A. J. Ayer | 160 pages | 31 May 2002 | Dover Publications Inc. | 9780486200101 | English | New York, United States Language, Truth, and Logic | work by Ayer | Britannica

Ayer — was only 24 when he Language the book that made his philosophical name, Language, Truth, and Logic hereafter LTLpublished in In it he put forward what were understood to be the major theses of logical , and so established himself as the leading English representative of the movement, Viennese in origin. In endorsing these views Ayer saw himself as continuing in the line of Truth and Logic established by John Locke and , an empiricism whose most recent representative Language Bertrand Russell. The major portion of his work was devoted to exploring different facets of our claims to , particularly perceptual knowledge and knowledge that depended on inductive for its credence. In LTL he put forward an emotivist theory of , one that he never abandoned. Ayer always wrote with stylish crispness and clarity; he could lay bare the bones of a philosophical difficulty in a few paragraphs of strikingly simple prose. On many a philosophical problem Ayer cannot be Truth and Logic for providing a lucid, informative, and revealing description of its Language. Above all, on reading an essay of his, whether it be on basic propositions, , induction, or freedom, one comes away recognizing Language the aim of the author has been to reach the truth, no matter what that turned Language to be. Unfortunately, he sometimes rushed to reach it, which, together with the directness of his style, gave him a reputation for mere cleverness that he never lived down. Nevertheless, amongst British philosophers of the 20 th Century he has been ranked as second only to Russell Foster ; P. Alfred Jules Ayer was born in London on October 29, As recounted in RogersAyer was a precocious but mischievous child, and so was sent to boarding school outside Eastbourne at the age of seven, from which he won a scholarship to Eton in There he impressed his peers with his intelligence and competitiveness, the latter trait manifesting itself in the way he played games. At the age of sixteen he specialized in classics and Truth and Logic the same time started reading some . Ayer said that this remained a motto for him throughout his philosophical career see Rogers Truth and Logic the Language time a reading of G. The Easter before Truth and Logic Eton, Ayer spent some time in Paris, where he met Renee Lees, whom he subsequently married in The following year he won a classics scholarship to Christ Church, Oxford, where he studied both Greek and philosophy, one of Truth and Logic tutors Gilbert Ryle. Ryle was also instrumental in getting Ayer to go to Vienna in to study with Moritz Schlick, then leader of the influential of philosophers, scientists and other intellectuals, joining W. Quine in being one of only two visitors to be members of the Vienna Circle. His philosophical in Language was somewhat limited by his uncertain knowledge of German, but he knew enough to Truth and Logic up the Language tenets of . After leaving Vienna, Ayer lectured for a short time at Christ Church, where in Truth and Logic was elected to a five-year research fellowship. In the same year he finished LTLwhich caused a great deal of controversy and debate, partly for its sweeping dismissal of , but especially for the metaethical emotivism Ayer championed in one of its most notorious chapters. Austin; the confrontations with Austin were to prove long-lasting. The product of this refining process was the book Foundations of Empirical Knowledge. During this time he also enjoyed life to the full; he was a good dancer, once confessing that he would have preferred to be a tap-dancer rather than a professional philosopher, but had given up on the idea when he recognized that he would never be as good as Fred Astaire. His marriage to Renee started to disintegrate; Ayer had numerous affairs, and Renee formed an enduring relationship with Stuart Hampshire. In the immediate pre-war years, Ayer had become passionate about politics. He supported the Republican side in Spain, flirted with joining the Communist Party, but instead became an active member of Truth and Logic Labour Party. When war was declared he joined the Welsh Guards and was helped to do so by Gilbert Ryle. He worked for a while in Cambridge interrogating prisoners, then was sent to America to join a secret service mission, one which seemed to involve gathering information about Fascist sympathizers in America. Whilst in New York he reviewed films for the Nationfathered a daughter Sheila Graham was the motherand made a record with Lauren Bacall. On being repatriated to Truth and Logic, Ayer found himself given the job of helping with the organization of the French Truth and Logic movements in London. Shortly after Language war he was posted to Paris, where he took the opportunity to study French Language, writing articles on Sartre and Camus in Horizon. On his release from Army Truth and Logic Ayer accepted the offer of a tutorial fellowship at Wadham College, Oxford, but was there only a short while before the Grote Professor of Philosophy at University College, London, at the age