Progress, th>e Universal LaW of [Maiûre; Tlyoügfy, fbe Solvent of J~ler P roblem s.

CHICAGO. FE B R U A R Y 20 . 1892. NO. 117

nishes no Instance of u |>ersocution for George Washington, In reply lo an should become a part of our common day. The chief reason given was that contesting an ubstractdootrlno.”—tripos address on religious legislation, said: school curriculum that would not apply the movement of Sunday trains dis­ ties, p. U9.) "Every man who conducts himself as with all its force to Buddhism or Mo turbed them In their rellgloun worship. kc'-lhyi A CHANGE OF TACTICS. a good citizen is accountable alone to hummedanfsm. W hile these potltlons were being read, Senator B., a good man, “ but very pro­ c r J W ithin the last few years an entire God for his religious faith, and should THE CHURCH'S POLITICAL METHODS. lie protected In worshiping God accord­ fane in his speech," came to me and c h a n g e h as co m e o v e r th e s p i r it o f tb< Politics is not In any case the cleanost s a id : dreams of tho church. Tho time was ing to the dictates of his own conscience M thing in this country, and when the “ Hull, do you know that this Is the when we all went to church: the fact 1». This is authority enough on one «do of c h l ) £ h c 8 re w ir t to |>0 „ii„a, methods the, _ N ow d ------dcst humbug out of h—1? Excuao we hod to go to the church or to hell & 1« ll.b,f0 ir ,a iir P>1"- [ »bow themselves'capable of getting me If I am a little profane, but I've and of the two, many of us manifested ful duty to warn you t ¡at a i gc, gr down to tho lowest degradation of the ing and influential religious Isxiy refuses looked Into this business. A petition slight preference for the church. Wo pot-house politician. This is thoroughly to accept the positions and proofs just has been read from E ------, th a t 's m y went there to get rid of going to hell. fillustraled - lu - -the effort - now -being - made stated, and Is just nmv making Her- home. I have examined It curcfullv; I Whou we got there wo heard ourselves to force a Sunday Sabbath upon the cutcun endeavors to convert the world to know nearly every name on It. Why described as having "hearts deceitful American people. In order to accom­ bless you, they have tho names of nearly above all things, and desperately the other side of the question. They plish this the church selected one Rev. publish several papers, und have mis­ every child In our three Sunday-schools wicked." Wo wore treated to disserta­ F. W. Crofts und made him field sec­ sionaries in the field every day. with no on that petition. I have a gnuiddaugh- tions on original sin, total depravity, retary, and gave him general charge of other object thun to change the form of ...... _ -> - ter only five years old. whose name la on according to their discretion, short of endless hell, an angry God, an almighty the work. Ti our Government by converting it into ...... 1 that as being one whose religious wor­ death. They had power to extort evi­ Devil, vicarious atonement and other convicts of m isrepresentation. ’J'ioies ship Is being disturbed by the running BREAKERS AHEAD. dence by prison or rack. They had such delectable morsels. A THEOCRACY. This man claims to have received of Sunday trains. Tbo church is over a power to compel a man on oath "to re­ The church once held the public mind Their leading national organ is called 14,174,744 signers " twenty-one years old half mile from the railroad.and no train The Dangers to Our Re­ veal his thoughts, and to accuse his aud led it into these things: to-day, one 77» Christian ¡Statesman. In the issue of and over," to tho following petition: comes In or goes out between 8 o'clock in friend, brother, parent, wife or child, seldom bears thorn. The church has that paper of Oct. 2, 1884, you can read "The undersigned, adult residents of the morning and 5 o'clock in the after­ public. and this, too, on pain of death. These followed the world out of them. The the following: the United States, twenty-one years of monsters, in order to discover priests, fact is, the church was com|>elled to Give all. men to understand that this noon. Why, do you know that such age or more, hereby earnestly petition d ------d chicanery as that Is filling tho They Present Themselves Under and to crush the old religion, fined, Im­ abandon them, or bo abandoned by the it a Christian nation, aud, that believing your honorable body to pass a bill for­ world with Infidels?" prisoned, racked, and dia such things as people. Thus, in order to hold its without Christianity wo perish; ice must bidding in the nation's mail and m ilitary the Head of Ecclesiastlcisiu. To recur once more to the pe­ would have made Nero shudder to think power, tho church has largely aban­ maintain l>y all means oar Christian char­ service, and in Inter-State commerce tition; it represents every signer as of. They sent hundreds to the rack, in doned its doctrines, or, if it holds them, acter. Inscribe this character on our and iu the District of Columbia and the A Lecture Delivered by being “ twenty-one years old and over." order to get from them confessions, on it holds them iu silence. Constitution. Enforce upon those who Territories, all Sunday trallic and work, &/J Does any one believe thut among tho MOSES HULL. which confessions many of them were When one goes to a revival meeting come among us tho laws of Christian except works of religion, and works of over 7,000,000 of Catholics there L not put to death. to-day, he hears more about temperance, m o r a lity ." real necessity and mercy, and such pri­ one less than 21 years old? “ I have nut room to make even an prohibition, etc., and less about church The above quotation shows the trend vate work, by those who observe an­ The following’ discourse was delivered I, myself, as a Knight of Labor, was endmeration of the deeds of religious d o g m a s. of thought among those who are deter­ other day, as will not interfere with the by Moses Hull before the Progressive delivered over to that movement. I persecution during this long and toler­ Not long since I went to a revival mined to subvert our Institutions. The general rest nor the public worship.” Spiritualist Society of Indiantmolis.Ind., personally know of thousands of Knights ant reign; but I will state a few of them: meeting und heard a learned minister, sentiments any one can see are exactly As I before stated, this man reported and reported expressiv for T he P ro­ of Labor who could not be induced, 1. It was death to make a new Cath­ in descanting on tho beauties of Chris- the opposite of those quoted from the that he had obtained just 14,174 744 gressive T hinker. under any circumstances, to sign it. olic priest within the kingdom. tiaulty, ask the question: “ Where highest authority in the world. Rev. M. signers to this petition. How definite! Thomas Paine said: “ Tvranny, like' Does any one suppose—but I’ll stop. 2. It was death for a Catholic priest would you prefer to live; in a religious A. Gault, of Iowa, is District Secretary Nothing like keeping up their positions! hell, is not easily conquered.'’ He also , Tho whole thing proves the managers of to come into the kingdom from abroad. community, where all lovo their neigh­ of this order, which is fighting to sup- Everybody wants to know exactly how asked: “ When was a tyrant ever known | this movement to be dirty political 3. It was death to harbor a Catholic bors as themselves: where they have ilantour liberties with their theology. many signers there are! The wonder is to voluntarily take his hands off the tricksters. priest from abroad. beautiful churches: good music; good This Presbyterian divine says: why he did not ransack the United throat of his victim?” N o t e .—O n account of the great length 4. It was death to confess to such a schools; tine Sunday-schools, and no Our remedy for all these malefic States and get just one more signer. It is natural for men to love power: of this discourse our reporter was com­ p rie s t. whiskey,— or in a community of infidels, influences is to have Government set up Forty-five, as the last fraction would be m m lilililllM ng 5. It was death for any priest to say where whiskey, profanity, fighting and the moral law und recognize God's au­ pelled to leave out Mr. Hull's analysis of Christianity develops the fact that how­ more easily remembered than forty-four! j m ass. Sabbath-breaking take tire place of re­ thority behind it, and lay its hand on any the Constitution of the United States, as ever much it may have chunked men But inasmuch as the other signer could 6 . It was death for any one to hear ligious services, Sabbath-schools and religion thut does not conform to it." it is, and as it roust be when the re­ and women in other respects, it has not not be obtained, there is nothing like I m ass. B ib le s ? ” Did popery ever do more? Could ligious tinkers shall have fixed it to improved them in this. Even our Puri­ being exact, and knowing just how 7. It was death to deny, or not to This speech was designed to create England, under Queen Elizabeth, have their liking. He has the report of that tan fathers, who fled from persecution many signers there are! swear, if called on. that this woman was the impression on the minds of the igno­ done more against religious freedom part of the sermon: and if required, it in the old world and faced the wild But, supposing they did get just that | the head of the Church of Christ. rant that those who do not accept ortho­ than is proposed by this divine? W hile may appear in a future number. beasts and wilder Indians of the new number; is that any reason why the 8 . It was an offense, punishable by doxy are necessarily profane, drunken such men lead public sentiments there world, and endured deprivations un­ 65.000. 000 of people of this country- j heavy fine, not to go to the Protestant debauchees, and to create the further is d a n g e r . heard of before, for the privilege of wor­ should bo deprived of their liberties? The Cause at Napa, Cal. church. This fine was £20 a lunar impression that, somehow, laws must be Of course a few of us will not relish shiping God according to the dictates of No one objects to this fraction over month, or £250 a year, and of our pres­ made to protect religious communities— any such deal as the Rev. Mr. Gault their own consciences, understood that 14.000. 000 people keeping the Sabbath, We have a population of over four, I ent money. £3,250 a year. fOf Amer­ “ lovers of their neighbors as them­ proposes, but Rev. E. B. Graham, one freedom to carry with it the right to if they wish to do so. The thing ob­ and less than five thousand souls, with ican money about 316.250.] Thousands selves," Sabbath-i-ebools and the “ serv­ of the vice-presidents of the association, compel everybody ebe to take out and jected to is that 14,000,000 of ten disUnctly different creedal organiza­ upon thousands refused to go to the law- ice of song," against drunken, fighting, tells us what such can do. In a speech work by a Puritanic conscience. Sabbath-keepers should compel 54,­ tions, the members of each claiming to church: and thus the head of the church swearing infidels: and you are made to delivered in York, Neb., May 21, 1885, If one happened to be a Quaker or a 0 0 0 ,0 0 0 people who do not believe in know more of evangelical truth than sacked thousands upon thousands of es­ believe that you cannot by any pos­ he said: Baptist, his or her conscience must be their Sabbath to rest on their day, and any, or. indeed, of all the others in the tates! Tho poor, conscientious Cathol­ sibility be a temperance man unless you " W c might add, in all justice, if the drowned out or whipped out, or the then calling this a Republican govern­ a g g r e g a te . ics who refused to go to the most-toler­ are a Christian: that you must choose opponents of the Bible do not like our owner of such ooduratc conscience had ment! It strikes a few of us, who be­ Dr. Dean Clark came among us and ant church, and who had no money to between Christianty and whiskey. Government and its Christian features, the privilege of enjoying it in a gloomy lieve in fair play, that majorities have endeavored to put new and inspiring pay fines, were crammed into the jails All I need say 'in reply to all this let them go to some wild, desolate land, prison. Roger Williams and a few some rights that even Christians should wine into the old ecclesiastical bottles, until the counties petitioned to be re­ rhodomontade is that Rev. Talmage was and in the name of the Devil, and for tho other Baptists were compelled to take r e s p e c t. but tbe keepers of said bottles had been lieved from keeping them. They were with me on my last spree, and was as sake of the Devil, subdue it and set up a their consciences out of the Colony of But I am here to expose an immense admonished of the danger of such ex­ then discharged, being first publicly drunk as I was! governm ent of their own. on infidel and Massachusetts. political church fraud in this matter. periments 1800 years ago and conse­ whipped, and having their ears bored I have before intimated that the atheistic ideas, and then, if they can Thu fact is, the average man does not As a matter of fact, Mr. Blair himself quently kept the bottles hermetically with a red-hot iron. But this very weakness of the church is its power! In stand it. stay there until they die.” think: he only feels: when he is hungry reported, as per Congressional Record, s e a le d . great toleration not answering the pur­ proportion as it weakens ou its doctrines Now, I humbly submit that the people or cold or persecuted, he knows it be­ that of individual petitioners there Dr. Clark talked some weeks each pose, an act was passed to banish for life does it hold its grasp on the world. It whom this man calls infidels aud athe cause he feels it. Let up on him a lit­ were just four hundred and seven Sunday night to a select few in Odd all those non-goers to church, if they retains its hold upon the people by re­ tle. and he will turn, and. to the extent ists. were here first, and they propose to I names!* “ Oh, my countrymen, w h a t a Fellow's Ball before it leaked out that were not worth twenty pounds, and in nouncing its doctrines. The minister stay and maintain their rights, though falling-off was there!" of his power, abuse and persecute bis \ men of mind were losing a grand in­ case of return they wore to be punished who preaches the doctrines taught in this seems unnecessary. Rev. Jonathan 1 ~~ neighbor who happens to entertain a Now the question is. how do thev in­ tellectual treat by absenting themselves. with death. the creeds nowadays preaches to empty Edwards believes in their rights and will different opinion. crease this 407 to 14.174,744? Mr. tilair The daily papers (Journal a n d Regis­ " I am, my Lord, not making loose as­ pews. On this subject l might pre­ maintain them for them. His views of Gladstone wanted the franchise ex­ was forced to toll the committee how ter), with a liberality worthy of intelli­ sertions here: I am all along stating sent numerous testimonies, but I will their rights would fit a pope or an emis­ tended to thecommon people; he worked this was done. He sa^s: gent, high-minded editors, opened their from acts of Parliament, and the above content myself with quoting one. sary of Queen Elizabeth much better day and night for it until it was accom­ "Representative signatures, by en columns for respectful notices and re­ form u sample of the whole: and this Bishop McQuaid said, in the Ninth than they would a free-born American plished. As soon as that was done these dorsements of bodies and meetings ports of his lectures, and now it Is safe y o u r L o rd s h ip m u s t know w ell. . . . American Itevkic: citizen. In a speech in New York this newly-made citizens rewarded him by 14.174. 337.' to say that ho gets the cars of os many The names of those put to death merely “ But when it (ProtestantismJ thus m a n s a id : turning around and voting their bene­ Now add the actual signatures to this listeners as any one of the six or seven for being Catholics during this long anil left the Catholic communion, It was “ W hat are the rights of the atheist? factor out of power. providing that no one who signed this of the churches that claim to know it dreary reign would form a list ten times much like a mariner going out to sea in I would tolerate him as I would tolerate Luthers belief in liberty was not belonged to these representative bodies all, or assume that nothing outside of as long as our army and nuvy both taken a ship without a rudder, who, when the a poor lunatic; for, In my view, he is large enough to tolerate the opinions of or meetings, and you have the number their narrow conceptions is worth know­ together. . . . There were one hun­ torm comes, casts out one bit of cargo scarcely sound. So long as he does not in g . Carlstadtor Zwingle. Zwingle believed c la im e d . dred and eighty-seven ripped up and after another, in the vain hope of saving rave, so long as he is not dangerous 1 How was this done? Easily enough. Unlike, I fear, but too many of your in the liberty of conscience for himself boiled in England in the years from the sea-tossed and foundering vessel. would tolerate him. 1 would tolerate and his coadjutors, and fought bravely These parties went to Cardinal Gibbons contributors. Dr. Clark utilizes whatever 1577 to 1603; t h a t 1» to say , in th e la s t Protestantism went out to sea without him as l would a conspirator! Tho until be obtained it. As soon as this and got him to sign it; and then put he finds in the Bible that adumbrates twenty-six years of Elizabeth's reign; Christ's appointed pilot, and has been atheist Is a dangerous man. . . Tol­ was done he took up arms against the down immediately 7,200,000 Catholics. spiritual philosophy, accepting— und these might all have been spared if discharging cargo ever since to escape erate atheism, sir! There Is nothing out Catholic conscience and fell in the bat­ They went to the' General Assembly of “ Truth wherever found, they would have agreed to go to church shipwreck. Now that there is little left On Christian or on heathen ground;” tle-field. in his effort to prevent the of hell I would not tolerate just as soon! i the Knights of Labor, and after arguing and hear the common prayer! All. or to throw overboard; above all wrangling Catholic from exercising bis conscience. The atheist may live, as I have said; j the mutter before that assembly several Hence bis teachings are not repulsive to nearly all, of these were nicked before and contention the cry of distress is John Calvin who lied to Geneva to but, God helping, tho taint of bis de- ; hours, got a bare majority to vote for it. the feelings of the great class whose they were put to death; and the cruel­ heard thut danger is imminent und dis­ save his life from the persecuting Cath struct! ve creed shull not defile any of the Tho total number present was not over birth, training and education have made ties in prison and the manner of execu­ tress inevitable In all its multitudinous olics, burned Michael Servetus at the civil Institutions of this fair lund! Let 200, but they immediately put down them hospitable to creedal religion, while tion were the most horrible that can be forms Protestantism is decaying—dying. stake for a difference of religious opin­ us repeat, atheism and Christianity are j 218.000 signers. Over half of these abuse of their traditional proclivities conceived. They were flung Into dun­ On alt sides the confession is heard. It contradictory terms. They are incom­ ion. Luther said if he had N on there Kulghts of Labor were Catholics, and will drive them away from our meetings geons; kept in their filth, and fed on comes from the review and the news pa­ patible systems. They cannot dwell his own hands should have kindled the therefore have twice signed the j>etitian or cause them to refuse to patronize or bullock's liver, boiled and unwashed ler; from the pulpit and the platform: together on tho same continent." fires which burned John Hubs a t th o without knowing it. They next went to read our newspapers. To use a back­ tripe, and such things as dogs are fed ram friend and foe alike. Empty pews These quotations are sufficient to show sta k e . a meeting of the Brotherhood of Loco wood adage, “ We can lead a hor»o to on. tell the story Sunday after Sunday. the spirit that animates these Christian Probably no one will dispute that motive Engineers and after a two hours’ water, but can't compel him to drink." Edward Genlngs, a priest, detected in Churches are lavishly furnished and tyrants. Now, It may bo well to enquire Catholicism has always been a persecut­ wrangle got them by a hare mujority, And hero I am reminded of " Re­ saying mass, in Holborn. was. after sen­ made cosily snug, the music is fascinat­ who they are. I assuro you they are ing power: few,except careful readers of when there were not forty votes In all, ligion a Stultlller,” by a luminous writer, tence of death, offered his pardon if he ing and artistic, the Bociul standing of men of no small calibre or Influence. history, know that Protestantism has to endorse tho petition, and Immediately whose essays I usually read with great would go to church, but he refused to the members is above reproach, but tho Many of them are men of worldwide ' add 2 0 ,0 0 0 locomotive engineers to their always, where opportunity has present­ pleasure and profit: but this one, pub- do this, and, having at the place of exe­ favorite minister, who Is most accepta­ reputation. Among the vice-presidents ed Itself, carefully trodden the path ' ’ ‘ list. is h e d in Samnurland Dec. 24, 1891, is a cution holdly said that he would die a ble on every other score, falls to draw of this National Reform Association are Catholicism has made In that resjicct. The National Assembly of the W . C luxzle. Huil tho words superstition, thousand deaths rather thun acknowl­ and fill the pews." Rov. Joseph Cook, President Seeley, of Henry the V’UL, the founder of the T. U. of course sign it; then tho same Dlgolry or fanaticism stood in the place edge the Queen to be the spiritual head I might present hundreds of suck AmhurtilCollege; Bishop Huntington, of Protestant Episcopal Church, was one of persons sign it as State Assemblies: of “ Religion" in the caption, it would of the church, Tanllffe, the attorney­ testimonies as this. Protestantism fails Now York, also every leading woman of the most cruel and bloodthirsty men then many of them sign It again as have harmonized with the general tenor general, ordered the rope to be cut the to hold tho public mind back from pro­ who ever got into power: and the perse­ the W. C. T. U. Local Assemblies: lignin the most of of the article and been indisputably moment the victim was turned off, ‘so gress. When people begin the work of cution of the Cutholics by the newly- WHAT WILL THEY DO WITn OUR them slgu it through the Methodist true; but I cannot understand how re­ that,' says tho historian, 'the priest be­ rotesting they will not stop whore founded Church of England under Henry SCHOOLS? General Conference or the Presbyterian ligion in the true meaning of the word, ing little or nothing stunned, stood on LiUther did. Statistics show thut only the V III. an d Queen Elizabeth would Synod: for these bodies both delivered und generally accepted us defined in his feet, casting his eyes toward hea­ three adults in a hundred go to Prot- Senator Blair, during bis wholo sensa­ equal in atrocity the bloodiest days of their membership over to this petition. Mat. 9:12 aud Jam es 1:27, can be held re- ven, till the hangman tripped up his cstunt churches in Berlin: and it Is tional career, tried to get laws passed Catholicism. Thus a majority. If not all of these 407 IKmslble for all the wholesale inhuman­ heels, and flung him on the block, where nearly as bud, or good, in , New liberties of tbo |>eople. William Cobbett. of England, once [(crsons who jtersonally signed this pe­ ities aud cruelties he charges it with, ho was ripped up and quartered.' He York and Chicago. Go to any Protes­ In a letter to tho Secretary of the Nu- tition bad been delivered over to It n o more than I cau understand the fit­ wrote a letter to Ixird Chief justice tiomil Reform Association ho said: was so much alive oven after the bowel- tant church, and you will find the audi­ several times in thoso national, State ness or pertinency of the multifarious Tenderton, who had made a speech in I believe that a toxt-book of In­ ing that he cried with a loud voice: *Ob, ence larger in thedaytlm o than at night. and local assemblies. definitions ho quotes and gives. the House of I/irds, lu which he had struction In the principles of vlrtne, it smarts'.’ and then he exclaimed, People go to lie seen going to church; This entirely eclipses the English They remind me of the reply Baron said, “ There Is no church on earth so morality and ibeLh« Christian(iliristian ridii’ionreligion, cuncan ' Onnctc (Ingorit, ora pro nit,' while the everybody sees them when they go In showman who was heard to cry out: Cuvier gave to the inquiry oy the au­ tolerant as this.” Th<- letter Is dated hangman, having sworn a most wicked the daylight. Spiritualist meetings are lie prepared for use in the public schools, April *», J I u this letter he says: "This way, ludiesand gentlemen. Here thors of their Dictionary of Natural oath, cried, ‘ Zounds! his heart Is in my always more largely attended at night. by tbo joint efforts of thoso who repre­ wo huxhlhit tho great Hufrlcan 'iernu. “ She,'’ the Church of England, History, whether their definition of hand while Gregory Is in his mouth." Then people will Dot boo them, and they sent every branch of the Christian “ started at first, armed with hallepi, the most wonderful hanimal bin the Crab, a fish of a red color, that walks Tho groat Oliver Cromwell was noth­ will have tho honor of attending the church, both Protestant and Catholic, world. This hanimal is just 31 feet long, ripping knives, axes and racks', that her luickwards," was right. " Yea," »aid ing more ‘*r less than a great Protestant church und get rid of the mfium thcolog- and also thoso who are not actively bein' 17 feet from the bond of the nose to footsteps were marked with blood, while associated with either.” the great nuturallst; “ right with three butcher of Catholics. He paid the same irutn thut the Grundys will fusten the tip of the tail, and 17 foul from the exceptions. First, a crab is not a fish; her back bent under the plunder of her premium for a priest's beau that he paid upon them if It Is generally known that No one cun misunderstand this; a Innumerable Innocent victims; and, that Up of the tail hack to the bend of the secoud, it is not rod; third, it does not for a wolf's scalp. they go to listen to tho wonderful truths United States Senator would convert our nose, milkin' just 34 feet hin hall." for refinement In cruelty and extent of walk backward.” I might add a hundred pages to this vouchsafed from the Spirit-world. public schools Into churoh nurseries, I submit thut in anything else ex­ rapacity she never had an equal, wheth­ Your readers cun see tho point. bloody history, but the heart grows and a part of tho necessary education of cept in Christiun work this would be er corporate or sole. I will not thus OURS IS AND SHOULD OK A SECULAR Names do not alter things. faint and the head dizzy. 1 will druw our children must be “ instruction In dowuright dishonesty; but it is the speak of her In general terms, but 1 w ill GOVERNMENT. G. B. Cr a n e. the curtain over the scene. Every Im virtue, morality and Christian religion.” method pursued by those who are de­ lay before your Lordship some general Art. VI. of the Constitution of tho partial reader of history knows that Now. no one’ objects to children re­ termined, in tho name of Christ, to sub­ facts, to make good lliat contradiction United Slates says: Heckle was right when he said: ceiving instruction in tho Christian re­ vert w hat there is left of liberty. A clipping from a California paper which I have given to your words. I “ No religious tost shall ever ho re­ “ A careful study of the history of re­ ligion at their own expense, or at the gives an account of a seance in which assert that this law-church 1» th e m ost quired as a qualification to any office or expense of thulr parents, but some of us CHURCH TRICKS. ligiousiglò toleration will prove that in i err»/ numerous materializations occurred, intolerant church I ever read or heard ( 'It riti inn country u-lurr it h is hren adopted public trust under tho government." do most decidedly object to taxing the To illustrate the tricks of tho church of; and this assertion 1 now proceed to it h it been fortot upon Ihr clergy hy the an Tho first amendment to the Constitu­ public for teaching something whieh Is I only need to relate one instance. In under tho mediumahip of Mrs. E. M. make good. .... Elizabeth estab­ tluiritg of the tin,tar drlsscs." tio n say s: no purt of our Integral education. Some the winter of 18841 | spent two months in Gilman, of Los Angeles, Cal. The lished what she called a Court of High This does not contrast very favorably “ Congress shall make no law respect of us who know the Christian religion, the Iowa Legislature, and became per­ seance was given under strictly test Commissions, consisting chluily of your with paganism. Renan says: Ing the establishment of a religion or “ both Protestant und Catholic," to be a sonally acquainted with nearly all its conditions, including the cruel lying lordship's most tolerant church, in order " We may search in vain tho Homan prohibiting tho free exercise thereof." humbug, object lo having our children representatives und senators. One day to punish all who did not conform to her spending their time, strength and school I was In tho Senate Chamber, where |>o- of tho medium. Notwithstanding this, law before Constantine (the first Chris' Art. H. of the Treaty of Tripoli says: however, twenty-five forms appeared. religious creed, she Vicing tho head of tin» emperor), for a single passage hours In learning that which It has cost litions wore being read, some of them the church. This commission wus em­ "The Government of the United some of us a half a lifetime to unleurn. signed by hundreds of names, asking Thu particulars of the seance were powered to have control over the opin­ against the freedom of thought; and the S ta le s it not in tiny sense founded on the There is no reason why the superstitions the Legldature to stop the running of signed and sworn to by sixteen of thoso ions of all men, and to punish ull men history of the imperial government fur­ Christian religion of Protestant and Catholic Christianity trains of cars through tno State on Sun- p re s e n t. we dcsirc io Incrense tim eiivulnfion ofr TTHE I'ROiiKKSSIVK T1TINKEH not l.ecanso wo wisl, to onlartr« our hank account (it is larpo cnonjrl. already), lait l.cMOMWe are anxious to extra<1 nur um / u/ui es. lt i l trur that the circidation o f The Preventive Prägetnu r 77i*ThinkermLer it u muchtauch larger la than that of any other Spiritu.ili.l ¡.„¡„r on earth, aial el ill tiare it a large field unoccupied that ICC leant lo reach. -loti ' ^ /( tmall...... tum rnpiired-,...... tu hace ...... it vitit you «-cerkly,...... rach number— conlaining...aiming reading reading mattermutter enoughcnough toIo make makr etit hookbook of of ISO pagn, Park maniar of the paper it north ten timet ¡It cent, and no one can afford to he without it. » *'»U' ' article in it, often requiring month» in preparation, it worth fa r more to every muter than Ihr com! o f a ycar't tuhtcriplion. The p ro tê t a tine/lr paper f o r one year is vert/ttnall— next to nothing I— hut with a large litI of »U iteri tern the amount in the aggregate it no intignificant item, nod will enable ot to do a grain! muiionary work. Harr 1« n large un, IJ.lurrtl /¡riel among Spiritiialielt, which ihr Sjiiritualitt prett dort not reach. The circulation

nature to resist the muligu influence of pas­ PSYCHOMETRY. T H E RAPS. SPIRIT LIFE. sion ami propensity. How often we see a A WONDERFUL STORY. man In the full tide of prosperity, flattering A Critical Review of Its Value. They Give an Im portaut Mcnsiigr. A Conference with Spiritual himself that lie cannot fall from his position, Music Hath Charms to Soothe the and in a short time tint evil hour arrives bring­ T o the E ditor: —Wo arc moving along in Beings. Tho spiritual gifts nre many. Each gift ing disaster to Ills hopes, ruin to his business Savage Breast. the even tenor of our way here iu spite of all has a general autl special value. These values and despair to his heart. Is there no reason we have to contend with. Mrs. Lull lins been W ritten Ttirou|{tt III«' llnml o f 1111 Kill I in'n I differ in their separate expressions. For in­ There are a great many interesting and ll\-.l mlu*' why lie lias fallen? Vos. There is a cuubc speaking for us Sunday evenings and giving stance, olairaudtcnco has a delightful special truthful narratives on record and in the [The srrlr« of paper« «*• are about to puhllali were for all things, nnd tins man. puffed up with good satisfaction. Mr. Donovan is still here commuul* all'll front Spirit life In U10 precis* form In value, and only a very indifferent general memory of the living, touching the power «if Ids success, lias never thought of any means taking spirit pictures, and getting slate-writing whlih they are now preaentcil lo the public. They have one. The gift of tongues has great general music on men and other animals. A very re­ not even been coplc.1, am! were all writ ten out by the of beautifying his spirit while adorning his under the most absolute test conditions. and little special value. For great value in markable circumstance occurred at tlie Willard lucillum hlinaelf at the lime of the communication. The body nnd decorating Ins homo, and now when Circles nre being held every night in different illetatlou «■> matte when the indium was uuilcr lln- all directions 1’sychometry is the gift pro Hotel, Washington, |). 0., 011 the evening of tirrMluD, and perfectly pasalye to the Influence, lie « a, misfortune 1ms overtaken him lie flees to the parts of the city, at which nippiugs and table- eminent. It is most used by the world at tlie day upon which Fort Sumpter was flred fully eotiaelous at the lime, hut like a faithful amunueu- intoxicating cup to relieve Ids sorrows. tippings are obtained, with the promise of »1« recorded the facta, Idea« and expressions of the con­ large. It will yet do away with tho three upon by rebel artillery. 1 have the facts from When the spirit is proporly trained it lends better manifestations in tho near future. We trolling IntelHtfencc a* If he bad been writing under the professions of theology, medicine and law. the parties to tlie scene and reproduce them direction of a mortal. »0 that he 1» qullo sure the report* a man in the right way. He conducts ids have now two more mediums in whose presence are In all respect* siibatautlally correct. It will trace all false theology to Its source, for tlie benefit of your readers. 