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INDEX Volume 21 3, April-June 1980 Aarbakke, J., see Gadeholt, G., tyl xanthine (MIX) on am- Anderson, D. F., Phernetton, T. muscle (dog), 150 196 phibian neuromyal transmis- M. and Rankin, J. H. G.: The Atria, positive isotropic action of Abboa-Offei, B. E., see Casey, F. sion, 586 measurement of placental digoxigenin, effects of sodium B., 432 Akera, T., see Yamamoto, S., 105 drug clearance in near-term (guinea pigs), 105 Acetaldehyde, effects on testicu- Alcohol sheep: Indomethacin, 100 Auber, M., see HalUshka, P. V., tar steroidogenesis (rats), 228 depression of myo-inositol 1- Anesthetics, local, frequency-de- 462 Acetaminophen phosphate in cerebral cortex pendent sodium channel Ayachi, S. and Brown, A. M.: Hy- probe analysis, hepatic gluts- (rat), 24 block in nerve (frog), 114 potensive effects of cardiac thione turnover in vivo deter- tolerance to (mice), 309 Angiotensin, comparison with ox- glycosides in spontaneously mined by (rats), 54 [‘4C]Allantoin, renal clearance ytocin in effect on prosta- hypertensive rats, 520 toxicity in lymphocytes in vitro (rabbit), 168 glandin release in IsOlated (man), 395 Allen, J. C., see Seidel, C. L., 514 uterus (rat), 575 Bainbridge, C. W. and Heistad, D. Acetazolamide Allergy, antiallergic properties of Anileridine, effects on body tem- D.: Effect of haloperidol on inhibition of bone resorption, SQ 13,847 and SQ 12,903 perature (mice), 273 ventilatory responses to do- lack of hypophosphateania (rats, mice, guinea pigs), 432, Anoxia, -induced contractions of pamine in man, 13 (rats), 441 437 coronary arteries, inhibition Barbitol, enhancement of effects inhibition of carbonic ashy- Allison, J. H. and Cicero, T. J.: by lidoflazine (dog), 179 of mus,cimol on dopamine drase, relation to cerebrospi- Alcohol acutely depresses Antibiotics, disposition, effects of turnover in retina (rat), 332 nat fluid (cats), 321 myo-inositol 1-phosphate 1ev- furosemide (rabbit), 600 Barbiturates, enhancement of ef- Acetylation, p-aminohippurate, ala in the male rat cerebral Antimycin A, inhibition of sodium fects of muscimol on dopa- by kidney (mice), 350 cortex, 24 transport and metabolism mine turnover in retina (rat), Acetylator phenotype Alloxan, -induced diabetes, alter- (toads), 375 332 inheritance (mice), 480 ations in dopamine-$-hy- Antinociception, alpha agonist- Barnett, A., see lorlo, L C., 445 relationship ofantinuclear anti- droxylase and norepineph- mediated, spinal cord phar- Baughman, W. L, see Dickinson, bodies to (mice), 485 rise (rats), 18 macology of (rats), 525 R G., 38 Acetylhydrazine, metabolism in p-Aminobenzoic acid, effects on Antinuclear antibodies, relation- Beek, D., see Kenakin, T. P., 406 vivo, hepatotoxic effect of bleomycin-induced pulmo- ship to acetylator phenotype Behavior (rats), 364 nary fibrosis (hamsters), 425 (mice), 485 methadone-induced attenua- Acetylisoniazid, metabolism in p-Aminohippurate, uptake and Antipyrine, half-life, hepatic, ef- tion of effects of 9-tetrahy- vivo, hepatotoxic effect of acetylation by kidney (mice), fects ofethanolfeeding (rats), drocannabinol on temporal (rats), 364 350 196 discrimination (pigeons), 247 t-a-Acetylmethadol, enterohe- /1-Aminopropiomtrile, effects on Antonissen, L A., Mitchell, R. W., schedule-controlled, effects of patic circulation (rats), 284 bleomycin-induced pulmo- Kroeger, B. A., Kepron, W., narcotic analgesics on (rats), Acetylsalicycic acid, antinocicep- nary fibrosis (hamsters), 425 Stephens, N. L and Bergen, 497 five effects, blockade by l-ly- 4-Aminopyridine and nicotine, ac- J.: Histamine pharmacology use of conditioned suppression sine (rat), 445 tion on sympathetic nerve in airway smooth muscle to evaluate neuroleptic-in- Actomyosin, in aorta, effect of hy- terminals (cat), 133 from a canine model of duced avoidance training dralazine-induced hypoten- Aminopyrine, antinociceptine ef- asthma, 150 (rat), 623 sion (rats), 514 fects, blockade by l-lysine Aorta Belinsky, S. A., see Reinke, L A., Adenosine 3’:S’-monophosphate (rat), 445 actomyosin and mechanical 70 (see Cyclic AMP) Amitriptyline properties, effect of hydrala- Belmaker, R H., see Ebstein, R ADP, effects of 6-keto-E1 on pal- effect on cerebral capillary zine-induced hypotension P., 161 monary hypertensive re- permeability in vivo (rat), 313 (rats), 514 Benzolamide, inhibition of car- sponse to (cats), 468 interaction with alpha and alpha adrenergic receptor, ef- bomc anhydrase, relation to Adrenergic agonists, apha, spinal muscarinic prejunctional re- fects of clonidine analogs cerebrospinal fluid (cats), 321 cord pharmacology of anti- ceptors in saphenous vein (rat), 267 Beninger, R. J., Mason, S. T., nociception mediated by (dog), 616 Arachidonic acid, -stimulated Phillips, A. G. and Fibiger, H. (rats), 