Bareiss Collection Attic Black-Figured Amphorae, Neck-Amphorae, Kraters, Stamnos, Hydriai, and Fragments of Undetermined Closed Shapes
CORPVS VASORVM ANTIQVORVM UNITED STATES OF AMERICA • FASCICULE 23 The J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, Fascicule 1 This page intentionally left blank UNION ACADÉMIQUE INTERNATIONALE CORPVS VASORVM ANTIQVORVM THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM • MALIBU Molly and Walter Bareiss Collection Attic black-figured amphorae, neck-amphorae, kraters, stamnos, hydriai, and fragments of undetermined closed shapes ANDREW J. CLARK THE J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM FASCICULE 1 • [U.S.A. FASCICULE 23] 1988 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS CATALOGING-IN-PUBLICATION DATA Corpus vasorum antiquorum. [United States of America.] The J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu. (Corpus vasorum antiquorum. United States of America; fase. 23- ) Vol. i by Andrew J. Clark. At head of title : Union académique internationale. Includes index. Contents: v. i. Molly and Walter Bareiss Collection: Attic black-figured amphorae, neck-amphorae, kraters, stamnos, hydriai, and fragments of undetermined closed shapes. i. Vases, Greek—Catalogs. 2. Bareiss, Molly—Art collections—Catalogs. 3. Bareiss, Walter—Art collections—Catalogs. 4. Vases—Private collections— California—Malibu—Catalogs. 5. Vases—California— Malibu—Catalogs. 6. J. Paul Getty Museum—Catalogs. I. Clark, Andrew J., 1949- . II. J. Paul Getty Museum. III. Series: Corpus vasorum antiquorum. United States of America; fase. 23, etc. NK4640.C6.U5 fase. 23, etc. 73 8.3'82*0938074 s 88-12781 [NK4Ó24.B3 7] [73 8.3 '82J093 8074019493] ISBN 0-89236-134-4 © 1988 The J. Paul Getty Museum, Malibu, California All rights reserved Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication
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