YO~ ~EEDN7 ASK OPERA­ have the softening tiJ·cssmakcr TOR 25! We have it for you ... touches that many women find more the n;.me of the shop where you can flattering than a severely tailored find that wonderful new suit by look. \Vhen it comes to casuals you Lilli :\nn of San Francisco ... the will find everything in corduroys ... one with the hat-wing back, tapered skirts, jackets, weskits, jumpers sleenc,; and minimizing waistline. (Bazaar suggests wearing them bare We ,;aw it at SWAYZE'S SUIT and blouse less for festive evenings). AXD BLOCSE HOCSE in black jerkins and even caps ... in the gabanline. with smoked pearl but­ most alluring autumn colors. ton,;. and it"s every bit as smart as -+- it looked in Vogue. S\\'A YZE'S is LOVE THE ST:\I~K WHITE featuring the entire Lilli Ann col­ OPAQUENESS of old-fashioned lection. all tailored over custom­ milk glass with its lovely lacy bor­ like innerbodics. with half-lined ders? Then you'll be interested to skirt> : ,;ome in gabardine, others in know that KORBER'S GIFT SHOP men',; wear worsted with gabardine has a shipment of 'Vestmoreland's accents ... one with Persian lamh handmade reproductions, faithful in collar and tab on the single hip every detail to the old pattern.s. pocket ... all with the unmistakably There's a charming oblong howl 111 I orhdnal styling that means Lilli the famous "Notched Lacy-Edge" Ann. For a more conservative taste, pattern, authentic copy of a rare Mrs. Swayze suggests Oxford's collector's item. There are plates Originals by De Salas. Of Forst­ with Lattice Edges, Square S Bor­ mann',; ::O.Iilateen, these suits are ex­ ders, 'Vicket-Edges and the. pretty quisite in handling from fine crepe­ Ring and Petal design. Quamt old backed satin linings to couturier Wedding Bowls (originally. used for touche,; at collar and shoulder. They a treasured piece of weddmg cake) arc cut with the longer jackets char­ are hand-decorated with rose gar­ acteri,;tic of this fall's silhouette, and lands and sentimental lavender bows. Leaf bowls are made from the original mold over 60 years .old. :\ pair of lacy-edge T' canc;tlest1cks would he perfect in a "\ 1ctonan b~d­ room, and they're very inexpensive. On the modern side ... we see won­ derful possibilities in the new Black Chutnev shade used by Russel Wright for his ineo~parabl_r; sm~r.t pottery. And we thmk .::xou n.... like those Flaxma ts and Flaxnaps by Leacock. woven of 100'/c linen yarn ... in sage green, pale yel­ low, grey and rosy beige. -+- IT WILL BE A SMART CO­ ED who chooses a Judy 'n Jill for the most impor­ tant date of that Seep. 2 3015 East Central

Designed by Caryl McHarney printed by Valliant Printing Company, at 613 West Gold Edit~d and published by Janet Kron1er. Vol. 2, No. 12 ....2 Telephone 3-2245 Continued from p. I momentous first fortnight back on ~aml?us. For you can't beat a Judy n ]1ll when it comes to that just DIAMONDS right combination of simplicity and sophistication. Sure to make iash­ WATCHES ion news is Judy 'n Jill's velveteen cocktail dress: very tailored except SILVER for wide off-the shoulder neckline, with sleeves that point at wri~t and shoulder; you'll have to see this dress in a luscious tango red to real­ PERSONAL SERVICE BY ize how effective it is. For more TOM AND ANN JOSEPH casual occasions (you never know when a casual occasion will take a significant turn, do you?) \\"C sug­ gest a tissue woolen in vivid paid NOB HILL JEWELERS with pert_.. collar and cuffs of stif­ 3418 East Central at Amherst fened linen. Another GOLDE~ Phone 5-4158 PHEASANT exclusive is the Jackie Nimble line, budget-priced, and sure to make a hit with youthful wearers. "The Blithe Buttonaire" of wrinkle­ ...... shy corduroy, vou may have seen in this month's Glamour. \Vool jersey and corduroy makes an interesting Nieolai-Bond Co. combination in other charming ca­ "The Paint Masters" suals. In fact, we heartily recom­ Distributors of paints, fine wall· mend THE GOLDEN PHEASANT paper, painters' and artists' supplies, automotive refinish. to all school gals, from kindergarten 6ZO West Central Dfal6754 on up...... - ...... IJI -+- BOR~ IX AUGUST? Then TV car a peridot, or for thee, :Vo col!jugal felicity; The AllrJIISt-bom, 1Pithout this sto11e Tis said must li-.·c rmlm•cd and louc. REWARD Even if you've managed to escape for having your screens this horrid fate without a peridot, you'll still want to wear one when rewired with KooiShade Sun you see the new collection of "eve- Screen. Cooler comfort in hot weather. KooiShade blocks out sun-heat-keeps your homes as much as 20 INSURE degrees cooler on hot days. with Protects draperies and fur­ nishings from sun fade. PERSONAL PROPERTY Does the work of screens, and awnings-does it bet­ FLOATER ter, at lower cost. Have your screens re-wired with Protects everything Koolshade, now! wherever you are lalf Q~~etVI. CORPORATION SAVAGE & SGANZINI 101 0 N. First 6638 Realtors Phone 6751 2CW S. Fourth St.

2 mng emeralds" at FOGG'S. The pale green stone is supposed to exert its fullest power when set in gold ... and certainly it looks it's love­ liest that way. If the man in your life was "born in August, you're lucky too. For this is a month of two birthstones and the sardonyx is one of the most popular ring stones Makes for men. This red-brown stone makes fine cameo carvings, and fashion FOGG'S is showing some handsome ones. If you choose one for his history birthday, or some other gift occa­ sion, you have a romantic precedent, with for the ring Queen Elizabeth gave America's to Essex was set with sardonyx. -+- top ~fAKE THE MOST of what"s left of vacation time with pictures that designers will bring those wonderful days and places to life again next winter! THE CAMERA SHOP has every­ thing you need. And a word to the wise if you're going to Europe: Mr. Nob Hill Business Center Fach called our attention to a bulle­ tin from Eastman owthe film short­ age in Europe. Kodachrome, both still and movie, is limited. Koda­ Mn. M. color film is not available there at W. Lowe recommends all. -+- CADET MAGIC NAMES in hat labels at CLEANERS BARTLEY'S ... Mr. John, Hattie Carnegie, and an important new de­ 3126 E. Central 5-3752 signer, Mary Goodfellow, whom Nellie Bartley. met through the John Howdens in New York and whom she is delighted to introduce here. Rainey \Voolsey, her mother's right Native Craftsmen hand "man" on buying expeditions, says Mary Goodfellow is "giving them all, all the hat designers, a Hand Made run for their money". Personally and Carved we'd find it hard to pick the winner Furniture . . . so distinctive is this fall col­ lection. We're mad about the Mr. Johns. Hatter's plush in bright­ dark blue makes a bell cloche, one Southwestern of the designs that created such a and Ranch furore in his "Headlines and Hat­ St:yle lines" showing at the white and gold Please see p. 4

WESTMORELAND .dte;t{ln.f] SILVER ~ "This ram's-head mark " 3718 N. Second means highest quality in sterling silver." George P. Sandoval, Prop. W. F. Shelton, Jr. 6963

3 Valley's

Red calf wi th black suede trim ...... $15.95

Matching cylinder Bag in red ...... $8.95

3500 East Central Nob Hill Center •

evening cap of black ma line with delicate sprays of g lycerined os­ trich! B lack cockta il veils, from France, aglitter with gold sequins Continued from p. 3 a re g la morous too (and not expen­ salon on E. 57th St. It has a little s ive). A marvelous collection of velvet butto na top the high crown ~vladc a p s, carefully selected as their and a stiffened veil. Those stiffened hig her priced s isters, includes ber­ veils give importance to ma ny of the ets. "chukker" caps, cute Dutch sea~!:n ' s sma rtest ha ts.-worn under instead of over the brim, sometimes bonnets. --+- ma king a coif w hi ch outlines the WHEN YOU FEEL YOU CAN'T face a nd confines the hair in back. COP E, for one reason or another, One of the highlights of Mary Good­ with the business o f pla nning and fellow's "Sulphur and Smoke"' col­ preparing a meal, order a box sup­ lecti on is a romantic bicorne o f per of fri ed chicken. A nd if you black solei! with such a coiL A ma ­ like it deli c iously a nd freshly pan tador style in gold velour by H a ttie fried order it from RIC E ' S Carnegie a lso uses a s leek coif veil. CHICKEN DINNERS . T hi s is a n In the Carnegie group, ha ts are especia lly good solution fo r tha t sma ll , cl osely moulded, with supple evening when the rest of the fa mily easy draping. You must see her

