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My Billionaire Mom Chapter 701 - 800 Translation by u/ dspacedude

My mother is taking you out of Chapter 701 of the Baller's audio novel! Listen online with


"Of course I am alive! Fear of me dying? Do you care so much about me? I haven't seen it before!"

Chuck was injured, and this was hit with several bodyguards!

Just after the black rose entered the private room, there were several bodyguards surrounding


Chuck instantly knew what was happening and knew that Black Rose was definitely dangerous.

He didn't panic and ran out with the utmost effort!

Why run?

Very simple, several bodyguards joined forces, Chuck had self-knowledge, it is unlikely to be able to play, black roses are also dangerous, so delaying it will definitely not work!

So run, lead these people out, and then run back yourself, take the black rose away, this is the best way!

However, the few people who were led out were so powerful that Chuck was still injured, kicked in the back, and vomited blood.

But for the safety of Black Rose, he resisted it and had to rush back!

"No, I didn't care about you. You are dead. I can't explain to your mother Karen li!" Black Rose shook her head, and she felt pain in her body.

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Chuck is still alive, she will not be so desperate, the crazy aftermath just came out.

"Well, I'm sorry, I just let you in." Chuck said sincerely.

The black rose was too dangerous just now.

"It's okay, I won't let you out of my sight anymore," Black Rose said subconsciously.

The two looked at each other, and then the two subconsciously dodge their eyes.

The black rose was thinking, what did he say about this? !

Do not let him out of sight?

Black Rose puzzled herself.

What happened to you today? !

Chuck lifted her, and Black Rose couldn't help vomiting blood, and looked weak.

It seems that the black rose must be taken away, the black rose is seriously injured!

This kind of fighting master has the same hands and feet as steel, and he can't bear it.

If Black Rose is not distracted by Chuck, she won't be like this, and she can last for so long, she has worked hard.

"I will take you out," Chuck said.

The black rose was speechless. He actually had a feeling that he had never felt before. What was it like?

Is the legendary sense of security?

Did you feel a sense of security in Chuck?

Black Rose didn't believe it herself, it must be wrong.

Chuck saw the man inside the bulletproof glass!

You Tianle is to kill him! !

"Bulletproof glass, bombs should be useless?" Black Rose understands this material. The secret

2 Read full book at: family is definitely the most advanced material at this stage.

A bomb is definitely useless!

"Bulletproof glass?" Chuck grotesquely.

"Chuck, your life is big enough, but what are you doing here? Let me appreciate how you died?"

The man laughed!

Chuck's bodyguards just went out to grab Chuck. It was absolutely impossible for Chuck to kill them all, so his bodyguard will come back immediately!

When the time comes, I will sit in the bulletproof glass and admire the black rose quietly, and

Chuck and the two will go from calm to fear!

That would be interesting!

"Seize them both!" the man ordered!

Another bodyguard attacked with a cold face, but he was not injured yet. It was absolutely simple to deal with two seriously injured people!

"Wait!" Chuck suddenly laughed!

The man in the bulletproof glass sneered, "Are you ready to beg for mercy? It's too late, what you do in my house, you are destined to die miserably!"

"No, your bulletproof glass is really good, but how many can you hold?" Chuck laughed deeper.

The man frowned, a pimple in his heart, "What do you mean? You mean how many bombs do you have?"

Chuck shrugged!

Black Rose is stunned! By the way, he went to Alice, definitely for the bomb!

"Yes, a lot!"

"Do you think I will believe you? There are at most two or three bombs in your hand, and my

3 Read full book at: bulletproof glass can block you two or three!"

The man laughed confidently. The material of this bulletproof glass, but he chose it himself, he can definitely carry three bombs!

"Well, there are nearly ten of them in my hand, all for you?" Chuck sighed and grabbed all the bombs in his hand.

Alice gave a total of ten appearances, is Chuck still useless?

In this case, there is bulletproof glass, and it will definitely not work without a bomb. Anyway, this hotel is on the top floor! !

"You? How could you have so many?" The man was frightened, and the remaining bodyguard in the room was frightened.

The two of them suddenly turned pale! ?

"If you're not careful, you will be given everything. I'm distressed. I'll give you six. Will I be good to you?" Chuck laughed.

"Don't! Anything is negotiable, I will give you what you want, don't!" The man retreated to the corner in fear!

"No? I want it!" Chuck threw out six!

The man and his bodyguard were drowning in fear on their faces! !

"Black Rose, I will take you out!"

Chuck left with arms around Black Rose, and just ran for less than three seconds, a loud noise was deafening, like an earthquake! All the nearby glass burst!

Chuck heard two screams of fear and was quiet!

With a sigh of relief, it became.

Chuck took the black rose downstairs. The people downstairs were stunned. The top floor was

4 Read full book at: actually black smoke!

They didn't know what happened, but Chuck knew.

Chuckfu got the black rose on the train.

He was too exhausted.

He couldn't help it. He drove to find a hotel and brought Black Rose in. At this time, Black Rose was in a coma. She hugged Chuck's waist, and she didn't know it, like a cat.

Chuck opened the room and put down the black rose.

Chuck cleans the wound himself, the pain makes him sober!

Damn, killing someone will cause such problems!

Chuck is annoyed!

He was exhausted after cleaning up. When he saw Black Rose in a coma, he took out the pain medicine from Black Rose's body and fed it to her. Chuck also took one, and he felt exhausted. he has slept.


The black rose suddenly woke up!

She looked down and found that she was covered with a quilt and her clothes were intact. She was relieved. When she was about to cough, she saw Chuck on the sleeping sofa and hurriedly covered her mouth.

Chuck actually drooled. After the black rose was stunned, he suddenly laughed, a faint smile, so beautiful.

Unfortunately, Chuck didn't see it.

"Did you take the medicine? Well, after taking it, I feel a lot better. He brought him in last night?" Black Rose murmured.

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She didn't feel anything at all, just felt that she had a warm embrace in her arms. She felt very at ease and didn't worry about what this person would do to herself without any worry.

Because, two people seem to know each other...

"It hurts," Chuck woke up, and Black Rose hurriedly pretended to sleep, and lay down. Chuck was stunned, "not yet awake?"

Chuck came over and covered her with a quilt. "Sleep at ease, it's okay... there is me!"

My mother is the past of Black Rose, Chapter 702 of the Baller's audio novel! Listen online

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After Chuck finished speaking, the black rose was covered with a quilt again. Black Rose relaxed. Chuck didn't do anything to her. If there was a little irregularity, Black Rose decided that she would take a gun and kill Chuck!

But suddenly, Chuck grabbed Black Rose's hand, and she felt, what did this bastard really do to herself?

To die! !

Black Rose can't stand such a thing!

You know, before, Black Rose had never been in a room with a man. She felt that she was capable, so what do you want a man to do?

When cumbersome? !

But now Chuck actually grabbed his hand so insignificantly? ?

This is unacceptable for Black Rose!

She is ready to shoot!

"What is this? Tattoo?"

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Of course Chuck didn't want to do anything. He found a weird tattoo on the thumb of the palm of the black rose. Product=Book/Web

It seems to have been tattooed from small to large, and it has faded, but it can still be seen clearly.

Chuck looked curious.

The black rose who was about to turn her head was stunned. This tattoo, when she was abandoned by her parents, she followed her after she was impressed.

She doesn’t know what tattoo, she can check, after all, she is the first killer, but she doesn’t want to check, because this strange tattoo is definitely related to her parents, she has been ruthlessly abandoned, and also check what this tattoo does ? !

Let yourself find your parents?

Black roses will never do this.

Abandon it and abandon it, never see you forever!

"It's a strange tattoo. It turned out that Black Rose was a rebellious girl when she was a child. It's not good." Chuck said conclusively.

The black rose pretending to be sleeping was angry, and this was an hour pattern, not a pattern after growing up. Where did you rebel? !

"I don't know if I woke up, look again," Chuck said to himself for a while, before putting down

Black Rose's hand.

In fact, Chuck also thought, is this a tattoo of any identity? ?

"Black Rose, did you wake up?" Chuck pushed her a few times.

The black rose angrily "woke up", "what?"

"Is it better?" Chuck reached out and pressed her head. The head temperature was normal and

7 Read full book at: there was no fever.

"Don't touch me!" Black Rose opened Chuck's hand, his face cold.

"Yes, don't touch, don't touch, what's wrong with your tattoo?" Chuck asked.

"What's your business?" Black Rose scolded!

Others asked her, she had turned her face long ago, and Chuck asked, she could barely say.

"Is your family tattooing you?" Chuck asked seriously.

"Don't ask." The black rose got up from the bed.

"Okay, I won't ask, but I think it looks pretty," Chuck smiled.

The perfect woman like Black Rose has a tattoo on her hand, and it really feels different.

"Good-looking? Good-looking? What's so good about this?" The black rose burst into flames.

Chuck was stunned, "What's wrong with you?"

Black Rose seems to be very sick. Chuck doesn't know the past of Black Rose. How could he think of the reason why Black Rose suddenly became angry?

"Nothing, you go out!" Black Rose was indifferent.

"Don't you say, what's wrong with you?" Chuck took her hand, the tattooed hand.

Black Rose struggled painfully, "Let go!"

"What's the matter? Tell me." Chuck's rare tenderness rose, sadness and tiredness, the black rose who was reluctant to mention this matter was silent, "Nothing, don't ask."

"This is your family's tattoo for you?" Chuck asked in the end.

"Don't ask me!"

"I will not tell others, tell me, you may feel better in your heart." Chuck said.

This is rare, and the black rose is sad.

"You want to know? Well, I tell you, I have no parents, I was abandoned since I was a kid, this is

8 Read full book at: the mark they left me, okay? Clear?"

For the first time, Black Rose is out of control. If it is not abandoned, then he will not be a killer.

He may study hard and become a plain woman.

"It's clear." Chuck was shocked. The black rose is so beautiful and her eyes are so big. I can imagine how cute she was when she was a child, but she didn't expect such a cute girl to be abandoned? why? Can't afford it?

"Black Rose, don't be sad, it's okay, I won't ask," Chuck shook his head, mainly seeing Black

Rose like this for the first time, no, I should have seen it twice, the first time was when she found herself last time When I asked for a photo, I was out of state. At other times, I never saw it.

"Go out!"

"Okay, I'm going out." Chuck went out.

Black Rose looked at her hand. She took out the knife and wanted to cut off the skin directly.

All of her knives were inserted into her skin, and blood was flowing out.

She did not continue, not afraid of pain, but unable to start.

Chuck came out to order something to eat. He didn't arrive. Black Rose had such a past.

Suddenly, Chuck had a little pity for her.

With a sigh, beautiful women are fateful! !

He ordered a few dishes. He went to the hotel and ate with Black Rose, comforting her, and he was almost going back.

Because the man you are about to kill is dead.

But suddenly, Chuck frowned, and dodged away from the spot, a fist emerged from .

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It's over! !

Chuck's eyes were cold, and he turned around and punched out! boom!

Chuck saw the master of the fist, he was relieved, immediately hugged the past, hooked shoulder to shoulder!

But as soon as he touched his shoulder, one foot flew over. what! !

Chuck did not prepare, was kicked for five meters, and got up coughing, "You Shiwen, are you sick?"

"Yesterday, a place exploded, and a wandering man died, as well as three bodyguards. Did you do it?" You Shiwen said coldly.

She received this news and immediately found a way to find it here. She concluded that Chuck must have done it. This is Yu Tianle's opponent!

"No, I'm a good person," Chuck touched the place where he was kicked, and he was speechless.

Is this woman too smart? ?

"You and I are not good people, I ask you, did you do it!?" You Shiwen asked coldly!

"I am me,"

Chuck shrugged, "He is your opponent, I will solve it for you,"

"Are you helping me?" You Shiwen strode closer.

Chuck smiled, and the two were close at hand.

Chuck didn't do anything, just stared at her, "So, how are you going to treat me?"

"I said, if you kill a wandering man, I will stop with you, you are going to die!" You Shiwen glared!

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"If I don't kill, You Tianle will also do it yourself, and you will do the same."

"I won't! I won't kill the people in my house, but you killed?! This is something I can't tolerate!"

Chuck shrugged, but there was a voice behind him, "You can't tolerate your business letting go of him!?"

Black Rose came over, his face cold! !

My mother is a local novel of the tyrant's voice novel 703. Two women and one

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You Shiwen frowned, Chuck was stunned, how did the black rose come out?

In the face of Chuck's silly stunned eyes, the black rose was angry. "What do you see?? I told you not to be out of my sight, and you still come out? Do you want me to find it right?"

Chuck was still stunned.

Black Rose is also too dedicated, but how does Chuck feel weird? She actually said such things to herself, rare!

"I don't want you to look for it. I just ordered a few dishes, and the two of us ate together,"

Chuck shrugged.

"Who made you cry?" Black Rose glared at him, Chuck had nothing to say.

What can you say? First of all, you called me out. Besides, if you are hungry, you can’t ask for food? ?

Black Rose started staring at You Shiwen, "Don't touch him! I must protect his life?!"

"Black Rose? You can't protect it!" You Shiwen shook his head indifferently, full of coldness!

Chuck shuddered, and pushed two people away, and these two people should not fight, after all,

Black Rose is still injured!

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Definitely can't help Youming Shiwen Da! !

Chuck knew that You Shiwen was particularly, very, and extremely angry because he killed the people of Youjia.

However, when she just fought, Chuck saw that You Shiwen didn't have that kind of murderousness, so she didn't want to kill herself, maybe she was too angry, just kicked herself.

"I can't protect? You try to move him? See if I don't kill you!!!" Black Rose was exasperated.

You Shiwen sneered, "You are hurt, why should you fight me?"

"No matter if I am injured or not, as long as you move Chuck, I will deal with you!" Black Rose has already made a state of attack! !

You Shiwen's beautiful eyes are cold!

Two women are struggling!

On the go!

At this time, the ordered food was delivered and the waiter was shocked. What is the situation?

Two women fighting for a husband? !

The waiter was envious!

These are two beautiful women who have reached the extreme!

He immediately regarded Chuck as an idol, which is too great!

Admire it!

"Sir, your dish is here, you see..." the waiter said weakly.

"Why don't you take the two wives to the room? It's not a problem in the corridor of this hotel!"

The waiter was envious.

Are Chinese men attractive? ?

Can you fascinate such two big beauties at the same time? !

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"What are you talking about?" Black Rose was furious!

You Shiwen kicked the waiter angrily, "Will you see it? I am his wife? Is she her wife?"

The waiter was terrified. He is just an ordinary person. Where can he stand such a kick?

Why did the beauty start the fire, so scary?

Fortunately, Chuck knew that he couldn't stand such a kick, and Chuck pushed him away.

Let him escape the disaster, otherwise he wouldn’t wake up even if he didn’t lie down for ten days and a half months.

The waiter was frightened and ran away after putting down the dish.

"Don't run, make you talk nonsense!" You Shiwen is angry?

"Don't run! Don't run!" The Black Rose was also so angry that it was awful!

"Don't eat first!!" Chuck took them both and walked into the room, otherwise the two masters of fighting would chase them over, wouldn't this waiter be killed by them? !

"let go!"

"Let go! Who made you catch me!" The two women kicked and kicked Chuck!

Chuck endured the pain and almost cried, pulling them both into the room.

Come in with the food!

"Don't fight, if you have anything to say after dinner, and then hit the blind man to turn his face!"

Chuck looked serious rebuke!

You Shiwen and Black Rose sneered!

"Delicious rice and delicious dishes!" Chuck said while eating.

"To shut up!!"

Two women scolded at the same time!

Chuckmei continued to eat, but You Shiwen came from all over the place all night and she was

13 Read full book at: hungry.

Black Rose was injured last night, weak, and she was hungry.

Seeing Chuck eat so loudly, is it really so fragrant?

The two women swallowed at the same time.

Chuck smiled and took the two of them to sit down and gave them tableware.

"Come, eat, eat!" Chuck smiled.

The two of them glared at each other, and Chuck gave them food, and they hummed.

Chuck smiled, is this good? !

All three were hungry, and all the dishes were swept away. At last, Chuck also competed with

You Shiwen for a braised pork. In the end, the two of them were half of each other before they stopped each other! !

"Full," Chuck was satisfied and could go back.

Black Rose was injured, she had a meal and felt much better.

"Chuck, come out, let me say a few words to you," You Shiwen stood up and walked outside.

Chuck shrugged, You Shiwen must have found something else for herself, so come here.

Chuck shrugged and wanted to know what You Shiwen came to do.

But the black rose said coldly, "Can't go out! You must be in my sight!"

Chuck was speechless.

"You Shiwen, look..." Chuck shrugged.

"I'm waiting for you outside for three minutes. If I don't come out, I'll call in. You can do it!"

You Shiwen went out.

Isn't it necessary? How can I have dinner just now? !

"Black Rose, I will go out and talk,"

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"Just you. But I won't let you out of my sight," Black Rose said indifferently.

Chuck came out, and Black Rose followed the door.

You Shiwen was annoyed, glaring at Black Rose fiercely, and went directly to the theme,

"Chuck, how about your mother?"

"My mother? Are you afraid of my mother? Last time you ran so fast?" Chuck was stunned.

What did You Shiwen want to do? !

"I'm not afraid of her, but I don't have the strength of her now. When I meet her, the possibility of death is too great. Can I not run? You still say this, and I get angry when I speak, obviously it is between you and me. You actually called the parents, is it interesting?" You Shiwen said angrily in his heart.

Chuck was embarrassed, too.

But there is no way, I can't kill her, only let my mother come.

"But didn't you run away?" Chuck muttered.

"Run? It's very annoying to be betrayed. Run? I want to kill you!" You Shiwen was angry.

"Uh... what are you doing with my mother?"

"Do you know my grandpa?"

"Know, dying, good thing!" Chuck couldn't avoid it.

The old man in Youbatian was dying, so my mother had this plan. Let Youtianle be the head of the house and confuse the Youjia, but unexpectedly, You Shiwen was so powerful that she almost broke the mother’s plan.

"What are you talking about?" You Shiwen immediately became furious!


"I asked about the situation of my grandfather. I suspect that your mother was a ghost, and

15 Read full book at: something was done on my grandfather, so I want to see her!"

"Really? I tell you, as soon as my mother comes, you will definitely die!" Chuck doesn't matter.

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My mother's plan was originally to let You Tianle come to be the head of the house. You didn't want to let You Shiwen, who can improve the strength of the house, be the head of the house.

Therefore, as long as the mother comes, then you Shiwen will die!

You Shiwen frowned, "I'm here to find you, are you telling me this?"

"Oh, do you want to go through the back door and let me tell my mom, let her let you go?"

Chuck understood.

Otherwise, why did You Shiwen pass herself?

"I talk to your mother!" You Shiwen said coldly.

"But she will kill you!" Chuck reminded again that this matter is too important, and it is unlikely that the mother will release water!

"You told her to come, I talked to her, whether it was a life or a death, I figured it out! That's it! I waited in the next room!" You Shiwen turned around and left to find someone else to open the room.

"You Shiwen! You didn't use identity means?" Chuckming asked, if she designed any traps, then

Chuck must not let his mother fall into danger! !

"I use tricks, I can use them?" You Shiwen was irritated.

"If I play tricks, you slept like a pig that night, I would have killed you already!"

Under the circumstances at that time, she could survive with a knife, Chuck might live? Even if you don't need a knife, you can pinch Chuck's throat by pinching your neck! !

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"Uh, I just remind you!" Chuck shrugged.

"Remind you a ghost, hurry up!" You Shiwen went on angry.

"Are you going to open a house? Here is eight hundred dollars a night, you..."

"So expensive?" You Shiwen was annoyed and instantly cut off her thoughts about opening a room and so on.

"OK, hello, where are you going?"

"Toilet!" You Shiwen walked away.

Chucksi came and went, and decided to tell her mother about this, called her mother, and connected, Chuck said You Shiwen wanted to see her.

"Oh, then she is quite smart, well, I'll come over!" said the mother.

"That..." Chuckzhi supported us, not much to say.

"I'll talk about anything else when I arrive! It may take three hours for me to arrive. You should rest first."

"Got my mother."

Chuck hung up the phone and walked back to the room. "Resting, my mother said she came."

Black Rose glanced at You Shiwen, who walked away, and snorted in.

Chuck lay on the sofa and fell asleep, but when she thought of You Shiwen, she went out to see if she was okay. Sure enough, Chuck pulled her in. You Shiwen was angry, "I'm going by myself."

She came in.

"The sofa, the ground floor, and the bed. Where do you sleep? Black Rose is the patient. She is in bed. I am also the patient. I sleep on the sofa, so..." Chuck allocated.

"You just say I can't sleep on the ground?" You Shiwen squatted in the corner.

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She hasn't slept well for a long time, and the ground is clean. She hasn't slept before. She has slept in caves and caves. What's wrong? ?

Chuck smiled, "Come on, you are a woman, how could I let you sleep underground?"

"Without your hypocrisy, I tell you, Chuck, you kill my homeless people, make trouble with my homeless people, I have no end with you!!" You Shiwen closed his eyes.

Chuck was speechless, sitting next to her and talking to her, "No way, you are the one who provokes me!!"

You Shiwen's eyes opened, "Then you look at it, from now on, I will play with you! But I don't know, can you bear it?!"

"Just casually, it's fun to play with you," Chuck hooked her shoulders.

You Shiwen beat Chuck hard.

Where can Chuck stand it? If you hit it again, you have to vomit blood, and You Shiwen beat people without any effort.

Chuckzhiqu went to bed on the sofa.

Black Rose couldn't sleep, she kept staring at You Shiwen.

Keep staring like this! !

"It's useless to stare at me, it's better to sleep and recuperate." You Shiwen said with closed eyes.

Black Rose snorted and closed his eyes to sleep.

The raven was silent, and the three tired people fell asleep.

Until there is a knock on the door!

You Shiwen awakened! Black rose awakened! !

Chuck finally opened his eyes confusedly, "Mom?"

"Well, it's me, open the door!" Mom's voice was outside.

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You Shiwen was a little nervous, Chuck went to open the door, and Mom and Betty walked in.

Karen li was stunned. She didn't expect three people to stay in a room. Is this a bed for a bed, a sofa for a sofa, a bed for an underground bed? !

"Cer, why don't you open an extra room?" Karen li asked.

"She said it was too expensive to drive," Chuck said.

Karen li revisited You Shiwen.

"Mom, it's her." Chuck swipes Shi Wendao.

"Well, you go out with Black Rose first," Karen li said.

The black rose came down from the bed, and Li Qing said quietly, "Shoot this needle."

This is the newest painkiller. She always got black roses and was seriously injured.

"Thank you," Black Rose walked out holding it.

"Mom..." Chuck whispered.

"Well, I understand,"

Chuck breathed a sigh of relief and looked at You Shiwen for a few times. You Shiwen bit her lip and Chuck went out.

Betty followed, "Master, are you injured?"

"Fortunately." Chuck shrugged.

"Get more rest when you are injured."

"Well, Sister Li,"

Chuck smiled.

The door of the room closed.

Karen li gazed at You Shiwen.

You Shiwen didn't move, "I know you."

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"Oh, what do you know?"

"I know you are cruel! Just like me!" You Shiwen said.

"Yes, when it's time to be cruel, I won't be cruel! I didn't feel you are afraid, so you just say it!"

"Did you put something on my grandpa?"

"Yes, let it go, it's boring to lie to you," Karen li admitted.

The other children and grandchildren didn't see it, only she could see it, and the gap was huge.

"So what did you put in? I know you have a technology company that has many fields of research! Certainly in medicine."

This is You Shiwen's analysis.

There is absolutely nothing wrong.

"Whatever you say, it won't work for you. You have a lot of courage. See me alone!" Karen li said, his tone cooled down.

"Give me the antidote!"

"To you? Why should I give you? To be honest, you are not qualified to discuss the conditions with me, in this room!" Karen li shook her head.

You Shiwen didn't refute, it is indeed the case, Karen li's fighting ability, she can't beat it, she admits.

But killing herself is not that simple, otherwise she would not be able to take such a risk.

"I know, so I do a deal with you."

"What deal?"

"You asked for it?" You Shiwen frowned, Karen li was so clever, how could she not know what she was going to do with her?

"You said."

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"I am the homeowner, which is better than You Tianle as the homeowner?"

"None is bad. At the very least, You Tianle will do more good for me. If you do, it will do more harm to me, so I am not going to do it with you for this transaction." Karen li shook his head?

"Then you are so confident that You Tianle can be the head of the house?" You Shiwen suddenly became cold! !

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This is not self-confidence, it is because you haven't known your situation, and without you as your opponent, why can't You Tianle sit on the housekeeper? ? "Karen li said indifferently.

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You Shiwen was stunned and immediately understood the meaning of Karen li. She was saying that Karen li had killed herself now. Then You Tianle had no real opponent. With You Tianle's viciousness, why couldn't she sit in the position of the owner?

You Shiwen stepped back and questioned, "Do you want to kill me?"

"What's so strange? Originally, my son was going to kill you last time, but I didn't expect you to talk to my son..." Karen li didn't expect it to be the result.

When she asked Chuck to look for Shiwen in the past, she wanted to give Chuck a chance to hone, but in the end she didn't kill her, but instead became. . friend? !

Is that right? !

You Shiwen frowned.

"I was able to kill you last time I went, but my son let you go."

"Let me? He betrayed me and called you!" You Shiwen mentioned this and was annoyed!

"I called on the phone, but with my son's ability to hold you back, or follow you, and wait for me

21 Read full book at: to pass, do you think you can still run?" Karen li said plainly.

You Shiwen was stunned and denied, "He, he can't hold me, nor can he catch me, so he can only let me run,"

"No, you don't know his toughness. I know. When he really wants to stop you, you can't run away," Karen li is particularly sure!

Last time Chuck was comatose by Emily and transported to Amazon. Actually, in that closed situation, she could still catch Emily and escape, and survive in the place of Amazon. Karen li knew Chuck Potential capabilities.

Now Chuck is too short in contact with fighting. If there is enough time for Chuck, then it is only a matter of time before he becomes the world's number one fighting master.

You Shiwen's frowned brows loosened. She thought that when she saw Chuck for the first time, she did have the fearless look, what was she most afraid of fighting? The most feared thing is to die! !

Chuck is scary enough!

"Well," You Shiwen admitted, if Chuck wants to keep her desperate to delay the time, it can still be done. No matter how bad it is, even if he runs away, Chuck can chase it!

May not be caught! ?

Chuck is so desperate, certainly.

Thinking about it that way, Chuck really let himself go after finishing the phone call that day.

"So what do you want to say?" You Shiwen simply asked.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" Karen li shrugged, and she found a place to sit down.

"Afraid of what you do? Everyone has only one life. Everyone can die. No one can carry it with a knife. No one can guarantee that they can kill each other. What are you afraid of?" You Shiwen

22 Read full book at: has always been That's what I think, this is one reason why she can live to the present.

If you are afraid of anything? How can you survive in a harsh environment? ?

Karen li was not surprised, don't think so, did You Shiwen live to the present? !

You Shiwen sat on the floor by herself, not on the sofa. There was a feeling of students seeing the teacher, and the atmosphere was so restrained.

Karen li smiled slightly, "Say, your thoughts!"

"Youjia is not as simple as you think!"

"I haven't thought of anything simple," Karen li shook her head, not underestimating others. It was also an important reason why Karen li grew up to now in just over 20 years.

"Well, Youjia is a hidden family. With deep roots, Youtianle wants to be the owner, it's not that simple!"

"I don't think so much, You Tianle is ruthless enough, he killed all his opponents, then the position of the owner is not his?" Karen li interrupted You Shiwen.

"It turns out that you are as ruthless as him!" You Shiwen's eyes flickered.

"It doesn't matter if you think so," Karen li shrugged. She wouldn't say that she was a good person because she had killed someone, but she also felt that she was not a bad person.

She also does good things.

"You keep talking," Karen li said.

"Okay, go to Youtianle and become the owner of the house with your help. You have disrupted everything in the house. You took advantage of the opportunity to invade, but you haven't thought about it. Youtianle is really desperate, but still led the entire family to fight with you,

Can you fight it?" You Shiwen said coldly.

"You don't have to worry about this, anyway, it's better than your position as the homeowner!

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You Tianle and you are very different. He will make your home decline, and you can make your home a higher level. This gap will be bigger,"

You Shiwen was shocked. Sure enough, Karen li was Karen li. She saw things too well. She has had too many ideas in her mind for so many years. You can let Youjia surpass Wanjia and become the first hidden family! !

Karen li's vision also proves that she does have this talent!

"But I tell you, even if You Tianle is in the position of the owner, I will pull him down!"

"You said it was too far. It's a question whether you can go out today! Really?" Karen li stood up from the sofa, his eyes revealing a calm light.

"No, I don't see too many killing opportunities in your eyes, you don't want to kill me very much," You Shiwen said confidently.

Karen li was stunned, "So?"

This is really the case. In many ways, Karen li appreciates the growth of such a girl. No one can help grow up to now. Isn't she the same? Did not rely on the Li family, and a person came to the present? ?

"I know that the reason why there are not too many killings is because Chuck."

"Yes, because of him, so?"

"The antidote to my grandfather, I am the master of the house, and I will give you three years to develop! Then I will solve the things you did in my home before I did it, I said it!"

"Three years? Your grandpa seems to say three years." Karen li shook her head.

"Yes, but I said, you can believe me, you and I are not the same people?" You Shiwen said.

"You can really believe it, but I have been developing for three years, and you have not developed with Youjia too? So I think it's better for You Tianle to be the homeowner, the risks

24 Read full book at: are not as great as you do!!"

Karen li finished, she approached, shot!

You Shiwen has no expression, Karen li tells the truth, she really wants to deal with her, this is a feeling of excitement, not fear. Faced with the kind of sympathy of masters.

In the face of Karen li's strong attack, You Shiwen shot back, but soon the gap came out. You

Shiwen was shocked. She thought she could fight Karen li, but after playing, she realized that the gap was getting more and more Obviously, what's going on? suddenly. Karen li grabbed his hand to pinch You Shiwen's neck! !

My mother is a Baller with novel No. 606. I miss him! Listen online with novels

Chuck, Black Rose and Betty are waiting outside.

How to say, Chuck is still a little worried, not worried about his mother, since the mother is here, then it must be ready, but worried about You Shiwen! !

When my mother came over, you must have thought of killing You Shiwen. Chuck could see it, but what can you do with the diploma?

Can't carry it!

Therefore, Chuck was worried that You Shiwen was dead inside.

"Master, don't worry," Betty persuaded.

Can Chuck not worry? Although it didn't take long for you to know Shi Youwen, it was considered a mutual friend, a friend, and a brother. Suddenly a person who knew himself died, how could Chuck not be worried? !

Black Rose's expression was blank, and she stared at the door of the room.

She has a say as to whether Karen li will start with You Shiwen, because last time Karen li let

25 Read full book at: her go, otherwise she would have been two meters tall.

Then this time. . Will Karen li treat You Shiwen the same as he does?

The black rose was not surprised, and treated indifferently.

Just when Chuck was in trouble, the door opened and the mother came out. Chuck ran in and found that there was no one inside, and an iron arrow was inserted into the window head and shot into the wall Inside, the iron arrow has a rope running down the window.

Chuck ran to the window and looked down, the rope was still shaking, but no one was there.

You Shiwen escaped under the eyes of her mother?

What did the two say in the room? ?

Chucksong was relieved. At the very least, his mother was fine. You Shiwen fled, which was considered safe.

Black Rose couldn't see You Shiwen anymore. There were not many surprises in her heart, but she looked at Karen li again with a slightly different look.

"Mom, You Shiwen is so powerful, but she ran away?"

Chuck asked deliberately how to say that most of the things in this room are complete, the only thing that can show that the two people are fighting is the carpet, and the carpet has several explosive footprints.

This shows that the two had just played fiercely just now!

"Yes, quite powerful, don't you think?" Karen li smiled slightly.

"I think, I think, but You Shiwen just ran like this, then You Tianle certainly can't be the head of the house, and he will be in position, not a great influence on us?" Chuck whispered his thoughts.

Originally! !

"Look... yes, let's go back first!" Karen li glanced over the window and went out first.

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Betty followed, and Chuck wanted to help Black Rose, who was indifferent, "Want you to help me?"

"I'm so kind, don't forget, I took you back to the hotel, and you still hugged me around me, you still..." Chuck was speechless, why didn't Black Rose feel grateful at all? !

"Let's say it again, I'll kill you with a gun!" Black Rose threatened with anger, he wasn't comatose anymore, still holding it with you? ?

All come up and say, you have nothing else to say?

"Yes, are you good enough?"

Chuck ignored her and ran over to ask her mother how her affairs were handled. The mother said of course.

Go downstairs to check out and drive away!

In the corner of the hotel, a pair of beautiful eyes appeared, the owner is Yu Shiwen!

There was a capsule in her hand. She stared at the capsule, and once again glanced at Karen li, who was away, she left directly and quickly disappeared into the alley.


"You Tianle is going to be the head of the house? The noise is so big?" Wan Ziwen said lazily in a luxurious room.

"Yes, other than You Tianle would do that kind of thing, there is no other family who dare to do that, but according to my analysis, the reason why You Tianle has such a big courage, it seems that Karen li is supporting him." Wan Zi Wen bodyguard spoke his analysis.

"Understood, Karen li dealt with Youjia in this way, which made me a little surprised, but you didn't find it before. Youjia released a few children sixteen years ago, and now, there are still a few Is the individual alive?"

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"There should be only one or two, but those who can survive are the elites of the elite!"

"I definitely know that if I can survive, I might be the future homeowner of the wandering house!" Wan Ziwen's lazy look receded, with a little seriousness.

"I asked You Tianle to make a whole plan, but You Tianle didn't move at all. Instead, she cooperated with Chuck. It seems that she took my words as a deaf ear," Wan Ziwen lazily shot out coldly.

For her, this is the way she has disobeyed her. With such a strong desire for control, she must be able to allow such things to happen!

"Then I need to call You Tianle?"

"I think you should stand up with the living stocking person, and I want to meet her... If she can really have the strength to take the position of the housekeeper, then, come to me Say, maybe it’s a good thing,"

"Good thing? Miss, the kind of stocking people is definitely not comparable to You Tianle's rubbish. She really wants to be a housekeeper. For you, it is a threat!" The man said cautiously.

"It seems that you have followed me for so long, I can't even see through my mind!" Wan Ziwen looked at the man lazily.

"You said!" The man murmured in his heart, who can guess your mind?

"She is a woman, and so am I. This is inconvenient because the world is all women? Our women are the strongest? Men are women's accessories." !

The man was sweating coldly, this? ?

This is also a headache. Wan Ziwen's desire to control has exceeded his imagination. Which man can bear it?

Except that Chuck, no one else can bear it!

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"It's interesting to have a great opponent to accompany me to play with, otherwise You Tianle and others will become the head of the family, and I can die him at random, boring, boring,"

Wan Ziwen was lazy again.

What does the man interface?

Quiet and silent!

"You go out and call Chuck to call me, I miss him, go..." Wan Ziwen said lazily.

The man nodded and prepared. He thought, where is Chuck? ? Actually, Wan Wanwen was confused and missed.

This is really the envy of men all over the world! !

But when the man walked to the door, there was a phone call suddenly, and he answered. Three seconds later, he was stunned, "Wait, I asked the lady what she meant..."

"Don't ask me, let Chuck come, I want him, go!" Wan Ziwen said, she really thought, she was angry for so long, Chuck didn't even make a call to himself, this What means? ?


But my Wan Ziwen does not allow you to forget! !

"Well, Miss, this is the case. There is a woman outside who wants to see you. Oh, she said that her surname is Yu..." said the man.

My mother is a Baller. The 707th chapter of the novel is shocked.

Surname Yu ? ? "Wan Ziwen sat up straight from the sofa.

"Yes, the outsiders said the surname Yu." The man nodded.

"Monitoring photos let me see," Wan Ziwen beckoned.

The man brought the phone over, and the screen was on the screen, at the door.

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"This beggar?" Wan Ziwen said with a glance.

"dressed so poorly, her hair is not taken care of, what are they all messed up with? There is dirt on the shoes, who is this?" Wan Ziwen hated, she hated people who were not clean most, not dirty at all.

The man is speechless, okay!

But how dare he show his thoughts? "Miss, she said so calmly that the surname is Yu, so will it be the women who were still alive before the house? It seems that they are about the same age."

"Probably," Wan Ziwen was too lazy to watch, and gave him his mobile phone.

"Does the lady see her?"

"See, but take her to take a shower, wash her hair, give her a new dress, wrap her split hair, and then bring her over to see me, but only to the door, because she looks too dirty," Wan Zi Wen said.

She has serious cleanliness, last time Karen li was far away from her...

Not to mention the door. . Girl too.

"Yes..." The man exited, and when he reached the door, he saw a girl with a backpack. That's right, You Shiwen.

She came over and asked Wan Ziwen for something.

So come here.

"Your ladies see me?" You Shiwen asked.

"come in!"

The man nodded and You Shiwen followed in, but soon she was stunned. Why did she take it to the bathroom?

Is Wan Ziwen taking a bath? !

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"Well, why did you come here?" You Shiwen couldn't help asking.

"Shower gel, shampoo, these are the best in the world, clothes, hoods...all here." The man pointed to a cabinet next to it, which contained everything.

"I came here to see Wan Ziwen, why should I take a shower?" You Shiwen didn't understand.

"Miss said you were too dirty," the man went out.

Staying shocked You Shiwen! !

She looked down at herself? Where is it dirty? ! Where is it?

"Hey, I'm not dirty!" You Shiwen was angry.

"Do not wash, my lady will not see you, don't you know my lady loves clean?"

"I heard a little, but I'm not dirty, hello. Hey... is it hers! Neuropathy?"

You Shiwen was irritated. She had seen no one else like her before. She was so embarrassed that she was not a man. Was it useful?

But there is no way. You Shiwen can only follow the instructions, hurry to wash her hair, change clothes and go out.

"Headgear, you don't have one," the man said.

You Shiwen took it angrily, "Is it okay?"

"Women should pay attention, you have to learn from my young lady," the man led the way.

"She loves to clean so much, is she not going to the toilet?" You Shiwen.

The man frowned, "I advise you not to say this in front of my young lady."

You Shiwen was too lazy to say that when she came to the door of a large room, she wanted to walk in, but the man stopped her.

"What are you doing.?"

"Standing at the door, the lady despise you for losing your hair." The man said.

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You Shiwen was shocked!

Hair loss by yourself? Who won't fall? ?

You Shiwen saw Wan Ziwen on the sofa, "I want to talk to you."

"Did you just brush your teeth?" Wan Ziwen suddenly frowned, covering his nose and mouth across the distance.

You Shiwen was angry, "Hey, you are enough!!"

"Did she brush her teeth just now?" Wan Ziwen asked the man.

"It should be brushed, no taste," the man said.

Wan Ziwen also covered his nose and mouth, "Speak, what are you doing for me?"

"I look for you……"

"Wait, tell me first, who are you!"

You Shiwen was extremely angry, "My name is You Shiwen!"

"Sixteen years ago, people who were released by your home?" Wan Ziwen was lazy.

"Yes, it is."

"Say, what are you doing here for me?" Wan Ziwen looked at Shiwen lazily. "How do you look like this? Hair is messy, not like a woman, like a man..."

You Shiwen ignored it, "I want to borrow something from you."

"Borrow something? I don't borrow anything. You used it. How can I still use it?"

"You're enough. I'm looking for you to get a box of special medicines produced by your company." Although the antidote is available, it won't work. Grandpa's complications have all been brought out. You must buy a good medicine. .

But in the world, Wanjia company's medicine is the best, and this medicine is not sold to the outside world, and it is only specially developed for Wanjia people.

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"Oh, make it clear... save your grandpa?"


"Why should I give you?" Wan Ziwen shook his head lazily.

"What do you want, I will exchange with you!"

"What are you, I don't have?" Wan Ziwen asked lazily.

You Shiwen is annoyed. That's right, Wan Ziwen is the heir of the Wan family, and there is nothing missing.

"Then you can ask for it, as long as you give me a box of medicine."

"No, go out!"

You Shiwenhuo reached the extreme, "I'm here, you want to give it to me."

The man frowned.

Wan Ziwen looked at You Shiwen again, "Forcing me to give you, the less I will give you..."

"Don't you have anything you want to do?"

"Yes, but with you... can you be the owner of your wandering house?" Wan Ziwen suddenly thought of something.


"Oh, then I barely did something for you to do. At the beginning, I did it with You Tianle, but he couldn't do it, then only you, you do it, the effect is better," Wan Ziwen said lazily.

"You say, as long as I can do it, I will definitely not postpone it!" You Shiwen was relieved.

When she came, she did not know how to convince Wan Ziwen!

After all, Wan Ziwen is the future heir of Wanjia, of course she has heard a little.

Knowing that she has a domineering personality.

Not easy to contact, how can such a person convince?

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"Well, after I let you be the head of the house, give me the strength of your wandering house to suppress a person!"

"Suppress? Why?" You Shiwen was ignorant. She couldn't understand what Wan Ziwen was thinking.

Wanjia is the first family, who is suppressing, one sentence, but why do you want to do it yourself?

"Why don't you care, you just need to suppress him. But don't suppress it,"

"What the hell do you want to do?" You Shiwen heard more and more ignorant, what does Wan

Ziwen mean? Suppressed, can it just go out? What to do to suppress, what else do not suppress to die, what is this for? play? ?

"If you suppress him, he will come and beg me," Wan Ziwen's eyes glowed.

You Shiwen was shocked. Is there such an operation? ? "You, like this person, so want this?"

You Shiwen and Sanguan are destroyed, what means?

"Yes, I like him!"

Wan Ziwen nodded, his face serious, "so I asked him to come and beg me."

My mother is a Baller, the novel 708th chapter actually took the initiative! Listen online

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Wan Ziwen actually admits it this way, You Shiwen's three views are completely destroyed!

This is a bit, a bit abnormal? !

Is this forcing someone you like to beg her?

What is your favorite way?

Others like it, they are all silently paying, no matter how bad it is, they are also paying for it, but

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Wan Ziwen is better, forcing someone who likes to beg her? !

Su Shiwen suddenly felt that it was not a particularly beautiful thing to be liked by a woman like

Wan Ziwen!

Because Wan Ziwen forgets that a woman can be strong against a man, but she cannot be as strong as the queen!

This is not ancient, where is the oppression? !

Is this to find someone you like, or to find a male slave?

You Shiwen never thought that Wan Ziwen would be such a woman.

"That, the person you like, don't you like you?" You Shiwen asked.

As a woman, she also feels that Wan Ziwen's figure and appearance are the best women at the top of the pyramid.

But in terms of character, You Shiwen disagreed.

The reason why the man is begging her is not to mean that this man does not like her? ?

Wan Zi Wenmei eyes shot coldly, "You ask too much!!"

You Shiwen knew that, as it turned out, she suddenly became curious. Who can be liked by Wan

Ziwen, or not? ?

Is it a peerless handsome guy!

What kind of good man is it?

Or what can I say a scumbag? ?

"Sooner or later he will like me!" Wan Ziwen's beautiful eyes flashed.

"Well, who is it? Can you tell me this?" You Shiwen feels a little interesting. Wan Ziwen's personality is the best. She thinks, is the man liked by Wan Ziwen very poor?

"I will tell you, wait until you have become the head of the family!"

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"Well, what about medicine?" You Shiwen shrugged, of course she was happy.

The man goes to get medicine.

After a while, he took a box of medicines that he couldn't buy from outside, and You Shiwen looked at it, relieved.

"Then I'm gone," You Shiwen wanted to change back to her clothes. The clothes were too soft and she felt uncomfortable.

She likes it and is used to wearing cheap clothes, as long as it is clean.

"I don't want anyone else to know about today's affairs, understand what I mean?" Wan Ziwen reminded.

"Understood, I am not that kind of talkative person."

"And you have to remember, I'm looking forward to being your master!" Wan Ziwen was lazy again.


You Shiwen's eyes narrowed and she felt that Wan Ziwen's eyes were not right. She could feel

Wan Wanwen's desire to control.

"Isn't it good for women to control the family? I can prove that women are stronger than men, and you can prove it!"

You Shiwen is stunned. What exactly does Wan Ziwen think about every day?

She doesn't have this idea, she just thinks that you want to make Youjia better and pass it down from generation to generation.

When she died, she could face down to meet the ancestors.

Without saying a word, Dao Shiwen made no difference, and You Shiwen left, took off his clothes, took off his hood, and put on his own clothes to leave.

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Now that this medicine is available, should my grandfather be able to last for a while? ?

You Shiwen definitely wants grandpa to survive, she and You Tianle are very different!

"Miss, do you believe her that way? Should I remind her again?" the man asked.

Today Wan Ziwen handles things differently than before.

He has followed Wan Ziwen for so long, and I feel that way today.

"No, this woman is not simple. If she can take the position of the head of the house, then I will be more interesting in the future..." Wan Ziwen shook his head lazily.

You Shiwen makes Wan Ziwen feel like an opponent.

Of course, the treatment is still different.

"That lady, wait a moment, I'll call Chuck here." The man has his own method, no matter what

Chuck is doing, he can let Chuck come in the fastest way.

"Go!" Wan Ziwen urged.

The man went out, but Wan Ziwen stopped him again, "Wait."

"Miss, you are..." The man couldn't figure out how to do what he had to do before, and Wan

Ziwen, who had to do it when he said it, hesitated today.

"Did you not say last time that Chuck has a casino plan recently? Has someone been renovated?

How is the renovation done?"

"Almost, Miss, are you?!" The man was stunned and Wan Ziwen got up from the sofa, which meant he was going out.

What is this for? ?

Want to find Chuck in person? ?

"Take me to his casino to see how well he has been decorated," Wan Ziwen said lazily, and had already gone out.

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The man shook his head and fell into an incomprehensible, what is the charm of Chuck? ?

How can the future heir Wan Ziwen be so active this time? !

You know, Wan Ziwen commanded, how many men do not have?

Actually initiative!

Chuck, you should be grateful! !

"Okay, wait a minute, miss. I'll see someone ready to prepare the plane!" The man ran out.

An hour later, Wan Ziwen saw this casino.

Almost finished, and there is some final work.

"It looks pretty good, the location and the decoration are all good, and the business should be ok.

Go, and now call someone to give Chuck's casino floor all the gold for me! Go!!!"

Wan Ziwen lazy commanded.

The man was shocked, not gold. Even if this casino is all made of gold, it's okay, but this is Wan

Ziwen's initiative to give this to a man. This is the first time!

"Yes, I'll call someone to do it right away," the man called and called.

There are tens of thousands of people nearby. Just one phone call, so many people can call.

"Manager, come over and have a look!" The foreman ran to Du Peixin's office.

Du Peixin was preparing for the opening, so he was very busy.

"What's the matter?" Du Pei frowned and dropped his job.

"A group of people came in at the door and hit our renovated ground. Come out and have a look!" The foreman was scared just now. They were all about to leave work and suddenly rushed in so many people.

The tools hit the ground, the brothers couldn't stop it!

Who offended this? The decoration is almost done, so come over and do the damage?

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"What? Go out and see!" Du Pei's face was immediately indifferent and even irritated. This casino is under her control. Such vicious things can never be seen here! !

Du Peixin ran out and saw that dozens of people were smashing the ground at the door, and the car was driving outside. Four or five people came in carrying heavy boxes, one box by one box.

What is this for? !

"Hey, what are you doing? Stop your hands!!" Du Pei bravely ran over!

She was shocked because she saw that the box was actually gold...

My mother is a Baller with novel 709

"Gold? What the hell are you doing??"

Du Pei was stunned. She wasn't surprised by so much gold. After all, her family also has tens of billions of assets. The gold is nothing, but who sent so much gold? ?

Is this going to smash the ground, paving the way?

Paving the way with gold, then luxury!

Seeing that a box of gold was just carried in, how much is this?

Paved all the lobby?

Called by Chuck? But how could the person Chuck called not talk to himself?

Du Pei was shocked, and other decorators were also shocked! !

Of course they can now see that this is paving the ground, gold is paving the ground. They have been doing this for so long, and of course they have seen a lot of this, but they have never seen so much gold paving the ground at once!

How horrible is this?

Everyone here was stupefied, Du Pei recovered, and immediately stopped, "Stop!!! Who are you calling? Stop you?"

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No one stops!

These people continued in an orderly way, there was no way to stop it, only call Chuck to say this!

"What? I'll come over immediately. Think-free-fee-watch-end-full-version please Baidu search- product=book=net" Chuck said in amazement.

He hung up the phone and said to Logan who was chatting, "Aunt Logan, I'm going to the casino side now, are you going?"

Logan was stunned and went to the casino? See Du Peixin?

Thinking of this, Logan unknowingly thought of what happened that day after he got drunk with


Especially delicate.

He doesn't know yet?

So, Chuck still wants to experience that drunken situation?

Logan felt a little embarrassed.

"Go, wherever you say, I will go." Logan nodded, unable to refuse Chuck.

Anyway, what happened, it can happen again, as long as Chuck likes it.

"Yes." Chuck's expression was indescribable.

"Cer, what's wrong with you?" Logan suddenly saw Chuck's face changed, and she cared about asking.

"Aunt Logan, there is trouble in my casino,"

"Trouble?!" Loganmei's cold, trouble in the Chuck store, this is absolutely not allowed! ?

No wonder Chuck just said that he would go to the casino with himself. It turned out that someone was making trouble.

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In fact, she was also a bit lost. She had given Chuck the most important things, but Chuck didn't even know...

Are you sad?

Logan is not upset. This is what he wants. What is upset? ?

Not for others, but for the people you like.

Not even feel sad.

What is that mood? Anyway, I feel a little lost, and I feel a sense of loss.

"Ah, it's not actually a mess, just someone smashing the casino lobby..."

"Cer, this is not a mess?" Logan was angry!

"No, smashing the ground of the lobby, this is to lay gold in the lobby." Chuck also can't understand, who is this? Do this?

Shop gold?

How extravagant is this? ?

When Chuck was going to open the casino, he had this idea for decoration, but it was just an idea, not actually done.

Of course, when I mentioned it to my mother, my mother shrugged and said that there was no problem. There was a lot of gold. There are still several gold mines in the country. It is certainly no problem to use gold shops.

Later, when I thought about it, it was too luxurious, so I didn't use it.

But now, who did it?

"Putting gold?!" Logan was stunned and didn't expect that.

No wonder Chuck just couldn't be surprised, just like that.

"Yes, I want to go over and see," Chuck must go over.

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"I'm going too." Logan immediately stood up.

"OK, then go,"

Chuck, Logan came out, and of course Black Rose drove along...


"Who is that woman?" Wan Ziwen lazily saw Du Peixin who was preventing her from constructing.

"It's the Du family of Huaxia. Chuck asked her to come and manage the casino," the man said.

"Oh, Chuck doesn't like her?" Wan Ziwen's eyes narrowed.

"I shouldn't like it. It's a man. In Huaxia, Chuck also has a square and a new building. There is a woman called Yolanda. Chuck seems to like to let women manage him. ."

"Anyway." Wan Ziwen was lazy. After a while, her eyes were so hot and expectant. "You said, should Chuck like it?"

"Affirmatively, what did his previous decoration look like? Four different, you give him a design like this, the luxury will come out immediately, he will like it."

"I also think he will like it, but this is the first time I have done such a proactive thing with a man, he can't help but like it," Wan Ziwen said.

"Well, miss, hello, Chuck is here." The man pointed his finger and two cars drove over.

Come down, one man and two women.

Chuck, Logan, Black Rose! !

Wan Ziwen frowned, "Does Logan want to die again?"

She wants to make Logan dead again these few days.

"This woman is a slut, knowing that she is Chuck's spare tire, but also posted it upside down," the man echoed.

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"Too lazy to talk about her. As long as she is honest, I am too lazy to let her die. By the way, did she and Chuck do nothing?" Wan Ziwen asked.

The man was sweating coldly. For a few days, he didn't let people get up to monitor, so he didn't even know what happened last time at Du Peixin's house.

If you know it, Logan must be dying.


"Just don't have it. If you did something, kill her immediately!"

"Yes, Miss assured."

"Chuck," Wan Ziwen looked at him in the distance. He hadn't seen him for several days. He seemed to be thin...


"Chuck, it's them." Chuck came over, Du Pei relieved.

Chuck also saw these people. This work is very efficient. The entire floor of the lobby has been smashed. The broken floor tiles have been shipped out, and they have been paved as soon as possible.

"Who sent you?" Chuck asked.

No one answered, everyone was doing things silently and meticulously.

Chuck is speechless, who is this?

"Chuck seems to want to know who it is, why didn't he think of me? Calling so much gold in one sentence, how many people in this world can do it?" Wan Ziwen expects Chuck to find himself and think of himself, Because besides yourself, who is so good to you? So much gold for your sake?

Wan Ziwen expects Chuck to come over and tells himself that he likes...

43 Read full book at: come here quickly.

"Aunt Logan, who do you think it is?" Chuck couldn't think of it. The casino hasn't opened yet, and there are few people who know that the boss is himself.

"Me.?" Logan clever. After she actually saw this gold, she thought, it should be Wan Ziwen.

"Cer, it should be Wan Ziwen." Logan said.

"She?" Chuck was stunned.

"Okay, he knew it was me..."

Wan Ziwen expects more.

My mother is the 710th novel of the Baller. I don’t like it! Listen online with novels

"Wan Ziwen?"

Chuck frowned immediately, what did the woman want to do?

Spreading gold to thank her? !

Chuck knows Wan Ziwen's thoughts!

Chuck came to the door and looked around, only to find a luxury car in the distance, Wan Ziwen was inside?

Chuck's eyes are chilling. This woman must make it clear to her today! !

But Chuck thought of what his dad said. When it came time, if the home could not handle it, he still wanted to marry Wan Ziwen. .

"Aunt Logan, Black Rose, wait a minute, I'll go and see,"

Chuck said that he had already gone there.

Logan wanted to follow her, but she couldn't.

Afraid of Wan Ziwen?

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Logan is not afraid of death, how could he be afraid of Wan Ziwen? ?

She is now reluctant to die because of Chuck's reasons.

"Will wait until it's finished, continue drinking." Du Peixin told Logan this matter.

There was also no relaxation for several days. Du Pei was alone and wanted to drink.

"Wait for Zeer's meaning is good, he said drink and drink..." Logan said.

"Well," Du Peixin didn't say much, and she also wanted to talk to Chuck.

Wait, why should I chat with Chuck?

She was really curious. Who is this Wan Ziwen in Logan's mouth? ?

Is it where Chuck now parks his luxury cars?

Black Rose hummed, unhappy in his heart, anyway, I don't know why, just unhappy.


"You sit in," Wan Ziwen said.

Although, at this time, Chuck's shoes are all dirty and dirty, but it's okay, Chuck can sit in.

She doesn't mind, anyway, Chuck will be his own man in the future.

When she was rescued by Chuck, didn't she fall asleep with Chuck? She didn't mind that time, let alone when she liked Chuck more now.

Wan Ziwen expects that Chuck will like it.

Spreading gold, the grade will be raised at once, how good is it?

"No, you let those of you go! I don't need these!" Chuck opened the door.

Too lazy to tell the truth, when Chuck thought of what Dad said, maybe he would marry her in the future, he felt speechless.

Marry yourself with such a woman?

Her arrogant eyes and alms-like eyes, Chuck was disgusted when she saw it, and she was still

45 Read full book at: married? ?

"What do you say. No need!" Wan Ziwen's face was cold.

Like being suddenly splashed with cold water, my heart was cold, and I was so active for the first time, but actually refused?

In an instant, Wan Zi wanted to kill someone in a spirit!

"Yes, I don't need it. I have already renovated it. Why do you come here and say this without saying anything? What do you mean?" Chuck asked.

What do you want to do? Let yourself be thankful?

"I want to surprise you... I still use what you say? I am willing to do so!" Wan Ziwen said coldly.

"Are you so domineering?" Chuck was speechless.

Why is Wan Ziwen, beautiful people are beautiful, they are the best, but how is this character?

Which man can bear this queen-like personality? ?

Chuck is not a minion, nor is he licking a dog? !

"Overbearing? Chuck, I advise you to talk to me and pay attention, I have limited patience!"

"Then don't bear it,"

"Chuck, do you know? I can't bear it, you don't know how many times you have died." Wan

Ziwen said coldly.

Yes, when Chuck slept for the first time, when the hand touched himself, then at that time,

Chuck must have died.

Still alive?

Don't look at who you are? ! Can it be touched by just one person?

For so many years, you Chuck touched.

"Anyway, you tell people to stop," Chuck doesn't care, she turns her face when she turns her

46 Read full book at: face. Anyway, now Chuck can't accept her marriage.

"No, no one can stop me for what I have to do! I want to shop, I have to shop your entire casino!" Wan Ziwen immediately ordered.

More people will come later.

"What do you want to do. Want me to thank you?" Chuck was silent for three seconds.

Wan Ziwen didn't answer. Of course she meant that. She should do this kind of thing for the first time. Shouldn't she hear thank you? ?

You don’t need money, as long as you say something like it, thank you, and nothing more, can’t you do it? ?

"Wan Ziwen, I ask you..."

"Sit in and talk," Wan Ziwen ordered coldly.

Chuck didn't move, how could it be possible to sit in?

"What the hell do you like about me?" Chuck asked. The woman like Wan Ziwen, at least the talents of the secret family, could you?

Right door to door.

"You ask this? I won't answer you!!!"

"You don't answer me, how can I change it?"

"Why change it?"

"Changed, you won't like me anymore!" Chuck looked forward to this matter, how to say, seeing

Wan Ziwen, Chuck was always a little uncomfortable.

Did Wan Ziwen do something? How about giving yourself this sixth sense? ?

"Chuck!" Wan Ziwen was annoyed. "Don't force me!"

"I didn't force you!" Chuck sighed.

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Chuck now regrets saving Wan Ziwen at that time.

How did you meet such a domineering woman? ?

"I'm so good to you, you don't even have a touch of heart. You have to know that ordinary men don't even have the chance to get close to me." Wan Ziwen said that she was really angry!

Especially want to kill Chuck at this time! But she was reluctant, this man, but the first man to walk into his heart! ?

If there is no Chuck, can you still like other men?

"Ah, I didn't ask you to do this." Chuck shook his head, feeling that he couldn't talk to Wan

Ziwen anymore.

"You didn't, but I did!"

Chuck wanted to leave, "Don't say, anyway, even if you have paved, I will let others re-lay the tiles!"

"you dare!!"

Chuck frowned, what did Wan Ziwen take himself for? Under the hands?

Must listen to her, she is right to do anything?

"Don't I dare?"

"You dare, I gave it to you. If you dare to get rid of it, I won't let you open this casino!"

Wan Ziwen would really do this. She used to deal with innocent Logan last time. What else can't be done? ?

"Random!" Chuck shrugged. He knew Wan Ziwen would do it, but he couldn't make Chuck compromise.

"Random?, believe it or not, I will push your casino now!" Wan Ziwen came out annoyed!

Get off.

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Chuck eyes chilled, "If you want to do this, then I and you will never be at odds!"

This is Chuck’s first project in the United States, and absolutely no problem!

Not even Wan Ziwen!

"Is not at odds with me? Chuck, you think clearly!" Wan Ziwen laughed, this was an angry smile, she was on fire!

My mother is a tyrant audio novel Chapter 711 Wan Ziwen's mentality audio novel listen


Of course Chuck thought clearly, Wan Ziwen is so overbearing, and he is not licking the dog.

Why should she indulge her willfulness and strong desire to control?

"Think clearly, you tell someone to leave. Think-free-fee-watch-end-full-version please Baidu search-pin=book=net"

"I don't, I don't! Chuck, you don't know what to do anyway! If you are today, I will remember for a lifetime!" Wan Ziwen was annoyed.

She had never been so angry today, and she thought she would not be so angry, but Chuck actually did it.

Make her angry, can't find a way to vent.

"As you like," Chuck shrugged.

The two are hostile! The air was filled with the smell of gunpowder.

"Chuck, you know? I wanted to kill you just now!" Yes, when Chuck said the inconsistent sentence, the killing in his heart erupted in a flash!

Replaced by others, Wan Ziwen will kill people instantly, but Chuck has this "treatment"! !

"Well," Chuck still doesn't matter, or the same sentence, "You tell people to take those gold

49 Read full book at: away, I don't need it!"

"I won't let them leave. This is what I gave you. Whether you accept it or not, inside your casino,

I want to see all the gold!" Wan Ziwen has no room for negotiation!

The first time he gave a gift to a man, he didn’t accept it?

In Wan Ziwen's heart, he was hit hard.

Chuck was speechless and didn't want to care about her anymore. She wanted to control her own casino? Why? ?

Seeing Chuck leaving, Wan Ziwen was unconsciously anxious, but she asked someone to prepare something, thinking that Chuck would like to thank herself very much, so she could go around with Chuck and match their feelings.

But it was not what I thought!

Last time, this time too, Wan Zi's style was crazy, but he was reluctant to treat Chuck.

"Chuck, you stop!" Wan Ziwen came out of the car again.

Chuck stopped.

"I'm not arguing with you, I gave you what you gave, and you should accept it. It should be fine." Wan Ziwen's voice lowered.

Her bodyguard was startled, but for the first time he heard the soft voice of Wan Zi Wenfu! !

Chuck sighed. In fact, it's better to say, don't be so overbearing, Chuck won't refuse so directly, but Wan Ziwen is not like that!

"I was so low for the first time, how was it? I think that your casino shop is pretty good, really,"

"I will figure out how much gold is worth and then give you money,"

"No, I gave it to you. Do you like it?" Wan Ziwen said, looking forward again.

"I don't like it," Chuck said to the casino.

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If you like it and accept it, what is this?

Wan Ziwen's expression was cold for a moment, and she sat in the car angrily.

Her bodyguard didn’t dare to touch the mold, but she couldn’t help but had to say, “Miss, don’t be angry. I don’t think that Chuck’s person knows anything about it, he, he’s guilty! Something will definitely be grateful, he is deliberate and wants to raise his price!!"

The man devalued Chuck to nothing, and Wan Ziwen frowned, "Don't talk about my man!!"

The man shivered, "Yes, yes!"

"Continue to ask people to do it, he doesn't want it, I will give it to him! And, when he opened the casino, how busy it was and how busy it was!" Wan Ziwen then commanded.

The man murmured in his heart, what's going on?

Wan Ziwen actually bowed his head? ?

It's unbelievable!

According to the normal, shouldn't Zhang Ze immediately pack up? Immediately scare Chuck?

Why is this story different? ?

"Yes, don't worry!" the man said blankly, so shocked, Wan Ziwen seemed to be a different person today!

"You are surprised!" Wan Ziwen said.

"Yes, I thought, Chucktai..." Where can men continue? ?

"Chuck is the first man I like. He has done this and made me want to stop. The more he refused me, the more I wanted him to really like me, the man I made..." Wan Ziwen's beautiful eyes flashed! !

Yes, Chuck really made Wan Ziwen feel angry and like it, very tangled feeling.

The key is Wan Ziwen, who actually likes this feeling.

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The man was trembling. He couldn't understand it this time!

"Drive!!" Wan Ziwen closed his eyes.

How dare you delay?

Drive immediately.

Wan Ziwen suddenly opened his eyes, "Let Logan come to see me!!"

"Yes!" The man took out his phone!

Here, Chuck, who heard the car leaving, was stunned. He did not expect that Wan Ziwen would go so fast!

Actually do nothing? Chuck was too lazy to think about it. He left early and was clean himself.

Arriving in the casino, Chuck told these people to stop, they kept on, Chuck caught someone and was ready to fight!

Solve by force! !

See if they go!

"No, if we can't finish it, we're done, please don't do this. I kneel to you, and I have a family!

Please, let us continue!"

He knelt down, other workers also knelt down, Chuck sighed, let go, Wan Ziwen's order was absolutely to complete the kind of death.

These people are also innocent.

"Chuck, what should I do now?" Du Peixin asked, she was all ignorant, who did Chuck just see? ?

People who can send so much gold at once are not ordinary people, right?

Just now she saw it from a distance. It seemed like a woman came out of the car. She looked perfect from a distance...

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Do not know why, Du Peixin felt uncomfortable.

"Forget it, you find someone to calculate the value of these golds." Chuck gave this money to

Wan Ziwen.

"Okay," Du Peixin came to deal with the matter immediately.

"Right, what about Aunt Logan?" Chuck asked. Logan was here just now!

Why are you gone?

"I didn't see it, but when Logan received a call, he might have called next to him." Du Peixin said.


"Chuck, would you like to drink today as you did last time?" This was an invitation, because she had no friends here, only Chuck.

"Well," Chuck had no comment.

"Okay, I think this gold shop is fine, it feels luxurious."

"It's okay!" Chuck smiled bitterly. Now it's only this way, what else can it do!

"Miss, she's here," the man said, and Logan walked over in the darkness.

There was no expression on his face, no fear, there was indifference.

"Once I was dead, I still had this nasty expression. I gave her a slap in the past!" Wan Ziwen told her that she was worried that there was no place to get angry. When she saw Logan's face, she was very nasty!

The man nodded and walked towards Logan!

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The man came to Logan and raised his hand to slap Logan! !

This man has calluses on his hands, so slap in the face will definitely make Logan's beautiful face red and swollen!

Hearing of the eardrum is also possible! !

Logan had no other expressions and faced calmly? !

The moment the man raised his hand, Logan stepped back!

Logan is clever, she had long thought that Wan Ziwen would give her a dismounted horse!

The man slaps out, and he instantly gets angry!

"Wan Ziwen, I came here, not to be beaten by you!!!" Logan said.

Seeing this person who had almost killed himself again, Logan was indifferently calm.

People who died once, Logan calmed down in the face of everything.

In addition to the things about Chuck, other things are simply not enough to make her fluctuate.

Even if he died again.

"Oh, you are wrong, beating you is the smallest punishment I give you, killing you is what I want to do now!" Wan Ziwen said lazily.

"up to you!"

"I hate you talking to me in your tone!" Wan Ziwen's beautiful eyes are cold!

"It's your business to hate it, and it's your business to dislike it. I came here to tell you that you can move me, don't move Chuck!" Logan's murderous outflow was only for Chuck.

"Wrong, Chuck is mine, I want to move, you are qualified to manage? You have to be clear, I let you go last time..."

"You didn't let me go, the one who saved my life was the wanderer, and the one who saved my heart was Chuck!"

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"Oh, is it? How dare you tell Chuck what I killed you?"

Wan Ziwen ridiculed, "You don't speak, and I know why, because I am the heir to the world's largest family. You said, I will let you disappear, let Karen li disappear, and that Yvette also disappear... Everything has disappeared, so what else does Chuck have? There must be only me who will never leave him, are you right?"

"You are really scary!" Logan said coldly.

This is the gap in strength. Logan has self-knowledge and self-knowledge. Wan Ziwen’s family is too big to be suffocating. This is also the biggest reason why Logan has not told this matter to

Chuck to the present. .

She might not dare, for Chuck!

"Terror? I don't think it's just that you haven't reached my height in your life." Wan Ziwen sneered.

She really hates Logan more and more, but this is Logan's temperament, even she has such a jealousy!

"So far!" Logan left.

"I didn't let you go, can you go?"

In an instant, the moment Wan Ziwen spoke, the man shot again.

He had just slapped the shorts just now, which has made him annoyed. Now he must give Logan a big lesson!

However, the last time Logan lost in his hands. After Logan recovered his body, he was undergoing physical training. The high-intensity training has brought Logan's strength to a higher level!

Logan has a habit that even if he loses, he must never lose twice in the same person!

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This urged her to grow up to now!

And the latest training is for today! !


The two played against each other, this is a real showdown between masters!

Dodge, attack, all in one go!

Logan's move is full of murderous power, the man's body is hard, the moment when the two fight, they are separated!

Logan backed off? !

The man retreats!

Actually the same!

"Oh, grow in?" Wan Ziwen smiled, but there was no less irony on his face!

"Aunt Logan, Aunt Logan..." Suddenly, there was Chuck's voice behind him.

It was Chuck who had seen Logan coming out to call for too long, and worried that Logan had something to do, so he was called Logan.

Logan distracted, with a bang!

The man's fist hit Logan, and Logan backed away, his face suddenly turned white.

If she didn't get distracted suddenly, this man could never beat Logan.

Logan's strength is almost the same as this man.

"Fortunately, Chuck saved you, without Chuck, I will let you die today!" Wan Ziwen said coldly.

She just saw a little threat on Logan!

This is absolutely not allowed!

However, Chuck was nearby. She was not good at killing her. In case Chuck knew it, Wan

Ziwen knew that Chuck would not like her anymore.

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The man grinned, he was satisfied, his punch was heavy enough!

Enough to make up for the mistake of not slapping Logan just now!

The man got on the car and the car went away! cough! cough!

Logan was about to vomit bleeding, but he was held back. If Chuck saw him, he would be worried. She patted her body to make her clothes smoother, but she could not bear the pain. Her forehead was cold and sweating, which was particularly uncomfortable! cough!

A bit of blood, still spit it out!

Logan was busy taking out a tissue to wipe off the blood at the corner of his mouth, otherwise

Chuck would find out! !

"Cer, I'm here." Logan suppressed the pain and destroyed the traces, even if the pain was still there, as long as Chuck could not find it.

Chucksong ran over, "Aunt Logan, why are you here?"

"Call, come here while playing," Logan smiled.

"Well, Du Peixin got it over, and went to her house to drink," Chuck said.

Du Peixin has already calculated the gold money. Chuck will look for opportunities for Wan

Ziwen. From now on, Chuck will not ask Wan Ziwen for anything.

"Well, just go if you say."

"Okay, by the way, Aunt Logan, are you very hot? Why is there sweat on your face?" Chuck thought, Logan Ye? ?

The weather is not too hot!

"It's okay," Logan wiped away sweat.

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"It's all right,"

"Cough..." Logan coughed out of control.

"Aunt Logan, do you have a cold? Don't drink it," Chuck cares. It's better not to drink alcohol if he has a cold.

"It's okay, I don't have a cold. Let's go to Dupei's house."

"Okay." Chucksong breathed and took Logan to find Du Peixin.

The person called by Wan Ziwen was still laying gold, and Chuck couldn't control it. They were left to do so. The three arrived at Du Pei's house.

This time, still drinking.

But unlike last time, Logan was not injured last time. Of course there is no problem with drinking. This injury is definitely different. So drinking and drinking, Logan is drunk, which is also the kind of drunk after pain.

Chuckmu forced, how did Logan's wine volume deteriorate today?

Chuck smiled and suddenly saw Logan's beautiful face. He was dull and recalled what Logan did to him. Chuck always felt that Logan was too good for himself, so today, take care of her!

Chuck held Logan up. After Logan was drunk, she was confused and shook her head like a dream, "Don't be here..."

My mother is a Baller, novel 713, don't go! Listen online with novels

"Aunt Logan, what are you talking about?" Chuck was stunned. Don't do anything here? ?

Asked, Logan's confused speech was not clear, maybe this was the first time she was drunk with an injured body.

"Say dreams?" Chuck smiled slightly and hugged Logan into the room.

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Put her down.

Covering her with a quilt, Logan slept peacefully at the moment, but why did she have a painful expression on her face?

Chuck is very strange. After Logan wakes up, she asks again. After all, she is asleep and cannot disturb her.

Chuck came out to continue drinking with Du Peixin.

Du Pei's heart blushed, and she drank almost the same. After getting drunk, she dared to get on the shoulders with Chuck. This had never happened before. After drinking, Du Pei's heart opened.

"You are drinking almost, I will help you back to the room," Chuckfu Du Peixin.

"Chuck, I don't want you to help, you said, do you want to sleep with me at this time, do you want to sleep me?" Du Pei made Chuck stunned.

Du Peixin actually said such a thing?

Chuck feels wrong, because Du Peixin is not such a person at all, she is a workaholic!

But Chuck also understood her in an instant. There is no friend here in the country of the United

States. Drinking and relaxing properly, there is nothing wrong with it.

"I was right, right? You are, you are..."

Du Pei blushed and smiled, said in Chuck's ear, "I don't like you, I don't like you,"

Chuck was speechless and did not make her like herself!

Just manage the casino for yourself, and the next commercial projects will do.

"Okay, okay, you don't like it, I help you go in and rest."

"I don't like you, but you can touch me. I'm alone in the United States. It's boring and empty.

You can't understand it." As he said, Du Pei's tears came out, as if complaining.

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Chuck coughed, "Well, I can't understand."

Chuck picked her up and sent her back to the room.

"Don't go, don't go...Who made you go? Boss. Boss," Du Pei said incoherently, Chuck coughed, embarrassed.

Suddenly, Du Pei put his arms around Chuck's head and nodded.

Chuck was shocked!

Du Peixin is not only incoherent today, but also such a move? Chuck smiled bitterly. In this case, she was asked, and she had nothing to say?