1 wrote it up business upon principles of justice and an spirit pictures are taken: W. T. Smith nnd J. The e»aar* are from different spirit«, but no name» and expose it, it will disclose anil explain the some years ago for a country newspaper. To Were Riven, for the reason that as they relate to moral« honest regard for the rights of those with E. ltife, both of whom nre old settlers here, destroying effect of drugs; and will make the what extent it was copied iuto other papers I and conduct of life they should be esteemed lor their whom he I ms transactions; and it is seldom and whose word would l>e taken anywhere and own merit« alone, and not by the eclat of the source law such a farce as to reduce it to common do uot know. But “ a good story is always from which they emanate. To each essay 1» subjoined that such a man becomes embarrassed, and upotf any subject, and no one who knows them sense justice, and make it a system generally worth telling more than once." That tlie fol­ the Individual experience of someother spirit since pass­ even when he is unfortunate, he stands clear would think of charging either of them with ing awav from earth, and these latter urc culled ¡lute adopted through the natural love of right lowing is a good story all your numerous in his own conscience and lins the respect of fraud. They simply go into a gallery and traUimi, and. except In rare Instances, such as James doing. readers will bear testimony, 1 have no doubt. Kuasell Lowell and Horace Greeley, theac names were those who know him. place a hand upon the camera while an ex­ also withheld. Every successful business man is a psycho­ The city of Washington was crowded witli It is not by any one net that the spirit is posure is made, nnd the result is from one to The picture thus presented of the higher life Is of the meter, unconsciously; but it is this gift which strangers nnd citizens at the time mentioned most Impressive character, and the descriptions of the taught, but by most every act iu one's life. three distinct pictures beside the sitter, and enables him to feci characteristics; a good in the recital. It was a day of great mental sundry scenes, modes of life sud occupation have a To live with a full conviction that you have nearly all of them are reeognizeil as his friends. realistic air that cannot fall to deeply affect the spirit salesman could not bo such without it. This trepidation; tho “ Star of the W est" had been and aid It In Its efforts to be worthy of that glorious a spirit is tlie ilrst requisite, for then you will These pictures bother the outsiders, and they expression is one of its most material phases. fired into by rebel guns and the air was full of abode. J feel tlie necessity of giving it some thought; try to account for them upon some other Psyehometry is soiil-mcasuring, and a pe­ “ wnr and rumors of war.” When the news ON TUB INFLUENCE AND CULTIVATION OP THE and every act of kindness towards your fellow­ theory sed and mounts to higher and higher pianos of 1864, directing them to write so and so to soul aud body are so clearly intcrblended that nation. Seemingly, every man in Washington for our consideration, we feel as though we being, uutil he shall at last be welcomed into Mrs. Rosa Carpenter, of Columbus. Ohio, we cannot draw a line between them. The was afraid of every other man, and casual must first see if it be worthy our regard, or tlie celestial realms of life to meet with the whose husband was a brother of Mrs. Nesley's psychic senses correspond to seeing, hcariug, acquaintances only spoke to each other on the whether there is anything in it. There is no loved ones above and to share with them tlie mother, and they would get some letters, feeling, smelling, tasting. The aspirations, streets in bated breath; for 110 one scarcely limit to our desires and no end to our am­ joys of a perpetual and divine existence. papers and other things which would be of ambitions, hopes, fears; loves, hates, etc., seemed lo know where his neighbor stood on bition, so that whatever appears likely to value to them, which had been delivered lo ILLUSTRATION. are all of the soul aud are purely psychic. the question of union or disunion. Every one, gratify or flatter our feelings, is sure of a Timothy Carpenter in 1850, and about which When the world shall learn the fact of hu­ Enlightened psyehometry is a mental attitude, foreigner, stranger, citizen, did not know but favorable bearing; when our good nature thgy ha«l never heard. Timothy Carpenter man influence upon the conditions of the fu­ a listening, a feeling for “the still, small what the man whom he addressed might be on comes into play at the sight of any one iu diotntod a letter to his widow aliout the matter, ture life, there will be a great revolution in voice." Everything has a record; the his the side opposite to himself, and that on the distress, we feel sympathy, and would assist which I have been permitted to copy here, as the conduct of men. In the world of spirits tory of ore is complete from the first molten favorable mentiou of this side or that, he him if we could, but if we cannot assist, we follow s: there are many deplorable evidences of the state, and the developed psychometer can might find himself thrust through with a can at least give him our best wishes. Indeed, “Spir it L and. misuse that has been made of earth life by trace such record. All mediums are more or dagger. So there was silence in Washington, we never act without a large share of our feel­ “Dear Rosa:—Get tlie papers out of the those who have ignored the future and lived less psychometers, though a psychometer may longer than there was in heaven, when a ings coming into play, ami we never think of green box in the closet, and send them to the as if there was no hereafter. I have ex­ not necessarily be a medium. The perfect woman appeared there. going into any enterprise unless we feel pretty girls at Wichita. Get Hayden (a former perienced this truth in my own caso. I lived psychometer never fails to sense truth from The parlors, offices, corridors, aud stair­ sure of success. If we stop to reason, it is partner of Menxlith) to give you the key. The for time alone, aud never thought of any falsehood. All persons do not feel in psy- ways of the Willard Hotel were crowded by only to give strength to our feeliugs, and if papers are tied with a blue cord and marked other state of existence. I was not what cliometry alike, eacli one feels the sensation people in breathless expectation that some­ ever we ask for advice, it is in nine cases W. G. Meredith, Louisiana, Mil., U. S. A. might be called a bad man, but I was in­ according to his peculiar nature, and then he thing was about to happen. Strong men out of ten to encourage the feeling we have You will be glad to help them get their rights. different to all the obligations that rested upon learns to interpret it. When psyehometry is trembled and were pale with fear; delicate on the subject When we visit a friend, it is Get the letter that Meredith wrote on the back me as an immortal being. Iu neglecting the universally developed no one will dare be women were filled with terror and ready to a matter of feeling, and when we avoid an of Ellen's (Mrs. Nesley's mother) about Sept., future I did not even enjoy the present, for dishonest. The education of the psychomet­ swoon from fright. Men walked to and fro, enemy, it is the same. If we go on a journey 1856. This letter proves his identity; or get the reason that the latter was without those ric faculty opens up a new world to see or sat and looked into each other’s faces, it is to gratify a feeling, and if we stay at vainly striving to read the thoughts that Truman (Mrs. Meredith's brother) to attend to inspirations which give elevation to the much where others see little. We do not home, it is because we do not feel disposed to it He will know the circumstance about the thoughts and sentiments of the soul, and by really know anything until we either see or struggled within. Thus the evening wore travel. When we visit a place of amusement away. Half-past ton came aud the silence was time I mention. Rosa, I love you yet this means enlarge the enjoyment of our express it. The psychometer may be as­ it is to gratify the feelings, and when we retire oppressive. Some one proposed that “ we “ Your husband, nature, aud develops all those noble sympa­ sisted by outside influences, and then he into seclusion it is because our feelings have some music.” But every one’s harp “Timothy Carpenter. ’’ thies that ally us to higher beings. does not know how much is psyehometry prompt us. If we go into any new venture was seemingly hanged upon the willows. Mrs. Nesley also got the following from the When I entered the spirit world it was to and how much is raediumship. it is from a strauge and excited feeling that Who could “ sing the old songs," “ the Lord's same spirit: “ In the chest at Columbus are me not only an unknown, but a confusing Psychometers may* succeed in a single di­ seeks the stimulus of a new enterprise, and song in a strange land," under such circum­ some j tapers you must get to prove your right scene of perplexity. I had no conception rection, with limited development, but to when we seek to carry on a matter of which stances? Aud the silence grew more profound to that money. They are tied with a blue and no feelings that fitted me for my new work for the public they should he highly we know nothing, it is from a feeling of and more oppressive. But finally a move was cord. Get them without fail. They are in home. I was like one just born and had to and widely unfolded in knowledge and experi­ curiosity. Indeed, there is scarcely anything made—a stir—and all eyes and ears were the closet off my room upstairs, back of the learn everything. The prospect was dis­ ence. As many are finding it profitable to in which we engage that is not less or more intent front room. Your father gave them to me. couraging enough. I wns a stranger in a consult successful psychometers, and as such related to our feelings. It is therefore of My personal friends, Colonel Daniels and He gave them to me on a boat, the W ar Eagle, strange land, and one of the bitterest thoughts like to know whom they can rely on, allow much importance that we should cultivate our his bride, were on their wedding tour and between St. Louis and Louisiana, Mo. He I had was the recollection of my indifference me here to add that I have had an extended feelings, and give them as much attention as was afraid he would lose them. They will on earth. I suffered much and long from the reached Washington the day before and were we do the mental faculties. experience with Prof. A. B. Severance, of guests at the Willard Hotel. It will be re­ prove his birth. I forgot them until I met reflection that I had no one to blame but my­ 195 Fourth street, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, When we see how men are influenced by membered that Colouel Daniels was the geo­ him here. T. C.” self, aud my lot grew worse aud worse as my and am prepared to state that, as a successful feeling, we cannot but experience a profound logical surveyor of the State of Wisconsin at Timothy Carpenter died in 1SS4. These neglected opportunities rose up before me like Psychometer, he has no superior. His health surprise at their continued neglect. We that time. The lady whom he had just mar­ things had never been heard of by any of tlie phantoms of a guilty conscience. I is perfect, he has a comprehensive soul, his should train them as we do the body or the ried was a magnificent singer, as weU as Nesley’s family until they got these communi­ found no relief until informed that I would general knowledge and experience are up to mind, aud teach them the limitations within pianist She was escorted to the piano—a cations as above stated. They wrote as have to live my life over again in order to Oil the highest degrees of the science of evolution, which they can operate; and we should be grand square, of rich, mellow tone. She directed, and Rosa Carpenter at once sent the in the wants and gaps that made it so im­ and his regular practice as a public Psycbom- taught that self-restraint and self-denial are package by express, without opening or know­ perfect I devoted myself to this task for took her seat at the instrument and her the tru* methods of regulating the feelings, eter extends over twenty-five years. In the fingers wandered aimlessly for a moment over ing what it contained. When received here many years, and gradually I emerged from social, domestic, business and professional and that judgment and reason should hold it contained the letters and papers referred to, the gloom and despair that surrounded me, the keyboard, while she pondered in mind, the reins over these unruly members of the departments of life he psychometrizes accu- a silk handkerchief, and a goki watch, which and am now comparatively happy; but it will “ What shall I sing?" Ah! that was a ques­ body. ratoly. He also fortells the future. A hail not been seen or heard of since 1856, and be long before I can make up for the loss in­ tion. For a moment her head swam; she Nothing cau serve better the ends of life knowledge of Psyehometry dovclops the which used to belong to Mrs. Meredith’s curred by my disbelief, and rendered almost grew dizzy, under a powerful influence that than to devote it to good works and just sen­ whole man. E. W. B a l d w in . fa th e r. hopeless by a life of utter aud exclusive she did not kuow or understand. She and her timents. When we see any one running husband were members of the Baptist church. Now, all these things are true, and perhaps selfishness. recklessly into excesses of any kind, a feeling A Chinese Infant Evolved. Iu a moment the dazed feeling passed off and some of the opponents of Spiritualism «an arises that we would like to advise the man, I have sought an opportunity to send back account for them upon some other theory than To t h e E d it o r :— A Chicago paper says in a voice, clear, rich, melodious and ringing and show him the folly of his conduct, or word ami warning to those mortals who, like that of spirit communications. These people that there was never a more surprised and she sang, as she only could sing, • ‘ The Star were not Spiritualists before, but are now. when we see anyone giving himself up to a myself, lived for tlie day of earth alone, and I dumbfounded man in Philadelphia than a cer­ Spangled Banner." BVcfn'ki, Kama». S. M. T ucker. life of self-indulgence without any thought of would implore them by all the sacred ties of tain well-known merchant, whose wife pro- When she finished the first verso she mod­ the consequences, we instinctively feel like humanity to change before it is too late—to seated him a short time ago with a little estly requested that friends should joiu her in laying hold of him and dragging him into Chinese baby. “ My ------!” lie exclaimed, the "chorus. At first there were about a half­ It Is the Best Paper. better wayB. This is what the reformer would live for others as well as for themselves—and when the nurse deposited the new-born infant dozen voices, in feeble tone and half sup­ T o the E ditor:— I am working like a do, but there is a still better way, and that is to deal justly with all men, giving to each a in his arms, •• whore did you get this? " “ It pressed breath, joined in the grand chorus: beaver for your paper and the gtxxl cause, for to teach the young man to practice a little kind word or deed as occasion requires, and is yours," emphatically declared the nurse. " Tho star spangled banner, O, long may It wave, 1 tiiink it is the best paper I ever saw for the self denial, to show him the sad consequences not to forget that they are the children of the The bewildered man gave one affrighted glance O'er the land of tho free and tho homo of tho money; indeed, every issue is a mine of wealth of dissipation before he contracts bad habits, bravo!" same Father, who is God over all. at his baby's queer little pigeon-eyes, high to the thinking, liberty-loving people who have and thus prepare him for the battle and the Mrs. Daniels sang tlie second verse, and on cheek bones aud bald pate with dark shadowy the pleasure of reading its inspired p a g e s . temptations of life. reaching the chorus a few more fuint voices tuft at tho crown, and nearly fainted away. D r. E nsign. There is one source of instruction that is Oh! Who W ill Rock the Cradle? joined iu singing it, and so on, the number of He trieil to persuade himself that I10 w as th e entirely overlooked, and that is discipline of “ Oh! who will rock the cradle wbon singers increasing in almost arithmetical pro­ victim of some horrible nightmare, but the the spirit. Here is the grandest of all errors, The women go out votlug? ” portion, till when the last verse was reached a A Spirit Photograph. I» tho old saw we dally hear evidence of his sense was too convincing. for man is treated os if he lmd no spirit at full chorus rang out the glad song; and Mrs. S. McElhany, writing to T h e P ro­ The average men all quoting. He tlew to his wife’s bedside to find her also all, and yet without its inspirations man is clearer applause greeted the fair soloist. As g r e s s iv e T h in k e r , gives two remarkable in­ And this, tho answer I would give, in a most distressed state of mind over the nothiug. The spiritual nature is his highest While wurm tlie question waxes, it died away some one present '‘moved that stances of spirit power. In the first: Six advent of tho miniature Ah Sin, “ It is ull and best gift and the least attended to. lt is Tho one who did tho rooking when the lady be requested to siug it again," and a persons, having thoroughly cleaned a large The women paid their taxes. due to that wretched Sunday-school class of here that the instructor has his (lnest work to good round of applause seconded the motion plate of glass, sat for tlie development of a yours, ” ho could uot help meaning. For a perform; hence where the parent has his Rock tho cradle, keep It up, She sang it agniu, and the numbers on the spirit photograph. In a short time there Rock tho public's Imby; long time his wife has boon a zealous teacher greatest duty to exercise. chorus increased with every verse, aud when came upon tlie glass a picture of a spirit«! Mother is for equal rights, in one of tho local Sunday-schools, and has Cultivate the spirit It is the source of the end of the hymn was reached a second h o rse a n d rid er. T h is w as follow etl by a j>er- Father also—maybe. been endeavoring to instil the gospel iuto the life, of thought, of feeling and of aspiration. time, hundreds of voices made the chorus son in a skiff on water, and bodies in and out When women leave their families benighted minds of a class of Chinese. Her It will raise a man above the vulgar tempta­ ring, and great applause followed. As it of the water. Then succeed«! a steamboat For churiUblo working; labors ntnong them had so impressed their tions of sense, and ennoble his life with its Who ohldos them (or their waste of time, ceased, a gentleman dad in military uniform, at full speed. All Beemcd part of one features upon her mind as to produce the refining Influence. It may he asked how this Or household duties shirking? tall anil stately, arose and made a formal re­ scene, and recalled tlie drowning of a cousin 'Though they should spend a week or more disastrous result. Whether or not she will is to be done? We answer, by a strict and quest that tho “ lady sing that song again! " and six men by a steamboat accident. At fairs or supjier lames, now give up her interesting class is a matter constant regard to the rules of spirit life. This gentleman was General Winfield Scott, The other ineklent which the writer gives is Do anxious meu rise up and ask, unannounced. Verily, nature is somewhat Here we have the highest form of life, but it “ Oh! who doth rock tho cradles?" the General of the I’nited Stutes army and oue where she was out riding, and was told in whimsical and freakish. What Nex t? is not necessary that you should wait till you Rook the cradle, etc. navy. Deafening applause followed this re­ a distinct voice uot to turn upon a certain pass away before you can experience it You street Disobeying tlie injunction because Re most condemns tho suffragists, quest from General Scott, and when silence may, by proper cultivation of the spirit while And for excuse Is looking, A Voice from Massachusetts. was restored, my friend, with a divine in she thought she kuow her own business best, on earth, reach a very high plane of spirit life. Whoso wife goes out to earn their brood, To the E ditor:—1 received two copies of spiration, sang tho hymn again and as never she just escaped with her life from a runaway W hat Is necessary to this end is a regard to By sowing, washing, cooking. T he P rogressive T hinker, and l am more before. The chorus was suug by hundreds of team attach«! to a load of wood. She CO“ the dictates of that inward monitor which Shu tolls, while he gets drunk and votes, And seeks tho gambling tublo— thun pleased with It, it is so full of good voices in the hotel, and it was estimated that eludes by saying: “ I then and there made teaches us so many usuful lessons, nnd chides solemn promise that I would pay he«! While they're both gone, I wonder who meat, i wish I could afford to have it a flvo hundred voices on the street joined in the u* when we do wrong. It lifts its voice in Stays homo to rook the cradle? chorus. spiritual advice hereafter." weekly visitor in many homes that do not now the soul and speaks of retribution for every Rock tho cradle, etc. Tli# next morning President Lincoln sent evil action, lt is heard In pitying tone when receive it. My paper each week is almost in f c S r T he P r o g r e s s iv e T hinker is The hand that rocks tho cradle when Mrs. Daniels an autograph note thanking her we relieve the distressed or assist the needy. The women, dressed so gaily, shreds, because l clip out so much for uiv for the valuable service she had rendered tho only Spiritualist paper sustoiniHl on its meri It is the stern rebuker which troubles us when Go out to luncheons, clubs and balls, scrap-book, for this is a good wav to preservo ““lion by her singing the night before. It does not force into its pages ten or we speak evil of our neighbors or stand in the Or some amusement daily; Or when their studios they pursue, those different articles, as thoy will all When 1 lu«t saw my frieuds, Col. and Mrs. toen col 11 tuns of advertisements, which way of the good man to hinder him in his Ditulds at their home in Washington, she hud Or bend o'er artist’s palette, boar reading many times. I trust your sub­ no general interest, but furnishes in their pi work of benefleence. Or draw or play—can rock again the note from Mr. Llneolu and churished it os When we behold a man struggling with scription list will increase to many thousands When women oast their ballot. a most valuable souvenir. entertaining reading matter. Aid us some great temptation, it utters a Cry of during 1892. J, 0. Hunt. Rock tho cradle, etc. T. B. T a y lo r , M. D. Bending in an additional subscriber, warning, and whUpcrs the vital energy of his Rojhnry, Matt, —.lm urnla Martin. San Francitco, Cal. weeks for 25 cents. FEBRUARY 20,1802. the progressive th in k er .

A Little Too Sweeping! Shall W e Have a Representation at Mariar In Heaven. The Apparition in the Elevator. “ I am of tlie opinion that not a Spirit­ the World’s Fair? Tin» pa'non’o lxrencliln' 'bout heaven The well-known author, Eugene Field, in Ti> im who'ro onten the fold, th e Chicago AV«»* publishes the following ualist supports any church, 1 care not what To t h e E d it o r :— 1 am much pleased to ‘ Bout pate» made of Jimper and pearl, story, which, by fully emlpraing, be virtually the denomination, but that does »o because of • the interest manifested throughout this And «trools paved with nuggol* of gold: gives bis adherence to Spiritualism: tlie hope of ministering to Ids worldly instead country in the cause of Spiritualism, and Say« tho folks there lire »ulnls, or else impels, of spiritual welfare.”— Juliette II. Severance, Some pi uj'In' on harps with ¿old string»— “ Some years ago a young inuu came to specially with the suggestions of John Brown, (I allow It's’a sort of uccoiup'mont) Chicago from Germany. His father had out M. /). of Providence, It. I., whose idi-a of erecting a To tone» which the rest of 'em sings. him oir from his annuity, lie lived in the What strange compounds we are! How hotel to be conducted ou the American and And 1 wonder and think of Mariar, sumo house where I lived. He finally ob­ limited the mental vision of the most advanced European plans combine«!, during the W orld's Who left me a year ago May, tained a place in one of the big grain elevators stmleuts of moral philosophy. How little we Fair at Chicago, is certainly a good one, and How she tackles to alt thorn line llxln's— here. I do not know what the place was, ex­ know of each other in this world of sense worthy of the consideration of ull Spiritu­ For »ho didn't sot much by display. blindness. Ilow prone we are to estimate all She wore humble and shy like a livin’, cep t th a t lie Imil something to do on the top alists. So many have suggested tbe idea of As any with who I’m aecpialnt: floor, away up under the roof. Several men men by the bias of our own mental habitudes? some means for representing the growth and I reckon she don't feel to hum yet were employed with him in the same place. Ilow wo mistake each other's motives, and progress of Spiritualism since its advent into When she talks with an angel or saint. One day while he was dusting he suddenly misjudge the springs of moral action that this country, and an exhibit of literature de­ When she looks at the amethlst fences stopped and asked Ills assistants who thut underlie these wonderful psychic machines. voted to its philosophy and phenomena; but And walks on the streets paved with gold, nicely-dressed old man was that was standing Il*w differently tho same environments im­ us the great Columbian Exposition is not Don't von s’pose thero are times when she longs back there by the abaft. Strangers are never press each individual and bring out widoly- fur intended for the promulgation of any par­ The lane in which mo and her strolled?— allowed in these big elevators, and to see one livergent resulLs from apparently similar ticular belief, religious or otherwise, there arc Tho old grassy lane through tho moddur, there well dressed was enough to excite com­ sources. Ilow varied the emotions awakened grave doubts in the mind of many as to the And the stile whore my coinin' she'd wait - ment. His companions looked in the direc­ in two kindred souls listening at the same mo­ propriety of such an undertaking. I see no Don't you think she’d as lief have tho stile there ment to the same strains of music! True, we As the heuutlfullesl pourly-hlnged gate? tion indicated, and said they saw no one. He good reason why such an enterprise as the insisted, and when they laughed at him, he may infer general causes from common effects; one spoken of by the brother from Rhode And tho pond on tho farm by the wilier», but if we judge the motives of all men by Whore she used to pick cat-tails and flowers, went to the place where he saw the figure Islatul could not be successfully carried out. Rather huvo than the big crystal ocean? standing. On his approach it vanished. what we know of u few, nnd assign the I would suggest that the building be suitably 'Cause »ho did love this old farm of ours. “ The young man fainted. He recovered, same cause to all apparently similar results, arranged with reading rooms, where all the Sot mo thinkin' In this way this mornln', and then asked his companions to make a we arc quite sure to do injustice. “ It is so various Spiritualistic publications, both of this When I looked at her pansies and roses, much easier to llont with the current than to Aud I couldn't help wlshln' her with mo, note of tlie occurrence, the »late aud the time and of foreign countries could be kept. Thera 'Stead of staying up thero 'long '1th Moses. of day. He said the figure lie saw was that row up stream" for some, But do we not all should be a conservator}’, well-equipped of his father. Iu twelve days he received a do that which to us is easiest at all times? I As fur me, It's lonosomo 'Ithout 'er— seance-rooms, and ample balls for lectures, So solemn-like 'round the old place, letter from the old country telling him of his suspect it would be the hardest rowing that balls and other entertainments. That I’m longin’ to die and go to hor, OUR COUNTRY 18 SAFE SO LONU AS OUR FLAO father's death. Tile date and time agreed Dr. Severance overdid in her life to “ float Spiritualists could thus find a pleasant and Tho' I reokon I ’m lacking of grace. FLOATS OVER THE CROSS. with the date and time of the occurrence I with the current.” It all depends upon the congenial horn» during their visit to tlie great But If I should bo sent down to—t'other, have described. Tho letter infonncil him that innate tendencies of the Individual when And could sit down '1th hor by tho lire— fair. It is claimed by some authorities that Why! what could bo nicer in heaven IMPRESSIVE STATISTICS. his father had forgiven him and remembered aeted upon by the totality of influences that there are 9,000,000 Spiritualists in this country Than siltin' 'longslde of Mariar? him in his will. He returned to the father­ evoke expression; and in every ease we move alone; among that number perhaps there are They Speak in Thunder Tones and Show iu the line of the least resistance. I have 'Taint orthydox, this way of talkin’, land, got his portion of the estate, and is liv­ many who cannot afford to assist in this en­ the Corruption In the K o m ls li never supported any church, but I like to at­ Sez tho pastor to mo t'other day, C hurch. ing there now. You may say what you terprise; yet among that number we surely And ho fetched me to his way o’ thinkin', please, but I have never felt like scoffing from tend them when there is something to be h av e 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 who will give fifty cents each, T o the E ditor:— In your editorial, “ Gist Which wuz jest like Mariar’» old way. the time I heard this story. The spirit of learned; and I know some gospel ministers and we can have at once the $500,000 neces­ So I'm tryin’ to live jest ns she did-- of the Matter," in the issue of February Gtb, that boy's father appeared to him on the top whose sermons are quite as instructive sary to conduct the enterprise, that certainly Go to mootin' as she used ter do— you say: “ Go to Catholic countrie», where And her spirit hangs 'round me nnd wliispors: floor of that elevator. ” and entertaining as the average platform would be patronized by the majority of more than one-fourth of the children arc born "Joslah, I guess you'll pull through.” speaking; aud many progressive clergymen Spiritualists coming to the city, as well as in­ outside of wedlock; then it is not dilllcult to —Mather />. Kimball. A Move in the Right Direction. are doing as much to educate ami spiritualize vestigators, and others, who, finding the ac­ understand why a celibate clergy war upon the people as most of our itinerant lecturers commodations ample, could have no cause to divorce " In substantiation of the above, I T h e Chesaning Arr/us, edited by Mr. Willis are. It seems to me inconsistent with a gen seek elsewhere for quarters. Spiritualists of otter the following: The Rev. Seymour has IMPORTANT! Miller, bits a .Spiritualist department, iu which crous liberalism to ignore the works of all America, now is the time to work. Do not recently published some statistics which bring the most salient features of the great move­ Christians becuuse we differ from their faith wait, but let us at once take such steps as TO THE MOUNT PLEASANT PARK STOCK COMPANY to light the awful and almost incredible im­ ment are discussed. The public demands and methods. I have never been conscious of will secure to us, a progressive people, a mon­ AND MEMBERS OF THE MISSISSIPPI VALLEY morality of popish countries, one of the natu­ the news in this direction, and the paper that any effort to “ cater to popular opinions," nor ument of enduring fame, and at the same SPIRITUALISTS’ ASSOCIATION: ral nnd necessary consequences of priestly gives it is sure of patronage. Mr. Miller is felt any disposition to compromise my con­ time bestow an appreciative favor upon the As secretary of the above-uametl corpora­ celibacy, which seems to have assisted in de­ an able and fearless man, and the department victions; but I have for many years realized many who will find a pleasant home with us tions, anti being instructed by them to secure praving the morals of a large portion of the is ably conducted. He speaks as follows of that I may hold some opinions thut I shall during their visit to the city of cities. the signatures of two-thirds of the stock­ community, and lowered the standard of The Progressive Thinker: have to revise, and possibly accept some Who will be next to help start the ball roll­ holders of said stock company to the agree­ female virtue, as compared with other “ We wish to resume our work in the things that I rejected in my early apostacy; ing? We must at once to go work if we ment made August 19th, 1891, which pro­ countries, by at least 40 to 50 per cent. The Spiritualists' department by first informing our and some men in the church may hold some desire to accomplish anything in this di­ vides for a consolidation of the two corpora­ following table will show the comparative per­ leaders that The Progressive Thinker, th a t ideas aud have some truths from which I can rectio n . tions. aud that a Trust Deal of the grounds of centage of illegitimate births in England and babe among spiritual papers, and now only learn. I am not supposing that the ‘ ‘ Query' Have no fears about the Spiritualists of Mt. Pleasant Park shall he given to the Missis­ the principal Romish countries in Europe: two years old, commences the new year by was intended to apply to me; but I can Chicago; they will do their part, for in Bro. sippi Valley Spiritualists' Association, it be­ Place. Births in Legitimate Illcgitim'te Per cent doubling itself iu size, giving its readers an imagine a situation in which I might support a Francis, the editor of the best Spiritualist comes our duty to report that more thau the Yeor. Births. Births, of llleg. eight-page paper of six columns each, at the liberal church for no other object than for paper in this country, we have a noble ally requisite number of names having been ob­ London, 78,300 75,097 3,203 4perc't same price—$1 a year. This paper has mental and spiritual improvement. Hence and an efficient worker, who, I am sure, will do tained, the proper otlicers of said stock com 29,028 19,921 9,707 334 “ Paris, sprung like a mushroom into existence, and see no reason why others may not; anil I think all in his power to assist in such a laudable pany have caused such deed to be executed Brussels, 5,281 3,44« 1,833 35 “ now claims the largest circulation of any I know some who do. Of course we have many undertaking. J. H. G u t h r ie . and the grounds of the Park are now the law­ Munich, 3,464 1,702 1,702 48 “ Vienna, 19,241 8,881 10,360 52 “ Spiritualist paper in the world. It combines advanced, highly-gifted spiritual lecturers « ful property of the Association. This per­ Chicago, HI. Rome, 4,373 excellence with cheapness. Is free from ad­ But very few localities are favored with their petuates the grounds for all time for educa­ Foundlings exposed in one year in Rome, 3,190, vertisements except those of a spiritual nature, gifts in any regularity. One month may pro­ tional and scientific, as well ns for camp­ nealy three-fourths, or 73 per eent of the births. World’s Fair Sunday Closing. and is both progressive and fearless, just vide such mental food— where there is a so­ meeting purposes; as they cannot possibly be There will be a mass meeting at Central Thus docs Rome maintain her pre-eminence what the people need to give them backbone, ciety to secure it— and the next month some­ diverted to any other use, neither can they he Music Hall, on Saturday evening, February overall the world! Seventy-three per cent of knowledge, and to lift their souls above the thing else takes the place, in which a portion, disposed of in any manner whatever, but must 27th, to protest against closing the W orld’s the births in the “ Eternal” city of the Seven low and selfish of earth. Thecause in Chcsnn- if not a majority, of those who appreciate forever remain the property of the Association. Fair on Sunday. Hills, the city of the “ Holy” pope and his ing would progress tenfold if every family philosophy aud spiritual science take no This insures the success of the Mississippi The meeting will be held under the auspices sacred cardinals, illegitimate! had this paper in their homes. This is not interest. Then they must seek mental pabulum Valley Spiritual ista' Association, and the of the American Secular Union. All who are in Well might one of its ex-priests designate intended as an advertisement, but is written elsewhere, or go without. I have in mind a friends who have been waiting to have this favor of an open fair are invited to attend the Papal Church as “ the spawn of hell and wholly for the good of the cause we love, physician who has been interested in Spiritu matter settled before coining forward with Our government is founded upon the princi­ the cesspool of iniquity. ” And it is the duty alism for thirty yean— though still doubting— that our fellow-neighbors may benefit them­ ple of the liberty of the individual. Let those their donations and bequests for a school or 0f every lover of mental and physical liberty who supports the Unitarian Church, because selves thereby; and to give just praise to a who wish to attend the fair on Sunday, be free college, and for the improvement of the Park, |)e on their guard against the encroach there his intellect is fed. He has repeatedly well-deserving editor, who by his own push to go. Why should they be compelled to can now be assured that their money will be I juCnts of this monster. Laws should be en- offered to support the spiritual meetings as lib­ and energy has attained the success above stay away, in order to conform to the religious ttsed economically and for the purposes de- Lot^d permitting official inquiry and investiga- erally as the best of them, if they would furnish recorded. Those desiring to join us in order­ scruples of others? signed by the donors, Tiie hotel which failed ^¡on 0f ([)ose barred and bolted female prison speaking suited to his need. But he has no ing the paper, thus saving several postal All societies and individuals who wish to to materialize last season for the want ol pen8| couvents and nunneries, monasteries interest in the surface phenomena or mental orders and stamps, can leave their names and take part in the demonstration, will please financial aid, is a pressing necessity, and if is ami “ academics for young ladies,” of con- pugilism. Spiritualism is not “ iu opposition cash a t The Argus office. Who among you communicate with our Secretary, Mrs. M. A. hoped the friends will take hold of tho project fC8 gjoll boxes and parish schools, and turn to popular sentim ent,” and if the Spiritualists cannot afford two cents a week for this grand Freeman, 402 W. Madison Street, who will aid this season and see that the building is ready | their roUcnncss inside out. Emanuel. who direct its outward development so will aud paper? If you do not care to risk a dollar, in making the necessary arrangements. by the opening of the camp in August next. act as to present it to the public in its best try 13 weeks for 25 cents. (July try it.” Tickets for seats will be free, but tbe seats That the settlement of past dilllculties will At First. light and iu orderly persistence, they can com will be reserved only until 8:15 o’clock, after give Mount Pleasant Park an impetus for | If I should fall asleep one day, rnand the respect of the world, and lead all A Good Medium at Springfield, which time they will be open to the occupancy growth which it never had before, is already All overworn, other denominations in their recognized social And should my spirit, from tho clay, of the general public. indicated by the fact that the Superintendent I Mass. inllucnce. “ Let us be honest nnd loyal to Go dreaming out the heavenward way, Those wishing seats will apply at the office has no less than seven applications for building T o tub E ditor:—I would like to call the truth," and reeoguize virtue wherever found Or thence be softly borne, of Dr. Greer, Room 5, 128 LaSalle Street lots tlie present season, and no doubt there attention of the many readers of your paper to “ on Christian or ou heathen ground.” I pray you, angels, do not first Eminent speakers have been secured, and will lie more to follow. Now let the friends | Assail mino ear the vast mnouut of missionary work aceom L yman C. II owe. their names will be announced hereafter. of the Mississippi Valley Spiritualists' Associ­ With thut blest anthem, oft rohoarst, plished by one home medium. I have had ‘‘Behold, tho bonds of Death are burst!” The exercises will be enlivened, also, by a ation give a long pull, a strong pull and a pull I much experience with Dr. G. W. Frost, Carry Wealth to Heaven. all together, and make this Park what it can lie ] Lest I should faint with fear. variety of excellent music. C. B. Waite, Adams St., Springfield, Mass. Ho has just “ For where your treasure is, there will made—second to none in the land. But lot some happy bird, at hand, President o f American Secular Union. returned from a call to lecture and hold your heart be also.” W ho does not feel great Arrangement» are being made to hold the I Tho silence break; So shall I dimly understand circles in Essex, Conn., where ho accom­ satisfaction when contemplating this prospect? semi-annual meeting in Dubuque, notice of | That dawn has touched u blossoming land. plished some wonderful conversions. He is a Who would not do this if they only knew Mediums’ Order of Beneficence. which will appear later. W ill C. H oiigk. And sigh myself awake. trance speaker of a high order; also gives how? Most of our loved ones who have Secretary. T o t h e E d it o r :—Once more we would ------^ ^ ■ ■ From thut deep rest emerging so, tests. Some of his controls are very nmusing, already passed onward, naturally have a long­ appeal to the hearts of the people through the To lift tho head as several young men who have slept with The Cause in San Bernardino, Cal And »«so the batli-llower’s boll of snow, ing ilesiro, and never fail to remind us, when c o lu m n s o f T he P r o g r e s s iv e T h in k e r . A g ain him, one on each side, can testify. Articles they can, of tho important work of securing wo announce that another auxiliary to tho To the Editor:—Tho Spiritualists’ Society The pink arbutus, und the low Spring beauty streaked with red, at u distance of several yards from the bed substantial riches by delightful memories over Mediums’ Order of Beneficence has flung its of San Bernardino held its annual meeting for were thrown on to it; hands slapped them on there. They all exhort us to so live that there banner to the breeze. A few more souls have the election of officers, at Liberal Hall, on Will all suffice. No otherwhere Impelled to roam, tlie face and shoulders, ami caught thorn by may be no regrets, when they welcome us with awakened to the fact that mediums need look­ Saturday, Jan. 30th, at which time the follow­ Till some blithe wanderer, passing fair, the ankles. Powerful raps around the room open arms, as wo vacate tho wornout bo«iy. ing after in a substantial way, and have so ing «»Ulcers were elected: President, Ella Will, smiling, pause—of mo aware— were hoard, and shadowy forms nnd lights They also urge attention to the message of demonstrated by joining the ranks and clasp­ Wilson Mnrchant; Vice-President, Elizabeth And murmur, “ Welcome homo!" were seen, etc. One time they thought they Bishop Haven nnd others, so much in accord ing bauds with those wiio know the needs of Keller (daughter of William Heap, the de So sweetly greeted 1 shall rise would stop the fun by getting up and open with the Sermon on the Mount We are tohl sensitives. This time Quincy bears the palm, ceased President of the Society); Secretary, To kiss her cheek; ing the door to let in the light, when they that the Bishop, Jesus and others are joining an auxiliary which bills fair to flourish, be­ N. H, Barton (tho former uu'umhcnt); anil Then lightly soar In lovely gulsu, As one familiar with the skies, were confronted by the form of a tnll mid forces to awaken the world, by bringing cause composed of strong and daring elements, Treasurer, Joseph Mnrehant. Who finds and need not seek. powerful Indian who seemed to bo laugh immortality to light, for which so many have such as are needed to pull agaiust Ute tide of We hope to be able to do good work for the —Amanda 7’. Jones in the Century. ing at them. Societies in want of a good given their lives to secure, and the question public opiuion. cause of Spiritualism during the coming year medium to give a thorough stirriug up is, who will co-operate with them? The Our appeal is simply this, to again call ami to rally our forces, which have been con Organization. generally, should employ Mr. Frost Bishop says on page 37: “ The distribution your attention to the coining event, the second siderably scattered for some years past; anil To t h e E d it o r :— I fully agree with Bro. J. II. W . of my pamphlet is stirring many souls. It convention of mediums under the auspices of we respectfully invite speakers and mediums II. Randal) in regard to organization, that “ it will yet revolutionize the world ami settle the this Beneficent Order, which will be held here who may visit Southern California to give us is a scientific and demonstrable fact that the f®r“ TiiF. 1 'r o o b t o b iv r T hinker combines question of a future life.” To this end, the February 26, 27 and 28, in Red Men’s n ail, a call. We cannot make any glowing promises I organized forces ami forms in nature, as a CHEAPNESS an d EXCELLENCE. The ablest stereotype plates from which tho Haven where wo expect to meet many of our co­ concerning financial remuneration, but wo offer rule, absorb, control and ilirect those thut. are writers »end ¡1 their best thoughts, because in message is printed, will bo freely given to workers. Being centrally located, we are easy them a free hull, ami tho collection», for their | unorganized, it is also demonstrable that in so doing they roach the largest number of any «mo who may be able to circulate it every­ iff access, and those who avail themselves of w ork E ll a W il so n M.u u -h a n t . «titillions of human origin absorb, control and readers, nnd do a correspondingly greater where. Tlie time is ripe for tbe work to «x>m- this opportunity will find a cordial welcome direct humanity; that men and women join amount of good than they would if they sent mcncc, ami it is hoped there will be no delay in awaiting them, whether known to »us person­ A Hearty Shake. old institutions founded on error, because tlie thorn to a paper with a smaller circulation corresponding with the undersigned. If some, ally o r o th erw ise, fo r ilo w e n o t o fte n fin«! o u r Give Judge Hoseerans u hearty sliake for crowd already appears to be in them, and Interest your neighbors and friends In the however, are incline«! to begin the agitation, nearest kindred among strangers so-called. me, ami ke«q> bis good words in print forever. they do not know what else to do to express paper and induce them to subscribe. It is and will take pleasure iu helping others to Haverhill, Mass. W lN. L. M. Baldwin. their social natures. Let Spiritualists hold sent thirteen weeks for 25 cents. advance civilization by making tho conditions up their heads and be counted; associate to required for tho millennial ora to be ushered in, He Is a Good Judge. do good. Let us build something better U is in this unkind manner that Kate Field lot them embrace this opportunity. Judge Wheeler of the United States Circuit W ill ('. Hodge, secretary of the Mississippi than the world lias yet had, in the way of an pays her ooniplimoiits to tho brute man: “ My S. M. B a l d w in . Court iu Now York, having been caUcd upon Valley Spiritualists' Association, writes: “T h e institution to educate ami bring comfort to obi friend Harriet Hosmer claims to have ills ISOS Pa. . le r ., Washington, D. C. suffering humanity." for a decision as to whether corsets are to be P r o g r e s s iv e T h in k e r is superb in every covered perpetual motion, and will next lie respect, anil long may it wave. " To which mi oppressed ami priost-riddon Gen. L. \V. Colby, who commanded tbe scheduled as clothing or mechanical con­ people should at once say “ amen!" If Mr. squaring the circle. I'm glad of it, for wo Nebraska Stale troops, and who found an trivances, has written an opinion in which, Russell Sngc'B income is 815 a minute mull limulnll will stop off at tins little city of 5.000 Women are licensed of never inventing or tlis- infant strapped to the book «>f a «lead sipinw with becoming modesty, he says: “ I think covering anything, just as though wo diiln on the battlefield of Wounded Knee, iu De­ the aihlitlonnl day of leap year enable» liiin to be will find a few Spiritualists among “ the they are clothing. I am not, however, very rake down 821,900. may take a day common people," who will gladly listen to discover more iu men than ever existed and cember, 18110, is raising the child—now a Bussell coufidont about it ” This isn't tho kiml of off, but thut income keeps right on doing the “ W ord." The latch-string Is out, Bro, invent more lies to soothe their ipnottr propro pretty little girl of 18 months—ns one of bis judicial ruling thnt stays are usually granted biislue»» without »Upping n eog o r dropping nl Bendali.Butidall, C.C . II. M a t t h e w s . than even the father of them — 1 m ean tho own. Though regularly adopted by him, she Father of Lies, of course. ” | has an Indian name, signifying “ Lost Bird." upon. stitch. AW Phi/atlrtphia, Ohio. rrWH PROGRESSIVE THINKER. FEBRUARY 20, 1*92, = F erotgns the kings of Grutmdu who used A Voice fkoiit tlio Mulling Depart­ Transition ol’Lena Itllile. Mrs. Mattlo E. Hull writes: "I ad­ TUE PROGRESSIVE THINKER. dressed good audiences in Elgin. 