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Patrimonio Mundial 2008 Dr. Francisco Santos Zertuche Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana/Azcapotzalco

Protective town of San Miguel and the Sanctuary of Jesús Nazareno de Atotonilco Patrimonio Mundial Unesco 2008


Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana/Azcapotzalco División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño Departamento de Evaluación del Diseño Área de Estudios Urbanos Linea de investigación: Ciudad, Patrimonio y sustentabilidad



Casa Reales or Consistoriales (Municipal Presidency) Plaza de Armas

Plaza de Armas • 1. Presentación • 2. Objetivos • 3. Zona y trazo del Acueducto • The Property Description/a y b • Delimitación del perímetro ambiental y urbano • 4. Documento Unesco • 4.1 Identification • Nomination: “Protective town of San Miguel and the Sanctuary of Jesús Nazareno de Atotonilco/1274 “ Guión • Location: State of Hidalgo, State of • State Party: México Protective town of San • Date: 2015 Miguel and the Sanctuary • 4.2 Category of the property of Jesús Nazareno de • 4.3 Protection and management requirements Atotonilco/2008 • 4.4 Integrity and Authenticity • 4.5 Recommendations • 5. Bibliografía y Referencias 1. Presentación

Villa Protectora de San Miguel el Grande y Santuario de Jesús Nazareno de Atotonilco

Fundada en el siglo XVI para proteger el camino real del interior del país, la ciudad de San Miguel de Allende alcanzó su apogeo en el siglo XVIII, época en la que se construyeron numerosos edificios religiosos y civiles de estilo barroco mexicano. Algunos de ellos son obras maestras del estilo de transición entre el barroco y el neoclásico. Por su parte, el santuario de Jesús Nazareno de Atotonilco, construido por los jesuitas a unos 14 km de

San Miguel, data también del siglo XVIII y es uno de los ejemplos más hermosos de la arquitectura y el arte barrocos de la Nueva España. Comprende una gran iglesia y una serie de capillas pequeñas ornamentadas con óleos de Juan Rodríguez Juárez y murales de Miguel Antonio Martínez de Pocasangre. Debido a su situación, San Miguel de Allende fue un verdadero crisol de influencias mutuas entre la cultura española, la criolla y la indígena, y constituye un ejemplo excepcional del intercambio cultural entre Europa y América Latina. Su arquitectura y ornamentación interior patentizan la influencia de la doctrina de San Ignacio de Loyola. Objetivos Generales

Esta presentación, ”Protective town of San Miguel and the Sanctuary of Jesús Nazareno de Atotonilco/2008” forma parte de la Serie Patrimonio Mundial, uno de los ejes de estudio de la Línea de investigación Ciudad, Patrimonio y sustentabilidad del autor Dr. Francisco Santos Zertuche, trabajo de investigación enfocado desde la perspectiva de la historia urbana. Dichos estudios están relacionados con las actividades de docencia e investigación de dos de los programas de Posgrado que ofrece la División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño/Azcapotzalco: Posgrado en Diseño para la Rehabilitación, Recuperación y Conservación del Patrimonio construido y Posgrado en Diseño y Estudios Urbanos. Objetivo General de la Serie Patrimonio Mundial

El propósito es ofrecer al estudiante de Posgrado en Diseño un contexto amplio de temas y problemas que permitan el estudio y análisis comparativo sobre las políticas culturales de conservación, salvaguarda y gestión del Patrimonio de la Humanidad reconocido por Unesco, para el caso de nuestro país en particular y analizar casos específicos internacionales. Objetivos Particulares

En el nivel de maestría, el objetivo de esta presentación es proponer a los estudiantes opciones temáticas en docencia e investigación relativas a problemas y metodologías de acuerdo con el Plan y Programa de Estudios, en especial en los cursos y seminarios: Proyecto de investigación en Diseño para la Rehabilitación, Recuperación y Conservación del Patrimonio Construido I a VI.

