Middle to Late Jurassic in Poland
T>KASO JlaSU DANMARKS OG GR0NLANDS GEOLOG I SK'E UNDERS0GELSE RAPPORT 1998/14 Mellem - 0vre Jura i Rolen EFP-1995 projekt: Det polske Mellem-0vre Jura Epikratoniske Bassin, Stratigrafi, Facies og Bassin Historie. Program 0steuropa. Poulsen, N. E., Bojesen-KoefoedJ., Drewniak, A., Glowniak, E., Ineson.J., Matyja, B.A, Merta,T., and Wierzbowski, A. r-i NO? 3 0 1998 OS Tl GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF DENMARK AND GREENLAND MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT AND ENERGY G E U S DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible in electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. DANMARKS OG GR0NLANDS GEOLOGISKE UNDERS0GELSE RAPPORT 1998/14 Mellem - 0vre Jura i Rolen EFP-1995 projekt: Det polske Mellem-0vre Jura Epikratoniske Bassin, Stratigrafi, Facies og Bassin Historie. Program Osteuropa. Poulsen, N. E., Bojesen-Koefoed, J., Drewniak,A, Glowniak, E., Ineson.J., Matyja, BA, Merta,T., and Wierzbowski.A Final rapporter Bojesen-Koefoed, J„ 1996: EFP-95 ProjeccThe Polish Middle to Late Jurassic epicratonic basin, stratigraphy and basin history. Organic geochemical screening analysis of outcrop samples. GEUS report 1996/81,30 pp. Bronislaw Andrzej Matyja & Andrzej Wierzbowski, 1997: The quest for a unified Oxfordian-Kimmeridgian boundary: implication of the ammonite succession at the turn of the Bimammatum Zone and Planula Zones in the Wielun Upland (Central Poland). Agta Geologica Polonfeca 47 (1-2): 77-105. Kutek,J.,and Zeiss, A, 1997. The highest Kimmeridgian and the Lower Volgian in Central Poland: their ammonites and biostratigraphy". Acta Geologica Polonica 47 (3-4), 107-198. Poulsen, N. E., Drewniak, A, Glowniak, E., Ineson.J., Matyja, B.A, Merta,T„ and Wierzbowski.A, 1995: The Polish Middle to Late Jurassic Epicratonic Basin, stratigraphy, facies and basin history.
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