111., on to pay tribute to the Catholic crown are m ent. At a meeting of tho officers und General SûrVey. PablUhfd ©very &«f uni»? »! No. 40 Loom!» Street. all dead. Our mint, at present, coins tho 24th and 31»t »It. The Spiritual From all quarters come evidences thut trustees of the First Liberal Spiritualist Society, though so recently organized, is nothing but blades of selmetcrs and Society of W llllumsport, l*n., the folio«-- for some reason the Jesuits ill the pres­ The Spiritualistic Field -Work- doing a good work, and 1» most thor J. 11 Franti#, Ktlltor and Publlnlior. h ead s of lan ces." lug resolutions wore accepted us the ex­ ent time uro forcing the light all along oughly In earnest In its effort to promo Then the demon of war was unleashed. pression of the whole: ers. Doings, Etc. K titr m l a t C hicago a s Vétela*» m atte* The l’o|>ccuinctuthould of Isabella, and the line. They uro splendidly uqulppcd thu cause of Splrltuullsm. Mrs. Rich Issued u “bull of crusade,” which granted libit near, The Angel of Death has w V Kemcmbcr, everyone, I hut on account mond delivered a discourse on Spiritual w|th money and means. They under­ of our larvc edition, we p i to pro«* early Mon* Tonn«« of SulM orl|illon. indulgences to all who should take up drawn the veil between the spirit of Ism, on tho evening of tho 29th ult., in stand how to handle the currents of tlnv tnurtiU)|(. Short Item* onh will Ik? Iii Tn« PBoaftSMtr# Tilt*»»* win lw» fumUtM'it uodl Lena Bible and this, our mundunc world the Universal 1st church, under thtK for«her nolle«, *t io« follo»in* urta», lo«« ubif lo arms against tho lnfidots. The Inquisi­ »ertfl If rrrclveil ot) the prevloi* ?*«tur»lny. tion, under the good Torquemudu, since thought und they are doing It. W hat­ am i Ms w ork, lie It auspices of tho Spiritual Society: al-^f^ odrooco: That «■•• us a no« and -drug- We t«ke |>|e««ure In I hr movement« One y M r ...... H W saluted, engaged in Its bloodiest work. ever force Christian Scientists, Mental Resolved, of lecturer* ntnl uu-dlum«. Mevliugs, whli-li) though tho time for advertising the Club« of ten (o ropy lo Ibr go* «ruine up gllng society most deeply feel the loss At llrst the Moors were victorious, and Heaters, or others, awakened to tliclr i i i « lining u grumt work, arc of ln. «i Inti-ryut meeting wo« short, she was greeted by a lite dub) - - - • #7 80 to the cau-o produced liy the transition Thirteen week« - . . . - - »et« the Castilians were routed uud defeated; only. In*lie« we rnnuot puhlisti lo g re|Hirl» good audience, und all »ore Interested J Slagle copy ------ftcu |iowcr for doing good to their fellow s can of our able und efficient co-worker and but they were finally overwhelmed by with reforciiro to them. They lire too minier I am solicited to return at un early dale,! iK ü m tx r ii, do, the members of the Society of Jesus lender, and ank the sympathy of all to ■ mu for Hint A few line- explanatory of the superior numbers, and though warring to make u m onth's engagem ent if' possible.! Itemi» by Podoltlec Money Or»lrr, It* irl»ierrd l.ettcr, can do for sclllsh ends. That they are whom thc-c words may come; goml work lining ilonc, are nlw nys acii-|ituMc. orr» In nddre»» will bn nrotn;upUy by the devoted mother, whoso every while she was In full view. She is now corrected, and ml »»lug number» »applied gratia. added the treasures of the convents and mony against them. holding so an ces at 680 W. Lake street. month will he 932 Garrison Ave., St. monasteries which were thrown open to earthly hope was centered in her daugh­ IW" Whenever you dr«Ire the addrv»» of your p4per Since the publication of Hudson Tut­ Mr. Archer, the materializing medi­ Louis, Mo." changed, alway» give the nddrea» of the place to which he»-. It was on this occasion, not to as­ ter, and her work, do hereby extend to um, Is now located at 22’J W ashington G. M. Stanley, of Jackson, Mich., 1 1» then »ent, or the chaugo canuot ho mad«.____ sist Columbus In his voyage of discovery, tle’s story, we nre annoyed by reports of her our most sincere and heartfelt sym­ Boulevard, where he will hold m aterial­ writes: "Since the commencement of A. Bountiful Harvest Tor 25 Conta. that the Queen pawned her jewels; papers being missed by our subscribers. p a th y ; iz in g B ounces, our spiritual meetings, which occurred though it Is stated »he expressed a Rr.'oldtl, That we desire to express to Po you want a more bountiful liarve#t than wo can will­ A lady writes us from Massachusetts: less than a year ago, we have grown give you for 25 cent»? Ju«t patl•l• and think for a mo* ingness to thus aid the explorer if nec­ her and to the world our appreciation of D r. WIIIIs’h lecturesare received wllh inrnt what an Intellectual fc«»t that email Itivreuiieiit "Please send me No. 110 which I did not from u fow o? the faithful to a very fair essary. the fact that Lena Bible passed to n npiduiise before tho First Society of will fumUh you. The eub#crlptlon price of Til« I'ao receive, and No. 113 which I received, audience of interested investigators: • ikv»sivK Tinxaka thirteen week» 1» only twenty-n«e Full of Interest as Is thlâ forming higher life, u m artyr to n noble, but too Spiritualists. He will remain this generally, we depend on home talent, cent«! For that amount you obtain one hundred and period of later events, very reluctantly but with the story torn out. I don't great effort for her frail body to - injure, month. Mrs. Orvls will entertain tLo four page« «»f «••lid. »ulietantlal. «out elevating and to extend the hlghur education to suffer­ but on last Sunday we were fortunately mtnd-refreehlng reading matter, equivalent to a medi­ we pass them, to notice the outcome of know what It means, but it hud hoen people there next month. favored by an Inspirational treat through um-»lied book' this terrible tragedy iu the history of taken out of tho wrapper. I think wo ing Immunity: Wo huve a note from G. R. Bennett. Resolved, That wo ask the earnest Ho commences by saying: " As sure as the mediumship of Miss A. E. Sheets, CLUBS! IMPORTANT SUGGESTION! nations. Ferdinand uud Isabella entered must havo a Roman Catholic in our the conquered oily of Malaga, which had sympathy of every progressive soul for my soul Hvoth I have fallen In love with of Grand Ledge, Mich., who is rapidly A« there are thouMnda who will •* tint venture post-office." This is a sample of letters becoming prominent as an instrument made such stern resistance, whose iu- tne dear mother, ourselves as a society, your p-GOIUCSSrVE THINKER. I must only twenty-five cent« forTua I*1KK> «•«■*!» ■ Tuixask through whom the denizens of Spirit- thirteen week», we would »uggot tothewo wh> receive nabltants were com|>cllcd to subsist on coining almost dally. Wo use the ut­ and the cause, which hu» lost to its confess that the testimony given by| life can In a very clear and concise way a »ample copy, to aollclt «everal other« to unite with horses, dogs, cats, und boiled leaves, and most care in tho preparation of our mail­ visible work so faithful uml ublu a those agnostics who, like myself, have them, and thus be able to remit from tl to fit), or even give expression to the gem.» of advanced m p* than the Utter turn. A Urge number of llttlr only surrenuered when pestilence added ing list, which is in charge of an accu teacher and representative. refused to drink what appeared to us to thought with which our philosophy so amount« will make a largo »urn tot«!, and thu* extend its horrors. Mass was cel­ Lydia R. Chase, Sec’y. tie wild witchery by magic or magnetic the field of our labor and orefulnca*. TLo name »ug loathsome rate, thoroughly-truatwortliy, and puins- abounds. The subject chosen by her ge«tlon will apply In all cave« of renewal of ■ubtcrtP- ebrated by the victors, and thanks were influences, Is no more stranger than taking lady. Tho mulling is in the guides was handled in such a manner os tioa»—aollclt other» to «Id In the good work. V»n win given to the God of armies for enabling quarterly M eeting at Brecdavllle, somu of my own dreams." He says he experience no difficulty ■ hatevrrln Inducing Splrltu- hands of a business firm of long-standing to hold the audience spellbound through­ allot« to iabfcrlbe I*»:**•.i l-.-n a ruixagu. them to establish the Culhollc faith in saw the messenger, with a peculiar fur inn » Tuigg] M i d i . out. We hoi>e to have her with ua for not one of them ran afford fo be without the valua­ the land of the lufideis. T< Drum w as and orderly methods. Wo know I'nclo coat and bat, bringing a message of his ble Information Imparted therein each week, and at This meeting, held Feb. <1 und 7, w as again In the near future.” the price of ouly about two cent» per week. solemnly chuntcd, while the dungeons of Sam does the best he can for us at this mother’s last illness, three days before pronounced a success. the event happened. He in the same S. D. Forbes, writing from W ilming­ Castile and Aragon were overflowing end of tho route. But at the 8,000 "other The music alone was sufficient to make with victims of the Inquisition, else were manner saw bis wife distinctly, several ton, Del., suggests that it might in SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 20. 1892. ends," with numerous Jesuitical appoint­ uuything a success. The local choir suffering its tortures. days before ho met her for the first crease the circulation of T h e P r o ­ ees, wo cannot say, only that thoy will do favored us all day and evening, Sunday, Finally,the hated Moor was every whore time. He was also warned of his moth g r e s s iv e T h i n k e r to reprint 100,000 and they are exceptionally line. There ABRAHAM LINCOLN dofeated. The terrified inhabitants wore anything 'or "the Church" to forward er’s illness, she being in Kansas and he copies of Mrs. Richmond's discourse, was a serious disapi>ointment felt in con conducted Into the spacious courtyard the Interests of their masters. When iu Michigan. All these events of per printed In the issue of Jan. 23, 1992. W o soquenco of the absence of Mrs. Wood­ would be glad to put that number of of the Aloazuba to hear their doom. A our friends havo trouble ubout their pa- sonal knowledge and general testimony ruff uud Mrs. Winner, both of whom arc too much for Mr. Bennetts infidel such an excellent paper in the bands of multitude of most beautiful Moorish pot's, will thoy take the trouble to find uro much depended upon for the mental maidens, educated and re lined, wero ideas; he Is obliged to acknowledge the our subscribers and their friends, but out how near their post-office is to tho supplies and spiritual quickening* und turned over to Isabella, to serve as life beyond the grave. wo havo never tried to swindle the Gov­ slawi clutches of the Pope. Another thing: the balm of social sympathy. But tho to her highness and her friends. The Tlios. Leos, of Cleveland, O., writes ernment by Inclosing circulars in T h e We don’t care how blindly you write President, W. It. Slrrlno, imparted a orescent had been the emblem of their " Dr. Juliet H. Severance, of Chicago, P r o g r e s s iv e T h i n k e r , and don't in­ your letters to us, wo can read almost lively energy and social tonic, sweet and faith, und tney had no rights tho follow­ filled a highly successful engagem ent In tend to. So the only way will be to send any writing—even if we have to stand tangible to all. Bro. E. L. Warner ers o the cross should respect. Worn Cleveland, O., the last four Sundays of for that issue of the paper as long as it on our head to do it: but when you come added helpful words and social cheer. out with toil, watching und fusting, pale January, ut Memorial Hall, under the la s ts . to the slguutare and the address, write An old man whose name I did not get and trembling, these thousands of stu1- auspices of the Cleveland Progressive W. E. Tobey, writing from Little it PLAIN, so that every letter can be spoke with much feeling und enthused vivors listened to thodeercoof perpetual Lyceum. The subjects treated were os Rock. Ark., complains that in a city of read without guessing. Wo can’t guess uffcctional emotion. Bro. Burdick was slavery from their victorious masters. follows: ‘ Spiritualism; W bat It Ha» 40,000 souls there are no sensitives of out a man’s name, when there is nothing luindy with lively wit and practical "Daughters clung to their mothers," Done.aud W hat It W ill Do;’ ‘The Need any description, and the strictest ortho-, in the context to tell whether it is Moses suggestions. Sisters W arner and Sir says the historian, "children in vain of the Hour:’ ‘ Is M arriage a Failure?’ dox interpretations of heaven and hellV o r M oore. rinc and Nesbitt and Sheffer added their supplicated tho protection of their ‘ Disease, and tho True Healing Art have full sway over the minds of the spiritual pearls. The storm boat the fathers, family ties were disregarded, All of the themes were ably handled residents. He refers to the article ap­ Incompatible». outer walls and the winds moaned otnin some wero sent to the burning coast of and drew forth many questions from the pearing in our columns explaining why ously; but within social cheer, intellcc Africa, some to tho beautiful plains of The derivation of the above terra sig­ audience. The Doctor made many T h e P r o g r e s s iv e T h i n k e r h a d m o v e d tual scintillations, spiritual outpour­ Italy, while the noblest und fairest were nifies: "T hat which cannot be allowed friends while here, and a very pleasant to 40 Loomis street, and suggests, as ings and harmonious fraternity made selected to embellish the palaces of Spain." reception was tendered her by the there are centers of positive force, together." In chemistry, incompatibles perpetual summer fresh and sweet with This leaf from history would bo in­ Lyceum at the residence of Thos. and favorable to psychic development, there nre those substances which cannot co­ immortal bloom. Strangers met for the A SPIRITUALIST? complete, should we fail to mention that Tillie Lees. Mrs. Jennie B. Hagan would necessarily be other centers, in exist, as salts, or other substances, first time and the touch of lives welded 12 mo., Cloth and Gold., 10 Illus., $1.60. Xitnencs succeeded the long-since sainted Jackson, tho well-known Inspirational which negative force would predomi­ new links in the eternal chain of unity. Torquemudu in the Holy Office of Inquis­ which cannot be united in solution with­ inediutn and improvisatrice, will con nate. It cannot be possible that there ONE OF THE MOST REMARKARLE BOOKS It was a time of growth; new impetus itor General. With nis residence at out decomposition; but the term is not duct the exercises at Memorial nail is no one in Little Rock who can re­ given to old facts and feelings; new OF MODERN TIMES. BY MRS. N. C. Granadu. he collected all the volumes of during the Sunday evenings of this spond to the call of the invisibles, or limited to the domain of physics. It purposes springing from old needs and MAYNARD. EVERY SPIRITUALIST IN Moslem and classical literature he could month, and also take part in one or two thrill to the touch a* d vibration of the applies to conditions that cannot be har­ new revelations crowning the glory of AMERICA SHOULD READ IT. find, to the number of eighty thousand entertainments. It is soma years since unseen currents. But although the moniously joined, as good and evil, the past. It has come and gone, but volumes—reserving only a few medical this gifted speaker was here, and all are place may be barren of spiritual unfold­ lives on in the souls that shared tho ben­ books for his own shelves—and consigned which uro iu direct antagonism. Intelli­ on th e Old vice to see and hear this pre ing, still there is a chance of changing edictions. L y m a n C . H o w e , the remainder to the flumes In the public gence and ignorance are Incompatibles, possessing and wonderful medium.” the outer conditions by strong, earnest VERY SUGGESTIVE. square. Even Isabella remonstrated because thoy cannot bo adjusted to each Dr. C. T. H. Benton, trance Insplra thought and action. Do not be discour­ against his excesses; but he is venerated other in accordance with somo uniform .T. O. Barrett. tional speaker, can be addressed for aged. brother, but work on earnestly, A nother L eaf Iron» H istory. as a saint, it being said of him: "His standard. Our common-school system future engagements at 412 Eaton street, and you will certainly receive your re­ This old-time lecturer and author in triumphs were greater than Isabella’s, and Catholicism are incompatibles, be­ Peoria. 111. W ill also attend lunerals ward" In the growth of spirit perception. cause each would destroy the other. the ranks of Spiritualism has become an The Moors in 711 became musters of a for she only conquered the soil, while M atthew Clark, of this city, writes us Mr. C. E. W inans. medium, is at Mar­ Xlmenos saved the souls of Granada." Does tho reader ask proof as to the cor* authority on tho subject of forestry, greater part of Spain. They were a rectness of the last proposition? Here of the meetings at National Parlors, on shalltown, Iowa, and arrangem ents may Four hundred years of eventful history which at this almost too late day is call Lake street, and also of some successful mixed people, made up largely of Arabs, we have It, in u recent telegram: be made there for private sittings, slate­ have passed since those bloody times. ing public attention. He is tho Secre­ tests given under the mediumship of writing, and seats for materializing with additions from the various countries D e t r o i t , Feb. 3.—A unique service But for the historian who wrote In tho Mrs. DeWolf. He closes by saying that was held in some of the old Catholic tary of the Minnesota State Forestry- seances, upon application to John D. bordering the Mediterranean on the interest of the church, and who ajiol- these meetings, scattered all over our churches here to day. It was the cele­ Association, and actively engaged in the V a il. south, most of whom entertained the ogized for her crimes, the turbid waters city, are doing a great deal of good for of Lethe would have borne all into tho bration of Saint Baise’s day, a service project of a grand reservation of 9,000 Wo are in receipt of a kind letter from Moslem faith. The resident Jews, who th e c a u se . Mrs. Marian K. LtRau-leur. of San gulf of Oblivion, where conqueror and that has been maintained among many square miles, proposed by that State, as had been oppressed under Christian rule, of the Roman Catholics for centuries. Geo. M. Eaton, writing from Cieve Jose, Cal., In which she describe.» her conquered would have disappeared for­ a National Park, for the purpose of con­ land, O., to renew his yearly subscription naturally welcomed the change of mas­ ever. The effects of those terrible cruel­ The tradition is that a young girl who first visit to a materializing seanee, trolling tho river flow. Ho is thoroughly tells us some wonderful things which ters, seeing in the new order of things ties survive the ages, and are stamped was choking to death on a fishbone was given bv Mrs. Lizzie Fulton.of San Fran­ miraculously healed by St. Baisc. Since capable, and one who makes Spiritual­ happened under the mediumship of Mrs cisco. >The force present was very* the prospect of protection. The various u|>on our own times. Even the religious Efne Moss, of New York. In addition to d o g m as of th a t a g e of w ro n g an d v io len ce that time persons affected with any ism inwrought in his life. He is a grand strong, and during the three hours that conflicting elements seem to have ar­ throat troubles have looked upon the the usual materialization and demateri the medium was entranced, about sixty ranged themselves in provinces, the are |>erpetuated. and its spirit would m a n . alization, Mr. E. says: "W e also have revive those cruelties, and batho the saint as their special patron, and many different form» appeared, all of whom Christians occupying the northern, und have reported cures. Owing to the been sitting in tho parlor talking, eight were recognized by some one or other of world again in blood, if clothed with or ten of us, the medium not in a trance the Mohammedans the more fertile re­ sufficient power. provalence of grip, the services wore An Auspicious Day. the sixteen pertains present. The mani­ well attended, and many sought relief and spirits have materialized and dema festations commenced as soon as the gions in the south. Of course, discord We own to the want of faith In tho It will bo a glorious day for Catholics torialized, and talked and were for their throat troubles. In the morn­ when under tho blows of justice and medium was seated in the simple cabinet and strife were prevalent for centuries goodness of any creed which in its be­ recognized." ginnings has been guilty of such bar­ ing candles wero blessed and formed In morality our school system shall be —a cloth stretched across one corner of between antagonistic religions and fre­ From a correspondent, J. W. B., at barities on humanity. The mother a cross. They were then applied to the shivered to pieces.—Catholic Fruman. tho room. One form commenced mate­ quent chango of rulers. In 1212 was Providence, R. I.. who adds his word to rializing in the upper part of the room, church, and all her brood, while pro­ throats of the sufferers, a special prayer Yes, when ignorance becomes ram­ the universal testimony that T h e P ro and finished as she flew down. fought one of the most sanguinary bat­ fessing a love of God, and a desire to for their recovery being made at the pant, Gods of paste can be thrust down GKESSIVE T h i n k e r is an A No. 1 Spirit tles, in which the followers of Moham­ save souls, have ever shown they had no same time. Similar services were held Prof. W. H. Chaney is an astrologer the throats of the believers at tho will of ual paper, we have this explanation of Interest in tho owners of such souls, In Montreal, and other Canadian cities of note, and Is well-posted in all things m ed lo st 100,000 killed und 60,000 pris­ a vivid dream: "That it was sometimes save as they ministered to their aggran­ Every schoolboy ten years of ago, prop­ the priest; while tho credulous shall that pertain to tho progress of the age. oners. an impression on the brain, made by an dizement. " G. W. B r o w n , M. D. give up his earnings to save some loved The following note from him explains When Isabella came to the throne of erly taught in tho public schools, would unsoon force, and the voices heard on Rockford, 111., Feb. n , '¡js. friend from purgatorial fires. The In­ Itself: "I am married again, and por- know that the exhibition of all the saints such occasions are some intelligence or Castile and Aragon, in 147-1, Granada quisition will then coinmenco its re­ manontly located ut 1220 Lexington S t." in tho Catholic calendar could not over­ spirit speaking to him.” This theory wan tilled with populous cities engaged formatory labors again; but tho worthy Criticised Anthony Coinstoek. come any of the forces of nature; that was confirmed by tho guide of Mar­ M rs. M . A. Clayton writes from Al­ In the arts of peace. The ruins remain­ Jesuit will bo in his glory then. Auspi­ bany, N. Y.: " Miss Lizzie Emor, of A telegram from Milwaukee oxposes fishbones entangled in tho fissures of guerite St. Oincr. who declared that the ing of her cities and impregnable for­ cious day, indeed, wheu intelligence Portsmouth, N. H., is the speuker for tho throat cannot be removed by faith invisibles are constantly influencing the one of the momentous frauds of modern shall give place to ignorance, when our Spiritual zMlianco this month. She tresses, show the greatness of these peo­ alone; that the curutivo powers of relics sick tocome and be healed by the heal­ times. Under u late date it says: superstition directs the Car of Slate, lectured lust Sunday to fine audiences, ple; while their learning, literature and nre tools of priests (o enslave the people, ing forces thrown from the spirit sido of "C. N. Caspar, the antiquarian book­ when scientific knowledge shall be sup­ and gave entire satisfaction. Her advancement in the arts, reflected on Eu­ and rob them of their wealth; that can life. Our correspondent gives au Inci­ store man, charged with sending ob­ pressed in the Interests of the ohurcli. method of giving tests is quite novel, dies In the form of a cross are inert sub­ dent where the same medium sent a rope, Burvlve to our times. Indeed, we scene literature through tho mails, unlike the ordinary— and one comes cn stances; and that special prayers are prescription to a child she had never uro indebted to them for the preservation went before Judge Jenkins, of tho Fed­ rapiHtrt with the medium and our spirit Special methods to rob the credulous. A Religious Piirtliiun-ut. seen, who had been given up by the doc­ of whatever remains to us of ancient eral Court, and pleaded guilty. His friends with a naturalness which is very In that telegram ulono we huve tho tors. Tho girl was healed, and tho learning. With thu Iconoclastic spirit attorney a iked for clemency on the It Is proposed to hold a congress of all pleasing and satisfactory. Shu is a wo­ notice for establishing pnroclilul schools, father, who had been a bitter opponent in which the libraries of the world wero ground that Caspar had sold tho goods man of culture and refinement, and where the catechism and the nuincs of Christian denominations in this city of Spiritualism, became thereafter an destroyed by Christians, It is questiona­ only under the most strict inspection of sal ills and their wondrous doings play during the W orld’s Exposition. It is to ardent supporter of the faith delivered highly spiritual, and wc congratulate ble If anything would have survived but the charuotor of his customers and with­ ourselves as being highly favored in se­ an important part In education. to those wlioare wise enough to perceive. the indestructible monuments, hud It not out the knowledge of his clerks—every embrace ull shades of religious thought; W. Swandell writes: "As I have seen curing her services for the present been for thu preservative 1 hands of Jews precaution having been taken to pre­ the ol>ject,toudvunco tho common cause. nothing lately regarding Mount Pleasant month. We have local talent, which and Mohammedans. Ingenious and In­ vent the works falling Into tho hands of To all who contemplate attendance uikmi A Genuine Haunted House. Camp Ground, wnlcli is located at Ches­ at limes we find convenient to utilise; ventive, they originated much that hits the young—and that he was ignorant of this great collection of churchmen, we terfield, iud., and thinking thut soino of also u llnu and well-disciplined choir, been universally adopted. To them wo the enormity of his offense before the T o t h e E d i t o r :—O n Monday of tho commend a careful perusal of Volney’s your many readers would Uko to know which adds so much in making our arc Indebted (or thu llrst manufacture of law. Tho ease was brought upon the present week, I visited the residence of "Rulus." Tho loarnod author gives a now the work of improvement is pro­ meetings tho success they a»v." paper, which made the printing press evidence of Anthony Comstock, who, Christian Smoker, near Borllnton, Mur- gressing, I would say that there havo possible. And from them euinugunpow­ under an assumed name, and from a xhnll Co., an Ornish farmer whoso house vivid picture of u general assembly of Mrs. Geo. W. Sherwood, of Duluth, boon many changes since the meeting Minn., writes: “ Although i am notun der. Astronomy, philosophy and math­ small village in Vermont, had hoen ami promises lmvo been tho scone of mitlons, convened to harmonize all nhle to Induce the defendant to mall cloned last summer, by clearing up, set­ active member of the Spiritual Society ematics received their greatest Impetus somo very remnrkublopsychic manifesta­ creeds. It Is certainly u realistic presen­ >t from these Moors. And It was they, In him somu of thu objectionable matter. tions, covering a period of some four ting out overgreens and younj», native in this ally, nevertheless 1 take a deep tation of w hat will occur if tho Chicago forest lives, marking tho lines of Interest In Its welfare, and I can truly Q their Arabian homes, In search for the Judge Jenkins not only exercised execu­ months. It begun by ghostly apparitions r< elixir of life, and for the philosopher's tive clemency, but. took occasion to se­ rcMcntthg themselves to the two chll- convention shall materialize. There the stroots, ami platting and staking lota. say thut I appreciate the action of the presiding genius closed with: Improvement in the way of building is Society in employing as a speaker for it stone, who paved the way for modern verely criticise Comstock. Before Im­ run, a l>oy of fourteen and a girl of h chemistry. W hile Christian Europe was posing the lightest fine possible, which twolvo, anil asking in a plain, natural “ O, nations, let us banish ull tyranny going to commence in u few days, on thu month or January the talented Mrs. Colby Luther's two-story cottage. young medium, Oscar H. Edgorly. I 3 sunk in mcdia-val barbarism, and the was promptly paid, the Judge said: voice for something to oat, Those spirits und all discord: let us form one society, O "There are some offenses worse than We arc looking forward to the coming feel It u pleasure as well as u duty, not feudal lords and their elansmuu sallied Swore somotlmus accompanied by an un- one great family; and. >inee human nii- ¡1 meeting with great expectations, and only to the gifted medium, but to tho from thelrcostles for plunder and women, the circulation ot obsceno literature. 1 iiml somewhat resembling u eat, but turo has but one constitution, let there ir have reason to believe it will be a grand public In general, to write and let you leaving desolation and death in their One of them Is the practice of fruud and very much larger. Somo two hundred bo one law, that uf nature—hut one code, f success. W ith beautiful grounds, com­ path, ¿neue Moors were laving tho foun­ lying, of which Anthony Comstock lias cans of fruit stored In the collar have that of reason—bu' one throne, that of know how well pleased wo are with tho :ri dations of our present civilization. apparently boon guilty. Mr. Comitook from time to time been opened, and after justice—but ouo altar, that of union." modious buildings, und such noble, gen work of his guides. He is without doubt emus souls a.» Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wes- VC The city of Gramulu, the capital, was nmy be able to reconcile his conduct a portion has been removed, tho balance All applauded. Ten thousand bene­ one of tho best trance speakers now on .“Ol with the laws of God and of humanity, terfiold and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bronncn- the platform, and a circle medium he situated on two hills und intervening has been left to spoil. This occurred dictions announced thu transports of the a» n t valley. A fortress crowned one hill, und but this court cannot do so." lost the samo when tho collar was care­ borg at tho holm, there is no such thing is surpassed by none with whom it bo* ini the palace of Alhambra tho other, niag- fully locked and tho key bidden. A cup­ multitude. They made the earth re­ as fall. There are quite a numt>er antic­ been mv privilege to meet, i feel he is nltlcunt in size and architecture, with The Popular Science Monthly. board In the kitchen wiwoutund bucked echo, " Justlco, Equality, Union!" ipating erecting cottages on the camp destined to do a great work In the musical fountains, perfumed gardens, Tho author continues: grounds this season. To those I would c a u s e .” Dr. Andrew 1). White will open the up badly, the knobs sawed off and pulled gay and gorgeously-dressed attendants, out, and all sorts of uauurs cut up with “ Different emotions soon succeeded; respectfully snv that if they will send M arch Popular Science Monthly w ith a H. A. M cGlndlcy,holding tho resiKin»- « blüh made tho whole an elystum. Ev­ various article» about the house, being soon the doctors und the chiefs of na­ ttivlr s|tocificatlons and drawings, 1 w ill ¡hie position of Grand Secretary of lb" chapter on Astronomy In Ills W arfare ery part of the city was fllled with lofty piled up In a promiscuous heap us fast ns tions, exciting h spirit of dispute, there give them tho lowest estimate of cost of National Connell of the K nights and L*' sit uctures and graceful colonnades. The of Science series. The strenuous exer­ they could be ro-arrungod by the fumily. was heard n sullen murmur, which grow­ their building. I wish your grand, noble dies of the Orient, a fraternal and pstn* paper a greater success in the future plain was luxurious with vineyards, etl- tions mndu by both the Catholic and tho One of thu apparitions which has occa­ ing louder und spreading from group to otic order, has boon doing some than It lion had in tho post.” i n i and orange groves that ever blos­ Protestant clergy to suppress tho teach­ sionally made its appearance resembled group became u vast disorder; und each work for the cause of Spiritualism >n somed. The river through the valley ings of Copernicus anu Galileo tiro tel the usual form attributed to his Satanic nation, setting up exclusive pretensions, 1. N. Richardson, Secretary, writes: Chicago. Ho has Just tluUhcd an ' flowed in u thousand artificial channels, Majesty, and the chains could be dis­ forth in this urticle with such strong claimed a preforance for Its own code "Tho Secretary of tho First Society gageiucnt of live weeks for the Natlo to water thu verdure. Mountain peaks evidence as Vo admit of no denial or tinctly beard clunking as ho moved and opinion.” State Spiritualists and Liberals, Def- covered with snow rose along the front­ shifllug of responsibility. Everybody about. Tho family have boon terribly Association of Spiritualists at ft-*5! " c Substitute tho word church w h e re phos, Kansas, would like to correspond Lake St., and will mako appointment iers of thu Mediterranean which washed should have that numlier. It will be annoyed by these performances anil with good, reliable test mediums, and their base. worth its weight In gold. Terms, single greatly desire a cessation of tho samo, it appears, then follow tho author to to lecture at any point lu ulso speakers, for securing servioo of And tho people: When Ferdinand n u m b er, 6 0 cunts; »a per year. Address, but are |)owurless to effect u discontin­ the conclusion, and tho reader has »he ana, or Mlchigun. Ho can bo addi same for tho coming camp meeting In and Isabella demanded tribute from D Appleton A Co., 5 Bond St., New uance. DR. A. Q. B r o w n . outcome of the proposed Chicago assem­ at 19 S. zVnn street, this city- Ho 1» 1 August. Also request the address of them, said their ruler: "Tell your sov- i Y o rk . Plynvtulh, lad. b lag e. ardent worker In the cause of Spirit1 Mr*. Mott Knight." a lls m . FEBRUARY 20, 1802. THE PROGRESSIVE THINKER.