4 is going out and you don't want to "fuss" for yourself. Or if the fam­ ily's all on deck with that hungry­ as-bears look and you still don't want to cope, suggest RICE'S where you get "all the chicken you can eat", a complete dinner from soup to dessert, for $1.65. -+- PUMPS AND VARIATIONS OF PUMPS are the fashion news in shoes this fall. So says W. H. Sar­ gent and so says Vogue! There's a trend toward glamour too in "five to midnight" footwear, and we can't wait to see the black suedes sprin­ kled with rhinestones, high-heeled and delicately cut, which SAR­ GENT'S will have by the time you read this. Everybody will be talk­ ing too, about the new black velvet opera pumps. There will be bags galore to go with these new shoes • • . both "clutch" and strapped styles, with rhinestone trim ... and 3804 E. Central 5-2612 lots of little clutch bags in black velvet. Designers are coming out with new ideas for trimming suede with grosgrain and braid, Mr. Sar­ i'-,._T.OJV& gent said. And there will be casuals, Eaton's & Cranes': ...J... •• in suedes and leathers, with nailhead Pound Paper and~ 18t;JJI;19) I Envelopes "+~ Jlii Please see p. 6 ~RV,_. HOWDEN STATIONERY Hust's Flower Shop Nob Hill Center Dial 5-2191


ULT'.RA policy is 10 policies in ONE

Call us today for all the facts about this important policy

Clinton P. Anderson 113 S. Third Street Phone 3-5666 414 E. Central Dial2-2642

5 NEW MEXICO STATE BANK ___ S~7a/A Continued from p. 5 trims. Interesting details in perfora­ "Resources Over $11,000,000" tions and stitchings are used on tail­ ored shoes and many of them fea­ ture light extension soles. Colors include a "green pepper" that's won­ Statistics inllicate that d~rful in reptiles. navy, cherry red, the majority of individ­ cigarette brown. -+- uals using a bank's MANY YEARS AGO there lived service are women. and worked in Spain a wood-carver Women will appreciate named Jesus Santistevan. \Vhen the convenience of our still a young man, the wood-carver parking lot, our drive-in travelled to Cuba. Later he came to New Mexico and with his family, teller's window, and the which included a small grandson, friendly service and at­ Jorge Sandoval, settled in Taos. mosphere that they find When George, as he now is called, here at this bank. was a boy, his grandfather taught him to carve the saints. Later he was allowed to sand and round the corners of furniture grandfather Member Federal Deposit Insurance made in his workshop. By the time Corporation he was 16, George had become so skillful that he was given full re­ sponsibility for filling orders. A 5-1686 few years ago the famous old fur­ niture maker and sculptor died. Now ------3022 E. CENTRAL his grandson, George Sandoval, lives and works in Albuquerque where he has a cabinet shop, NA­ TIVE CRAFTSMEN, on N. Second. l!lliEIJEIJ Here he makes and carves beautiful to: YOU "trasteros", chests, chairs, tables and beds, using the authentic old from: DIXIE FLORAL CO. designs and traditional methods. -+- It's fine to refresh your house SEPARATE - INSEPARABLES plaf_lts by placing them outside featured at MARILYN'S mean that durmg a cool afternoon shower a careful selection uf 6 or 8 "separ­ if you just don't forget to ates"-skirt, blouse, jacket, sweater take ~hem in immediately after (a BERNUDA) can be evolved into the ram stops ! Even a few min­ 10 or 12 "Inseparables "--costumes utes in the hot sun that often fol­ for school or for parties-a whole lows a shower can seriously burn fall and winter wardrobe. Petti, these tender house plants. Joan Miller, Betty Barclay are the Stop in to see our African 1 designers-sizes run 9-15 and 10-20. violets, in deep purple and a love­ The new corduroys in glowing gold, ly pale pink . . . richly colored chinesey red, rust, salmon, green, gloxinias ... fiddle-leafed figs include waistcoats with square neck, ferns ... strikingly orna- buttoned up the back, worn inside mental caladiums . . . rubber or out, with or without blouse­ plants. skirts, a Featheroy circular, incredi­ We have a varied and novel bly soft-leaves no marks-in a sub­ collection of pottery, brass and tle greyish tan; other models with copper planters too. fullness in front and trickey pockets. 219 N. Mulberry Dla17721 Jackets with loose sleeve or gath­ ered sleeve with jaunty turned back cuff. Tailored skirts, too, of course. In wool jersey, soft skirts of \\'y-

6 See the March of Fa II and Winter STYLES


ner's jersey ($10.45-$14.95 ) will not sag-(perfect for evening, too, \\·ith velveteen blo use) - j e t· sey bl o uses "H~Yt;;···ui;;·~~··u;i"~":=.~ with sho rt. three-qua rter a nd long ·=-' s I e e v e - ($3.95-$7.95) . A new "For your supreme S\IVANK ta il o t· ed shirt by Petti i d itJing pleasure.n i plea ted in front has stiff turned back coll a rs a nd cuffs a nd the cutest ~ 3900 E. Central Phone 5-5102 ~ ma tching o r contrasting cuff links : ••••• • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• {! included in the pt·ice-$5.95. -+- Vanlandingham=·, S I NCE WE LAST P.--\ID A \'IS­ I T to Miss F oster a t the CO RS E T S H O P PE. she has mo1·ed into la rger quarters, two a pa rtments south, in ~~i~ct!~~Fi3IGNERS :===.i the a pa rtment house a t 221 N . . Antiques E ighth .. . a nd has added some of 1200 East Central Dial 2-4150 the loveli es t lingerie yo u've e1·e t· ~...... seen. \ Ve caug ht her putting fin ish­ ing touches on her new fi tting room cal garments. My fa ll fo unda tio ns a nd a ttractively a rra nged lingeri e a re coming in dail y, and wa it 'ti l counter. S he is now carry ing a full you see the n e11· !vi o cl a rt g ird les­ line of lingerie( encha nting slips, prettiest things you eyer la id your one hund red per cent Du Po nt nylon. eyes on !" lavishl y trimmed \\· ith net a nd lace - ·I-- insets) and hosiery as well. .-\ncl D RIN K l.llXER S CO:vfi\L-\ND­ M iss Foster isn't di smayed by the MENTS g iven us hy !.fr. \\'eiller of present cl ay cris is in buying . "I still T HE BR.--\SS R--\IL a re especia ll y have pl enty of ha rd-to-find items," apt these cl ays when it behooves us she said, "ny lon g ird les . iull a nd to buy quality a nd use our brains ha lf s ize bras, one piece. and surg t- P lease seep. 8

7 r

Continued from p. 7 and ingenuity to keep life gracious. Buy the best liquor you can afford and buy it from a person who knows what your particular brand of money can buy to the best advantage. Mr. W eiller really knows and will advise you when you need advice-(and A Fine Place to Eat who doesn't). Mixing drinks is an art with as much need for propor­ BREAKFAST tioned ingredients and skill as crepe LUNCHEON DINNER suzettes. So-measure with a jigger -not your eye; when fruit juice or Fried Chicken T -Bone Steaks sweetening is used pour liquor last­ (sugar won't dissolve in spirits). Use fresh fruit-not canned and re­ ON THE TRIANGLE move the bitter, white underlining 2933 MONTE VISTA. BOULEVARD of the peel when cutting the fruit. Ice-clean and fresh! glasses­ Open 8:00 A. M. to 9:30 P. M. shining and chilled! powdered sugar -not granulated. If shaking is Closed Sundays called for SHAKE-not rock. If stirring, STIR not shake. -+- ---;:=;;-~;;;-•••••-m1 THE HIGH COST OF CHEAP CONSTRUCTION is a theme Mr. Bonded-Trustworthy E Harries of the HARRIES LUM­ BER COMPANY discusses with maids cooks ! porters yardmen I telling facts. "Construction of kitchen help baby sitters I houses is not a casual purchase," he says, "but buyers are keepers." Dif­ Simonton Maid Service I ferent types of wood vary greatly in 21134 W. Central Phone 4867-2·4532 i tensile strength so don't use Pon­ ..._··-·----..-· iniiiill1 derosa pine which tests 800-900 lbs. to the square inch in a place where you need a wood which tests 11-1400 draperies lbs. The same applies to grades of upholstery lumber. You can use No. 3 on sub flooring for instance but you can't slip coven use it in joists for floors. If your floor span calls for a 2xl0-a 2x8 may be terribly expensive. So get the best and most expert advice IRENE '\, ~ available. Harries has for house builders charming and practical "'LO house plans given to you without cost. These houses are designed by 0\'l- t E, BARNETT t r a i ned architects, construction planned by construction engineers. DIAL 2-9165 And make use also of the experience, foresightedness and care for your 2609 W. Mountain Road welfare which Mr. Harries will give you. -+- TAKE OUR TIP! Be the first to furniture see Dee Dee Johnson's matchless carpets collection of "Matchees" at AR­ DEN'S,-a group of versatile sep­ refinishing arates that may provide you with a completely new wardrobe . . . or