However, Chuck didn't have any idea for her. When he first brought her in, Chuck was honest.

Chuck felt that this level of relationship between the employee and the boss was sufficient, and there was no need to add any other relationship.

This is the growth of Chuck's mentality since now! !

"Duppy, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, what's wrong with me, well, you can go, I'm going to sleep, don't touch me secretly, I don't like it," Du Peixin went to bed and fell asleep.

The sleeping position is touching, this Du Peixin, so rest assured of yourself? ?

Chuck touched his mouth and was crying and laughing, but Du Peixin's lips were very good.

It is estimated that Du Pei's heart is grateful. It's the same expression as kissing men and women on the side of the country.

From the update Kuai Du Peixin's room, Chuck went to see Logan and found that Logan curled up her body, as if she had a nightmare. Chuck hurried to hug Logan, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid..."

Logan got into Chuck's arms, and the expression of nightmare slowly disappeared.

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Chuck tenderness, "Aunt Logan, you must be happy..."

After Chuck finished speaking, he fell asleep with his head back.

Early the next morning, Logan woke up, she was stunned, and her face immediately turned red, because she was lying on Chuck.

What happened last night?

Logan looked, nothing happened, she was relieved, and she knew Chuck was worried about herself, so she came in to accompany herself.

Logan was gentle, did not wake Chuck, got up silently, and went to make breakfast.

She likes this kind of life now. She wakes up in the morning to make breakfast for Chuck, trains during the day, chats, and sleeps at night. Logan likes this kind of psychological satisfaction.

Make breakfast and call Chuck, Du Peixin eat together.

Everyone finished eating and went to the casino again!

On the way, Chuck deliberately looked at Du Peixin.

Du Pei was embarrassed, "What do you think of me?"

That's the best way. Du Pei didn't know what happened in the room yesterday. If she remembered it, she would definitely be embarrassed to face herself.

"Nothing, you have a good drink."

"Not yet? That's bad!"

Du Pei whispered and drove to the casino.

The person called Wan Ziwen has basically laid all the gold in the casino lobby for night work, so with a dozen lights, it should be luxurious? is acceptable!

In fact, after a few days of preparation, you can start business.

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It must be done!

Chuck and Du Peixin said this. It is best to invite some big stars from the United States to come to the platform. Du Peixin smiled and said that she had already contacted. The big star came over. As long as there was enough playing fees, anyone could come.

Chuck is satisfied with this!

"Then you are ready, I'll go back and ask my mother, after three days of opening, forget it!"

Chuck felt that he had to turn over with You Tianle immediately, so this opening should be as soon as possible.

Don't stop after turning your face with You Tianle, so where is there time to open?

"Okay," Du Pei nodded heartily.

Chuck and Logan went back here, and Logan went back to her room. She saw the bruises on her body, and she was relieved to take care of it herself.

Fortunately, it was not discovered by Chuck.

Logan's eyes were dull, looking at herself in the mirror, she smiled slightly, "This is good, I don't need to put pressure on Ceer, I can stay beside him..."

You know, Logan Huaxia’s business there, she has been completely managed by others. She can now think that she is a good wife and mother. ?

Chuck asked his mother.

My mother's opinion is also three days later, that's no problem, everyone began to prepare this,

Chuck's first project, must be a hit!

Time is fast, three days quiet!

There is no movement over You Tianle, and there is not You Shiwen over there. Chuck knows that this is a prelude to the storm! !

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This can not be avoided, face it bravely!

"Her husband, wear a suit," Yvette found the suit and put Chuck on.

Today is a big day, Yvette shows her perfectly in a dress, she went to the casino, it will be the focus of the audience!

Chuck smiled slightly, "Wife, you are so beautiful,"

"Don't you see enough?" Yvette sorted his tie for Chuck, and she was suddenly worried!

"Her husband, I've been upset recently. I think, are you going to leave me?"

"How could it be?" Chuck laughed, how could he leave Yvette?

"I had a nightmare yesterday. I was able to get you married. It was another woman..." Yvette said with a sigh.

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"Wife, how can you believe in dreaming things? Dreams are all opposite," Chuck was stunned.

How could Yvette have such dreams? ?

Maybe dad is right? Do you really want to marry Wan Ziwen?

Chuck was startled. "Wife, who do you dream about me marrying?"

"I can't see clearly, it's not me anyway," Yvette shook his head and continued to tidy up Chuck's tie. Product=Book/Web

Yvette knew that, by virtue of her relationship with Karen li, marrying Chuck was destined to be impossible, and she could not cross this hurdle.

The reason why I stay with Chuck now is that I am totally unwilling to know that there will be no result, and I don’t want to leave because I am not willing to give up.

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Yvette couldn't control herself. Who told Yvette to sleep with Chuck around her, did she feel at ease? ?

"It will be yours, definitely!" Chuck reached the point of seriousness.

"will not,"

Yvette hugged Chuck and listened to Chuck's heartbeat, "I am willing to marry you and have been willing to live in your house since I was young, but the reality is not, because I will one day be with your mother Life and death, this will definitely happen!!"

Chuck sighed, yeah, the reality is that his mother and Yvette are enemies, can they marry

Yvette? ?

Chuck was not sure himself.

"So, I don't want the future, just the present, because I and you, only the present, will not have the future! Understand!?" Yvette said softly.

"Understood, but..."

Yvette reached out and covered Chuck's mouth, "I know."

Chuck didn't say much.

After Yvette sorted out the clothes for Chuck, the two went out, and it was not convenient for the mother to go out, so Chuck, Yvette, Logan, and Black Rose went to the scene together today!

Logan is also a dress today. Her perfect figure is under the outline of the dress and she cannot be charming!

She and Yvette are different types of dress today, Logan is elegant, and Yvette is cold.

Anyway, there are advantages and disadvantages.

Black Rose is nothing to dress up. She usually has similar clothes. She didn't attend any opening ceremony to protect Chuck's safety!

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However, Chuck actually wanted to see what a black rose looks like in a dress. After all, her figure is a perfect European and American figure!

It may be so long that the dress will split.

This character of Black Rose should have no hope, no hope.

Chuck didn't want to think about it. Everyone drove over and got it in advance, so I had to prepare some other things!

Anyway, today must be a hit! !

When I arrived at the casino, I had already tailored it according to the opening ceremony of

Huaxia, and the lanterns had been decorated. There were also a lot of people coming to the scene to be very lively!

In the past few days, Betty made an advertisement, but the largest casino in the United States! !

This gimmick is big enough, as long as you like to play with it, you will usually come over, so the large parking lot has parked a variety of luxury cars, and even the airport specially prepared for high-end customers, there are several planes parked. Started.

All are rich!

Chuck is very satisfied. I am afraid that this casino will make a lot of money every month. Du

Peixin estimated that there is no problem with a billion dollars a month.

The more you play, the more you earn.

As for other entertainment facilities and leisure places in the casino, everything is available, so even if you do not gamble, other consumption will be very profitable.

Anyway, Chuck doesn't need to do anything else, just leave it to Du Peixin for management.

She has this ability.

When she felt that her energy could be relaxed, Chuck would open another one.

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As a result, the layout began to belong to Chuck's business empire.

Entering the casino, Du Peixin, as the biggest manager of the casino, she is the focus!

The luxurious dress wrapped her, perfect to the extreme!

She is not as good as Yvette and Logan, but she also has her own characteristics and unique intellectual beauty of Chinese women!

"Chuck," Du Peixin saw Chuck and came over busy.

"Don't care about me, you're busy with you, I'm just here to see," Chuck's low-key character, of course, will not let others know too much that he is the owner of this casino.

Not necessary.


Du Pei was busy with other things, but she found out that Chuck was very handsome in a suit today! With a noble temperament, she couldn't help but glance a few more times.

When she came back to herself, she was stunned and made a nympho? ?

"By the way, today there are a lot of big stars from the United States, and there is also a star who likes to gamble. They are all big stars from the American movie. They are all behind. Chuck, are you going to take pictures with them?"

"Take a picture?" Chuck passed the mentality of chasing stars, and now only wants to expand his own business empire.

However, before he was in the United States, he liked to watch movies and met many big stars in the United States. He also felt that there are a few beautiful stars in the United States.

It’s different now, and your own casino can actually invite these big stars just on the screen? ?

"There are a few beautiful people, and who is my boss? You didn't say, you can get to know." Du

Peixin understood the man's thoughts.

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In this way, Chuck is not much interested. With Yvette and Logan beside him, do you want to meet other people? No need!

"No, you are busy."

"Okay, don't say I'm not sensible, please invite those celebrities over, you don't even want to see,"

Du Peixin smiled and busy himself, somehow, she heard Chuck said no, she was quite happy in her heart.

At least Chuck is not a person who sees something. If other bosses have such an opportunity to face the big star of the United States, they have long talked about it.

There were more and more people on the scene. The dealers, waiters, and various managers of the casino were all directly transferred from the mother's store. They were all professionals.

Many people began to exchange chips to play.

Wow lala, Chuck heard the sound of the collision of chips, he knew that there was money to enter, saw a little overcrowded, Chuck happy, Chuck also told Du Peixin, asked her to start training her talent, the total It’s not a matter of letting my mom help!

"Ah, what is that!"

Suddenly there was a commotion outside the crowd, and many people went out to watch. Chuck,

Yvette, Logan, and Black Rose, of course, also went out, for example.

"What is this? It seems to be a member of the Luofu family!"

"Does this casino owner know anyone from the Luofu family?"

"It's no wonder that the ground is covered with gold. This is a rich man!"

Everyone talked about it, not to mention anything else, because the Luofu family sent a big opening gift! !

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Chuck saw that it was Emily who sent a huge cannon. This is the ancient cannon of , representing the heart of the Luofu family!

The ancient artillery was pushed forward, in the middle of the lobby, full of domineering! !

There are guns in town, and the logo of the Luofu family. This is to tell people to come over and play honestly, don't make trouble. Product=Book/Web

But Alice didn’t come by herself. Yeah, Alice must haven’t appeared on this occasion. If it was analyzed, it would be bad for Chuck and Alice.

Alice is right to do so.

"Cer, it seems that your relationship with the Luofu family has eased greatly," Logan said with a smile.

Yvette was also relieved, yeah, at that time Chuck and this Emily were intolerant, and now not only had cooperation, but also let Emily send the opening gift personally, which was not what

Yvette had expected before. Things.

Chuckxin was awkward in his heart. Say that she and Alice had an undesirable relationship?

With that said, Logan and Yvette will definitely be shocked! !

Chuck smiled and said nothing, and Emily sent the opening gift on behalf of the Luo Fu family.

This is something that many people on the scene didn't think of. It was a lot of discussion. They didn't know who the casino owner was, and they were discussing the relationship between the boss and the Luofu family.

"Is this casino the Luofu family?"

"Who knows this! But I think it doesn't seem to be, the boss has someone else."

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"The people of the Luofu family don't like Chinese people very much!"

"Has this happened?"

"Yes! You didn't see that the biggest one in this casino is the Chinese woman? So, I think it's someone else!"

"Oh, that's what it is!"

Everyone talks.

Emily delivered something and asked someone to put it away. She saw Chuck and came over, under the watch of many people.

"What? Why did she walk towards a Chinese person?"

"Is this Chinese man the owner of this casino? This is the largest casino in the country!


"It must be impossible, I think, that Emily knew this Huaxia man, so he just said hello in the past, don't think about it."

"I think so."

"Chuck, congratulations." Emily said.

Today she is also wearing a dress, she is a standard American, of course, has the hot body of the

American people, wearing a dress is really beautiful.

Chuck also feels like he is shining right now, not bad.

Emily likes fighting and sports, and makes her figure more perfect. Although it is not as perfect as the black rose, it is not bad.

"Thanks, there's something to eat over there, you're going to eat," Chuck is better for Emily, how to say it is also Alice's daughter.

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"I didn't come here to eat. What good food have I never eaten?" Emily pouted.

She knew that Chuck's shop had opened, so she came to see Chuck.

"So what are you doing here?" Chuck asked.

"Don't do anything, don't tell you, yes, I asked you, when are you free?"


"I recently learned a new fight, and I think it should be your opponent, so find a place to discuss it! I must win you,"

"You want to win, then I will win it for you," Chuck didn't want to fight with her, she insisted on pulling herself to fight!

Not to mention hurting her, Alice couldn't tell herself, she could only embarrass Alice, but she didn't want to.

"I don't want you to let me! I will win you. After winning you, you will change to me, in fact, I am a good person." Emily's voice became smaller and smaller.

Chuck was stunned, this girl, why change yourself? ?


Chuck ignored her and patted her shoulder, "Go eat yourself,"

"Don't push me! Hate!"

Emily is angry, coming from afar, you have to talk more! !

"Boss, where is the boss of this casino?" Suddenly, a roaring voice appeared at the scene.

Everyone is quiet!

Chuck looked over and found out that this is a man in his forties.


Many people are pointing.

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"This person likes to gamble and has a little money. You can ignore him," Emily said.

Yvette, Logan, and Black Rose's face all changed.

"Husband, let's take a look in the past," Yvette suggested.

"Cer, this person means a little trouble, you can also seize this opportunity!" Logan also said.

Chuck also wanted to do the same. There was such a thing on the first day. Then, if it is not handled well today, will it still be in the future? ?

Must kill chickens and monkeys!

"Look at the past." Chuck passed a few people.

Emily was mad, "I haven't said anything, and I can't talk to me anymore? I'm coming from afar,"

"Boss, where did the boss go? Such a big shelf? Don't know that the customer is God?"

The fat man clapped the table, and his violent voice made it impossible for others to play.

"This gentleman, can you tell me something, I am the manager here!" Du Peixin smiled past.

"Manager? You are not qualified to talk to me, call your boss over!" said the fat man, angry.

Du Pei frowned, but the guests were talking about this, and she only looked at Chuck.

They are named to see the boss, but she is not the boss.

"I am the boss. Is there anything?"

Chuck stepped forward! !

Du Pei was relieved.

"What? This Chinese is the owner of this casino? Isn't it?"

"He said everything, is there any fake?"

"Ah, I really can't see it. The afterlife is awesome. At such a young age, there is the largest casino in the United States. I can't imagine it in the future!!"

Everyone at the scene was shocked. They did not expect that the Huaxia man whom Emily first

71 Read full book at: met was really the boss here! ?

"Are you the boss?" the fat man questioned.

"Yes, is there something?"

"You don't even know how to speak English, what kind of boss are you? Where did your casino boss hide? Just find someone to come forward?" The fat man sneered.

"I just came to the United States. Soon, the English is not familiar, it does not mean that I am not, let's say, what's the matter?"

Chuck's face does not change color!

"Well, since you said you are the boss, then I will play with you, do you dare?" The fat man sneered.

"Don't you dare? Do you dare to open the door to do business?" Chuck smiled slightly.

"This is what you said. I like to play with people like me. If you dare to play with 5 billion dollars, do you dare to play it?" The fat man laughed. This number is not just for anyone.

He can gamble and be proficient, so he wants to win some money.

"Only starting at 5 billion US dollars? Too low, or 10 billion US dollars to start well," Chuck said with a shrug.

My mother is Chapter 716 of the Baller's audio novel. Good! Listen online with novels

The whole audience was in an uproar! !

Five billion dollars is not enough? Actually mentioned the start of 10 billion US dollars, this is really a game between rich people!

Many people are discouraged.

Some big American stars in the background heard about this and immediately came out of the

72 Read full book at: background to see this young casino owner!

They were surprised.

"What? This casino owner is so young? Still a Chinese!"

"Unbelievable! What do I think is the boss of the United States? Or where do we have the money to invite us? Suddenly felt that this Chinese man is a little more handsome!"

"I think so too! I don't know if I have a girlfriend. If not, I will go to him."

"I think too, I don't want to film anymore, so tired!"

The stars all came out to see, and the atmosphere on the scene, with Chuck's simple words, pushed to the peak! !

The fat man was startled and sneered, "Ten billion dollars? Are you serious?"

In his view, such a big bet, most people simply can't afford it! !

This Chuck, actually said lightly?


"Of course it is true, two hundred billion dollars will do, whatever you want, but do you dare to play?" Chuck asked him in the same tone.

"Haha, I don't have anything, I just have money. I'm not afraid of anything!" The fat man laughed.

"What are you playing with?"

"Play size! Dare? I'm a master of gambling!"

"Randomly." Chuck smiled, and he didn't know much about it, but he couldn't help catching the duck on the shelf. Even playing poker with him must be played.

Fortunately, it's playing dice, but my own hearing is good. Last time I was behind the scenes with the boss, but I won a lot. If I didn't meet the gambler, Chuck would win.

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Now Chuck's physical fitness has improved in all aspects and he feels more sensitive, so his hearing will be better!

"Let's get started! Haha, ask your people to prepare! Ten billion dollars in chips!"

The fat man laughed, his expression, told everyone now, this ten billion, he won!

The guests in the casino are of course excited. You can also look at the true strength of this casino owner!

If this fat man wins so much money, can he take it away? ?

If they can, then they will play more assured in the future!

Du Pei worried, "Chuck, is this too big?"

She knows that Chuck is rich, but is this $10 billion? This casino doesn't need so much money to open. On the first day of opening today, how much money did you actually gamble with? !

"It's okay, you get someone ready!" Chuck shrugged.

"Okay!" Du Pei asked people to prepare.

The scene was quiet!

"Mom, I'm here, you can rest assured that things have been delivered, but now someone is making trouble in Chuck Casino!" Emily received the call from Alice.

"What? What's going on? Tell me quickly?" Alice asked.

How could something like this happen?

Emily made it clear, "Mom, Chuck must be brave. What kind of gambling would he have? Good luck. The last time I won a little money on my friend's side, I thought I was betting very hard? I don't know There are people outside, there is heaven outside! There is still such a big bet, 10 billion, if after losing, there will be another person to bet with him? How much does it have to lose?"

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Originally, Chuck won tens of millions last time, thinking he was a gambler? It's still far away!

"Well, why is Chuck so impulsive?" Alice sighed, gambling is not something that ordinary people can play, let alone play so big!

"I'll say it, but it's already started, there is no way out, I hope Chuck wins, although it is impossible." Emily said with frustration. If Chuck lost, she would not feel good!

She also hopes that Chuck can win, but is it possible? Such a big bet!

"Mom, stop talking, it's already started," Emily hung up and squeezed into the crowd.

I saw all the chips on the table!

She showed concern, Chuck, you are too impulsive, and people just use aggressive methods against you!

Alice worried about walking around the room, she regretted it. Should go with Emily, but did not go!

She immediately commanded, "Prepare the plane!!! I'm going out!"


Yvette looked softly, but Logan was different. She didn't see Chuck gambled, let alone such a large sum of money? ?

"Cer, will you?"

"Yes, he has a good hearing,"

Logan was relieved. He didn't have much problem with good hearing. He didn't expect Chuck to have this talent. No wonder that the first project of Mi Guo was a casino.

The black rose didn't say a word, and her big blue eyes turned.

"How to play with rules?" Chuck wanted to ask clearly.

"Better than size, will you?" The fat man laughed.

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The people who caused the onlookers looked at each other!

"This boss is still too young, but they are veteran casinos, can they compare to others?"

"There is no way for others to be forced to go!"

"Hey, if he loses later, we will also bet with him, and win him billions of dollars. Is he only gamble with others, not with us? Then he can't open this store! "

"I have this idea too! It must be a lot easier to win the boss's money!"

They are all pregnant with ghosts. Anyway, winning or losing is good for them. Chuck loses, and they take turns to play with Chuck. As a boss, dare not to play? ?

Play discrimination? Do you want to open this shop?

"Okay, whatever you want!" Chuck doesn't matter.

"Start! Two wins in three innings, let's make a testimony. If I win today, if something goes wrong tomorrow, it's someone who did it! Everyone will help me testify!!!" The fat man said loudly.

All the guests laughed, not expressing their hearts! Chuck is not one of them, just care about him!

Du Pei is angry, this is a regular place, as long as you have the ability to win, you can take away as much as you win! !

Isn't that an insult?

Say you'll be a ghost in the casino Karen li told her clearly that she must be serious, and she must not have any thoughts in this regard. Reputation is very important! !

"You can rest assured that you can take away as much as you win. I can send bodyguards to escort if you need it. This is the rule in my store! You can win, just win! Start!" Chuck said.

What a fat man wants is this sentence, or else what is he doing at this risk? ?

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"This is what you said, well, the first one!" The fat man shook the dice! With a greasy smile, since you say so, you are welcome!

Chuck is the same.

Both started to roll the dice!

"I think he won't win once. It must have been lost in two games." Some people laughed.

"who cares!"

These guests think that Chuck has lost, how can a novice play with a veteran? ?

In their view, Chuck agreed to lose.

My mother is Chapter 171 of the Baller's audio novel. So simple! Listen online with novels

The casino lobby is a clattering dice!

There were ridicules, gazes, and expectations at the scene, anyway, all pregnant with ghosts!


Fat man fell into the cup! !

Chuck also fell into the cup!

The fat man laughed, "Hey, I have my own set of dice rolls! You are ready to lose!"

Uncover! !

The whole audience was in an uproar!

"Two sixs, one five? Not bad!"

"Is this good? Very good! Win!"

All the guests in the casino praised it and shook it out. This is also an absolute casino veteran!

This casino owner Chuck is a novice at first glance, sure to lose!

"Huh, it's not normal to play, but it's okay to win you, mine is already open, uncover it!" The fat

77 Read full book at: man smiled.

This penalty was not expected, but it's not bad!

"Chuck, don't open it!" Emily is anxious. Chuck looks like a novice. Don't open it, you will lose ugly!

Yvette faced calmly, Logan was a little worried, why?

Yvette just said that Chuck's hearing is better, but now it is compared to the dice shaking method, which has little to do with hearing!

She certainly hopes that Chuck won, but. .

Can Chuck win? ?

The big eyes of the black rose and blue did not turn their eyes, and they felt a little nervous.

When she was refreshed in an instant, she was stunned. Why was she so nervous? ?

Du Pei's forehead is full of sweat, her fists are clenched tightly, Chuck, want to win!

Chuck shrugged, stared at the audience, and opened the dice cup! !

In a flash, the audience was shocked! ?

"What? It was three sixs? He actually shook out three sixs! Was it my dazzle?"

"My God! Isn't he a newbie?"

"It must be good luck!"

The guests of the casino are boiling at this time, they are all amazed!

It's beyond everyone's expectations!

"Impossible!!" The fat man jumped from the chair, his face unbelievable!

Chuckming looked like a novice, how could this be?

"Start the second one," Chuck covered the dice cup!

"Okay, it made you shit, but the second one! Ah!" The fat man hasn't finished talking!

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Chuck has shaken the dice already, wow la la, the cup will open!

Three sixs! !

The casino was silent for a moment!

Their faces are full of shock!

Actually. . So simple!

"You shake yours, if it is three sixs, then tie." Chuck said.

The fat man's chin is about to be shocked, his mouth wide open, he can stuff an egg!

Yvette smiled, Logan breathed a sigh of relief, "This kid..."


The black rose that I had just watched just now was too lazy to look at it, but her ruddy lips still showed such a faint smile inadvertently.

Du Pei heart is incredible!

She thought Chuck was catching the duck on the shelf, she definitely lost, but Chuck actually created a miracle!

Actually, two of them shook out three and six!

"You, cheating! My dice is definitely a problem!!" The fat man shivered with rage.

The casino is still dead again!


These guests looked at each other! ?

Without saying a word, Chuck stood up and walked in front of the fat man, shaking with a clatter, with a snap, the dice cup fell to the table!


"My God! It's actually three sixs!" The audience was horrified!

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One lucky, two hundred may be scammed, but three times?

This is not that simple.

Some people's eyes have changed, and Chuck has appeared in awe.

"Is this man the God of Gambling in China?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in awe !

A shock!

"God of Gamblers? Are they really Gamblers?"

"It's really unbelievable. This young man has such a big casino at such a young age. I am still a gambler, which is too great!"

"Yeah, how can it be possible to open a casino without someone's skills?"

"I think he wrote a pen and challenged the casino owner!"

The fat man was dumbfounded and dull, "You, you, you..."

Inarticulate dumbfounded!

"I'm not cheating? It's okay, you don't believe it, then I'm shaking it once," Chuck didn't care to shake it again, and opened it, or three six!

Just kidding, I already have a casino, don't practice it?

This move caused awe at the scene!

The fat man slumped on the ground, and tears came out. "Me, my money, my ten billion dollars!"

He is a veteran, it is difficult to shake out three and six at ordinary times, not to mention this time now?

Others, it's all three and six, how does this compare?

"Thank you boss, I just opened, you gave me such a big gift, thank you!" Chuck smiled slightly.

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The fat man cried, "My money, my money..."

Chuck shrugged and said to all the guests, "Do you guys still play with me? I'm happy to accompany you!!"

All the guests were twitching, and they were planning to win a while ago, but how did they think that Chuck was so powerful?

It's exactly the same as God of Gamblers!

Who dares to go!

Some people even showed shame, and they were just preparing to fight Zhang Zelun!

I didn't expect people to play like pigs and eat tigers. I must have taken the axe by myself.

"Don't play? Then I wish you all fun today!" Chuck laughed.

The fat man cried louder. Ten billion dollars was most of his property. Actually, these two were gone. He cried like a child.

Casino guests, smile and start playing their own!

"Tell people to pack up," Chuck said to Du Peixin.

Du Pei was at a loss, "Chuck, are you a gambler?"

"No, I will play the dice." Chuck told the truth in her ear!

Du Pei was puzzled.

"Chuck, you actually won, you are so good!" Emily recovered from the stunned just now.

She thought Chuckhui would lose very ugly, but unexpectedly, she won!

"Okay!" Chuck shrugged.

Nothing. Shaking the dice is controlled by the wrist. He learns to fight, and his hands must be well controlled. Plus he has good hearing, he can hear any penalties from the cup, so he can’t shake three sixs. Difficult!

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So this fat man and Chuck play this, what is Chuckxu? How big to play!

"Anyway, you are amazing," Emily's heartbeat accelerated, and Chuck was really so versatile besides fighting!

She feels in love.

But at this time, someone came out!

The guests who just dispersed looked again, and there were a lot of people at the door. They actually gave gold, box by box. Who is this!

The audience was shocked again!

The fat man trembled up and regretted that Chuck knew so many powerful people. Was he just playing at the gate of the ghost gate?

However, Chuck frowned, this is Wan Ziwen's person coming!

My mother is a local lord of the novel No. 798, leaving your stuff! Listen online with novels

Chuck knew that Wan Ziwen would come, but he didn't expect such a big movement, how many things did he have to send? ?

Isn't Wanjia not a hidden family?

The guests of the casino have been stunned. So many things, who sent this?

Some people's eyes have changed when they look at Chuck again, they have become polite and respected, and some are afraid!

Chuck doesn't know anyone who is terrible, it is absolutely impossible for someone to send so many things!

Logan sighed that she was injured by Wan Ziwen's bodyguard last time, and it was almost better, but Wan Ziwen appeared again, she didn't know what to do!

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This first family, the future heir, Wan Ziwen, her ability is too great!

Logan is calling for wind and rain in China, but when she reaches the world, she feels deeply frustrated.

Wan Ziwen seems like a big mountain, can't cross it!

Emily who sent the cannon just now was jealous. "What, it's useless to send so many, do you think my family can't afford it?"

Of course her family can afford it!

How to say her family is also a big four family.

"Golden catties! Ten vases from the Ming Dynasty! ... My family, congratulations to Boss Zhang for opening the casino!!!"

A man came over, with politeness, said all the gifts!

Everyone he brought over, repeated this sentence, deafening!

Resounding in the sky!

This sound shocked all the guests.

"Who are they talking about?"

"I don't know, but in this case, what a big family!"

"The owner of this casino is awesome! I actually know so many big families in the country!"

The exclamation is endless!

Just now Emily represented the Luo Fu family, which was enough to make them unimaginable.

Now there is another big family to send gifts!

The fat man who had just gambled with Chuck just now was horrified!

Who are you betting with just now!

Chuck expressionless, "Take these things back!"

83 Read full book at: brush!

The whole audience was in an uproar!

Oh my god, the person who sent so many things must be a big family. This Chuck actually refused? ?

"Sorry, Boss Zhang, we... beg Boss Zhang, will you accept it?" The leading man's face was all white.

Wan Ziwen issued a death order and must be delivered! !

If they can't deliver them, don't go back.

"Begging boss Zhang, will you accept it?" It was a deafening voice again, and they all looked pale!

Chuck's refusal scared them.

Everyone is stunned. What is this operation?

Chuck sighed, Wan Ziwen is forcing himself!

"Forget it, let's put it here." Chuck couldn't help but understand the embarrassment of these people!

Wan Ziwen understands that he can't bear it!

"Thank you!"

They were so grateful, they laid down their things and left neatly!

Left a shocked crowd!

"Du Pei Xin, you tell people to put away these things first," Chuck certainly won't move. Even if these things are precious and rare, they must be returned to her!

"Well," Du Peixin was also shocked. Who is this person who sent Chuck?

The last time I sent gold, paved with gold bricks, this time I still sent gold, and there are so many

84 Read full book at: ornamental antiques, which she could not imagine.

But she can be sure that her Du family is nothing in front of such people!

The outfield guests were all surprised, Chuck let them continue to play with a smile, which just spread out!

The casino opened and it was successful!

Chuck is also confident that he can build his own business empire!

Chuck, named Logan, Yvette, went inside to talk, and Emily ran in. Originally, Chuck didn't call her, but after seeing her running far away, she followed her.

"Miss, this Chuck didn't know what happened just now! He refused!"

In a luxury car, the man was dissatisfied.

Wan Ziwen didn't have a big expression, she had long thought that Chuck would be like this, but didn't she accept it in the end?

"Miss, shall we continue to wait for him?" the man asked.

Wan Ziwen looks like this, is this to celebrate with Chuck?

"Wait, Chuck's first project, I have to support it!" Wan Ziwen lazy closed his eyes and rested.


In the background, Chuck also met some big stars. Logan and Yvette all went to the casino to help, as did Emily.

Chuck told her to go back. She refused to let her stay here.

Chuck was no longer able to drive her away, so she had to follow her and wait for a supper together.

Chuck came out and knew that Wan Ziwen must be nearby.

He found Wan Ziwen, and the black rose looked in the distance, she would not let Chuck out of

85 Read full book at: her sight.

"You, eat with me, I must be ready to celebrate the opening of your casino! But I only invite you alone, others can not go." Location, Wan Ziwen has already prepared, various special dishes

What Chuck wants to eat, and the chefs are all Wanjia's private chefs.

"Go, I won't go!" Chuck shook his head, he came here to say this to Wan Ziwen.

"Chuck, I have already spoken patiently with you. How are you going?" Wan Ziwen was annoyed.

Her bodyguard smiled coldly, thinking in her heart, angering the lady, no matter who you are, you are going to die! !

"I don't want to do anything." Chuck calmed down.

"Okay, you really polished my patience." Wan Ziwen closed his eyes, "Drive and go!"

The man drove Wan Ziwen away!

Chuck was silent for three seconds and went back to the casino.

It was found that Black Rose's eyes were cold, "What the hell did you do to her? Why bother you?"

She was uncomfortable.

"I didn't do anything," Chuck sighed.

Just now Wan Ziwen's eyes were terrifying, Chuck doubted what she was going to do. may. .

Chuck didn't say much, just thinking that something was wrong.

However, at this time, Chuck heard the voice of the helicopter, Chuck looked up and found that it was Alice, he was stunned, why did Alice also come?

Black Rose didn't think of Chuckhui's relationship with Alice, so when she saw this, she also

86 Read full book at: thought that Alice was matching Chuck.

Can cooperate better, so here we are.

The helicopter fell.

Alice came out and Chuck passed, "Why are you here?"

"Worried about you, didn't you just gamble with someone? Did you win?" Alice came far away, worried that Chuck would lose.

"Win, don't worry about me."

"How can you not worry about you? You know, you are my second man..." Alice whispered, she couldn't help it.


"It's good to win, then I will go back," seeing this, Alice was relieved to go back.

"Leaving for supper."

"No, my daughter will see it." Alice had to leave quickly, but as soon as she got on the plane,

Emily ran out. "Mom, why are you here?"

My mother is a Baller with a novel of audio. Chapter 719 released his audio novel to listen


Suddenly I heard Emily's voice, and Alice's face was white, "What should I do, Chuck, how should I explain?"

"Don't panic, we have nothing to do now, calm down." Chuck smiled slightly.

Alice's nervous look was actually a little cute.

Chuck didn't find it before, but now she finds it, and she doesn't feel a sense of disharmony with her age.

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Alice calmed down, but found Chuck laughing at her, and she blushed embarrassedly, "Don't laugh at me, okay? You know, I'm actually shy..."

Chuck coughs and Alice controls her blush.

Emily ran over, "Mom, why are you here?"

"I'm going to base 18, just passing by here and taking you with you," Alice said calmly.

She found Chuck laughing, she was shy and strange in her heart.

Sighing secretly in his heart, it seemed that a relationship had happened, he completely knocked his heart out, and he also fell completely. She knew it was not good, but she couldn't control it.

Knowing that there was an accident at Chuck Casino just now, she came over as if she could not bear it. She could not control her mind and could not help worrying.

At her age, once she has, she is the kind of person who silently pays, and does not ask for rewards. She only wants this person who knocks on her heart. It can be very good. Even if it is only a little bad, she will worry and think about it. come.

"I don't want, I want to stay here." Emily whispered, she hadn't eaten supper yet!

I haven't said a few words to Chuck, how can I leave at this time?

"Well, you go back yourself!"

Alice sighed and gave Chuck a complicated look. Why didn't she understand what Emily wanted as Emily's mother?

Chuck was stunned and gave Alice a wink, but he would never have any feelings for Emily, and he would not do anything to Emily.

Alice understood what Chuck thought, and sighed even more, she left by plane.

Emily sighed, "I feel my mom treats you well,"

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"What's okay? My mother hasn't treated any man well, so please be content!" Emily said.

Chuck replied secretly, contented, he was already contented.

"Go for supper!" Chuck invited.

"You have a conscience!" Emily rejoiced.

Chuck, Alice, Black Rose returned to the casino!

After probably few people, Chuck asked Du Pei to tell people to eat supper, and everyone would eat together.

Many employees belong to the casino on the mother's side, so they must treat them well.

A few celebrities invited to eat together, and a beautiful star asked Chuck's number, Chuck was speechless, and was also given politely.

How to say, today Chuck calmly handles everything in the casino, so Chuck has a high position in women's hearts.

There is money, strength, and value, who doesn't like it? ?

Yvette and Logan both saw it, of course they would not mind.

Everyone had eaten at three in the morning, almost, Chuck asked these employees to go back to rest.

I can't go back anyway today, so Chuck decided to live at Du Peixin's house. Anyway, Du Peixin had arranged a large place to stay before, and there were several rooms.

Emily also wanted to go, Chuck must refuse, must keep the distance!

Emily was very angry when she opened the nearby hotel, and she didn't know whether she went to that hotel or not.

Everyone get in the car!

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Including Black Rose, I went to Du Peixin's house. Everyone drank a little and drove slowly. At home, Logan cooked a little sober tea for everyone, and everyone sipped back to their rooms.

There is one room in Logan and one room in Black Rose. Du Peixin must be one. Chuck and

Yvette are in the same room.

Did nothing, hugged and fell asleep.

Logan couldn't sleep. Here, something happened with Chuck, but now it is with Yvette.

Black Rose couldn't sleep either. Anyway, she closed her eyes and kept thinking, she didn't know what happened, what should she do?

How has your sleep been affected recently? ?

What happened to myself?

Black Rose didn't understand.


"Grandpa, should you be better?"


You Shiwen passed the secret passage and came to You Batian's room.

Karen li's medicine has been given to You Ba Tian, and the medicine I got from Wan Ziwen was also given to You Ba Tian, but the situation is much better, but I haven't woke up yet.

No one else in the room, she sneaked in!

She went to the backyard and looked up in a direction. In fact, she wanted to go to a place today, where?

As the only person who knows himself, he opened a casino and is the first project in the United

States. He should not be there, shouldn’t he?

It's not interesting enough.

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She can think of it, Chuck will definitely say so.

"Surely many people bless him, and he does not lack one. Besides, he is his enemy. Why should he congratulate him?" You Shiwen said to herself.

If I think I can’t go, I don’t go, and I don’t know if Chuck will be angry.

Now it is not.


You Ba Tian has moved, You Shi Wen is busy running back, and saw You Ba Tian waking up!

She rejoiced, "Grandpa..."

Of course, Yu Batian knew who the girl was, and he was tremblingly supported by You Shiwen,


"Grandpa, how are you feeling? I'll call the doctor right away,"

Youjia has a special doctor, also for Youjia. Youbatian shook his head, already weak to the extreme, Karen li's medicine, so that the elderly, all hidden diseases came out.

He was able to wake up now, it was pretty good, dying.

"No, I won't live long. I tell you, I was hit by something from Karen li. Her bitch hurt me, cough, cough..." You Batian coughed a bit of blood.

You Shiwen beautiful eyes are wet. "I know that she did it. I asked her to get the medicine."

"Have you seen her?"

"Well, I got the antidote. I won't move her for three years."

"Confused! But the soldiers are not deceitful! Shiwen, you immediately arrange people and give me the entire death of Karen li's family! I want to see all this before I die!" Yu Batian's blood-red eyes a poisonous .

He couldn't speak before, it was all done by Karen li.

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He finally woke up, and the only thing he wanted to see was that her family died!

"Are you all going to die?" You Shiwen remained silent for three seconds.

"Yes, Karen li, and that Chuck, must die!!" You Batian Yin poison said, coughing, he will die at any time.

"In three years, she will believe in three years? Ten articles, you do it now!"

"But I have promised Li Qing..."

"The soldiers are not deceitful! What if they agree? She is a ant to you! Just step on her to death!"

"Chuck, can you let him go? I..." You Shiwen muttered...

My mother is a Baller, the novel 720th chapter must die! Listen online with novels

"Leave him? What do you say about ten articles?"

You Batian's intense cough was suddenly breathed out by You Shiwen, and the cough was bleeding.

"Grandpa, I..." You Shiwen didn't understand how to say that.

Maybe, Chuck knows himself!

I don't want a person who knows myself to die, or die in my own hands!

But for the heirs of Youjia, this kind of saying is a big deal! !

You Shiwen is clear.

"You know? Chuck, this person, I want to kill the most, more than I want to kill Karen li!" You

Batian gritted his teeth!

The insult in my heart appears again!

It seems to be back to the scene where Chuck was making a big trip to the wedding scene of

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Tianle! !

This is the greatest disgrace in the history of Youjia, and this disgrace was given to him by


He was actually threatened by Chuck at that time!

All the tribes watched, they were threatened by Chuck!

This kind of hatred, already hated it!

"Grandpa." You Shiwen sighed and understood the anger of Yu Batian.

"It goes without saying that Chuck must die, absolutely die!!" You Batian coughed.


You Shiwen lost her heart, she was originally a tentative question, but unexpectedly, Yu Batian's reaction was so great!

"Did I hear what I said!" You Batian's thin hand clutched You Shiwen tightly.

You Shiwen is at a loss, "I..."

"You have to understand that you are the homeless person and the heir of the homeless person.

Anyone who damages your homeless person must die! This Chuck is one of them!"

You Shiwen sighed, "Grandpa, I know, you have a good rest first..."

In this case, Yubatian can't be angry again, otherwise it will die!

"I can't rest, I can live a few days, I know my own situation, before I die, bring Chuck, Karen li's head to me!" You Batian couldn't close his eyes.

These days he has suffered from disease!

This hatred has made him horribly crazy.

"I..." You Shiwen fell into a daze again.

"Do you want me to die?" You Batian coughed violently, and the black blood coughed out.

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"No, then you can do it! You are everything, you can move it! You don't need to talk about credibility with Karen li, don't you understand it? Give her a surprise!"

"I... I see, Grandpa, you rest first!" You Shiwen sighed and gave You Ba Tian a quilt.

She also saw that Yuba could not live for a few days, maybe she was asleep now, and could not wake up at all.

Will die at any time.

Too many diseases are complicated, and if you don’t have advanced medical treatment,

Youbatian will die long ago.

You Shiwen sighed out of the secret passage and looked at the sky. You Batian's voice echoed continuously in her mind:

Chuck must die!

Take Chuck's head back, take it back...

These voices have fallen into You Shiwen's brain, making her sigh.

What should I do?

"Chuck, if you don't understand me, how good would it be? I don't want to lose your friend, but what you do makes me have to treat you..."

You Shiwen muttered to herself, caught in the tangles!

She used to be decisive, but this time?

At this time, her cell phone rang suddenly, and it was a strange call.

"You Shiwen, it's me, my lady wants to see you!" This is the voice of the man!

That's right, Wan Ziwen, who got angry from Chuck's casino, ordered it!

"I'm not free now.."

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"I don't care about you, remember to take a shower and change clothes when you come..."

The phone hangs up!

You Shiwen is caught in the cold, she knows that this Wan Ziwen is definitely going to go by herself, putting pressure on the people Wan Ziwen likes!

Who is this man Wan Ziwen likes? ?

She doesn't care about this, anyway, she has promised Wan Ziwen. What she has to do now is take Chuck's head and Karen li's head...


"What do you see? Say!!!" In a luxurious room.

You Tianle sneered.

A man in black knelt down. "I saw You Shiwen appearing in the place of Youjia, she should see the master!"

"Huh, my grandfather is dying, see what's the use?" You Tianle disagreed.

He solved all the other opponents, except that You Shiwen is still alive!

Now it's the last moment, absolutely nothing can go wrong.

"This..." The man in black didn't know how to answer.

You Tianle's temper, he knows, it's boring not to ask for it!

"You Shiwen came back this time, maybe some special medicine came back, Grandpa may wake up, gave You Shiwen the last test, if You Shiwen did it, then You Shiwen is the owner, but I will let Did she do it? Haha!" You Tianle laughed.

"Grandpa, you are so old and confused, I am the head of the house, not 10,000 times better than a woman? Grandpa, you let me down!" You Tianle had a murderous opportunity.

"Master, what are you doing?" The man in black was stunned.

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This look absolutely kills!

Who killed?

"What am I going to do? That old confused person wants someone else to be the head of the house, and I will let him do it? They have lived so long and should die! I won't let anyone block me! Whoever blocks me, I will kill whoever!" You Tianle sneered out!

The man in black was so scared that he was sweating coldly. What is this for? ! thump!

The door was pushed open, and Youbatian had never rested on the bed. He got up and saw

Youtianle walking in. Youbatian coughed a few times. "Tianle, give me a glass of water..."

"Grandpa, water." You Tianle poured water.

Youba is naturally suspicious. After getting sick, no one is allowed in the room. If something happens, he will press the switch on the bedside, and someone will come in!


After Yubatian drank water, he felt much better, "Tianle, what's the situation with your home recently? Tell me about it."

"No problem, Grandpa." You Tianle laughed, cold to the extreme!

It’s all spoken, and Yuba’s weather shivered. “Five dead? Who did it? Who did it!!”

You Ba Tian is angry, think Karen li did it? What did Chuck do?

It must be! !

He wants Chuck and Li Qing to die even more!

"Grandpa, I know who did it." You Tianle approached.

"Hurry up, did that Chuck do it? He dealt with our wandering house? She was looking for death!!!" You Batian was awake, his brain was deep, he slept too long, and he was tortured by

96 Read full book at: the pain for too long, dying. .

"It is not." You Tianle said.

"Tianle, what do you mean?"

"Chuck, Karen li did it, they did it, but someone also helped them!"

"Who, who? Who dare to help them?" You Batian coughed out black blood and his eyes widened! !

"Grandpa, me, it's me..." You Tianle smiled slightly, extremely terrible!

My mother is a Baller with novel 721. Do you like Chuck? Listen online with novels

Chuck woke up from Du Pei's house, he slept very comfortably last night. Product=Book/Web

Yvette was in her arms, and she looked cute when she fell asleep. Chuck gave a cheek to her cheek. Yvette woke up confusedly. In Chuck's arms, she drilled and Chuck hugged her, embracing her. silent.

Yesterday, the casino opened successfully, so stay here for a while and go back in the afternoon to let Du Pei manage it.

After all, Du Peixin's management skills are competent.

Chuck is actually thinking that he has been here for a long time, should he go back to Huaxia?

The situation on the side of the square has always been reported by Yolanda. The flow of people on the side of the square has already risen. The land that was bought before is also under construction. Yolanda is very busy!

There are Murong Qing and Zelda, but they are all in China!

It's been a long time since I saw them.

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Solve the problem of traveling home, Chuck will go back, after all, China is his home!

The memories from small to large are all over there.

Chuck, Yvette was silent for a long time before getting up.

There is a smell of breakfast outside, it must be that Logan is already making breakfast.

Chucknan’s clothes must have been fast. Yvette came out one step at a time.

On the side of the dining table, the black rose was bloodied heavily, and Chuck shrugged and asked, "Did you sleep well last night?"

"What's your business? Can I do anything else?" Black Rose said coldly!

She was indeed tossing and turning last night!

Can't sleep at all!

It was in the morning that she was confused, and she was lucky enough to sleep for more than two hours, and because of the biological clock, she couldn't sleep anymore.

She hadn't seen this before, and she didn't understand her status? ?

"Black Rose, what are you doing with such anger?" Chuck was confused.

How do you feel that Black Rose has a bad temper recently?

Menopause is not here yet!

Chuck felt more clearly that she was already familiar with Black Rose, why was she more and more indifferent to herself?

More and more unhappy with yourself?

Chuckdu forced, but he did nothing?

Black Rose watched Yvette come out, too lazy to talk to Chuck, "Don't talk to me."

Early in the morning, Chuck was ignorant. Fortunately, Logan brought the breakfast out with a smile, and Du Peixin also woke up.

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Everyone sat down to have breakfast.

Inadvertently, the four women were eating silently, only Chuck was gobbling because Logan was so delicious.

Logan silently pushed breakfast to Chuck, as did Yvette.

Logan and Yvette stared at each other. Logan bowed his head and drank porridge, which gave birth to guilt.

The black rose thought:

What do you eat so fast?

Who robbed you? ?

Du Pei's heart was funny, and Chuck's appetite was good, and finding such a boyfriend was actually very good.

Wait, Du Pei subconsciously recovered, what did he want to do?

Anyway, when eating breakfast, the atmosphere is particularly delicate.

The four women have their own thoughts, and Chuck is free to eat.

Anyway, the four women are caring invisibly and accommodating Chuck.

He didn't need to take whatever he wanted to eat. Someone had already pushed it in front of him.

When Chuck eats too much, Black Rose will not eat it. Let Chuck eat, it is all subconscious behavior. Black Rose himself is stunned. Why did he do this?

If you don’t eat it yourself, do you want to give it to him?

After eating, everyone drives to the casino! !

Du Peixin started work on the second day of the casino opening, and Chuck stayed in the afternoon with them.

Everything went smoothly, and more than $10 billion has been credited to the opening of the

99 Read full book at: business yesterday!

Because Chuck won the fat man 10 billion dollars!

This momentum is very good!

Chuck felt that he should spread his business empire as soon as possible!

Ready to go back, let Du Pei Xin manage it alone!

Chuck assured her.

Several people went home together.

When I got home, my mother also made a table of good food. Everyone was eating together.

Chuck was very satisfied. The family ate very late before they could get their own room.


In a luxurious room.

You Shiwen came to see Wan Ziwen and stood at the door.

She was actually dazed and didn't want to come, but unconsciously, she came all by herself.

She didn't know, and didn't want to know, she was actually procrastinating herself for prolonged time.

Come here to see Wan Ziwen, then you have to let go, drag and drop, and use the power of the home to kill Chuck.

She is subconscious and doesn't want to kill someone who understands herself.

Twenty years later, the only person who understands her, if she dies, when will she meet again?

Perhaps, she didn't want to meet, because Chuck's understanding was just right, making her feel that she could relax and communicate with Chuck. This wonderful feeling, she had not experienced it in any man.

"You have something?" Wan Ziwen said.

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"No, what's the name of the person you let me suppress? Can I help you now? It's an agreement with you!"

"I'll ask you first, did Youbatian wake up?" Wan Ziwen asked.

"Wake up, your medicine works well."

"But Youbatian shouldn't be able to live for a few days? He is old, sick, dead, no one can hide, and he's finally over, how? You can inherit the position of the head of the house!" She Wan

Ziwen, how could she not receive the news? ?

You Shiwen remained silent for three seconds, and she understood that Yu Batian's final test against him was Chuck's head and Karen li's head. but. .

"You say, who is that person?"

"You know, it is also to make your homeless person like this," Wan Ziwen said.

You Shiwen was surprised, "You mean, the person you like is Chuck?"

This? what happened?

How could Wan Ziwen like Chuck?

You Shiwen never thought of this!

She thought Wan Ziwen liked what kind of high-cold man, otherwise why should this man bow her head to her?

"Yes, the person I like is him! So you can't kill him!"

With this kind of order, You Shi text should be particularly angry, but she is faintly happy. This is an excuse. Can you not kill Chuck?

"I know that when You Batian wakes up, he will definitely let you kill Chuck before he dies,

Karen li, so that he can glance at himself, and I know you want to kill him..."

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"No, I don't want to..." You Shiwen subconsciously accepted this sentence.

Wan Ziwen frowned, watching Shi Wen.

You Shiwen subconsciously explained, "I didn't want to kill him, but did you say let me oppress him, and then let him beg you?"

"Yes, I mean that! Can you do it?"

"I, Wan Ziwen, does Chuck have a wife?" You Shiwen said, this is what Chuck said last time.

"How about having a wife?" Wan Ziwen said coldly. "Yes, I have a solution!"

"Are you trying to kill Chuck's wife?" You Shiwen was stunned.

My mother is a Baller. Novel 722. There is no charm.

Wan Ziwen's ruthlessness, her desire to control, You Shiwen asked this question herself, she didn't feel that Wan Ziwen had to answer it herself.

At the moment, the expressionless Wan Ziwen already had an answer on his face.

"Kill? I think she should have quit herself, I just pushed her..." Wan Ziwen was lazy.

In simple words, it was as simple as crushing an ant in her mouth.

You Shiwen already knew.

"Can this be done?" Wan Ziwen turned his eyes.

You Shiwen didn't answer. This was beyond her expectations. She never thought that the person

Wan Ziwen liked was actually Chuck!

That guy, what is there to like?

You Shiwen didn't understand.

In her eyes, Chuck is someone who understands her, even sisters.

In addition, what is the charm of Chuck?

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Not at all?

She couldn't figure out how Wan Ziwen liked Chuck. It seems that she still likes that kind of special.

Seeing Shishi in this lover's eyes?

Anyway, You Shiwen feels that Chuck is nothing but understanding himself.

Very ordinary, not attractive at all, let alone attractive.

"Can you do it? You can promise me, I am reminding you! Breach of contract, the consequences are very serious!" Wan Ziwen's voice was cold!

This is the majesty of the future heirs of the first family.

You Shiwen is certainly indifferent.

"I can ask, what do you like about him?"

"The emotional thing is a moment, you don't understand, and you don't meet the person who gives you that feeling, anyway, it's beautiful," Wan Ziwen recalled.

"Well, I can't understand it. Anyway, what you said about Chuck, I don't think it has any charm at all." You Shiwen said his opinion about Chuck.

"You can't realize it's your business, my business, can you do it?" Wan Ziwen asked again.

You Shiwen remained silent, forcing Chuck to put pressure on Chuck, and then led him to find

Wan Ziwen, asking for Wan Ziwen? is it possible?

Isn't Chuck such a character at all?

"This, Chuck won't beg you?"

"Yes, if you force his mother Karen li, force Yvette, Logan, then he will come and beg me, then I will let you do what you want, just do it, after Chuck begs me, I will give you what you want

103 Read full book at: benefit."

"I don't want any good!"

"Then whatever you want!"

"Well, I will know how to do it."

You Shiwen turned and left!

Wan Ziwen did not stop!

After Wan Ziwen left completely, Wan Ziwen's bodyguard closed the door, and Wan Ziwen lay on the sofa, "Is Yuba Tian dead?"

"It should be almost the same. I gave You Shiwen the box of medicine last time. There was a sensor in it. There was no signal suddenly. It was estimated to be dead, but You Shiwen didn't seem to know it yet. People don't know yet," the man said.

"Then die?"

"It's hard to say, I think it was someone who started it, such as that You Tianle..."

"Oh, it's him? Then he is brave enough," Wan Ziwen actually smiled.

"Yes, You Tianle was already cruel, killing You Batian, I don't think it's okay... It's too normal for people like You Tianle, then Yu Batian suddenly died, what do you think, Miss?"

"Why can't I see the important things? I have new ideas..." Wan Ziwen smiled slightly, but her beautiful face was a chilling smile.

If anyone else is here, it would be surprising, why does such a beautiful woman have such a scary smile?

The man approached carefully, "Miss, what did you think of?"

Wan Ziwen's sketched smile became more obvious, and You Shiwen seemed to be a good pawn...

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Youjia in a luxurious room!

You Tianle's father slapped You Tianle on the face, "You fucking bastard! He is my dad! Also your grandfather!"

On the hospital bed, Yu Batian's eyes widened and his face was ashamed, he hadn't breathed for a long time!

A generation of homeowners, died from now on!

When Yuba died, he never thought that he died in the hands of his own grandson!

There were tears on his old frozen face, tears of remorse, but it was useless, he died.

"Dad, do big things without regard to details, what does this count? I became the head of the family, and your status is not higher. What's more, Grandpa hasn't lived in a few days, and it's also good for him to kill him. It's hard work." You Tianle was terrible. After he killed You

Batian, he became violent.

I feel that the world is his!

You Tianle's father raised his hand and wanted to slap, but he didn't shoot anymore, he sighed,

"Fuck, shit! It's a big deal!"

"Dad, this is the point. It's useless to call me! Who told him to block me? Want to let a woman be the head of the house? He's confused!"

"Are you saying that You Shiwen who was out of stock?"

"Yes! It's her!!!"

"You didn't kill her?"

"No, but now the home is already mine, I will send someone to kill her!"

"Stinky boy, are you confused? Kill her? Where to kill in a short time? Bring her back!"

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You Tianle pats her forehead. "Yes, You Shiwen has seen Grandpa. If you tell Yu Shiwen at this time, Grandpa has an accident, she will definitely come back directly! By the time she dies, I will never threaten again! It’s Chuck, Karen li, they... Did they think that I would take this dangerous step?"

You Tianle laughed!

That is proud, and arrogant! !

"Chuck, Karen li didn't help you? They certainly didn't expect you to be so courageous. I didn't expect it, let alone them, you guys!"

"Dad, now that it's the case, don't talk about me, I'm in desperation! Forget it, Dad, you're going to call the trustworthy person now, I'm going to guide Shiwen!"

"Don't mess it up!"

"Relax! I'm doing things, you dare rest assured!" You Tianle already has too much confidence!

You Tianle’s father arranged for someone to come, and You Tianle stared at You Batian on the hospital bed, laughing, "Old things, didn't you think? You can go at ease, I will not only be the owner of the house, but also destroy the other two. A secret family! Especially the slut Wan

Ziwen! Dare to threaten me before? I want..."

You Tianle said to herself, Wan Ziwen was his fantasy object before!

However, the fantasy object actually likes Chuck!

You Tianle decided to let Wan Ziwen regret it! !

He found Yu Batian's mobile phone, which is a secret mobile phone, and you can contact You


He grinned and found out the number of You Shiwen!

"You Shiwen, don't blame me. You won't come back with nothing. I will let you go, but if you

106 Read full book at: are not honest, then I can't do anything. You must die!!"

My mother is a tyrant's voice novel 723th chapter to control your future life and

death? Listen online with novels

You Shiwen lingers in a place!

The news from Wan Ziwen made her think that Wan Ziwen forced her to follow

Chuck. Product=Book/Web

This is a headache for You Shiwen, and the command of your grandfather. Before dying, I want to see Chuck and Karen li's head!

What should she do?

On the one hand is the person who knows himself, on the other is the last wish of his own grandfather!

How to choose? ?

But she already called Chuck and asked Chuck to come over and meet here! !

Chuck agreed.

You Shiwen has prepared killing tools, and she knows what she should do later.

She continues to wait! Wait until Chuck comes to this agreed place!


"Chuck, she suddenly asked you to meet, you believe her?" said the black rose came out with

Chuck coldly.

It was already evening, Chuck and Logan, Yvette said a reason, and then came out.

Fortunately, the black rose was found!

"Do you believe it?" Chuck sighed and didn't know the reason. Anyway, this person who hadn't

107 Read full book at: known him for a long time, Chuck really believed her.

What is the reason?

Maybe, know her by yourself! !

"You believe her, she asked you this time, definitely to kill you! Chuck, believe me once! Do you believe her or not me?!" Black Rose stopped Chuck, her face was cold!

There was even monstrous anger.

"I believe you too, really!"

"Trust me, don't go!" Black Rose scolded! !

"I... she asked me, just like if you ask me, I will go to see you." Chuck looked calm!

"I won't ask you!" Black Rose shook his head indifferently, decisively to the extreme!

Are you kidding me?

What's the deal? ?

"You won't protect me for a lifetime, don't you say that, when I have the same strength as you, you will leave?" Chuck said.

Black Rose is stunned!

To be honest, where is the gap between Chuck and Black Rose? ?

It’s not fighting. In terms of fighting, Chuck feels that he is already the same as Black Rose. The teaching of his mother makes Chuck have a speed that ordinary people can’t catch up with!

Talent is very important, and talent is high. It can directly exceed 95% of people. Training is also important, but according to all the experience and skills of the mother, focusing on training is even more important!

But mentality!

The gap between Chuck and Black Rose is in the state of mind!

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Black Rose is calm and decisive, Chuck sometimes fails to reach this point.

Black Rose was stunned for three seconds, and his voice was as cold as ice. "Yes, I can almost leave you."

Suddenly, Black Rose felt a sense of loss!

I have been protecting him day and night for so long. In the end, I just exchanged a sentence.

You can almost leave? ?

"So you will call me later," Chuck said.

"No, I will never ask you! I will never call you!"

The black rose is decisive, like the wood cut by the knife, there is no trace of connection, it is decisive to the extreme!

You are so unforgiving, you still have to call you!

Never possible!

Moreover, Black Rose is not the kind of person who will actively contact others, let alone

Chuck, there is no possibility at all!

"Then...Okay!" Chuck nodded.

I felt that if Black Rose didn't contact herself, she would certainly contact her.

Because Black Rose has protected himself for so long, in Chuck's eyes, Chuck has not regarded

Black Rose as a bodyguard, but as a friend.

So Chuck will contact him, and it is normal to keep in touch with friends.

Also, the world is very big, but not so big. The circles are different. Even if the two people are not in contact, the possibility of encountering them is also great.

"I can't control your life and death later, but now you have to listen to me?" Black Rose is tough!

Anyway, Chuck said: Well, then.

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She heard it in her heart and was particularly uncomfortable.

"I will listen to you later,"

"No, I said, I can't control your life and death in the future, I care whether you are alive or dead in the future?" Black Rose was angry.

Icy to the extreme!

"It's all here, Sister Rose," Chuck smiled.

"Go to hell, who made you call me that? Who is your rose sister?" Black Rose kicked Chuck, this is fierce!

Although I am older than you, I am not used to it!

Chuck fell to the ground and rolled around.

Black Rose snorted coldly, "What else to pretend! Can't get up yet?"

Chuck got up in embarrassment and covered her stomach. Black Rose felt a little pain in her foot, but it wasn't very painful. Chuck could bear it. After climbing up, it didn't hurt.

The black rose didn't take much effort.

"I'm gone." Chuck has arrived at the appointed place.

You almost saw You Shiwen, and she waited there.

"I tell you, people must be vigilant!! It must be for anyone!"

"Anyone? Where is my mother?"

"You raise the bar with me, right?" Black Rose wanted to kick Chuck again!

"No, what about you? Should I be on your guard?" Chuck smirked.

"As long as you are, you can be alert to me with a gun!" Black Rose groaned.

"Then will you be wary of me?" Chuck smiled and asked again.

"I wish I could point the gun at you, what did you say?" Black Rose was angry!

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Be wary of what you do? ?

Be wary of yourself, you are already dead!

The black rose was irritated at once.

Chuck is speechless, as for? I didn't do anything myself!

"Not yet?" Black Rose urged Chuck.

Chuck has seen You Shiwen, and of course nodded. "Well, you wait for me."

"Don't wait for you! What do I do for you?" Black Rose groaned.

Chuck smiled slightly and ran to You Shiwen. moment!

Black Rose was vigilant. She took out her sniper rifle and stared at Chuck, who was running, until Chuck ran to You Shiwen.

The cold muzzle is moving, facing You Shiwen! !

You Shiwen looked up and found that the two were staring at the camera!

Swords crossed!

Facing the muzzle, You Shiwen didn't move.

"If you dare to mess up, see me not killing you!" Black Rose said coldly.

She doesn't care about others. At this time, as long as someone threatens Chuck's safety, she will shoot without hesitation!

"What did you ask me to do?" Chuck asked.

He felt You Shiwen's state of mind, cold, the kind of coldness towards strangers.

You Shiwen is different from last time.

My mom let her go last time, but the last time I still felt like a friend, this time it was rarely suppressed by You Shiwen.

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"My grandpa won't live long," You Shiwen said coldly.

"I know," Chuck certainly knew. The mother said that the medicine is so powerful. Youbatian is so old, and it will certainly not last long. This is normal.

"My grandfather has a will, let me take your head and your mother Karen li's head over to see him!" You Shiwen was indifferent to the extreme!

My mother is the warning of Black Rose in Chapter 724 of the tyrant's audio novel! Listen

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Chuck actually actually thought about what You Shiwen asked him to do. Think-free-fee-watch- end-full-version please Baidu search-pin=book=net

The last time you traveled to Shiwen and asked your mother to get medicine, you must have woke up in the past few days.

But the delay is too long, and Yu Batian must not be able to live for a few days.

You Batian hates himself, Chuck knows, why doesn't Chuck want to kill him with his own hands? ?

It would be cheap to let him die.

"So?" Chuck shrugged.

"Your head, I want it." You Shiwen approached!

"Hehe!" Chuck smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" You Shiwen frowned.

When Chuck laughed, she felt quite annoying.

Why would Wan Ziwen like him?

One point, any point of charm?

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"The situation has gone back. Last time I was going to kill you, but this time you are going to kill me."

"Humph! Do you want me to let you go?" You Shiwen was annoyed.

"I didn't say that, don't get me wrong!"

You Shiwen step by step! suddenly! boom! !

A cold bullet came from a place, slipped in the ear of You Shiwen, and hit a tree!

The tree is not thick, just cut off the waist! !

Chuck was taken aback!

This is a black rose warning!

Warn You Shiwen not to mess up and stay close!

Chuck was moved. Black Rose didn't say much. In fact, she had a bit of tofu in her mouth.

You Shiwen Meimu didn't move, she turned her head to look at the distance and calmed down!

"It seems that her marksmanship is not so accurate," You Shiwen said.

Chuck smiled slightly, "It's okay, you continue! She's not so accurate!"

You Shiwen stared at Chuck for three seconds, which was a tangled three seconds!

You Shiwen feels that she has the ability to escape the bullet of Black Rose and take off Chuck's head in three seconds!

However, she couldn't stop!

She was angry, how angry she became like this?

She found a place to sit down.

Chuck smiled, that's why he came over. He was sure that You Shiwen would not do anything to

113 Read full book at: himself.

Because Chuck understood her.

Chuck sat next to her, hugged her shoulders and hugged her shoulders, and You Shiwen was angry, "Go away!"

"We are all brothers, what are you afraid of?" Chuck hugged her shoulders and touched her.

It's the same as a brother hooking his shoulders.

You Shiwen opened Chuck's hand, "Don't get too far! Stay away from me!"

She knew that Chuck had no other meaning, but a simple way of expressing familiarity. If so,

You Shiwen had already got angry.

Not to mention stabbing, punching and kicking is definitely inevitable!

She hasn't been hugged by other men so much, Chuck doesn't count. In You Shiwen's heart,

Chuck is not a man, but a sister! !

Still a sister!

Because she is a little bit bigger than Chuck.

"I can't kill you, my mom, don't even count on me, I won't let you do that either." Chuck shrugged.

"I can kill you, just three seconds..."

"Don't underestimate me, you want to kill me in three seconds?" Chuck laughed.

"whatever you think!"

"Actually, I have a new idea."

You Shiwen has no interface, Chuck hugs her shoulder, You Shiwen is angry, "Say! What idea!"

"Let you be the homeowner of the wandering house, and you and I wouldn't be in trouble with the water! Can you do this?"

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Chuck had this idea last time, not to mention that You Shiwen just didn't do it to herself just now?

Therefore, You Shiwen didn't kill her. What about letting her be the head of the house?

"No, absolutely not. I sit on the house owner and your house is over!" You Shiwen directly refused! may? !

Absolutely impossible!

"Okay, let's go, we'll find a place to eat noodles," Chucklayou Shiwen started.

You Shiwen kicked Chuck angrily, "Who eats noodles with you? I'm going back!"

"Then how do you explain to your grandfather?" Chuck no longer smiled.

You Batian is still the owner, which means that you still have the right not to let You Shiwen be the owner.

"How do you explain it? You chopped your head to me, and I brought your head back to explain!" You Shiwen sneered.

"I can't do it myself."

"Go to death! I'm gone! Don't be friends afterwards, I will definitely deal with you, even if I don't deal with you, and..."

You Shiwen stopped and did not say Wan Ziwen.

"Who else do you say?" Chuck was stunned.

"You say you are so ugly, what's the charm?" You Shiwen couldn't figure it out more and more,

Wan Ziwen only wanted Chuck?

It was ugly, and the voice was unpleasant.

Chuckmu, why did You Shiwen say so? ?

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Despise yourself?

This is totally slandering! !

Can't bear it!

"You can't do it either. Look in front of you, shit, what?? The legs are long, but they are like elephant legs..."

The two scolded, and the two wrestled.

No one killed, and after a while, You Shiwen got up, "Don't fight, I'm going back, my grandfather won't live long."

Chuck didn't laugh anymore. It was Grandpa You Shiwen how to say it, although Chuck wanted to laugh.

But You Shiwen is still there, you have to hold back.

"Okay, you can go back and ask me something," Chuck turned around and left.

"Ask you? Just dream!" You Shiwen also sneered back.

But suddenly, You Shiwen's cell phone rang.

She took it out to see that there was a message on her phone, "I can't do it, come back soon..."

"Grandpa!" You Shiwen was shocked!

Chuck stopped her, "What's wrong?"

"My grandfather is dying, Chuck is the victim of your family, and I will never end with you!!"

You Shiwen said.

Chuck was speechless!

What can you say? ?

This is a cycle of cause and effect, let alone, no one can resist the old, the sick!

"Wait, don't you think that your grandfather sent you a message, is there something wrong?"

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Chuck pulled her to let go.

You Shiwen was angry and lost her mind!

Slap in the face of Chuck!

Chuck's cheeks were red!

This black rose gritted his teeth!

Pull the trigger! !


The bullet came out and passed by You Shiwen, hitting a tree! ?

This is the anger of Black Rose!

You Shiwen recovered, she was stunned, and Chuck's cheeks were all red. This was his own fight, "I'm sorry..."

"It's okay, if you look at your text messages again, your grandfather can't do it, can you text them?" Chuck's face was hot, but she could understand her.

You Shiwen shook his head, "I have a problem, I have to go back because he is my grandfather."

"It turns out that you will also use emotions!" Chuck sighed, he thought You Shiwen was cold and impermanent!

After all, it has been out for so long, and family is really nothing to her.

"I've always been emotional! Haven't you noticed?"

Chuck is speechless, yes, if You Shiwen is not of this character, then you may have lived with her long ago.

After You Shiwen finished, she ran away, got in the car, and drove away.

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You Shiwen left, Chuck sat down for a while, and the black rose came out. Product=Book/Web

"Don't go back?" Black Rose had already collected the gun.


"Doesn't you fight back when people hit you?" Black Rose was particularly angry. You Shiwen just slapped Chuck. At this time, Chuck's face was still red.

"It wasn't intentional," Chuck touched his cheek, feeling no more. He got up and looked at the direction where You Shiwen left.

"Not intentionally?" Black Rose was angry.

Just now she wanted to kill You Wen with a single shot, but she actually hit Chuck.

"Really not." Chuck didn't want to go back.

The text message received by You Shiwen, Chuck felt strange, maybe You Tianle was a ghost.

You Tianle's man is very cruel and has no bottom line at all!

"I'm too lazy to care about you." Black Rose didn't want to say more.

Chuck doesn't care about himself, so why do he get angry? ?

She herself felt baffled.

But when she saw Chuck's cheek, she was still very angry!

I really want to catch up with the anger of going back to play Shiwen slap! !

"If she dares to hit you again next time, I will definitely shoot!" Black Rose said absolutely.

"Well," Chuck felt he still had to talk to his mother, the situation might have changed.

You Shiwen, Chuck didn't want her to die.

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"Let's go back," Chuck said.

Black Rose said nothing, but nodded.

"Is there ice? I apply..."

Chuck's face was still swollen, so going back, Yvette, Logan, and his mother would ask.

Avoid trouble, or deal with it in advance.

"There is no refrigerator in the car, where is the ice?" Black Rose became more and more angry.


The two went on.

"Will there be water?" Black Rose asked suddenly.

"Can it reduce swelling?"



Chuck was speechless.

Without saying much, I went directly to my mother when I got home.

The mother saw Chuck's face swollen, she was stunned, "Ceer you..."

"Mother, I saw You Shiwen just now, she..." Chuck said all the doubts in her heart.

"So, You Tianle, may have killed You Ba Tian for the position of the head of the family?" Karen li's eyes flickered!

"I suspect that this is the case. You Tianle also used You Batian to guide Shi Wen back! She is now dangerous!"

"Oh, am I understandable? You came here and told me this thing, did you not want You Shiwen to die? She is a girl who is not very good at thinking!" Karen li must have seen Chuck's thought.

Treat You Shiwen as a friend. If it were not for this reason, it was impossible for You Shiwen to

119 Read full book at: leave Karen li last time!

It is even more impossible to get an antidote!

"Well, I..."

"I don't want to control this matter!" Karen li shook her head.

"Why?" Chuck was shocked to the extreme. Why did my mother say so?

"Everyone needs to grow, which is growth for her and growth for you!" Karen li said the truth.

She firmly believes in natural selection, and capable people can survive in this situation.

"But..." Chucklai was stunned.

Karen li sighed, "Ceer, what I told you is justified. You Shiwen has her own destiny. You don't need to interfere. Your destiny, I won't let her interfere, okay?"

"But I am a friend with her."

This sentence was not in Chuck's heart. The expression of his mother made Chuck speechless.

Do you have to look at You Shiwen and you might die like this?

You know, You Shiwen just didn't kill herself at all. She regarded herself as a friend, and what about herself?

Chuck absently went out.

Karen li was silent for three seconds, let Logan and Betty come in, Karen li said this, Logan was stunned, "It doesn't seem like you..."

Yes, Karen li pays more attention to feelings. You Shiwen is to Karen li. Regardless of the opponent or others, Karen li appreciates her more, because Karen li now sees her shadow on her body.

As before, she would shoot, but today, Karen li is too calm and abnormal.

Karen li is speechless, she is thinking about one thing.

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Her sixth sense told her that something had to happen, so she decided to change!


You Shiwen arrived at the Youjia side, and returned to the secret passage to enter the Youjia.

Without much pause, she directly entered the secret passage.

She also knew there was a problem in this, but when she came, she was ready in the car.

Just in case a preparation!

She entered the room of You Ba Tian, there were tears in her eyes, and on the hospital bed, You

Ba Tian no longer breathed! !

My grandfather is dead!


The door closed, and more than a dozen people came out, each with a cold face!

In addition to You Tianle! !

"I said cousin, why haven't your mind become flexible when you went out? Knowing that it is a trap to break in? What are you stupid things, what is the qualification to be a housekeeper? You talk!" You Tianle grinously!

Finally, it's time to confine Yu Shiwen!

It's really not easy!

"Grandpa you killed?" You Shiwen left tears.

The eyes are all red.

"It's wrong to kill, I think he is so painful, so I sent him a ride, I am kind!" You Tianle snapped her fingers, and more than a dozen people had surrounded You Shiwen.

Yu Shiwen Meimu is cold, "I will let you know that there is a price to pay for doing this!"

"Oh, is it? I'm fine, and you, dying, you haven't realized your situation yet?"

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You Shiwen took out a dagger!

This is the weapon that followed her for many years, killing too many people!

"I only ask you once, all of you are homeless, you must do it to me!!" You Shiwen is domineering!

The sound is not loud, but it seems thunder!