Bro.' T. .1. Cooke, VIco-I’rosUlont of enough for another week, go und thank HYPNOTIC INFLUENCES. P u s s e d to Splrit-Lffte. tbo Spiritualist Society at Indianapolis, God that you aro still out of hell." In (Plctt«o condemn your obituary notices so writes us of tho successful course of those old days they believed in the doe PSYGHIG PICTURINGS, Hint they will not exceed 10 lines, or tiiulr ectures juat concluded there by Mrs. trine: "He miserable Sunday. Don’t The I’eciilurlty ol'Tliolr A ction. publication inny be Indefinitely delayed.) fonnto B. Hugun-Jackson. They were walk out. Slav at homo. Go to uhuroh Henry B. Foulke Succeeds Passed to Spirit-life on Jan. 29th, Dr. T o T H E E d i t o r : - The Psychic Re­ lilt of powor ami unanswerable logic, if you go anywhere. Ho sad. W ear thi Mine. Blavatsky. Daniel W hite, at St. Louis, Mo., in his *id must result In much good to tho longest possible face. If there Isa beau- search Society, as published in No. 10(1, seventy-third year. Having been a pro­ huso. At the ond of the closing lecture tlful picture, don’t look at it. If there Is brought up tho subjeot of self-psychol­ nounced Spiritual 1st for the past fifty ilunanlmouH vote of thanks was tendered any music, don’t hour it. If there are ogy, by relating thut O. M. Kunsomo A PRECIPITATED PORTRAIT OF THE years, und being a fine physician, lie lmd unconsciously murdered Ills wife while hr by the largo audlonce present any flowers, don’t be tainted with their PROPHETESS OF THEOSOPHY GIVEN u largo circle of friends who will sadly asleep. Every neighborhood nearly W. H. Hays, of Minneapolis. Minn., perfume. Think of hell. Think about ml»» him. A true friend to the helpless bus its historic somnambulists, who get FOR HIS ESPECIAL BENEFIT—LETTERS nuls us a large list of subscribers and corpses, and shrouds, und epitaphs, und und deserving, u protector to the orpban, up in tiiulr sleep and proceed to per­ FROM TIIK MASTERS MYSTERIOUSLY rite s: " I l m i r a boon rending oecn- worms, und graves, aud tile worm that u kind und loving husband, he has reared onally a stray copy of T he P r o g rk ss- never dies, improve your minds. And form most astonishing tilings: Such as RECEIVED ON HOARD SHIP—EXTRACTS passing dangerous places; suspending a monument In tip- affections and memo­ •e THINKER, and am more than pleased if there happens to be a fair in your FROM THEM DECLARE THAT THEOSO­ ries of those from whom ho has departed, 1th it. Its columns are rcplolu with neighborhood, esjieeially if it is a W orld’s themselves hanging to the eaves of high PHY’S TIME IS NEAR AT HAND —MR. buildings; performing house or farm that will outlast any made from stone or pW lor which Is not only interesting and Fair, don’t go near it Sunday." They FOULKE WILL DEVOTE IIIMSELF TO metal. Ho was a constant worker In tho 1 astruotlve. but calculated to lead us would say: “ Wlmi shall it profit a man work: solving Intricate problems; com­ pleting wonderful inventions, and carry­ T H E W ORK. pause lie mo earnestly espoused. The I nvvurd und upward In the search for to look upon the landscapes of a grout timeral took place from Ills late residence, artist; these beautiful, tender, pulliollo ing on an intelligent conversation, etc., To THE Editor:—I incloso a clipping iruth. May the angels help to speed on 2(102 Olive street. Mrs. Alva Orvls, of fhogood work." things? W hat shall it profit a man to w h ich is beyond the courage o r p o w er from a Philadelphia...... paper, paper, which, If to perforin in waking hours. true, shows that on the plane of phenom­ Chicago, delivered the discourse at * Dr. Lyman, who gave us an aide essay soo the work of Rembrandt, that Shalt the house, which was very pathetic in­ Not ton blocks from my home there enal display, Theosophlsts are a little >n “ Tho Essenoa,” writes: “ Tho article spouro of painting? VVhut shall it profit d e e d . resides a well-known young lady, who behind Spiritualists. it is nothing new 1 n ‘The Secret of tho Essones,’ was pub- a man to look upon the great marbles SCINTILLATIONS. goes from lior bed in sleep to shed in No. 115 of y o u r p ap er, w ith a of the world—that marble of Venus de nor extraordinary among the latter to the street ut night, barefoot) in her On Jan. II, 1892, in Syracuse, N. Y., omarknblo freedom from typical errors, Milo, so perfect that it cannot bo marred havo pictures precipitated by tho invis­ nightgown only, und like a ghost hails Mrs. Ann M. Carter passed to the better lul please tind the true name of the Sparks from Col. Ingersoll. even by mutilation.—the grandest trib ibles for good psychics or mediums, it and converses with any acquaintance life to join her husband and son. She /erman writer mentioned in tho llrst uto that genius 1ms over paid to wotnun Ib true that Spiritualists huve grand passing. I have a friend who. a few had been for many years an ardent Spir­ laragraph of column five of the essay wliut shall it profit u man to gaze upon truths in their keeping. Tho ramo thing WOMAN TIIK EQUAL OF MAN. nights since, while asleep, cried out: itualist, and for her tho change hold no 11 The name in full was A. .1. Gfroeror. those works of genius? W hat shall it is also true of Theosophists. W hy will Now, my friends, it seems to me that “ Heave het-up; boys!" at tho same in- terror«, after 78 years in this world. Sho I'he name for English readers can be profit a man to have ills family carried they quarrel over mere m atters of belief? the woman’ is the equal of tho man. She Htunt he seized his wife und (lashed her was well prepared for the new life. Out J, ironounced as If written l'rehrer, omit aloft by all this beauty, to see all those Is It not better, if iny neighbor says to lias all the rights that I have aud one to tho floor with great force. He of our circle of ten members she is the f .lug the G. He was a professor, of things und then lose his own soul? Do you ino: “I don't believe that,” to simply more, and that is tho right to be pro­ dreamed he was moving a ponderous fifth to pass over the river. We grieve I Stuttgart, In Germany, ana published a think that God can calmly con template reply: “Well, you don’t have to," than tected. That’s my doctrine. You are ii workingmuu enjoying himself Sundays? w e ig h t. to insist that the clouds arc either deeply, but yet rejoice, for every one ! w ork in 1S.TS, In seven octavo volumes, married: try to make tho woman you Not long since I dreamed of defend­ | e n title d Vrcfinstcnlhuni, |or, primitive I tell you no. Let him stay at home in a clephunts or camels, as wc may Imagine went joyfully. E. S. love happy; try to make the man you ing a person against a vicious negro at the time. Their quarrel seems so like . Christlanitv), which is a perfect com­ tenement house or let him go to church. love happy, whoever marries simply Let him there lourn that his chances arc selzod my wlfcund aimed a terrible blow that of two children, the one saying, pendium of Jewish theology, as it took From Mesopotamia, Ohio, on the for himself will make a mistake: but ninety-nine in u hundred of faring worse at her head. She escuped Injury only “ ’tis," the other, “ ’taint." If these two shape in the .TOO years preceding the morning of Jan. 31, 1892. Mrs. Olive S. whoever loves a vvomun so well that he in the next world than he has in this." by tile intervention of the bedding. wings of spiritual work will cease wast­ preaching of Jesus, and is the main Wilcox, wife of Joseph E. Wilcox and says, “I will make her happy,” makes Call that recreation! Her cries awoke mo in the act of repeat ing their strength in useless wranglings source of Christian theology, except in daughter of James and Eliza Lepper, no mistake, and so with the woman who ing tlio charge with clenched fist, and a on points of doctrine, and each labor to its doctrines about Jesus. The work was THE WORLD’S FAIR. gassed to the higher life, aged 47 years. says, ‘I will make him happy.” There savage hold on her person. cultivate In harmony and courtesy the largely used by Alger in his most In this city wo uro going to havo tho She and her husband were life-long is only one way to bo happy, and that Psychic research societies are always fields they have severally pre-empted, elaborate work on tho * History of tho greatest fuir over wltuuBcd by mortal Spiritualists, and during her long suffer­ Is to make somebody else so: und you giving us phenomena, but seldom an man will become better and better for Doctrine of Immortality,’ u very valua­ men. A fair worthy of Chicago—that is ing with dropsy, carried out those can’t be happy cross lots: you have got unbiu.-cd logical deduction or opinion their efforts. The following is the arti­ ble work on the history of opinion on to go the regular turnpike road. saying enough; a fair that will represent tho plain man can comprehend. Such principles and found comfort in them that subjeot. though Alger had no eye no’l only your progressive spirit, your cle mentioned: If there is any man 1 detest, it is tho societies have generally fallen back be­ “After forty years of study in the and the ministrations of the angels. La witness for the facts touching spiritual great attainments, but there is to bo a grippe at last set in and four days man who thinks he is the head of the hind diplomas, and declared that these realms of occultism, J. R. Perry, of phenomena occurring all about lilm and | fnmily—the man who thinks he is the air here worthy of tho great Republic. things uro the result of a disordered W ilksbarre, witnessed a climax of won­ finished the work. On the morning of right under his nose. Gfroeror s work “boss.” ¡That fellow in thedugout used And I want that fair open to every human F eb . 1 her brother, Edwin J. Lepper, brain, and that such, or any other derful phenomena during a visit to this has never been translated. But Chris- that word “boss:” that was one of his being that comes. I waul it open every aged 33 years, succumbed to la grippe spirit manifestation, are either mind city within the last fortnight. Mr. Perry tlanity, in its original form, can never favorite expressions: that he was “boss.” day in the week. 1 want it open Stinduy. and joined his sister in the journey to reading, hypnotism or psychic force; relates what is known among Theoso- be understood if Jewish opinion at 'he imagine ayoung man and ayoung woniun have no objection to everybody going the home beyond. Both funerals were but they don't seem to make it plain piiists, that not long before her death coming of Jesus be not llrst eotnpre-1 courting, walking oUt in the moonlight to church who wishes to. but I do not attended in one on Feb. 2. The father what either is. I think this one, how­ Mme. Blavatsky appointed as her suc­ wish them to go to church for the same and mother, quite aged, were not able bended.” ^ and the nightingale singing a song of ever, struck a keynote in the right cessor in tlie work of which she had so reason that the man had who went home lo be present; but both find consola­ A letter from J. H. Lohmeyer, Score- pain aud love, as though the thorn chord. It starts with the proposition long been the acknowledged head, Henry about 4 o’clock in the morning. His wife tion in the knowledge that Spiritualism ary of the First Church of Spiritualists, touched her heart—imagine them stop- that wc are spirits, embodied in flesh: B. Foulke, of Philadelphia. Mr. Foulke said to hint: “John, what makes you brings them. Services wero conducted )t f’ituburg. Pa., informs us of the close ping there in the moonlight aud starlight that the spirit or soul within it is the for many years has been a student of the 0 come home this time of night?” Ho bv Yours fraternally, if a most successful engagement of Mrs. and song and saying: “Now here, let’s propelling, willing or psychic force. Tito osophy and a traveler in Europe and ays: “Mary, to be honest with you M y r a F. P a i n e . Carrie E. D. Twing, of Westfield, N. settle who’s ‘boss! ’ ” 1 tell you it is an real man which moves us about, even in luuiu in search of the knowledge of Houses crowded to overflowing, and j infamous word aud an infamous feeling— every other place is shut up.” I want our waking hours, sometimes landing every man to enjoy himself in the best occult truths. Mine. Blavatsky prom t general satisfaction with the truths a man who is “boss," and who is going against our design on some unexpected Passed to Spirit-life from No. 152 way he can without interfering witli the ised him the approval aud guidance of i infolded through the Inspiration of this to govern in his family, and when he spot, or causes us to perforin things we the mysterious powers who had directed Transil St., Lockport, N. Y., Jan. 1, lifted woman, have marked her work, speaks let all the rest of them be still, enjoyment of his neighbor. If Mr. Smith least expected to do. 1892, Mrs. Marlon W right. She «’as wants to go to hear Mr. Brown preach, her own work on earth, assuring him tnd that of Iehabod, her control, some mighty idea is about to be launched The very logical conclusion is that born in Alexander, Genesee county, N. what harm is it if Junes at the same time also of her own personal eo-operation through the whole time. She leaves from his mouth—do you know I hate this same force may control the body from tho unseen realms. Mr. Foulke. as Y ., F e b . 8 , 1814. Of a family of six sis­ behind her many warm friends, UDd the this man unspeakably:’ aud a cross man is looking at some glorious work of art? und direct its action all the more forci­ ters and four brothers, one sister, Mrs. How does it hurt Brown? I say thatany the condition of his acceptance of this kindest wishes for continued prosperity 1 hate above all things. W hat right has bly while in that most passive condition appointment, required unquestionable M artha Weld, of Lockport. N. Y.. and n her labors for the uplifting of hu- he to murder the sunshine of the day? man who says that another shall not visit of sound sleep. Sleep, 1 presume to de one brother, Dr. W. H. Nelson, of Mar­ such a place Sunday is simply a mon manifestations of the power of Mine. Bla- ,Qanity. W hat right has he to assussinute the joy olare, is a hypnotic operation performed shall, Mich., still remain in the earth ument of impudence. He lives 2 0 0 y e a rs vatsky to fulfill her promises. He re­ We are in receipt of a long communi- of life? When you go home you ought by nature. She sometimes silences in form. Her body was taken to Hartland, after he should have been dead. He quested that her master should precip­ lion from Vicksburg, Mich., in defense ifefto feel the light there is in ....the , house: sweet repose both the mind and body itate her portrait upon canvas, indicating N. Y., and buried near the graves of tier jiff Harry Archer. Wo have given all if it is in the night it will burst out of should go back to tho days of the Inqui What a boon to health! The living parents. She was a sprightly, active sition. Now, another thing: It Is just also his own propinquity, after the man /tides a bearing. Mr. Archer has been the doors and windows and illuminate spirit within sets to work to cleanse the ner which Theosophists claim often to old lady, and an earnest, consistent tjully sustained by his friends in the col­ the darkness. It is just as well to go as bad to go to the Fair Sunday as to body and bring it forth fresh and new Spiritualist. want to go: See? Because if you are have witnessed. In the parlors of Mme. im n» of T h e P r o g r e s s iv e T h in k e r . home a ray of sunshine as an old, sour, in the morning, lightening our burdens Eugenie Best, the Philadelphia psychic, Vny additional testimony would be but cross curmudgeon, who thinks he is the imprisoned at home and think entirely aud brightening our hopes. But does it From the residence of his son. A A. about the Fair, how does that help the through whose occult powers many pict 1 multiplying of words without effect on heud of the family. Wise men think appear that our spirit within does any ures of the departed are said to have Pond, Norwalk. Ohio, Jan. 25, Paul lltn L\ic nr.^ont tin» uiurnmont iu ItPItins hlLVP hppfl 111 M till*- Lord? There is no day too good to be Jim. Per the present tho argument is their mighty brains have been in a tur of this? Why not? If the mind, or our been made, Mr. Perry declares that he Pond, in the 85th year of his age. He flosed, and the case submitted to the moil; they have been thinking about happy. There is no day too good for volition, can move the body about in was one of the pioneers in Northern enjoyment. Yet when I was a boy most witnessed the fulfillment of Mr. Foulke’s wry of Intelligent American citizens who will be alderman from the Fifth sleep, it can as easily keep it quiet, and demands. Several canvases had been Ohio, and was always an active, ener­ yho attend his seances. Ward: they have been thinking about people thought Sunday was too good for proceed to cleanse it from impurities. getic citizen, constantly holding some a child: aud when every thin «1 else looked for some time prepared and waiting for politics: greatand mighty questions have The above instances, to me, are merely public office, and doing all he could for ! Wo have an interesting account of Mr. out, when the fleecy clouds floated in the tho desired precipitation, but without Alley’s mediuraship fromColoma, Mich. been engaging their minds: they have an exhibition of psychic force, without the public weal. His honesty of doubt sky, and when, maybe, some bird sitting result. When Mr. Perry entered Mme. 3ro. Shimer, our informant, visited at bought calico at eight cents or six, and regard to physical results. It is simply kept him out of the church, yet that did on a blossoming tree was singing and Best's parlors she showed him three can­ dr. R.’s residence. The cabinet used want to soil it for seven. Think of the giving expression to spirit by moving not seem to react against his*popularity. the songs of joy were tangled in its tiny vases which had nothing on them. He ras simply a bedroom with a curtain intellectual strain that must have been the sleeping body to perform acts which For the past thirty years he has been a throat, some Little child would bo leaning placed them on a chair with the face upon a man. and when he gets home have at some time in past life left an en­ Spiritualist, and demonstrated that it Irawn across tho door. The slate-writ- against a tree, and was supposed to be side to the wall. The canvases were put |ng was very pronounced and convincing. everybody else in the house during impression: and like the seed in was not only good enough to live by, but thinking about the worm that never in a partially curtained yet clearly 'Tine full forms appeared and made must look out for bis comfort. the ground, only awaits the proper con to die by. The remains were taken to d ie d . lighted part of the room, where every themselves known. Some of them in A woman who has only taken care of five ditions for expression. Hypnotic con­ article of furniture could be distinctly his old home in Rochester, Ohio, where full light and others with it lowered. or six children, and one or two of them ditions do not always depend on seen. Soon there was a smell of paint. a large number of his friends and neigh­ |A number of Mr. Shimer’s friends and may be sick, has been nursing them and Commemoration of a M other’s psychic operation. How many times Madame observed that the forces were bors assembled in the Baptist Church, Irelatives made themselves perfectly singiDgtothem. and taking care of them, ether, laughin;r-gas, opiates or whiskey and after the discourse by Hudson B irthday to Spirit-Lite. at work, and after waiting in silence for recognizable. Levitations of body ana aQd trying to make one yard of cloth do are used to silence the spirit that the perhaps five minutes Mr. Perry exam­ Tuttle the remains were reverently furniture were accomplished, but these I work of two—she, of course, is fresh body may be healed. My belief is that ined the canvases and upon one of them placed by- the side of those of the com­ Four years ago to-day, dear mother primary manifestations fade away before I aD^ line and ready to wait upon this great the will of the rnesmeriser sets aside the found a beautiful and correct portrait of panion of his youth, who was taken from Sara Schwab passed to Spirit-life at the the materialized forms in all their full­ gentleman—the head of the family. I will of the subject, and makes it the un­ Mme. Blavatsky. It was recognized by him a score of years ago. The closing ripe age of 80 years. Owing to an inher­ ness and strength. We cannot refrain don't like him a bit! conscious servant of the operator. Psy­ Mrs. Kase, who had known her for services were very impressive. ited sound physical organization, and re­ from quoting a postscript of the letter: Do you know another thing? I despise chology is the control of the mentality t wenty years. During the time of the a stingy man. I don't see how it is pos­ markable activity, she maintained a " While there I was informed that a while we are conscious of what we do, supposed making of the portrait Mine. Wm. H. Meiser, Leipsic. Ohio, writes: mental brightness to the last hour of her short time beforesirhot persons visited sible for a man to die worth 850 000,000 without power to resist. Best had not once been within ten feet “ I wish to inform you of th e ‘death’of earth-career. Forseveral days previous Mr. Riley: after staying four days w ith o r $ 10.0 0 0 .0 0 0 in a city full of want, when lo illustrate: A lady goes to make a of the portrait, and it was impossible one of your subscribers and faithful to her demise she became debilitated, him they gave him the sum of one he meets almost every day the withered purchase of a calico dress: she leaves that she could have placed anything workers, Geo. W. Hoffman, of Leipsic, and fearing a near dissolution, I was dollar. The English language in ail hand of beggary and the white lips of with a silk one instead, with numerous upon it. The next morning, according Putnam county, Ohio. He passed from called to her bedside on Jan. 22,1888, at its copiousness fails of words to de­ fam in e. things of which she has a plenty at to Mr. Perry, while he, Mme. Best, and this sphere to tho higher life Jan. 31, 2 o ’clo c k a . M., when she addressed me scribe the abject meanness of such pe­ LITTLE CHILDREN AS SLAVES. home. She is vexed at herself, and de­ Mrs. Kase were looking at the portrait 1892, aged 70 years, 8 months and 23 as follows: nuriousness. All we can say is, in the Now, if women have been slaves, what clares she will never go there again. they saw in the upper left-hand corner of days. He leaves a wife, ten children, words of the old preacher, ‘ God bless shall we say of little children? The “ I have just been informed that at 12 The truth is, the smiling salesman has the background the gradual appearance and a host of friends to mourn his loss. their stingy souls.’” children are just one shade worse off o'clock to-day I have to leave you. To lossibly unconsciously psychologized of a face and head and finally a clean-cut He was loved and respected by all. He meet my loved ones in the other world is We have a long letter from Mrs.S. than the women. Most people have an ter. This is common with both men figure. ‘There was the white-robed was an active worker in the cause of a happy thought, und if it is true what S. Lutes, Aspen, Coi., giving a detailed idea about bringing up children, instead and women, but not universal. form of Mme. Blavatsky sitting,’ says T h e P r o g r e s s iv e T h i n k e r , w as co n ­ you have often pictured to me about the account of the growth in Spirit-life of of letting them grow. You furnish a This subject has many phases which Mr. Perry, ‘with an expression of quiet scious in his last moments, and passed to her daughter May. We wish we could climate in the house, and the children beauties of the next sphere of existence, bear upon the power of mind over mind repose upon her countenance and her Spirit-life without a struggle.” publish it in full, but we can only give a will grow beautiful: but you m ustfurnish I will promise to come back and tell you." as well as matter. Every person should marvelous, beautiful hands gracefully synopsis. The young lady passed to the climate. In your house must be the Precisely when the clock sounded the know of this law, and strive to be self­ folded. Upon the window sill sits a Charles T. Griffith, who passed to the Spint-iife about the middle of last Au­ climate of kindness, of honesty, of justice first stroke of 12 her spirit lied without reliant. The phenomenally successful Hindoo idol, an exact picture of ono be­ higher life from his residence in Danby, gust Before the body had been laid and generosity: and just as Ion» as that an apparent facial contortion, leaving a preacher, orator or business man pos­ longing to Mr. Foulke. which »-as taken Vt., on Jan. S, 1892, ivas born in Mount smile around her lips. This evening away, the bright freed spirit controlled climate exists those children will grow sesses it in a most striking degree. If by him to England some years ago aDd Tabor, Vt., May 7, 1826. He was a firm a medium, giving directions for her own free and fair and beautiful. I have pity my wife and myself attended a m aterial­ tho divine uses it from pure motives, loaned to the madame. Below the win­ believer in the beautiful philosophy of funeral. She desired light and white­ for the children—the children of the ization seance at Mrs. Moss's rooms. 200 his congregation seldom suffer from lost dow are shelves containing books with Spiritualism, and derived great benefit, ness In all the emblems and surround- poor, the children of tho rich, the chil­ Scoville avenue. Both of us had been virtue. Mothers, teach your daughters the initials I. U. and S. D.. no doubt in­ as well as pleasure, from T h e P r o ­ I ings. She had been taken to Denver in dren of the gutter and of the palace, the entire strangers to the medium: we even to rely upon no power save that from tended to refer to tho volumes she has g r e s s iv e T h i n k e r . He was a man of an effort to restore her failing health. children of the criminal clashes—and the had no introduction before tho seance tbo great All-Father directing the in­ written—“Isisl'nveiled"aiid “SecretDoc­ unusual kindness of heart, and leaves a \After being freed from the earthly tene- still more criminal classes. I have sym­ commenced. About twenty persona ward consciousness. Wo must first trine.” Thus had the request of the large circle of friends, besides a wife Imvnt. she soon, in the invisible, found pathy with them all, because they have were present, and nearly every one per­ strive to comprehend the mental or chosen one been literally compiled with and two sisters, to mourn his loss. By }her way to Aspen, aud has been in con­ no liberty. If you want your children to ceived and recognized m aterialized spirit spirit forces controlling this lifo before under such conditions thatnoouocan ac­ his express wish, his brother-in-law. stant communication with her friends tell the truth, you must stop lying to visitors. Finally the medium's control we can truly understand their relation, cuse Mr. Foulke of any complicity or du­ Rev. R. T. Sawyer, D. D., of Newton- there ever since, and has even had them. Over in Michigan I heard a story called me to the curtain to give strength even in a small degree, to a future con­ plicity in its production, as he was not ville, Mass., attended the funeral and power to materialize partially. about a little boy at Grand Rapids. His to a spirit who wished to put on a form sciousness. W. C. P, present and un utter stranger to myself gave an excellent discourse. for recognition. Responding cheerfully, Lyman C. Howe, after finishing a father and mother had often promised to Oakland, Cal. u n til 1 met him the following day after A . S . G r i f f i t h . I observed a materialized baud, about Successful engagement at Grand Rapids, take him out riding, but tliey always lie had been sent for to look at the mar­ evaded him. One day ho caught them two feet from tho floor, endeavoring to Help tlie Circulation. velous precipitation. In proof of Mine. Passed to Spirit-life from Springfield, Mich., went East. His permanent ad­ part the curtain. ( pushed it aside, dress is Fredonia, N. Y. just as they were driving away, and ho “ Mr. F.ditor," seems most too formal: Bluvatsky’s selection of Mr. Foulke for Mo., Jan. 2*. 1892, Edwin Henry Beam, said to the nurse who hud brought him look hold of a small, bony hand, which let me call you Brother Francis. We all tho »-ork which lie now fools himself aged <>2 years. Disease, la irnpj>e-pneu­ to the door: “There goes the two worst gradually rose higher until tho entire monia. He was a devoted and consistent Creative Energy Never Rests. should he brothers, and all must lie, ore fully accredited to undertake, it is de­ liars in Grand Rapids." 1 do not believe form became visible. To my astonish­ we see the millennial so much preached clared on good authority that he has loi­ Spiritualist, an intelligent, upright and children can be made honest through ment I at once recognized the small kind-hearted man. He was born in Penn­ Prof. David Swing, in his sermon at of. Sometimes i imagine that 1 ettn see ters from her own hand." In one of them fear. There is no reforming power in statue (about live feet high) of mother, sylvania, and of German parentage. He Dentral Music Hall, this city, on the 7th its " dawning.” Humanity grows dearer she says: ‘If you wish to go into this fear. You may scare a man so badly a toothless-looking face (while the me­ to me each day. llolug at a conference removed to this city from Kansas about Inst., ha« the ring of modern thought. work, come over to England and I will that he won't do a certain tiling, but I dium is a very stout lady, weighing about meeting of Spiritualists recently, and teach you all about the philosophy which a year ago. und has endeared himself to We make a brief extract from his pub­ 2 0 0 lbs.), and looking at uto sho ex- lished utterances: will take my oath you can't frighten him seeing the " free-for-all " spirit that per­ you do not kno»- at present. Then you many friends during bis brief residence to that degree that he won’t want to do cluimcd in the German language and pe­ v ad ed , 1 wus reminded of T h e P r o - here. A wife remains, with whom he The old notion that God mode cre­ will he prepared to lake a leading plauo it, and as long as he wants to there is culiar dialect: “ W here Ts Eva?" ask­ passed twenty-two years. Tlie compan­ ation in six days, as we measure time, oitE SStvE T h i n k e r . Variety is pleas­ among tho Theosophists of tho whole no reformation. Tnere Is no reforming ing tuy wife to come, who also recognized ion of his earlier years, and their three must be abandoned. God had no need tu ing; all nature admires it. livery week world.’ in another letter sho writes: power in brutality. Children will grow her mother’s natural features. The ma­ h e r o g r e s s iv e h i n k e r children, who |»assed on before, have work as a common laborer on the eight- coraoa T P T ‘W hatever happens I will sustain you only in tho elltnato of kindness, in the terialized form embraced und kissed us with its cheery face, fresh with tho llush welcomed him to thoir bright spirit- hour plan. It is a misfortune of our race before God and inun, as I always did.' climate of goodness. Give them a chance both, und wo sobbing for jov, mother of some new thought. We hardly ox- home. His genial face will tie missed at that mao seeks to believe the Creator os Henry B. Foulke hud already given up to he honest. If your child tells alio, said in a whispering tone: “Oh! what a erclao patience in tearing off tho wrapper our hall, but his spiritual presence will sometliing like the created. It Is a nar­ his large real estate business in W alnut tell him you have told lots of them, and glory to be again united and not dead. wo eager are wo to see some now mind no doubt ho felt. He reported himself row view that pictures God as a being street in order to follow what ho felt to you have found out it is a bud policy. May God bless you, tny dear children." photographed on it» pages. 1 ru n m y bo higher alms of lifo in the pursuit aud present at a circle on tho day of his tran­ like a man. The prophets of old who Don't pretend to be u saint, because utter Finishing the sentence, the form do-ma­ oyo hastily over its inunv columns, re­ sition. Funeral servicesby tlie under­ urged their people to cry out for God—as dissemination of occult knowledge. Ho a while your child will see through your terialized slowly, und I still holding tile sembling a well-spread table; then sig n e d . J a m e s M a d io n A l l e n . if God were asleep—are liko suing mod­ now iHilieves that ho lias tho backing of robes. Is.-t us lie perfectly free and frank small, bony lingers until they were slip­ begins the feast. While reading the ern Christians who hunt for God as if He the musters who stood above Mmo. ula- with each other. Toll your boy: "You ping out of my hand. last one till» thought occurred to mo: vatskv in her work. To confirm him in were in some one place. It is difficult to A nother of our |>atriarchs passed on to have never done anything worse titan 1 Cheerfully 1 herewith report these (Call it a query or scheme!) W hat would this belief ho lias received what ho ixincclvo of a spirit without giving It a havo done, and probably never will." facts, witnessed by about twenty respect­ bo tho result If every one who sends an tlie land of realities, Major Henry Link, material association or a material cover- doubts not are precipitated letters from When your child commits a wrong take able and Intelligent persons, and would arttolo for publication would enclose tho masters themselves. Some of these a g e d 841 years. Ho was one of the oldest og. If wo could do so, und understand It in your arms, lot it feel your heart beat like to predict thut the lime will cumo with it tho nuiuo of one or more now ho received while on board ship ut sea, and most highly esteemed residents of •plrlt in its high, pure form, then wo against its heart, and let the child know when my Jewish co-rollglonlsts will subscribers? I think you had liotUir some when alone in his room in tnis city, :ould comprehend God. Little Falls, N. Y. As a lawyer he was that you reully, and truly, and sincerely transform “ .luhrzolt" into a feast of joy, answer tlilw question yourself. Most of in one of these is written: ‘My dear “The six duys of creation mentioned painstaking and conscientious, ami had love it. Cleveland, O. Lew is J. Kohn ’ tho thirteen week's subscribers will con­ child: Wo hitveguurdod thee and watched n Genesis are eternity. The world is llio reputation of being one of the best- DIFFERENT VIEWS OF SUNDAY. tinue tlie paper. Some of thorn, at least, over tlioo through all tho ages and jolng made now. It is still under tho read lawyers in this section. Ho was a In the old limes Bunduy was too good will become so attached to it that they guided thee through all tho hitter ox- ■are of the mind from which It came." Mrs. Dr. l’arkor writes: "ThoSpIrlt- won’t know how to keep house without perlonuos of thy life. Me hopeful. Soon man of firm conviction», ever ready to a day for a child to bo happy in. That is uul work is going on hero In Kansas City. Cheap Divorce. what the gentleman in tbo dugout it, W . F'■* W lIll'NALL. tho time is coming when all will bo well. givo his opinions, but never pressed Ills Now comes a telegram from Saginaw, thought. He said: “You ought on Sun­ Mrs. Orvls hits commenced another Out of all the world thou hast boon chosen ideas upon othors. He hud boon a do- ilch., that Joseph Brooks, In Spaulding day to give your entire mint! to the good­ month's engagement, and every one is It W as Volnoy. to do (Ills work. The time will soou bo cldod Spiritualist over forty years. He ripe for thy mission."’ township, sold Ills wife for fifty cents, ness of God in so arranging matters that glad lo see her back again. Wo have Supposed by many to bo original with was a groat reader, a deep thinker, a nearly everybody Is to be eternally I ’. PIIF.LON, M . D forty of which wore paid down, by a been asked many questions by friends Col. Ingursoli) hut It Is Volnoy, over one profound reasoner, and was thoroughly farmer near by. Possession was given damned. You ought to go and hear a regarding tho Mugi, und 1 am glud to at once, und tho low-priced wotnun Is sermon of tbut kind preached, and call It hundred years ago, who wrote: read In Spiritual philosophy, and |iasscd have tho papor to present to thorn, us it now living with her new husband. recreation. If you work all the week In “ It is not God who hath made man, Tlie Spiritual Christian Association, to the oilier side in full faith of it» real­ Cheap divorce, cheap marriage. All the dust and the beat, and wish to bo answers all thoy want to know. Wo uro but man who hath made God after his of Winfield, Kansas, meets every Sunday ism, and u happy reunion with those p a rti> h were probably cheated. built up so that you shall bo strong doing very well indeed." own imago.” Soo p. 67 of Kid ns. u t 2 P. M. gote before. C. FEBRUARY 20, 1892. THE PROGRESSIVE THINKER 5

