Tuesday, March 17, 1998 POSTER SESSION I 7:30 P.M
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Tuesday, March 17, 1998 POSTER SESSION I 7:30 p.m. Space Center Houston MARS PATHFINDER: IMAGING, DUST, AND ROCKS Johnson J. R. Soderblom L. Kirk R. Gaddis L. Reid R. Smith P. H. Lemmon M. Britt D. Thomas N. Bell J. Bridges N. T. Anderson R. Herkenhoff K. Murchie S. M. Dummel A. Arnold G. Lampen P. Trauthan F. Photometric Imaging Sequences and Analysis at the Mars Pathfinder Landing Site Murchie S. Johnson J. McSween H. Bridges N. Anderson R. Britt D. Bell J. F. III Crisp J. Spectral Properties of Rocks at the Mars Pathfinder Landing Site Crisp J. A. The Effect of Thin Coatings of Dust or Soil on the Bulk APXS Composition of the Underlying Rocks at the Pathfinder Landing Site Pedersen C. T. Dinesen A. R. Hviid S. F. Madsen M. B. Knudsen J. M. Gunnlaugsson H. P. Goetz W. Hargraves R. B. Laboratory Experiments Simulating the Results of the Magnetic Properties Experiment on Mars Pathfinder Kraft M. D. Greeley R. Influence of Rock Coatings on Sand Abrasion at the Mars Pathfinder Landing Site Kirk R. L. Anderson J. Barrett J. Becker K. Becker T. Bennett A. Blue J. Cook D. Eliason E. Gaddis L. Garcia P. Gordon M. Hare T. Howington-Kraus A. Isbell C. Johnson J. Lee E. Morgan H. Redding B. Rosanova T. Soderblom L. Sucharski R. Sucharski T. Thompson K Torson J. Ward W. Dorrer E. Smith P. Britt D. Pathfinder Science Team Mapping the Sagan Memorial Station Site with the IMP Camera Parker T. J. “Super Resolution” of the Mars Pathfinder Landing Site, Using Manual Techniques Gaddis L. Soderblom L. Kirk R. Johnson J. Ward W. Anderson J. Barrett J. Becker K. Becker T. Bennett A. Blue J. Cook D. Eliason E. Garcia P. Gordon M. Hare T. Howington-Kraus A. Isbell C. Lee E. M. Redding B. Rosanova T. Sucharski R. Sucharski T. Thompson K. Torson J. Dorrer E. Smith P. Britt D. The Mars Pathfinder “Super Pan”: A U.S.G.S. Cartographic Product Kanefsky B. Parker T. J. Cheeseman P. C. Super-Resolution Results from Pathfinder IMP Stoker C. R. Blackmon T. Hagen J. Kanefsky B. Rasmussen D. Schwehr K. Sims M. Zbinden E. Marsmap: An Interactive Virtual Reality Model of the Pathfinder Landing Site Hauber E. Jaumann R. Mosangini C. Russ N. Trauthan F. Matz K. D. Fabel O. Rocks at the Pathfinder Landing Site, Mars: Identification and Size Distribution Basilevsky A. T. Markiewicz W. J. Keller H. U. Morphology of Rocks Within and Nearby Rock Garden: Mars Pathfinder Landing Site Lowman P. D. Jr. Andesites on Mars: Implications for the Origin of Terrestrial Continental Crust Nelson D. M. Greeley R. Xanthe Terra Outflow Channel Geology at the Mars Pathfinder Landing Site Marchenko A. G. Basilevsky A. T. Neukum G. Hauber E. Hoffmann H. Cook A. C. The Study of the Mouth of Ares and Tiu Valles, Mars Koehler U. Hiesinger H. Hauber E. Terrestrial Analogs to the MPF Landing Site: Investigation of Morphologies of Sander in Northern Iceland WATER ON MARS Costard F. Gosset J. P. Ground-Ice Distribution on Mars Based on GIS Analysis Koroshetz J. Barlow N. G. Possible Near-Surface Ice Reservoir South of Valles Marineris, Mars