June 07,1880
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862.--VOL. 17. PORTLAND, MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 7, 1880. TERMS $8.00 PER ANNUM, IN ADVANCE. THE PORTLAND DALLY PRESS, MINING STOCKS. MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS. EDUCATIONAL. THE plied one rule to the credentials of Republi- Published every d*y (Sundays excepted·) by the PRESS. cans and another to those of Democratic of- PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., Instruction in and Class- ficers-elect, and by those and other means Ν. S. GARDINER, English MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 7. At 109 Exchange St., Pobtlabd. ical Studies. equally vicious and without precedent, some T3R.MS : Dollars a Tear. To mall subecrib- STOCK mvcn to counted in sixty members of the Eight BROKER, private pnptlg by the subscriber, We do not read anonymous letters and communi- Leg- iis Seven Dollars a Year, If paid in advance. islature who were not elected, and counted And Dealer in Mining Lands. Maine and New Beware cations. The name and address of the writer are in out the same number THE μαοε~Ί*τλτε press Hampshire Mining Stocks bought and sold. J. W. COLCORD, all cases indispensable, not necessarily for publica- .of Republicans who tion but as a of faith. an s Thursday Morning at 50 a Fraud guaranty good were, thereby securing apparent published every $2 CENTENNIAL· BLOCK, To protect tlie public'agaiust imitators we specially caution all purchasers of majori- a We cannot undertake to return or com- year, if paid in advance at $2.00 year. 143 Pearl Street. preserve ty for their party. The Supreme Court, on No. 03 Exchange Street. FURNITURE. ]λιι24 munications that are not used. dt( Rates of Advertising : One inch of space, the mar22 d3m their own statement of the case, pronounced length of column, constitutes a "square." ~ Ε VICHY regular attaché of the Press is furnished their proceedings irregular, unlawful and $1.50 per square, daily first week; 75 cent? per ^ BEJSOfS CAPOTE POROUS PLASTER ^•reek after; three insertions or less, $1.00; continu- COPARTNERSHIP. with a Card certiticate signed by Stanley Pullen, void. The tricks and forgery employed in ng every other day after first week, 50 cents. To see that the word CAPCINE 011 the label is All spelled correctly. Editor. railway, steamboat and hotel managers of the were Half square, three insertions or less, 76 pursuance conspiracy exposed cents; will a favor credential* one 50 week after. Do not allow some otlier Plaster to be palmed off under a similar name, with the assurance confer upon us by demanding week, $1.00: cents per sounding Ιο. 46 St. by evidence so overwhelming that it has not Special one-third additional. NOTICE. of to our Notices, that it is as good—Bear in mind that the only object such dealers can have, is the fact that they cah make Exchange every person claiming represent journal. Under head of "Amusements" and "Auction co-partnership heretofore existing under been seriou3ly controverted. It would bo Sales," $2.00 per square per week; three inser- TIIEthe firm name of Blake, Jones & Co., is this few pennies extra profit by selling the spurious. dissolved mutual supposed that a community composed main- tions or less, $1.50. day by consent. Either partner myl2eod&wlmo 8EABUBY & JOHNSON. Advertisements inserted in the "Maine State will use the iirm name in settlement. ly of intelligent and honest men, and it is Press" (which has a large circulation in IIENRV A. I every part JONES. FOR THE SPRING OF 1880. that the of of the State), for $1.00 per 6quare for first insertion, RICHMOND P. SCALES, J CAMPAIGN PRESS. presumed people every State arc and 50 cents per square for each subsequent inser- May 17, 1880. REAL ESTATE. WANTS. and tion. generally intelligent honest, would For the of the cause in Address all communications to The business of the above firm will be continued » purpose furthering good such in by the the Publish- repudiate indignantly rascality poli- Richmond P. Scales and N. C. ab*Co THE coming political campaign, PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Cummings, ] a trade ers of the Press to issue their as in and that partners, under the same firm at the old Wanted. Expecting very large propose Weekly tics, business, they would name, and Editions at the stand, No. 1 Gait Commercial Street. the we have Daily following extraordinarily make their wrath and scorn so Block, few Lady and Gentleman Boarders can be ac- coming Season, made low the cost of material and manifest that RICHMOND P. rates, barely covering SCALES, ) A commodated with good board at ENTERTAINMENTS. N. C. great and now have postage. no one identified with the knavish proceed- CUMMINGS. ί Choicest House Lots my2(»dtf 70 FEDERAL