in order to enhance the national energy independence of states;

Or. fr

Amendment 220 Pervenche Berès

Motion for a resolution Recital X

Motion for a resolution Amendment

X. whereas the International Energy X. whereas the International Energy

AM\1066361EN.doc 97/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Agency’s estimates that the EU is Agency’s estimates that the EU is responsible for 11 % of global greenhouse responsible for 11 % of global greenhouse gas emissions and that this proportion is set gas emissions and that this proportion is set to decrease in the future; whereas the EU’s to decrease in the future; whereas the EU contribution to lowering global emissions must encourage the other countries on the must happen alongside that of other planet to contribute to lowering global major emitters; emissions at the COP 21 next December;

Or. fr

Amendment 221 Miapetra Kumpula-Natri

Motion for a resolution Recital X

Motion for a resolution Amendment

X. whereas the International Energy X. whereas the International Energy Agency's estimates that the EU is Agency's estimates that the EU is responsible for 11 % of global greenhouse responsible for 11 % of global greenhouse gas emissions and that this proportion is set gas emissions and that this proportion is set to decrease in the future; whereas the EU's to decrease in the future thanks to policies contribution to lowering global emissions to promote energy efficiency and must happen alongside that of other major decarbonisation efforts; whereas the EU's emitters; contribution to lowering global emissions must happen alongside that of other major emitters; whereas the EU should push for a global and binding climate agreement in United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change covering all major economies in Paris this year;

Or. en

Amendment 222 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital X

Motion for a resolution Amendment

X. whereas the International Energy X. whereas the International Energy

PE557.382v02-00 98/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Agency's estimates that the EU is Agency estimates that the EU is responsible for 11 % of global greenhouse responsible for 11 % of global greenhouse gas emissions and that this proportion is set gas emissions and that this proportion is set to decrease in the future; whereas the EU's to decrease in the future, if set emission contribution to lowering global emissions reduction objectives are met; must happen alongside that of other major emitters;

Or. en

Amendment 223 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Recital X

Motion for a resolution Amendment

X. whereas the International Energy X. whereas the International Energy Agency’s estimates that the EU is Agency estimates that the EU is responsible for 11 % of global greenhouse responsible for 11 % of global greenhouse gas emissions and that this proportion is set gas emissions and this proportion must to decrease in the future; whereas the EU’s decrease in the future; whereas the EU’s contribution to lowering global emissions contribution to lowering global emissions must happen alongside that of other must still be much greater and must be major emitters; designed to set an example at international level;

Or. es

Amendment 224 Morten Helveg Petersen, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Fredrick Federley

Motion for a resolution Recital X

Motion for a resolution Amendment

X. whereas the International Energy X. whereas the International Energy Agency's estimates that the EU is Agency's estimates that the EU is responsible for 11 % of global greenhouse responsible for 11 % of global greenhouse gas emissions and that this proportion is set gas emissions and that this proportion is set to decrease in the future; whereas the EU's to decrease in the future; whereas the EU's contribution to lowering global emissions contribution to lowering global emissions must happen alongside that of other major must set an example to other major

AM\1066361EN.doc 99/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN emitters; emitters in its level of ambition, and recognise its historical contribution to increased global CO2 emissions;

Or. en

Amendment 225 Jeppe Kofod

Motion for a resolution Recital X

Motion for a resolution Amendment

X. whereas the International Energy X. whereas the International Energy Agency's estimates that the EU is Agency's estimates that the EU is responsible for 11 % of global greenhouse responsible for 11 % of global greenhouse gas emissions and that this proportion is set gas emissions and that this proportion is set to decrease in the future; whereas the EU's to decrease in the future; contribution to lowering global emissions must happen alongside that of other major emitters;

Or. en

Amendment 226 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital X

Motion for a resolution Amendment

X. whereas the International Energy X. whereas the International Energy Agency's estimates that the EU is Agency's estimates that the EU is responsible for 11 % of global greenhouse responsible for 11 % of global greenhouse gas emissions and that this proportion is set gas emissions and that this proportion is set to decrease in the future; whereas the EU's to decrease in the future; whereas the EU's contribution to lowering global emissions contribution to lowering global emissions must happen alongside that of other major must happen independently from other emitters; major emitters;

Or. en

PE557.382v02-00 100/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Amendment 227 Flavio Zanonato, Dan Nica, Martina Werner, Clare Moody, Jude Kirton-Darling, Theresa Griffin, Paul Tang, Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Recital X

Motion for a resolution Amendment

X. whereas the International Energy X. whereas the International Energy Agency's estimates that the EU is Agency's estimates that the EU is responsible for 11 % of global greenhouse responsible for 11 % of global greenhouse gas emissions and that this proportion is set gas emissions and that this proportion is set to decrease in the future; whereas the EU's to decrease in the future thanks to policies contribution to lowering global emissions to promote energy efficiency and must happen alongside that of other major renewable energies; whereas the EU's emitters; contribution to lowering global emissions must happen alongside that of other major emitters;

