Intelligent Carpet: Inferring 3D Human Pose from Tactile Signals

Yiyue Luo, Yunzhu Li, Michael Foshey, Wan Shou, Pratyusha Sharma, Tomas´ Palacios, Antonio Torralba, Wojciech Matusik Massachusetts Institute of Technology {yiyueluo, liyunzhu, mfoshey, wanshou, pratyuss, tpalacios, torralba, wojciech}


Data Collection Setup y x RBG Image

x x x x x x

y y y y y y Map Pressure 3DSkeleton Reconstructed Figure 1. Left: A low-cost, high-density, large-scale intelligent carpet system to capture the real-time human-floor tactile interactions. Right: The inferred 3D human pose from the captured tactile interactions of a person standing up from a sitting position. Abstract evitable during daily activities. Further, the rising demand for privacy also promotes development in non-vision-based Daily human activities, e.g., locomotion, exercises, and human pose estimation systems [63, 62]. Since most hu- resting, are heavily guided by the tactile interactions be- man activities are dependent on the contact between the tween the human and the ground. In this work, leveraging human and the environment, we present a pose estima- such tactile interactions, we propose a 3D human pose es- tion approach using tactile interactions between humans timation approach using the pressure maps recorded by a and the ground. Recently, various smart floor or carpet tactile carpet as input. We build a low-cost, high-density, systems have been proposed for human movement detec- large-scale intelligent carpet, which enables the real-time tion [11,2, 48,7,3, 60, 40, 16,1], and posture recognition recordings of human-floor tactile interactions in a seam- [25, 50]. Previous work has also demonstrated the feasibil- less manner. We collect a synchronized tactile and visual ity of using pressure images for pose estimation [6,9,8]. dataset on various human activities. Employing a state-of- However, these studies mainly focus on the estimation of the-art camera-based pose estimation model as supervision, poses where a large portion of the body is in direct con- we design and implement a deep neural network model to tact with the sensing surface, e.g., resting postures. A more infer 3D human poses using only the tactile information. challenging task is to infer 3D human pose from the limited Our pipeline can be further scaled up to multi-person pose pressure imprints involved in complicated daily activities, estimation. We evaluate our system and demonstrate its po- e.g., using feet pressure distribution to reconstruct the pose tential applications in diverse fields. of the head and limbs. So far, complex 3D human pose esti- mation and modeling using tactile information, spanning a 1. Introduction diverse set of human activities including locomotion, rest- Human pose estimation is critical in action recognition ing, and daily exercises, have not been available. [30, 52], gaming [26], healthcare [64, 36, 22], and robotics In this study, we first develop an intelligent carpet – [34]. Significant advances have been made to estimate hu- a large integrated tactile sensing array consisting of over man pose by extracting skeletal kinematics from images 9,000 pressure sensors, covering over 36 square feet, which and videos. However, camera-based pose estimation re- can be seamlessly embedded on the floor. Coupled with mains challenging when occlusion happens, which is in- readout circuits, our system enables real-time recordings 6 ft of high-resolution human-ground tactile interactions. With this hardware, we collect over 1,800,000 synchronized tac- …… tile and visual frames for 10 different individuals perform- 32 electrodes ing a diverse set of daily activities, e.g., lying, walking, and Data Transmission exercising. Employing the visual information as supervi- Step Bend Lunge Sit Sit-up Roll Push-up sion, we design and implement a deep neural network to in- fer the corresponding 3D human pose using only the tactile Images RGB information. Our network predicts the 3D human pose with the average localization error of less than 10 cm compared with the ground truth pose obtained from the visual infor- Pressure Maps mation. The learned representations from the pose estima- Figure 2. Tactile data acquisition hardware. Top: Our recording tion model, when combined with a simple linear classifier, set-up includes a tactile sensing carpet spanning 36 ft2 with 9,216 allow us to perform action classification with an accuracy sensors (upper right), the corresponding readout circuits, and 2 of 98.7%. We also include ablation studies and evaluate cameras. Bottom: Typical pressure maps captured by the carpet how well our model generalizes