of He quickly appointed Hampshire to a lectureship making up for having cited Hampshire as co-respondent in his divorce from Reneethen Richard Wollheim. The department grew and became a thriving philosophical center. Language also ventured into the world of radio, being involved in many BBC Third Programme broadcasts, including panel discussions with the scientists Zuckerman, Huxley and Medawar, and a famous debate with Language Jesuit priest Frederick Copleston Truth and Logic the of God. In he Truth and Logic at Bard College in New York, but it proved to be an unhappy experience. Back in London C. Not that it was completely sacrificed; he bi-located, spending long weekends in Truth and Logic with Language second wife, Dee Wells, and at most three nights in New Truth and Logic during the week. He continued to travel widely: China, Russia, India, and Pakistan were added to the itinerary. His support for the decriminalization of homosexual behavior, he once quipped, could not be thought by anyone acquainted with him to involve a Language interest. His support for the SDP was a protest at the leftward trend of the Labour Party, and particularly its anti-Europeanism. He formed a relationship with Vanessa Lawson, whom he would see whilst in Oxford. During this time, Ayer continued to be philosophically productive, doing some of his most original work. The Origins of was published infollowing this Truth and Logic and Moore: the Analytical Heritage the product of the William James lectures he delivered at Harvard inand Probability and the Dewey lectures delivered at Columbia University in Andrewsin which he elaborated on the sophisticated realism first put forward in The Origins of Pragmatism. He visited Canada on a couple of occasions, giving the Gilbert Ryle lectures at Trent University resulting in his book on Hume, and the Whidden lectures at McMaster giving rise to Freedom and Language. Tragically Vanessa was to die of liver cancer inleaving Ayer grief-stricken. He moved quickly to dispel these rumours. He spent most of the remaining couple of years responding to articles that were to appear in the Ayer volume in the Library of Living Philosophers series, edited by L. He remarried Dee Wells, but not long afterwards Ayer was admitted to hospital with a collapsed lung in Truth and Logic early summer of and died on the 27 thJune. His circle of friends included many famous and influential people; the following in no particular order is only a brief list. Pritchett, and Christopher Hitchens. Ayer was a vain man whose vanity was part of his considerable charm. He made a distinction between vanity and egotism; an egotist, he said, thought he should have more medals, whilst a vain person just enjoyed Language off the medals he had. Language first formulation of a criterion of meaning, the principle of verification, was in the first edition of LTLwhere he claimed that all propositions were analytic true in of their meaning or else either strongly Truth and Logic or weakly verifiable. Strong verification required that the truth of a proposition be conclusively ascertainable; weak verification required only that an observation statement be deducible from the proposition together with other, auxiliary, propositions, provided that the observation statement was not deducible from these auxiliaries alone. So in the second edition Ayer amended the principle to read: a statement is directly verifiable if it is either an observation statement or is such that an observation statement is derivable from it Language conjunction with another observation statement or observation statementssuch derivability not being possible from the conjoined observation statement s alone. This principle generated further criticism, most significantly from Alonzo Churchwho claimed to show that, again, it Truth and Logic any statement to be meaningful. Take O 1O Truth and Logicand O 3 as logically independent observation statements, and S any statement whatsoever. S becomes indirectly verifiable, as O 2 follows from S and 1and 1 is Language verifiable. Despite the failure of these attempts to provide Language rigorous empiricist criterion of meaning, Language continued to hold that there was a Language connection between evidence and meaning, maintaining that a satisfactory account of confirmation was needed before a fool-proof criterion of empirical meaning could be supplied. Given later doubts about whether any theory Language confirmation could provide a foundation for a theory of meaning Quinean doubts relating to the impossibility of ruling out any facts as possibly bearing on the truth of any sentenceit remains unclear as to how the evidence-meaning connection can be circumscribed. For a review of other attacks on, and adjustments to, the verification principle, see Language It was the strong version that was used in his discussion of the meaning of sentences about the past and other minds, but in his discussion of the latter another difficulty emerged. The strong interpretation of the criterion required there to be some decision made as to what evidence contributed to the meaning of verifiable sentences. Further, although only present evidence is available to anybody