En el nivel de doctorado, el objetivo de esta presentación es proponer a los estudiantes opciones temáticas en docencia e investigación relativas a problemas y metodologías de acuerdo con el Plan y Programa de Estudios de los cursos denominados Seminario Doctoral de Investigación… I a IX, y los denominados Taller Colaborativo de Investigación… I a IX. 2. Objetivos

Esta presentación, “Protective town of San Miguel and the Sanctuary of Jesús Nazareno de Atotonilco, 2008”, forma parte de la Serie Patrimonio Mundial, uno de los ejes de estudio de la Línea de investigación del autor Dr. Francisco Santos Zertuche denominada: Ciudad, Patrimonio y sustentabilidad, trabajo de investigación desde la perspectiva de la historia urbana, que esta relacionado con las actividades de docencia e investigación de dos de los programas de Posgrado que ofrece la División de Ciencias y Artes para el Diseño/Azcapotzalco: Posgrado en Diseño para la Rehabilitación, Recuperación y Conservación del Patrimonio construido y Posgrado en Diseño y Estudios Urbanos.

Objetivo general de de la Serie Patrimonio Mundial es proponer al estudiante de posgrado un contexto amplio de temas y problemas que permitan el estudio y análisis comparativo sobre las políticas culturales de conservación y salvaguarda y gestión del Patrimonio Mundial reconocido por la Unesco, para el caso de nuestro país y ejemplos internacionales.

En el nivel de maestría, el objetivo particular es proponer a los estudiantes opciones temáticas en docencia e investigación relativas a problemas y metodologías de acuerdo con el Plan y Programa de Estudios, en especial para los cursos y seminarios: Proyecto de investigación en Diseño para la Rehabilitación, Recuperación y Conservación del Patrimonio Construido I aVI. En el nivel de doctorado, el objetivo particular es proponer a los estudiantes opciones temáticas en docencia e investigación relativas a problemas y metodologías de acuerdo con el Plan y Programa de Estudios de los cursos denominados Seminario Doctoral de Investigación… I a IX, y los denominados Taller Colaborativo de Investigación… I a IX. Brief description

The nomination consists of the historic centre of San Miguel de Allende and the Sanctuary of Jesús Nazareno de Atotonilco, located 14 km from the town. San Miguel is an example of a Spanish settlement located in relation to the Royal Inland Route as a protective town, which flourished in the 18th century with the construction of remarkable religious and civil buildings. The Sanctuary, built in the second half of the 18th century, is an architectural complex inspired by the doctrine by Saint Ignacio of Loyola; its internal decoration, mainly mural paintings, makes it a prominent example of Mexican . Category of property: In terms of categories of cultural property set out in Article I of the 1972 World Heritage Convention, this is a group of buildings (San Miguel de Allende) and a monument (Sanctuary of Jesús Nazareno de Atotonilco). In terms of the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (2 February, 2005) Annexe 3, San Miguel is an inhabited historic town. 3. Zona de monumentos

• Delimitación del perímetro urbano xii ix x The Property/Description/a

The nominated property is made up of two areas: one of 43.26 ha corresponding to the historic centre of San Miguel de Allende and the other of 3.69 ha corresponding to the Sanctuary of Jesús Nazareno de Atotonilco. The town is an example of a colonial urban settlement, initially established with the purpose of protecting the Royal Inland Road, which reached its peak of expansion in the 18th century. The Sanctuary constitutes one of the richest religious complexes of the country. San Miguel de Allende bears significant historical values since it constitutes an example of a medium-size town established with the purpose of protecting the Royal Inland Road and to provide goods coming from the rich area of el Bajío. It was the cradle of mixture of races and cultures in New Spain. The urban layout reflects the social and economic organisation of the town; it shows the adaptation of the Spanish rules to the features of the site that have remained practically unaltered over time.

