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Henry lande ' back to Funafuti landowners, 2) Voat~ Naisali predicted in Parliament all Government non- moveable assets to that by the end of 1983, Government remain under Funafuti control and 3) would have a balance budget inst ead of Government to move its headquarters a defitic budget even-thou gh there is a elsewhere but not on Funafuti . deficit in the 1983 Burlgeto He presented the budget to Parliament at the fir st Moving the motion, Mr Tavita claimed sitting of the Burlget Session hel d from that the Funafuti people are perhaps ' the 24- 29 November. The Minister was maki:ng poorest among the ~eople of Tuvalu in his prediction in response to cri ticisms i ncome per h ead and in ratural resources. from the Opposition members concer ning The future of the Funafuti people is very the anticipation of a $50 , 000 deft c i t in b l eak indeed and would only im:~cve if the 1983' Budget, during the debate on they were to be separated ~rom the rest the 1983 hppropriation Bill on the of Tuvalu and left alone. The problems thi:d sitting on Friday 26 . the Funafuti people are facing result mai n l y from the actions of Government In hie budget speech the Mi n i ster and the non- Funafuti population on the of Finance disclosed that the 1983 Budget i sland. Between 50 and 70 percent of would be tha first time since 19 76 for Funafuti l a natural resources are being Tuvalu to have such a deficit budget. exploi ted by Government and that Govern­ He explained that such arrang~nents h~ve ment a l so occu~ i es roughly a quarter of bean a common practice in many of the Funafutiie total land-area bu the comp­ world governments , end are being based ensation is unequi table. Birds are · from very good reasons. getting scarce because the non-Funafuti ·' people htint them in scores. The Minister also drew attention of the members to the inteTnational "While these people are enjoying the economic disorder sayi ng that such has pri v i leges of which, they are (ieprivli.ng been the caus.e o·f the financial their Funafuti islanders, they retain difficulties Tuval u i~ presently facing. better natural environment and resour ces Recession and Inflation continue to be on their home islands" , he said., felt stronglyo Demand has exceeded production, the value of t r ade between ftle,.. Mr Tavita also challenged Govern- countries hae declined, industries are ~men t 1 s impartiality in appointing people going bankrupt causing great un employment , J'e (Cont'd on page 2) (Cont'd on page 3) '4.c..1- ' 9 Oecc.:mber 1982 Pago 2 ~~~~~~~~~ FUNJUTI s~~KS s~PnR~T I ON to Parliament for a decision and Members (cont': from page 1) should do their duty and express their opinion. In any case, "whatever decision to the civil service clai ming that nepo­ Parliament makes there are a lways other tism is for ever present in Government alternativeo to deal with the matter". circles, citing three government division; as exenples ond sarcastically he asked The mover of the motion , Mr Tavita how many Fune futl people work in these also opposed the an~ndmcnt saying that Divisions. He also claimed that Govern­ "Fun11futi has suffered too much and ment hos been inconsiderate and biased that they would not tolerate further in its policies and dealin ~ s with the discussion but only n eed en answer to Funafuti people. their humble plea". Re oeid "Funafuti would not 'deviate' from their decision In opite of a ll these, he reminded to separate so there i s no use for Parliament, "history has established further words". that Funafuti hod been chiefly, if not prominent island in the group with The mnendt:ient was defeated and the special responsibilities and authority Rt. Hon. Toaripi Laut! stood in support extending to N ukul~cla e , Vaitupu and of their cause and requested Members to Nukufetau. In more recent times , he grant the Funafuti people their wish. said Fun~fu ti 1 s position as - what he He pointed out tha t "Funafuti people terme-"first born of Tuvalu", was fur­ arc being deprived of their future from ther consolidated ~ nd further signified their land anti sea" . In addition, he by the wish of the people to establish cl'limed, "income per family is minimal the capital of Tuv~lu here on separation due to the limited number of Funafuti from the old Gilbert and Elli ce Islands people employed in government services". Colony. He also pointed out the problem. of over­ population on Funafuti caused by the Funafuti, according to Mr Tavita, large numbers of other 19land communi ­ has been dealt an "embarraaing and in­ ties. With regard to entertaining VIPs, s ult~n g blow to its historic pri de and Mr Lauti claimed th~t Government chose 1 tradition"• He asked why Tuvalu s wel- • to ''i. gnore" 1·Fun afuti thinking its the coming functions for visiting VIPs are people's wish·. Re said Funafuti was no l onger held at the Taueoa Maneapa. "prevented" from taking part in ttme Mr Tavita pointed out that Funafuti was a ctiviti es , aa well ae those for the deliberately exclud ed from taking part Queen ' s visit. from these functions, qnd more import­ antly those for the Queen ' s visit, for Speaking against the motion, the short-sighted political rtmone. He Minister of Finance, the Ron. Henry F. declared th ~ t Governmunt has adopted e Naisali eaid he wish to clarify to "I-dont-cere-lcso" attitude towards Parliament that the eccusetion made by Funafuti. ''Why is Funafuti being made Funafuti against Government are, in moat a prodiga l son?", he challenged. casea , "results of things not done by the present Government". He said "the At the opening of the debate, the present Government has not acquired any member 1Dr Nanumaga, Hr Ilaoa Imo moved more l and than those acquired and leased an smendmcnt without notice asking that by the previous Government". Government, Parliam~nt rooolve to ref er the matter however, aymphatises with the problem to all iolonds in Tuvalu for their of land and has moved to intro d~ce mea­ opinion saying that the issue ~s of great sures more equitable to landownem' seriousness· and ie l 'lnd communities cannot demands. Certe inly, Government cannot be committed by their Members of Parlia­ b~ blame~ tor trying to help the land­ ment in this matter. owners. The Prime Hinieter, the Rt. Hon. As for the question of nepotism Tomasi Puapua opposed the amendment and favouritism, the Minister agr~ed ~aying that the matter has been raised that its a ' mal-practice• that' s present Page 3 9 December 1982. in any gov e rnment, howev e r, o ld a nd new , a s no excep~ion , will continue to minimise a ll ~roun d t he globe o And of the whole expenditure especially its own moneyo civil service salari es that Government ;1 1 expects to pay out this yea r, "$300,000 During the debate , the Opposition will h av e b ~en pa i d by the e nd of the member , Mr Elia Ta vita made a l ot of year to Funafuti civil serva nts which is comm ents on t h e 1983 Estimates especia lly quite a s ubs t antia l amount of the budget on ·ExpenditurE& He claimed there were for sal a ries"o lot of e rrors in the Estima t es and he called them a ' pnck of lies 1 o Mr Tavita The Minio t e r declared to Parliament was also v e ry much concerned a bout the that the recent difficulties before and $50, 000 deficit in the budget. The three leading up to the Qu een ' s visit ar e ~s imple o ther members of the Oppos i t i ons, the Rto matters ' tha t could h a v e been r esolved Hon o Toaripi Lauti, Mr Toomu Si one and quite ~as ilyp Of the ente rta inme nt for Mr Mahe u Nan i seni a l so expressed concern VIPs; h e told P a rli ~ent that al ~ island a bout the deficit. communities on Funa fut i , includ ing Funafu t i, wer e i n vited to take turns in Replying to a ll the comments from provid ing ent erta inment. "Funafuti re­ the Oppositions, the Minister of Finance fused to participate", h e saido pointed o ut t o the members that t he answe r s to all of the ir comments are Mr Nai sali explained to Parliament cont a ined in the Es tim at~s , an d had they that Funafuti' s non-participation in act­ pe ruse it they would have seen t hem.
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