8 with just the thing you need to point up the one you have. You might start with a slim skirt, a "Jim­ Dandy" weskit and a pongee shirt. Add a jacket, a full skirt, a flannel shirt, and, to wear over all, a full­ length lined coat. Lo! you have a wardrobe for any daytime occasion. We were delighted with the new combinations of materials-a smart cotton skirt topped by a wool jersey blouse . . . feather-weight corduroy dresses highlighted with velvet trims ... wool jerseys dressed up with velvet touches ... and last but not least, that inviting material, "caress-suede". And such colors­ glorious chrysanthemum shades of red, L>rown, golden rust, toast, cinna­ mon, and greens just the shade of chrysanthemum stems and leaves. Mrs. Wilson adds, "taupe and shades of blue are high on fashion's color chart for this fall as well." -+- "Distinctive Ci!ts" ALREADY YOU HAVE LONG LISTS of things to J.>e done before your child goes back to school. You have made appointments with the Rhodes dentist, and eye doctor. You r daughter doubtless has indicated Super Markets what shopping she has in mind. Add one item to your list, and collect all 3500 East Central the family's shoes for repairing at 1403 North Girard FRANK'S. He'll give them a face­ 2010 Ridgecrest Drive lifting and sole-saving you'd never 4406 Menaui-Bel Air believe possible. All work is done 4800 East Central by experienced shoemen. All work 1105 West Central is guaranteed, with delivery service if you wish. FRANK is particularly Cliff Rhodes proud of his "invisible" sole-no Owner and M gr. sewing and no nails. You'll find to your delight he's an expert in dye- ing, too-twenty-four-hour service. rr------~.., He specializes also in luggage and C H E C K E R handbag repairs. No need now to ever throw away your favorite hand C A 8 bag. -+- DIAL YOU WALK IN BEAUTY wearing Vanity Fair's intimate ap- 7 7 7 1 Piease see p. 11

"All the Chic~en You Can Ear ~tee'4 CHICKEN DINNER 210 S. Yale, Tel. 2-8428 Pkg. Dinner, Delivered ...... 1.25 Complete family dinners in our Dining Room ...... 1.60

0 0 a 0 0 0 0 a o e o 0 0 6 e * 0 ° 0 o o e 0 o 0 e e 6 e o o o o e o e o o e 6 6 e o e o e


"Someone asked me when we first is plaster. painted a sea g reen . The moved out here on Rio Gra nde w hat other is knotty pine. Dra peries a re period of furniture I planned on hand-blocked o n sa il c loth. in an old using," M rs. J erome Lippett recall ed E ng li sh pa tte rn. 11·ith a soft mus­ as we sat on the brick-la id terrace. ta rd backg ro und fo r fu ll biO\\·n "I thoug ht a minute and said, 'I fl owers o f Jacque t· reel a nd da rk g uess it's furniture. peri od!' There g reen leaves. Boxed cornices arc a re few things in the house tha t we done in the sam e musta t·d · shade, haven't accumulated during a num­ banded by lacquer t·ed . Soli d g reen ber of years. I love colo r a ro und is used fo r s lip covers o n the ba m­ me,- you might say vivid li ving­ boo lo unae Bt·in·ht t· ao- rurrs a re and when we moved in here thank sca ttered ~ y-e r the"' ,,·axectbricl7 . fl oor, heaven a ll the things we had col­ a nd the a rra ngem ent o f furniture is lected seemed somehow to go to­ pe rfect fo t· unha mpered entcn a ining. gether." The li Ying t·oom is sli g htly m o re .A nd indeed they do, with cha rm fo rma l. 11·ith exqui s ite pa nel dra per­ a nd g racious li ving felt in every ies of rose beige sail cloth, their nook a nd cra ny of the house. A com­ fl o ra l desig n sta rting a t the f loor bination of T erritoria l a nd ra nch a nd diminishing towa rds the top. style a rchitecture, the house is a v:a isthigh book cases divide this happy union of roominess, comfo rt room from the dining -room. wher e a nd friendliness. You sense these the same pa tte rn in dra pe ries is used qua lities immedi a tely, as you walk at wide w indo11·s overlooking the through the spacious living room broad S\\·e ep o f law n a nd ga rden s. into the enclosed porta l whi ch ser ves S ha des o f g r een. rose. beige a nd as den and playroom. pa le yell ow are used in the furnish­ Glass doors and w indows on the ings o f the living-r oom , with a cozy south side of the room di vide the g ro uping a ro und the fireplace and portal from the a dj oining terrace. a lovely lung sofa a t the fa r end o f Casement windows on the east over ­ the room . A sati s fy ing continuity look a beauti ful garden a nd g reat bet11-ce n the two room s is further a t­ stretches of velve ty g reen lawn . T he ta in ed o f g reens and ruse beige in best fea tures of inside and outside the interesting ly block quilted up­ li ving are combin ed in this cha rm­ holstery on dining- room cha irs. ing room where M rs. Lippett has in­ By S!\LI.Y H ARRI:.JGT O:.J. dulged her fl a ir fo r color. O ne wall (T ips fu 1· Builde rs u n P. ~3) 10 Continued from p. 9 Consult pare! of today. You a re lovely. but nylon makes you loveli er in "Star THE SUN DIAL \Vhite'' contour-fitted s lips. extrava­ gantly hemmed with permanent ac­ cordion pleats and ribbon beading. Home Decorations r\11 this, and more. is fo und in Vani­ ty Fair's fall line of li ngerie, just Draperies arrived at THE TOWNE HOUSE. You' ll see a n encha nting peignoir to Rugs wear over the most frag il e of night gowns-both completely pleated, the Furniture coat fin ished w ith lace midriff and double row of pearl buttons. You'l l never resist a honey beige s li p de­ The most interesting shop s ig ned for your most elegant gown, w ith accordion pleated bodice, your in New Mexico!! f igUt·e contour outlined in bands of fi lmy lace. For lovely lines. TOWNE HOUSE suggests "Youth One Nob Hill Center C raft'' . . . the girdle with the lin­ gerie look in dawn blue, sunset pink, or bride's white. This g ird le has t\\·o-way stretch and feather st itch­ ing clown the front ($5.95). Do see Zipmolcl, the g irdle that real ly nips the hips, with its ten panel inserts of ny lon and net. A zip per -back Please seep. 12 A HAPPY MONTH "' Phone 9793 416 North Fourth ~ s:: "'> FURNITURE s:: "' ACCESSORIES FABRICS GIFTS home LAMPS furnishings FLOOR decorative COVERINGS services by

1415 W. Central Dial 8237

DIAL 5-3416 32 15 EAST CENTRAL

11 S~7~ Old Town Plaza Continued from p. 11 gives the sleekness of a pull over, the convenience of a zipper ($5.95). Maiden Form bras come in five dif­ ferent materials, nylon, nylon ply­ .El Bachillero form, nylon mesh, satin and lace, and broadcloth. --+- LUNCHEON, TEA, SUPPER HAVE YOU EVER HEARD of Syco planter bowls? Well, they're GIFTS wonderful things and we speak from experience. Since using one, our philodendron has grown to amazing proportions and our friends have gone so far as to accuse us of hav­ ing a green thumb! The credit all Open 11 :30 to 8 Except Sundays goes to Harry Hust at HUST FLOWER SHOP who told us about • • • these new plant bowls. "Syco plant FOR SPECIAL PARTIES CALL bowls breathe," he told us. "Their porous walls are capable of absorb­ BEFORE 10:30 A. M. 2·2578 ing all surplus water not immediate­ ly required by the plant, and this storage and release is the closest possible duplication of natural soil WRIGHT TRADING POST action." Try one and you'll never use anything else. What's more they come in many smart styles and col­ ors. By the way, if you are looking for brass or copper planter's bowls, HUST'S have a beautiful collection of these too, and will plant them in 324 W. Gold Dial 1297 your choice of philodendron, ivy, mother-in-law tongue, split-leaf philodendron, or caladium. --+- INVESTIGATE THE BLACK­ STONE, product of America's old­ est washer manufacturer, if you're in the market for a better washday accomplice. Investigate the Black­ stone, by all means, for ~L R. Bu­ chanan, in whose opinion we have great confidence, considers it the ManhaHan most satisfactory of all. But first of • shirts all, Get Blackstone's booklet on au­ tomatic washers (yours for the ask­ • sportswear ing at BUCHANAN'S). It gave us • pajamas a far better understanding of the • underwear different types of washers and points to be considered than we ever have • ties had before. We were much im­ pressed by the objectivity of this statement, for example: "Only a few VALS MENS WEAR makes of automatic washers have higher extraction efficiency (in "On the Triangle" damp-drying) than the Blackstone." The Blackstone performs by the os­ 2937 Monte Vista Blvd. cillating agitator type of action, principle used by most major wash-