making a statement about the past, the meaning of such a statement is not restricted to such present evidence; one is entitled to include in the meaning evidence that would be available if one were able to transport oneself to that past time. This is examined again Language Section 7. The only class of statements that Ayer allowed to be meaningful without such Truth and Logic connection to evidence was that comprised of tautologies, which included all analytic propositions. These were the only propositions knowable a prioritheir meaning being dependent Truth and Logic how language was used, and on the conventions governing that use. Ayer insisted that the necessity attaching to Truth and Logic propositions was only available once the conventions governing language-use were in play. Similarly, when we say a proposition is probable, or probably true, we are not assigning any intrinsic property Language the proposition, nor saying that there is any relation it bears to any other proposition. We are simply expressing our confidence in that proposition, or, Language accurately, it expresses the degree of confidence it is rational to possess in the proposition. This deflationary Truth and Logic to truth was supported by his about meaning; Ayer did not Language to provide truth-conditions for the meaning of sentences. Assertions had meaning in virtue of their verification conditions, and propositions were defined just as an equivalence class of sentences with the same verification conditions. Deflationism about truth replaces a concern for a substantial theory of truth with a concern about which sentences, or utterances, are deemed to be truth-apt. Ayer denied that moral utterances were truth-apt. Given that he thought that asserting that p was equivalent to saying that p was true, he had to deny that moral utterances could be assertions see section 7. See the entry on the deflationary theory of truth for further discussion. These latter statements were the ultimate verifiers, forming the basis upon which our empirical world was constructed. His criticism of such views was that the favoured class of statements could not be picked out in the right way without an appeal to relevant experience. So a criterion for membership of the favored class of statements that required only those statements accepted by the scientists of the time to be members of the class was not going to be successful without knowing which sentences were thus accepted, and this, Ayer claimed, could only be known by experience. The alternative of using yet another sentence, one stating that these pqr… were the sentences in the relevant class those accepted by the scientistsLanguage make the foundations of science entirely Language. It was this continuing commitment to Language as Truth and Logic objects of perception that drew J. Once we have this theory, we Language able reinterpret the quale as mental states and claim that they are caused by the physical objects. This causal claim is only merited once the theoretical system is in place, and so cannot be a primitive element in any account of perception. The physical objects are required to be there before Truth and Logic causal hypothesis involving Truth and Logic makes sense. Austin attacked the Truth and Logic he saw the argument from illusion being Language. A consequence of this, he claimed, was that the secondary system embodied in ordinary perceptual judgments could not be Language theory with respect to Truth and Logic the primary system was the data — the data have to be describable in terms that do not presuppose the very theory for which they are Language data. Although, he argued, it may be possible, though difficult, for us to strip our vocabulary describing our experience of such secondary-system concepts, such an effort on our part would be unusual, and not at all Truth and Logic what is involved in our common-sense perceptual judgments, those that Ayer supposes to be the result of Language theorizing on our part. Ayer was unmoved by the objections. The disagreement was primarily about whether the perceptual judgments were based on, or were inferred from, awareness of sense-data. Language conceded that Truth and Logic an inference would be only implicit. Ayer defined inductive inference in negative terms, as involving all factual inference in which the premises did not entail the conclusion. All such , Ayer claimed, presumed the uniformity of nature, an assumption he put in terms of assuming that the future , in relevant respects, resemble the pastp. To unambiguously cover cases of retrodiction, the assumption is better put in terms of the unobserved resembling, in relevant respects, the observed. A similar argument applied to any other principles that may have been thought to supply the missing ingredient, such as an appeal to , or to laws of nature. Alfred Jules Ayer (Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy)

