Portland Daily Press: September 5, 1878
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PORTLAND DAILY ■IHX W3«JV5..jqgglMR^aOMBa'WT'i' mwr ll *"*' 11 — <111 Will —aMBt-Aapqwsi^MaMar^H———jCgH—M— PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1863.-YOL. 16. PORTLAND, THURSDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER^ 1878. TERMS --— I, ——— $8.00 PER ANNUM IN -ri ■ 9 ADYAXPF— ■ m-"r rum ii———■■■- in n«» ■ ■ THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, BUSINESS CARDS EDUCATIONAL. CITY ADVERTISEMENTS. It wars against industry, frugality and econ- ceased. The war came to an Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the _WANTS. THE end. The PRESS. and it fosters omy, the evil spirits of extrav- soldiers returned and entered Into competi- PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO, A Capable Girl Wauled. and JOHN O. WINSHIP, Abbott School, £:% THURSDAY agance speculation. Of all the contri- tion with their fellows who had tilled the At 109 do general housework. oi five. Ref- Family STATE OF MORNING, SEPT. 5. Exchange Et., Portland, Family MAINK vances for the TO erences required. Call at Little Bine. Farmington, Maine. cheating laboring classes qf fields and stood at the looms and while Terms: Dollars a forges Eight Year in advance. To sep4d3t» No. 60 CARLTON STRE ET. none has been more mail subscribers mankind, effectual than the conflict was on. Seven Dollars a Year if paid in ad- Counsellor at Address A. ILABBOTT, Principal. TO THE ELECTORS We do not read anonymous letters and communl-' going The Government vance. Law, au8 eod&wlm32 that which deludes them with paper was no Wanted. cations. The name and addresB of the writer are in money. longer a large purchaser. Instead of all This is the nurse cases Indispensable, not for most effectual qf inventions to fer- THE MAINE STATE PRESS Room No. 13, Fluent’s Block, experienced girl to taka care of a young —OF TIIE necessarily publication spending $000,000,000 a;year lor the support Call at AND but a3 a AN child. No. 603 Congress street on ENGLISH CLASSICAL- guaranty of good faith. tilize the rich man’s fields by the sweat of the of the and it is published every Thursday Morning at $2.50 a Tuesdays and between 2 aud 4 army navy spent $50,000,000. Thursdays, o’clock, We cannot undertake to return or year, If paid iu advance at $2.00 a year. PORTLAND, ME. or address MRS. W. T. IfOLT, Oak Mill, Maine. preserve com- poor man’s brow. Ordinary tyranny, oppres- Instead of out lor service and SCHOOL; munications that are not paying material jyis dtf aug30-tf Pre used. of Cumberland and Casco streets. ol Portland. sion, excessive taxation, these bear a Rates of Advertising : One inch of the Busi- City lightly up- $700,000,000 year it dropped to less than space, pares lor Collego, Scientihc School and length of constitutes a CORNER on the mass ot the column, “square.” Drug Clerk Wanted. Fourth year begin* Monday* 8ep*» Evkbt attache of community, compared with $100,000,000. The demand $150 first week: 75 cents ness, regular the Pbkss is furnished extraordinary per square, daily per I NTH. Admission at any time. iURSUANT to warrants from week who has had two yeirs experience and can k2il, the Mayor and Al- with a Card fraudulent currencies and the robberies com- for food after; three insertions, or less, $1.00; continu- at reasonable rates. dermen ot certificate countersigned by T. and clothing, for wood and for ONEfamish good references. to gw"Private instruction the City of Portland, the duly quali- Stanley iron, ing every other day after first week, 50 cents. Apply address B. VAR Pullen, Editor. All mitted aug30Jlw* P. o. BOX 1897. For further information CYRUS 1 Electors of said city are hereby notilied to meet railway, steamboat and hotel by depreciated paper.”—Daniel labor and all the of Half square,three insertions, or less, 75 cents; one Stevens products labor, suddenly KEY, A. M., Principal, Plains, Me. heir respective Ward Rooms on the managers will confer a favor us week, $1.00: 50 cents per week after. upon by demanding Webster. ceased. But aulOeodlm credentials of the factories and mills still ex- Special Notices, one third additional. Girl Wanted. every person claiming to represent our Under head ot “Amusements” and “Auction Second ol September ournal. THE isted, and their not that To do ADAMS Monday Next, OFFICIAL Al l'HOKITICM. owners, realizing Sales,” $2.00 per square per week; three insertions general bouse work at ACADEMY, Five the bank they had lost their on or less, $1.50. 320 I) V\I OKTH ST. QUINCY, MASS. Heins the 9th Day of Said Month, at 10 years ago [1861] note circulation largest customer, kept Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State aug24 dtf Fits boys for our best Colleges. The next school FOR GOVERNOR, of the country amounted to not much more than manufacturing. Presently there came a glut Press” (which lias a large circulation in 11. 