More than a dozen bodyguards looked at each other subconsciously! !

So full of sound!

You Tianle felt harsh, "Don't talk nonsense, get started, kill me for me!?"

"Yes, young master!"

These people are siege, you are the top bodyguard of the home, their strength is outstanding!

You Shiwen shot, her true strength broke out at this moment, full of cold, she shuttled like a god of death, wow la la, solve a person with a knife!

Thump, someone fell to the ground, the face is unimaginable!

You Shiwen grew up in the heap of dead people, and these siege for her is just another test of life and death.

More than ten people besieged, wow!

With swords and swords, You Tianle sneered sneerly. For him, when You Shiwen died, he was the owner of Youjia immediately!

"Kill me, whoever kills her, I will give one billion!" You Tianle said!

More than a dozen people were immediately excited and full of fighting spirit. They all shot together and stabbed the knife at You Shiwen! !

My mother is a Baller, novel 726. The owner is me! Listen online with novels

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More than ten people besieged, these are masters in the family, and even if they are placed in the world, they are ranked!

Their fighting is amazing!

More than a dozen people shot, all with sharp daggers!

All poke over!

Replaced with other people, already scared!

Waiting for the body to be stabbed!

You Shiwen has no other expressions, she has the will to fight!

This situation between life and death, she has encountered too many times, she will never be afraid, she will go all out!


You can fight like ten gods of war, one person against more than ten people!

More than ten people are masters!

You Shiwen faced this way!

But Yu Shiwen was even more powerful. After more than a dozen siege, she was eventually stabbed alone!

The arm was stabbed!

Blood shot! !

You Shiwen did not retreat!

It's still fighting!

You Tianle laughed insincerely, "Give me the go! I will watch her die!"

More than a dozen people continue!

Siege of You Shiwen, sword and sword!

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It's all terrifying battles!

It seems that as long as you get closer, people will die!

The air is filled with horrible bloody smell!

You Tianle stared horribly at the dead Youbatian in the hospital bed, and said abnormally, "Old things, did you see the person you chose? You are going to go with you now! Do you regret it?

Sorry for sure, you Don’t do so many methods, just choose me directly?!"

But Youba Tian is dead, how can you answer?

You Tianle smiled, this smile was too abnormal.


At this time, his dad came in. This was the first time he saw the real body of You Shiwen. He was stunned!

It really is different!

Faced with the siege of more than a dozen people, the face is still unchanged!

Fortunately, using this method, I caught her, otherwise it would be troublesome!

You Shiwen's cold eyes make Yu Tianle dad feel chills!

"Dad, how are you prepared there!" You Tianle asked.

Just now he asked his dad to arrange it.

What are the arrangements? !

Of course, the inheritance of the head of the family!

Among the descendants of Youjia, only he has this strength!

The position of the head of the second hidden family in the world is soon his own!

You Tianle is very excited to think about it! !

"Your uncles and aunts are very dissatisfied with you, but I persuaded them and threatened them!

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They defaulted, and the people in the family will come back one after another! By then, I, and they I recommend you a few! You are the homeowner, no problem!" You Tianle's father is also pleased.

If your son is the head of the house, then you are also the highest position, too emperor!

He also figured it out. At this stage, it is the only way.

"Good! Dad, you did well!!" You Tianle laughed!

In a few hours, when everyone in the family returns, then you are the owner!

It's going to be windy and rainy!

What if Chuck had his own handle?

Who dared to say one more word as the head of the house? ?

Next is Chuck, you are waiting for my revenge on You Tianle!

His dad smiled comfortably, "You are my son, of course I will help you!"

"You two know what you are doing?" At this time, You Shiwen said indifferently!

Faced with the siege of more than a dozen people, she still has time to speak.

You Tianle, and his dad's behavior, for the first time in so many generations of Youjia history! !

You Shiwen's anger is to the extreme!

"Of course I know, but you should also know that you are about to die." You Tianle laughed.

You Shiwen remains indifferent!

"Quickly kill her!"

You Tianle's dad yelled, You Shiwen's eyes made him particularly uncomfortable.

When more than ten bodyguards besieged, three more have been killed by You Shiwen!

All were lying on the ground, blood was flowing, and the expression on his face was unbelievable!

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Ten left! !

You Shiwen continues to fight!

"Look how much blood you can shed!"

You Tianle sneered. He didn't believe that You Shiwen could kill everyone. This is impossible, because You Shiwen has been stabbed a few times!

There is a lot of blood flowing out.

"Tianle, after you become the head of the family, you will start to deal with that Chuck and

Karen li tonight! I don’t want to have more dreams than night!"

"I know, of course I know, this Chuck I really want him to die! But I will not let him die so happy, dare to provoke me to visit Tianle, I will let him regret appearing in this world!"

You Tianle 狰狞 Smile.

You Tianle's dad is relieved! suddenly!

A bodyguard stabbed You Shiwen's waist and blood came out!

This sharp dagger is indestructible!

You ten tattoos don't change color! It hurts, it doesn't matter!

You Shiwen was hurt all over her body. What are you afraid of?

She didn't feel much.

Suddenly she also released her own means!


It is a kind of needle!

Ten bodyguards, six screams! !

Falling to the ground, the face is scared, there are needles on his face!

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A few convulsions, dead!

The needle is silent, they can't hide at all, only die!

You Tianle twitched her face, "What are you still doing? Come on!"

There are four bodyguards, they are angry! I almost died just now!

That kind of lucky anger must kill You Shiwen!


The four men battled against the ten essays, and the fierce battle started again in an instant! boom!

The four bodyguards went mad, kicking in ten articles!

She fell out and hit the wall!

Spit blood!

The four bodyguards are excited, punching and kicking! boom!

You Shiwen fell out again, but I don’t know why, her eyes didn’t have any fear!


You Shiwen fell to the ground, and the daggers of four bodyguards stabbed over!

"Slow down!"

You Tianle suddenly smiled and walked in front of You Shiwen, stepping on You Shiwen.

"Cousin, what about you being selected? What about going out? Not to lose to me? People, you must be ruthless! If you are ruthless, you won't be caught by me?" You Tianle proudly .

He is full of comfort!

Unexpectedly, it was so easy to win the house, he regretted that he should do it sooner!

"You Tianle, you are different from me, you can't be the owner of the house, I'm here." You

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Shiwen said, determined to the extreme! !


You Tianle's foot is hard, special stepping on the wound of You Shiwen, blood flows out.

"Really? You are joking, you are about to die, how can you be the head of the house? Rest assured, I will let you die wherever you go, I said you rushed in suddenly, wolf heart kills grandpa, haha, I am right Are you good?" You Tianle grinned grimly.

"Kill her!" You Tianle instructed that the four bodyguards' daggers moved to kill You Wenwen's life!

The fine light flashed in Yu Shiwen's beautiful eyes. She rushed up and grabbed You Tianle! In an instant, her dagger was already facing You Tianle's chest! !

My mother is a Baller audio novel Chapter 727 A bulletless audio novel without direction

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Stabbed with a bloody dagger and pressed against You Tianle's neck!

At this moment, You Tianle's face seemed to be splashed with white paint, and the brush was as pale as paper. He panicked!

"Cousin! Don't kill me!"

You Tianle didn't even think of You Shiwen. After being subdued by four bodyguards, she could suddenly control herself!

Take control in one move!

You Tianle has a feeling of dreaming!

He was stunned!

You Shiwen was subdued just now. Is this pretended?

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It is indeed pretended that You Shiwen survived in the heap of dead people. This kind of life and death has long been neglected. It is this kind of mentality that can make her feel more at will.

Four bodyguards startled!


"Tianle!" You Tianle's dad's soul was scared away.

The man from the upper house of the horse is coming, You Tianle can take the position of the head of the house, and his status in the Youjia is even higher, but You Shiwen seizes You Tianle in this way. Isn't the succession waiting for the meeting to be upset?

You Ba Tian also killed in vain? ?

"You Shiwen, let my son go!" You Tianle's father yelled excitedly!

"Release young master!"


Four bodyguards glared at the threat!

"Cousin, I'm wrong, don't kill me, I'm wrong," You Tianle was about to urinate.

He felt the coldness of You Shiwen!

I think You Shiwen will kill himself without hesitation!

You Shiwen is indifferent. She has stabbed on her body and a lot of blood has flowed. Her dagger is against You Tianle’s neck. It hurts and makes You Tianle tremble. "Cousin, the owner,

I will not do it, I will not do it! Let you do it, I Don't do it!"

You Tianle begged, he was afraid that death had left him without dignity.

The four bodyguards dare not get close!

You Shiwen's domineering is too great, and they have made them sober. Just now they are fighting with such a lifeless person?

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The four bodyguards are so worried!

"Let my son, what the hell do you want? I'll give it to you!" You Tianle's father shivered and shouted!

"I want you to bury my grandfather!" You Shiwen said coldly.

You Tianle almost fainted, "No, cousin..."

"Is the owner of the house what you can do?"

You Shiwen's arm moved, the dagger was moving, and the sharp mouth pierced You Tianle's neck!

The skin is punctured, You Tianle fear!

His dad was dumbfounded!

Four bodyguards are scared!

But this time, suddenly, a bullet pierced the sky!

Like a meteor!

I don't know where I shot from! boom!

The bullet relentlessly penetrated through You Shiwen's body!

You Shiwen bowed her head and saw the blood shoot out of her body!


"Master, are you really going?"

Betty is persuading.

Karen li's order was not to let Chuck go to the house.

It's too dangerous to go like this!

But Chuck felt flustered and felt that You Shiwen would definitely have an accident!

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This feeling is very strong!

Chuck couldn't sit still!

You Shiwen is his friend. Can Chuck watch his friend have an accident?

"Sister Li, you have prepared the plane for me," Chuck said.

Betty gritted her teeth, "But..."

"Sister Li..."

Betty sighed and went to prepare.

In the place where you traveled, Chuck visited the last time. As long as you go skydiving directly as far as possible, you will not be found.

Make sure You Shiwen is fine, Chuck will come back by himself.

Black Rose followed Chuck.

"Don't follow me, it's dangerous!" Chuckzhi said.

"Do you think I want to follow you?" Black Rose was annoyed.

"Thanks," Chuck was silent for three seconds.

"Do you need to thank you?" Black Rose's voice was not so cold.

She is helpless!

She knew that Chuck couldn't stand. Just a moment before she blinked, Chuck ran out.

At this time, Logan and Yvette were all in Karen li's room. Chuck saw Betty came out, so she stopped her.

Soon, Betty ran back.

Chuck, Black Rose got on the plane, and Betty had to go up too.

Chuck shook his head, "Sister Li, don't you go on..."

The plane drove away.

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Chuck can't wait any longer, you have to know the situation of You Shiwen at this time.

Betty sighed and ran back to the room. Karen li, Logan, and Yvette were stunned. Karen li asked,

"Betty, you..."

"I'm Mr. Li..." Betty couldn't say it. She really couldn't refuse Chuck's request.

Karen li took a deep breath and said, "Cere is out?"

Yvette and Logan were overwhelmed! !

Busy running out, where is Chuck's figure outside?

"I'm sorry, young master he..." Betty bowed her head, feeling guilty.

"No need to be sorry, Ce'er's character is like this. Even if I look at him, he will find a way out."

Karen li shook his head, and he felt helpless.

"Then now?" Betty became more and more flustered, feeling that she shouldn't do this. She had a picture of Chuck's death in her head.

She was sweating in cold sweat.

"Go prepare the plane!" Karen li packed things.

"Yes!" Betty ran out busy.

"Ah, you kid will really mess me up!" Karen li sighed, and went out with a serious expression.


"It should be over there,"

Chuck remembered that position, and came by Wan Ziwen's plane last time.

Chuck remembers the route clearly.

This aircraft is an invisible aircraft, which is undetectable by radar. It is made by Mama


You will not be found near the home.

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Aircraft speed control, ready for parachuting.

Black Rose explained to Chuck how to parachute jump. Chuck understood it when he heard it.

When he arrived, Black Rose jumped down first, and Chuck jumped down.

In the air, that kind of tumbling is particularly scary, but fortunately Chuck's psychological quality is very good.

After the rumbling sound in the ear, he successfully landed.

The black rose landed first, and after seeing where Chuck landed, she ran over, relieved that

Chuck did well.

Switch to ordinary people, don't know where it will go.

"What do you want to do? It's difficult for us two to get in!" Black Rose analyzed professionally.

"I seem to have heard from You Shiwen that she has a secret place to enter your home, which no one else knows." Chuck recalled.

You Shiwen must have entered like this. Now that it has been so long, you must have already entered.

This secret place is definitely not easy to find, otherwise how is it called a secret place? ?

Chuck called You Shiwen, but shut down directly.

"Hush, don't breathe!" Black Rose listened suddenly!

Chuck was obedient and held his breath.

The surroundings were so quiet that Chuck heard the sound and heard it from a distance.

The two looked at each other.


Say it in unison.

"Whose gunshot is this? You Tianle's people?" Chuck was shocked!

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Can You Shiwen stand alone, can he face bullets? Certainly not!

"Chuck, this gunshot makes me feel an absolute master. Now, follow me, follow me behind!"

Black Rose took out the sniper rifle seriously and solemnly!

Chuck was moved, Black Rose is to protect himself with 7 bodies!

My mother is a Baller with novel 728. I don’t want to give up this piece! Listen online with


"Did I hear what I said? The snipers are not kidding!!" Black Rose was serious and indifferent.

"But if you block me, people can kill us both with bullets!" Chuck also wore the same clothes that his mother gave him.

Mom said, it can be bulletproof.

As a killer, Black Rose should wear that type of thin body armor?

"I have body armor." Black Rose said.

"You protect me like this, I am moved, really." Chuck said his heart.

The black rose is too responsible.

"What moved? Your mother Karen li asked me to come over, just to protect you." Black Rose hummed, unconsciously, the tone was not so cold.

But in this way, Black Rose felt comfortable listening, not as uncomfortable as before.

"Well, can you find out where this person is?" Chuck glanced around.

Youjia is in the mountains, surrounded by trees, which greatly affects your sight.

"Wait, let me see."

Black Rose began to scan with the sight on the sniper rifle, Chuck was lying beside Black Rose.

"All said, behind me, do you want to die?" Black Rose was annoyed.

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I don't usually see you so disobedient!

"I don't want to," Chuck obediently lay behind Black Rose.

Eyes are watching.

Black Rose's sniper method is comparable in the world. There should be few people. Black Rose is so dignified, indicating that the person who shot just now does not lose Black Rose.

"How is it?" Chuck asked for a minute.

"Not found." Black Rose shook his head.

"Then let's just move forward a little bit better," Chuck didn't want to wait any longer. It was too long, and I didn't know if the gun just shot Shiwen.

Anyway, Chuckxin was uncomfortable.

"Are you dying?? The snipers are so accurate. You rush out and can't hide it! Don't move, can you hear it?" Black Rose scolded.

"Well, I listen to you, Sister Rose," Chuck nodded.

"Go to hell, who made you call me that?"

Black Rose is angry! at the same time!

Chuck, the situation on the side of Black Rose was seen by a sight.

He remained silent for three seconds and took out his phone to call someone.

In a luxurious room.

The man received a call from the sniper, and after stupefying, he did not hang up the phone, but asked, "Miss, Black Tiger said, I saw Chuck and Black Rose!"

Wan Ziwen, who was drinking tea, frowned, "Why is Chuck on the Youjia side?"

"This? Chuck went to kill You Shiwen before, but failed!"

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"Why don't you tell me about this?" Wan Ziwen cracked the antique cup in his hand.

The man trembles, "Miss, don't be angry, there is absolutely nothing between Chuck and You


"Nothing? Chuckhui will go home at this time?" Wan Ziwen stood up indifferently, how charming the pair of long legs were.

"Yu Shiwen's female, even if she is going to be Chuck, she should be a friend. After all, how can it be a matter of feelings? How can it come out in a few days?" The man analyzed.

In his view, You Shiwen's character is the same as that of a man. He doesn't like it anyway.

"That being said, but I was just about to let You Shiwen oppress Chuck, did you tell me here?"

Wan Ziwen's beautiful eyes flashed coldly.

"I just knew that," the man was trembling with fear.

"But it's fine!" Wan Ziwen sat down again, his long legs beating on the sofa.

She spotted You Shiwen, there was no love in her eyes, that kind of indifference, but not someone who has feelings for men, can look out.

Therefore, You Shiwen should be Chuck's friend. !

"Black Tiger, what's the mission?" Wan Ziwen asked.

"Black Tiger succeeded."

The man breathed a sigh of relief, "Miss, why did you suddenly let the Black Tiger shoot this time? Obviously you want You Shiwen to sit on the housekeeper, why do you have to shoot her when she is about to succeed?"

"My mind, how can you understand? But you have followed me for so long, so that it is fine to make you clear!"

Wan Ziwen said lazily, "You Tianle killed You Batian. He is going to be the home owner of the

136 Read full book at: tour house, and he is almost going to sit. Then why don't I let him sit first?"

"You, what does this mean?" The man was stunned.

"Last time I thought that You Shiwen could solve You Tianle directly, so I was going to let You

Shiwen sit directly with her housekeeper, but You Tianle surprised me this time. I actually shot in advance. I am more likely to be a housekeeper, then I Of course, my thoughts changed accordingly! Suddenly, I didn’t want to give up the chess piece You Tianle, and I wanted to use him even more!!!"

"Then do you want You Tianle to be the owner?"

"Good! You Tianle's character will deal more directly with Chuck, more directly than that of

You Shiwen! I can't wait too long, You Tianle and my appetite..." Wan Ziwen said.

The man was so shocked that he couldn't keep up with Wan Ziwen's thoughts.

Change at any time.

Mainly because You Tianle suddenly killed You Batian, Wan Ziwen's idea changed accordingly.

"Actually, You Shiwen just killed You Tianle just now," the man said carefully.

"I know, but my thoughts have changed, You Tianle can't die yet, so You Shiwen has to follow my thoughts! This time I stopped her, what mentality will she become? You can think about it."

Wan Ziwen Weiwei A smile, cold smile.


"She will become more indifferent and more powerful! I am nurturing her. After all, the fun I have afterwards is all with this opponent. It is too bad to be fun, and it is boring," Wan Ziwen shrugged.

The man got it.

Yes, Wan Ziwen's IQ is so high that she will soon be the head of the Wan Family. She can't find

137 Read full book at: her opponent and will be bored.

You Shiwen is Wan Ziwen's opponent.


"What's more, You Shiwen actually has a good relationship with Chuck. I want to do this even more. I really want You Shiwen to be the head of the house now. I certainly won't deal with

Chuck honestly. I won't achieve the effect I want. I'm sure To let others do it, You Tianle is barely good."

Wan Ziwen said.

"Then Chuck and Black Rose are on the tour's side. How do you tell me? I said to Black Tiger immediately," the man asked carefully.

"How to do it? You Shiwen has already got a shot. Isn't she dead? Dead is boring,"

"No, Black Tiger fired according to the secret command and hit You Shiwen on the shoulder, but

Black Tiger said that You Tianle still has four bodyguards alive, maybe You Shiwen can't escape..."

"None can't escape, then what do I want from that kind of trash opponent?" Wan Ziwen shook his head. "She will escape, but I don't want to see her and Chuck continue to have such a good relationship. What can you do? ??"

My mother is a Baller, novels, chapter 729

Chuck is a man and You Shiwen is a woman, something will happen. Think-free-fee-watch-end- full-version please Baidu search-pin=book=net

So Wan Ziwen didn't want to, so Chuck and You Shiwen went on like this, it was better to break! !

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It’s best to be an enemy.

Wan Ziwen will not give any possibility of this kind of thing!

Her bodyguard thought for a long time and said, "Miss, what else!?"

The voice was low, Wan Ziwen smiled, "Yes, I keep letting me follow me, for this reason, can give me some ideas!"

"Thank you for your compliment!" The man rejoiced. "Miss, do I tell Black Tiger here?"

"Speak!" Wan Ziwen was lazy.

The man immediately went on to say to the black tiger over there, "Hey, miss let..."


"How about black roses?" Chuck also had a feeling of being stared at.

But he couldn't find the person who was staring at himself.

"Don't worry, I'm looking for it, don't look forward, want to die?"

The black rose scolded, although Chuck said that he was lying on his back, but actually looked away, this is his head sticking out, ready to fight others? ?

The black rose was pressed by hand, and Chuck was speechless. "It hurts."

"Pain? I still want to slap!" Black Rose was indifferent. "Remember, there is only one life, don't joke!!"

"Got it, Sister Rose," Chuck nodded.

Black Rose glared, but didn't say anything. By default, Chuck called her.

"Hush, there is a voice, over there, I'll go and see! Hiding here," the black rose crawled forward.

Of course Chuck followed, and he wouldn't lag behind.

"All said, stay!" Black Rose scolded.

"Don't say it, I'm not bad, let's go, Sister Rose," Chuck smiled, and Black Rose was too

139 Read full book at: protective of herself.

Chuck has a feeling of being pampered in the arms of her elder sister.

The black rose was angry, and wished to kick Chuck, when was it, and he was also hippie smiling, not afraid of death?

There is no way for Black Rose, just hit Chuck?

The two of them were close to where the voice appeared.

Black Rose was worried that Chuck was beaten, so she pulled Chuck all the way, let Chuck stay behind her, and protect her.

"Stay here, let me go! This person may be gone, because for the killer, after completing the goal, he will not shoot anyone else outside the goal." Black Rose analyzed according to her experience.

That's what she did. She didn't easily fire a bullet of half a million dollars. Besides, shooting at someone outside the target, what does this mean? If you shoot outside the tree, it will bury hidden dangers for yourself!

The top killers pay particular attention to this.

Black Rose approached. Behind a hidden stone, she saw something, her brow furrowed, and

Chuck ran over, "Sister Rose... Hey, what's the matter with this guy? Don't want to lose the gun?"

There is a sniper rifle on the ground!

Chuck suddenly was stunned, sniper rifle is very important for the killer?

This is a meal tool, how can it be thrown away? ?

"Don't move, there may be traps!" Black Rose protects Chuck with his body.

She looked at it for a while, and didn't feel the trap.

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"Why did this person drop the gun?" Black Rose patrolled with her gun.

No other people were found.

"Let's see," Chuck took up and looked at with interest. It was okay, there were bullets in it!

This is a sniper rifle made in the United States, very heavy!

"Don't take it, let it go," the black rose was angry.

"I'll just take a look and think about letting my mother give me one too." Chuck said, but it's better to find Alice, who specializes in arms.

She must be a little more professional than her mother in terms of guns, and there are many more types.

Change Minger, tell Alice about it, and let her design a sniper rifle.


Suddenly, a man came out of the woods with a pale complexion and a bloody muzzle on his shoulder.

Chuck was shocked, "You Shiwen!"

Yes, the one who rushed out was You Shiwen. She was shot just now. Suddenly, she couldn’t control her hand. The dagger capital fell underground. Of course, You Tianle was ecstatic. She turned around and took advantage of this opportunity to kick You Shiwen! !

You Shiwen was seriously injured, and this shot was about to scrap her hand.

No way, she faced the siege of four bodyguards and she managed to escape.

There are still many bodyguards chasing behind her.

So I want to find this person who shot himself!

Unexpectedly, as soon as I found it, I saw Chuck carrying a gun!

You Shiwen understands the gun very well. The one that hit her is definitely the gun in Chuck's

141 Read full book at: hand! !

Chuck holds, then it means that Chuck just beat himself! ?

At this moment, You Shiwen was stunned and angry! !

Chuck actually beat himself! why!

Did you look away? Chuck is like this, the person who put the dark gun behind his back? !

"Chuck, I'm not going to follow!!"

Facing the bodyguard behind him, You Shiwen didn't have any delay. She was shot in the body and she had to escape to survive!

Such indifferent eyes and cold voice!

With You Shiwen's anger!

Chuck was stunned. He had just seen You Shiwen, and he was pleasantly surprised. You Shiwen was still alive, but he was scarred.

Chuck feels distressed. This friend who hasn't known each other for a long time is now hurt like this.

Chuck wants to take her away!

But You Shiwen's indifferent eyes are so strange. why?

Chuckdu forced, "You Shiwen..."

"Really! Really! I regret to let go, regret!"

There was only a cold voice, and You Shiwen swooped into the forest with no sound.

"What's going on?" Chuckdu forced, why did You Shiwen talk badly about himself?

Just now, Chuck was shocked. This is a murderous look!

In other words, You Shiwen just wanted to kill himself!

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"You Shiwen thought she shot her." Black Rose understood that she would think so.

Because as a killer and a gun, unless she dies, she will not discard it!

Chuck's hand holding this gun that hit her, You Shiwen is certainly cold!

"Me? What am I doing with her?" Chuck understood and lost the gun in his hand.

"Gun, no sniper will lose it. This is common sense. With a gun, people will definitely think so."

Chuck is speechless, this misunderstanding is big, You Shiwen just wanted to kill himself just now!

"You Shiwen, it's not me, it's not me..." Chuck caught up, but You Shiwen's speed was too fast, and it disappeared for a moment.

But suddenly, Black Rose was shocked! !

"Chuck, avoid! Bullets!" Black Rose pushed Chuck away.

In fact, Chuck already felt it. When Black Rose pushed him, Chuck was ready to flash. boom!

A bullet hit a tree!

The crackling sound was so harsh!

Black Rose lay on Chuck, "Someone came, guns, a lot... hide!"

My mother is a Baller. Novel 730. I am a little touched. Listen online.

Chuck also heard the voices of many people chasing after it. No wonder You Shiwen would run so fast.

You Tianle's people are chasing her!

Want to kill it! !

You Shiwen was seriously injured at this time, so she must escape.

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But Chuck is strange. Who is the owner of this gun?

Chuck also understood that he was framed by someone. Someone deliberately dropped a gun here, waiting for time to let You Shiwen who escaped see it.

Let You Shiwen break with himself, this person has ulterior motives, who is it? ?

Chuck was annoyed. You Shiwen's eyes were so strange, and she didn't blame her. Who told you to have a gun? ?

You Shiwen misunderstanding is normal!

Chuck sighed, thinking of You Shiwen being so seriously injured, and wondering if he could survive.

"Go!" Black Rose pulled Chuck away!

After chasing too many people behind, the guns and bullets rain, this is a must kill ten articles!

"Okay, Sister Rose." Chuck didn't stop, and ran quickly with Black Rose.

Chuck's running speed is particularly fast, and the speed of Black Rose is also similar to that of

You Shiwen.

There are too many people behind, and hard work may not work.

More than ten people behind chased out of the woods! !

Everyone has a gun in their hands!

Fierce and evil!

Suddenly, a leading eye pointed to Chuck, Black Rose!

He called! video call!


"Master! We found the other two people, are we going to kill them?" The lead man pointed the

144 Read full book at: camera in the direction of Chuck's escape.

You Tianle saw it, and grinned abruptly, "Haha. It's really a narrow road! No matter how you come to Chuck, I don't care, you are a sheep and a tiger! Kill, give me all three of them! Kill the man! Bring me back!!"

You Tianle was just caught by You Shiwen, and his mindset has changed dramatically!

The kind of shame that You Shiwen gave him, he has to return multiple times?


The lead person hung up the call and ordered, "Give me the two people who ran just now, the man, the young master wants his head!"

These people sent out with a killing opportunity!


Rain of bullets!

Chuck, Black Rose ran in front, and Chuck could feel the bullet slipping by.

Chuck's scalp became numb, and the black rose face didn't change color. This is really the gap of psychological calm.

"Over there!" Black Rose saw a commanding height, she needed to use her sniper means to quickly kill all of them! !

Chuck saw that the two of them ran over and instantly covered their bodies with stones, and the big black roses and blue eyes were cold! !


Her white fingers pulled the trigger!

The bullet came out!

The next second, a scream!

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The other person was shot deadly!

Without struggling, he shot his head and died!

His partners are exclaiming!

Chucksong said with black roses as the number one killer, she has the ability to fight back!

Chuck was still a little relieved. Now Black Rose stopped these people. You can kill them one by one as soon as possible. At least, you can give the injured You Shiwen some time!

Chuck still holds someone's sniper rifle in his hand. He hasn't fired it. According to the black rose, he fired it! boom!

A bullet came out and hit a man's leg, screaming everywhere! !

"Not bad, I was able to hit the person the first time!" said Black Rose.

I was also shocked, Chuck was determined, good, even top, this person is really a genius in fighting and killing!

If you didn't study at that time and directly worked as a mercenary, Black Rose felt that Chuck's terrifying talent could also make a quick start!

"Be careful!"

Black Rose exclaimed suddenly, a bomb came over!

Black Rose wants to pull Chuck away, but Chuck has taken the lead in pulling her! ?

The reaction speed seems to have surpassed the first killer Black Rose in an instant!

Black Rose is stunned!

Chuck arms her long jump! boom!

The bomb burst!

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Protect him yourself, but now he protects himself? ?

Black Rose did not expect! thump!

Black Rose fell on Chuck, and Chuck used her body to protect her. Black Rose instantly felt warm in her heart.

She didn't understand, she was dull.

Is this the feeling of being moved? ?


Chuck got up, ran after pulling the black rose, they had bombs, and didn't he wait for identity?

"Chuck..." Black Rose was at a loss.

Feeling like a dream, she never thought that she would be protected by a man.

The first time I felt good, I lingered.

She accepted this feeling, click! suddenly!

While running, Chuck suddenly felt that the black rose had stopped. Chuck looked back and was surprised!

The black rose was shot!

Blood flows!

"Sister Rose?" Chuck hugged her, and the black rose's face suddenly turned white.

Chuck felt guilty and ran around her!

Chuck did not expect that Black Rose was actually shot.

"Sister Rose, how are you?" Chuck was furious!

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"I'm fine." Black Rose shook his head and closed his eyes!

She felt so bored that her body was blocked.

Chuck was shocked and angry. The black rose was covered with blood. Was she dead?

Chuck went crazy shooting with a gun! boom! boom!

Each shot represents Chuck's anger!

The dozen or so people who are catching up are all highly trained masters!

The shootout broke out in an instant!

Suddenly, a scream!

The blood burst, just like the watermelon was opened!

Someone was headshot!

A bullet appeared in the air and hit a man's head!

Chuck looked up and saw a plane!

Mom is on it! boom!

My mother's stern eyes, she shot like a god, hit every shot, every time you trigger the trigger, there was a scream!

"Master, master, rewind!"

The people over there exclaimed, completely frightened by Karen li's marksmanship!

After escaping, Chuck continued to pull the trigger until no bullets came out.

"Mom, Black Rose was shot." Chuck shouted.

The plane dropped a rope, Chuck pulled the rope, hugged the black rose, and the plane took

148 Read full book at: off. Take Chuck out of here.

Black roses must be first aid!

Otherwise she will die!

Chuck got on the plane with his mother, Betty, Yvette, Logan.

Yvette and Logan felt distressed when they saw that Chuck was covered in blood.

Karen li took the black rose, tore the clothes of the black rose, and began to take bullets for the black rose. Karen li was very fast and very professional!

The medical equipment needed on the plane!

This process lasted for half an hour, almost home, Karen li wiped off the sweat on his forehead, the black rose still did not wake up. Chuck pimples, "Mom, how is the black rose?"

She was motionless, her face pale and black rose, was she dead? ?

My mother is a Baller audio novel. Chapter 731 needs medicine audio novel to listen online

"Ma'am, what about the Black Rose?"

Chuck regrets that if he doesn't force him to find Shiwen in the past, then the black rose won't get shot!

But regret is useless now, it is most important to wake up the black rose!

"The place where the black rose was shot is very close to the heart, and I need to perform an operation on her. Pin=Book/Web" Karen li sighed, the black rose was just taken out of the bullet just now , But there are still some debris that need to be cleaned!

This process can't be done on the plane.

Betty has just asked someone to prepare, and now the plane is flying directly to Karen li's technology company!

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Chuck froze.

This means that the black rose will die at any time!

Yvette and Logan all like black roses. After all, they do not know black roses!

All three of them are women, so it is a pity.

Now that the black roses are unconscious, they are particularly uncomfortable.

Chuck didn't know how he got off the plane.

Anyway, this surgical process has lasted a long time, and only Karen li, a man with careful professional skills, can do this surgery!

No problem with surgery!

But medicine is needed!

This medicine, Karen li's technology company, has only recently started research and development. She is developing medicines for various diseases. This kind of gunshot wound and this kind of wound medicine near the heart are still under development. and so……

Karen li explained this, and Chuck understood, "Mom, what medicine do I need? I'm looking for it now. This time I hurt Black Rose! I want to save her!"

Chuck guilt to the extreme!

When the black rose came, there was no complaint, knowing the danger, he came along and kept protecting himself.

How could Chuck let her die? ?


Karen li is relieved, Chuck can know the mistake and realize the mistake, she feels relieved,

"This medicine has two places..."

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"Which two places?" Chuck asked.

Logan understood this, her eyes flashed, and she knew roughly where Karen li said.

"The first one is in the hands of a doctor, but this doctor has recently disappeared, and finding him is not easy." Karen li said.

"What about the second one?"

Logan sighed, Yvette was stunned, and also understood what, and who in the hands of the second medicine.

"Wan Ziwen, her family, has a dedicated family medical team."

"she was?"

Chuck was shocked, how could it be in her hands?

Chuck understood that Wanjia is really the first family, and there must be a variety of drugs for

Wanjia. This research and development does not know how many years it has lasted, how much manpower and material resources!

So after Chuck was shocked, he understood.

"Yes, but I won't let you go to her." Karen li shook her head.

Looking for Wan Ziwen? Looking down at her?

This is something that Karen li absolutely cannot do!

"Cer, you go to pack things, Betty will prepare the plane for you. Three days, find the doctor, take the medicine back! This is your chance to change!" Karen li is so serious!

"Mom, I know," Chuck nodded. Looking at the unconscious black rose, he was heartbroken.

Let Black Rose wake up, Chuck will not let her protect herself.

Too dangerous! !

"I'm going too." Yvette said.

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"I will go too!" Logan said!

How can the two of them rest assured that Chuck is going alone?

"Let Ceer go alone and do the wrong thing without bearing the consequences?" Karen li was so serious for the first time.

Yvette, Logan was speechless!

Only anxiety in my heart!

"Cer, you go to pack things!" Karen li said.

"Well," Chuck ran out.

Betty also went to prepare the plane.

"Is it too dangerous to let Ceer go alone?" Logan couldn't help it.

Especially worried about Chuck.

"You, me, and Yvette, did not all come here? Wrong, we need to remedy! Otherwise, how can people grow up?" Karen li had no room for discussion this time!

Yvette's eyes were red, but she could not resist Karen li's majesty.

Karen li said to Yvette, "You Tianle is now the owner of the house. You two have something to do."

Yvette, Logan nodded.

The situation suddenly changed, but it was still under the control of Karen li. After all, Karen li designed it to let You Tianle take the position of the owner!

You Tianle is now on, so the plan is ahead of schedule.

Karen li told Logan and Yvette in detail what to do. Yvette and Logan went out.

Karen li threw the glass and saw Chuck ran to the plane. She sighed, "Cer, don't blame me, growth is cruel, wrong, you should make up! This is the truth, you have to understand... hope

152 Read full book at: you , Come back safely!"

Chuck got on the plane, and Bettydu was about to fly. Chuck heard Yvette's call.

Chuck ran out and Yvette hugged him.

"Her husband, don't be in trouble, don't be in trouble," Yvette was extremely worried!

How to say?

This time Chuck went out without the protection of Black Rose, the first killer, and Zhang Ze wanted to think about the dangers he faced.

"Well, I will come back." Chuck was confident.

Black Rose is still waiting for him to come back. In three days, I can definitely come back.

"Don't blame auntie, auntie also has many things to deal with."

"I know," Chuck certainly knew. What the mother is doing now, she can't go away at all!

You Tianle, now You Shiwen has escaped, he is the logical homeowner of Youjia, and then, You

Tianle will deal with his mother crazy and himself!

She has to face it!

Therefore, in these three days, Chuck should also come back as soon as possible to help his mother deal with You Tianle.

According to my mother's plan, there should be no problem.

Chuck believes my mother! ! Mom's plan will definitely be no problem!

"Well, be careful on the road and make a phone call," Yvette was really reluctant.

But she also knows that she can't delay time!

She kissed Chuck and got off the plane!

"Master, let's go!"

Chuck sat down and the plane took off directly!

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Chuck looks below and sees the mother's technology company below, Black Rose, you have to wait for me, I will make you wake up and apologize to you.

The plane flew quickly in one direction!

Logan is below, his face full of worries, but Tang Jiang bowed his head when he saw Yvette.

"Aunt Logan, let's go too!" Yvette said.


The two of them drove out.

Karen li continued to take care of the black roses, and at the same time began to respond to the wanderers controlled by You Tianle! !

"Master, this is the doctor's information," Betty gave Chuck information.

Chuck looked closely. This doctor is relatively young, a genius doctor, specializing in researching various incurable diseases, and also developed some drugs with the team. The drugs that Black Rose needs are in his development.

But a few months ago, she disappeared, Chuck's eyes flickered, and the disappearance was fine.

For three days, he would definitely find him, and then let the black rose wake up! !

My mother is a Baller, novel 732th chapter acquaintances, novels, listen online

"Master, here!" Betty said, pointing down. Product=Book/Web

It didn't take long for the plane to fly, so Chuck was taken here for two or three hours.

"Where is this?" Chuck was not very clear. He was already out of Rice anyway.

"This is a small country, and it's your young master..." Betty introduced.

Below this, Karen li has already spent money to buy everything. Although there is no such name as a king, Chuck is here and the prince here.

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"My mother, bought this place?"

Chuck had heard that his mother had bought several small countries before.

"Yes, President Li bought it here ten years ago, and the ones below are yours, Master Bai," Betty said.

Chuck couldn't help but take a few more glances. My mother really had a vision. I bought it ten years ago.

"That was to stop at the airport. After that, young master, you need to find the doctor by yourself! Three days later, I came to pick you up." Betty actually wanted to accompany Chuck.

However, everything below is by Chuck, so don’t worry about too much.

"This thing can prove your identity to the young master. When necessary, the president here will help the young master to solve all problems. There is a car outside the airport. This is the car key." Bettyding urged.

"Well," Chuck received the thing.

When excited, the plane has fallen.

Chuck carried his backpack down.

"Young Master." Betty was worried.

"It's okay, you can come and pick me up in three days..." Chuck had already ran out.

Bettymei looked worried and sighed, " must be careful..."

Betty stayed for a while, then flew back to the plane reluctantly.

Chuck got out of the airport and found the car that Betty said with the car key, which is an ordinary island car. Chuck came here and certainly didn't want to be too flamboyant!

This car is just right!

Chuck drove to the place where the doctor lived.

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Seeing the houses, roads, and even all lands on the street are their own, Chuckxin felt an indescribable feeling.

But now, this is not a time of crankiness. In fact, it is the same as visiting your own square.

When he arrived, Chuck took the time to find clues. The information given by Betty said that the doctor was too focused on research and development of medicine, so he was either at the company or at home.

I don’t have it at home, and I certainly don’t have it at the company. Otherwise, my mother wouldn’t say she was missing, so where would this doctor go?

Chuck searched for a long time in his house, and finally Huang Tian lived up to his heart, and found a clue.

The doctor hinted that he had developed a new medicine, but when he was discovered, he found a place to hide himself.

Otherwise, other people would arrest him, specializing in the production of this new medicine, he also had to hide for his own life.

However, instead of hiding, Chuck saw the doctor's determination from this clue, and wanted to show off his determination with the person who took his new medicine!

Because this doctor knows that he has been hiding and has been escaping, this is endless, people will collapse sooner or later!

He chose a showdown!

Chuck also found out who the doctor was looking for. Chuck's eyes flickered. After so long, did the doctor go to this person for a showdown?

Chuck came out of the doctor's house when he thought about the problem.

Go directly to that person's place and say hello, anyway, this place is all own, what are you afraid

156 Read full book at: of? ?

Chuck drove past!


At the airport, a beautiful woman dragged her luggage and got out of the plane, and out of the plane. This beautiful woman has a beautiful temperament and a very good figure. When she came out of the airport, it attracted the attention of many men!

If Chuck is here, he will be surprised, because this beauty is Qian Yueying, the four big family in

China, the Qian family.

Yes, she chose this place in order to expand her family business and grow her own family!

Rich product!

Suitable for opening a food company and then shipping to Huaxia for sale!

Qian Yueying got off the plane, she saw this place is good, and she was satisfied!

"Hi, beauty, do you want a car?" a man asked.

Qian Yueying came here for the first time because she took the initiative to propose it to the people in her family, so there was no one to meet her at all.

In fact, the reason why she came to this strange, unprecedented place, in addition to expanding the family business, there is another reason, that is to relax!

Why relax?

Because Chuck!

Qian Yueying herself admitted that she liked Chuck, but because of her status, she has been depressed for a while.

She went to Chuck's hotel, Chuck's square went to find Chuck, but she did not see Chuck, she also knew that Chuck went to the United States.

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She actually wants to go, but she has no confidence.

Her choice of this place will make her forget Chuck and hope to be able to.

Because, she knew, it was impossible for herself and Chuck!

"Yes, take me here..." Qian Yueying dragged her luggage past.

This man stared at Qian Yueying's perfect figure. He smiled in his heart. It was really superb. He had bad ideas in his heart.

"Okay, no problem, get in the car." The man smiled and helped Qian Yueying carry the luggage.

Qian Yueying got on the bus.

The man drove Qian Yueying out of the airport. She didn't know the road. She looked absently at the strange scenery outside the window.

It's beautiful, I hope it can be useful.

Qian Yueying has been silent, she fell into memories, and when she woke up, it was because of a man's laughter.

"Beauty, it's here! Come to my house, look, I'm okay with you? Take you directly to my garage!"

The man's saliva is coming out.

He has never been here, seeing such a beautiful Chinese woman, he must get Qian Yueying today! !

"Ah, let me go, let me go!" Qian Yueying was shocked. She didn't expect the driver to do so.

The daylight days, she actually took herself home, mainly because Qian Yueying was stunned just now, she was completely not alert!

Qian Yueying's face was scared, she opened the door frantically, but the door was locked, and the man crawled from the front, his face full of men's smiles, "beauty, don't struggle, this is my home, you call all No one knows,..."

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Yes, no one really knows, his home is very remote, so he dare to do so!

In addition to Qian Yueying, there are a few people, he also succeeded before.

Bolder, not to mention that Qian Yueying's figure is so good, so beautiful, he will not let go!

"Let me go, how much do you want, I will give you..." Qian Yueying fell into fear, how could this be? ?

"I don't want your money, as long as you!!!" The man grinned and the devil's claws stretched out...

My mother is a Baller. Novel 733. Desperate. Listen to the novel online.

Qian Yueying was terrified, she kicked with her feet crazy! She is wearing high heels close to ten centimeters! !


Where the man was covering, his face was twisted to the extreme, "Ah!!!"

He is screaming!

She was about to faint. Qian Yueying was so scared. She was so scared that she didn't have any weight at all. With all her strength, how could this poor man stand up? ?

"Ah, ah!"

The man screamed, and suddenly he was dying. His face and forehead were sweaty. The pain made him weak and almost died. Product=Book/Web

Qian Yueying was scared to the front, opened the door and ran out. She ran like crazy and was exhausted. She found a place to hide and the man did not chase him.

Qian Yueying sat on the ground breathlessly and rested. She suddenly found out that she didn't take anything. She didn't take her mobile phone, money or even luggage!

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Nothing, no money!

What should I do? ?

She doesn't know anyone at this place! !

Qian Yueying panicked, she wanted to go back and get something.

But afraid, afraid that the man would catch her, then she would not be able to escape again.

Others are kicked, how can they be kicked again?

Qian Yueying was afraid, she continued to run, and she was more and more confused, what should she do?

No money, no cell phone, nothing, I can't go back, and I can't contact my family.

Even if Qian Yueying was strong, she was almost insulted after the horror just now. She squatted down and shed tears...

A person was dazed in this strange place, Qian Yueying was at a loss, what should I do?

She thought of Chuck, but Chuck is now in the United States, and she can't reach him.

Very disappointed and desperate! !

Qian Yueying packed her mood, many men were watching her, she was looking for a place to hide in fear, she had to find a way to save herself, but she was unfamiliar with her life, how to save herself?

She speaks fluent English, or else she would not come to such a place by herself, and she began to seek help from women and borrow women's mobile phones.

But these people are unwilling, even if they are also women, they are unwilling.

Qian Yueying was standing in the corner of the street.

I don't know how to continue. When she ran just now, she was exhausted, and now she was tired and hungry. She saw someone eating, she swallowed, and she didn't have a penny in her hand.

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"What's wrong?" Suddenly, a voice sounded.

Qian Yueying looked up and saw a woman, this is a foreign woman.

Qian Yueying was surprised, "Can you help me? I just met a bad guy, he robbed me of everything..."

"No problem," the woman smiled. "Hungry? Go to my house and help."

Qian Yueying was hesitant, but the woman had a good face and a kind smile, so Qian Yueying believed, "Thank you, help me, I will thank you."

"No, everyone is a woman, help should be," the woman smiled kindly, "Here, oh, if you don't mind, you can drink my bottle of water, I just drank..."

She handed over a bottle of water.

Qian Yueying was thirsty, she was busy opening the bottle to drink, the woman saw it, there was a casual smile on the corner of her mouth, "Hungry? My home is in front, you can come to my home..."

"Ok, thank you," Qian Yueying was grateful, she was really thirsty and hungry.

She ran out of the remaining water in the bottle.

She followed the woman, crossed several streets, and came to the door of a big house. Qian

Yueying was surprised, "Is this home?"

"Yes, it's my home."

"That house is very rich," Qian Yueying said, this house is definitely not for ordinary people to live, indicating that this woman is a Baller.

Of course, Qian Yueying is not short of money. Her money family can be ranked among the top

100 in the world.

"No money at home?"

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"A little."

The woman laughed, "Then come in, my house is ready to cook,"

"Okay," Qian Yueying followed.

Go in and the door will close.

Qian Yueying was shocked, "Can you turn on the light? It's so dark."

"No problem!" The woman turned on the light.

The room lit up suddenly, and Qian Yueying looked at it, "Is this home?"

"Also home, Huaxia women, I don't know, are Huaxia women very popular in our place?" The woman sneered.

Qian Yueying was shocked! !

"What are you doing?" Qian Yueying feared, how could this be?

"What are you doing? Who is so beautiful, and has such a good figure? I sold it for at least a few million dollars. In my eyes, it's dollars!" The woman laughed.

Qian Yueying ran in fear, but felt dizzy and had no energy at all. She fell to the ground and thought of the water just now. For a moment, there was no trace of blood on her face, and she begged, "No, let me go, I will give the money, I will give tens of millions of dollars!!"

"There is so much money? I didn't see it. I stayed here obediently. I found a buyer..." The woman sneered.


Qian Yueying screamed in fear, and the women all came to the door, and then turned back, slapped on Qian Yueying's face, "Shut up and hear??"

Qian Yueying was in fear and her tears came out. What was despair again? !

"I'm looking for a buyer, I should thank me for it!" The woman smiled and opened the door.

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Qian Yueying couldn't move, and her body became weaker and weaker. She closed her eyes with fear...


Chuck drove to that person's place. How to say, this person, looking at it is not doing serious business, is a particularly luxurious hotel.

"Hey, this garbage truck, can't go in?!" The security guard at the door scolded!

There are all kinds of luxury cars parked inside. How can these tens of thousands of cars go inside? ?

Simply downgraded the hotel!

Chuck looked at him. There were US dollars in the car. He lost a stack of US dollars and went out. The security guard immediately changed his face. "Boss, boss, please!"

The security guard Zizi picked up the US dollar and returned it to Chuck, who drove in.

It's true that there are all kinds of luxury cars inside. It's too out of place to drive in this car, but there is no way to do it. You have to come in. I don't know if the doctor is showing off with that person in the hotel.

"Boss, if it's not a woman? Let me introduce a few." The security guard lowered his voice. This is not a serious matter.

"No," Chuck shook his head.

"Hey, boss, don't go, the Americans, the Chinese ones," the security guard pulled Chuck, showing an understanding expression.

Chuck was stunned, "Have you all in China?"

My mother is a Baller with novel 734, and beat him out! Listen online with novels

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Yes, everything, as long as you think, women in any country, boss, I think they are Huaxia people, so I told you this, we have newly arrived a Huaxia beauty, especially beautiful, with a very good figure, I will love it …" The security guard saw a drama, so fart was introduced.

Chuck was strange, but I didn't expect this place. There was such a thing. Chuck thought I understood that my mom just bought it, not managed it, so there are some loopholes, which is normal. ! !

"How beautiful?"

"Anyway, I have never seen such a beautiful Chinese woman, tall and tall, especially with long legs, very beautiful, and not too old, almost thirty years old." The security guard continued to introduce warmly.

"Well, no, I didn't come to find a woman, I have something to do." Chuck shook his head.

"Don't, boss, Hua Xia doesn't like it, that country's."

The security guard was disappointed. This generous Chuck must be a rich man. He could just sell the Chinese woman he caught.

Chuck walked in, no matter what country it was, no matter how beautiful it was, how beautiful it was, how good it was, he had no interest. He came here to find the doctor to save the black rose on the verge of death.

Others, Chuck didn't want to do anything.

Of course, it is also possible to find the person who wants to catch the doctor.

Entering the hotel, Chuck found that this hotel is particularly formal, but security is very strict! !

But this place is all own, so what are you afraid of?

What's more, there are a few small bombs in Chuck's hands!

Chuck shrugged.

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"I want to see your boss!" Chuck said to the front desk.

The front desk looked at Chuck a few times, revealing sarcasm, "Is it a friend of our boss?"

"No, I want to see him!" Chuck's face did not change color!

"Sorry, our boss, I don't see anyone!" The front desk shook his head and snapped his fingers. A security guard came.

For her front desk, she hates Chinese people.

Several security guards came!

Want to seize Chuck! !

Who is Chuck? Now the standard combat master!

Three times, five divisions and two solved a few security guards!

The front desk was shocked, "What are you doing?"

"I said, see your boss and let him out!" Chuck said!

The front desk screamed, she had never encountered such a thing, during the day, make trouble here, do not die? ?

Do you know who the boss is here?

"Come on, come on, someone is making trouble!!"

The hotel's security system was activated, the security guard in the security room rushed out, and the department surrounded Chuck!

These people are very strong, with arms as thick as human legs, just like the beasts!

Chuck shook his head, these are all bait! !

Chuck's fighting skills are really not enough to face these people!

"What's going on? Why is this Chinese person like this?"

"Is it troublesome?"

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The guests in the hotel were stunned. Chuck was so powerful that he overthrew these people.

"Hua Xia people, I counted out! Don't make trouble here, I said, our boss is gone!!" The hotel security department came out, and the front desk was confident.

What are you afraid of? Can this Chinese be beaten again?

"Then I will fight him out to see me!" Chuck was extremely cold!

Fist smashed out, representing the power of terror!

Dozens of bodyguards besieged and the scene is in chaos! !

The beauties at the front desk sneered more than once, this Chinese man was looking for death!

Next, without looking at it, you will definitely be beaten up with blood.

She called someone, yes, it must be the boss!

On the top floor of the hotel, in a luxurious room, on a large bed, a few people were lying, and a man answered the phone lazily, "Hello..."

"Boss, watching TV, I sent the monitoring at the front desk, and a Chinese person said to see!"

This is the voice of the front desk.

"Oh, then pass it on." The boss was stunned, his remote control turned on the TV, and the picture at the front desk appeared.

A Chinese person is dealing with dozens of security guards!

He was too lazy to look down. Many of the security guards in his hotel were mercenaries. This weak Chinese man was simply not enough to look at.

Turn off the TV.

"We deal with it ourselves, since this Huaxia man is in trouble, then you are welcome, grab him and give me mince and feed the dog!"

The boss got up from bed.

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"Yes, you can rest assured! By the way, Bailey said, she caught a beautiful Chinese woman."

"How pretty?"

He got out of bed and dressed.

"I heard that it's very beautiful. Do you want the boss? I'll tell Bailey."

"No, I don't like Chinese women, they are all ribs, it's boring."

"Bailey said that the Huaxia woman was in good shape."

"Neither, remember to chop the Chinese people who are in trouble at the door and feed me the dog!"

The phone hung up.

The boss walked out of the room, and a few people stood at the door.

"That doctor said no?" the boss asked.

"No, his mouth is hard!" a man at the door answered carefully.

"Hard mouth? I personally see how hard he is!" The boss sneered, and a few men followed.

To a room.

A person was tied to a chair, bruised and tortured. If Chuck was here, he would breathe a sigh of relief, because this tied person is the doctor Chuck was looking for.

Ten days ago, the doctor came with a bomb and tied it up to show off with the boss!

What scene has this boss never seen? ?

He was stunned by the next shot.

When the doctor woke up, it was like this, the boss asked the doctor to help him do things, but the doctor refused.

Reluctant to say the formula of the new medicine, and the manufacturing process, the boss would of course tie him up and torture him. The doctor knew that he must have died when he said it, so

167 Read full book at: he refrained from saying it.

"The devil is the devil!"

The doctor screamed with all his strength.

For him, a former drug researcher was suddenly tortured in such a way. Where can he stand it?

But you can’t stand it, you have to stand it too.

"Still talking? Call me!" The boss dragged his chair and sat in front of the doctor.

The boss's man punched and kicked the doctor, and the doctor's mouth vomited blood and passed out. splash!

Water splashed on the doctor's face.

The doctor woke up confused and kept calling the devil.

The boss continued to fight.

At this time, the boss's phone rang, and he frowned, "I didn't say that, don't bother me?"

"Boss, this Chinese is too powerful. Thirty security guards have already laid down halfway.

What should I do?"

The front desk was shocked. She was staring at Chuck, knocking people down with one punch!

This Chinese, this is going to hit? ?

My mother is a Baller with the novel 735. You are dead! Listen online with novels

When the hotel receptionist said this, the boss immediately angered, "What are you talking about?"

"This Chinese is amazing, our people..."

The front desk looked more and more scared. How could these people's security guard be so

168 Read full book at: shocked in front of this Chinese man!

Shouldn't this Chinese man lie down in the ground with severe injuries from a group of security guards? ?

"Assholes, are those people all waste? A weak Chinese can't solve it. What should I do to raise them?" the boss scolded!

It's so angry. Dozens of security guards can't beat a single person?

"Boss, what should I do now? Ah! Another security guard was stunned, ah, all vomiting blood, this Huaxia is crazy!" The front desk feared that she had never encountered this situation. Product=Book/Web

Actually, a person with bare hands will be so powerful!

"What should I do? I'm calling someone to come!" The boss sneered, exasperated to the extreme!

The phone hangs up!

"A few of you called people over, there is a Chinese person in trouble below! Grab him for me and feed the dog minced!" the boss said coldly.

"Yes!" Several of his men immediately called to call someone!

They all ran out.

This boss has a great background in this place, so he is not afraid of anything at all.

Anyone can call it!

Isn't this Huaxia powerful? See how many you can play! Caller.

One car after another, scaring you! !

The boss looked at the dying doctor and he laughed, "I will let you speak, and later I will let you watch a good show, see a person, how to be minced and fed to the dog, after you read it,

Naturally will say."

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"The devil, the devil..." The doctor was in agony, and when it was unbearable, he would bite his tongue and kill himself.

"Haha!" The boss laughed, feeling proud, devil? Not bad!

"Do you still expect someone to save you?" The boss laughed.

This doctor is holding on, isn't that still the hope in my heart?

"I tell you, you are taken by me, no one can save you!?" The boss grinned.

This hotel is not for ordinary people to come in!

There has never been a problem, and it will not appear in the future, this is a solid tower!

Hotel downstairs!

The front desk stared at Chuck with fear.

She was shocked by the scene in front of her!

Dozens of people are lying underground, some are covering their stomachs, and some are covering their faces, all wailing and screaming.

Is this a group fight?

This is clearly dozens of people, beaten by one person!

How could such a thing happen? ? so horrible. boom!

A person wants to attack from behind, but how can Chuck not find it? ?

The fist hit back, and the man's stomach was sunken. He screamed and fell to the ground, his eyes wide and twitchy.

"I said, I want to see your boss!" Chuck is extremely cold!

He has a new understanding of his own strength, and these dozens of people are under siege, not

170 Read full book at: his opponent!

"Ah!" the front desk screamed!

"Unbelievable, this Chinese is too powerful!"

"One punch! More exciting than making a movie!"

"I think he is so handsome, I am in love with him...I want to be his girlfriend."

"I want, too."

Inside the hotel, the onlookers marveled!

In particular, a few beautiful women were fascinated by Chuck’s rapid movements. They felt that if they were with a Chinese person like Chuck, they would have a special sense of security.

Chuck grabbed the front desk and lifted her from the front desk, "Call your boss!!!"

"Ah, no!" The front desk scared.

Chuck's eyes were horrible, and his voice was horrible!

"Call, I will say it again! Don't force me to hit you!" Chuck said coldly.

The front desk struggles with fear!

Suddenly, a lazy voice sounded, "Hey, the little man from China! Let her go!"


Many people rushed in from the outside, all in uniform clothes, this is a real mercenary!

There are more than one hundred!

Come in, like the dark cloud cover, full of majesty and oppression!

Everyone is fierce, with sarcasm!

Yes, so many people, just a small Chinese, what is it? No ants are counted!

Just step on and die.

The guests in the hotel were frightened and all returned! !

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"So many people! Terrible!"

"Then this Chinese must be miserable!"

"Ah, sure, there are so many mercenaries, but this is the armed force of this place, and this

Chinese can no longer fight, it will not be an opponent of these mercenaries, it is a pity!"

Many of the onlookers regretted it.

It was normal for Chuck to knock down these security guards one punch at a time, but now he came here, but they all killed people. They are really mercenaries!

Chuck is definitely impossible, like the security guard, against these mercenaries! !

The sigh kept going.

This is Chuck hit the steel plate!

"Ah, save me quickly..." The front desk was amazed. These people came. This Chuck must be miserable!

"I said, Chinaia's short man, let her go! I said that the second time!!!" It was a scarred face!

Others are tall. The burly figure is so scary!

Chuckpa hit the front desk with a bang! what!

The front desk screamed!

The scar on his face flashed, "Good boy, dare to hit someone in front of me? Interestingly, I will play with you today!"

Hundreds of people are approaching in step!

This is a terrible breath like a beast.

Hundreds of amazing eyes, and all the onlookers were trembling, so horrible.

"Ah, are you still beating me? I will watch you die and watch you..."

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The front desk is furious!

With so many mercenaries coming, are you still struggling to breathe? ? however!

Snapped! !

Chuck didn't wait for her to finish, she slapped her face with a slap!

The front desk screamed, his cheeks were red and swollen, and he had passed out! thump!

Chucksong's hand, the front desk hit the ground!

The scar is scary, "Interesting!"

"Who are you?" Chuck faced lightly.

"Ask me? Haha! What do you think?" Scarface grinned!

Hundreds of mercenaries show sarcasm!

This place, they are armed, they have the final say! !

"A bunch of little ones," Chuck shook his head, still indifferently.

"Haha! You are really hard-mouthed! Tell you well, this place, I have the final say! I want you to die, you have to die, don't you know? I don't know what you look like, I don't know the life and death stuff! Look You still have some skills, uncle, I will give you a chance, one-on-one, wild wolf! This person is given to you! No problem!" Scarface turned his head and glanced at a man next to him!

"No problem, three strokes, I will let him lie underground!" This man doesn't care to stand up and think this is a fun, and Chuck is this fun.

My mother is just Chapter 336 of the Baller's audio novel! Listen online with novels

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The man stepped forward!

The scarred face, the other mercenaries who came in together were expressionless.

This man is called a wild wolf, fights and kills, it really is like a wolf!

Let the opponent be frightened! !

This Chinese is a little capable, but in front of the wolf, it's not enough to look at.

So three tricks!

Even in three seconds, you can determine the outcome!

The guests in the hotel are all nervous. In this case, this Chinese person has not changed his face? ?

You may know that you are going to die, and it’s useless to be afraid, so forcibly calm down!

Chuck was indifferent, raised his hand, and pointed at the wild wolf, "You, I will not fight you!

To fight, you come!"

Fingers are moving!

The whole audience was in an uproar, and then all laughed!

Because Chuck's finger, but the boss of hundreds of mercenaries, scar face!

The strongest existence?

This is just looking for death!

Want to be killed in a second? ?

"My God, this Chinese man is crazy!"

"It's crazy, maybe he wants to die happy, so find the strongest person!"

They are all marveling!

On the face of the scar, there was a trace of outline, "Do you want to fight me?"


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He mocked without covering up!


He is nearly two meters tall and has a burly figure. It is no exaggeration to say that he is a tank among humans!


This kind of man has made many men's subconscious fear!

However, this weak Chinese person actually challenged himself?

Scarface laughed! !

"Yes, fight with you if you want to fight!" Chuck is indifferent! !

"Haha, how many years have passed, no one dared to talk to me like this! You are the first!"

Scarface smiled!

"I should be the last one!" Chuck shrugged!

"Oh, why? You mean, no one would dare to challenge me again in the future?" Scarface didn't have any interest in Chuckda.

"No, because you are going to die, so no one will say such things to you again." Chuck said.

"Haha, haha!!"

The mercenaries behind the scar face all laughed!

This is a sneer mocking!

For Chuck!

"What did this guy say? He said he was going to kill the boss? Is this telling a joke? I'm about to die..."

Scarface is a fierce man who once fought against one hundred people!

How can a Chinese person kill? ?

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Scarface grinned, and was really amused by Chuck's words, "Huaxia's short boy, you are not qualified to fight me! I am not interested in playing with a trash!"

"Are you afraid?" Chuck asked.

The scar on his face appeared, "Wild wolf, I don't want to see him anymore, kill me!!!"

"Yes, boss!"

The wolf stepped forward! With a killer!

Chuck shook his head, "Well, one by one is coming, kill you first!"

"You are looking for death!" The wolf was furious!

In his opinion, what Chuck said just now is just a lingering panic that deliberately delays time!

Chuck should have just been killed just now, let him live so long! !


The wolf rushed out like a wolf!

This speed is enough to shock the guests watching the scene!

So fast!

Finished, let's not say that this Chinese man challenges the scar face, even this wild wolf can't beat him!

"Unrestrained guy, the wolf can solve you in three seconds!" Scarface was too lazy to look.

What does it mean?

There won't be any suspense at all. What's so good about?

Chuck will die, this is the result of no suspense!

However, something unexpected happened!

The moment the wild wolf rushed out!

He stopped!

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The audience was stunned! what happened? !

"Ah, I saw it. Seeing this Chinese man suddenly shot, he drew a dagger and flew it out. Is this a flying knife?"

An onlooker wiped his eyes!

The face is full of consternation! !

What's happening here?

China's flying knife?

Dead silence, in the hotel lobby!

Everyone looked at this scene inconceivably. No one thought that it had just begun and it was already over!

"Ah, uh, uh"

The wolf felt his chest blankly, and he had a knife on his chest!

It has been deeply inserted into his heart!

He felt tingling and his breathing was uncomfortable.

"How could this be? How could this be?" He shook his head blankly, unable to believe it even though his eyes were getting heavier and heavier.

"You opened the door wide, it was you who gave me the chance! Three seconds, oh, are you saying that the three tricks solved me right? Then it's me to solve you in one second! Are you accidental?" Chuck walked slowly , As indifferent as walking.

He reached out and grabbed the dagger in the wolf's chest and pulled it out!

The wild wolf was lost, and fear appeared!

"This is not true, not... ah!!!"

177 Read full book at: thump!

This powerful man fell to the ground like this and never woke up again!

The scarred face suddenly opened his eyes, he was stunned, and then he was furious, "You killed the wild wolf?"

The sound is deafening!

His people, the onlookers, were shocked!

"Illusion? Is it an illusion?"

"No, he really killed the wolf!"

"Why is this China's speed so fast?"

The mercenary who is familiar with the wolf, the expression on his face is blank.

They can't figure out why this is so.

Why can Chuck kill the wild wolf with a knife? ?

The audience was shocked!

Only Chuck was expressionless, "Yes, it's quite simple. He stopped me from playing with you, so of course I will solve him with the fastest speed. Now, am I qualified to fight you?"

The scars on the scarred face twitched, and everyone looked at him!

Guests, including his men! !

Watch all!

Scarred face grinned, "Interesting, actually killed my men, it seems I can't do it!"

He stepped out! ?

This is a battle of his dignity. This Chinese man actually killed himself. This is challenging his majesty! !

Then only scrub with blood!

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"Huaxia Dwarf, you don't know who you are facing, I will tell you!" The scar on the face is so extreme!

His men are excited! why?

As the boss of this team of mercenaries, Scarface has not shot again for three years, because no one can qualify him to shoot!

As their men, they look forward to the boss's shot!

"You don't know who you are facing now." Chuck shook his head, his expression cold.

"Oh, isn't it a short Chinese man? I know who you are! Now, you will know what you did wrong?"

Momentum explodes! !

In his view, Chuck had nothing, but a Chinese, even if there is, it is not useful in this place, because he is the boss here!

"I will let you know what you did!" Chuck's face expression!

The atmosphere broke out!

Swords crossed!

Everyone knows that a war is about to begin!

My mother is a Baller with a novel No. 737. It is vulnerable! Listen online with novels

There is no sound here! !

Everyone knows that this is a battle without suspense!

The scar face is strong and strong!

In terms of height, size, strength, and momentum, this Chinese person has been crushed!

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Chuck cannot win!

At most, Chuck will become a toy for scar face, plaything!

"Three strokes, this Chinese must die!"

"I don't see it. The boss's strength is enough to kill him with one punch!"

The men with scarred faces are lazy, but they are excited to talk!

Chuck can't resist a few moves, but his boss can shoot!

Seen this way, this Chuck is not useless! !

Seeing each other!

The two are close!

There is still blood in the dagger in Chuck's hands!

After three seconds of silence like death!

The atmosphere was ignited by the scary smile on the scarred face!

"You are a trash in my eyes! Okay, I will clear your trash today!"


The fist on the scarred face was clenched, and he punched it out, coming with terror! !

You can bomb him with one punch!

Smash his head!

"Wow, what a terrible punch, I suspect this punch can kill a cow!" One of the guests marveled!

So horrible, they were completely scared.

Faced with this punch, Chuck was expressionless and never returned!

Indeed, Chuck does not deny that the power of this punch is great, but the fighting strength is important, as are the attack skills and speed! !

In the moment when the scar face is shot!

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Chuck has actually shot!

He shoots a dagger!

The dagger that Alice gave was sharp, the scar face twitched, and the human body, no matter how hard it was, could not resist the sharp dagger!

The scarred face sneered and gave up the punch of the attack to escape! but! !

The moment he gave up, Chuck had jumped up and kicked out!

Peng, Peng, Peng! !

What is this sound?

The whole audience was in an uproar!

Step by step, the scaly scars of the cow's face and feet are treading on the ground, staggering, living and then retreating, being retreated!

"What? The boss backed away? How is it possible!"

In an instant, the audience was incredible voice!

Some people wiped their tears and thought they were wrong! but none!

The scarred face stood steadily, and then retired?

Chuckfei kicked out. When he landed, he had already picked up the dagger and shot it again!

Hide the scar face again! boom!

Another kick!

Staggering, the scar face was kicked, hit with a bang, hit a table, the things on the table, spilled all over the floor!

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"Boss, he was kicked again...what's going on?"

At a loss, everyone's face appeared under the scar face.

Can't understand!

Shouldn't he just kill Chuck with a punch?

Why is this still the case!

"Ah! You are dead!"

The voice of doubt angered the scar face!

He did not expect that Chuck would attack like this!

He only has defense!

I did not expect that Chuck's foot would be so heavy!

He only has a backslide! boom!

With huge anger, the scar face truck rushed over like a truck!

However, it is an incredible scene!

"Are you a cow? Crashed?" Chuck was indifferent!

The mother said, fighting skills are too important.

Preemptive, this is Chuck's way to deal with this strong man!


Chuck's dagger is shaking, what if the fist with scar face is so powerful?

The sharp feeling, scared face scared!


This is a punch!

Chuck punched the scarred belly with a punch!

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Scarface was shocked, his muscles had undergone countless training, and he could already bear a punch of great strength! but. Now Chuck's punch made him feel pain! why? He doesn't understand!

Karen li taught Chuck, where is the most painful part of hitting and hitting, killing as much as possible with killing!

Now, Chuck's fist is hitting the most painful part of a man's stomach!


The scarred face was shocked and the pain of tearing made him unbelievable! boom!

Another kick!

Scar face back, back, back...boom!

The scarred face hit a table and fell to the ground in distress!

The same silence as the whole audience! !

No one spoke, because everything was shocked!

This is the perfect anti-kill, and they have served as witnesses of this anti-kill!

"Ah!" Scar scared with rage!

Suddenly, when he got up, he saw Chuck waving at himself, and he was stunned!

A tingle appeared!

He was dumbfounded and looked down. There was something on his chest. It was a dagger, and blood was flowing...

A dagger actually stuck in his chest? ?

Scarface was shocked to fear, and death was drowning him!

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Chuck came, "You look at me too small, fight me with bare hands!"


Chuck grabbed the dagger and pleaded with scars, his face pale, "No, please don't pull the dagger out..."

If you pull it out, he will definitely die!

There is no sound here, everyone is shocked to the extreme!

Chuck's scar face should be beaten with a punch, less than a minute later, retreating one after another, falling one after another, now. Actually begged, scarred face is dying...

No one expected that this would be the case!

"I said, I will let you know what you did wrong," Chuck was indifferent.

"Don't." Scarface fell into fear!

How did he think he was so vulnerable, he regretted that he should take out his weapon, and even more unexpectedly, how could Chuck's dagger be so sharp? Will be shot through wearing body armor? ?

"I tell you, this place is mine, you know?" Chuck said.

Scarface shocked, "What are you talking about?"

"Don't understand yet? Since you are the boss here, you don't know, this place has been bought?"

"Are you?" At this moment, the shock of the scar face was like a mountain! !

"My mom bought it, so you know what you did wrong now? Go for it!"

Chuck drew his dagger!

Scarface fell into fear and regret, what did he do?

But it's useless, the heart is spurting blood, and he falls to the ground!

The pungent bloody smell made everyone feel refreshed, slowly...

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All talents realize that this battle is over, and the result is beyond everyone's expectations!

"The boss is dead? The boss is dead!"

"Impossible, how could the boss die?"

"Damn, he killed the boss. Let's go together and kill him to avenge the boss!"

Hundreds of mercenaries wake up! They were extremely angry! Your boss actually died?

All the people gathered around, Chuck must die!

The hotel guests are at a loss, this Chinese person actually killed such a strong scar face? ?

This is a kind of siege, the anger of hundreds of mercenaries, the average person has been scared for a long time, but Chuck is unimpressed, not afraid, and does not change his face!

Because Chuck took something out of his pocket! !

My mother is the master of Chapter 338 of the Baller's audio novel! Listen online with


"What is he holding in his pocket?"

"What kind of weapon might it be, surrounded by so many mercenaries, it must be desperate!"

"It's useless to get anything out of this situation."

The guests of the hotel are talking!

What do they think Zhang Ze can take in his pocket? Isn't it a gun? bomb?

But this is surrounded by hundreds of powerful mercenaries. These things are useless. Just kill a few people. Can a hundred people kill them?

It is simply impossible to change the result!

It can be said that it is useless to take anything, the result is a death! !

The mercenaries on the scene approached step by step. The death of the wild wolf and the death

185 Read full book at: of the boss's scarred face made them extremely angry! !

Now, they only want one thing, which is to kill Chuck!

Revenge for your boss!

Pressing step by step, this is a terrifying momentum!

Chuck's face did not change color, and took out a brand from his pocket.

"Which one of you is the biggest besides this scar face? Come here!" Chuck said coldly.

He clearly did not have a loud voice, but there was an inexplicable majesty!

These hundreds of mercenaries looked at each other!

He is just a Chinese, why is this so? Majestic?

Where does the majesty come from?

They thought they felt wrong, but they did.

"Huh, what did you bring out?" There was a bald mercenary who sneered.

Scarface is dead, he is the biggest!

What is this? He has not seen it!

"This is the same thing that makes you obedient!" Chuck stepped forward.

"What did he say? This brand made these mercenaries obedient?"

"Is he scared?"

"It must be that it is not ancient now, what token do you still play? Posing, alas, I just regretted him just now, and felt that he was a pity to die, thinking that he would die generously, even if he was a man, he didn't expect the courage to be So small, in order to live, actually said such a thing, alas, disappointed!..."

The onlookers denied shaking their heads, thinking that Chuck was scared and stupid, and acted as a fool, a liar, and wanted to get through? ?

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But it is impossible!

No one on the scene is a fool!

