Narttrmaster-~Entrai I
ANNUAL REPORT AND ~cting ~narttrmaster-~entraI I OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF M.A:SSACHUSJiITTS, FOR THE YEAR E~mING DECEMBER 31, 1860. "'VtJ BOSTON: WILLIAM WHITE, PRINTER TO THE STATE. 1860. , BLIO DOCUMENT ..... .. .... No. 15. ANNUAL REPORT OF THE ADJUTANT -~ \} AND ~ t tin g ~ uart er mas t£ r -~ en er 'nI OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, F OR THE YEAR ENDL.'W DECEMBER 31, 1860. ;' c .. ~' /, .. ~ ~ : '- f : l":. "r : 'f ,\ ~ lot. 'e " • (' r t" '" C '-.. ~ t"'O l 4. C It t' .. t. '- ... co .. "' .. ~ '- , C'" '- I. • C' • .. (' ... , r" f" r • I f r f ". f • fl ' " •• (,-. __-.:. ~·r ~ . (~ .. 'f' '- BOSTON: WILLLUI WIDTE, PRINTER TO THE STATE. 1860. "TON 366. (; M 3 A ;1.,,31\; ) ?fCc 0 :B QIolllmonrocaltlJ of jl1a5saclJu5c1tS. ADJUTANT-GENERAL'g OFFICE, BOSTO~, 1 December 31, 1860. ~ To His Excellency N. P. BANKS, Governo1' and Commander in- Chief. SIR,-I have the honor to submit to your Excellency the Report of tlie Adjutant and Acting Quartermaster-General's departments, for the year ending December 31, 1860. With the highest respect, I have the hOllor to be, Your Excellency's ob't servant, WM. SCHODLER, Adjutant and Acting Quartermaster- General. 4 ADJUTANT-GE~ERAL'S REPORT. [Jan. ANNU AL REPORT. ADJUTANT-GENERA.L'S OFFICE, BOSTON, I December 31, 1860. ~ To His Excellency N. P. BA.NKS, Governor ood Commandet· in- Chief. Sm,-Chapter 13, section 64, of the General Statutes of the Commonwealth provides that the Adjutant-General shall be "Acting Quartermaster-General and keeper of the public magazines, munitions of war, entrenching tools, and other implements of war belonging to the Commonwealth." Section 27, of the same chapter, provides that he shall be" Inspector General of the Militia." In accordance with these and other provisions of law, I have the honor to submit to your Excellency the following Report, which shows the present state of the militia, the condition of the military property of the Commonwealth, and the amount and character of the duties performed by the active volunteer force during the year ending December 31, 1860.
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