202 Introduction a College of Our
Notes Introduction Deakin University, School of Educarion, Open Campus Program, Po rtrait of The GeeLong CoLLege: Continuity and Change in {In Independent SchooL, 1979, p. 31. 1 A College of our own The 1861 Census, as reporred in TheArgzlS, 2 February 1864, p. 4. 2 Dr A.J. Campbell, 'The firsr beginnings of me Geelong College', c. 1907 (Co llege Archives). Proceedings ofthe GeneraLAssembLy ofthe Presbyterian Church in Victoria, Melbourne, 1859,4 November, pp. 22-3· 4 Campbell, 'The firsr beginnings of me Geelong College'. G. Norman and B. Keim, eds, The GeeLong CoLlege, I86I-I96I, 19 61, p. 2; Wesron Bare, Light BLue Down Under: The History of Gee Long Grammar SchooL, 1990, p. 19. 6 Richard Annois, With Respect: The Story ofGee Long Lawyers Harwood and Pincott, I840- I992, 2005, pp. 17-28; James Granr, 'Sir Charles Sladen, 1816-84', AustraLian Dictionary ofBiography , vol. 6, Melbourne: Melbourne University Press, 1976, pp. 133-4. 7 The Argzts, I December 1860, p. 6. 8 Campbell, 'The firs r beginnings of me Geelong College', p. 2. 9 Ibid., p. 3· 10 Ibid. I I Proceedings ofthe GeneraLAssembLy ofthe Presbyterian Church in Victoria, Melbourne, 1861, 4 April, p. 8; The Argzts, 5 April 1861, p. 6. 12 Campbell, 'The firsr beginnings of rbe Geelong College', p. 3. This schoollarer became co-educational and, from me 1940s, a girls' school. From 1966, ir was calJed Marmew Flinders Girls' High School. 13 Council Minures; The GeeLong Directory, 1858; Gordon Fo rrh, ed. , BiographicaL Dictionary ofthe western District ofVictoria , 1998, pp. 151-2. 14 Probably Thomas Curle, James Cowie and Monrague Srodarr.
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