12 Use Home Building Service Detailed plans for your home- architect designed Weyerhaeuser engineered See RANCH TYPE House desi~n for modern living 6144 N. Second Tel. 3-9113

ers. \1\,Te particula rly like its method o f rinsing which skims fl oating dirt off thro ugh openings at top of the tub. Blacksto ne is fully automa tic. C~~!:~~NJ{S Let BUCHANAN'S tell you a bout it. -+- 613 W. Central Next to Franciscan ITS J UST A ROUN D THE COR­ NER O F OLD TO\;VN PL.-\ZA, southea st-a new a nd deli ghtful tea­ room-EL BACHILLERO, w hich is open continuously from 11 :30 to 8 :00 P. M. every cla y except S unday. It meets a long felt want in Old T own, especially for those o f us whose meal hours are irregular a nd w ho get hung rier and hung rier as we .go too late from place to place wh1ch flaunt "closed" signs. The tea room serves deli cious luncheons, teas a nd suppers. One cl ay our exit was ac­ L___J_ companied by such an enticing J I a roma (spaghetti sauce- a n old fam­ il y rec ipe) tha t we a lmost made a day of it and stayed on for supper. As it's na me implies, E L BACHIL­ LERO is a place to m eet friends, to eat a nd cha t a nd .M rs. Flanders and her daughter Phyllis a re such Please see p. 16 • 13 • • • •

Seven-year-old Janet Latsha had just taken down her sign "Purses for Girls-1 and 2c" when we came to call on her mother. Janet is the little girl who made the miraculous recovery from asthma at St. Joseph's Hospital, after doctors in Texas and Okla­ homa City said they "had done all they could". The "mercy" flight that saved her life was followed with months of care by the Sisters from gift-wrappings. It was titled of Charity who found Janet "of a "Angels and Toys". most unusual nature, spiritually". An AP photo of the little girl smiling Needless to say we became Janet's from her hospital bed, though doc­ first (and we're sure not her last) tors believed her dying, brought the customer! offer of help from the Sisters here But the real point of this story is and financial aid from all over the to tell you that Janet's mother, has country. hung out her dressmaking shingle at Now Janet has been out of the 5160 E. Coal. Employed at the hospital since May,-for the longest hospital while Janet had to stay period in her whole life. there, she now must find a means of "I didn't sell a purse," she told support that will enable her to stay us, her green eyes serious. "And I at home with her little girl and pro­ made them very pretty." vide all the things Janet needs to She held up a tiny bag made of a insure recovery. scrap from her mother's sewing and Mrs. Latsha is a sweet-faced "painted" with crayola flowers. woman who still finds it hard to "Look what else I made!" And believe those seven terrible years of she showed us a book of cut-outs struggle to save her child's life

When you cannot accommo­ date your out of town guests .f?oWJe o/ /1&1/in/14 in your home Decorating Consultants to We invite you to consider Albuquerque Homemakers the DRAPERIES SLIPCOVERS DE ANZA BEDSPREADS MOTOR LODGE UPHOLSTERING 4301 E. CENTRAL AVE. PHONE 5-1654

All modern conveniences-with telephone in each room Over I ,000 Fabrics from which to choose Catering to the discrlmblating clientele 215 East Central Ave. Ph. 2-5574 ..)

14 ?tl99- d. "Oa the SuMhiM eo,_.. Headquarters for Diamonds Since 1921

Phones 7334 or 6150 CENTRAL AVENUE at SECOND

are over. She has a real talent for shouldn't have another day of worry designing and making little girls' about anything! And we know you'll clothes. No little girl ever had a want to take advantage too of more complete and charming ward­ Janet's "Purses for Girls, 1 and 2c". robe than Janet, and it's all done from "made-overs". :!\1rs. Latsha makes her own clothes too, and al­ though this is the first time she CHAPLIN ALLEY has sewn professionally we have no hesitation at all in recommending 411 l'f. Second St. her. She sews beautifully! TeL 2-mB Do gather up whatever sewing you OPEN BOWLING ALL DAY have right away and take it to Mrs. EVERY DAY Latsha. We know you'll agree she PRESCRIPTIONS h.!~. "EDICAL & DENTAL BLDG.~ ALBUQUERQUE. 106 SO.GIRARD ST. Y NEW MEXICO

15 S~7~ Continued from p. 13 charming hostesses that you'll lose track of time, as we did. If you'd like to have a special party they'll serve it for you-only notify them by telephone before 10:30 A. M. We saw there some cute salts and pep­ pers and other gifts about which "Excellence we will say more another time. -+- without GOOD NEWS for sportsmen and extravagance" parents. vVe have a new uptown sport shop which carries reliable sport goods, with a wide price range SPORTSWEAR -from Bausch and Lomb's fabulous DRESSES Hunting Rifle Range (about which LINGERIE more later-but wives of hunters be­ gin to save your pennies now) to the ACCESSORIES fishing rod or baseball bat for the youngster. F. GOOD SPORTING GOODS is a real neighborhood 4008 E. Central 5-6323 store- where mothers may telephone to fit a child to Keds, let us say, and know that the child can go there alone and be fitted properly. Frances, from Pennsylvania, and r Shoe repair I Ford Good, from Chicago, are while you wait charming and helpful-married in Chicago not so long ago, they are now real New Mexicans, enthusias­ R u tic about the climate, the people, the fishing and the hunting. They carry A Amelia g Please see p. 20 Earhart N g When you see Samsonite a a better K paint job ... Skyway ••• g ' You can bet s e it's 3118 East Central Ave. Telephone 5-2081 DEVOE PAINT ~ FURNITURE DECORATED GLASS PAINTED Zia Paint Store ANTIQUES 4011 E. Central Rear San Felipe Church Dial 5-6468 Old Town

115 U'e'~e ~~, For 7tuJ./,,, Cooling Refreshment Drop in at Determines "Selling Appeal" Dear Mrs. Kromer: To determine the selling appeal of FOR your Shopping Notes, I decided that Ice Cream, Malts, Sherbet, in the month of June, I would fea­ Shakes, Banana Splits, and ture an advertisement on our Jewel Summer Candies ••• Dawn­ Barbecue Brasier. The results were town • • • and aur Quality that we sold two dozen and were Candies ••• Uptawn. forced to order at two different On the Hill Downtown times to meet our demand. 3416 E. Central 111 W. Central I attribute the "sell-out" to that Dial 5-2311 Dial 3-080!1 one advertisement in your Shopping Notes. Yours very truly, Woodruff's-julian ELECTRIC CITY Wilmot Duplentis. the "Sold Out ...At Once" Madam: shop We are very well pleased with the results obtained from advertising in for the "Janet Kromer's Shopping Notes". In your column, "Shop women Talk", you mentioned a room cooler we had to offer; suitable for one and room. Vl/e received approximately . 25 calls on this cooler the first day mzsses the magazine was received. For a period of 10 days calls continued 2904 E. Central Dial 5-4711 about the cooler, all referring to the "Shopping Notes"! Needless to say, we sold out of coolers at once! This cooler was advertised only in the 4307 North Fourth "Shopping Notes". [ COTTONS • WOOLENS Sincerely, RAYONS MEAD HARDWARE CO. R. F. Mead, Pres. THE YARDSTICK