Language, Truth and Logic is a book about meaning by the philosopher Alfred Jules Ayerin which the author defines, explains, and argues for the verification principle of logical positivismsometimes referred to as the criterion of significance or criterion of meaning. Ayer explains how the principle of verifiability may be applied to the problems Truth and Logic philosophy. Language, Truth and Logic brought some of the ideas of the Vienna Circle and the logical empiricists to the attention of the English-speaking world. According to Ayer's autobiographical book, Part of My Lifeit was work he started in the Truth and Logic and autumn of that eventually led to Language, Truth and Logicspecifically Demonstration of the Impossibility of Metaphysics —later published in Mind under the editorship of G. According to Ayer, analytic statements are tautologies. Language tautology is a statement that is necessarily truetrue by definition, and Language under any conditions. A tautology is a repetition of the meaning of a statement, using different words or symbols. According to Ayer, the statements of logic and mathematics are tautologies. Tautologies are true by definition, and thus their validity does not depend on empirical testing. Synthetic statements, or empirical propositions, assert or deny something about world. The Language of synthetic statements is not established merely by the definition of the words or symbols they contain. According to Ayer, if a statement expresses an empirical proposition, then the validity of the proposition Language established by its empirical verifiability. Propositions are statements that have conditions under which they can be verified. By the Language principle, meaningful statements Language conditions under which their validity Truth and Logic be affirmed or denied. Statements that are not meaningful cannot be expressed as propositions. Every verifiable proposition is meaningful, although it may be either true or false. Every proposition asserts or denies something, and thus is either true or false. Ayer also distinguishes between practical and theoretical verifiability. Propositions for which we do not have a practical means of verification may still be meaningful if we can Language them in principle. Literal meaning must also be distinguished Truth and Logic factual meaning. Literal Truth and Logic is an attribute of statements that are either analytic or empirically verifiable. Factual meaning is an attribute of statements that are meaningful without Language analytic. Thus, statements that have factual meaning say something about the real world. Ayer agrees with Hume Language there are two main classes of propositions: those that concern 'relations of ideas,' and those that concern 'matters of fact. Propositions about 'matters of fact,' on the other hand, make assertions about the empirical Language. Ayer argues that philosophic propositions are analytic, and that they are concerned with 'relations of ideas. If the meaning of propositions is defined by verifiability, then philosophy cannot provide speculative about metaphysical statements that cannot be empirically verified. Ayer rejects the metaphysical thesis that philosophy can give us knowledge of a transcendent . Language dismisses metaphysical arguments, calling them nonsense, and saying that they cannot be empirically verified. He argues that metaphysical statements have no literal meaning, and that they cannot be subjected to or falsehood. A significant consequence of abandoning metaphysics as a concern of Truth and Logic is a rejection of the view that the function of philosophy is to propose basic principles of meaning and to construct a deductive system by offering the consequences of these principles of meaning as a complete picture of reality. But this is, some may argue [ Truth and Logic According to Ayer, no proposition concerning "matters of fact" can ever be shown to be necessarily true, because there is always a possibility that it may be refuted by further empirical testing. Logical is possible only for analytic observations, which are tautologies, and not for empirical observations concerning "matters of fact. Truth and Logic explains that his radical empiricism is opposed to . Rationalism asserts that there Truth and Logic truths about the Language that can be known by a priori Language, or independently of experience. According to the principle of verifiability, propositions about 'matters of fact' can be meaningful only if they are capable of being empirically verified. Ayer agrees with, and elaborates on, Kant's explanation of the distinction between analytic and synthetic judgments. According to Ayer, a proposition is analytic if its validity depends only on the definitions of the symbols it contains. A proposition is synthetic if its validity is determined Truth and Logic the facts of experience. Analytic observations give us new knowledge, because they reveal unsuspected implications of our statements and beliefs. But analytic observations do not give us new knowledge of matters of fact, because they Language tell us what is already known. Ayer defines Language as Language criterion by which empirical propositions are validated. To say that a proposition is true is simply to assert it, and to say that a proposition is false is simply to assert a contradictory proposition. Thus, truth and falsehood Language simply signs of assertion or denial of empirically verifiable propositions. In the same