525 Amphetamine short-circuit current in iso- C.: The use of conditioned Adrenergic receptor (see also effects on unit activity in medial lated urinary bladder (toads), suppression to evaluate the Adrenoreceptors) thalamus (rat), 580 462 nature of neuroleptic-in- ajpha, aorta, effects of clom- -induced mydriasis (cat), 49 Artery - duced avoidance deficits, 623 dine analogs (rat), 267 d-Amphetamine, acute responses coronary lidoflazine inhibition Bergen, J., see Antonissen, L A., Adrenoreceptors (see also Adre- to, role of amphetamine me- of contractions caused by 150 nergic receptors) tabolites (rats), 504 norepinephrine, 5-hydroxy- Berkowitz, B. A., Head, R., Joh, agonist, beta-i, prenalterol, tis- D-Amphetaimne, influence on tryptamine, potassium, an- T. and Hempstead, J.: Exper- sue selectivity (cats), 406 brain striatal-reduced biop- oxia and ergonovine maleate imental diabetes: Alterations beta, blocking activity, relation- term (rat), 569 (dog), 179 in circulating dopamine-$- ship with pharmacokinetics Anal coronary, smooth muscle, con- hydroxylase and norepineph- of dt-and l-propranolol (rab- effects on discrimination of tractile responses to potas- rise, 18 bit), 628 electric shock (monkeys), 234 sium and histamine, effects of Berner, P. F., DiSalvo, J. and Age, effects on hepatic glutathi- narcotic, tolerance to and en- R02-2985 (pig), 59 Schwartz, A.: Differential in- one turnover in vivo (rats), hancement of (rats), 418 systolic pressure, effects of car- hibitory effects of the iono- 54 nitrous oxide, attenuated aver- diac glycosides (rats), 520 phore RO2-2985 (X537A) on Akasu, T. and Karczmar, A. G.: siveness of electric shock dur- Asthma, canine model, histamine contractile responses to po- Effects of 1-methyl-3-isobu- ing (rat, monkey), 128 effects in airway smooth tassium and histamine in cor- 633 634 Index Vol. 213 onary artery smooth muscle, netics and plasma protein (dog), 509 a-Chloralose, effects on systolic 59 binding in (rats, man), 97 Carbon, R W., see Ruiz, C. E., arterial pressure and heart Biopterin, brain striatal-reduced, Butorphanol, effects on schedule- 414 rate (rats), 520 Influence of D-amphetanune controlled behavior (rats), Carpenter, H. M. and Mudge, G. Chiornaltrexamine, alkylating (rat), 569 497 H.: Uptake and acetylation of narcotic antagonist, pharma- Bircher, J., see Zysset, T., 173 p-aminohippurate by slices of cology (mice), 539 Bladders Caffeine mouse kidney cortex, 350 Chioroxymorphamine, alkylating urinary, isolated, effects of as- effects on unit activity in medial Caruso, T. P., Larson, D. L, Por- narcotic agonist, pharmacol- achidonic and eicosatrienoic thalamus (rat), 580 toghese, P. S. and Takemori, ogy (mice), 539 acids on short-circuit current -induced malignant hyperther- A. E.: Pharmacological stud- Choleretic effect, of valproic acid in (toad), 462 mis, properties of muscle ies with an alkylating nar- (monkey), 38 effects of furosemide and etha- (pig), 91 cotic agonist, chioroxymor- Choline uptake, sodium-depen- crynic acid on sodium trans- Calcitonin, inhibition of bone re- phamine, and antagonist, dent, brain, effects of h9- port and CO2 production in sorption hypophosphatemia chlornaltrexamine, 539 tetrahydrocannabinol and (toad), 383 after (rats), 441 Casey, F. B., Abboa-Offei, B. E. cannabidiol (rats), 216 effects of metabolic and trans- Calcium and Marretta, J.: Antiallergic Choroid plexus, carbonic ashy- port inhibitors on sodium effect on action of nicotine and properties of SQ 13,847, an drase inhibition, relation to transport and CO2 produc- 4-aminopyridine on sympa- orally effective agent. I. Ac- cerebrospinal fluid (cats), 321 tion in (toads), 375 thetic nerve terminals (cat), tivity in vivo, 432 Chou, D. T., Forde, J. H. and effects ofsodium and potassium 133 Catecholamines (see also specific Hirsh, K. R: Unit activity in on metabolism and sodium effect on vanadate inhibition of names) medial thalamus: Compara- transport in (toad), 390 renin secretion from kidney -induced malignant hyperther- tive effects of caffeine and Bleomycin, -induced pulmonary (rat), 144 mia, properties of muscle amphetamine, 580 fibrosis, evaluation of antifi- role in opiod action in ileum (pig), 91 Chronotropic effects, comparison brotic drugs in (hamsters), (guinea pig), 188 modulation of enkephalin-in- of prostacydlin and prosta- 425 synaptosomal uptake, inhibi- duced electrophysiological glandin E2 (dog), 261 Blood pressure, effect of p-by- tion by ethanol (rat, mice), responses in cerebral cortex Churchill, M. C., see Churchill, P. droxyamphetamine and p- 562 by (rats), 205 C., 144 hydroxynorephedrine (rats), Calcium-45 secretion, ionophore-induced, Churchill, P. C. and Churchill, M. 504 high and low affinity binding in 241 C.: Vanadate inhibits resin Blood vessels, increased resist- aortic