17 §~~ ·------• • ~Pe~t6tJPe t6 Barbara Simpson, daughter of Mr. and --· Mrs. A. A. Simpson, is off by plane for New York to meet her Italian fiance. and Memo from probably by the time you read this will be the wife of Dr. Eugenio Morigi, of Genoa. :Mrs. Simpson and her daughter TOWNE HOUSE returned last month after an extended stay in Italy where Barbara's blond BLACK ROSE MAGIC COL­ beauty made her the toast of gossip col­ umnists and the center of attention OR ... creates excitement with wherever she went. The Simpsons were adaptations of costumes for fall. introduced to Roman society at a large cocktail party given by Barbara's brother. AI, soon after their arrival. Al Simpson, Fabulous ! Functional ! Dual who was assistant deputy chief of the I.R.O., is much beloved in Italy and purpose role for gracious living was awarded the Order of St. Sylvester for dramatic afternoon and eve­ by Pope Pius XII for his services to the ltalian people. Among the long list of nings at home or abroad . . . those who entertained for the Simpsons were Admiral and Mrs. Francis Ment;r;, powerfully exploited by 20th Cen­ Count and Countess Spaletti, Mr. and tury Fox in their technicolor Mrs. Peter Borre (he was attorney for Dr. Peter Lindstrom in the famous Berg­ triumph, THE BLACK ROSE. man affair), and the Marquessa Campa­ f. neri. Just before they sailed for home There is still time for you to the State Department gave a cocktail party in their honor at Naples. share the biggest excitement in -+- color of this year at THE Among other summer travelers in Eu­ TOWNE HOUSE! rope: Mrs. H. J- Fitch who is making a tour of and the Continent ... ' Mmes. Ethel Rockwood and Elizabeth Simpson, who, last we heard, were on their way to Sweden after a week on the P. S. Pick up your tickets now at French Riviera ... Judge and Mrs. John The Towne House for the Fall Fashion Simms who returned earlier in the summer Premiere on August 28th. from a ·European tour . . . Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Lovelace II who are spendinl( Au­ ~ust in Europe ... Mrs. Edgar D. Otto who went to Germany in June for a re­ union of friends made during a visit there in 1934 .... the Pearce C. Rodeys who were to return from a trip which in­ cluded Egypt in time for the wedding on Aug. 12 of Alonzo Bertram Rodey to F. GOOD Joan Lenore Beerling in Lake Forest. III. . . . Attending the wedding from Albu­ querque were to be Mrs. A. B. McMillan, Sporting grandmother of the bridegroom . . , his aunt, Mrs. R. P. Woodson, Jr., and Peyton Woodson,. who was to be one of the Goods ushers. Two years ago the wedding of the former Miss Sheila Rodey to Edgar Faust of Chicago, at St. John's Cathedral was a fashionable late summer event Fishing equipment ... . here. athletic goods ... golf .. . -+- tennis ... camp equip­ Friends of ours, with a beautiful brand new car, drove up to see friends of theirs ment . . outboard mo­ . • . parked the handsome job with a flourish and awaited the approval of their tors . . . movie cameras hostess as she came down the walk to ... kodaks ... guns ... meet them. "Well," she exclaimed, ammunition ... dog sup- "you've a new hairdo, haven't you?" plies.... -+- Sarah Bartley Woolsey, home for the .summer from St. Katherine·s in Daven­ port. Iowa, had a wonderful time visiting Jeannette Pruyn Reed and her daugh­ 3110 East Central ter. "Dietzie", at the Onteora Cluh in the Catskills. The club was founded hv Mrs. Dial 5-2131 Reed's grandmother for theater tleople, musicians. artists and writers. back in the '90s. !"arah was delighted with Maude Adams, who recited from ''Peter Pan" for her ... drank lu:r milk from a cup that belonged to another Sarah (the great Bernhardt) ... and had a generallv mar· vclous time. ~Irs. Reed will be hack at ht'r Los (;rit•gos ''casa" next month to J 18 ------··-.·--=uE -·.,r, rA .i~ • •-...... start her fall classes in rhythms: plans to concentrate on therapeutic work this year. PROTECT!! Newest and most interesting of publish· ing ventures: Adja Yunkers' "Prints of the Desert" which will contain original WITH INSURANCE prints by Yunkers. Frederick O'Hara, Jack Garver and Bob Walters, and an AI Jarrett photograph. Prints and photo· graph wi II be pasted in. so they can be removed for framing. The magazine will INVEST!! be published in a limited edition of 200. most of which will be absorbed by mu­ IN REAL PROPERTY seums and collectors. . . It will contain no advertising ..• will sell for $15. First issue should be out this month. • -+- 0\"ERHEARD AT A TEA PARTY: "She's a terribly nice person but she ANDERMAN does say the very worst things about her very best friends. WE WONDER WHO. -+- & FIRST \VO~IAN to be honored with an invitation to represent her clan at the GLASEBROOK Jubilee Festival held every 20 years in Scotland is Dr. Margaret Craigie Brew­ ington. The next great conclave is set for August 1951 in Edinburgh and "Dr. REAL TORS & INSURERS OVER Peggy" expects to be there to represent A QUARTER CENTURY the Craigies. Delegates from all of Scot­ land's 300 clans will gather for the big event. Ph.8831 209 W. Gold Amy Bond wiii spend the winter in Mexico City studying at the National Unh·ersity. Scott Adler, whose Sigma Al­ pha Epsilon pin Amy has been wearing since the Christmas holidays, will enter Harvard ~Iedical this fall • . . the first -BUTANE GAS­ University of New l\Iexico student to be enrolled there, we understand. & -+- APPLIANCE CO. Bill de Hart, designer and maker of dis­ tinctive jewelry. will teach a class at Emilie von Auw's Studio Workshop in the fall. A series of 10 lessons will be of­ fered be~innin~t in September. Miss von FOR Auw is painting and vacationing at Eagle Nest ... plans to return hy end of the Suburban homes month and we suggest you call her then if you wish to get in on this unusual op­ portunity. and Ranches

Handsome Julia Seligman looking very stunning at a morning- event in a big hat • Heating of yellow burlap, worn with a skirt of Kelly green lJUJ>Iin and a lime-yellow blouse...• • Cooking • Refrigeration Peggy Flinsch and her daughters, Anga and Jo-Jo, are spending August at their Corrales home . . . they motored west • Lighting from New York with Mr. and Mrs. Wym Nyland who are their guests here . . . 1\Irs. Nyland is the designer. Ilonka Karasz. --+- Complete Installations An attractive booklet on Old Albu­ querque "writ by Irene Fisher, .. _ with sketches a

~~.~' Continued from p. 16 1.i,.: a fin~ line of athletic goods, dog suppl!es, th~ best of fishing and and campmg equ1pment, luggage, kodaks guns, ammunition, movie cameras: o?tboard motors, equipment for ten­ ms and golf and are the uptown dis­ Party tributors for Bausch and Lomb products. -+- MEMORIES OF GRAND­ Fashions MOTHER'S KITCHEN on Sunday after church, when every member of the family took a turn at the ice cream freezer . . . those were in­ deed the good old days, but it meant work! ELECTRIC CITY'S version of the old fashioned ice cream freez­ er cuts work to the minimum, but guarantees the same happy results­ though all you do is plug it in. We just missed Mrs. Wynn by a day as she's off to Chicago for her annual fall buying trip ... on the lookout, we'll wager, for those delightfully different ELECTRIC CITY Christ­ griffith's mas gifts. The first shipments of Servel Gas Refrigerator lamps, , ceramics, and other Maytag Washing Machines gifts should be in sometime in early 1710 E. Central Phone 2-1656 September, so we'll give you a pre­ view of her purchases in next 4127 N. Fourth Phone 3-3036 month's issue.

IF YOUR BATHROOM steams up because you can't open the window and still retain complete ttl privacy (frequently the case in this For area of many one-story houses), Travene Drapery Venetian blinds are your best solu­ Beauty tion, for they afford fresh, clear air even when closed. Nice to have in the room where you nap in the afternoon too, for they make it dark enough for sleep yet airy enough for comfortable rest. And with just a flick of the cord (if its provided with Levolor tilter) you can have a shower of sunlight again. VENT- 0-LITE Venetian blinds are equip­ ped with Levolor, made with Flexa­ lum spring tempered aluminum slats Home Beautiful and vinyl plastic tape that stands washing ... all guaranteed by Good Fine Interior Housekeeping. Fumishings Fabrics -+- CANDY IS A QUICK PICKER­ 3103 East Central Ave. CPPER especially in times of jit­ Telephone 5-1363 ters. Fliers carry candy and on one troop ship, taking soldiers over seas,

20 40 tons of candy were taken along and eaten every bit! So when you go into PITSCHNER'S, select from their luscious, tempting display the KEITH'S DRUG STORE kind of candy required for each member of the family. For those wanting to lose a few pounds (and sugar helps to burn up excess fat­ this from a dietician at Columbia University) select Turkish paste made of pure cane sugar and fruit • Prescriptions pectin-itself an energizer-or mints or Divinity. Pitschner's famous • Drugs pinon brittle and other candies are full of food value, real creamery butter-nuts with necessary protein, Registered Pharmacist on duty at a fine grade of chocolate and real cane sugar. Candy is a fine, quick all times food for tired children, for adults after a round of golf or mowing the lawn, and on a long trip for every­ • • • body when tired and cross-Pitsch­ ner's Candy is Tops. 4501 K. Fourth St. Dfa16023 -+- IF YOU WANT THE WORTH OF YOUR MONEY, as they say in the Pennsylvania Dutch country, go to the YARDSTICK for your cot­ tons, rayons and woolens. Jane and Matthew Morley come from Fall OLD TOWN LIQUOR STORE River, Massachusetts (the State of fine fabrics) and Matthew, who is a Finest of Liquors, Wines and Beers textile engineer and designer passes Free Delivery Dial 2-2383 on to his customers in his prices the benefit of his connections and 1701 West Central knowledge. Buying at the YARD­ STICK reminds us a bit of shopping in London where we had the rare experience of being discouraged from buying a certain something rather than encouraged to buy. Matthew Morley knows so well what makes for quality in material that he helps his customers buy on that basis. Highest quality combed broadcloth, he sells with great en­ thusiasm at the lowest price in town. Combing is not a trade name but is It TEARS EXPERJEJICI an actual process in the complicated manufacture of materials-which ..... takes out 20% of the short fibers­ Vent-0-Lite Blinds • ZZColen.NowPolhiS ...... so that the finished fabric is finer, • Fleur... St.... WoN. stronger and more beautiful. Buy • Now r,. Conia ...__...... ,. it at THE YARDSTICK. 1q of Cortoilltu• Dn,..oulor. • Qu1i1J Worlao-llip. •G...... Fo ..... -+- ...... DollYorJ. TIRED AT THE END of a long ...... CHorhiiJ ..... hot day? Relax your feet and you'll feel refreshed and invigorated all Vent-0-Lite over. From Chen Yu and KEITH'S RIIBTIAN IIUND IIFG. CO DRUG comes this excellent tip for -No. Foutlo ...11-IH. soothing nerves and putting you in Please see p. 22

