Vol.. 13, No. 26. Melbourne, Victoria, June 27, 1898. ONE PENNY.

" And there followed another , saying, Baby- head a golden crown, and in His hand a THE BIBLE ECHO. lon is fallen, is fallen, that great city; because she made all nations drink of the wine of the sharp sickle. And another angel came DEVOTED TO wrath of her fornication. out of the temple, crying with a loud An Exposition of Bible Truth and Signs of the Times. " And the third angel followed them, saying with a voice to Him that sat on the cloud,

PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT NORTH FITZROY VICTORIA. loud voice, If any .man worship the beast and Thrust in Thy sickle, and reap : for the FOR TERMS SEE LAST PAGE his image, and receive his mark in his fore- time is come for Thee to reap ; for the head, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured harvest of the earth is ripe." Verses REVELATION 14 : 6.12. out without mixture into the cup of His in= 14, 15. dignation ; and he shall be tormented with Lo ! an angel loud proclaiming, Christ Himself said : " The harvest is Brings the gospel of good cheer; fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy and the end of the world." Matt. 13 : 39. Every kindred, tongue, and people, , and in the presence of the Lamb: Fear the Lord, soon to appear ! So we know that the threefold (message Proclamation of the three angels of Rev. 14: 6-13, im- Of the hour of Judgment near. mediately precedes the second coming of Lo ! another angel follows, Christ and the end of the world. It de- With another solemn cry ; velops a people who " keep the command- " Babylon the great is fallen !" ments of God and the faith of Jesus." Peals like thunder through the sky : Reader we want you to become familiar " Let my people p Now from all her errors fly." with the third angel's message. We want you to keep the commandments of Yet, a third and solemn message Now a final doom proclaims; God and the faith of Jesus. We want All who worship beast or image you to be prepared to meet Jesus when Soon shall feel the avenging flames : He comes, and be of that number of Grace no longe; whom it is written : " Blessed are they Shelters their unworthy names. that do His commandments, that they Here are they who now are•waiting, may have right to the tree of life, and And have patience to endure ; may enter in through the gates into the While the dragon's hosts are raging, These confide in God, secure : city." Rev. 22 : 14. Faith of Jesus And commandments keep them pure. —Selected. CHRISTIAN MANLINESS. No. 1.

THE THE THIRD ANGEL'S MESSAGE. third angel's message, that mighty threefold message of the everlasting gospel (Rev. 14 : 6-13), is the only salvation for THE third angel's message is simply the gospel for this time. And the gospel men that there is in this world. That is for this time is not a new gospel, any the only thing that can save men from more than the sins from which God de- the evil tide, which, under the very pro- sires to save men now are new sins. It is the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and fession of Christianity, is against Chris- simply the everlasting gospel to save men ever : and they have no rest day nor night, who wor- tianity,—which, under the profession of ship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth Protestantism, is against Protestantism, in this generation from their transgres- the mark of His name. Here is the patience —the evil tide that is sweeping the world sions of the everlasting law of God. of the saints : here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith into the vortex of wickedness and weak- But the term " third angel's message " of Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven ness, where, knowing their wickedness, may not be familiar to many. It may be saying, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in they are so unmanned that they have not thought to be quite foreign to the Bible, the Lord from henceforth : Yea, saith the Spirit, that the ability to stand up and oppose their and foundationless. That such is not the they may rest from their labours ; and their works do follow them." Rev. 14 : 6-13. own wickedness, but depend upon a fig- case, and that all may become familiar Here is the threefold message. Here ment to save them. not only with the term " third angel's are presented the cardinal features which The third angel's message is to be given message," but with the threefold mes- are to characterise the closing proclama- with a loud voice to every nation, and sage itself, we here quote the scripture tion of the gospel to the world. kindred, and tongue, and people in the which forms the basis, and outlines the This message is to prepare a people for world, to convey to them the only genuine important features of, this message. the second coming of Christ. This is principle of manliness that there is, and " And I saw another angel fly in the midst of evident not only from the nature of the to "establish Christianity upon an eternal heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every message itself, but from the scripture basis." It is to persuade men everywhere nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying which immediately follows it. Says the to accept that principle of manliness, and with a loud voice, Fear God and give glory to prophet : " And I looked, and behold a by it to stand up in the midst of the wicked- Him; for the hour of His judgment is come : ness of the world, and conquer it, however and worship Him that made heaven and earth, white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat and the sea, and the fountains of waters. like unto the Son of man, having on His deeply they may have gone into it them- 202 THE BIBLE ECHO. JUNE 27, 1898.

selves. It is to bring to men this principle Sabbath ?" Many know this is so. And " But stop," says one ; " have you con- of Christian manliness that will cause the answer to it is, and always should be : sidered this point ? Does not the Bible them to stand up face tip face with them- "No ; there is no place in this world say that the gospel is to be preached to selves, and put underfoot the weakness Where you can get a position so you can the poor,?"—Of course it does ; but it that is in themsOves, and, make them be a Christian. You are to be a Chris- does not say that they shall forever remain strong, manly men. That is what the tian, anyhow. Your Christianity is not poor. Listen : " I have been young, and third angel's; message is put into the world to depend upon position, but upon Christ.. now am old; yet have I not see the right- to do, and that is what it will do: Your Christianity is not to depend upon eous forsaken, nor his ,seed beggiOg bread." Now, this third's angel's message, this your position : your position is to depend It is equally true, thOugh, that while they message of Christianity for this day, upon your Christianity. And what I will never be poor as the world regards which is needed in this day, and which mean by Christianity is Sabbath-keeping, poverty, they will never be rich as the alone can meet the issue in this day, is to commandment-keeping Christianity. Your world regards riches. be preached to just this kind of people,—to Sabbath-keeping is not to depend upon Yes, Christianity is preached to the people who have been taught to look to, position nor upon work, but upon Christ. poor,—to those who are in poverty be- and to trust in, a figment. Of course, Your