The event is hosted by David-Maria Sassoli Vice-President of the Patrizia Toia Vice-Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy Member of the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs

27th June 2017 15h15 – 18h00

European Parliament Room P3Co5o

Nearly 120 million people in the are at risk of poverty and social exclusion. Demand for affordable housing is higher than ever and calls for innovative and sustainable solutions. The Italian Social Housing model, based on advanced financial tools and solid PPPs, is one of the largest impact investment programmes worldwide. What to learn from this experience?

>>> PROGRAMME MODERATES Francesco Bicciato Member of the Board, Eurosif

15h15 Welcome & Introduction

David-Maria Sassoli Brando Benifei Vice-President, Member of the Committee European Parliament on Employment and Social Affairs

Fondazione Cariplo & The Italian Social Housing model

Giuseppe Guzzetti Marco Sangiorgio President, Fondazione Cariplo General Manager, CDP Investimenti Sgr Sergio Urbani Director General, Romolo Isaia Fondazione Cariplo Head of Unit Public Sector and Regulated Operations, Marco Gerevini European Investment Bank Managing Director, Fondazione Housing Sociale

Stakeholders’ views & Social Housing experiences in Europe

Fabian Zuleeg Flavia Micilotta Chief Executive Officer, Executive Director, Eurosif European Policy Centre Sorcha Edwards Benjamin Angel Secretary General, Director Treasury Housing Europe and financial operations DG ECFIN, European Commission Francesco Foti Direttore Vicario U.O. Niall Bohan Programmazione Politiche abitative, Head of Unit Capital Markets Union, Lombardy Region DG Fisma, European Commission Mario Vanni Silvia Ganzerla Chief of Mayor’s Cabinet Policy Director, Eurocities Municipality of

Final remarks

Brando Benifei Giuseppe Guzzetti Member of the Committee President, Fondazione Cariplo on Employment and Social Affairs Patrizia Toia Vice-Chair of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

18h00 Closing - Networking cocktail