The Property/Description/b

Religious architecture constitutes relevant examples of church and convent typologies with a particular interpretation, and reflects the changes in taste and trends over two centuries. The incorporation of Neo-Gothic style in the parish church illustrates the evolution of architectural trends and their integration into the existing urban planning and landscape. Civil architecture, especially bourgeois residences, constitutes one of the most prominent features of the town; urban manors are exceptionally large and rich for a medium-size town, and equal to those located in larger cities. The architecture of these buildings reflects the transition from Baroque to Neo- Classic during the 18th and early 19th centuries. The Sanctuary of Atotonilco constitutes an exceptional example of a specific architectural typology responding to the dissemination of Christianity and the doctrine of Saint Ignacio of Loyola in the New World.The Sanctuary’s interior decoration, especially mural paintings, constitutes one of the finest examples of Baroque style in the Americas.

urbano del Perímetro Delimitación


Map showing the revised boundaries of San Miguel de Allende

Map showing the revised boundaries of the Sanctuary of Jesus Nazareno de Atotonilco CHAPTER 2

Santuario de Jesús de Nazareno de Atotonilco (Sanctuary of Jesus of Nazareth in Atotonilco)

In the heart of Atotonilco, San Miguel de Allende´s municipality, imposing walls rise from and 18 th Century Church that has lodged thousands of pilgrims on a yearly basis ever since its construction and it’s a living sanctuary because its religious use is still pre- vailing. SanctuaryThe architecturalof Jesús compound is made Nazareno up by the main nave, sacristy de and more Atotonilco than 6 attached chapels besides several chambers painted spaces with mural and easel paint- ings, quilted alters and sculptures. The building façade is plain, with very high walls that


One of his greatest contributions was the vision and establishment of the brother- hoods known as Holy Schools of Christ, which in some way prepared the land and the transcendence of the Sanctuary and the retreat house of Jesus Nazareth of Atotonilco, as its foundation not only crowned the magnificence of his material works but that of an integral religious movement in which each of its parts cannot be separated.8

This web of Holy Schools of Christ was sent out as virtuous tentacles through the first foundation in San Miguel el Grande in 1742, propelling the establishment of broth- erhoods in Dolores, San Felipe, , León, San Luis de la Paz, Irapuato, Silao, Chamacuero, Aguascalientes, San Luis Potosí and Zacatecas, among others.9 This was a real Christian devotional militia, motivating a dynamic experience of its Christian com- mitment by means of the practice of charity, compassion and social benefits. These were also the seed for the pietistic and messianic project created and promoted by Luis Felipe Neri de Alfaro, as well as the first space for recruiting faithful for the Ignatian exercis- es of the Sanctuary of Atotonilco.

Aside from the time he invested in his priestly ministry and in his material works, Alfaro prepared himself daily in Christian doctrine, dedicating several periods a day to prayer and in his free time to other kinds of useful offices which did not allow him a moment of leisure. As part of his mission and Christian charity, he spoke to as many people as approached him for consultation or to make confession with him. Gamarra 8 Silva, 2004: 17-19 used to say that he was “a very wide confessor”, that is to say merciful but firm,10 which 9 Hernández, 1991: allowed him to be considered as a kind father, full of love and tenderness; he was the 50-51 10 spiritual director of the children of the main families of San Miguel el Grande, specially Brading, 1994: 57- 608 Silva, 2004: those of the royal ensign, José Mariano Loreto de la Canal y Hervás, who would later be 17-19

123 4. Documento Unesco

4.1 Identification


Protective town of San Miguel and the Sanctuary of Jesús Nazareno de Atotonilco, 2008

Location: State of Guanajuato, México

State Party: Mexico

Date: 2008 Property : 46.95 ha Buffer zone: 47.03 ha Criteria: (ii)(iv) Ref: 1274 Criteria under the inscription is proposed

Criterion (ii): San Miguel de Allende constitutes an exceptional example of the interchange of human values; due to its location and functions, the town acted as a melting pot where Spaniards, Creoles and Amerindians exchanged cultural influences, something reflected in the tangible and intangible heritage. The Sanctuary of Jesús Nazareno de Atotonilco constitutes an exceptional example of the cultural exchange between European and Latin American cultures; the architectural disposition and interior decoration testify to the interpretation and adaptation of the doctrine of Saint Ignacio de Loyola to this specific regional context.