21 SiDp 7~ Continued from p. 21 tune for a big evening just when you think you can't possibly make it. Soak your feet in a basin of warm soapy water for 10 minutes. Then, plunge them into ice cold water! Dry well and massage with rubbing alcohol. Lie down with legs ele­ vated on pillows for another 15 min­ utes. Now you're ready for your Chen Yu pedicure. And even if you Find the Magic Step are feeling wonderful all the time in a Magic Hour and never need a quick rest treat­ ment like the former, it behooves at you to keep your feet pretty in this season of open sandals and barefoot ARTHUR MURRAY'S styles. A pedicure is so much easier than a manicure because you can DANCE STUDIO use both hands. Chen Yu advises 515 W. Silver Ave., Albuquerque placing tufts of cotton between toes Phone 2-8614 to hold the!ll apart and protect lac­ quer till it dries. Finish by massag­ ing feet and legs with Chen Yu's wonderful ] ade Lotion. -+- , .ea ~i.eHJa, OXE OF ALBUQUERQUE'S BEST DRESSED WOMEN put us Old Mexico Gift on the trail of a steam iron. (The Shop lady in question is small and dark lndion Paintings, with the look that novelists call ond Crofts "patrician"). \\'e must have be­ Old Town Plaza trayed our incredulity when she an­ swered our compliment with "Ac­ tually it's the only new thing I've had this season", for we've never seen her looking anything but ele­ gant. Then she told us her secret. "It's just that I make very good use of my steam iron," she said. "It "Back keeps even old things looking super." MEAD HARDWARE sug­ gests Casco Deluxe 2 in 1 Iron as to Schools" your very best bet. It's both a steam and dry iron, weighs less than any other quality steam iron, steams longer (10 hours without refilling) for and has a baffle system inside that prevents steam backlash and spit­ School and College ting. On easy-to-read dial controls heat for both steam and dry iron­ Girls ing. You will pay for it in dollars saved on pressing bills alone. MEAD'S has an ironing pad set with silvery heat reflecting surface that works especially well with ~ steam irons too. lbere Dl11C1'11111Dat!!1Wo•D SU, -+- WE ARE DELIGHTED to in­ 1002 W. Central Phone Z-9461 troduce to you Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Please see p. 24

22 23 S4Dp 7~ Continued from p. 22 \Vendell and Arne Strand of LAS LOMAS UPHOLSTERY for they come to us with the very highest recommendations. When Mr. and of Mrs. Wendell and their son-in-law, Mr. Strand, arrived from Glendale Calif., they found that a letter frorr: Mrs. Hunter Sheldon, of Pasadena wife of the famous brain surgeon: already had come to Mrs. \V. R. Lovelace II. "Mrs. Sheldon simply raved about their work," Mrs. Love­ lace told us. "She had a once-beau­ tiful old couch which she had reluc­ from tantly decided would have to be thrown away. As a last resort she consulted Mr. Wendell. He told her he could fix it and it would be 'a beauty'. Mrs. Sheldon said she nev­ er saw anything so exquisite as that couch when it was done." The up­ 218 W. Copper holsterers, and Mrs. Wendell, who makes draperies, worked for Nei­ Phone 3-0718 man-Marcus in Dallas and their work there is represented on the West Coast in the home of Producer William Dieterle, Ronald Coleman, Joan Crawford and other movie peo­ ple. Mrs. Wendell made the drap­ eries for the famous Flamingo Club in Las Vegas, Nev. -+- JUST GIVE SAVAGE A~D SGANZINI five minutes of your time, and they will tell you about a personal property floater you'll feel you simply have to have. It"s the most inclusive protection they have ever offered under a single standard policy, and can be tailored to fit YOCR particular needs. Seems to • PATIO SUPPERS us, one policy might be the answer to a dozen nagging problems ! Think • PICNICS of it-you are covered on furniture, jewelry, rugs, china, linens and sil­ verware, clothing, furs, sports • WE CATER . . . equipment, paintings, hobby collec­ tions. antiques to mention just a few of the items. What's more you DIAL 2-4522 are covered at home or away, at summer or winter resorts, whether you are playing golf at the country club, shopping or dining out, and best of all, it covers the belongings of your children away at school and those of the whole family traveling on a vacation. Anxious to know more about it? Drop into S.\ VAGE

24 AND SGANZI N I a nd let them teil you how it w ill simpli fy a il your MURALS FOR THE insura nce problems. HOME OR OFFICE -+- CAMPBELL'S FOOD STORE is a swell neighbo rhood grocery store - one of the " Big T en home-owned a nd opera ted" sto res . H oused in a n a !tractive building of g lass blocks a nd bricks, it is completely modern, cl ean, fresh a nd stream -lined. On o ur way to the mounta ins one fine day, we decided to fo rti fy ourselves with food, in case of delay. So there. way up on Centra l w here not so long ago was j ust open country a nd sign boards. we found in CAM P BELL'S everything we needed fo r lunch from a full d isplay of ft"u it, canned goods. dairy products, a nd a swell meat counter where we fo und a little roll of live r wurst. It was a il so tempting a nd convenient that we tucked in quite a few home supplies a nd noted tha t a t Camp­ bell's we could o rder a specia l birth­ ¥r;:~~ day cake ! A lbuquerque has leaped a head in three great leaps- from 1706's Old T own- to ra ilroad city­ P. 0 . BOX 128 • OLD TOWN PLAZA to New City of a irpla nes a nd atomic OLD ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. research . Campbell's is pa rt of this new and modern trend. -+- T H EY GOT T H E FEVER. those KITCH EN S P ECIA LIST S (in this MEAD'S hot weather too !) . .. a feve r ior r emodelling a nd re frubishing 'til Presents the you wouldn't know the place. It a ll New 1951 began, Billie Grubitz told us. with rearra ng ing to accommodate the Vvest inghouse line fo r which they PHIL CO took the franchi se this summer. Then came the fun of doing over the BALANCED BEAM kitchen in PANORA:tvlA H OUSE. A nd after tha t they just kept going TELEVISION .. . w ith color fo r the watchword. Deep acqua a nd rust a re used on Brighter Pictures! wall s, a nd those pretty Cosco utility Better Contrast! ta bles make a bright frieze a long t he "fr ee- form'' applia nce bar w here Priced From $149.95 \tVa ring B lendo rs, mixers, co ffee­ m akers, toasters a re displ ayed. Speaking of toasters. do you know MEAD about the psych ic S unbeam that a u­ tomaticaily a djusts to thickness a nd HARDWARE m oisture content o f bt·ead? I t's one 401 North Second Phone 7846 of K ITCH EN SPECIALISTS fa ­ vori tes, displayed ttt Pano rama have to bend a nd hold it when House. as well as their uptown sweepin g up the d ust. store. A nd among the gadgets, take -+- note of tha t m os t obl ig ing d ust pan. YOU GRI DIRON FAN S wiil be It stays right in place so you don't P lease see p. 28

25 .-\ fe w persons have in their li fe­ eludes Kurt F rederick. beloved con­ times the satisfaction o f seein g an ductor of the Civic Symphony, now idea become reality,-then g row un­ on leave, who ta ug ht a t the Danfcl­ til that reali ty far exceeds their ser School when he first came to origin a l expectations. the city ; Robert K orst. d irecto r of S uch a person is Byrd is Dan fcl­ the summer opera wo rkshop at the ser, executive director of the Dan­ U niversity; Si lvio and Isabel Sci­ fe lser School of ~I u s i c . only inco r­ onti. a nd Dr. Ruth Hannas. po rated, non-profit educationa l in­ Success of the school is due in no stitution devoted to broadening the sma ll part to th e wisdom a nd inge­ field o f musical opportunity, in Ne11· nuity of L ee Danfelser, its business ~f ex i co. manager, who saw the possibilities Ten years ago the Danfelser in the old two-s tory building at School of Music began with three Broadway and Gold, and trans­ teache rs a nd 40 students. It was formed it into the functiona l pueblo­ ho used in the Danfelser home on type school it is today. M a nzano Court. 11· here two rooms Besides Mr. a nd Mrs. Danfelser. 11·e re converted into studios and the d irec tors a re ?vlrs. E . ] . Cr isty. Dr. large living -room was used as a Hubert G. Alexande r. E. P . .'\ ncona . rec ital ha ll. T oday the school has Loya l D. Betty. Mrs. Lon 2\L Fletch­ 18 teache rs. almost 500 s tudents, e r and Ves per \ V. Smith. and its own ha ndsome building with we ll -equipped studios. class rooms, offices. a nd recita l ha ll seating 150. A Reuter pipe o rgan has just been in sta ll ed. C lasses range from kin­ dergan en through coll ege level. The schoo l is accredited fo r G. I. tra in­ in g. Durin g past year a branch opened at Socorro. Gradua ll y the school is acq uiring a na tio na l reputa ti on. This s ummer students from East and vVe st Coasts a nd po ints between fl oc ked here fo r master classes with the eminent pia ni s t a nd coach. Ca rl os Buhler. \Ve know of no indi vidua l 11· ho. in he r quiet consistent way. has dune more to develop A lbuquerque as a musical center, tha n Byrdis Da n­ felser. For years she has introduced musicia ns of intc rnati" nal repute here. Besides Buhler, the li st in- THE STUDIO WORKSHOP New Mexico Art Series No. II presents BILL DE HART As Ins tructor in Jewelry