Sabbath-keeping must not depend cause they have been so weakened and when the everlasting gospel is preached upon position; but your position must unmanned by the evil tendencies and to them, many of them will see the prin- depend upon Sabbath-keeping. If you teachings of the world that they have not ciple involved ; they will see the tide that cannot be a Christian where you are, you been able to hold their own against the is running the wrong way, and what it is cannot be a Christian anywhere else." world. And because of their unfortunate doing for themselves and everybody who I am not saying that when people do position, the Lord singles them out first. has paid any attention to it; and they will lose their situations,—as many times they He looks upon them in pity, and says, accept this call to Christianity, and will do when they accept the third angel's " Join yourselves to Me, and win against turn away from that evil thing. message,—no care should ever be taken the world." And there is nobody who Then when they have accepted this call to put them in the way of work, if it has any respect for God or for Christian-. to Christianity, it is essential that they be is possible to do so ; but I am saying that ity, who will think fora moment that when taught to allow that principle of Chris- until they have Christian manliness enough such a one joins himself to God, he is not tianity to be their life all the way that to be Christians, work or no work, posi- stronger than ever he was before, and they are to go. They must be taught to tion or no position, they are not manly stronger than ever he could be without depend upon Jesus Christ, that manliest enough to be Christians when they have joining himself to God. If I have been of men, to make, and to keep them manly work, upon that issue. In that case their robbed of my manliness, so that I cannot men. They must not be babied nor Christianity—their Sabbath-keeping—de- hold my own against the world, and my allowed to become weaklings, but must be pends upon their having work, and then children are in want, and I am in absolute taught to depend upon God alone. It is when their work is gone, their Christianity need of help from others, I want to know just as essential to teach them this, after is gone. Therefore, the only answer we what kind of God that would be who they have turned away from the other, as can make to these persons—these weak- would call me to Himself, and yet give it is to teach them the true principle to get lings—is : " No ; there is no place in this me no more than I had before. No, sir ; them to turn away from the other; be- world where you can secure work so that I will not disgrace the Lord by any such cause people whose lives and minds have you can be a Christian. Be a Christian, way of thinking. God has chosen the poor of this world, been moulded upon that false model, must, and keep the Sabbath; then there will be that is true. He sees them beaten back, when they turn away from it, be built up, plenty of work for you. And if somebody and cast off, and unable to make their educated, and caused to grow according else does not furnish it, you yourself will way ; and in His loving mercy and manli- to the right Model. If this is not done, make it." ness He wants them to have a chance. they will become formal Christians ; they It is Christianity itself, it is the very He therefore calls them to join Him. will be Seventh-day Adventists by name property, and power of life, of Christianity And He does so for a purpose. That and profession, but will be just as babyish itself, to take people who are unable to purpose is that He may implant and cul- Seventh-day Adventists as they ever were make a living in this world, and make tivate in them that genuine principle and any other kind of people. If this true them such independent, free, manly, power of manliness that will enable them Christianity, this true Christian manli- Christian men that they will make a living to go through the world dependent upon ness, is taught to them in the beginning, right along anywhere. We are not to no man, but depending altogether upon and kept before them all the way along, judge Christianity by the people who pro- so that this shall be the only kind of God. fess it : we are to measure the people who Understand, again, that this is not to Christianity they will adopt, they will profess it by Christianity. There are say that all poverty will be done away develop into real Christian, manly men. many people who cannot make a living with,—that there will be no such thing as They will despise the very idea of depend- any better after they have accepted Chris- a poor man any longer, among Christians. ing upon anything or anybody but Christ, tianity than they did before ; but this No ; for constantly the gospel will be and He will be in themselves the hope of shows that with them Christianity is only preached to the poor, and they will be glory. a profession. But any profession of coming in. But it is to say that after the Now many will recognise as the truth Christianity that does not make a man poor who have joined themselves to Christ what I am going to say, and that is that more than he was before he made it, is a have learned how to make a living for when the third angel's message is first fraud. He may have it professionally, themselves, they will help others who are preached to the people, and they are but he has not, the real thing. What he still coming in to do as they have done. convinced by it of what they should do, has is a fraud, by which he is deceiving, All will be constantly growing from help- about the first thing many of them say is : not others, but himself. I know this is lessness to helpfulness. Whether you " I know that I ought to serve the Lord ; so. Christianity, when a man really gets believe that or not, it is everlastingly true. I ought to be a Christian ; I ought to it, is able to take him and make him such It is a basic principle of Christianity. keep the Sabbath. But if I do so, I a manly man in the world that 'he can A. T. JoNEs. shall lose my place, I shall be thrown make his way in spite of the world, the out of work. If I shut up shop on flesh, and the devil. Such a Christian We cannot win souls to Christ unless the Sabbath, I shall lose my business. never goes round complaining that he we ourselves are acquainted with God. Do you know of any place where I can cannot get work. If he cannot get it, he The only way by which we shall draw get a position, or a place for my business, will bestir himself and make it. That is men to Christ is by drawing nigh to God so that I can be a Christian, and keep the Christianity. ourselves.—Mrs. E. G. White, JUNE 27, 1898. THE BIBLE ECHO. 203

THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL. cross uplifted, and there finds the pardon goes forth that " the hour of His judg- and peace for which he seeks, and beyond ment is come.' " AND this gospel of the kingdom shall this, by the eye of faith, the Saviour com- The only difference there has been, be preached in all the world for a witness ing to save him, both body and soul, and therefore, in the gospel message for any unto all nations ; and then shall the end give him an eternal inheritance in the age to that of any other age, has been come." Matt. 24 : 14. earth made new. This is the individual simply in suiting the tenses in which its In all ages God has had a message, and experience of each saved soul. First a features have been expressed, to the that message has been the gospel of the state of sin and ignorance, then of con- gospel's particular stage of development kingdom or reign ,of God. demnation, then pardon, peace, and full at that particular time, and giving special When man fell, and God communicated salvation. attention to the features then unfolding. to him the good news that the Seed of So in the development of the gospel. The gospel is one the ages through. the woman, through bruised in His body For centuries the world lay in sin and THE CLOSING MESSAGE. by the serpent, should finally bruise the ignorance. Thep God gave the law that The second coming of Christ, and the serpent's head, that was the gospel of the by it sin might appear exceedingly sinful, setting up of Christ's kingdom at that kingdom, or coming reign of God through " for by the law is the knowledge of sin." time, will close the gospel. The pro- Christ. But the law wrought only wrath and con- clamation of His soon coming, and of the When Isaiah prophesied : " For unto demnation. It, in itself, brought no hope law of God, which contains the founda- us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, or consolation. By its irrevocable sen- tion principles of the kingdom, will there- and the government shall be upon His tence against sin, it forced mankind to fore be prominent in the closing message shoulder," he was preaching the gospel of look elsewhere for relief. From Sinai the of the gospel. But the whole gospel, the the kingdom of God. world must look to Calvary. flower in full bloom, must shine out in To this order in the development of the When the angel told Mary that this last proclamation of the good news gospel the apostle refers when he says : she should bring forth a Son whose name of salvation to a lost world. Every fea- " But before faith came, we were kept should be called Jesus, and that God ture of the gospel will receive attention. under the law, shut up unto the faith would give unto Him the of His Faith, virtue, knowledge, temperance, which should afterwards be revealed." father David, and that to His kingdom patience, godliness, brotherly, kindness, Gal. 5 : 23. After Christ had come, the there should be no end, he was preaching and love, will all be professed, possessed, apostles wrote, and could truthfully say, to her the gospel of the kingdom of God. and proclaimed. The law of God, the that the gospel " in other ages was not Sabbath, the judgment, the second com- And so, at last, when the mystery of made known unto the sons of men, as it is ing of ,Christ, the resurrection of the God is finished, and under the sound of now revealed unto the holy apostles and dead, the reward of the saints, and the the seventh angel there are heard in prophets by the Spirit." Eph. 3 : 5. fate of the wicked, will all be heralded to heaven great voices, saying : " The king- There had been a further unfolding of it. all nations. The gifts of healing, of doms of this world are become the king- A FINAL UNFOLDING. tongues, of working of miracles, and of dom of our God, and of His Christ ; and And just before Christ comes again and prophecy, will all be manifested. The He shall reign for ever and ever," that sets up His everlasting kingdom, there last church will come behind in no gift. will simply be the wind-up and final will be one more, and a full, and final, Good works will accompany sound announcement of the gospel of the king- unfolding of the gospel. Then it will doctrine. Help will be rendered to the dom of God, which was first preached to appear in all its fulness. helpless without distinction of race, our first parents in Eden. So we see that the experience of each nationality, creed, church, or colour. DEVELOPMENT OF THE GOSPEL. saved soul is but a minature likeness of Like the Master, His true followers will But, while the final overthrow of evil, the gospel plan of the ages. God's plan go about doing good, for they will have His and the full establishment of the princi- for the salvation of each individual, and mind, and be filled, as He was, with the ples of God's kingdom were compre- His great plan for the salvation of the Spirit. hended in the very first proclamation of race, covering the ages, are both modelled In their own deportment, those who the gospel, there has necessarily been a on the same pattern. truly believe that Christ is soon coming development of the gospel, and an unfold- NOT A NEW GOSPEL. will look carefully to their ways, and, hav- ing of its principles. There is design Therefore, God has no new gospel for ing this hope in them, will purify them- and order in the gospel, just as there is in the world to-day. We speak of the third selves even as He is pure. They will physical nature. The rose appears first angel's message. This is all right and study the Bible, and heed the testimonies as a bud; but as it grows it gradually un- proper, for the Bible speaks of it ; but which come to them from the Spirit of folds, until at last it appears in full bloom. this threefold message is simply " the God. They will not question and cavil, So the gospel, from the first seed planted everlasting gospel," or the gospel as it about features which are inseparably con- in Eden, has gradually been unfolding, will be preached just before Christ comes nected with the gospel. and it will continue to unfold, until at last again. The first words of this three- They will accept and embrace the mes- it stands in all its loveliness, in full bloom, fold message are : " And I saw another sage in all its parts. To study the princi- before the gaze of men, and angels, and angel fly in the midst of heaven, having ples of health and temperance, and in admiring worlds. the everlasting gospel to preach unto them wisdom put them into practice, will be ORDER OF ITS DEVELOPMENT. that dwell on the earth, and to every their delight, that they may be well, and And the development of the gospel nation, and kindred, and tongue, and peo- present to God their bodies a living has been in the order of man's individual ple." It announces the hour of God's sacrifice, holy, and acceptable to Him, fit experience and needs. First, man is in a judgment come. But the judgment and temples for the residence of His holy sinful and lost condition ; but sin has so a time for it are not new features of the Spirit. They will see light and beauty in darkened his mind that he does not of gospel. Paul, , Solomon, and the message which tells them that God is himself fully realise his lost condition. Enoch, all foretold of these. See Acts trying to bring them back, step by step, He is living largely in ignorance of his sin- 17 : 31 ; 24 : 25 ; Dan. 7 : 9, lo ; Eccl. 3 into harmony with His original plan, fulness. But he comes to the law of I7 ; 12 : 13, 14 ; Jude 14, 15. The only both in body and in mind, and to fit them God, to Sinai, and there he sees himself difference in the preaching of the judg- for the touch of immortality, and to live a lost and helpless sinner. He finds no ment under this last threefold gospel in the society of the pure and holy angels. help there, however, but only condemna- message is that, whereas formerly God's They will take pleasure in the work tion ; he is forced to look elsewhere for servants reasoned and foretold of a judg- of overcoming, knowing that " he that salvation from his sins. He sees the ment " to come," now the proclamation overcometh shall inherit all things." 204 THE BIBLE ECHO. JUNE 27, 1898.

