Er Is 111 Thonias P Miiler Aues- Sider
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I Landowners mi Madison Board Gets^ Subdivision Act New School, Offers 0 15,000 Square Foot Madison Park Unit Is Loi Size Blocking Opened; Southwood, Sale To Developer e r K & R, Make Proposals Madison Township Board of Lanci.'wnors anxious to sell ■New Jersey.Press Association — Monmouth County Pres* Association Member National Editorial Association Education’s existing and future their property .to Herbert Ken dall. developer of Madison)-------------------------- = , school problems were eased Park, ior n new subdivision in !87th YEAR 14th W EEK MATAWAN N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1955 Single Copy Seven Cents somewhnt this week. Monday _____________________________________ tiie long delayed opening of a the Church St. and Line Rd. ’ ' four - room “gift" school from area crowded the Mntnwnn Township Hall Fridny to de- Matawan Vs. Keyport ^ Mail Overseas Earlyx MATAWAN FIRST AID WINS FIRST PRIZE AT /xjounce the township’s subdivi- Presbyterian Building Postmaster C h a rle s S y \jitin ordinnnce. A provision Mu la wii n and Keyport will . ;second four-room unit is expect llasetnann, M a t \v a n, an selling lot sizes at 15.000 square meet this year in a contest | l l f f f l fhlllTn ed to be opened there next Mon- in advance of the annual foot- \ j h l l l YYUllU W lUl U l nounced today that to insure jday. feel. In effect, limiting the num Campaign Underway arrival before C hristm as all ber pl houses to nn ncre for hall thriller un ThiinJiscivhiK' | On Tuesday, other developers, parcel post for servicc per two. was the focal point of the Day. This will not be » m ccl Rev. F. Osterstock Musi Fulfill Need i camc forth with concrete offers sonnel in Korea. Japan and resistance. i ii fir of lln? schools of Use com To Serve Youth; for schools in their develop munity but of some of their To Be Installed At the Pacific Islands should be Jofeph Knrnslnskl, a South ments. Hyman Segal offered to prominent business men and Bayview Presbyterian mailed by Nov, 1st. Persons List Team Members Amboy real estate specialist,, build a six-room unit without it will occur on the Rolf links. have ttiilil Nov. 151 ii io son<l cost to the bonrd at ills devel- who said he is purchasing: the; Tlie Rev. F ran cis Osterstock, Morc than 100 people have It was announced at a meet- Kifts addressed io U, S. Basej$ jopmeni, Southwood. Tills school propertv for Mr. Kendall, fan-! in, i„M * Bethlehem, Pa., will be install Amcrlcan',vo’un,-eE'1'ed to serve on com In Kurope or the ' |will- be of unique design. It ned the flames of the opposi-! ° r t,le ed ns the new pastor-at the mittees and teams for lhe build m e n ’s Association held lnst Territories, j will be an eight-sided building .Won by declaring the develop-1 ing campaign being conducted night b.v J. Leon Schanck, sr., Bayvlew' Presbyterian Church Christmas Cards m a y bij Sfr \vou;d ‘“walk out of” the Ma with classrooms wedge-shaped captain of the Ke.vport leam , at a service tomorrow evening sent as lale us Dee. 1 provide by the First Presbyterian tawan Township project if the and grouped three oil a side. thal im rlfihl-inaii meeting- at 8 o’clock, Members and iiiir air mall is used. Letters^ Church of Matnwnn, according 15,000 square foot clause re Another offer was from J o -. wilh M alawan would bc held friends of the congregation are and C hristm as cards sent bjr^ to George H. Ritter, general mained. He said there could campaign chairman. The gen soph Feinberg, developer of the al Ihe I’orsRale Country Club invited to attend the scrvice and regular mail should go before; be no chance of profit for Mr. K and R 232-dwelling tract ill the reception following. Nov. 15th. 'X-'. eral campaign, which has a Kendal! If he could build only links 0<''- ’•1- iOld Bridge. Mr. Feinberg is The service will be presided To insure prompt delivery $90,000 "victory goal," opens two houses to an acre. Hej Th, last maid. contributing $30,000, amounting over by tlie M oderator of the of nil overseas mail the full-j this evening. warned the landowners present! members of tlie M.Uauan to $150 per house, to a fund for Presbytery of Monmouth, the j*' name, rank, serial number,, "There Is lio doubt in our tlieir chance ot selling to Mr.