School May Seek 7 Mills Operation
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I Wm. Christiansen, civic leader, School may seek dies Monday In Ihr "Spring is almost 7 mills operation * sprung" department, we have had two reports of robins being An increase of the operating the Board of Education from seen in the vicinity. millage for Lowell Area Schools the North Bell School District Mrs. Dorothy Wubcen, 8715 was a feature of the agenda of in Boston Township asking to ' 52nrt Street. Ada. saw two the school board meeting on allow a vole on joining the Low- r robins and Mrs. Mildred Bel- Monday night. Superintendent ell Area Schools. They agreed f lows, 803 West Main. Lowell, James Pace told the board that to vote on accepting the Lowell saw robins around her house. he feels that 7 mills operating debt. i Mrs. Wubben added that her levy in place of the 3 mills that The Lowell board requested ^ rohins «ipemed t* be gathering expired last year is necessary. permission from the Superin- nesting materials thus adding Pace revealed that this would tendent of Public Instruction to to the hope that spring Is provide $161 000 for operation allow the vote. The board also >, really on the way. and would not cover increased agreed that if the election is teachers salaries but only pro- allowed, property owners in the vide the additional staff mem- North Bell district that are con- bers and Increased operating tiguous to the Saranac School Leo Rowland of Ionia has expense of the new buildings. District will be allowed to trans, The board was asked to take for to that district. Vol. 73—No. 49 THURSDAY, MARCH 16. 1967 j"ined the Lowell PoUce De- panment. this under consideration until th? next meeting when a de- School Calendar for 67-68 Officer Rowland was a cision will have to be made The board approved the LETTER TO THE EDITOR member of the Ionia Police Pace also stated that he favor- school calendar for the 1967-68 before coming here. Lowell was saddened by the ed voting for the extra millage school year: it calls for 190 death Monday morninlorning of Wil- for only one year at a time. days teachers contract; 185 Pastor replies liam Christiansen, retired busi- In that way the millage needed membersh'p davs and 179 at- nessman and prominent civic could be changed as economic tendance days. Principal chang- New Showboat dates, August leader. His death followed a conditions changed. es include additional attendance 21 thru 26, will appear on all long Illness. The superintendent explained days; teachers would report for the first class mall leaving Lo- to peace talk. to the board that he hopes In- two days orientation on August well from now until Showboat Chris, as he was known to To bomb or not to bomb creased state aid wi/ elve the 31 and school would start on a time. almost everyone in the com- district the money necessary to seems to be the Issue. Shall we munity, came to Lowell in 1928 full-time basis the day after Postmaster Doyle said that raise teachers salaries. No def- bomb Haiphong. Hanoi, and the and purchased the Lalley Candy Labor Day. Christmas vacation dam systems in North Viet by August 26 over a half- inite figures have been discuss- would be reduced from 15 days million pieces of mail would store and soda fountain. He ed in negotiations with the Nam? And what about the air started making his own ice to 10 davs. Baccalaureate ser- carry the Showboat announce- teachers bargaining committee strips? 1 think we must leave cream and developed the lunch vice In 1968 would be left up ment. but $5,800 to S6 100 starting sal- this difficult decision with our facilities and soda fountain. He to the students' Individual leaders who know far more ary Is what other Kent districts churches instead of the school moved his ice cream plant to are talking about. Presently Lo- than we. To be arm chair gen- sponsored service presently. the old hotel property at the well teachers have a $5,400 erals is quite a simple thing, Wallv Elckhoff, a patient at comer of Main and Washington Superintendent Pace announc- starting salary. but you've got to see the situa- the William llansma Nursing where the Eberhard store is ed to the board that rental of tion in its entirety, and 1 don't Home at 908 Lincoln Lake Ave- now located. In 1932. North Bell Asks lo Vote school books In all grades is think any of us are in that po- nue, was given oxygen by Low- planned for the coming school sition. ell Police Monday morning He opened a cone shop in this