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No 173 9 December 1982


A BID by the people to separate from the rest of , was rejected by Par­ liament at at ·its last Budget Session. The issue was discuaed follo~ing a motion by one of the two Funafuti MPs , Mr Elia Tavita, in support of a petitton by the Funafuti people aski ng for separation.

The petition was presented by the former Prime Minister, the Rt. Ron. Toaripi Laut i at the beginning of Parliament ' s second sitting on Thursday afternoon, ·25 November.

The petition laid down three cond­ itions should it be agreed, to grant MINISTER PREDICTS BAL.\NCZ BUDGET the Funafuti people their wish. 1) Govern­ ment to cede all leasehold and acquired THE MINISTER of Finance, the Hon. Henry lande ' back to Funafuti landowners, 2) Voat~ Naisali predicted in Parliament all Government non- moveable assets to that by the end of 1983, Government remain under Funafuti control and 3) would have a balance budget inst ead of Government to move its headquarters a defitic budget even-thou gh there is a elsewhere but not on Funafuti . deficit in the 1983 Burlgeto He presented the budget to Parliament at the fir st Moving the motion, Mr Tavita claimed sitting of the Burlget Session hel d from that the Funafuti people are perhaps ' the 24- 29 November. The Minister was maki:ng poorest among the ~eople of Tuvalu in his prediction in response to cri ticisms i ncome per h ead and in ratural resources. from the Opposition members concer ning The future of the Funafuti people is very the anticipation of a $50 , 000 deft c i t in b l eak indeed and would only im:~cve if the 1983' Budget, during the debate on they were to be separated ~rom the rest the 1983 hppropriation Bill on the of Tuvalu and left alone. The problems thi:d sitting on Friday 26 . the Funafuti people are facing result mai n l y from the actions of Government In hie budget speech the Mi n i ster and the non- Funafuti population on the of Finance disclosed that the 1983 Budget i sland. Between 50 and 70 percent of would be tha first time since 19 76 for Funafuti l a natural resources are being Tuvalu to have such a deficit budget. exploi ted by Government and that Govern­ He explained that such arrang~nents h~ve ment a l so occu~ i es roughly a quarter of bean a common practice in many of the Funafutiie total land-area bu the comp­ world governments , end are being based ensation is unequi table. Birds are · from very good reasons. getting scarce because the non-Funafuti ·' people htint them in scores. The Minister also drew attention of the members to the inteTnational "While these people are enjoying the economic disorder sayi ng that such has pri v i leges of which, they are (ieprivli.ng been the caus.e o·f the financial their Funafuti islanders, they retain difficulties Tuval u i~ presently facing. better natural environment and resour ces Recession and Inflation continue to be on their home islands" , he said., felt stronglyo Demand has exceeded production, the value of t r ade between ftle,.. Mr Tavita also challenged Govern- countries hae declined, industries are ~men t 1 s impartiality in appointing people going bankrupt causing great un employment , J'e (Cont'd on page 2) (Cont'd on page 3) '4.c..1- ' 9 Oecc.:mber 1982 Pago 2 ~~~~~~~~~

FUNJUTI s~~KS s~PnR~T I ON to Parliament for a decision and Members (cont': from page 1) should do their duty and express their opinion. In any case, "whatever decision to the civil service clai ming that nepo­ Parliament makes there are a lways other tism is for ever present in Government alternativeo to deal with the matter". circles, citing three government division; as exenples ond sarcastically he asked The mover of the motion , Mr Tavita how many Fune futl people work in these also opposed the an~ndmcnt saying that Divisions. He also claimed that Govern­ "Fun11futi has suffered too much and ment hos been inconsiderate and biased that they would not tolerate further in its policies and dealin ~ s with the discussion but only n eed en answer to Funafuti people. their humble plea". Re oeid "Funafuti would not 'deviate' from their decision In opite of a ll these, he reminded to separate so there i s no use for Parliament, "history has established further words". that Funafuti hod been chiefly, if not prominent island in the group with The mnendt:ient was defeated and the special responsibilities and authority Rt. Hon. Toaripi Laut! stood in support extending to N ukul~cla e , and of their cause and requested Members to Nukufetau. In more recent times , he grant the Funafuti people their wish. said Fun~fu ti 1 s position as - what he He pointed out tha t "Funafuti people terme-"first born of Tuvalu", was fur­ arc being deprived of their future from ther consolidated ~ nd further signified their land anti sea" . In addition, he by the wish of the people to establish cl'limed, "income per family is minimal the capital of Tuv~lu here on separation due to the limited number of Funafuti from the old Gilbert and Elli ce Islands people employed in government services". Colony. He also pointed out the problem. of over­ population on Funafuti caused by the Funafuti, according to Mr Tavita, large numbers of other 19land communi ­ has been dealt an "embarraaing and in­ ties. With regard to entertaining VIPs, s ult~n g blow to its historic pri de and Mr Lauti claimed th~t Government chose 1 tradition"• He asked why Tuvalu s wel- • to ''i. gnore" 1·Fun afuti thinking its the coming functions for visiting VIPs are people's wish·. Re said Funafuti was no l onger held at the Taueoa Maneapa. "prevented" from taking part in ttme Mr Tavita pointed out that Funafuti was a ctiviti es , aa well ae those for the deliberately exclud ed from taking part Queen ' s visit. from these functions, qnd more import­ antly those for the Queen ' s visit, for Speaking against the motion, the short-sighted political rtmone. He Minister of Finance, the Ron. Henry F. declared th ~ t Governmunt has adopted e Naisali eaid he wish to clarify to "I-dont-cere-lcso" attitude towards Parliament that the eccusetion made by Funafuti. ''Why is Funafuti being made Funafuti against Government are, in moat a prodiga l son?", he challenged. casea , "results of things not done by the present Government". He said "the At the opening of the debate, the present Government has not acquired any member 1Dr Nanumaga, Hr Ilaoa Imo moved more l and than those acquired and leased an smendmcnt without notice asking that by the previous Government". Government, Parliam~nt rooolve to ref er the matter however, aymphatises with the problem to all iolonds in Tuvalu for their of land and has moved to intro d~ce mea­ opinion saying that the issue ~s of great sures more equitable to landownem' seriousness· and ie l 'lnd communities cannot demands. Certe inly, Government cannot be committed by their Members of Parlia­ b~ blame~ tor trying to help the land­ ment in this matter. owners. The Prime Hinieter, the Rt. Hon. As for the question of nepotism opposed the amendment and favouritism, the Minister agr~ed ~aying that the matter has been raised that its a ' mal-practice• that' s present Page 3 9 December 1982.