- r"r Places occurrcd al erecting a school In that area. Rev. Charles S. Webster, Red: branch of scrvice, organiza*' minds of the crying need for a Kendall would vanish. Mi. ‘he JamcsbHr* nksSunilny Ii also Will serve the children Bank. Participating will bc thej tion, and thc Army or Navy* new cduealloniil. social nnd rec K arasinski stated Mv. Kendall; The l « m o Billy M ay, B ll from the Hedy Heights develop- Rev. Willinm Tolley, Atlantic] Post office lo which overseas-. reational building to serve youth nJannetl n seven-room house to: K*‘i'd, I)(in Well and Joe Gu- mem adjoining. Some compar two earlier Highlands: the Ilcv. Robert! mail is to be routed should be In Ihe church,” Mr. Ritter de i M for 513,000 In the proposed ndagiiu reversed able contributions from the de- Snnble. Eatontow n: tlie Rev.! printed. .• clared. "The encouraging thing subdivision. T here would be setbacks at the ha nils of four jvelopers of this tract will be some Joe Dcrnbergcr, John Robert Buttrick, Sayreville, and!-------------------------------------------------------- is thut people are beginning to 1150 houses. i needed to put the plan in m o HarbaKclala, Clarencq Stultz Dr. Walter Eastwood, Allen- really undersland that need. , Mr. Karasinski gave assur-i tion. according to William Kerr; and Gcorjje Doublier. winning town. P a. Enthusiasm Is building tip nnd ancc the developer would in-! we expecL stiff competition be president of the board. in m atch play in an extra hole The Rev. Oslerslock Is a na Appeal Of Builders stall his own wnter nnd sewer j tween the 15 team s in llie c a m Delay Action . plants and would erect a 12-j after the two trains had tive of Bethlehem and the son paign." room school. Also, after Lhe j wound up all-even after thc of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Osier- Heard By Council Jos<;| li I- iri r-ll, lell, c-apbin, anil I lieoilore IMiclan, jr.. righl, delaved'for* ^oliil^pnivdifppntl113' The Rev, Chester A. Gallo p attern of Madison P ark , the| regulation 18 holes. _______ stock who reside in that city. paiade chair-man, ale shown in the above iiicture holding the tro- j,Y|,„ , , , ' ® °n developer would build addition-'....... -........ He graduated from Bethlehem Gn oetz andJ SCi. trother TellT*»lli"’i>y. pastor,campalBn said lslhat lU,8iB110ll the fund t0 pl.y wliicli II,c M ain'van 1 Ai,! a,,,! |!e',-,.« Squad. Inc , won ' , 1,laMnine boiU'd a,ld thp High School in 1931. He enter Saturday .il ihe Trenton l air lor being the best appeariiiK siitiad tn'*) committee. In the al school space nt $10,000 cost;*, n n n AftA C in the line of mareh. Tiie Squad unit consisted of squad members, cn,sc °f Hie Southwood offer, ed Moravian College. Bethlehem, *)<; H ~vds'vW C aused B y hoi p the church develop its “vi- per room. Construction costsjM J C l l O O l auxiliary members, the ambulance, and Ihe Melrose l ife and ihere was a difference of opin- ihe same year and graduated Planning Board Ruling:.^ program of Christian faith, Matawnn's Memorial School'“ 1 1 Drum Corps, which won second prize ior tiie best drum and huRli* between Mr. S o r jI and the with the B. S. degree In 1935. fellowship and nurture that is V ere $17,600 per room. corps. Over 130 units from all sections of the state participated in board's architect. Edward V. serving an increasing number Explains Basis For Size I Need Seen By Wenzel He then was employed by Beth Matawan Borough Council on the F irem en ’s \'ii>ht parade which started at 7 p.m., and was seen H ick e y , as to the am ount of fili lehem Steel Company in the T hursday deferred lo llicir. next of children. Work with young by more than 15.000 persons. Fred Wenzel, one of the mem : needed to make the 12.9 tract lienl treatm ent departm ent meeting to be held Tuesday de people,” he declared, ‘‘should Also pictured above are the other trophies which the M|Uftd-0fffM.prf i,U bers: ot the M ntaw an Planning! Townshio Planning Board, thc body which drew thc! After several years he becam e cision on nn appeal by Goetz & be one of the primary objectiv has won for p arade participation tliis sum m er at South A m boy,;fnr , ,'s!lc suitable Middlesex, Fair Haven, Freehold, Ked Bank, and the New York ,, locatlnP a building. It fi* ordinnnce. explained the basis! Board Member Warns supervisor in charge of metal Strother, developers, from a rul es of a m odern day church. We lurgical operations in llie heat ing by the borough planning have Inherited a fine sanctuary Slate Ambulance and First Aid Association parade. jnnlly was compromised that for the 15,000 square foot lot; Impact Of 4000 Houses In tin* centcr of Ihe table is the mayor’s trophy which was Segal would pay $150 tow- treatment of heavy forgings.