I Landowners mi Madison Board Gets^ Subdivision Act New School, Offers 0 15,000 Square Foot Madison Park Unit Is Loi Size Blocking Opened; Southwood, Sale To Developer e r K & R, Make Proposals Madison Township Board of Lanci.'wnors anxious to sell ■New Jersey.Press Association — Monmouth County Pres* Association Member National Editorial Association Education’s existing and future their property .to Herbert Ken­ dall. developer of Madison)-------------------------- = , school problems were eased Park, ior n new subdivision in !87th YEAR 14th W EEK MATAWAN N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1955 Single Copy Seven Cents somewhnt this week. Monday _____________________________________ tiie long delayed opening of a the Church St. and Line Rd. ’ ' four - room “gift" school from area crowded the Mntnwnn Township Hall Fridny to de- Matawan Vs. Keyport ^ Mail Overseas Earlyx MATAWAN FIRST AID WINS FIRST PRIZE AT /xjounce the township’s subdivi- Presbyterian Building Postmaster C h a rle s S y \jitin ordinnnce. A provision Mu la wii n and Keyport will . ;second four-room unit is expect­ llasetnann, M a t \v a n, an­ selling lot sizes at 15.000 square meet this year in a contest | l l f f f l fhlllTn ed to be opened there next Mon- in advance of the annual foot- \ j h l l l YYUllU W lUl U l nounced today that to insure jday. feel. In effect, limiting the num­ Campaign Underway arrival before C hristm as all ber pl houses to nn ncre for hall thriller un ThiinJiscivhiK' | On Tuesday, other developers, parcel post for servicc per­ two. was the focal point of the Day. This will not be » m ccl­ Rev. F. Osterstock Musi Fulfill Need i camc forth with concrete offers sonnel in Korea. Japan and resistance. i ii fir of lln? schools of Use com­ To Serve Youth; for schools in their develop­ munity but of some of their To Be Installed At the Pacific Islands should be Jofeph Knrnslnskl, a South ments. Hyman Segal offered to prominent business men and Bayview Presbyterian mailed by Nov, 1st. Persons List Team Members Amboy real estate specialist,, build a six-room unit without it will occur on the Rolf links. have ttiilil Nov. 151 ii io son<l cost to the bonrd at ills devel- who said he is purchasing: the; Tlie Rev. F ran cis Osterstock, Morc than 100 people have It was announced at a meet- Kifts addressed io U, S. Basej$ jopmeni, Southwood. Tills school propertv for Mr. Kendall, fan-! in, i„M * Bethlehem, Pa., will be install­ Amcrlcan',vo’un,-eE'1'ed to serve on com­ In Kurope or the ' |will- be of unique design. It ned the flames of the opposi-! ° r t,le ed ns the new pastor-at the mittees and teams for lhe build­ m e n ’s Association held lnst Territories, j will be an eight-sided building .Won by declaring the develop-1 ing campaign being conducted night b.v J. Leon Schanck, sr., Bayvlew' Presbyterian Church Christmas Cards m a y bij Sfr \vou;d ‘“walk out of” the Ma­ with classrooms wedge-shaped captain of the Ke.vport leam , at a service tomorrow evening sent as lale us Dee. 1 provide by the First Presbyterian tawan Township project if the and grouped three oil a side. thal im rlfihl-inaii meeting- at 8 o’clock, Members and iiiir air mall is used. Letters^ Church of Matnwnn, according 15,000 square foot clause re­ Another offer was from J o -. wilh M alawan would bc held friends of the congregation are and C hristm as cards sent bjr^ to George H. Ritter, general mained. He said there could campaign chairman. The gen­ soph Feinberg, developer of the al Ihe I’orsRale Country Club invited to attend the scrvice and regular mail should go before; be no chance of profit for Mr. K and R 232-dwelling tract ill the reception following. Nov. 15th. 'X-'. eral campaign, which has a Kendal! If he could build only links 0<''- ’•1- iOld Bridge. Mr. Feinberg is The service will be presided To insure prompt delivery $90,000 "victory goal," opens two houses to an acre. Hej Th, last maid. contributing $30,000, amounting over by tlie M oderator of the of nil overseas mail the full-j this evening. warned the landowners present! members of tlie M.Uauan to $150 per house, to a fund for Presbytery of Monmouth, the j*' name, rank, serial number,, "There Is lio doubt in our tlieir chance ot selling to Mr.