Tanaka K. L. Dohm J. M. Lias J. H. Hare T. M. Valley Erosion in Thaumasia Region of Mars Caused by Hydrothermal and Seismic Activity Grant J. A. Geologic Mapping and Drainage Morphometry in Margaritifer Sinus, Mars Scott E. D. Wilson L. Evidence for Fluvial Features Produced by Sill Emplacement on the Upper Flanks of Ascraeus Mons Volcano, Mars Price K. H. Cantu O. R. Prouty D. B. Geologic Mapping of the Dao and Niger Valles Source Region, Mars Forsythe R. D. Blackwelder C. W. Closed Drainage Crater Basins of the Martian Highlands; Constraints on the Early Martian Hydrologic Cycle Parker T. J. Mapping of Possible “Oceanus Borealis” Shorelines on Mars: A Status Report Mosangini C. Komatsu G. Geomorphology of Kasei Valles and Scale of Flooding Episodes Ewing R. C. Schenk P. M. Formation of Debris Aprons on Mars: Viking Stereotopographic Mapping Demura H. Abe Y. Spreading Flow at the Mouth of Outflow Channel on Mars Kraal E. R. Wong M. P. Grosfils E. B. Gilmore M. S. Kozak S. J. Reinen L. A. The Origin and Modification of a Trough in the Nili Fossae, Mars McKenzie D. Nimmo F. Martian Dikes, Outflow Channels and Valles Marineris Kirkland L. E. Forney P. B. Herr K. C. Mariner Mars 6/7 Infrared Spectra: New Calibration and a Search for Water Ice Clouds Lorenz R. D. Containerless Thermal Analysis: In-Situ Microinstrumentation for Detecting Ice and Evaporites on Mars Drake D. M. Clark B. C. Jakosky B. M. Reedy R. Squyres S. W. A LiF Silicon Sandwich Counter to Measure Water Content of Planetary Surfaces MARS GLOBAL SURVEYOR RESULTS: SURFACE AND ATMOSPHERE Acuna M. H. Connerney J. E. P. Wasilewski P. J. Frey H. V. Lin R. P. Anderson K. A. Carlson C. W. McFadden J. Curtis D. W. Mitchell D. Reme H. Cros A. Medale J. L. Mazelle C. Sauvand J. A. D’Uston C. Bauer S. J. Cloutier P. Mayhew M. Ness N. F. Magnetic Field at Mars: Preliminary Results of the Mars Global Surveyor Mission Aharonson O. Zuber M. T. Neumann G. A. Smith D. E. Head J. W. Slopes and Stochastic Properties of the Northern Hemisphere of Mars from MOLA Altimetry Zuber M. T. Smith D. E. The Relationship of MOLA Northern Hemisphere Topography to the 6.1 mbar Atmospheric Pressure Surface of Mars Garvin J. B. Sakimoto S. E. H. Frawley J. J. Martian Impact Crater Ejecta Topography as Measured by the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA) Frey H. V. Sakimoto S. E. H. Roark J. H. MOLA Topography and the Isidis Basin: Constraints on Basin Center and Ring Diameters Frey H. V. Sakimoto S. E. H. Roark J. H. A Tale of Two Craters: MOLA Constraints on Timing of the Formation of the Crustal Dichotomy Boundary Zone and Its Associated Topography on Mars Frey H. V. Sakimoto S. E. H. Roark J. H. MOLA Topography and Stratigraphy of Geologic Units at the Dichotomy Boundary: The Medusae Fossae Formation Ivanov A. B. Muhleman D. O. Atmospheric Opacity from Mars Observer Laser Altimiter Observations Moreau D. Marten A. Biraud Y. Meridional and Seasonal Distributions of Trace Gases in the Lower and Middle Atmosphere of Mars MARS: THE KITCHEN SINK Frey H. Roark J. Origin of the Western Arabian Shelf: Oblique Impact Formation