to unseen individuals and from diverse human poses and activities. unseen actions. Moreover, our approach can be scaled up in contact with the ground and the pressure they exert. for multi-person 3D pose estimation. Leveraging the tactile 2.2. Tactile Sensing sensing modality, we believe our work opens up opportuni- ties for human pose estimation that is unaffected by visual Recent advances in tactile sensing have benefited obstructions in a seamless and confidential manner. the recording, monitoring, and modeling of human- environment interactions in a variety of contexts. Sun- 2. Related Work daram et al. [55] have investigated the signatures of hu- man grasp through the tactile interaction between human 2.1. Human Pose Estimation hands and different objects, while other researchers have proposed to connect vision and touch using cross-domain Thanks to the availability of large-scale datasets of an- modeling [31, 61, 28]. Davoodnia et al. [10] transform an- notated 2D human poses and the introduction of deep neu- notated in-bed human pressure map [41, 15] to images con- ral network models, human pose estimation from 2D im- taining shapes and structures of body parts for in-bed pose ages or videos has witnessed major advances in recent estimation. Furthermore, extensive works on biomechanics, years [57, 56, 45, 38, 39, 59, 46,5, 17, 12, 20, 54]. Re- human kinematics, and dynamic motions [13, 29, 35, 32] covering 3D information from 2D inputs is intrinsically have explored the use of the foot pressure maps induced ambiguous. Some recent attempts to recover 3D human by daily human movement.Previous studies have demon- pose from 2D images either require explicit 3D supervi- strated human localization and tracking by embedding in- sion [33] or rely on a discriminator and adversarial train- dividual pressure sensing units in the smart floor systems ing to learn a valid pose distribution [23, 24] or perform- [53, 50]. Furthermore, using large-scale pressure sensing ing semi-supervised learning by leveraging the temporal in- matrices, researchers have been able to capture foot pres- formation [44]. Still, 3D pose estimation remains a chal- sure patterns when humans are standing and walking and lenging problem due to the underlying ambiguity. Many develop models that provide gait analysis and human identi- methods do not perform well in the presence of a severe fication [43, 58, 37]. Based on the fact that human maintains occlusion. Another alternative is to use multi-camera mo- balance through redirecting the center of mass by exerting tion capture systems (e.g., VICON) or multiple cameras to force on the floor [19], Scott et al. [49] have predicted foot obtain a more reliable pose estimation [51, 63, 21]. pressure heatmap from 2D human kinematics. Our work builds upon the past advances in computer Different from previous works, which include only lim- vision by using OpenPose [4] to extract the 2D keypoints ited actions due to the limited size and resolution of the from multiple cameras and triangulate them to generate the tactile sensing platform, we record and leverage high- ground truth 3D pose. Our system predicts 3D pose from resolution tactile data from diverse human daily activities, only the tactile signals, which does not require any visual e.g., exercises, to estimate 3D human skeleton. data and is fundamentally different from all past work in computer vision. The introduced tactile carpet has a lower 3. Dataset spatial resolution than typical cameras. However, it func- tions as a camera viewing humans from the bottom up. This In this section, we describe details of our hardware setup type of data stream does not suffer from occlusion problems for tactile data acquisition, pipeline for ground truth 3D that are typical for camera systems. Furthermore, it pro- keypoint confidence map generation, as well as data aug- vides additional information, such as whether humans are mentation and synthesis for multi-person pose estimation. annotate the ground truth human pose in a scalable manner, we leverage a state-of-the-art vision-based system, Open- Pose [5], to generate 2D skeletons from the images captured by the cameras. Once we have obtained the 2D skeletons generated from the calibrated camera system, we triangulate the keypoints to generate the corresponding 3D skeletons. The triangu- OpenPose Triangulation Gaussian lation results may not be perfect in some frames due to RGB Images 2D Skeleton 3D Skeleton 3D Confidence Map Label perception noise or misdetection. To resolve this issue, Figure 3. 