in any gov e rnment, howev e r, o ld a nd new , a s no excep~ion , will continue to minimise a ll ~roun d t he globe o And of the whole expenditure especially its own moneyo civil service salari es that Government ;1 1 expects to pay out this yea r, "$300,000 During the debate , the Opposition will h av e b ~en pa i d by the e nd of the member , Mr Elia Ta vita made a l ot of year to Funafuti civil serva nts which is comm ents on t h e 1983 Estimates especia lly quite a s ubs t antia l amount of the budget on ·ExpenditurE& He claimed there were for sal a ries"o lot of e rrors in the Estima t es and he called them a ' pnck of lies 1 o Mr Tavita The Minio t e r declared to Parliament was also v e ry much concerned a bout the that the recent difficulties before and $50, 000 deficit in the budget. The three leading up to the Qu een ' s visit ar e ~s imple o ther members of the Oppos i t i ons, the Rto matters ' tha t could h a v e been r esolved Hon o Toaripi Lauti, Mr Toomu Si one and quite ~as ilyp Of the ente rta inme nt for Mr Mahe u Nan i seni a l so expressed concern VIPs; h e told P a rli ~ent that al ~ island a bout the deficit. communities on Funa fut i , includ ing Funafu t i, wer e i n vited to take turns in Replying to a ll the comments from provid ing ent erta inment. "Funafuti re­ the Oppositions, the Minister of Finance fused to participate", h e saido pointed o ut t o the members that t he answe r s to all of the ir comments are Mr Nai sali explained to Parliament cont a ined in the Es tim at~s , an d had they that Funafuti' s non-participation in act­ pe ruse it they would have seen t hem. He i vities d uring the Qu een 's visit was a said that the members are 1 too weak ' to deci sion made by the i slnnd ~tself and unde rstan d t he contents of the Estima t e t. not Government, though they were asked to Referring t ~ the deficit ~ Mr Nai sali t ake parto The r eason for this r e luct­ said this is •Go v ernment ' s s u bsi dy t owards ance, he s~ id, r esult from a d iffer e nce the maintenance of the external a ir-serv­ of opinion between the isla n d an d 'Govern­ ice ' which is of vita l importance to ment an¢ r ecalled the incident, leading.. Tuvalu. Re reminded the memoer that up t o this ev ento Person al Emo lument makes up n early 50% of the budget which i s 'very critical', In c oncluding bis speech , Mr Naisali and th ~ t Government needo Gn e fficient r equ ested the Funafuti MPs to r ec·onsider and productive civil servi ce. He claimed the matter an d to think of the futu~e that employment would become a problem of the Funafuti peopleo He warned that and it is l i kely that the civil service such a move is "not possible" financially may be 1 cut down' if the worse comes to and could mean " d isas tro us effect" to the the worse. He c ited as an example• the life of P.eop l e . cas es of Fiji an d Papu a New Guinea who h ave gone ahead to cut their civil Other s p eak er s offered compromises services a and asked for fr i endly resonciliation between Governme nt and the Funafuti MPs. In con c lus i on , Mr Naisali predicted Some pointed out the expenses involved in that at the en d of the year , 1983, nbt only ' maintaining a n independent state ins t ead bf an es tima t ed deficit budget but c ompen sating government for its it will be a balance budget end he t o ld prop e:rties o member s tha t they have nothing to worry a bout. The vote resulted in 2 for, 6 again!t with 3 abstentionso


BALkNCE BUDGET THE FUN,',.FUTI price index i s continuing (Cont'd from page i> to escal a t e ~nd according to trade statistics for the l ast qu a rter ending in a nd nati onal governments' spending ar e No vembe r, the index was increased from gradually being reduced yearl~o Tuvalu, 139.2 in the previous quart er s ending in Page: 4 9 Dccunber 1982

August to 141.2 in November 1982 which For the Drink and Tobacco index , was a riee of lo4 per cent during the the increas e waa due to price increases three months period. For the twelve mon­ for a p~cket of cigarettes en

DURING TH~ last Budg~t 3eseion of Par­ .\11 Items 141.. 2 1.4 liament, the JAles Tax Bill 1982 was pa9sed on its first and second readings Th!oushout this yecr, the Nov~mber thuo becoming on Ordinance. It !s quarter experienced the lowest increases to come into operation in the beginning in the overall price index4 of next y~aro

The clothing group experienced a con­ In introducing the Bill in Pa rlia­ siderable sharp increase o f 12.6 pe rcent m~nt, the Mini&t~r of Fin~ncc, the Hon. during the three months period, associated Henry Faatl Naisali s~id thAt the Bill with moderate incruases in the Transport is inte nded ~o 1~pose a n ew form of tax a~d Rouoing and Utilities groups followed c~lled ' sal~estax ' which i o a tax on by nomi~ol increases in the Food and sales. Th~ tax is not however , imposed Drink end Tobacco groups. a fall, at th ~ t ime of sales but ~t the time of however, was recorded for the Miscella­ import of goodo brought in from abroad neous group. and at the time of manufacture for goods made within Tuvoluo Th~rd arc important ilO for the clothing group, the in­ exceptions as Lo the charge of sales tax, crease was a result of the s ignificant and most important of all arc thos~ items increases in the price of ladies and that are exe:ipt ~ro~ Customs duties , children clothes, tea towel and a skin which are , goods imported by the Tuvalu of embroidery cotton. Philatelic Bure~u for uoe in the pro­ duction or sale of stemps, rice , flour, The increa se in Transport was caused ship's biscuits, bar sopa, kerosene, all primerily fr0m price increases fr.om items goods produced in Tuvalu where the va!uu such as motor-cycle ( 100 and 50cc),. and of the manufacturing processes carriec bicycle and motor- c ycle tube. out in Tuvalu by person producing thos e goods in the year of manufacture does The increase in the Housing and Uti­ not exceed $5,000 and goods within the Lities index was a res ult of an incr~ase definition of item 9lla01 in the Tuvalu 'n the prices of a luminium roofing Customs a nd Import Duty Tariff (goods sheo? tGo under $5 value). Page S 9 December 1982

