Acts and Resolves Passed by the General Court
ROLL OF PAUPER ACCOUNTS. [SEE RESOLVE OF FEBRUARY 18, AT PAGE 89.] Abington, for the snpport of James Robinson and Enoch Hall, and foneral expenses of E. Hall, $52 53 Adams, for the support of Lydia ,.rownsend, Phila na Hill, Sarah Goodrich, Amy and Lydia A. Pet tis, Polly and Sally l\'Iartin, Eliza, Henry, Isaac and Frederick W. Crossett, Singleton, Nancy, Clarisa, and Elias Williams, and Lillis Hamtin ton, 299 90 Amesbury, forthe snpport of Ebenezer Fullington and Margarett Buchanan, and funeral expenses of E. Fullington, 14 38 Amherst, for the support of Peter and Sarah Jack son, and fnneral expenses for Margarett Jackson, B. F. Mack, and Jane Newbury, 69 95 Andover, for the support of Sukey Hornsby, Mary Nutter, Mary Sigourney, Rosanna and Elizabeth Coburn, Caroline Ide, Lucy Fostin, \Villiam and George Perkins, Thomas McKennon and Thomas l\lcKennon, Jr., Jane and ·William McKennon, ,villiam A., Jane, Edgar A. and Mary A. l\il. Ballard, James Donehue, John Crosby, Mary Moreland, and a female, name unknown,-funeral expenses of Mary Nutter, 164 20 Ashby, for the support of John Bennett, 25 55 Ashburnham, for the support of ·William Stineker, 12 88 Attleborongh, for the support of Louisa Bacon, ,vil- liam P. Adams; Thomas Roberts, and Patrick Lafraw, 30 17 Auburn, for the support of Sarah ·wiser, 25 55 Barre, for the support of Sophronia, Josiah and Al bert Gigger, 14 72 Becket, for the support of James Thompson, 1 52 Bedford, for the support of Violet Moore, Ezra L. Johnson and Ezra L. Johnson, Jr., and funeral expenses for Violet Moore, 22 70 Belchertown, for the support of Hannah Levens, 25 55 Berkley, for the support of James Cuddy and Mary Lindell, 51 10 Beverly, for the support of John Kelley, Sarah, Me hitable and Rhoda Byors, William Dougherty, John Dickinson, William Leighton, and Robert Hntson,-foneral expenses of John Kelley, 25 18 12 90 PAUPER ACCOUNTS.
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