3D keypoint confidence map generation. The ground we add a post-optimization stage to constrain the length of truth voxelized 3D keypoint confidence maps are annotated by first each link. More specifically, we first calculate the length extracting 2D skeleton keypoints from RGB images using Open- of the links in the skeleton using the median value across Pose [4], then generating 3D keypoints through triangulation and the naively triangulated result for each person. For this spe- optimization, and finally applying a 3D Gaussian filter. th cific person, we denote the length of the i link as Ki. We A B 3.1. Tactile Data Acquisition then use q and q to represent the detected N keypoints at a specific time step from the two cameras, which lie in a A A A A A A Our tactile data acquisition is based on a custom, high- 2D space, where q = {q1 ,..., qN } and qk = (uk , vk ). density, large-scale piezoresistive pressure sensing carpet, We then calculate the length of each link Kˆi from the naive which spans over 36 ft2 and contains 9,216 sensors with triangulation result and optimize the 3D location of the key- a spacing of 0.375 inches. The carpet is composed of a points p = {p1,..., pN } by minimizing the following loss piezoresistive pressure sensing matrix fabricated by align- function using stochastic gradient descent: ing a network of orthogonal conductive threads as elec- N N trodes on each side of the commercial piezoresistive films. X X Lskeleton = kP Ap − qAk + kP Bp − qBk Each sensor locates at the overlap of orthogonal electrodes k k k k and is able to measure pressure up to 14 kPa with the highest k=1 k=1 (1) N−1 sensitivity of 0.3 kPa. Our tactile sensing carpet is low-cost X + kKˆ − K k (∼$100), easy to fabricate, and robust for large-scale data i i i=1 collection. Using the coupled readout circuit, we collect the tactile frames with 9,216 individual sensing readouts at a where there are N keypoints and N − 1 links, p = rate of 14 Hz. {p1,..., pN } lie in 3D space spanned by the world coordi- A B With such a large-scale high-resolution tactile sensing nate, pk = (xk, yk, zk). P and P are the camera matrices platform, we can not only capture people’s foot pressure that project the 3D keypoints onto the 2D image frame. In maps, which most of the previous work focused on, but also our experiments, we use N = 21. The accuracy of the 3D capture the full tactile interactions between the human and pose label and the effectiveness of our optimization pipeline the floor when people are performing complex activities. are further analyzed in supplementary materials. As shown in Figure2, our carpet captures the feet pressure Given the optimized 3D positions of the 21 keypoints on maps when people perform activities in upright positions, as the human skeleton, we further generate the 3D keypoint well as the physical contacts between the human body (e.g., confidence maps by applying a 3D Gaussian filter over the hands, limbs) and the floor when people perform exercises keypoint locations on a voxelized 3D space (Figure3). and complex actions (e.g., push-ups, sit-ups, and rolling). We have collected over 1,800,000 synchronized tactile 3.3. Data Augmentation and Multi-person Dataset and visual frames for 10 volunteers performing 15 actions. Synthesis More details are included in supplementary materials. Our When projecting the human skeletons to the x-y plane tactile acquisition set-up and the captured dataset are open- (Figure1), we find a spatial correspondence between the sourced to facilitate future research in the field. projection and the tactile signals, which allows us to aug- 3.2. 3D Pose Label Generation ment our dataset by rotating and shifting the tactile frames and the corresponding human skeletons. We design and implement a pipeline to capture and gen- Due to the restriction of social distancing and the size of erate the training pairs, i.e., synchronized tactile frames and the sensing carpet, we conduct the data collection with only 3D keypoint confidence maps. We capture visual data with one person at a time. The multi-person dataset, however, is 2 cameras that are synchronized and calibrated with respect synthesized by combining multiple single-person clips. In to the global coordinate of the tactile sensing carpet using other words, we add up the synchronized tactile frames and standard stereo camera calibration techniques. In order to the generated 3D keypoint confidence maps from different Input Tactile Sequence Encoder of Length M Conv2D Conv2D Conv2D Conv2D LeakyReLU Conv2D LeakyReLU Conv2D Conv2D LeakyReLU LeakyReLU BatchNorm LeakyReLU BatchNorm LeakyReLU LeakyReLU BatchNorm BatchNorm MaxPool2d BatchNorm MaxPool2d BatchNorm BatchNorm MaxPool2d