of the Chryse Basin? Roddy D. J. Hare T. M. Wyatt M. B. Isbell N. R. Mardock C. L. Soderblom L. M. Boyce J. M. II) Martian Impact Craters, Ejecta Blankets, and Related Morphologic Features: Preliminary Results from Computer Digital Inventory Using Arc/Info and Arcview Roddy D. J. Isbell N. R. Mardock C. L. Hare T. M. Wyatt M. B. Soderblom L. M. Boyce J. M. I) Martian Impact Craters, Ejecta Blankets, and Related Morphologic Features: Computer Digital Inventory in Arc/Info and Arcview Format Foxx R. Brugger C. Grosfils E. Reinen L. Gilmore M. Kozak S. Cooper J. Morphology and Possible Volcanic Origin of Sub-Kilometer Domes in the Arrhenius Region, Mars Bulmer M. H. McGovern P. J. The Role of Mass Movements in the Evolution of Olympus Mons Head J. W. Seibert N. Pratt S. Smith D. Zuber M. Garvin J. B. McGovern P. J. MOLA Science Team Volcanic Calderas on Mars: Initial Views Using Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter Data Head J. W. Wilson L. Tharsis Montes as Composite Volcanoes?: 1. The Role of Explosive Volcanism in Edifice Construction and Implications for the Volatile Contents of Edifice-forming Magmas Joens H.-P. Comparative Planetology: Coronae on Venus, Mars, and Earth Joens H.-P. Oscillation Ridges Along the Flanks of the Tharsis Montes, Mars Mitchell K. L. Wilson L. Implications of the Apparent Absence of Maars in Viking Orbiter Imagery Anderson R. C. Golombek M. P. Franklin B. J. Tanaka K. L. Dohm J. M. Lias J. H. Peer B. Centers of Tectonic Activity Through Time for the Western Hemisphere of Mars Cooper C. D. Mustard J. F. Rates of Erosion in Oxia Palus, Mars Edgett K. S. Parker T. J. “Bright” Aeolian Dunes on Mars: Viking Orbiter Observations Reese C. C. Solomatov V. S. Moresi L.-N. Non-Newtonian Stagnant Lid Convection: Application to Mars Smith D. E. Zuber M. T. Lemoine F. G. Tracadas P. Gravity Field Modeling and Orbit Determination with MGS Watters T. R. Robinson M. S. Lobate Scarps and the Origin of the Crustal Dichotomy on Mars Zimbelman J. R. Johnston A. K. Patel S. D. Photogeologic Constraints on the Emplacement of the Medusae Fossae Formation, Mars Stooke P. J. Locating the Viking 2 Landing Site CHONDRITES AND PRESOLAR/NEBULA PROCESSES Genge M. J. Clark R. J. H. Firth S. Batchelder M. Grady M. M. Parent Body Aqueous Alteration of Kamacite in the Kakangari Chondrite Goodrich C. A. Delaney J. S. Origin of the Total Iron – Oxidized Iron – ∆17O Correlations Among Ordinary Chondrites Weisberg M. K. Prinz M. Zolensky M. E. Clayton R. N. Mayeda T. K. Petrologic and Oxygen Isotopic Study of Dark Inclusions in the Wells LL3 Ordinary Chondrite Bridges J. C. Franchi I. A. Sexton A. S. Pillinger C. T. Mineralogical Controls on Oxygen Isotopic Exchange in UOCs Komatsu M. Reid A. M. LL Chondrites and Prior’s Rules Noble S. K. Lofgren G. E. Melting Histories of Chondrule Precursor Aggregates in UOC’s Newton J. Franchi I. A. Pillinger C. T. An Oxygen Isotope Study of Enstatite Meteorites Krestina N. Bogdanovski O. Jagoutz E. Kurat G. A Stepwise Technique of Chondrule Abrasion and Its Application to Study of Isotopic Systems in Single Chondrules Genge M.