Or. en

Amendment 228 Ian Duncan, Ashley Fox

Motion for a resolution Recital X a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Xa. whereas it is widely recognised that Carbon, Capture and Storage can make a decisive contribution to fight climate change;

Or. en

Amendment 229 Jude Kirton-Darling, Clare Moody, Theresa Griffin, Sorin Moisă, Soledad Cabezón Ruiz

Motion for a resolution Recital X a (new)

AM\1066361EN.doc 101/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

Xa. whereas it is recognised that Carbon, Capture and Storage can make a decisive contribution to fight climate change, and specifically can help reduce the cost of the transition to a decarbonised energy market and a low carbon economy;

Or. en

Amendment 230 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital X b (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Xb. whereas the EU must study the possibility to introduce border carbon adjustment measures (BCAs) in order to ensure a level playing field with competitors that do not abide by EU environmental standards;

Or. en

Amendment 231 Olle Ludvigsson

Motion for a resolution Recital Y

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Y. whereas diversification of supplies, the Y. whereas diversification of supplies, the completion of the internal energy market, completion of the internal energy market, more efficient energy consumption, the more efficient energy consumption, the development of indigenous energy development of safe and sustainable low resources and R&D activities are the key carbon indigenous energy resources, in drivers of the Energy Union; particular renewable energy, and R&D activities are the key drivers of the Energy Union;

PE557.382v02-00 102/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Or. en

Amendment 232 Ian Duncan, Anneleen Van Bossuyt, Ashley Fox

Motion for a resolution Recital Y

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Y. whereas diversification of supplies, the Y. whereas diversification of supplies, the completion of the internal energy market, completion of the internal energy market, more efficient energy consumption, the energy efficiency as a contribution to the development of indigenous energy moderation of energy demand, more resources and R&D activities are the key efficient energy consumption, the drivers of the Energy Union; development of indigenous energy resources and R&D activities are the key drivers of the Energy Union;

Or. en

Amendment 233 Bendt Bendtsen, Luděk Niedermayer, Peter Liese, Karl-Heinz Florenz

Motion for a resolution Recital Y

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Y. whereas diversification of supplies, the Y. whereas diversification of supplies, the completion of the internal energy market, completion of the internal energy market, more efficient energy consumption, the energy efficiency as an energy source in development of indigenous energy itself by moderation of demand, the resources and R&D activities are the key development of indigenous energy drivers of the Energy Union; resources and R&D activities are the key drivers of the Energy Union;

Or. en

Amendment 234 Morten Helveg Petersen, Kaja Kallas, Pavel Telička, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Fredrick Federley, Philippe De Backer

AM\1066361EN.doc 103/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Motion for a resolution Recital Y

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Y. whereas diversification of supplies, the Y. whereas diversification of supplies, the completion of the internal energy market, completion of the internal energy market, more efficient energy consumption, the energy efficiency as a contribution to development of indigenous energy moderation of demand, more efficient resources and R&D activities are the key energy consumption, the development of drivers of the Energy Union; indigenous energy resources and R&D activities are the key drivers of the Energy Union;

Or. en

Amendment 235 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital Y

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Y. whereas diversification of supplies, the Y. whereas increased security of supplies, completion of the internal energy market, the completion of the internal energy more efficient energy consumption, the market, more efficient energy development of indigenous energy consumption, the development of resources and R&D activities are the key indigenous renewable energy resources drivers of the Energy Union; and R&D activities are, combined with the involvement of cities and citizens, the key drivers of the Energy Union;

Or. en

Amendment 236 Fredrick Federley, Nils Torvalds, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy

Motion for a resolution Recital Y

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Y. whereas diversification of supplies, the Y. whereas diversification of supplies, the

PE557.382v02-00 104/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN completion of the internal energy market, completion of the internal energy market, more efficient energy consumption, the more efficient energy consumption, development of indigenous energy decarbonising the economy, a higher resources and R&D activities are the key share of renewable energy, the drivers of the Energy Union; development of indigenous energy resources and R&D activities are the key drivers of the Energy Union;

Or. en

Amendment 237 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital Y

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Y. whereas diversification of supplies, the Y. whereas diversification of supplies, the completion of the internal energy market, completion of the internal energy market, more efficient energy consumption, the more efficient energy consumption, the development of indigenous energy development of environmentally resources and R&D activities are the key sustainable energy resources and R&D drivers of the Energy Union; activities are important drivers of the Energy Union, that in any case should be based on solidarity and trust, must have at its core European citizens and must treat energy efficiency as a source in its own right;

