Underground Railroad and Bleeding

- Legal Slavery - Underground Railroad - Harriet Tubman - Kansas-Nebraska Act - Kansas Territory (2) - John Brown - Political Impasse Review: Take 10 How does an economy transition from a cottage industry to a manufacturing economy?

Why can a skilled tradesmen demand higher wages than an unskilled worker?

What was the major difference between the northern economy and the southern economy during the antebellum period?

What is a union’s strongest, or most persuasive, tool? Why?

What is the difference between a push factor and a pull factor in regard to immigration? Legal Slavery

- Border states become a battleground - South tries to keep slaves in - Mixed actions in the North Underground Railroad

- Secret network of abolitionists - Helped runaway slaves reach free zones - Whites, free blacks, escaped slaves all took part Harriet Tubman

- Born into slavery - Escaped to the North - Went back and helped other slaves escape the South (D’TAI BAI) Kansas-Nebraska Act

- Passed in 1854 by Federal government - Voided the Missouri Compromise (1820) - Kansas would decide, through popular sovereignty, if slavery would be allowed Kansas Territory

- Incorporated in 1854 - People from the North and the South flooded in (Why?) - Conflict soon began between the two sides First capital of Kansas? Kansas Territory

- Conflict led to violence - Newspapers started referring to the territory as “” - Jayhawkers from Kansas used violence to keep pro-slavery people out Sumner in the Senate

- against slavery - Accused Stephen Douglas and of having no honor (KS-NE Act Authors) - Preston Brooks, Butler’s cousin - “An offense to ” - 3yr recovery John Brown

- Born a free, white man - Believed that war was the only way to end slavery - Headed to Kansas in 1855 Political Impasse

- Neither side was willing to budge - Slavery was the largest wedge issue of the day - Whole country watched as Presidential election of 1860 began Break Current Wedge Issues