From: Campbell, Neil To: Planning Services Subject: FW: Y/7/2018/7011 Trowse Primary School - site selection Date: 04 January 2019 09:10:10

From: Smith, Richard [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: 04 January 2019 08:53 To: Campbell, Neil Cc: Haigh, Sam ; Hicks, Steve Subject: Y/7/2018/7011 Trowse Primary School - site selection

Dear Neil,

Further to your recent conversation/emails with Sam Haigh and Steve Hicks regarding the site allocation/selection process for the new school in Trowse, I can provide the following brief history;

In 2013, two sites to the north of White Horse Lane, Trowse (Norfolk Homes and Arminghall) were put forward for residential development in Councils Local Plan. It is understood that Norfolk County Council (NCC) objected to the proposal due to the limitations of the existing school and the sites were withdrawn.

Norfolk Homes and Arminghall then worked together and agreed that they could provide a school site within the boundaries of their land. Early in 2013, La Ronde Wright (acting for Arminghall) put forward 2 proposals for a new school site, 1) the existing allotments, 2) land the other side of the bridge. The relocation of the allotments was discussed locally and was ruled out due to likely local opposition. Option 2 was considered to be detached from the village.

Later in 2013 Norfolk Homes suggested the school site be located on their land. This land subsequently received planning permission for 85 dwellings and a one hectare site for a new school (ref no 2013/0463/O (outline) and 2016/0803 (reserved matters). The adjacent site (Arminghall) also received outline planning permission for residential development with land set aside for future primary school use (0.4 hectares) (ref no 2014/0981/O). Both planning applications were subject to consultation with public and statutory consultees by South Norfolk Council.

During the S106 negotiation period for the planning applications, NCC put forward the allotment land as a preferred location for the school. This site was considered again but was not supported by the Parish Council. A further alternative explored was the YMCA sports hall but the site was assessed as difficult to develop due to size and road links. Therefore, the current site was considered to be the most suitable site being offered for the school and allows the possibility for future expansion.

In October 2015, the land to the north of White Horse Lane owned by Norfolk Homes and Arminghall was also allocated for a mixed use development of housing and a primary school (TROW1) by South Norfolk Council in the Development Management Policies DPD.

I hope this helps explain the process NCC/South Norfolk Council followed regarding site selection. If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards


Richard Smith Senior Planning Consultant

NPS Property Consultants

T +44 (0) 1603 706035 M E [email protected] W

Nautilus House 10 Central Avenue NR7 0HR

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