"Haha! What are you talking about?" The bald man laughed more than once!

"I said, this thing can make you obedient!" Chuck repeated.

Faced with the gaze of hundreds of people, he was indifferent to the extreme!

"Ridiculous! What you do now is useless, nothing is useless, you are going to die!"

The bald head is close, all the other mercenaries are close, and the momentum is amazing!

"Really? My thing is my mother's. You should not know that this place was bought by my mother. It was bought very early!" Chuck's eyes flickered!

"Haha, this man is crazy, crazy, this hotel is owned by the owner of William! Is the man male, or your mother? Before bragging, would you ask your sex first? Haha, I'm going to laugh to death!!"

A laugh came out immediately, all the onlookers were laughing, coaxing and laughing!

They already fully believed that Chuck could speak everything under this siege, nonsense, and nonsense! !

The bald man smiled and ridiculed, "Oh, your mother is so powerful? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"Because your level is too low, you can't touch some things. I told him the scar face just now, and he understands it," Chuck said coldly.

"Really? You're teasing me! It's useless, I'm counting you giving up, you must die today!"

Bald men approached, hundreds of mercenaries approached with ridicule! ?

Chuck shook his head. These people are really too low-level. I don't know that all of them were bought by my mom. It's also normal.

Chuck saw a phone number on the sign. He took out his phone and dialed, "I'm in a hotel in your

187 Read full book at: place, come and find me!!!"

After talking, Chuck hung up!

"Are you calling someone?" The bald sneer sneered, "Who is it?"

"Call you the biggest person here, understand? He is qualified to know who I am!" Chuck is extremely ordinary!

"What are you talking nonsense about? I can't stand it anymore, give it to me, I'm going to watch him die!!!" Bald man exasperated!

Hundreds of mercenaries all gathered around!

"I think who dares!!"

This is a low growl!

Deafening, with indescribable majesty!

As soon as the sound came out, the hotel lobby was dead and silent!

This voice sounded in everyone's ears at the scene, shocking them subconsciously trembling!

"What's going on? Why is his voice so loud?"

"After I heard it, I was a little scared..."

The mercenaries looked at each other again, and Chuck's roar scared them.

"What are you still doing for a while? Go on, give it to me!" The bald man shouted!

"Something I don't know!" Chuck approached step by step!

In the face of hundreds of mercenaries, there is no fear at all. One person's aura actually overwhelms hundreds of mercenaries!

Everyone is incredible! I felt a little breathless. At this moment, I dare not look at Chuck! !

Chuck is the king at this moment!

One sentence can determine the king of life and death here!

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The bald man was also shocked. Chuck's majesty was much larger than his boss's scarred face.

Would he really buy this here, son of the big boss?

"I will give you a chance to retreat! Or then you will be conceited!?" Chuck said coldly.

Even if he didn't take out the brand, he didn't have to worry about anything, because there were still several powerful small bombs in Chuck's hands that threw the bomb into the crowd. No matter how powerful these mercenaries were, only one died!

But Chuck felt that it was not good to kill too many people. After all, this is also the place where my mom bought it. Don't cause too much confusion!

Take out the token and let the biggest person here come, this is the best solution!

"You!" The bald man actually had fear, what's going on? This is just a Chinese!

Was he scared twice when he was actually scared? ?


The bald man is annoyed, "You don't have to delay time, it's useless to call anyone, because you are going to die!"

The bald man rushed over, he wanted to establish majesty! why?

Scarface is dead, he is the boss!

But suddenly, with a bang, a car hit from the outside, everyone was shocked, and saw it!

A car hit the door of the hotel and hurried down a gray-haired old foreign man.

"this is??"

Some people recognized that this old foreign man is the real biggest person in this small place!

He manages here!

Everyone was shocked and surprised. Why would he come here?

However, he rushed in and hurried over the crowd, before reaching a man, bowing his head

189 Read full book at: politely, "Master!"

My mother is a Baller with the novel 739th chapter and not kneeling yet? Listen online

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"Sorry, young master?!"

"I heard it right? How could it be called Master?"

"Is what he said just now true?"

The audience was stunned!

The old man looked respectfully at this Chinese man. What's going on?

All the onlookers were shocked!

Hundreds of mercenaries were shocked!

In such a moment, the raven was silent!

All of them looked at one person dumbfounded. This person is the Chinese person Chuck who all thought he would die! !

"It's coming very quickly!" Chuck was indifferent. Product=Book/Web

The old man was sweating heavily, and he was terrified. Since Karen li bought this place, he has basically not appeared. It is regarded as letting him manage this place.

He just received a call from Chuck, and he instantly knew who this person was. Karen li, who bought it here, said that she had a son!

Obviously, Karen li's son is the one in front of him!

It's as scary as the original Karen li!

"Master, you... come here..." the old man panicked.

"These people are going to kill me!" Chuck expressionless.

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"What? You are looking for death, this is the young master!"

The old man shivered with anger, and slapped on the stunned face of the bald man!

Snapped! !

This sound is too crisp!

Sounded in the hearts of everyone on the scene!

"Don't you kneel down to admit the error to the young master?" The old man shivered and was extremely angry!

The bald man woke up suddenly, fear, shock, incredible, and instantly appeared on his face!

What did you do?

"Master, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm damn, I'm damn..." thump! !

Bald man kneeled!

His expression was horrified, trembling, even begging...

He regretted this moment. Why didn't he believe Chuck's words just now?

Chuck can stun himself with a roar. Why don't he believe it?

"Master, I'm sorry! Do you guys kneel down to Master?" Baldhead scolded the men behind him!

No hesitation!

These hundreds of mercenaries have long been awakened, and it was not until this moment that they realized that what Chuck said just now was true, and he could really make himself obedient! thump! thump! thump! !

Hundreds of mercenaries knelt down and knelt together!

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Only for one person!

This man is Chuck!

"Master, I'm sorry!!"

The sound resounded through the clouds!

What an amazing scene this is!

The onlookers had already shocked their jaws. How could they think that such a thing would happen? ?

The hotel lobby is horrified!

The front desk, who had been slapped by Chuck's slap just now, woke up confusedly. She saw hundreds of mercenaries kneeling. She was stunned. She couldn't turn her head at all. She was at a loss, and she murmured, "It happened What's wrong? Why... Ah? They actually kneel down to this Chinese man?"

"Master, why don't you come over and tell me, I can arrange it for you in advance," the old man said with a trembling.

"What arrangements?" Chuck shook his head.

"You came here this time?" the old man asked tentatively.

"Something's coming! The owner of this hotel, I'm looking for him!" Chuck said.

"The boss is on the top floor..." the front desk said blankly.

Snapped! !

The old man slaps over!

"lead the way!!"

The front desk climbed up in horror and ran to the elevator!

"Go up all of you, bring him down to me! Go!" The old man scolded!

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Hundreds of mercenaries stood up and ran up from the stairs, a swarm of bees horrified!

How shocking this scene is!

"Master, you have a rest!" The old man pleased.

"It's okay!" Chuck shrugged.

There is no problem waiting.

"What does the people in this hotel have to do with you?" Chuck was a little interested.

"It's okay!!!" The old man gritted his teeth!

It was good before, but you offended the young master, it must be dead!

"Very good!" Chuck sat down on his own.

"Me, can I have your contact information?" A beautiful lady in jeans ran over shyly, looking forward to Chuck.

The momentary reversal just now made her unbelievable. There are still such powerful people in the world. She was fascinated.

"I don't give strangers contact information," Chuck refused without hesitation!

This girl is very beautiful, and her figure is perfect. If Chuck gives it, she can get her tonight, even now, but Chuck is not here to pick up girls.

He is here to save the black rose! !

The beauty was momentarily sad and lost, "Then, sorry, bother..."

The beauty walked aside, but she was rejected by her soul.

The other girls who were shocked didn't dare to come up, but Chuck was the young master!

Chuck is waiting!


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"Boss, open the door, open the door!" the front desk screamed wildly.

In the room, the hotel owner frowned. He was torturing the doctor!

This front desk, actually came to disturb yourself, it's awful!

I snapped my fingers!

He went down to open the door!

The front desk fell in fear and climbed in front of the boss. "Boss, boss..."

"What are you going to say?" He was angry! what's the situation!

Actually scared like this?

"Boss, they, they came to find you!" The front desk cried.

"Look for me? Who finds me?" The boss sneered. This is his own hotel. Who dares to come to me?

"They..." The front desk pointed at the door.

"Which of them? By the way, is that Huaxia dead?"

"No, he is less..." The front desk grew more and more frightened. He actually treated Master like that. Can he still live?

"What's missing? Just not dead? What are you doing? What are the following people doing?"

The boss looked ugly!

There are so many people called, but you can't handle a Chinese person? what's the situation?

"William!" There was a cold voice outside!

The boss was stunned and saw the bald man coming in. The boss smiled slightly, "It's you, how is it? The one below... ah!!!"

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He didn't finish this sentence, the bald man slapped him in the face!


The boss was shocked and touched his cheek blankly, "What are you doing??"

"I still have to ask you what you did, let us deal with the young master!" The bald man was angry!

Brush, brush, brush! !

A group of people, hundreds of angry people rushed in and instantly surrounded this large room!

Water leaks!

Breathing is uncomfortable!

"You guys? What young master? Did you make a mistake?" The boss was so angry that he slapped with such a slap, how much face did he have?

"The person you let us come to kill is the son of the person who bought here. Who said you are the young master?" The bald man was angry!

The boss was dumbfounded. "What are you talking about? What are you talking about?"

"Take him down, the young master wants to see him!" The bald man indifferently commanded, hundreds of people stared at him, and in an instant, the boss was stupid, and his face was blank, young master? ?

My mother is successful in Chapter 740 of the Baller's audio novel! Listen online with


"Master, that Chinese man is the master?" The boss was frightened. Product=Book/Web

So many mercenaries who originally helped him treated him like this, and he had to believe this

195 Read full book at: fact that he still could not believe.

Fear drowned him!

Snapped! !

These people took the feared boss down, his men, and the front desk of his hotel were afraid...

The hotel lobby is silent!

Hundreds of mercenaries came down under pressure!

The onlookers were long lost and forgot to leave. This is the owner of the hotel, some of them know.

"Master, spare your life, spare your life!"

The boss knelt down and gave Chuck a head!

When he saw the white man, he was shocked and completely believed.

"Rao Ming? I asked, is there a doctor on it?" Chuck asked directly.

"Yes, yes! Master, are you here to find the doctor?" The boss caught this life-saving straw!

"Yes, where is he?" Chuck was nervous! do you died?


Chuck loosened his breath, just glanced at the old man. The old man immediately scolded,

"Don't take the doctor down yet?"

The bald man ran up.

A minute later, the bald man brought down a man who was about to go into a coma. Chuck saw him, and he was relieved, it was him!

I did not find the wrong direction!

"Yes?" The doctor was very confused. Why did so many people on the scene focus on this

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Chinese person?

When the bald man went up to rescue him just now, he felt incredible. Someone came to save himself!

He was about to cry.

"I came here to get a medicine. I had a friend who was shot next to the heart..." Chuck said straight away.

"Medicine?" The doctor suddenly realized, "Yes, yes..."

"Okay, give it to me!" Chuck was more than pleasantly surprised, and Black Rose was saved!

"It was in my backpack upstairs, but it was taken by William," the doctor said fiercely.

The hotel owner was so scared that he actually grabbed the young master's stuff?

"Go get it!" Chuck waved his hand, and the bald man ran up again! three minutes!

The bald man took off a backpack, and the doctor took out three boxes of medicine to Chuck.

"all these are."

Chuck was all taken down and excited, and now he can go back to save the black rose!

The black rose can wake up!

I can see the big blue eyes of the black rose again.

"Okay, well done, and take good care of him!" Chuck ordered this sentence!


The bald man took the doctor to rest and to treat, because the doctor was tortured too much.

"Master, forgive me! I don't know this doctor is the person you are looking for, otherwise, don't dare to give me ten guts!" The boss knelt down and pleaded.

Chuck looked at him plainly, "It's so vicious, it's useless to stay, kill!"

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A mercenary came out!

The boss was terrified, "No, young master, I will give all my things, give them, please beg the young master not to kill me! ... Ah, I have a woman, a Chinese woman I just caught, I give


"A Chinese woman caught?" Chuck frowned. What could happen here?

"I, my friend caught, she did this specifically..." The boss caught the straw!

"Oh, bring me the Chinese woman to see!"

"Yes, I'll call her immediately and bring it over!"

The boss was busy calling, "Mother! Bring that Chinese woman to my hotel, hurry up!!"

After that, the boss changed his face and smiled.

Since this kind of thing was encountered by Chuck, it would be good to rescue the arrested

Huaxia woman.

After all, they are all Chinese.

Chuck felt that when the outsiders encountered difficulties when they were outside, they still had to help. There is no other reason. It is enough that they are all Chinese.

"Master, can you let me go?" The boss offered attentiveness. When he told him about this at the hotel reception, he said that the Chinese woman was very beautiful and had a good figure. The young master would like it. If he was saved, he could survive.

"I didn't say anything," Chuck shrugged!

The boss was shocked, "Master?" what!

A mercenary grabbed his neck and broke the boss's neck.

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The onlookers were stunned. Chuck said in a sentence, to make someone else's life or death! !

Chuck looked at the dead boss and called Betty, "Hey, Sister Li, you can come and pick me up. I have got my medicine,"

Calculated according to time, it is less than one day in the past. My mother gave three days. The faster you do it now, the greater the chance that the black rose will wake up! !

Betty is ready to come over there, at most three hours.

Chuck just waited here,

"Master, wait a minute, I know that woman, she will soon bring that Chinese woman over!" said the old man with white hair carefully.

"In the future, I don't want my mother's place, there is such a thing to appear again!" Chuck suddenly apathy!

The old man with white hair was startled, "Master, don't worry, it will never happen!!"

He was sweaty and Chuck was really scary when he was cold!


"Don't, catch me, let me go," Qian Yueying, who was in despair, feared that the woman who had brought her just now appeared again.

"Release? Tell good news, someone fancyd it," the woman smiled sinisterly.

Hotel owner William called to ask for someone, this William is abnormal!

"No, please, no!" Qian Yueying was struggling, but she had no strength at all. She drank the potion and had no strength to get up.

"Let's enjoy it! Come, take her to the car!" The woman went out.

Qian Yueying shed tears of despair, and she would end up like this. No one came to save herself,

199 Read full book at: no one...

Tears couldn't stop, Qian Yueying closed her eyes.

Someone carried her out. Qian Yueying got on the bus, and she felt that the car stopped and went to the place, what she would encounter next, she wanted to get it.

Qian Yueying wanted to die, but his hands were weak.

She wept silently! !

She was taken off the car!

"I hope to sell me a good price!" The woman laughed!

She strode into the hotel, but in an instant, she was stunned, so many people in the hotel!

Also, William... lying down, dead? ?

The woman was startled, "William..."

"Not yet!" The old white-haired man scolded!

The woman was shocked, what's going on?


"Here, come in," the woman was frightened.

"Kneel! This is the young master!"

The woman knelt with a trembling knee. She came in and found the problem at first glance.

Everyone was standing at the scene, with respect and respect, but sitting alone, this is a

Chinese! !

"Master, people have brought him, Master! Fate!" The woman begged, Chuck's eyes flashed, and saw several people carrying a woman in.

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Chuck stood up, and the woman carrying her face was covered by clothes, but from a distance, the figure was really bumpy and perfect!

"Master, this Chinese woman is very beautiful, you will love it!" the woman pleaded. Product=Book/Web

Chuck's eyes made her feel terrified, which is not the eyes of ordinary people at all!

"Send her to a room," Chuck said.

The old man with white hair immediately called someone to go upstairs.

Women are relieved, and indeed men are horny!

I was saved. however!

"These people, kill them!" Chuck walked upstairs after he was instructed.

The woman was terrified, "Ah, young master, young master..."

Fear overwhelmed her. She ran like crazy and knelt in front of Chuck. "Please, Master, don't kill me..."

She burst into tears.

"Then you thought, how did the woman you caught before beg you?" Chuck eyed cold!

This kind of thing, Chuck is particularly annoying!

You can ask others by yourself, so when others ask her too? At first glance, this woman is a vicious and vicious person. I don't know how many girls have been hurt. She wants to live. What about other girls? ?

What did she do?

"I, Master, I know I'm wrong, I won't dare anymore!" The woman pleaded.

"Just pay attention to the next life, kill!" Chuck went upstairs.

201 Read full book at: boom!

The woman fell in the pool of blood, and when she died, she remembered, how did the woman who was caught by her beg her...

Chuck entered the room and the woman was in bed.

Chuck saw that he had been given something, so he had no strength to resist.

Chuck passed.

"Don't come!!" This is a hoarse voice!

Qian Yueying's fears are gone, she is desperate, at this moment it is the same as seeing death!

There is nothing to be afraid of dying, but one must remain innocent! It must never be insulting!

Chuck was stunned, "Am I coming?"

"I'll kill you when I come!" Qian Yueying was hoarse and his voice was dry!

Chuck smiled, this Chinese woman was quite stiff, and yes, the Chinese woman's bones still maintained tradition.

"Kill me, how do you kill me!" Chuck untied her rope.

Qian Yueying shivered, "How much is it, I'll give it to you! Let me go, I have someone I like!"

"Oh, who do you like?"

Chuck gossip and continues to untie her rope, but this move, in Qian Yueying's eyes, is the one who bought himself, what to do to himself.

"Why don't you say that? Who do you like?"

Qian Yueying resented, is this man perverted? ?

But Chuck's words reminded her of her memories, and she burst into tears. Yes, even if she didn't admit it, there was someone in her heart. As a person coming, she still knew!


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The person she likes is Chuck!

But today he is going to die, and he will never be seen again. What is he doing now?

Maybe, talking to other women, and he has been forgotten...

Qian Yueying is full of regrets. She was about to die like this. She was not reconciled, but what can she do? ?

You must commit suicide before being insulted!

Shouldn't a person's body be touched only by someone he likes? ?

"I tell you well, I have someone I like. This person is much smaller than me... I didn't like him when I first started. I hated him a lot, but later, he had the opportunity to get me and insult me.

He didn't, but let me go..." Qian Yueying said his last words.

Chuck was stunned.

"He doesn’t like me, he has no ideas for me, and I don’t deserve him. He’s so young, and I’m divorced! I have children, how can I match him? I know, but I can’t control my thoughts, I I can’t help it, I just like it,..."

Qian Yueying knew she was going to die, and she simply said all the things she had pressed on her heart.

Speaking, she had no regrets in her heart, but the only pity was that Chuck could not hear it.

How could he hear it?

Suddenly, she found that the cloth on her face had been uncovered a bit. Qian Yueying bit her tongue and was ready to commit suicide! !

However, without going any further, it was opened a bit and re-covered.

Qian Yueying heard the footsteps of leaving, and no one came in again. She was stunned and twisted her body strugglingly, trying to run out, because the ropes of her hands and feet had

203 Read full book at: already been untied.

She tried to get up and uncovered the cloth covering her face.

The house is empty, what about people? ?

Qian Yueying tried to get out of bed. Suddenly, the door was pushed open. Qian Yueying tried hard and grabbed a wine bottle to smash it.

But she was stunned and stopped because the woman who came in was actually a woman.

"Hello lady, you can put on this dress, and this is a card, which contains five million dollars, this is a mobile phone... and this is your luggage." The woman brought it in, it was actually Qian Yue

British lost things, luggage!

Qian Yueying is confused, what's going on? ?

"You can take a good rest and leave! There is something you can call me." The woman went out.

"Wait, what's going on? What about the people just now?" Qian Yueying couldn't believe it.

"Oh, the person just left, he asked me to take care of you,"

"Why? Why?" Qian Yueying couldn't figure it out, why is this so?

Shouldn’t people just insult themselves? Why help yourself?

"There is no reason, miss, you have a good rest, it's all right,"

"Don't go, what about the people just now?"

"I just said that he has left," the woman said.

"What does he look like? How old is he?" Qian Yueying asked busy.

She was not conscious just now, and now she remembers. How familiar was the voice just now? Yes, it is familiar.

"He left, let you rest well." The woman left.

Qian Yueying is sluggish. Who was the person just now? She sat on the ground, her mind blank.

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"Master, she woke up and the situation is not bad," the woman came out and saw Chuck.

"Well, I can only let her leave when I'm sure she's good. By the way, let some people follow her to protect her safety,"

"Yes, Master, don't worry, she just wanted to know Master, I didn't say," the woman didn't know the relationship between Chuck and Qian Yueying. She was curious, why did Master treat this woman so well? ?

"Good job." Chuck sighed, how could Qian Yueying actually like herself?

When he heard Qian Yueying just say that, he opened the cloth, saw Qian Yueying's lips, and recognized Qian Yueying.

No wonder the body looks so good just now, it turned out to be Qian Yueying.

In this case, I certainly can't show up.

There is no benefit to Qian Yueying, so Chuck chooses to avoid it, hoping that Qian Yueying will be safe!

My mother is a Baller, the novel 742. Why not admit it? Listen online with novels

Chuck didn't need to stay here because Betty was almost there.

"Take good care of her, her body and psychology have been greatly hurt," Chuck also wondered, why Qian Yueying is a good Huaxia, do you have to come here? ?

"Yes, Master!" The woman nodded. She took care of Qian Yueying so deliberately to Chuck.

She was strange, but she didn't dare to ask.

"Okay, I'm gone. She has everything she needs to meet her. She may come here to have any projects, arrangements, what she does, all arrangements, but don't let her know that it is me,"

Chuck dropped this sentence. Then, he has gone out.

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Now drive to the airport. When you get to the airport, you should be able to meet Betty. Hurry back and let the black rose wake up!

"Yes! Master, go slowly!"

Chuck left, and the woman's heart throbbed. Chuck's everything in the hotel lobby just now, she as a hotel employee, but all in her eyes!

Domineering, she as a woman could not bear the heart, but Chuck did not pay too much attention to her throughout.

She felt sorry.

I also envy Qian Yueying inside, but he was so spoiled by the young master!

She went downstairs, but Qian Yueying ran out, "That man, that man? That man..."

"I said I left long ago." The woman shook her head.

"No, the person who let me talk to me just now, I feel very familiar with his voice, it's Zhang..."

Qian Yueying was very shy and lost.

She was unconscious just now, but when she eased her mind, she remembered it and recognized it. The voice just now looked like Chuck!

But why did Chuck leave? She understood that because of the confession in her heart, she thought she was going to die, and she said it.

Chuck was not interested in himself, and of course he would avoid it silently when he heard it.

This was a silent rejection!

"Chuck, was that person just a young boy in his 20s with a good figure?" Qian Yueying was extremely nervous, hoping to be Chuck, but not.

The woman was stunned, she knew?

So Master left on purpose? ?

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Qian Yueying saw this expression, "Is he right?"

The woman wanted to nod and say yes, thinking of Chuck's instructions when she left, she shook her head and denied, "Miss is not. It's not what you describe, he is fatter and older..."

"Fool me, his voice is obviously very young! Absolutely what I said, lie to me!" Qian Yueying was miserable!

Chuck saved me and gave me a new life, but silently rejected me. .

"Really not!" The woman was speechless.

Qian Yueying was in tears, it was really pitiful!

All of her women wanted to say comfort, but they couldn't say it, the young master had commanded it.

"Yes, that is!"

Qian Yueying ran back to the room, because her body's medicinal properties had not been relieved, she fell, her leg broke, and the woman rushed to help.

Qian Yueying bit her lip and climbed up to return to the room.

Shiver took out the phone and found Chuck's number.

She dialed it. beep……

These few seconds seem to have passed a century!

Finally connected, "Hey..."

Chuck arrived at the airport and had to answer it. Anyway, he didn't admit it.


"Well, something?" Chuck asked briefly.

Qian Yueying's tears came out with exactly the same voice. It was really Chuck who saved

207 Read full book at: herself just now. The only thing she couldn't understand now was, how did Chuck come here? ?

"I was saved by one person, and I want to thank him."

"Well, thank you."

"But he left,"

"Oh, maybe he doesn't want to be thankful..."

Chuck paused for three seconds, and Qian Yueying was also a smart woman.

He knew that the person just now was him.

"I know that there is a big gap between me and this person. I am divorced and have children, and he is young... I know, but, I feel that I can't control this kind of thing," said Qian Yueying, crying


Chuck also heard the tears on the floor, he sighed, "Maybe he doesn't mind these, but he didn't think about it in this respect, so..."

"I know, but I waited for him, this time he saved me, and I fell down on him..."

Yes, Qian Yueying's loss is very painful, but she decides that even if Chuck doesn't like her, she won't like other people.

"No need to do this."

"Yes," Qian Yueying cried, her voice firm! !

Chuck has nothing to say, remembering that she didn't do anything to Qian Yueying, how could she? ?

Thinking about this now, it is obviously too late. Things have reached the point where they are now.

"You're still young, don't..."

"I'm twenty-nine, I'm not young anymore, and I'll be like that in my whole life. It's better to

208 Read full book at: guard my body, I'm sorry, and say that, goodbye!"

The phone hung up here, Qian Yueying has already cried into tears...

Chuck was silent for three seconds and all he could do was sigh.

Qian Yueying is perfect, she is beautiful, and she has a good figure, but Chuck did not have any ideas for her. If there is, then she can get her when the Qian family is almost gone.

It won't be there now, nor will it be in the future.

Chuck regrets Qian Yueying, she is still young, there is no need to be so extreme!

If I meet you next time, I’ll be open-minded and say that I’m only twenty-nine years old, and I still have a lot of youth. After all, a woman like Qian Yueying will benefit from maintenance, even if she is in her forties. Charm!

Ugh! !


Betty came by plane and Chuck put away his emotions.


Betty got off the plane, "Have you got the medicine?"

To be honest, Betty was surprised, how long has it been since? Less than a day later, Chuck got the medicine, which is not something that ordinary people can do! The speed is too fast! !

"Yes, let's go back," Chuck couldn't wait to get on the plane.

Bettysong breath, I really got it, then the black rose may wake up!

Betty went to fly the plane.

At this time, Chuck's cell phone rang. He saw that it was Qian Yueying who lived in the hotel.

"Master, she is crying all the time, what am I going to do?" The woman was helpless, and Qian

Yueying was crying in the room with her heart broken.

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"Let her cry well, she will be fine after crying." Chuck didn't say much.

You can accept it when you cry.

Betty was stunned. Who made this cry? ?

Not much to ask, the plane went to the country of the United States!

"Miss, don't cry. Is there anything you can't let go of?" The woman comforted Qian Yueying here.

As a woman, she can't stand it anymore.

"He rejected me..." Qian Yueying was pitiful, and the woman sighed. It turned out that this was the case. She understood why Chuck left directly. It turned out to be this way!

This Chinese woman likes Young Master, but Young Master doesn't like her.

My mother is a Baller with a novel of Chapter 443 Listen online with novels

Master, it's almost here," Betty drove the plane, almost to the United States.

"Well." Chuck looks forward to seeing the black rose again!

"By the way, what happened to Youjia?"

In addition to asking this question, Chuck actually still wanted to know what happened to You

Shiwen? ?

She was shot, and with the physical qualities she had trained since childhood, she should be able to resist it.

I hope she can be okay, but thinking of the coldness in her eyes when she left last time, Chuck is speechless to this day.

Alas, I don’t know when that misunderstanding can be solved!

How is it possible for me to shoot ten articles? ?

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Chuck sighed one after another.

"You Tianle has become the owner!" Bettymei eyes flashed.

This was as expected by Chuck. Fortunately, it took less than a day to find the medicine that

Black Rose needed.

If the time is too long, something will happen!

"He should have already done it to his mother?" Chuck asked coldly.

You Tianle's character, in order to be the head of the house, his grandfather can kill. With such a vicious character, what else can't be done? ?

"Not yet! Young Master came here. About three hours later, You Tianle took the position of the owner,"

Chuck understands, and one can imagine that You Tianle became the head of the second family in the world.

Chuck will know when you think about it.

"How does the mother plan to respond?"

This is the most important issue. My mother has taken the Ok family, and her strength has improved a lot. However, as a hidden family, Youjia has only passed through the inheritance of dozens of generations!

The mother is very powerful, but this gap must be still there.

"Mr. Li hasn't said it yet, but Master is relieved," Betty has followed Karen li for so long, trust her!

Chuck also believed!

When I get to the house, I'll say it again. Let's wake up the black rose first.

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Betty drove the plane home.

Chuck ran off the plane and arrived at Black Rose's ward. The mother looked at the haggard and was cleaning up something for Black Rose.

"Mom, Black Rose?"

Chuck was so nervous that the woman of Black Rose had a story of her own, a story abandoned by her parents, but she was dead.

Chuck also wants to know her story that belongs to Black Rose!

The pale face of the black rose is still so beautiful.

This is the best-looking American from Chuck, don't die.

"Fortunately, I have to come back in time. What about medicine?"

Chuck came back earlier than she thought.

Obviously, Chuck grew up.

"Here," Chuck was busy taking out the medicine.

"Well, go out and wait!"

The procedure of this operation cannot be disturbed a little, otherwise Karen li may also make mistakes, because this operation is close to the heart! !

Other doctors do not have the psychological quality of Karen li at all, and only Karen li can do this kind of surgery.

"Okay, Mom, take your time." Chuck ran out.

The procedure of this operation was long, Karen li was sweaty. Eventually, after the operation was completed, could the black rose wake up and look at God's will.

Karen li did her best!

She wiped away the sweat tiredly and came out of the ward.

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"Mom, she..."

"It should be fine, but it takes time to wake up,"

Karen li replied that this was the case. Chuck let out a long sigh of relief. "My mother said that,

I'm relieved. By the way, the black rose woke up this time. I don't need her protection."

This time it was Chuck who harmed Black Rose, and she almost died. Chuck couldn't let Black

Rose continue to protect.

"Cer, the fighting strength is more than Black Rose, it is indeed possible to protect her, but sure?" Karen li asked.


"Then tell her well, if she wakes up." Karen li respects Chuck's ideas.

"Okay, when she wakes up, I will tell her," Chuck will give Black Rose a lot of money after he finishes speaking.

Let her find a place to recuperate.

Money is Chuck's guilt for her.

"Mom, how do you plan to deal with You Tianle? I'm free now!" Chuck now wants to have fun with You Tianle! !

The shimmering light in Karen li's eyes! ?

She already had an idea!



Children and grandchildren, facing the new owner of the house, they all bow their heads!

Even though this new homeowner may be smaller than many of them at the scene, the homeowner is the homeowner!

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You Tianle enjoy this feeling!


"Well, the third boy! I let you chase down the grandfather Yu Shiwen, how is it going?" You

Tianle asked indifferently.

It is true that the position of the head of the family has made You Tianle's temperament greatly changed. You feel that control feeling, You Tianle feels particularly clear at the moment!

"Homeowner, I have sent someone to chase, and it hasn't turned out yet!" A man lowered his head.

"No results yet? This You Shiwen is despondent and mad, and she is very powerful. You don't need to keep alive when you catch it. When you see it, you kill. Remember, take her head back. I want to use her head to worship Grandpa! "You Tianle squeezed away tears!"

You Shiwen feels that he won't be able to live for a long time, he is shot!

You can also escape tracking! ?

This is impossible!

Just wait for someone to bring her head over.

"Yes, homeowner, I will deal with it now!!!" This man left!

"Homeowner, Chuck, Karen li over there..."

"They, I already have a plan in mind." You Tianle grinned!

For Chuck and Karen li's family, he already had an idea!

Slowly torture Chuck, let Chuck know that traveling is not so troublesome! !

"Tianle, Chuck, and Karen li are all at home, as if it were like this," You Tianle's dad said, and the information about You's family is well developed.

"I know, it's best to be at home! Dad, now find out all the people they know, and let Chuck know

214 Read full book at: that his friend died because of him!" You Tianle grinned grimly!

... thump!

A person covered with blood, she was lying on the ground, she really had no strength.

You Shiwen, she is still alive!

The desire to survive, let her get up with all her strength, how can you rest here? ?

With her many years of experience in stocking, she feels she has to find a place to hide immediately!

She came to that bar!

I saw the man who received her exclusively!

"Miss..." The man was busy and surprised.

"Give me a quiet place, I want to sew myself a wound,"

"Good side!"

You Shiwen arrived in a room!

At this moment, her entire arm is no longer hers, and she began to sew it, her heart was cold, and it was the same in her eyes!

Chuck, actually shot me! !


Pain, exhausted You Shiwen was temporarily comatose, and tears came out of the corner of his eyes, this is the tears of betrayal...

My mother is the 744th chapter of the Baller's audio novel, and I will take you

away! Listen online with novels

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You Shiwen took care of her wounds, she has become like an ice cube, betrayed by trusted people, especially betrayed by Chuck!

"Miss, what are your plans?"

The man who received You Shiwen's question was concerned.

The current situation is very optimistic for You Shiwen.

He already knew that You Tianle had become the head of the family, and he would beheaded if he caught You Shiwen.

You Shiwen is silent for three seconds, she intends to have!

Definitely, take back the home! !

She is the owner of the house! How can You Tianle destroy the family that has been passed down for thousands of years? ?

This is absolutely not allowed!

"Thank you, I left first, or you will be affected." You Shiwen said, the sixth sense told her that someone should come here.

Must leave quickly because she is seriously injured now!

Let yourself live and have a chance!

"Miss, I have a little money, you hold it,"

The man took out some money, and You Shiwen refused, "Thank you, you have cleared all these traces. If someone comes over, you will say that you haven't seen me, otherwise, you will have an accident!"

After talking, You Shiwen has already left, otherwise he will be really involved!

The man sighed, "You Tianle is too irritable, not to be a house owner, or to be done by a young lady, you will have a future..."

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Sure enough, it was not long before someone from Youjia came, "Where are you?"


"Oh shit!"


Black Rose felt that she had a long dream. She actually dreamed of abandoning her parents and looked down on her parents' faces, but her parents had been chasing Black Rose.

She fled in pain and woke up.

Opening her eyes, she first saw a person, Chuck! it hurts!

I was shot, shouldn't I die?

When in a coma, Black Rose couldn't feel it anymore and couldn't resist it, but now he can still breathe. It's incredible, but so real.

"Black Rose, you finally woke up." Chuck breathed a long sigh of relief.

Black Rose's face was not bloody, Chuck was distressed, but this woman had protected herself for so long.

But she hurt her.

"Black Rose, sorry," Chuckcheng apologized.

"I shot myself, and it's not you who hit me," Black Rose shook his head, trying to sit up, but he didn't have much energy to cover his body.

"Don't move, I'm ready for you," Chuck is already prepared here. The black rose just woke up after a serious injury. The situation is still very dangerous!

Now You Tianle will definitely deal with herself, so you must send away the black roses.

"What are you going to prepare for?" Black Rose wondered.

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"Drink some porridge first," Chuck feeds Black Rose to drink porridge. Black Rose shakes her head and refuses, but she has no strength to take it, she can only accept it silently.

After eating something, Black Rose felt a little strength.

"What are you prepared for?" Black Rose found Chuck's expression very serious. What was it for? ?

Black Rose knows You Tianle and must start to act.

"This is a card, you got it," Chuck took out a card and stuffed it with black roses.

"What are you doing?" Black Rose frowned.

"Let you rest well."

"Is it right to expel me?" Black Rose was angry and angry, coughing violently.

"No, let you take a good rest. I have arranged a place for you," Chuck certainly didn't mean that.

Black Rose's current situation, you must rest!


Black Rose lost the card given by Chuck.

"I want your money?"

Black Rose was indifferent. She tried to sit up on her own, even at this time, her heart was torn like a pain.

Chuck sighed, "Don't do this, Black Rose, this is my heart."

"You don't know what I want!" Black Rose roared with all his strength!

"Then what do you want, tell me, I will give you all!" Chuck was stunned.

The black rose would have such a big fire, why? ?

Shouldn’t she be happy to give Black Rose money?

How could this be?

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"You really don't understand what I want." Black Rose shook his head in disappointment.

She didn't know what she wanted, now You Tianle had to deal with it. You Chuck said a word, even without you Chuck opening, will my black rose leave? ?

Even if you are seriously injured and can't move, you can't leave! !

Black Rose went out on his own.

Chuck caught up, "Airplane, I let Betty prepare the plane for you!"

"Without your kindness! Chuck, we will never see, forever!!"

Black Rose dragged herself out of the painful body.

Chuck was silent for a long time, and didn't quite understand why Black Rose was like this.

However, during this time, Black Rose couldn't forget the inseparable protection.

"Cer, what about black roses?" Karen li asked.

She happened to pass by here.

"She left by herself,"

"Ah? She..."

Karen li was stunned. She didn't expect this to be the case, but it was normal and enough. Black

Rose had protected Chuck for so long. This time it was almost dead. She could also leave!

Can't you let the black rose give up her life?

Karen li is not so domineering!

"Let her leave, and see you later, you can also say hello."

"I don't think there is any chance," Chuck shook his head. When Black Rose left just now, Chuck couldn't forget that look.

It's the kind that doesn't communicate with each other until death!

In other words, he broke off from Black Rose!

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What is this situation? Even if I saw it again, it would be a stranger!

It's a pity that Black Rose's character is like this, used to loneliness!

Chuck does not regret knowing Black Rose, but regrets that she just angered her.


Chuck followed her mother out!

Rumble! !

Black Rose's face was pale. She drove away from here by herself. She felt uncomfortable and felt abandoned. Why did Chuck want to do this? !

I will never see him again, never see! !

This is the character of Black Rose!

She drove to a place, yes, she came back to the boss behind the scenes!

The boss behind the scene saw the black rose like this, she was surprised, in fact, she also knew the situation of the black rose, but did not expect the black rose actually hurt like this.

"Black Rose, you..."

"I don't want to be a killer anymore, you don't need to find me again later." That's right, Black

Rose doesn't do a killer.

She was going to a place where Chuck could never find.

She is also tired and can retire.

The boss behind the scenes did not think, "Why?"

Black Rose is the number one killer, why did he suddenly stop doing it?

"There is no reason, I don't do it," Black Rose left, and the boss caught up behind the scenes,

"What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay! Trouble you, if Chuck asked me, don't tell him my situation!" said Black Rose! !

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My mother is a Baller, with a novel of Chapter 445

"Black Rose?"

When the boss behind the scenes was stunned, the black rose had already left. what's the situation?

Don't tell Chuck, her situation?

"Hello, why did Chuck ask your situation?" The boss behind the scene yelled at the black rose who left.

"Why? By the way... How could he come over and ask himself? In his eyes, he is just a bodyguard. If he is injured, he will give money to the bodyguard who left. He is useless to him now, he What are you doing with yourself?"

Black Rose shook his head, feeling uncomfortable and angry in his heart. What did he do?

Black Rose laughed at herself and left.

Behind the scenes, the boss is more puzzled. What is the situation?

"Boss," At this time, Ouyang Fei came out, and she happened to see the black rose leaving.

She saw it just now, and the black rose looked pale!

During this time, Ouyang Fei was too fast, and the boss behind the scene was surprised. Ouyang

Fei felt that her strength could solve the black rose.

What's more, the black rose injured at the moment? ?

"Don't move, Black Rose!" The boss behind the scene finished speaking!

Ouyang Fei smiled, his face was smug, "You said you wouldn't let me move, you wouldn't let me move? What are you? When I solve the black rose, I will deal with you..."


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The Li family of four big families! !

At this moment, the head of the Li family is full of gloom!

Overlord Li was extremely angry, and there were other Li family members, all fidgeting!

"What did I say? Karen li, a bitch, actually offended the people of the hidden family, she was not going to die? Don't drag us if you want to die!!"

Lord Li has just received the news, and everyone is in danger!

The hidden family can afford ordinary people? ?

What if you Li Qing died out of the Oak family? The Oak family, in front of the hidden family, is the unstoppable garbage! !

This is the case with the Oak family, not to mention the Li family, which has been seriously injured.

"Alas, how did Karen do this? Isn't this affecting my Li family?" The other Li family shook his head and sighed.

The strength of the secret family, as one of the four major families, how could they not know?

Offended the hidden family, it is to find death! You can prepare the coffin in advance.

The owner of the Li family said nothing!

Li Ba preached, "Dad, let's go to the family of the hidden family in advance, otherwise, Karen li will definitely affect my Li family! The hidden family is not a joke!"

"Master Li, did you actually say such a thing?" Master Li was angry!

Hate iron not become steel! !

Why are you so boneless?

"Dad, I am also thinking about the future of the Li family. The hidden family has to deal with

Karen li. With our relationship with Karen li, we will definitely be implicated. We might as well

222 Read full book at: give up in advance so that we can live!" Overlord Li is worried.

The other descendants of the Li family looked at each other, and the overlord Li said very spineless, but it was true!

How can the hidden family take root? The Li family is the root of Karen li, so the hidden family will definitely eliminate the Li family!

No one speaks!

"Sin son!!" The head of the Li family is angry!

He came over and slapped Li Overlord!

No one in the Li family dares to speak.

The overlord Li was blushing, and he sullenly said, "Dad, you have to think about the descendants of the Li family! Our Li family is out of the slut of Karen li, it is the misfortune of our Li family! We can only find a way to make up!"


Slap it out again!

Overlord Li backed away, his face was red and swollen, "Dad!!"

"I'm sorry for this daughter Karen, and now I'm sorry for her? I can't do it! We Li family must have the guts!" Li family owner scolded!

No one answered.

"Dad, Karen li is not a member of our Li family anymore. What do you think about her?" The overlord Li was also angry.

He always hated Karen li and Chuck!

"Fuck!!" The head of the Li family was extremely angry!

"Slap, crack, crack!!!"

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Someone was clapping their hands, and a group of people walked in outside, one surrounded by others.

"Master Li, you really know the current affairs, more than these old things!" You Tianle smiled slightly, harmless to humans and animals!

"Who, who are you?"

Everyone in the Li family was shocked!

Why didn't the bodyguard outside move at all?

How did these people come in?

"Your bodyguards are too rubbish. No wonder Karen li could break into you before night."

You Tianle laughed sarcastically!

For the Li family guards, it is a real shock to his home visitor and the secret family bodyguard! !

"Are you? Are you from a secret family?" Li Overlord was shocked!

The others in the Li family were also stunned, instinctively showing fear!

If it’s not a secret family member, how could it be possible to ignore their family guards and come in? ?

The master of the Li family flashes!

"Yes, Lord Li, you still have a little insight. I heard that you are on the other side of the wall.

Now it seems that you want to worry about that side? Which side of Karen li? Oh, dying, I’m much better here. "You Tianle laughed!"

Control the Li family, to deal with Karen li, let Karen li's family to kill Karen li, then is it very interesting? !

This is Yu Tianle's first plan!


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Painful, he wants to let Karen li and Chuck fall into despair step by step! !

He will feel so little satisfaction!

Overlord Li was shocked, "You..."

He was red-faced and scarred, and You Tianle said that, he was not angry, what qualifications to be angry? ?

"I only ask you again, which side do you fall on!"

The voice was not loud, but it surprised everyone!

Don't surrender to Youjia, die, surrender to Youjia, live! !

This is a choice between life and death!

Lobby, dead silence!

Unconsciously, everyone looked at Li Overlord! They are tangled to the extreme!

What should I do?

How should I choose?

"I, I surrender to you! Homeowner!!!" Li Ba Lord kneeled!

The children of the Li family were shocked.

"Fuck, wicked son!" The head of the Li family was so angry that he coughed.

My own son, kneel to others!

"Dad, you're always confused. Karen li offended the housekeeper. It's her business. Why do you have to harm us?"

"You forgot, we have a quiet thing?" Li family head resented!

"I don't think I have any problem with her. Instead, it's her. I don't know what to do!" Li

Overlord shook his head. Extremely indifferent!

Overlord Li said to other people, "Are you going to die or live?? Are you going to be affected by

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Karen li, who is not the Li family? I don't want it! Who is she?"

He walked to You Tianle and bowed his head politely, "Homeowner!"

My mother is a Baller, and there are novels from you

In the presence of everyone, Li Overlord called the owner of You Tianle, and the owner of the Li family was furious!

The other children of the Li family looked at each other, and no one dared to speak! !

"Good boy, Master Li, you start today, no longer surnamed Li, surnamed tour! I allow you to believe in tour!" You Tianle laughed!

"Thank you, Lord!" Li Bazhu bowed his head and respectfully!

For him, it is still the most important to live, what family! What surname? Not worth mentioning!

The other children of the Li family are in a bad mood, and they also want to live!

Master Li Jia's fists clenched and squeaked! ?

"Overlord Li, I shouldn't drive Karen out, the most should be you!!!" The head of the Li family was extremely resentful!

He regretted how he treated Karen li at that time, leaving people like Li

Overlord. Product=Book/Web

Actually betrayed now and became a dog!

Is living more important than self-esteem? ?

"Dad, don't talk about it, you come here too! You can live when you come over!!!" Li Ba said to the other descendants of Youjia.

The children of Youjia looked at each other!

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No one dared to move!

You Tianle smiled, "But if you come, you die? Come and give me a bang, and I will reward you with a surname, the same surname as my family!"

The eyes of the Li family head are blood red! Covered by shame!

"Me, Dad, I want to live!"

"Grandpa, I want to live too!"

"Grandpa, forgive me, I want to live too!"

One after another, all the descendants of the Li family came over, and they shed tears and kowtowed to You Tianle.

One by one!

On the Li family, only the owner of the Li family is alone, to the extreme of loneliness!

You Tianle laughed terribly, "Haha! Well, starting today, you are the surname! You are the descendants of my family!"

"Home, homeowner!!"

The descendants of the Li family bowed their heads in shame and dared not go to see the owner of the Li family!

"Dad, come here too! Survival is more important than anything!" Li Overlord said.

"Yes, Grandpa, come here, it's okay! Just changed the surname!"

"Your surname Li is the same, no difference! There is no need to be like this. Grandpa, come here, just kowtow with the owner, very simple!"

The children of the Li family are calling.

The head of the Li family is in agony. What did he raise? ?

These are your own children. How can you call someone else's head shamelessly? !

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"shut up!"

The owner of the Li family resented, "Since today, you are not a member of the Li family. You must remember that the Li family does not want you!!"

The children of the Li family looked at each other!

For them, survival is more important than anything, and the rest is irrelevant.

You Tianle grinned, "Oh, it's so bonesome, give me a knock, you can survive, and you can be a child of the hidden family, why should you?"

"Shut up, you!"

Master Li went forward step by step, fearlessly!

"I'm too old to kneel!"

"Then I will find someone to help you kneel! I like others to kneel down for me, especially you!"

You Tianle grinned beckoningly, "You overlord, go! Let him kneel!!"

"Homeowner, he is me..." Overlord Li hesitated!


A slap fell on his face!

The overlord's cheeks are scarlet!

He was annoyed, but he didn't dare to speak with anger, only one step up the mountain, no one from the Li family descended, he bowed his head!

"Dad, be a little more fun!" Master Li overwhelmed his heart!

"shut up!"

The owner of the Li family resented that he stepped forward and smashed his fist! ! boom!

Overlord Li is facing the attack!

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The owner of the Li family fell out!

Mouth vomiting blood, lying in awkward ground.

"Dad, you are old, you are always confused." Li Ba has a blank expression!

"I really regret giving birth to you!" The head of the Li family climbed up, and blood kept coming out of his mouth.

"No, you should finally regret that Karen li is left!" The overlord of Li was fierce and angry!

"The last thing I regret is her!"

"You overlord, don't you do it yet?" You Tianle lazily urged!

"Yes, the owner!" Overlord Li hesitated for three seconds. "The owner, my dad still has the role of surviving. You can lead Karen li over here!"

"Oh, no, no, no, Karen li was kicked out by you, and has no feelings for you, you still expect her to come for you too?" You Tianle has no humanity, and his thinking is the same.

How could Karen li come over? ?

"Let him kneel! I can let him go! Otherwise, You Ba Tian, you die!"

Lord Li was expressionless, and he walked to his father and kicked.

The head of the Li family turned and knelt down, the knee bone burst!

The children of the Li family didn’t speak alone, so they didn’t dare to look up!

"Dad, don't blame me!" Overlord Li came back.

"Haha, good job! Go! You can follow me!" You Tianle laughed!

Take people away.

The descendants of the Li family bowed their heads and followed, and the overlord Li also followed. He hated Karen li even more! It's all you! !

"Master, do you want me to kill him?" asked a bodyguard!

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"Kill? Why kill him? This old immortal self-esteem has been trampled on by me. After he leaves, he will definitely commit suicide. Compared with me, he committed suicide by himself.

That revenge on Karen li is not even greater!?" You Tianle A grinning shrug!

"Understood, young master!"

You Tianle smiled, now is just the beginning, Chuck, Karen li, you two will regret it!

"Quiet, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have driven you out, or today's things will never happen, everything is our own suffering, everything is our own fault...... " Li family head regretted it!

If Karen li was not expelled from the beginning, what can you do if you have Karen li sitting in town and visiting Tianle?

A family bone is important! The bone of Li Overlord has softened, and everyone else has also softened. People who have no face and no skin have become dads!

The head of the Li family looked down at a piece of broken glass on the ground. He reached out and slowly picked it up...


Karen li and Chuck came out.

"Mom, what are you doing here with me?" Chuck didn't quite understand. Karen li actually arrived at her technology company!

What is this for? ?

"Give you a good outfit! The next day, it will be particularly dangerous! Do you know?" Karen liyun is breezy.

Chuck understood, and went in with his mother. There are everything in the technology company, including self-help medicines, and special metals. Karen li brought Chuck a set in all directions, and felt that it was necessary!

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Hands and feet are protected so that the combat effectiveness is high!

However, when Chuck was replaced, she saw her mother answering a phone call and never saw her mother move again. Chuck came over and said, "Mother, what's wrong with you?"

Li Qing's eyes closed and tears came out.

My mother is a Baller with a novel 747. What is your mood? Listen online with novels

"Your grandpa is dead... committed suicide,"

Karen li wiped away her tears, and her heart fluctuated. Think-free-fee-watch-end-full-version please Baidu search-pin=book=net

For her father, Karen li is completely indescribable. From a young age to a big one, she is not as good as a maidservant. Not only are she treated differently from her elder brothers, one day at a time!

He didn't even come up with the money for studying. Anyway, he hated Karen li and unconditionally.

What Karen li does, as long as it is a penny from the flower family, he will say it!

When Karen li started to make money on his own, he was poor, and he didn't support it at all, even if he didn't have any points.

Karen li has no complaints, and feels that he can raise himself to grow up, which is enough, so that Karen li has grown bigger, done it, and secretly helped the Li family! Billions of dollars are brought to the Li family every year, and profits to hundreds of dollars are all released by Karen li himself.

For more than ten years, there have been thousands of dollars, which is brought by Li Qing's humor to the Li family who gave birth to her.

Not long ago, Karen li was also kicked out of the Li family!

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He was cruel and cut! !

Karen li, who has nostalgic feelings, can't continue, even if she doesn't, she will always make money for the Li family...

For family members who only think about their own money, just break it! !

Another thing Karen li cannot tolerate is that he has acquiesced to the overlord Li to kill Chuck!

Karen li cannot tolerate it!

Chuck is her biggest bottom line! !

Therefore, Karen li already felt worthy of him.

There is no affection in the future, and when you meet, you only need to nod your head, but, dead...

Karen li has complex emotions.

Chuck was stunned. Did the Li family suicide?

Chuck immediately understood what was going on. You Tianle was fooled. Otherwise, why would the Li family owner commit suicide?

What about those overlords?

Chuck wanted to think about it, it must be Guishun Youtianle.

"Mom, this..."

"Cer, I want to stay for a while, you go first, Betty is waiting inside," Karen li said.

There is nothing comforting about Chuck. For this grandfather, Chuck has no feelings. When suddenly hearing this news, Chuck is not sad.

There is even a species. . Be happy!

Who asked him to push his mother out of the Li family like that?

You know, the strength of the mother at that time, you can destroy the Li family!

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Now that he has turned his face and is a stranger, what is he doing to you? ?

If it is Chuck, Chuck will definitely not give it!

The mother is actually soft-hearted, otherwise you will not put black roses at that time, but also put Shi Shiwen.

It’s impossible to be soft-hearted. It was lucky for the Lis at that time!

Chuck went out of the car, Karen li was silent for three seconds, sighed, and called, "Hou buried my dad...Yes, Hou buried, I will go when I have time..."

Chuck came into the technology company by himself. Betty took Chuck to change clothes. Now she is improving her strength. In the absence of time, equipping herself is the most direct way.

This process did not take long.

Chuck already has a new set of equipment, and all hands and feet are protected by soft armor, which is safe and more capable of playing!

Chuck was packed and some first-aid pills were taken, anyway, the equipment was abundant.

At this time, the mother came in.

It can be seen that the mother is still sad, and Chuck did not speak.

He might laugh because he was not sad. That made his mother hear it, isn't it embarrassing? ?

It's better to shut up.

The mother went in without a word.

Chuck waited for a while. Mom, Betty came out of the technology company. Mom still said nothing. When she drove to a place, she stopped. "Cer, would you like to visit your grandfather now?"

Karen li still wanted to see her dad's last glance, even though this dad never made her feel like a father.

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The people of the Li family were gone. He walked alone, and Karen li still couldn't bear it.

"Mom, yeah." Chuck was unwilling in his heart, but Mom wanted to see, what could be done?

"Well, then go now!"

Karen li drove past.

Arrived at the Li family!

Karen li's man was already handling the body of the head of the Li family, his throat was cut by glass, and he still grabbed the glass with blood in his hand.

Chuck looked expressionless, and Karen li couldn't help sighing.

He personally carried him into the car.

Chuck was thinking, You Tianle thought about doing this, this is to let Master Li overtake himself and his mother!

This idea is really vicious! Anyway, Chuck felt ashamed!

After handling the body of the Li family owner, Karen li, Chuck, and Betty got on the train and left.

Karen li sent her dad through the rear-view mirror for the last trip and left here with gas.

Chuck said nothing.

Back home, mother, Betty is intensively preparing to deal with You Tianle.

How to say, You Tianle took the position of the head of the house, although it was advanced, but it is still in the plan of the mother, so just follow the original plan.

Chuck still has You Tianle's handle in hand, thinking when to give him this handle? ?

It should not be far away, what expression would You Tianle have at that time? ?

Chuck didn't think much about it. You Tianle's mentality is different now. This kind of handle may not be of much use to him.

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Instead, Du Peixin called and detailed the situation on the other side of the casino. The business was particularly good, and Chuck was also pleased. How can I say that this is my first business in the United States?

Chuck has arranged a lot of people there as security.

Make sure that You Tianle won't make trouble there!

What Chuck does not know is that Alice is very dangerous here! !

That’s right, You Tianle knew last time that Chuck and Alice have a good relationship.

Otherwise, why would they start out for Alice? ?

So first, point the finger at Alice!


At the door of Alice's house, a lot of people suddenly appeared, these are the elite bodyguards of the home! !

They came out, no one can resist!

"Emily, you leave first!" Alice discovered the problem long ago. Now that she knows about this situation, You Tianle called someone over.

When she learned that Youjia had changed the owner again, or was You Tianle, she already knew that You Tianle would come to find her!

Because of the last thing!

"Mom, what happened?" Emily panicked!

It’s raining outside!

Crackling, scared to death!

"You Tianle called someone over, you go first!" Alice Lamily came out.

Telling the bodyguard to send Emily away, Emily struggled to no avail, has been taken away by

235 Read full book at: the bodyguard forcibly! !


Outside the house, just like the scene, Alice took out the gun herself and threw the trigger!

Kill one is one!

She is also a sharpshooter!


Suddenly, a bomb flew towards this side, straight to Alice! !

My mother is a Baller, and the novel Chapter 474 will never betray! Listen online with


Alice is an arms dealer and knows all kinds of bombs all over the world. She knows this bomb because she produced it!

The explosion range is huge!

Seeing the bomb drop, Alice made a decision instantly!

When the bomb falls, she may have her hands broken!

She fired a gun at the bomb!


The falling bomb exploded! !

The horrible explosion wave caused Alice who had just found the cover to fall to the ground and her clothes were torn. His hair was messed up and his face was dirty.

Fortunately, you can survive! !


This shootout lasted more than ten minutes, and suddenly, it was quiet! !

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Terrible quiet!

The only living Alice stood up, she knew what it meant, all the members of the family guards were dead, only she was still alive! ?


The heavily armed men approached. Come from all directions, everyone has a gun in his hand, and directly point the cold muzzle at Alice!

"Alice, put down the gun!!!" It was a woman who took the lead!

Indifferent to the extreme!

She is only obedient to visit Tianle now!

You Tianle's command is to return Alice Ribbon! !

Alice was silent for three seconds and shot suddenly!

Five people were killed!

If you die, what are you afraid of? ? however! bump!

A bullet came and shot through Alice's hand!


Alice's gun fell to the ground. She endured the pain and wanted to pick up the gun.

The woman came over with just one foot.

Alice clutched her stomach and fell to the ground, her face turned white. Without the strength to get up, the woman's foot, even a master of combat, can't stand it!

Alice's ability to not dizzy is considered to be of good physical fitness, and replaced with others, she has screamed that she passed away.

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"Take her away!" The woman turned and left.

The fully armed man surrounded Alice and forcibly took Alice away.

For them, Alice at this time, the four big families at this time, are vulnerable!

The strength of the hidden family is not comparable to the four major families!

The guards of this family can be destroyed casually, as long as You Tianle gives orders.

"Oh, Alice, let's meet again! Miss me?" You Tianle laughed aloud, Alice, who still had a charm, her clothes were ragged, and she had a wild feeling.

Alice said indifferently, the last time You Tianle asked her for a bomb. That's it!

She is used to it. If it was not Chuck last time, she might have been tortured by You Tianle long ago, but now it is still here.

"Look, you have a good relationship with Chuck, did you happen to him?" You Tianle sneered.

"What are you talking about?"

Alice is angry, panicked, and Chuck's things, absolutely can not tell others!

Can't admit it!

"So. Chuck's rubbish, how can I play with you? Alice, how do you take care of it? By the way,

Alice, know what I'm here to let you do?" You Tianle reached out and grabbed Alice's face!

"You let go!" Alice feared.

As a woman, she saw what You Tianle thought about her. She was afraid. She had already determined that Chuck was her second man. Even if she died, she could never let other men get their bodies!

This is a betrayal to Chuck! !

"Haha, you're in my hands, let me let go? Why did I let you come over? For what? You know, last time Chuck was for you, so to me, it seems that you are in Chuck's mind. Now, let’s try to

238 Read full book at: see if Chuck will come over to save you!" You Tianle laughed terribly!

Step by step to torture people around Chuck, this kind of fun is very good! !

This is the revenge on Chuck!

"Call Chuck. Please tell him that you are in my hands, call me, and I will let you go!"

You Tianle laughed abnormally.

Why did he release Alice? !

Also in front of Chuck. Step by step to torture Alice, let Chuck see that the people he knows die in pain, so that's enough! !

"I won't call!" Alice is unwavering!

When Chuck came here, it definitely represented that he had stepped into the ghost gate. How could he do that? ?

"This is not what you can say! You know?" You Tianle smiled sinisterly, his hands have changed.

Alice feared, "What are you doing?"

"What do you say? If I don't call, I will do something to you... Alice you!" You Tianle suddenly irritated, he found that Alice's mouth suddenly bleed out, what is this? ?

Tongue bite? !

You Tianle let go, "Huh. I didn't expect you to be so strong!"

This is really not what You Tianle thought of. How to say, Alice is also the head of a large family, and she can't bear the burden? ?

Is this about to commit suicide?

However, You Tianle also laughed. Anyway, he had the wrong idea just now. How could Chuck touch such a stiff woman like Alice? !

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This is impossible.

Without being insulted by Chuck, then there is a little play value.

Alice's mouth is unconscious, her bloody eyes staring at him!

She had no regrets about what happened just now, and she couldn't betray Chuck even if she voluntarily died. !

"Forget it, you come. Whether it's a fight or a curse, I want her to call Chuck personally for help," You Tianle became lazy.

For him, Alice still can't die!

"Yes, master!" A woman came and used her means to make Alice succumb!

Alice closed her eyes!

Endure torture!

You Tianle looked more and more impatient, and Alice was too strong. If this continues, death will not let her speak!

You Tianle is terrible, he thought of another method that will definitely allow Alice to make this call! !


"Woo." Emily's plane was attacked by the bodyguards when she left, and the fuel tank leaked.

She was forced to descend in a wilderness, she is now going to find someone to help!

Chuck, the first person she thought of, was Chuck! !

She has to find a way to find Chuck!

She ran in the forest by herself. She was already injured. She was particularly worried about how her mother Alice was. Has it already suffered unexpectedly? ?

She dare not think about it!

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Suddenly, there was movement. Emily was vigilant to find a place to cover, wow, la, someone rushed over, fully armed!

Emily was shocked. This is all the people of the home!

"Ah! No!" Emily ran wildly, but a man grinned and kicked over. How could Emily resist?

Screaming to death!

The man picked up Emily and got on the plane to leave!

"Oh, found it? Alice, I don't think you can make this call!" You Tianle grinned grinningly!

My mother is a Baller with a novel of Chapter 479, acting separately! Listen online with


Chuck doesn't yet know about Alice and Emily.

After he and his mother came back from the technology company, Chuck went to his casino side!

Also decided that the casino is okay, Chuck is at ease.

Du Peixin has been arranging strict guards, and there have been no problems!

But Chuck knows that once something goes wrong, this new casino is over! !

I made it clear to Du Peixin directly, Du Peixin said seriously that if something goes wrong, she will be responsible! !

Chuck doesn't need to do this, she just needs to be careful!

Simple and Dupe heart explain!

Chuck came back from his casino. Logan and Yvette all came back. Let's discuss together!

During this process, Chuck was absent, why?

If You Tianle's strength to control your home is too strong, should he listen to his father and ask

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Wan Ziwen for help? ?

Chuck didn't know what he thought, but knew that Chuck didn't want his mother, Yvette, and

Logan to have an accident.

At that point, Chuck would not hesitate.

Karen li suddenly received a call, she was stunned, "Cer, your partner, something happened to


Chuck stood up suddenly! what? !

What happened to Alice?

Was You Tianle?

Chuck's eyes were cold and suddenly angered, You Tianle, how dare you do this? ?

Migrated your anger to Alice?

"Mom, I know, I will go out." Chuck said coldly.

Karen li was more stunned. Chuck’s look was terrifying. How could Alice also make Chuck appear this way?

"Wait!" Logan and Yvette, including Karen li, stopped Chuck at the same time!

"Since this step, there is nothing more to say, Ceer, You Tianle should control Alice, then you can see her, you can go, and I, Logan, Yvette go to your home!" Karen li felt that it was impossible. Dragged on.

You Tianle should be hit!

"Me, I want to be with Chuck," Yvette said busy.

How can she be assured?

Chuck went to see You Tianle alone, so much danger? !

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"Yvette, Alice's side, should immediately call to let Ceer go alone!" Karen li shook her head.

Logan was worried, but Karen li's words still made sense.

Chuck dragged You Tianle away, and they went directly to Youjia to control, which is also a good method.

Control Youjia, then You Tianle will definitely panic!

Chuck will also be much safer, which is the best way now.

"But, but..."

Yvette couldn't take over, she couldn't help but listen to Karen li's words!

"Her husband, you have to be careful!" Yvette couldn't control his emotions.

This time it was the hidden family!

"Well." Chuck asked his mother's address. The mother said, and Chuck remembered to go out.

Karen li, Logan and Yvette didn't speak. Chuck left and silenced them.

"Yvette, you have to prepare! You are here to stay." Karen li began to assign tasks.

She and Logan are both good at personal night raids!

The two of them are going directly to the home! !

"I don't want it, I'm going too!" Yvette denied!

Karen li was stunned, Yvette lowered his head, his voice was much lower, "I don't want it, I want to go too, don't underestimate me, I will surpass you one day!"

"Okay! Go ahead and prepare!" Karen li agreed.

Yvette ran out to prepare.

Loganmei looked at the outside all the time, and her heart followed Chuck.

"Don't worry, Ceer's ability is better than You Tianle, so don't worry," Karen li said.

She is assured of Chuck!

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In this case, she did not encounter it again. She met and survived, even a very big promotion.

Chuck also needed this!

No one can help him, all growth, still need him to come!

"Ah!!!" Logan sighed.

What's the use of worrying?

"By the way, body armor put on, I think there might be an accident this time." Karen li said.

Her sixth sense tells her that something will happen suddenly!

What is it, she is not sure yet, but definitely there is!

After so many years, Karen li can live to the present, she firmly believes in the sixth sense! !

Logan was stunned, "What do you feel?"

To Karen li, Logan believed 100%.

"Just think that there is an accident, so be careful,"

Karen li thought about it, only to say so.

"Well." Logan didn't feel this way just now, but suddenly Karen li mentioned that she also felt this way!

What kind of accident will it be?

The two went to prepare! !

The three came out. Karen li took the lead and flew to the home. Betty didn't go. All the industries of Karen li were under surveillance. As long as there was a problem in the place, Betty would solve it immediately! ?

Chuck drove out of the house and went straight to the theme to go to the place where my mother said!

He had prepared everything, but after leaving home, Chuck suddenly stopped without knowing

244 Read full book at: why!

A little pimple in my heart, I also feel that something unexpected will happen, what's going on? !

Chuck didn't think about what it might be? I thought about it myself! drive to!

Halfway through, Chuck received a call from the boss behind the scene and said something was wrong!

Chuck didn't want to go, but Chuck went along the way.

Last time, the behind-the-scenes boss said, did she arrange a spy among the three secret families? !

But what clues would she give herself.

It will also make Chuck more confident in facing You Tianle.

"Little lover, where are you going?" When the place arrived, the boss behind the scene was stunned. Chuck's expression was very serious. She knew where Chuck was going.

Too dangerous!

Chuck didn't say much. The boss behind the scene was anxious. She didn't care whatsoever, and took out the last three small bombs on her to Chuck.

In fact, there are still a few in Chuck's hands.

"You keep it yourself,"

Chuck didn't want it. The so-called trouble sees the truth. Now that there is no trouble, Chuck has seen her true feelings.

"No, you take it, you are my little lover, I can't let you die, you know?" The boss behind the scene was all red.

How to say, she feels very good about Chuck.

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Chuck couldn't refuse, so she took one and let her keep two.

The boss shook his head behind the scenes. Chuckdao said, "Sister, don't say it, you have to be alive!"

The boss behind the scene put it away, and she said, "I received the secret message that something went wrong with your home."

"Things?" Chuck stunned.

"Yes, my man told me that a secret warehouse in Youjia was taken by you. You Tianle did not know about it yet."

"Who was taken?" Chuck didn't expect that the boss behind the scene would tell him this thing, could it be that this is his sixth sense, and the reason for the accident?

My mother is a Baller, the novel 750, how to choose? Listen online with novels

"do not know,"

Behind the scenes, she also just got the news and told Chuck the first time.

She knows Chuck's recent relationship with Youjia.

Chuck thought, who did it?

You Tianle is still unclear? That thing was done secretly enough!

"Sister, you don't know anything else?" Chuck asked.

"Little guy, if I knew, would I hide you?"

This is also true. The boss behind the scenes really didn't hide anything from Chuck. Even if

Chuck asked her how old she was, she might not hide it.

"The person I arranged in was finally discovered by accident, did you think it was discovered intentionally?" The behind-the-scenes boss didn't feel good.

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Chuck understands that You Tianle doesn't know yet, and can really explain that the people she arranged were mostly found by mistake.

"I know, sister, I'm leaving." Chuck shook his head and must go, otherwise, Alice, Emily, they would be in great danger!

"Hug me once!" The boss behind the scene blinked with sincerity.

Chuck didn't hesitate, tenderly, gently hugged her all at once. When letting go, the boss behind the scene embraced Chuck himself.

"Do you know? For the first time in such a long time, I want a man to hold me, you are the first," the boss behind the scene was particularly gentle today.

Chuck coughed, "Ah..."

"No amount, let me hold for a while," she said reluctantly.

This is really the first hug between her and Chuck!

It feels so beautiful, which makes the boss behind the scenes more certain, how she feels about


Chuck didn't move.

The boss behind the scene is sensible, she knows that Chuck is anxious to leave here.

Let go of her.

Chuck left without delay.

The boss behind the scene sighed and looked at Chuck who left, she muttered to herself, "Little fellow, you hooked my soul..."


"Mom, mom..." Emily was caught. She saw the tortured Alice.

Her heart hurt to the extreme.

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Alice has been tortured to death at this moment, she has endured very hard, but she is only a woman after all.

Pain, she didn't flinch, but she couldn't bear it.

"Mom..." Emily cried.

"Emily, how are you?" You Tianle smiled slightly. Emily and Alice are very similar. In fact, they look like sisters who are only a few years old.

You Tianle, who has seen too many women, also finds Emily beautiful.

"I'm not good, let my mother go!" Emily was crying, very angry!

"Oh, you help me persuade your mother to call Chuck for help, and I let her go. Are you okay?

Just make a phone call."

"No fight, absolutely no fight!" Emily was very determined!

Calling Chuck does not mean that Chuck will be in danger after coming over? !

Just die by yourself, how can you get Chuck?

Just as it should, Chuck was paid once.

Emily is not afraid! !

"Oh, you are like your mother Alice, let me like it! Haha! Splash water on me and wake Alice,"

You Tianle grinned grimly! splash! !

The cold water splashed on Alice's head, and the unconscious Alice woke up under this cold.

She glanced in confusion, and after finding Emily who was also caught here, she looked bloody,


"Mom." Emily cried.

My own family, in front of the hidden family, was so weak that it was still a matter of time.

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"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!" Alice was miserable!

Her daughter was actually caught here.

"Mom, I'm not afraid! Not afraid!!" Emily was really not afraid.

At this place, she has her own consciousness.

"Emily... You Tianle, you let my daughter go! You let me do whatever you want! Let her go!"

Alice was just a mother at the moment.

"Haha! Are you willing to do anything?! This is what you said, then you call Chuck now, you let him come here!"

Alice is out of control! On the one hand is her daughter, on the other is the best feeling of Chuck, she can't choose!


"You are not qualified to bargain with me, I said to let you call, you just call, otherwise I will be in front of you, hey, you know!" You Tianle laughed.

He suddenly understood why Alice was protecting Chuck so much. Does Chuck have anything to do with Emily? ?

Then You Tianle found a better way of revenge.

Put a hat on Chuck, OK? ?

"Don't, mom, don't fight! You can't let Chuck come, he will die when he comes," Emily shook her head firmly and wept.

Absolutely not!


You Tianle slapped Emily on the face!

"You Tianle, you beast, don't hit my daughter!" Alice screamed, her emotions more

249 Read full book at: uncontrollable.

Emily's slap was very painful, she didn't hum, how about the pain?

Don't let go.

"Not painful? Haha!" You Tianle slapped Emily several times in a row, Emily said nothing, but there were tears in her eyes.

"Don't fight!" Alice was miserable and desperate. She thought that when she was alone, nothing happened, but suddenly her daughter came and she couldn't control it!

"This is the appetizer, I will ask you again, can't you beat it?" You Tianle looked at Emily's figure.

Perfect to the extreme!

He is excited.

"Emily, I..." Alice shook her head and her tears shed silently.

"Mom, I won't blame you. The big deal is death, I'm not afraid!" Emily also knew what You

Tianle would do to her next. She also decided that death could not make You Tianle treat her so much! !

The most important thing for her as a woman must be given to the person she likes!

"I can't let you suffer this kind of torture, can't I?" Alice cried more than ever.

My daughter is still young.

But she didn't want to call, she was in pain.

"It seems that your daughter is not as important as Chuck? Or do you think I am joking with you?!" You Tianle showed a terrible appearance.

"Don't!" Alice despair!

"Unfortunately, you are not qualified to let me go!" You Tianle laughed as he approached Emily.

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Emily was determined that when Yu Tianle's claws approached, she gritted her teeth and blood shed.

"No, Emily. No!" Alice screamed!

She knew what Emily was going to do, because she had done the same thing just now! !

You Tianle slap down!


Emily had blood flowing in her mouth, her head drooping and not moving, as if... dead.

You Tianle was angry, "Damn!"

"Emily, Emily, I'm sorry for you, don't be afraid, I will come with you," Alice said desperately, her daughter died, what was she doing alive? !

My mother is a Baller with the novel Chapter 551 of the audio novel! Listen online with


Chuck drove to the place where the mother said, it was really secret. No one said that there was no navigation of the mother company in the car, and I really couldn't find it here.

Chuck found a place to park, he was sure that he had enough equipment, and he quietly sneaked into this place.

There is also a big cave in it, how to say, there must be no cave in it!

You Tianle's luxurious man, arranged inside the palace, Chuck believes.

Chuck is extremely vigilant!

He had taken out the dagger given by Alice, and according to all the attention that his mother usually said, Chuck successfully entered.

