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Vivat Academia ISSN: 1575-2844 Forum XXI Hasicic, Germán HINCHAS E IDENTIDAD. ALCANCES Y LIMITACIONES DE LA ÉTICA DEL AGUANTE Vivat Academia, no. 140, 2017, September-December, pp. 17-43 Forum XXI DOI: Available in: How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System Redalyc More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America and the Caribbean, Spain and Journal's webpage in Portugal Project academic non-profit, developed under the open access initiative Vivat Academia. Revista de Comunicación. 2017, sept - dic, nº 140, 17-43 ISSN: 1575-2844 RESEARCH Recibido: 04/11/2016 --- Aceptado: 19/12/2016 --- Publicado: 15/09/2017 FANS AND IDENTITY. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS OF THE ETHICS OF ENDURANCE Hinchas e identidad. Alcances y limitaciones de la ética del aguante Germán Hasicic 1: National University of La Plata, Argentina ABSTRACT From a set of interviews, dialogues, conversations and informal talks were transformed into the protagonists of a research that approaches, among other subjects, the subjectivities from a socio-cultural perspective and not merely discursive. That is, the analysis of discursive practices is part of a broader and more complex analytic framework, articulating the questions by the underlying violence and discrimination. In order to get even deeper into the identity construction of River Plate fans, it is necessary to review the most significant discussions and developments around the studies related to the construction of soccer identities: how identities of these subjects are constituted, perceived and self-perceived, noticing the social behavior allowed and paying attention to the use of violence as a legitimate / illegitimate practice, developed in the previous chapter.
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