What God wants is that we should only to the spiritual aspect of life. But vent. Had the people of John's day comprehend the message for this time, God combines both physical and spiritual adopted the same simplitity in diet, they and not only be sanctified by it ourselves, holiness, and what God has thus joined, would have been more in harmony with but from this time forward till the end, no man has a right to put asunder. The God's plan, and better prepared to wel- make the spreading abroad a knowledge spiritual in man is influenced,and controlled come Christ as the Son of God. of it in all the earth the chief business of largely, by the physical; hence the injunc- That page of history is now being re- our lives. tion: "Let us cleanse ourselves from all peated, and God is now selecting men "When .this gospel of the kingdom shall filthiness of the flesh and spirit perfecting who are to proclaim the second coming of be preached in all the world, for a witness holiness in the fear of God." 2 Cor. 7: I. the Messiah. But He will not select those unto all nations, then shall the end come." Here the physical is mentioned first in for this great work, who are unholy in But it will never be preached thus while the work of purification. There are thou- body or mind through the indulgence of we sit down in a death-like stupor of in- sands in the world who remain uncon- unholy apetite. God's people will return difference. It will never be preached verted and sinful, because their body is to the simplicity of God's original bill thus while we think more about what we inflamed and impure in consequence of of fare, and He will thus be enabled to shall eat, drink, and wear, than of the wrong habits in eating and drinking. fit them to do the work that made John furtherance of the kingdom of God and In the beginning God planned that man the greatest among these born of woman. His righteousness. It will never be should live by eating the fruits, grains, So it is true that he that hath this hope preached thus while we seek to lay up and vegetables. These were provided as —the hope of seeing Christ as He is— treasures on earth instead of in heaven. affording the best possible means for sus- purifieth himself even as He is pure. It will never be preached thus while we taining the body in conditions adapted to The sinner is unprepared, and will not love self more than God and our fellow- spiritual development. God made no be able to behold that revelation. The men. " The success of our work depends mistake in thus choosing for man his bill brightness will destroy the unholy and upon our love to God, and our love to our of fare. It was the very best that nature impure. The word rendered purifieth in fellow-men." could supply. But humanity was not this passage (1 John 3 : 3) is hagnigo Shall we not, therefore, one and all, willing to abide by God's decision. They (ayvtCw), and is thus defined by Greenfield: awake out of sleep, and arise and shine ? corrupted His way till, in the days before " To purify, to live like one under a " Wherefore, he sayeth, Awake thou that the flood, eating and drinking, impurity vow of abstinence, as the Nazarites." sleepest, and arise from the dead, and and murder, formed the daily record of John's work was "to make ready a people Christ shall give thee light." life. Christ thus bears testimony of that prepared for the Lord." He lived as a " Finally, my brethren, be strong in people: " They did eat, they drank." Nazarite, in abstinence and holiness, and the Lord, and in the power of His might. This does not mean that they ate and so it must be again in the second prepara- Put on the whole armour of God, that ye drank only in a normal degree. Such tion for the coming of the Messiah. God may be able to stand against the wiles of eating and drinking are necessary to life. will have a people who will purify them- the devil." "Examine yourselves whether But they made eating and drinking their selves, who will live like one under a vow ye be in the faith." " Watch ye, stand chief business, and as a result, they became of abstinence, so that they may be pre- fast in the faith, quit you like men, be sensual, corrupt, and devilish. Then • pared to see Christ as He is. they " married wives," (Luke 17 : 27) or strong." God will find those who will feel that " took them wives of all they chose," and they can afford to present their bodies a they became polygamists, murderers, and THE PURIFYING HOPE. living sacrifice, bodies cleansed from all adulterers. They first ignored God's will filthiness of the flesh and spirit. Who is in the matter of eating and drinking, then THE religion of Jesus Christ is willing to bring the sacrifice, and to turn they were prepared for the unholy attrac- something that affects the entire man. from the flesh-pots of Egypt to eat of the tions of polygamy, and the dark crimes The servant of the divine Master is to corn of heaven ? R. HARE. of murder and kindred sins. be sanctified both in " spirit, soul, and • body." I Thess. 5 : 22. God does not In after years God permitted man to design that any part of the worship eat flesh, circumscribed by certain restric- THE FOOD OF JOHN THE BAPTIST.- offered to Him shall be imperfect, or that tious, not because He had changed His " And the same John had his raiment of camel's any part of the worshipper shall be mind as to human diet, but because man's hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins ; and unholy. preverted appetite demanded a stimulant. his meat was locusts and wild honey." Matt. 3: 4. The Christian's body is to be the temple God still retained His own mind on the THE locusts and wild honey here spoken of God's Spirit. It belongs to another, question, and when a man was wanted, of was the fruit of the Carob tree, and and has been purchased to glorify God,— who would be wiser than all the wise men the dibs or honey extracted therefrom. not to be defiled by that which is impure, of the East, He selected one who was In Palestine the popular name of this tree either in thought or action. I Cor. 6 : 19. willing to be guided by the divine arrang- is the locust, and the fruit is everywhere It is to be presented to God as a living ment. So Daniel refused to defile himself known as the " bread of St. John." The sacrifice, holy, and thus acceptable to with the danties of the king's table. He pods are sometimes called " husks," and Him. This is the Christian's reasonable chose a vegetarian diet, and to him are doubtless the husks the Prodigal would service. Rom. I2: I. God gave wisdom to unfold and interpret fain have eaten. When the Hebrew presented his offer- mysteries which have been the wonder The fruit, when ripe, contains a sweet ing, it was to be physically perfect. When and admiration of men for the past pulp which is expressed and made into thus presented, it was accepted, its life twenty-five hundred years. honey, called dibs, which is the honey in When God wanted a man to proclaim was taken, and it was offered a dead sacri- general use in Palestine. the coming Messiah, He selected one fice to God. But now as the Christian This is made more evident since the whose life would be controlled by temper. presents himself, God spares the life that insect locust is not common in Palestine. ance and simplicity in diet. John was to was forfeited, so that the man may be- They come but seldom, often at intervals drink neither wine nor strong drink, and of several years, and then only remain for come a living sacrifice. This time it is being filled with the Holy Spirit, he chose a short time.—Buried Cities, p. 200. the sin that is put to death ; but God re- for food the bean of the Carob tree, called quires the physical purity and perfection, locust and wild honey, instead of the " HUMANITY alienated from God, can just as He did in the antitype in the days flesh pots of Egypt. His diet was purely only be reconciled to Him by partaking gone by. vegetarian. Such was the food eaten by spiritually of the flesh and blood of His Many think of holiness as pertaining the man who heralded Christ's first ad- dear Son."