It s hould be noted elso tha t the Th e Prime Minis ter told Parliament Minister has the power, with the approval th ~ t changes have t aken place s ince o f Cabinet, to amend the Schedule 3nd Independence ond many provisions of the thereby change the rates of tax and the Constitution have cessed to be appli cabl eo exemptions . He does not f ee l though tha t the rights of individua l s should be o ma tter f or The 11 inister added that this system d i s cussion for change. of t axetion i s being "practiced elaewhere overseas". The Minister of Finance , s upported the motion and sai d tha t certa in provi­ The Bill was supported by the Minis­ sions in the Constitution are making t er of Commerce and Natural Resourc~s, the life "unbearabl e " . Bono La l e Seluka and the member for Va i­ tupu , Mr Iuta Tani e luo The Memb er f or , Mr Toomu Sione was s trongly in agains t of the 3peaking agains t the Bill were the i dea of appointing a Parliament Select fou.r opposition members with t he exception Committee , who, he i nferred wou l d be of the Rt. Hon. Toaripi Lauti. The mem­ s itting in Funafuti formulr ting their bats claimed tha t the introduction of the own po licieso He 'sai d th e people of sales t ax wi ll no doubt make lite •unbear­ Tuvalu ar e capable enough of deciding able ' due t o increases in prices of gooda o changes to their Constitution , and called Mr Slone ( Niutao) wanted the Bill to be on Pa rli ~m e nt to hold a Co nstitutional referred to the outer islands to find out Convention which should include members the 'heart' of the rest of the Tuva lu of the publico people o I f not then he will call this government a "dictatorship "government". Th e Committee i a comprised of the Mr Tavita (Funafuti) claimed thet Tuvalu Hono Speaker as chm:inan , Mr Vave Founuku, ' is not yet in a position to 'i ntrodu ce the H inist ~r of Finance, the Hon. Henry so many ki n~ s of taxation'. He was on the F. Na i sali, the two MPs for Funafuti, opinion tha t industries should be encour­ the Rto Hon. Toaripi Lauti and Mr Elia aged f irot, in order to increas e the eco­ Tavita and the Attorfl¥- Gcneral. nomy. Realizing thn t the sales tax r e­ covers the loss from the income tax The terms o f reference of the Sel ect revenue, Mr Tavita claimed that "the Committee woulTER o f Finance , the Hon. Henry Faati N~ i sP li sai d that Government woulc In e~rly Oc t ober this y~ 3r , the l oosu abou t $78, 000 from income tax plan e broke down a ft 2r it cr ash l gnded on ce the Income Tax Bill 198 2 comes into on its be lly e t Naurosi airporto Since o pera tion n ext year. In introducing then , Fiji .• ir Again l .?aaed a same type the Bill during Parliame nt' s Bu dget of aircra f t from Horfolk .~ irline until sessi on , the H i nist ~ r sai d that the Bill las t Monday when the plane h as t o r e turn. conta in• a numb er of a lter ati ons t o the Income Tax Ordinanceo Because o f this a ircraft ' s withdraw­ a l from the s.:rvicc , Fiji ;i.1r now opc­ The Bi l l passed its firot and s econd rntes the servi ce with a Beach Bar on r earlings anrl became an Ordi n ance. As aircraft until such time the King ~ir in tht Bill t he proviaiono th~ t impose aircraft is off the ground. \ Beach Baron a basic tax on a ll worker s who a r e no t cartlesfour passengers while th ~ 'ing ·"'ir liabl e t o a hi3her tax under other carr1ec t en paooenger eo provisions ar e r emov ed. h ll income r e ceivers will ( s ubj e ct t o the exemptions The Trav e l Officer , llrs J-.Oga Kofe in the Bill) be t axed on the same SAi 3 IN V~3 Trl.:NT new Bill, r eceive A s ing l e tax free allow~nce o f $2500. GOVZRt'1u..:.1"T H • .., r.?c"'iv cd a t ot a l amou nt o f $t.U92 , 885.87 from the investment with The rliff er ent scn l eu of rat~s of Hr Jytlney Cross in t he Unit~d J tatese t ax for differ ent incomes i s a l so The Minis t er of Fi nance told Parliament removed and r eplaced by n s ing l e tax tha t Go v errun.!nt h as no i dea as t o the r a te o f 30% of a ll eor nin gs o v ~ r n nture of this p a ym ent wh ich was r eceived $25000 in October thi s y ear , h owc vor, . Government has m ~de ~n ~nqu iry into the matter and Husband an

The proviaions rc13 ting t o the o f al l ow:rnces i s whtit he c alls· "cxtre:mc making of returns , the mak ing of nsscss­ individua l case" but not an average case. men t enc the provisions relating t o appeal s hnvc been consider ably shortened. GOV .. RUM.:.NT The income tex exemp tions have bLen SUBSIDIZEJ I NTERN.\L dIR SERVICE ::un~ndcd rnd in particul~r income arising from the oal c o f f i oh caught in Tuvalu GOVi:.R lHC:NT WILL be subsi dizing by wat ers and f r om the sal e o f copra ar~ $786 , 000 for the two y~~r trie l oper a tion included no incomes to b~ exemp t from which cndo on 31 .ugun t 1983 of the t ax. internAl ~ ir- s~ rvic c which i s being oper a t ed by ->1H1 Bee ..ir Ltd. of ..ucklnnd. Juppo rting the Bill w e r ~ the dinistcr o f Commer ce nnd Natur a l Resources, the In anew~ r t o one of the questions in Hon• Le le Sc luk3 ancl th\! Prime llinister 1 Parliament, the 1'iinictcr of Finance the Rt. Hon. Dr Tom 9 i Puapua. > the Hon. H. F. Na i s~ li expl a ined that Government es timates th~t the t o t a l h ith the \!XCcpt i on of Mr Ileoa Imo operating coot , will be $890 , 000 and {N~num~ga) all the oth~r four members about $517,000 i o exp~ctcd to be collect­ of th~ Op positiono spoke agalust the ed from passeng er farm, charter and Bill. fr~ight r o v ~nuc a . The net subsi dy will ther efore be S373 , 000 and this will be Mr Tavita a ttnckcd the Sill and paid by Gov~rnmcnt through the aid pro­ po inted out thot he could see some of grflmmc. In addition t o the capital, the tl is~dvantAgcs in the Bill one o f tho a ircra ft costs about $413 , 000 making which woo the re:mova l o f He a ll o ~anceso a t ot a l subsidy of $786, 000o cl~imcd th nt taxpayers do no t hnve the same finQncial committmunts some as Mr Nni3tl li al so t o l d membt?rs th '\t p Arenta h·v~ children in o v c rs ~as educa­ Ciqures (or th ~ first year of the trinl tion end oomo have m or~ children than op er a tion ar c not nv a il ~blc yet as th ~ y othcro. He nlsn clai mud thqt this would aro bcin~ compilcdo over-burdened t exp ~ y u rs ns an effect of Govcrnmcnt ' o r ecovery o f the $78,000 l oss from income t nx an

In s uppo rting th~ Bill, the Prime N~GUTI.TlONS !J cxpoct c• to bke place in Minister claimed that t hi s l oss is defi­ Fiji on l'tonc!ay 13 Duce:mber b~tween a nitely e kin1 of r~licf t o those tax­ fivc -mcmb~r tc.cm o f Go v e r nm~nt high payer s who hove had ycArs of hardship off iciolo ~n the 3outh Koroan Fisheries of paying t ax under th~ preocnt Income .asociation on th~ r~n ewa l of the osso­ Tex Ordinance. ciation ' s fiahing licence in Tuvalu waters. T h~ o the r mambcr f or Funafuti the Rt. Hon. Toaripi Lauti was d is sa ti~fic d Govcrrunont 1 3 tarun will be l ed by the if Go v ~ rnm cn t rcc o v ~ rs this l oss from ;,ecrctory t o Gover run nt ,-fr Ionatana income t ex from the sales tax saying I onnt eno end inc lude3 th- .• t torney­ that it would be o 'heavy blow' t o a ll Gon~ r al, Hr Nei l Davidson , the Secretory includ ing unemplo yed. ' for Com~orcc and ~ntural Resou rc e~ , Mr F~uc Tipu, the Pl anning Offic~ r, Mr Dnvid The m·cm bcr for Nanum cn, Hr Uaheu ••bbott nn the Fisheries Extension Naniscni ~ c nt~d the Bill r efer t o civil Officer, Hr Micha~l B~ tty. servants o n the ou t ~ r i s l ~ nds to find out the ir opinion on the Bill. l1r Ionntann h.,~ a lre