Maybe this place is too secret, there is no one at the door.

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Chuck used signals to interfere with the monitoring in this cave, so that others could not monitor him temporarily, so it was easy to get in.

This is still taught by my mother. After trying everything, Chuck really came in so quickly!

Chuck came in, unable to suppress his heart, so he must find Alice quickly, Emily!

Otherwise, Chuck can think of what the perverted You Tianle can do.

For Alice, Emily hurt too much! !


Suddenly, Chuck heard the voice, this is Alice's scream! ?

Chuckxin was so nervous that he rushed in exasperation!

When meeting people, they are resolved at the fastest speed.

Finally close to the place where the sound came out, it was in a room!

The base of You Tianle is simply hollowing out a mountain, which is full of high-tech rooms.

When he came in, Chuck also saw the Youming pool, and even there are various beauties playing in the Youming pool.

Is this the harem place of Youtianle?

Chuck secretly dropped a bomb in a place and set a time so that he could be safe.

However, Chuck was surprised, why?

Alice's voice was not a direct place, and in what room was she going to enter, how did Chuck get in here?

Have! bomb!

The door can be opened by adding two bombs together.

Chuck is ready to do so! !

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"Huh! Who? Actually came in here, you are so bold!" A person appeared suddenly.

The eyes are cold, I know at a glance is a master!

The aura is particularly amazing!

Chuck frowned, and he understood that this place has fewer people because a master is sitting here! !

Once married, Wan Momo opened!

"You can come here, be the first person! Tell me your name, I don't kill the unknown!" In the dark, this is a burly man!

His cold eyes stared at Chuck, like two swords!

Yes, he is the most powerful person here, keep this place!

He just found out that the monitoring was abnormal, and his instinct feeling told him that someone came in!

After some searching, I actually found people coming in here.

He was a little surprised.

Can Chuck actually get here?

Chuck said nothing, there was no time to delay, let's fight fast! !

"Huh, don't you say? Take you to the house owner, you will say it!" The man sneered.

What he is really good at is fighting, what is Chuck's primary reason for holding a dagger? ?

Compare with yourself?

Find it! !

He clenched his fists, Chuck various Chinese people's body type, only one punch, you can hit him hard! He even killed him!

Men still need to control their strength, because Chuck killed him with a punch, how to explain

253 Read full book at: to You Tianle? ?

The body moved, the man punched out!

At this speed, ordinary people have been shocked and frightened.

Chuck was unmoved, he was close!

The boxing style is scary, Chuck's dagger is not vegetarian, wow la la!

The two met.

The man frowned and couldn't solve Chuck with one punch?


Huh, then use the second punch!

Fist hit!

Chuck didn't step back, hard-wired? it is good!

Scrap you!

The man sneered sneerly, but it was whimper, Chuck avoided this punch.


The dagger stabs!

The man sneered and stretched his hand to grab Chuck's wrist. "With your power, do you still want to?!"

However, before he finished speaking, Chuck's grasped hand shot a dagger and came over to his face.

This time, if you do not stop, absolutely dead!

The man was annoyed and let go of his dagger. Chuck seized the opportunity, and he was touched by him!

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The man was stunned, "Want to run? Give me a waste!"

He chased his fist, but after Chuck stepped back, the expression on his face was cold, "It's a pity..."

"What a pity?" The man was annoyed, he suddenly heard the sound, ding, ding, ding...

Is this a countdown sound?

Especially subtle, he still heard.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

The man looked down, at this moment, scared away!

In the place of his belt, there was actually a glass ball of the same size!

After seeing it for a second, he was stunned. What is this?

The next second, he was afraid!

What is this guy doing?

I still have to catch him to see the house owner to invite credit, I can't die!

"Ah, bomb!" The man said nothing in fear, the little thing exploded!

Instantly broke him! !

The entire cave was shaken violently, like an earthquake.

"No time to play with you, but a small bomb!" Chuck used to pick up the dagger on the ground.

When he reached the door of the room, he took out two small bombs and pressed the explosion timer!

"What's going on? The explosion just now?" You Tianle was angry, and his place would explode?

"Homeowner, there may be something wrong, the line," someone whispered.

This place is secret, and no one else will come, even if there is, it will be solved by the most

255 Read full book at: powerful bodyguard in this place.

So there is only a line problem.

"That's not for anyone to solve. Damn? Scared to death!" You Tianle exasperated!

The explosion just now was amazing!

Alice, ready to commit suicide, stopped. Her bloody eyes kept staring at the door, are you here? ?

She was nervous and worried!

"Oh, Alice, what are you looking at? Do you think someone came to save you?" You Tianle laughed.

This place, but his base camp, often brings a lot of women here, others don't even know this place.

Who can come? ?

"Are you thinking that Chuck came over here? Haha, don't be fantasizing, Chuck is impossible to come here. You haven't called him yet, you forgot?" You Tianle laughed.

However, it was just right to come, anyway, let him come.

The security of this place will be beyond everyone's expectations, he is absolutely safe here!

However, he had just finished speaking, and suddenly, a violent explosion sounded again. The ground shook, the door was blown up, and among the dust, one came in!

My mother is a Baller with novel 752. Do you have any comments? Listen online with


The person who came in, the standard Chinese face, yes, Chuck who blasted the door with a bomb! !

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Alice, who was beautiful and blood-red, froze and burst into tears.

He actually came over? !

Alice couldn't believe it, but he really appeared like that! !

This second man of my own appeared...

Alice feels like dreaming, but this real dream! !

The violent explosion made Yu Tianle irritated. In an instant, he saw the door burst and was blasted away. After the dust was all over, he saw the person coming in, Chuck, actually Chuck! ?

In a flash, You Tianle grinned!

No matter how Chuck came, why did he come here!

He has no interest in these.

The only thing I am interested in is here!

Come on well! !

Chuck glanced, this room is very big, there are You Tianle, there are many You Tianle bodyguards!

And... Alice, who was tortured and tied, and... For a moment, Chuck was shocked, Emily. ?

Is she dead?

Chuck looked at Alice's eyes, her eyes were sad, Chuck understood, and was angry!

What You Tianle did just now, he had already thought of it, Alice was tortured by despair just now! !

"Oh, it's not bad, you came here alone?" You Tianle smiled slightly, very terrible!


Snap your fingers!

You Tianle said, "You guys go to the door! Look at how many people are here"

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"Yes, the owner!"

Ten people in the room left! boom! !

What switch you pressed, people outside can see that this entrance is sealed by a heavy iron wall, and people outside can't get in!

Chuck walked in step by step without being affected by the gaze of You Tianle's bodyguard! !

Soon, the person who just went out came back.

"Go home, only he came over!"

"Did your mother Karen li give up on you, or are you too relieved? Actually let you come here alone?" You Tianle laughed.

Even if Karen li came here, there was no problem!

You Tianle is already sitting on the house, how can he compare with the security problem before? ?

"Don't talk? I know what Karen li means, oh, is this a separate act, right? You come here, Karen li will go to my home?? This really fits her character, she doesn't like to engage in sneak attacks, engage in Night raid? But I already knew it, so ah, be prepared for it and design a trap for Karen li. Of course, you can rest assured that Chuck will catch it, because, I still want Torture her well!!!" You Tianle laughed abnormally.

Yes, when he left, he had designed a trap in the home, even if Karen li was even more powerful, he could never escape the trap! !

Chuck was surprised, trap? Isn't that mom particularly dangerous? ?

"Are you afraid? Haha! You have done nothing wrong in your life. The only thing you have done wrong is to offend me. I am the one who can't offend you all your life!"

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You Tianle walked in front of Alice, he smiled, "I just asked her to call you and asked her to come over, she was unwilling to force Emily, she was also unwilling, so I am going to torture

Emily At that time, she actually killed herself by biting her tongue, what a pity! Emily's figure, but the type I like!!!"

Chuck understood that he distressed Emily suddenly, her character was strong and she would definitely not be insulted by You Tianle.

So I chose to end my life!

But she was less than 20 years old!

What a young age, it is because of You Tianle that she is gone! !

"Let's talk, are you a little bit interested in Alice, otherwise how can she protect you that way?"

You Tianle sneered.

"How did you let her go!" Chuck was not afraid and stepped closer.

"Let her go? Of course it is!" You Tianle's grimace!

"Chuck, go away, go away..." Alice is desperate, she has lost Emily, can she still lose Chuck? ?

She knew she could not survive, so she wanted Chuck to live well!

"Sorry, I hurt you." Chuck sighed.

Yes, it really hurt her.

If at that time, the two did not have a relationship, you would not let You Tianle seize this relationship to threaten, how could it be possible for You Tianle to catch it! ?

Now Alice was caught and Emily was dead, all because of her fault.

"No, you didn't hurt me," Alice shook her head in tears.

Why was Chuck hurt? ?

Even if there is no relationship with Chuck, the last time You Tianle asked for a bomb, she

259 Read full book at: would be insulted! !

What does this have to do with Chuck?

Alice was caught in!

When she was tortured, she didn't think so.

She even thanked Chuck. When You Tianle looked for her last time, if there was no Chuck, would she still be alive? !

Chuck sighed, Alice was tortured, Chuck felt distressed!

This woman can't tell her well. without return.

Chuck felt guilty for her.

"You Tianle, how did you let her go? Say it!" Chuck didn't wait.

This place, Chuck doesn't want to let Alice stay a second longer! !

When she left, Chuck could let go!

Otherwise, Chuck can only be controlled!

"How did you let her go? Let me think about it first? I haven't thought about it yet!" You Tianle smiled.

"No, you're going..." Alice closed her eyes.

She was so distraught that she couldn't watch it, and then she would break her heart.

"I will take you out, trust me!!!" Chuck said.

Alice couldn't speak, and her tears fell silently. She believed, but she just wanted Chuck to live!

"Oh, are you really optimistic, and want to take her away?? Ha ha, oh, I think well, you let me let her go, no problem, I want to see you beaten first, should it be okay?" You Tianle asked with a smile.

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Chuck said nothing!

"Oh, will you?"

"Okay!" Chuck nodded and agreed, "Can you let her go if you are beaten?"

"It depends on the mood, anyway, I want to see you beaten by my people, you should have no comments? If you have any comments, I don't listen."

"Okay," Chuck agreed.

Alice shook her head, tears silently more.

"You three, entertain him well, oh, yes, don't kill him, then I will have no fun, go!" You Tianle laughed.

"Yes, the master!!!" The three came out and walked towards Chuck.

You Tianle showed a terrible, next should be very interesting, he will not miss the next second.

Chuck clenched his fists, facing three people, he chose to let go, Alice's life, important!

My mother is a Baller with the novel 753. Do you want to die? Listen online with novels boom! boom! boom!

Three people shot, punching Chuck on the body! !

These are all masters of wrestling!

Amazing moves!

Chuck flew out!

Three meters away, Chuck fell to the ground!

Did he fall and stand firm? !

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Blood, flowing from the corner of the mouth, three punches! Chuck hit the bleeding. Think-free- fee-watch-end-full-version please Baidu search-pin=book=net

Alice shouted hoarsely, and Chuck came back step by step.

"Haha! Not bad, Chuck you can resist!!"

You Tianle felt very comfortable in his heart. He thought about the pain when he was beaten by

Chuck. Today, he will return ten times before Chuck's death!

"Go on, hit me until I am satisfied!" You Tianle lazily. boom! !

Three people kicked and kicked Chuck!

Chuck was kicked off and fell to the ground, embarrassed!

However, he still got up.

Come back step by step!

The three men sneered, not bad! kick!

The three kicked at the same time!

Chuck was kicked again!

He fell to the ground and spit out blood! !

Bright red blood spit on the ground.

"Haha, Chuck you are too garbage, vomiting blood so quickly? You can't, get up!" You Tianle laughed!

Chuck could not get up on the ground.

"Chuck..." Alice was desperate, how could this be?


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In a luxurious room, Wan Ziwen slapped her face on the face of her bodyguard.

The man has scarlet cheeks and kneels in horror! !


"What did you say? What did you say?" Wan Ziwen just heard the man's careful report, and actually heard Chuck go to see You Tianle alone!

Is this enough? ?

"Chuck, go, see You Tianle." The man was frightened.

This is the first time Wan Ziwen beat him!

At the moment of this slap, he had the illusion that Wan Ziwen would immediately kill him. so horrible!

This is the feeling of facing the emperor! !

"Do you want to die? Chuck is visiting You Tianle, can Chuck still live?" Wan Ziwen was furious!

The less she can get Chuck, the more she will be bothered by Chuck.

It's been in the past few days. She is unhappy, and she feels that she hasn't thought about anything.

"I, I..." The man couldn't help it, she received the news.

"Don't prepare a plane for me yet? I'm going to see You Tianle immediately. If he dares to kill my Chuck, I want him to die! Don't go soon!" Wan Ziwen was frightened!

Her cold eyes were afraid when she touched them.

The man got up and hurried out.

After a minute, he ran in! !

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"Miss, the plane is ready."

Wan Ziwen's ideas are changeable, so the plane is always ready.

Wan Ziwen swayed his long legs out!

Get on the plane!

Men make people drive!

"Yu Shiwen? Where did she go?" Wan Ziwen suddenly asked.

For a few days, You Shiwen is missing?

This really surprised her.

"She, she, I am still locked, please be assured that the lady can lock her soon, I think, that shot,

You Shiwen must have been hit hard, she found a place to hide and heal, not to mention, You

Tianle is still chasing Killing her, she will find a place to hide even when she is seriously injured," the man was careful, and Wan Ziwen was really scared him just now.

He also knew that Chuck's position in Wan Ziwen's mind.

It is useless to envy him. Just a slap. He has decided that he can't think of Chuckzai. If he doesn't pay attention, he is dead! !

Wan Ziwen sneered, "You Shiwen, don't underestimate her, she is definitely not as simple as you think!!!"

Yes, Wan Ziwen can make You Shiwen an opponent. Although it is a reluctant opponent, what does that mean? !

Explain that You Shiwen's ability is very good! It is already very close to Wan Ziwen.

"Miss rest assured, I will not underestimate her, I will send more people to lock her position!"

The man said busy.

"Suddenly missing? You Shiwen, what are you doing? Are you really looking for a place to

264 Read full book at: recuperate? I don’t think so. If it’s me, I can have other ideas... Would you think the same as me?

If you really just look for If you hide somewhere, then I will be very disappointed with you..."

Wan Ziwen's beautiful eyes flashed.

Suddenly she smiled, and the man was a little inexplicable.

What is Wan Ziwen laughing? ?

The man couldn't figure it out, he couldn't see through Wan Ziwen anymore.


"Karen li will actually let Chuck go to see You Tianle alone? What is Karen li's plan? I know, she should be on the tour's side at the moment and act separately, but this is too dangerous for

Chuck, how can Chuck Take such a big risk??" Wan Ziwen said coldly.

She was very angry and felt that Karen li did this, no way!

"Yes, Karen li did something wrong this time." The man agreed.

"Humph! This time Chuck is in trouble, I won't let her go for Karen li! Let someone drive faster!" Wan Ziwen urged.

"Yes, Miss!" the man arranged.

"Chuck, I'm really so good to you, do you feel anything about me? You have to see how good I am for you," Wan Ziwen's beautiful eyes flashed.

... boom!

Three people broke their fists!

Open mouth vomiting blood, and completely climbed up.

Alice's tears are about to dry up, Chuck, Chuck... she has been murmuring so hoarsely...

"Master, he doesn't seem to be able to support it," said one of the three men.

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Just now, three people punched and kicked without stopping at all. If they were replaced by other people, they would have been beaten to death.

Only Chuck can hold on so hard.

To be honest, all three of them were surprised!

This guy is too good to fight? ?

Is the body made of iron? !

"I saw it!" You Tianle felt very happy!

Chuck vomited blood and looked embarrassed.

He didn't miss a second, and he saw everything in his eyes.

"Chuck, can't get up? Haven't you really started yet. Why are you so garbage?" You Tianle grinned grimly.

"Leave her..." Chuck said hardly.

"Oh, I ask you, have you thought about such a day? Have you thought about the consequences of offending me? Do you regret it now?"

Chuck got up hard, "Let her go!"

This is a man's yelling!

"Haha, you know what you look like now? A dog! You, you are now a dog. Whatever I want you to do, you have to do anything, not to mention you only have half your life, or a dead dog..." You

Tianle said, "Let me let her go, but how do I think your hands and feet are intact? What about dazzling? Can I meet my request? Do you cut your own hand? If you cut it off, I let her go! !"

Chuck is silent, one hand! ?

"No, no!" Alice was hoarse to the extreme.

Chuck said nothing, but his fists were clenched! !

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Is my mother breaking hands in Chapter 754 of the Baller's audio novel? Listen online

with novels

"How is it? With a hand that I cut off, I put Alice, otherwise, I'll let her die immediately!" You

Tianle raised her hand!

Someone immediately pinched Alice's neck. Think-free-fee-watch-end-full-version please Baidu search-pin=book=net

She had already been tortured to death, and her neck was pinched. At this moment, she was already suffering from the extreme. She couldn't tell if she wanted to do this.

Chuck is still silent!

"I count three times, don't let my people do it! I only have to look at self-mutilation, which is interesting!" You Tianle said with a smile.

"Broken one hand, will let her go?" Chuck calmly.

"Of course, I am the most credit-worthy person!"

You Tianle laughed, "Just think about it, Alice can't hold it for a few seconds."


Alice's neck was pinched tightly, and her breathing was particularly difficult. Her beautiful face was as pale as death...

"Stop it! Okay, I'm off!" Chuck is still so calm!

Alice's painful look, Chuck didn't want to see it again, even for a second.

"Oh, agree? Well, cut off one's own hand! Start now! As long as the hand is on the ground, I will release Alice! Start, I can't wait!" You Tianle urged excitedly .

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"Don't, Chuck don't do this. It's not worth...getting out of here!" Alice was pinched by her neck, she still exhausted all her strength and yelled out hard.

"It's worth it!" Chuck calmly took out the dagger Alice gave, and he turned his head to look at one of his arms.


Alice closed her eyes, and in a flash of despair she had burst into tears again.

"Haha, hurry up," You Tianle can't wait any longer, he will not miss a point, even a second, in the next bloody picture!

Because, this is so cool for him!


Youjia! !

In the darkness, three people appeared quietly, and the three of them concealed.

It is Karen li, Logan and Yvette who are already close! !

Karen li is glancing at her. Among the three, she is the strongest. Logan will of course be obedient. Even Yvette, who has a blood feud with Karen li, will be obedient at this moment.

"The guard is very strict and there are traps!!" The sixth sense tells Karen li that Youjia has traps at this moment!

She was not surprised. normal!

Yvette, Logan was shocked!

"So what to do!"

Yvette is really anxious. At this time, Chuck must have seen You Tianle. If there is no result as soon as possible, Chuck will definitely die! !

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She would really be out of control,

Logan was also anxious, and the sixth sense told her that this place was not right!

"Be careful. I'm in front, and the two of you follow." Karen li has too much experience with this trap.

"Huh..." Karen li suddenly turned back.

Yvette and Logan also looked back, leaving no one behind.

"What's the matter?" both women asked.

"It's nothing, maybe I thought about it more..." Karen li shook her head, didn't look too much.

Yvette and Logan looked at each other, they did not find anything, it seems that Karen li was too sensitive just now.

But be careful, of course, there is no problem.

Three people are near the home!

Originally, Youjia was in the deep mountains. Many trees were monitored by cameras. Karen li brought high-tech and can accurately scan out wherever there is monitoring, then they avoid from where they are.

I can’t avoid it, so it’s enough to use interference. Interference for a few seconds is enough to get them to the next place.

Yvette felt a particularly great danger, but Karen li was expressionless and indifferent, which made Yvette lose his heart. The gap was still too great.

How can I kill Karen li afterwards? ?

"Don't be distracted, there are some things, think again after this time passes!" Karen li reminded.

How could Karen li not feel the murderous moment?

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Yvette bowed his head.

Karen li actually saw it, she felt complacent.

Obviously, there was more than she thought.

Yvette and Logan followed Karen li's pace and moved closer to the home!

Suddenly, Karen li stopped!

Yvette and Logan felt the crisis!

"The two of you are waiting for me here!"

Karen li has disappeared into darkness.

The sixth sense tells her that someone in the front is holding the handle, and she must solve it as quickly as possible.

Yvette was stunned, and wanted to go with him, Logan sighed, "Yvette, we are waiting here,"

"Well," Yvette looked at Karen li to solve the problem.

Still no movement.

"Yvette, still want to kill aunt?" Logan sighed.

"Can I kill? She killed my dad! I will always remember this hatred!" Yvette said coldly.

Logan sighed.

Thirty seconds later, Karen li returned. There was no sound during the process, and no one found it.

Yvette was surprised, and even more lost in his heart.

The gap is too large.

"Continue!" Karen li moved on!

Suddenly, a knife flew over!

Karen li took his cold face!

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She wears gloves. This kind of gloves is made of metal like hair and hair. !

Yvette, Logan was shocked!

In the dark, come out alone!

"Last time there was no victory or defeat, don't leave this time!" This is an old man.

The last time Chuck made a fuss about Youjia, it finally appeared, the strongest bodyguard of

Youjia, but was blown away by Karen li with two punches!

He worked hard to forcibly improve his strength and decided to fight Karen li! !

This was his wish before he died!

Finally, I met a man who can play, how can he let it go! !

"The two of you will go first and wait for me one kilometer away a minute." Karen li said solemnly.

Yvette and Logan felt the momentum of this old man!

This is definitely a master among masters! ?

"But..." Yvette wanted to stay and see how Karen li dealt with this person.

"Go first!"

Yvette, Logan remained silent for three seconds, and the obedient continued to deepen!

"One minute, it means that one minute can solve me?" The old man sneered excitedly as he stepped closer.

"Without one minute, thirty seconds!" Karen li lost the knife in her hand.

"Haha! Very confident, thinking that the last time I repulsed me, I think the world is invincible?"

The old man sneered.

These days, his old body is training, waiting for the moment now! ! The shame of the last time, today must be brought back with profit!

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"I'm not invincible in the world, but for this old man, thirty seconds is a face!" Karen li shook his head and stepped forward!

My mother is the 750th chapter of the powerful novel of the Baller. Listen online with


The speed of Karen li, that is a light in the darkness, has already reached the old man after the shot!

The old man sneered, he revealed the strength of his strongest bodyguard.

Meet Karen li! ! boom!

The two fought fiercely!

If anyone is watching here, it will definitely surprise you!

Because of the speed of two people, most people can't see clearly at all!

A second!

Two seconds!

Three seconds!

This fierce battle lasted fifteen seconds!

The old man was shocked! ! boom!

Karen li punched!

The old man couldn't stop it, and he retreated. He was repulsed by Karen li. After he bowed his head, his chest was torn like pain. The ribs must have been broken!

Can't help but spit out blood!

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"You? Did you actually hide your strength last time?" The old man was shocked!

He is the strongest bodyguard in the house. When he was young, he was not as fierce as Karen li!

Master tricks often result in instant wins and losses!

Within fifteen seconds, the old man retreated!

Karen li really hides her strength. An old man of seventy and eighty can make her really give her all? ?

After the old man was furious, he chose to step back.

Escape, he chose to escape!

Fifteen seconds drove him back, even if he was a fool, he knew how wide the gap between the two was.

It is no longer in a level now, just keep waiting to die? !

"Escape? Can you escape?"

The indifferent voice thundered in the ear of the feared old man like thunder.

The old man who was confident just now, after fifteen seconds, was already scared. This is the conquest of Karen li's powerful strength!


Karen li chased behind the old man, she punched it out!

Old man's body shakes! !

He turned his head and found that his sternum was torn apart, "You..." thump!

The old man lay on the ground, the expression of fear still exists, but this expression of fear has been frozen, and it can never be changed...

"You must recognize the old when you are old. If you are still young, it is okay to fight with me.

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You are going to die. You must fight with me? Then I will definitely send you into the coffin in advance."

Karen li glanced at him and caught up with Yvette and Logan.

For Karen li, the fighting made her in her prime, and the old man stepped into the coffin with half of his feet. After running for a few kilometers, he would pant. ?

Karen li didn't kill him in seconds.

Forty-five seconds passed when I saw them both!

The two were shocked.

Yvette was even more lost in his heart. This gap was already obvious!

Just now, the old man, let alone fifteen seconds to solve it, that is, if he can't beat it, Yvette has no confidence.

Yvette bit his lip and vowed in his heart that it would definitely exceed Karen li! !

"Go, continue!"

Karen li said that the three had already gone deeper.

In the security room of the Youjia Family Guard!

Ding, ding, ding!

Suddenly, someone discovered the situation!

"Monitor closer!"

Someone solemnly commanded!

The huge monitoring screen was pulled in immediately. This is the picture of the forest. After pulling in, I saw a dead face with fear!

The people in the security room were shocked to see this picture! Shock! !

This is your strongest bodyguard!

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Actually so dead with fear?

Everyone felt incredible, "What's going on? What's going on?!"

"Someone broke in, broke in!"

"No. 3 ambush team, report the situation, report the situation!!!" A sturdy man was yelling!

He is the captain of the family guard!

Traps have been designed in several places in Youjia. As long as someone appears, they will definitely be trapped!

However, at this moment, there is no alarm sound, is this a ghost? ?

How is it possible that all monitoring instruments are useless? !

"No. 3 ambush team is normal!" Someone was talking on the intercom.

"Answer No. 4 answered!!!" The strong man roared!

"No. 4 ambush team is normal!"

"Report No. 5 Ambush!" The strong man continued to roar!

"No. 5 ambush team... click!"

Suddenly there was no sound in the intercom, this click, this is the sound of a broken neck!

The people in the security room were sweating behind!

You know, there are many people in the No. 5 ambush team, and each one is an absolute combat master!

Actually? ?

The whole army was wiped out? !


Everyone was shocked beyond words!


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The muscular man clapped the table angrily to vent, "No.4, No.3 ambush report!!"

"Number four... ah!"


There is no sound from the intercom.

The security room is so quiet that it is terrible!

Sorry, Sorry!

Everyone swallowed subconsciously, three ambush teams, but this is a trap arranged by You

Tianle himself!

At this time, it didn't work at all, and was wiped out one by one? how did you do that? !

No one can imagine.


Boom, boom, boom! !

After the sturdy man was shocked, he took the family alarm!

The entire Youjia is in a panic like a fire!

"What's going on? What's going on!"

Many people in the home are still sleeping, and they are awakened by the ringtone, and they gather in the lobby of the home.

"what happened?"

"I don't know. I just heard this sound when I was sleeping. What happened?"

Many homeless people are sleepy.

I don't know what happened!

Security room!

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Athletic men are ready to tell these people that someone has broken in!

But suddenly!

A loud noise!

The door of the security room was blown open by a bomb!

A person rushed in first!

The two followed! boom!

Headed by Karen li, he punched a strong man who was about to speak!

The strong man hit the wall, he looked down in shock, his ribs had broken, and his breathing was uncomfortable.

"Ah, ah..."

After the scream, the voice was weak!

Ten seconds later, it was motionless!

Everyone is horrified!

Kill a person with one punch?

This man is still a master of fighting!

Has it become so vulnerable? ?

"Don't move!" Logan held a gun in his hand!

Yvette also holds a gun!

Following Karen li and relying on her sensitive sixth sense, it seems to have entered the realm of no one!

Three ambush teams, all solved!

Too fast, Yvette couldn't believe this was actually true.

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Yes, Karen li has been trying to find a design for Youjia recently!

Karen li, who already knows her chest, of course knows the situation of Youjia!

It's not too difficult to come in here.

This is what Karen li is good at!

No one in the security room dared to move. Karen li killed him with a punch, and has completely shocked them!

How could a woman be so scary?

No one imagines how this woman has grown to the present. They only know that if they move, they will definitely die in an instant! !

Because Karen li came in, it was death who entered the door!

My mother is a fisherman in Chapter 756 of the Baller's audio novel! Listen online with


Karen li, Yvette, Logan controlled the people in the security room!

"Yvette, stay here! Is there any problem?" Karen li simply asked.

"no problem!"

Yvette's strength is not bad, after all, she still has a gun in her hand.

The people in the security room were shocked by Karen li's punch just now, instinctively afraid.

"Logan, let's go out!"

Karen li now wants to control the wandering people.

At this time, the people of the home are all in the lobby, they are talking about each other, and discussing what happened.

Logan, Karen li went out.

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Youjia's hall!

Many bodyguards are on the alert.

"What the hell happened?"

"Not sure yet?"

The children and grandchildren are angry, waking them up in the middle of the night, this is all anger.


The bodyguard is ready to check!

Suddenly, after the sound of pulling the trigger, a bullet shot quickly! boom! !

Hit a man, hit the eyebrows! ! thump!

The man suddenly fell to the ground, the bloody smell radiated, and immediately caused panic! ?


"Who shot?"

The children and grandchildren at the scene panicked.

This is dead!

In the home, but if it is a golden soup, how can someone shoot!

"It's not good, someone broke in!"

"How is this possible?"

Everyone feels unbelievable, how could it be possible for someone to enter the house? ?

However, they actually had to let them believe! boom!

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Another shot came straight out of the brow of a bodyguard!

There are so many shots, so terrible!

"Don't move!"

Indifferent, this is Karen li's voice.

Karen li and Logan come in!

How can you not know these two people, children and grandchildren?

Scream right away!

"Come here, are you fucking dead? How did you let them both in?"

"Catch them!"

All the children and grandchildren of Youjia are in a panic.

Karen li's two shots completely shocked them. Many of Youjia's children and grandchildren are respected people. When they encounter this kind of thing that can never be encountered, they panic.

"Don't say anything!" Karen li snorted coldly, majestic to the extreme!

Your children and grandchildren dare not speak at once!

"Who dares to move, I will kill anyone!!" Karen li glanced coldly here.

There were many bodyguards at the scene, but Karen li suddenly pulled the trigger continuously! what! !

Five times!

The five men fell to the ground in response, without moving, all of them eyebrowed! ?

Bloody DC, bloody smell!

There are other bodyguards, where dare you move?

This kind of marksmanship is like a god!

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In the security room, Yvette witnessed this scene, and her marksmanship could not do this.

Hundreds of hits, straight in the eyebrows, this kind of marksmanship, under deterrence, no one will take risks, no one dares to take risks!

Karen li's powerful aura shocked them! !

"Karen li, do you know what you are doing? This is my wandering home!" An old man shivered and yelled!

No one has ever been in this place before. This is really incredible. boom! !

Karen li pulled the trigger!

The bullet passed directly through the old man's eyebrows! thump!

The old man lay on the ground with a shock on his face.

He still couldn't believe it. As soon as he said a word, Karen li had shot him.


Your children and grandchildren panic to the extreme!

"Don't say anything!" Karen li said indifferently!

The voice is not loud, but no one dared to act!

"! Call You Tianle, hurry up!" Karen li gun pointed at someone!

That's right, this man is You Tianle and his dad!

He was indescribable horror. Someone intruded into Yujia. He felt dreaming about such a horrible thing.

"Karen li,..." You Tianle's father gritted his teeth!

However, one sentence is not finished yet!

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Karen li decisively pulled the trigger! ! boom!

Bullets fired crazy! what!

You Tianle's father broke his arm and was actually shot through by a bullet.

He screamed more than ever!

"Ah, ah!" He was distressed and unbelievable. Karen li shot him?

There are other descendants of Youjia who have been scared and stupid, so terrible!

When you say shooting, just shoot! !

"Don't talk nonsense to me, call You Tianle and let him let my son go, or else, today I will kill all of you and fight!!" Karen li said coldly.

"I still want to eat bullets!" Karen li said, pulling the trigger!

The bullet hit You Tianle on his dad's lap!

"Ah! I fight, I fight!" You Tianle's dad screamed more than once, fearing to scare his urine.

When Karen li should be cruel, he can definitely be cruel!

"Quick fight, I have wasted ten seconds!" Karen li said coldly.

You Tianle shook his father and took out his phone!

How could he think that such a thing would happen!

He pressed the dial, but he couldn't get out!

"Karen li, I can't get out of my phone! Look!" You Tianle's dad was afraid.

"Fight again!"

You Tianle continued with his dad, but still couldn't get out.

"Someone interfered with the signal!" Logan said.

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Karen li frowned, and suddenly she turned her head and narrowed her eyes.

"I said how disturbed, it turned out to be!"

Logan was surprised and turned her head!

Yvette walked in. There was still a person behind her, holding a gun in her hand, and it was actually the missing You Shiwen.

Yes, the boss got the news that You Shiwen did it. She has vowed to take the Youjia home!

Now, this her way! !

The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the cardinals are behind! !

"I have long discovered me?" You Shiwen's face was indifferent.

"It feels like I have always believed in my sixth sense. This time it was a bit untimely. The explanation has changed and it is hidden very deeply." Karen li said.


When she came, she felt that it was not right, and she always felt that there would be an accident.

Now it seems that this accident has happened, that is, You Shiwen, who has never appeared! !

She actually did a cardinal!

"No, I don't have the means to come in so easily, no one can stop it!" You Shiwen condensed to the extreme!

Followed all the way, Karen li's means, it was surprised her again and again.

Especially after Karen li killed Youjia’s strongest bodyguard in fifteen seconds, she was really shocked!

If you say that without Karen li, You Shiwen will come in, it may not be possible.

It's different if Karen li opened the way ahead.

"It has changed a lot." Karen li shook her head. You Shiwen at the moment seemed indifferent as

283 Read full book at: if she had experienced death.

"Of course it has to change. I want to erase my emotions, especially when my son Chuck shot me!" You Shiwen said coldly. Chuck's shot hurt her body and hurt her. heart! !

My mother is unexpectedly surprised by chapter 575 of the Baller's audio novel! Listen

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Chuck's shot, You Shiwen will not forget, almost abandoned her hand, replaced by ordinary people, the pain that could not be tolerated long ago. Think-free-fee-watch-end-full-version please Baidu search-pin=book=net

Not to mention raising your hand, you have a strong will, such as You Shiwen, who endured severe pain and even operated on herself.

Karen li was stunned, Logan and Yvette did not expect it.

"My son shot you?"

Karen li frowned, and Chuck came back at that time without saying this, because he only wanted to save Black Rose.

"Yes, a shot! Hit me here!" You Shiwen was indifferent to the extreme.

She finds it ridiculous. What if Chuck understands herself? In the end, for the benefit, don't you point the gun at yourself? ? friend? !

Oh, how ironic!

Only benefits!

Karen li has nothing to say, it was really Chuck, she had no choice, but why did Chuck shoot

You Shiwen? !

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"You Shiwen, is there any misunderstanding?" Karen li said.

"Misunderstanding, do you think it is a misunderstanding?" You Shiwen squinted!

"I mean, it might be a misunderstanding,"

"I saw him holding a gun with my own eyes. Do you think this is a misunderstanding?" You

Shiwen said coldly.

Karen li, Logan, even Yvette were silent.

The three of them knew how important the gun was to a person who shot it. Most people don't understand it, just like a car, others can't touch it.

Therefore, it is unlikely that someone else lost the gun and happened to be picked up by Chuck.

Karen li felt that this possibility was too low, at least she would not give up her gun.

Because of her gun, she has been following her for nearly 20 years, and she used it smoothly, not willing to lose, not willing to change.

"This shot interrupted everything! I have nothing to do with him!" You Shiwen said coldly.

"Okay, you let Yvette!"

Karen li is solemn, and Yvette is too clear about what Chuck represents.

If Yvette had an accident with her, she might not be able to face her son.

The gun in Logan's hand was moving.

"Don't move! Don't underestimate me," You Shiwen said coldly.

Logan's expression was stiff.

Yes, You Shiwen has already surpassed her in some aspects, so she acted rashly and only hurt


"Logan, don't move, You Shiwen shoots very quickly," Karen li said slowly.

When it comes to the life and death of Yvette, there must be no mistake!

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Otherwise, she cannot face Chuck! !

"Well, I know," Loganqian didn't point to You Shiwen anymore, and continued to point to the descendants of Youjia.

"What do you want?" Karen li asked.

"This is Yu Shiwen who was released by grandpa that year? Has he grown so big?"

"What's the use? She killed Grandpa!"

The descendants of Youjia stared at You Shiwen angrily.

"Hush, anyway, Shiwen is still a tourist. She suddenly appeared, maybe to save us?"

The wanderers are talking in a low voice.

This is the time, no matter whether You Shiwen kills Youba, is it important? ? unimportant.

Importantly, this You Shiwen may save them!

Suddenly, all the descendants of Youjia looked forward.

"You know what I want!" You Shiwen said coldly.

"Okay, I promise you what you want, but let me make a call. My son Chuck went to see You

Tianle. If he doesn't call, he may die..."

"He died? What's the matter to me?" You Shiwen's eyes were cold! !

Karen li was stunned.

"But he shot me, I still care about his life and death?" You Shiwen was extremely cold.

"You don't care, I have to control, he is my son!" Karen li's voice was also cold.

"It has nothing to do with me! I came here today to take back my place! The owner!!!" You

Shiwen said.

Her voice echoed in the lobby of Youjia.

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Everyone was shocked, what?

Do you want to be a housekeeper?

"You Shiwen, are you going to be the owner of the house?" an old man asked.

"Yes, this position is mine!"

"But you killed grandpa, what are you qualified to do?"

"I didn't kill, You Tianle!" You Shiwen said one by one.

Hate, mixed in!

All the children and grandchildren are in an uproar!

"You Tianle killed it?"

"how could be?"

"You Tianle dare to kill grandpa?"

"Hush, I think it's possible. You Tianle's guy killed several people in the family? My cousin was secretly ordered to kill."


"Of course, you think, a few people who can be homeowners are dead, and You Tianle is still alive, and successfully took the position of homeowner. What does this mean? Not sure yet?"

"Wow, why didn't you say that day."

"Did my mother say it?"

Everyone questioned that after someone broke the news, it was even more upset.

The scene is lively!

You Tianle's dad was exasperated, "You Shiwen, you nonsense, how could my son do such a big deal?" You don't have to say this kind of vicious slander as a house owner?!"

"Defilement is not defilement, you know it in your heart!" You Shiwen said coldly.

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"I don't know, the person who killed my dad is you!" You Tianle's dad must maintain You

Tianle's position!

"I kill grandpa, let you chase me down? I was the heir to the owner, I need to do this?" You

Shiwen sneered.

"Yeah, when I heard grandpa coma, they all called You Shiwen's name. She, she must be the heir that grandpa wants. There is no need to kill grandpa."

"I think so."

The descendants of the Youjia are discussing, and the public opinion actually fell towards You


You Tianle's father was anxious, "You Shiwen, you are so vicious, at this time, actually saying my son, don't you want to be the head of the house? But impossible, my son is already the head of the house, and you, killed My dad, my son will kill you, avenge his grandfather and my dad!!"

"I didn't kill Grandpa, and I don't have much to say. Those who are willing to follow me today, I will save you, those who are willing to follow You Tianle, I will not force it!" Why should You

Shiwen say more?

At this time, she controlled Yvette and could easily save all of them. So, the position of the head of the family, needless to say?

They just have to be neutral and let themselves and You Tianle seize the position of homeowner.

The children of Youjia looked at each other immediately!

There is a choice between living and dying.

"I will follow Shiwen!"

"I follow too!"

"And I!"

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Many people began to express their views, and only a few were still watching. You Tianle's dad was furious, "You, you, when my son comes back, you are done!"

"Huh, where is You Tianle at this time?"

"We just want to survive!"

"That's it!"

Basically, all the descendants of Youjia are on the side of You Shiwen.

The situation is abrupt!

Karen li narrowed his eyes, "You Shiwen, to be honest, did you surprise me?"

My mother is a tyrant's voice novel. Chapter 158 is not my business! Listen online with


"Your son changed me! You have to ask him!"

You Shiwen said coldly.

"Everyone is quiet!" You Shiwen snorted coldly.

Everyone is quiet!

All looked forward to watching You Shiwen.

This is their hope for survival!

You Tianle's dad was more than angry! !

You Shiwen appeared in this dangerous situation for everyone. Like God, to save them, of course, was sought after by the descendants of the You family.

It's easy to regain the hearts of the people from You Tianle! !

You Shiwen use this skillfully.

"Karen li, you and her leave here, I will let her go!" You Shiwen said coldly.

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At this time, the decision of your children and grandchildren has determined that she is the owner of the house. Now what does she need?

You need to "chat" with You Tianle alone! !

"My son's phone has not been called yet!" Karen li's voice was suddenly cold.

"It's none of my business, you leave! Don't force me!" You Shiwen said coldly.

Karen li approached step by step!

You Shiwen frowned, "Karen li, don't force me, the moment you start, I can kill her!!!"

"Some words I don't say, last time I let you go, this time you give me back my favor, let You

Tianle call his dad!" Karen li said this for the first time.

She generally does not mention what she did, but now it is related to Chuck's life and death!

She had to say it.

"Just make a phone call! Can't this be done?" Karen li stared at her.

You Shi faceless expression.

She frowned suddenly because she was pinching Yvette's shoulder at this time, and Yvette suddenly turned around and stared at her, "Slay me!"

She is not afraid of death.

This is an opportunity to save Chuck. Chuck might have been saved, but was cut off by this You


"Do you think I dare?"

You Shiwen glared! !

She wants to pull the trigger! ?

Yvette's face did not change color, "Kill me, you can't live, I only have Chuck alive, I don't care about other things!"

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You Shiwen sneered, "Why should I keep him alive? He almost killed me with one shot!"

"I don't care, I just want him to live!" Yvette forced You Shiwen.

Despite the moment, the cold muzzle was already on her chest.

As long as You Shiwen's finger snaps, Yvette will die! !

But Yvette is not afraid! ?

You Shiwen's eyes were cold, she turned and stared at Karen li, "This is the last time! I'll call this phone!"

"Okay! Call it now!"

Karen li knows what this means!

"Karen li, I tell you, Chuck is not dead, I will find him!"

Karen li was silent for three seconds, and understood the meaning.

It was unexpected.

Today's things can be solved quickly, directly banned hidden family travellers! !

Because of You Tianle's personal abilities, Youjia is not so stubborn.

However, if you change to You Shiwen, then with the ability of You Shiwen, Youjia will improve quickly!

The possibility of rushing in this night basically won't appear.

In other words, the substitution is now, replaced by the powerful You Shiwen to deal with Chuck and Karen li.

All these, when Karen li said this sentence in You Shiwen, she already understood! !

You Shiwen took out her mobile phone and called You Tianle, "I, I am waiting for you at


It seems that without waiting for You Tianle to speak, You Shiwen has already hung up!

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Karen li frowned. The time was too short. Can Chuck buy a little time? !

She stared at You Shiwen.

"Karen li, Logan, you two can go. Yvette, I will let her go! Don't force me to do anything!"

You Shiwen is warning!

"Auntie, Auntie Logan, you go first!" Yvette felt relieved.

The phone just now should be enough to make You Tianle panic, he panic, then Chuck will seize this opportunity to fight back.

Even if you don't catch it, You Tianle won't kill Chuck, he will definitely keep Chuck's life just in case!

Then next, they can specifically save Chuck!

It’s just today’s split action that failed!

Karen li and Logan didn't move.

You Shiwen's eyes narrowed, and she said nothing! !

"Logan, let's go first!"

Karen li said.

Logan remained silent for three seconds and did not refuse.

The two went out.

At the door, Karen li turned her head, "I'll wait for Yvette for a minute. If she doesn't come out, I won't let you go!"

You Shiwen frowned! !

Karen li, Logan left!

All the descendants of Youjia were relieved.

"Homeowner, don't let her go, let me kill her!!"

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"Yes, she can't run, we have a lot of bodyguards in your home, and Karen li and Logan can't run either!"

They are talking!

For those who almost killed them, they don't want to let it go! !

"Do you think you can stop Karen li?" You Shiwen said coldly.

"Homeowner, we still have..."

The descendants of Youjia are stunned!

"What else? This time, Karen li can come in, you can go out, and you can't stop it! You won't be able to enter next time! You won't be able to get out!!" You Shiwen was extremely cold!

You Tianle's management is not good, there are many loopholes, Karen li caught these loopholes and came in!

After You Shiwen became the head of the house, she will completely redesign the security!

Because she understands this!

"Yes, the owner is right!"

The descendants of the Youjia nodded one after another. It's a pity that Karen li was just released like this, Logan?

"Then this woman can be killed! Don't let her go."

"People say credit is very important!" You Shiwen said indifferently, "Go!"

Yvette stared straightly, "I won't let you catch it twice!!"

Just now, Yvette was too worried about Chuck. He didn't pay attention for a while and was suddenly subdued by You Shiwen.

"There is no chance for you. Next, I will play with you. You don't know if you can't carry it!"

You Shiwen sneered.

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Yvette was angry, but too worried about Chuck, she left quickly!

You Shiwen stared at all the descendants of Youjia!

This is an amazing aura!

They are all a family, and no one dared to stare at You Shiwen!

Including You Tianle and his dad!

You Shiwen Chao You Tianle and his dad came over, everyone was separated, no one dared to stop.

You Tianle's dad is afraid...

"Tianle, Tianle..."

Karen li, Logan was waiting in a place, Logan was worried, "Will she let Yvette?"

"She has changed, but there will be no problem in this regard," Karen li shook her head. "It's just that I was careless this time and let You Shiwen take the position of the head of the house. I didn't expect Ceer to shoot her... …"

At this time, it was Yvette who ran out.

The two were relieved.

The three did not say anything, and quickly went down the mountain.

At the place where the plane was parked, the three went up and went directly to Chuck!

My mother is a Baller with a novel No. 759. What! Listen online with novels

No, Chuck..."

Alice screamed in despair.

Chuck's hand was moving, and she held the dagger she gave in her hand.

The dagger was designed by herself. It was sharp enough to cut iron and mud. If you cut it like

294 Read full book at: this, your entire hand would be cut neatly.

The next second, Chuck's hand will be broken, meaning he will die here.

"Hurry up!" You Tianle couldn't help laughing abruptly.

This picture, he waited too long.

Everyone else in this room is watching.

For people like them, it should be a little interesting to break their hands.

Chuckdiao first pointed at his arm, he suddenly stopped? !

"Chuck, what are you doing? Hurry up? Don't you want me to let Alice go? If you want, just continue to injure me!!!" Enjoying this bloody You Tianle was disturbed.

He is angry!

How can such a bloody picture be disturbed in one go? !

"Five!" Chuckkou vomited a number.

Everyone stunned.

"Have you written? What did he say?"


"I c! Are these pens talking about numbers? Are you counting down, say goodbye to your own hands? Haha!!!"

Everyone laughed more than ever!

"Three! Oh, it should be one!" Chuck looked up.

You Tianle smiled grimly, "The delay is enough, now give me a break now!!"

However, he hadn't finished speaking.

Suddenly, there was an explosion and there was a sudden sound outside!


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In this cave, a sudden shaking like an earthquake!

The sudden explosion was deafening! !

Sudden shaking, everyone fell down and were shocked!


One person moved!

That's right, Chuck! !

When he came in, he prepared a bomb. It was timed.

Now it's finally exploded!

"No, Chuck!" The man closest to Alice was shocked!

Chuck was dying just now, how could there be such a fast speed!

The moment he called the exit, a dagger was shot by Chuck!

Straight in his heart!

He fell down and was shocked. He couldn't believe it, but he was solved by a knife.

Chuck ran over, drew his dagger, wowed, and used his dagger to loosely tie Alice.

Released, Chuck held Alice to the door!

The door was closed, but Chuck saved Alice! !

"Chuck, scared me..." This is Alice crying.

She hugged Chuck and cried out.

"Sorry, I will take it out!" Chuck said softly.

Alice suffered so much, and Chuck also felt distressed.

"Some! Some!" You Tianle's expression was distorted.

He was scared by the explosion just now and fell to the ground, all because of Chuck!


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What if Chuck saved Alice? ?

There are so many people here, not to mention Chuck was seriously injured just now. It is still possible to close the door and beat the dog!

It's just less fun to see Chuck's self-mutilation.

Now there is more fun, that is, the ministries go together!

With one punch, Chuck was killed alive! !

"I thought I was not prepared at all?" Chuck eyes chilled.

"How about being prepared? Does the dog know now? I'm going to close the door and beat the dog!"

"Not necessarily!" Chuck stepped forward!

The momentum is still the same!

Just now, Zhang Ze and three people were shocked! !

Why is Chuck's eyes still so cold?

Shouldn't he be dying?

That's right, these three people were tortured by Chuck's punches and kicks, but Chuck had already worn various protective clothes. The strength of the three of them was resisted by the protective clothes, which really hurt Chuck's body. There is very little power.

"How is it possible?" Everyone was surprised!

"Damn, the three of us didn't have a meal just now! How did you fight! I c!" You Tianle kicked the three of them angrily.

"He, what clothes did she wear in her mother's company, absolutely..." someone exclaimed.

"Yes, otherwise I couldn't get up just now." Chuck shrugged.

Alice wiped away her tears. It turned out to be the case. She just thought Chuckku was shot to

297 Read full book at: death.

"Haha, even if there is no injury, is it useful? I have so many people here, still killed! Go, give me go!" You Tianle grinned grimly.

His muscles are twitching, he can't wait anymore, he must see Chuck die! !

His bodyguard came around, and everyone was indifferent!

Just kidding, dozens of people will not be able to deal with one person?

There will never be such a thing!

"Alice, come back!!" Chuck said.

"Well, be careful," Alice stepped aside. At this time, she knew that she couldn't trouble Chuck, and she couldn't hold back!

Chuck was relieved that he would definitely take Alice out here!


Chuck is out!

Facing dozens of people, these are all masters of fighting. Chuck has no fear, no flinch, only battle! !

The scene was a mess! !

Dozens of people kicked and kicked Chuck!

You Tianle laughed!


Suddenly, Chuck ran away.

"Want to run? Grab me and beat him to death!" You Tianle roared!

"Haha, he's going to run and hide!"

"Being scared, grab him!"

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"Does hiding work?"

These people laughed as if they were chasing mice that had been crossing the street, with a smile on their faces.

In their eyes. Chuck is a mouse!

Suddenly ran like this!

It's funny, I was scared.

Still suddenly!

A man stopped suddenly, and he looked down at something on the ground, round, like a glass ball! but!

"Ah, bomb!"

He stunned and exclaimed! ! boom!

Among the crowd, a bomb burst!

The giant wave rushed away everyone!

People screamed and turned, and they screamed!

Dozens of people are in the center of the explosion, and most of them cannot be avoided!

A lot of people lay down and shed a lot of blood.

They are afraid, who is the mouse?

You Tianle was shocked and annoyed, "Aren't you waste, can't you get up?!"

Those who were not bombed immediately surrounded You Tianle.

He was horribly distorted, but Chuck came here for a while. Fortunately, he was only half dead.

He still has 20 people, and he can still kill Chuck!

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"You Tianle, we are going to make a break today!" Chuck coldly approached.

Emily's death, Alice's torture, this is Chuck's anger!

At this moment, you must use the blood of You Tianle to smooth it! !

"Haha, I thought that killing a few of me would be terrific, and I thought I could live?

Dreaming!" You Tianle laughed.

Suddenly, his phone rang.

He picked it up easily, and after three seconds, he was furious, "Hey, hey!!"

Snapped! !

You Tianle broke his phone!

Everyone was shocked, what's wrong? ?

My mother is a local tycoon, novel 760, breathing and listening to the novel online

You Tianle suddenly fell furiously on the phone, his bodyguard was stunned!

What is the situation? ?

Whose phone did You Tianle answer?

Actually angry like this. Think-free-fee-watch-end-full-version please Baidu search- pin=book=net

"You Shiwen, You Shiwen!!!"

You Tianle roared, his bodyguard understood.

Chuck also understood here.

When You Tianle was answering the phone, Chuck thought that it was the mother's call, but did you think it was You Shiwen?

So, what happened to Youjia? ?

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Chuck was confused.

Isn't You Shiwen seriously injured?

Why did you suddenly call You Tianle at this time?

This only shows that You Shiwen is declaring war on You Tianle!

Chuck's only gratification is that You Shiwen is fine! !

"Homeowner, what's wrong with you?" a bodyguard asked, not afraid of death.

You Tianle came to the extreme, "Damn it! Damn me, I must die you!!"

You Tianle's anger was burning.

He is not a fool, knowing what it means for You Shiwen to call him at this time.

He knows!

At this time, Youjia must have been occupied by You Shiwen!

"Chuck, you are lucky this time! I won't appreciate how you died this time, keep it, I'll keep it for you!"

You Tianle turned and ran. He wanted Chuck's life very much.

But relative to the position of the house owner, Chuck's life is not worth mentioning, he made a choice!

"You, you, you, and you, the four of you killed Chuck for me, and everyone else gave me back!!"

The position of the head of the house is hard to come by. How could he give up so simply?

The home owner of the house, but it means that it is very likely to sit on the head of the first family in the world!

This temptation is too great.

You Tianle absolutely does not allow such things to happen in front of him.

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Absolutely not! !

He knows that the four bodyguards left behind should have no way to get Chuck.

But there is no way without leaving people, otherwise Chuck will catch up like a dog skin plaster!

The four bodyguards stayed, staring at Chuck with cold eyes and buying time for You Tianle.

It's this time, how can Chuck let You Tianle leave so easily? dash forward! !


Four bodyguards are besieging, Chuck is dodge, his goal is You Tianle!

The four bodyguards were thrown away by Chuck.

"Haha, Chuck, do you still want to chase me?"

You Tianle laughed terribly, "Waiting for you, after handling my affairs, I will play with you and continue playing?! Wait!"


You Tianle has rushed out.

Chuck took a step late, and You Tianle left as a helicopter. Chuck's eyes were cold, and he let him run away.

Chuck turned his head and looked at the four bodyguards left here!

Anger was ignited in an instant!

Without these four people blocking, you can still chase Tianle! unfortunately! ! kill!

The fierce battle sounded in a moment! !

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Five minutes later, Chuck stopped breathing, and there were already four lying on the ground, all with unbelievable corpses on his face!

They had many scars, some were stabbed to death by Chuck, and some were solved by Chuck.

Chuck solved them!

They did not expect that they would die in the hands of a Chinese!

Alice rushed over and hugged Chuck tightly in her arms.

This man appeared at his most dangerous time.

Tears appeared again in her dry eyes.

The two embraced silently.

Chuck didn't know how to say it, and she didn't even know how to comfort her.

Her only daughter, Emily, actually died.

Still unable to stand the humiliation and committed suicide! !

Chuck knows that Alice's heart at this moment must be like a knife!

For comfort, there is no need to say, silent hug is enough.

After crying for a while, Chuck felt the sadness of Alice.

In addition to sigh, what can Chuck do?

"Alice, I will take you, and Emily will leave." Chuck was exhausted.

First, I was beaten for so long. Just now forcibly killed four combat masters, Chuck was already tired.

It is safe to leave here.

"Me," Alice shook her head, and she didn't want to leave here.

Because her only daughter died here.

She wanted to stay with her, or that she didn’t want to live, just wanted to die with her daughter...

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This is what Alice thought at this moment.

She could not bear Chuck, but the death of the only daughter, she could not survive this hurdle.

I can't live it forever. Instead of suffering for a lifetime, Alice's choice is to renew quickly and die! !

"I know what you are thinking, live!" Chuck saw it.

"I can't live." Alice was miserable.

Chuck sighed, nodded on Alice's forehead, and walked to Emily, who was tied down.

This girl, Chuck is not good to say.

Even if it is naughty again, it is Alice's daughter, what can there be?

Hua Ji's age, but died at this, Chuck also felt heartache and sad.

Chuck let go of her and wanted to take her away, giving her a dignified funeral, she was still young.

Suddenly, Chuck hugged her, actually... still temperature? !

Chuck is busy testing Emily's breath, there is one more point!

She bit her tongue and failed herself.

"Alice, come here, your daughter Emily is not dead!" Chuck ecstatic! !

Alice, who had her back to Chuck, wanted to commit suicide. Suddenly she heard the voice, and she shivered, and her tears couldn't stop the chuckle. what? !

Is his daughter alive? !

Is this crying?

No, this is crying with joy!

Alice rushed over like a mad, she tried Emily's breath, and she cried out, "Woo..."

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She hugged her tightly, her only daughter...

Chuck touches Alice's face, "It's alright, my mom should be here soon..."

In this case, first aid is necessary, but my mother is a master in this area.


Chuck went out and saw the plane coming, it was my mother's plane.

Chucksong was relieved and came down with three people, Mom, Logan and Yvette.

All are intact!

Chuck was relieved at this moment.

Logan was about to rush over, but Yvette ran ahead and hugged Chuck. This was a long hug!

Chuck is at ease, everyone is alive.

"Mom, Alice's daughter has bitten her tongue and killed herself. There is still breath. You go in and see," Chuck said busy.

"Well," Karen li ran in, the situation was critical.

Here, Chuck and Yvette embraced.

Logan was standing in the distance, and she ran in sadly. At this time, she just couldn't control it just now and wanted to rush to embrace Chuck and even kiss him. but. .

Logan sighed sadly in her heart and could not disturb the two of them. You could do it silently, it doesn't matter...

My mother is a Baller, novel 767. I am the owner! Listen online with novels

"Her husband, you scared me to death," Yvette hugged Chuck. Product=Book/Web

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Chuck also hugged her and asked what happened to Youjia? !

Yvette said all, Chuck was stunned.

Unexpectedly, my mother can be profited by the fisherman, this tour ten articles, because that shot, the change is too big.

"But, I didn't shoot that shot," Chuck sighed. what is this? ?

Jumping into the Yellow River is unclear.

"No? That gun?"

Yvette didn't think so, but how could he lose his sniper's gun? !

Chuck said all the things, Yvette must believe Chuck, then what is this!

Was it intentionally framed, or was it unintentional? !


At this time, You Shiwen hated herself so much. Now that she has taken the position of the head of the Youjia family, she will be busy from today! !

At this moment, perhaps You Tianle has arrived at Youjia, so how should You Shiwen face You

Tianle? ?

Worry, Chuck is still worried about You Shiwen!

Alas, I don't know if the misunderstanding between you and You Shiwen can be solved.

If they can, the two are reconciled.

But if not? ?

Then there is only one result, endlessly! !

After a while, the mother took Emily out and everyone boarded the plane together.

In this case, medical facilities on the plane must be used.

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The surgery to give Emily a tongue as soon as possible, this kind of precision surgery, is a careful Karen li's thing.

Everyone got on the plane together!

Karen li seems to have discovered something.

He glanced at a place and asked Logan to fly off the plane.

Karen li withdrew his gaze and operated on Emily.

"Mom, what did you just watch?" Chuck asked.

Karen li sighed, "You!"

She didn't say much, give Emily an operation! ! This operation is very difficult.

Chuck was watching, Alice and Yvette were watching.

Yvette took it seriously, she wanted to learn it.

Seeing Chuck and Yvette's Lang Cai female appearance, Alice was sad, she sighed in her heart...


"Why does this make sense, Karen li is one step ahead of it, how does it make sense!!"

Here, Wan Ziwen was annoyed on a large stealth plane.

The flight speed was very fast just now, but Karen li finally came over first in the end!

"Miss is angry, isn't Chuck alive?" The man was careful.

"It's good to be alive, but?" Wan Ziwen calmed down.

She was also at ease, came to save Chuck not to hope that he was safe?

Chuck is now safe, should he?

Wan Ziwen is uncomfortable and should save Chuck himself.

Just take Chuck away! !

After being angry for a long time, Wan Ziwen snorted calmly and resumed his laziness.

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"Chuck, Chuck, don't die, I won't allow you to die..."

The man was careful not to speak.

At this time, is it not touching the mold?

He did not dare!

"Karen li can come over so quickly, so it should be almost what I expected..."

"Miss, do you mean?" the man asked cautiously.

He couldn't understand Wan Ziwen's thoughts more and more.

"You Shiwen is quite smart. In this case, it's me. I will be the first to think of using it and taking advantage of Karen li's ability...Now, You Shiwen makes good use of it, and Karen li has become one of her chess pieces. "Wan Ziwen was interested.

You Shiwen can go with her thoughts, which means that she really has the strength to play with herself.

The man was shocked, he understood Wan Ziwen's meaning, You Shiwen could actually do this? !

"At this time, You Tianle should have arrived at You's house. It depends on how You Shiwen handled this matter. It should be..." Wan Ziwen smiled.

Obviously, You Tian Le Club is the loser!

She didn't like You Tianle from beginning to end.

"It's a bit interesting," Wan Ziwen lazy, "Go back!"

The man instructed the man in the plane to turn around.

The stealth plane began to fly back.

"Chuck must have been seriously injured this time. He delivered the medicine and the best medicine." Wan Ziwen ordered.

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"You Shiwen became the head of the family, and then the good drama started. You Shiwen misunderstood Chuck. She will definitely deal with Chuck. She will deal with it. I came out at the most critical time, Chuck. Will definitely be moved..."

She said, she smiled, but after a while, she was worried and sighed absently, "Chuck, I miss you a little..."


Youjia! !

The children and grandchildren of Youjia are waiting for the arrival of a person!

This Yu Tianle that killed Grandpa!

You Shiwen was majestic, and suddenly, her brow furrowed, and she walked in front of You

Tianle's dad, kicking with one foot, click! !

Three ribs are broken!

You Tianle screamed his dad!


You Shiwen took out her cell phone and dialed You Tianle for ten seconds and answered.

"According to your distance, you should be here, haven't you come yet, are you afraid?"

The ironic voice of You Shiwen resounded in this Youjia hall! !

This is the majesty of the head of the household!

The children and grandchildren of the Youjia family heard clearly.

"Dare not come?"

"I guess he didn't dare to kill his grandfather in order to be the head of the house. It's almost heartbroken!"

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"I definitely want to watch him die! Revenge for Grandpa!"

The children of Youjia said cruelly.

Ten kilometers outside the home! !

You Tianle sat on the plane, yes, when he was angry, he vowed to kill You Shiwen!

Dare to take your place?

Damn it!

However, his anger was awake by reality, so he could live alive when he returned so hurriedly?

Where there is life, there is hope!

He chose to retreat, regroup his strength, and find a chance to kill Shiwen by surprise!

Everybody in the bodyguard on the plane looks the same.

They are in a mixed mood!

Who did you follow? ?

"By the way, I will not come, not today!" You Tianle was extremely angry!

He can’t wait to kill You Shiwen!

"I will find you!"

"You come, I will go to a place you can't think of, don't you want to find me!" You Tianle laughed!

"From today, you are no longer a descendant of the Youjia family. I will take back everything you have, because I am the owner of the Youjia family!" You Shiwen said one by one!

Your children and grandchildren are shocked!

There is so much gas, that You Tianle didn't come, she was absolutely guilty!

You Tianle's dad paled, "Son, do you care about your dad?"

"I'll take it back," You Tianle was horrid!

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"Ok, I will wait for you!"


You Shiwen hung up the phone, "Go! Ten kilometers to the east, tell someone to fly out and chase!"

"Is the owner!!!"

Someone ran out.

You Shiwen stepped forward and was striking. "From today, I am the owner of the Youjia family!"

My mother is a Baller with a novel of Chapter 762. You regret it! Listen online with novels this moment!

None of the descendants of the Youjia objected, and all looked respectful to the extreme!

They are not fools, and it feels that this You Shi Wen Qi Field is different from the tyrannical

You Tianle. !

Youjia will improve one step from today!

Facing the conviction of the descendants of Youjia, You Shiwen had no mood swings, and even no other expressions. Product=Book/Web

This was hers originally, and now she was just right, and got it back.

"Tianle, Tianle, what should I do with your father?" You Tianle's father fell into despair.

You Shiwen stared at him coldly, "Bring him out!"

"kill him!"

"Yes, he is the accomplice to kill grandpa, must kill him!"

Children and grandchildren, they are very angry! !

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The anger was too great.

Youjia's bodyguard came and lifted You Tianle's dad up.

"No, master, spare me!" he begged.

At this time, You Tianle gave up on him, and he really regretted giving birth to You Tianle at that time!

Sure enough, what is Dad who can kill even Grandpa? ?

"Bring it out! Solve!" You Shiwen is indifferent!

The majesty of the wandering house must be established!

You Tianle's dad begs!

"Starting today, whoever dares to do something sorry for the homeless, like him, die!!"

You Shiwen said coldly.

Her majesty made your children and grandchildren feel that the winter was coming and the air was a bit cold.

No one dares to speak!

"Also, starting today, I will redesign the entire traveler's structure! You must be prepared!"

You Shiwen continued.

Karen li can break in, indicating that the current pattern is full of loopholes! !

Children and grandchildren have no opinions.

All of them were really scared today.

Suddenly someone broke in and pointed a gun at them!

This is really scary!

It must be reinforced again, everyone can come in, what is this hidden family?

"You can go down and rest," You Shiwen said.

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Children and grandchildren spread out! !

An old man came in. This is the bar owner who helped Shiwen.

It is also the only person you Shiwen believes in now!

"Homeowner!" The old man bowed his head.

"No need,"

"Yes, the owner's aura is much stronger than the previous owner." The old man said with a bow.

You Tianle is the head of the house, which is frightening, and You Shiwen is different, and the children and grandchildren are convinced. This is the difference.

"Then, Master, what are your plans now!"

The old man asked.

He believes that You Shiwen can lead Youjia beyond 10,000!

Become the true first family in the world!

All this, rely on You Shiwen! !

"A lot of things to do, but you, I want you, pay close attention to the news of Chuck, Karen li, I want to know all their movements!" You Shiwen was indifferent to the extreme.

This shot, You Shiwen's memory is still fresh! ?

"Yes? That owner is going to deal with Chuck, Karen li?" the old man asked.

"Yes! Now I will play with them both!" You Shiwen's beauty is really beautiful, but at the moment, there is only the cold killing!

This cold, right is Chuck!

"Chuck, I want you to regret shooting me!!" You Shiwen said coldly.

The old man was trembling and too cold. You Shiwen was murderous at the moment!


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The phone rang.

You Shiwen answered, this is from Wan Ziwen.

"It's not bad, you are in the position of homeowner, I congratulate you!"

"Nothing to congratulate,"

"Oh? Forget it, what I let you do, don't forget it. I hate people forgetting what I said, don't let me hate it!"


The phone hangs up!

"You asked me to force Chuck to ask you for help? I will, I will force him to regret everything he did!"

You Shiwen said coldly that at this moment, she was a piece of ice.

Once upon a time, she always couldn't get rid of this Chuck who understood herself, but now, there is no saying that she can't.

Because, that shot broke the unbearable heart of You Shiwen...


Emily's surgery was particularly well done, but she has not awakened and fell into a coma.

After the operation, Karen li left and went to check the situation of your home.

This time she missed.

For so many years, for the first time, Karen li was thinking, sometimes, is he too soft-hearted? ?

A wry smile.

"Chuck, I have called to ask my sister to come, and I will take Emily back." Alice was reluctant.

Her family is still there.

Just go back.

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"Yeah, I'll send you." Chuck sent a gift also feel at ease.

"No, you are too close to me, they will find my relationship with you, don't be like this." Alice must be unbearable.

Chuck was silent for three seconds and finally sighed.

At this stage, some things are only in the dark.

This is unfair to Alice, but Chuck can't do anything now.

"My sister is here, and I will take Emily away." Alice's sister came over. There were already professional people who took Emily to the plane.

"Goodbye, I, don't regret what happened to you," Alice's eyes shed tears silently.

"me too."

Alice left, Chuck stayed at the door for a long time, until the mother came to find herself.

Yvette and Logan are all there.

"You Shiwen has become the head of the family," Karen li dignified!

What this means, Karen li knows better than anyone else.

In addition to silence, what can Chuck say? !

All of this was caused by him. Wouldn't it be nice to kill You Shiwen then?

Nothing will happen now.

This is establishing a strong enemy for yourself!

I don't know how You Shiwen will deal with himself!

Anyway, Chuck knew that the two were already hostile strangers.

"Mom, what now?" Chuck knew his pressure.

My mother has only developed for more than 20 years, and the secret family that has developed for thousands of years is still a big gap.

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There is no way to do it.

"You Shiwen's idea is completely different from that of You Tianle. She doesn't play shady, but she will crush you with strength! So now, Ceer, I want you to quickly build your own strength, your own circle, Your own business empire!!!" Karen li is thinking twice!

This is the best way.

Chuck has business talents, maybe a short time, can make a lot of money? ?

With strength, you can fight side by side with Karen li!

"Well," Chuck had long been thinking of building his own business empire.

I just came to the United States and have been busy. How can I have time!

The only project I did was the casino that my mom helped me!

You have to work harder!

Mom is so powerful, how can he be a poor son? ?

Logan and Yvette agreed.

Yvette has her family and is also in business. Logan is the same. She can help Chuck.

"But, where do you start?" Chuck asked his mother's opinion, is it still rice, or... Huaxia?

My mother is a Baller, novel, Chapter 673

"It depends on what you mean by Ceer," Karen li said. Think-free-fee-watch-end-full-version please Baidu search-pin=book=net

Chuck is considering, how to say, Chuck is actually very entangled. The misunderstanding between the ten articles in this tour will definitely be unsolvable for a while.

The home of You Shiwen’s home base is on the side of the United States, and the Wan Family of

Wan Ziwen is probably also in the United States.

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Then you may be in a lot of trouble on the side of the United States!

Chuck thought, why not return to China first?

For a long time, I haven't returned to China. I don't know Zelda and Murong Qing. Their situation is gone.

"Mom, I'll be back in China." Chuck decided.

Back to China, Yolanda should have done a good job. You can expand your business empire there, and then continue to expand in nearby countries.

Strengthen your own strength, so that you can confront You Youwen's home.

"Well, you decide for yourself!" Karen li had no opinion.

Chuck has grown up and can make his own decision.

"So, Yvette, Logan, you two?" Karen li knew that Yvette's thoughts should no longer be in


What she wants now is to surpass Karen li.

Yvette was silent, she looked at Chuck reluctantly.

Karen li understood.

As expected, she wanted to find a place to surpass herself.

Yvette didn't answer, and Chuck also understood that there was nothing more than a sigh in his heart.

Logan does not need to ask another question, she will return to China with Chuck.

"Okay, Ceer, you can prepare for yourself," Karen li said.

Chuck nodded and was already out.

Yvette went out in silence.


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Logan hesitated. Now the situation is special. The hidden family is really a stone pressed against

Logan's heart. It is particularly heavy.

"You are in the United States, or you can go back to China, look at yourself." Karen li said.

"Me, I'll stay in the United States first. I also have a company here. After I've dealt with it, I will return to China," Logan said with a bowed head.

Karen li had no opinion, she just sighed, "Are you afraid, if you go back with Ce'er now, will

Yvette misunderstand it?"

Yes, Logan thought so.

Yvette didn't go back with Chuck, why should he? !

This is Logan's lack of confidence, because that drunk night happened with Chuck, and it happened naturally.

"Alas, I can't control your business, just look at yourself." Karen li can't control.

Logan bowed silently. in the room.

Chuck was packing up and there was a hug in the back. This was Yvette. "Husband, you go back to China first, I will stay in the country for a while, or go somewhere else."

Yvette wants to improve himself.

She can't wait.

"Well," Chuck gently continued to pack things.

"Will you blame me?"

"No, but if you want to duel with my mother, you must tell me in advance, otherwise I will be angry!" Chuck was extremely serious.

"I will, I will not attack her, I will tell you in advance."

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This battle is definitely inevitable.

At that time, what should I do!

Chuck has no solution at all.

After tidying up things, Chuck would go to Du Peixin's side and tell her something. After the casino, she felt that her energy could be drawn out, then Chuck would give her the right to open a branch.

As long as she can manage it.

These are just minor problems.

Because Du Peixin has her own strength, but the premise is that you have to let go of her.

Let go and let her do it. Chuck believes that Du Peixin will surprise himself.

After staying with Yvette for a while, Yvette was going to pack things.

There are still a few places for Chuck to say goodbye. The boss behind the scene must say hello.

The two were reluctant.

Yvette went out, and Chuck went to Logan.

"Aunt Logan, don't you go back?"

Chuck asked.

"I, stay a few days and go back in a few days." Logan said.

At this time, Logan really wanted to give this person a hug, but Logan did not dare, he. . Should be scared.

"Well," Chuck didn't say much.

Recently, Chuck also felt that Logan was a little bit unhappy.

I don't know what the reason is, maybe, there are a lot of thoughts!

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Chuck doesn't quite understand.

Ask, Logan, as a matter of concern, will not say more!

"Then... Aunt Logan, I am waiting for you in China!"


The two were silent.

Chuck gave Logan a polite hug.

Logan shivered, trying not to be discovered by Chuck. .

"Then, Aunt Logan, I'm going out first."

"Okay, be careful on the road."

Chuck came out of the house, and Betty was ready to fly Zhang Ze back to China.

Chuck first told her to go to Du Peixin.