Criterion (iv): San Miguel de Allende is an exceptional example of the integration of different architectural trends and styles on the basis of a 16th century urban layout. Religious and civil architecture exhibit the evolution of different styles, well integrated into a homogeneous urban landscape. Urban mansions are exceptionally large and rich for a medium-size Latin American town. The Sanctuary of Atotonilco is an outstanding example of a specific religious settlement, containing exceptional decoration that makes it a masterpiece of Mexican Baroque. 4.2 Category of property

In terms of categories of cultural property set out in Article I of the 1972 World Heritage Convention, this is a group of buildings (San Miguel de Allende) and a monument (Sanctuary of Jesús Nazareno de Atotonilco). In terms of the Operational Guidelines for the Implementation of the World Heritage Convention (2 February, 2005) Annexe 3, San Miguel is an inhabited historic town. Documento Unesco 4.3 Protection and management requirements Outstanding Universal Value

Management structures and process including traditional management processes pursuant to the Mexican Constitution of 1917, local governments are responsible for plans of urban development and for controlling land use; local governments participate in the creation and administration of ecological reserves and grant licenses and permission for construction. At the federal level, the responsible organization is the National Institute on Anthropology and History (INAH) of the National Council for Culture and Art (CONACULTA). The National Institute is decentralised in regional centres, one of these centres is in the State of Guanajuato. Policy framework: management plans and arrangements, including visitor management and presentation. Several plans, at federal, state and local levels, are related to the management of the nominated property. objective was to make a Social and Civic Center measured up to other World Heritage Plazas. And finally major maintenance on the roofs of the Casa de la Cultura. For 2006 the 22 million pesos investment program will be used for:

• The roofs of the Templo de San Fransisco • Wire mesh for the protection of doves, will be installed in the Immaculada Concepcion, San Fransisco, and San Felipe Neri’s temples. • The last stage of rehabilitation of the Plaza de Armas. • The main frontage of the San Miguel Arcangel Parish will be restored. • The small plaza of San Felipe Neri will be refurbished. • The main dome and principal facades on the Temple of the Immaculada Concepcion will be restored.

242 That is why this city participates without reduction in the modern national and inter- national life. b) The social use: One of the premises for an historical center to be considered alive is to preserve the suitable mixed use with a rational and balanced utility of the resi- dential, commercial, administrative, services and cultural. This is why special empha- sis is put in the residential function so that this urban space is socially alive and does not become a museum or a commercial space, cases in which the social activity is subject to a limited schedule.

In conclusion, the historical center of San Miguel de Allende makes the evident fair- ness between the patrimonial values and the historical spaces possible, making each remain alive in a heterogeneous, including and sustainable way.

190 That is why this city participates without reduction in the modern national and inter- national life. b) The social use: One of the premises for an historical center to be considered alive is to preserve the suitable mixed use with a rational and balanced utility of the resi- dential, commercial, administrative, services and cultural. This is why special empha- sis is put in the residential function so that this urban space is socially alive and does not become a museum or a commercial space, cases in which the social activity is subject to a limited schedule.

In conclusion, the historical center of San Miguel de Allende makes the evident fair- ness between the patrimonial values and the historical spaces possible, making each remain alive in a heterogeneous, including and sustainable way.


Sanctuary of Jesùs Nazareno de Atotonilco


The physical state of the buildings before mentioned, presents satisfactory numbers in their state of conservation, given that 233 buildings are in top shape, three present minor alterations and 19 were completely modified.

In its majority the streets are in good shape, however the heavy traffic that runs through the streets of Ignacio Allende, 5 de Mayo, Orizaba, Salida Real a Querétaro and la Avenida Calzada de la Estación together with the intense use, present an accelerated deterioration.

The study areas are 100% covered, meaning that all the streets are paved with the following materials: 1) cobble stone and concrete; 2) flagstone and concrete 3) round stone sunken in dirt 4) round stone in concrete and 5) paving stone in concrete.