Bro! T. J. Cooke, Vice-President of enough for another week, go and thank HYPNOTIC INFLUENCES. Passed to Spirit-Life. | the Spiritualist Society at Indianapolis God that you are still out of hell.” Iu (Please condense your otiltuary notices so [.writes us of the successful course of those old duys they believed in the doc­ PSYGHIG PICTURINGS. that they will not exceed 15 lines, or their U'ectures just concluded there by Mrs. trine: "Be miserable Sunday. Don't Tlie Poeiilarit.vot'Tlielr Actlou. publication may be Indefinitely delayed.) 1 Jennie B. Hugnn-Jackson. They were walk out. Stav at home. Go to church Henry B. Foulke Succeeds Passed to Spirit-life on Jun. 29th, Dr. ' ill of power and unanswerable" logic, if you go anywhere. Be sad. W ear the T o t h e E d i t o r :— The Psychic Re­ Mme. Blavatsky. Daniel W hite, at St. Louis, Mo., in hla od must result in much good to the longest possible face. If there is a beau­ search Society, as published in No. 100, seventy-third year. Having been a pro­ j msc. At the end of the closing lecture tiful picture, don't look at it. If there is brought up the suojeet of self-psychol­ nounced Spiritualist for the past fifty I unanimous vote of thanks was tendered any music, don't hear it. If there are ogy, by relating that O. M. Uansome A precipitated p o r t r a i t o f t h e years, and being a fine physician, he had ' j ?r by the large audience present. any flowers, don't be tainted with their unconsciously murdered his wife while p r o p h e t e s s o f t h e o s o p h y g i v e n a large circle of friends who will sadly I W. H. Hays, of Minneapolis, Minn., perfume. Think of hell. Think about asleep. Every neighborhood nearly FOR HIS ESPECIAL BENEFIT—LETTERS miss him. A true friend to the helpless corpses, and shrouds, and epitaphs, and has its historic somnambulists, who gel rods us a large list of subscribers and FROM THE MASTERS MYSTERIOUSLY and deserving, a protector to the orphan, rites: “ I hare been reading occa- worms, and graves, and the worm that up in their sleep and proceed to per­ a kind and loving husband, he has reared form most astonishing things: Such as RECEIVED ON BOARD SHIP—EXTRACTS onally a stray copy of T he P rogress- never dies. Improve your minds. And u monument in the affections and memo­ i’E TlitNKER.and am more than pleased if there happens to be a fair in your passing dangerous places; suspending FROM THEM DECLARE THAT THEOSO­ ries of those from whom ho has departed, Hth it. Its columns are replete with neighborhood, especially if it is a W orld's themselves bunging to tlie eaves of high PHY'S TIME IS NKAK AT HAND—MR. that will outlast any made from stone or rhatter which is not only interesting and Fair, don't go near it Sunday.” They buildings: !>erforrning house or farm FOULKE WILL DEVOTE HIMSELF TO inotal. He was a constant worker in tho work: solving Intricate problems: coro- 1 istructive, but calculated to lead us would say: "W hat shall it profit a man T H E W ORK. cause he so earnestly espoused. The I award and upward in the search for to look upon the landscapes of a great rioting wonderful inventions, and carry- funoral took place from his late residence, iruth. May the angels help to speed on artist; these beautiful, tender, pathetic ng on an intelligent conversation, ote., T o t h e E d i t o r :— I inclose a clipping 2902 Olive street. Mrs. Alva Orvis, of he good work “ things? W hat shall it profit a man to which Is beyond the courage or power from a Philadelphia paper, which, If Chicago, delivered the discourse at see tlie work of Rembrandt, that Shak- toiierform in waking hours. true, shows that on the plane of phenom­ the house, which wus very pathetic in­ ‘ Dr. Lyman, who gave us an able essay Not ten blocks from my home there enal display, Theosophists are a little •n "The Essenes," writes: "The article speare of painting? W hat shall it prolit r d e e d . a m an to look U|>on th e g ro u t m a rb le s resides a well-known young lady, who behind Spiritualists. It is nothing new n ‘The Secret of the Essenes,' was pub SCINTILLATIONS. goes from her bed in sleep to nor extraordinary among the latter to shed in No. 115 of y o u r p ap er, w ith of the world—that marble of Venus de Milo, so perfect thut It cannot bo m arred the street at night, barefoot, in her havo pictures precipitated by the invis­ On Jan. 11, 1892, in Syracuse, N. Y., emarkable freedom from typical errors, nightgown only, and like a ghost halls ibles for good psychics or mediums, it Mrs. Ann M. Carter passed to the better Sparks from Col. Ingersoll. even by mulilution.—the grandest trib­ iut please iind the true name of the and converses" with any acquaintance is true thut Spiritualists have grand life to join her husband and son. She lerman writer mentioned in the first ute that genius lias over paid to womau: what shull it profit a man to guzo upon passing. I have a friend who, a fow truths in their keeping. The same thing had been for many years an ardent Spir­ •aragraph of column five of the essay, WOMAN THE EQUAL OF MAN. nights since, while asleep, cried out: is also true of Theosophists. Why will itualist, and for her the change held no The name in full was A. J. Gfroerer. those works of genius? W hat shall it Now, my friends, it seems to me that profit a man toTiave his family carried " Heave her up; boys!” at the same in­ they quarrel over more m atters of belief? terrors, after 78 years in this world. Sho The name for English readers can be the woman is the equal of the man. She stant he seized Ills wife and dashed her Is it not better, if my neighbor says to was well prepared for the new life. Out ¡renounced as if written Frehrer, omit- aloft by all this beauty, to see all these has all the rights that I have und one tilings und then lose Ills own soul? Doyou to the Moor with great force. He me: "I don't believe that," to simply of our circle of ten members she is the the G. He was a professor, of more, and that is the right to be pro­ dreamed he was moving a ponderous reply: "W ell, you don't have to,” than fifth to pass over the river. We grieve | Stuttgart, in Germany, and published a think that God can calmly contemplate tected. That's my doctrine. You are it workingman enjoying himself Sundays? w e ig h t. to insist that the clouds are either deeply, but yet rejoice, for every one work in 1838, in seven octav o volum es, married: try to "make the woman you Not long since 1 dreamed of defend­ elephants or camels, os we may imagine went joyfully. E. S. f e n title d UrchrisUnthum, [or, primitive I tell you no. Let him stay at home in a love happy; try to make tho man you tenement house or let him go to church. ing u person aguinst a vicious negro. I at the time. Their quarrel seems so like Christianity], which is a perfect eom- love happy. Whoever marries simply seized my wife und uiincd a terrible blow that of two children, the one saying, Let him there learn thut Ills chances uro From Mesopotamia. Ohio, on the i pendium of Jewish theology, us it took for himself will make a mistake: but at her head. She escaped injury only " ’tls,” the other, " 'taint." if these two ninety-nine in a huudred of faring worse morning of Jan. 31, 1892, Mrs. O liveS. shape in the 300 years preceding the whoever loves a woman so well thut he by the Intervention of the bedding, wings of spiritual work will cease wast­ in tlie next world than ho has in this.” Wilcox, wife of Joseph E. Wilcox and preaching of Jesus, and is the main says, "I will make her happy,” makes tier cries awoke me in tho act of repeat­ ing their strength in useless wrunglings Call that recreation! daughter of James and Eliza Lepper, source of Christian theology, except in no*mistake, and so with the woman who ing the charge with clenched fist, and a on points of doctrine, and each labor to THE WORLD'S FAIR. ' passed to the higher life, aged 47 years. its doctrines about Jesus. The work was says, T will make him happy.” There savage hold on her person. cultivate in harmony and courtesy the In this city we are going to have the She and her husband were life-long largely used by Alger in his most is "only one way to be happy, and that Psychic research societies are always fields they huve severally pre-empteu, greatest fair ever wltuesed by mortal Spiritualists, and during her long suffer­ elaborate work on the “ History of the is to make somebody else so: and you giving us phenomena, but seldom an man will become better and belter for men. A fair worthy of Chicago—that Is ing with dropsy, carried out those Doctrine of Immortality,'a very valua­ can’t bo happy cross lots: you have got unbiased logical deduction or opinion their efforts. The following is the arti­ saying enough: a fair that will represent principles and found comfort in them ble work on the history of opinion on to go tho regular turnpike road. tho plain man can comprehend. Such cle mentioned: not only your progressive spirit, your and the ministrations of the angels. La that subject, though Alger had no eye­ If there is any man I detest, it is the societies have generally fallen back be­ “After forty years of study in the grout attainments, but there Is to be a grippe at lost set in and four days witness for the facts touching spiritual man who thinks he is the head of the hind diplomas, and declared thut these realms of occultism, J. R. Perry, of fair here worthy of the great Republic. finished the work. On the morning of phenomena occurring all about him and family—the man who thinks he is the things are the result of a disordered W ilksbarre, witnessed a climax of won­ And I w antthatfair open toovery human F ob. 1 her brother, Edwin J. Lepper, right under his nose. Gfroerer's work “boss.” ¡That fellow in the dugout used brain, and that such, or any other derful phenomena during u visit to this has never been translated. But Chris­ being that comes. I want it open every aged 33 years, succumbed to la grippe that word "boss:” that was one of his spirit manifestation, aro either mind­ city within the last fortnight. Mr. Perry day in the week. I want it open Sunday. and joined his sister in the journey to tianity, in its original form, can never favorite expressions: that he was "boss.” reading, hypnotism or psychic force; relates what is known among Theoso­ be understood if Jewish opinion at the 1 have no objection to everybody going the home beyond. Both funerals were Imagine ayoung man and ayoung woman but they don't seem to make it plain phists, that not long before her death coming of Jesus be not first compre­ to church who wishes to. but I do not attended in one on Feb. 2. The father courting, walking out in the moonlight what either is. I think this one, how­ Mine. Blavatsky appointed as her suc­ wish them to go to ohuroh for tho same and mother, quite aged, were not able h en d ed .” and the nightingale singing a song of ever, struck a keynote in the right cessor ia the work of which she had so reason thut tlie man had who wont home j to be present; but both find consola­ A letter from .1. H. Lohtneyer, Secre- pain and love, as though the thorn chord. It starts with the proposition long been the acknowledged head, Henry about 4 o’clock in the morning. His wife tion in the knowledge that Spiritualism •arv of the First Church of Spiritualists, touched her heart—imagine them sto|>- that we are spirits, embodied in tlesh: B. Foulke, of Philadelphia. Mr. Foulke said to him: "John, what makes you brings them. Services were couducted , >( Pittsburg, Pa., informs us of the close ping there in the moonlight aud starlight that the spirit or soul within it is the for many years has been a student of the­ come home this time of night?” He by Yours fraternally, )f a most successful engagement of Mrs. and song and saying: “Now here, let's propelling, willing or psychic force. Tho osophy and a traveler in Europe and says: "Mary, to be honest with you, M y r a F . P a i n e . pnrrlo E. D. Twing, of Westfield, N. settle who’s ‘boss! ’ " 1 tell you it is an real man which moves us about, even in Inuia in search of the knowledge of every other place Is shut up.” I want V. Houses crowded to overflowing, and infamous word and an infamous feeling— our waking hours, sometimes landing occult truths. Mine. Blavatsky prom­ every man to enjoy himself in the best i general satisfaction with the truths a man who is "boss," and who is going against our design on some unexpected ised him the approval and guidance of Passed to Spirit-life from S o. 152 way he eun without interfering with the ill nfolded " '' ' through ' the inspiration of this to govern in his family, and when he spot, or causes us to perform things wo the mysterious powers who had directed Transil St., Lockport, N. Y., Jan. I, enjoyment of his neighbor. If Mr. Smith lifted woman, have marked her work, speaks let all the rest of them he still, least expected to do. her own work on earth, ussuring him 1892, Mrs. Marion W right. She was wants to go to bear Mr. Brown preach, ind thut of Ichabod, her control, some mighty idea is about to be launched The very logical conclusion is that also of her own personal co-operation born in Alexander, Genesee county, N. what harm is it if Jones at the sumetiine through the whole time. She leaves from his mouth—do you know I hate this same "force may control the body from the unseen realms. Mr. Foulke. as ■ Y., Feb. 8 , 1814. Of a family of six sis­ behind her many warm friends, and the this man unspeukubly: and a cross man is looking at some glorious work of art? and direct its action all the more forci­ ters and four brothers, one sister, Mrs. How does it hurt Brown? I say that any the condition of his acceptance of this kindest wishes for continued prosperity I hate above all things. W hat right has bly while in that most passivo condition appointment, required unquestionable M artha Weld, of Lockport, N. Y.. and n her labors for the uplifting of hu­ he to murder the sunshine of the day? man who says that another shall not visit of sound sleep. Sleep, 1 presume to de­ one brother, Dr. W. H. Nelson, of Mar­ sucli a place Sunday is simply a mon­ manifestations of the power of Mme. Bla­ m anity. W hat right lias he to assassinate the joy clare, is a hypnotic operation performed vatsky to fulfill her promises. He re­ shall, Mich., still remain in the earth ument of impudence. He lives 200years ; We are in receipt of a long communi- of life? When you go home you ought by nature. She sometimes silences in quested that her master should precip­ form. Her body was taken to Hartland, after he should have been dead. He ion from Vicksburg, Mich., in defense to feel the light there is in the house: sweet repose both the mind and body. itate her portrait upon canvas, indicating N. Y., and buried near the graves of her if Harry Archer. We have given all if it is in the night it will burst out of should go back to the days of the Inqui­ What a boon to health! The living i parents. She was a sprightly, active sition. Now, another thing: It is just also his own propinquity, after the man­ ides a "hearing. Mr. Archer has been the doors and windows and illuminate spirit within seta to work to cleanse the ner which Theosophists claim often to | old lady, and an earnest, consistent as bad to go to the Fair Sunday as to * ally sustained by his friends in the col­ the darkness. It is just as well to go body and bring it forth fresh and new have witnessed. In the parlors of Mme. Spiritualist. u m ns of T he P rogressive T h in k e r . home a ray of sunshine as an old, sour, want to go: See? Because if you are in the morning, lightening our burdens imprisoned at home and think entirely Eugenie Best, the Philadelphia psychic, I knv additional testimony would be but cross curmudgeon, who thinks he is the aud brightening our hopes. But does it through whose occult powers many pict­ From the residence of his eon. A A. multiplying of words without effect on head of the family. Wise men think about the Fair, how does that help the appear that our spirit within does any Pond, Norwalk. Ohio, Jan. 25, Paul Lord? There is no day too good to be ures of the departed are said to nave i irn. For the present the argument is their mighty brains have been in a tur­ of this? Why not? If the mind, or our been made, Mr. Perry declares that he Pond, in the 85th year of his age. He 1 losed, and the case submitted to the moil; they have been thinking about happy. There is no day too good for volition, can move the body about in was one of the pioneers in Northern enjoyment. Yet when I was a boy most witnessed the fulfillment of Mr. Foulke's ury of intelligent American citizens who will l>e alderman from the Fifth sleep, it can as easily keep it quiet, and demands. Several canvases had been Ohio, and was always an active, ener­ jrho attend his seances. Ward: they have been thinking about people thought Sunday was too good for proceed to cleanse it from impurities. getic citizen, constantly holding some a child: and when everything else looked for some time prepared and waiting for M We have an interesting account of Mr. politics: greatand mighty questions have The above instances, to me, are merely public office, and doing all he could for out, when the fleecy clouds floated in the the desired precipitation, but without Riley’s mediumship fromColomn, Mich. been engaging their minds; they have an exhibition of psychic force, without the public weal. His honesty of d o u b t sky, and when, maybe, some bird sitting result. When Mr. Perry entered Mme. 8 ro. Shimer, our informaut. visited at bought calico at eight cents or six, and regard to physical results. It is simply Best's parlors she showed him three can­ kept him out of the church, yet that did want to sell it for seven. Think of the on a blossoming tree was singing and giving expression to spirit by moving not seem to react against his popularity. lr. R 's residence. The cabinet used the songs of joy were tangled in its tiny vases which had nothing on them. He as simply a bedroom with a curtain intellectual strain that must have been the sleeping body to perform acts which For the past thirty years he has been a throat, some little child would be leaning placed them on a chair with the face rawn across the door. The slate-writ­ upon a man. and when he gets home have at some time in past life left an en­ Spiritualist, and demonstrated that it against a tree, and was supposed to be side to the wall. The canvases were put ing was very pronounced and convincing. everybody else in the house during impression; and like the seed in was not only good enough to live by, but ! thinking about the worm that never in a partially curtained yet clearly Nine full forms appeared and made must look out for his comfort. the ground, only awaits the proper con­ to die by. The remains were taken to d ied . lighted part of the room, where every themselves known. Some of them in A woman who has only taken care of five ditions for expression. Hypnotic con­ article of furniture could be distinctly his old home in Rochester, Ohio, where full light and others with it lowered. or six children, and one or two of them ditions do not always depend on a seen. Soon there was a smell of paint. a large number of his friends and neigh­ A number of Mr. Shitner's friends and may be sick, has been nurslDg them and Commemoration of a M other’s psychic operation. How many times Madame observed that the forces were bors assembled in the Baptist Church, relatives made themselves perfectly singing to them, and taking care of them, ether, laughing-gas, opiates or whiskey and after the discourse by Hudson B irthday to Spirit-Life. at work, and after wailing in silence for recognizable. Levitations of body and and trying to make one yard of cloth do are used to silence the spirit that the perhaps five minutes Mr. Perry exam­ Tuttle the remains were "reverently furniture were accomplished, but these the work of two—she, of course, is fresh body may be healed. My belief is that ined the canvases and upon one of them placed by the side of those of the com­ primary manifestations fade away before and line and ready to wait upon this great Four years ago to-day, dear mother the will of the m esmeriser sets aside the found a beautiful and correct portrait of panion of his youth, who was taken from the materialized forms in all their full- gentleman—the head of the family. I Sara Schwab passed to Spirit-life at the will of the subject, and makes it the un­ Mme. Blavatsky. It was recognized by him a score of years ago. The closing and strength. We cannot refrain don't like him a bit! ripe age of 80 years. Owing to an inher­ conscious servant of the operator. Psy­ Mrs. Kase, who had known her for services were very impressive. from quoting a postscript of the letter: Do you know another thing? I despise ited sound physical organization, aud re- chology is tho control of the mentality twenty years. During the time of the While there I was informed that a a stingy man. I don't see how it is pos­ markuble activity, she maintained a while we are conscious of what we do, supposed making of the portrait Mme. W m. H. Meiser, Leipsic, Ohio, writes: short time before sixteen persons visited sible for a man to die worth 850 000,000 mental brightness to the last hour of her without power to resist. Best had not once been within ten feet “ I wish to inform you of the ‘death ’ of Mr. Riley: after staying four days w ith or 810.000,000 in a city full of want, when earth-career. Forseverai days previous lo illustrate: A lady goes to make a of the portrait, and it was impossible one of your subscribers and faithful him they gave him the sum of one he meets almost every day the withered to her demise she became debilitated, purchase of a calico dress: she leaves that she could have placed anything workers, Geo. W. Hoffman, of Leipsic, dollar. The English language in all hand of beggary and thè white lips of and fearing a near dissolution, I was with a silk one instead, with numerous upon it. The next morning, according Putnam county, Ohio. He passed from its copiousness fails of words to de­ fam ine. called to her bedside on Jan. 22, 1888, at things of which she has a plenty at to Mr. Perry, while he, Mme. Best, and this sphere to the higher life Jan. 31, scribe the abject meanness of such pa- LITTLE CHILDREN AS SLAVES. 2 o 'clo ck A. m ., when she addressed me home. She is vexed at herself, and de­ Mrs. Kase were looking at the portrait 1892, aged 70 years, 8 months and 23 nuriousnoss. All we can say is, in the Now, if women have been slaves, what as follows: clares she will never go there again. they saw in the upper left-hand corner of days. He leaves a wife, ten children, words of the old preacher, ‘ God bless shall we say of little children? The “ I have just been informed that at 12 The truth is, the smiling salesman has the"background the gradual appearance and a host of friends to mourn his loss. their stingy souls."’ children are just one shade worse off o’clock to-day I have to leave you. To possibly unconsciously psychologisod of a face and head and finally a clean-cut He was loved and respected by all. He meet my loved ones in the other world is We have a long letter from Mrs.S. than the women. Most people have an her. This is common with both men figure. ‘There was tho white-robed was an active worker in tho cause of a happy thought, and if it is true what S. Lutes, Aspen, (5)1., giving a detailed idea about bringing up children, instead and women, but not universal. form of Mme. Blavatsky sitting.' says T h e P r o g r e ssiv e T h in k e r , w as c o n ­ you have often pictured to me about the account of the growth in Spirit-life of of letting them grow. You furnish a This subject has many phases which Mr. Perry, ‘with an expression of quiet scious in his last moments, and passed to her daughter Mav. We wish we could climate in the house, and the children beauties of the next sphere of existence, bear upon the power of mind over mind repose upon her countenance and her Spirit-life without a struggle.” publish it in full, but we can only give a will grow beautiful: but you must furnish I will promise to come back and tell you.” as well as matter. Every person should marvelous, beautiful hands gracefully synopsis. The young lady passed to the climate. In your house must be the Precisely when the clock sounded tho know of this law, and strive to be self­ folded. Upon the window sill sits a Charles T. Griffith, who passed to the Spirit-life about the middle of last Au­ climate of kindness, of honesty, of justice first stroke of 12 her spirit fled without reliant. The phenomenally successful Hindoo idol, an exact picture of one be­ higher life from his residence in Danby, gust. Before the body had been laid and generosity: and just as long as that an apparent facial contortion, leaving a preacher, orator or business man pos­ longing to Mr. Foulke, which was taken Vt., on Jan. 8 , 1892, was born in Mount away, the bright freed spirit controlled climate exists those children will grow smile around her Ups. This evening sesses it in a most striking degree. If by him to England some years ago and Tabor, Vt., May 7, 1820. He was a firm a medium, giving directions for her own free and fair and beautiful. I have pity my wife and myself attended a m aterial­ the divine uses it from pure motives, loaned to the madaine. Below the win­ believer in the beautiful philosophy of | funeral. She desired light and white- for the children—the children of the ization seance at Mrs. Moss's rooms, 200 his congregation seldom suffer from lost dow are shelves containing books with Spiritualism, and derived great benefit, i ness in all the emblems and surround­ poor, the children of the rich, tho chil­ Scoville avenue. Both of us had been virtue. Mothers, teach your daughters the initials I. U. and S. D , no doubt in­ as well as pleasure, from T h e P ro­ ings. She had been taken to Denver in dren of tho gutter and of the palace, the entire strangers to the medium: we even to rely upon no power save that from tended to refer to the volumes she has g r e s s iv e T h in k e r . He was a man of effort to restore her failing health. children of the criminal classes—and tho had no introduction before the seance the great All-Father directing the in­ w ritten—‘Tsisl'nvoiled"and “SecretDoc- unusual kindness of heart, and leaves a AAfter being freed from the earthly tene­ still more criminal classes. I have sym­ commenced. About twenty persons ward consciousness. We must first trine.” Thus had tho request of the large circle of friends, besides a wife ment, she soon, in the invisible, found pathy with them all. because they have were present, and nearly every one per­ strive to comprehend the mental or chosen one been literally compiled with and two sisters, to mourn his loss. By her way to Aspen, and has been in con­ no liberty. If you want your children to ceived and recognized materialized spirit spirit forces controlling this life beforo under such conditions that no one cun ac­ his express wish, his brother-in-law. tant communication with her friends tell the truth, you must stop lying to visitors. Finally the medium's control wc can truly understand their relation, cuse Mr. Foulke of any complicity or du- Rev. R. T. Sawyer, D. D., of Newton- there ever since, and has even had them. Over in Michigan I heard ustory called mo to the curtain to give strength even in a small degree, to a future con­ pliolty in its production, as he was not ville, Mass., attended tho funeral and power to materialize partially. about a little boy at Grand Rapids. His to a spirit who wished to put on a form sciousness. W. C. IJ. present and an utter stranger to myself gave an excellent discourse. father und mother had often promised to for recognition. Responding cheerfully, Oakland, Cal. until I met him tlie following day after A. S. Gr if f i t h . Lyman C. Howe, after finishing a L observed a materialized hand, about successful engagement at Grand Rapids, take him out riding, but they always he hud been sent for to look at tho m ar­ two feet from tho floor, endeavoring to Mich., went East. His jiermanent ud- evaded him. One day he caught them Help tlie Circulation. velous precipitation, in proof of Mme. Passed to Splrit-llfe from Springfield, part the curtain. I pushed it aside, kin‘ress is Fredonia, N. Y. just as they were driving away, and he "M r. Editor,” seems most too formal: Blavatsky's selection of Mr. Foulke for Mo., Jan. 28, 1892, Edwin Henry Beam, took hold of a small, bony hand, which said to the nurse who had brought him let roe call you Brother Francis. We all tho work which he now feels himself aged 02 years. Disease, la grippe-pneu­ gradually rose higher until tho entire to the door: "There goes the two worst should bo brothers, and all must he, ere fully accredited to undertake, it is de­ monia. Ho was a devoted and consistent Creative Energy Never Rests. form became visible. To my astonish­ liars in Grand Rapids." I do not believe wo see the millennial so much preached clared on good authority that he has let­ Spiritualist, an intelligent, upright and children can be made honest through ment I at once recognized the small kind-hearted roan. He was born in Penn­ J Prof. David Swing, in his sermon at of. Sometimes I imagine that I can see ters from her own hand. In one of them fear. There is no reforming ]>ower in statue (about five feet high) of mother, its “ dawning.” Humanity grows dearer she says: ‘If you wish to go into this sylvania, and of German parentage. He jbentrul Music Hall, this city, on the 7th a toothless-looking face (while the me­ fear. You may scare a man so badly to me each day. Beiug at a conference work, come over to England and I will removed to this city from Kansas about inst., has the ring of modern thought. dium is a very stout ludy, weighing about that he won't do u certain thing, but I meeting of Spiritualists recently, and teach you ull about the philosophy whiuh a year ago. and has endeared himself to We make a brief extract from his pub­ 20 0 lbs.), and looking at me she ox- will take my oath you can’t frighten him seeing tlie “ free-for-all ” spirit that per­ you do not know at present. Then you many friends during his brief residence lished utterances: clulmed in the Gorman language and pe­ to that degree that he won't want to do vaded, I was reminded of T h e P r o ­ will bo proimred to lake a leading place here. A wife remains, with whom he “The old notion that God made ore- culiar dialect: “ Where is Eva?"ask­ it, and as long as he wunts to there is g r e s s i v e T h i n k e r . Variety is pleas­ among tlie Theosophists of tlie whole passed twenty-two years. Tlie compan­ ation in six days, as we measure time, ing my wife to cotne, whoalso recognized no reformation. Tnere is no reforming ing; all nature admires it. Every week world.' In another letter sho writes: ion of his earlier years, and their three must be abandoned. God had do need to her mother's natural features. The ma­ power in brutality. Children will grow com es T h e P r o g r e s s i v e T h i n k e r ‘W hatever happens l will sustain you children, who passed on before, have work as a common laborer on the eight- terialized ’orm embraced and kissed us only in tho climate of kindness, in the with its cheery face, fresh with tho flush before God and man, as I always did.’ welcomed him to their bright spiril- hour plan. It Is a misfortune of our race botii, and we sobbing for joy, mother climate of goodness. Give them a chance of some new "thought. We hardly ex­ Henry B. Foulko had already given up liome. His genial face will be missed at that man seeks to believe the Creator as said In a whispering tone: "Oh! what a to bo honest. If your child tells alle, ercise patience in tearing off the wrapper hie large real estate business in W alnut our hall, but his spiritual presence will something like the created. It is a nar­ glory to ho again united and not dead. toll him you huve told lots of them, and so eager aro wo to see some now mind street in order to follow what he felt to no doubt be felt. He reported himself row view that pictures God as a being May God bless you, my dear children.” you have found out it is u bad policy. photographed on its pages. I run my lie higher alms of life in the pursuit and present at a circle on the uay of his tran­ like a man. Tho prophets of old who Finishing the sentence, the form de-ma- Don't pretend to be u saint, because after oyo hastily over its many columus, re­ dissemination of occult knowledge. He sition. Funeral scrvleesby the under­ urged their pcoplo to cry out for God—as terializeu slowly, and I still holding the a while your child will see through your sembling "a well-spread table; then now believes thut he has tho backing of s ig n e d . J am es Madio n A l l e n . if God were asleep—arc like some mod­ small, bony lingers until they were slip­ robes. Let us be perfectly free and frank begins tho feast. While reading the the masters who stood above Mine. Bla­ ern Christians who hunt (or God as if He ping out of my hand. with each other. Tell your boy: “You last one this thought occurred to me: vatsky in her work. To confirm him in were in some one place. It is difficult to Cheerfully I herewith report these A nother of our patriarchs passed on to have never done anything worse than 1 (Call it a query or scheme!) W hat would this belief ho lias received what he conceive of a spirit without giving It a have done, and probably never will." facts, witnessed by about twenty rospcct- the land of realities, Major Henry Link, material association or a material cover­ bo the result if every one who sends an doubts not aro precipitated letters from When your child commits a wrong take ubie und intelligent persons, aud would article for publication would enclose aged 80years. He was one of the oldest ing. If we could do so, and understand tho musters themselves. Some of these it in y o u r a rm s, lo t it feel y o u r h e a r t b eu t like to predict lhat tho time will come with It the name of one or more new and most highly esteemed residents of plrlt in its high, pure form, then wo lie received while on board ship ut sea, against its heurt, and let the child know when my Jewish co-religionists will subscribers? I think you had botter ould com p reh en d G od. some when alone in his room in tills city. Little Falls, N. Y. As a lawyer he was that you really, and truly, and sincerely transform “ Jahrzeit" into a feast of joy. answer this question yourself. Most of "The six days of creation mentioned In one of these Is written: ‘My dear painstaking and conscientious, and had love it. Cleveland, O. L e w i s J . K o h n ." the thirteen week’s subscribers will con­ n Genesis are eternity. The world is child: W e have guarded thee and watched tho reputation of being one of the best- tinue tho |«iper. Some of them, at least, ing made now. It is still under tho DIFFERENT VIEWS OF SUNDAY. over thee through all the ages and will become so attached to it that they guided tlieo through all tho bitter ex­ road lawyers in this section. He was a are of the mind from which it came." In the old times Sunday was too good Mrs. Dr. Parker writes: "TheSpirit- a day for a child to be happy in. That is won't know how to keen house without periences of thy life. Be hopeful. Soon man of firm convictions, ever ready to ual work is going on here in Kansas City. Cheap Divorce. what the gentleman in the dugout it. W. F. W HITNALL. tho time is coming when all will bo well. givo his opinions, but never pressed his Now comes a telegram from Saginaw, thought. He said: "You ought on Sun­ Mrs. Orvis has commenced another Out of all tho world thou hast been chosen ideas upon others. He had been a de­ llch., that Joseph Brooks, in Spaulding day to give your entiru mind tolhegood- month’s engagement, and every one is It W as Voluey. to do tills work. The time will soon bo cided Spiritualist over forty years. Ho ness of God in so arranging m atters that ripe for thy mission."’ township, sold his wife for fifty cents, glad to seo her back again. Wo havo Supposed by many to be original with was a great reader, a deep thinker, a forty of which wore paid down, by a nearly everybody is to bo eternally P. P h e l o n , M . D. been asked many questions by friends Col. Ingorsoll, but it is Volney, over one profound reasonor, and was thoroughly farmer near by. Possession was given damned. You ought to go and hear a regarding the Magi, and I am glad to at once, und the low-priced woman is sermon of that kind preached, and cull it hundred years ago, who wroto: read In Spiritual philosophy, und passed now living with her new husband. recreation. If you work all the week in havo the paper to present to thorn, as it “ It is not God who hath mode man, Tho Spiritual Christian Association, to the other side in full faith of its real­ Cheap divorce, cheap marriage. All tho dust and the heat, and wish to bo answers all they want to know. Wc are but man who hath made God after his of Winfield, Kansas, meets every Sunduy ism, aud a happy reunion with thoso parties were probably cheated. built up so that you shall be strong doing very well indeed." own image." See p. 57 of Ruins. a t 2 P. M. fne bofore. C. I IOmil'AlcY -, 6 THE PROGRESSIVE THINKER. °. i««*

lo return lo Battio Civck, tlmt he ‘must go "Sito and Ho." Cincinnati Itoms. HYPNOTISM, boni e and uiake » lu>\ for tinnii olilldron. ' I "She is dead!" they „nid to Itimi "come awayì T o n t i K d it o u : I bave for nomo tlnie pant EXCELLENT BOOKS! ,‘KitHir/ pleaded gullty, a» I aay, and lobi lite story Kl«s h e r und li-iivvi |io r,~ tby love l» Olay ! " licci) a sojotirtior 111 Cincinnati, ami il legnini Its Relation to Crime. as 1 teli you. They smoothed her tres»«» of diirh brown ball'; attendimi ut thè l’n\tilde Iteseiiroll Society'* They An» fop Hi l o h i TIiIr (,|,| “The doctor stood trial and was eonv Iclod Un Iler foreheud of »tone tbev laid It fair! meeting», wlierc I imve gainml knowledge and re, III!« IIUIItlN The Avvìi», Trogw l' ni Somli on no testimoni and Ul*l NflUfk i lini 1 Just I vii er loo . ■. . iiiat ^ ^ I i , mi i mie li comfort ilirongli thè ministri of Mi«. Aliali f/ / a r o p t n r iv/.v, n v , i T o r tir o Litte. told voti of. \Vo liever spoko together after Tliey drew thè Itti« ivlth a trottilo immiti Slicchiiu, Ilio veri clllclcul pnstor, « lady S i A *urt f » '1 »huulilfwil 1‘rli-p u ,, ^'bVA.S' »V. Thrmi the trial. 1 was placed in the Military for a W illi a teiuliM- louoli they ulo*ixl up «<’11 wkoui I bave no ibmbt thè inany render* of AG/ (JA WV/.Vii.V, /.‘ i ... ‘Dyllro. Tlio »wool, tliiu II|m tlm t htvil auurols to toll; / I A lM*«k lh a l «II »litMilil nrad p r i t \ Fl/jf W lilt« T o th e Kp i w r :—T he follow ing from Uio mouth, aud was then taken out mid set to vour valuablo pnpor Unow by repulitlion al Detroit .Vues explains itself The nnirvlww work hi the tailor shop. There were thirteen AImiuI her brow» uml iiemiltful face tonai, if noi onjoylng li personal talk a» I dld A i I a in Wo r d s s a ,a . T hrough They tied her veil uml her murilioro lace, •SI lülirr I* tm il-M II r..tilnlt,e %»1„ , »A/)/ T kr,„i was A Spiritualist in»tcad of a S»cdonl»>rgiait, of us women lu the prison nt-tiie time, but 1 n few day* silice. Iter power to tinnì and IMII » ..llibetlif.N.fc, .d , 111.. ..,,.. "••bln •tlllin, ^ '• » »nm And drew on her »lillo feel her white sltit shoes— its staled. am the only one that'a left. All the others interest thè imboliever, educate thè IgnornnL, r o s It has been twenty six year«, coming next | Widen were the wliltoxl no eye eoiltd ohoone A* Tuinaml'un. . A M Ai »nan«*l«Mi*tuen«-tun t — tx W illi« are transferred, pardoned or dead." and comfort thè wenry, in well kuowu wher- Jum*, stow the original of the picture here EIGHTEEN YEANS A DOMESTIC. | And over her bosom they ore»»,»! her blind«; 3IR/.E OF fi/R/.RS. H\ AV A’VZ i luto Un ovor site goes, bui ilo place boiler timo bere, > h »in «. a i«, ■'* '’».fi Into il with presontiHl has been out of the house. "Como a way I” they «aid; "t!od undeiwtanda.” F Kightcon yearn ago, in accordance with wbere site Ims liiliorod for tilt» post four yours, / y u rr fVA irtr a- /.//" KW ih At that time Smith llavilaml was a comely I And there wiui »lienee, and tiutliliii? there legislative enactment, It was ordered that the and Sondai after Suiidny liuti* Ilio ball ovor- e«i»«»!i*s ...... n i W h l l looking woman of thirty eight, while now she I tut »lienee, and »oeiit* of eglanloro, women ho transferred to the Detroit workhouse. llowiug, wiille mani' fall to gain ndllllltaiU'o owns to being 08 years old. At the date re­ I And JiMinlno, and roue* and riMomnry; piMAXPS or a u . r n o c .r r ... tIl'„•»**** By a special dispensation of law, Mrs llavl And they »aid, " A» it lady »tumbl lie, lie» »lie," for lack of room, thè ntidloiiees beiug of thè l . y f.«r a purrinirr, i hrUririeiiari. lU n. tintiliuti .. . Urtai, tarU o ,dwlHn.1... •»< . ^ T l ir u «• , ferred to, Mrs. Haviland came to the |S‘,)i land, as she »ays she prefers to be called, was uf tlir mnlrtit religione l«|r*. Itili,, h ,.n • ** l u t o OV And they hold their breath till they left the room must Inti'lllgeul and retinoti oharnuter. The •unii'lllllig g'MM to reati l'rli P lün nu I «Mg W |U tentiary in this city on a life sentence. It was left at the prison together with Susan Schultz With a »builder, to glaueo at It» «tlllue»» and meeting* Iter« exolteil tny curiositi’, and 1 /T * ’1 / IM ,. . „ all oil account of l>r. Pan linker, a ohirvoy ' » y n.\r,\ri The Schultz woman, who was a lifer, was gloom, stingiti for a solution of thè mystery a* Iti "i<‘f i-l-...... i’in... ,,i ,„ì[ \ l i v e r « ant healer and a general tough citizen. The • 1 IViii' pardoned three years after and died at De lint bn who loved her too well to dread «Imi II wn* timi ilretv thè treineudous orotvd* doctor came to prison along with Mrs. llnvi The s*v«ot, the »lately, tho lieautlfnl dead, u tt ry IV ia’.v M r/rr a n ^ c / t o r *,» Kv,,r ’ tout from consumption. Mrs llavilund has tvook after week. Oli quoslitming Min. Sliee- land, but he pined away, went enuty and died lie lit III» lamp and took the key ...... * ...... w w been the trusted servant of all the wantons Imn, «he smlliitgly replletl: “ YVo lire in after three years in the solitary. Mrs Hnvi since she was transferred to the wanton's de­ And turned It alone again lie uml she. f'osrr r or HAWK/ /.■, , vtF onmosl ami duro lo sai tlmt which i* trito, re- \I «n . A-/ / ’/( I / Kf. »7/ ir He and «lie: »till »he did not move H III» «uiMar qiiMllas. ,1 1* l»»«lu»l.l. n, ,, w t(j . . T ||| There has been some talk of a pardon in when she went there, and Mrs. Davis said to To any one pa»«lonaU> whisper of love. aliti invite iiivestigiition scoiti* tuy inissimi, M I» I*r1* e u reni« her ease, and a ,V«i n representative visited the the AVto “Sarah has rend every book in Then ho »aid: "Cold lips and brousts without ami to teli It week ufter week in thè «amo city / lo ir ro MF.SMFKWF.mmKV _____ KKOr / lnK.Ì" old lady at the prison, to hear from her own the library. She is a Swodenborgiou in re­ / / « «'1**111. one of th e m et,. , r.e fu»... i ,M».„rér^Isis------. - h.»? z- . »r » I ,i||i breath, to Imiitlrodft of pooplv, wltlmut succcssful con- U». A»i»la»til» *i»k. ITI, », («por. " » « * » « 1 » wl|| her from among those she knew and loved to well or as interestingly as she can. \Yo all “ Dumb to the ear and »till to the «onso, stand in uno s|M>t unii wnlcli thè infliicneo of TAtMOK / I / / / ì , i>A‘ r i ’/ t'K/ /lo.M/ s z/len ii* ' / .1 « .1 II»« 1,1»,.,.. Il* J VI ivo,Ir», \| I, » u, « „ I. this living death in a penal institution. It depend on her, but she is getting too old to Hill to Itourt and to soul dUtlnnl, Intense? trulli opini thè pooplo, drnwlng tlioiu in untll iiirrlt, lm«.rvinli,«t.. »vi **i»»i* ivi,.,,,.,, a tire» ir e tirIII’ be of any service ns far as the Stale Is con­ seemed as if there must besomothing she could “ See now; I will listen with soul, not ear: there Is not room cttough inside tiro bulla to r i s r s a xp r/ir. A/rn/OMs, o k cu/t/utu r,- cerned. I wish she could bo pardoned. She W hat was the secret of dying, dear? » / «ntl III, .)liini»til|> II* kl------say about that crime which was worth hearing, nicol tho oataldo douminU. You aeo I nm a m».|lns. PrieslOMSta.-Tri«* la «*M». ,""1 A r*»',"'*, »«lAiq, iu as there are always two sides to any story. has a daughter at Haisinville who is married " Was It tho Infinite wonder of nil Itimi of un Evuugelist, do you not? Illlctl with / A HOVF.L. IT REAMS WITH ,«mnti and has a good home for her. Sarah's grand­ That you ever could lot Ufo’» flower fall? 1* i »mod llimiihi. »ntl I» r»»rllì»lli,« t*rtc« Trtc*K>(»»tk ft) rent«» n o i } This is about what she told the AVirs, silting tiro s p ir ti of tny work." iloro, tlion, wus tiro in a chair in the warden's office, concerning daughter writes to her often and wishes grand­ "O r was It a greater marvel to fool / IR) KAL /.RCTVKr.S. li Y l R. AA7 V ,.|t secret of success, ami 1 uuderstood tiro wumnn Tlirj »r» wcnli Gioir w«l*l,i in K..|,| ivi. ». |*i-r, » r. . - m a eomo aud live with them.' w ish Tho perfect culm o'er tho agony steal? Uie crime of twenty-six years ago: “1 was could 1 ami ber work; ns 1 met tiro dark, llashing cyc, she could, too. She is now a good woman. " Was the miracle greater to And how deep / i r r i x t u e s r o x r a g i , r/rr u/srv.'!'' married to Ira llavilaml at Ypsilanti and we and touclilng Iter limiti al pari mg, 1 citili ed M ^ of A ih’»rrti*|, r h lr f |>r i • « I of a i‘<*inl nf Al An«ni. A n'tt1111 1,1 Outside of that six months of her life when Beyond all dream» sunk downward that sloop? liUtory of otan Wrlm-ti ttimugii ih«, n,c». U u'UAkM. I.zreium ti.rmigboii. so u g h t in m arriage by Jo h n L eonard. He- 1 hold the breath of my soul to hoar' itilo many lmmls ut ibis society, nnd ita bo allowed to pass what few years she may lieving him a good man, 1 married him. " I listen us deep ns to horrible bell, plonsmit fuco peups o tti of pookuls and «tiro» • j y n : v o i c e s, r y i v a k k e x s u m x b k r 11,0 I have to live among those who still love her. A low. Tlm V«*ntflM1r«** « m u ln jMx'tn* «• f r« n»arkatu* benu\itt«m li From that time my troubles began, lie was a As high as to heaven, and you do not tell. wIbd manifesta it* prescnco mntmg this pro­ turco. Tlicy «n* muet i i. «H. t,t. Trico «l.uu. UKTT1NU TOO OLD TO WORK NOW. dissolute, drunken (lend, and I never took a "There must be pleasure In dying, sweet, gressive poopla 'T 'H F GODS. S V CO/.. K. G. moment's comfort while I lived with him The wish of Mrs, Davis is echoed by many To make you so placid from le ad to feet! .Mrs. Aduli Shechim, may success continue A A jw niphl. t uf tu j-tegr*. W uni) l u w c u t l In gwld» T 1' 11 n others. The old lady cannot earn anything c»uu. ^guliirl I begnu proceedings for a divorce, and this " 1 would tell you, darling, If I were dead, to all sudi workors, ami mny angela blcss / yrS/PF THFTHF. GATES; AXP O/ P. , now, and in view of her good record at the so enraged him that I was forced to leave And 'twero your hot tears upon my brow shed. Hrotlror Francis he “ lells tiro story" ut bis V / U le* «toi »krtrlie*clt**. H» n t»*nd of « rlrll Iniollltf**«1^^ ’* 1 1 1 ns »ko nirsllmnaltlp uf____r klnrjMmry______Tbcrra* khelhamer An.\n î ( tM*n Ypsilanti. I went to Battle Crock, where prison aud her story, strange ns it is, many " I would say, though the Angol of Death had laid outl o f th è lino. N m H A . have become interested in securing her a par­ His sword ou my lips to keep it unsaid. was soon granted a decree. At that time Mrs. Mary C iia t f ie i.d. p o r MS o r PROGRESS, A ,• U Z U E P O ?'" "" don. If she had not known Dr. Baker, she " You should not ask vainly, with streaming eyes, i Thry nrw rrnlly «nlunhle. l'rtcotlUD. ** would never have committed murder. The W hich of nil duutlis was tbo chlcfost surprlso, p u r s /CAA TKOOFS OF AXOT//FS / .vmnv Seances with Mrs. Seery. i I.rit. ra lu Ilio kevhert « I.n.faa* t) lit F m o rU J Lt.ll n o 1 doctor has paid the penalty of his crime, "The very strangest and suddenest thing An lliunuio«! |**mpulet. Wurtit lu wrtgbt lo gwd. TM and his name has liven nearly forgotten. Jus Of nil tile surprises that dying must bring." T o t h e E d it o r :— W o desire to call the C4 ni-, ' l'Ut attention of tho many readers of your valuable tlce would seem to have been served as well Ah, foolish world; O most kind dead! PSYCHOPATHY. OR SP/Rll HSAUXG dWn g Though ho told mo, who will believe It whs said ? paper to the fact tlmt wo in this city are not I »orlo* of losv.icii on th r ro u tlu n a o f tti** ep lrU i» II* ' t h i n as it usually is, even if the old lady is sent litn.— “nnd * Ilio *Inter------r«-Utl«xt" " » É of É lium MB an frtlnfT* l»elnfr* will) will) refero» re frre i sloepiug on our rights and privileges to in­ among her relatives, who will provide for Who will beltovo that ho hoard hor say, lionlih, i1l*c«*o nnd lim llntf Hy ihoIhn •P•pirli irli uf -f l»rl*r Ten,*T e n j U *' f Al W ith tho sweet, soft voice, In the dear old way: Hunt», thro u g h (h r m odtuiliahtp of Mr* I ral V llM*n* her while she lives. Otherwise she will soon vestigate tile occult laws governing the spirit, hook Ihnt e*rry be«i«r, ph|*tclnn nod «».uuld Mlliir uul phenomena of the visible uud invisible Pricn •! 3u '.oB ufi be sent to some other place than the prison "T he utmost wonder Is this,—1 hear And see you, and love you, and kiss you, dear; world. We have many people iu our beauti­ pn/Loson/Y o f s p / k z t u a z . /.v : ^ as she cannot long wait on herself. Ä cour*"roam flyfijr Andrew J•?»«*•J nr k«oo n Divi».D ull. A mmmrw work. I. ,» ’ “ And am your angel, who was your bride, ful little city who are earnest mid sincere seek­ She has never beard from her sccoud bus •r**mfreni mrrIt. Trlcefl.fe. it»*' ® And know that, though dead, I have never died." ers for the truth; indeed, this lias been a week t e s e a r c h e s i x o r / e x t a i . / r / s r t i d nd baud, Leonard, since the trial. —Edwin Arnold, k rtn lim c ln f th e «irljrlti o f tb e ,t«wn, »hr rl*.* nod d rre lu of rejoicing long to be remembered by us nil, HYPNOTISM DEVOID OP DANGER of/.urowairlnnlamA nnd the drrlvnllunof t lirtatUtilty: to » 1,11 l*' ami we are led to believe that there are more WbcMwoar Airnn An,. *t( r*' n* «. W Mruwn. m b Hypnotism seems somehow to have fallen A New Year's Greeting. One mt Urn m ini rnJonhie w ork* **«-r pnblU bcd. D rlr» f l.k '^ tluugs in heaven and earth ilinu are dreamed of late upon evil days. In the natural re T o t h e EDITOR:— I have Of lute seen DEA/. UFE /X 77/E SPIRIT-/ I VP. C.l PJ'n ’ of in our everyday philosophies. Mrs. • V ! • I l' >11 bound from the enthusiasm of curiosity aud several copies of T h e P rooiiessivx T h in k e r , Seery, of Dayton, Ohio, 1ms just closed a Weary w blU rem llng ibte r& eetlrol Inw-k l*rire 73 cenU . ili i interest with which its discovery was first a u d 1 am so proud of its quality and quantity series of Bounces which were largely attended DOMAX/SM AXP THF KFPUB/JC. tich MUS. SAllATl BA VILA NI), CONVICT. hailed, it has coino to bo, shall 1 say, some­ of reading matter, so pleased with its fearless IX ihIter. Inane J, ¡.anting. M A. Kerry j-ntrlot nbuiUd m by many of our best citizens, some of whom Trico fl.oo. w c\ ( what unduly discredited, Dr. Tuokoy, whose tone and humanitarian principles, and so de­ had three children with me, the two born are church-members. At every seance our Ç rt/D/BS r.\r p s y c h i c s c / e x c s . i ' to original researches in this important branch of lighted to And so many old friends among its vslu sM s Wt»rk. D r ll o itn n T u llio . T rico «IJB . t e i since my second marriage and the youngest spirits friend gathered around us, and it medical knowledge are well known, is, how contributors, I feel that I must send you all a ÇVA R s o r t u e AGES. EMBRAC/XG S / one by my former marriage. seemed that the very gates of heaven swung over, still inclined to pin his faith upon its few words of cheer and fraternal greeting in » 3 lt(i»n«m. »»*l »».1 |'rv*»*il. D)r J . M. tV rU ««. M I* Vi ‘•At Battle Creek I was introduced to Dan open, the veil was parted, nud we were cyo opedln of (iitmiilDg and tnaiructlro facu. Trice • 2 W. H |iliP efficacy in the treatment of many functional honor of tho New Year, even though more Baker, who claimed to be a doctor, but I guess brought into sweet communion with departed TA t u y o u s m . o r a r t / f / c/ a l s o m x .y bit ami orgauie disorders, whilst not failing to than one whole month has passed since such he was a fraud. He was a very pleasant friends and relatives. hullnnA hlilicrln called meamorfarn; or animal tnaf n* ^ | \ recognize, of course, the supreme importance greetings were iu order. 5lly Wm Hitkrr KahnretiM'k. M J» A rory *ugg« •H'«* limn and paid me much attention. I had some Mrs. Soory’s particular phase of medium­ Cri' leal intinte etiould trad It. Trico #1.30» ••Tl of hedging it round with due precautions. 1 have been “ a pilgrim mid a stranger" for money at the time, and lie advised me about ship is “ trumpet-speaking." The manlfcsta- cr./.r coxTRAP/cr/oxs or t h e a/ aio iu< It is his opinion that “ in the hands of a con the past nine months, although I am happy to III Tr-t'.'sIH.-n* the"I«-glcal, rp. ral. btMnrlral and • •• y m what to do with it” lions, with few exceptions, were very »trong, h r rack pm* rd afffnnaihely and n?r»il*?ly by quotai I o«za vJ scieutiotis and experienced physician the use say that my pilgrimage seems ended ami the Bel pturr. with->ut runiinriH. I*r1cr 13 ernia. j q u WAS SHE HYPNOTIZED BY BAKER? some speaking in an audible voice so us to of hypnotism is absolutely devoid of danger," delights of a new home ntnid pleasant and The old lady here paused and seemed be heard at any place iu a large room. ÇHA/.L J//F BIBLE BK KFAD /X Obogt and lie has employed it with considerable suc­ congenial surroundings are mine. Last sum­ puhflo »fhoniN ' Hy lltrh a n l II IT H lbrook. Ill« ebu* k . i , p thinking deeply for some minutes before she Mrs. Seory's control is a masterful spirit, of lotcllaciual meal. TMc« IO croia m«. i cess in the relief of sleeplessness aud pros­ m er 1 spent soveral months in a conservative resumed her story. Then she said: “ What I Spenkiug with great force and wisdom, in - Ç W P/SS IX THEOSOPHY; U/S TOR /Cv cn tration of mind and body, us well as in tho little city in Kansas, and partly from curiosity, now say of that six months is the reflection of structing the circle wlmt to do to bring tho •o and practical, A manual for thr fw*'|»b). TrU e at 30» years. 1 am an old woman aud have not long best conditions for both spirits ami mortals. III heart disease and other ailments. He has lonely and among strangers, I attended church < T/R/TFAl'. SOXCS. RY MATTIE T. / / r Amm to stay on earth, but what I tell you is the The seances were held at the residence of Dr. K lfh lrrn In num ber. A dm irably aitapii-d fo r nir«*ili»g* found it serviceable also in the euro of ex. and religious meetings a great deal. Indeed, solemn truth. Hr. Baker had complete con­ J. II. Hartwell. Mrs, Hartwell has many cl lea. Trlutisl on cardboard, price 0*e ernia; on paper, Ur* d ir eessive smoking and of drunkenness. This there was literally nowhere else to go, and the 11*_MBU , j. trol over me from the start I ilid not realize high mediumistio gifts herself, which she is ’T'H E MYTH OF THF GREAT PE/.ft 11 ought to be good news to tho poor dipsoma. music and social intercourse gave ono’s anything at the time of it, but thousands of not yet ready to miiko public. / Itonx-tlilng )»«u aboiilü hava lo refer lo. lly Jame* M. k*'* nine who lacks tho will power to overcome thoughts a harmonious trend. You seo 1 had Caun. l*rlcc is cenia. th o il times since I have looked back to that awful Springfield, O. L . P . the vice that ho feels to his sorrow, is destroy never had any " church privileges," and had 'jy/F. CH/LPREX'S PROGRESSIVE l.VCEl period aud what followed, and I am sure he I A manual, «rlih dlrcctlona ftvr ib** n and man » in g him . never had the slightest temptation to bury my m em of Hunday a c h irla lly Andrw» J a . k»>n l»a* la. A o tc rik k »* controlled my actions in all I did. He had a led« sproMMc Trfre V» cent*. a belief aud knowledge of Spiritualism under To Whom Do W e Owe Responsi­ ICH I O perfect antipathy to the children. He repeated VALUABLE REMEDIAL AGENT. any new-fangled interpretation of Christian bility. 'p/F. SPIRITS' WORK. WHAT / HE A to me many times that If it were not for the Dr. Graetne Hammond, of tho American i *i\w, nnd fell at ('aaaadaira l.ak“ U til 1 í«vijdarn I . , theology. Many of my friends, whose belief Are wo responsible to our superiors, to u pamphlet that will wall pay pern**! ¡Vira IS cenia KirUHl young ones wo could be happy together. He Neurological Association, lias been mnking in Spiritualism is ns great ns mine, have felt higher power, a Christ or it God? A very y y / f k a / v rrze s tscocxoM i. THE le m t hinted that we would bo married, if the some interesting experiments that are of im­ , ustiflcd in taking this step, claiming that the good rule to determine these and similar ques­ I hihllcatlon teat lc of Hare, ■moni». Ih» »d»»c» of ih» Soul, liful children were not to be supported. I gave portance as putting the stamp of science on M b lo III# 11" rap« -i • le Thlii-w.sph* »nd Trs*atmani of fi<«fii churches nro growing liberal and that their tions is to Inquire ivlmt does nature touch. Mmi«l IM*aa*ra by innati*•ana.»f irieciHcltr, Nrrtaura. klr»|!clt ajn li biin some of my money and lie took more certain psychic phenomena classed under tlm IlIla4'«ttn«pa*la, sitili tep^ala, wllh w ith a llr«|g Hr* lew t>f A allior* .*ti A nim al Magw m , ministers preach Spiritualism; but 1 m u s t say Tiro strong arc responsible to the weak. I am and Mattagc. atol pr< •> rit*iL‘o <>f New Insirumrat* f..r ) ilAtiful himself. All 1 wanted or could think of was head of hypnotism. Dr. Hammond sees no TbrrapeuiTea lly .to«*’pb IPhIc* |luchait«n. M l>. A p* A tho more I see of their methods, tho les» taste under no obligations to anyone who hits mina «f rare |ixi«Hgf A Iarce work. Trice #3 ou Xlruo to keep Dr. Baker near my side. He was an reason why hypnotism should not lie made a have I for what they serve up ns religion greater ability than I. p rs RE/./G/OX OF MAX. RY / / f 7?.*bundi attentive man, and other women found favor most valuable remedial agent iu disease, if Of course, I do not speak with authority of To demonstrate, we will notice tiro animal» / Tuith*. Illa wurka are always Intenaely Ihlrrrtilng. oinoU in his eyes. All he would say when I re- used by skilled and conscientious physicians, • I si. the Christian church ns a body; 1 simply give that are governed by instinct, which is the V ould monstruted was tlmt the children were in the ami not left to charlatans uud fortune-tellers. p rr worm s s /x t f t v c R t c / r / E n s the results of one summer's experience of my pure and unadulterated intelligence of nature A |(.r* H*lly KrrwjI» ■’ r*n k ilravea.IImesS V«ktiYou about«]stuinld » tional minister was a young man, a graduate tho outer circle of tho herd of wild horses, Hull. Au Inaaluabie wurk. Trice II Uk ueive ones to please the doctor, aud if that did not hypnotized u patient and told him when iu of Yale College. In conversation 1 found uml tho colts tho center. Tho same is true of yy/K KFL/CZOX OF ST/K/TUAZ.ZSM. h eu lt succeed in keeping him to my side, I would this state that if lie attempted to smoke again it him exceedingly liberal in thought and seem the herds of cattle, buffalo, swine, fowls, etc , I phetvvmrna an«] phll..*-«phy. Hr lie*. Famu.-I 3« ‘,f th e then take a dose myself, as I could not think would rnnke him sick. Sure enough, next ThU werk was wrlii. u lt> a ui«nlrrn ttavlur, a «r«t.d gad ugly very bitter ugainst many of tho old manifestation of resjiousibiltiy of the may Trie« ll.(U tap s, i of leaving him. His influence over my ac­ day when the man tried to smoke he was so church doctrines; yet nothing of this ever stronger to tho weaker. This is the true p/E sort, /TS XAWRE, RE/ATI leles tions was complete as far os I can remember, sickened that he abandoned tho attempt, and A and T\pr« ••(••Ik* la human l,m»,*«llui«uu. t.u .-, (t. rolli'? appeared in his sermons. I do not know why, spirit of government, society and the family. blr* * «»fa L, ' lllrInti 'ii«!, I»* h er g«ild« • A I«*, w «r«wg , * .. but there are many tilings that liuve since was cured. “Soldiers and servants" make for I am sure Ills congregation would Imve Ili tiro time of battle, mental or physical, the b.‘«l) siMHtld rvad al..* are (nlvre*o-d In m In««niait,*«. lOW 11 been told me tlmt took place of which I had tho best hypnotic subjects. Americans the II 1,1 ^ ^ > j swallowed unhesitatingly aud without thought parent docs uot take shelter behind his help no recollection. One circumstance I remem­ poorest, because they are not used to obeying. p / E se n y rrrrc f a s /s o r s p /k / t c a Lí T,!?,.. almost anything lie chose to nay. less child; if lie should, lie is accountable to A II) f.|«‘* tearg. HI. A ».«rk Of pr> f«.««n».| r« *««rrh. by 0 WUWl 1 ber that will give an idea of my mental con­ lio k lilrii tm o uf lis«* ««i«'. Trio# #l 3»»i |*>*iairv lu t« iiu , «.rill Wl I remumlier, however, one evening being dition at the time. that child for shirking his responsibility A Few Suggestions. electrified by hearing him Hay: “ Heaven is 7F 1rs OF O IK ItFAI’/XZV HOMF. Ci'uUI Tiro sauro is tiro true spirit in business rela­ / Atidrvw Ja> kw> Darla. )ll«lily luivn.tiu^ SO SHE KILLED HER LITTLE ONES. *'«•«• if tho« The Spiriluulists are failing to accomplish Himpiy harmony with one's environment, and tions, but how often do we betray that pro­ ca«•«, ul*. TH« ' ;* « « «.t* “Once about the time of which I have much that might bo done. It is important to harmony with the laws of our being." But tecting power entrusted to us, and for selfish S/PEJOTT/XGS, ESSAYS, SA'E 1 “ « î 11» just spoken, I found myself on the bank of conform to tins requirements of society. Wo YIV f « *.r l«twm*i and auttiro; jra th rrrd frocu tb# blgbw«« «f COBI th e m ain b u sin ess o f lltw c h u rc h seem s to be motives we take ndvnntugc of our weaker • ay* and hitrdgx'» of Ilf»«. By Mattie K H ull. Il la Dittai rag« the river in the middle of the night. I Imve want organizations everywhere, and the means to build up it strong organisation. 1 n e v er brother's condition. This breach of trust is U m #1 «W. no recollection of having gone to the stream to hold .Spiritualists together. This require» heurd tho golden rule quoted or any allusion the foundation of all speculation. By and 1Ä/HZ7Z iUGZZT /X •• r /r u s. ,'i®lr f< at all. When 1 came to myself 1 had u de­ r I Herd)«," a h**>k «»f f?l page* 11» Tbo Tbelun*. «till, 0 ! a guide-book of Wisdom, Truth, 1’rudence, to t'hrist's life a* a guide for human conduct. by the veil will ho lifted and we studi all rally a «« r> imer* «ilug and «ucgesiivc Work. Trie« #1.IX / fined idea tlmt I had come there to drown 1 tl CO, Justice and Love. This might ho caller! “ The But oh, my brothers aud slstrrsl how 1 did know as we are known; then wo shall have to If///Y SHA BACA MF A SP/K/TUA myself, aud I presume if I had not ‘cornu to' lies si' Guiding Star. ” Wo also require a spiritual realize, iu looking into that multitude of atone, mil to a God, a higher power or I l |H ,1V•’ lector»**, lly Al«by A. ,ltid*«>n. T hla tH*»k 1 should Imve thrown myself into the river. be read by r«« r> b plrlliiallal. Trice #1 u i |HMlage ldc«4i»a. m l su , hymn-book of the highest type, associated scant faces, Sunday after Sunday, the great personage, but to the offended brother. “The feeling came to me tlmt I was to lose with appropriate music aud words. The pj/A S ABKAHAM UXCOLX A SP/K c u re s . " need of spiritual teaching for mankind. And I. A. T k a o a h d k n . latf ««r. « urini,* |{evri«tiiit)* f^^lll llu» l.lfu uf the doctor or that the children must ho got rising generation must sing, but I cun no. do pray that tlio way may be prepared for Mulinili II) Mr* Ni'itlr ('««Iitutu Maynard. Tbl* curi Is m bn* un p recisi eu» lo (lie htigllali l*ngi<«M«* lu llo-ni# U so m e tí, rid of. Thu doctor encouraged mo in this whore IIimI a spiritual hymn-book, and my many disciples of Spiritualism to go forth ns irmi, aPPkffdb 11 lia* a p« «miar |.* «rlrig mirui lb# oi«wl Gen, George \V. Jones, aged 00, ha* just ou* perltHl lu hI»tur) and rraardliuf li* iu*4l fantou* I'+t s ta n c e dully. One day I bought u quantity of children, therefore, will sing from G ospo missionaries to give to the world It rational ¡ilea Ilia iif iil not« «1 AmeHcan It I* ba«« «l «>n trull* and arsanic and taking it home I placed It in the been admitted to practice In the Supremo llierefnr«' will live from Iht* tim e furiti, T h r pul«llkl>?r tim i, es Hymns," beeausu of the music there, but not the real spirilual , life of man and his •i >>r « t|«rn*c In Ilo k«'rl(l«-aH.»u food of my little children and killed them. the sentiment Have we not the genius'' relations to life hero nini hereafter lourt of Iowa. Gen. Jones was Iowa’s llrsi lldii, and he «lake* Ills reputalbvii up«»»* lb# «alldlif «*f H»“- U ve me fcnuw'tt|r (hai II will bear ibnrt.ugb eiamlonllno, f*€* The doctor, knowing wlmt was to bo done, among us to produce the “Guide-book" and 1'or eight years I was a regular contributor United States Senator. Previously he was u d«H m i,«'nr « ree l ,.r acci. Il la a r«-mar»i«Me pldorv-f %rlU;«l iilamry. Ulva li a deliberata rvadlmr Yuu will 1 H f left me for the day and went into the country, “Song-book," and hold our Sunday schools, to T/ir Spiritual Offering, and 1 find many of delegate to Gougress from .Michigan and Wis­ repaid. Trlinll.Du. ! Ing n fi and returned that uighl after tlio children died. and teach the children in the way they should my comrades In that work a m o n g tiro writers consin uud a soldier iu the Blirokhuwk War. (TEERS or n t F AGIS, OR S P! Ri Tl 4 %-J l'»i< oui) IVi.rin li. ,1, , | |.vt |>. A t»»J w ill, a It was proven at the trial, at which I pleaded go? F uanoih I). L ao v . he hogiiehsivs hinker 'uloud Trr»oni. |i»,i, m , T»»t.|». _ ... — —. for T P T . He acted us one of the seconds in the Graves T»*..*; Ili» *n •aïosetupodl» r»ct»i ■ mt»« <•» r»r» >® guilty, that the doctor had said before leaving Nirvana. Mich. E va A. 11. Barnes. Gilley duel. » » ,.rk lliit thuul.1 Lu lu iti. luuiil» uf • ■»rs »|'1|U«»IU P him ius ir io n d s , « c e k a 1 EBRUARY 2o, 1803. THE PROGRESSIVE THINKER.