STREET. preparations, May 17, 1880. je5d3t in stock one of the ings would have the to — IN — effrontery present PORTLAND lotion. himself to notice. Hut it seems THEATRE. COPARTNERSHIP. TO LET. THE MAINE STATE PRESS again public FRANK CUK'flb..LESSEE AND MANAGER. The Rrffrmcr nnil Tilnliwr of the that the Maine people have not yet made CENTER Blood. Weekly, will be furnished, beginning June 10th, fllHE of our firm on and after this DEERING, with the an of the Na- their condemnation of style date, To Let. LARGEST number containing account political knavery so _I_ for the Pork business will be The nitd tional or with the number and Packing Producer lurigorutor of Nerre Republican Convention, that the Mouday, Tuesday, Wednesday Wed- Situated ou Clinton and fourth stories of store over unmistakable knaves think it neces- Avenue, Swett's nud Itlnwcle. issued next after the receipt of the order in each ncNilay Matinee, June and THIRDExpress, Exchange St. case, and with the issue of con- 7, S, 9lli, Parallel to Pleaeant Ν tree 1, closing Sept. 10th, sary to keep out of sight." Be patient. The TRUE & LEIGrHTON. Hall over W. W. Whipple & Go's, and W. C. Saw- and The Builder uud .Supporter of IS lain taining a report of the Maine Election. J. M. HILL will W. D. are now offered for sale Market to J. P. condemnation is in Manager repeat EATON'S J. II. & C. Π. TRUE. yer's. Square. Apply BAXTER, Power. coming September. Farcical Comedy, entitled 221 Commercial St. mayl4eodlmo Single C'opie*, ... ;SO cent»· Portland June 1, 1880. je3dtf ON EASY TERMS. β 00 or more to one adilre*·», 23 ci*. each, To Let. BEST ASSORTMENTS The Convention Hall. Dissolution of Copartnership. Fine trees have been left on the lots, which wil Fellows' Compound Syrup is composed of adJ greatly to their attraction, it is intended to No. 3 Dana Block, Pearl Street. 8 [New York Tribune copartnership heretofore existing between identical witk those who con- Special.] ALL beautify this avenue with double rows of shade HOUSERooms and Sebago water. Rent low. In- Ingredients THE DAILY PRESS ! THE the under firm THE subscribers the name of Ulmer The National RAGE, trees, and to make it the most beautiful site for su- quire of J. F. RANDALL & Co., 126 Commercial of stitute Republican Convention meets & is Muscle aed N«rve Hehr, this day dissolved by mutual consent. Healthy Blood, Will be furnished, beginning June 1st, or after- Received by crowded houses with universal The business will be burban residences in the neighborhood of Portland. Street. je3d2w in one of the most old barns that ever continued at the old stand, No. and Brain whilst life itself is wards on receipt of order in each case, and closing splendid praise. 94 to N. S. Substance, Exchange St., by Charles Hehr, under the name Applv GARDINER, with the issue of Sept. ICtb, with full returns from was constructed. The exposition lies and style of Cliarfeti llelu*. All oclTeodtf Centennial Block. some of them. building persons having TO ΤΙΪΊΤ. directly dependent upon Maine Election; the demands against the late firm are to tire- along edge of the lako and is a Pop-ular Prices. requested Single CopieM, by mail, $1.50 simply sent the same for settlement, and parties indebted SCHOOIVER YACIIT RAY, FURNITURE huge show of wood and iron and built will By its union with the blood and its effect or more to one glass up- Seats now on sale. please make immediate payment to Charles copie* addreNN, $1.35 ju3dtd Hehr. each. on a long aeries of semi-circular arches. It has having been thoroughly refurnished this upon the muscles, reestablishing tfee one ADOLPII T. ULMER, FORJALE. a dome, but no other season, is now ready to accommodate ever shown in Portland. and it is of characteristic except that PORTLAND THEATRE. CHARLES HEHR. A story and half House with addition, Having toning the other, capable effect- Postage will in all cases bo the Pub- •parties by the day or week at reasonable prepaid by of vast Within this Frank Cuktis Lessee and Makageb. Portland, June 1,1880. ju2dlw Stable and all in re- lishers. emptiness. structure a outbuildings good rates under the charge of a cureful man and good bought before the great advance ing the following results: huge wood-box had been built, and this was pair and nearly new. Lot contains pilot. Apply to D. H. BURNS, on board, formerly in we shall our cus- The Press will contain complete political news TWO of Yacht or prices, give NLGHTSÂND MATINEE, ISSv. 1880. about one acre, excellent garden and Alarm, at DYER & BURNS', No. 123 atid information besides the customary general the Convention hall. It was altogether typical Commercial Street, Portland Me. je2d4m tomers the benefit of the same. It will displace or wash out tuberculous news, business and miscellaneous matter. well of water.