Mr I on at ana will j oin the team on departure for the new fiehins seAson. hio r~turn from Hong Kans. This is is due to adv erse weather cond itions •

• ccor1lin5 t o the. Sccrotar y f or B,\Nl< M~.N.-GER ATTENDS CONFER£NCE the N1tion~l Fishin7 Cor por etion of ~~~~~------~~~~~~~~- Tuv~lu, Mr Davi ~ Kirton , waathcr and TRE G~IER.L H ~ n ~gc r of the National Bank bait fishing in Fiji is expcct~d t o of !uv•lu, Mr ndrew Hop~-Mo rley attcn~~d improve during the next fortnight and it the ..nnu11l Pacific B ~ rclays Conference held is hoped tha t the v css~l wi ll soon be in Fiji. a ble t o r esum~ fishing. Th a crew and v eer&t ~re on st-ndby a t the moment. Oth~r a tt ~ndB nt s includud Barclays Bank Int ~ rn e ti o n o l Mans~ers from Fiji, VAnu ~ tu , N~uru , ,u tra lia and New Zeelnnd. L\NDING RAMP FOR V.ITUPU •.mo ng a ubj ~ ct s discusecd were the det~il~d bu~in osa development targets for A L~NDINO ramp for the suaplanc is 1983-1987 in each territory and a r e port expect~d t o be constructed at Vaitupu and appraisal of B~rclays involvement in the mi

While in Fiji, Hr Hope- Morley also t;Ations 1 th ~ Hon. Mc ti 'l Tcalofi told the visited B~rclays B~nk ' s B r ~ nch in Lau toka memb rs o f p rliem~nt during the lest who h ~c agree t o t nk e on otaff from the Parlia~ont session tha t fun ~s hove been Nr.tionel Bank of Tuvelu next year for made 1 v a il ~b l ~ for the construction o f thr ~e t o s ix months tra ining periods. t.he r e.m p.

He said the po~pl~ o f Va itupu has r equest ed Go v ... rnment fo r e l ancl ine ramp 3E,~M•... N DI~D OVER ;~1\S as there i s no gootl s it ~ in the lagoon for PASSengers to got off tho plane , l TUV •• LUhN oeam1::n serving on one o f the and tha t passengers have t o wade in ovcraeao ohips wns r eport ~d to h ~v ~ di ed or der to get ashore. r ecently in Jydn~y , dus tralia.

Mr Soo~ala Tinilau o f ukul a~ lae w~s rep or t ~d t o h ev ~ su ffer~o a knife wound BIO .STOW S inf lictcd by n . ustre~ Cook on bo~rd JOURN .LISM TR.INING JEtiIN.r.R th~ mv Planet . He was qdmittcd t o a hoa pital in ~ydney wh ~re he d ied. THi: BR0.1.UCHSTiriG an Inform.a tion Of fleer, Mr Pusine lli L af qi e tt en~ec a sem inar The incirlan t wa s report e~ t o have o n j ourna lism tra ining in the South happened on borrd th ~ ship ond no other Pacif ic hll l d from 1 - l~ U~cembe r in informotion was a v e il abl~ os to the c9use Singatoka , Fijio of the incident. . The seminar w ~s t o d i scuss gener a l Thcs~ informations ware r eceived in impro vem t!nt an•' the methoda f or tra ining Fun .futi by the Labour Officer, Mr Sim a ti o f South Pacific j ournalists as well as Faeniu in e cable from the Sc31Den's Union ~h e r o l ~ o f women in the media. in T a~awe , . *"'********"'** ***u~********** FUNi.FUTI ere OPENS NC FISHil~G Y ... r FO':( T .:: TAUT.il THE 'FUNaFUTI Community Training Cen tre TE T.• UT .•I is still in port 3uva since her w~s officially opene

Movcmber by the Ministe r of So cial pela foki mo tino f ak a - e l o fao Kaa ti Serviceo , the Hono F!la ile Pilita tio e no fo ma i t e 50 ki t e 70% o te ma umea o t e lauke l e o Funa futi k o pa l e le n e In his o pening addr e ss, the Ministe r puke n e t e Ma l o , a k o t e Mal o foki e s a i d that he hope s many good things would puke n e i n e i a k a ti se kua t a o t e koga s prout out from this Centre. l a uke l e o Funa futi k ae e s e t a itai o t au a t e tauio A ma nu f o ki ko seai i Funa­ Th e Fun ~ futi C e ntr ~ i s the l a st futi a u a me k a i sal e n e tino faka -alo f ao Centre built in Tuv ~ lu and i s expecte d t o com e into op e r a tio n in the n ew t erm 11 E pefea l ao tino kon e i e o la next y ear .. fi a fi a i mea kol a ko se ma u agina ne tino Funafuti, a mea i l uca i o l o t ou f e nua t o tino , k o t oe", i an a patio ********~'* ****** •_;