Or. en

Amendment 238 Jean-Luc Schaffhauser, Nicolas Bay

Motion for a resolution Recital Y

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Y. whereas diversification of supplies, the Y. whereas more efficient energy completion of the internal energy market, consumption, the development of more efficient energy consumption, the indigenous energy resources and R&D development of indigenous energy activities are the key drivers of the Energy resources and R&D activities are the key Union;

AM\1066361EN.doc 105/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN drivers of the Energy Union;

Or. fr

Amendment 239 Flavio Zanonato, Carlos Zorrinho, Clare Moody, Jude Kirton-Darling, Theresa Griffin, Paul Tang, Miroslav Poche

Motion for a resolution Recital Y

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Y. whereas diversification of supplies, the Y. whereas diversification of supplies, the completion of the internal energy market, completion of the internal energy market, more efficient energy consumption, the more efficient energy consumption, the development of indigenous energy development of renewable and other resources and R&D activities are the key sustainable energy resources and R&D drivers of the Energy Union; activities are the key drivers of the Energy Union;

Or. en

Amendment 240 Martina Werner, Jeppe Kofod

Motion for a resolution Recital Y

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Y. whereas diversification of supplies, the Y. whereas diversification of energy completion of the internal energy market, supplies from reliable partners, the more efficient energy consumption, the completion of the internal energy market, development of indigenous energy less and more efficient energy resources and R&D activities are the key consumption, the increase of the safe and drivers of the Energy Union; sustainable energy production from renewables and R&D activities are the key drivers of the Energy Union;

Or. en

Amendment 241 Neoklis Sylikiotis

PE557.382v02-00 106/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Motion for a resolution Recital Y a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ya. whereas the promotion of the exploitation of indigenous conventional oil and gas resources in full compliance with EU acquis, both in traditional production areas (e.g. the North Sea) and in newly discovered areas (e.g. Eastern Mediterranean, Black Sea) should be promoted and supported;

Or. en

Amendment 242 Neoklis Sylikiotis, Marisa Matias, Sofia Sakorafa, Paloma López Bermejo

Motion for a resolution Recital Y a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ya. whereas exploitation of indigenous coal and other conventional fossil resources contributes to energy security; whereas adequate funding for coal- mining and extraction of other conventional fossil resources and for research and adaptation of coal- fossil- based energy plants is required to ensure that the mining of indigenous coal and other conventional fossil resources is both economically viable and environmentally sustainable;

Or. en

Amendment 243 Anneleen Van Bossuyt

Motion for a resolution Recital Y a (new)

AM\1066361EN.doc 107/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN Motion for a resolution Amendment

Ya. whereas the principle of efficiency first should be maintained in the future legislative proposals by the Commission as the cheapest kilowatt-hour is the one which is not used;

Or. en

Amendment 244 Miguel Urbán Crespo

Motion for a resolution Recital Z

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Z. whereas the EU’s aspiration is to raise deleted the contribution of industry to its GDP to as much as 20 % by 2020, and affordable energy will be indispensable to achieving this ambition;

Or. es

Amendment 245 Olle Ludvigsson

Motion for a resolution Recital Z

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Z. whereas the EU's aspiration is to raise Z. whereas the EU's aspiration is to raise the contribution of industry to its GDP to the contribution of industry to its GDP to as much as 20 % by 2020, and affordable as much as 20 % by 2020, and energy at energy will be indispensable to achieving competitive price levels will be this ambition; indispensable to achieving this ambition;

Or. en

PE557.382v02-00 108/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN Amendment 246 Dario Tamburrano, David Borrelli, Eleonora Evi, Marco Affronte

Motion for a resolution Recital Z

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Z. whereas the EU's aspiration is to raise Z. whereas the EU has set a target of the contribution of industry to its GDP to increasing by 20% the contribution of as much as 20 % by 2020, and affordable industry to its GDP by 2020; to reach this energy will be indispensable to achieving target, it is essential to use energy sources this ambition; less subject to market volatility in order to grant long term stability;

Or. en

Amendment 247 Claude Turmes on behalf of the Verts/ALE Group

Motion for a resolution Recital Z

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Z. whereas the EU's aspiration is to raise Z. whereas the EU's aspiration is to raise the contribution of industry to its GDP to the contribution of industry to its GDP to as much as 20 % by 2020, and affordable as much as 20 % by 2020, and increased energy will be indispensable to achieving energy productivity will be indispensable this ambition; to achieving this ambition;

Or. en

Amendment 248 Morten Helveg Petersen, Kaja Kallas, Angelika Mlinar, Gerben-Jan Gerbrandy, Fredrick Federley, Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, Philippe De Backer

Motion for a resolution Recital Z a (new)

Motion for a resolution Amendment

Za. whereas a reformed EU ETS is an important tool in decarbonising Europe's energy system and achieving the Union's

AM\1066361EN.doc 109/110 PE557.382v02-00 EN long term emission reductions target;

Or. en

PE557.382v02-00 110/110 AM\1066361EN.doc EN