Betty knew Chuck's thoughts and went to the plane with a smile.

Chuck left!

Loganmei's eyes were full of reluctance, she sighed.

Behind him, Yvette came over, "Aunt Logan, actually, I don't follow him back, you can, I don't mind..."

Yvette didn't mind this. She knew that because Karen li was the reason for killing his father and his enemies, it was impossible for him and Chuck.

She doesn't want to occupy, she wants Chuck happiness.

So gentle and understanding Logan is a person who can give Chuck happiness.

"I know, but no," Logan shook his head. silent!

Yvette has nothing to say, so is Logan!

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The two, just looked at the plane!

Watching it all the time.

Betty drove the plane and brought Chuck to the casino side. Betty waited and Chuck went down to make clear with Du Peixin.

Seeing Chuck again, Du Pei was a little happy in his heart and could not wait for the invitation,

"Chuck, are you here? Or go to my house to drink a bar tonight!"

"Uh, I'm going back,"

"Where?" Du Pei stunned.

"Back to China."

"You..." Du Pei froze, back to China? So no more people drinking in the future? ?

Chuck wants to make her drink less. When she was drunk at home last time, if she changed to someone else, what would she do to her? ?

She woke up the next day and would definitely cry to death.

"Well, be careful on the road," Du Pei sighed heartily, without a word, lonely.

"It's okay to go back to Huaxia."

"No, I want to work for you. I will definitely work to satisfy you in five years!" After saying this, suddenly, Du Pei felt like crying.

Why is this happening?

Isn't Chuck going back? He went back, why did he cry?

Is it someone who hasn't drunk in the future?

Well, it must be the reason.

"Du Pei, don't put pressure on yourself, you are also a woman."

"I'm not a woman, it's not." Du Pei shook his head, his heart suddenly sad.

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My mother is a Baller audio novel Chapter 764 Unexpected alliance audio novel online


Chuck didn't say much.

"A safe journey," Du Pei said softly. This was after she had been silent for more than ten seconds.

"it is good."

Chuck left and went to the boss behind the scenes.

In fact, Alice, Chuck also wanted to go, but it was not good for Alice.

Du Pei stared at the leaving Chuck, she sighed, "What are you thinking? Alas!"

She turned around to work hard, and she was suddenly thinking about a question. Five years later, when the time agreed with Chuck arrived, how would she choose? ?

Will he continue to work for Chuck, or will he leave? !

She lonely went to work in the office.

"Hey, Du Pei Xin," Chuck's voice came suddenly.

Du Pei was puzzled, "What?"

"There will be time to drink together!"

"En." Du Pei smiled, he still remembered this matter.

Chuck left.

Du Pei is sad, you are back to China.

Who to drink?

"I don't want to drink with other people, and I drink with you, I will feel at ease." This is the truth, and she is particularly at ease.

"Master, your casino business is very good. After a while, you can open a second one. No, you

322 Read full book at: can open several at the same time."

Betty feels that Chuck has found the right person, Du Peixin really has the ability in this regard.

"Hope." Chuck got on the plane.

To the boss behind the scenes.

Chuck went to her bar.

Without saying much, going in is a hug.

I'm still alive.

"Little lover, are you going back?" The boss behind the scene is a smart woman.

There is Betty on the plane outside, indicating that Chuck is going back to China.


"Shall I go back with you?"

"Ah, no," Chuck shook his head and refused.

Behind the scenes, the boss pinched Chuck, "You are not allowed to say no to me, I will say it next time, I will hit you,"

She was reluctant.

After seeing You Tianle, Chuck still had obvious wounds on his face.

Obviously, how difficult it is for Chuck to come back alive!


"Who let you go? Stay with me for a while, won't it work for a while?"


Chuck shrugged and smiled, "What are you going to do with you?"

"Little guy, what are you willing to do? Sister and I are whatever you want." The behind-the- scenes boss showed Chuck's finally "opening up" smile.

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"Well, I dare not, forget it," Chuck waved his hand busy.

He must not dare.

Besides, without this thought, he came to say goodbye.

The boss hummed behind the scenes, "Coward, afraid that I would eat you?"


Chuck was speechless. At this moment, the boss behind the scene is very beautiful. She is sexy and perfect, but it is a prickly rose. It will not hurt so much when touched, but it will be poisoned.

Poison that can't leave, so forget it.

Chuck does not want to provoke too much.

The boss behind the scene was disappointed, "You are such a coward. Where did that courage go when I first met me?"

"Ah, hide it." Chuck was extremely embarrassed.

"Screw you."

"Sister, I'm gone,"

"Let's go, don't want to see you anymore," the boss behind the scene drank himself, it was boring.

Chuck was also embarrassed. In the past, he was comforting and drinking. Suddenly, the boss came behind the scene and Chuck was busy backing away.

Then, embarrassed...

"Three seconds, disappeared in front of me, or I will end with you! I will kill you under the chase order." The boss behind the scene was annoyed and aggrieved, how could this be the case?

You took the initiative, are you still hiding? !

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Hiding you a big head ghost!

"Sorry, I was not ready," Chuck said coughing.

"Go to death!" The boss behind the scene smashed a cup and hit Chuck, who didn't dodge. She was busy and distressed. "I didn't hide very well just now? Why didn't you hide from finding you? Does it hurt? Let my sister see." "

"No pain."

"Go away if it doesn't hurt!!"


Chuck came out and got on the plane. Betty took Chuck back to China.

"If you want you to leave, just leave? Didn't you see you as obedient just now?!" The boss behind the scene continued to drink sullenly.


"What are you talking about? There is a plane flying to Huaxia over Karen li?" Alice was stunned, what does this mean.

She wanted to.

He froze and put down his mobile phone, sighing, "You are back in China? Why didn't you just come to see me? Alas... I don't want to see me, or... safe journey."

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Emily, who was pale, woke up.

The tongue was bitten, and Emily didn't speak clearly.

"It's nothing..." Alice continued to take good care of her daughter.

"Mom, where is Chuck?" Emily already knew that it was Chuck who came over to save her and


"He, back to China."

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"What? What did he do back to China?" Emily got up from the bed excitedly.

Chuck rescued her again this time, and she was grateful.

"Probably, there is nothing in this place that he is nostalgic for, or, if he goes to work in China, something is possible..."

"Mom, shall I go to China too?" Emily asked carefully.

"You? When you're done, let's talk," Alice sighed silently.

This sentence exposed his daughter's thoughts on Chuck...

What should I do?

Alice was in pain.


"Homeowner, Chuck is back in China!!"

Youjia, You Shiwen got the news.

"Got it, keep staring at him!"


"Do you want to run right? You shot me with guilty conscience? I won't let you do what you want!" You Shiwen stood up and strode out, her beautiful face was indifferent! !


"Miss, Chuck is back to China," the man said cautiously.

The lazy Wan Ziwen opened his eyes, "Oh, normal, Chuck's mind is always in China,"

"Then are you going to China?"

"What kind of place do I go? I won't go." Wan Ziwen denied without hesitation.

However, a second later, she was stunned, "Go to China? Do not greet me, I really have you, I will not go... I... go, prepare for the plane, I will go to China too..."

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The man was shocked! !

Wan Ziwen said to herself, what are you struggling with?

"Not yet?"



The people of Youtianle rested in a place, which was very ordinary, but suddenly, Youtianle saw a beautiful woman.

With a tall perfect body, beautiful face, Chinese people, yes, this is Ouyang Fei who traces the black rose to this side! !

You Tianle needs to vent his anger, he decided to talk to Ouyang Fei.

"Far away from me!!" Ouyang Fei said indifferently.

"Oh beauty, we can talk about it, my surname is surnamed!" You Tianle said straightly.

Ouyang Fei's indifferent gaze, straight shot, "Your surname You?"

Yes, she was inadvertently heard of the hidden family while performing her task, and one of them was the surname...

My mother is a Baller audio novel Chapter 765 returns to Huaxia audio novel online


Catching the look of Ouyang Fei, You Tianle smiled smugly, "Yes, now have time to chat with me?"

"Yes. Pin=Book/Web"

Ouyang Fei shrugged.

To the room.

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You Tianle looked at Ouyang Fei's perfect figure. The Chinese woman, besides Logan, actually had such a top quality! !

Too rare.

"Tell me, are you from a secret family?" Ouyang Fei asked.

"Oh, do you still know the hidden family?" You Tianle had such a surprise.

But he discovered and felt that this Chinese woman, capable of such a body, will definitely have overworked physical training.

This is also a fighting master! !

"Of course, otherwise why would I come in with you?" Ouyang Fei, a woman like this, now she doesn't care about people who haven't told her.

"I like your direct woman, what are you doing?" You Tianle smiled, satisfied with Ouyang Fei.


"Oh, the killer organization?"

"Yes, our boss, do you know?"

"I know, it's pretty, it's not bad." You Tianle approached step by step. How could he not know the boss behind the scene?

He had some ideas before, but unfortunately he forgot later.

"Do you want me to be your boss and let you be the boss of the killer organization? I'm happy to do this for you." You Tianle laughed.

He now has this strength! ?

The answer is of course no.

He pretended to be so obtrusive in order to soak up Ouyang Fei!

You haven't used the card for Youjia.

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He can't use everything in the house.

After using it, the result is that You Shiwen discovered the trail!

Fortunately, he has left too much money while playing around the world for so many years.

The amount of money is not something ordinary people can imagine, enough for him to make a comeback.

This is the reason why he is in this situation, and can still feel Ouyang Fei.

"I don't need you for this, I have my own way." Ouyang Fei shook her head and held the handle of the behind-the-scenes boss in her hand. She kept hiding it useless.

"Oh." You Tianle pinched Ouyang Fei's chin.

Ouyang Fei did not refuse.

"So what can I do for you?"

"You are just a tourist, and I want your traveling ability to help me one thing," Ouyang Fei said.

She now has a vision. You Tianle, the kind of noble temperament, which can't deceive people, is definitely the descendant of the You family.

This is enough.

"Oh, what's the matter?" You Tianle smiled, so easy to succeed, his name still has a great effect! !

He approached, Ouyang Fei wood did not refuse.


Ouyang Fei stared at the ceiling. She sat up and dressed. You Tianle was glowing red. "Are you in such a hurry to go?"

"Yes," Ouyang Fei didn't hesitate and put on his clothes and said, "I want you to use your wandering forces to help me deal with someone!"

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"Beauty, who are you going to deal with?"


You Tianle was stunned, "You also have to deal with Chuck?"

"What do you mean? You have a grudge against Chuck?" Ouyang Fei did not expect.

"Yes, the hatred is great!"

"Oh, that's together," Ouyang Fei expressionless, why did You Tianle let her go?

Pulling her down again.

"When you have to deal with Chuck, tell me that I want to see it." Ouyang Fei feels that it will be of great help to him later.

But, she has been overturned in the gutter for so long.

Ouyang Fei did not know that his relationship with his body was changed. In fact, this relationship is useless, because You Tianle has been expelled from the home, he is a dog for the family! !

"Of course no problem, but I am going to Huaxia now, are you going?"

Ouyang Fei chased Black Rose, but she was dumped by Black Rose. She was very annoyed that she couldn't find Black Rose anymore. She was going to the boss behind the scenes.

However, You Tianle suddenly said that she also had the idea of returning to China.

It's been a long time now that the transformed one is not the school flower Ouyang Fei who can be bullied by men!

You can go back.

"Okay, no problem. I'll handle things well and I will go to Huaxia! After all, I am also a

Huaxia!... You, are there any end?" Ouyang Fei was extremely angry.

You Tianle laughed.

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Ouyang Fei's superb figure fascinated him...



Town square!

Yolanda checked today's work and inspected the square. Over the past six months, the operation of the square has already started.

Chuck's vision was not wrong at all!

The flow of people in this place has been particularly hot after half a year of management by


No matter it is daytime, there are many people on holidays, the square has completely entered the profit mode, even, a few days ago, Yolanda has built a movie theater on the top floor, which was completed a few days ago, it is particularly luxurious, young people will like, This can drive more people.

The cinema is waiting to open!

If Chuck comes back, he should be satisfied!

Yolanda looked forward to this.

"Yolanda..." At this time, Lara ran over.

Asked almost once a day, Yolanda is also speechless. When will Chuck come back? Is it almost half a year? ?

Doesn't Chuck come back in the United States?

How does this work?


Yolanda is going to the construction site. The land that Chuck bought before has already started

331 Read full book at: construction.

She is going to see. In addition, after asking Chuck, she took over a nightclub, and the business is also hot.

She is also very busy and needs to be managed.

"When will Chuck come back, for a long time," Lara dared not call Chuck.

After playing, Chuck certainly won't take it!

"I don't know, it shouldn't be that fast," Yolanda said this every time, Chuck didn't call, she didn't ask, how did she know?

"Alas," Lara sighed in loss.

"What do you say about Chuck's life in the United States?" Lara was dreaming about it.

She wanted to find Chuck in the past, but where did she go? The country is so big.

"How do I know? Lara, your business is so good, please invite more people," Yolanda went downstairs.

Lara followed him down.

Yes, the increase in traffic in the square has made Lara's tea shop business super good.

She has already opened a branch, and she is about to buy a car recently.

It was Chuck who gave her this opportunity at that time. Lara thanked Chuck in her heart.

Besides, after Logan's introduction, she had already started to take the show. Although it was the kind of brainless female character, Lara is happy because there are still fans.

Many people in the school have seen the movies she played.

"Got it, then I'm busy. Chuck comes back and must tell me!" Lara went to his shop and was busy.

Yolanda is speechless, tell you what to do?

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Unconsciously, Yolanda actually wanted Chuck a bit, after all, I haven't seen it for a long time...

My mother is a Baller. When will you come back? Listen online with novels

Yolanda shook his head, what did he want to do?

I thought about it myself. Product=Book/Web

She entered the parking lot and wanted to look elsewhere.

"How about Lara, Chuck hasn't returned yet?" Lara cousin Chalotte asked.

Lara already knows, Chalotte also has a feeling for Chuck, and Chalotte also knows that Lara has a feeling for Chuck, and they have no choice but to struggle.

Is there no way? ?

I feel that this kind of thing can't be controlled. All they can do is to worry together and hope

Chuck will come back from the country soon.

"No," Lara lost.

Chalotte sighed. For a long time, when did Chuck come back from the United States?

Still not going back?

"Cousin, why don't we go to the rice country, or have fun." Lara said expectantly.

"Are you going to find Chuck?" Chalotte understood the meaning.

"Fun, I haven't been abroad before. Anyway, the business has been very good recently. It's okay to go abroad to play, so look for Chuck by the way," Lara murmured.

"How to find? The two of us found, and then?" Chalotte was solemn and solemn.


Lara whispered, "Then, the two of us are together, anyway, it wasn't nearly last time..."

Lara blushed and Chalotte also blushed, "Last time was last time, this time this time, let alone,

Chuck didn't feel much about us both!"

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This is Chalotte's helpless thing. Several times, so many opportunities, but Chuck didn't do anything to himself. This shows that Chuck didn't have much thought about himself.

Lara was also lost.

"What should I do? I think, the other men, the more I hate the more I look, I just want to see

Chuck..." Lara murmured.

This is really true. Lara recently filmed the scenes, all of whom work with handsome guys, but she didn't feel anything at all, and even showed her diligence and special disgust towards those handsome guys.

It seems that he has developed immunity to the handsome guy.

"Me, me too, alas..."

Chalotte sighed. She was in the same situation. The 4s shop where she worked also came to a few handsome interns.

She has no interest at all.

Two like a man at the same time, what should I do in this situation?

Lara and Chalotte stared at each other. Soon, they dared not stare at each other, and the two were silent.

"Hello, Lara, did Chuck not come back!"

"Yeah, didn't you say he went to the United States? Did he go to pick up girls?!"

This is a classmate when Chuck was studying.

Now they know that the square is Chuck, they are all envious of death, not to mention, this square is really done.

Can be many times better than the original lifelessness.

Chuck is very capable!

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"How do I know!" Lara was angry.

"I think, Chuck will definitely not come back, or will not come back for a short time. I see, those beautiful women in the United States, but they are too beautiful. If I have the opportunity to pass by, I will definitely play enough and never come back,"

"What are you talking about? There is something wrong with Chuck's going to the United States.

Where is it for picking up girls?" Lara was extremely angry.

Chalotte's face is not very good, she has never been abroad, but she also knows that the woman of the United States is the best in the world. The Chinese woman is really inferior, she is already thinner, so Chuck does not like her And did not touch her.

Lara quarreled with her classmates, and Chalotte sighed.

Chuck, when will you come back? ?

If you come back, then Lara and I are all yours. .


"Boss, there is a problem with the new store's decoration. Come over and have a look!" This is the call Zelda received in the morning.

The restaurant on the other side of the city square is so popular that she has a monthly income of nearly 800,000. She has another idea and plans to open another branch.

The location has been chosen, but someone has caused trouble recently.

If you have to say something, you are tripped by the decoration at the door, you have to lose money, and you have to pay 300,000.

Of course Zelda refused, and he must not bow his head to these people!

Otherwise, with this one, there will be the next one! !

Zelda drove to the place where the new store was decorated.

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Today she is very beautiful, so to speak, she has always been beautiful.

Black stockings and long legs are all men's favorite.

She swayed her long legs into the renovated shop, and several people looked at Zelda in Seimi.

"Brother, this boss is so beautiful, that leg..."

"Haha, I actually met a great beauty. Fortunately, how many brothers are you still not?"

The streamers approached with a smile.

Zelda was alluring.

"Beauty, don't say anything. Your thing at the door trips my elder brother. My elder brother is still in the hospital and his knees are broken. How do you deal with it?" a yellow-haired kid said with a smile on his face .

This is a mixed drama!

"Handling? Alarm handling!" Zelda gave up!

"Alarm? Big beauties, you are a bit uninteresting, man, be smart. What about your alarm? By then, your shop is open. Don't blame the elder brothers for giving me a carefully prepared gift on the day you opened Here you are!" Huang Mao kid sneered.

"Are you threatening me?" Zelda was angry.

"Beauty, you're wrong, I didn't threaten you. I said, congratulations on giving you a gift when you open a business! Why don't you understand people?"

Several streamers stared at Zelda with a smile, and there was a person whose saliva was coming out.

They surrounded Zelda.

Zelda's face was cold, "What do you want to do?"

"It's too tiring to see you wearing high heels. Will you press it? Haha!"

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Huang Maoxiao laughed and reached over.

Zelda was overwhelmed. Why did she think that during the day, these couples are so bold? ?

In fact, this is Zelda underestimated his charm.

A woman of her perfect figure, even in jail, many people will be willing to touch her.

"Don't come, don't come." Zelda was terrified.

Turn around and run.

Boy Huangmao had thought about it for a long time. He grabbed Zelda, "Brother, go and pull the rolling gate up, and we will teach her class today!"


Several streamers laughed, some people went to pull the shutter, Zelda strolled together, "What are you doing? Get away, get away!!!"

"Big beauty, don't struggle, coach you first, then let's talk about losing money."

Huang Maozi held Zelda, Zelda panicked, she slapped on the face of Huang Maozi.


Huang Maozi's face was numb, and Zelda seized the opportunity to run.

"I don't know what's wrong." Huang Maozi rushed up angrily, grabbing Zelda and pulled in.

"Ah, let go, let go..." Zelda panicked to the extreme, what should I do?

My mother is a Baller with novel 767. Live in my house! Listen online with novels

Zelda was really panicked. She didn't expect that she would encounter such a thing. What should she do? however! !

When she screamed and furiously struggled to resist, suddenly, a scream! !

337 Read full book at: what!

A bang!

A person fell out, just like thrown out garbage!

A few people were shocked! what happened? ?

They turned to see their companion, fell to the ground, and lay on the ground motionless. What happened?

"How old is that?"

"Ah, the youngest one was kicked by him!"

They are frightened!

"Sister Zelda..." Suddenly, there was a voice in Zelda's ear.

Familiar with!

Zelda burst into tears in an instant, and for a long time, he finally came back.

"Are you back? Did I dream?"

Zelda turned his head, the man in front of him was still so tall, but the skin was healthier, Chuck came back.

When Chuck left Huaxia and went to the United States, she thought about forgetting Chuck.

Or have you been single, or find a man, and try to talk? ?

But things did not work.

She thought about it, but couldn't act.

Instead, he thought about Chuckchao.

"Of course not...hey, how many of you treat my sister Zelda so much, and you still want to run?"

Chuck growled!

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Several children of Huang Mao were scared.

Their companion more than one hundred kilograms, was kicked off with a kick? ?

Is this Hercules?

"Ah, Grandpa spares his life, spares his life!"

Chuck's roar scared them. Where can they bear it?

It’s okay to be scared.

"Rao Ming? Dare to insult my son Yiyi, you are living impatiently." Chuck walked over and faced a person with just one foot. what!

Chuck's strength has been improved too fast. How can this street man be his opponent?

The man had collapsed to death after falling out.

"Ah, no!"

Huang Mao kid fear.

Mom, is this person who suddenly appeared!

An adult kicking a foot, what is this concept?

"You just took my sister Zelda's hand just now?" Chuck grabbed the kid Huang Mao and slapped him on the face of fear.

Snapped! !

Huang Mao kid screamed and fainted.

"Damn, so out of style, still come out to be a streamer?" Chuck slapped him again and slapped him as if throwing away garbage.

"Are you still running?" Chuck kicked.

The last person fell to the ground and hey died.

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Solving these few people easily, Chuck shrugged. This kind of rubbish, Chuck has not moved yet!

Zelda was stunned. Chuck went to the United States and didn't come back. Is it so powerful?

Solved them by three times, five and two?

"Sister Zelda, I haven't eaten yet." Chuck came over on his stomach.

Today, Zelda is beautiful. This is Chuck's favorite dress. Zelda has a perfect figure. The lines, how to say, Chuck has been in Mi Guo for so long, how many Mi Mi beauties have you seen?

But Zelda's figure, close to the hotness of the beauty of the United States, everything looked so comfortable.

It's been a long time since I saw her, it's really... a bit inexplicable!

"Ah? Then, let's go, I'll do it for you." Zelda recovered.

Chuck shrugged her shoulders and hadn't eaten Zelda's dishes for a long time. She opened the restaurant herself, but she did her own cooking.

"Sister Zelda, don't you go to your restaurant?" Chuck was stunned. He just came by car. At this time, he was sitting next to the driving Zelda!

"Don't go."

"Where and where?"

"My home, or yours," Zelda said.

Chuck was embarrassed, and thought of some memories of the two people, really... people can not be wiped out!

When he arrived at the community, Chuck was very emotional!

This is the first house that Chuck bought. When he discovered that he and Zelda actually lived in a community, he didn't expect it.

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Now come back again, Chuck is in a trance. This year, since my mother made a phone call, it really changed her destiny!

Without his mother's phone, Chuck must still be ridiculed by his classmates.

"What do you think? What are you doing when you arrive? You haven't come in yet..." Zelda's voice was quiet.

Chuck coughed in.

It still has the previous taste.

The decoration has not changed.

"Sister Zelda, on the sofa..." Chuck saw the clothes on the sofa.

Zelda was at home alone, and it must be a bit more casual, so the changed clothes were put on the sofa.

Zelda blushed instantly!

She instinctively put it away, but she blushed and looked down, "Have you never seen it?"

"Cough..." Chuck really met.

Zelda put away her clothes, let Chuck sit down, and she went to the kitchen.

Chuck was also tired. He walked on the balcony and received a call from Betty.

Betty sent Chuck over, she went to the hotel where her mother bought it, and she would go back in a few days.

She asked Chuck what was needed?

Chuck felt that nothing was needed, he had a plan for a business empire.

It's enough to see Yolanda after dinner, and the two will discuss it.

"Master, where do you live tonight?"


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Where can't I live in my hotel, my mom's hotel?

"Master, otherwise, come to the hotel, I will ask someone to cook for you? Or... I can do it, too."

Betty said this suddenly, Chuck smiled, "Sister Li, you went to bed earlier,"

"Well," Bettydu blushed here. How did you say that? Young Master hasn’t eaten what he made, so why did he recommend himself? ?

"Okay, come and eat." Zelda came out of the kitchen carrying the dish.

Chuck was already hungry and entered. The two of them sat down.

"Sister Zelda's craft is still so good,"

Chuck laughed, this is true.

"Just like it, eat more." Zelda's beautiful eyes are gentle and give Chuck a dish.

Chuckli eats so quickly, Zelda sees it this way, with a smile on the corner of her mouth.


Zelda packed up the tableware.

Chuck felt that it was almost time to go back. It was too early to say how to meet Yolanda.

"Sister Zelda, I'm leaving." Chuck said to the kitchen.

Zelda ran out and said with a grudge, "Let's go? Just leave after a meal?"

Chuck didn't dare to read more, "There's something wrong."

"Don't go today, live in my house tonight, you haven't lived yet, okay?" Zelda walked step by step, everything about her was with the woman's grudge.

She was very lost. Chuck had never been in contact with her in a real sense. This time, she came back from the United States. Is that the case?

"Sister Zelda, this isn't very good," Chuck coughed. He didn't do anything when he came over.

He met Zelda. How can I not see her for so long, think of her.

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"Not good?" Zelda approached. "Not good?"

My mother is a Baller voice novel Chapter 678 New investment voice novel Listen online

Chuck coughed, how would he describe Zelda?

A woman who will never forget.

Because of this woman, Chuck opened the world.

"Are you still going?" Zelda lost to the extreme, "Well, you go."

"Sister Zelda, are you crying?" Chuck asked.

Zelda turned his head, there were tears in the corners of his eyes.

Zelda was wronged.

Chuck stayed, even if he didn't do anything, staying at home, Zelda would feel good.

But Chuck did not want to stay.

"No, you go, I have to wash the dishes," Zelda entered the kitchen by himself.

Chuck sighed. The situation is imminent now, and there is really no time for this.

"Then, Zelda, I'm out."

"Well, remember to come over for dinner tomorrow, I will make it for you," Zelda was not angry, she was lost.

"I will come over in time,"

Chuck shook his head and said that he would completely and completely arrange his business empire.

Next, the time in China will be very urgent.

Because Chuck does not know how much time You Shiwen can give himself.

He had to work hard, otherwise he would only find Wan Ziwen to help him, which was what

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Chuck was not willing to do.

Chuck walked to the door. Suddenly, there was a hug, hugging Chuck from behind, "Don't go, don't go..."

This is crying!

Zelda has never been this way.

Too long, Chuck left too long, Zelda thought day and night, finally saw Chuck, she couldn't bear to leave Chuck.

Chuck sighed and was ready to speak.

Because Zelda was so kind to him, Chuck couldn't bear to refuse.

Unfortunately, Chuck's cell phone rang.

"I'm sorry to disturb you," Zelda released Chuck and turned to the kitchen.


What can Chuck say?

This call came from Yolanda. She thought Chuck was still in the country.

Chuck answered the phone, left silently, and closed the door.

Zelda washes the dishes and turned to look inside the house. The man was empty. The man left.

She is very in control of herself, but the big tears still flow out so desperately...

"Hey, Yolanda, what are you talking about?" Chuck came out of Zelda's house, and he was stunned when he heard what Yolanda said on the phone.

Yolanda said that she had just passed a place and thought of a good project.

This project was originally thought by Yolanda, but there has been no good place.

This is to buy some places to make a big investment.

At least billions of dollars, this must definitely ask Chuck this boss! !

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"Well, I'll come and see."

"Come and see?" Yolanda was stunned.

"Yes, I'm back in China,"

"You? Come back? When did you come back?"

Suddenly, Yolanda showed surprise on his face. Did Chuck return to China?

"Just back, where are you? I'll go find you,"

"I send you a position,"

Hang up the phone, Yolanda sent a position here, Chuck looked at it, and took a car to find


"Chuck actually came back, hehe!"

Yolanda was inexplicably happy, it was a strange feeling.

Unclear, Yolanda didn't understand.

It may be too long to see a person's instinct joy!

Chuck came here by car.

Yolanda's eyes flashed. Was this big boy who got off the car the same as Zhang Ze who was slightly awkward?

Chuck changed a lot, the aura, and the kind of eyes, as if after baptism, Yolanda couldn't see through.

Chuck was surrounded by a sense of mystery.

When I went to the United States this time, what exactly did Chuck experience? ?

Yolanda put away his thoughts, "Chuck, long time no see,"

"Long time no see." Chuck smiled.

Yolanda is the school flower, body, and appearance are absolute best.

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At this moment, Yolanda high-heeled shoes, a pair of beautiful legs charming.

Wearing a professional suit, this strong woman's style is too fascinating for men.

Yolanda has also changed a lot, mainly because the gas field is also different.

Yolanda manages all industries of Chuck on the Chinese side. The kind of aura has been cultivated. The men saw it and wanted to conquer this strong woman.

When Chuck saw Yolanda again, he felt the same.

"What are you talking about?" Chuck asked.

The place where Yolanda is staying now is actually a factory, but it is abandoned, just buy it and do whatever you want.

Even, with Chuck's current financial resources, it is okay to make a special hotel.

"Medicine, I think, you can invest in medicine,"

This is Lu Yuwen's idea.


Chuck suddenly thought of the doctor he met when he went there last time to get medicine for

Black Rose.

His ability is very good, if there is a platform, he will definitely develop a lot of drugs.

Anyway, the doctor, the country where my mother bought it, then you can let the doctor come here to study.

This is a good idea.

"I have a high school classmate who makes Chinese medicinal herbs in his family. She has a formula, which is the kind of acne, a prescription for women's skin problems. It is particularly effective. If it can be mass-produced, then profitability is definitely not a problem!" It is

Yolanda's big idea.

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Many women have various skin problems caused by frequent makeup, so this kind of ointment, as long as it is produced and advertised a dozen, does not want to make money!

However, the investment will be very large. This kind of ointment field will definitely not work too casually. It must be the best professional, because it must be done well in the long run.

Yolanda knew that Chuck wanted to be a kind of century-old enterprise, even a millennium enterprise.

"You have a good idea!" Chuck also said his thoughts.

It's a hit.

Yolanda nodded, "Then, you immediately ask someone to take the doctor,"

This is just a phone call. Just call Betty or your mother.

The two of them have been in this abandoned workshop for a long time, and have discussed for a long time. Yolanda has a comprehensive plan. Chuck is gratified. Next, the idea came out and let

Yolanda do it.

In addition, Chuck feels that if his business empire is to be a great success in a short period of time, then he must have something very popular or a product.

This needs to be studied!

Said to Yolanda, she agreed with excitement, "I will start to think about this,"

"Yo, isn't this Chuck? Come back?"

"Well, rich people have gone to the United States, and when they come back to China, they have changed!"

"How are you, classmates gathering, are you coming?"

Several passing students suddenly saw Chuck. They were surprised and envied and jealous.

Chuck, the rich second generation!

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My mother is a Baller with a novel. Chapter 769 Chuck is back

"Not going, you go!" Chuck shook his head.

Where does he have time to go to the party?

Besides, Chuck did not study anymore and dropped out of school.

When thinking about this, Chuck smiled bitterly.

This is also a pity!

There is no time for regret now, and the revenge of You Shiwen is coming soon! !

Chuck can feel the kind of oppression from the hidden family and You Shiwen at any time.

"Cut, don't go, don't go, really think we want you to go?"

"He must be worried, we let him pay, it's stingy..."

"That's right, so rich. I'm back in China. What happened to the classmates? Isn't it supposed to?"

Several classmates muttered, full of unhappiness towards Chuck.

Chuck didn't care about them, and didn't care about seeing them generally, and left with


You have to discuss other things. Tomorrow's pharmaceuticals will be implemented!

Time is running out! !

"Really stingy!"

"Go, he doesn't go to the party, let's go!"

"Damn, don't go to his city square anymore, no discounts every time I go!"

"Lara, Lara's bad pen, every time I propose to be a city square, shit, the city square is not hers, what is she so passionate about?"

"Are you stupid? You didn't see it just now? Chuck is soaking up Yolanda, Lara's pen, Chuck

348 Read full book at: will let it go? How to say, Lara's body is so good... Chuck must be that Lara, shit ,I'm jealous!"

"Alas, reincarnation is really a technical job. I would be nice if I were a rich second generation."

"Stop talking, go first."

They came to the city square by car, and the students were all there, singing and eating.

"Guess, who did we see just now?" the classmate said aloud among the classmates.

"Who did you see? Is it Ye Zimei?"

"The fuss! Can you still see ghosts?!"

The students cut their heads and did not have much interest.

"Can't guess? The richest man in our class! The man who suddenly dropped out of school!"

The students were stunned and stunned.

"Are you saying Chuck? He's back? Didn't he go to Rice?"

"It must not be mixed anymore!"

"real or fake?"

"Of course it is true, Chuck, still with Yolanda! I don't know what I'm looking at, maybe I want to "picnic"..."

"Yolanda became the plaza manager, and I felt wrong. It was Chuck's intentional intention. Alas, it's really good to have money, and the school flowers can be soaked."

Many students envy.

"What? You said Chuck is back?" Lara, who had been careless, rushed over, holding the classmate in his hand and not letting go.

"Yes, I saw him, why didn't he call you? Didn't you care so much about him? Did Chuck dump you!"

A classmate laughed.

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"Your mother is sick?!"

Lara was annoyed and slapped him, and the two immediately wrestled.

Many classmates pulled up before they separated.

Lara left in exasperation, and she would definitely dump him, but Chuck came back today, and she wanted to contact Chuck.


The classmates were very happy at the party. Suddenly Chuck came back and they were not happy.

"You said, what did Chuck do this time?"

"Ah, where do we know? People are so rich, alas!"

They were even more upset. A female student whispered, "To be honest, I really want Chuck."


"Chuckren is also good, rich and handsome,"

"Yes, Chuck is a handsome guy who looks better and looks better. If he chases me, I will agree."

"Yeah, I will too! When I finally knew that Chuck was the second generation of wealth, actually,

I actually wanted to chase him..."

A few girls are twittering, and the other male students are envious, so you have to do Chuck! !


"Cousin, Chuck is back." Lara ran to her milk tea shop excitedly.


The cups in Chalotte's hands were all dropped. She was very excited. "Really? Did you see


"I didn't see it, my classmates did,"

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The two looked at each other and separated again.

"How is it, cousin." Lara asked quietly.

Anyway, the two of them, already unspoken, wanted to join Chuck together.

"Whatever you say, just like that." Chalotte lowered her head to do things, her voice very quiet.

Lara nodded and took out her mobile phone to Chuck, but would Chuck answer it? ?

Here, Chuck and Yolanda finished talking, and it was already more than twelve o'clock. Chuck did not expect that the two people were so fascinated.

This shows that Yolanda is a career-oriented woman, and she made no mistake at that time.

"Chuck, where are you going?" Yolanda asked.

Although she said, Chuck is already managing so many things, but she still rents a house.

Chuck also knew that he couldn't get over it.

"By the way, I still have a house over there. I haven’t lived. Would you like to move over there?

By the way, help me look at the house. You know, there is no one in the house for too long. Get old..."

"This is not very good,"

"What's wrong? I'll show you now," Chuck said.


Yolanda drove, and Chuck showed the way and arrived.

Chuck's voice is quiet, because he lives in the same community as Zelda!

Let her see, it is definitely not good, this is still paying attention, especially today, Zelda is still disappointed.

The door opened.

Chuck sighed. There was no one in the house for too long. There was really a lot of dust.

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"You can live in this house, just let your parents come over and give it to you," Chuck has a mother's hotel anyway, just stay anywhere.

This house, Chuck thought of it now, really felt a bit ridiculous at the time.

In order to leave Yvette, he bought this house.

Now that Yvette is reconciled, then this house can be given to others.

"Give me?" Yolanda was stunned.

"Yes, for you,"

Yolanda shook his head and refused, Chuck smiled, "Afraid of anything! Just live directly."

Yolanda was silent for three seconds, "Well, thank you."

Chuck was so kind to her, and Yolanda was upset.

"It's okay, you call someone to clean up tomorrow, and live in the day after tomorrow,"


"Now you go back, I will also go to my mother's hotel to stay." Chuck said, about to close.

Yolanda didn't pay attention, backed up and hit the cabinet, almost fell, Chuck's eyes quickly supported her waist, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay," Yolanda blushed to the base of her neck, Chuck shrugged and let go, just raised her head and saw a man in the doorway. That's right, I heard Zelda moving.

She burst into tears, too disappointed, "Sorry, bother you..."

My mother is a Baller, novel 770. What identity? Listen online with novels

Zelda was very sad. When she just left Chuck, Chuck left, and now Chuck actually brought other women back. Product=Book/Web

She was particularly sad, and she was no worse than Yolanda.

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Why does Chuck want Yolanda, not even himself? ?

Not bad myself! !

Zelda ran out, she had just heard the movement of opening the door, so she came out to have a look.

She couldn't get out of love.

"Yolanda, wait a minute." Chuck stabilized Yolanda and chased him out.

Yolanda was stunned.

Chuck left to chase Zelda, and Yolanda lost some inexplicably in her heart.

"Sister Zelda," Chuck chased out.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't be here," Zelda forced to cry.

But tears are so disappointing.

"No, you misunderstood, I have no idea about Yolanda," Chuck was speechless.

Just now, Yolanda almost fell, Chuck just supported her, nothing happened.

"Then you still hug her?"

"Oh, she almost fell before I reached out. Yolanda is my square manager. How can I have an idea for her?" Chuck shook his head, really speechless.

Yes, when she first saw Yolanda, Chuck simply thought she was beautiful, but she had no other ideas.

Chuck understands the truth that Yolanda is his own employee, so he thought about her again, wouldn’t it be a mess? ?

How does this affect the next work? ?

"You really have no idea about her?" Zelda asked choked.

She thought, what identity did she use to ask this question? ?

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Chuck's girlfriend? ! no.

Lan Yan confidant?

It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, because something happened between you and Chuck should not happen between your confidant.

It's a little better than Lan Yan's confidant, can this identity ask such questions?

"No," Chuck shook his head firmly.

"No?" Yolanda, who was next to the door in the room, heard this sentence, and she felt more lost. what happened?

Yolanda actually thought about this problem. Chuck trusts her so much and gives her so much money. What is Chuck's feeling about herself? like?

No, Yolanda also feels that there is nothing at all. This is the simple relationship between the boss and the employee, trust! !

Because Chuck trusted himself, he gave himself so many rights.

But how do you feel about Chuck?

When Yolanda couldn't sleep, he often thought about this problem.

Chuck is so rich, she is also a woman, does she have a little bit of love in her heart? ?

Yolanda thought about it many times, but felt no, not at all.

It is only the relationship between this boss and employees.

Because when she first saw Chuck, she didn't feel a little emotional.


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At most, it was embarrassment. Chuck found that his socks were torn and reminded himself of embarrassment.

I just hugged myself so much, my first reaction was embarrassment.

There is no feeling of speeding up in a flash, what is it like? ?

Possibly, two people are in a room, even if they lie on a bed, what will happen in the end.

Because he didn't care about him, and he didn't care about himself.

Possibly, the relationship between the boss and employees has changed like a good friend.

There is still pure friendship between men and women.

But when Chuck just said that she has no thoughts about herself, why do she feel lost when she thinks about it?

Where does this sense of loss come from? ?

Yolanda didn't know herself. She came in pretty and pressed her face to the door, listening quietly. She knew that eavesdropping was not good, but she wanted to listen.

"Um. I'm not asking you, sorry, I shouldn't ask that."

Zelda apologized.

Yes, she has a store on the city square. She has known Yolanda for a long time. Is there anything between Yolanda and Chuck? As a woman, can't she feel it? ?

"It's okay, Zelda," Chuck breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then you continue, I'm home,"

"En." Chuck sighed, "Sister Zelda, me..."

Chuck felt sorry for Zelda and had a relationship with Zelda. Although there is no last step, she is also her own woman.

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However, Chuck can't give her anything now.

What she wants is a family, but how to give herself?

Can't give it, and dragged her...

"Don't say that, everything is voluntary," Zelda was relieved.

Chuck's tone, she really felt distressed, Chuck distressed herself.


"No, but since I was in the car that night, I took the initiative to give you...I have no regrets for anything I do." Zelda said firmly.

Chuck coughed and Zelda smiled slightly, her tearful smile was really beautiful.

"Then I am back to the room, and the two of you continue to talk."

"I'll make it clear to you. I brought Yolanda over just to give her this house, me..."

"No need to explain, I believe you..."

Zelda reached out and hugged Chuck.

Chuck did not resist.

Guilt can't resist.

He has passed the impulsive young age, what is he thinking about now?

Own business empire! !

"good night."

"good night,"

Zelda went back to her house next door. When she closed the door, she chewed on her lips.

Chuck coughed, "Sister Zi Yi..."

"I don't close the door at night, you come in anytime, I wait for you,"


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Zelda closed the door.

Chuck laughed bitterly and returned to his home.

Yolanda was busy retreating, pretending not to hear.

"Yolanda, are you okay? Where did you hit it just now?" Chuck asked with concern.

Yolanda is too tall, and may have hit his thigh and limped.

"It's okay,"

"Then, you come over tomorrow to get people cleaned up,"

"Yep," speechless.

The two were silent, Yolanda said softly, "Mr. Mo did not misunderstand anything?"

"No, I and you have nothing to misunderstand her." Chuck smiled bitterly.

"Yes, too..." Yolanda bowed his head, feeling more lost in his heart.

Obviously it is a simple employer relationship, what do you do for yourself? baffling.

"Then I will take you to the hotel," Chuck did not drive, and Yolanda had to send him.

Chucksi wants to go, is he staying at Zelda's house tonight?

"If you go back first, I will talk to Zelda."

Chuck really speaks.

Yolanda understood, speak? This is the same as going in for a glass of water, okay, don't disturb,

Yolanda Qiang Yan smiled, "Well, then I will go back..."

My mother is the enemy's voice novel of Chapter 771 of the Baller's audio novel

Yolanda went downstairs, absent-minded. Think-free-fee-watch-end-full-version please Baidu

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She was inside the car, her beautiful eyes kept staring ahead, and for more than ten seconds, she sighed.

Laughed at himself.

Have you made a mistake? ?

The relationship between the decent boss and the employees is just wrong. ?

What are you thinking about? ?

Yolanda's thoughts were firm. He had already figured out how many days and nights he had. He had no idea about Chuck. Chuck was his own boss.

That's all! !

Yolanda thought about it himself and drove back to work well tomorrow. She felt it out. Chuck returned this time with a solemn breath.

This is going to be a big game in the mall!

As an employee of Chuck, how can you not support it? ?


Chuck opened the door and entered Zelda's house.

Inside, Zelda was wearing pajamas and Chuck coughed, "Sister Zi Yi..."

"Speak with me and tell me what happened in the country." Zelda leaned over and lay on

Chuck's chest.

She had a dream and dreamed about what Chuck might encounter in the United States. Now,

Zelda wants Chuck to speak out.

These should be interesting.

"Uh, before I said, can Zelda change a dress, this..." Chuck was speechless.

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Zelda's body was perfect to the extreme. At this moment, wearing pajamas, the beauty is beyond description in Chuck's mind.

"Do not change," Zelda blushed.


Chuck was embarrassed. He took a few deep breaths and Zelda smiled, "Well, listen to you, I want to hear you tell a story today."

Zelda got up to change clothes. When she came out of the room, she put on the clothes she usually wears at home, which is much better.

"Is this all right?" Zelda was still happy, at least Chuck also thought about himself.

"Well," Chuck laughed.

Snuggling in Chuck's arms again, Zelda whispered, "Tell me about it."

"it is good."

Chuck nodded and remembered the rice country he went to because of Yvette's killing order.

Chuck will start from here!

When talking about Chuck and Emily, Zelda was obviously angry, and also felt distressed. Her body was shaking. Obviously, Chuck might be caught by Emily at that time. Be killed.

When she heard that Chuck came out of Amazon, Zelda was so nervous all the way that she was stuck.

With Chuck's words, she seemed to have experienced it with Chuck, either nervous, or afraid, or happy, or sad...

At the end, Chuck fell silent.

When talking about Alice, of course, Chuck ignored the past.

Such things cannot be said.

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It's not good for Alice either, even if Zelda knows it, she certainly won't say it.

"Hidden family? Is there such a family in the world?" Zelda muttered to herself, she came back from Chuck's recollection.

She was shocked when she heard the four words of the secret family. She heard it for the first time.

This is too normal. Zelda's net worth is barely over 100 million. Of course, it is impossible to come into contact with this matter.

"Yes," Chuck's eyes flickered, and you visited Shiwen...

Chuck's headache, Wan Ziwen's fortunately said, another secret family that has never appeared, it is also fortunate that you are now hating You Shiwen so much, this is Chuck's current heart disease.

"Then you can deal with this You Shiwen you said?" Zelda was frightened.

Chuck's introduction to the hidden family is not much, but in these few words, Zelda has heard the horror of the hidden family!

In the world, there are families that have inherited thousands of years? ?

This is something Zelda never dreamed of.

"I don't know, it certainly won't work now, so I came here this time to build my own business empire at the fastest speed and fight against You Shiwen!" Chuck also felt.

Sooner or later, he will turn his face with Wan Ziwen, who is the first family of the hidden first family.

Because Wan Ziwen's woman with such a strong desire to control herself has always refused.

What she will do in the end, Chuck can already think of it.

So now you have an already determined enemy, that is the powerful You Shiwen.

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The possible enemy is Wan Ziwen.

The last hidden family, Chuck does not understand this family, is an enemy or a friend, Chuck has not yet figured out, because this family has no movement so far!

Zelda muttered to himself, "Then, I will help you."

Chuck smiled, Zelda was so serious. "Although in the eyes of the secret family of others, even an ant is not as good, but I want to stand behind you too!"

Chuck was moved.

Zelda was able to experience Chuck's pressure. It turned out to be the case, so it was not like that time. The blood gas was just now, and now the pressure is too great.

"Chuck, I believe you, can resist, I believe you." Zelda relied on Chuck.

Under such great pressure, Chuck's sense of security is not lacking! !


Chuck sighed. They came back to China. Wan Ziwen and You Shiwen should have known all of them. So what will the two of them do? ?

Will you come to China too?


"Don't sigh," Zelda comforted.


Zelda knew Chuck’s pressure, she didn’t tease Chuck, just, snuggling Chuck’s chest, “Can I hug you and sleep?”

"of course can."

"Then I fell asleep."

"good night."

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"good night,"

The two fell asleep together.


"Miss, this is China." Wan Ziwen came to China.

"This is?" Wan Ziwen is here, in China's largest hotel. She shook her head, "There are still many opportunities for this place in China. Chuck chose to come back here to do business and make money. This is a good choice."


"Where is Chuck?"

"Chuck has a city square and a hotel. There is also a construction site and a nightclub. I think he should go to the city square."

"Well, take me to see." Wan Ziwen thought of something, "Let me find out, Chuck has a few women in China."

"Miss what do you mean?" The man understood, this is to solve all the women in Chuck?

"Check first, don't miss any of them." Wan Ziwen lazily leaned on the sofa. Men do it right away. This matter is still a bit complicated. It still has to be checked non-stop.

Wan Ziwen looked at the night scene, and he was so lost in his heart, "Chuck, I came here to find you. I am so good to you. Why don't you appreciate it for your first visit to China? You should like me, it should be ..."

My mother is the boss of Chapter 772 of the Baller's audio novel! Listen online with novels the next morning. Product=Book/Web

Zelda made breakfast and Chuck ate breakfast before looking for Yolanda.

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"Right, what about Murong Qing?"

When Chuck left, Murong Qing had problems with the company at that time. Chuck gave her money, but Chuck didn't pay attention to the later period.

I don't know what happened to Murong Qing. .

"How do I know? It's not good for you to mention other women in my house!" Zelda pretended to be angry, but she was not angry.

However, she really didn't pay attention to Murong Qing's situation.

I just knew that Murong Qing didn't seem very good.

Chuck coughed.

"Okay, I only know that Murongqing is not in a good situation. Other things, I haven't paid attention, because I have been busy with the branch recently."

Chuck was stunned, it shouldn't be!

When you go by yourself, Murong Qing should be good!

"Okay, I'm leaving." Chuck felt that he still had to check Murong Qing's situation.

How to say, I already have a relationship with Murong Qing.

"Are you going to find her right?" Zelda was so angry.

How to say, her relationship with Murong Qing is not good at all.

Watching Chuck looking for Murong Qing, how could she feel comfortable in her heart? ?

"Uh, no."

"Okay, I won't ask anymore. I remember. I came here when I was hungry. I came here when I was tired. I don't care about anything else, okay?"

Chuck was so moved that Zelda was so understanding.


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Chuck came out of Zelda's house and called Betty. "Sister Li, help me check Murong Qing's situation."

"Yes, Master, wait a moment. After I check it, I will call you back." Betty said.

"it is good."

Chuck hangs up the phone, with Bettycha, it will be much simpler.

He can rest assured to find Yolanda first.

Borrowing a car from Zelda, Chuck drove to his own city square with great emotion!

This is Chuck's first investment in the true sense. Now, this investment is very good.

Many people are playing in the square this weekend.

You know that when Chuck took over, the flow of people was low, and many shops were not rented out. Now it is better than dozens of times.

The only thing Chuck felt sorry for was his first real investment. Since he went to the United

States, he didn’t witness the growth of this square with his own eyes. This is a pity!

But okay.

Chuck went in.

College girls from several other schools are talking excitedly.

"The popularity of this square is really good. Who would have thought that when this square used to be, we were reluctant to come over?"

"Yes, my classmates were reluctant to come at that time. I don't know when it started now. My classmates, and most of the people in the school, come here as long as they are resting for shopping and eating,..."

"Me too! I also heard that the boss of this square is a college student, only a sophomore!"

"Really, my God, I thought the owner of this square was at least fifty or sixty."

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"It must not be. I heard that this boss can be young, especially low-key. At the beginning, his classmates didn't know it. Later, they only knew that their classmate, an obscure boy, was a super rich. The second generation!"

"Listening to you, I really want to see this boss!"

"Me too, hello, classmates, are you in a school with this boss!" a jeans girl asked Chuck.

Chuck coughed, "Yes, is there something wrong?"

"Really, do you know this square boss? Are you his classmate!" A few girls looked at Chuck with expectation.

"Uh, yes."

"Is the boss handsome?"


"What is your forehead? Tell us quickly!"

"You can ask other people."

Chuck can't stand this little girl.

"Cut, don't you know, forget it, don't ask you,"

"Yes, let's ask other people. Okay, I don't want to talk about him,"

Several little girls gave Chuck a few glances and were disappointed.

Yes, the owner of the Square is so low-key, not everyone can know it!


Lara rushed over in surprise, he just couldn't believe it, because Chuck came. It was actually a very ordinary car.

Zelda also has a lot of good cars, but Chuck is too lazy to drive a good car, just keep it low-key.

Chuck has gone through so many things and has already passed. The age of pursuing cars,

365 Read full book at: houses and the like.

Now there is a car.

"Lara." Chuck smiled slightly.

Lara changed a lot. At that time, Lara was spicy and unreasonable. Now she has changed. Her hair is no longer bangs. The goddess of cents is gone.

"Chuck, long time no see." Lara was about to cry.

Chuck changed a lot. Before leaving China, Chuck was a big boy, but when he went to the

United States, when he came back. Today is a man.

This obviously Chuck went to the United States and made him grow too big!

What did Chuck encounter in the United States? ?

"By the way, long time no see,"

"Come on, I invite you to drink milk tea, hurry." Lara pulled Chuck to her shop.

"Lara, you are Lara. I watched your movie. You played that shrew so well." These little girls marveled.

Lara is also a little star!

Lara was embarrassed, "Thank you."

Chuck was stunned, shrew? Yes, Lara was a shrew at the time, and she was a real performer.

Lara looked at Chuck smiling, she blushed shyly, "I am not like that now, I am gentle. Really..."

Several little girls are stunned, Lara is also a little star, why do you treat this ordinary person like this? ?

"By the way, Lara, do you know who the owner of this square is?" the little girl asked, looking forward.

"Boss? You should ask him." Lara pointed at Chuck.

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Chuck is speechless, this Lara!

"Just now, I asked him, he didn't say it, I think, he wouldn't know." The little girl shook her head and shook her head.

"Yes, Lara, you said that, I seem to know him!"

"What do you know?" Lara was not happy.

"He has money, and I heard that he is very handsome!"

Lara wanted to laugh. At that time, when Chuck was unknown, she really didn't find Chuckshuai.

Now Chuck's aristocratic temperament came out, and it was really charming.

"Do you think he is handsome?" Lara pointed at Chuck.


"The eyes are beautiful, the eyes are very calm, young and old!"

Several little girls said, Chuck touched his nose, young and old? ?

Lara chuckled, "Okay? Isn't he okay? He's the one you want to know, he's the boss of the square!"

My mother is a Baller with a novel of Chapter 773. The business begins! Listen online with


Several little girls froze immediately. Product=Book/Web

"Lara, what are you talking about? Is he the boss of the square?"

"Yes, I don't need to lie to them," Lara said.

They looked at Chuck again, and their faces were red and full of shyness.

Just now I was still in front of the real boss, saying that.

What a shame.

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"Good boss," several little girls looked at Chuck expectantly.

It was suddenly felt that this boy who looked down on just now has changed a lot. They feel the temperament of Chuck's body, low-key.

I have said that the owner of this square is very low-key, and now it looks really low-key!

If Lara didn't say it, they really didn't know.

It really looks better and better.

"Hello," Chuck smiled.

Several of their little girls blushed. Such a big boss is so approachable. It is really rare!

"Let's have fun." Chuck and Lara went to her shop.

"Wow, it's really low-key!"

"Just don't know if he has a girlfriend."

"It is estimated that there are people who are so rich. How could they not have a girlfriend?"

Several little girls were disappointed.

"Yeah, I just forgot to ask him for WeChat." A girl yelled.

"Don't worry, Lara knows him, Lara must have his WeChat, just ask Lara for it."

"Yes, I will find Lara and ask him to WeChat."

Several little girls looked forward to it again.

"Here, this is my new milk tea, try it." Lara gave Chuck a cup of milk tea.

Chuck took a sip with a smile and felt really good. Lara had a talent for this.

"Chalotte, long time no see," Chuck greeted Chalotte who was busy.

Chalotte's eyes lit up and said softly, "Well, I haven't seen you for a long time."

"That's busy, I have something to do with Yolanda." Chuck waved.

"Um, busy."

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Chuck went upstairs.

Lara, Chalotte looked at each other, Chalotte sighed, "Chuck changed a lot, not the big boy at that time,"

"Yeah, when I came back this time, I had the feeling of seeing Xiaoxiong, and I didn't know what Chuck encountered in the United States this time,'s bitter!" Lara said with a heartache.

If it is not hard, how could Chuck change so much? ?

"Lara, why didn't you just invite him to dinner?"

"Ah? Cousin, do you miss that again?" Lara blushed, and the two of them gave something to

Chuck last time. But Logan was saved.

Repeat the trick again? ?

Lara felt that she couldn't do that.

"No, why would I still think that way? Chuck grew up, and we want to grow up too. I won't mess up. I just want to invite him to dinner." Chalotte shook his head blushing.

Thinking of this, she was ashamed.

"That's okay, I'll talk to him later and see if he wants it or not. However, I think he should have no time." Lara murmured to himself.

"Why? Don't want to bother us?" Chalotte lost.

"I don't know, I think Chuck's eyes have changed a lot this time when he comes back. At that time, he will look at us a few times. When he came back this time, his eyes were dull and ambitious. I think Chuck came back this time. What did he do? Big thing, it should be, want to create his business!" Lara said sadly.

Then the gap between himself and Chuck is getting bigger and bigger. Chuck's changes have

369 Read full book at: faded the appearance of a big boy. Lara is absolutely confident in his figure.

However, Chuck didn't even look at it just now.

Without evil thoughts, this change is the process of a man's growth, indicating that his pursuit is different.

"Really?" Chalotte sighed and continued to work absently.

Lara didn't even want to work anymore, and sighed and sat down.

Chuck came upstairs, and Yolanda was already carefully planning the pharmaceutical factory.

Chuck went in, she didn't find it.

Chuck didn't bother her until she tiredly stretched her back and found that Chuck was actually in her office. She was stunned, "When did Chuck come?"

As a woman, Yolanda smelled the fragrance of Chuck.

She and Zelda have known each other for so long, and remember that this is the scent on Zelda, indicating that Chuck stayed at Zelda's house last night.

Yolanda is also an adult and certainly knows what will happen to the lonely man and the widowed woman this night.

Yolanda sighed secretly, and the inexplicable sense of loss came out again.

Why is this happening? ?

"How is it?" Chuck asked.

Yolanda just breathed a sigh of relief and clearly planned it out. The plan came out.

"Almost, today I will go to the owner of the abandoned factory and buy the factory." Yolanda's valuation of the abandoned factory is also completed.

Buy it together, it should not be 50 million!

This is relatively cost-effective, because that factory is very large.

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"Well, I'm going together."

Chuck has no other plans.

Yolanda certainly did not refuse, she was always running around alone, at this time, suddenly

Chuck helped, at least one company!

It will feel much better.

At this time of day, both people are busy with this matter.

The owner of the abandoned factory heard that someone was going to buy his factory, but he was not happy, and he did not hesitate to sell it.

Tens of millions of yuan are of course nothing to the current Chuck, and directly transfer money.

The factory owner was stunned, but he did not expect that the young man in front of him was so rich!

The formalities are almost the same in the afternoon, and all formalities should be completed tomorrow.

Yolanda did her homework ahead of time. In the afternoon, she had arranged for people to come over and renovate the plant according to the specifications of the pharmaceutical factory. She found several construction teams.

Because Chuck does not lack money.

As long as the renovation is completed as soon as possible.

In addition, Chuck called her mother and asked her to send someone to pick up the doctor. The mother must agree.

Here, Yolanda's classmates also came over to meet, and Chuck didn't mean to give his ancestral prescription, anyway, let him participate.

In addition, Chuck is thinking hard about other projects in China and has to quickly occupy

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China's market!

But this process is painful, how can it be so easy to do?

Until the early hours of the morning, Chuck rubbed his eyes, "Yolanda, go back!"

Chuck was embarrassed to keep a girl working overtime.

Yolanda smiled slightly, "No, I will back up and go back, go back first,"

She talked and suddenly received a call, revealing surprise.

"Chuck, my friend has a big project there, are you interested?" Yolanda asked.

She is helping Chuck to ask about this.

"Yes!" Chuck said seriously.

"Well, now go out with me," Yolanda said impatiently, Chuck was stunned and smiled,

"Yolanda, I will give processing funds!!"

My mother is a Baller audio novel. Chapter 774 is about to gamble on stone audio novel

online listening

"Are you kidding me?" Yolanda smiled. Think-free-fee-watch-end-full-version please Baidu search-pin=book=net

Yolanda is beautiful. At this time, her smile is charming.

Yes, Chuck suddenly came up with this sentence, which made her laugh.

"No, really," Chuck reached the extreme.

"Well, this is what you said, let's not talk about this, go to my friend's side," Yolanda smiled.


Chuck heard of the big project, of course there was too much interest.

He and Yolanda under the parking lot.

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This car was bought by Chuck, and it contains the flavor of Yolanda.

Almost half a year.

Still the same as the new one!

"Yolanda, why don't you find a boyfriend." Chuck laughed.

"Why are you looking for? I am fine by myself," Yolanda drove and replied in a chat.

She didn't want to find it, and felt that her working condition was now very good.

"Okay." Chuck's eyes rolled around Yolanda.

It was then discovered that Yolanda's figure was better than before, and the long legs were rare.

Chuck shrugged a few more times before Yolanda began to introduce what his friend did.

"Gambling stone? You said gambling stone?" Chuck was stunned.

He had heard of this kind of thing before, but he had never been in touch.

This is similar to gambling. They are all gambling. There are too many doorways.

Chuck didn't understand it at all.

"Yes, this is the gambling stone." Yolanda smiled.

"Do you still play this?"

"I don't play, my friend does this," Yolanda explained patiently. "She told me that her annual profit is now close to 100 million..."

Chuck was stunned, one hundred million?

He smiled bitterly and told the truth, now 100 million is nothing to Chuck, let alone what is to the hidden family.

But this industry is not bad, and good investment can make a lot of money.

Chuck is also interested.

At the very least, if this industry is done well, then it is absolutely very good to monopolize the

373 Read full book at: global market, not to mention that a short period of time can have a great return, which is what

Chuck needs!

After all, how much time can You Shiwen "give" herself? ?

Strengthen your own strength, you can fight against You Shiwen!

"Let's take a look first and let my friend introduce you. Because there are too many doorways in it, for those who don't understand, it is best not to play." Yolanda reminded.

In fact, she did not agree in her heart, because many people were ruined because of stone gambling. However, even if Chuck was playing stone gambling, he was looking for professional people to help him, only investing, which is actually not bad.

"I know this," Chuck smiled.

When I drove to a hotel, Yolanda said that there was a stone betting club on the top floor of the hotel.

It's an auction!

Chuck doesn't understand this. Let's take a look first. What if there are other opportunities?

"That's it." Yolanda smiled, this top floor, what kind of party.

Chuck has participated in many similar gatherings. However, Chuck has not participated in gambling.

There are some expensive jadeite on the top floor, and Chuck has little contact, so it is a strange thing.

I also find it interesting. At the scene, there are also a lot of rich people watching.

"Yolanda, here." A tall beauty smiled over.

This woman is beautiful, she is in her twenties, and she has that superb beauty. This is Yolanda's friend, Liu Na.

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"This is your boss?"

Liu Na looked at Chuck.

Too ordinary.

She only heard occasionally that Yolanda mentioned Chuck and said that people are very low- key. Now, it is beyond Liu Na's imagination. Too low-key is not good.

"Well, I told you."

"Hello." Chuck reached out.

"Hello." Liu Na also reached out.

To be honest, if it were not for Yolanda's reason, she would not contact people like Chuck.

"Are you going to take a gamble stone, or look at it?"

Liu Na's eyes are very poisonous. Will the stones that she has seen look green?

"Look first."

Chuck has never been in contact, so of course I have to take a look.

Liu Na didn't see Chuck much, look?

Liu Na felt that Chuck would definitely leave empty-handed tonight.

Such a person, fearful of fear, can't play stone gambling at all.

Those who play stone betting must start quickly!

When you get it right, you must start decisively. What can you do if you are afraid of wolves and tigers? ?

Don't waste time, go home and go to bed early.

This kind of thing, Liu Na is not good to say directly, she said coldly, "Well, you look first."

"What kind of stones are there?" Chuck asked.

Liu Na frowned, "You don't even know the gambling stone, what are you doing?"

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"Yolanda said it was a big project, so I came to see it." Chuck laughed.

"Come, look at it yourself,"

Chuck shrugged and went to find a place to see for himself. Anyway, there are so many professionals here. Listening to them, they can understand the stone betting industry.

Chuck went aside.

"Yolanda, you are mentally ill, bring him over? He doesn't understand anything, and wastes time over here!!!" Liu Na said directly.

"It's okay, he'll take a look first. If you look at it, you will invest," Yolanda smiled.

For Chuck, Yolanda doesn't know how to describe him.

Sometimes an impulsive person, when you took over the city square at that time, Yolanda did not expect that because the situation of the city square was so bad at that time, Chuck actually took over.

It was successful, this vision is good enough!

It is also decisive to start, and it will be able to achieve the kind of quick and fierce gambling!

"I think he will waste my time," Liu Na said straight away, how precious her time is!

Chuck doesn't understand, how can he shoot stones later? ?

She actually called Yolanda because she heard that many stones that might make a lot of money will appear in this stone gambling auction, but her working capital is more than 200 million yuan. In this large-scale stone gambling auction The scene is obviously not enough!

What if there is a lot of momentum to make money?

Therefore, Liu Na contacted Yolanda to be regarded as an investment.

Just now Yolanda promised to come over, she was quite happy, and now people brought it, Liu

Na was disappointed.

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"No, Chuck is right, he will shoot!"

"Forget it, don't need him to shoot, and wait for him to be with me. It's an investment. See if he is interested." Liu Na said directly.

Yolanda looked at it, and Chuck replied with interest that some people were talking about stones, very interested.

Yolanda was stunned, Chuck is now learning?

Yolanda laughed, "This depends on him,"

"Yolanda, you just say, how much can he take out?" Liu Na asked directly.

Just a few hundred million squares. If you can take out the liquidity, it will definitely not exceed

100 million. There is no way. It can only be done. Who can't find others now? ?

My mother is a Baller, the voice novels Chapter 775

"This, I don't know, but it will definitely not be less, this is assured. Think-free-fee-watch-end- full-version please Baidu search-pin=book=net"

Yolanda only knew that Chuck's strength was amazing, but how much money did she have to know?

Absolutely not less? ?

Liu Na was disappointed, so the sky said, at most, it is about the same as the money she took out, about 200 million!

Alas, barely.

There is no one else, just barely!

"Okay, but I will say the ugly words first, and tell him, if you believe me, then cooperate with me. The stone I photographed makes half the money, and everyone loses if they lose. If he can

377 Read full book at: accept this, I can work with him once!"

Liu Na was really ugly and said ahead.

Chuck, such a fearsome person, must be the one who won and couldn't afford to lose.

If you want to cooperate, you must make it clear! !

"Okay, I used to ask," Yolanda went to Chuck's side.

"Ah, looking at him, this is about to be fooled?" Liu Na felt that Chuck showed a sense of relish at this time, which was to be fooled.

Alas, how can such a person have hundreds of millions of net worth?

There is only one explanation, that is, the reincarnation is well cast.

"I asked, he said no problem." This is Chuck's answer.

Yolanda relayed it.

"Well, time can't be close, you can go sit and wait for the auction to start, and call him over," Liu

Na didn't expect anything, Chuck would have any other answer.

"I called, he said he would listen for a while and wait for him to come in."

Yolanda also felt funny. Chuck seemed to be listening to the story, he was really learning, and there was something else.

She didn't know that Chuck's fighting skills were all very talented. This kind of eye-testing gambling stone, Chuck would be able to learn without listening, but it would also learn much faster than ordinary people.

This is a talent problem of learning.

Talent is good, so if you want to learn something, if you want to learn it carefully, you will learn quickly.

"Follow him, let's go first,"

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When the two of them entered the venue, Yolanda asked, "Liu Na, did your boyfriend come?"


"Divided?" Yolanda was shocked to the extreme.

Liu Na's request to her boyfriend is very high.

Some time ago, after Yolanda called Liu Na, she realized that Liu Na had a boyfriend recently.

This is very rare! !

"Yes, split," Liu Na said blankly.

"Why did you split it? Didn't you feel a bit about your boyfriend?"

"It's gone now. I hate those indecisive people, such as... bosses." Really, Liu Na now looks more and more like Chuck and her boyfriend.


So, now Liu Na understands herself, why she didn't look good at Chuck at the beginning, it turned out to be because she was like her ex boyfriend! !

"Chuck!?" Yolanda was really speechless. Chuck was lying down.

"Yes. It's the kind of person he is."

"Actually, Chuck is not indecisive," Yolanda had no choice but to hear her friend say Chuck, she was not very comfortable.

"No need to explain, I can play gambling stones, indicating that my vision is still poisonous, and

I don't think people are wrong!"

"I was wrong."

"Absolutely not. Another thing is that following this kind of boss will not have much future.

Think about it yourself." Liu Na said nothing more.

Yolanda is also a wise man. He reminds himself that Yolanda would like to understand.

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"I think it's my blessing to be my boss, and I am willing to follow him all my life!!" Yolanda was very serious.

Chuck bought her a car, gave her a house, and gave herself close to 10 million. The square, the construction site, and the hotel are all left to her to manage. This kind of trust, this kind of good boss, this is definitely going to be extinct. Too.

Liu Na sighed, "Yolanda, the world is so big, you have to look more at this aspect."

"Look, he is the best for me,"

"Yes, I won't say much," what can Liu Na say?

Has your friend been brainwashed by Chuck?

The kind of indecisive person will definitely be extremely distrustful of the employees. Under the circumstances of not being trusted, how can Yolanda exert his ability? ?

"Yolanda, I think this gambling stone is good, I am interested, it should be very exciting." Chuck has come over.

Chuck is really, in the mouth of a few old men, heard some stone gambling skills.

Really good knowledge.

Chuck felt that this was feasible. stimulate? ?

Liu Na was already disappointed and shook her head. This is Lengtouqing's idea. Gambling is not exciting, what is it?

Only lose and win! !

If you win, you are all happy, you lose, you can’t take it anymore. You jumped off the building and committed suicide too much, maybe your life was gone.

What kind of stimulus is this? ?

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This Chuck is not only scared, but what? Still naive! !

"Well, the auction is about to start immediately, you can find some excitement, but you have to be accurate," Yolanda smiled, Chuck like a child.

"This will not work, I will see the whole process!" Liu Na refused directly.

Chuck couldn't get much cash, and he was a novice. How could he photograph good things?

Chuckpai is definitely a waste of money.

Chuck was stunned, "Me, just look! It won't cost anything."

"I see, I decided not to shoot, if I interfere, then I will not cooperate with," Liu Na said coldly.

If you let a stunned head and a novice interfere in her decision, this is an insult to her!

Chuck thought about it for three seconds, "Okay, let's say it's that one."

Chuck is really a novice, you can also learn from Liu Na's vision of seeing stones. In this regard,

Liu Na is an expert and must be humble.

"Will give me roughly 200 million, there is so much money?"

"Yes," Chuck shrugged.

So simple? Liu Na frowned, and now, the stone auction starts.

The first thing is a piece of watermelon-sized stone with a green in one corner.

Chuck looked at it for a while and thought it was not good. It should be a bait.

Don't shoot.

Liu Na didn't have any expression at all. Chuck was relieved. Liu Na was indeed an expert in this field. She should be able to make a little money this time, and then Chuck would find a way to penetrate the industry thoroughly.

This first stone was taken by eight million people, and the second one came on the scene.

Very small.

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Liu Na narrowed her eyes for a while, and after careful consideration, Chuck thought that this could be shot, and commented, "This can be shot, I think."

"Do you think you know how to gamble stones? Do you think? Don't shoot!!" Liu Na said coldly. According to her experience, this stone definitely can't come out of the green. Does

Chuck actually say he wants to shoot? Sure enough, the head was blue.

My mother is a Baller with a novel 767

, The fastest update my mother is the latest chapter of the master!

"All right, if you don't shoot, don't shoot,"

Chuck was speechless. What did Liu Na do with such a temper? ?

Didn't you offend her?

Yolanda is also speechless in the middle, but Chuck doesn't mind.

The second rough was photographed and it cost three million!

Many people do not shoot.

It seems that many people are not optimistic.

"Look, stone gambling is not something that you think is so simple. It's not that it looks good.

You can start. There are a lot of ways! If you just started shooting, although it only costs three million, it is a loss of three million! "Liu Na said indifferently.

Spending money on a waste stone is something a fool would do.


Chuck humbly accepted the criticism and had just understood a little bit.

Accepted with an open mind, then there will be room for growth.

Liu Na was surprised that such a person as Chuck would not refute? ?

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Next is the third rough.

The atmosphere at the scene was ignited. Chuck saw Liu Na hesitating. Chuck felt that she should want to shoot this.

"Do you want to shoot this?"

Chuckgang just came into contact with stone gambling, and just heard a few old men briefly talk about the identification method. Now this piece should be green.

"Don't affect my judgment!" Liu Na said coldly.

Chuck is speechless, this is to shut up!

Alright, Chuck simply shut up.

In the third piece, Liu Na struggled to shoot, so a Baller spent 30 million photographed.

This Baller looks very happy.

It seems that it is still a bit of a commodity.

Liu Na regretted sighing, regretting that she hadn't taken it.

"Actually, I can shoot just now!" Chuck couldn't help saying more.

Liu Na, are you waiting for the final auction item to be on the market, right?

So now you can't stop pressing?

I'm afraid I won't have any money at last

"Can you shut up?" Liu Na said coldly.

"Okay, in fact, I don't lose money. If I don't have enough principal, I can make a little more. It's okay. It's mainly hopeful. Still don't take pictures of missing parts."

Chuck wants to enter this industry, so this Liu Na is the person who leads Chuck into the door.

"Not bad money?" Liu Na sneered.

"Yes, I don't lose money." Chuck shrugged. Now the casino on the other side of the United

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States has deposited tens of millions of dollars every day. Is it bad money?

Certainly not bad!

Liu Na feels funny, just like Chuck, what can be done to make money? ?

"Do you know how many billions of people on the scene?"

"I don't know, I don't know." Where did Chuck know?

Not much exposure to this aspect, Yolanda has been in China, she should know.

Liu Na thought it was even more funny. Even some Ballers on the scene didn't know, didn't know, and had a face saying that they were not bad money? ?

Liu Na took Zhang's words and listened to them as a joke.

"When you have trouble talking, type a draft first!"

"I didn't brag, what draft?" Chuck was speechless.

