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APN Science Bulletin Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research Volume 9, 2019 Global Environmental Change Global Environmental APN Science Published 2019 by the Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research V All opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this Bulletin material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of APN. While the information and advice in this publication are believed to be true and VOLUME 9, ISSUE 1, 2019 accurate at the date of publication, neither the editors nor APN accepts any legal ISSN 2522-7971 responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. APN and its member countries make no warranty, expressed or implied, with respect to the material contained herein. V Electronic version: An electronic version of the APN Science Bulletin is available on APN E-Lib at V Cover image: Mega Caesaria on Unsplash V MANAGING EDITOR Î Linda Anne Stevenson, Head, Communication and Scientific Affairs, APN Secretariat V EDITORIAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Î Edris Alam, Department of Î Chris Jacobson, University of the Î SVRK Prabhakar, Institute for Geography and Environmental Sunshine Coast, Australia Global Environmental Strategies, Studies, Bangladesh Î Jaehok Jeong, Texas A&M Japan Î Mukhtar Ahmed, Swedish University, USA Î Saeed Qaisrani, COMSATS University of Agricultural Sciences, Î Joni Jupesta, Sinar Mas Agro University Islamabad, Pakistan Sweden Resource and Technology (SMART) Î Mahmudur Rahman, Bangladesh Î
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