96 Layer #1 Layer #2 Layer #3 Layer #4 Layer #5 Layer #6 Layer #7 [M x 96 x 96] [32 x 96 x 96] [64 x 48 x 48] [128 [128 x 48 x 48] [256 x 24 x 24] [512 x 24 x 24] M [1024 x 20 x 20] [1024 x 10 x 10] Expand by 96 Repeating Append to the the Tensor 3D Confidence Map channel a 3D 18] 18] for 21 Keypoints 18] 18] Conv3D Conv3D ConvTranspose3D Conv3D Conv3D volume indicating x x x Conv3D x LeakyReLU LeakyReLU LeakyReLU LeakyReLU LeakyReLU each voxel’s 20 20

20 Sigmoid 20 BatchNorm BatchNorm BatchNorm BatchNorm BatchNorm height x x x x 20 20

20 Layer #14 20 Layer #13 Layer #12 Layer #11 Layer #10 Layer #9 Layer #8 [21 x [64 x [512 x 10 x 10 x 9] [128 [128 x [256 x [1025 x 10 x 10 x 9] [1025 x 10 x 10 x 9] [1024 x 10 x 10 x 9]

Decoder Figure 4. Overview of the model for 3D human pose estimation. Our model consists of an encoder and a decoder. The encoder maps the input tactile sequence into a 10×10 feature through 7 blocks of Conv2D-LeakyReLU-BatchNorm. We then expand the feature and repeat along the last dimension to transform the 2D feature map into a 3D feature volume. After appending an indexing volume indicating the height of each voxel, the feature goes through a set of decoding layers to generate the predicted confidence map for each keypoint. recording clips. More specifically, since people rarely per- middle frame. form actions with one on top of the other, we assume that As shown in Figure1, the input tactile frames lie in 2D the pressure maps induced by the actions of different people space, which has a nice spatial correspondence with the will not overlap at the given time. We specify the location of human skeleton over the x-y plane (the floor plane). Our each person by creating anchor boxes of the human skele- model builds on top of a fully convolutional neural network ton projected onto the floor plane. We remove frames with to exploit such spatial equivariance. The encoder of our the Intersection over Union (IoU) larger than 0.1 to ensure model uses 2D convolution to process the tactile frames. that the skeletons and tactile signals from different people Then, to regress the keypoints in 3D, we expand the feature do not overlap with each other. Note that the training of our map by repeating it along a new dimension in the middle models in the experiments is entirely based on the single- of our network (Figure4), which essentially transforms the person dataset and the synthetic multi-person variants. We 2D feature map into a 3D feature volume. However, naive also record synchronized visual and tactile data for multiple 2D to 3D expanding via repetition will introduce ambigu- people but only for evaluation purposes. ities as subsequent convolutional layers use shared kernels to process the feature - it is impossible to tell the height of 4. Method a specific voxel, making it hard to regress the keypoint lo- cation along the z-axis. To resolve this issue, we add a new In this section, we present the details of our pose estima- channel to the 3D feature map with a 3-dimensional index- tion model. We first discuss how we transform the tactile ing volume, indicating the height of each voxel. We then frames into 3D volumes indicating the confidence map of use 3D convolution to process the feature and predict the the keypoints. We then describe how we extend it to multi- 3D keypoint confidence map for each of the 21 keypoints. person scenarios and present the implementation details. The detailed architecture and the size of the feature maps 4.1. Keypoint Detection using Tactile Signals along the forwarding pass are shown in Figure4. We optimize the model by minimizing the Mean Squared The goal of our model is to take the tactile frames as Error (MSE) between the predicted keypoint heatmap and input and predict the corresponding 3D human pose. We the ground truth using Adam optimizer [27]. We also use take the ground truth human pose estimated from our multi- spatial softmax to transform the heatmap into the keypoint camera setup as the supervision and train our model to pre- location and include an additional loss term Llink to con- dict the 3D confidence map of each of the 21 keypoints, in- strain the length of each link in the skeleton to lie in the cluding head, neck, shoulders, elbows, waists, hips, knees, range of normal human limb length. For each data point, ankles, heels, small and big toes. the loss function is defined as: To include more contextual information and reduce the N N−1 effects caused by the sensing noise, instead of taking a sin- 1 X 1 X L = kH − Hˆ k + Llink, (2) gle tactile frame as input, our model takes a sequence of N i i N − 1 i tactile frames spanning a temporary window of length M i=1 i=1 as input (Figure4). For each input segment, the model pro- where N denotes the number of keypoints, N − 1 is the cesses the spatio-temporal tactile information and outputs number of links in the skeleton, Hi and Hˆi represent the the keypoint confidence maps in 3D that correspond to the ground truth and the predicted 3D keypoint confidence maps. The link loss is defined as the following:  Kmin − Kˆ , if Kˆ < Kmin.  i i i i link ˆ max ˆ max Li = Ki − Ki , if Ki > Ki . (3) 0, otherwise, where Kˆi is the link length calculated from our prediction, min max th th Ki and Ki represent the 3 and 97 percentile of each of the body limb length in the training dataset. 