This Liu Na thought she didn't have much money? ?

Liu Na sneered! !

Chuck shrugged, "Come on, there should be no more auction items next. My department has asked for it, and it's a good one."

"Oh, do you know how many auction items there are? Five of them, the next few, are all likely to be sold for hundreds of millions of dollars. Will the department shoot them? Have this strength?"

Liu Na laughed.

It turned out that I met a pretender today!

The filming may be about one billion, this Chuck looks like a person with so much money? ?

The people at the scene were all big bosses, and they didn't dare to say such stupid things that this department filmed. Chuck actually said, how stupid is this to say such things? !

"Yes, I have said that I am not short of money," Chuck said.

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"Don't make trouble! Shut your mouth, or I will terminate the cooperation!" Liu Na took the ultimatum! ?

Chuck sighed, "Come on, come!"

When they were quarreling, they had already put on another rough auction.

Now, Liu Na finally had the meaning of bidding.

"Ten million!"

"Twenty million!"

Many big bosses are optimistic about this original stone, so many people have the meaning of taking pictures.

Liu Na is no exception.

This original stone can definitely be green!

You can definitely make a lot of money!

She estimated to continue shooting!

"Chuck, don't mind, Liu Na is such a person, she is actually good." Yolanda said good things to

Liu Na.

When Liu Na said Chuck just now. She was also angry, but there was no way.

"It's okay," Chuck shrugged.


"50 million!!!" Liu Na shot.

In her hands, plus Chuck’s 200 million, it’s less than 400 million. If you take this, you can still bid on the last one.

But the premise is that this price cannot be 70 million!

She is very nervous.

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"This original stone is very good?" Chuck felt at first glance nothing, but several big bosses were filming, so it was a good thing.

"Huh, of course it is. This original stone can definitely make a profit after being photographed for 70 million yuan! But if it exceeds 70 million yuan, then there is no value in shooting." Liu Na explained coldly.

"En En." Chuck understood. I also carefully looked at the original stone and studied silently in my heart.

It seems that stone gambling is not something that can be learned overnight, this requires experience!

Liu Na was right, when several big bosses took 70 million, there was no one to bid, even if it was out, it would be one or two million plus.

Liu Na's analysis is also very good, can become a big boss, of course, the vision is good enough, their psychological estimates are also about this number.

"Ah, this can't be shot anymore," Liu Na decided to give up and shoot the last one.

"Oh, the tenth guest bids 73 million, and are there bidders who bid a higher price?" The auctioneer shouted as hard as he could.

Chuck looked at it for a few seconds, made a phone call to his mother, and made a video call to let her watch the original stone of the auction for a while. Chuck nodded and raised the sign, "80 million!!!"

As soon as this price comes out, the words are amazing! !

Liu Na was annoyed, "Chuck, what are you doing? 80 million shots, there is not much money to make!"

She was so angry that she spent 80 million yuan on this original stone, so how much money can

386 Read full book at: be paid for the last auction item?

"There is money to make." Chuck shrugged.

The boss who finally bid sneered, "Idiot, if the original stone is more than 70 million, there will be little money to make, only a few million, and it will take such a big risk!"

"Haha, it's really a fool, is this a stunned boy? Just entered the industry?"

"It must be. The old guys didn't shoot it. He still shoots it? Isn't this a stunner? Wait for money!"

People at the auction site joked about Chuck, and Liu Na said coldly, "If you see it, if you hear it, others say it is a fool!!"

My mother is a Baller, the novel 767 is also mine

Who is a fool is not necessarily! Chuck shrugged. Pin=Book/Web

Just now, Chuck specially called her and asked her if she would gamble on stones. ?

Mom's first reaction was stunned.

Chuck knows it, Mom must know it.

During the video call, my mother let Chuck's lens pull in a little, three seconds, my mother said you can shoot! !

My mother said so confidently, so I didn't listen to Chuck. a!

My mother said that this original stone would be profitable if it was filmed for 100 million yuan.

Now 80 million can be taken. Who is a fool? ?

At a glance.

"Huh, you photographed this stone, you will definitely lose money!" Liu Na said coldly.

The big bosses on the scene are all veterans, and they feel that there is no need to shoot. So

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Chuck, who is still stunned, also shoots. What does this mean?

Explain that Chuck is a fool! !

"It's not that you're a good one to lose or not!" Chuck laughed.

"Humph!!!" Liu Na was stunned!

Kindly remind you that you still say such things!

The dog bites Lu Dongbin and doesn't recognize good people! !

"Okay, this piece was taken by the guest on the 20th!" The auctioneer appeared with a mocking expression.

When they were on the auction, some professionals first estimated that this rough was at most 60 million to 70 million!

This Chuck actually took 80 million to shoot, let them earn 10 million more, what's wrong with this?

I ran into a fool.

Chuck shrugged.

I'm too lazy to get acquainted with these people in general. This kind of person who thinks of a veteran is nothing in the eyes of his mother.

Next, there was another auction item.

Chuck still secretly gave his mother a video call, and looked closer. My mother was commenting, and of course Chuck listened carefully.

I didn't expect my mother to be proficient in this. You should know that you should let your mother teach you this when you come back.

In fact, where Karen li wanted it, Chuck would suddenly come into contact with this gambling stone!

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"Cer, this Liu Na by your side, gambling on stones, it's okay, you can first find her learning experience," Karen li said.

Looking at Liu Na from her eyes, she still feels good. She is young and already has the veteran's eyes.

"Got my mother,"

Liu Na has already made a bid, but the big boss she is rich in is also fancy with the stone she fancy, and the price will be hundreds of millions soon.

Liu Na, this is anxious!

It's all Chuck. I just spent 80 million yuan to buy a garbage that lost money, otherwise I will have a lot of confidence!

"Two hundred million! One guest bids two hundred million!"

The auctioneer shouted.

Liu Na sighed. If you go on like this, you will return empty-handed tonight!

"Three hundred million!" Chuck raised the sign!

Yolanda was stunned!

The guests who bid are also looking at each other!

"What's the situation? This stunned youth still shoots? Has it directly increased to 300 million? Is it a fool?"

"I suspect it's a fool, shouldn't it come to make trouble?"

"This rough stone is more than 250 million yuan, and it's sky-high. Does this fool still spend 300 million yuan?"

There are many different opinions, all of which are mocking Chuck.

"Chuck, what are you doing?" Liu Na was extremely angry. It’s been twice, but the last auction

389 Read full book at: item hasn’t been listed yet. You spent all the money in advance. What should you do with the last auction item?

"Nothing, I shoot momentum." Chuck was speechless.

"I warn you, your 300 million, do it yourself, don't use my money!!" Liu Na said coldly. what is this?

Pulling your own money to buy stones of the same price? Waiting for a loss? !

"Relax, I'm really not short of money and I won't use your money." Chuck said.

"This is the best!"

Liu Na is annoyed, then Chuck's money is estimated to be almost used up, so he still needs to cooperate with Chuck?

Liu Na was even hotter.

Who introduced his friend Yolanda?

She's not good now, she doesn't cooperate now, she can only cooperate this time, she will definitely not cooperate in the future!

Liu Na feels that this is the worst cooperation in her career!

It seems that next time, I must carefully watch the talent line! !

Chuck made this price, which caused the big boss at the scene to laugh at it, and no one continued to bid, because it was not worth it!

Buy it back for 300 million, absolutely, it will definitely lose money!

Can't I compete with a fool!

The big bosses laughed and laughed, and when the meeting opened, you cried.

The last auction item appeared in the eyes of everyone!

This is a rough stone the size of a bucket.

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"The starting price of this original stone is 100 million! Let's bid! Absolute value for money!"

The auctioneer didn't introduce much at all, but the atmosphere on the spot was already ignited!

Everyone knows that the finale is definitely a good thing.

Liu Na sighed and couldn't take it, absolutely.

Ugh! !

Stop shooting!

Liu Na has no mood at all, the big boss at the scene is eager to try, how to compare with this big boss!

Chuck just spent 380 million yuan just now, and can spend up to 100 million yuan, or 50 to 60 million yuan to cooperate.

What use is this money? ?

Coupled with less than 200 million of his own, it is definitely a hell to be able to capture the final finale.

"Boss Liu, don't you bid?" Chuck asked.

What is Liu Na thinking? Fearful?

"What else? This will surely take about 500 million yuan, but my hands will be less than 200 million yuan. Do you have the remaining 300 million yuan?" Liu Na couldn't help it.

Chuck didn't shoot those two rough stones just now, so if you take out 380 million yuan, you can still have the opportunity to take the final product, but now, what are the opportunities?

"Two hundred million!"

"Three hundred and fifty million!"

Prices are still rising. Many big bosses are here for this rough, what other opportunities?

No more.

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"Liu Na, don't be excited, Chuck has this money," Yolanda said.

She doesn't know exactly how much Chuck has, but there are definitely billions.

"He has? Are you kidding me with Yolanda?" Liu Na said coldly.

"No, what am I kidding you?"

When the two of them were talking, Chuck raised the sign!

"500 million!"

Liu Na was exasperated, "500 million? Do you have so much money? I have up to 200 million!!!"

The audience was shocked!

Looking around, it was Chuck's bid again!

"This kid is crazy? Who knows him?"

"I do not recognize."

"I don't know either,"

"A Maotou kid has so much money? It was 380 million now, but now it is 500 million? Boy, do you have that much money?"

"Yeah, do you have it? Don't mess with her mother if you don't!"

The guests were all angry.

What stuff? How much does a person want to shoot?

"Yes!" Chuck said lightly.

The auctioneer is staying. He has been a stone gambler for so long. How many auctions have been held? Never seen Chuck!

"I have 500 million. If no one bids, then this one is mine." Chuck's voice sounded!

Everyone was angry! !

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My mother is a Baller with a novel 767. Unimaginable! Listen online with novels

Huh, I want to see how much money you have! Laozi out of 600 million! ! "

A big boss said coldly!

"Lao Tzu too! 630 million!" said a bald man coldly. Think-free-fee-watch-end-full-version please Baidu search-pin=book=net

"I'm out too, 650 million!!"

At the auction site, several big bosses were irritated by Chuck's words.

Liu Na is annoyed. What opportunities are there now?

It is directly increased to nearly 700 million, which is sky high!

Now there is no chance!

Liu Na is really angry to curse!

"Huh, this kid must have been frightened. He was 650 million. He dare to bid?"

"Surely not dare! Just spent 380 million yuan just now, how could there be money to shoot?


The guests all discussed and expressed their opinions, thinking that Chuck certainly had no money to shoot.

The scene is full of big bosses, anyone with a little knowledge knows, how can it be possible to fight against such a big boss? !

Without saying a word, Yolanda looked at Chuck.

This time Chuck came back, she also felt the change of Chuck, from the inside out, calm!

At this moment, Chuck is calm!

However, Chuck's expression fell on Liu Na's eyes, she was only angry! !

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You don’t have that much money. Are you calm and useful?

"The tens of millions of tens of millions of plus is boring! One billion!!!" Chuck said with a sign.

The whole audience was in an uproar!

"Billion? Am I right?"

"A direct increase of 350 million yuan!"

"Would this kid be a super rich second generation?"

"Who knows this?"

All the people in the audience exploded because of Chuck's sudden words.

Yolanda was shocked, one billion?

She knew that it was nothing for Chuck, but Chuck's expression told her that Chuck was even richer than she estimated, and it was much richer!

Liu Na was shocked!

He actually called out a billion. Does he have so much money? ?

The auctioneer's chin was shocked. One billion?

He has hosted so many auctions, and there has never been a billion price!

This is really expensive!

"Okay, this customer bid 1 billion, is there any other customer who bids higher than this customer?" The auctioneer growled excitedly!

Just a few people who asked for the price were angry!

Chuck's words made them feel insulted!

Actually insulted by a stunned young man who just came into contact with gambling stones? ?

"Hello, kid, do you have that much money?" the bald man said coldly.

Take out at one time, close to 1.4 billion people, they are a little bit reluctant, not to mention the

394 Read full book at: face of Chuck? ?

"I have money, what is your business?? If you want to shoot, just ask your price, if you don't, then shut up." Chuck said coldly.

"Damn it, you!!!" The bald man was extremely angry.

There was a lot of talk on the spot!

This strategy is dead, don't you know this bald man is powerful?

Dare to make the bald man look ugly in public, this is really dead.

Lengtouqing is Lengtouqing!

You are not wronged at all! !

"No one is bidding, auctioneer, don't you still drop the hammer?" Chuck said.

"Yes Yes!"

The auctioneer is excited to drop the hammer!

No one bids for such a high price of one billion!

They were all in anger, Chuck appeared, took three, and let the three return empty-handed. They were angry!

"Damn, I'll see you die!"

"I looked at it, and the final piece was worth more than 700 million yuan, maybe even less than that. He shot it with 1 billion yuan, and he will definitely lose money!"

"Sure, the fool knows that this must be a big loss. He thought that it would be great to take three stones, but he would be so bad that he would cry!"


This ridicule sounded again!

The auctioneer dropped the hammer!

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The auction is over! !

Chuck goes backstage to give money!

"He really has so much money?" Liu Na was stunned. I can't imagine it!

If you have more than one billion of circulating funds at random, then the big boss on the scene can't compare.

"Yes, absolutely."

"But isn't he only one square worth hundreds of millions?" Liu Na couldn't understand!

She knew that the city square of Chuck was good now, and it had already been done. It must have been worth more than one billion yuan.

However, value is value. Before it was exchanged for money, everything was empty talk. In this case, according to the truth, Chuck’s liquidity will not exceed 300 million at all, but now it is almost 1.4 billion! !

"Who doesn't tell you?" Yolanda was speechless.

"You, aren't you?" Liu Na was stunned.

"I didn't tell you this. It's just that you only asked about the square. Chuck still has a construction site. Now it has invested more than 2 billion yuan, and there is a five-star hotel that is close to 4 billion yuan... …” Yolanda said like a family treasure.

Liu Na's eyes were all glared, and her head felt like she was beaten with fists, dazed.


"I haven't finished yet...he still invested in movies..." Yolanda said a lot, and Liu Na sat blankly on the chair.

So ordinary Chuck actually has more money than everyone on the scene?

This is really unimaginable!

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"Why didn't you tell me before?"

Liu Na smiled bitterly, and her actions were just ashamed. In front of this tens of billions of dollars, Zhang Men got axed.

"Uh, you didn't ask!"

"Well, I looked away, he was so rich, but the three of the photos he took today were too expensive to make any money at all, and conservatively estimated that they might lose 300-400 million!"

Liu Na said seriously.

The analysis of many big bosses on the scene, she heard it, and she thinks so.

Chuck shot too high, it will definitely lose money!

Yolanda is nervous, will he lose so much? ?

Everyone at the scene was laughing, wanting to read Chuck's joke.

Chuck came out from behind and checked out.

The suspicion in Liu Na's mind was completely gone. She was very cautious. She didn't expect

Chuck to be ordinary. Other people are extremely low-key. Who would have thought that a person like this could actually pay so much money!

"Just now, I'm sorry." Liu Na bowed her head, she felt ashamed?

"It's okay." Chuck didn't mind much.

"Really, this kid must be a super rich second generation,"

"One hundred percent, look at him as a fool, not a rich second generation, can he have so much money?"


The laughter was still there, Chuck came, and all the people followed, and it was time to start to

397 Read full book at: dissolve the stone.

Three of them are worth 1.4 billion. What will be offered?

They will not be too surprised. They just want to know how much Chuck will lose this time!

"Open this one first," Chuck pointed to a stone.

The staff immediately arranged the cutting machine to dissolve the stone.

Chuck was full of confidence, Liu Na looked in her eyes, she sighed, what about the rich? The vision is not good, these three stones are destined to be destined? !

My mother is a Baller's voice novel Chapter 779. What eyes? Listen online with novels

To be honest, Yolanda is also nervous!

Chuck was just in touch with the stone gamble, and only today. However, Chuck is so confident, where does the confidence come from? ?

Will you lose money?

Yolanda felt that Chuck might have been harmed this time, and Chuck should not be brought here. Product=Book/Web

Ugh! !

Everyone is coaxing!

"What's the noise? I'll come first, drive me first!!" This is the first person to take the original stone.

"Sir, this..." the cutter asked Chuck.

"As long as he comes first, Chuck does not matter."

He has not seen this picture yet!

"Okay, Mr. Kai's piece is good,"

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The cutter saw Chuck agreed, what can he say? ?


The sound of the cutter was harsh and cut into the stone.

Everyone's attention!

Chuck is also particularly interested in watching.

The cutting machine goes deep, and a little green appears!

"Wow, it's green!"

"Boss Liu has a good vision, it's okay for you to earn at least five or six million..."

The guests are surprised.

I didn't expect the first piece to be green, and the color is not bad!

"How is it, old Liu, I bought 15 million to buy it."

"I have sixteen million!"

Several big bosses spoke.

This rough stone is good.

As long as you buy it, you will definitely make a profit, so why not buy it?

It's a little bit robbing.

The boss smiled and talked to others about the price.

In addition, all the other auctions just now came to cut the stone. Chuck also let them cut first, it doesn't matter.

In fact, this gambling stone is a bit interesting.

"Boss, it's you." The cutter said to Chuck.

"OK, this one!" Chuck still pointed to the smallest one.

Everyone's attention!

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It's all looking lively.

Cutting maneuver, slowly cutting stones!

Starting from the edge, cut a third!

"Hey, didn't he buy it for 80 million? I see, this one has to lose at least 20 million!"

"I don't think there is more than that, it is possible to lose 30 million!

"Haha, you are not confident at all, I think it is possible to lose half!"

They all laughed, Liu Na was silent for three seconds, and felt that everyone was right, and all the players present were veterans.

Everyone agrees that there will be a loss, so the probability of loss is almost 100%.

Liu Na felt that it should be around 20 million!

Gambling is not something you can play with money.

Be visionary!

Chuck's vision is not good, destined to lose money!

Fortunately, it was a good thing for Chuck to buy it and quit the stone gambling business.


The sound of the cutter turning was harsh and dust was all over.

"Hey, there is green!"

"There must be green! Otherwise, you will die."

"Wow, it's so full, it's all green, is this kind of green, emperor green!!"

"What?? Oh my god, emperor green, really emperor green!"

Everyone was shocked!

Two words were written in the eyes of all of them, shocked! !

Even the cutter was moved. When cutting, he was more careful.

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"It's really emperor green! The value of this piece is definitely over 100 million yuan. It was bought at 80 million yuan and earned at least 30 million yuan!!"

They were stunned!

Everyone looked away at this piece, and it was not a loss, but a profit!

Everyone is incredible!

"Actually, Emperor Green, how did he see it?" Liu Na murmured, her eyes widened, that's right.

Even Yolanda was shocked.

Chuck's vision is so good? ?

Chuckxin smiled inside. Sure enough, my mother's eyes were poisonous. It was just a video call.

My mother saw the value of this piece. Not much to say. My mother's eyes are too good.

Chuck looks forward to the next stone, what will happen?

"Continue!" Chuck pointed at another piece!

The cutter swallowed and began to cut the second piece. He really did not expect that the first piece of green could appear rare in the first piece.

What is this vision?

As the sound of the cutting machine rang again, everyone looked at each other! !

"I guess this piece should not be so good luck? I bought it for 300 million, I think it will cost 50 million to 100 million!!"

"I also think it would be so much loss!"

They expressed their opinions in advance, but some people did not finish their words, and the cut powder suddenly turned green!

Everyone was shocked again!

"Oh my god, my god! Impossible!"

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"I'm right, it's actually a piece of emperor green!"

They were stunned!

It’s really rare to see your chin fall. No, it’s rare. There are two rare emperor greens in a row. Is this luck too bad? !

Liu Na was stunned and opened her mouth involuntarily. Her beautiful face was filled with horror!

Both are imperial green, is this luck? ?

"Huh, my mother fucked, such a big piece of emperor green, ah, 400 million, not 500 million, the absolute value is more than 500 million!"

The scene was full of marvelous sounds.

They didn't even think about it beforehand. Chuckpai's stones can make money. However, to everyone's surprise, two consecutive blocks made a lot of money!

Is this still a stunned newcomer? ?

"Brother, how about your 500 million yuan?" a big boss said busy.

"Me, I want it, you give me 530 million!"

Looting at the scene!

"Sorry, don't sell!" Chuck shook his head, ready to make this one, what is it? It is about to become an industrial chain.

"Boy, you have just entered the business, and you can't eat such a big thing! Sell it to me, I will help you!"

"I can eat it!" Chuck shrugged.

Everyone was shocked! how to eat!

Liu Na is incredible, Chuck said such a calm words, giving her the feeling that Chuck wants to

402 Read full book at: go deep into this industry!

What does Chuck want to do?

Is it made into an industrial chain? !

How much money does this require! !

"Open the last piece!" Chuck's eyes flashed, and he was also a little excited.

Chuck has learned a lot about the stone gambling skills my mother said, especially when she just opened the stone just now, Chuck had experience.

Is Emperor Green? ?

Everyone held their breath!

"Two consecutive pieces are emperor green, should this third piece be impossible?"

"Absolutely impossible! This piece is still Emperor Green, and my name can be written upside down!"

"I don't think it's possible either, where there is such good luck, let's see, he just made two pieces and earned about 300 million, then this third piece, he must lose money! If he doesn't shoot the finale That piece is absolutely profitable, but a pity..."

Everyone expressed their opinions. Chuck was unimpressed, staring at the third stone, "cut!!"


The cutter swallowed, and he pressed the cutter nervously! !

My mother is a Baller, novel 780. Are you interested? Listen online with novels

The sound of the cutting machine is harsh!

There were no other sounds at the scene, even no breathing. Product=Book/Web

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Everyone held their breath!

This is the subconscious behavior of everyone at the scene, because everyone wants to see, in the end, can the third stone photographed by Chuck be green!

Is it a loss or a profit!

Liu Na's eyes are dignified, even a little nervous!

Did you look away? ?


The stone-cut powder flew away, and the green powder suddenly appeared!

The first one on the scene was their eyes widened, they were incredible!

"My God, this, this is actually Emperor Green!!"

"What did he think of it? This god-man!"

"I admire him so much! Is he pretending to be stunned, actually a master looking at stones?"

"Absolutely! It's incredible! I've never seen anything like this. Shooting three pieces, the three pieces are all emperor green. This is a mythical record!"

They were stunned and their jaws were about to fall off, because it was so incredible!

How much is such a big piece of emperor green? At least 1.23 billion start!

In other words, did Chuck make at least 7.8 billion yuan in this auction? ?


Everyone on the scene should swallow!

Liu Na was horrified!

Actually, did you look away again?

What's going on? !

Liu Na couldn't believe the scene before her.

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In the end is Chuck just entering the industry, or is it a master of hidden strength? !

Yolanda Meimu was surprised!

"Okay, help me put it away!" Chucksong breathed, admiring his mother to the extreme.

What the hell won't my mom do? !

The cutter obsessively listened to Chuck's words.

"Ah, little brother, you sell me a piece, that piece comes out of 1.3 billion!"

"I have 1.5 billion!"

The scene was lively, everyone knew that such a big emperor green, it was money to buy it! !

"I don't sell!" Chuck refused? !

The big boss at the scene was sorry.

"Ah, regret, it turns out that some of our old things are fools, and actually looked away. The last one just now, if I insist on shouting again, I won't...Ah!!!"

"Me too, where can I get it, this is Emperor Green!"

They are all sorry!

I regret not arguing with Chuck just now!

After all, this is emperor green!

"Go! You can go back today!" Chuck shrugged.

Yolanda, took Liu Na away from here!

The pot was fried again!

"This young man is about to become a legend here!"

They marveled!

"Huh, this kid is too ignorant, and asks him to buy it. He didn't sell it, three emperors green, can he eat it!" An insidious boss said slowly, his eyes were red and red eyes.

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"How to drop, boss Guo still has ideas?" A thief's eye-catching boss, hit it off!

"What do you say? The three emperor greens of this kid may be worth more than two billion yuan, I don't believe you are not interested!"

"Hey, of course!"

"Yes, you are not going to find someone? You often do such things?" boss Guo said coldly.

"Hey, boss Guo, you're wrong, you just do it occasionally, where do you often do it?"

"Don't talk nonsense, go prepare people!"

"Okay, I've made arrangements, but ah, this kid should be a super rich second generation. If we do it hurriedly, will there be any problems!"

"You think too much, secretly made him, come to a ruined body, who can find out? The value of

2 billion, this risk is not at all risk? You want to eat white food? Making money is not easy!" Mr.

Guo smiled sinisterly Road.

The two hit it off and asked someone to prepare.

Liu Na was very cautious and nervous.

Because of what?

In the auction just now, despite the verbal agreement with Chuck, there was cooperation, but from start to finish, she did not take out the money.

What's more, she thinks that Chuck is wrong and will definitely lose money!

Unexpectedly, actually made a profit of hundreds of millions of dollars! !

"Don't worry, Chuck is very contractual," Yolanda looked at Liu Na fidgeting.

So he opened his mouth to comfort.

Liu Na smiled bitterly, the spirit of contract? But what did you do?

Will Chuck give money to himself in vain? !

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Will Chuck be so good? !

Impossible, a normal person would not do this, let alone just a verbal agreement.

"Cer, there are some things about stone gambling. You first look for the girl who cooperates with you. I'll sort out a piece of information for you in the past few days. You should study hard."

Karen li smiled slightly.

Chuck was interested in stone gambling, and just now, she said that he wanted to make stone gambling into an industrial chain. She was still quite happy.

Because Chuck's idea is good, and it is really an industrial chain, then there is absolutely money to make!

"Well, I know, Mom, that's up." Chuck wants to talk to Liu Na.

The mother's evaluation of her is okay. In other words, Liu Na has such a good stone gambling experience according to her current age, which is still relatively rare.

Cultivate, it is definitely the eldest sister of the stone gambler.

"Well, by the way, Ceer, fighting can't stop! Do you know?" Karen li took it to the extreme seriously.

The first thing is to ensure that you can survive before the business empire can be built.

"I know,"

"Don’t forget, I’ll be your son and have to live alive."

"Well, Mom doesn't say that!"

The phone hung up, Karen li smiled slightly here, this kid, still think I talk too much? ?

After she smiled, her face became serious, You Shiwen, you really surprised me...

Chuck came over and Liu Na said cautiously, "Chuck, what are you going to do with these three stones,"

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"Do you have any good way!"

"Me, I can do it again, do you want to do it? I just calculated it, the value should be about 2.2 billion. I know people. If it sells for 2.22 billion, there should be no problem." Liu Na At this time, the words were already unconsciously polite.

This time Chuck shocked her again and again tonight, this is definitely a super rich second generation!

"I don't want to shoot!" Chuck shook his head, his tone deep.

"Don't want to shoot? Then you. Want to come by yourself? Handle it yourself? This requires a lot of channels." Liu Na did this and invested money. That's not that big!

"Yes, how much does it cost to build an industrial chain and channels? Have you ever counted?"

"You, do you want?"

"Yes, let's talk to my mother on the phone, she supports me to do so,"

Unbelievable, Liu Na is really the second generation of super rich, "This industry chain may need 10 billion!"

"Oh, only ten billion? That's okay! Are you interested in doing it with me?" Chuck asked with a shrug.

My mother is a Baller with the novel 781. Robbing me? Listen online with novels

Liu Na was shocked!

Only 10 billion? My goodness!

What kind of tyrant can this be? !

"Are you interested?!" Chuck asked.

"I..." Liu Na Zhi Zhi Wu Wu, the words are unclear.

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She thought that in Chuck's family, it would be tens of billions at most.

Therefore, just now, it took so much fiercely to shoot three stones.

But what is it now? ?

Chuck spent tens of billions, so unexpectedly so breezy!

Liu Na felt the gap between herself and Chuck completely in an instant.

"I, I don't have that much money. I, now with liquidity, can take up to 200 million yuan." Liu

Na's voice was quiet.

"It doesn't matter, you don't have to pay out the money. You only need to be interested. Just come and invest and help me do it! Shares, give 5 percent! See how!!!" Chuck laughed.

This stock? !

Five percent is 500 million!

Liu Na was shocked again.

"Me. Me, is that true?" Liu Na felt that she had misheard, how could she meet such a good person? !

It's no wonder that Yolanda said that he will work with Chuck for life.

This boss Chuck is really good!

"Of course it is true. I have prepared a specific plan in the past few days. Ten billion, I will call the account tomorrow," Chuck said.

"Tomorrow?, I'm not afraid I ran away with money?" Liu Na didn't know what to say, she had been stunned by Chuck for a few words.

"It's a smart woman. I can give 10 billion, which means that this is not missing." Chuck said half of it.

Liu Na got it, "Understood!"

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She really understands, how can anyone who can spend 10 billion to do business worry about running?

Can't you run? !

Get money for life, spend for life.

"Well, I will prepare the plan in the past few days, I will study it together." Chuck said.

"Then, Yolanda doesn't handle this matter?" Liu Na asked subconsciously.

As far as the plan is concerned, Yolanda is absolutely no problem.

"Yolanda now manages a square, a hotel, and a construction site. There is also a pharmaceutical factory to deal with. I have other things for her to do. She is more busy, so she is gambled on the stone and has the right to be responsible!" Chuck Shrug.

Yolanda's abilities are more than that, Chuck wants to expand his strength in a short time!

Liu Na envyed Yolanda and followed such bosses as Chuck, which was absolutely lucky.

Yolanda feels no problem, she can manage more things, Chuck is thinking, is it necessary to find a helper for Yolanda, or to find another person?

After all, your business empire needs too many talents.

"Then I know," Liu Na understood.

"OK, these three stones, after the industrial chain is completed, I will hand it over."

"Okay, Zhang... President Zhang!!" Liu Na lowered her head.

It's hard to tell, but I'm already an employee of Chuck.

"You don't need to call me that, Chuck, just call me Chuck," Chuck doesn't have this habit.


"All right, everyone is hungry, find a place to eat." Chuck is still very happy today.

I made hundreds of millions.

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The commercial layout is also expanding rapidly.

Yolanda and Liu Na have no opinions.

Yolanda drove.

Chuck smiled, "Liu Na, don't be so cautious, just feel free, everyone is a friend, there is no need to do this,"

Where can Liu Na let go?

This is in front of us, but the super rich second generation with an absolute value of hundreds of billions!

The 200 million yuan in her hand is like a poor man in the eyes of others, and it is not in the same grade.

Can she be unrestricted? !

Liu Na lowered her head and Chuck didn't say much. Anyway, she wasn't too familiar, she couldn't let it go! squeak! !

Suddenly, Yolanda stepped on the emergency brake!

Liu Na sat behind her without a harness and suddenly leaned forward under the sudden brake.

However, Chuck reached out and supported her.

Liu Na blushed into an apple.

Because Chuckshou accidentally touched her.

She has a bad temper, and Chuck is not intentional, but also kind.

"Liu Na, are you okay?"

"It's okay," Liu Na blushed and shook her head. In a flash, she was already restrained to the extreme.

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"Yolanda, what's going on?" Chuck asked with a shrug.

He is in good physical condition, even if it is a sudden brake, he reacts with his hand.

"Youth has a bulldozer." Yolanda suddenly wondered why there was a bulldozer on the road!

What's happening here!

Chuck saw it in his eyes and sneered. "Yolanda, sit back and drive, I'll drive!"

"Okay!" Yolanda heard Chuck's serious voice, and she didn't understand where she was, something must have happened.

The two changed places.

"Is someone red-eyed!" Liu Na also has experience in this regard.

Chuck's performance was just amazing. More than two billion yuan. Is it normal to cause others to have red eyes?

"Well, but it's okay, I guarantee the safety of the two of you!" Chuck stomped on the accelerator.

After a violent engine roar, the car flew out like a fly.

What if there is an excavator in front? There is grass next to it.

Liu Na, Yolanda can put on a harness, this situation, they have not encountered it!

Thrilling, nervous, is their mood at the moment.

"Yes, this kid's car skills are good? To chase Laozi!!!" On a Land Rover car, a glasses man sneered.

A rich second generation, will have a little car skills, is it normal? ?

Well, since you want to play, then play with it!


Seven Land Rovers rushed out, and like a crazy beast, they chased away with crazy roar!

"Fight, hit me with his tires!!" The glasses men grinned!

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He was excited about this task, because after the event was completed, he had a reward of 8 million!


His men were shooting, bullets hit the tires, rumbling, tires burst! brush!

The car shook violently and almost overturned!


Seven Land Rovers surrounded the car, the big guys in the car were laughing at it, it's very simple!

This single money makes it easy!

"Brothers, come down to me, boss Guo let us do a little cleaner!" The glasses man smiled slightly.

The people in the car are down, more than twenty people!


"Ah, a lot of people! They are a lot of people!" Liu Na's face was scared, and Yolanda's face was not very good, but she was still calm, "Chuck, if we don't give them the stone,"

Life is still more important.

"I want to grab my stuff, it's not that simple! The two of you will wait for me in the car!" Chuck opened the door and went out.

"Don't go out! Chuck, it will be dead!" Yolanda was shocked. With so many people outside, can

Chuck still have his life? ?

"It's okay, I forgot to tell, I can fight now." Chuck laughed.

413 Read full book at:

My mother is a Baller with a novel No. 782. Don't be brave! Listen online with novels

Chuck said he was very capable

Yolanda, Liu Na speechless

I can fight again, one or seven people are in the sky, there are dozens of people outside now, so many people, how to fight

The simplest, two fists are hard to beat four hands

Isn’t this the God of War?

"Chuck, don't try to be brave, give them the stones, life is important, no life, how to build your business empire" Yolanda pulled Chuck.

If Chuck is allowed to go out, Chuck will definitely die.

She would never be so blind.

"Relax," Chuck shrugged.

"I can't rest assured, I am young and vigorous, and in the face of strong strength, I am vulnerable," Yolanda stressed.


"Yes, Chuck, give them the stones, life is the most important," Liu Na also spoke.

Today, I met a boss like Chuck. She hadn't had time to be happy. She didn't want to see Chuck just beaten to death by the crowd. not worth it

Chuck, a super rich second generation, and a better life, how can he die here

"Haha, these three are still negotiating. Hey, the other two are still beautiful women, and they are all in top quality."

"Boss, that is so beautiful, I like it"

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"Yes, you like to give the boss first come and understand the rules and you"

The people who came around were all allocated. The spectacled man's eyes were hot, and he landed on Yu Wen and Liu Na.

He has seen too many women, but Yolanda and Liu Na both of them still make their eyes shine beautiful

"Unexpectedly, in addition to being able to make money today, I can meet two big beauties, ha ha ha, brothers, if I eat meat, everyone definitely has soup to drink ha ha ha"

The glasses guy laughed excitedly, today's business is not a loss

Even if you don’t give it to millions, Yolanda and Liu Na are enough.

"Brothers, give it to me"

Glasses men can't wait

His other brothers were too excited to hear soup and drink, and their eyes were shining.

Liu Na's face was pale, and she was panicked by the eyes of this pervert, so many people, this is not the tortured death here

Yolanda's face is not good.

"So, this group of people will not let us pass the stone," Chuck already knew.

Men like beautiful women, not to mention, when they meet beautiful women like Yolanda and

Liu Na

"Chuck, let's run" Yolanda forced himself to calm down.

"Don't run away, just wait for me for a while," Chuck stepped forward

"Chuck, Chuck will die too many people," Liu Na couldn't help shaking.

She hadn't encountered such a situation before. If she died, she gritted her teeth, but she was insulted to death by so many men, which made Liu Na unacceptable.

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Yolanda didn't answer. I don't know why, Chuck just calmed down. In this dangerous situation, she actually gave her a sense of security.

She couldn't understand it herself.

Where does this sense of security come from

"Believe Chuck" Yolanda said.

Now what they can do is believe in Chuck

Because they are powerless.

Liu Na smiled bitterly, don't believe Chuck, then what other ways are gone?

Alas, I didn't expect to have a good future, but I would die here.

"Yolanda, I don't want to be insulted and die, so wait a minute, you killed me, no, the two of us solved each other at the same time, and it was clean before death." Liu Na was extremely bitter.

"Yes." Yolanda agreed. Until now, she is intact. How can she be insulted by these people?

"Don't blame Chuck, he will do his best"

"I don't blame him, only my life is bad" Liu Na sighed and worried.


Yolanda said nothing.

"I said, who brought you over," Chuck asked with a shrug.

"A dead man, there is still a need to know," the spectacled man said grinningly. "Solve him for us, our buddies eat meat and drink"


They are so excited

"Well, you don't say, then I will ask you later. Hello, do you really want to fight right? I can give you a chance, and leave now, I will leave you a life. How about this transaction?"

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Chuck asked everyone at the scene.

But in exchange, everyone laughed

"Hahaha, let's go for it"

"Is this a new way of begging for mercy and would like to let us go, how badly talented people would say such things"

They ridicule constantly

"Okay, you are going to die, then I have no objections, then, let's start with you." Chuck eyes chilled

"Haha, you still want to start killing me from me"

However, he has not finished sudden

One fist is somehow close to him

He was stunned and caught the incredible speed. In a second, this fist had hit his chest


Bone fracture boom

He flew out like garbage boom

People lying on the ground twitching, "You, you"

There was blood in his mouth and his teeth were unclear, and he left with an unwilling voice.

For a moment, there was no sound here, mock



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It's because of Chuck's punch

Yolanda and Liu Na were stunned. They couldn’t believe the scene they just saw. It’s too fast.

How did Chuck appear in front of this person and hit him with a punch?

How did it appear


"Chuck, he is so powerful." Liu Na is completely unable to control herself, which is even more exciting than the movie.

"I don't know, he is really good at playing" Yolanda beautiful eyes shone.

At this moment, Chuck's sculpture-like body was imprinted in her mind.

"You, are you dead?" The glasses man was shocked.

Flying a person with one punch, and killing a person, what is the concept?

So terrible

Everyone is immersed in shock



"No, don't hit me, don't hit, ah"

Boom, boom. boom

Chuck moves in the crowd. Every step of the move, there must be a population flying out of blood. Where can they stand up, Chuck's strength

To know. Chuck brought a special ring of dozens of kilograms

The power of a punch is hundreds of pounds

People can't bear it

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In less than a minute, all the people lying on the ground were basically motionless. Only a few were groaning and dying. They regretted that they had a chance to live just now.

Regret now, it's too late

"You are left, I think you should tell me, who will let you come?" Chuck moved his wrist, showing his white teeth.

My mother is a Baller, the novel 783 is you? Listen online with novels

The spectacled man sat on the ground in shock. He was also a mercenary who retired from the

United States. He had no problem fighting twenty people by himself, but he had to go through a hard battle!

There is nothing like Chuck, who killed a person with a punch?

This gap is obvious! !

This is fear!

"Don't, don't come over!" The glasses man panicked!

He pulled out the gun, the moment he pulled the trigger! Chuckfei came out with a dagger!

Hit his wrist with a gun!

This is lightning speed!


The dagger was given by Alice, so he flew over and the bones shot through. Product=Book/Web

The glasses man screamed!

The bones were shot through, and his hand could not hold the gun! !


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The gun fell to the ground! boom!

Chuckfei kicked over!

The glasses man was screamed again, and Chuck kicked off without any return.

He screamed on the ground, "Ah, don't kill me, I tell you, I tell you!"

Fear overwhelmed him, where did he want to be, so many people just now, so far, he was the only one fighting alone!

"Oh, why didn't you just say that?" Chuck shrugged.

"Rao Ming! Boss Guo asked me to come over! He said he would kill you and get back the three original stones!"

"Oh? Boss Guo? I don't know. Who?" Chuck asked Liu Na.

She was amazed throughout.

Can one person be killed by a punch? ?

What power is this, she still can't figure it out!

"Boss Guo is the boss who just fought with you for the final stone," Liu Na said.


Chuck didn't have much impression.

"I have told you who you are, and you let me go!" The glasses man coughed violently. Chuck just kicked him. He was about to kick him.

"Release you? Why are you so simple? Take me to find him, I let you go." Chuck said with a shrug.

"Ah!" The glasses man feared!

What does it mean? Are you looking for revenge from those two bosses? ?

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"Unwilling, then only die!" Chuck showed two rows of white teeth.

The spectacled man shuddered, "I, I bring!"

Chuck's smile made him shudder. He believed that as long as he shook his head, Chuck would shoot her without hesitation!

He wants to live!

The only possibility is to be obedient! !

"Oh, it's pretty smart! Yolanda, Liu Na, get in the car with me!" Chuck said.

The last car I bought for Yolanda was scrapped just now. Yolanda and Liu Na had no other cars, only the Land Rover in this glasses man.

"Uh huh!" Yolanda understood, where did her sense of security come from, and the strength of

Chuck was hidden!

She never thought that this super rich second-generation actually fought so powerfully!

This is going to the first momentum in the world! !

"Don't be stunned, get off the car! This car can't be driven," Yolanda regretted, distressed, but this is the car that Chuck gave her. She has always been very cherished, but she didn't expect it to be scrapped today!


Yolanda sighed.

The sluggish Liu Na got off,

Chuck grabbed the glasses man, lifted him up, and lost it in the car!

" two sit behind!"

Chuck took the rough stone from the car down and put it on the Land Rover, four people got on the car!

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The glasses man drove to the appointed place in fear!

Inside a villa!

The two bosses are laughing, this is normal, and later one person can divide more than one billion, shouldn’t this be happy?

"Why can't the snake head come?"

"Relax, Snakehead has done too much to do this kind of thing, and brought more than 20 people in the past, what other accidents will happen? Just wait for the money!"

"However, this has gone too long!?" One boss was very dissatisfied.

"Haha, the snake head is also a man. Seeing Liu Na's best, wouldn't you enjoy it on the spot?"

"I c! I have forgotten Liu Na, I want her for a long time, it's cheaper that Snakehead boy!"

"Haha, I like the woman next to the kid. That figure is so hot! It's a pity, I also forgot this thing, or let the snake head bring these two women back, wouldn't it be profitable and cool again? ?"

The two bosses were sorry, but they drank quickly and celebrated in advance.

Suddenly, a voice came in!

"The two big bosses, are you so excited? Are you still drinking? Are you waiting for me?"

The two big bosses were frightened, because two people came in at the door. They were white- faced spectacled men, and Chuck was intact!

"Ah? How could he be alive?"

The two big bosses were in shock and couldn’t help themselves!

Shouldn't Chuck die?

"What's going on? Snakehead, you took so many people, all of them were taken?"

"Why didn't you say in advance, he is so powerful? My brother, more than twenty, were all killed by a punch!" The glasses man was really annoyed at this moment!

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I knew Chuck was so powerful, and given him 100 million, he didn't dare to chase Chuck!

"What?? One person was killed with one punch?" The two big bosses were stunned!

Is this the devil?

How can a person be killed by a punch? ?

"Okay, I'm too lazy to look at your two big bosses, Snakehead. I killed them in the past, and I let you go!" Chuck said with a shrug.

"Ah?" The glasses man was stunned!

Two big bosses are scared!

"Three minutes, kill them. For you, easy?"

Fear overwhelmed the spectacled man. He was ashamed and rushed over with a chair!


This is a mahogany chair, stiff, this time, a boss with a bleeding head sitting on the ground, his face blank.

The glasses man looked again. The boss was lying on the ground in fear and screaming.

"Ah, don't kill me, uncle, grandpa, I'm wrong, I'm wrong!"

"If you are wrong, you are wrong, anyway, I will not forgive you, kill him!" At the end, Chuck said indifferently!

The glasses man took the bloody chair and smashed it! what!

The screams are more than scream! A lot of blood on the ground! Terror spreads! !

I regret it, but where is the regret medicine? ?

"I, I killed both of them!" The glasses man feared.

"Oh, I saw it! Come here!" Chuck ordered him.

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The spectacled man came over in fear and threw himself down on his knees. "Forgive me for life. In the future, my snake head will be your dog! Forgive me a dog life! Please, please!"

"Do you want to be a dog? Come on, get up!" Chuck shrugged, yes, now he really wants to build his own person.

Otherwise, how can you resist the revenge of You Shiwen! !

The glasses man ecstatic, "Really?"

"Yes, as long as you are obedient, you can't treat you badly!" Chuck said.

The spectacled men who have experienced life and death are crying, "Thank you, my snake head starts from today, the fate is from! It is your dog!!!"

My mother is a Baller, the novel 798 is too rich! Listen online with novels

Outside the villa, in the Land Rover car!


Yolanda and Liu Na are waiting for Chuck. Product=Book/Web

"How will he deal with boss Guo?" Liu Na felt incredible!

When Chuck came, he was murderous!

"I don't know, we don't need to know." This is Yolanda's answer.

Regardless of what Chuck did, Yolanda decided for a long time, and worked with Chuck all his life.

Liu Na was stunned. She understood why Chuck would trust Yolanda so much.

Because Yolanda trusted him, in turn, Chuck also trusted her!

This is a delicate relationship.

Liu Na envy, when will he be able to form such a delicate relationship between boss and

424 Read full book at: employees with Chuck?

"Come out, Chuck comes out!"

Yolanda Che was completely relieved. In fact, in her heart, she could not help worrying about what happened to Chuck.

Her own explanation, she feels reasonable, that is, she does not want to lose a good boss! !

"Master, what do you ask!" The glasses man asked with his head bowed.

He has already experienced death just now.

"card number!"

"Ah? Master, I..." The glasses man was stunned, he was a dog of Chuck, there was no need to give money! !

"The card number, when it's done, I won't treat you bad! I give you money to let you train me.

Now I need standard security in many industries. You can find these people for me! The more you do, the better."

"Yes! You can rest assured that you will be satisfied!"

"card number!"

The glasses man said, he thought Chuck gave money, and at most gave him a million, but received a message, he was shocked, "50 million?"

"Yes, these 50 million yuan is your starting capital. I need a lot of people who can fight. You can help me find it! Other money, you use it yourself!"

"Yes, you can rest assured! Thank you master!" The glasses man was ecstatic, although he became a dog, but he followed a good master!

"Okay, you go!" Chuck was also tired, and wanted to take the two of them for supper and sleep.

"Yes, master!" The glasses man left! !

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Chuck drove the car, led Yolanda, and Liu Na left!

Went to find a place for supper.

I was too lazy to let Yolanda go home and drove directly to my mother's hotel.

Arranged a room for them!

"This is Chuck?" Liu Na was shocked!

A five-star hotel, this is too luxurious! A row of Rolls-Royce cars, this pick-up, this hotel, can not come every four or five billion.

"Chuck's mother." Yolanda only recently learned about this.

But it is also normal. Chuck is the second generation of super rich, there must be a rich mother!

Liu Na took a breath, why?

It's easy!

As soon as she came in this hotel, she knew that the management mode of this hotel is absolutely top in the world! what does this mean?

It means that there are more than one five-star hotel like this, there are probably several, and dozens of them are possible! !

Too rich!

Liu Na was shocked! !

They went to the room separately, and Liu Na lay on the bed. She had stayed in too many five- star hotels, but there was no hotel that could give her this kind of satisfaction and enjoyment now!

She had a dream, this is a beautiful dream!

As a woman, in the world's largest hotel, she wore a wedding dress and swore to a man in front

426 Read full book at: of friends and family!

She saw this man!

She was stunned, it was Chuck? !

Liu Na woke up and reached the extreme, this dream? Liu Na slapped herself, what was she thinking? ?

However, she thinks about it, her face is red, so rich, even a woman will like it!

I am also a woman! !

Chuck casually found a room to sleep.

The next day, Liu Na started planning early, and Yolanda was going to the pharmaceutical factory too.

Both of them are busy, Liu Na can't be anxious, but as long as they have clues, they can quickly establish an industrial chain.

Yolanda can't be in a hurry here either.

Chuck now lacks an assistant!

Therefore, I am willing to find someone like Yolanda to help myself again!

However, why is Yolanda the first hero of Chuck!

Finding such people is harder than finding a project. After all, talent is the most rare!

Chuck had asked Yolanda to buy a car by himself. Yolanda was busy and said that he had no time.

Before Chuck had a phone in the 4s shop, he directly called and sent one to transfer money!

Yolanda saw the new car, and her eyes were red, as if there were still glittering.

"Master, there is already news of Murong Qing!" On this day, Betty came to find Chuck.

"Where is she?" Chuck asked, unable to wait.

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To Mu Rongqing, Chuck can't describe it, the two have already had a relationship. miss her?

After returning to China, Chuck must think.

"In Beihai!"

"What's she doing in Beihai?" Chuck didn't understand. Isn't she going to invest in this place? Why did you move places?

"Murong Qing's business investment failed, she encountered a big problem, so she went to

Beihai City." This is Betty found.

"I know," Chuck is going to find Murong Qing here.

You can also see if there are any investment projects on her side.

"Sister Li, I drove to Beihai!"

"Okay, Master, be careful on the road!"

Chuck had already driven to the underground parking lot, and drove one casually.

When Chuck came out of the hotel and went to Beihai City, he saw a man by the roadside!


This happened to Queenie, who happened in Yvette's house, but she once bloomed.

Zelda is unforgettable, the same is true for Queenie!

Chuck stopped at the roadside. "Qingqing!"

Chuck gave her a suite, and gave her more than 1 million, she can be a good life.

Although she still has to support her sister.

Queenie was shocked and turned to surprise, "Chuck! Are you back?"


After Queenie dropped out of school, she also dropped out of school, absent-minded, how can

428 Read full book at: she continue to study?

With the help of Zelda, she has already started business. not bad.

She is a business! !

"Well, get in the car!"

Queenie got in the car and was restrained, as if returning to that night.

The atmosphere is changing.

"Chuck, how are you doing?"

"Well, okay, how about you?"

Chuck was deeply moved. For this woman, Chuck, like Zelda, was unforgettable. She asked for her most precious things but gave her nothing. Chuck was ashamed of her.

"I'm fine!" Queenie said. She suddenly felt that Chuck had changed too much. She was no longer the rigid boy, nor the big boy who could happen to herself. .

Queenie sighed, "Then you busy..."

"Wait, I'll take you home." Chuck said, Murongqing wasn't in a hurry, so Queenie could not leave like this.

My mother is a Baller, and the novel 780

"Qingqing, send home." Chuck said softly.

To Queenie, Chuck felt differently. What he couldn't say was that he didn't want to see her lost.

She is that kind of quiet, well-behaved girl, very early!

"Well, thank you." Queenie agreed.

I was touched, but she knew that the gap between Zhang and Ce was too big, she did not dare to

429 Read full book at: hope.

Because she knew that even if he worked hard all his life, it was impossible to catch up with


Therefore, during the period when Chuck left, she wanted to open her mind, and she didn't want to. .

Chuck is the second generation of super rich, but what is he? Poor students, two people are not in a world, what are you expecting? ?

Silent all the way.

Chuck drove, Queenie bowed his head, thinking about the two of them.

Time passed quickly.

Soon, the car drove downstairs! !

Queenie is in a trance!

This place was bought by Yvette before, but was later bought by Chuck, and then Queenie was given to Chuck with emotion!

"Qingqing, I will take it upstairs."

Chuck wanted to see if Queenie had a good life. She was a frugal girl, and she was definitely not willing to spend money. Chuck thought that at that time she should have paid nothing to her for the money that was lost to her.

Chuck loves her very much.

"En." Queenie became speechless.

Chuck sent Queenie upstairs. Queenie opened the door. Everything inside was familiar and unchanged. It was the same as when Yvette lived.

She is a girl who loves to pack up.

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"Chuck, come in and drink a glass of water!" Queenie whispered.

Chuck came in.

Queenie poured water, "Chuck, drink water!"

Chuck drank water, "Is there anything needed? Money,"

"No, it's good enough for me, I don't need it at all." Queenie shook her head, Chuck was good, she felt it.

She didn't blame anything, just regret the gap between herself and Chuck, it was too big.


Chuck put down the cup and hugged her, Queenie shivered.

"To be well, if you have anything, you must call me, you know?" Chuck was afraid that Queenie would say nothing.

"Ok, I will."

Boom, boom, boom! !

"Hey, Queenie opens the door. I look so handsome. I don't like me? Who do you like? Open the door!!!" There was a voice outside.

Queenie was scared.

This man, after seeing Queenie a few days ago, became interested in it. He had to chase Queenie and came to knock every day!

"Qingqing, I am not here today. If you meet such a person, don't you plan to tell me?" Chuck was angry and sighed again.

No way, Queenie is such a girl who silently bears.

Chuck has no other choice.

"I'm sorry...he..."

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Queenie bit her lip in a panic, not knowing how to answer such questions as Chuck.

"Remember, there is such a thing, you must tell me, understand?" Chuck loved her.


She is too sensible.


"Wait for me for a minute," Chucksong let go.

"Chuck, what are you going to do? Others are so tall," she didn't finish, and Chuck had already gone out.

"Who? Why is it at my girlfriend's house? What the hell did she do to my girlfriend?...Boom!

Ah, ah!" thump!

Outside the door was an angry, screaming voice.

After ten seconds, the bird was silent.

Less than a minute later, Chuck opened the door safely.

Queenie was frightened, "Chuck, what did you do?"

"Trust me, he will never be bothered." Chuck felt distressed.

The kind of deflated at the door, thinking that people can bully people, but everyone knows that this kind of person, Chuck is too lazy to deal with him, punch him in the head, this is the minimum concussion.

You can be a fool.

Chuck stunned him and dragged him away.

Call Betty, have someone come to deal with it, and throw him to the Philippines.

Queenie was moved, "Thank you!"

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After waiting for a minute, Queenie felt what was moving and what was security.

No one except Chuck gave her this feeling.

Her heart is traditional. Her most precious thing is given to Chuck, then she will always be like jade for Chuck.

No matter what the result is, she will do it.

It’s okay to be single until old. It’s nothing. I have a short memory, enough for her to spend her life.

In addition to sigh, what else does Chuck do?

After staying at Queenie's house for half an hour, the two did nothing.

You can't help it!

Queenie cherishes time.

It's been a long time since I met, the only thing she wanted to do was to listen to Chuck's things.

When the two talked, Chuck told Queenie what happened to him in the United States. On several occasions, Queenie couldn't help crying.

Because Chuck was so thrilling! She can realize the danger at that time!

At the last time, Queenie reluctantly, Chuck left, told her to call me when something happened!

Queenie cried for a long time in the house, her eyes were swollen, and she didn't cry until her sister was about to return.

It was a mistake to meet Chuck, and it was also Queenie's fault...

Chuck sighed out.

He was also reluctant, what should he do to Queenie? ?

Ugh! !

Chuck didn't think much about it. Going to the city where Murongqing was located, it was a little

433 Read full book at: far away to drive. There was no way. Murongqing encountered difficulties. At this time, she didn't know what she was doing.

Chuck is worried about her, because up to now, there are three women who really have a relationship with Chuck, Queenie, Murong Qing, and Alice...

These three and three women have their own strengths, and Chuck will never forget it!

Unconsciously, in the city where Murong Qing is located, Chuck went directly to her according to the clues provided by Betty.

Arriving downstairs in a company, Chuck knew from Betty's introduction that this building was

Murong Qing. However, at the moment when Chuck arrived, this building had changed its name.

Obviously, Murong Qing just sold her building, alas, Murong Qing encountered such a big difficulty in business?

Why not ask yourself for help? ?

Perhaps, Murong Qing did not want Chuck to see that she was in a state of embarrassment after her failure! !

Chuck went to Murongqing's house. Her company was gone. Should she have one?

However, when he arrived home, Chuck knocked on the door, and he also replaced him, and the house was sold.

Murong Qing, how much did you lose?

Will it fall forever? ?

Chuck couldn't wait to find her. Chuck listened to Betty and thought that Murong Qing was not too much a loss. He didn't expect the company to sell it and the house to sell. How much was it going to become a debt?

Shouldn't she be somewhere, working to pay off the debt? ?

434 Read full book at:

Chuck was worried and called Murong Qing.

However, the phone number has become empty...

My mother is a man of the 768th chapter of the Baller's audio novel. Listen online with


Why, Murongqing's phone number is empty?

Chuck was worried and was sure that Murong Qing had been too hit recently, so he canceled all his phone numbers.


Why bother? ?

Chuck is speechless!

Betty called and asked her to find out where Murong Qing was.

"Master, wait a minute!!"

The phone hung up, and within ten minutes, Betty's call came, "Master, I have sent the address.

Murong Qing is in his hometown, not far from the master..."


Chuck rest assured that Betty has always done things at a high speed.

Chuck looked at the address and went to where Murong Qing was!


"Xiaoqing, what do you want?" A middle-aged woman with a charm still roared at Murong


"Mom, I didn't think about it, I wanted to be quiet!" Murong Qing sighed.

"When do you want to be quiet?? When I started a business, I didn't agree to do it. A girl's

435 Read full book at: family, what kind of business? At that time, I honestly found a good family to marry, and now the children should be seven or eight. Years old, it turns out that my thoughts were correct at the time, but now it’s okay, the business is losing money, the money department made in these years is gone, and 300 million is owed! When will this be returned!" Murong Qing Mother, Xiang

Erlan is really bitter.

She was a heartbreaker.

"I'll pay it back slowly, I'll pay it off! I have my own plan!" Murong Qing was busy with herself, and she took on a new job and was doing design.

She is now doing three jobs at the same time, and she will definitely pay back the money.

This is the bottom line that she has been doing business for so long and insists on keeping!

Without integrity, a person would have no conscience. She would not do such a thing. Even if she loses more money, she will find a way to close the money even if she works harder now! !

"What are your plans? Don't toss about it, a woman needs to toss about it? I've already thought about it, the one who grew up with Feng Wuxi, he is willing to help pay off all the money of the department, and give another 10 million. Cai Li, get married with him!"

"Mom! Don't give me an idea, okay! I'm annoying!!!" Murong Qing was annoyed and wanted to lose his temper, but couldn't send it to his mother again.

"What's annoying? Annoying me? Don't bother, Feng Wuxi is coming, and he will go to dinner with him," said Xiang Lan.

She has already received the gift money.

Therefore, this meal must go today! !

"Mom, don't worry about me? I already have a boyfriend. Would it be appropriate for me to meet others?"

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"What about the boyfriend? Where was he when the company owed money? Where was he when he sold the house? Where is he when he still owes so much money? I don't see a person, what is this boyfriend? ?I only see it now, Feng Wuxi is busy before and after, help deal with it! Is he a boyfriend know?" Xiang Erlan was angry!

Murong Qing has always said that he has a boyfriend, but what about this so-called boyfriend?

In the most difficult time of her own woman, she hid and became a tortoise? ?

What did such a boyfriend want? see? ?

"Mom, don't say it, he's in the country, he's busy!!" Murong Qing was annoyed with a headache.

She really took her mother, there is no way out, and she always likes to make her own claims.

Chuck has gone to the United States. There must be something to do. How can he call him and return to the United States? ?

This is absolutely impossible.

Murong Qing felt that he could never be a cumbersome man! !

Therefore, no matter how much money she lost, she also chose to bear it silently.

This is your own mistake and you must bear the consequences yourself! !

"Busy? Xiaoqing, don't lie to yourself? If he is busy anymore, now he encounters such a big thing, he hasn't said a word until now, and he didn't even make a call. What is this?"

"He is busy!"

"Xiao Qing, shut up for me! He is the President? What is he busy with? He knows that something happened, so he was busy? Xiao Qing, he was deliberate, and that kind of person is simply not a man!!" Xiang Erlan was angry.

What kind of man is this?

Trash one!

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"Mom, don't say anything! Please!" Murong Qing couldn't help it.

She wanted to go out from home, she would never eat this meal.

"Don’t beg me to say, there is a boyfriend, okay, tell me, what’s his name?"

"Called Chuck, twenty years old!"

"Xiao Qing!" Xiang Erlan had a strong disappointment, "This person is not a boyfriend at all, I don't know yet? It's not like a man than a boy, how is it possible now, accepting a small one so much Man??? I'm lying!"

"Mom, I don't have that. I used to dislike the ego man, but now, I like it all because of him!"

Murong Qingmei blinked.

Yes, at that time, she was particularly annoying, but after Chuck rescued her several times, she changed her mindset.

Like, do not need age constraints, feeling is the most important.

"I thought I would believe it? Don't lie to me, it's my daughter. Don't I know what I'm thinking?

Xiaoqing, can I think about it for me? I'm raising it all by now, and want me to be fifty years old, yet Follow the debts of hundreds of millions of dollars?" Xiang Lan said, her eyes were red and she burst into tears.

"Mom." Murong Qing sighed and felt guilty. "I didn't let me fight with me!"

She definitely doesn't mean that. She already has a plan. Murong Qing has this strength. She believes she can definitely make a comeback.

"It's my daughter, do I look so tired looking at someone? Will I have patience? Don't say it, the best way to marry Feng Wuxi!!"

"Mom, I won't listen!"

"Then let the so-called boyfriend come out. Stand up! What's wrong? Stop talking? Now in front

438 Read full book at: of me. Call him, hurry up?" Xiang Yilan said more and more angry.

"He is busy! Alas!"

"What are you busy with? Your own woman is about to be crushed, so he will be a tortoise and a tortoise? Huh, what man are you looking for? Not a man! I think he is just a poor ghost. When he has money, he pleases, Now that I have no money, I slipped away... Feng Wuxi has come to pick it up and change his clothes!

"I don't change, I still have to work!" Murong Qing was furious. She had to have a strong personality. Being so persecuted, she would never compromise! !

"Okay, wouldn't you like it? Without Wuxi's help, the two of us would definitely carry hundreds of millions of debts. At that time, I was working to death, and it was not finished. I might as well die now..." she said With sad anger on his face! !

My mother is a Baller's voice novel Chapter 787. Then let him appear! Listen online with


"Mom, don't you be so good!?" Murong Qing collapsed to the extreme. Product=Book/Web

Originally, after her company went bankrupt, the pressure was great. Now, her mother is still persecuting herself so hard. !

Where can Murong Qing bear it?

"Xiaoqing, do you have the heart to let your mom suffer with you?"

"You give me time, I will get up again!"

"Xiaoqing, don't stop thinking about it, you don't want to think about how much money you owe? You can get up again? It is absolutely impossible by yourself! The only possibility is Feng

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Wuxi! He can help you! Help You paid off all your debts! This is the only way you can get back up, do you know?"


"Auntie, Xiaoqing..." Outside the door, there was a magnetic voice.

Murong Qing's face cooled down.

Xiang Erlan was pleasantly surprised, "Xiaoqing, look, Feng Wuxi is here, your so-called boyfriend!!! Change clothes soon!"

After she finished, she had already opened the door.

At this time, came a tall and handsome man, gentle and elegant, full of British temperament.

It is indeed a handsome guy with a 100% return rate!

This is the real masonry master!

Rich, status, and good temper.

Xiang Erlan knows that when he was a child, Feng Wuxi was still chasing Murong Qing. At that time, the two Xiaowu guessed, but now, Feng Wuxi has not given up! !

Xiang Shilan, who is a mother, was moved. This is true love!

My daughter, married to such a man, will definitely be happy! !

"Auntie, hello!" Feng Wuxi's smile, very friendly, such a good temper!

"Xiaofeng, hello, Xiaoqing changed clothes in the room, wait a minute!"

"It's okay! Xiaoqing, don't worry, take your time!" Feng Wuxi smiled slightly.

Wait patiently.

"Feng Wuxi, don't wait, you won't go out with you today!" The door opened, and Murong Qing walked out and said straight away.

"Dead girl, what are you talking about?" Xiang Erlan was angry, how could Murong Qing say

440 Read full book at: nothing?

Feng Wuxi is so good, this is the standard good man,

Xiang Erlan felt that if she was 20 years younger, she would like to marry a good man like Feng


Feng Wuxi smiled stagnantly, "Xiaoqing, you..."

"I don't like you, I don't like it from childhood, so I won't go out with you! No today, no tomorrow, and even less!" Today, Murong Qing felt that he had to say nothing! !

"Xiaoqing, you shut up for me!!" Xiang Erlan was angry and his eyes were wet. Murongqing couldn't see his mother's eyes. "Mom, don't force me, the person I like can help me solve everything... …"

"Then you let him appear!! Where did the tortoise turtle hide!" Xiang Rolan roared to the extreme!

She hates that iron is not steel!

My daughter, when is it so stupid? ?

"He is not a tortoise, he is very busy in the United States, I don't want him to help me, I don't want to be his burden!" Murong Qing said one by one!

"You!" Xiang Erlan was here, "Don't talk for him, don't show up, it's the turtle with the head down! Xiaofeng, don't mind, Xiaoqing is like that, she will figure it out..."

"It's okay. I have liked Xiaoqing since I was a child. I know her character, and I am willing to wait!" Feng Wuxi said sincerely. "Xiaoqing, don't think about anything else. Now he has no ability to help you. I can. It's okay." , I will help you the same..."

"I don't need your help! Let's go!!!" Murongqing didn't want to listen to a word.

From small to big, she hates Feng Wuxi and always smiles. Such a person has no anger. This is

441 Read full book at: to suppress the anger in her heart. Then, once it breaks out, it is very scary.

This kind of person is too deep performance of Ayutthaya!

Chuck is different. There are joys, sorrows, and joys. Chuck, she is still pure and kind. In this regard, Murong Qing, as a woman, feels particularly clear about her sixth sense.

"Xiaoqing, only I can help you. Now let me do something for you?" Feng Wuxi sighed.

"Xiaoqing, are you confused? Now only Xiaofeng can help you, who else can? Don't mention your boyfriend, where did he hide? Don't expect him, Xiaofeng is what you should expect Yes!

What else do you think about?" Xiang Erlan was really anxious.

For my daughter, good men do not choose, must choose bad men?

What's this taste? ?

"I didn't think about it, I solved it myself, I don't want anyone to help, including mom you!"

Murong Qing wants to go back to the room.

"Murong Qing, if you don't go out with Xiaofeng today, I'll die in front of you!!!" Xiang Erlan cried crying.

Is she easy?

It's not easy at all.

She was going to save her daughter from the fire pit, did she have to wait for the hidered turtle? ?

This is crazy! !

"Mom! Don't do this!" Murong Qing was in pain. She loves her mother too much, because Xiang

Erlan raised her.

Neither she nor Xiang Erlan found it, Feng Wuxi sneered gently!

Finally wait till today!

After Feng Wuxi knew that Murong Qing's company had closed down, he was extremely

442 Read full book at: happy. This time Murongqing can finally be retaliated against.

You know, from small to big, Murong Qing has been rejecting him!

He was fed up. This time, Murong Qing has lost so much money. This is a huge opportunity, because no one will spend more than 300 million for a woman to fill Murong Qing’s hole! he can!

It is also the only one who is willing!

Besides him, are there any other people willing?

Absolutely not!

After Xiang Lan forces Murongqing to agree, then his revenge will begin.

He wants to take back the shame that was rejected these years, time and time again! !

"What can I do? You tell me! I don't want to carry so much debt with you. I raise you so big, can't you consider it for me? How old am I?"


Murong Qing shed tears. She knew she was ashamed of her mother. The company failed, which made her worry, but. . Ugh! !

"I call him, he will help me!" Facing her hated Feng Wuxi, she chose to compromise, but not to

Feng Wuxi, but to Chuck!

"Help, can't you even get through his phone?" Xiang Erlan was angry!

What the hell is wrong with your daughter!

Feng Wuxi was sneering. Who would spend more than 300 million to fill the hole? ?

He was alone! He is not worried at all, someone will help Murong Qing!

In front of the two of them, Murong Qing took out her mobile phone. Her original card was useless, and she didn't use it for Chuck. Now she uses another number.

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She dialed it out! pass.


"Chuck is me!"

"Murong Qing..."

"Well, can you do me a favor?" Murong Qing was hard to tell! !

In this case, after all, we still have to say.

"Wait, I'm at your door now, open the door for me!"

My mother is a Baller, novel 798. He plays you! Listen online with novels

"Chuck, what are you talking about? Are you at my doorstep?" Murong Qing was stunned.

Why was Chuck at the door of his house, he told himself, where is Chuck's hometown? ?


How did he know?

Xiang Erlan and Feng Wuxi were also stunned and looked at the door at the same time.

"Humph, it's at the door, is it possible?" Feng Wuxi smiled.

Xiang Erlan frowned, his daughter's boyfriend was outside the door at this time?

What a joke? ?

Isn't he "Guo"? Will be here?

How do people who lie full of lies catch their daughters? ?

Xiang Erlan is really angry, his daughter is too upset!

Ugh! !

"Yes, I'm at your door, it's almost time."

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"Chuck, are you kidding me?" Murong Qing's beautiful face was full of seriousness!

She understands that Chuck’s mother is so powerful that it is certainly not difficult to send someone to find her place!

But when did Chuck return to China?

Why is it so sudden!

Did you find that something happened and came back deliberately?

A woman just likes to think wildly, and Murong Qing and then a strong woman are the same at the moment.

"Of course not, you come out, I am a little confused."

"Good! I'm out!" Murong Qing ran out in surprise.

Xiang Erlan was annoyed, "Xiaoqing, do you believe him? How could he be outside? He is playing with you!"

Feng Wuxi is still here. Murong Qing actually went to pick up other men. Where did Feng Wuxi go? ?

She received a gift of 10 million gifts from Wuxi! !

"Mom, I believe him. He said that at the door, it must be more than almost at the door!" Murong

Qing was firm!

Since the two had a relationship, Murong Qing believed Chuck!

Believe unconditionally! !

Chuck said that he must be outside the door! !

Murong Qing ran to the door and opened the door!

Xiang Erlan was really annoyed to the extreme, "Xiaofeng, don't mind, Xiaoqing is like that, she will give up to the man's stubbornness! You can rest assured! I support you anyway!"

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"Auntie, it's all you need," Feng Wuxi laughed.

Although Murongqing doesn't listen to Chrysanthemum's words, Murongqing will definitely listen if he is forced to die.

So what else do you have to worry about?

Not anymore!

"I said it! Did he deliberately trick you, daughter!!" Xiang Erlan went out angrily. Murong Qing was disappointed and did not see Chuck. There was no outsider at the door.

Feng Wuxi laughed more, come fart!

The more disappointed Murong Qing is, the happier he is! !

"Mom, Chuck will not lie to me. He said that at the door, he will definitely be there. You will wait!" Murong Qing explained.

Even at this time, she did not see Chuck, she was still willing to believe Chuck!

The reason why Chuck didn't show up was because the entrance to the community was too complicated and there were too many buildings. Chuck came over for the first time and it was too normal to get lost. He should be lost in the community.

"Xiao Qing, are you going to be mad at me? Where are you talking about? Where is he?"

"he is……"

"I want to see someone! What about others?" Xiang Erlan was angry!

Murong Qing could not answer, because he did not see Chuck.

"Why do you choose a rubbish? Give up such a good man as Xiaofeng? Look at him. When you are in difficulty, he does not show up. The game disappears and the game disappears. When you are now carrying a huge debt, he still plays with you. This What is it? Xiaoqing, you told me, what is this?" Xiang Erlan really hates iron and steel! !

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What's wrong with her daughter? ?

Trust him so much?

"Mom, listen to me, he's near, I'm going out!"

"Don't go! You can't find it! Why waste time?" Xiang Erlan scolded!

"I'm going!" Murong Qing firmly exited the door.

Run outside.

Suddenly, a person appeared, Murong Qing was ecstatic, "Chuck, here, here!"

Her tears came out, and it was a reason not to see Chuck for a long time!

Another reason is that Chuck really came back from "Guo"!

After returning, I came to find myself!

Murong Qing was moved, but she was lost again. How could she say that she was bankrupt and the gap with Chuck was getting bigger and bigger, how could she be with him? ?

What identity?

Chuck smiled, "Mister Murong... You are so hard to find here, I just turned around a bit, and I was a little dumbfounded!"

"Really?" Murong Qing moved. She suddenly discovered that Chuck's aura had actually changed.

What baptism was this? ?

What did Chuck encounter in Guo?

At this instant, too many questions appeared in Murongqing's mind.

"Yeah! This is an auntie? Hello auntie!" Chuck saw that she looked like Murong Qinglan.

Of course, at a glance, the two are mother and daughter.

"I'm not good!!!" Xiang Erlan refused!

447 Read full book at: what is this? What is this Chucktu? So young?

At first glance, Xiang Erlan denied Chuck, it must be a poor ratio with no money!

This temperament can't be compared with Feng Wuxi!

Too much difference, Feng Wuxi is the kind of everyone's temperament, this Chuck, like the construction site, so dark skin!

What do you do?

Feng Wuxi saw Chuck, he smiled, why?

Chuck like this, the image is unsatisfactory! How does this kind of person compare with himself?

"Well, aunt is uncomfortable!" Chuck smiled.

"Very uncomfortable, after seeing you!"

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Murong Qing is really annoyed. Now Chuck has come, is it not enough? ?

"I don't like him, let him go! Anyone who can't find the road, what can you do?" Xiang Erlan was extremely angry! too poor!


"Auntie, I'm Murong Qing's boyfriend. If you have any dissatisfaction, just say so!"