A petition was received by year. when he had difficulty breath- location in 1935 and enlarged What troubles me is the fact ing. It into a dairy bar in 1939, at that Rev. Webber quotes two He was taken by ambulance the same time putting in a scripture texts, but in so doing to the hospital In Grand Rap- frozen food locker plant. The Fire damaqes has lifted them out of their set- Ids for further medical at- Christiansen Drug Company ting. out of their context, and tention. was organized in 1938 and has applied them to international been enlarged from one 22-foot Olin farm home situations and relationships. store unit to its present three- Matt. 5:44, 45 "But I say to store size over the years. Fire gutted the inside of the you. Love your enemies.;. and • A three car accident occur- •- red In the center of town Fri- The dairy bar was closed Duras Olln farm home at the Safe crackers hit two Lowell manufacturing firms pray for those who ... perse- down for several years during comer of M-21 and Whites cute you; so that you may be day evening when Roland M. Hansma. 22. 926 N. Washington, World War II but WIS reopen- Bridge Road Thursday after, Jules Erler of the King MlUlog Company is pictured on the the sons of your Father who Is ed as a meat market and small noon. Lowell firemen fought the J In heaven." Now these words hit the rear of a car driven by m* left by. the safe which was ripped open by safe crackers Sun- Harold K. Buck. 17, 227 N. Jef- store in conjunction with the blaze for two hours when the Lowell brothers die are part of Jesus' Sermon on frozen food locker plant in 1943. fire spread from a shed In the day night * Mwday morning. The door hinge on the safe the Mount. He was specifically ferson, and pushed his car into in Kentucky crash one driven by Marjory L. Win- In 1955 he enlarged the building rear and burned out the Inside was chiseled off and contents strewn around the room. In the speaking to Christians, convert- and opened Lowell's first super of the two story frame house. ed people. Notice verse 1; "And slow, 24. of Ionia, pletare on Uk right Police Chief Avery Block looks over the Willard Burton. 28. and Ran- All three cars were going market, which was sold to Eb- Lowell Fire Chief Baker said dall Burton, 28. were killed seeing the multitudes, he went erhard in 1958. the fire is believed to have damaged filing cabinet safe broken Into at Root-Lowell Man- up into a mountain and when west on Main Street. Hansma early Sunday morning when was given a summons for started when burning papers nfactaring Company offices the same night. their car left the highway and he was set his disciples came Started In Dairy Business set the shed ablaze. Mr. and unto him: and he opened his failure to stop in assured hit a tree near Richmond, Ken- clear distance. Mrs. Olln were unable to stop Safe cracking burglers hit missing. mouth and taught them, say- William Christiansen was bom tucky. They had left Lowell on in Manistee and began working the fire from spreading to the both the King Milling Company At the Root-Lowell plant the ing " These words were Saturday evening to visit their in Cadillac in the dairy supply house. The house was ablaze and Root-Lowell Manufacturing safe robbers broke a window specifically to his disciples. Je-" parents in Barbersville, Ken- sales and service. He moved to when LoweU firemen arrived. Company on Sunday night tak- in the rear of the factory and sus was teaching his disciples Frank J. McMahon, 24, 313 tucky. Mobile, Alabama, where he con. The Saranac Fire Department ing some $700 in cssh from the ransacked the office of the and all Christians, all converted N. Hudson was not injured but Both brothers have lived in tinned in the dairy business, op- also turned out to fight the two safes, police reported. Both manufacturing company. They people, how we are to react a the car he was driving was the community for the past two erating a dairy and ice cream blaze. Damage was estimated robberies were discovered by tore the door off the filing cab- years and were employed at Christians to personal insult and badly damaged when he struck at $5,W0 by Fire Ch^ef Baker. Named Vice-Pres. c came inet safe in Plant Manager El- to personal Inlury. We are not a telephone pole on North Mon- plant there. He returned to Nash Kelvinator In Grand Rap^ Grand Rapids where he worked to wore Monday morning. mer Schaefpr's office and re- to fight back. We are not to be^' aoe Street The acektent oc- iir rmr vXL ids.