The Republic of the Gambia's Combined Report on The
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THE REPUBLIC OF THE GAMBIA’S COMBINED REPORT ON THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON HUMAN & PEOPLES’ RIGHTS & INITIAL REPORT ON THE PROTOCOL TO THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN IN AFRICA THE REPUBLIC OF THE GAMBIA COMBINED REPORT ON THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON HUMAN AND PEOPLES’ RIGHTS FOR THE PERIOD 1994 AND 2018. AND INITIAL REPORT UNDER THE PROTOCOL TO THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN IN AFRICA August 2018 1 THE REPUBLIC OF THE GAMBIA’S COMBINED REPORT ON THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON HUMAN & PEOPLES’ RIGHTS & INITIAL REPORT ON THE PROTOCOL TO THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN IN AFRICA PREFACE The Republic of The Gambia is committed to the progressive realization of the rights and freedoms of all persons as well as the duties enshrined in the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights through the creation of appropriate policy, legislative, judicial, administrative and budgetary measures. It is against this background that this Combined Periodic Report seeks to highlight the measures adopted in the implementation of the rights enshrined in the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (ACHPR) since 1994, identify the progress made as well as the constraints encountered. During the period under review (1994-2018), The Republic of The Gambia has had to contend with a very checkered history in the bid to fulfill its obligation to promote and protect human rights. Admittedly, numerous challenges had to be overcome in the effective realization of the promotion and protection of these rights. The Ministry of Justice takes this opportunity to express its appreciation to the distinguished Commissioners of the African Commission on Human and People’s Rights and hope that the distinguished experts will appreciate the progress made so far, the determinations being made to overcome the highlighted challenges and continue to support The Gambia’s obligation to sustain the promotion and protection of human and peoples’ rights in the overall interest of all Gambians. The Government of The Gambia looks forward to the opportunity to engage in a constructive dialogue with the Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the implementation of the Charter. Prepared by: The Attorney General’s Chambers & Ministry of Justice 7 Marina Parade Banjul The Gambia August 2018 2 THE REPUBLIC OF THE GAMBIA’S COMBINED REPORT ON THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON HUMAN & PEOPLES’ RIGHTS & INITIAL REPORT ON THE PROTOCOL TO THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN IN AFRICA LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS & ACRONYMS AAITG- Action Aid International The Gambia ACHPR- African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights ACSM- Advocacy, Communication and Social Mobilization Strategy ADR- Alternative Dispute Resolution ADRS- Alternative Dispute Resolution Secretariat AGSP- American Girls Scholarship Program AIDS- Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome ANC- Antenatal Clinic ANFE- Adult and Non Formal Education APWGA- Association for the Promotion of Women’s and Girls Advancement ART-Anti Retroviral Therapy ARV- Antiretroviral BAFROW- Foundation for Research on Women’s Health, Productivity and the Environment BCC- Behavioural Change Communication BCG- Bacillus Calmette- Guerin Vaccine BEMONC- Basic Emergency Obstetrics and Neonatal Care CAT- Convention Against Torture CBOs- (Community Based Organisations) CEDAW- Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women CEMONC- Comprehensive Emergency Obstetrics and Neonatal Care CFSI- Child Friendly School Initiative CHN- Community Health Nurses CIA- Central Intelligence Agency CPA- Child Protection Alliance 3 THE REPUBLIC OF THE GAMBIA’S COMBINED REPORT ON THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON HUMAN & PEOPLES’ RIGHTS & INITIAL REPORT ON THE PROTOCOL TO THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN IN AFRICA CPT- Co-trimoxazole Preventative Therapy CRC- Convention on the Rights of the Child CRR- Central River Region CSIP- Community Skills Improvement Project CSOs- Civil Society Organisations DHS- Demographic Health Survey DOT- Direct Observation of Treatment DSW- Department of Social Welfare ECD- Early Childhood Development ECOMOG- Economic Community of West African States Monitoring Group ECOWAS- The Economic Community of West African States EFA Net- Education for All Network EFA- Education For All EIA- Environmental Impact Assessment EID- Early Infant Diagnosis EMIS- Education Management Information System eMTCT- Elimination of Mother to Child Transmission ESSP- Education Sector Strategic Plan FAWEGAM- Forum for African Women Educationalists, Gambia FGM- Female Genital Mutilation FIOH- Future in our Hands FLAG- Female Lawyers Association of The Gambia FTI- Fast Track Initiative GAF- Gambia Armed Forces GAMCOTRAP – Gambia Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting Health of Women & Children 4 THE REPUBLIC OF THE GAMBIA’S COMBINED REPORT ON THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON HUMAN & PEOPLES’ RIGHTS & INITIAL REPORT ON THE PROTOCOL TO THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN IN AFRICA GAMNASS- Gambia National Association of AIDS Support Societies GBoS- Gambia Bureau of Statistics GBV- Gender Based Violence GCR- Gambia Commission for Refugees GDHS- The Gambia Demographic and Health Survey GDP- Gross Domestic Products GF- Global Fund GFPA- Gambia Family Planning Association GNAP- Gambia National Action Plan GPE- Global Partnership For Education GRB- Gender Responsive Budgeting GRCS- Gambia Red Cross Society GTU- Gambia Teachers Union HCT- HIV Counselling and Testing HIV/AIDS- Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome/ Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome HMI- Health Management Information System HMIS- Health Multiple Indicator Survey HSS- Health System Strengthening HTTI- Health Technician Training Institute ICPD- International Conference on Population and Development IDA- Iron Deficiency Agency IEC- Independent Electoral Commission IHRDA- Institute for Human Rights and Development in Africa ILO- International Labour Organisation IOM- International Organization for Migration 5 THE REPUBLIC OF THE GAMBIA’S COMBINED REPORT ON THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON HUMAN & PEOPLES’ RIGHTS & INITIAL REPORT ON THE PROTOCOL TO THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN IN AFRICA KMC – Kanifing Municipal Council LAHS- Lend A Hand Society LBE - Lower Basic Education LBW- Low Birth Weight LEG- Local Education Group LRR- Lower River Region MDGs- Millennium Development Goals MDI- Management Development Institute MDR-TB – Multi Drug Resistant- Tuberculosis MICS- Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey MMR- Maternal Mortality Ratio MNCH- Maternal New Born and Child Health MoBSE - Ministry of Basic and Secondary Education MOFEA- Ministry of Finance Economic Affairs MOHERST- Ministry of Higher Education, Research, Science and Technology MoHSW- Ministry of Health and Social Welfare MOU- Memorandum of Understanding NAATIP- National Agency Against Trafficking In Persons NAGA- Nova Scotia Gambia Association NALA- National Agency for Legal Aid NANA- National Nutrition Agency NAS- National Aids Secretariat NAWFA- National Women’s Farmers Association NBR- North Bank Region NCAC- National Centre for Arts and Culture 6 THE REPUBLIC OF THE GAMBIA’S COMBINED REPORT ON THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON HUMAN & PEOPLES’ RIGHTS & INITIAL REPORT ON THE PROTOCOL TO THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN IN AFRICA NCCE- National Centre for Civic Education NCD- Non Communicable Diseases NDP-National Development Plan NEA- National Environment Agency NFP- Non Formal Education NGBV- The Network Against Gender Based Violence NGO- Non Governmental Organization NHPF- National Health Policy Framework NHS- National Health Survey NIA- National Intelligence Agency NMR- Neonatal Mortality Rate NPAGW- National Policy for Advancement of Gambian Women NPOA- National Plan of Action NSP- National Strategic Plan NSPP- National Social Protection Policy NSPSC- National Social Protection Steering Committee PAGE- Programme for Accelerated Growth and Employment PEGEP- President Empowerment of Girls Education Project PEP- Post Exposure Prophylaxis PHC- Primary Health Care PHC- Primary Health Care PIQSS- Programme for Improved Standards in Schools PLHIV- People Living with Human Immunodeficiency Syndrome PMTCT- Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission POA- Public Order Act 7 THE REPUBLIC OF THE GAMBIA’S COMBINED REPORT ON THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON HUMAN & PEOPLES’ RIGHTS & INITIAL REPORT ON THE PROTOCOL TO THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN IN AFRICA POP- Persistent Organic Pollutants PR- Principal Recipient Pro-PAG- Pro-Poor Advocacy Group PRSP II- Poverty Reduction Strategy Program PTAs - Parent Teacher Associations PURA- Public Utilities Regulatory Authority PWD- Persons with Disabilities RCH- Reproductive and Child Health RIFT- Remedial Instruction for Female Teachers RMNCH- Reproductive Maternal New-born and Child Health RDT- Rapid Diagnostic Test SDA- Service Delivery Areas SDGs- Sustainable Development Goals SEN- State Enrolled Nurses SIG- School Improvement Grant SMC- School Management Committee SPF- Social Protection Fund SRT- Sexual and Reproductive Health SSE- Senior Secondary Education STI- Sexually Transmitted Infection TANGO- The Association of Non- Governmental Organizations TARUD- The Trust Agency for Rural Development TB- Tuberculosis TRRC- Truth Reconciliation and Reparations Commission TVET- Technical and Vocational Education and Training 8 THE REPUBLIC OF THE GAMBIA’S COMBINED REPORT ON THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON HUMAN & PEOPLES’ RIGHTS & INITIAL REPORT ON THE PROTOCOL TO THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN IN AFRICA UBE- Upper Basic Education UDP- United Democratic Party UNESCO- United Nations Educational Scientific