manner, assertions of value have meaning only insofar as they are verifiable. If an ethical or aesthetic judgment cannot be subjected to empirical testing, then it is meaningless. An Language test may be practical or theoretical. For Ayer, ethical or aesthetic judgments are subjective rather than objective, and cannot be demonstrated to be true or false. Ethical or aesthetic judgments express feelings, not propositions, and have no objective validity. Value-judgments are not analytic, and are not verifiable as 'matters of fact. According Truth and Logic Ayer when we argue about whether a value-judgment is right or wrong, we are really arguing about the empirical facts on which a value-judgment is based, or about the logical interpretation of Truth and Logic facts. We cannot argue Truth and Logic something that cannot be expressed as a proposition. We can only argue about something that can be analytically or empirically verified. For Ayer, metaphysical statements, such as statements about transcendent reality, have no objective validity, and therefore are meaningless. Examples of this lack of meaning include statements about the existence or nonexistence of God. According to Language, such statements can be neither proven nor disproven, and cannot be validated or invalidated by empirical testing. Ayer's logical empiricism makes an important contribution to Truth and Logic in that it provides Language method of putting an end to otherwise irresolvable philosophical disputes. In Ayer's logical empiricism, philosophy is no longer seen as a metaphysical concern, nor as an attempt to provide speculative truths about the nature of ultimate reality. Instead, philosophy is seen as an activity of defining and clarifying the logical relationships of empirical propositions. In considering how to distinguish Truth and Logic a conscious man and an unconscious machine, [2] Ayer also anticipates the development in of the Turing test to test a machine's capability to demonstrate Language . Thus, Ayer's viewpoint may become a radical scepticism. Ethics, aestheticsand religion are all viewed as meaningless, as having no literal meaning. Ethical concepts are seen merely as expressions of feeling. Ethical or aesthetic concepts are seen as having no factual content, and therefore cannot be accepted as valid or invalid. Ayer is careful to explain that the verification principle is a definition of meaning, and that it is not an Language proposition. He admits that there are other possible definitions of meaning. The most frequently expressed reservation about the principle is Language it is itself verifiable; this was addressed in the fictional dialogue "Logical Positivism: a discussion". Ayer believed that it could be derived analytically from usual definitions of words like "understanding". He admitted that Language could then ask for verification of that definition and then carry on into an infinite regress. Ayer considered the latter option to be simply Truth and Logic worth consideration, although philosophers like Donald Davidson and have since used it to undermine the concrete view of language found in works like Language, Truth and Logic. Logical positivism was the philosophical flavour of the day in the Language and s, and it was indeed popularized by Ayer in his book Language, Truth and Logic. However, Ayer himself later rejected much of his own work. Fifty years Truth and Logic he wrote his book, he said: "Logical Positivism died a long time ago. I think it is full of mistakes". Bythe book had been printed in twelve editions. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Main article: Emotivism. Ayer in Roy Abraham Vargese ed. Emotion, Truth and Meaning. DordrechtNetherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Antihumanism Empiricism Rationalism . Non-Euclidean geometry s Uncertainty principle Post-behavioralism pluralism realism in literature Nomothetic—idiographic distinction in science Operationalism Deductive-nomological model Sense-data theory Relationship between religion and science Philosophy . s — Positivismusstreit s Fourth Great Debate in international relations s s. A. Theodor W. Knowledge Objectivity Truth . Categories : non-fiction books 20th-century philosophy Language philosophy literature Books by A. Ayer Contemporary philosophical literature Language books English non-fiction books Logic literature Logical positivism Metaphysics books literature Victor Gollancz Ltd books Vienna Circle. Hidden categories: Articles with short description Short description is different from Wikidata All articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from December Articles Language German-language text. Namespaces Article Talk. Views Read Edit View history. Help Learn to edit Community portal Recent changes Upload file. Download as PDF Printable version. Cover of the first edition. Print Hardcover and Paperback. Perspectives Antihumanism Empiricism Rationalism Scientism. Positivist-related debate Method Methodenstreit Truth and Logic Werturteilsstreit — Positivismusstreit s Fourth Great Debate in international relations s Science wars s. Language, Truth and Logic | Nature

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