10 Lessons $15 Sept.·X ov. Emile Von .Auw, Director

PORTFOLIO V o c a I A r t OF s t u d 0 5 BEL CANTO LANDSCAPES Florence Smith AND Dial 2·3124 1201 E . Centra l PORTRAITS

The Oasis

Valley in Summer

Shower on the Prairie

The Bonfire

Wildcat Well

The Shepherd

Portrait of Peggy

Portrait af Jose $12.50 OLD

Full color- glow with bril­ liancy- heavy 12"x 16" School of Creative Dance mats. and Educational Rhythms ~anne lle &j)ruyn Meed Studio: Guadalupe Trail and Manzano School. Dia12-3068 e~ Ramar;e BOOKSELLER 13 Nob Hill Center • 5-1773 DANFELSER SCHOOL OF MUSIC I BROADWAY AT GOLD AVENUE

27 1. antique shop • 4. craftwear • Western denims • leathers 2. tumbleweed shop • 5. el tomboy shop gifts • mexicancraft • Indian jewelry • curios 3. patio pottery shop • 6 . coso carlota • ceramics • unusual candles southwestern playclothes 7. chindee shop • desert gems PATIO MARKET • OLD TOWN PLAZA closed mondays

ets, will be on the go ... day AND night. SitJP 7a!A -+- Continued from p. 25 WRITE, Write, write ... not for crazy about the football coats, with posterity, but for a firm neckline. "timmie-tufted" zipped-in lining we So advises Frances Denney in a spe­ saw at WOODRUFF'S-JULIAN. A cial Lesson Book, part of her "Neck brown gabardine with beaver collar and Contour Kit" . . . at SUN is really a love! And there are all DRUG. Take the blunt end of a kinds of separates for football and pencil in your mouth, and write in other occasions ... wonderful wool the air, stretching far up on verti­ jerseys, plaids and corduroys. Mrs. cals, sweeping wide with the curves. Woodruff and Miss Julian came Don't forget to dot your i's and back from New York with the pre­ cross your t's. Try this before a diction that this will be a "color mirror and you'll see at once what fall'' and the good news that they it could accomplish. Another Den­ don't expect any immediate price ney exercise is the "pincher" : when rise. In fact, they say, coats are ever you have a minute pinch along even a little less expensive than last the jaw-line with thumb and index year. Mrs. Woodruff, who talked finger. First signs of age appear at with Battina Ballard of Vogue, tells the throat, you know, and they can't us this fashion editor gives top bill­ be passed off as character lines ing to beige and burnt orange this either! Only help is a good course of season. Purples, mauve and blues treatment, faithfully followed. Miss are very good too, Mrs. Woodruff Denney offers a kit full of aids in­ says, and contrary to all expecta­ cluding dainty plastic chin strap, tions, so is navy. Velvet is favored special astringent with "deep down" among fabrics and is now being tightening effect, and rich Neck and made in a most serviceable material. Contour Blend. Give faithful min­ Sleeveless velvet dresses, with jack- utes to her treatment ... and you'll

28 be happier when you meet yourself the work of foremost designers, Mr. unexpectedly in a mirror! Fitch said. And it gives enormous -+- latitude in color combinations. Me- A RIPE RED TOMATO, stuffed Please see p. 30 full of tuna, or salmon, or chicken ... stuffed with cottage cheese ... or crab meat ... topped with mayon­ naise and surrounded with crisp, green lettuce . . . makes an ideal summertime luncheon and it's one of our favorite orders at the BRASS KETTLE. It's particularly delicious with crab meat, which, by the way, is fine for a slimming diet. If you're not minding your calories too much, try a golden waffle with bacon or sausage.

NORMAN FITCH, of DIXIE FLORAL CO., returned from Hous­ ton, Tex., where thousands of flor­ ists gathered to discuss latest devel­ opments in floraculture, bursting with new ideas for novel arrange­ ments and out-of-this-world cor­ sages and wedding bouquets. A lav­ ish use of satin ribbons, with stream­ ers and feathery ribbon leaves and little bows at the necks of flowers themselves amounts to a "trend" in PAINTING & DECORATING




Specialist in color .•. Exact color Free estimates you want ••••• • cheerfully given

NOW IS THE TIME! if you're planning to paint ~ '--..;;.__5-3429______221 N. CARDENAS, ___,

29 ~- S~7~ Continued from p. 29 tallic sprays are used to good ad­ vantage, particularly for golden or c silver wedding bouquets, he said. And there's practically nothing a A florist can't turn out in the way of a clever party piece with the aid of s styrofoam and a lively imagination. A Manlike, Norman was delighted with the amusing arrangements for men . . . cigars in a bouquet for a new father ... a fez made entirely of Country Day School flowers for a Shriner . . . an ar­ rangement in a cigar box combining Nursery Through Third red flowers with cigars, matches and Grade ice cubes. He has all sorts of cute ideas to please a sick child too. Lucille L. Miller, Director -+- LIVE WHERE YOU PLEASE­ 7015 N. Fourth in suburbs or mountains, on a ranch or in a small Spanish village, yet Tel. 3-9876 Rt. 2, Box 210 have all the modern conveniences !lft•••••••.... ••••-••-•••••••••-••••••-••-•n••••••••• with butane gas. Dick Martin, of the BUTANE GAS AND APPLI­ ANCE CO. has a well-stocked store where you can select your stove, hot Old Town Toy Shop water heater, gas furnace or heater, Dolla from the Land of Enchantme• refrigerator and even light fixtures Unusual Toys • Doll Clothe• Imported Bella (if you have no electricity). Some good friends of ours, Anne Raymond Open 1:30-8:30 p.m. Closed Mondays and Julia Tappan, swear by Dick SOUTH SIDE OLD TOWN PLAZA Martin and all his works. "We al­ ways get delivery of gas even on the coldest day. Last winter, with a regular blizzard a'blowin, there were our faithful Martin butane men and then in all the cold and dark they were off to the mountains because they had promised gas to another customer." :\1:artin will make all installations and has a fine se­ lection of appliances at his store Sun Aids where you can buy your favorite make of stove for instance and he will put in the proper jets for the use of butane. -+- DID YOU KNOW that many drugs lose their potency, or part of it, with time? How then can you be sure of getting full benefit (and your money's worth) from a bottle of medicine? Shopping for food you can tell at once if fresh fruits or vegetables have deteriorated. But that brown bottle, those green cap­ sules are very unrevealing even after 808 W. Park you have read the "each tablet con­ tains". Your only protection is to know your pharmacist as you do

30 your doctor and dentist. It is im­ portant to know your pharmacist deals only with "control labora­ tories". Reputable pharmaceutical lAS LOMAS houses, JOE E. BROWNE ex­ plained, maintain such laboratories U~PHOLS'I:EJQY to which all drugs are sent for test­ ing before release to the public. Thus any possible mistake is caught there,-not after the medicine is on Custom Built the market. In such laboratories "control" numbers are placed on Furniture each package to date the drug so Draperies the pharmacist knows just how long it can be considered "fresh". The Bedspreads assurance that your pharmacist Slip Covers deals with such laboratories, and only with such laboratories, is your protection. -+- Exquisite Workmanship INDIAN DANCES IN PATIO MARKET on Sunday nights around 4609 Las Lomas-rd. 9 o'clock after the shops have closed, continue the tradition of the famous Tel. 5-2865 old Casa de Armijo as a meeting place of many peoples. Indians gather from miles around - we spotted Navajo, Hopi, Jemez, Isleta, Modoc (from Oregon), Shawnee, Osage and Robert White Mountain Knit 'N Stitch Lion, the master of ceremonies, calls these dances a meeting of the Yarns & Art N eeJle~»orlt "United Nations of Indians". (No dances during Gallup ceremonial). 110 S. Amhent Phone 5-2112 Way back in 1706 Cristobal de Ar- · mijo built this house and through the centuries it has had many changes. In 1930, Nelda Sewell bought it, took off the second story, built on, and here in the apartments around the Patio lived many artists and "characters". Now we have the PATIO !\IARKET-a group of shops where you can buy typical southwestern products, Indian silver and crafts, Mexican ware, antiques from all over the world, ceramics and candles, fiesta skirts and cos­ tumes, denims and leather wear. -+- A PARADISE INDEED for lovers of the curious, the beautiful, the old and rare is EL P ARAISO ANTIQUE AND GIFT SHOP. A lovely spacious room at the back of a charming white house is full of treasures from many lands but is so subtly arranged that you discover new surprises every minute. First some superb, tawny jaguar skins ar­ rest your eye. then a chest of draw- Please see p. 33