FUNtiFUTI SALA KISE MAVAE A Elie n e f a ~ a tu foki ki t e Ma l o e uiga mo te f a i m ~a f apito i te f ak a galue ­ TE F:.I<..T• •GI a Funafuti ke m.w a e mai i a san a o tino i t e Ma l o , t e l a i a n a p ati ma i nis i f e nua a k a o Tuva lu, n e seki me i t e f apito i k a i g a mo fenun e f ai 1 t a lia n e t e P Al amen e i t e n a f o notaga mo k ntoa n e i i koga o t e Ma l o , t e la ne f a k a­ t e F a k a t aug a Tupe t e nci f gk amuli n e i. ma ina a k a n e i a ki Ma t agaluega e t o lu Te mataupu n a f a ipe tig ina ma i tua o t e i t e Ma l o , t e l a ne f a i ak a ala p a ti f a k e­ av ak aga o t e ma t aupu k e mau a se ikug a n e s a l a me e t okofi a tino Fune futi e galue t e s ui t o ko t asi o t e t ok o lua o sui ki te i e i. I an a p a t1 me i t e Mal o ko oko Pal amvn c o Funaf uti, Elia Ta vita o l ag o ki l oa i t e s e f a i f ak ~ l e i kae f e pito i a na t c f a k e tag i a tino Funa futi ko l a t o u k e fakanofogn mo f a ifa i ga ki tino Funafutio mav ae f a k a t eao E p e f ea l oa e mea kone i, n c f ak a - Te f e k .~. tag i t cnei n e a v ak agina n e m '!Saua a tu f oki n e i a ki t e P a lnme n e me te Ulu o te MA l o mu n , T e n ~ Ma lu Toaripi ' ma i t e l a f a ~ aso l o pit o , a Funa futi ko i a Lauti i t e k amat aga o t e lu i o aso o t e ~e a liki, i o me ko t e f e nuo t a ~a i te no f oaki3a o te Palame n e i t e tutonu o t e atufe nua kee ko t en e pul e z ~ e o ko a tu ..so f a , po 25 No vemao l oa ki N ukul ~e l ~I.! , V-ii t upu mo Nukufe t au ..11 I t 3imi kon c i ko o ti n L f ak~a lo s i k ae I loto i t e tuai n e av e i ~ i t e f a k at a lito nug i na t e tulesa t e n e i o f ak a t agi, e f akamoe i e i e tolu ? f ak a ­ Funafuti t cln i an e pA ti me ko te no f oga ma f a i e t a li ~ t o mana ko o Fun a futi ~ 'toekimua o Tu v a lu' n e te men a kog a o 1) Ko t c M~ l o k e t oe f a kafoki k a t oa a na tino k e f ak 1t u t e l eum u n o Tuva lu i ko g a l aukele k o l a ne lis i i o me ~e t ogi ki ko n e i i t e t a imi o t e v a em e. i ga ma i t e tino Funa futi k o l a e o l a tou a man afa, Ko l o n e mua o Kil:lplti mo Eliseo 2) ~ mea t o tino katoa a t e Malo k o l a ko se maf a i o f ak flg'as.ue ke pulegina e ~ Funafuti , p e l a mo p : t i a Elia, Funafuti k ee 3) Ko t e Ma l o k e ~v e fak ~ t e a "ko p a l e le nc f a kamas e i g ina t en ~ tu l ag a ten.a l a umu a ki s e k oga akA k ae s c i t e nei i t a l n f a k :~so l o pi to mo tu mo Funa futio f tdfa i 8a mu a ".. Ne f esili a tu a ia me k a i a a f a i gamea f ak a t a li ma l o a Tuve lu I t e a v a k aga o te mataupu ke mau a k o se f a i e i i te Tausoa M3neapa. Ne s e i k u ~ a , n e f a k aasi ak a n e l lia me i fakaas i ~ tu n e Elin me i e Funa futi ne tino Funafuti k a ti k o toe tino mativa l o a liakina ma i f u o p e l a mai t e ae kao ·atu n e i i tino i Tuvqlu i tupe maua n t e tino ki f a i gamea ko n ~i, k ae ma iac l oa f a i ga­ t okotas i i a p e l o f oki mo t e maum ea o te me a mo t e :\siga a Tupu , 0 0 11 fua k o t ama lauke l e o Te olaga o. tino Funafuti mo f e itu fak a p o litiki. I ana p a ti ~ e ko t a imi mai mu a n c i ko ok o l oa i t c f a k a l o ­ p a l e l c n e f a i n e t e Ma l o sena :fa!ina· t o l o t o lua k ae k a mAf a i fua o t a i l e i aka p e l a "s e a f a ina fu a " kia Funa futi""• ma f a i e mavae l at ou ma i Tuva lu, k a e ke A i a ko f a i ei a Funa futi pel a me se n ofu l oa i a t ok o t a si. Ko f ak ~ l av e l a ve t ~m a fak aal o f n? i t ~na f e sili .. konei e feagai mo tino Funafuti n e ms fua ma i fu a ma i lug a o f a ifa i ga ate Ma l o . I t e t a l aga o te mat a upu k e f a i I , ( Cont' d o n p~ge 10) Page 10


VdCANCY: .~pp licll tions a re invited from Monday flig ht t o Va itupu i o ouch a s ur­ suitably qu a lifi ~d pe r sons t o fill the pri&u t o the Post Office that they mis s post o f Cat e ring Officer in the Tuva lu it mo r1..; ofte n tha n no t, we went t o the Mari time School, .t.m a tuku. troubl e c ~n d e xpe nse) o f ~e n d ing an ex­ ceedingly po lite t c l ~ gr an t o the Post­ The post carri~ o s ala ry scale 7, i.e. mas t e r r eques ting tha t the mail be put $3132 x 132 pa t o $4260 x 204 pa . on Tu oada y 26th 1 s plnneo ~las, no use, ·we were no t remembe red in a ll the excit­ Qualificft tione : 'unlificd 3tewa rd mc nt o f the Roya l vis it t o Funa futi. Certif ica te a n rt appropriate s ubsequent expe rie nce plus a Cook Certificate i ssu ed Thi s l e tte r i s born of d e s p ~ ir, by a r ecognised institution. Add itiona l wh a t c n we V ~ itupu r es i dents do t o simply qua lifica tions or e xperie nce in the get a weekly delivery o f mail? Swim ove r fi e l d o f cat e ring would b ~ a n advantage. an rt ge t it oursclves1 lie owe much t o No r m who goco f ar beyond his duties f or Dutie s: To s upervise tha tra ining u ~ , without hio cfforto things w~ul d be of ent e ring trainees nnc upgrade c o ur R~ s e v en wor oe. f or s t cwR.r do , t o be r cs pon oible for victua l l ing of a ll TMj tr a in e es~ and t o Fina lly l e t me m i s qu o t ~ from the a s s i ~ t wi t h the r outine , ~ iscipl i n e ~nd speech o f the l a t e •. ugustue Po Gardner on we lfa r e o f tra inees in general. 16 th. Octob er 1916, 11 W1.il

Deor Sir• - Once ag qin I wao bitte rly .i.nna be l l c Ger cia disappo inted t o finJ thn t the ~3 il for c/o G. M •• dame Va itupu was no t on todays pla ne . The Dyoart Jr. High excuse t his tim~ w ~s tha t a• ThuraAay P. o. Box 703 28th wee e pub lie ho liday, the mai 1 tha t Peoria , A3, 85345. c eme in f r om Fiji tha t day wa s no t sorted. Reacon ab l c enough, we do no t e xpe ct the Pos t Offi ce t o miss a public ho liday a s we do 3t Ho tufoue ; but wh n t h ap p ~ n ed t o FUN. FUTI S,"LH KI SE M.~VAE the ~~ il from l ast tonrlay, a nd Thur s~a y ( c~ nt' d from page 9 ) the 21s t en ~ the l o c a l ma il? Is it a ll be ing s a ved f o r u s so t h~ t wh e n ~t l as t ma na tu ki e i , t c sui o N~ num ~g a, Ilaoa someone r emembers t a put it on the Va i­ Im o n o v a ka nc i e s~ f oke.rnaf uli ga faka­ tupu pl3n c we will h a ve a nice big h eap? V 'lV C k i t c rnn tqup u o f nk.'.l t agi atu td te P~lamun c kc e va tu t c ma t cupu ki fenua i I do r ealize thAt the r egula r s ea tua o Tuva lu me nea o l o t ou mafaufauga ki pla ne aervice has only been in ope r a tion ci, me i t c ma t ~upu ko oko l oa i t e fai ­ f or 30 mo nths , h a r d ly l ong e nough f or a n s~ t n , n ko tino 0 fenua e s e ma f a i fu a 0 e fficient ma il service t o hav e been l o t o ki t c iku&a a o l ot ou s ui ki te Pa la­ e vo lvec. However, becouce the r egul3r mcnc i t ~ mataupu t e nei. ( ' _P.a.s~e__ l_l ______~9 D ec~mb_er_ _l_9_8~2 ______