4.2. Keypoint Detection for Multiple People When moving into multi-person scenarios, each key- Axis Ave. Head Shoulder Elbow Wrist Hip Knee Ankle Feet point confidence map can contain multiple regions with high confidence that belong to different people. Therefore, X 6.8 6.4 6.3 8.9 10.9 4.6 5.8 5.6 6.4 we threshold the keypoint confidence map to segment out Y 7.2 8.0 6.5 8.8 10.9 5.2 5.8 5.7 6.7 each of these high confidence regions, and then calculate Z 6.8 9.6 7.0 8.9 14.4 4.0 4.0 3.1 3.5 the centroid of each region to transform it into the 3D key- Figure 5. Results on single person pose estimation (unit: cm). point location. To associate the keypoints that belong to the Top: The Euclidean distance between the predicted single-person same person, we start from the keypoint of the head and tra- 3D skeleton (21 keypoints) and the ground truth label. Bottom: verse through the person’s skeleton (represented as a tree) Average keypoint localization error of body parts along the X, Y, to include the remaining keypoints. Every time we want to and Z axis in the real-world coordinate. Since the changes in pres- add a new keypoint to the person, e.g., the neck, we select sure maps are dominated by the movements of the lower body and the one among multiple extracted keypoint candidates with the torso, their predictions are more accurate. the closest L2 distance to its parent, e.g., head, which has already been added to the person on the skeleton tree. This 5. Experiments method is simple but works well when people are kept at 5.1. Single Person Pose Estimation a certain distance from each other. More complicated and effective techniques could be used to handle cases where Single-person pose estimation is trained with 135,000 people are very close to each other [5]. Since it is not the pairs of tactile and visual frames and validated on 30,000 main focus of this paper, we plan to explore this direction pairs of frames. The performance is tested on a held-out test in the future. set with 30,000 tactile frames. We use Euclidean distance (L2) as the evaluation metric to compare the predicted 3d 4.3. Implementation Details human pose to the corresponding ground truth human pose Our network is implemented using PyTorch [42]. We retrieved from the visual data. The L2 distance of each key- train the model by minimizing Eq.2 using a learning rate point and the localization error of each body part are listed of 1e−4 and a batch size of 32. As shown in Figure4, the in Figure5. Generally, keypoints on the lower body (e.g., encoding part of our network consists of 7 groups of layers. knee and ankle) and the torso (e.g., shoulder and hip) hold The Conv2D in the first 5 and the 7th layers use 3×3 ker- higher accuracy compared with the keypoints on the upper nels and 1×1 padding. The 6th uses 5×5 kernels and zero body (e.g., waist and head). The observation agrees with padding. A 2×2 MaxPool2D is also applied in the 2nd, 4th, our intuition that changes in pressure maps are primarily de- and 7th layers to reduce the resolution of the feature maps. termined by the positions of the lower body and the torso. We expand the tactile feature maps to 3D by repeating We also note that the model obtains better predictions if the the tensor 9 times along the last dimension, and then ap- keypoints are closer to the torso on the skeleton tree - the pend the channel with a 3D indexing volume indicating the prediction error increases as we move further away from the height of each voxel. The decoding network takes in the torso, e.g., shoulders to elbows, and then to the waist. Fig- resulting tensor and predicts the 3D confidence maps of the ure6 shows some qualitative results on the 3D human pose keypoints. predictions, along with the input tactile frames, ground truth The decoder is composed of 5 layers of 3×3 ×3 3D con- pose extracted from the RGB image, over a continuous time volution with a padding of 1×1 ×1. The 11th layer uses sequence. a kernel size of 2×2×2 with a stride of 2 to increase the We perform ablation studies on the sensing resolution resolution. We also apply batch normalization and Leaky of the intelligent carpet. To ablate the tactile sensing res- ReLU after each layer except the last one, where we use the olution, we reassign the value in each 2 × 2 grid with the Sigmoid activation function to regress the confidence value. average of the four values, which reduces the effective reso- lution from 96 × 96 to 48 × 48. We then use the same train- Time Time only) RGB Image RGB

x x x x x x visualization x x x x x x (

y y y y y y y y y y y y Frame Tactile Truth Ground Prediction only) RGB Image RGB x x x x x x x x x x x x visualization ( y y y y y y y y y y y y Frame Tactile Truth Ground Prediction