JUNE 27, 1898. THE BIBLE ECHO 205

THE TREMBLING MOUNTAINS AND sea, is actually being rocked and tossed heaven as that which fell upon the ears MOVING HILLS. by the agencies which God has prepared of Saul? In short, did his wonderful SIGNS OF OUR TIMES. to shake and crumble things into their experience reveal anything to Saul which THE prophecies of both the Old and the original chaos, fills one with reverence. has not already been revealed to you ? New Testament are filled with descrip- How small does man seem under such Then why do you not take your stand as a follower of Christ ? U. SMITH. tions of the great storms and general circumstances, and how small and inse- upheavals of the earth that will mark the cure appears the earth itself; but how " AND the dragon was wroth with the closing years of time. These descriptions great, how powerful, our God ! If other woman [the church], and went to make are given in the most vivid and forcible evidences were lacking, it would hardly language. In vision, God placed the war with the remnant [the last part] of seem possible that we could doubt His her seed, which keep the commandments prophets in the very midst of these last- ability to protect us, after feeling the of God, and have the testimony of Jesus." day tremblings and upheavings of earth. force of His infinite power in shaking the Rev. 12 : 17. The commandments of God Perhaps there is no more graphic de- ground upon which we stand. are the " ten commandments." Deut. 4: scription of the commotions to take place 13. " The testimony of Jesus is the in theth at the close of time than may It is true that there have been earth- spirit of prophecy." Rev. 19 : 1o. be found in the fourth chapter of Jeremiah. quakes in the past ; but these, of them- Says the prophet : " I beheld the earth, selves alone, could not constitute a sign and, lo, it was without form, and void ; of the end. In fact, occasional earth- REPORT OF NEW ZEALAND SABBATH= and the heavens, and they had no light. quakes could never be regarded as an SCHOOL ASSOCIATION. I beheld the mountains, and, lo, they evidence of the last days ; for something FOR QUARTER ENDING MARCH 31, 1898. more than occasional upheavals and shak- trembled, and all the hills moved lightly. q 6 Donated ing is predicted. " Fearful sights and Name of )?..; E `t&I Contri- I beheld, and, lo, there was no man, and School. butions. Tithe. to great signs shall there be from heaven." RE at Missions. all the birds of heaven were fled. I be- CS° Luke 21:11." The earth shall reel to s. d. held, and, lo, the fruitful place was a Aratapu 13 IO 2 II O 8 0 and fro like a drunkard, and shall be re- 9 wilderness, and all the cities thereof were Auckland ... 39 25 4 8 2 II I0 0 moved like a cottage." Isa. 24 : zo. Blenheim ... broken down at the presence of the Lord, Christchurch 70 50 91 4 II 2 9 3 2 3 The Lord is coming. The signs in Coromandel and by His fierce anger. For thus bath Dunedin 6 6 2 r8 9/ II 15 41. the Lord said, The whole land shall be earth and nature indicate this. But all Epsom 43 32 5 3 6 3 6 IOi 6 8 2 0 are not prepared for this event. Many Foxton 0 desolate ; yet will I not make a full end. Gisborne 15 15 31 3 2 O 6 3 2 Is For this shall the earth mourn, and the look with dreadful fear upon these disturb- Hastings 12 6 2 6 3l 6 12 ances of the earth. They are trembling Irewell II 9 I 2 3 4 16 0 heavens above be black : because I have Kaeo 35 30 5 2 10 9 5 before the thought of what they see Kaikoura 20 18 3 1 3 2 0 spoken it, I have purposed it, and will Kuvitea 2 2 2 6 2 coming. But it is sin, and sin alone, 6 not repent, neither will I turn back from Makaretu 3 3 4 O 4 that causes the heart to fail for fear be- Napier ... 84 63 12 3 13 4l 7 0 17 0 it." Verses 22-28. Nelson ... 5 5 7 6 7 6 cause of the manifestation of the power N. Plymouth O O What a wonderful commotion that will 7 7 of God. We have entered upon times Ormondville 25 12 3 7 to 4 0 6 0 be, when the " mountains " tremble, and Otahuhu .. O that will try men's souls; and only those Palmerston ' all the hills " move lightly ! These ex- North „ Ii 2 who have been freed from sin will be able 35 24 4 3 4 )ressions suggest scenes of awful grandeur. Papakura 6 6 3 14 8 3 0 to stand. Paremeta only one thought could be more truly Parkhurst ... 29 23 3 6 2 74- 10 6 Hasten, Christian worker, to give the Pahiatua I 2 2 16 6 2 16 6 sublime, and that is that we are now Brumerton 5 6 6 4 living in the very time viewed in prophetic message of warning, pointing all to the Pe tone 14 I0 2 17 7 7 13 " Lamb of God, which taketh away the Porangahua vision by the prophet. Already we have Pungare A. 0. TAIT. (Kaeo) 27 23 12 82 6 seen some of the beginning of these sin of the world." 3 3 3 3 0 Raglan 6 4 2 8 6 II 7 7 " tremblings " of the mountains. But Razorback Springburn 7 6 IO 0 these heavings and shakings will become Toka-Toka -lore intense as we near the end. LONGING FOR AN EXPERIENCE. Wellington 43 27 4 2 4 8 4 6 0 8 Westport 33 13 2 16 II 4 0 14 9 Whangarata II I 2 A CAMFORNIA EARTHQUAKE. 3 MANY say, 0 if I could only have such Waitakerei 5 5 2 3 8 0 an experience as Saul had,—see a light Tologoa Bay 8 8 2 It was my privilege to be shaken by the State Class 2 6 2 0 from heaven, and hear the voice of the startling earthquake on the Pacific coast, Total ... 16 455 8 6 89 37 I0 14 9 22 2 72 March 3o of this year. Lord speaking to me,—I would be a MRS. E. STEED Secretary. It is said to have been the hardest Christian. But what did all this manifes- shock felt in this section since 1868. The tation accomplish for Saul?—It simply trembling continued forty seconds. No caused him to know that Jesus was the particular damage was done except at the Messiah, and that it was his duty to enter I B. Matthews, Undertaker Mare Island Navy Yard, in San Francisco at once fully and earnestly into His service. 68 TOORAK ROAD, SOUTH YARRA. Bay ; but there the damage was very Branches at Balaclava, Caulfield, and Oakleigh. heavy. The navy yard sawmill was com- Very well; do you not know all this al- Funerals Furnished, Lowest Rates. pletely demolished. Many other buildings ready for yourself ? In other words, have Terms Arranged. Tel. 66, W. E. 18/99 on the island were damaged, but this one you not already been brought, though ap- most of all. This forcibly illustrates the parently by different means, to the same factilriat when the batteries of heaven point exactly where Saul was at the end BLUNDEN & MURRAY, of his wonderful experience on his way to All Wood at Lowest Prices. open up, the works of men appear very Special Rates for Coal and Coke. Wood Merchants. weak and insignificant. Damascus ? Is not the light that has North Fitzroy Railway Wood Siding. There is something about the shock of revealed this to you, though it comes Orders Taken at Siding or 82 Best St , North Fitzroy. an earthquake that is most awfully sublime through the channel of the written word 36/98 and majestically grand. The sensation and the influence of the Holy Spirit, as FAMILIES WAITED of the shaking and trembling of the earth really light from heaven as that which UPON DAILY. under your feet cannot be described in blinded the vision of Saul of Tarsus on A. LUNDEN human language; it must be experienced that occasion ? Is not the voice which AKER AND .4.4 in order that one may know what it is. has spoken to you these things from the 404 Brunswick Street, PASTRYCOOK The thought that the solid earth, like the volume of the book, as really a voice from FITZROY. 24/99 JUNE 27, 1898. 206 THE BIBLE ECHO.

