Progress, th>e Universal LaW of [Maiûre; Tlyoügfy, fbe Solvent of J~ler P roblem s. CHICAGO. FE B R U A R Y 20 . 1892. NO. 117 nishes no Instance of u |>ersocution for George Washington, In reply lo an should become a part of our common day. The chief reason given was that contesting an ubstractdootrlno.”—tripos address on religious legislation, said: school curriculum that would not apply the movement of Sunday trains dis­ ties, p. U9.) "Every man who conducts himself as with all its force to Buddhism or Mo turbed them In their rellgloun worship. kc'-lhyi A CHANGE OF TACTICS. a good citizen is accountable alone to hummedanfsm. W hile these potltlons were being read, Senator B., a good man, “ but very pro­ c r J W ithin the last few years an entire God for his religious faith, and should THE CHURCH'S POLITICAL METHODS. lie protected In worshiping God accord­ fane in his speech," came to me and c h a n g e h as co m e o v e r th e s p i r it o f tb< Politics is not In any case the cleanost s a id : dreams of tho church. Tho time was ing to the dictates of his own conscience M thing in this country, and when the “ Hull, do you know that this Is the when we all went to church: the fact 1». This is authority enough on one «do of c h l ) £ h c 8 re w ir t to |>0 „ii„a, methods the, _ N ow d --------- dcst humbug out of h—1? Excuao we hod to go to the church or to hell & 1« ll.b,f0 ir ,a iir P>1"- [ »bow themselves'capable of getting me If I am a little profane, but I've and of the two, many of us manifested ful duty to warn you t ¡at a i gc, gr down to tho lowest degradation of the ing and influential religious Isxiy refuses looked Into this business. A petition slight preference for the church. Wo pot-house politician. This is thoroughly to accept the positions and proofs just has been read from E ------, th a t 's m y went there to get rid of going to hell. fillustraled - lu - -the effort- now -being - made stated, and Is just nmv making Her- home. I have examined It curcfullv; I Whou we got there wo heard ourselves to force a Sunday Sabbath upon the cutcun endeavors to convert the world to know nearly every name on It. Why described as having "hearts deceitful American people. In order to accom­ bless you, they have tho names of nearly above all things, and desperately the other side of the question. They plish this the church selected one Rev. publish several papers, und have mis­ every child In our three Sunday-schools wicked." Wo wore treated to disserta­ F. W. Crofts und made him field sec­ sionaries in the field every day. with no on that petition. I have a gnuiddaugh- tions on original sin, total depravity, retary, and gave him general charge of other object thun to change the form of . .... _ -> - ter only five years old. whose name la on according to their discretion, short of endless hell, an angry God, an almighty the work. Ti our Government by converting it into ........ 1 that as being one whose religious wor­ death. They had power to extort evi­ Devil, vicarious atonement and other convicts of m isrepresentation. ’J'ioies ship Is being disturbed by the running BREAKERS AHEAD. dence by prison or rack. They had such delectable morsels. A THEOCRACY. This man claims to have received of Sunday trains. Tbo church is over a power to compel a man on oath "to re­ The church once held the public mind Their leading national organ is called 14,174,744 signers " twenty-one years old half mile from the railroad.and no train The Dangers to Our Re­ veal his thoughts, and to accuse his aud led it into these things: to-day, one 77» Christian ¡Statesman. In the issue of and over," to tho following petition: comes In or goes out between 8 o'clock in friend, brother, parent, wife or child, seldom bears thorn. The church has that paper of Oct. 2, 1884, you can read "The undersigned, adult residents of the morning and 5 o'clock in the after­ public. and this, too, on pain of death. These followed the world out of them. The the following: the United States, twenty-one years of monsters, in order to discover priests, fact is, the church was com|>elled to Give all. men to understand that this noon. Why, do you know that such age or more, hereby earnestly petition d ----------d chicanery as that Is filling tho They Present Themselves Under and to crush the old religion, fined, Im­ abandon them, or bo abandoned by the it a Christian nation, aud, that believing your honorable body to pass a bill for­ world with Infidels?" prisoned, racked, and dia such things as people. Thus, in order to hold its without Christianity wo perish; ice must bidding in the nation's mail and m ilitary the Head of Ecclesiastlcisiu. To recur once more to the pe­ would have made Nero shudder to think power, tho church has largely aban­ maintain l>y all means oar Christian char­ service, and in Inter-State commerce tition; it represents every signer as of. They sent hundreds to the rack, in doned its doctrines, or, if it holds them, acter. Inscribe this character on our and iu the District of Columbia and the A Lecture Delivered by being “ twenty-one years old and over." order to get from them confessions, on it holds them iu silence. Constitution. Enforce upon those who Territories, all Sunday trallic and work, &/J Does any one believe thut among tho MOSES HULL. which confessions many of them were When one goes to a revival meeting come among us tho laws of Christian except works of religion, and works of over 7,000,000 of Catholics there L not put to death. to-day, he hears more about temperance, m o r a lity ." real necessity and mercy, and such pri­ one less than 21 years old? “ I have nut room to make even an prohibition, etc., and less about church The above quotation shows the trend vate work, by those who observe an­ The following’ discourse was delivered I, myself, as a Knight of Labor, was endmeration of the deeds of religious d o g m a s. of thought among those who are deter­ other day, as will not interfere with the by Moses Hull before the Progressive delivered over to that movement. I persecution during this long and toler­ Not long since I went to a revival mined to subvert our Institutions. The general rest nor the public worship.” Spiritualist Society of Indiantmolis.Ind., personally know of thousands of Knights ant reign; but I will state a few of them: meeting und heard a learned minister, sentiments any one can see are exactly As I before stated, this man reported and reported expressiv for T he P ro­ of Labor who could not be induced, 1. It was death to make a new Cath­ in descanting on tho beauties of Chris- the opposite of those quoted from the that he had obtained just 14,174 744 gressive T hinker. under any circumstances, to sign it. olic priest within the kingdom. tiaulty, ask the question: “ Where highest authority in the world. Rev. M. signers to this petition. How definite! Thomas Paine said: “ Tvranny, like' Does any one suppose—but I’ll stop. 2. It was death for a Catholic priest would you prefer to live; in a religious A. Gault, of Iowa, is District Secretary Nothing like keeping up their positions! hell, is not easily conquered.'’ He also , Tho whole thing proves the managers of to come into the kingdom from abroad. community, where all lovo their neigh­ of this order, which is fighting to sup- Everybody wants to know exactly how asked: “ When was a tyrant ever known | this movement to be dirty political 3. It was death to harbor a Catholic bors as themselves: where they have ilantour liberties with their theology. many signers there are! The wonder is to voluntarily take his hands off the tricksters. priest from abroad. beautiful churches: good music; good This Presbyterian divine says: why he did not ransack the United throat of his victim?” N o t e .—O n account of the great length 4. It was death to confess to such a schools; tine Sunday-schools, and no Our remedy for all these malefic States and get just one more signer. It is natural for men to love power: of this discourse our reporter was com­ p rie s t. whiskey,— or in a community of infidels, influences is to have Government set up Forty-five, as the last fraction would be m m lilililllM ng 5. It was death for any priest to say where whiskey, profanity, fighting and the moral law und recognize God's au­ pelled to leave out Mr. Hull's analysis of Christianity develops the fact that how­ more easily remembered than forty-four! j m ass. Sabbath-breaking take tire place of re­ thority behind it, and lay its hand on any the Constitution of the United States, as ever much it may have chunked men But inasmuch as the other signer could 6 .
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