1878. For and infor- O'clock in the Forenoon, every part year begins Sept. catalogue two hundred million the of and of the State), for $1.00 per square for first insertion, mation, address the or J. P. Worden, dollars-,now circulation, products, prices fell, thus mining Master, then and there to and 50 ce uts per square for each subsequent insertion. WAITED. Quincy, Mass. give in their votes for Governor, bank and national, exceeds seven hundred mil- those who Four Senators and Five to SELDEN CONNOR. persisted in manufacturing be- Address all communications to WILLIAM EVERETT, Ph. D., Master. Representatives the State Legislature, one lions.—Pres. Johnson’s Annual Message to the of PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. unemployed persons to sell Teas for us on aul5 eodlm Couuty Commissioner, County yond needs the country. Then too, Treasurer, Sheriff, Clerk of and a ALLsalary or liberal commission. A lino double Courts, Represen- Congress, Dec. I860. bills war tative to Its sen tali ves fell due. The was on sample case with thirty.six (36) superior samples for Congress. pre to Congress mostly fonght The polls upon such dav of election to remain hve dollars ($5) to agents. open first JJistricl-THOMAS B. REEL). Without seven and three tenth credit. The Government borrowed on ENTERTAINMENTS. until four o’clock in the when shall Second including notee, every New Tea ilKLIN F1MILY afternoon, they WILLIAM P. FRYE. England Sample Company, be closed. many of the small denominations which were and the who had SCHOOL,- Third STEPHEN D. LINDSF.V. of hand, people to pay its 1C3 milk The Aldermen of said will in No, street, Boston, mass. city be open session fourth LLEWELLYN incirculation as and in MAINE. at ihe “ POWERS. money, all of which tend debts—their debts—were forced to je7 d3m TOPSHAUI, Aldermen’s Room, in City Building, from nine fi/th EUGENE HALE. economize, LIST IbEEJBM BILLY ! to twelve o’clock in the forenoon, and from two to some measure to swell the inflation, the paper to restrict their expenditures. Commences five o’clock in the afternoon on each of the four Wednesday, Sept. 18, 1878. secular money of the country amounted, Oct. ‘.list, 1865, is For particulars send for circulars. days next preceding such day of election, lor the That why trade is not as lively as it was LOST AND FOUND." purpose of For Meuulon. to the sum of McCulloch’s receiving evidence of the qualification $734,218,038.—Sec. in the war times. To back those I». I., of voters whose names have not been entered on RUFUS bring days CITY II Y 1, T , NV1IT1I, Principal. Androscoggin. PRINCE, of Turner. Report, Dec. 1865. the lists of in we must have Lost. aug27___eod2«v qualified voters, and for the several J. L. H. COBB, of Lewiston. another war. And then, In Wards, and for correcting said lists.. Aroostook.JOHN S. Thursday Evening. 5, 1878. ARNOLD, of Caribou. Not more than five per cent of the tender the wc should have to Sept. MUSIC © | K at the New England Per Order, H. I. City Clerk. Cumberland. .WILLIAM legal end, pay its cost, as we apr2 eodtf I—fflr.iom ROBINSON, W. THOMAS, Jb„ of Port- fortpltl Conservatory, ang21-td land, interest-bearing notes, [first issue of 7-30’s] are are the cost of the last. mat jso.at YVimiot Music the music school in world. paying Doesjanyone EDWARD M. leaving street, Hall; largest the WARREN H. of in GOVE, all the 75 VINTON, Gray, circulation as currency.—Comptroller d3t* Open year. eminent protessors. 18,000 ANDREW of want prosperity at that price ? «a£jj ..rJM MATT sept_ students since 1867. HAWES, Deering, Clark’s Currency Candidate for Member of Congress, and ADAMS, Situations secured for its grad- DAVID DURAN, ot Casco. Report, Dec. 1865. uates. For prospectus, address E. Tourjee, Music Franklin.JAMES MORRISON, Jb., of Phillops.1 TnE regard in which Gen. Anderson’s war HORACE BINNEY SARGENT, of Boston, TO Hall, Boston, Je27eod2m CITY OF PORTLAND. Treasurer's Office, Hancock.H.D. COOMBS. Constable for Portland, LET. September 2. 1878. WILLIAM HOW TO GET record is held in other States than —. ■ GRINDLE. GOOD TllIES, Maine, will addr.ps the citizens of Portland on is hereby given that the tax bills for the Kennebec.J. MANCHESTER HAYNES, of Au- and the with AND Mass. Inst, Boston. A Pennsylvania sets the apprehension which patriotic THE FINANCIAL SITUATION. TO LET. Technology, NOTICEyear 1878, have been committed to me with a paper up following of Instruction in Civil, Mechanical an* | warrant for the collection of the same. In accordance MOSES S. of Mt. Verncn. guide-board as the to men elsewhere regard the of his tenement No.