- r"r Places occurrcd al erecting a school In that area. Rev. Charles S. Webster, Red: branch of scrvice, organiza*' minds of the crying need for a Kendall would vanish. Mi. ‘he JamcsbHr* nksSunilny Ii also Will serve the children Bank. Participating will bc thej tion, and thc Army or Navy* new cduealloniil. social nnd rec­ K arasinski stated Mv. Kendall; The l « m o Billy M ay, B ll from the Hedy Heights develop- Rev. Willinm Tolley, Atlantic] Post office lo which overseas-. reational building to serve youth nJannetl n seven-room house to: K*‘i'd, I)(in Well and Joe Gu- mem adjoining. Some compar­ two earlier Highlands: the Ilcv. Robert! mail is to be routed should be In Ihe church,” Mr. Ritter de­ i M for 513,000 In the proposed ndagiiu reversed able contributions from the de- Snnble. Eatontow n: tlie Rev.! printed. .• clared. "The encouraging thing subdivision. T here would be setbacks at the ha nils of four­ jvelopers of this tract will be some Joe Dcrnbergcr, John Robert Buttrick, Sayreville, and!-------------------------------------------------------- is thut people are beginning to 1150 houses. i needed to put the plan in m o­ HarbaKclala, Clarencq Stultz Dr. Walter Eastwood, Allen- really undersland that need. , Mr. Karasinski gave assur-i tion. according to William Kerr; and Gcorjje Doublier. winning town. P a. Enthusiasm Is building tip nnd ancc the developer would in-! we expecL stiff competition be­ president of the board. in m atch play in an extra hole The Rev. Oslerslock Is a na­ Appeal Of Builders stall his own wnter nnd sewer j tween the 15 team s in llie c a m ­ Delay Action . plants and would erect a 12-j after the two trains had tive of Bethlehem and the son paign." room school. Also, after Lhe j wound up all-even after thc of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Osier- Heard By Council Jos<;| li I- iri r-ll, lell, c-apbin, anil I lieoilore IMiclan, jr.. righl, delaved'for* ^oliil^pnivdifppntl113' The Rev, Chester A. Gallo­ p attern of Madison P ark , the| regulation 18 holes. _______ stock who reside in that city. paiade chair-man, ale shown in the above iiicture holding the tro- j,Y|,„ , , , ' ® °n developer would build addition-'....... -........ He graduated from Bethlehem Gn oetz andJ SCi. trother TellT*»lli"’i>y. pastor,campalBn said lslhat lU,8iB110ll the fund t0 pl.y wliicli II,c M ain'van 1 i.sl Ai,! a,,,! |!e',-,.« Squad. Inc , won ' , 1,laMnine boiU'd a,ld thp High School in 1931. He enter­ Saturday .il ihe Trenton l air lor being the best appeariiiK siitiad tn'*) committee. In the al school space nt $10,000 cost;*, n n n AftA C in the line of mareh. Tiie Squad unit consisted of squad members, cn,sc °f Hie Southwood offer, ed Moravian College. Bethlehem, *)<; H ~vds'vW C aused B y hoi p the church develop its “vi- per room. Construction costsjM J C l l O O l auxiliary members, the ambulance, and Ihe Melrose l ife and ihere was a difference of opin- ihe same year and graduated Planning Board Ruling:.^ program of Christian faith, Matawnn's Memorial School'“ 1 1 Drum Corps, which won second prize ior tiie best drum and huRli* between Mr. S o r jI and the with the B. S. degree In 1935. fellowship and nurture that is V ere $17,600 per room. corps. Over 130 units from all sections of the state participated in board's architect. Edward V. serving an increasing number Explains Basis For Size I Need Seen By Wenzel He then was employed by Beth­ Matawan Borough Council on the F irem en ’s \'ii>ht parade which started at 7 p.m., and was seen H ick e y , as to the am ount of fili lehem Steel Company in the T hursday deferred lo llicir. next of children. Work with young by more than 15.000 persons. Fred Wenzel, one of the mem­ : needed to make the 12.9 tract lienl treatm ent departm ent meeting to be held Tuesday de­ people,” he declared, ‘‘should Also pictured above are the other trophies which the M|Uftd-0fffM.prf i,U bers: ot the M ntaw an Planning! Townshio Planning Board, thc body which drew thc! After several years he becam e cision on nn appeal by Goetz & be one of the primary objectiv­ has won for p arade participation tliis sum m er at South A m boy,;fnr , ,'s!lc suitable Middlesex, Fair Haven, Freehold, Ked Bank, and the New York ,, locatlnP a building. It fi* ordinnnce. explained the basis! Board Member Warns supervisor in charge of metal­ Strother, developers, from a rul­ es of a m odern day church. We lurgical operations in llie heat ing by the borough planning have Inherited a fine sanctuary Slate Ambulance and First Aid Association parade. jnnlly was compromised that for the 15,000 square foot lot; Impact Of 4000 Houses In tin* centcr of Ihe table is the mayor’s trophy which was Segal would pay $150 tow-­ treatment of heavy forgings.
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