Te Ulu o te Malo , Tena MA lu Dt Tom qe i Pela mo t e f esili ki luge i f aigamea Pu apu , h e t eke ne 1a te f A k ~mebliga t c l a fapito i galuosa mo t e oso , ne t a li ~ n e 1 ana pati me i te m ~ t a upu ko pa l e l c ne t e Hinisita me se 11 f11if ".li ga ae" t c la e fai avaka ki t e Pa lamene ki sen'l iku a~ , t e l a n ~ sose Malo , molo mua mo ma l o fou , p e l a l a ko s ui e t Pu o f ~i o lotou tiute o foki mo m~ l o katoa i tc lal~lasi. Kae frtk~~si o l otou menetu . I eoee faigamea pela mo t ogi katoa o tino• galue i t e Malo, : "sose i ku3 " t e l 'l e f ;ii ne t e P kapa l e l ega o t e ki t .:? m:> t aupu. t ,i.iusags nei se 11 $300 , 000 ki ti no ga lue Funafuti t e l n ae Aof aki l asi ki o te Tc sui t c l 'l ea i a t ~ ma t aupu, Elin Fakatau ga Tupa mo togi o tino o nc t c~e f oki ki t e f ~ k nm a fuli gA t~l , i ana peti me i a "Funafuti ko l 'lsi t eno Ne f ak6asi tu foki ne t e Minisita pokotieg~ , k ee ko se t oe man ako k i n e ki t e Palamene me 1 f~k1lnvelave konei f a ip ~t i g e k ~~ m~nako fu~ ki se t a li ki te fAkamuli n ci fu~ mni mu- o t e ••s i ga a te o l ot ou fgk3tagi 11 o I '\n a p:iti , ".'\ Funa­ Tupu ne mea ' faigofie fuo ' ko l a e mafai • :J futi k a cc f oki mai t cna ikuga ke m~vae fu ~ o fai fak~vAve. Pe l a mo f akP t a liga i a t ... l ::: l <>, e seal 1011 sc aoga" o pati". 6 malo, ne fak~asi atu ne ia ki te Palamene me i fehu a katoa i Funafuti ne Te f akarn afulisa ne seki talia, tela kami a tu k e kau i t e f ~ i games tene i, ke tcno ~a lu Toeripi L"uti ne tu aka o l Ago f ak11soloso l o l a t ou 1 t o faig~ o fak afia­ a te o l b t ou mnt aupu , t c l g nc f nkt\lllolemo lG fiagao "Funa.futi ne eeki t ~ lia nei a ke e tu ki s ui kc t a lie ~k~ fua te o l otou kau otu i a ki l o t o " i !lne pati., manakogao Ne fakaasi aka f oki nc i a me 1 "Tino Fun!1futi ko p a l~le ne se amana i a Ne f ak ~ma in a a tu fok i ne Fa~ti ki mo "'~O mF'.i mu '1 m 'li te o lotou 1.:l uke le mo tc P 0 lamene me 1 te se k cu o Funafuti 11 te t 3i • Faopoopo 11 tu ki ei, i ana p'lti ki f~i g~mc~ mo t ~ ~Si6~ ~ Tupu se ikuga foki me i " i tupe maur. a t e k!l i &11 ko oko fu, ne fai ne t~ fenu~, k~e se ko te loa i te foliki on 3 ko te mutnn~ o tino tl~ l oo , e p~fca l oa ne f ~ kqtag i 9tu te Funafuti e g•lue i t e Me l o . Ne f akaas i Mqloo ke fakatasi m~ i foki l a t ou. ~ka f oki ne i ~ te f ak a l avelave ki luga 1 Ko te pogai'o t e se l oto tenei ona loa te t o-tokouke o tino 1 Funafuti mai · luga ko t e kesekcae o mafouf~u · a i te vaa o te o te tokouke o tino f gk a- alofo. Pele mo fenua mo te Ma l o t e l a n ~ toe fakrunP.tal a t a li ~n a malo, i p$ti a Toaripi me i te ak1 f oki nc i a t e men n~ tupu t e l a ne Malo ne filifili ke se amanaia ne l nt ou pogai m1i i ei t c m~a t ~ne io a Funafuti t e l .. i o l o t ou ma f auf'\usa me ko men~kaga l oo o tino. I ana pati me I t ~ f~k~otiga o t ... n~ lcu&n, a i a Funafuti ne "taofi" mailuga o te k au Fanti ne f~knmolemole atu ki sui o a tu ki f a i gamea konei, pel3 foki mo f ai - FunRfuti ke t oe maf~uf ~u k i te feitu tenc i gamea mo te .1.s isa a Tupu. kn~ ke maf1uf~u foki ki te o l aGa mai mu a nei o tino Funafutio Ne fei a tu ne i a I te faipet i ga o teke t e mataupu, me i t e m. n n Funafuti . tenei "e ae mafai" te Miniaita o Tup e , T~nn M~ lu Henry Fa i fcitu t su tupc k'"'c \! mefni o " tupu Nai e~l i i ~na pati me i te i a e monako f a kal1wc l aVf:: 11 k i o 1030 o tinoo o fekemain~ ki te Pal'lmene me i pati ko l a ne f ai ki luge i te Malo n e Funafuti, Ko nisi su~ n c faipati faka l e i te uke:ga· o l .. t ou "ne tupu mai k a toa mai atu foki k~B fai ·tu ki se fakaleiga o mea kol~ ne seki f ., i ne te Ma l o nei" . te vaa o t c M~ l oo mo sui ki te Pelamene I nn a pnti me i t e Malo n e i e seki toe o Funafuti. Nisi ne f~knasi ak a ne l a t ou t ogi P-ka l oa ne i a n e laukele ki l Rukel e te tupe f ak1unaumRu t el~ ka qof i a i l oto, kola ne t ogi io me ne lisi ne t e Malo se fai fua po l a i t ~ f~kngaluegaga o mu a " . 1. te Malo, e pefea l oa c fanoAnoa a e fenu a tu- t okotasi, kec ko te tauige e uiga mo te f akal a vela ve tenei i l auke l e f ok i o men t otino o t e Maloo. t c l a ko pnlelc ne gasu e 1tu o f a i n e mea k o l ~ e l e i mo menakoga o tino f ni manaf a . Te ikuga o te palot~ , e tokolua e K a~ ti e se mafai o ti ki te Mnlo 1 tena loto, t oko ono ne t ~ke kc c tokotdlD seki taumefei o fesoasoani ki tino f a i mannfa. pa lot a. -----·--=-=--;--'----