grow into a thirst, and kindle into passion. if the vessel contains red worsted, and the Then the deed is speedily forth-coming ; it green light flashes upon it, loud sounds wil' was long in the hatching, but in a moment it be given. Only feeble sounds will be hear comes forth to curse a whole life-time. when the red and blue points of the rainbc AND HOME Instead of fancying that evil thoughts fall upon the vessel, and other colors make are mere trifles, let us regard them as the audible sounds at all. Green silk gives soy ° ° ° ° HEALTH root of bitterness,—the still in which the best in red light. Every kind of mate poisonous spirit is manufactured. Our gives more or less sound in different colo- M Saviour puts evil thoughts first in the cata- and utters no sound in others.—Selected, logue of evil things ; and He well knew their STRIKES. true nature. If we would be lost, we have only to indulge these; if we would be saved, CLEANLINESS AND HOLINESS STRIKES are quite proper ; only strike right : we must conquer these. Let us make a con- Strike to some purpose, but not for a fight ; WHAT does the Bible say we mu, science of our thoughts ; he that does not do Strike for your manhood, for honour and fame ; order to be clean ? Isaiah i : 16 : " so will not long make a conscience of his Strike right and left till you win a good name; you, make you clean." Strike for your freedom from all that is vile; words or deeds.—C. H. Spurgeon. Alt Strike off companions who often beguile ; When the Israelites were prepay Strike with the hammer, the sledge, and the axe ; appear before God at Sinai, what inst. • Strike off bad habits with troublesome tax ; HEAVY SKIRTS. did the Lord give relative to their c, Strike out unaided, depend on no other ; Exodus 19 : " Let them wasl- Strike without gloves, and your foolishness smother ; IT it is harder to emancipate woman-kind clothes." Strike off the fetters of fashion and pride ; from heavy skirts than from corsets. Hun- Strike where 'tis best, but let wisdom decide ; dreds of women have laid off corsets with a Can one be wholly clean unless tl- Strike a good blow while the iron is hot ; great deal of hygenic ardour, and then gone has been washed ? John 13 : to : " Strike and keep striking,.till you hit the right spot. on hanging heavy skirts on their long-suffer- is washed needeth not save to wash —Selected. but is clean." a • ing waists, with nothing to relieve the dead Does the Bible teach that Christian: HELPING ONE ANOTHER. weight from the hips, until even a dress- reformer would beg for the return of the bathe their bodies before drawing - God in religious exercises ? Heb. basket of blocks was on the ground, corset. The only sensible way is to wear THE " Draw near to God, having your and three rather cross little faces looked waists fitted to the form, which have buttons on them, and serve for both corset and skirt washed with clean water." down at it. Is it necessary to cleanse oursel- " It's too heavy for me," said Jimmy. supporter. With one of these and a good " Well, you're as big as I am, 'cause we're stiff petticoat buttoned to it over a union- filthiness of the flesh in order to be4p holy ? 2 Cor. 7 : 1 : " Let us clean twins," said Nellie. made under-garment, a woman is ready to selves from all filthiness of the fit " I can't carry it 1" said their little cousin, put on a walking dress and walk three times as far with one-fourth the fatigue felt in the spirit, perfecting. holiness in the fear with a pout. Mamma looked from her open window, ordinary dress. It is evident from the above scrir There is one point on which dress-reform- and saw the trouble. cleanliness of body and clothing " One day I saw a picture of three little ers are usually too silent, and that is that it Christian duty. While it is tr- is very hard indeed at first to dress sensibly, birds," " They wanted a long Lord does not judge us merely stick carried somewhere, but it was too large if one has been accustomed to corsets and appearances, but rather by our I for any one of them to carry. What do you three or four petticoats. It is harder than is evident that He does regarc' think they did ? " learning to ridehorse-back, or to play tennis, also. Doubtless, this is wh' " We don't know," said the twins. or to ride a bicycle. But it is an accomplish- told us what kinds of fool " They all took hold of it together," said ment worth gaining; and a woman who has which are dirty (or uncle mamma, " and then they could fly with it." once earned, by a fortnight's effort, the use dirty foods may not direc' The children laughed, and looked at one of her own muscles, and has learned the that is the soul, yet that t another; then they, all took hold of the delight of carrying around the weight of two body unclean is as true sc basket together, and found it was easy to or three or ,four pounds of clothing instead a scriptural truth. Theref, eight or ten pounds, will never go back to carry. Bible's admonitions relat Record. " The way to do all hard things in this tight and heavy garments.—Boston and learn how to avoid thai world," said mamma, " is for every one to and so keep our bodies i, help a little. No one can do them all, but SOUND FROM LIGHT. temples of the Holy Ghost. every one can help."—Christian Leader. Next week a short reading ONE of the most wonderful discoveries in on clean and unclean foods. science that has been made is the fact that a beam of light produces sound. A beam of EVIL THOUGHTS. THE Bible contains the great s sunlight is thrown through a lens on a glass happy life. It alone can instru " WE shall not be hanged for our vessel that contains lamp-black, coloured those who would have cheery homes , thoughts," cries one. I wish that such idle silk, or worsted, or other substances. A would enjoy rosy health. And bey talkers would remember that they will be disk having slats or openings cut in it, is this, it alone can fit us for the evei damned for their thoughts ; and that instead of made to revolve swiftly in this beam of light, home that lies beyond this life. evil thoughts being less sinful than evil acts, it so as to cut it up, thus making alternate may sometimes happen that the man may be flashes of light and shadow. On putting worse in the thought than in the deed. He the ear to the glass vessel, strange sounds may not be able to carry out all the mischief are heard as long as the flashing beam is SBORNE HOUSE: that lurks in his designs, and yet in forming falling on the vessel. Recently a more won- k.ratio Nicholson St:, itz. the design he may incur all the guilt. derful discovery was made : the beam of Opposite Exhibiti' Thoughts are the eggs of words and actions ; sunlight is made to pass through a prism, so PRIVATE BOARDING 22199 MRS. M. A. Tor and within the thought, lie, compact and as to produce what is called the solar spe- ESTABLISHMENT. condensed, all the villainy of actual trans- trum, or rainbow. The disk is turned, and gression. If men would more carefully the coloured light of the rainbow is made to "Common Sense Ear Dm Relielm Deafness and Head r watch their thoughts, they would not so pass through it. Now, place the ear to the here medical skill fails. New sci( invention, entirely different in cold readily fall into evil. habits ; but men first vessel containing the silk, wool, or other Lion from all other devices. Comfort. material. As the coloured lights of the Invisible (no wire or metal attachm. indulge the thoughts of evil, and then the Write for pamphlet, posted free to spectrum fall upon it, sounds will be given address. imagination of evil ; nor is the process staid WILSON EAR DRUM CO. by different parts of the spectrum, and there Australasian Agent, J. CHALMERS, there. Picturing it before their mind's eye, Premier Buildings, 229 Collins Street. they excite their own desires after it ; these will be silence in other parts. For instance, Kindly mention this paper. 19/99 Melbourne.