Murong cleared his consternation, what did Chuck say?

Is he his girlfriend? is this real?

"I'm not satisfied with my whole body! Are you not in Guo? Are you busy with Guo?" Xiang

Xilan suspected that Chuck, such a person, didn't believe it when she went abroad. She must be hiding somewhere in China. Then I went abroad.

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"I'm much busy, I opened a casino in Guo, and I plan to do other things,"

"Casino?" Xiang Lanran was angry.

"Yes, Guo is one of the biggest casinos now."

Murong Qing was stunned. Chuck went to Guo. Is this going to do business? Actually opened

Guo's largest casino? !

"Are you kidding?" Xiang Erlan was angry.

"Oh, the casino, then you are rich!" Feng Wuxi laughed out, and he saw that Chuck was just a pretender. How much did it cost to open the casino in Guo? ? Not a few hundred million US dollars, I can't get it!

He also said, one of Guo's biggest casinos!

Such shameless words, open your mouth!

"Fortunately." Chuck shrugged, Feng Wuxi smiled, okay?

One hundred percent, this Chuck is just a pretender, and he has to take it through himself!

My mother is a Baller with novel 789. Play with you! Listen online with novels

"I said you are pretty good. How much did your casino spend?" Feng Wuxi asked with a smile. Product=Book/Web

"My casino is quite big. The decoration is about 100 million US dollars. The house was found by my mom and it was built by my mom before. There must be some hundreds of millions of dollars. Then, the floor, my casino The floors are all made of gold..." Chuckru said.

"You! Stop talking!" Where can Xiang Erlan hear?

The decoration cost hundreds of millions of dollars? !

What does this look like?

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The floor is also made of gold?

How can such a stupid person blow such a hide? ?

Murong Qing was stunned. According to Chuck, the minimum of this casino is billions of dollars.

Chuck actually opened such a big one in Guo?

How long will it take to get back to it!

"Auntie, let him go and read, it's very interesting." Feng Wuxi really wanted to laugh to death.

Invest so much? is it possible!

Xiang Erlan was disgusted to the extreme!

"So since your casino is so big, how much water does it flow every day?"

"This, there must be hundreds of millions of dollars."

"Haha! Hundreds of millions of dollars? You dare to say so!" Feng Wuxi sneered.

"What dare not say? I opened the first day, I have won 10 billion US dollars!" Chuck shrugged.

Murong Qing was in shock!

Win so much on the first day? !

My goodness!

Ten billion dollars!

This is more than before she went bankrupt. How much did she earn a day?

"Haha, I'm so ridiculous. What kind of casino can make you win so much money in a day? US dollars? Or penny coins!" Feng Wuxi laughed.

His sarcasm has reached a terrible level.

Win 10 billion a day?

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What is this concept?

Not to mention the world, is the entire universe first? ?

Does this kid brag?

Too unprofessional.

"US dollars, not coins!"

Chuck shrugged, "You didn't reach my point, it's normal that you don't believe it!"

"Haha! Then what are you doing?? You really want people to laugh when you talk, I tell you well, my family's money, you can't think of how much!!!"

"Several tens of billions?" Chuck asked.

What a big tone! !

Xiang Erlan really can't hear it anymore, so bluntly saying tens of billions? ?

What kind of face is this?

"Yes, tens of billions! This is real money!" Feng Wuxi took a step down, this is a condescending look, with sarcasm, "You, don't pretend to be in front of me! I really hit your face, you even have a chance to fight back nothing."

"Well, it's only tens of billions? That's not enough money I won that day!" Chuck said.

"is it??"

Feng Wuxi grinned, "Then your casino business is really good, since you are so rich, then I will play with you, would you dare?"

This is a playful look.

"What are you playing with?" Chuck shrugged and asked indifferently.

What is he afraid of?

Play as much as you want!

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"You promised or not!"


"Well, come with me! Auntie, Xiaoqing. Come here too!" Feng Wuxi snapped his fingers, and the car in the distance came.

A Rolls Royce.

"Get in the car, you shouldn't do this kind of car!!" Feng Wuxi laughed.

"I drove!" Chuck drove a car casually.

"Oh, what a car!"

"It's right at the door of the community."

"More than 300,000 Mercedes-Benz? Are you driving here?" Feng Wuxi smiled.

"Yes, it's not bad," Anyway, it's all from my mother's underground parking lot. They are all from my own home. Of course, Chuck drove out one at will.

There is nothing too particular about it.

"You haven't drove a good car, never made a luxury car, of course you feel good, auntie,

Xiaoqing, you get in the car!" Feng Wuxi invited.

Today, he decided to strike Chuck's face, so that Murong Qing would die of Chuck.

Very simple, just remove his lies.

Xiang Erlan stared at Chuck impatiently!

She got in the car.

Murong Qing said nothing, and got into Chuck's car!

Xiang Erlan is angry, this dead girl! !

"Xiaofeng, don't you mind! Xiaoqing is like this?" Xiang Erlan worried that Feng Wuxi would be angry.

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What makes Feng Wuxi angry? Murong Qing will soon be disappointed with Chuck!

Then he will throw himself into his arms!

"Auntie, how can I be angry!" Feng Wuxi closed the door and snapped his fingers!

His driver drives!

"Xiaofeng, how are you going to play with him?"

"Auntie, it's very easy to play with! This kind of clown, I will let him be exposed to Xiao Qing, and let Xiao Qing see his true face under disguise. I think Xiao Qing will change his mind."

"Then I'm relieved, I just heard him bragging, I really want to give him a slap and let him get out! A casino wins 10 billion a day? Why doesn't he say win 10 billion!"

"Oh, auntie, don't be angry, it's not worth it. He talks, and I always listen to it as a joke."

"It's really uncomfortable to listen to him. Anyway, he has refreshed my understanding of shamelessness." Xiang Erlan was really exhausted. How did his daughter get deceived by him? ?

The discerning people are all fake when they listen to Chuck's words!

Her daughter was convinced. This is madness.

"Hehe! Auntie, you'll see it later, I'm going to beat him in the face, he has nowhere to hide!"

Feng Wuxi said grimly.

This place, but his family is the richest!

Chuck dare to compare with himself, this is to die!

"Well, remove him, let him get out!"

"Auntie, rest assured!"

In Feng Wuxi's eyes, Chuck is a piece of rubbish. Chuck can play with himself. This is Chuck's honor!

Chuck drove and followed.

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Anyway, what this Feng Wuxi plays, he just accompanies.

"Chuck, what did you meet at Guo? You today, I saw something different from you before."

"This is a long story, said at night." Chuck laughed.

"Where did you say it at night? In the car?" Murong Qing's voice unknowingly became smaller.

Chuck was stunned and smiled in his heart, "Just whatever you want!"

"I don't, you are what you want." Murong Qing said, and he actually flirted with Chuck? ?

After Chuck laughed, his face became serious, "Sister Murong, I'm sorry, you have such a big thing, I am not by your side!"


Most people can't bear this kind of blow, so Murongqing can bear it and replace it with others, don't know what the decadence looks like.

"Don't say that, you can come back to find me, I am already very happy," Murong Qing Wenrun, yes, she was more than touched.

"Well, when I come back, I will help you make a comeback!"

"No, I'm coming by yourself, don't intervene!" Murong Qing couldn't hear this. If Chuck helped him, what was the difference between himself and his burden? ?

My mother is a Baller with novels, Chapter 790

Chuck is helpless! He knew that Murong Qing would refuse.

Forced to help her? Chuck couldn't do it.

"Okay, what you do, I support you." Chuck's face was serious.

Murong Qing wants to be a strong woman, so let her do well, this is her dignity as a woman!

Chuck couldn't bear to deprive him.

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"Thank you!" Murong Qing was also moved.

"Thank me for what? But when I want to play with Feng Wuxi, don't stop it," Chuck's eyes chilled.

"No." Murongqing also wanted to know, what exactly does Feng Wuxi want to play with Chuck?

But the essence must also be related to money.

"By the way, did your casino open on the first day and really won so much money?" Murong

Qing couldn't help it, she wanted to know.

"Well, let me tell you something,"

"Okay." Murong cleaned his ears and listened.

Chuck said it all. Murong Qing was in shock. She didn't even know that Chuck would actually play dice and won so much money!

It's incredible!

"Here it is, something about that, said at night." Chuck shrugged.

"Night? All right." Murong Qing blushed.

They got off the bus, sealed Wuxi, and Xiang Erlan was already waiting at the door, and their faces were impatient! !

"Oh, play this?" Chuck smiled slightly.

He thought that what Feng Wuxi wanted to play was all about shopping!

"Yes, buy something! The diamonds inside are very large and the most expensive is over ten million. Can you afford it? How many can you buy?" Feng Wuxi grinned grinningly.

Driving more than 300,000 cars, and want to buy more than 10 million masonry, tens of millions of diamond necklaces? ?

Dream you!

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"Go in and see first." Chuck didn't care to shrug.

Xiang Erlan looked down on Chuck and was here, still pretending?

Can you afford more than 10 million diamonds? ?

Murong Qing said nothing, and the four went in.

"Master Feng!!!" The manager of the jewelry shop smiled and even came over to welcome him personally!

Feng Wuxi is a frequent visitor to their jewelry store. As the store manager, she must meet!

"Well, I came to see the diamond necklace. You should take the best out! Remember, it is the most expensive!"

"Master Feng, don't worry!" The store manager took the surprise and took another big business today.

As for Chuck, who came in later, she, as the manager, didn't even glance at her.

It is enough to have a seal in Wuxi. For other cats and dogs, she is too lazy to receive it in person!

"Master Feng, this is the most expensive diamond in our shop. This is a diamond necklace, 108 diamonds, worth 38 million! This necklace is all hand-made, inlaid with 301 Eighteen diamonds worth 50 million!!! And this one is the best among the jade! Master Xiang, how good is this jade bracelet? This is worth eight million!!!"

"Is this emperor green?"

Chuck asked casually.

The manager despised Chuck, "This gentleman, do you know what jadeite is? The emperor green you said is a very rare one. Our boss has been making jewelry for decades. , That kind of value is so amazing! Can you afford it?"

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Looking at Chuck's dress, I can't afford it!

I still have a face to ask Emperor Green?

Really an uninformed layman.

"I don't have to spend, I have three pieces of emperor green, worth more than two billion yuan, if you want a bracelet, you can just hit it yourself." Chuck shrugged.

It seems that the three emperor greens are all made and should be able to sell more!

"This gentleman, are you kidding me? Three pieces of emperor green?? Do you know the value of emperor green? Obviously you don't know!" said the manager contemptuously.

Three pieces of emperor green? !

This will cause violent robbery!

This is the big jeweler who has the ability to stock up three pieces of emperor green! Don't even think about other people's dreams!

Feng Wuxi grinned awkwardly, was this arrogant and addictive right? ?

Just bragging about the biggest casino, but now bragging about three emperors green? ?

Xiang Erlan couldn't hear it anymore, it was so uncomfortable.

Murong Qingmei is moving, three emperors green?

Is Chuck playing gambling now? ?

"I know," Chuck shrugged.

I knew it already.

"You really know, you can't say anything, there are three emperors green, to be honest, you have been heard by others, you will laugh at you, or pay attention!" The manager did not want to talk to Chuck, See wasting time.

Today's biggest customer is Feng Wuxi, Master Feng!

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How can you waste time on people who don't matter? ?

"Chuck, which one do you buy?" Feng Wuxi asked with a sneer.

The worst is the start of 8 million, this pen will definitely not be able to afford it!

"Me? I didn't like it. What kind of emerald is this? I have emperor green. I definitely don't want it. What kind of diamond is this? I also have a big one. I don't need it," Chuck remembered.

When he came back, Yvette gave himself a big diamond.

Which kind of diamond is not better than this one? Higher value?

"So you mean not to buy it?" Feng Wuxi smiled.

The manager couldn't hear it anymore. He said Emperor Green for a while, and then said Big

Diamond. This man was shameless enough.

"No need to buy."

Chuck still said this.

"What are you going to do? What do you say about emperor green, your big diamond? Take it out!" Feng Wuxi pressed step by step.

Xiang Erlan sneered, there is a fart!

"I didn't bring it." Chuck really didn't bring it. The three pieces of emperor green are in the mother's hotel. The big diamond is also in the luggage of the hotel. Chuck must not bring it out!

Besides, what do you bring out? ?

"Can I change an excuse?" Feng Wuxi sneered more than once, "You said you can't buy it!"

"Not buying!"

Xiang Erlan became impatient, "If you don't buy it, what are you doing? Waste of time!"

"I want to buy something else," Chuck said.

"Other? What can you buy?" Xiang Erlan wanted to slap Chuck, so shameless.

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"Still thinking." Chuck said.

"I can't stand it," Xiang Erlan didn't want to listen.

"Wrapped up, all three are wrapped up!" Feng Wuxi smiled. He snapped his fingers and took out a card. The store manager was ecstatic, all bought? ?

Almost 100 million, this is really big business!

"Wait a minute, Master Feng, I'll wrap it up for you!" The manager personally packed it.

Soon, okay.

Feng Wuxi took the packed box, "Chuck, right? You have no money at all!!"

Certainly not!

As I said just now, when I really bought it, there were excuses everywhere.

Xiang Erlan hummed impatiently, "Let's go! What else to see?"

"I haven't bought it yet!" Chuck said suddenly.

"Oh, what do you buy? The most expensive one has already been bought by me. If you buy something in the tens of thousands, don't buy it." Feng Wuxi waited to give the necklace to

Murong Qing!

"Are you sure you bought the most expensive one?" Chuck smiled mysteriously.

My mother is a Baller's voice novel Chapter 791 This is the most expensive! Listen online

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Chuck’s mysterious smile, Feng Wuxi sneered without hesitation, disdain to the extreme, "Are you blind or deaf? Have you seen that the most expensive thing in this shop has already been bought by me? More than 50 million Yes, more than 30 million, I think you are deaf and dumb!!"

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Xiang Erlan's hands were shaking, her slap really wanted to hit it!

How could there be someone like Chuck? ?

What is the most expensive thing in this shop?

What god, what ghost? !

Murong Qingmei turns around, and what is the most expensive?

"It seems that your vision is the only one. What do you buy the most expensive in this store?

Ignorance is terrible, and vision is terrible!!" Chuck shook his head lightly.

"Huh, you said I am ignorant?" Feng Wuxi was angry, and he said he was ignorant?

Feng Wuxi is about to hit someone!

Chuck diameter came to the store manager!

The store manager also dismissed Chuck. Just now, Chuck bragged, saying that there are three pieces of emperor green and big diamonds. She wanted to laugh!

The person full of lies, as the store manager, she wants to call the security guard, bang Chuck out!

This kind of junkie is simply not a customer! !

Feng Wuxi ignored Chuck so much, he had clenched his fists!

Mother! Ignoring this young master? !


"What are you doing? Just say what you want to buy, don't slap it here! Also, I tell you, the most expensive things in our store have already been bought by Master Feng just now!" The manager looked disdainful.

"Your boss?" Chuck asked lightly.

"What do you want to do? Still want to see our boss? To be honest, you are not qualified yet!

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Master Feng is qualified, you? Get rid of it if you don't buy it! Really annoying, the first time you see a guest like you! "The manager was angry and scolded!

"See your boss, buy the most expensive thing in your shop!" Chuck's eyes were numb.

"Are you sick? I've passed it. The most expensive items in the store have already been bought by

Master Feng. Are you deaf?" The store manager was indignant!

"Xiaoqing, I can't hear it anymore. Is he a pen?" Xiang Erlan was so disgusted.

If such a person is her own son-in-law, she must go crazy!

"Mom..." Murong Qing sighed!

My mother is too prejudiced with Chuck.

Chuckming is very good! !

"My ears are not deaf, you are deaf," Chuck shrugged.

"What did you say?!" At this moment, the manager was angry.

"You are not only deaf, do you still understand? As the manager, the most expensive thing in a store doesn't know what it is, you can really resign!" Chuck said coldly.

The manager smiled, she smiled angrily, "I resign? Joking!!!"

"I'm not kidding, I will let you leave immediately!" Chuck said coldly. "And, don't you know what is the most expensive in the store?"

"What do you mean?"

The manager's gaze changed, looking like a clown.

"The most expensive one is not bought by Feng Wuxi, the most expensive one is your shop?"

Chuck said coldly.

The shop is quiet for a moment!

Three seconds later, he laughed! !

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"Haha! He's really bad, I understand what he means, he said he wants to buy this shop! Haha!"

"Oh, this store is really the most expensive! But, can you afford it?" Feng Wuxi laughed. He didn't know how to describe Chuck. Who is this, saying something like this?

Xiang Erlan slaps can not control!

Murong cleared his consternation and bought this store? ?

"I said how bad you are before you say this? Do you know how much money I have in this store?

There are hundreds of millions of items in it alone, close to one billion, can you afford it? Our boss will Sell it to you? Haven't you woke up yet?" The store manager was angry.

There is a lot of jewelry in this shop, and the jewelry is of high value. The turnover of this shop is very good and very profitable. Not to mention, his own boss is a chain of jewelry stores and it is impossible to sell!

The fool in front of him actually let his boss come out?

This is really a long time to see!

If you tell the boss all this, the boss will definitely laugh to death.

"Let your boss come out and I will talk to him. Everything has a value!" Chuck said.

"Shut up! People like you, still want to see our boss? You dream about it! You talk nonsense, I let security guards bombard you out! You leave, our shop does not welcome you! You go!"

The shopkeeper ordered the guests! !

"Hello, Chuck, right? I'm really curious, how did you buy it! Let me open my eyes!" Feng Wuxi sarcastically, "I know this owner of the jewelry store, just like my family, I have hundreds of them. Hundreds of millions of assets, there are hundreds of chain stores, want him to buy you the store??

"Then look good!" Chuck shrugged, took out his mobile phone, called Betty, and hung up the

462 Read full book at: phone in ten seconds.

"Okay, you are optimistic! What a really rich person looks like!" Chuck said coldly.

"Haha, I'm watching! But what do you show me? Who did you call?"

"I am a sister, ask the owner's phone." Chuck said.

"Haha! Why is it so troublesome? I also have it, shall I give you something?" Feng Wuxi sneered to the extreme.

"No, my sister Li has already called him, and in a few moments, he will come over and talk to me!" Chuckxiong Feng Wuxi glanced.

"Pretend! Do you know where our boss is?" The manager was angry.

"I don't need to know, he will come back even if he is on a phone call, and, you, prepare to pack things up!" Chuck said lightly.

The store manager despised, "Oh, let me pack up, what are you?"

"Immediately the owner of this shop!" Chuck shrugged!

The manager despised it to the extreme!

"Oh, you are so powerful! Let the boss come over casually, you really have the ability!" Feng

Wuxi sneered, he walked in front of Murong Qing, "Xiao Qing, you see it, this is what you call a boyfriend, like Acting like a clown!!"

"Shut up! Chuck said that you can buy here, and you absolutely can!" Murong Qing was indifferent!

Feng Wuxi was irritated, did you still talk to this spicy chicken?

Are you blind? ?

"Really? If you believe him so much, I'll wait and see!" Feng Wuxi turned his eyes and said to

Shi Lan, "Xiao Qing, don't you feel embarrassed? He wants to pretend, let him continue

463 Read full book at: pretending, let's go !!!"

"Mom! Your prejudice to Chuck is too big!" Murong Qing couldn't help it.

"Prejudice? Is it a normal person who would say such things?" Xiang Erlan was annoyed.

"Auntie, you look good, this shop, I can buy it immediately!" Chuck said.

His words came out again, causing a mockery of laughter. The people in the store looked at

Chuck's eyes, just to see the clown! Full of contempt! !

My mother is a Baller with novel 792. No, you are wrong! Listen online with novels

"Shut up! You pretend to be on my head?" Xiang Erlan scolded! !

"I did not pretend! There is no need to pretend to be you!" Chuck shook his head. Product=Book/Web

"Not yet? Well, how long will you say that the owner of this shop will come over!" Xiang Erlan sneered and was furious!

"Not far from here!"

Chuck's cell phone rang, he answered, and nodded. "I see."

The phone hangs up!

"Auntie, it's coming soon! He was just nearby!" Chuck said, and Betty found the boss's phone and contacted it. It was that simple.

Xiang Erlan didn't want to go down at all!

"Are you still pretending? Security, blast him out for me!!!" The store manager scolded!

Several security guards came!

They also heard and saw what Chuck did just now, and it was really a clown! !

Feng Wuxi was too lazy to watch, how boring he was, wasting so much time with a leapfrog clown.

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"Who wants to see me?"

Suddenly, a man walked in from outside!

Forty or fifty years old, in sportswear, especially casual, at first glance is the rich?

"Boss!!!" The manager immediately changed his face and ran across with a smile. "Boss, why are you here?"

Feng Wuxi was stunned, really called to let the shop owner come?

He understood that this was a harassment call!

Jewelry shop owner, come over and get angry?

Needless to say, this must be the case!

Murong was slow and stunned...

Xiang Erlan has no expression. Her view can be the same as Wuxi. The reason why this boss appeared is that he happened to be here and received a phone call to come to Xingshi for guilt!

So good.

With this boss coming, you can hit Chuck's face fiercely.

"Who is Chuck after receiving a call?" the boss asked.

"He." The store manager scorned Chuck. "Boss, this person is a neuropath, and he said he wanted to buy your store. Are you sick?"

The boss glanced at Chuck and came over, "Do you want to buy my shop?"

"Yes! I buy!"

The store manager rolled his eyes and was still pretending!

"Why should I sell it to you?"

"Because I have money!"

"Rich? How rich are you?" The boss laughed and the sarcasm appeared.

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Feng Wuxi ridiculed, is there money?

What a ignorant person!

"Your shop, I just estimated it, with the goods together, about 700 million!" This is what Chuck just noticed.

"Yes, so many, but what does it have to do with you? I won't sell it to you at all! So, there is no need to talk about the next words. You can leave here while my mood is okay."

"Look, his boss blasted him away, doesn't he feel ashamed? Alas!!!"

Speak to Geran, really!

Murong Qingmei watched, she was curious, she knew this boss, she was famous for not giving face, how did Chuck buy a shop from such a person?

"How many of you are not up yet?" The store manager lowered his voice and ordered several security guards.

Several security guards passed by, and the boss came over this time and had to perform well in front of the boss.

Chuck also said indifferently, "You play with jewelry. A few days ago, you haven't heard of it.

Three pieces of emperor green appeared?"

The boss frowned, "Yes, three pieces of emperor green appeared. My friend said that it appeared on an auction floor and was bought by a young man..."

Such a big thing, as the owner of a jewelry store, even if he did not participate in the auction, he knew it immediately after the event!

Because it is so rare, it can be said that the chance of three emerald greens at a time detonated their jewelry circle.

After he heard the news, he really wanted to meet this person. Why is he so venomous? He has

466 Read full book at: been making jewelry for so many years, and really hasn't met such a person.

"I'm not young?" Chuck suddenly asked.

The boss was stunned and questioned the extreme, "Are you saying that you bought it?"

"Yes, it's me."

"Do you think I will believe it?" Of course the boss did not believe it. Why?

Let yourself believe in one sentence?

How can a person with such a savage vision be as plain as Chuck? ?

"Believe it or not! I..." Chuck didn't finish, and the boss received a call, "Hey, Snakehead, why didn't I answer the phone at the door? I have something to do with you recently! What? You are nearby, OK, come here!"

The phone hung up, and the boss glanced at Chuck, "You go! Waste my time!"

He walked to the door, the employees in the shop laughed, the manager scorned, Feng Wuxi, and

Xiang Erlan all laughed!

This is a kind of sarcasm, to Chuck alone! !

Look, after saying that for so long, the boss can’t get you!

The manager scorned his eyes, "I said you blushed or not? Didn't you say we bought our boss's store? Why didn't you buy it?"

"Your boss doesn't bird him, how can he buy it?" Feng Wuxi laughed.

Chuck looked at the two of them, and the shopkeeper ordered several security guards to blast

Chuck out.

At this time, there was a person outside. After the boss saw it, he suddenly surprised, "Snake

Head, what's wrong with you? Li Tian is missing, how did you get this way?"

"Don't say it, I encountered something, and I followed someone again," the snake head said.

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"You talked to someone? Didn't you joke with me? Didn't you just do it yourself? Did you bring dozens of brothers to do it alone? Don't joke with me, are you free these days, I want you Help me collect debts..."

"No time, I really followed someone."

"Who?" The boss is interested, but he rarely sees this expression on the snake head, and really meets the expression of the new brother.

"You should have heard that three pieces of emperor green appeared in the auction there."

"Of course I know, what's the matter? You mean, you followed the young man who photographed the three pieces of emperor green?" The boss was suspicious to the extreme.

"Yes, I followed him!"

"Why? Not like you!"

"He, I tell you, if you meet him, don't go against him, he is the most terrifying person I have ever seen!" The snake head's face turned involuntarily white, "I tell you, my dozens of brothers , You know?"

"Yes, of course I know, which brothers did you last, also helped me in debt collection." The boss said, the brothers of Snakehead are good, ruthless enough!

"Which of my brothers were all killed by him, more than twenty people, less than a minute!!"

The snake's face was horrified and pale!

"Ah?!!!" The boss was shocked. "Aren't you kidding me?"

"No!" The snake head shook his head. What joke did he make?

The boss is unbelievable, the expression of the snake head is still fearful, is this true?

"No? There will be such a horrible person? Killed all your brothers, and also shot three pieces of emperor green?... By the way, what does that person look like?" The boss didn't look in the store

468 Read full book at: at all. The snake head was shocked.

But suddenly, the snake head's eyes were shocked, "Lord, Master, why are you here?"

My mother is a tyrant's voice novel Chapter 793 No, no! Listen online with novels

The owner of the jewelry store was shocked, lord, master? ?

Who is the owner of the snakehead?

His heart trembled, and he turned around and found that the snake head had changed its face all of a sudden, and in an instant, respectfully reached the extreme, "Master, why are you here?"

The snake head is facing one person, yes, Chuck, who seems to be smiling!

The boss was dumbfounded! Fall into shock! !

He has known Snakehead for many years, and knows that Snakehead is a retired mercenary who brought a bunch of people and did nothing to fear anything!

He has cooperated with Snakehead several times, and every time Snakehead has done a beautiful job for him, he knows the strength of Snakehead, but now he is so polite to one person?

Still calling the owner? ?

This is simply hitting the boss with two punches, he is stunned!

In addition, the snake head just said that he had followed a man. This man killed dozens of his brothers, and also photographed three pieces of emperor green...

Yes, this person in his own shop? ?

In a flash of cold sweat came from behind the boss!

The man in this shop admitted that he was the one just now, but he didn't believe it...

His cold sweat came out more!

It has already spread throughout his circle. This man who photographed three pieces of emperor

469 Read full book at: green is absolutely super rich second generation! !

Otherwise, how could anyone be so courageous and spend billions of dollars to capture three rough stones that no one likes? !

He dare not do this!

Once he lost money, he also felt distressed! even……

There are also amazing news in the circle. The two big bosses, who are similar to themselves, died after the auction ended that evening...

Who killed? ?

No one in the circle of friends dares to be sure, because this is an explosive thing!

Shortly caused panic in the circle of friends!

But some people came out, and a very reasonable analysis was that the two bosses were upset and red-eyed, looking for someone to kill the young man who photographed three pieces of emperor green, but was killed by this young man...

This rumor appeared in the boss's mind. The more he wanted to gather, the more sweat was behind him! ! is it him? ?

However, this person is actually in his own shop at the moment, he just wanted to buy his own shop, he still refused just now...

The boss turned pale.

The manager, Feng Wuxi, was shocked to the blue!

They don't know this snakehead, but how about calling it a master? what does this mean? !

Murong Qing was shocked. What happened to Chuck?

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In the end, how is Chuck?

"Come and buy something." Chuck shrugged.

"Ah? Shopping? Master, what are you going to buy? I know the boss here, and I let him give it to you!" Shetou waved to the boss.

The boss was stunned and stunned.

"Send it? No, I want to buy it. He doesn't want it." Chuck said.


The head of the snake was dismayed, and he came, "Lao Ke, what are you doing? Why don't you want my master to buy something?"

"He, is he really the one who photographed three pieces of emperor green?" The boss's voice was bitter.

"Yes, it's him!"

The boss is even harder.

"Lao Ke, don't blame me for not telling you. Boss Guo asked me to kill him that night. I brought more than 20 brothers, and he solved it within a minute..."

"Ah?" The boss was terrified!

He looked so young, why is it so powerful!

"Think about it yourself, I won't say much, but you offended him, be careful yourself!"

"I?" The boss bitterly said, "What do you mean? He will kill me?"

It’s not easy to kill so many brothers and kill him in a minute?

The boss knows himself!

"I don't know, but he is a super rich second generation. Your worth is in front of him. It's not enough to see you! It's easy for you to adjust you! Lao Ke, sometimes, it's nothing to know the

471 Read full book at: current affairs!"

The cold sweat behind the boss wet his clothes, "Then let me promise him?"


The boss ran over, "Are you going to buy my shop? Well, I will sell it to you!!!"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in awe

"Boss, what does the boss say? He wants to sell this shop?"

"Why?" The store manager was incredible!

Feng Wuxi was stunned, and Xiang Lan was stunned. Why did this boss suddenly change his mind!

"Aren't you just unwilling?" Chuck shrugged.

"Sorry, I made a mistake just now. You want to buy it, anytime you want," the boss said flatly.

At this moment, he realized why the snake head was so polite to Chuck.

Approaching, Chuck, he experienced the battle in the battlefield, they all felt the oppression from the bottom of his heart.

This is definitely the feeling of being super rich second generation! !

"Anytime? All right, you bid a price!"

"Seven hundred million, no, no, three hundred million, three hundred million for you!" The boss was cold sweat!

Feng Wuxi was stunned!

How could the value of this shop be only 300 million? He sold it to Chuck at a loss? Why?

He couldn't figure it out.

"I will not take advantage of you, I will give you 700 million," Chuck said, he is not a robber.

"What's more, I'm not going to buy you a shop!" What is Chuck's idea?

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Liu Na has established an industrial chain over there, so it needs a store to sell, and it is not simpler to buy all his stores directly.

"Ah? What do you mean?" The boss sweated more.

"All, I want to buy all your stores!"

The boss was shocked, "All stores? I have 109!"

"I need all three hundred! Tomorrow I will let someone estimate the value of your store, all, and then give you a purchase price that is 10% higher than your market value!!"

The boss was shocked and immediately changed his face, "What? Are you willing to be ten percent higher?"

The investment of more than 100 stores is different. The total goods are about 5 billion. The others are some stores. The valuation is about 15-6 billion! !

In other words, 10% higher is to give yourself 1.56 billion more? ?

The boss's heart is pleasantly surprised. Is this a pie? ?

Is there such a good thing?

"Yes! Buy, I will definitely make you satisfied!" Chuck shrugged.

"Okay, I sell! All the shops sell you!"

"Yes, I will let the estimate tomorrow!"

"Boss Ke, he is joking with you, don't take it seriously!" Feng Wuxi sneered. How much is the value of this boss's store, how could he not know?

More than 10 billion, Chuck has so much money to buy it?

It's impossible!

The boss frowned, "Master Feng, I think you should pay attention to your words!"

"Attention? You were bluffed by him, I won't!" Feng Wuxi came over step by step. "He didn't

473 Read full book at: have so much money to buy..."

He didn't finish what he said, and a slap hit him in the face!

Feng Wuxi was shocked, "Boss Ke, are you beating me?"

"Yes, don't hurt me! You are an ant in front of Master Zhang, do you know?" the boss said coldly!

My mother is a Baller with the novel Chapter 994, kneeling for three days! Listen online

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Chuck had no choice but to know that Murong Qing would refuse.

Forced to help her Chuck can not do it.

"Okay, what you do, I support you." Chuck's face was serious.

Murong Qing wants to be a strong woman, then let her do well, this is her dignity as a woman

Chuck couldn't bear to deprive him.

"Thank you" Murong Qing was also moved.

"Thanks for what I did, but when I want to play with Feng Wuxi, don't stop it," Chuck eyes chilled.

"No." Murongqing also wanted to know what Feng Wuxi wanted to play with Chuck.

But the essence must also be related to money.

"By the way, you opened the casino on the first day and really won so much money." Murong

Qing couldn't help it, she wanted to know.

"Well, let me tell you something,"

"Okay." Murong cleaned his ears and listened.

Chuck said it all. Murong Qing was in shock. She didn’t even know that Chuck would actually

474 Read full book at: play dice and won so much money.

It's incredible

"Here it is, something about that, said at night." Chuck shrugged.

"Good evening." Murong Qing blushed.

They got off the bus, sealed Wuxi, and Xiang Lan had been waiting at the door, they were all impatient

"Oh, play this" Chuck smiled slightly.

He thought, what would Feng Wuxi want to play, it was all about shopping

"Yes, the diamonds in the purchase are very large and the most expensive is more than 10 million. You can afford to buy a few," Feng Wuxi grinned grinningly.

Driving a car of more than 300,000, but also want to buy more than 10 million masonry, tens of millions of diamond necklaces

Dream you

"Go in and see first." Chuck didn't care to shrug.

Xiang Erlan despised Chuck, they are all here, still pretending

You can afford more than 10 million diamonds

Murong Qing said nothing, and the four went in.

The manager of the "Master Feng" jewelry store smiled and even came over to welcome him personally

Feng Wuxi is a frequent visitor to their jewelry store. As the store manager, she must meet

"Well, I came to see a good diamond necklace, you take the best out and remember, it is the most expensive"

"Master Feng is assured," the store manager took the surprise and took the big business again

475 Read full book at: today.

As for Chuck, who came in later, she, as the manager, didn't even glance at her.

It’s enough to have a seal in Wuxi. For other cats and dogs, she is too lazy to receive it in person.

"Master Feng, this is the most expensive diamond in our store. This is a diamond necklace, 108 diamonds, worth 38 million. This necklace is all hand-made, inlaid with 310 Eight diamonds, worth 50 million, and this one, but the best item in jade, young master, you see, how good this jade bracelet is, this eight million worth of store manager fully introduced.

"Is this Emperor Green"

Chuck asked casually.

The store manager despised Chuck, "This gentleman, do you know what is jadeite? You said imperial green, but it is a very rare kind. Our boss has been making jewelry for decades. Is the value so high that you can afford it?"

Looking at Chuck's dress, I can't afford it.

I still have a face to ask Emperor Green

Really an uninformed layman.

"I don't have to spend, I have three pieces of emperor green, worth more than two billion yuan, if you want a bracelet, you can just hit it yourself." Chuck shrugged.

It seems that the three pieces of emperor green are all made and should be able to sell more.

"This gentleman, are you kidding me? Three pieces of emperor green do you know the value of emperor green? Obviously you don't know," the manager said contemptuously.

Three Imperial Greens

This will cause violent robbery, right?

This is the only jeweler who has the ability to stockpile three pieces of emperor green.

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Feng Wuxi grinned awkwardly, this is a bragging addiction, right?

Just bragging about having the biggest casino, now actually bragging about three emperors green

Xiang Erlan couldn't hear it anymore, it was so uncomfortable.

Murong Qingmei is moving, three emperors green

Chuck is still betting on stones

"I know," Chuck shrugged.

I knew it already.

"You really know, you can't say anything, there are three emperors green, to be honest, you are heard by others, you will laugh at you, or pay attention to it." The store manager did not want to talk to Chuck, see the waste time.

Today's biggest customer is Feng Wuxi, Master Feng

How can you waste time on people who don't matter?

"Chuck, which one do you buy?" Feng Wuxi sneered and asked.

The worst is the start of 8 million, this pen can not afford it

"I didn't like it. What kind of emerald is this? I have emperor green. I definitely don't want it.

What kind of diamond is this? I also have a large one. I don't need it," Chuck remembers. When he came back, Yvette Give yourself a big diamond.

That kind of diamond is not more valuable than this one

"So you mean not to buy it," Feng Wuxi laughed.

The manager couldn't hear it anymore. He said Emperor Green for a while, and then said Big

Diamond. This man was shameless enough.

"No need to buy."

Chuck still said this.

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"What are you going to do? You said the emperor green, and take out your big diamonds" Feng

Wuxi pressed step by step.

Xiang Erlan sneered, there is a fart

"I didn't bring it." Chuck really didn't bring it. The three emperor greens are in the mother's hotel.

The big diamond is also in the luggage of the hotel. Chuck must not bring it out.

Besides, what do you bring out?

"Can I change an excuse?" Feng Wuxi laughed more than once, "You said you can't buy it."

"Not buying"

Xiang Erlan became impatient, "If you don't buy, what you're doing is a waste of time"

"I want to buy something else," Chuck said.

"What else can you buy?" Xiang Erlan wanted to slap Chuck, so shameless.

"Still thinking." Chuck said.

"I can't stand it," Xiang Erlan didn't want to listen.

"Wrapped up, all three wrapped up" Feng Wuxi smiled, he snapped his fingers, took out a card, the store manager was ecstatic, all bought

Almost 100 million, this is really big business

"Wait a minute, Master Feng, I'll wrap it up for you," the manager personally packed it.

Soon, okay.

Feng Wuxi took the packed box and said, "Chuck, right? You have no money at all"

Certainly not

As I said just now, when I really bought it, there were excuses everywhere.

Xiang Erlan hummed impatiently, "Let's see what else to go"

"I haven't bought it yet" Chuck said suddenly.

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"Oh, what you bought the most expensive has already been bought by me. If you buy tens of thousands of things, don't buy it." Feng Wuxi waited to give the necklace to Murong Qing

"You are sure that the most expensive one was bought by you," Chuck mysteriously laughed.

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Who could have imagined that there are tens of billions of Feng Wuxi in the family, and Master

Feng will kneel in front of everyone in front of everyone? ?

No one thought of it! !

There was a lot of discussion, looking at Chuck's eyes, it was rich and changeable, envious, jealous, and worship... too much.

"This kid really knows the current affairs!" The jewelry shop owner sighed!

He didn't expect that Feng Wuxi, who was always hot-tempered, was said by Chuck in a few words, and he knelt down.

This is more representative of Chuck's strength, I can't imagine it!

"Anyone who doesn't know the current affairs can do it? If my master gets angry, let alone the other, it's my master who can overnight let all the family members disappear!" Shetou was still so worried.

When Chuck told him to kill boss Guo, the kind of look he would never forget.

The owner of the jewelry shop was trembling, but fortunately he knew the current affairs, or else...

The owner of the jewellery shop was afraid, because just now, he also looked down on

Chuckdog! !

Chuckzhen is going to be angry, one can imagine his ending! !

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"Obey, three days, kneel for three days!" Chuck shrugged!

"Master Zhang rest assured, I absolutely kneel for three days!" Feng Wuxi's tears flowed out, what is kneeling? ?

I can survive, so happy! !

Everyone was stunned again!

"Master Zhang, now I will go back and prepare for the handover!" the boss said politely.


It’s better to get this done quickly! !

"You listen, from today, I am no longer your boss. From today, from this second, Master Zhang will be your boss!" said the boss.

The employees of the jewelry store, among them the store manager, have been dumbfounded!

My boss has announced it himself, so sure! !

"Xiaofang, you have followed Master Zhang since today!"

The manager was dull, "Boss, I, I just..."

"What did you just now?" The boss was suddenly serious! !

"Hmm, I just..." the manager said crying fifteen or ten.

Even Feng Wuxi knelt in panic, and he was a small store manager. In front of Chuck, I'm afraid he didn't count anything. ?

Snapped! !

The boss raised his hand in anger and slapped the manager! ?

"Are you shameless? I told you how many times, don't look at people with low eyes, you just don't listen, and Master Zhang can be seen by you? I'm just an ant. Are you she? "The boss said coldly!

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The manager sat on the ground in shock, what?

Your boss is an ant, so what is your own?

Panic, remorse, she suddenly fainted! !

I actually offended a person who can't offend me!

"Boss, save me!" The store manager pleaded on his knees.

"I can't save you! Tell yourself to Master Zhang!!!"

Where does he dare to save?

The shopkeeper's tears were flowing, and the intense fear urged her to climb to the foot of

Chuck. "Zhang... Master Zhang, I don't know Taishan with your eyes, can you spare me?"

Chuck was condescending, "I said, let you pack things, you forgot?"

"I accept, I accept immediately, but Master Zhang... I'm scared." The manager panicked, Feng

Wuxi had to kneel for three days, how long would he kneel?

She dare not think about it!

"Please, I still have parents to raise, don't kill me, I can make you cattle and horses!" The manager cried to death.

"I don't want you, you can pack up and go! I don't need employees like you in my shop!" Chuck was indifferent.

The store manager shivered and dared not leave. She was afraid to leave. Chuck would find someone to assassinate her.

"It's not fast, security, you guys have written off, haven't you blown her out to Master Zhang?"

Several security guards, only then recovered, they were busy bombing out the shopkeeper who was crying and begging!

"Go! Just now, Master Zhang is so deserved!"

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The manager was blasted out, her pleading was outside the shop.

"Then, Master Zhang, I will go first,"

"OK, you go!"

The boss leaves.

"What are you doing? You should do what you want, just do it. By the way, from today, you will be the store manager!" Chuck pointed to an 18-year-old intern.

This intern has just started, but there are standard service etiquette!

Chuck took a fancy to her and can cultivate it!

The intern was stunned, and the other employees were stunned. They immediately changed their faces and were envious!

"Me? Master Zhang, aren't you kidding me?" The intern was at a loss.

She only did this for a few days, but she studied management at university.

"No, can you do it?"

"Yes, Master, rest assured, I absolutely live up to the expectations of the Master!" The trainee wept with joy, which for her, this is a pie in the sky.

She cried and became a store manager, meaning that the salary increased, so she could make money, and her parents did not have to work so hard to work in the fields, so that they could study for themselves.

She can still give her parents money every month.

Chuck is satisfied!

She began to work with her employees, and the other employees were all emotional. Chuck was so courageous that she actually let an intern to be the store manager. This average boss would not dare to do this! !

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"Master, I came..." Shetou came over and explained.

"Okay, you are busy with you, I will not interfere with you." Since Chuck accepted him, of course he wouldn't control him too much.

"Yes, Master! You are busy!" Shetou Bi respectfully left.

"Chuck,..." Murong Qing came over, she knew that Chuck would surprise her today. Just now, she was really surprised!

At the moment, Feng Wuxi was still kneeling at the door...

"Well, either give these stores..."

"Thank you, this is what you bought. This is your business investment and part of your business.

How can I get it?" Murong Qing refused firmly. This time Chuck came back and changed too much.

Buying here is definitely a business strategy. She didn't believe that Chuck would buy more than one hundred stores because of a fight of will.

"Then I bought his house and gave it to you?" Chuck, Feng Wuxi, still kneeling at the door of his finger!

In an instant, Feng Wuxi was sweating and trembling.

"Forget it, I don't want you anything," Murong Qing still refused firmly.

Feng Wuxi felt powerless. Did he just walk on the edge of the cliff just now?

Chuck was helpless, "Okay!"

"Let's go back first, yes, let's go to dinner first, haven't you eaten yet?"

Chuck came from afar, and naturally he didn't eat, he agreed.

"Well, mom...what are you doing in vain? Go to dinner!" Murong Qing found Xiang Erlan still stunned.

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"Daughter, daughter... who is he?" Xiang Erlan said to himself.

"Chuck!!! It's also my...boyfriend." Murong Qing bravely took Chuck's hand and said.

My mother is a Baller, and the novel 799

Xiang Erlan was suddenly bitter, and suddenly recovered from the stun. She did not know how to express it. For the first time, she faced a person to support us, "Chuck, I just now. Think-free- fee- See-end-full-version please Baidu search-product=book=net."

She suddenly thought of a question. If she was not Murongqing's mother, would she be like Feng

Wuxi, she would kneel for three days? ?

Fear after Xiang Erlan!

"It's okay," Chuck shrugged.

She is Murongqing's mother, Chuck certainly won't see anything with her.

"Chuck..." Murong Qing is grateful to Chuck.

"It's alright, go eat!"

Xiang Erlan suddenly complicated!

Looking away, this Chuck doesn't know that Feng Wuxi, who has no bones and is still kneeling, is many times stronger! !

The three went to dinner, Feng Wuxi lowered his head and looked at Murong Qing without a face.

The person he likes, follow others, and he has no other way but to do nothing!

Chuck glanced at him, it was quite interesting!

Otherwise, Chuck just let the snake head take someone to visit the Feng family to visit the house.

Seeing that Feng Wuxi was so obedient, he knelt for three days and Chuck would let him go.

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But, if you don’t kneel enough, Chuck will naturally deal with him!

Look at him!

His life is in his own hands! !

"Master Feng, he's gone, he can get up, he doesn't know..." Someone said, the onlookers.

Does Feng Wuxi want to stand up and leave? ?

His legs are numb.

But he dare not! ?

"We all walk away, I have to kneel for three days!" Feng Wuxi endured the pain.

No way, waste a pair of legs, better than death?

He knows how to choose! !

"Kneel for three days? Master Feng, who is he?" The onlookers were stunned!

"A person I can't afford..." Feng Wuxi said regretfully.

Everyone was stunned! !

Finished eating.

Chuck followed them home, mainly because Chuck also wanted to help Murong Qing. Murong

Qing now owes so much money. When will she return?

Having a relationship with Murong Qing, Chuck didn't want her to work so hard.

"Chuck, and Xiaoqing will live in this room today."

Xiang Erlan still can't let go, although let's say, just had a meal with Chuck, Chuck is approachable and has a good affinity.

But as soon as she thought of Chuck's super-rich second-generation status, she was still afraid. If

Chuck broke up with Murong Qing that day, would she be counting old accounts with her!

Murong Qing was a little embarrassed.

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Although, I have been with Chuck twice, but. .

"Aunt Xie." Chuck smiled.

Xiang Erlan returned to her room consciously, and she didn't dare to look at Chuck more because

Chuck's invisible aura was really too strong.

"Sister Murong, come in!" Chuck smiled slightly.

Murong Qing came in shyly.

She thought of the bravery when she was together for the first time. Murong Qing took a breath and rushed towards Chuck.

"Sister Murong, I lent money to let the debt be repaid," Chuck hugged Murongqing.

This woman is too strong.

Recalling that when the two first met, Chuck would laugh out loud.

Murong Qing wanted to refuse, but could not refuse Chuck's soft tone, "Well, just borrow, I will definitely give it back!"

Murong Qing vowed!

She is not kidding, she will definitely return!

Chuck said this just as an argument. What money would he want Murong Qing to pay? Murong

Qing is her own woman.

"Shall I pay some interest now?" Chuck smiled slightly.

"Chuck, it has gone bad, but I like it..." Murong Qing blushed.


Liu Na is in shock at the moment, what is she doing at this time?

She hasn't recovered herself, she is actually taking over a jewelry shop owner, more than 100 branches! !

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When she received a call from Chuck, she was incredible!

Too fast, actually bought more than a hundred stores? ?

This was really fast. The next day the boss went back to prepare. After Chuck asked Betty to estimate, he entered the boss's account with 10% higher than the market price.

Suddenly received so much money, the boss certainly did not say anything, just transferred!

In the afternoon, Liu Na finally took over, "Chuck, how did you buy it?"

It's so curious!

Chuck bought things so casually, and in two days, he spent more than 10 billion to buy more than 100 stores!

Chuck didn't have much detail. Simply put, Liu Na was even more shocked! !

Sure enough, the super rich second generation is so simple! More than 10 billion flowers, simple!

The world of the rich is just so random, will it be boring? ?

"The industrial chain is about to speed up. On the store side, I will let people manage and handle that side!" Chuck said.

There is no problem on the sales side. Now that the supply is done, it should not take too long to occupy the jewelry market in China.

"Yes, I will work hard! Chuck, give me a chance!"

Liu Na worked hard, she also wanted to be someone like Yolanda, and won the trust of Chuck! !

"Opportunity, I give it! I can't hold it anymore." Chuck appreciates the rushing employees.

Liu Na had this look at the moment.

"I will!"

Liu Na was surprised to get busy! Chuck must not be disappointed!

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Yolanda Pharmaceutical Factory is stepping up work to renovate. Yolanda's efficiency is to satisfy Chuck. I believe that within a few days, the production line of the pharmaceutical factory will come out. It is really simple to make money at that time.

Quicken your strength!

"Mr. Li, Master bought a hundred stores. As an emerald sales store, the stone gambling industry chain is also established in an orderly manner, and there are pharmaceutical factories..." Betty reported to Karen li.

Karen li was gratified. Chuck came to China and did not disappoint her. The progress was great!

I have to hurry too. She recently discovered that you're moving a lot! !

This shows that You Shiwen can't bear it anymore, which is a danger signal.

"Let Ceer be careful! Let him let go and do whatever investment is needed! To be the richest person, there must be a variety of investments."

"I know,"

Karen li is talking to Logan here. Logan hasn't returned to China yet, she is still waiting.

"Logan, I think I can go back to China." Karen li said.

The situation is urgent.

"Well," Actually, Logan couldn't wait anymore, she was anxious to see Chuck.

Logan went to clean up, Karen li paused for a few seconds, "Logan..."

"Aunt Karen said." Logan had never seen Karen li so dignified.

Like an enemy! !

"Youjia is always a secret family, not to mention, this time it is controlled by You Shiwen with unlimited potential, it is more difficult to say, so...I want to say to you, if one day I die, tell Ceer to let him continue his own Thoughts." Karen li reached the extreme calm.

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To deal with Youjia, we must hold a mortal heart! !

So will Karen li die?

My mother is the expectation of Karen li, Chapter 797 of the Baller's audio novel! Listen

online with novels

Karen li is not sure about herself!

I will certainly die, because this is the process of birth and death.

But how to die, will it die under the wandering house, or under the ten thousand family!

For the first time, Karen li hesitated! !

You Shiwen's growth is too big, and it is almost the same as that of Karen li. Karen li himself knows how terrifying this is!

In addition, the extremely clever Wan Ziwen's eye-catching, moody, are a huge crisis.

Whether it can be solved, Karen li, who has always had a sixth sense, is also not sure this time.

She now only needs to make sure that Chuck is her only son. She wants to make sure that Chuck is old and not killed.

"Aunt Karen?"

Logan was shocked! !

But she knew that Karen li was always a person who was full of self-confidence, but not underestimated, so hesitant this time? !

Logan also understands that the power of the secret family is really unimaginable! !

Because of a secret family that has been developed for thousands of years, inherited for dozens of generations, and Karen li that has developed for more than 20 years, how big is the gap?

Everyone can see it!

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If you let Karen li's family pass on for thousands of years, and also pass on for dozens of generations, what else is there about the secret family? ?

It’s just that time doesn’t wait.

Where does Karen li have so much time to grow?

"Well, I know what I am doing, you go back to China first!" Karen li looked calm.

Logan was silent for three seconds, she was powerless and went to pack things away.

She knew that listening to Karen li's words at the moment was the best.

Logan knew that Karen li was trying to gain more time for Chuck's development. You Shiwen and Wan Ziwen were all aimed at Chuck!

After Logan left, Karen li calmed down. She called Betty, "Betty, go to my room at the Yeshi

Hotel and take out the box under my bed! Give the contents to Ceer!"

"Mr. Li?" Betty did not know that Karen li still put something under the bed.

"I have a hunch that something is going to happen, so let Ceer go to the place where I learn to fight..." Karen li said.

"Can the young master bear it?"

"You can't bear it either! From the beginning to the end, Wan Ziwen's Wan Family hasn't appeared any really powerful people! If the strongest of the Wan Family appears, this..."

Last time I fought against Wan Ziwen’s bodyguard. The man was not Karen li’s opponent, but

Wanjia, as the world’s true first family, certainly had no hidden masters!

This kind of master, in the end what strength, Karen li has not met, she is not very clear!

It's really time to turn your face!

If these people come to find Karen li, what fears does Karen li have?

At that time, Karen li may be excited to tell the truth, because she has not used her real strength

490 Read full book at: for many years.

But if you go to Chuck?

How does Chuck resist now?

Don’t look at Wan Ziwen is very good to Chuck now, but Wan Ziwen’s kind of woman has too much control desire. Once Chuck touches her patience limit, then the next thing is that the world’s first family Wanjia’s Crazy revenge! !

How long does Wan Ziwen need to polish his patience, Karen li is also not sure!

But Karen li knows it soon!

"I get it, I will give it to the young master!" Betty will get it right away.

"Tell Ce'er that I went through fifteen days to pass the customs clearance. I hope that he, as my son, can have the same time as me. The specific time, Ce'er decides for himself, but the faster the better," Karen li expects.

In addition to her own talents, Karen li’s strength today is also an important reason for her continuous learning.

Chuck went to school before, but that was just the foundation!

Now where Karen li lets Chuck go, that is the real devil training!

If you want to come out, it is difficult, not difficult! !

As long as it comes out, it is a super-class fighting master!

Real world fighting, Chuck can definitely rank high as soon as he comes out!

At that time, Karen li will be completely assured of Chuckche! !

"Cer, there are some things, I can't help you, I still have to come by yourself, don't let me down,

Mom always believes you! If you can earn a few people inside, then..." Karen li's eyes are full of arms Expectation and comfort...

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"Master, this is what Mr. Li asked me to give you," Betty found what Karen li said, it was a piece of jade.

There are two words "fighting" on it!

Chuck was stunned, "What is this?"

"This is similar to the school that the young master went to last time, but it is much better than the last school. President Li has also stayed there for a few days!" Betty didn't know much.

Chuck suddenly realized that this is almost the same as the current college.

Chuck now has the basics of fighting, and then go to school for further study, it is indeed possible to make Chuck a new level of fighting strength in time!

"It turns out that my mother has also been there," Chuck shrugged. "Where?"

"Master, you arrange the time, and when you are sure, I will take the master!" Betty said.

She knew that Chuck had his own plan recently.

This will have to wait until Chuckxin has no distractions to make progress even faster.

Chuck was silent for three seconds, "Well, I know."

It’s only a few days to go, and I’ll come back to study. Then my strength should not be too much for my mother, right? ?

Chuck is also looking forward to it!

Among the people Chuck is now in contact with, his mother's fighting strength is absolutely the first!

Youjia's strongest bodyguard is not a mother's opponent! !

However, as she saw Wan Ziwen for the first time, she said a sentence, if Wanjia's bodyguards came out to rank, the mother could not even enter the top 100, how much water is there in this

492 Read full book at: sentence?

Chuck is not clear at this stage.

But Chuck knows that since the Wan Family is the first family, among them, there must be too many Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and how many mothers can be ranked?

Can I go in?

Chuck didn't know all this.

Only things you know, no matter how powerful others are, it is king to improve your strength! !

Therefore, where the mother suddenly let herself go, Chuck will definitely go!

"Then master, you set the time yourself. Just tell me when you go!" Betty left.

Chuck put away Yu Pei, this place, the average person certainly can not enter, this must be introduced by someone, this is the ravine?

After all, last time, but in the forest! !

When Chuck thought about this, Yolanda suddenly called and Chuck was taken aback.

"Chuck, where are you?"

"Murongqing is here," Chuck and Murongqing were together last night, only Murongqing did his own thing in the morning.

"No, something happened!!!" Yolanda said.

My mother is a Baller with the novel 798. How did you do the work? Listen online with


What happened? "Chuck was shocked!!

Yolanda's ability is strong, there is absolutely no problem in handling things, and she will not call to say that something has happened until she can't solve it.

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Hit, then it means this matter is very serious! !

"Come here and say it again, the site, the phone, can't tell clearly!" Yolanda said, she was panic!

Yolanda has always been calm! !

It must be something unexpected, and it is a big problem!

"Okay, I'll come over immediately!" Chuck hangs up the phone and leaves the room, driving to the construction site.

This site, or the last time Chuck bought the land, visited it once.

In addition, there is no more!

Knowing that something went wrong in his place, Chuck drove at a fast speed. !

Driving to the construction site, Chuck found that many workers were surrounded by a place.

The construction period was half a year. This construction site already had a scale. It was not originally a high-rise building that was too high, so the construction period was not too long.

But something happened suddenly. Isn't this a delay? ?

Chuck is speechless!

At the critical moment, what happened? ?

Chuck's car stopped at the door and ran inside! !

But at this moment, there was a very harsh car chirping behind Chuck, and the same noise suddenly sounded!

Chuck, a master of fighting, feels that his ears are uncomfortable.

"Does her mother walk without looking at the road? Her eyes are on her buttocks?" A young man in a suit scolded Chuck on a BMW x6 car.

Chuck frowned, and it was indeed that he was blocking others' way. This was his mistake. Chuck didn't say anything and silently gave way.

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"Go away! Then block Laozi again, and I will die!!"

The young man in a suit spit out of the car window and spit on Chuck's shoes.

Chuck eyes cold! !

"It's Chuck?" At this time, a surprised voice came from the co-pilot.

This voice Chuck felt so familiar.

He deliberately looked inside the car, it was a superb beauty.

Long hair, suspenders, charming collarbone!


Chuck remembers, this is Ma Fang, the class leader of his first day!

At this glance, Ma Fang was recognized, and Chuck also knew the suit young man.

At that time, Ma Fang was early and was chased by Song Tianhao, the rich second generation of the school, and he kissed Ma Fang in public. The school was well known at that time.

Unexpectedly, the two are still together, this is really true love!

Since then, Ma Fang's strong squad leader has become the current top-notch beauty.

Maybe the relationship of love is too early, she is the same age as Chuck, but there is actually the charm of a young woman.

"Ma Fang." Chuck looked at Ma Fang's face and ignored the saliva on his shoes.

"Really, how has the change changed?? Why, not studying anymore? Dropped out of school and came out to work on site?" Ma Fang said with a smirk, with a mocking expression!

"I..." Chuck explained at random.

"Yes, right? At this time, the most famous hanging wire school in our school?"

Song Tianhao was surprised. He had seen Chuck before, just a quirky hanging wire, long and ugly, and dark skin.

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I c, why is this kid handsome?

The aura is also different.

But what about being handsome? It must have been junior high school. I dropped out of school and broke into the society. I worked on the job site, made some money, and was willing to dress myself up, so it looked different.

But it is also a dry site!

"Yeah, really, why did he suddenly become so handsome?"

Ma Fang's eyes were all bright.

She just thought she was wrong. Chuck at this time was different from studying.

At that time, Chuck was studying, and the cheap clothes on her body were too poor to die. Why would she not remember a class?

But Chuck is so handsome today?

Could it be that he has never seen him before?

Maybe, people in society will dress up a bit, but unfortunately it is just a dry site, moving bricks.

There's nothing good about it, just a bit of money for exhaustion and hard work.

"Where is he handsome? Just like that." Song Tianhao was upset. His girlfriend like a nympho is boasting that other men are handsome. He must be jealous.

"It's true, Bai blinded him with this face, and the work site went to waste."

Ma Fang shook his head, a little sorry.

"What does he do without work?" Song Tianhao laughed.

"I told you, this guy was terribly poor when he was studying. It seemed to be only 500 yuan per month for living expenses. Also, this guy had darkened me before."

"Dark?" Song Tianhao was even more upset. "What are you staring at this kid?"

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Ma Fang blushed into an apple. She didn't think she was talking. She couldn't help but look at

Chuck. How could this guy change so much?

Ma Fang was unexpected.

Alas, secretly looking at Chuck’s somewhat handsome face, Ma Fang was thinking about a question. At first, he had to take the initiative, and I might agree to look at the handsome handsome man, but it’s a pity...

Sure enough, it was right to ignore it at that time, did you suffer with it?

Construction site!

"Nothing, Chuck, diligent or not, if the construction site is doing well, come to my husband's construction company! Give a job opportunity!" Ma Fang said.

"No need! What are we doing here?" Chuck asked.

Lu Yuwen has always dealt with his construction site. Just now Ma Fang mentioned the construction company. Chuck suddenly realized that his construction site was contracted by

Song Tianhao's construction company? ?

Yes, otherwise what would he do to drive into the construction site?

That's a coincidence.

"What's the matter?" Song Tianhao was upset! !

His construction company contracted here, in order to meet the deadline and meet the needs of the boss. At that time, there were three workers on the top who did not wear a harness and fell down and died.

The dead on the construction site, serious, but to stop work.

This kind of thing, don't let too many people know as well.

"Chuck, isn't it on the job site? Don't just go shopping!" Ma Fang also said coldly.

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"Husband, let's get off the bus and deal with it. If the boss of this project comes over, then there will be a problem," Lu Yuwen has been in contact with them.

She also knows that Yolanda is a steward, but the real boss has never appeared here.

This construction site is very large, with billions of investment. That's the big boss. Song

Tianhao, the second generation of the rich, can't compare.

The boss of this project should be angry, and it is possible to cancel Song Tianhao's company.

That must have been a huge loss!

After all, it is their employees' own problems.

They squeezed into the crowd. Chuck saw blood on the ground from the cracks of the crowd.

Chuck stunned and sighed, it turned out to be dead on the job site...

My mother is a Baller, the novel 799. Why are you doing this? Listen online with novels

The people who work on the site are hard-working people, and all the hard-earned money is earned. Think-free-fee-watch-end-full-version please Baidu search-pin=book=net

Three died at once, then it means that the pillars of the three families are gone. No wonder,

Yolanda did not encounter such a thing, of course, it is not very easy to deal with.

Chuck called Betty.

"Hey, Sister Li, three people died on my site. Please help me check the family of these three people!"

"Yes, young master, I'll check this! Young master wait!"

The phone hung up and Chuck squeezed into the crowd.

This is not the first time Chuck has seen the dead, but this is the first time such an accident has occurred.

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Chuck's mixed tastes, such things must be done with a conscience.

As the contractor for this construction site, Song Tianhao paid as much as Chuck would pay, although it didn't matter what Chuck did.

"Her husband, it's too late for these three people to die, can't you be careful?" Ma Fang was angry.

The dead will lose money!

Seven hundred thousand one? !

"It's dying to die, it doesn't matter! That, Pharaoh, you and the three of them are fellows, you let their family come to pick them up, each of me gives them 300,000!" Song Tianhao said.

Ma Fang was guilty, or her husband was awesome. He paid 700,000 yuan, not his own family.

Just 300,000 yuan was enough!

"What? It's only 300,000, are you too dark?"

"One life, at least 700,000!"

"We have followed you for some time, how can you be so arrogant?"

On the construction site, they are usually fellows. When the boss said this, they were all anxious.

Who is old or small? ?

Suddenly died, the pillars of the family were gone, what should the family do?

What is 300,000 enough? ?

"What's noisy? I don't wear a seat belt, I blame me for my own death?" My mother lost 900,000 in vain, who should I justify? "Song Tianhao was angry.

"Hey, the boss can't say that, but you let us hurry up, you said, as long as the speed is up, the quality is up, don't worry about the rest?"

"Are you shameless? Lao Tzu let you die now, do you want to go?? Use your mind, the seat belts

499 Read full book at: are not tied, they are to find their own death, I gave them 300,000, already benevolent! Who she still? Say, just leave me!"

Song Tianhao reprimanded! !

"Isn't it alright?" Yolanda looked cold.

How can I say life is so cheap? The compensation should be one point.

This is a normal procedure, how can it be so much less? ?

"Manager Lu, I am unlucky. They don't wear seat belts. What does it matter to me? I'm also a victim!" Song Tianhao knew that Yolanda couldn't offend, and was kind! !

"Anyway, you are not doing this right!" Yolanda had suffered hard and knew the hard work of the work site.

When people die, there is so much less normal loss of money. This is no longer the last dignity.

"I don't think it's okay, so I should do it to let them know that if they want to go somewhere else, don't hurt me!"

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

"When you asked us to come to this site, but you got a ticket and said something was wrong,

700,000 people per person! Now that something has happened, you can't count?"

Song Tianhao's words, struck a thousand waves!

Arouse the indignation of the workers on the construction site! !

"What does not count? Lao Tzu pays 300,000. If you want to be obedient, don't just get out!"

Song Tianhao had no fear. His dad is a bit powerful. This sort of thing is easy.

"You, it's so arrogant!"

"My three fellows are worthless!"

They are helpless, what other ways can they have?

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Song Tianhao is very proud, and it really needs to be fierce.

Yolanda was angry. This person is so ridiculous, he actually found such an irresponsible construction company!

"Her husband, you are great, there are millions left, and the money saved, I want to buy a necklace!!" Ma Fang said smirkingly.

"No problem!" Song Tianhao shrugged.

How good is it to buy a necklace for your wife? ? Why should I pay these people?

"Song Tianhao, you are really black!" Chuck squeezed in from the crowd.

"What's the matter with Laozi Heiguan?? Chuck, it's not your turn to get here?" Song Tianhao was angry.

"Chuck, are you sick? Who told you to speak at this time? Shut up, you!!" Ma Fang was anxiously corrupted.

"Three hundred thousand is too few, one in two million!" Chuck said!

"Ah, who is this man? We from the construction site?"

"Not seen, but he was right!"

Chuck's words got their support! !

"You dare to say, two million? Believe me or not to spend money to die you? You kind of person. Just give a person fifty thousand, you can stab you! Come on, get out!" Song Tianhao said angrily.

"Get off!" Ma Fang pushed Chuck away.

Chuck is a master of fighting, how could a woman who does not understand fighting can push it? ?

"Two million, one point is not less!"

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"Do you think you are who you are? A poor ratio, academics forced to come forward, right? Lao

Wang, who asked you to allow him to come to my site to work?" Song Tianhao yelled coldly.

Chuck appeared on his contracted site, so he must be a worker on his site! !

Ma Fang sneered more than once, and turned out to be a worker at her husband's construction site.

Promising guy! Still learning others?

Do you have this strength? ?

There is no self-evident junk stuff!

"He is not from our construction site!" Lao Wang looked at Chuck again, shaking his head without knowing it, and the other workers shook his head and said they didn't know.

At a construction site, why don't you look down and see it all day long? ?

Chuck's face is too raw.

"Oh, no, do you still talk to her? Get out! You don't have any one here to stay! Pharaoh, let someone get him out!" Song Tianhao was furious!

The old king didn't move. He was particularly dissatisfied with Song Tianhao's handling. How could he still be obedient? ?

"I'm here, no one can let me go!" Chuck stepped closer!

Who can let Chuck go on his own construction site, his own project?

"Haha, no one let you go? Are you kidding me? What are you thinking?" Song Tianhao laughed.

A poor student who has dropped out of school halfway has a face to say this.

He is eye-opening!

Ma Fang was disdainful and despised, "Chuck, why haven't I seen that you are so good at writing pens?? Why don't you blush when you say this kind of pens?"

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"Go away, this is my contracted construction site, where you can't stand! Get away!!!" Song

Tianhao came over and pushed Chuck.

Chuck stands still, how can he push it? Song Tianhao was annoyed that this pen was indeed on a construction site and could not be pushed.

"This is your construction site that is not fake, but you don't know, you are contracting my construction site?" Chuck said lightly.

My mother is the 800th chapter of the Baller's audio novel. Forget it! Listen online with


"Hahaha! You are really kidding! My contracted site is yours?" Song Tianhao first of all, the expression that naturally appeared was mocking! !

How big is the investment on this site, he roughly knows that this site alone is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, not to mention the investment on this site. Product=Book/Web

There is no 3 billion worth of money, can this kind of place be taken down?

Such a rich man would be Chuck from the construction site who dropped out of school? ?

Chuck's sling like this, it is difficult to take out tens of thousands of tens of thousands on his body. Will it be the boss of this construction site? ?

"Chuck, I didn't expect you to be so vanity! You can say such shameless words?" Ma Fang was disappointed and disappointed.

At this meeting, she had changed Chuck so much, and she had an instinctive feeling in her heart, because Chuck's good figure and strong arm gave her a hormonal feeling.

After all, women are lecherous.

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Chuck was on the figure, but it was much better than Song Tianhao, she was so excited, how to say that she and Song Tianhao have been together for too long, and the aesthetic fatigue.

But this kind of goodwill was swept away by Chuck's shameless words.

It's a typical shameless! !

"Yes, it's mine!" Chuck stepped forward!

"Get off you!" Song Tianhao scolded, wasting time!

"Chuck, you are too shameless! Get rid of you!" Ma Fang can't stand it!

"You don't believe it? That's okay, I will cancel the contract with you!" Chuck said.

Song Tianhao, this person, has no bottom line. What kind of person can such a person come up with? ?

It is best to cancel the contract early.

It's no problem to find other construction teams.

"Haha! You still pretend to be pretty! Have you canceled the contract with me? Why don't you go to heaven?" Song Tianhao laughed.

"Chuck! You're driving!" At this time, Yolanda came out of the crowd.

Song Tianhao frowned, and Yolanda was the manager of this project. He knew that because

Yolanda had always negotiated with him, did Yolanda actually know Chuck?

Even Ma Fang was stunned.

"Well, to terminate the contract with him, you go to other construction teams."

"Well, I'm sorry, I..." How did Yolanda think that Song Tianhao was actually such a person, even with less money, really inhumane!

"No need to blame yourself, you don't know." Chuck shrugged.

"Manager Lu, is he really the boss of this place?" Song Tianhao doubted it.

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Yolanda's performance tells him that Yolanda and Chuck know each other, the relationship is not bad, is it the title? If Chuck is really the boss of this place, why does Yolanda, the manager, directly call Chuck the name?

Shouldn't I call the boss? ?

"Of course, I work under his men."

Song Tianhao immediately stared at Chuck, still full of doubts, "Ma Fang, didn't you say that this guy is poor?"

"Yes, he is a poor pen, husband, you are not in a class with him, you don’t know, he, he was so poor when he was studying, I never saw him wear good clothes, never saw him buy snacks After all, how can the poor people be the boss of this place? It is impossible at all!" Ma Fang disdain.

When I was studying, I was so poor, obviously not the second generation of rich, how long did I drop out of school? Is there so much money? That is even more impossible! !

Therefore, Chuck pretended to be deliberate.

Song Tianhao was silent for three seconds and nodded. "Well, I don't think so, but this Yolanda treated him..."

Doesn't Yolanda need to help Chuck for nothing? ?

"It must be the two of them." Ma Fang analyzed.

"That's right!" Song Tianhao's suspicion suddenly disappeared, no need to doubt!

"Chuck, you don't have to pretend, it's boring! Get out!" Song Tianhao laughed.

"It's up to you. Song Tianhao, I will cancel the contract with you!" Yolanda said coldly.

Song Tianhao was stunned and exasperated, "Yolanda, you dare!!! You think clearly, Chuck this hanging wire is just your friend, you need to talk to me like this for him? Let your boss know, you are ready Pack your things and get out!"

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"That's right, it's not big or small, I think you're a bad pen. The contract is signed. If you say that the contract will be cancelled? How old are you? The pig's nose has green onions. What kind of elephant do you pretend to be!" .

It's so angry!

"Yolanda, forget it, no need to cancel the contract, how about acquiring his company?" Chuck shrugged and changed his mind.

Building your own business empire definitely needs a professional construction team. In fact, you can also take this opportunity to start building.

"I watched his dad's company. The strength is good, and the project is not bad, so I chose to cooperate with them when I left. If I buy, I think it is OK," Yolanda said.

"Haha, are you going to buy my dad's company? Are you overwriting? My dad's company has a market value of one billion, you..."

"Only one billion, what are you proud of here?? No knowledge!" Chuck shrugged.

Song Tianhao is angry!

What is a billion? do you have?

"Sister Li, are you free? Yes? Well, I bought a company for me in the past. I don't know the name. The son of the boss of this company is Song Tianhao. Well, I'm waiting for you." Chuck shrugged.

Betty is also a negotiation expert. The CEO of this kind of company is simply not enough for

Betty to see. It happens that Betty is nearby, and it is quick to go there, according to Betty's speed.

Song Tianhao, Ma Fang looked at each other!

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"He really is the boss here?"

"I think it's possible. You can see that he makes a good call. It's not a big boss. There really is no such aura!"

The onlookers whispered.

"Hello, Chuck, are you still on the phone? You pretend to be a pen and look pretty good! I almost made it."

Song Tianhao laughed. "Are you going to buy my dad's company? Do you have money?"

"Yes, just wait," Chuck shrugged. "Yolanda, you have to ask for six million cash to come over.

We will also pay for it. After all, they are not easy."

"Well, if you don't say that, I also have this plan." Yolanda immediately did it.

"Wow, this big boss is really good, much better than Song Tianhao!"

"If he really bought Song Tianhao's father's company, I would follow him!!"

"Me too, it's safe to follow a good boss!"

The workers were excited.

Song Tianhao was annoyed and ate something inside and out.

"Chuck, why haven't you acquired my dad's company? Don't you know where my dad's company is? I tell you well, do you want it?"

"Her husband, just like his hanging wire, maybe he has money? It's just a pen!" Ma Fang disdain.

Song Tianhao laughed, too. He was so scared that he wanted to talk, and suddenly the phone rang. When he saw it, it was his father's phone.