Figure 6. The qualitative results of single-person 3D pose estimation across time steps. For each sequence, from top to bottom, we show the RGB image as ground truth annotation (only used here for visualization purpose), the captured tactile frame, ground truth 3D skeleton, and predicted 3D skeleton from our model using only the tactile frames (unit: cm). The predicted poses are consistent over time with a smooth transition along the corresponding trajectories. model generalizes to unseen people with a negligible in- crease of the keypoint localization error. On the other hand, our model has a varying performance on different types of unseen tasks. The learned model easily generalizes to poses with the pressure maps similar to what the model is trained on but delivers poor performance with tactile imprints that the model has never encountered before. For example, our model generalizes to the lunging pose, where the pressure Figure 7. Ablation studies. Model performance with different maps are mainly directed by the human’s center of mass; sensing resolution (left) and the number of input frames (right). however, it fails to predict the push-up pose, which induces pressure imprints that are vastly different from the training ing pipeline to derive the predictions. A similar procedure distribution. When deploying the system for practical use is employed for evaluating the model performance with the in real life, it is essential to perform a more systematic data effective sensing resolution of 24 × 24 and 12 × 12. As collection procedure covering more typical human activities Figure7 illustrates, the prediction accuracy decreases with to achieve a more reliable pose estimation performance. the decrease of sensing resolution, which reiterates the im- portance of our high density, large-scale tactile sensing plat- 5.2. Action Classification form. We also perform an ablation study on the number of input frames, where the best performance was obtained with To obtain a deeper understanding of the learned features 20 input frames (∼1.5 sec, Figure7). We include additional in the pose estimation network, we perform action classifi- ablation studies on our pose estimation model, i.e. the 3D cation by applying a linear classifier on the downsampled indexing volume, repeating tensor, and link length loss, in tactile feature maps. We use the dataset on one single per- supplementary materials. son performing 10 different actions, where 80% is used We evaluate how well the model generalizes to unseen for training, 10% for validation, and 10% for testing. As individuals and activities. As demonstrated in Figure8, our demonstrated in Figure9, we obtain an accuracy of 97.8%, ueyfo h atl nomto,orntoksuc- network our information, tactile the from Exam- Figure Purely 10 . in shown Figure are 11. in prediction pose listed multi-person are the part localiza- of ples the body and each keypoint of each error of tion distance L2 standing The and toes. squatting, on bending, 4,000 stepping, twisting, with performing lunging, people evaluated sitting, two of is frames Performance tactile recorded keypoint and maps. frames tactile confidence multi-person synthesized of the pairs 112,000 10,000 4.2, with validated and and Section trained is in model estimation discussed pose As timation. Estimation Pose Multi-person 5.3. facilitate tasks. to classification model downstream our of capability the demonstrates which tions. tactile linear input the The on frames. information the meaningful model. on semantically features learned estimation contain classifier the that pose suggesting linear accuracy, good the achieves a model from using features classification learned action of matrix 9. Figure 8. Figure hr h riigwspromdo pi aae xldn pcfi cin n individuals. and actions specific excluding dataset split individuals. a and on performed individuals. was and training tasks the all where including dataset full the on performed True label Waist

Push- Qualitative efrhretn u oe o ut-esnps es- pose multi-person for model our extend further We Lunge Sit Squat Bend Twist Toes