JUNE 27, 1898. THE BIBLE ECHO. 207

•N'•I°Np".%," ."\".%iori%"•e.1 TRY CLAYDON'S Boots t eg Items of Interest' 4 ESTABLISHED 1850. CLAYDONSII Fine Quality. McFarlane & Son 4/ RED HOUSE * Che:pest 113;ices. International News. WATCHMAKERS, JEWELLERS 40 FOR BOOTS rif; ONLY ADDRESS, AND OPTICIANS S &SHOES 1/1. The Victorian poll, on the Federation Bill was 253 Elizabeth Street, 100,520 in favour, and 22,099 against. •°44 solok 387 Elizabeth St. Melbourne. 0. DRAEGER, Manager Melbourne, The American war loan of f4o,000,00o Was Repairs of every description conscientiously Corner Aq3eckett St. subscribed locally three times over. and thoroughly executed at niost reasonable Country Orders Solicited. prices. Country orders promptly attended to. 21/99. St. Mary's R. C. church at Warracknabeal 1 Vic., was destroyed by fire on Wednesday night, 25/99. June 18. Over forty families have been down with ,any a soul has been Saved from ruin measles at Stratford, Vic., only a few persons Tayler & Fiske, escaping. 0-TAIILORS.... through the instrumentality of a tract, In consequence of the late bread riots in Italy, pikark‘t Hui1eTh s, the government has decided to introduce relief 1 1 7 Bourise Si. E. OPPOSITE YEOMAN'S. Only 12,1 yo4 may works, and reduce the taxation in poor districts. SPIRITUALISM A Satanic delusion. 22/99 A Good Busine5s Suit for 50/- say; firma; be a The Spanish fleet lately at Cadiz, is now A tract for the times, un- stated to be en route for the Phillipines, propos- veiling this masterpiece ing to relieve Manila and then attack the Pacific messenger of life to of iniquity, and contrast- Coast of the United States. ing truth and error. 32 some perishing soul, pages, zd. Russia, France, and Belgium, have secured LAI 111 large railways concessions in China that they be- obson lieve will form an effectual barrier to British RI , lir trade across the Yang-tse-Kiang River. 4 177 Brunswick St. . to w =--M. Severe fighting is reported from Albania in European Turkey, between Christian and Mo- North Fitzroy, ioominibatiner• The experiences of those who have tasted hammedan inhabitants. Eleven Christian vil- Opposite Fitzroy - Timm! W.. lages have been burned, and many people Cricket Grounds. i and seen that the Lord is gracious are often killed. N4.... y Director 041. far more telling and The numerical strength of religions are stated &Nkikate° HOW the SABBATH as follows, counted by millions : Christianity, Telephone i759. 23/99 • 1.'1% NII. CAME TO ME 421 ; Buddhism, 455 ; Mohammedanism, 215 ; effective than any long Brahmanism, 175 ; Confucianism, 8o ; Sintoism, is a frank narration of ; Judaism, 8. arguments or - lengthy blessed Christian experi= ence, cheering, helpful, An agreement has been arrived at in Africa be- Christ Our Saviour convincing. Scatter it tween England and France, settling the disputed broadcast. 48 pages, lid. The following tea 'es can ever be. boundaries in Nigeria. England makes some - is a samfi le of concessions to France, and in return receives full the top corner of one page. control of the western shores of Lake Chad, and some other tracts. 9- THE VISIT OF T We Dray and sigh for Pentecost, but we General Information. need to learn that we must work for it, The Moravian Church has a membership of These men had noticed only 23,00o, but last year its contributions to foreign missions amounted to L'ior,000. light caused by the glory t --Can a tract help you AN APPEAL ON The Pope dispensed last year 38,000 benedic- angels when they visited th to understand that this HOME MISSION- tions, which brought into the pontifical treasury ARY WORK. over £zo,000. The greatest portion of this came of Bethlehem. is so ? It may. Truth, By Mrs. E. G. WHITE. from America. One of the best and most When this light faded a timely tracts ever issued Owing to the death of a number of boys in and not a multitude of -making plain the true London, who .had been eating ice cream pur- appeared to be a new star reason why Christians chased from street vendors, an enquiry was made mere words, is the lack the spirit and power thought at once of the pro of Pentecost. that revealed the somewhat startling fact that 32 pages, 2d. sewage water had been used in making the ice shall come a star out of Ta Dowtrof God, cream. Agreat sensation was caused lately in Russia by the discovery of a mine that had been laid under the spot where the Czar was to sit in a botatt agastib church. The plot is attributed to discontented Size of Book, el in. x g in. If you can neither preach, nor sing, nor members of the Russian secret police. 3/= Cloth cover, silver lettering. It is estimated that over ioo millions of people 2/= Boards, illuminated in colours. \ar apt to teach, you can at least give away now speak the English language, over 41 millions the French, 69 millions German, 3o millions a tract that may lead WAY TO CHRIST. Italian, 41 millions Spanish, 13 millions Portu- Orders for any publication advettised in the Bible A forcible and clear press guese, and 67 millions Russian. Echo, unless stated to the contrary, should be ad- some soul to accept Jesus entation of the way to dressed to the following agents :-- Christ. Why not circu7 To Queen Victoria a memorial has been sent Australian Tract Society, 251 St. George's Rd., N Fitzroy, Vic. late this tract by the signed by 336,35o women, setting forth that, since N. S. Wales Tract Society, 82 Douglass St., Stanmore,N.S.W. as a personal Saviour, thousand? 16 pages, id. her reign began, 800 convents have been estab- New Zealand Tract Society, 37 Taranaki St., Wellington, N.Z. Queensland Tract Society, " Warriston," Petrie Terrace, lished in England, with 2o,000 women now in Brisbane, Queensland. them, and praying that the Government will take Or they may be addressed to any agent in the following list speedy measures to inspect their condition, Adelaide.-Mr. J. Higgins, Frederick St., New Parkside, S. A. Perth.-R. Hare, Cowel Street, West Perth, W. A. management, etc. London.-International Tract Society, 59 Paternoster Row, P.C. Many souls are sitting in darkness, be- United States.