31 fOOJID llf A N fl[? 1 JE 8 We thought, this issue, to give you trout-frying recipes but we bogged BURWINKLE down m a mass of controversial theories. "Fry 'em in deep grease" FOOD MARKET said one fisherman. "Don't fry •e:n in deep grease," said another. "Fry Homemade Potato 'em in butter," advised a third. "Don't fry 'em in anything but olive Salad made with grade A eggs and other high grade oil," insisted someone else. Just as materials. one fisherman had advised us to wrap our trout in mud (and seri­ Houn 8 A. M.• to 7 P. M. ously) Carey Holbrook ("It's a Bug's Life") came to our rescue: Sundays: 9:30 to 5 . 6320 N. Second • Tel. 6008 HOW TO COOK A TROUT By Carey Holbrooq As you leave town on your way to the Brazos, drive by Mrs. Cande­ larios' worm ranch, just off Fourth Street. Knock on her door gently and say to her, "Mrs. Candelario?" If she says "no," you are at the wrong ranch, and you should go on another block. Be sure the worms you buy are good active insects with the urge to get ahead. Most trout dinners are spoiled because the worms used have no heart in their work. Be sure to get the kind who EVERYTHING FOR are always in there trying. When you get to Park View, YOUR turn right up the first little creek. PICNIC OR PARTY You will never get to the Brazos that way, but you might as well get lost right off the bat, as to wait un­ - Free delivery - til later. After you drive up this little creek until you run out of a road, turn around and come back to the highway. When you get to the Brazos, try a fly first. Try two flies, a brown hackle, and a plymouth rock special. None of these will get you any trout, but it is eithical to use your worms only after you have first tried your flies. Conniff Now select the most vicious worm in the can. Stick him on the hook. Drop him behind yonder rock where Food Market the riffle swirls around. Do that all afternoon. When you are entirely worn out, wet and the seat of your slacks is U. S. Government Graded slacking the ground, drag yourself steer beef. The best up to the back door of the ranch house. They always keep frozen you can buy. trout in the deep freeze. Buy a couple. M02 N. Folll'tll Take your two trout to the cabin, and fry them in a frying pan. Serve. It will serve you right !

32 • French Pastry • Wedding Cakes Continued from p. 31 • Homemade Candy ers with ecru marble top, then an COURT BAKERY elaborate double hurricane lamp of 11 J N. Fourth Dia12-7255 crystal used perhaps in some old hacienda when the winds were howl­ ing from the Caribbean. Two cast WISCONSIN copper wall plaques from Spain rep­ CHEESE & SAUSAGE MART resent Ali Baba and the Forty 2217 E. Coal Ph. 3-Z122 Thieves and Aladdin with a fascin­ DELICATESSEN ating genie. And two fabulous music EASTERN STYLE boxes ! Lift up the lid and see Open Sundays through the glass top the metal roll turn round and round-"Tremolo a Zither". A label lists Mozart, Wag­ ner, Biset, Weber, Strauss. Another, Be Wise! smaller music box has an enchant­ ing label reading "6 airs" and is edged by a whole chorus of little Be Thrifty! cherubims -or maybe seraphims. BUT HURRY for Mr. and Mrs. Buy Bracken are offering their house for sale and moving to Eureka Springs, Ark. This is your last A New Domestic chance to see their rare collection. Sewmachine Now! CONSTRUCTION-Adobe. INTERIOR WALL5-Piaster. Let us demonstrate the out­ FIREPLACEs-Red Brick. CEILINGs-Peeled Log "Vigas". standing features of the Do­ LIGHTING FIXTUREs-Walter B. Gil- bert. mestic today at DRAPERIEs-Living. dining room and Portal, Lotta W. Walton. UPHOLSTERING-Dining room chairs, Sun Dial (also braided rag rugs in BUCHANAN'S Portal). 224 N. Third Ph. 2-2163 GARDEN FURNITURE- Nylon and aluminum chairs, Eckert's.

One Stop Meats, fruit and vege­ tables, frozen foods, dairy products, staples

CAMPBEll'S FOOD STORE....__4_00_0 _EAs_T_cE_NT_RA_L_.._~

33 Country Day School To Open September 5 Enrollments are being taken now for the fa ll session of La Casa Country Day School, which will open Sept. 5, Mrs. Lucille L. M il­ ler, owner and director, a nnounces. 314 WEST CENTRAL AW Bes ides Mrs. Mi ll er. who for 11 years had a la rge private school at S il ver Springs, Mel .. in the outskirts of \<\iashington, D. C., the sta ff will include Mrs. Ruth Tomlinson. kin­ The house of gems for dergarten and music; M iss Carol Gambrill. nursery g roup and crafts; over a quarter of a Mrs. 1vlildred T aylor, prim a r y grades. La Casa Country Day School is centur:y in Albuquerque attractively situated no rth of the city, with a large shaded playground area, \\'here o utdoor activities are held a nd every a dva ntage taken of the clima te. T he school stresses individua l at­ tention fot· each chi ld. A n s, music, era ft s, rhythmic a nd interpretive da ncing a ugment the emphasis on sound acade mic g ro unding. Transportation is provided by the school. with special late afternoon bus scheduled for the accommoda­ ti on of employed mothers.

SWAN MOTOR co. All Work P. F. McCanna, Inc. Guaranteed Abe Swan Dlal5-1281 Realtors ...... REAL ESTATE SGutht?~~onGas INSU RANC E PROPERTY 417 N. Fourth Street MANAGEMENT Dial 3-4576

A Safe Place to Buy for 62 Years Smart Clothes for Men

Phone 3-5533 1 14 So. 2nd St. FRED MACKEY'S 209 W . Central Dial 6896

34 Peter Hurd Portfolio Released This Week Everyone who has longed to own been a member of the Xational a Peter Hurd painting will welcome .\cademy since 19~2 and was war the release on August 15 of the Peter correspondent for Life Magazine. Hurd Portfolio of Landscapes and Portraits by the University of Xew 000000000000000000000000 lfexico Press. The Portfolio (on sale at EliiL Y 8 8 RA~fAGE, BOOKSELLER) con­ 8Th e \l 0\\ 8 tains eight landscapes and three por­ traits, chosen from the artist's fa­ 8 .. os 5 8 0 0 \·orite portrayals of the :\ e\\' Mexico 0 Y.• 0 scene, and reproduced in full color 0 0 on 1.2" by 16" mats, suitable for 8 Liquors-Wines-Beers 8 lr

the smartest: shops ••• the best: services . • • are •1n Aug. 15 Fiesta art exhibit opens at .State BUILDERS Art :\lus~um, Santa Fe. Assum1Jtion Da,· Fiesta and dance at Zia Pueblo. · FURNITURE Aug.15-Sept. 15 Exhibit by Karl Larsson and Ver­ onica Helfenstollcr. Emily RmnaJ,te. llookseller. co. Exhibit of Indian Paintings, Plaza Gallery. Aug. 18-20 Annual Tesuque Valley Hors~ Albuquerque's Show at Santa Fe. Aug. 19 and 20 Most Unusual Rodeo anll Pinto Bean Festival at :\lountainair. Furniture Sept. 1-4 Annual Fiesta 1at Santa Fe. Store Sept. 2 St. SteJ>hen's Day and Harvest Dance. Acoma Pueblo. 1305 S. GIRARD Sept. 4 St. Augustine's Day and Corn Dance. Isleta Pueblo. Sept. 6 and 8 St. Augustine's Day and Corn llancc. San lldefonso Pueblo. Sept. 15 Annual Fiesta at Jicarilla Apache Reservation.

Continued from p. 19 on sale at Emih· Ramage, Bookseller, Plaza Ga11ery anr( Olcl Town shops. r /I,I ., I ·. -+- Stopped in to chat with Clyde ami Geneva Cleveland the other da~· and found Piano Technician J, C. Cullom chuckling onr the latest bright idea of an advertising wizard . . . he just had n·c<·ived sample 110stcards to be sent to nrosvective clients offering as a f'JJecial inducement, to tune any ten piano keys free! Tht> Cleve lands who always seem to have a wonderful time wherever they go (and we suspect, just being together) were back from Denver where they had heen on piano business and where they ,.;~~ had been relegate<[ to the presidential suite 'II the Brown Palace. Geneva. turned -:!'":. columnist. is havin~ fun with lwr h·a­ ?;; tnre~ on young- pianisb.

Vincent and Mercedes Garoffolo and their two daughters leave next month for Ithaca. where Mr. Garoffolo will study for 221 North Eighth St. Phone 2-41 91 his Ph.D. at Cornell. ··i

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Philippine Rattan FURNITURE.. ' I Choose f rorn a vide variety of styles and decorator fabrics in t his authr;mtic furniture for indoor, outdoor, and pa- t io use. \ ..


priced from $ 19.00 per piece

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