Vol. 35 So. 3 17 January, 1973

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Vol. 35 So. 3 17 January, 1973 5p Vol. 35 So. 3 17 January, 1973 AS WE GO to press it is possible policy? the offer of the T.U.C. not to that Mr. Heath vill play his mention the miners* "special trump card to solve all our en­ The miners are tough, they case" as a reason for vcge In­ ergy and economic problems at a have not forgotten the betrayal creases was never mentioned to by the Trade Unions in 1926 when stroke. He vill go to the courv- t^e liners. try, submit the resignation of they were left to fight on alone. his government to the queen or, Or the mirage of rationalization Meanwhile, all the cld stuff . in short, admit his policy has ,and the wholesale closing down about reds under the bed - or in failed and that, backed up by of pits and the switch to oil- the bed - is being dusted off confidence of some of the elect­ fuels which marked the Labour from other elections and Mr. orate he could try all over ag­ government's term of office. Heath’s sole comfort (if he needs ain — with almost the same The propaganda for the next one) is a Daily Mail opinion poDL policies! election has been well-placed On his own right flank Enoch beforehand - as usual. Whose Powell is going round saying ”1 It is quite unlikely that the finger is on the controls? Are told you so" as the deflationary miners - or the Arab sheikhs - the unions to have the power cuts in the Social Services bite will be impressed with this bid over the electorate or is the home. for popularity. It is unlikely democratically elected govern­ to dig an ounce more of coal or As an election it promises to ment? Every delay by a union so squeeze out a pint more oil for be a little livelier than the that the democratic process may our money but it is the kind of last one but it will not, what­ be seen to operate is taken as grand empty gesture that passes ever the result, bring one more ’evasion’. Swift dictatorial for political wisdom. ton of coal out of the ground. decisions by the government are This can only be done by the min­ On the other side of the house taken as ’firmness' — no mat­ ers, and can only be done by rec­ Mr. Wilson too waits for his ter bow muddled! The waspish ognizing the miners' social worth hour to come round again. His rejection by Mr. Barber (perso­ which, in this imperfect world return to office will perform nally) of the Trade Unions' and society, can only unfortun­ no miracle save for a little slightly sham and shop-worn ately be done by cash payments more honeymoon overtures to a olive branch was immediately re­ which are an unsatisfactory sub­ more tractable Trade Union move­ pudiated by Mr. Heath who took a stitute for recognition of the ment - however the unions have more urbane step in taking seri­ danger, disease and artificially not forgotten Barbara Castle's ously the doubts of the Confeder­ created degradation of the miner. "In Place of Strife" and what ation of British Industry. Jack Robinson. will Wilson do for an incomes Ultimately it was disclosed that, Nation for having shown serenity in the face of this attack. "No­ thing wculd have been more justi­ TANCE J § fied than some moments of dis- J -i I f P orientation and vaccilation. OUB COMRADE.Salvador Puig has urgently needed funds to continue the struggle for freedom. some gestures of inquietude, been sentenced to death. If’ nervousness or pain caused General Franco gives the go- ALL SERENE IN SPAIN? this criminal act. Such react­ ahead for this judicial murder The blasting of Carrero Blanco, ion would have been extremely Salvador Puig will die before a dangerous." firing squad. the trial and sentences of "the Carabancel Ten", accused of being It is clear now that the fas­ He is an active member of the members of the illegal "Comisi- cist regime did fear serious resistance against fascism in ones Obreras", the heavy jail and troubles caused by the violent Spain and as such he poses a death sentences imposed on mem­ death of Carrero Blanco. Again, real threat to the dictatorship, bers of M.I.L. (Movimiento Iberi- in the same editorial..La Van- which has ruled since 1939. The co Libertario) are, aftiong others, guardia Espanola went out of fascists will be crying out for indications that the fascist re­ its way to state: "...the brutal revenge following the assassina­ gime is far from being ideologi­ disappearance of this essential tion of Admiral Luis Carrero cally accepted by the Spanish piece of our political system Blanco. people. To days after the death did not produce the institution­ In order to save Salvador of