-Pacific Press, 39 Bond St., New York, and The American Revisers are about to issue their 1059 Castro St., Oakland, Cal, Revised Bible. They agreed with the English cause no one has over shown them the light, revisers not to do this for fourteen years ; but, as Public Services are held each Sabbath (seventh day) this period is about to terminate, preparations are in the following cities, to which all are cordially Will you be a light ROME'S now being made for publication, and the con- invited :- tract to publish has been given to Thos. Nelson School. Church. CHALLENGE. Adelaide-Bible Christian Chapel, Young St. 9.3o a.m. It a.m. bearer ? If you would and Sons of New York. Auckland -Maehelvie Street, Surrey Hills 2.3o p.m. 20.3o am An unanswerable state- Ballarat-Society s Hall. Grenville Street 2 p.m. 3 3o p.m. ment of the facts rela- Considerable alarm is manifested in high Brisbane-Albion Public Hall (upstairs) 2.30 p.m. 3.3o p.m. work, n6is the time tive to the Bible Sabbath quarters in France over the large number of Geelong-Trinity Schoolroom, Lit. Myers St. 3 p.m. at a.m. and Bible Protestantism. Hobart -S D.A. Church. Warwick St. to a.m. II.3oa.m. 32 pages, zd. Roman Catholic Priests who are deserting to I la wtborn -Park Street Chapel. Glenferrie ro a.m. rr.rsa.m. erg the night cometh, Protestantism. The Gazette de France, in com- Mei bo urn e-S.D.A . Church Alfred Cres • cent North Fitzroy ... ... 9.30 a m. It a m. menting on this, says : " Never has such a deser- Parrainatta-The Tabernacle, Charles St. to a.m. II 3oa.m. tion from the Catholic ranks been witnessed as is Perth -Temperance League Hall. Limbo St. ro,t5a.m. Ix.zoa.m. going on at the present time." Rockhampton-Oddfellows Hall, Denham St. to a.m. 12.23 a.m. SABBATH COMMENCES: Sydney-Carlisle St ,Ashheld 9.45 a.m. it am. Williamstown -Freemasons' Hall, Electra St. 2.95 a.m. It a.m. The Universal Text Display Society is the name Windsor-Foresters' Hall. Albert Street 9.30 am. xt a.m. of a new religious organization founded in Queen St. .., - ;3 p.m. CITY. JULY I. JULY 8. JULY 15. Woolhata-Oddellow's'HaIl, Chicago, U.S.A., the object of the society being Petersham-S.D.A, Church, Cannon Street, ( II a.m. to display, in prominent places, forcible Scripture near Parrammatta Road ... 9.30 a.m.1 3 p.m. Melbourne .. 4.5/ p.m. 4.54 P.m. 4.59 p.m. Note -In the foregoing list the design is to give the name and Sydney , p.m. p.m. 5.8 p.m. texts. The Gospel will in this way, be taught to address of one Seventh-day Adventist church in each large City 5./ 5.4 'or scanort town only. far the benefit of travellers, and not a com- 'Launceston .. 4.39 4.43 P.m. 4.49 P.m. many who might not otherwise have their minds particularly called to the teachings of the Word. plete list of churches in the colonios. 208 THE BIBLE ECI1O. Vor„. 13, No. 26.

the word cannot do this for us if we do force in this connection. Many who are THE BIBLE ECHO. not know it ; if we have not read it and well-to-do in this world have slighted the Melbourne, Victoria, 3une 27, 1898. treasured it up in our hearts. Christ, Gospel message. Many have allowe( through the psalmist, says : " Thy word business interests to cause them to ask tc I. WE send out no papers that have not been ordered; if per- sons receive the BIBLE Echo without having ordered it, it is sent have I hid in Mine heart, that I might be excused from making the needed pre them by some friend, and they will not be called upon to pay. not sin against Thee." Ps. 119 : 11. 2. When you send money to the Office to apply on your subscrip- paration to attend the marriage supper of tion to the BIBLE ECHO, notice the date on the wrapper of your And His life on earth proved conclusively Lamb, which takeS place at His second paper, and see that it is correctly changed. that He did this. Christ was a most 3. All matter appearing in the BIBLE Ecim without credit may coming. See Luke 14:16-24 ; 13 : 28, 29 generally be understood as coming from the Editor. diligent student of the word, and in every Matt. 24:29-31. The invitation is to bt conflict with the enemy He used it with extended to the poor, the maimed, the To KNOW the gospel message for this telling effect, and came off victorious. halt, and the blind. Many of these wil time, read the articles presented in this What an encouragement this should be accept the gracious call and enter into the number. for us to study and commit to memory kingdom, while the rich, the careless ant the blessed word 1 THE article on page 203, entitled " The indifferent pass on unprepared. Good Sam Everlasting Gospel," is from the readings aritan work is in demand evPry.n An Interesting Meeting.—An interest- never more than now. for the recent week of prayer. ing and enthusiastic meeting of Sabbath Pastors Daniels and Robinson, brethe keepers was held in the Odd Fellows' Hall, THE splendid article in this number on Michaels, Faulkhead, Steele, Palmer, Melbourne, Sunday afternoon and even- A. W. Anderson, and Miss Graham, to( " Christian Manliness " by A. T. Jones, ing, June 19, to consider the forwarding is worth reading and re-reading. active part in the meeting. Take of various lines of medical missionary and around, a most encouraging and Christian help work. About two hundred able meeting was held. IF we profess to love God, shall we not were present. give to Him our sincere affection, and Reports were given of work already our unreserved confidence? This is what begun, and of plans for future work. The He desires and what we owe Him. An "Old People's Home" has been Greatest Curative opened in the city, and several aged per- of the IF you read only one thing else in this sons are being cared for in it. Calls were Age.... paper beside this note which you are made for furniture, bedding, carpets, etc., now reading, read the article " Christian to properly fit it up, and for the accommo- Manliness," beginning on the first page. dation of more persons. After eight years' trial, public opinion affirms more cures than any ointment or embrocatic A " Helping Hand Wood Yard" has Rheumatic Gout, Rheumatism, Sciatica, etc., etc., it is an infallible remedy. For " IT is not the plan of God to compel also been started for the purpose of giving Cattle, Sheep, etc., there is no equal to it ext. men to yield their wicked unbelief. Be- employment to hungry and destitute men. and try it. No household will ever afters fore them are light and darkness, truth Rheumatism Conquered. Plans for opening a laundry for the Ascot Vale, 2. Messrs Solomon Cox and Co. and error. It is for them to decide which benefit of worthy women or widowed Dear Sim—Several years ago I had an acne, matism, which left a severe pain at the end of to accept." mothers out of employment, were pre- in the left foot, with the muscles all swollen, ca lame, and almost incapacitating me from work sented. After persevering with your Solomon Soluti TUESDAY afternoon, June 14, Bro. J. months the pain and swelling disappeared alt