Office. they were all dead and died in the rooms, etc. W . H. Bach in Texas. these earthly flowers. Keep thorn in remem­ Angel Visitations. brance, for these flowers will draw your loved as I told them. Upon hearing it I fell into T o t h e E d i t o r :— It is a long time since I O'er the dizzy heights of mountains, A GLIMPSEJF HEAVEN. ones near to you. Meet mo again at no dis­ i s s I / V . Through the valleys long and low, tears mid said: • O, Lord, I wish thou liadst made my last bow to T iik P rogressive tant day. Your friends will then speak to By the side of crystal fountains The Strange Vision that Came to kept mo and sent him back that was in pail T h in k e r , having been “ under the weather IS you in tenderness and love. White-robed spirits come and go. after which 1 soon recovered from my sickness. suffering from tho prevailing epidemic, a Philadelphia Quaker. “Charles H. Foster.” Through the palaces of grandeur. THE VISION CONFIRMED. was taken sick at Appleton, Minn., December (7 ISD/l I could relate many wonderful manifesta­ tic*. liy Through the homes of want and woe, “ The third was a negro, named Cuffee, be­ 14tli, aud was obliged to give up my engage­ Through the halls of mirth and splendor THOMAS SAT, A WEI.I. KNOWN PHILADELPHIAN tions that hnvo occurred at Sister H a ll's longing to Widow Kearny, whom 1 saw die. ments and go home, where I was not able to V A L l White-robed spirits come and go. IN’ THE OLDEN DAYS, OOKS INTO A TRANCE through this medium, but this notice is a l­ conta. Some time after my recovery tho widow sent do any work for four weeks. As soon as Into the dismal prison cells, AND WHILE IN THIS STATE SEES THREE OK ready too losg. M. T . 0 . F lower. for me, and inquired whether I thought tho was well enough to do so, I started south to CRAVÀ Into dungeon's vile and low, HIS FRIENDS DIE AND TWO OF THEM ENTER St. Paul, Minn. lopartod spirits know one another? I answered follow op the work, stopping for one Sunday AXDR4 E'en through the worst of living hells INTO HEAVEN. ad Prie White-robed spirits come aud go. in tho affirmative, and told her that l saw her at Omaha, and going from there to Missouri If a Man Die Shall He Live Again. negro man die whilst l was a corpse. She Valley, Iowa, where I held two public meet­ Up and down tho boundless ocean. Philadelphians nowadays are matter-of-fact, T o the E ditor:— It was once said, that “ If £ M /A Ì Through the storms of rain and snow, theu nsked me, * Whom did he die?’ I told ings with fair success. After leaving there l md and not given to the belief in spirits, ghosts a tree bo cut down we have hope that it will Into every land and haven her, in her brick kitchen, between the jamb of went to Stanberry, Mo., where I found a few r- 1’atnd or visions, but in the last century, especially live again; but man , yea, he wasteth White-robed spirits come and go, the chimney and the wall, and when they took friends doing what was possible for our cause. among the Society of Friends, there lived in away, and where is lie? For the living know r.4 ROM Ever with their presence bringing him off the bed to lay him on the board Iris The Presbyterian Church, a very comfortable jjcrlt. r l this city a remarkable number of men nml that they shall die, but the dead know not Peace and balm for every woe, bead slipped out of tlioir hands. She theu aud pleasant edifice, had been secured for our Ever blessing, softly singing, women who, like Joseph of old, claimed to anything; neither have they any more reward; r x o j have experienced visious and viewed the said, ‘So it did,’ and asked me if 1 could tell meetings, aud wo hold two very pleasant ones, kable White-robed spirits come and go. for that which befnllotli tho sons of men be- —Mrs. . tioiir E. nomas. her where they laid him. while a third hnd to bo postponed on account spirits of tho departed. Tho stories told by falleth beasts; even one tiring befallctb them; “ I informed her that they laid him between of severe weather, the thermometer being way iEKM these “Public Friends,"as they were often as the ouo dioth, so dieth the other; yen, they itu«l tr the back door and tho street door. She said below zero ull of my stay at the above two CURIOUS PHENOMENON. called, were given credence ¡is gospel by the huve all one breath, so that a man hath no pre­ that she did not remember anything of that. places. Passing through Council Bluffs I bad iro x . best aud most highly educated people of tho eminence over a beast" This is not only the i-.rllr-J J 1 told her lie laid there whilst they wept under the pleasure of meeting Prof. Lockwood, who Is Connected with a Lame Arm. Quaker City. In truth, they must have been language of ancient times, but of to-day. I« II the window, where he was afterward placed bus been filling engagements with the societies r£ i r difficult to refute, ¡us generally they were pro­ The great question of humanity is: Shall we She then said she remembered it was so, and of Omaha and Council Bluffs to their great W. Bro To the E ditor:—To say tho least the fol- mulgated by persons of steadiness and great survive the change called death? Shall we re­ told me that she was satisfied, and had reason satisfaction, lie is assisted iu his work by ring is suggestive. It first appeared in Lu­ respectability, whose veracity was considered tain our identity, live and bo ourselves? This to believe wlmt she often thought, that it Mrs. Lockwood, who is said by thoso who i r, Madame Blavatsky’s magazine: by the community beyond question. is decidedly tho question of tho day, asked by Iti Ad w as so. hnvo heard her, to be a very tine trance .riim. I will tell you now a strange ease. You Some of these stories, as family traditious, saint and sinner. If we ask u Mohammedan HOW THEV ENTERED HEAVEN. medium. After spending one Sunday in S yf,«nember, perhaps, that for over live years have come down to us to-day. One of the for bis evidence of eternal life, bo will refer “ These men, upon inquiry, were found to Kansas City, where I was pleased to meet and k of ’ore my coming to meet you in Paris (1S84; best authenticated aud most interesting of us to the Korun. If we inquire of the China­ die at tho very time 1 saw them, and all the listen to our good brother, Bishop A. Beals, 'FIR. utiered almost constantly from a violent them was related to tho writer recently. It man, ho also will point us to Iris sacred book. circumstances of their death were found to bo and also Mrs. Aber, of Spring Ilill, Kansas, ell Sn in my right arm. Whether it was known as the most uncommon vision of If we inquire of a Christian, ho too will refer as I related them. As some may be desirous started for this point. There are but com­ umatism, neuralgia or anything olse, I lioinas Say, who was the grandfather of us to his Bible. We read these biblcs, but, ff to know how, and in what shape, these dead paratively few avowed Spiritualists in this not know, hut besides great physical pain homas Say. the noted naturalist, aud father alas, they are tho works of men. Man said appeared to me, I would satisfy their desire city, but many inquirers after spiritual food, ENi !elt my arm becoming with every day more of Dr. Benjamin Say. that Hod said it These men are all in , 50 c«j by telling them that they appeared each in a spoke twice Sunday, Jau. 31st, and once jwerless, so that when rising from sleep Thomas Say was ouo of the earliest natives eternity. We do not know whether they told complete body, which I take to bo the spiritual ob. 7th, following each lecture by psycho­ ;rc mid hardly lift or even move it. This made of this city, aud during his day was quite a the truth or not; all the evidence therein con­ D prominent doctor and public man. He was body, separated from the earthly, sinful body. metric delineations. It has been my custom r. u, dread final paralysis. Then I went to tained is second-handed. Men iu the days of to read direct from the person, but by request, is. You also remember the little old born on the 16th of September, 1709. His “ They wore also all clothed, the negro and bible-making wero very much like ourselves, the person who entered into rest, in white, and last Sunday, articles were brought forward 0R\ ntleman called M. Evette, tho mesmerizer, father, William Say, married at Friends’ imperfect. We rend iu our Bible the beautiful r tho other, who was cast off, had his garments and I read from handkerchiefs, gloves, etc. tio tried to cure you by magnetism, only with- meeting in Philadelphia, in 1093, the daughter sayings of Jesus. That is, what others said somewhat white, but spotted. I saw also the Iu each case the reading was acknowledged t any results. It was you, I believe, who of Thomas Pascholl, who came to this country that he taught; but we arc told Jesus wroto body in which each lived when upon earth and correct. One reading carried a Indy from fcggested that he should try to cure my arm with William Penn in his good ship the Wei nothing— it is all second-handed. Were the also how they were.laid out, but my own body youth to her present time of life, noting the ‘ the pain 1 was suffering from, and you will come. When Say was fivo years old his writers of the Bible perfect men? Have they age at which certaiu events took place, one ¿member also that from the evening when he father died, and his mother, some years after, I did not see. The reason why I neither saw made no mistakes? W e are told that the tree being a very bright spot which came at 17 t tried a few passes from the right shoulder married again. Benjamin Say’s stepfather my cwu bod}' nor ontered fully into rest, I is known by its fruits. What are the fruits take to be this, that my soul was not quite years of ago, when she met and married a bwnward I felt better. Then lie visited us was a member of the Episcopal Church, and of those men? Moses, we are told, wrote the man with whom 9 he lived twenty-five years tgularly every day for some time, and never the boy was therefore brought up in the doc­ separated from my body, as the others were, first five books of the Bible, and we learn that though it was so far separated as to see these “ iu perfect bliss,” and another being a dark ,iled to mesmerize my arm. After five or trine of that faith, but liis inclinations were the first act of bis life that distinguished him point at 42, when he passed to the spirit side at seances my arm was entirely cured, all towards the belief of bis father, and when things and to hear the songs of praise before was committing a murder. Judas was one of of life; also stating that all of her friends kin had disappeared, its weakness also, to juite young he joined the Society of Friends. mentioned. ” the twelve Apostles; he sold Iris Lord and , were on the spirit shores. Acknowledged as Vh an extent that my right arm suddenly When he was seventeen years of age he was Philadelphia Pa. Master for thirty pieces of silver. Peter taken sick with pleurisy, at which time he correct in every detail. Another, an old came stronger than my left one, which was one also. He, when asked if ho was a gentleman (71 years) was taken from the age d never given me any trouble. Soon after experienced his vision, or trance, an account Notes from Mrs. C. H. Hinckley. follower of Jesus, denied him three times, of which, found in his diary handed down by of four years aud carried up through his life ■; parted. I returned to Odessa, and never T o the E d ito r:—Though a little late iu and the last with an oath. Abraham, Lot, his family, can be best told in his own words: to the present time, as he said, “ better than lie ;ling any pain in that arm from that date David and Solomon, we are told, were sending in my appreciative word for the New could have done it himself." These are | this New Year's Day, i. e., during the A DEATH-LIKE TRANCE. righteous men of God, held up as patterns for Revelation, owiug to a press of other duties, simply given as samples of wlmt the Spirit ur ami a half years, I soon lost every re- “On the ninth day, betweeu the hours of us to follow as men of our counsel. Should yet my joy is just as great aud my word of world is doing to prove its existence. Today jmbranee of my past suffering. and 5, I fell into a trance, and so continued we conclude to follow these precepts, we would praise just as sincere for the beautiful paper I was favored with a visit from a strong J: ' But lo and behold! On January 1 st, until about the hour of 3 or 4 the next morn­ be found hanging by the neck, or serving a materialist and scoffer at Spiritualism who re­ j ¡89, I su d d en ly fe lt w ith d ism ay th a t m y ing—for I left the body—my father and you are giving us. I want especially to notice term in the State’s prison. In view of all quested a private reading. After less than , jht arm was again paining me. At first I mother, Susannah Robinson, and others who that excellent article iu the Christmas number, this, where shall we find the evidence of an hour's time he came out a wiser man, and id no great attention to it, thinking it would watched me, shook my body, felt my pulse by Mrs. Richmond, on Organization. To my eternal life? Let us look within our own stated that his father, who is in Spirit-life, on pass over. But the pain remained; my aud tried if they could discern any remains souls. There we shall find a still, small voice mind it elaborates most completely the ideas had come aud convinced him that “ the so- m began once more to feel half-paralyzed, of life or breath in me, but found cone. which says: “ Thou shalt live.” We ask this tried iu uiy poor way to set forth a few called dead have been restored.” He remained en finally I found it in just the same con- Some may be desirous to know whether voice for the evidence, and we are required to months ago. While many of the productions as long as he could, to learn more of our ion as it had been nearly five years before, I was laid out or not. I found myself when furnish the necessary conditions. W o co m ­ of writers taking au opposite view contain philosophy (which was entirely new to him) il l 1 hoped that it was but a slight cold 1 opened my eyes laid on my back on my bed, ply, and lo! tho veil is parted, our long-lost some strong points, the greater share of the and then went away after making an appoints hieh would disappear in time. It did not, as a corpse is on a board, and I was told, after friends come back and give us positive evi­ arguments betray inconsiderateness and lack of meut to call again aud bring his wife with him. owever, but became worse. My disillusion I got better, the reason why they did not lay dence that they do live, and that we will live extended experience in the lines laid down by He stated that he came there with no belief, to the potency of magnetism was a com- me on a board was because my mother could also. We can uow say, that if a man die he them for others to follow. aud went away convinced that he had held a ilete and very disagreeable one, I assure you. not at that time find freedom to have it done. shall live again. j. W. W estf.rfield . It seems to me that now Spiritualists who conversation with his father, brother, and had labored under the impression that Then they sent for Dr. Kearsley, who attended are in the advance guard have arrived spirit daughter. agnetism cured ouce for all, and iound to me, to have his opinion. When he came he at their waiting-time, and should quietly I shall remain in the South and do what I Spiritualistic Christening. y bitter regret that in my case it had lasted felt for my pulse aud found none, nor any ground arms" until the rear guard, tho great cau for some little time, but will return North T o t h e E d it o r :— I have taken the liberty inly four and a half years! * * * remains of life in me, as he told them; but body of religious thinkers, come up, aud to in time to attend to camp-meeting work for of sending you the enclosed “ christening." “Thus I went on suffering until the end of as he was going away he returned and said the front, as they seem in some prominent the Northwestern Spiritualist Association. I I was one of the ladies who were gathered e month, when one day I received the Janu- that something came into his mind to try [uarters to be making serious efforts to would be pleased to hear from friends of our together for our afternoon meeting at the ry number of the Revue Sjpirite, w hich I fu rth e r. do. When they shall have grasped the cause who would like to have something in medium’s house, Mrs. Mullen, when one of o on subscribing for now as I did before, He then desired somebody to get him a fundamental truths Unit lie at the foundation their owu towu, aud will make very liberal her controls, Starr King, came and performed began to look it through, when suddenly, small looking-glass, which Catherine Souder, of the spiritual philosophy, then the great terms; also from persons in places on my way the ceremony, and I assure you it was a most der the title of ‘Obituary Notices,’ my who lived with my father, procured. The secular world will give respectful audience back. My address while in the South will be interesting scene. Mrs. Becker lost her then >ye caught these lines: 'Le 15 Janvier cour- doctor laid it on my mouth for a short time, to the same, and the structure of society c a re independent Pulpit, Waco, Tex. Perma­ only daughter some years ago, so the birth of nt, on portait cntorrela depouille mortclle de then took it off and there appeared ou the will gradually change to meet the new devel­ nent address, St. Paul, Minn. this baby was a great joy to the parents, and I. Henri Evette, magnetiseur puissant' (On glass a little moisture. Then the doctor said opments in all lines of thought, and what W . H . B a c h . they named her after the first, but added May, anuarv 15th were buried the mortal remains to them: ‘If he is not dead, I believe he is so Spiritualists from their vantage-ground have making it Clam Mav; this the spirit sister did f Mr. Henry Evette, a powerful mesmerizer.) far gone that I think he will never open his so ardently longed for, viz:—a respectful not wish, so put it Bell— Ciaribell. felt sorry for the good old man, evidently eyes again. But I would have you let him recognitiou— will be au accomplished fact. An Excellent Medium at St. Paul. ;he same that we have known, when suddenly lay while he continues warm, and when he be­ Then organization of the true order of evo­ M r . Editor:— It may be of interest to the thought struck me. January 15, uew style, address n v sriR iT s t a r r k in o . gins to grow cold lay him out.’ lution will be the simplest and easiest of many investigators and seekers for Spiritual eans with us January 3d in Russia. If he “ Ciaribell Becker, 1 come to-day in behalf s a y ’s w o n d e r f u l v i s i o n . possibilities. Then from pulpit, school and light in this State, and especially south of as buried on that date, then he must have of your spirit sister, to christen you in this This they told me when 1 returned into theatre, the three great forums of education St. Paul, to know that quietly domiciled in led on January 1 st, or thereabouts, since in name that she has chosen for you. I baptize the body, at which time I inquired why so and social development, all may teach, listen this city for the winter is one of the most ranee, as elsewhere, the people are rarely you not with water, but with the divine spirit many sat up with me, not knowing that they and learn, according to their several abilities, wonderful physical mediums. Mr. and Mrs. uried before the third day after their death. of love, truth and knowledge, and it matters thought me dead. Upon hearing me speak in an unbroken unity. Angels speed the day. Goodsel, of Howard Lake, this State, arc jle must have died, then, on New Year’s Day, not to her what they may call you here in this they were all very much surprised. The Mrs. C. H. H inckley. now quartered at tho residence of our good recisely on that day when the long-forgotten life, but to her and the Spirit world you shall second time I spoke they all rose out of their Grand Rapid*, Mich. Brother and Sister Hall, near neighbors of the ain had returned into the arm he had so suc- chairs, and when I spoke the third time they writers. Mi's. Goodsel (formerly Thayor) be known as Ciaribell; and may the nngels essfully cured some years before! What an all came to me. My father and mother W hat the Signs of the Zodiac Say. for a number of years lias been quietly living who stand here to-day to witness this christen­ xtraordinarv occurrence! I thought I was ing bear back the glad tidings, that to-day a inquired how it had beeu with me? I ARIES. with her husband at the above-named place, hundcrstruck, as it could never be a simple answered and said unto them 1 thought I had Man shall roeoivo of my golden fleece, resting from her labors as a medium, and oc­ child is born; yes, l>orn, christened, and dedi­ «incidence. How shall we explain this? been dead and going to Heaven, and after I In ratio as his love aud light Increase. casionally visiting in St. Paul (not as a me­ cated to tho spirit work; and we promise that Vould it not mean that the mesmeric passes left the body I heard, as it were, the voices TAURUS. dium, but for congenial association). It the angels shall watch over you; that they a My soul was also delighted with most They are chanting sweet, low lullabys. They CANCER. powers so greatly capacitate her. Although are strewing your path with rare flowers, fresh r l l° HJCsmerizer s death who knows, per- beautiful greens, which appeared to me on 1 see Biblist, orablike, backward crawl, not sitting at present professionally, she laps, at the very hour these mysterious par- everv side, an(j gucb as never were seen in this Ignoring light within, that llghtoth all. occasionally invites a few friends for a from the fields of Paradise, true emblems of ncles suddenly left me! \\ hither have they world; through these I passed, being all LEO. pleasant evening's entertainment The writer love, peace and fidelity. I bear a voice ex­ pne. Have they returned to him and their I cl0 thcowcr that fixed them into my I un(i beheld three men—whom I knew—die I wave the magic wand of women’s love, blessing of the Most High be with you through And lo! tho pure as worlds above. sel, which was gladly accepted. After spend­ in n was broken I Who can tell? 1 would if j r]'wTwo o Qfof them were white, one of whom ing some time iu pleasant conversation, we all time. Amen and Ainen! ” could have some experienced mesmerizer, LIBRA. entered into rest and the other was cast off I the scalos of justice poise In every brain, assembled in tbo room of the medium, where >r those who know about it, answer me and There appeared a beautiful transparent gate By placing around them pleasure and pain. we took seats at a small, plain table. Two A Grand Old Store House. uggest an explanation. Does any one know opened, and as 1 and the one that entered into SCORPIO. slates were lying upon it, which, on being f cases where the death of the mesmerizer The P rogressive T hinker is a grand old rest came up to it, he stepped in, but us 1 w as Only lgnoranco Is vicious, and my sting cleaned, folded togother and tied, wero store bouse of knowledge. I often wish it auscs the diseases cured by him to return in gtepping in, 1 stepped into the body, Tho sweets of love and wisdom over bring. passed beneath the table and pressed tightly was printed on parchment, for I frequently iieir former shape to the patients who survive lo ngi no fo r t iik f in a l c iia n o e , SAGITTARIUS. against the under surfaco by Mrs. Goodsel wear my paper out in reading and re-reading. im, or whether it is an unheard-of case? Is .«When I recovered from my trance I men See, oh man! my swift-winged arrow fly And shoot tho raindrops from tho sky.' and Mr. and Mrs. Flower. After a fow mo­ It contains so much in “ nut-shells," I want to t a common law, or an exceptional event? It! tioned both their names, and the same time menta thus held, writing was distinctly heard CAPRICORNUS. crack all, and let no kernel escape. does seem to me that this is a very remarkable tolling bow I saw them die and which of them upon tho slates by each sitter. When the Pope Leo and I. thick-skulled butter born; J . A. T e a q a r d e n . and suggestive one in the domain of magnetic cntctwi ¡„U) regl ,„,<1 which did not. I said He to butt freedom, I at Capricorn. writing ceased the slates were withdrawn by cures." . to my mother: *Ob, that I bad made ouo AQUARIUS. Mrs. Flower, aud .on being opened disclosed Is not what is designated animal magnetism I stGp fm-tber, then I should not have come 1 teach man to make or break tho rainy cloud, a bunch of beautiful fresh carnation pinks, Miss Marsdon, who has been striving to bet something more than a force—is it a sub- back ugain. ’ After I told them what 1 lmd to And rid ull earth of Its frosty shroud. and the following written communication: ter the condition of the lepers in Siberia, and stance that once infiltrated in the human sys- gay j dcsirctl them to say no more to me, for PISCES. “I am glad to meet you. It gives me is to present their cause to tho Czarina, has tem, exerts a potent influence— a highly cura- j sG|| |lenr(j the melodious songs of pruisc Wo symbolize (swimming the waters of tlmo), grout pleasure to greet the old pioneers. You travel«! over 2 , 0 0 0 miles on horseback in That living In freedom Is living sublime. tive medicine. Jus T ice, laud while I heard them I felt no pain; but prosecuting tbo work. — IF. T. Tunc«. havo battled well, my friends, for the great . | when they went from me the pain in my side truth of Spiritualism. Your reward will come Gen. Francis A. Wnlker would have tho Those who feel an interest tSf~ in sustain- rclunie[j for which 1 was glad, hoping tfiU T he P rogressive T hinker, c o m b iu iu g iu the higher life. You havo stood firmly by government levy a tax of $ 1 0 0 a head upon ing a free-thought paper, that is not crowded every stitch would take me off, and longing for our bnnuerof truth, and we will stand firmly every immigrant coming to us after July 1. with advertisements, should introduce T he cheapness and excellence, should be in every A my final change. b y yo u . 1 find you have many loved ones Then he would notify the world that having Progressive Thinker to their neighbors and “ A fter 1 told them of the death of the family. Only one dollar per year. Sent 13 here who nre anxious to communicate, but recoived in ten years 5,260,000 foreigners wo friends, and get them to subscribe. Sent 13 three men, they sent to see if it was so, and weeks for 25 cents. Introduce it to your not to-day. Your dear ones will speak to you had concluded to take a rest for the uext ten. weeks for 25 cents. when the messenger returned he told the n eig h b o r. both in the near future. They bring you Gen. W alker's bead is generally pretty level. 8 TME PROGRESSIVE THINKER- FEBRUARY 13, I89i