Step Unseen Seen - turn Roll - up up Results y Right: eeaiainrsls(nt m.Top: cm). (unit: results Generalization Tactile Tactile Ground x eut nato lsicto.Left: classification. action on Results Predicted label ersnaietciefae rmdfeetac- different from frames tactile Representative Task: Lunge Task: Truth Prediction Prediction Truth 100 200 300 500 400 0 y oaiainerro rdcin nse ak n niiul,weetetann was training the where individuals, and tasks seen on predictions of error Localization Tactile Ground Truth Ground Truth Tactile x Confusion Middle: Task : Push a ectgrzdit he antps is,temodel the First, types. main three into categorized be can Cases Failure 5.4. hu- vision-based estimation. in pose challenges man field common limited are a which or view, The obstructions of visual cm. by there- unaffected 15 and, are information than visual fore, less any on of rely her not error do or localization predictions a his with predicts pose and 3D individual real-world each the localizes in cessfully axis Z and Y, X, the along coordinate. parts body of error truth. skele- ground the 3D and multi-person ton predicted the between distance Euclidean 10. Figure Axis oaiainerro rdcin nuse ak n individuals, and tasks unseen on predictions of error Localization Z Y X h yia alr cases failure typical the , 12 Figure in demonstrated As -up Ave. Wrist Elbow Shoulder Head 12.7 12.9 14.5 Prediction Prediction eut nmlipro cnro ui:c) Top: cm). (unit: scenarios multi-person on Results 16.6 13.9 14.1 13.2 10.8 10.1 Bottom: y Bottom: Tactile Tactile x 17.3 15.9 15.3 ulttv eut nuse tasks unseen on results Qualitative Ground vrg epitlocalization keypoint Average 23.9 21.6 24.7 People 10.0 10.1 10.2 Ankle Feet Ankle Hip Knee Truth Truth 11.0 12.6 8.0 Prediction 14.1 6.5 9.7 14.9 6.4 9.9 oyln egh,sm rdce ua oe perun- appear poses human predicted some lengths, link body Work Future and Limitations 6. dataset. training synthetic our type in This included other. not each to is close data too of model are the people two where when individuals, fails the different underlying from ambiguity signals the tactile of additional because estimation, c happen pose 12 multi-person can (Figure the errors signal for due As tactile activities the d). the of and distinguish ambiguity to intrinsic the model to the caus- for very twisting, trouble induce and ing bending may e.g., actions imprints, different pressure Furthermore, similar e). 12 (Figure and process b standing-up sit-ups the during during torso legs twisted free-floating and e.g., floor, the the predict physical with to notable contact fails without model performed per- are the a actions Also, when where af- poses wrist feet. pres- not and on the standing head or is the that rarely son of observe are movement we maps the by as tactile fected the expected (Fig- of is head distributions This the sure and waist a). the 12 of ure position the predict to fails of ambiguity the or (c-e). (a-b) signal floor tactile the the with contact physical cernible 12. Figure tactile pose. the 3D only corresponding using the model predict our and from individual skeleton each 3D localize predicted to the learns and network skeleton, Our 3D cm). truth ground (unit: frame, frames tactile captured the annotation, truth 11. Figure Prediction Ground Truth Tactile Frame Prediction Ground Truth Tactile Frame RGB Image y a eosreta vnwt h osrito h human the on constraint the with even that observe We (visualization only) y x x alr cases. Failure ulttv eut fmlipro Dhmnps estimation. pose human 3D multi-person of results Qualitative b y x y x u oe al u otelc fdis- of lack the to due fails model Our y c x y x d y x y y e x x y x iitaino h rjc.W hn h nnmu re- anonymous the comments. thank ad- insightful We the their for for viewers project. White the R. and of dataset ministration our to contributions their and healthcare, homes, gaming. smart manner, in confidential applications and potential seamless with a in by obstructions unaffected dif- visual estimation pose is up human opening that for system, opportunities modality vision new the sensing to a complementary and introduces car- ferent work intelligent the This on humans activities pet. of of readings set 3D diverse tactile a multi-person the performing our only and with supervision, single-person skeletons as infer human system to vision learns a model from per- results the Leveraging ception activities. daily dataset performing visual humans and tactile on large a captured and carpet sensing Conclusion 7. direction. future information interesting mod- another tactile and be from Estimation would interactions ]. 18 multi-person 47, of [14, predict eling person to each network of estimation pose pose the the through respec- information then pass will tactile tively which individuals, the the localize of each to to belonging applied be proposal can region a network estimation, pre- pose accurate more multi-person obtain on To people dictions other. multiple each to by close induced too are the signal that from tactile suffers the of which ambiguity estimation, pose. pose single-person the human multi-person for model 3D and same the predicted use currently the we im- constrain Also, be further can prior to adversarial posed Therefore, life. real in realistic Acknowledgement: ebitalwcs,hg-est,lresaetactile large-scale high-density, low-cost, a built We y rmtpt otm eso h G mg o ground for image RGB the show we bottom, to top From x y eaegaeu oalvlner for volunteers all to grateful are We x y x y x References the characterisation of plantar foot loading during locomo- tion. 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