Page 12 9 Dt.c amber 1982 ------~ -~------~ ruv,.tu Toomu ( .Uut 'lO ) nc mnn!l·w ko t e Tula f ono KAM ~ ~rH Lu.Foe .~ MEA ' - TOGI ' F k ~ t a ut 'l U t~nci kc ~v e tu ki f enua i tua kc s a l 'l tu k i t e "lo t o" o tino I T1. f ono t egn a tc pnl an11..: n c mo t e Fak a­ Tuvn lu. Kaf~ i l a e oe t cli a , ka f aka ­ t nueo Tupc, ta Tulnf ono F a k ~ t ~ut a u mo i gon 1 t c mnlo t cnei ki te v ~c ga 1 nc L ~foge o Hc a T0!8~ 1982 n ~ t alia 1 ms l o t 1.. l o c "pul n c tino t oko t esi". t ene f c itauge mu amu o mo te l u a t e l a ne A Elia (Funafuti) n e fak ~s i a k a nc ia f a i ci mo f oi ce Tula f ono Las i. mo i Tuv -i lu c "scki no f o nei i te tulaga t '- l a ko t nu o f e i nc vaega l ~ foga e uk e ". I t ~ avakego o t e Tul ~ f o n o Faka­ i a c mnf Au feu p c l ~ me e t au o f ai mu a­ t nutau 1 t o P A l ~e n c , te ?1inisita o mu a nc f ~ l c k o l o~ (industries) ko t c mee te Tupe, T e n ~ Mn lu Hcnry . F. Na i sali ne k c t 11 f ak ~ l ne iek a n e i a te maumea 1 f a i ena pa ti m~ 1 t ~ Tulnf ono Fak 3t autau tup ~ i T uv ~ lu. I t e iloaga me 1 t e n e f a i mo foi mo t oe se v ~ega l a f oga fou Tu l a f ono F o k ~ t ~ut au t enei mo i a f oga o t el o e f aka i goa "l" f oge o meA t ogi" t e lo Moa ~ Togi• ko puke ma i f o ki i e i to 9 t s e l .:;fogo o m1 t ogi. t e l af oga e se tupo gnl o ma i l ~fog9 o tupe mau n a tino , f a i pel a mo f a i i te t i i mi t e l ~ e f :ika­ n .,; f nk ei 11kn nc E li ~ me i te "tupe m'1 U 8 t au a tu 1 c i, kr.c o f ai i t ~ t i imi tela ma i l e.fos' o mca t ogi k a s ilia masci i t c ko oko mai 1 e i a kako mii tu 3 pe l a f oki $78,000 (t ~ l a c foi pelr me ko t e tupe mo t c tiimi t e l ko f fl ite i ei a mea k ~ g~ l o mni lusa o l afoga o tupe maua kon ci · to~ i 1 l o t o 1 t c Tuva lu ne i. E i s i a tino ). I on o p nti me i tino Tuv9lu ne m ~~ t r u a ko l s c &CA i ne l af oga ki ei , k a l ogofio m~ i lu• a o t e l ~foga tenei. k P.~ m3i Oe l oa a m ~a k o l ~ ~ s~a i f oki ne tiut ~ o l o t ou 1 t e Ka sitamu, ko mea ko l a I t c f a ipa tigu f 3k~o tio ti e uiga e aW'ile i n ~ t c 1A t ngA lu cg~ o f uilog a mo mo t c Tul ~ f o n o F ~ka t au t au, n e f a i a f nkaoge 1 t o f a i t cga i o ~e 1 t e t ogiatuga p 'l t 1 o t c lU ni ::i ite me e ilo::i f oki n e i a f 9 il og~ , l ~ i ~ i, ki t ue o f a l aoa, masi, mL 1 tino ka l ogofio , k ~e s e l ogofio sopu makck c t n grtu , ka l As ini mca k at oa masei ~ u o m ~ i t c 5% t ol a ka tuku ne ko l a e f e itc 1 Tuva lu t ~ l a t e POf aki o l nt ou k1 lugn 1 t ogi o meo e f o liki ki, t e t ogi o mee k o n ~ e f ~ it o ne se tino i a ko t o l nsi &1 f oki o t e kRko o Tuvalu Tuve lu o ve s ilia i tu 1 t e mo me a S5, 000 ko men k o l ~ o eeai ne o l o t cu l a foJ a ci k~ l ~ e mailAl o o te f ak Rso l oga o mea ka t ogi. i t c n npa 911.01 i t c tuai o f a i g~ o tiuta o ktHi itamu (k o mea ko l a ma i l a l o o t e $5 t e o l ot ou t ogiJ TEU G,~ TUPE I A SYDNEY CROSS Ko ilo8 f oki me i t ~ 11inis ita e i s i s ena m ~ l oo i, mo t c t 'l li a~a a t ~ K ~pin e t ~ , KO P ~L iL ~ nc me u ~ n ~ t e Ma l o se aofaki o f akafou e t \.: f ~k 1so l oga o m ~a kon ai e t uen mo t e $.W92,885.87 me i te t euga t c l a •k o fuli c1 n tiute o m~n i a pe l a tupc mo ;> yrlney Cr oss i .1'Il elike . Te f oki mo mce ko l a c se tiutc . Minis it o t e Tupc n e f ckaei a tu n e i a ki te Pa l amcne me e seai l oa s e mea a Ne fcopopo ml\1 n u t e 1.l i n i s ita me i t c Holo c ilon c uige mo t e ~ l a o te ,. f .•A te v.acga f · if t \!nei o l af oga , e "fai togi m~ i sn o t c t u?e t enei t e l s ne maue s n l e l oA 1 nis i koga '\k s ". 1a Ok ct opa 1 t c t aus30 a nei, k ae e pcf c3 l oo a t ~ rlal o ko p~ l e l e ne tusi Tc Tula f ono F~ k o t , ut ~ u ne l agogina ~t u ki e i c u i g~ mo te mea t ene i , kae ne t e Minis ita o t1num cn mo Pi s inisi, Tena tLnei l oe koi fnk ~ t nl i a tu ki s e t a li. MP.lu Lnl e Jeluka mo t c s ui o V3itupu, lute T.:m i o;.: lu. E iai sc f ~ k a t au ga a te Ma l o pela me k ati ko t c t ogi o t ~ pas ene mo kua t a Ro s ui n ~ f a i p~ ti o t ck e ki t e e lima , ma i i a Iula i 1981 ki a Setema Tule f ono F ~k 1 t ~u t ~u t ~ n ~ i ko te t oko f a 1982. sui o t e k ~ u t oke v og~n~ ko Tena Ma lu Toaripi L~u t i . Ne f ~kaa •i aka ne sui me Te 11inis i t a n e f akam:isa.u a aka f o ki i t c f AkP.ge lucgaga o t ~ f a i ga o te l afoga n e i A ki t c Pa l 'lmen e me i te feaga iga a 11 t enci, k .'! "fl'1k qf e i g'lt il ne i 'l t e o l l!ga t e Ma l o mo ay ~ n e y Cr oss e uiga mo t e t oe one ko te mas iki 8k s o t ogi o mea. A ( Co nt' c on pgge 14) ' PAge 13


