THE THREEFOLD GOSPEL MESSAGE. Vol.. 13, No. 26. Melbourne, Victoria, June 27, 1898. ONE PENNY. " And there followed another angel, saying, Baby- head a golden crown, and in His hand a THE BIBLE ECHO. lon is fallen, is fallen, that great city; because she made all nations drink of the wine of the sharp sickle. And another angel came DEVOTED TO wrath of her fornication. out of the temple, crying with a loud An Exposition of Bible Truth and Signs of the Times. " And the third angel followed them, saying with a voice to Him that sat on the cloud, PUBLISHED WEEKLY AT NORTH FITZROY VICTORIA. loud voice, If any .man worship the beast and Thrust in Thy sickle, and reap : for the FOR TERMS SEE LAST PAGE his image, and receive his mark in his fore- time is come for Thee to reap ; for the head, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured harvest of the earth is ripe." Verses REVELATION 14 : 6.12. out without mixture into the cup of His in= 14, 15. dignation ; and he shall be tormented with Lo ! an angel loud proclaiming, Christ Himself said : " The harvest is Brings the gospel of good cheer; fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy and the end of the world." Matt. 13 : 39. Every kindred, tongue, and people, angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: Fear the Lord, soon to appear ! So we know that the threefold (message Proclamation of the three angels of Rev. 14: 6-13, im- Of the hour of Judgment near. mediately precedes the second coming of Lo ! another angel follows, Christ and the end of the world. It de- With another solemn cry ; velops a people who " keep the command- " Babylon the great is fallen !" ments of God and the faith of Jesus." Peals like thunder through the sky : Reader we want you to become familiar " Let my people p Now from all her errors fly." with the third angel's message. We want you to keep the commandments of Yet, a third and solemn message Now a final doom proclaims; God and the faith of Jesus. We want All who worship beast or image you to be prepared to meet Jesus when Soon shall feel the avenging flames : He comes, and be of that number of Grace no longe; whom it is written : " Blessed are they Shelters their unworthy names. that do His commandments, that they Here are they who now are•waiting, may have right to the tree of life, and And have patience to endure ; may enter in through the gates into the While the dragon's hosts are raging, These confide in God, secure : city." Rev. 22 : 14. Faith of Jesus And commandments keep them pure. —Selected. CHRISTIAN MANLINESS. No. 1. THE THE THIRD ANGEL'S MESSAGE. third angel's message, that mighty threefold message of the everlasting gospel (Rev. 14 : 6-13), is the only salvation for THE third angel's message is simply the gospel for this time. And the gospel men that there is in this world. That is for this time is not a new gospel, any the only thing that can save men from more than the sins from which God de- the evil tide, which, under the very pro- sires to save men now are new sins. It is the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and fession of Christianity, is against Chris- simply the everlasting gospel to save men ever : and they have no rest day nor night, who wor- tianity,—which, under the profession of ship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth Protestantism, is against Protestantism, in this generation from their transgres- the mark of His name. Here is the patience —the evil tide that is sweeping the world sions of the everlasting law of God. of the saints : here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith into the vortex of wickedness and weak- But the term " third angel's message " of Jesus. And I heard a voice from heaven ness, where, knowing their wickedness, may not be familiar to many. It may be saying, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in they are so unmanned that they have not thought to be quite foreign to the Bible, the Lord from henceforth : Yea, saith the Spirit, that the ability to stand up and oppose their and foundationless. That such is not the they may rest from their labours ; and their works do follow them." Rev. 14 : 6-13. own wickedness, but depend upon a fig- case, and that all may become familiar Here is the threefold message. Here ment to save them. not only with the term " third angel's are presented the cardinal features which The third angel's message is to be given message," but with the threefold mes- are to characterise the closing proclama- with a loud voice to every nation, and sage itself, we here quote the scripture tion of the gospel to the world. kindred, and tongue, and people in the which forms the basis, and outlines the This message is to prepare a people for world, to convey to them the only genuine important features of, this message. the second coming of Christ. This is principle of manliness that there is, and " And I saw another angel fly in the midst of evident not only from the nature of the to "establish Christianity upon an eternal heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every message itself, but from the scripture basis." It is to persuade men everywhere nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, saying which immediately follows it. Says the to accept that principle of manliness, and with a loud voice, Fear God and give glory to prophet : " And I looked, and behold a by it to stand up in the midst of the wicked- Him; for the hour of His judgment is come : ness of the world, and conquer it, however and worship Him that made heaven and earth, white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat and the sea, and the fountains of waters. like unto the Son of man, having on His deeply they may have gone into it them- 202 THE BIBLE ECHO. JUNE 27, 1898. selves. It is to bring to men this principle Sabbath ?" Many know this is so. And " But stop," says one ; " have you con- of Christian manliness that will cause the answer to it is, and always should be : sidered this point ? Does not the Bible them to stand up face tip face with them- "No ; there is no place in this world say that the gospel is to be preached to selves, and put underfoot the weakness Where you can get a position so you can the poor,?"—Of course it does ; but it that is in themsOves, and, make them be a Christian. You are to be a Chris- does not say that they shall forever remain strong, manly men. That is what the tian, anyhow. Your Christianity is not poor. Listen : " I have been young, and third angel's; message is put into the world to depend upon position, but upon Christ.. now am old; yet have I not see the right- to do, and that is what it will do: Your Christianity is not to depend upon eous forsaken, nor his ,seed beggiOg bread." Now, this third's angel's message, this your position : your position is to depend It is equally true, thOugh, that while they message of Christianity for this day, upon your Christianity. And what I will never be poor as the world regards which is needed in this day, and which mean by Christianity is Sabbath-keeping, poverty, they will never be rich as the alone can meet the issue in this day, is to commandment-keeping Christianity. Your world regards riches. be preached to just this kind of people,—to Sabbath-keeping is not to depend upon Yes, Christianity is preached to the people who have been taught to look to, position nor upon work, but upon Christ. poor,—to those who are in poverty be- and to trust in, a figment. Of course, Your Sabbath-keeping must not depend cause they have been so weakened and when the everlasting gospel is preached upon position; but your position must unmanned by the evil tendencies and to them, many of them will see the prin- depend upon Sabbath-keeping. If you teachings of the world that they have not ciple involved ; they will see the tide that cannot be a Christian where you are, you been able to hold their own against the is running the wrong way, and what it is cannot be a Christian anywhere else." world. And because of their unfortunate doing for themselves and everybody who I am not saying that when people do position, the Lord singles them out first. has paid any attention to it; and they will lose their situations,—as many times they He looks upon them in pity, and says, accept this call to Christianity, and will do when they accept the third angel's " Join yourselves to Me, and win against turn away from that evil thing. message,—no care should ever be taken the world." And there is nobody who Then when they have accepted this call to put them in the way of work, if it has any respect for God or for Christian-.
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