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The Ministry of culture and sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan State of conservation report the Republic of Kazakhstan "Silk Roads: the Routes Network of Chang’an-Tianshan Corridor (Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan): theTalgar, Koilyk, Karamergen, Aktobe, Kulan, Kostobe, Ornek sites and the Akyrtas archaeological complex (Kazakhstan territory) Astana, 2017 State of conservation report the Republic of Kazakhstan "Silk Roads: the Routes Network of Chang’an-Tianshan Corridor (Kazakhstan, China, Kyrgyzstan): the Talgar, Koilyk, Karamergen, Aktobe, Kulan, Kostobe, Ornek sites and the Akyrtas archaeological complex (Kazakhstan territory) 2017 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS No. Name page INTRODUCTION 4 I OVERALL STRATEGY OF PRESERVATION OF THE WORLD 6 CULTURAL HERITAGE PROPERTY IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN I.1 LEGISLATIVE AND ADMINISTRATIVE MEASURES 7 I.2 FINANCIAL MEASURES, RESEARCH AND TECHNICAL 7 STUDIES I.3 SPECIALIST TRAINING ACTIVITIES 8 II STATE OF CONSERVATION OF THE COMPONENTS IN 9 KAZAKHSTAN OF THE WORLD HERITAGE SITE "SILK ROADS: THE ROUTES NETWORK OF CHANG'AN-TIANSHAN CORRIDOR" II. 1 THE TALGAR SITE (S 01-KZ) 9 ANNEX I 13 PROTOKOL Ref. No. 21-5/05-1557 dated: 27.10.2016 of the visiting meeting on issue of the medieval ancient settlement "Talgar" Chairman: Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan I.N. Tasmagambetov (Russian and English) ANNEX II 1. Letter of deputy prime minister of the republic of Kazakhstan No. 15 20-55/1668 dd. September 1, 2016. (Russian and English) 2. Telephone message Ref. No. 11/И-13 dated: 24.10.2016 (Russian 17 and English) 3. Letter No.3968 dd. October 21, 2016 of Head of the Internal Policy 19 Department A.
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