The quality in general is very good we can appreciate very little wear and tear except for the previously mentioned streets. The factors that cause the mistreat of the pave- ment are: the lack of compacting, the irregular shape of the flagstone that move due to friction with the vehicles; the intense traffic, and the lack of a continuous maintenance of the streets.

In reference to the urban image, there is a variety in terms of design, material and size of the luminaries, this cause little uniformity and in some cases, saturated visual elements on a same site.

The majority of the buildings on the adja- cent streets to the Plaza de Armas is of com- mercial use and is illuminated by the same building to enhance the elements of the façade such as logos names and business advertise- ments.

Since 2003 the historical center of San Miguel de Allende is in the program of Magic Towns receiving an initial investment of approximately 9 million pesos that were used to improve the lighting on the portals of Allende and Guadalupe, as well illuminating the exteriors of the San Miguel Arcangel parish, Casa de Allende Museum, la Tercera Orden chapel, Santo Domingo and the Calvario Chapel. The façades where also painted covering approximately 20 thousand square


238 Documento Unesco 4.4 Integrity and Authenticity Outstanding Universal Value

According to the State Party, integrity is one of the most remarkable characteristics of San Miguel de Allende, based on the permanence of all components of the urban structure and of the relationships among them. The most important monuments and symbolic spaces have not suffered morphological alterations or functional variations. The values of integrity in the historic centre are expressed not only by the material components that constitute the built heritage, but also by the intangible dimension expressed in their meaning. The integrity of San Miguel de Allende as an urban centre and the Sanctuary of Atotonilco in their respective and historically shared contexts necessarily leads to a dynamic and integral approach that allows an understanding of the relationships between them. Additional information supplied by the State Party in February 2008 includes an update on the intervention to improve the situation through the construction of a wall as well as the removal of the existing satellite dish in Atotonilco.

Documento Unesco 4.4 Integrity and Authenticity Outstanding Universal Value

According to the State Party, San Miguel de Allende has kept its authentic cultural values over time, thanks to the preservation of the balance between its urban and architectural heritage and the functions and traditions of the town.

The population has maintained the authenticity thanks to special norms for conservation of the town as a whole: the urban plan, the recognition of the architectural and urban values of the property. All planning and renovation actions must be consistent with the requirements established in the plans of conservation and management of the historic centre. Taking into account the principles contained in the Nara Document on Authenticity, the population of San Miguel de Allende takes into account conservation principles on the basis of the attributed values of the cultural property: the tangible items embedded in the built heritage (materials and substance, form and design) and the intangible elements manifested in knowledge, traditional practices and spiritual dimensions.

The State Party recognizes that the authenticity of San Miguel de Allende and of the Sanctuary of Atotonilco imply the maintenance and the conservation of its material and immaterial components.

4.5 OutstandingRecommendations Universal Value

Recommendations with respect to inscription ICOMOS recommends that the protective town of San Miguel de Allende and the Sanctuary of Jesús Nazareno de Atotonilco, Mexico, be inscribed on the World Heritage List on the basis of criteria (ii) and (iv). Recommended statement of Outstanding Universal Value San Miguel de Allende is an early example of a rational territorial and urban development in the Americas, related to the protection of one of the main Spanish inland roads. The town flourishedin the 18th century with the construction of significant religious and civil architecture, which exhibits the evolution of different trends and styles, from Baroque to late 19th century Neo-Gothic. Urban mansions are exceptionally large and rich for a medium-size Latin American town and constitute an example of the transition from Baroque to Neo-Classic. The Sanctuary of Atotonilco is a remarkable architectural complex that illustrates a specific response, inspired by the doctrine of Saint Ignacio de Loyola. Its interior decoration, especially mural painting, makes the Sanctuary a masterpiece of Mexican Baroque. Both the town and the Sanctuary, intimately linked, played a significant role in the process of Mexican independence, with impacts throughout Latin America.


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