Mondays to Saturi!iys (morning) Thursdays 6.25am Tuning call/sign on trailers etc 5o55pm Tuning call/sign on etc ... 6.30 Morning devotions News pr eview 6.35 Good morning Tuvalu (Tuvalu songs) 6000 Manako 7.00 World News CR.A) 6030 Focu~ programme 7.10 Tuvalu News (Tuvalu/english) 6.40 Musii ( Englieh) 7.15 Good morning Tuvalu con't 7.00 Uorld News (R.A) (mixed entertainment) 7.10 Tuvalu news etc (m usic Tuvalul 7.30 Sign off 7.30 Tala o Tuvalu etc 7.45 Tala mo Tamaliki Mondays 8.15 Pese/songs 5.55pm dign on trailers/news preview 8030 Sien off 6.00 Manako 6.30 Mataupu o te aso Fridays 6.40 Music (pop/western etc) So55pm Tuning call/sign on etc 7.00 World News (R.A) News preview 7.10 Tuvalu news, announcements, 6.00 l1anako weather and shipping 6.30 Focus programme Pes e Tuvalu 6.40 Mus ic (english) 7.30 !ala o Tuvalu/ntupaipai 7.00 Yorld News (R.A) Fakapulaga, ala o vaka, tau 7.10 Tuvalu news , announcements o te aso weather, ahippin., etc mus ic Tuvalu 7.45 Kete Tala a Tuvalu 7.30 Tala o Tuvalu etc 8.15 Peoe/~onge 7o45 Lalolagi mo ana tala 8.30 Sign off 8015 Hix entertainment & requests 9.00 Sign off Tuesdays Saturdays S.5Spm Tuning call/si gn on trailers News preview s;sspm Tuning call/sign on etc 6.00 Manako News preview 6.30 Focus programme 6.00 Polokalame n Lotu 6.40 .tuc.ic (i.nglish) 6.15 Manako 7.00 lorld flews (Ron) 6.30 Focus programme 7.10 Tuvalu news etc music (Tuvalu) 6.40 Music (English) 7.30 Tale o Tuvalu e~c 7.00 Wor ld News (R.A) 7.45 Tali mo feaili 7.10 I1usic (Tuva lu) 8.15 Pese/songs 7.30 Tala o Tuvalu etc 8.30 .... ign off 7.45 Te Lagi a Tuvalu (fatele) 8.15 Mixed entertainment & requests Wednesdays 9.00 3ign off

5.55pm Tuning call/si gn on trailers :.>un.d9ys ,,., News preview 6.00 Manako 5.55pm Tuning call/sign on etc 6.30 Focu& programme 6.00 Pese Lotu 6.40 f'iusic (english) 6.15 Lotu o te so Saa 1.00 \lorld r~ews (RoA) 6.45 Sunday mus ic (~nglish) 7.10 Tuvalu news etc (music Tuvalu) 1.00 \lor ld News (R. ,\) 7.30 Tala o Tuvalu etc 7.10 Tuvalu News etc/Pese Lotu Tuvalu 7.45 Taku galuega 7.45 Polokalame a te Fakaimaseki/ 8.15 t-ese/songs Te Lima Ola 8.30 s i gn off 8.oo Sign off TIDE TABLE TEUG, TUP£ IA SYDNEY CRO~S (Cont'd from p ngc 12) TI ME HI GH TIDE LO'I TIDE - togi mois a o tc tupc t c n~i , e gata iA Thursday 9 Dec 0032 1.63 0657 0.56 Fcpuali 1984. Ko pel elc foki nc fakasi 1323 1.64 1927 0~66 m~i n~ Mr Cross ki tc Mnlo, me i te in kn taum .1fni 0 togi m11i t -. vaesa mu amuo Fritlay 10 Dec 0138 1. 64 0152 o.53 tclA e $100 ,000 mai mue o t e po 31 o 1414 1.73 2023 0.57 Tesema.

Saturday 11 Dec 0231 1.66 0838 o.so 1455 1.81 2110 0.49

Sund ey 12 De c 0314 1. 68 0917 0.4 7 1532 1.88 2150 0.41 E I J I s c kauyaka Tuva lu e B~ lu c i se v ~k~ c t aei i v aka i tu ~ ne lipoti m ~i Mon doy 13 Dec 0353 1.70 0952 0.45 me ko pa l e lc ne mate f ~k ~.m uli nci fu~ i 1605 1.92 2226 0.36 3 in i , .•us it A 1 i e .

Tu esAe.y 14 Doc 0428 1.70 1024 0.45 SosLala Tinileu , sc t eg t a Nukul n~ ­ 1637 1.94 2259 0.33 lae n ~ lipo ti ma i me nL p~ki a t~na tinac 1 te nAifi i t~ t aga t ~ kuke Austria 1 15 Dec 0502 1.69 1054 0.47 luga i t a v ~kn ko te mv Planet. a ia 1708 1.95 2331 0.33 n e faulu atu ki t e f ckairn asaki i Sini tela n e mkte i ci; Thursday 16 Dec 0534 1.67 1123 0.49 1738 1.93 0002 0.35 Ne lipo ti m~ i f nki p e l ~ m ne tupu t e f ~ k n l ~ vel a v~ tcnei 1 lu -~ i t e vok e Friday 17 Dec 0606 1.64 1152 0.53 k ae s c~ i ak a f oki se t • l e k a i ilo a ~ tu 1809 1.89 0033 0.40 e uiga mo t e mAfuaga o te f akAl evelavc.

J ~ tur <1 ey 18 Dec 0638 1 .. 60 1223 0.59 Ko t n l 3 konei n ~ mnu a i Funafuti 18 '· 0 1.84 0106 0.46 nc t e Ofisa o L ~ i pa , vi meti Fo niu i se u ~~ l ~s i mn i t ~ F ek ~po t op o t og a o Sund'\y 19 Dt:c 0712 1.56 1256 0.65 K ~ uv a k n i Tar ewo , Kiriba ti. 1914 1. 77 0142 0.53

Mon day 20 Dec 0750 1.51 1335 0 .. 73 MINISIT,L T ••L h CTC 1952 1.69 0223 0.61 TE .-.KOG.\ F .~k am Asan i o Funafuti ne t nl a 0836 1.47 1423 0.81 Tues clay 21 De c i te ,eo3nf un po 29 o ~ovem a n c t e 2038 1.61 031/. 0.68 Hinis ito o ~k oa k o~a , Fakaim asaki ~ o Tuu mo .~a nuu, Tena Ma lu Fo l eile Pilita ti. \ledn eeday 22 Dec 0934 1.44 1526 0.87 2139 1.54 0417 0.72 I t~ n a l c u s~ i t ~ t ~ t ~go , ne f oi a pa ti a t e ~ i ni s it a me i to ia e f ak a­ Thur a day 23 Doc 1050 1 .. 46 1646 0. 90 moem o c pc l a k c uke a moo l e i ka maua mei 2257 1.50 0527 0.72 mf'i t e •• koga t ~n e i. 1811 0.65 Fridey 24 Dec 1206 1.53 To \k og~ tvnei i Fun a~ uti ko t e ak oga f a k aoti l on k ~ f sk ~ tu , kne f a ka­ 0016 1.52 0633 0.66 Saturday 25 D"-c t autau p ~ l a me k a f a k ~ iu c i t c 1307 1.65 1921 o. 73 v a itua g~ f ou i t e s u e t ~ u s~sa .

,J un clay 26 Ue Cil 0121 1.58 0730 0.58 1356 1.80 2017 0.58 *********•*****