Carrero Blanco, La Vanguardia al and political commotion that Puig’s life it is necessary for Espanola - the staunch fascist we had feared." - T an international campaign of paper - felt obliged to print an Hr Aa $ » " vb • * # m f W a Cf T i-* f• r f 7^ J$ ^v The Spanish fascists know protest and action to deter the editorial, "Serenity", in which it better than anybody else that Franco regime from taking his acknowledges that 'it cannot be opposition to their regime is life. denied that the assassination of the Admiral Carrero Blanco is a serious and stronger than ever. Salvador Puig was captured grave political attack that falls This editorial, full of praise following a shoot-out with armed over the country which is facing for those who rallied around police during a bank robber last future circumstances which do Franco lets it clearly trans­ year. No doubt as usual the re­ not appear easy.' Paying tribute pire that the regime expected gime will claim that he was mere­ to the loyalty of the Spanish in­ troubles from the anti-fascist ly a "bandit". Needless to say, stitutions (the fascist ones of forces. (Why these foreces the bank robbery was not for per— course) the same editorial con- ^sonal gain but in order to raise continued on P. 2 gratulates the leaders of the Rouge; Revolution; Lutte Ouvritre; u. « coni'd from ORA; Youth Alliance for Social­ ism; La Liga Communiste Revolu- With the exception of the tionnaire; ETA VI, and the Anti- Daily Tcl^grmh. which published Fascist and Patriotic Revolution­ the most comprehensive news about ary Front. the death sentence on Salvador SHIN This demonstration extended its Puig Antich, the British pres« solidarity to the "Carabanchel has chosen to ignoie the fascist were not set in motion is ano- repression in Barcelona. there matter that we hope time 10", members of the Communist will tell.) As far as the and illegal "Comisiones Obreras" Of the Sunday press, only the Spanish anarchists are con­ who recently received heavy jail Observer (13.1.73) neoneged to cerned, the struggle against sentences in Madrid. write an article "Spam faces fascism never stopped and to­ TOULOUSE - on 10 Jan. about 30 anarchist reprisals”, in which day they are still resisting it left-wing militants occupied the Stuart Christie."the Scots anar­ in a revolutionary manner, put­ pro-fascist Spanish Cultural chist released from a Spanish ting aside reformist and elect­ Centre. The French police did -jail in 1967 after serving 3 oral "struggles” which charac­ intervene, checking the identity years of a 20 year senten_c? foj* terise the authoritarian Left in of the occupants. The same eve­ nn attempt on Franco's life. Spain and Portugal. ning a group of about 10 people said he imagined that Pi ig's c y - ****** broke the front windows of the rade? would try something ve^y ft To those anarchists who have Bank of Spain and an incendiary soon some doubts about "removing" by- bomb was thrown into the offices, According to this paper "Mr. force tyrants and despots we icause a fire to start. Christie, who is Secretary of just say the death of Carrero • TURIN - a bomb exploded (10 Jan) the Anarchist Black Cross, which Blanco has plunged the Spanish seeks to help noliticel prison­ regime into its most acute and in front of the Spanish Consul­ ate and Chamber of Commerce, ers. said that he considered serious crisis since the end of kidnapping to be the most like lx World War II. The opposition to causing extensive damage without anyone being hurt. retaliation. 'The sort of the regime is coming from all added Stuart Christie. anti-fascist quarters and by now tejto-L BARCELONA - three small bombs ex­ 'that went off in Zurich and Franco's jails are bursting at ploded on Friday (ll Jan). One Turin, which are really gestures the seams, full of political damaged the war memorial to the not intended toinjure arvbodv. prisoners. Franquists who died during the don't exert so much leverage on It is up to us to prolong this civil war. Franco e,s a kidnapping i it crisis which is putting the fas­ ZURICH - the Spanish Consulate cists against the wall by sup­ was the object of a bomb attack Claude. porting the anarchist comrades LONDON - comrades demonstrated who are organising themselves in on Saturday (12 Jan) outside the order to eventually smash fascism in the Iberian peninsula. The Iberian Airways offices in Regent international reaction to the Street. Leaflets explaining our death sentence passed on our com­ protest and the nature of the rade Salvador Pnig Antich is al­ fascist state were given out.
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