Vhey arc spellbound w ith wonder and eternulty lnultunuhtc tl»o of our own con­ 7 M. B U TLE R , v i t a l e l e c t r i c M eetings in This City. admiration. 5.k trviittm-nt Hour, o» 4 i* V , » t* « j.! r*und»)a. science. Wo must all discern tho truth •¿ill (.'ottfiitfl Urova RYtAur, flr*t liât left. Residence, The uprifthl or body part of tho bouse LOOKOUT MOUNTAIN. for ourselves Individually, that truth Went varili «v«buo, Chica#» tai The Spiritualist« of tbl# city hold TffL i s was consti'uclctl of in»o«ivo to«» sm ooth­ which ulono cun make uh truly froo. meeting« on Sunday as follow«: ly bowed and joined; tbo corners SO A WINTER REPORT OP ITS ATTRACTIONS, A/fRS. L " lie I* u free I n ii n whom llm truth makes free ' IV I uf llowt.t«»n. cclahratcd Traiter liiMln*«» Medium. V. O. S. A. Hall, corner of Washington d nicely »(inured and evened an to denote AND SOMETHIN»; AIIOUT THE SPIRIT­ And all lire «laves liealilus." 1 KI \V »trn i, («•!» (loor. evord anil O gden A ve., Mr». Cor» L. V. (I J the handiwork of some one possesslne UALISTS’ PAMPINO OROUNDS, ETC. Siilrlluullat» must not lean on their moud speaker,«pi’ll at 10:4h and 7 :4h more than ordinary architectural skill A //R S. BR A N D O N *IS THE WONDER TUB E d it o r :— In the past your nicuhim» or speaker» any more than The Ve» People’« Spiritimi Soviet.,, under and capacity. The roof was made of To IVI if nil who viali her. Mi»* tail* your vlabfli and columns and other»’ huvo voiced tho churchgoers should on their ministers. nil you drain- u» know hy ft wonderful power which supervision»upcrvlslon of Mr'Mr Jenifer, will hold «er«»er straw and Imrk. so ln«riiiou 8 ly thatched i'nint" i<* l»rr during a Ion* llln« *« Her prrdh thm* «t Bricklayer’« Hall, 93 South l’eorl» »tree' grandeur« of Lookout Mountain, hut re­ Medium» are not »uporimturul beings, and compressed as to effectually resist of Hi« foturr III lojuliira« or In» *• afTair* novi r fall, 3:80. ports given during tho session» of tho and if wo wore, that would not exon­ had!«• a only. ’.’iiKi » rnlrl» Ave. King lower bell. lift Service» each Stindny at 3:30 unil7:3Qp.i all storms. The «round», which ex­ erate the other» from thinking for them- tended In a gradual sh>|>o from the house, cump-moollngB here absorbed so largely TJ YE ODEN ER QUESTIONS RUT ftHl West . m. covet as a model, and was situated some CURE -A l‘RES£IVr~UO,00. nterests in the future. Business men corning, und let ouch try und help tho Mtiltltuih-a are cured hy ahaetit hratlnff and three miles from Tomahawk Luke. A huvo engineered the Association’s Inter­ other in that way to a clearer under­ aplrlt power ««real rrjo|rini?J After pay In« all a«kcd. The McDonalds had been settled in a lady far away cured of a thirty year»* dlaeaae, haa ests, and tho truot o( realty owned bv standing of the truth. their now homo a number of years; in­ am t aid **aa a pfrarnl-*' Another preaent of tin aa “a the Association is worth »27,000 more to­ No matter though tho jioint of view irlft.’* Tin* pour cau do all I aak! Send a »tamp, plain deed, long enough to be considered old t addreaa; not on«' aymptolii until after you «et my day than it first cost them. Tho etllclent that troubles some may bo clear to the OS'K O f TIIP I'RINtTPAL CHARACTERS | Inhabitants, when one day Eleanor's lettrr direct In« what to do for u»c arnoii« the alck- management hero will adopt wise m eth­ mujorlty, lot tho minority have their All who do It K«*t Pi day» tr«*atmrnt free. A atatrip — IN LENA tiltil.K'S STORY OP IMONKER brother Alonzo (familiarly called Lon), »li«»rt le tte r o f »lx lin e « —th e n I w ill w rite It all. I»r. ods tor the general good. Tho Nuturul 1 representation, so that all may to en­ ) who was nineteen years of age and two A. J . SWAltTA. L o o k o u t M ountain« Te*nne»»ce, 118 LIFE. Bridge Hotel, owned by the Camp Asso lightened. Bolter huvo a little—totter years her senior, and herself set out elation, is kept by W. II. Russe H o huvo a great deal of repetition, than jy > \WER FUL SRI R IT MAGNETIZED I with basket and pnit containing all such ' kept by W. II. Russell, has a fair supplyply of hoallh-seekers u u d have it Huld bv any one that his or her JT pnpaper. Ileal» all dtaraae». Tcatlmonlala from "goodies” as are found in the pantries Maine to California. Rend » conta to ciiin Woodbury, more uro coming. opinion was shunted out of tlie ureim of thrifty farmers, to go berrying, it Wofti Funiiltitittiit, Maine, for a package with direc­ A MYSTERIOUS FAMILY The mountain Is over eighty miles long bocuuso it could not he controverted, tion. 117 having been arranged the day previous and uverugoa three in width, and Is cov­ und was not desired to to udopted. No A Talo of I’loneer Lifo lu S o ttf li- that they should meet at a certain point ered with timber. There are various matter what our educational or other LIBERAL OFFER! BY A RELIA - orti M ichigan. specified with which all parties supposed le clairvoyant and magnetic healer. Send four farms and many residences on this north disadvantages may have been, wo can Al taoh familiar, when a load of young peo­ '¿-rent »lampa, lock of hair, name, age and »ex. We BY LENA BIBLE, -NOW IN S IT IT L Il’K. cud. Tlie mount has an abundunco of all help each other. If a dark or unde­ will dlagnote your caae free, by IndeiM'ndent spirit ple, gotten up mainly for the purpose of writing. Addre-M. llr. .1. 8 . Loticks, Bhlrlcy. Max».(Pit berries in seuson. and much fruit is veloped spirit comes to me. trying to EXPLANATORY. having u jolly good time generally, were raised. The clearest und best drinking deceive me or work mo harm, 1 d o n o t to add them to their number. Eleanor CHAPTER 11. water in tlie world flows from its many expect spiritual advice, or noblo U/RETE TO D R . J . C. RII I LU PS , ... . and Alonzo having flnully reached the thoughts and language from such a r I for an unparalleled patipare horn ctric reading, ex- T h e first' scttlci > hi the v icinity I p(aoe designated at uu earlier hour than springs. These form lovely rivulets and nmlnntlon or advlee on hu»fneu matter», cncloalng creeks which meandot for miles and (low .source, but ho help» me all tlie same, for lock of hair. kU Ing age and »ex, one dollar and thrr«* w h e re th e> McDonalds osta dlshed^ their Onofixed upon when the rest should 2-Cttnt »lamp». Three questions an*wered for ’¿i cent». through glens to tho Tennessee river. these very attempts at deceit and harm new homo was a family whom, it up arrive, seated themselves under tho HI A W. Van Huren »irret, Chicago. 111. 119 jtoured, had bv some unaccountable Some, howovor, pour as cascade» or show mo how I can aid him. IaA us branches of a lurgo oak tree by tho road means acquired tbo friendship of all the bridal veils from craggy brows fur UD never, thoroforo, stifle discussion, but rpiIE SICK ARE HEALED. SEND side to await the coming of tho party; Indians in that section, who, for a long the mountain rooks. Lulu Fulls is the rather invite it, ami let us remember 1 three \ 2-rent »tamp* for private letter of advice but hour after hour pussed and still fnun the Spirit-world. W. I*, riieloo, M. D., il9 Jack­ chief one on the mount; Its lino flow of that, owning intim ate allegiance only to time, were the only people or neighbors they worn waiting. At length, after re­ son Boulevard. Chlcaib». III. I3> with whom they would associate, or in purest water is a thing of rare beauty. ourselves, wo may safely receive and volving the m atter over and over ugain ■1C any manner whatsoever mingle. How The full Is a charm ing attraction, us it is consider, and if it ho seems good unto TJfOlV TO BECOME A MEDIUM. in their minds, they concluded that 1 / Bll«» A U a rote, ’¿« 4 Fifth »irri-t. DctmiuMli'ti. • t this conciliatory power was gained by u wide volume und bus a perpendicular us, assim ilate ail or any of what the low­ probably tile reason tor their disappoint­ vrtll »end you « fuuiiptjU'L reviled« Improved and cum- hi tl is family over these uncivilized Red fall of 100 fe e t, so 1 a m to ld . liest of our brethren may choose to offer. plrle» •!•«» A ai'filrd lottcr d<'ai|maliti)C all your ptiaara THE PSYCHOGRAPH ment was due to misunderstanding us to OR Lulu Lake,near tho large fall,Is a lovely " To thine oivn »elf lie true, of tm'dtumalilp, and a »ample of Th» Howcr. all for 1ft Men, or what the mystery which so tho place of meeting, either ou their ce n t» . 184 body of clear water. It is sixty-live feel Arid It doe» follow a» the night, tlie day, DIAL PLANCHETTE! completely enveloped them, no one pre­ own part or that of tho company. They Thou euust uot then I e false to nuy mtiu." tended to kuow or even correctly con­ deep. It adds much to tho grandeur of P/R/IUAL/STS VISITINO CHICAGO \ continued, however, to watch and wait jecture, excepting occasionally a strau- the mount. If fish Inhabit its depths, I trust, then, that your valuable paper can and coxy roams, equal u> those at hotels, frith Till» lajtrniRfflt has now been thoroughly im iju i' until tho sun hud reached its meridiau. 5a Kplrlltisllsl.’ mil), at «8 St. John’s Place near Union numerous Inveatlicatora» and ha» proved nuwe ger coming into the community would they have beautiful parlors and mossy will go on as it is going, and doing so Park. iuty than the planebetie. both In regard w Having then abandoned nil hope of the fancy himself in possession of the secret. chambers in which to roam with belles well, giving weekly valuable informa­ talnty and o>rrrctxi' «i» of the communication*. *® delinquent party putting in an appear­ a mean» «yf developing ni<* itumahlp« Many who * J Some such had drawn upon their imag­ und beaux, und in their shaded grottoes tion and Instruction from our brethren /E BUND MEDIUM , MR. FRED Oiit aware of their medium I »tie Kill have, after a ance, they turned their attention toward inations suliioleutly to formulate the they inuy form ninny a sacred alliance, of greater experience, and yet freely A. Hr*alh. fir n reading» by letter, lo order that •lUlnjTK been able to receive a#t*>al*blng coa.ll finding a inoro desirable place in which oilr n a f hove o chance to l« t hi» poveri h r moie*» nlnuiixu from their departed frtcoda. en theory that they were working in secret tor ibis is a rom antic and secluded retreat. opening its columns to the crudest and to eat their lunch, u* where they then tbla r-rimorkoMe otTer: Send ten cent» In tlJvtr. «U h, Capt. D. b. Kdwanla, Orient. N. Y-* write»: 1* | ( with white outlaws, counterfeiters, or A Boston syndicate, representing most undeveloped for the expression of lock of hoir and »lamp and he will »end fuu % trial romiritiolcailumi iby the l*»ycboirr*ph* from r. . were there was no water. Therefore reading. A»ldrea«. Fred A. Heath. 144 Abbott »trert other friend», even from the okl »ettlrr» wboae highway robe in conjunction with $ 1,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 , has just bought the large their opinions. Opinions all the more observing a little path leading into the Detroit. Mich. IK ituort are tno*»Kro«ro In tho old yard. TbrT_ the Indians, else how came they in pos­ tract of laud, tho immense Inn Hotel, to to welcomed the more they are dis­ been highly aatl*facu>ry, and proved to roe that ß woods, they at once decided to turn in uallicn U Indeed trot, and Ute com tonni cal loe» session of so tnnuy things, not only com­ and muny other buildings of the former torted, or to better developed natures KfjEL TED PEBBLE SPECTACLES and follow its windings, and so for a dis­ Klvm tny Lean the greateat comfort In the severe forts but luxuries, utterly unattainable owners. This hotel lodges 1,000 guests repugnant, for their very expression is IVI. rettore loat v1»lon. The «pecUcle« that I »cod are i have had of w»o. daughter, and thdr mother. tance penetrate the cool, shady forest, large eye», mounted In a fine cteel frame, rent hy mall by most of their neighbors? One of the in the lively season. Much of interest to others a silent appeal for more light Dr. Kojfrijr Crowell, whiwc writing« have mad imi for the day was intensely warm and sul­ In a nice wooden ! m>x . State age and bow Iona you hare urne familiar to lh**c Interrate«! In psychical mat be foremost in promulgating this idea, one could ho said about this great enterprise. and kindly help and counsel. worn kla»«r». Or »end me your addreta and 1 will «end write« a« follow»: •*! am much piraird with th ej try. Alonzo remembered, he said, full dlreclton» and iUu»t/*t«d circular. How to l>e fitted duy, while on a hunting expedition near "They that are whole need not a cbograph jou »ent me. and will thoroughly te*« I where there was a spring of excellent They own a good railway and are operat­ by rujr new «method of clairvoyant alcht. Price of flr»t opportunity I may hare. It I» very the Mobntt (the strange family's) home- ing it from Chattanooga to the top of physician, but they that are sick." spectacle« 1.10. Addrea«. B. F. Poole. Clinton. Iowa, tl water, from which he had at many principle and construction, and I am »are must l-e stead, chanced to observe, Kwhile i i m passing the mount by a very circuitous route. [ ih ere is one point in this connection more »cn«ltlve to spirit power than the one now In times drank when out hunting, to which ... a very circuitous route. |, X.jeR>..l . ,, .. I fwllevr It will gt-'irrally aripwr%«'«lc the latter » across the end of a pasture lot where They are to construct a new incline or | ^ which I should like to call attention, AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE lu superior merlu become known.** tl he suggested they direct their way, aud that is that we must not rush from x x SunflowerSunflowcr Jewel, the ItadgreUadgre of Recognition. Lib­Llt>- nibbled a few sheep, an opening in the endless cable line directly up. A. P. Miller. Journal Ut and port. In an editoria which they proceeded to do; and finally, the one extreme of total subjection of eral dUcounu. C. D Ualnrt Co.. Roc heater. X. Y-fWtf tire of the Instrument In hlaI gpaper, tper. them Worthir hillside nearly conceaha by trailing Tho Narrow Gauge Company have after considerable rambling about, suc­ conscience and reason to the dictates of (Mltm.i Advarcr. aajn»: “ Tb'u Pvycbogranh la a» vines nud creepers. Immediately the shown enterprise by their incline road, HE BLIND MEDIUM f PROF. IL. W. provcinenl upon the...... planchette,* wing having a di» i lai and It ceeded in discovering it. Having first a church, right to the other extreme of tere, with a few word«, so that very iltUn ‘pPWjCI thought Hashed into his mind that here their Point Hotel and their track lo the ■ MSinclair, will »end you hy letter adlfc reading of hastened to quonoh their great thirst deuying the utility or good of the church apparent.» paired to give the communbat ^ might bo the long-sought opportune- camp grouuds. Wo have a post-office the7 pa»t and future with date«. Mall a lock of hair We do not healute to recommend It to all who cai with the pure cold water issuing from u altogether. All churches, bo they and one dollar. Address. Prof. B. W. Sinclair. Hotel tor discovering the rendezvous of the and several stores on tho mount. The Ven&oat, Lowell, Maas. 122 teat the question whether »pirlu can return and mossy bank, uud, rolling away, forming Protestant, Roman Catholic, Greek or nnmlcatft." -1 band of outlaws of which ho believed L o o k o u t M o u n ta in H o u s e is a n o th e r la r g e Just what fnveeUgaUirt want, lio n « circle# vr i a tiny sparkliug stream, they proceeded anything else, aro doing good, und much Mr. Mobatt a member. So. cautiously hotel with many residences connected Price, hy mull, froe with full directions fur u»e I R to select u convenient place to spread good, aud the nearer they come to tlie THE SIGN OF RECOGNITION. Fur aide at this office. advaneiug to the opening, and pulling tor the rooming of sum mer resorters. and eat their lunch. The Bpot chosen ideal of their founders, real or supnosed, aside, a.- best he could, the natural cur­ Dr. Barton hu» a good Sanitarium on W ear tlie Badge was under the broad spreading brauohes the more elevating and beneficial they tail! before it, he peered in. Naught the mount, and patients are beginning DB. R. GREE- of a massive tree, through the thick fol­ are to the human race. True they have but darkne ss greeted bis vision. Care­ to come to it. Another place of interest BE IN TOUCH WITH THE The Noted Spirit He. . iage of which the searching rays of the faults, all of them ; thoy wore not human Ot the W et I «5 years. fully he crawled in a little way, when is tho Sanitarium kept for tho last two great spiritual fraternity, governed by universal midday sun could not penetrate. otherwise, but we must not annihilate law. Tb« The Sunflower “ “ “turn» ‘lu iface *to the ‘ ~Sun of— Truth, WÊM Chicago : treats patiente suddenly there came a mighty rush of years by Dr. Deitrich. Your correspond­ a ru em blem f'«r Spirt tonitela. It I» a beautiful Jewel. a «listane«, however err Being very weary they were not con­ an institution because It contains error. wind us though produced by the pas­ ent has leased this property and opened Price ti. Profila devoted to the caute. Addre»» C. D tho distance, with or.pan scious of how swiftly time was passing Reform, not destruction, must be our Haines, 24 8 L Clair St. Rochester. X. V. Wtf (ol<«l success. I sage of a heavy body through the air, it as the Lookout Institute, to to used until the blackness of a gathering tem ­ motto, and reform by the wish of those ■A ll Irrsotia, thereto! and he was ejected so forcibly that he tor absent healing, and instruction in •mfhrtnj; from any chroi pest jogged their sleeping senses. After we would make totter. felt, os he afterward declared, as though occult sciences; also from which he will AN ASTONISHING OFFER! malady or affliction. Alonzo hud eaten his dinner, he threw “ A man convinced against his will, is who vlsh lu nexlla».- rel, all the bones in his body wore being dis­ publish his paper, Liylit o f Ayes. I w e l­ himself upon the green, mossy ground, of his own opinion still.*’ ami a (»enuanent cure, i, located. As soon as he could collect his come the sick, tlie weary, and the hungry £ E .Y D THREE ir CE NT STAMPS respectfully Invited to C" remarking as he did so, that* the soft, We must therefore seek not the scattered senses he found himself con­ to our invalids’ home. W e will live you lock of hair. »«■-. namo, tnx, oar tending snoptr-m ar w rite for Clairvoyant u lo g n o a ta and ret!a. ilowery bed, fashioned by nature's fault­ spread of any “ ism," to it our own and voiurdl*e»«e will l>e rilwrnnsedrreehv spin* powet fronted by a large and pugnacious-look­ month free, Mr. Editor, if you will proscription, encloslna SL00. giving name in to less band, was so loudly calling upon "ism ” or any other person’s, but the Dr. A. B. Dobson. San .Toas, Call. ago. height atul weight, color of eyes au d o ing male sheet), whose rest in the shade come and take a rest. him to try its virtue, that he could no well-being of the race, the progress loading eyuipbon. Address, furnished by tills natural cavity in the If space would permit, I would tell PR OGRESSIVE THINKER AND SPIR longer resist the impulse to acquiece, towards perfection of all life. This is a OU R GRRR, 1271* S«He St .GHIUGO. earth he hud unwittingly disturbed. much of interest on and about this 1 Itasi Book* for sale bj Titos Mcrrctt, S23 w . Su' and he was soon fast asleep; while Elea­ work which do organization can per­ street. New York. P. f%. Or. G reer’» .Yrw F le r tr le D ia d e m , lì And so all conjectures, though not al­ mountain, reluting to war days. Fight­ p r o m rijht and rituj. incruise* menial men nor in the meantime sat under her green form, though each can help towards its ways in so violent and ludicrous a man­ ing Joe Hooker left his tracks in the *rm mU b r a in a n d iutvom dteeoa««. Send canopy of tall stately trees; with but attainment if they will, it is a work ner, were proven erroneous, leaving the buttle above tho clouds" part oi the PROP. J. II. RAND AIM, SPIR IT l' i Pamphlet here and there a hazy’cloud sailing by, which can to most effectually carried family in as great obscurity as before. way up the mount. Mission Ridge lies A Healer, coo tarnish hundreds of testimonials she knew uot how long they remained, forward outside of, wliilo yet within, all Bead a lock of four hstr. state one leading symptom, It was ascertained, however, that in full view, also Sherm an Heights. Our sex. age, whether married or single, and enclose Or« so perfectly enchanted by the lulling in­ distinctive organizations. It is the they were of French lineage; that in glass surveys many fields of buttle close 3-ccnt sumps for free diagnosis. Address, 36« Call LECTRICIT fluence of the variety of sounds which work of the universal spirit of love—the fornls arc., Chicago. IU. -17 lilt Tilo HAS A l't’LU.M EScaSé true politeness and good breeding they lo the mount, and sweep» an area of vast fell in peaceful harmony upon her ear Christ spirit, if you will—which works when drugs fail. Lung and Spine B1 were by no meant deficient, was very extent, for wo see seven different States, EUABLE OFFER. SEND THREE tcrics. Galvanic Insoles, Riant and senses. iu all men, and therefore work« in all 1 in cy noticeable when sometimes they would many towns and objects of interest. The R l-crnl stamps, lock ot hair, name age, sex one lead- OlUUinYn |M «tass*.p.a«.w . * ...... v swsvsx | j C-llfipUl (To be Continued.) societies, but can he confined to none. logtymptoni, sndd fI wllldt.gnosryoar disease free with unthinkingly reply to their neighbor’s mountain rises to a height of 1,800 feet Awarded Gold Medal and Diploma bv the Aca Let each of us then remain where our the aid of spirit power. I>r. S. S. Williams, Lake Orne­ cmy of Science, Paris. Prance. W rite t> salutations in a manner at once courte­ above tho Tennessee river, flowiug close es. WIs. 117 i’am phlrt. Liberal term» to ascents. Addrei conscience impels us, whether it be in ous and pleasing, as they would m eet on to its base. Steamers aro plying daily, THE THOMAS II \TTKKY 11».. Mrs. Elsie Reynolds. the church or out of It, and where we I.l. WHO WOULD KNOW THEM- Bos 117. (' 1*f»l the highway; but they were ordinarily thus adding beauty to the enraptured •rlvrs.and drstlny should send for the Williams so very resorved, and at all times re­ are, let us so live that wo shall help, and A Mrs. Elsie Reynolds, the oft-trudueed, v isio n . Psychologies! Chart. Addrc-ts with stamp for Infor­ mained so entirely within themselves, Tho city of Chattanooga Is most enter­ not hinder, the progress upwards of the mali»». Mrs. M. K. V flU H S i, art W. SSth street. N. most misguided of our fellow-men. Y. City. ______lUltf seeming to say by their cold formality oft-raided, arrested, fined and impris­ prising, and filling up rapidly with peo­ and chilling demeanor that they de­ oned, materializing medium of Los ple from tho North who invest heavily. “ There I* ii life above. n s Y CCHOME TR V. CONSUL T W ITH Uuinea*urcd by the flight of years, ASTRAL) j * » sired nothing of the people around Gatos, Cal., gave a series of m aterializ­ Our weather hero now is llko October in Í Prof, A. B. tirrrraucu In all mat(« r» pertaining to Ami all that life I* love." •radical life, and your »nlrlt-trlcnd». Bead loca of them, only to bo left exclusively alone, ing seances In the elegant parlors of Mr. Illinoi». Tho tem perature on tho mount {air. or handwriting, and uno dollar. w in aaawm D a v i d R e i d , J r . MAGNETIC REMEDIES that no one felt any inclination to at­ is very oven, and tho uffiicted coming tlirco queatlun» freo i*f charge Send for circular«. and Mrs. Lewis T. Brooke, No. 1423 Address. 1W 4th «trcoL Milwaukee. WI». UU y lie grandest s>-*tcm of «plrit-rcmcdlea c. tempt the second time any familiarity hero recover rapidly. If any of your 1 given into the hand or innu to cure amlaui Locust St., Philadelphia. The evening with them, and bo the hope of over readers desire to learn more about this /tKCOill'KXSK. hilalc all form* of ai»cn«r. of Jan. IS she held her farewell seance, A full description of this »»-»tern ofmrdlcntic forming their acquaintance was finally lovely resort. I shall to willing to write YES YOU CAN also a lecture by Trof. Olucy H. kichmond I abandoned by all; and thus year after previous to her departure. Tho parlors all who inquire oncloslug u stamp. nv c. w. cook. p E T W ELL. SEND 1 1 F O R A P O T . crlchratcd occulllst. will tic found in thr uami, year passed away, and s'lll no more was k J tie of Klixiu or Lira. A «pirli remedy.a p p u r a l i lei. entitled.T ilt Astbai. Guinn, which UofgT-' were filled to their utm ost capacity, many D r . A. J. StVARTS. vogo labio, and Magnotucd. PotHlvoly renew» life •m ow n nf liiia nccullar hurdle tbnn tl,,.i interest to all acarchcrs after truth aud wilt ttnowu of ibis peculiar family, than that being obliged to stand, and mine host Lookout Mountain, 2 ’enii, Though thy pnth hath oft been clouded, Thouaanda rejoice over health reatornd. Fur blood, sent to ituv nddre&s ou receipt of stamp ( a mystery was hanging over them with Ami thy way seemed drear and dark, livrr, and kidney aliment« them 1» no better remedy postage. Address, . made. Sand for circular. Dr. B. K. Myer« Clinton which no one cared to meddle, however. and hostess, in unison with tlie Spirit Ami thy soul huth nil been shrouded L. J. SHAPER. Iowa. I2U SOIS W\»IHV«-.TQ\- B o r u v s n n , CiucaoOt It But even tho children in their rambles,if world, did all in their power to make MULTIFARIOUS VIEWS. When grief »«««lied thy feeble burque; they chanced to come across tho strange the occasion a grand success, it was a Though the moth* that nattered round thee / W. FLETCHER, TRANCE AND \ J • bualnea» medi am. 24* W. 43d »trod New York EVERY MAN WHO WOULD BE A Mf old man, would exhibit as much terror, \Vh< n the sun was o’er tby uny. Ov «bo would iriwt au Ucrcasc o# gathering of intellectual miuds, doctors, How very suggestive and worthy of Soon n« sorrows rolled around thee. City. Hour« 9 to 4 Public »cane«*« Monday and and run from him as though pursued by careful consideration is Mr. Woodruff’s Thursday N i», w.. aod Raturxlaya S f. J». Letter* upon lawyers, students and judges. Old Ami the cloud* obscured thy way, inediti mah Ip. health, etc.. an»weml. Term« «1. 1»> m a n l y e n e r g y ' a ferocious bear; y e t do one could really letter in a late issue of Tlltc PRO­ friends from adjacent States, and oven Left thy side In holy horror! I), Ey>R SALE OR I NCHANGE. SMALL '^U ^T^EIictricC oror, tell why they were frightened into fee GRESSIVE T h in k e r on management of As the false find fickle will, from Denver, Col., woro there to share 1 property In SummerlaBd- Addir«* M. Wof ing so unpleasant ut the approach of the camp meetings, and what a great im­ And In all Ihelr well feigned terror, fendeu, Summerland. California. 117 poor, reticentillccnt old gentleman,gen tie i whose in the spiritual toast. The cabinet was provement would take place were tho Keep aloof, avoid thee still;— rwntorea-----; - J IO«lon t «Halit», h "u""* t(, snowy locks und bent form scorned to in­ formed by merely suspending a wire same principle» applied in other cases Loving angels yet watch o’er thee, A WONDERFUL OFFER BY A PO IV Ei» . 2SgwlS’“ *Mlî¥ Irt l.mi.*’* ,b‘ s. , t , ,,1 ««-i ,^.» . tt‘1 dicate that tho better part of his days across the corner of the room, on which that admit of them. Take your own And of himi»ns, «till n few XL erfurful elalnroyant aud magnetic healer. Send S Th« Creen E»eiric Ce.. 1ST x.OiY 2-crnt aumpa. lock of hair. age. acx, and one leading were nearly passed, and his physical was hung a black cloth reaching to the (taper a» u pertinent and telling cxumple Sympathise ami strive to cheer thee— »ympioin, and I will »end you a full and correct diag­ m (»owor» necessarily considerably de­ floor, and about six feet high. It was of the advantage of having everyone friends Iu sorrow, tried sud true. nosis of your case. Addrva», Dr. W, F. Lay, Box 2.VJ, o u n ew cita*, tl. But tho rumors atout himself thoroughly Inspected by those who do interested lend a helping hand, if possi­ Don’t yon see you’ve been the gainer Denver Colo. _ ^ n g S i u and family,had gained sufficient cre­ sired to do so. Among the many spirit From your sorrow* here below, ble. TOP P S ) CHOME TR IC DIA GNOSIS V¡: dence In the community to keep the peo- friends that came In full form may bo Thut they’ve served *» moral slrnlnrr “ d Fai»| I presume from the general tenor of To save the wheat, the chaff let go! F »end Ove t-c^cnt »tamp», age and »ex. Short j*«y- K tinini pie Busniclou« and afraid. mentioned a sister of the writer I "Jo' chonu trlc reading of >our*«Mf or friend ¡k» eia Full your articles and correspondence thut Lot " He 1« the most nueei -sful JauÇTül In addition to tbo doubtful clrcum- sephine," who passed the "great di­ reading, past, present and futuro, «1. Hr. M. B. Xlcbola, »4 tosai■ - ai It Is hardly nece»»ary to call up for com­ Who. In every gresl defeat XZi West Monroe »tn-ot. Chicago. III. IM rooaipi of 4o n Blancc« in connection with them already v id e ” in 1880): also "little Mamie "(our mendation the exumplcs of tho great Following hottest effort. Jiesreful rail* related, it was said also that a young daughter, aged six, transplanted to L. E. TOPLIFF; SPIRITUAL Aditmm- MAQNXTh reformer, M artin Lulhor, and yot 1 m ay Views the victory It doth secrete.” TKUM COMI*Y .Or “ man hod been seen to enter their home Spirit-life in 1882). ^E. V. Wilson------came lie allowed to suggest that Luther but mHealer. t Absent treatments \ apeclalty. Mag ftaa rraa«.laco.Oal v e ry sti Strive thou, then, from all the sorrow net I red |>oj-«-r* »ent for fti) eta. Treatment» free under cover of night, who was received strong, and those who knew him began tlie work for um in that line. Ho Ami the pnln thy lol hath known, Kureka feprlnga. Arkansas______n with expression* of ccstacy and ioy by sa idfill it was perfect. Mr. Monroe, the nrotouted against tho authority of tbo Calm to meet each coming morrow tui them, and alternately folded in the chief control, came and »ang. His voice Roman Catholic Church, and protested With a spirit stronger grown. CARL SIXTUS, UTSIDE THE GA TES, Ih arms of each. The»-- visile were repeat­ was a deep int-s, and ho gave us words of moreover to some purpose, but he only L-TEa LIN G m e d i u m a n d h v p .v o . r t talcs sud sketchrs. It) . I,*nd of For cv’ry blast the whirlwind glveth 1 l»t. Ih vcloplng. Ing of Medium«,Mediums and Dl»ea«e»Diseases llgcnrc«.O If,rough the inrdlumshln of M ™ T l ed, it was believed, once each year, at counsel and cheer: said he would briug uh I I sh o w e d tho way to a still further and The Infunt onk on mountain side, treated by Vital Magneti«!!). II)pnotlklii alid also Shvlhaincr. Au excellent »urli. It i« his medium hack again in September, if . n T avi least, and always after nightfall. higher title to the name of Protestant. Bui strength enduring to It hrlngeth Magnetic Treatment. 17V LaSalle A%o . Chicago. Ill rpH E MYTH OF THE ..c...... R I A T D'aa 1 I t who universally udraitted through­ possible, which wo» echoed by u con Till up it grow*—the forest’s pride. otllee hours. 2 to ft i\ u. Dr. hlxtu» ho» made experl lie went a» he felt impelled to go, as menta be furo the Chicago l’rc*a Club, and received It« J. uge. fcomeihlngyoubomethlng you «houltlshould lis«« to rtft»»ho 1 out the vicinity that these people had linued "amen" from tho uudience, fur, thut is, as uny man 1« justified in Then, though life’s whirlwinds surge around oiuhiTvemrtit. No letters answered without my fee o James v| Mi i «un Prlee t ruta evinced excellent judgment in the loca­ Muny other spirit» caiuu (eighteen in going, and was a great Hlep Inin advance thee, • I.UU encloaed. u? R o s t e i o f n a t u r e , p y all), uud all were recognized, except «berumn and Win. »- Lyou. A hook „ tion of their farm, and good, sense in foril was " tho lirai «top which coat«, Till thou nrl almost overborne, /¿ L U E B IR D , M A ID OE THE S E N spiritual trulli*, l’rloo «t.ou. X)en their selection ot a site whereon to creel onu, a powerful Indian, who tqioko in his but If we uro true to the spirit which Boar up I and nil around then U eca», givra the pule race the key of health own dialect, aud could not inuko hjnim.df Will migels shower blessings down. PROM SOUI TO SOCI. BY £*? *l their dwelling, especially if it was their animated him we »hull see it was only u Pen photograph of soul male and guides, 1 Itood Tullio. A beautiful hook of porto»*111*1 understood. Just before the close of the f your spirit temple oyer the river, with intention to always remain so complete­ «top. Wo are called upon to use our So thank the past for nil that’s brought thee. magni poema, . prophetic . . of future Ufo In earth uivrlt. l ’rlcost.M. ^ p a c« ly isolated from the world around them; seance the lights woro extinguished, larger liberty, partly tho result of hi» Improve the present all you may, tralla, bend one dollar, name, age and addrea*. Dr. r\RM AND S OF Al I TROGRI&a gì and we were visited by three Illuminated’ For all the future hope most calmly, M a II i • » > ilBLLK* Babbktt, SBI MapleMai St*,- V pillanti, A-S Mlndt for s Pure, ChrUilsn, Nuu >c